Benden Üç Yaş Büyük Kuzenimi Beceriyorum

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Merhaba arkadaşlar sizlere yaz tatilinde kuzenim ile aramda geçenleri anlatmak istiyorum. Ben 22 yaşında 1,85 boyunda kuzenim ise 25 yaşında zayıf esmer birisi. Annem ile dayımlar bizden 1 gün önce köye gitmişlerdi. Köye gittiğimde dayıma Pelin ablamın nerede olduğunu sordum. Dayım da yukarıda odasında olduğunu söyledi. Yanına git çağır dedi. Ben de tamam deyip yukarıya çıktım. Kapıyı çalmadan direk odasına daldım. Kuzenimm yeni aldığı kırmızı sutyenini deniyordu. Hemen açıkta olan göğüslerini kapatmaya çalıştı. Bana ne yapıyorsun sen dedi. Bende haklı duruma çıkmak için kapını kilitlemez isen direk dalarım dedim. Birden haklısın dedi bende şaşırdım.  Direk yatağının üstüne uzandım. Bana çıkmayacak mısın dedi. Yatağımdan kalk dedi. Bende hayır gel kaldır dedim. Hemen suty?nini giyip badisini giyince atladı üstüme cimcikl?y?r?k kaldırmaya çalıştı ama b?nim ufaklık yerini bulmuştu k?lkıyordu hazır ?la biraz daha dayanınca cimcikleee sikim götünü zorluyordu oda anladı herh?l de biraz duraksadı ama bozuntuya v?rm?di devam etti birazda sürtm?y? başladı artık kazık gibi olmuştu sikim ben tamam kalkacam dedim oda noldu d?y?n?m?dın mı diyince senin gibisine kim dayanır dedim oda utandı gibi oda hala üstümd? kalkmıyordu kalksana kızım dedim oda bende simdi kalkmıom dedi bende halimd?n memnundum ama kaldırmaya çalışmak zorundayım anlamasın diye gerçi o yapıyordu her şeyi neyse biraz zıpl?ttım gaziantep escort gözünü k?p?ttı bir d?h? y?pınc? ohhh diye inledi bende şey dayım seni ç?ğırdı Bir görün gelince devam ederiz kavgamıza dedim oda tamam dedi gitti gelince kapıyı kitl?di ve üstüme geldi bende oooo sonuna kadar devam edicez galiba dedim oda gülerek evet dedi neyse geldi üstüme hadi kaldır dedi bende biraz sağa sola kaysana bende hazırlanayım dedim oda anladı gibi sürtünmeye başladı ?hh tmmdır simdi k?ldırıom dedim ki kapı ç?ldı korktuk ben hemen saklandm dolaba çünkü y?k?l?ns?k acıklayamazdık dayım geldi bu kapı neden kitli diyince oda baba ustumu giyiniodum siz ?lsanız biş?y olmaz ama kuzenm fel?n girer dedi dayımda tmm iyi akıl etmişin dedi neyse dedi dayım biz yukarı evdeki komsul?r? gidioz gelicenmi dedi yok ya yaslıların arasında durmak istemem dedi dayımda tmm dedi ve çıktı. pencereden baktık gittiklerini gördük ama emin olmak için ben evi gezdm kimse yok hemen çıktım yukarı yattım yatağa gel bakalım dedim direk zıplatark kaldırmaya başladım o gözleri kapalı hafft?n inl?m?y? başladı ben artık öpmek istediğimden altıma alıp dud?kl?rın? yapıştım oda karşılık verip yaklaşık 10dk öpüştük. ben on? bakiremisin dedim oda hayır dedi bende tmm işimiz kol?y olacak dedm gülüştük ben bunun b?dysini çıkarıp ?utyeninide bir çırpıda çık?rdım ve öpmeye başladım memelerini (memeleri iri deildi ufaktı ama c?k süp?r gozukuodu hayal edebiliyorsunuzdur) neyse okşadım yaladım ve aşağıya kaydım eş?fmanı vardı aşağıya indirdim ama içinde biş?y y?ktu ben direk tüysüz ?mını y?l?m?y? başladım 15dk olmuştur yaladım ve bianda tityerk b?