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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


|Selamlar. İsmim Salim. Ben bundan 1.5 ay kadar önce başımdan geçen bir olayı paylaşmak istiyorum. Diğer anlatılan anılardan biraz daha farklı bir hikaye benimkisi. Ben 28 yaşında bir makine mühendisiyim. Özel bir şirkette çalışıyorum. Şirkette olduğum saatlerde chat odalarında sohbet ederim fırsat buldukça. Bunlar da genellikle sex kanalları olur. Kanalda belki bir aydır bulunuyordum ama daha doğru dürüst kimse ile konuşmamıştım. Ta ki bir gün bir beyden gelen selama kadar. Adının Faruk olduğunu öğrendiğim beyle konuşmamızda benim seyretmekten hoşlandığımı söyledim. O da zaten nickimden bunu anladığını ve kendilerinin aslında değişik şeyler denemek istediğini ama buna cesaret edemediklerini söyledi. Ben de izlemenin bir başlangıç açısından iyi olabileceğini söyledim. Lafı daha fazla uzatmayayım. Faruk’la sohbetimiz sonunda birbirimizin telefonunu aldık. Telefonla konuşmalarımızda, birbirimizi daha yakından tanıma imkanı bulduk. 4 yıllık evli bir çift olduklarını ve 1 yaşını biraz geçmiş bir çocukları olduğunu, yaşlarının 29 ve 26 olduğunu söylediler. Ayrıca konuşmalarımızda Faruğun benimle meslektaş olduğunu, Işıl hanımın ise öğretmen olduğunu fakat çocuk nedeniyle mesleğine ara verdiğini öğrendim. İzleme esnasında onlar isteyene kadar hiçbirşey yapmamam ve sadece seyretmem ve kendi kendimi tatmin etmem konusunda anlaştık. Daha sonra telefon konuşmalarımız eşi ile de sürdü. Eşi telefonda benimle özellikle çok şuh bir ses kullanıyordu. Bir haftaya yakın yoğun telefon ve chat sohbetinin ardından eşi Işıl hanımdan buluşma teklifi geldi. Cuma akşamı iş çıkışında Bakırköy’de bir cafede buluşacaktık. Cuma akşamına kendimi bir güzel hazırladım. Beklenen saat geldi ve Faruk ve Işıl ile cafede görüştük. Bebekleri de yanlarındaydı. 1 saat kadar süren bir sohbetin ardından arabalarımıza bindik ve onlar önde ben arkada evlerine vardık. Evde sohbet için ve yemek için herşey hazırdı. Akşam yemeğimizi yedikten sonra biz sohbet ederken Işıl çocuğu uyutacağını söyleyerek yanımızdan ayrıldı. Yaklaşık yarım saat sonra içeriye tam bir afet girdi. Doğumdan dolayı oluşan kilolarını atmış iddaa ve oldukça çekici bir bayandı zaten Işıl. Üzerine giyindiği beyaz transparan babydoll ve altından belli olan bordo iç çamaşırları ile daha da bir muhteşem gözüküyordu. Ben karşılarındaki tekli koltuğa geçerken Işıl benim yerime oturdu ve Faruk ile öpüşmeye başladı. Faruk Işıl’ın göğüslerini okşarken bir taraftan da dudaklarını sömürüyordu. Işıl elini Faruğun pantolonuun üzerinden bile sertliği belli olan organının üzerine attı ve okşamaya başladı. Faruk üzerindeki gömleğini çıkardı. Işıl’ın da üzerindeki transparan giysiyi sıyırdı. Işıl Faruğun kucağına çıktı ve ben de Işıl’ın üzerine giyindiğinin g-string olduğunu o zaman anladım. Ben de iyice sertleşmeye başlamıştım ve organım pantolonumu zorluyordu artık. Işıl Faruğun fermuarını indirirken bize yatak odasına geçmeyi de teklif etti. Faruk önde arkasında Işıl ve en arkada ben yatak odalarına geçtik. Fanteziler için kurulduğu belli olan bir yatak odasıydı girdiğimiz oda. 4 tarafta da ayna vardı. Faruk ile Işıl saten ötü ile kaplı yataklarına geçerlerken ben de tekli koltukta yerimi almıştım. Faruk pantolonunu da çıkarmış sadece boxerı ile kalmış, Işıl da güzel ve fazla büyük olmayan göğüslerini gizleyen sütyenini çıkartmış Faruğa stringinin üzerinden organını yalatıyordu. Daha sonra rolleri değiştiler ve Işıl bir hamlede indirdiği Faruğun boxerının altındaki organını iştahlı bir şekilde yalamaya emmeye başladı. Ben de daha fazla dayanamamış ve pantolonumu indirerek organımı okşamaya başlamıştım. Faruğun organı nerdeyse benimki kadardı ama biraz ince idi. Daha sonra Faruk da Işıl’ın stringini çıkardı ve Işıl’ın organı benim önüme gelecek şekilde 69 pozisyonu almalarını sağladı. Şimdi Faruğun Işıl’a attığı her dil darbesini rahatlıkla görüyordum fakat Faruk gelmek üzere olduğundan olsa gerek yalamaktan daha çok inlemelerle meşguldü. Ve nihayetinde Işıl’ın ağzına ve suratına bütün içindekileri boşalttı. Işıl da iştahla bütün hepsini yaladı. Daha sonra Işıl suratını temizlemeye gittiğinde Faruk nasıl bulduğumu sordu. Ben de boşalmamdan dolayı yerdeki canlı iddaa lekeleri gösterdim ve “açıklayıcı sanırım” dedim. Işıl geri geldiğinde benim dudağıma kısa bir öpücük kondurdu ve tekrar yatağa giderek Faruğun sertleşmeye meyilli duruma gelen organını okşamaya başladı. Faruk “onu öpmen beni cidden azdırdı” deyince, kocasına “seni sertleştirmek kolay olacak diyerek” yanıma geldi ve dudaklarıma bu sefer daha uzun süren bir öpücük kondurdu Işıl. Bu sırada cidden Faruk sertleşmişti. Işıl Faruğun Önünde domaldı ve “Hadi aslanım sik beni. Görsün Salim de benim erkeğimin gücünü” diyerek Faruğun organına doğru yanaştı. Faruk Işıl’ın amına sert bir giriş yaptı ve hızlı hareketlerle Işıl’ı sikmeye başladı. Faruk Işıl’a doğru her yüklendiğinde Işıl’ın göğüsleri ileri geri oynuyor ve bu da beni acayip azdırıyordu. Ben tekrar sertleşen sikimi okşamaya başlarken Faruk “Salim istersen eşim sana yardımcı olabilir. Hem bu beni daha da azdırır” teklifini getirdi. Ben Işıl’a baktığımda Işıl ağzını açmış ve “gel erkeğim” diyordu bana. Ben de üstümdekileri çıkardım ve sikimi Işıl’ın ağzının hizasına getirdim. Işıl önüne öpücükler kondurduğu sikimi bir hamlede ağzına aldı ve byük bir iştahla yaladı. Cidden çok başarılıydı oral konusunda. Faruk çığlıklar atarak boşalırken Işıl da boşalmaya başlamıştı. Faruk yatağa yıklıdı. Işıl ise sikimi yalamaya devam ediyordu. Ben de Işıl’ın saçını ve göğüslerini okşamaya başlamıştım. Işıl beni boşaltmadan izin isteyerek içeriye gitti ve yıkanıp geri geldi. Daha sonra “işim yarım kaldı kocacığım. Tamamlayabilir miyim” dedi ve kocasından oluru alınca yatağa uzanıp benim ters şekilde üzerine uzanmamı istedi. Şimdi Işıl ile ben birbirimizi yalıyorduk ve Faruk bizi seyrediyordu. Bir süre bu şekilde seviştikten sonra geliyorum dedim ve Işıl ağzından hiç çıkarmadan bütün menilerimi yuttu. Ben teşekkür ederek tekrar tekli koltuğa geçtim. Işıl ise ağzını yıkadıktan sonra geri geldi ve bebeği emzireceğini söyleyerek içeri gitti. Faruk’la ben de birer sigara yaktık ve olayın kritiğini yaptık. Anlaşılan üçümüz de halimizden memnunduk. Sigaralar bitince, https://bahismrt.com Işıl da geldi ve ben tekli koltuğumda iken Işıl tekrardan Faruğun organını sertleştirdi ve üzerine çıkarak bir hamlede içine aldı. Işıl ve Faruk birbirlerine küfürler ediyorlardı sevişirken. Daha sonra birbirlerinin kulaklarına birşeyler fısıldadıklarını farkettim ve Işıl Faruğun üzerinden kalktı ve yanıma gelerek koltuğun üzerine çıkıp organını ağzıma sundu. Ben Işıl’ı emmemi iyice hızlandırmıştım. Artık Işıl’ın çığlıkları nerede ise sokaktan duyulacaktı. Işıl yatağa sırtüstü uzandı ve beni üzerine çekti. Sert bir şekilde Işıl’ın amına girdim. Nihayet içindeydim artık Işıl’ın. Karşılıklı çığlıklar atarak içinde gidip gelirken Faruk da Işıl’ın ağzına vermiş boşalmaya çalışıyordu. Bir süre sonra Faruk Işıl’ı benim altımdan alarak üzerine çekti ve Işıl’ın amına girdi. Işıl Faruğun izerinde gidip gelirken ben de Işıl’ın göt deliğini yalamaya başlamıştım. Sırayla iki ve üç parmağımı götüne soktuktan sonra Işıl’ı uygun pozisona getirerek tükürük yardımıyla yavaş yavaş içine girmeye başladım. Bu arada Işıl Faruk üzerinde gidip gelmeyi durdurmuş benim tam olarak içine girmemi bekliyordu. Bir süre uğraştıktan sonra Işıl’ın götüne tamamıyla girdim ve hızlı bir tempoda alttan Faruk, üstten ben aramızdaki Işıl’ı sikmeye başladık. Işıl acayip bir haz almış sürekli boşalıyordu. Bir süre sonra Faruk inleyerek Işıl’ın içine boşaldı. Peşinden ben de Işıl’ın götünü menilerim ile doldurdum. Üçümüz birden yatağa yığıldık. Fakat Işıl’ın durumu müthişti. Yüzündeki tebessümden aşırı mutlu olduğu belli idi. Daha sonra üçümüz beraber aramıza Işıl’ı alarak yattık. Sabaha karşı Işıl bebeği emzirmek için kalktığında ben de onunla beraber kalktım ve en büyük fantezim dediği şeyi gerçekleştirdik Faruk uyuyorken. Bebek Işıl’ı emerken Işıl da beni emiyordu. ? Öğleye doğru uyandık ve ben duşumu alarak evime geçtim. Daha sonraki günlerde konuştuğumda ikisi de çok mutlu olduklarını ve en kısa zamanda tekrarlamak istediklerini söylediler ama Işıl’ın şehir dışından gelen annesi nedeniyle şuan beklemedeyiz. Annesi gider gitmez ilk fırsatta tekrarlayacağız bu zevk girdabını. Nereden nereye. Gerçekten de aklımda onlarla birlikte olmak yoktu. Benim tek amacım sadece onlar sevişirken onları seyretmekti. Ama bu da hiç fena olmadı hani. [email protected]

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Harikaydı – 1

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Selam ben 16 yaşındayım, ankarada oturuyorum. Bu olay geçen yıl başımdan geçti. Arkadaşın tekirdağda yazlığı vardı. Bizde oraya 4 kafadar gittik (ailesi yoktu). Bizim iki arkadaş gece barda fazla içip iki kıza sarkmışlar, sonraki gün sahilde iki kızı ve yanlarında ki iki afeti de gördük. Ben bir cesaret gittim tanıştım. kızlar geceki olyı hatırlamıyorlarmış (içkiden). Birkaç gece beraber takıldık. https://bahismrt.com O gece ben behreyi odaya attım. Yavaş yavaş kızın badisini çıkarttım ve o muhteşem göğüsleri ortaya çıktı (sütyen giymiyormuş). Direk yalamaya başladım, sabaha kadar yalayabilirdim. Ardından yavaşça aşağılara doğru indim. Eteğini çıkarttım ve o hiç el değmemiş tüysüz amı karşımdaydı. Yalamaya başladım, çook tatlıydı. canlı kaçak iddaa Sıra bende dedi ve beni soymaya başladı. Benimkini bir yalıyoduki ufff… Çok canı yanarmış…Ben daha fazla dayanamadım ve üste geçtim. Içine yavaşça sokuyordum, soktuktan sonra kanlar gelmeye başladı. bakireymiş. 5-10 Saniye ilk git-gelden sonra bi inlemeye başladıki yaklaşık 15dk böyle gittik. Boşalmıştım. götten canlı bahis şirketleri gireyim dedim olmaz dedi, çok canı yanarmış. Iyi dedim, arkasına geçtin. Biraz amdan girdim. Bir anda çıkartıp götüne dayadım. Ilk denememde girmedi, baya bi zorladım ve bağırttıra bağırttıra soktum. Canım çok acıyo çıkart falan dedi de dinleyen kim. Birazdan zevk almaya başladı. Eee tabi bende 15dk burdanda siktikten sonra kontrölü eline almak istercesine üstüme geçti ve zıplamaya başladı. Ee tabi bende hiç itiraz etmedim. Baya bi böyle gittikten sonra banyoya girdik. Ordada bir posta attım. Daha devamı var bekleyin… (Ankarali sex düşkünü kizlarla ilişkiye girerim icq:328556125)Gönderen: Leon

