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Chapter 5 – Tommy’s Story -Back from the dead.
Tommy found himself in a field. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. He could see his mother dancing with a young boy. Looking closer he realised he was looking at himself. They would often go on picnics and were such happy times. His mother saw him and smiling beckoned him over. As he walked towards her he felt pure joy and happiness. If this was heaven then he had definitely come home. Suddenly someone called his name from behind and he turned round to see Ryan standing there in full dress uniform. He looked so handsome. Tommy was sure this must be heaven now, both the people he loved, both who have died, here to greet him. Ryan called again only this time it sounded more urgent. Tommy tried to call back but he couldn’t speak, his throat hurt. He was suddenly aware of a blinding headache and darkness enveloped him.
“Tommy, wake up!”
He opened his eyes to see a face staring back at him. It was dark but the moonlight illuminated his features enough to see he was looking at Ryan.
“Am I dead?” he croaked dreamily hardly able to talk.
Ryan smiled, “No thank God.”
Tommy was confused, if he wasn’t dead and Ryan was in front of him then he was either a ghost or… Ryan kissed him and Tommy burst into tears.
“You’re alive,” he said flinging his arms around him. Clinging on with all his might he sobbed into his neck.
Ryan cradled him, holding him just as tight, tears rolling down his cheeks. “I’ve missed you,” he said.
“Where have you been? I thought you was dead.”
“I was captured,” he replied. “Our mission was compromised and we got ambushed. I lost ten good men in that fight. The rest of us was transferred to a prison of war camp where we’ve been for the last twelve months. The only thing that got me through it was thinking of my son and you. I did manage to escape but by then the war was already over, I just didn’t know it.”
Tommy smiled, “I used to sit outside the village hall every night and hope you would turn up.”
Ryan giggled, then his face turned serious, “Tommy, why was you trying to kill yourself?”
Suddenly the memory of all the events leading up to that point came flooding back. His eyes welled up as he retold what Bobby had done to him.
“I changed my mind,” he continued, “but the chair slipped.”
Ryan sat up. Tommy could tell he was angry but he didn’t say anything. He picked up Tommy’s clothes and handed them to him, “Come on,”
Tommy’s face dropped, “I don’t want to go home, I want to spend some time with you, I haven’t seen you for so long.”
Ryan smiled, “I’m not taking you home. I’ve booked into the Inn for tonight and we need to treat your wounds, I can’t do that here.”
Tommy smiled, “Can I spend the night with you?”
Ryan nodded.
Twenty minutes later they was in Ryan’s room at the Inn. They decided it best not to be seen entering together, so Tommy sneaked in the back entrance, it was quiet and he easily got to Ryan’s room without being detected.
Tommy waddled over to the bed, his anus still very sore, “Get your clothes off, lets take a look,” Ryan said.
Tommy didn’t need telling twice and was soon completely naked on the bed face down with his arse in the air. Ryan firstly took a damp face towel and cleaned up all the dried blood, then opened a med kit from the jeep he had borrowed manisa escort again.
“How bad is it?” Tommy asked, concern very apparent in his voice.
“Not as bad as it looks, I reckon it’ll heal up in a couple of days,” Ryan replied.
He then opened a pot of antiseptic cream and gently applied it to Tommy’s anus causing him to yelp, “Ow, it stings,” he protested.
“It will for a bit,” Ryan assured him.
Ryan was very gentle and carefully massaged the cream around Tommy’s pucker. He applied some more cream on his finger and slowly inserted it into Tommy. Tommy groaned in delight, “Oh that feels so good.”
“Is this turning you on?”
“Uh huh,” Tommy grunted, then reaching down pushed his erection back for Ryan to see.
Ryan laughed, “I guess we’re going to have to do something about that swelling too.”
Tommy giggled.
“All done,” Ryan said playfully slapping Tommy on the ass.
Even though the trauma of Bobby raping him was still fresh in his mind his horniness was strong, “Does that mean you can fuck me now?”
Ryan laughed, “You’ll need to let it heal for a couple of days.”