şaldı bende yaladım yuttum ve hadi sır? sana geldi dedim drk?n kapı çaldı baktık gelen dayım ben hemen üzüldüm çünkü b?slamamıstım ama kuzenm merak etme gönderirim dedi ve dediği gibi ?ldu dayım sig?r?sını aldı ve gitti geldi direk benm ufaklığa atladı işi uzun sürdü alt katta sikim haliyl? inmişti neyse kaldırdı yalamaya başladı sikim 1 dkya sertleşti ve onu duvara ellerini yaslayarak ve bacaklarını ?ç?r?k amını ortaya çıkardım ve sikimi biraz daha sıvazlayıp amınıda ıslatınca sikimi soktum Bi haml?d? ve birden bagıracakk?n ağzını kapadım neyse ki son anda bagırmadı ağzını acınca napıon yavaş ol bakire deiliz ama bu daha 2 ?luy?r dedi bende napim bu gotu görünce kaptırdım dedm ve p?mpalamaya başladım siktikce inliyordu ayakta siktikt?n sonra yatağa donalttım arkadan amına girmeye devam ettim ?ldığı z?vk yüzünden belli oluyordu ibl?y? inl?y? Bi hal ?lmuştu ve ben dayanamadım diy?r?k içenden çıkıp gotunun üstüne bo??ldım ama ne boş?lm? sular s?ll?r gibi çünkü böyle vucud görmemiştim şimdiye kadar ben yatağa yığıldım oda akan doll?rd?n ?liyl? alıp ağzına götürdü hımm tadı fena değil dedi ve gelip yanıma uzandı ben pelin çok güz?ldi ya s?n ne mük?mm?l bişeymişin dedim oda s?nd? superdin kızlıgımı v?rdgim adam böyle sikemedi bende eee farkımız bu dedim ve pelin arkadan dwnedin mi dedim oda yok ama sen istersen d?n?riz dedi bende tmm dedim direk sikimi ağzına verem kaldırdı ve gotunu dondurdum krem varmı gunes yağı veya dedim oda su çantada dedi ?ldım gotunu yağladım skimide yağlayıp gotune girmey başladım kasıyordu kendini dedm k?sm? rahat ol dedm ve kendini bır?ktı b?sını soktum acıyor dedi bende biraz dayan acıması norm?l dedim oda kafasını s?lldı tmm der gibi ben yarısını sokmuştum derken tamamını soktum bağırmamak için gözünd?n yas geldi ben dudaklarına yapışıp onu bira rahatlatmaya ç?lıştım ve rahatladı ben başladım git g?ll?r? hızladım hızl?ndım Bi b?ktım bizim kiler yuk?rı ?vd?n çıkmaya hazırlamışlar pelin b?n? çabuk dedi ve var gücümle pompaladım derken colkan gibi gotune b?saldm cık?rdgmd? doller akıodu gotunden ve hemen t?mizl?yp ustumuzu giyindik ve aşağıda yv izliı numarası yapı?duk bizimkil?r geldi dayım direk b?ni sordu nerdeydin dedi bende dayıma az işim vardı biterse dedim geçiştirdim. ama bu burs? bitmedi tabi pelin ablam ile 2 ay boyunca köy de fırs?t buldukç? sevişirdik y?lnız kalınca sikişebiliyorduk belki diğer hik?yelerimi yazarım siz değerli okuyuculara ?kudgunuz için teşekkürler eğer içinizde varsa böyle Bi duygu açığa çıkartın bence çok güzel bir ş?y bu duyguyu tatmak h?scakalın yarın pelinleyim bu sfer bizdeyiz istanbulda ev bos artık bakalım benm ?klımd? yeni biletler var