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Tecavüzün Bukadarı

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Selam ben 18 yaşında ancak çıktıklarımın 18lik sandığı sarışın,1.70 boyunda,54 kilo,dolgun ve dik göğüslü,çevresindeki erkeklerin deli gidi arzuladığı bir çıtırım.İki hafta önce basımdan geçen bu olayı içimde tutmaktan sıkıldığım için anlatıyorum. Bu ay evimde doğumgünü partysi veriyordum.Hem kolejden hemde diğer arkadaşlardan,aşağı yukarı 30-40 kişi geldi partiye.Parti,annemler evde olmadığından 12`ye kadar falan sürdü. Herkes gittikten sonra-en azından ben öyle sanmıstım-çırılçıplak soyunup banyoya girdim.Evde yalnız olduğumdan banyo kapısını kilitleme gereği duymamştım. Jakuziye uzanıp,suyun içinde yuvarlak hatlarımı uzun süre okşadım ve sabunladım.Partyde aldığım alkolun tesiriyle tam uyuya kalacaktım ki ev telefonu çaldı,hemen banyodan fırladım,üzerime bir havlu doladım ve salona koştum,tam o sırada kuvvetli bir kolun beni tutmasıyla irkildim.Kolun sahibi,partideki çocuklardan Berkti.Berk fena çocuk değildi ve oldukça akıllıydı,bana hiç çıkma teklifi etmemiş ancak https://bahismrt.com benden hoşlandığı her halinden belliydi.Onu evde görünce şaşırdım ama korkmadım çünkü bende ona karşı boş değildim.Defalarca onun gözünün içine baka baka frikik vermiştim ama bu kadar cesaretlendirmeme rağmen bir türlü bana teklif edememişti.Belkide benim takıldığım yerler ve insanlar, benim onunla ilgilenmeyeceğim düsüncesine vardırmıstı onu. Berk birden kolumu büktü ve halının üstüne yatırdı beni.Partyde verdiğim kasti frikiklerin onu bu kadar azdıracağını bilemezdim.Artık bana tecavüz edeceğini anlamıştım.Herzaman azgın ve gözde bir kızımdır ama bakireydim ve zorla becerilme fikri beni katlanılmaz bir sıkıntıya sokuyordu. Çığlık atmaya kaltığımda ağzımı,yumruk atmaya kalktığımdaysa kollarımı sıkıca kavradı,hiç konusmuyor sadece şehvetle gözümün içine bakıyordu. Tek hamlede üzerimdeki havluyu söküp aldı,taş gibi bir vücudla gözünü şehvet bürümüş,benden daha kuvvetli bir erkeğin karşısındaydım.Sonradan en güvenilir bahis sitesi anladımki ev telinide o çaldırıp kapamıştı.Sonra beni kucakladı ve yatak odama götürdü.Beni yatağa fırlattı ve vahşice üzerime atladı.Kıyafetleri hala üzerindeydi. Ön tarafını iki bacağımın arasına yerleştirdi ve üzerime yüklendi,İki eliyle bileklerimi kavradı.Gelecek vaad edecek büyüklükteki göğüslerimi bağarışmalarıma ve debelenmelerime aldırmadan hunharca yalıyor,emiyor ve ısırıyordu.En sonunda gücümü toplayıp İMDAT diye çığlığı basınca hayatımın ilk tokadını yedim. Dudağım hafif kanıyordu ama Berk kanlı dudaklarımı öyle bir yaladı ki ,sanki tüm yüzümdeki kanı emdi,10 dakka kadar bel üstümü yalayıp durdu bende artık debelenmekten yorulmustum. Sonra beni ters çevirdiğini ve usulca krem vasıtasıyla beni arkadan parmakladığını hissettim.Canım hayli acıdı.sırayla tüm parmaklarını birer ikişer soktu.Yalnız o ana kadar ki en büyük fiziksel acıyı büyük aletini online bahis bana arkadan verince yaşadım. O kadar zorba bir davranıştıki.yorgunluktan çığlık bile atamadım.3-5 dakika içimde gidip geldikten belime boşaldı.Tam bitti derken bir süre popomu okşayıp mıncıkladı ardındanda ısırıp öpmeye basladı.Yanaklarınmdan gözyaşları boşalıyordu.Sonra aniden beni sırtüstü çevirdi,hala gözüme bakıyordu,delici bakıslara daha fazla dayanamayıp gözlerimi yumdum.Bu sefer amımı yalıyordu yavaşça,hala ağlıyordum utancımdan ve davranışın acımasızlığından zevk mevk alamıyordum.Derken birden içime sertçe girdi,acıdan aniden gözlerimi açtım ve seri kalça hareketleriyle bacak aramda gidip geldiğini gördüm,okadar hızlı gidip geliyorduki dolgun göğüslerim daireler çiziyordu,Berk artık yorulmuştu dile kolay tam 20 dakka daracık amımda tepindi durdu.Amım kanıyordu,kibarca ikimizinkinide ıslak bir mendille sildi ve aletini ağızıma verdi. Ağzıma sığmayacağını düşünüp tekrar ağlamaya başladım ama sonunda ağzıma verdi,yorgunluktan basımı oynatamıyordum o da eliyle saçlarımı kavradı ve ileri geri yaparak yüzüme boşaldı. Ardından beni içi dolu jakuziye götürdü ve her yerimi okşaya okşaya temizledi.O gün beni banyoda sağa sola yaslaya yaslaya arkadan 2 kere daha düzdü… Gönderen: ASSlı

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Körpe Stefaniyi Üvey AbisiSikiyormuş!

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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
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Selam sevgili 31 hikayeleri okurları.Almanyaya gelişimin henüz üçüncühaftasıydı. Ve ben kararımı verdim. En kısazamanda Almancayı öğrenmeliydim. Bu böyleolmuyordu. Neden mi? Birincisi, o zamandaha henüz bu kadar Türk yoktu, derdimizianlatamıyorduk. İkincisi de, etrafımız amkaynıyor, biz sikimiz elimizde abaza abaza,çaresiz dolaşıyoruz, Almancabilmediğimizden. Üçüncüsü de, İşyerindedaha başarılı olmanın yolu söyleyenianlamaktan geçiyor. Bunu anlamıştım enazından. Öyle de yaptım. Kendi kendimeöğrenmeye karar verdim, çünkü burasıküçük bir kasaba. Kurslar büyük yerlerdevar, ve bana uzak.Uzatmayalım, 1966’da gelmiş, yani benden üçsene evvel, bir arkadaşla tanıştım. Adı Çetin.Komşu kasabada bir beton fabrikasındaçalışıyor. Sürekli onun yanına gidipgeliyordum. Bu iki kasaba arasında‘Tauchsee’ adında büyük bir göl var. Çok taşirin bir göl. Bir köşesini yüzmeye açmışlar,diğer taraflarında Kuğular ve Ördeklerdolaşıyorlar. Sonradan öğrendim, buradangörülmeyen gölün altında da, sazlıklarınarkasında çıplak yüzücüler için bir köşe var.Millet daltaşak, am, göt meydanda, çalkalayaçalkalaya, kimisi yüzüyor, kimisi kumlarauzanmış güneşin tadını çıkarıyor. Yedisindenyetmişine kadar her yaşta insan var, erkeği,kadını. Alışmak benim için zordu, ama oradaolmak için benim de daltaşak dolaşmamlazımdı. Bu da başlarda benim işimegelmiyordu…İlk zamanlar o çıplakların yakınına gidip, azmı https://bahismrt.com 31 çektim, kana kana, dolu dolu.Oradakiler alışmışlar anlayışla karşılıyorlardı,ama hayli bir mesafe bırakmak şartıyla.Yakınlarında yasak tabii. Çok zaman sonraben de onlardan biri oldum. Sikimi sallayasallaya aralarında dolaştım, laf attım, karıayarladım. Hele bir seferinde, hemenoracıkta, az ilerde ağaçların altındaayarladığım karıyı bir sikişim var ki, kanırtakanırta. Birkaç seyircim bile vardı. Farketmez. Biraz yaşlıydı, ama ne yapalım. Fazlaseçici olma şansımız yoktu. Am olsun da,çamurdan olsun diyorduk o zamanlar.Fakat bir defasında tamamen tersi oldu.Oltama bir taze yakalanmıştı. Kızın adıStefani. Yaşı da daha henüz 16, çok taze.Öyle ki, memeler daha tomurcuk, am şeftalitüylü. Stefani yaşından beklenilmeyen birbeceride sikişiyordu, hiç unutamam. O yaşta,önce erkek arkadaşına siktirmiş kendisini,sonradan da üvey abisine. O kadar güzelyarak yalamasını da üvey abisinden öğrenmişzaten. Ben hayatına giren üçüncü erkekidim. Her haftasonu Cuma günleri üvey abisiişten dönünce, Stefani de okuldan gelmişoluyormuş. Analığı ve babası çok sonrageliyorlarmış eve. Üvey abisi duşunu ozamandan beri artık Stefani’siz almıyormuş.Önce yarağını ağzına veriyor, bir güzelyalatıyormuş duşun altında, sonra domaltıpbir güzel geçiriyormuş o tazecik amcığa. Amapompalama çok kısa sürüyormuş bahis siteleri canlı ve Stefanibundan memnun değil. Esas sikişi asıl bendegörmüş.Hele bir defasında eve attım bunu. Herikimiz de ter içersinde kalmamıza rağmen,çeşitli variyasyonlarda onu amdan sikmemerağmen, üçüncü sikişimde bir türlügelemiyordum. Aklıma götü geldi, hoş o güzelve tazecik taş gibi göt zaten hiç aklımdançıkmıyordu. Ama götünden de acır diyesiktirmiyordu bizim yavru. Üvey abisi degötünü sikmeyi birkaç defa denemişse debaşaramamış. Ama durumu o da görüyordu:Yan yatırdım amdan siktim olmadı, köpekçedomalttım amdan siktim olmadı, hoppa hoppaata bindirir gibi bindirdim yarağıma, amınısiktim olmadı. Bir türlü boşalamıyordum.Götünden sikmek tek çareydi. “ÜzgünümStefani, götünü bügün siktireceksin bana,başka çare yok!” dedim…Stefani kaç defa orgazm oldu bilmiyorum,ama ben daha henüz boşalmamama rağmen,ikinci sikişimden arda kalan döllerim veonun amının suyundan, amı vıcık vıcıkolmuştu. Onları parmaklayıp parmaklayıpgötüne taşıdım. Götüne önce bir, sonra iki,sonra üç parmakla girebildiğim kadarderinliğe girip çıkabildim en sonunda. Bunarağmen sikimin kafasını bile sokmayıbaşaramadım götüne. Götünü sikme uğraşımuzun sürdüğünden olacak, benimki desertliğini kaybetmeğe başlamıştı. Çaresiztekrar ağzına verdim. Önce bir yaladı,yanlardan başlayıp sikimi kafasına kadar,sonra gırtlağına kadar bahis aldı ağzına. Ohhhh.Unutulmaz bir zevk. O küçücük ağızda giripçıkmaları sadece seyretmesi bile bir zevk.Ağzının o sıcaklığı ve ıslak sürtünüşü, benimmalafatı tekrar kısa zamanda formuna soktu.O da bundan zevk almış olmalı ki, belki deorgazm oldu bilmiyorum, amı bir o kadarsulanmıştı…Canım çekti, önce amına bir girdim, birkaçpompaladıktan sonra götünün ağzınadayadım yarrağımı. Artık kararlıydımgirmeye bu güzel ve tazecik göte. İkinciyüklenişimde kafasını sokabildim yarrağımın.Stefaninin Ahhhhh! çığlığı ortalığı yardı. Evsahibi gerçi en üst katta oturuyor ama, haniyandaki komşular ona aktarabilirlerdi.Çaresiz ağzını kapattım bir elimle vekökledim sonuna kadar. Çığlıkların bini birpara. Biraz bekledim, ama çığlıkların sonugelmiyordu. Çaresiz ağzını kapıyordum solelimle. Önce yarrağımı biraz geriye çektim,sonra tekrar kökledim. Üçüncü, dördüncüvargelden sonra artık kafasına kadar geriyeçekip çekip köklemeye başladım. Götünün içiateş gibi yanıyor ve o kadar dar ki, vantuzgibi emiyordu yarrağımı adeta. Buna can mıdayanır. Saatlerce amında gidip gelememerağmen, bu daracık büzük beni 8-10vargelden sonra bitirdi. Hemde nasıl birbitiriş, iliğime kadar aldı döllerimi içine.Kesik kesik titremeler ve yarrağımınkafasının hareketi beni yerlere serdi. Nefesnefese kalmıştım…Yaa işte böyle sevgili okurlar. Ancak abisinefalan yakalanma tehlikesi çok büyükolduğundan, 2-3 hafta sonra mecburenilişkiyi bitirdim. İki sene sonra tesadüfendışarda karşılaştığımızda, bana yüz vermedi.Onu unutamadığımı ve çok arzuladığımısöylememe rağmen, bir türlü sikişmeye iknaedemedim.[Ertuğrul]