Tommy span round and sat up quickly, “A couple of days? I can’t wait that long.” He complained as he began to undress Ryan.
“I would love to fuck you. You turn me on so much but we really are going to have to wait. I don’t want to make your wounds any worse.” His face turned a little more serious and he grabbed Tommy’s hands. “I have some good news and bad news,” he said.
Tommy’s stomach turned, “What’s the bad news?”
“I sail home in two weeks.”
Tommy sat back on his heels looking horrified, “What’s the good news?”
“I have two weeks leave.”
Tommy didn’t see how that would make up for the fact Ryan was leaving in two weeks, his head hung low.
Ryan lifted his chin, “At least we’ll be able to spend that time together, can you get time off work?”
“I thinks so, Mr Rogers is pretty good and I haven’t had any time off in twelve months, why?”
“How do you fancy going to London?”
Tommy’s eye’s widened, “Fuck yeah!”
Ryan had to quickly put his hand over Tommy’s mouth to keep him quiet, at the same time laughing.
They kissed passionately and the trauma of what Bobby had done quickly dissolved away. He was so happy to be back in the arms of the man he loved. Knowing that penetration was out of the question they were more than happy to do Tommy’s second favourite position. They sucked on each other, bringing themselves close but delaying the inevitable until neither one could take no more. They flooded their mouths with each others semen as they drew the night to a wonderful climax.
Both exhausted they snuggled up under the bedclothes. Tommy loved how Ryan’s arms wrapped round him and held him tight, he felt safe and loved. This is how he wanted to spend the rest of his life. He shed a small tear of happiness before he drifted off to sleep.
* * *
London was a mess. Rubble lined the streets where magnificent houses once stood. Tommy felt pain when he remembered that his mother had been in one of those houses. Reaching the west end they checked into a small hotel.
“I’ve been told this place is very discreet,” he said.
“How do you know?” Tommy asked.
“While I was the POW camp I met a young british corporal and a sergeant We became good friends and the Sergeant told me he ran a small hotel here in London.” He said as they approached the unassuming hotel.
When they entered the building a slender man with large green eyes and a balding hairline greeted them. His face was warm and friendly and Tommy immediately liked him.
“Ryan! I’m so glad you came.” The man greeted them. “And this must be Tommy. You never said he was this handsome.”
Tommy blushed.
“Arthur, it’s good to see you again,” Ryan replied.
At that moment a young man entered the foyer and greeted Ryan. He looked to be about nineteen and had strong cut features. His eyes were a bright blue and shone with enthusiasm.
“Tommy this is Arthur and Geoffrey, the couple I met at POW camp.”
As Tommy shook their hands he noticed a gleam in Geoffrey’s eyes.
“Are you two living together now?” Ryan asked.
“Shh, keep your voice down,” Arthur replied. “Walls have ears.” Ryan laughed.
“I’m staying here on leave for the moment but as soon as I get signed off I’m going to move in,” Geoffrey said.
Tommy felt pleased for them but jealousy too knowing he would have to wait for his man.
“Let’s get you checked in,” Arthur said.
They were given the best room in the hotel which over looked the street. As soon as they were inside Tommy flung himself at Ryan and they kissed passionately.
“Such young love,” Arthur said from the doorway.
Tommy panicked not realising the door was open.
Arthur laughed, “It’s ok sweetheart, everyone who stays here is.. Let’s say of our persuasion.” He then whispered, “It’s a queer hotel.”
Tommy’s mouth was wide open. A hotel just for queers? He’d never even considered the idea.
“Oh and if you want some extra fun we operate an open door policy. Strictly off the record of course,” Arthur added as he left leaving the door ajar.
“What does he mean?” Tommy asked.
“Leaving the door open at night is an invitation for other men to join you.”
Tommy gasped and quickly closed the door. “No way! I’m not sharing you with anyone!”
Ryan laughed as Tommy jumped on him and wrestled him to the bed. In seconds they were naked and making love.