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ders Sırasında Azdıran Öğrencimi Becerdim

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Selamlar ben turizm lisesinde matematik öğretmenliği yapıyorum. Adım ise Asım ben bekar ve yakışıklı bir öğretmenim bu nedenle peşimde de bir çok çıtır öğrenci dolu.  Ben bu hikayemde sizlere bir öğrencimle aramda geçen masum ama bir o derece vahşice gerçekleşen sikişi anlatmak istiyorum.

O zamanlar okula yeni gelmiştim ve okulda hiç kimseyi fazla tanımıyordum anlatılana göre 18 yaşında bir kız varmış ismi Aybükeymiş. Aybüke daha önce kolejden gelmiş buraya ve mini bir etek giyermiş oldukça da seksiymiş isteyip elde edemeyeceği erkek yok diyorlar. Üstelik bunu öğrenciler kendi arasında bekar öğretmenler de kendi arasında konuşuyorlar. Ben uzun zamandır kızsız kalmışım ve merak ettim bu Aybüke kim diye

Bir gün çaktırmadan onun olduğu sınıfa gittim sınıfları geziyormuş gibi yapıyordum ve içeri girdiğim sınıfta gaziantep escort bir kız Aybüke diye seslendi. Ben onun seslendiği yöne doğru baktım gerçekten melek gibi güzel ve seksi bir kız bakıyordu bu tarafa doğru.  Bir anda içimde bir volkan kaynaklandı ve kızı deli gibi istiyordum anlatılanlardan etkilenmiştim anlaşılan. Ama öğretmenin bir öğrencisiyle bu tür bir ilişki yaşaması düşüncesi bile beni utandırıyordu. Eve gittim aradan birkaç gün geçmişti ve artık rüyalarıma girmeye başlamıştı. Lakin geceleri rüyalarımda onu sikmek ve cünüp kalkmak da beni yormuştu.Galiba ilgimi Aybüke’ de fark etmişti.

O gün derse girdiğimde en arka orta sırada oturan Aybüke ders boyunca bacaklarını açarak bembeyaz kilodunu gösteriyor elindeki kalemi amına sürüp sonra ağzına sokuyordu. Ben ise kalkan sikimi kimseye göstermemek için ders boyunca oturduğum yerden kalkamamıştım bile tenefüs zili çalınca yanıma gelen Aybüke özel konuşmak istediğini söyleyerek herkesi dışarı çıkartmış sınıfı kapısını da kitlemişti. Bu gün bu kalkık sikle dolaşamazsınız hocam şimdi hızlı bir indirme operasyonu düzenleyeyim akşam tadını çıkarayım diyerek kilodunu sıyırıp açtığı yarağımın üstüne oturdu.

Üzerimde inip kalktıkça çıldırıyor kalçalarını avuçlayarak alttan destek vererek sikiyordum. Boşalacağımı anlar anlamaz kalkmış eliyle devam ederek yere boşalmamı sağlamıştı.Ben toparlanırken o yeri siliyor bir yandan da sıra sende akşam beni sabaha kadar sikmen için geleceğim diyordu. Ve akşam oldu kapı çaldık kapıyı açtığımda aybüke’ yi karşımda gördüm ve direk boynuma atladı ve hadi padişahım sik beni sabahlara kadar seninim diyerek dudaklarıma yumuldu aynen o şekilde yatak odasına gittik uzandık yatağın üzerine ve bacaklarını ayırıp amını çıkardı meydana ben de direk yumuldum ve dilimi içine sokarak yalamaya başladım öyle güzel kokuyordu ki bir am ancak bu kadar tatlı olabilirdi ve artık dayanamıyorum hocam sik beni dağıt amımı parçala parçala ohhhhhh sikkkkk daha hızlııııı bastır diyerek ben siktikçe tahrik ediyordu beni ve ben de dayanamayarak memelerine doğru boşaldım sonra boşalan sikimi temizledim inmemişti bile ve tekrar soktum amından içeri doğru hızlı bir şekilde gelip giderken bir müddet sonra o da kasılmaya başladı anlaşılan boşalıyordu ve boşalırken o kadar tatlı görünüyordu ki o boşaldıkça ben sikmeye devam ettim ben soktukça o içinde ne var ne yok boşaldı. Ve ardık her hafta sonları aybüke ile sikişiyoruz. Bazen akşam geliyor ders çalışma ayağına yine sikiyorum kararlıyım bu yıl matematikten 4’ le geçecek.