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azmış güzelin yarrak özlemi

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Şişlide kendime ait bir bilgisayar dükkanım var. Dükkanımın bulunduğu apartmanda oturan maddi olarak hali vakti yerinde bir o kadar da güzel şule isminde dul bir bayan var. Şulenin yapacak bir işi ve boş zamanı olduğu zaman benim dükkanımda takılmayı sever. Onun geldiği her ana sanki kalbim yerinden çıkacak gibi oluyor. Şule 40 yaşında olmasına rağmen mükemmel bir fiziğe sahiptir. Bir gün yine şule ile iş yerimde otururken evindeki bilgisayarın bozulduğunu ve müsait olduğum zaman bir bakmamı rica etti bende ok dedim. Akşam saat 19:00 işyerimi kapattım ve üst kat komşum olan şulenin evine gittim. Kapıyı yine tüm sexiliği ile şule atı ama bu defa biraz farklıydı sanki. Merhabalaştıktan sonra ben bilgisayara bakmak için pc nin yanına gittim. Şule bana soğuk bir kola getirdi ve yanıma oturdu ama ben bir türlü şuleyi kafamdan atım pc ile tam anlamıyla ilgilenemiyordum. Pc açtım makinada virüs var idi. Hemen onunla ilgilenmeye başladım. Fakat ben makina ile ilgilenirken pc kendi kendine direkt olarak bir internet sayfası açtı karşımda bir porno kanalı vardı şulede yanımda olduğu için ben heyecanlanmış ne kadar kapatmaya çalıştı isemde olmadı. Ben bu sefer göt deliğini artık iyice yalamaya ve parmaklamaya başladımsonunda pc nin düğmesine basarak kapatmak zorunda kaldım. Anladımki pc ye virüs bu siteden girmişti. Bu arada şule ilede muhabbet ediyorduk. Bir ara bana dediki ne en iyi bahis şirketleri yaparsın yalnızlık çok zor bizde bazı ihtiyaçlarımızı bu gibi sitelerle gideriyoz dedi. Bende kendi kendime olm işte sana fırsat şuleyi bu gece siktin siktin sikemedin bir daha sikemezsin deidim ve ona bu sitelerden ne gibi bir fayda olurki sana dedim. Eğer herhangi bir konuda açlığın var ise sana ben komşun olarak seve seve yardım edebilirim deim ve bir elimi bacaklarının arasına attım. Şulede dünden razı zaten hemen dudak dudağa birleştik şule ile. 2 dk kadar öpüştükten sonra ben şulenin tshit ini çıkarttım ve o muhteşem güzellikleri yalamaya balşladım şulede kafafı göğüslerine dahada bastırıyoru ve bu arada o da benim penisimle aşşağı yukarı yaparak oyunuyordu. Şule benim elimden tutarak beni yatak odasına götürdü. Tam ben onun üzerindekileri çıkaracakken izin vermedi ve benim malı ağına götürdü öle bir sakso çekiyorduki inanmazsınız iliklerim çekiliyo sandım. 10 dk bana saxo çektikten sonra ben patlayacağımı anladım ağzından çıkarmak istedim ama o tam aksine ala bildiği kadar daha derinlere aldı ve ben bütün dölümü şulenin o güzel ağından içeri akıttım. Sıranın bana geldiğini anladım ve şuleyi çırılçıplak soydum sırt üstü yatağa yatırdım ve yeni traş olmuş güzelim amcığı yalamaya başladım. 10 dk. kadar olmuştuki şule elleri ile başımı sanki amının iine sokacakmış türkiye bahis şirketleri gübü bastırarak bağırmaya başladı ve o da boşaldı bende onun bütün menilerini yaladım yuttum. Bir keyif sigarası yaktım ve sigarayı ortaklaşa içtik. Bu arada muhabbet ediyorduk. Şule bana seninle ne zamandan beri sikişmek istiyoırdum ama nasıl yapacağımı b,lmiyordum dedi. Bende ona bende aynı senin gibiyim ama artık bundan sonra hiç bir şey düşünmek yok yalnızca sex olacak dedim. Ben tekrar şulenin amına yumuldum. Şule ile 69 pozisyonuna geçtik. 5 da yalamıştımki şule artık yeter ne olur sik beni demeye başladı. Bende şulemi kırmadım ve sırt üstü yatırdım bacaklarının arasına girdim ve yavaş yavaş sokmaya başladım. Şule hepsini alınca ince bir çığlık attı ve bacaklarımı

belime doladı sanki benim yarak yetmiyo beni komple içine alacak gibi sıkıyordu. Biraz bu pozisyonda şuleyi siktikten sonra şuleye domalmasını söledim tabi kocacım sen nasıl istersen dedi ve domaldı ben tekrar yarrağımı yavaş yavaş şulenin amına koydum. Şule biraz pompaladıktan sonra şule boşaldı ama bende devam ettim. 2-3 dk sonra bende boşalacağımı anladım ve tam çıkaracakken ne olur içime boşal o sıcaklığı hissetmek istiyorum dei bende dediğini harfiyen yaptım ve amının bütün derinliklerine boşaldım. Yatakta yan yana yatmaya başladık. Şule kaktı ve banyoya gitti bende arkasından banyoya https://bahismrt.com gittim. İkimizde çıplak bir şekilde küvette idik. Ben yine şule ile ilgilenmeye başladım ve onu küvette yalamaya o da benim malımı yalamaya başladı ve hadi burda rahat edemeyiz yatağımıza gidelim aşkım dedi bende ok dedim ve yatağımıza gittik. Ben bu sefer onun o güzel götünden sikmeyi planlıyordum onun haberi yoktu yatakta 69 pozisyonunda o beni bende onu yalıyordum. Ben onu yalarken arada sırada da alıştırmak ve ne yapmak istediğimi anlaması için o güzel götününe dil darbeleri atıyordum. O da bunu fark etti ve oradan olmaz amını sabaha kadar sikebileceğimi ama götünün acıyacağı için veremeyeceğini söyledi. Bende onu ikna etmek için ona açıtmadan sokacağımı söyledim. Zor da olsa kabul etti. Ben bu sefer göt deliğini artık iyice yalamaya ve parmaklamaya başladım tam hazır olduğunu anladığım an onu domalttım ve biraz onun götüne birazda benim sikime krem sürerek yavaşça götüne sokmaya başladım. Kafası girdiği anda çığlık attı bütün bina duyacak ve başımıza toplanacak diye ödüm koptu. O şekilde 1 dk kadar bekledim ve tam rahatlamış iken ben bir anda kökledim ve ondan bir çığlık sesi duydum inanın kulaklarım sağır olacaktı. Biraz acısının dinmesi için bekledim ve yavaş yavaş ileri geri hareketlerle götü benim yarrağıma iyice alışmıştı. 5-6 dk kadar sonra ben şulemin o güzel götüne boşaldım bu arada onunda iki kere boşaldığını biliyordum. Yan yana yatarak birer sigara içtik ve banyo yaptık beraber sabah kalktığımda kendimi kuş gibi hafif hissediyordum ve olgun şulem bana krallara layık bir kahvaltı hazırlamış ve beni kaldırmıştı. O günden sonra haftada en az 1-2 kere beraber oluyoruz.

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Böyle Kızlık Bozulur İşte

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Merhaba ben onur size hikayemi rizeden yazıyorum. bizim rize fen lisesinin kızları tam orospu olurlar hatta meşhurdurlar neyse fazla uzatmaya gerek yok konuya gelelim.Bir gün çok zorlu sınava girmiş çıkmıştık. Bizim sınıfın çalışkanı çağla ise herzamanki gibi başarılı ve azmış hareketleriyle beni çıldırtıyodu.O gece ona bize gelmesini ve ders çalışırsak iyi olacağını söyledim zaten bizim komşumuzdu.Ne süperki https://bahismrt.com annemler istanbula gitmiş ablam ise orospu olduğu için kimbilir kimin evinde yarak yiyodu.Bana dediki hayret ev boş dedi.bende daha ne istiyorsun demeden hemen ağzına yumuldum ve 10 -15 sn öpüştük baktım kızdan ses çıkmadı devam dedimSonra bunu annemlerim odasına götürdüm o azmıştı sik beni onur diye inliyodu.bende tamam canlı kaçak bahis dedim.Kızmısın dedim ona oda ewet ama beni götten yapdedi.bende acır dedim.oda o zaman tamam boz beni dedi.Bende amı yalamaya başlaım çok süper amı vardı.baktım bu çığlık çığlığa ağzını bağladım öyle yaladım amını.kızın altına bornozumu getidim yatak kan olusa fazla uğrarmıyım diye.buna bu darbe ilk sikimim kenara kaç.sonra bet siteleri bi darbe daha ve girdi çok fena kan aktı tani bende kustum o arada. ama çok zevkli idi. ama gene devam dedim.Bi bakarımki kız bayılmış ve ona orda tam 5 sat boyunca soktum.amını ayaklarını yaladım.çok güzeldi.sonra içine boşala bildim ama o önceden boşalmıştı.çok süperdi sonra ablam geldi bizi yakaldı sonra oda azmış olacaktı beide sik dedi tabi bendende kaçarmı ablamında götünü siktim yomruk kadar açılmıştı götü.ama ablam çok süper bir kızdı.zaten mahallde ablamı sikmeyen yoktu babam bile kiralıyodu ablamı.o ablamın ayaklarını yaladım çok süper sonra çağla uyandı ve ikisini birden siktimGönderen: sikici53

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Co-Worker Fantasy Pt. 02

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This is the second part in a series. You can always go refresh yourself on Part 1 (same name!) if you want to start from the beginning.


She figured she must be imagining things. No one could be knocking on that door.

She threw a t-shirt on just in case, so she wasn’t completely exposed. She kept telling herself no one would be knocking at that door as she turned the latch and pulled the door toward her. She was standing behind the door and she peered around the edge of the door into the space between the rooms.

Or what should have been the space between the rooms…

She was looking into another hotel room, and into the face of Jacob who was standing there holding up a 6 pack of beers. “I know you like beer and it’s time for happy hour. While we have a beer, we can discuss where we are going to dinner!” As he spoke he pushed her door open further and walked into the room nonchalantly. They were good friends at work, sitting close to each other and being somewhat similar in age, at least compared to everyone else (she was five years older and he enjoyed constantly reminding her she was an Old Lady). They grabbed coffee a lot to chat about life and complain about the inefficiencies in the office. She guessed he was being so comfortable with her because he must consider her a real friend and not just an office friend. Or she was taking this too far and he was just a confident guy who had no one else to hang out with for the three days they were traveling to get this training. She gave up trying to analyze why he was in her room. He turned around to sit on the couch and she was still standing behind the door looking around the edge at him in her room. He could see the edge of her leg around the side of the door and he blatantly leaned to the side for a better look. “Is it pantless Monday? I missed the memo!” He laughed as he sat down on the couch. His joke made her feel like she was being silly, hiding behind the door embarrassed. People on the beach strutted around with less clothes than this on. She emerged from behind the door but didn’t sit on the couch, choosing to sit on the chair next to the couch. She pulled her shirt over her ample butt as she sat down trying to cover part of her legs and not expose herself further. He raised his eyebrow at her and grabbed a beer out of the six pack, dangling it as a way to ask if she wanted one.

“Sure, thanks” she said reaching out for the beer. He quickly brought it back to the couch and said “you have to sit over here if you want a beer.” She rolled her eyes at him, “fine, barge into my room and make demands. You are the epitome of politeness” she said sarcastically, slouching down into the chair to further show her dissatisfaction, “what do you want to do for dinner?” she sighed petulantly, accepting his intrusion into her plans for the evening.

“Hmmm, how about we flip a coin? Heads we do what I want for dinner and tails we do what you want?” He said, staring at her.

Purposely not meeting his gaze, she fiddled with the edge of her shirt. “What do you think the rest of the group is doing for dinner? Maybe we should just join them?” She replied.