That evening Arthur and Geoffrey took them to a private gentlemen’s club where homosexual men could meet. It was an eye opener for both Tommy and Ryan. There were men from many different walks of life, class seemed to have no boundary. What surprised them the most was to see men dancing together.
Ryan and Tommy were both very popular. Tommy had never been the centre of so much attention before. The owner talked them into having their photograph taken saying young love like this should be captured for prosperity.
They had a wonderful time, not having to worry what people thought of them. They danced and they kissed. It felt truly liberating to be showing each other affection in front of like minded people.
That night back at the hotel Tommy was shocked to see several doors ajar as they walked to their room.
“Are they…erm..”
“Expecting visitors?” Ryan said.
“I guess so.”
As they passed one room the door was open wide enough to see the occupant. On the bed was a naked man stroking his very hard cock. He beckoned Tommy to join him but Tommy grabbed Ryan’s hand and they ran back to their room.
“Oh my god! Did you see that?” Tommy gasped as he locked the door.
Ryan laughed. “I guess he’s a bit horny.”
“No way I could ever do anything like that.”
“You know a lot of these men are married.”
“Like you.”
“Yeah I guess so. It must be awful for them to be trapped in a loveless marriage knowing the only thing you want is illegal and this is the only way to find it. I’m not going to let that happen to me.”
Ryan stared out of the window, Tommy could tell he was thinking.
“What if I wasn’t around? I mean if for some reason we couldn’t be together?” Ryan asked.
“Don’t say that. I never want to be without you,” Tommy climbed onto Ryan’s lap. “But if that was the case then I wouldn’t go with anyone. I wouldn’t want to sully your memory.”
“You might feel differently at the time.”
“No Ryan, I mean it. You’re the only man I ever want.”
* * *
During their stay in London Tommy was able to visit the grave of his mother for the first time since she was buried. He was so grateful to Ryan for letting him do that. That day was very sullen for Tommy.
The two weeks flew by far too quickly. He knew they would have to part soon but he kept that thought locked in the back of his mind.
* * *
Back at the village Inn, Ryan was lying on his back with Tommy resting his head on his chest. Ryan idly stroked and tousled Tommy’s hair. They were both breathless after making love twice in a row.
“That was our last time together,” Tommy said in a trance like state.
“I know.”
Tommy looked up to Ryan, “I don’t want you to go.”
“I wish I didn’t have to either but I have to see my son. I don’t care about her but I just can’t leave my son, the both of you mean the world to me.”
“Wish I could go with you,” Tommy sulked putting his head back on Ryan’s chest.
They fell silent for a while, then suddenly Ryan leapt out of bed and rummaged round the room.
“What are you doing?” Tommy asked.
“Ah!” Ryan said finding what he was looking for.
He took a pencil and wrote something on a card, “This is my address in South Dakota,” he said handing the card to Tommy, “Write to me.”
Tommy looked at him blankly, “We’ll work something out, I don’t know what yet, but if there’s a way then we’ll find it. You, me and my son.”
Tommy smiled, he looked at it then put it in his trousers, “I’ll write my first letter tomorrow,” he beamed.
Climbing back into bed Ryan pulled Tommy tight, “I love you so much it hurts.”
They kissed and Ryan managed to coax another load out of Tommy before they drifted off to sleep.
* * *
The following morning Tommy sat on his bike outside the airbase. Near him was a group of local girls, all come for the same reason, to say goodbye to their GI boyfriends. Tommy noticed Doris looking at him, if only she knew. He watched with extreme sadness as one by one the trucks left taking the GI troops back home.
Later that day as he helped Mr Rogers in the store he overheard the women talking about Bobby Jones. He’d forgotten about him and he became anxious now that Ryan wasn’t there to protect him.
“He’s disappeared,” one woman said.
“Good riddance I say, he was nothing but a menace. I’m sure it was him that killed my poor Fido,” another woman added.
“Yes and the way he would look at the girls, disgusting.”
Tommy listened carefully, he felt relief that Bobby would no longer be a threat, but what had happened to him?
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