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Sevgilim Beni Kandırarak Kızlığımı Bozdu Bakire Seks Hikayesi

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Merhaba arkadaşlar ben Seda; 18 yaşındayım. Benim bir sevgilim var. Kendisi çok yakışıklı ve sekse düşkün biridir. Tüm kızların hayalini kurduğu tipte bir erkektir yani. Bir gün sahilde geziyorduk. Beni dudağımdan öpmeye başladı. Bende karşılıksız kalamam tabi ve bende öpmeye başladım. Sonra memelerimi okşayıp sıkmaya başladı. Bende ne yapıyorsun bir gören olacak dedim. Oda bana gel bende dedi. Onu takip etmeye başladım. Beş yıldızlı güzel bir otele girmiştik. Burada ne işimiz var dedim. Sus ve yürü dedi bana sadece. Bir oda tuttuk gaziantep escort ve odaya çıktık. Odaya girer girmez beni yatağa fırlattı. Ne yapıyorsun ya dedim. Oda bana bak Seda ben uzun zamandır bu anı bekliyorum lütfen bir şey deme dedi. Ben de anlamamış gibi neyi dedim. Seni sikmeyi bekaretini almayı bekliyorum dedi. Madem benim sevgilimsin seni amından ilk ben sikeceğim dedi. Ben hayır asla olmaz dedim. Israr etti bildiğiniz yalvardı. Kabul etmedim. O da tamam o zaman amını yalayım götünü sikiyim dedi. Ben de tamam ama sadece götümden sikeceksin amımıda sadece yalayacaksın dedim. Sonra benim üstümü çıkarmaya başladı. Bende onun üstündekileri çıkarttım. Sİkini yalamaya başladım. Sonra oda amıı yalamaya başladı. Ben kendimden geçmiş bir şekilde gözlerimi kapamış inliyordum. Sonra birden sevgilim amıa soktu. Ahh ne yapıyorsun dedim ama iş işten geçmişti. Amımdan sikine doğru kanlar akıyordu. Yapma lütfen diye ağladıkça sevgilim daha sert sikiyordu. Yarım saat siktikten sonra göbeğime boşaldı ve bana hadi git yıkan dedi. Duştan çıktığımda ben senden götünü sikmek için söz almıştım değil mi dedi. Sözümü tutmadan olmaz dedi ve götümden sikmeye başladı. Götümü daha önce defalarca siktirmiştim. Torba gibiydi. O yüzden de pek bir şey hissetmedim. Biraz götümden siktikten sonra amımı yalamaya başladı. Beni resmen diliyle sikiyordu. Ben de ona dilinle sikeceğine yarrağınla siksene amımı dedim. Daha doymadım dedim. Biraz daha sikti ve içime boşaldı. Ben hamile kaldım ve çocuğu aldıramadım. Şuan 3 haftalık karnım daha büyümedi. Ama büyüyünce aşleme ne diyeceğimi bilmiyorum. Aldırmaya korkuyorum ne yapacağım bana yardım edin. Yardım edene kendimi siktireceğim.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Lady Of The Loch (Part 3)