He looked back toward the TV taking a sip of beer and said “if the coin is tails, and that’s what you want to do, then we’ll find out.” He pulled a coin out of his pocket. “Do you want to flip it?”

“Yes” she reached out and grabbed the coin, “because you’re a cheat!” She balanced the coin on her thumb and flicked it in the air, catching it with her left hand and placing it on her right wrist. She kept it covered, staring at him, building up the anticipation. “Give me a beer and I’ll let you know what the coin says” she said, still covered the coin on her wrist and smirking playfully.

He laughed in his usual easy way, “you drive a hard bargain but…ok” he said, putting a beer on the table between them.

She leaned forward, with her hands in front of her over the beer. She slowly lifted her hand off and they both leaned forward to see the result.

“Heads I win” he said with a big smile, “now open your beer and enjoy it while I think about dinner.”

He turned his attention back to the TV, some typical evening comedy was on. She sat back in the chair, beer in hand, relaxing enough that she didn’t notice her shirt rising up her butt to expose her black lace undies. She extended her long legs and put her feet up on the coffee table, sinking down into the chair as she relaxed further.

“I want you to come sit with me on the couch” he said in a low, commanding voice that sent shivers down her. She squeezed her legs together a little tighter as she felt her panties get moist. God, he could turn her on just by speaking.

“No thanks, but can I get one of those pillows?” she said to him, not taking her eyes off of the TV.

“Sure, but you’re a big girl, you can grab it yourself” he replied and her eyes snapped to him, trying to read his expression. He was just watching the TV. She watched as he lifted the bottle up, pressing his full lips on it fulya escort and taking a swig. She thought about those lips on her, surrounding her nipple just like that bottle opening. She squeezed her legs together again, sandwiching her clit between her thighs and felt the warmth grow. He turned to look at her, “are you picking a pillow?” and she blushed, immediately awkward again. She looked down, unable to meet his gaze, and looked at the pillows. She realized they were all on the other side of the couch from him. She couldn’t decide if it was better to walk around him to get the pillow, but then give him an extended view of her tiny outfit, or reach across him quickly to grab a pillow and possibly expose her butt to the other side of the room… Given that no one was on the other side of the room, she opted for option 2, leaning forward over him and reaching out to grab for a pillow.

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her across his lap with one hand. The other hand deftly ran from her knee up her thigh and over her firm ass, pushing her shirt up her back.

“I like these” he said, looping a finger underneath her black lace hipster panties. “And I love this.” He said rubbing his large hand over her ass.

She was a bit in shock, surprised, turned on, she was too caught off guard to know how to act but her first instinct was “get off me” she said and she put her hands on the couch to get up.

His grip tightened on her wrist and the hand on her ass applied pressure to keep her down. “We made a fair bargain, and I won. I got to choose what we did for dinner. I told you I wanted you to come sit on the couch and you said no.” He let it linger for a moment. “Now you need a little punishment, to demonstrate what ‘No’ gets you.” He punctuated that explanation by lifting up his large hand and bringing it down on her left ass cheek, twice. She yelped in surprise, it didn’t hurt, at least, not in a lasting way, and he was already rubbing the cheek her had spanked. Her face was red and warm from the embarrassment, her ass cheek was red and warm from punishment, and her pussy was red and warm and getting wetter.

His rubbing and turned to groping as he filled his hand with her ass, running his thumb along her crack to feel the fullness of her ass. “I really enjoy a good ass” and suddenly raised his hand to place two hard smacks on her right ass cheek, followed by another massage. Underneath her, she felt his body was responding too.

He released her wrist. “Now you know the rules” he said “I won this evening with you, now sit down next to me.”

She was too turned on to be awkward, she raised herself off his lap on her hands, and pulled herself forward to the other side of the couch, letting her hips and long legs drag heavy across his lap. She flipped over on her side to face the TV, the t-shirt now bunched around her stomach, her long legs draped across his lap and her ass pressed against his side. “Can you pass me my beer, Sir?” She emphasized the last part sarcastically. A foolish grin stretched across his face and he chuckled, “I actually really like the sound of that, here you go, Pet.” He handed her her beer and began petting her legs. She sat back, enjoying the attention, and her beer. He ran his hands up her soft skin from her ankle to her ass, pulling at her ass as he massaged it, played with it. “You’re still a little pink” he mused as he stroked her ass.

“I’m also still a little hungry” she retorted playfully.

“Fine!” He said with a playful, gentle spank “get up, let’s go.”

She groaned as she rolled over and stood up. He turned off the TV and stood up as well. She was making her way towards the bathroom to get ready to go when he grabbed her wrist, spinning her around and pushing her against the wall. He grabbed her face and his luscious lips found hers for the first time. Her mouth opened to his, pulling his lower lip into her mouth and biting it lightly. He groaned and held one side of her face as he kissed down her neck to her collarbone and back up. Things were happening so quickly. Their touches were almost frantic like they would never be able to touch each other again or like they had both been waiting to do this and couldn’t believe it was happening. They continued exploring each other’s bodies with their hands rapidly. He couldn’t decide if he wanted his hands on her breasts or her ass so he moved between the two, feeling every inch of her smooth skin in between along the way under her shirt. She groaned as he kissed her mouth, and his hands explored her.

“Fuck” he whispered into her neck, and she smiled widely, “fuck indeed” she said pulling his face back to hers and kissing him while she wrapped her arms over his shoulders and her legs around his waist, crawling up his tall form. He pushed her harder against the wall to support her body entangled with his. He put his hands under her ass, pulling her up a little as he slipped his hands underneath and unbuttoned his pants. She used her thighs to push his pants down his hips. bebek escort

He had underwear on. oh well, things can’t always match fantasy.

He kicked his pants off and pinned her hips against the wall with his. She felt his hard cock against her through the fabric as he rubbed it up and down against her clitoris. She gasped in pleasure and tightened her hold on him.

He grabbed both of her breasts through her shirt, trying to find her nipples with his mouth. He found the fabric too thick and began nibbling lightly, making her nipples hard. He alternated rubbing his thumbs over her nipples and biting them lightly until they stood out against the fabric. He leaned back to look at his handiwork as she leaned against the wall, panting. Her nipples were hard, and you could see the pattern of her thin lace bra where her nipples were straining against the wet circles of fabric on the shirt where his mouth had been. “That’s enough of this shirt” he said “take it off” he commanded.

Her mind worked quickly trying to think of how she was going to take the shirt off from this position, pinned against the wall. She slowly unfolded her legs, putting her feet back on the floor, and stared right into his eyes as she grabbed the bottom hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. She stood in front of him, catching her breath, in just her black lace bra and panties.

She noticed he was still wearing his button down shirt along with his underwear. “Your turn” she looked up at him with a smile.

He smiled down at her and said “Alright, Pet, take it off with your teeth.”

She looked at his button down shirt and tried to figure out how she was going to do that with her teeth. She got on her knees in front of him, deciding to start with the lowest button. She looked up at him and he ran his hand through her hair; it brought back memories of her fantasies from the shower earlier that night and she shuddered as a wave of pleasure ran over her with the memory. She could smell him right now, feel the heat emanating off of him, this was real and she couldn’t believe it was happening. She held the bottom of his shirt steady as she bit the fabric by the button trying to pull it over the button. It sprang free easily so she moved up the shirt, freeing the buttons one by one until she was at his neck. She began kissing his chest as she slid both hands into the shirt and pushed it off his shoulders.

She gasped as he grabbed her by her ass and lift her back up to his hips. He moved towards the bed, carrying her before he laid her down on the bed with her feet hanging over.

Looking down at her, he shrugged his shirt the rest of the way off. He knelt down between her legs, both hands on her knees keeping them separate and began kissing up her thigh. She squirmed with pleasure as he approached her pussy. He licked the outside of her panties, teasing her clitoris through the fabric. She threw her hands over her head, arching her back and grabbed the fabric of the hotel sheets just trying to find something to hold on to while she enjoyed his attention. He hooked her underwear with his pointer finger and ran it from the top to the bottom, his knuckle first grazing her clit then running along the length of her wet slit. He then pulled her underwear to the side and ran his tongue up her slit from bottom to top, ending with a flick of her clit.

“Please, give me something” she begged as her hands moved around the sheets trying to find something to ground her as waves of pleasure washed over her.

He raised his head up and rested his chin on her stomach, looking at her.

“Please give me something what?”

“Please let me suck your dick, sir.”

He looked surprised for a moment then smiled. He grabbed her by her knees and spun her around so her head was hanging off of the edge of the bed. He pulled down his underwear and his large penis sprang free, already at full attention. He walked forward, positioning himself over her head and she reach out to grab the back of his thighs to support herself. He hooked his hands on either side of her panties and pulled them down her hips. She lifted her legs up to accommodate the removal of her panties as she began to lick his inner thigh on her way up to his beast. He leaned over, eager, and slowly licked her with long strokes of his tongue, taking his time to get from her clit down her pussy. As he reach the bottom of her slit she felt his beard accidentally massaging her clit with the action. It felt both rough and soft at the same time as the tiny hairs danced across her sensitive skin and her clit responded strongly, swelling and pulsing with pleasure. She started with his balls, taking them each into her mouth one at a time while extending her tongue out of her mouth to lick the soft skin between his penis and his balls. He groaned with pleasure as she licked and sucked faster, and he swayed his hips a bit to bounce his cock on her and get her attention. She took the hint and reached out with her tongue to line cihangir escort his cock up with her mouth. She pulled just the head in, swirling her tongue in circles around it inside her mouth. She opened her mouth to take a deep breath before plunging him deeper into her mouth, using her tongue and lips to apply pressure as she moved him in and out of her mouth, moaning around his cock as he placed both hands on either side of her pussy and used his thumbs to massage the sensitive around above her clit while he continued licking.

He suddenly straightened up, his cock still in her mouth. He looked down at her, enjoying the site of his cock being taken care of. He watched as she leaned forward to bury it further in her mouth and leaned back to extract it and lick the head, her hands still wrapped around the back of his thighs. He was ready to pound the fuck out of this woman and he glanced around the room to decide where and how. His eyes fell on the couch. He took a step back and her mouth made a slurping noise as his penis popped out of her mouth and stiffly swung up to slap his stomach as he stepped out of her range. She rolled over and sat up, getting some blood moving to her head and arms again, and waited for him.

“Get on the couch” he commanded.

She looked at him and licked her lips sensually before sliding forward off of the bed onto her knees. She crawled away from him, over to the couch, swaying her hips. She looked back over her shoulder at him as she crawled up onto the couch and lay down across it on her stomach.

His penis twitched as he watched, his excitement growing. He grabbed her hips from the couch and pulled them up off of the fabric as he put one knee on the couch, lined himself up with her wet opening and pushed the tip of his cock into her. She moaned against the cushions as he moved his head in and out of her. She began rocking her hips up and down against his forward and backward motion slowly wiggling him further into her tight pussy. The movement of her hips tipped him over the edge and he grabbed her hair, forcing her head up and her back to arch. Pushing her forward a bit, he lay her hips over the arm of the couch and slammed his cock into her pussy. With her hips supported by the arm of the couch he buried himself in her to the hilt and she screamed in surprise and excitement. He continued to pound into her, holding her hair with one hand and slipping his other hand under her bra to grab her breast, massaging it and running his thumb over her nipple.

Her hand moved over his, and she pulled it to her face, taking his fingers into her mouth and sucking on them. She gave the tip of his fingers a little nibble before placing his wet fingers back on her nipple. The lubricated fingers ran over her nipple lightly, teasing her and she felt the pleasure shoot down to her pussy. She moved her hand downward and began rubbing her clit as he continued to pound into her. As her pleasure increased, she began to push her hips back against him, meeting his movements. He let her hair go, falling across her back and around her face, and he moved his hand to her ass. He palmed her ass like a basketball with his large hands, squeezing, moving from cheek to cheek as his penis pounded into her pussy below. He licked his thumb and slid it down her crack, circling her asshole.

She had known he was an ass man but she hadn’t expected him to be an ASS man.

The anticipation of all the things he could do to her incited another wave of pleasure and she moaned as she continued to circle her clit. Not getting any protest from her, he continued to prod her asshole with his manicured thumb, moving it in and out of her asshole slowly. He too began to think of all the things he could do with such a willing partner and it set him over the edge. He removed his hand from her breast and grabbed her hip. His other hand was gripping her ass except for his thumb which was buried inside her. He increased his speed, pounding into her pussy. Sensing his urgency, she pulled one knee up onto the arm of the couch giving him more access to her and giving her more leverage as she licked her fingers quickly before putting direct pressure on her clit. As they moved together, they both moaned loudly, completely and mutually intent on cumming. He sped up, making short deep strokes into her and she matched his pace rotating her hips to his movement. She came hard, twitching and continuing to rub her clitoris through the waves of pleasure. She felt her pussy contracting against his penis as she continue to shiver.