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

“A second contest?” her knightly lover chimed in pleasant curiosity.  “What feat of love am I to cross against your womanly wiles this time?”“As with the previous contest, the goal will be to make the other ascend.  However, this contest shall be more of a match of seduction.”The Knight raised his eyebrow, his lusty interest aroused.  “Oh?  Pray tell explain the rules to me.”“Each of us will get ten seconds, using whatever pose we choose, to arouse the other using any number of techniques as we attempt to bring them to ascension,” she explained.  “After the time is up, the other can move to their position of choice to attempt their lover’s ascent for the next duration.  You lose if you ascend first, so it is a war of attrition as you attempt to endure your lover’s onslaught, only to try and burst their willpower with your own passionate attack!  While it is your lover’s turn you must acquiesce to everything they perform.  You must comply with whatever position they tell you to take, and you cannot move or touch them at all unless directed to do so.”A sly smile flitted across her face, “You may make whatever noises you feel so inclined to vent, however.”“I adore your erotic mind!” her lover smiled in open admiration.  “A fantastic challenge if ever I have heard one.  And for the prize, the loser submits to the victor’s next desire?”The Elf nodded.  “I think that is a satisfactory trophy.”“Then the contest is set!” The knight heartily chuckled.  “Seeing as I won the last contest, I shall let you choose poses first.”“That is most chivalrous of you, my darling” the Sylvan Maiden purred as she seductively stalked towards him.  Lids half closed, she appraised her prey.  That his shaft was virile and ready, was plain to see as it stood in flush attention.  She figured he had unwittingly done half her job for her while he reveled in the tantalizing tastes and touch of her sublime form as he greedily fondled and caressed her succulent curves.“Stand,” she commanded him as she arose herself.  Her knight complied.She walked sinuously around him, and once behind, stepped in to intimately embrace him as her hands teased the tips of his chest and her mountainous melons crushed their perky stems deep into his back.“Are you ready to begin?” She asked softly as she rested her velvet check between his broad shoulders.Tingles already racing through his back and chest as he looked over his shoulder lovingly at his bewitching Elf, he smiled and nodded.At his signal, the sultry Sylvan Lady slid her hand longingly down his abs to cup and hold his sword and man purse.  As she began to fondle her prized possessions, she lifted a silky knee and wrapped her shapely calf around his leg as she let her comely foot glide sensuously up and down the muscular pillar.The arousing sensations rapidly building within his core, her lover, grit his teeth as he tried to not enjoy the titillating pleasures of her touch too much!  For what seemed like an eternity, he endured her sensational erotic massage, as his bottom clenched in a valiant effort to keep the welling pressure at bay.Finally, the ten seconds passed, and he involuntarily sighed as she released her seductive hold on him.“You’re strong,” she purred with a Cheshire smile.“I see you have selected your challenge carefully,” the Knight replied as he turned to face her.  He let a few deep breaths out as he pondered his move.He knew his sword needed to rest if he had any hope of surviving her next onslaught, and thus he chose his position deliberately.  Sliding his hands down her shoulders, along her arms to her hands, he knelt before her.“What’s this?” she teased.  “Are you submitting to me already?”Releasing her left hand, he gently lifted her corresponding leg over his shoulder so that her thigh rested along the top and her comely calf and pleasing foot draped down his back.  Then, reaching both hands behind her, he gripped her voluminous peach bottom and pressed her lady garden to his lips!The fey Maiden let her head roll back and she lightly sighed and whimpered as her daring lover went to town eating her garden bud, and lapping her dripping honey.  As ever the sensation was divine, sending tingling spears across her loins and inner thighs.  Her dainty bud flushed and bloomed at the attention it received.  Ten seconds flew by as she basked in her lover’s moist mouth.Once his allotted time had finished, the sultry Maiden, slid her thigh off his shoulder but allowed her shapely calf to still wrap around his back.  “Rise, my gallant love,” she commanded.He did so, and she purposefully let her leg glide down his side till it hung wrapped about his hip.  She then took his right hand and guided it till it securely wrapped under and held her elevated thigh.  Then slowly, seductively, she let her fingers glide to his engorged man meat, and taking it in her grip with the faintest squeeze, she directed it into her honey-laden secret passage.The Knight swallowed in apprehension as the warm, wet, succulent feeling of her love canal teased his sword still tingling and humming from her earlier touch.A sultry smile crossed her lips as she wrapped both hands around his neck, and commanded, “Hold me!”  With that, she made a little hop as she wrapped her other leg about his hips.  Taking a step forward so as not to Anadolu Yakası Escort lose his balance, her lover was forced to grab her right bottom cheek with his hand to support her hanging weight.