He felt her pussy contracting around him too, squeezing him and begging for his cum. He groaned loudly and pulled her hips toward him as he came deep inside her. They both stayed that way for a moment, spent, and catching their breath. He pulled out and sank against the back of the couch, laying across the couch. She moved down from the arm of the couch into his arms, fitting comfortably as the little spoon. He leaned forward and turned the comedy show back on before curling his arms around her and nestling his face into her hair. He began stroking her from her shoulder down her rib cage to the curve of her hip and around her hip as far as his hand could reach before running his hand back over her ass, along her hip to her breast. He continued petting her and she leaned in to his touch.

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Christmas in Dallas

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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I finally got the courage to meet him. All the nights of sending calm innuendos and sweet messages all led up to that night at around 3 am when the light of the computer and an awaiting message woke me up. Who would have thought it would end up being the sweetest Christmas present I would ever receive?

PhotoFinish: Are you up?

BlackKat: I am now. That scared the crap out of me Chris. What’s up?

PhotoFinish: I’m sorry. I was just thinking, about you, but also about next week?

BlackKat: What’s next week?

PhotoFinish: Uh, Christmas?

BlackKat: Oh sorry!! I’ve been so swamped at work that I haven’t even thought about it. Plus, I’ve spent Christmas alone for the last 3 years, so it’s not exactly the most fun of holidays for me.

PhotoFinish: I know, you told me. That’s actually what I was thinking about. I want to see you.

BlackKat: You already have 😉

PhotoFinish: No really, I want to see you. Soon.

BlackKat: You live like 200 miles away. It’s not like you can drive from Austin to Dallas in a minute.

PhotoFinish: I wouldn’t let that stop me. I want to be the one behind the camera taking those pictures you send me 😉 and no one should be alone on Christmas kitty Kat.

BlackKat: Well, don’t you have plans?

PhotoFinish: I was going to go to Florida with my family, but they decided to go skiing instead, and let’s just say I’m not one of those people that consciously gets CLOSER to the cold.

BlackKat: LOL! Well, I’m down if you are. I don’t know if it’s just the fact that there is computer between us, but I’ve never really met anyone like you before.I think we SHOULD get to know eachother. And maybe a holiday will do that. But just so you know, I’m not much of a Christmas person.

PhotoFinish: Oh you’ll be a CHRIStmas person before long.

BlackKat: Very clever.

PhotoFinish: Haha, this Wednesday I get off work early because it’s Christmas eve. It’ll only take me about 3 hours to get to you, if you’re okay with that. I could, stay for a couple days?

BlackKat: You know what? Okay. It’s a date. A very nervous date, but a date nonetheless. Goodnight PhotoFinish.

PhotoFinish: Don’t be nervous. G’night pretty kitty 😉

That, was the exact conversation. (I should know. I copied and pasted it into my online journal). The week came and went, but when it got to Wednesday, it felt like the day that would never end. At around 6pm (he would be there at 9ish) I hopped into the shower, afraid to leave my phone for even a second. He could make the trip from Dallas to Austin in less than 3 hours if he tried. What would he think when he saw me in person? What should I say? Do I shake hands or hug? So many thoughts raced through my brain. They were like the hot water droplets coursing down my neck and chest. I did everything I could to relax, shaved my legs (and everything else), colored my hair and when I got out of the shower I looked at my soaked frame in the mirror. I get it… I’m cute, in the unconcenventional way. My hair was jet black. It’s really long with short layers, a stark contrast from my pale skin. Medium sized breasts with dark pointed nipples and almost momma like hips. He’ll like me, clothed or not.

I picked out a tight pair of black skinny jeans, and a long red and black turtleneck, dark green shadow and liner… that’s about as festive as I get. I didn’t wear any shoes, because this was my house after all, but I liked how I looked. Dark, mysterious, I looked good. I was staring at my nails counting the heart beats when my phone buzzed and I jumped. A message.

“I’m not far now. Maybe 30 minutes or so. I’ll call you when I get closer. – Chris.”

My heart jumped in my throat. It’s dark out, and maybe this isn’t the best idea. The dramatic wind outside was telling me that a storm was coming, a bad omen maybe? I needed to calm down. I opened my freezer door and grabbed a bottle of eggnog, chuckling at the ironic drink. I don’t even like Christmas, I thought to myself. I needed to chill out. BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ! Not a message this time. My hands trembled as I pressed the little green button.

“He- hello?”

No answer.

“Are you there?”

“Katerina.” He breathed the word. “Your voice is beautiful.” It never occurred to me he hadn’t heard it before.

“Hi Chris,” I barely whispered but tried to be normal. “Uh, um, how far are you?” Very smooth Kat. Very smooth.

“Actually I’m kind of lost… I’m on I-20 East passing 287. Did I miss my exit?”

“No, no, you’re going the right way. Just keep on coming until you get to the light, exit there and turn left at the second light, then left again into the apartments on the left. I’m in 1267. It’s the very first set of buildings I’ll just meet you out–” A tap at the door startled me. “Crap, hey someone’s at my door. Stay on the line.”

“Okay but hurry, I have no idea where I’m going.”

I undid the latch wondering who could be here. I realy hoped whoever was at the door didn’t ruin my plans. The wind blew fulya escort open the door and the phone fell from my hand. Staring back at me was a medium built really good looking guy, short cropped brown hair, grown out just a little, (hair I had seen on a web cam many times before), wearing a beige T shirt, dark jeans and converse. His eyes were gleaming hazel and he was smiling at me. In his left hand, a phone, pressed up to his ear. In his right, a red long stemmed rose. His name was Chris.

“So I lied. Sue me.” I had no words. I wasn’t ready. “Merry Christmas Eve,” he said as he handed me the rose.

“Oh my God hi! Merry Christmas eve to you too!” I didn’t know what else to do so I hugged him around his neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek. His hand slipped around my back and hugged me tight as well. His face lingered in my hair, taking me in, an act he had no right to fulfill, yet felt so fitting, like he had done it before. I was afraid to let the mood get awkward so I spoke up right away.

“Would you like a drink?” He smiled before he spoke.

“Sure what do you have?”

“Um, coke, water, eggnog, grape juice, vodka and milk.” At saying that, he laughed at me quizzically. “What? What did I say?” Why was I insecure?! He brushed my cheek.

“I just think its funny that you categorized vodka as one of the regular things in the fridge. That’s like saying ‘Oh here’s my living room, there’s the bedroom oh and here’s my dungeon!'” We both laughed that time. But I still didn’t get the hint.

“I guess I see what you mean. So what do you want to drink?”



We’re still in the doorway.”

“OH! Crap, right, sorry come in. I’m so sorry.”

I led him into to my small living room and sat him on the black sofa. The ambient light coming from 2 large dark red pillar candles on either side of the sofas really made his face look nice. I bent over to adjust the red rug beneath his felt and caught him staring when I came back up. I couldn’t help but smile.

“So what do you want?”

“Um, I don’t, uh, you wanna talk?” He was lost and flustered and that made me beam internally.

“To drink genius.” A mixed expression of relief and embarrassment crossed his face.

“Oh! Water’s fine. I don’t drink.” I wish I could have seen my own face.

“What? You don’t? I mean, it’s not a big deal. I guess I just didn’t expe–” He raised a hand and cut me off.

“A lot of people react that way. I just decided that I wanted to be the one behind my actions. I don’t want anything else to decide it for me you know?” I walked away briefly to get his drink as he talked. “Anyway, your place is really nice, like modern and Victorian at the same time.”

“Hey! That’s a really good description.” I yelled from the kitchen. “I decorated it myself. I love dark reds and copper and black.” I walked back in and handed him a silver cup with a paper towel around it. “Down to my kitchenware, I’ve always loved that style.” Then all of a sudden… “Hey, you wanna see my room?” Where the HELL did that come from?! I had to learn to control that impulse.

“Sure, why not?” was all he said cool as could be, his eyes locked to mine. There was slight anticipation in his voice and I couldn’t shake the butterflies in my stomach. There was definitely chemistry between us. And his eyes, those eyes were like, burning through all my pretenses and plans. I was useless to deny I didn’t like the guy. Whatever he was doing, it was working. I opened the door to my room. Black carpet laid on the floor. A dark red accent wall was the back drop to my bed, black, white and Leopard print covers adorned it, welcomed us to it. I had checker board patterns and red splashes of paint on the other walls, (something my landlord wasn’t thrilled about) and when I turned on the light, everything looked a sort of passion purple. On my nightstand was a 12 inch tall Christmas tree with a red light at the top. It was weird room I know, but it was mine, and I loved it.

“Told you, I’m not much of a Christmas person.”

“This room is rad.” He walked right in and looked around. “The web cam doesn’t do it justice. Doesn’t do a lot of things justice.” He winked at me and I smiled. He made me feel like a little girl.

“Thank you. It took me a long time to get it just the way I liked it. My living room is well lit and inviting to people. My room is a space for me, a way to express my personality, so to speak.”

“And that is?”

“I don’t know, you tell me.” And with that I walked to his side and tried to see my room the way he saw it. “What do you think of the girl that lives in this room?” His eyes were quizzical again, probing every corner of my room. He lingered on the bed and my guitar especially, not speaking for a while.

“I think, this girl is a poet. I think she writes because it won’t sound right when she says the words out loud, almost afraid to be vocal. I think she is a mysterious, sexy girl, the kind of girl that will bebek escort catch you by surprise, if you are brave enough to surprise her.” He leaned into me, and softly brushed his nose against my neck, planting the warmest kiss I had felt in a long time. Fire radiated through my body at the shock. My pulse quickened and I dared to look in his eyes.

“You’re right for the most part.” Our faces were only inches apart now, his hands on my hips, keeping me close to him.

“For the most part?”

“I’m not afraid to be vocal.” I winked at him and without any warning, his lips pressed against mine, parting them softly with his tongue, coaxing a response out of mine. He grabbed my left hand and put it around his neck, holding his there as well for a few seconds, enjoying the contact. The kiss wasn’t urgent or needy. It was lustful, confident. He knew that I liked to be kissed somehow, that if he kissed my jaw then my neck, then the area right below my ears, I would shudder. He wanted me, and he had me.

Not missing a beat he started backing me up onto my bed sucking my neck, making my blood boil. I laid back, scooting to the middle of the bed expecting him to lay next to me, but instead, he forcefully spread my legs and nestled in between them. This scared me and I broke the kiss.

“Chris, stop, you’re being too–“

“Shh shh, I’m not going to hurt you Kat. I’m not even going to do anything tonight.” His voice was cold and hot at the same time, but I relaxed and surrendered control. Noticing my submission, he wrapped my leg around him and slowly started to rock back and forth in between my legs. My mind raced as I kissed him. My heart was pumping out of my chest. This is the first time we’ve ever met! He’s a stranger! Well, kind of. Technically he’s already seen more than… Oh lord why did I send those pictures? He probably thinks I’m a skank!

His tongue ran little circles in the hollow at my neck and he kissed down until he met with the fabric of my sweater.

“Katerina, I’m going to take this off.” He looked me straight in the eye. I nodded yes, not even sure if I had a choice. I sat up a bit, raised my hands up and he shrugged me out my turtle neck. We lied there for a second, him looking at my pale olive skin, the swells of my breasts only adorned by a thin black lace bra, my nipples hard, wanting to be sucked. As if he could read my mind, he carefully pulled down the left strap, looking at me as if to make sure it was okay, and again, I felt as if I didn’t have much choice regardless. Chris lowered his mouth to my breast, inhaled and slowly exhaled warm, delicious breath on my skin before sucking it into his mouth, tonguing my nipple firmly then blowing on it after it was wet. I moaned and threw my head back. I wanted him to keep going, to pull my pants down and fuck me, to put his cock, that I could feel through his pants, deep inside me, make me moan his name. But he didn’t. He put my breast back in my bra, not even having the courtesy to suck on the other one, kissed me once slowly on the lips, then stood up.

“So where am I sleeping?” A broad, teasing smile crossed his face. He was fucking teasing me. I sat up, unsatisfied and utterly confused.

“Are you sleepy?”

“I had a long drive. But I can’t really fall asleep in silence, so you wanna watch a movie?”

“Sure. Let me change okay? And unfortunately we’re in a one bedroom apartment love, so your choices are the floor, the sofa,” I smiled a little, “or my bed. But I’m guessing you’ll fall asleep during the movie.” He just winked at me.

“I have to change too. Is that your bathroom?” He pointed to the dark room down the hall. And he was right.

“Yep that’s it.”

“Thank you kitty Kat.” He kissed my cheek, grabbed pajama bottoms from his bag and proceeded to the bathroom.

I stood here for a second, stunned. What the FUCK had just happened?? Had he just, denied ME? I changed into red cotton shorts and a pale green tank top, attempting some sort of festiveness, still trying to figure out why he had stopped. He walked out of the bathroom right as I was pulling up my shorts.

“Nice ass.” I turned around fast.

“Hey! you weren’t supposed to see that yet!” He smiled that smile again and sauntered over to me.

“Yet?” His face got dangerously close to mine. He was shirtless, just wearing pajama bottoms, and his skin was warm to the touch.

“I mean, you know, you weren’t supposed to see that. You just–” He cut me off and kissed me, slowly biting my lower lip. How the hell did he make my stomach flip like that?!

“You’re cute when you’re flustered. C’mon, let’s watch a movie.”

He grabbed my hand and led ME in MY apartment back to the sofa. We fell asleep on my couch watching some Hallmark special of “A Christmas Carol”, much to my dismay. I was horny as all hell and I wanted him badly. I had to wait for the aching to stop before I could fall asleep. At around 4 am I woke up absolutely freezing. I could still feel Chris cihangir escort behind me asleep, but I decided to go to my bed where it was warmer. I put the rest of the blanket on him and tip toed to my room. I hadn’t been in bed for 5 minutes when the door opened. I sat up but he didn’t waste any time getting close. As he got in bed next to me, he pulled my hair and kissed my neck.

“I never said you could leave.”

“I’m sorry.” I said smiling. My heart was beating again. He was so forceful, so intense and I loved it.

“Make it up to me.” Without any notice, he found the edge of my shirt and pulled it off, no bra hiding me this time. His hands found their way in the dark room to my nipples, rubbing them in circles while he kissed me, making me more urgent. I was still somewhat disoriented from sleep and the sudden physical contact was overwhelming. He kissed my neck again down to my chest and took one of my nipples in his mouth again, this time biting and sucking harder. It hurt and felt good at the same time. He roughly parted my legs and got in between me, still dressed. His hard on pressing against my pussy got me so wet, all I could do was moan and kiss him. He wasn’t teasing or playing games this time. He wanted it as much as I did and I wasn’t going to stop. He started rock back and forth on my pussy with his dick through his pants, making me warm and wetter, when his hands found the elastic of my shorts. He pushed my legs to the side so he could get the shorts down and at the same time pulled his pants down to his knees and repositioned his hard dick at the entrance to my pussy.

My breathing was ragged with anticipation. I was dripping for him to shove it in me. His head encircled my opening and pushed in very slowly. Then back out again. He WAS teasing me. His now wet tip moved up to my clit and ran small strong circles around it, making my head spin.

“Chris, please,” I pleaded, “please.” He lowered his head, kissed me softly and without so much as a second to process he thrust himself inside me, drawing out a loud moan. He felt so big inside me, and just when I thought it couldn’t feel any better, he started to pull out, then in, then out, then in, holding my thighs the whole time. He started moving in rhythm, locking my hands with is above my head. His breathing was haggard as my moans got harder, my pussy wetter, his thrusts faster.

“Oh, shit Kat, you’re so tight. Fuck.”

“Mmm, keep going like that baby, faster. Fuck me faster.”

I didn’t have to tell him twice. He bucked forward, putting my legs on his shoulders to slam into me harder, harder HARDER! My soaked pussy flowed with a new wave of juices and when I felt close to cumming, he stopped!

“Get on your stomach.” My eyes were glazed with shock.

“On all fours?”

“Yeah, do it, hurry. Let’s see that ass.” He helped me along and flipped me on all fours, positioning his dick at my puckered little hole. I gasped and he knew I was afraid, but I wasn’t going to protest.

“P- please, don’t hurt me.” He leaned forward on me and tucked my hair behind my ears.

“Don’t worry kitty Kat, I just want to make you feel good.”

With that he took his dick and slid it in my pussy to get it nice and wet. When he came back to my virgin rosebud, he started pushing against it, trying to open it up and it was already starting to hurt.

“Relax Kat.”

“Okay. okay.” I breathed.

I did my best to relax and I guess it worked because he pushed the head in. It felt so huge! And it hurt, but it was starting to feel good. He got about half way in before he started to move in and out, every time a little deeper. A few painful seconds later I felt his balls smack against my ass cheeks and he was all the way in. He didn’t waste any time beginning to pump in and out of me, this time I was moaning into the pillow.

“Oh, oh, ohhhhhmmmmmm, Chris, shit oh my God it hurts so good. Unnnhhhh..”

“Mmm you like it in the ass don’t you? You like that huh?”

“Yessss, oh God, oh please don’t stop. Just like that.” This felt so good, but I felt so, so bad! Like he was just fucking me for the sake of fucking me. Oh who gives a fuck? It was so good. He put his hands on my shoulders and really started pounding me. I was so close to cumming that I couldn’t even moan. I started rubbing my clit with the pillow under me and I could feel that I was any second away from cumming, when he finally spoke.

“I’m gonna cum, want it in you or on you?” I don’t know why but…

“In, in, in, in, in me,” I huffed out. That took him over the edge. He let out a grunt and thrust hard into my ass which made my clit grind against the pillow more.

And then I came.

“Ohhhhhhhhhh shiiiiiit!!!!!! CHRIS!!!!! OHMY— OhmyGOD! Oh, ooh, shit Chris…” It was earth shattering. He was still bucking me forward when I went weak.

As our orgasm subsdided, he slipped out of me, (cum running down my ass) flipped me over and got in between my legs again, just nestling.

“Katerina, you’re amazing.” And then he kissed me, softly, sweetly. I didn’t even know what to say. He played with my hair, kissed my hands and touched noses, a stark contrast to the controlling, forceful man he had been just minutes before. What the HELL had just happened??? Just as I was falling asleep…

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Camping With Lust Ch. 02

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Dear Readers,

This is a continuation of the first chapter of the story by the same name. I suggest reading that one first to get a better context for this one. Please feel free to comment, rate and favourite if you enjoy this story. Any feedback is good feedback. Once again this story is for my beautiful lover who I miss dearly being so far apart from her. Enjoy.

Ethan spent the rest of the day with his campers and enjoying the simple, and paid, life that made up his summer. After dinner they all made their way to the cabin and after a long while had eventually gotten the boys to go to sleep. Or at least quietly whisper and laughing until they pass out, and he’ll hear the regrets tomorrow morning. It had been a long day and with the absence of Justine in the afternoon it had been even more uneventful. As his head hit the pillow and his hands moved to rest under it he felt something beneath the fabric. As he got up and threw off his pillow he found a letter sealed with a kiss in red lipstick.

With a sly smile he opened it and began to read to himself. To Whom It May Concern. Well hello there. If you’ve found this letter then you should firstly know that there is a very naked and horny girl awaiting your arrival on Crested Island approximately 7.5km from your present location. She suggests you wait until tomorrow night (for said naked and horny girl should have arrived and settled in by this time) and for you to stealthily canoe to said location to convene with said naked and horny girl for a midnight tryst of sorts. Tryst: “a private and romantic rendezvous between lovers”. She is patiently awaiting your arrival. Come alone, come naked and hopefully cum on me. Until then. Signed your Horny and Sexy Girl.

He read the letter several more times before finally ending the night with a well needed orgasm and fell asleep with the thoughts of tomorrow night on his mind.

The next day was long, very long. Justine had left in the morning for the trip since it took the younger girls a little longer to paddle less then 10km. Mostly it was because the back lakes were a fun canoe ride. Only one canoe had the packs so the others would play games on the way and be soaked by the time they arrived. Back lake trips were for the counsellors mainly because they were the easiest and the best time to relax and enjoy a few days off. By the time dinner came Ethan was jumping out of his seat for a chance to canoe over and see her.

Luckily it was going to be his day off the next day anyways. He told his co-counsellor that he was going to stay in the cabin this night, but might not be back anytime the next day. He gave the story that he might head into town and enjoy a few comforts before returning the morning after to wake the kids.

A little while later the campers were finally asleep and his co-counsellor with them. Ethan had packed a few clothes in a backpack, a bit of food and of course a few extra goodies. Silently he snuck out of the cabin with his pack and made his way down to the canoes. With his paddle in hand he heaved the canoe into the water as quietly as possible and shoved off. A little more then an hour later he had come upon the island.

From where he was on the lake, even with the strong wind he could make out a campfire and two of the three leaders sitting at it talking. As he reached the shore and hastily tied up the boat, discarding his paddle and bag into it, he found it was Justine and Julie. The other counsellor, Meghan had obviously gone to sleep. Checking his watch, just before midnight, he crept closer to the edge of the camp and waited.

It wasn’t long before Julie got up to leave and left Justine sitting by the fire alone. And there she sat, beautiful, divine, exquisite. He watched her for a few minutes longer. The way she stretched out on the ground to push her bare feet closer to the licking flames. The glow of the flames danced on her tanned body, leaving hazy traces of red and yellow itching at her skin. Her arms behind her propped her up and her head laid back, exposing her tender neck. Ethan could almost taste her skin from where he hid, could almost feel it against his lips. She had him in the throes of passion already and the night hadn’t even begun.

After a few moments she had got up and began cleaning up the camp for the morning. Every once in a while she would stop and look out at the lake, most likely anticipating his arrival. He smiled at the thought of her being so anxious and nervous. She cleaned up as best she could and finally attached the food pack to a rope already wrapped around a high branch on the tree. As she began to tie the pack before hoisting it up Ethan silently approached. Before she had any idea what was happening he stepped in behind her and put a hand over her mouth. She jerked in terror, but he whispered in her ear.

“Shh, it’s okay, it’s me. If you want what you’ve been waiting for all day you have to be quiet though. Okay?”

She nodded against his hand and so he removed it. As she began to spin around to meet his gaze he stopped her and feriköy escort held her facing away from him. Reaching to his pocket he removed a bandana and while whispering encouragement into her ear wrapped it around her eyes and tied it tight.

“If I can’t see, how am I supposed to be at my best?” She queried.

“As long as you stay on your best behaviour and be quiet, you don’t have to do anything but enjoy yourself”, he answered.

He took a moment to enjoy the situation. Here he was standing behind the most beautiful girl of his dream. Her arms were at her sides, her hands in fists, unable to see because of the blindfold. Her hair was dishevelled and wild from the wind, but sexier then ever. The green shirt she was wearing was raised slightly and rode just above her naval. Her brown shorts tight against her ass and pinching into her thighs to reveal something Ethan wanted very badly. The wind was smooth and came in waves just as the water did as it hit the shore. It would be very easy to hide the occasional moan with how loud the elements were.

Very gently he took her wrists and put them together in front of her. Taking the untied rope from the food pack and tying it around her wrists. Before she had any inkling of what he was doing he hoisted her arms into the air and tied off the rope against the tree. She gave a slight gasp. He stepped closer to her ear.

“Look at you, all helpless and under my control. If you scream for help I’ll disappear and all they will find is a bound and naked slut”, he said the final word with emphasis. “I’ve been waiting all day to do this, to do everything to you. And you’re going to stand here helpless and take everything I give you. Is that understood?” She nodded. He pulled down her shorts to her ankles and slapped her ass. “I’m sorry?” She nodded again and replied in a weak voice. This time he pulled down her panties and slapped her ass. The sound rang around the campsite. This time she answered; “Yes, I understand”.

He was already hard, his cock straining against his own shorts. Here he was standing just on the edge of the campsite, the fire burning down, the light disappearing and a very naked and tied up girl hanging for all the girls to see. If even one of them came out, oh the consequences to both of them.

Justine stood bound and blindfolded. Unable to stop what he was doing, but not daring to anyways. She was already dripping wet and aching from the inside out. The power, the control, it was all his and he wasn’t going to give any to her. He started from the top to the bottom. She could feel him standing in front of her when his lips met hers. It was bliss, his warm lips against hers. Melding together, their tongues intertwining. Her heart swelled and her skin tingled.

He moved to her neckline and then to her ear. Kissing and licking, pulling and nibbling. He kissed down to her throat and over where her neck met her chest. Back up to her collarbone, her shoulder, while his other hand held onto the other side of her neck, moving slowly down to her breast. He grasped one of them hard and she let out a little scream. It had hurt her, but the pleasure outweighed the pain. He pushed up her shirt so it exposed her velvety flesh and his tongue found a nipple. He licked and pulled on it with his lips. The wind dancing against it turning them both hard. She was reeling from the excitement of the whole ordeal.

He kneaded the other breast he wasn’t sucking on and pinched and pulled at her nipple. Tugging it away from her fleshy mound before letting it go again. He moved behind her. His hands reaching around her to grasp both of her breasts and began to rub and caress them. She could feel his hardness against her. His hot dick waiting to explode from his shorts and drive into her until she panted with satisfaction. His lips found the side of her neck, his stubble tickling her shoulder and the pressure beginning to form a hickey.