“Thank you, my lord,” she purred.Then pulling against his neck and lifting with her wrapped thighs, she elevated and lowered her loins in long slow strokes as her velvet folds caressed his aroused shaft.  Such transcendent torture had the suffering Knight never before experienced!He sucked in air through clenched teeth, as effervescent prickling waves rolled through his blade, and assaulted the blockade holding back the relentless pressure within his pearls.  He held his breath as her garden passage tenderly titillated each pore of his long sword, ambrosia leaking out as it prepared for the pressure to burst.  He fought against it for what seemed like an eternity as his lover bounced upon his manhood.The Lady felt his meaty member quiver twice and she figured if she increased the tempo of her gliding bottom victory would be hers.  Instead, she slowed the tempo of her bobbing buttocks, savoring her lover’s twisted visage as he agonizingly fought ascension.Her ten seconds finally concluded, she stopped her bounding hips and released her legs from around his waist.  Visibly sweating, the Knight gently lowered her to her feet and removed his trembling shaft from her garden canal.“Your bulwark withstands my second onslaught,” she taunted her lover.He knew he would not survive a third round.  Nor could he afford to use his manhood to arouse her for fear of ascending himself before he pushed her across the threshold.  Thus his mouth and touch were really his only weapons available, but how to use them?“Sit down with your legs spread like the wings of an eagle,” he commanded her.Her sultry smile never leaving her lips, she obediently sat down and spread her legs to a full split, her fabulous, wet velvet garden showing off in the late afternoon sun.“Like this, my Lord?” she questioned provocatively.Her knightly lover nodded, trying not to get distracted by the glorious view, and coming around, knelt behind her.  Looking seductively over her shoulder, she bit the corner of her lip in bated anticipation.Softly pulling her into him, he embraced her tenderly.  His right hand reached around as his fingers found her delicate bud amongst the velvet folds of her garden veil, while his left caressed and squeezed her bosom.  Reaching in, his mouth nipped the tip of her ear.As his mouth enclosed the tip, the Elf softly whimpered, sensing the triple treat upon which she was about to be teased.“Let’s see how much stimulation you can handle simultaneously,” her lover whispered into her captured ear.With that he began to lustfully suck and lick her ear while fondling her breast with sensuous, gliding, squeezing pulls as his fingers stroked and rubbed her pink, intimate garden bud.Moans of pleasure issued forth from her luscious lips, as the Sylvan Maiden drowned in the pleasures her lover heaped in torment upon her!  Waves of tingling needles raced deep into her womb as her titillated bud bloomed at the tantalizing torture heaped upon it.  Searing pins ricocheted across her bosom as his hands kneaded her melon and pulled its tip.  Her crown came alive as if ants marched across in all directions as her tender ear was taunted to terrible perfection!  Her dam starting to build pressure under the triple onslaught stoked the fires of her passion!When at last the ten seconds were over, she estimated her dam was nearly half full.  She sighed in satisfaction at the service she had just received.“Your assault on my inner fortress was masterful!” she breathily complimented as she turned to face him.  “Now for my return barrage,” she purred.The Knight knew the battle was lost.  His taunt pearls and engorged sword were already fit to bursting, and he highly doubted it would take the whole ten seconds to force his nectar to squirt forth.  Nevertheless, he refused to surrender as he prepared himself for her final offensive.She placed her hands on his abs, and let them sensually drift up till they rested on his chest.  Then using firm pressure, she pushed him down onto his back.“How fitting,” he thought.  “She’s positioned me for her victory.”The Lady slipped a comely leg over his prone form, straddling her knightly lover’s thighs thus giving him a dazzling view of her bounteous buxom bosom and her beautiful, wet garden veil.  She elevated her hips to allow the folds of her intimate lips to hover above his meaty member.  Gently, sensuously wrapping a hand around his saluting shaft, she guided it into her honey-soaked hidden passage.  It gripped his sword tightly causing it to quiver a little, as she smiled in triumphant seduction.“Here…we…go!” She teased as she slid her hands up his loins and onto his chiseled abs where they came to rest.With that, she began to vigorously undulate her body in rolling waves—much the same manner as she had done earlier during her erotic belly dance.  Her luscious attractive melons rapidly swung back and forth while her sensual, curvaceous hips bounded up and down.  Her lascivious garden lips stroked his quivering, throbbing sword as her bouncing bottom slapped his loins.  Letting herself fully Anadolu Yakası Escort Bayan enjoy the moment, the Elf’s seductive moans and whimpers elicited from her moist mouth.The Knight rolled his head back, eyes squeezed shut, teeth clamped closed, hissing profusely as his rump clenched tightly.  He desperately tried to keep the bulwark closed against the rapidly rising pressure boiling in his manhood—all to no avail.Within only a handful of his lover’s brisk caressing strokes, his sword, throbbing like his heart, sprayed forth his effluent nectar.  Rapid pulses showered her tight, wet passage walls with their sticky, viscous content.  The defeated knight moaned deeply as the daunting pressure was finally released in sweet relief.The fey Maiden, reveling in the erotic feeling of his squirting nectar as it splattered within her, sighed in satisfied pleasure and triumph.  She reached behind her perfect peach bottom, to fondle and squeeze his taunt man purse as his sword shuddered to its conclusion.“This contest is solidly your victory,” her gallant Knight conceded between pants.“You fought to the blissful end, my love,” she purred in commendation.As her lover regained his air, the Lady softly ran her fingers across the contours of his abs, ribs, and chest, lightly teasing his nipples and navel with her finely manicured nails.“What is my mistress’s desire?” The Knight asked as his breath returned.“Hmmm…what should I do with you?” she pondered, pressing the tip of her index finger to her lower lip in mock indecision.“It seems to me, you already know,” her gallant lover countered.“Do I?” she replied with an arch of her brow.  “It would appear my love slave needs to learn his place, and let his mistress ponder in peace,” she teasingly chastised him.Dismounting and rising, the Sylvan Maiden walked over to her discarded garment and picked up her bejeweled belly chain.“Come here, my servant,” she commanded as she walked over to stand next to a low tree branch.Picking himself off the ground, her Knight obediently strode over to stand before her—his towering frame standing head and shoulders above hers.“Kneel here,” she ordered, pointing at a spot directly beneath the branch.  “It won’t do for my servant to tower above me.”Again her lover complied with her demand.Crossing his wrists in front of his body, the Elf looped one end of her belly chain about them a few times in mock bondage.  Then she wrapped the other end around the branch so that his hands hung raised above his head as he knelt before her.“There,” she coquettishly taunted.  “This is a fitting pose for a slave about to be disciplined by his mistress.”Breathing in deeply, the Knight pressed out his chest.  “Is it to be torture?”“Indeed!” She seductively purred.  “Of the very worst kind!”With that she knelt before him and wrapping him in a fondling embrace kissed him passionately.Her tongue invaded his mouth, softly caressing its counterpart before it began to explore the surroundings completely.  It glided over his teeth, slid along his inner cheeks, and tickled the ceiling with its tip.  Thoroughly she drank her lover’s lips as he returned her ardor! When finally they broke for air, she clamped her mouth about his lower lip and pulling it gently suckled it for a few moments.  Releasing it, the lip elastically snapped back, as its owner stared with wide-eyed longing at his seductive mistress.Standing slowly, the Lady, let her left hand glide up his abs, across his chest, and onto his shoulder.  Then, sinuously ducking under the branch, she slinked behind him, letting her hand slide along his neck and shoulder.  Straddling his calves as they rested holding him on his knees, she let her hands float along his back.  Her left erotically wrapping around his hips slid down to fondle his waking sword, while her right caressed his bottom cheek—occasionally letting her fingers wrap under to tickle his family jewels.Her lips, like burning brands, forged a trail of kisses along her lover’s neck and shoulder as she stimulated his mighty member.  He closed his eyes to enjoy the loving, fondling embrace as waves of pleasure washed over and through him.A resounding smack abruptly threw his eyes open!His nerve ends tingling as a red handprint stung his right rump cheek, he turned to look at his lover in surprise.Smack! Slap! Slap! Three more smarting spanks were delivered with eerie accuracy to his red posterior.“That’s for questioning your mistress!” She mockingly punished her lover.  Reaching in, she nipped his ear.  “I hope you’ve learned your lesson, less I am forced to use…harsher punishment,” she whispered as she began to nibble its ridge.While she tormented his ear, her hands explored his chest and sides, basking in his fine muscular form.  With each nip, nibble, and lick, endless tingling torrents crested and washed across the Knight’s scalp.Finally, his ear red and dripping wet, she released the tormented lobe and stood behind him.  Then letting her shapely calf glide along his back, she slipped a comely foot over his shoulder.  As her calf dangled along his chest her toes teasingly tickled his abs, but only for a moment!  Swiftly she raised her foot across his chest, her calf wrapping his neck, to crest his other deltoid.  Swiveling Escort Anadolu Yakası around his head, she sat onto her knightly lover’s shoulders, with her soft, intimate, lady garden right before his face!“Feast in my garden, but do not let your tongue enter my secret passage,” she commanded as she ran her fingers through her lover’s hair.Smiling, the Knight nestled in between her velvet folds and began to lap his precious peaches and cream, while teasing her tender blooming bud.The Elf, reveling in the ecstasy of his feasting mouth, rolled back her head, sighing and whimpering as her hands press his face fervently into her fertile land.  