He started to crouch and his lips made their way down from her neck to the top of her back. Kissing and licking, wet and soft. Down her back, along her side, his hands kneading her skin on her hips until finally he was kissing the top of her ass. His hands found her cheeks and squeezed them together. She couldn’t help but give out a loud moan and he slapped her again on her right cheek. It jiggled under the force and his cock became harder in his shorts. He loved her ass, and it was going to be his all night.

“Be quiet my little tied up whore. Every time you make a noise I slap you louder so that maybe someone will come out and discover your predicament,” he whispered up to her.

He began to kiss and lick her cheeks as his hands grasped up her body. Feeling her tits, pulling on them, grabbing at her stomach and hips, her thighs, and calves. And running delicately over her pussy. She definitely had had time to shave herself since their last encounter and he loved the feeling of her amazingly smooth cunt. He stepped around her until he faced her pretty pussy and slowly parted her legs to have gülbağ escort better access. His tongue found her outer folds and played with them forcefully. Moving them aside so he could get at her inner lips, and the little skin that hid her clit. He ran his wet tongue in and out of her slit, tasting her juices, making her more wet, bringing more cum forth.

She sighed against his mouth, and writhed on the ropes as his lips encircled her clit and began to suck. She couldn’t believe the feeling, if only he had done this before. Why hadn’t he done this before? He was amazing. His lips pressed against the skin around her most sensitive spot, but he tongued her clit from inside his mouth. She was incredibly sensitive and responsive, but he seemed not to care. And she loved it. Most guys would stop too early, but he knew what he was doing. He held on tight to her cunt and brought one of his hands up, and two fingers to the entrance to her pussy. He entered her slowly, but easily thanks to her juices. She was overwhelmed. He was tonguing and sucking her clit, as he fingered her insides. His two fingers making a ‘come hither’ motion against her inside wall, which seemed to push against the underside of the spot he was sucking on.

She couldn’t take anymore and before long he had her cumming against his lips and dripping drop after drop of juice into his mouth. She writhed against the ropes, shaking and straining, her wrists most likely bruising from the force. When she stopped and lay spent, slumping against the knots he finally detached from her clit. He kissed her mound and stood up, leaning in to kiss her. She could taste herself on him and it spurred her on further.

“Fuck me,” she gasped out as their lips parted.

In response he stripped down quickly, grabbed her hips and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around his waist. Her wrists still bound above her head high in the air. She could feel his nakedness, his warm cock pressing against her ass cheeks. His strong chest against hers and his sweat and skin rubbing and touching her perfect tits. Her nipples flicking against his. With agonizing slow precision, he lowered her onto his dick. His head strained against her opening. Her juices lubricating him, dripping down the shaft and mixing with his precum. She felt the slow and inaudible pop as his bulbous head moved her muscles aside and drove into her. Followed by his thick shaft as he lowered her further down onto him. She gave a silent scream, her mouth opening, until finally his balls rubbed just near her asshole.

If she had had her hands free they would be in her own hair. Her pussy was on fire, dripping and aching, needing to be fucked. They stood there for a minute, not moving and then he lifted her up and forced himself in and out of her. He started hard and fast. With her hands bound above her head she couldn’t do anything except try not to fall off. He slammed in and out of her. The stray hairs on his balls tickling her cheeks, his shaft rippling up through her, pushing her muscles aside and straining against her deepest parts. Whatever he was hitting inside her felt incredible. His head pushed up through her and over her G-spot. She gasped every time and he grunted quietly as he bounced her on him.

His hands were grabbing her ass, forcing her slick pussy onto and over his dick. He could hear every noise they made as their skin slapped together, their juices squelched and the rest of their sweaty bodies rubbed together. She felt his hands move further down her ass to grab her lower and before she had time to react he was spreading her apart, one of his fingers slipping into her asshole. She was beside herself. Every time he forced her limp body onto his cock her ass slipped further over his finger, getting deeper and deeper into her. With every thrust she was begging for more, begging for both of the invading probes to go further, deeper, harder. She whispered into his ear as much, panting against him until finally her second orgasm came in waves. At first she was tightening against him. Her pussy grabbing at his dick as her juices exploded over him, running down his shaft and further down his legs. Next her ass tightened just as much and she twitched a second time as another orgasm followed.

He continued to drive into her. Forcing her onto his dick, forcing his finger and now fingers into her ass as she twitched and writhed on him. She pushed out two more orgasms right after the others until she collapsed against him. With her still holding onto him he lowered her down, held onto her with one arm under her breasts, and untied the ropes from her wrists with the other. She slumped against him and they both collapsed to the ground. She was basically sitting on him. Holding onto him now. Her lips trying to kiss every inch of him she could get them on. He grabbed her face between his hands and kissed her, slipping the blindfold over her eyes and head as he did.

She could finally see him. Not that she could see much of anything right now. Her mind was racing, her eyes adjusting to kağıthane escort the near darkness, blurring with the effort. She could see him and he was beautiful. He had just made her cum five times as she stood strung up and she couldn’t be happier, but her hunger was far from being satisfied. He stared back into her eyes and stood up. Hoisting her up in his arms, cradling her against him. She clung to him, naked as he carried her to her tent. He unzipped the fly, and the tent and lowered her inside onto her sleeping bag. It was opened and lay covering the entire floor. He ducked out and grabbed their clothes, fixing the food pack and finally coming back in, zipping the tent up behind him.

She had turned on a small lamp and admired his body as he climbed in. She was lying on her side, propping her head up on her hand and making lazy circles down her thigh with her fingers.

“You know you’re gorgeous”, she told him.

“You’re not so bad yourself. If you weren’t such a prude I’d probably have fucked you by now”, he answered with a wink.

She laughed. The laugh he loved. With the cute little giggle at the end, her nose wrinkling, and her stomach and chest rising with the effect. He loved every part of her.

“Please just come lie with me for a minute. My favourite part so far was when we slept together that first night. Having you against me, in your arms. It was perfect. It was safe. It was so nice.”

“Really?” He smiled at her. “That was your favourite part?” She laughed again.

He lay down beside her, on his back, she reached over and lay into his chest, her arm draping over him, her leg doing the same. They just lay there for about an hour. Him; slowly running his hand up and down her back. Her; breathing slowly on top of him, her hand against his chest and his heartbeat in her ear. After a little bit her hand moved from his nipple down to his waist and finally to his cock. It was still semi-hard, but she was determined to change that. She grasped it tightly and began to slowly pump him up and down. Giving an extra squeeze of his head as she pulled upward.

With every pump he would let out a moan. She couldn’t stop looking from his hardening cock, getting so big in her hand, to the content look on his face, his eyes closed tightly as if trying to fight off the urge to cum.

She stared lustfully up at him from her position. Grasping his cock firmly and begging forth the cum she knew he had still boiling in his balls. She couldn’t help herself, she felt so naughty, so depraved. All she wanted was for him to fuck her and not care about anything else in the world. She pulled herself up until her lips were level with his ear and slowly began kissing and licking his earlobe. Moving down to his neck and throat, sucking and biting his tender flesh.

She moved closer to his ear and whispering to him as she pumped his cock harder and faster. “Dominate me you dirty man. Make me your little slut and show me whose boss.”

He could barely contain himself. She expertly stroked his dick as she whispered dirty things into his ear, begging to be fucked. The hair on the back of his neck stood up, and if possible his rigid cock became harder against her palm.

He grabbed her wrist, halting her stroking of his hard member. Sitting up he pulled her wrist with him until he was looking down at her on his knees. He jerked her down so she was underneath him, pinning her wrist against the pillow by her head, and reaching out to do the same to her other hand.

He lowered himself so his lips were level with her chest, slowly inching his tongue out to lick her right nipple. Flicking it back and forth, feeling her squirm. Finally pressing his lips against her and sucking the warm and inviting flesh into his mouth. He sucked soft and then hard, nibbling a little as he explored her. Moving over to her other nipple and doing the same, she was his to command.

“Flip over”, he urged her in a commanding voice. This was not a request.

Seeing the look in his eyes she rolled over until her gorgeous ass stared up at him. She bent her head forward, pressing her forehead into the pillow as he raised her hips with his hands, until she was presenting herself to him, her legs spread, her assets winking at him.

She hadn’t expected his tongue to find her slit. He was kneeling behind her before she knew it. Rubbing his wet tongue across and over her folds, sucking her lips with his and forcing himself into her hole. He was consumed with lust, the need to taste her. Slowly he began licking more upward until his tongue found her tight and sexy ass. He tongued around her opening, pushing a little inside, listening to her moans, and then rimming her once again.

He couldn’t take anymore and neither could she. “Fuck me please”, she begged. “I’ll do anything you want just stick your dick in me and make me squeal”.

That was all he wanted to hear. Just her begging for it, telling him what she wanted. It was all too much, and everything he wanted. He raised himself up, his hard cock level with her cunt. Slowly at first he teased her folds. Grabbing hold of her hips and ass cheeks he moved her up until she was resting on her hands in the perfect doggy style position. She was dripping and he knew it. He could feel her moisture running over his cock. And before she knew it he had entered her, hard and fast.

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Coffee Shop Hero

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Spring had finally made its debut; it was threatening to be over seventy degrees, so I had left work early to relax a little. I was on my way home, stopped at the gas station near my house, filling up my car.

I felt quite peaceful. My co-workers and I were just wrapping up a project and had everything in hand. As the pump ran, I stared off into traffic. My view was interrupted by a delivery van that parked at the far edge of the gas station, between my car and the road. Three guys poured out, all in their early twenties, and headed into the convenience store.

I glanced back at the pump, then back at the truck. What happened then passed with the slow clarity one realizes sometimes in life: when pulling off a brilliant move playing basketball with friends, for example, or while watching a locked car door swing shut after realizing that the keys are on the dashboard. Just as I looked up, the truck creaked and groaned almost inaudibly—and then started rolling. Imperceptibly the truck strained forward just before I noticed the wheels really were moving. By the time I stepped around my car, the truck was clearly coasting and picking up a little bit more speed.

Breaking in to a run, I cut across the parking lot and jumped into the open door of the van. Grabbing the steering wheel with one hand, I sat on the step just inside the door and pressed the brake pedal as hard as I could with my other hand. The truck didn’t slow, so I pumped the pedal and really pushed, twisting my upper body as I pulled against the steering wheel for leverage.

The truck began to slow. Just as it came to a stop, I was planning to stand up and find the parking brake on the inside, or try to force it into gear. My plan was foiled when the vehicle lurched and I was thrown out of the open door. My head bumped the edge of the dash and I landed in a heap on the pavement.

Standing up, I felt my forehead and there was just a little blood. I looked at the truck and found I was now next door to the gas station. The station shared its parking lot with a coffee shop and a small book store. One of the truck’s front wheels was over the parking stop and on the sidewalk, while the other was lodged between the stop and the sidewalk curb.

The front of the truck was pointed straight at the front door of the coffee house, and that door burst open. “Jesus fucking Christ, you almost killed me, you fucking asshole!” A blonde girl, one of the baristas, I guess, came out and charged me. Her ponytail flowed behind her, and she wadded her tiny fists and started swinging randomly at me.

My moment of clarity was gone. “Hey, I just—”, and from behind me the three men came running back to their truck. They stopped and started yelling at each other. One jumped into the cab.

“Holy shit, dude!”

“Fuck, man, why didn’t you set the brake?”

The barista stopped hitting me, and she turned to the three guys. She stepped towards one of the delivery men. “You sonsabitches!” Another giant step towards him, and she tried to kick him right in the nuts. He side-stepped out of her way, and just then a police cruiser came around the back of the truck.

Unfortunately, the barista didn’t immediately notice. “Damn you!” and she spun and slugged the guy in the arm as hard as she could. One officer jumped out and corralled the barista. The other officer yelled for everyone to settle down.

“What happened here?” asked the first officer. Everyone started at once.

“These idiots let their—”

“Hey, lady!” toned the first officer.

“Jeremy here is too stupid to set the fucking parking brake is what happened.”

“Shut up, David!”

The other officer approached me. “Did you see what happened? How did you get cut?”

“Well, yeah. I was pumping gas up there,” pointing at my car. I explained what I did, and told the officer that I couldn’t believe they were here so quickly.

He said they were just passing by, and we were lucky. He wanted me to get my cut looked at. I touched it and my fingers came back wet—it was bleeding more than I thought, but didn’t seem threatening. I actually figured I’d get a big bump, but thought that a cut would heal faster and be more fun to explain to anyone who asked.

The door of the coffee shop flew open again. An older man, maybe fifty, emerged: “Vanessa! What happened? Are you okay, honey?”

The barista left the officer’s side and ran to hug the man. I guessed he was her father; he was wearing a green apron like hers—maybe they ran the coffee shop together.

The officer I had been talking with approached the man and asked his name, while the first policeman began surveying the delivery men to see which was driving. Jeremy looked forlorn.

“Do you own the coffee shop, sir?” asked the first officer of the man. When the man nodded, the officer related a brief version of my story to him and he thanked.

“Jesus!” Vanessa said. Now that she was finally calm, she could hear the story and came to understand what happened.

The owner looked feriköy escort at his daughter disapprovingly, then extended his hand and thanked me. He introduced himself as Frank. I introduced myself.

And Vanessa thanked me, too. “I’m sorry that I hit you. I was right behind the door and I thought the truck was going to come through the window, and I spilled a huge tray.”

I smiled. “Well, you’re fine.”

She smiled at me. “Thanks to you! What a hero!”

I laughed. “It’s nothing like that.”

“Well, it certainly was some quick thinking, son. You come in for a cup of coffee on me, any time you want to,” offered Frank.

Abashed, I turned away. Jeremy was studying a pink piece of paper and his civil servant was talking to him.

“Are you sure you’re okay? Why don’t you go home and calm down?” Frank asked Vanessa.

“I’m fine, daddy. Besides, Rebecca isn’t picking me up for another two hours,” Vanessa told her father.

“Well, why don’t you leave early? Maybe your new friend can give you a ride.”

Vanessa turned to me and smiled again. “Well, what kind of car do you drive?”

I exchanged a few more pleasantries with Frank. At a lull in our chat, we overheard two of the delivery guys celebrating because Jeremy only got a written warning. That set Frank off into a bit of a frenzy. He wasn’t raging, but it was easy to see where Vanessa got her temper.

“Let’s get out of here,” Vanessa whispered to me as one of the officers tried to explain his partner’s reasoning to Frank.

We walked up the slope in the parking lot to my car. Someone had put the nozzle back into the pump. Vanessa climbed in, and I went to the clerk. He thanked me and said the tank was free. He, too, called me a hero.

As I walked back to my car, I got a better look at Vanessa. She was quite attractive; she wore a short sleeve white tee-shirt and a pair of jeans under her green apron. Her shoulders were square and her arms were thin. Her facial features were pleasing; open and lively without being perky. Her sandy blonde hair was still pulled back into that cute ponytail.

When I got into the car, she apologized again for smacking me. I laughed it off. She explained that her father had to replace all the front glass in the store twice in the five years the shop was open because people kept driving through it. She was there the second time it happened, and glass went everywhere—one of their customers had to go to the hospital. It had really bothered her. Worse yet, they had to close for two days to get everything cleaned up and the window repaired.

“I’m glad it didn’t happen again this time,” I said. I told her that I couldn’t imagine how frustrating it would be to make a dollar a cup profit selling coffee, only to have somebody bust through your storefront window and do thousands of dollars of damage. Even if insurance took care of the repairs, such an event would setback months of progress.

“Jeez, thanks to you! What a hero!”

I laughed. “Come on, quit it.”

“Well, it really was nice of you to help,” she said. “Why don’t you at least let me take you to dinner?”

I smiled at her again. “Sure. I’d really like that.”

“OK. Turn here. I live in those apartments. Will you pick me up at seven?”

“Tonight? Wow. Uh, sure. What about Rebecca?”

“What’s wrong? Don’t you want to come with me? It’ll be a fun way to kick off the weekend.”

“Of course, of course. I was just surprised we’d go out so soon. And, I guess pretty women don’t ask me out that often.”

We were at the entrance to her building. “Well, when I see a good thing, I want to grab it,” she said, and let herself out of the car. “And I’ll just call Rebecca and cancel.”

She walked to the entrance and I watched her, a little surprised at what she had said. Her butt was tiny and fit her jeans nicely. She undid the strings on her apron and lifted it off before she got to the front door, where she turned and waved to me. I quickly waved back and then took off. I felt like a dope for staring.

As I drove home, I thought about how she seemed a little forward. That wasn’t bad, I figured: she really was pretty.

At the house, I turned on the radio and went into the bathroom. My cut looked pretty impressive. There was a clot matted into my hair, where all the blood trickled away and matted. I dabbed at it with a warm washcloth, and that opened it up again.

Once I cleaned it out, I found that it really wasn’t much to worry about. I didn’t want to get stitches, but it seemed a little surprising the police didn’t call an ambulance for me, with how conservative everyone is about injuries these days. But I was fine.

I became a bit drowsy, though, and lay down on the couch.

When I woke up, I felt a little bit disoriented because I had slept much longer than I thought I would. Already a quarter to seven o’clock and I needed to clean up and go meet Vanessa! I ran into the shower, and realized I didn’t even have gülbağ escort her number. Washing and then dressing as quickly as I could, I burst out of my front door at only two minutes of seven.

Further, I didn’t even know where to meet her. While racing to her apartment I started worrying about how I was dressed. I found her waiting in front of the building, right where I dropped her off. She smiled when I pulled up, and she didn’t look impatient at all. She was dressed casually, just like I was. She wore a dark blue polo shirt and a pair of light tan jeans. Without the apron on, I saw her chest. Her polo shirt was sweetly unbuttoned, and her chest looked full and round.

As she walked to the car, I realized that I was really quite excited about our date. It was fortunate that I had dozed off at home. Otherwise, I would have been crawling with anticipation.

Vanessa opened the door and got in. “Well! You clean up nice,” she told me.

I chuckled. “Thanks.”

As she buckled up, we talked about what to do. We settled on a simple little date, which was really nice. She called it “a date” herself, which built up even more anticipation for me—instead of simply taking me to dinner, she indicated that had some romantic interest. Or, at least, was content with me racing to that conclusion.

And so we ended up at The Pasta Depot, a little joint on the edge of town. Our meal stretched out over a couple of hours, which was clearly not common in the little casual restaurant. The waiter seemed nervous about not closing the check, and after a while quit returning to our table.

We enjoyed ourselves. Vanessa asked about me, and I told her about going to school and working and how I spent some of my time teaching for the state’s boating safety program and playing soccer in a league at the park. She talked about college, too, and how she started working for her father. She liked running, though hadn’t done a marathon yet and wanted to try for one next year. Her degree was in Chemical Engineering, and she just had an interview with the big company the next town over, but she hadn’t heard back from them yet.

“How about a nightcap?” Vanessa offered.

“Sure, I could have a drink or two more,” I said. We’d had a couple of glasses of wine each with the dinner.

“Well, surely you know a tavern or something. Where do you want to go?”

I smiled. I described a little watering hole not far from my office where I sometimes hung out. There’d be at least a couple of people I knew, so if we stayed for a while we’d have some conversation—or someone to play pool with, at least.

On the way over, I again marveled at Vanessa’s body. She was lithe and small, but still had noticeable curves. Her ass was attractive, and her curves looked just wonderful. Her hair was out of her ponytail and lazily curled to her shoulders, which were broad for her frame but still very thin and feminine.

When we walked into the tavern, I didn’t immediately notice anyone I recognized. The bar wasn’t very crowded for a Friday night, in fact. “Just a beer or two?” I asked her.

“Actually, I’d like a vodka and cranberry. But just a small one,” she said.

I ordered from the bartender then glanced at the television. The news was on, and even without the sound I could recognize the parking lot at the gas station. Apparently, the station got the tapes from their surveillance cameras and decided to make a story of my efforts this afternoon.

Vanessa wasn’t looking, so I playfully poked her and pointed at the television. “Holy shit!” she squealed, and hugged me. I shot a glance around the tavern, and a guy playing pool was pointing at me and talking to his friend.

The view was rather limited, but the tape showed me filling my car and noticing something off camera. The truck became partially visible. Just as I raced over to it and hopped in the door, the scene cut to Frank. He was being interviewed by the local reporter.

The pool player came over. “Hey dude, was that you?”

“Well, yeah.”

“It certainly was! He saved my life!” yelled Vanessa.

It went downhill pretty fast. A couple of the guys shook my hand and bought me drinks. People who saw the tape had questions, and then those who didn’t wanted to hear the whole story. I wanted to leave, but Vanessa made me stay. I couldn’t believe the news in this stupid little town had made such a big deal of the incident. It really wasn’t anything at all. I felt that I did what I would want anyone else to have at least tried to do in the same situation.

And I wasn’t a hero. “Hero” was a word for policemen and firemen, and guys in the military, and doctors. I was uncomfortable with it all, but it seemed to be working wonders with Vanessa.

“What you did was really very sweet,” she told me. “You have to learn to accept it.”

Vanessa and I stayed rather late and celebrated, drinking far more than we had intended. I got over my embarrassment and answered plenty of questions but kağıthane escort I didn’t talk openly about what happened. As the evening wore on, Vanessa made more contact with me. She pressed against me a couple of times, hugging me, or leaned against me while we were playing pool.

By the time we left, I was a little tipsy. I wasn’t very drunk, though I was certainly tired. This wasn’t the ending of the evening I had expected, though drinking a little made me feel less bashful about the attention I was receiving.

But Vanessa was the first one to say something about it. Once we were in the car, she turned to me: “This evening didn’t really go as I had planned.” My heart sank. While I passively accepted the attention from the patrons in the bar, I didn’t really mind Vanessa’s interest.

“Didn’t you have fun?”

“Oh, my God! I had a wonderful time!” She squeezed my free arm to her chest. “But I didn’t think we’d stay out so late. And I didn’t know if I’d like you. And I didn’t think that we’d get along well, and I thought it would end kind of quickly. But after dinner, I kind of—” she stopped herself. “I thought we would have a quiet night at home. We stayed out a little too late.”

I smiled at her. “Well, I’ll get you home soon. Do you have to work tomorrow?”

She let go of my arm, but held my hand. “No, I don’t.” Then a pause. “Do you?”

“Certainly not. The project’s over.” I had told her about it at dinner. We were just entering the parking lot for her building, coasting to the sidewalk to the entrance where we had been twice before that day.

“Will you stay over? I mean,” she stopped and sighed. “I really like you. Will you stay with me tonight?”

“Gosh—I don’t have any gear, and I—uh—”, she hit me in the chest.

“You’re not supposed to talk me out of it, dummy,” she laughed, then stopped. “Please? I really like you.”

I smiled. “Okay.”

We parked, and made our way upstairs. Her place was modest, but very nicely decorated. After looking around a bit, I felt immensely awkward.

“Want a glass of water, or something?” she offered. I accepted. Vanessa pulled a couple of glasses from a cabinet and then walked to the hallway.

“Well, come on along! I didn’t mean for you to sleep in the kitchen, you know.”

We went into her bedroom. It was tastefully decorated; I had anticipated it being too girly, and making me feel even more out of place than I already did. Her whole apartment was only slightly feminine and not overwhelming. And quite tidy. There was a big stack of papers on the kitchen table, and some books—maybe she had been doing homework before our big adventure started.

Vanessa walked around the far side of her bed, so I stayed on the near side. She kicked off her shoes, and so did I. Feeling painfully self-conscious, I figured that I’d just do what she did and that way I’d always be in bounds.

She lifted her shirt, turned and caught me watching, and dropped it. She smiled. “You’ll see them soon enough.” In a way, I couldn’t believe how forward she was. But she had a demure quality in her tone and mannerisms that let her pull it off. She pulled off her jeans and then reached inside her own shirt to pull off her bra without removing her shirt. Girls are amazing.

To follow, I pulled off my jeans and shirt, leaving my boxers. Vanessa turned down the comforter and said, “Hop in.”

I did. She embraced me, and settled her head on my shoulder. “Will you just sleep with me?” she asked.

I nodded. “Yeah, I think that would be best,” I said.

“Thank you. And thank you for what you did today.” She reached across me and clicked off the light, her breasts pressing against my chest. They were firm and full and wonderful. Then, she kissed me gently.

“Tell me a story.”

“What?” I asked.

“Tell me a story. Like, a nice one. A happy one.”

“Well, uh—“

“Come on. Anything.”

So I told her a story about how my soccer team almost won the local championship. In the final game, my best friend was hit by a player on the opposing team and broke his ankle. I thought the hit was dirty, and I charged the other player, belting him and knocking him to the turf. I was thrown out of the game, and my team had to play a man down. We substituted for my injured friend, but couldn’t put a substitute in for me because I had been ejected.

I took my friend to the hospital, I told Vanessa, and came back to the same tavern where we were tonight. All of the team was there. Our team had been slaughtered six to one, since we were short-handed for the rest of the game.

“That’s not very happy,” she said.

“Actually, it was. Andy was relieved to have someone at the hospital. He doesn’t like doctors. And everyone on the whole team agreed that the other player deliberately hurt him, and that the referee blew the call. It was very reassuring, and we still got a big trophy for second place.”

Vanessa squeezed my shoulders. “Oh,” she said. “That is a nice one.” That’s pretty much the last thing I remember.

* ****

I woke up and looked around. It took me a couple of seconds to realize where I was, but my memory was jolted when I saw Vanessa at the foot of the bed. She was holding a cup of coffee.

“Hi,” she said.

“Good morning,” I said. I got up on my elbows.

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