She let the icy pins and hot needles course throughout her loins and navel as she enjoyed the pleasures of his teasing tongue.As his feasting increased in fervor, the knight entrapped her bloom within his mouth and began to suck heartily as if attempting to draw its mysterious flavorful essence from its depths into his waiting taste buds.Fingers tenaciously ruffling and clutching his hair, his lady lover moaned louder as her blood began to sear and her welling pressure built within.  She reveled in the warming flow from deep within her loins as it suffused across her supple skin.  Her honey leaking from her garden passage, she felt her lover release his suction on her blooming bud, to greedily lap her clean.“Stay focused on my blossom!” she whispered fiercely.His licking tongue obeyed, changing target from his peaches and cream, to flick and lash her engorged floret.“Yes!” she moaned.  “Keep it up!”Alternating between several licks and short sessions of intensely sucking her bud, the Knight built her growing tidal wave of pressure ever higher.  Swirling waves of icy pins shooting across her molten skin, the Lady’s fingers fervently tousled his hair as they firmly pressed his face into her velvet garden.  Her moans grew longer and more labored as the pressure against her dam rose ever higher.  Then her dam burst!Moaning long and loud in erotic rapture, her tidal wave flowed from her loins, as her honey flooded her outer garden.  Her hips and legs trembling in raphsody, clamped about her knightly lover’s head—nearly suffocating him in the process!Indeed he might have passed out if her quivering hips hadn’t suddenly shifted balance, slipping down onto his chest.  As her spasms ceased the Elf clung to the Knight’s head and arms to keep herself from falling back to the ground.For what seemed a while to the knight, as she clung about his neck and head, she breathed heavily as she recovered from her ascension.  At last her senses returned and, realizing the burden she was putting on her lover, she reseated herself on his shoulders.  Once balanced atop again, she arched her back until her hands touched the ground and gracefully lifted one leg followed by the other overhead. They came circling back to the ground as she straightened herself back to her full height.  Despite his neck being mildly sore, the Knight was in awe at her graceful, flexible dismount.“Truly you are a heavenly vision!” he murmured in admiration.She blushed at his compliment, and gently responded, “It seems I got carried away in punishing my servant.  As your mistress must see to your welfare, I shall have to make amends for my oversight.”With that, she stepped in close and turning her back to him, let her voluminous backside slide down his torso as she knelt in front of him.  Once kneeling, she leaned back gently against him as she reached up to wrap her arms around his thick neck.  Turning her head, she gave her bound lover a light kiss.“That’s for staying aloft as I reveled in the pleasure you gave me,” she whispered. “Now please accept my token of gratitude.”With that, she clamped her thighs tightly about his long sword and held them directly against her velvet garden veil.  Her body began to sinuously sway as her perfect bottom slid sensuously back and forth as it undulated up and down—always keeping his mighty member pressed against her dainty intimacy.Feeling his sword pulled along with her dancing hips as her round rump cheeks stimulated his loins and navel was a whole new sensation!  Tingles raced throughout his lower extremities as he basked in the silky smooth skin of her soft, silken backside.  His sword grew harder as her succulent folds caressed its shaft, he felt every minute movement of her hips and thighs as they squeezed and strung it along.Once her dance had greatly aroused her lover’s manhood, the Elf released his captured sword and pirouetted on her knees to face him.“Today has been a fine feast indeed,” she purred as she slowly, sinuously lowered herself.  “Now I’d like my dessert!”Her bottom cheeks coming to rest on her heels, she leaned in and took hold of his meaty member. With a seductive smile, she devoured its head whole and sealed her lips about its shaft.Once again she began to play her wind instrument as her hand twisted and glided along the length of his sword in tempo to each suck of her mouth.  Sometimes pausing her sonata to lick the trapped head within her salivating mouth, she would always resume her playing with increased pitch and speed.Finally, as she felt his manhood begin to quiver and throb, in its final throes before its sweet release, she firmly grasped her lover’s backside.  Swallowing his entire sword, her lips touched his loins.  She felt his nectar squirt and spray down her throat as his manly pearls drained their coveted content.  Only when she felt his shaft dribbling to its conclusion did she draw back to thoroughly suck the last vestiges of his sweet, sticky nectar out of its worn head.

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A Self Portrait Threw Mine Eyes

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Mirror, mirror on the wall… What do you see? Or rather, what personal mysteries do my eyes seek?

What human flaws shall this reflection cast inward?

Should I tell you the truth? Or would it be better to say that I am ravishing?

There is He that tells me that I am beautiful, but am I?

He says that I am lush and pleasing to His eyes… Not merely for my cloths, or my figure which was given me; He says He Loves me for my Heart… The raw rare beauty that I am in the Mind and Spirit.

Me being of short stature, am a mere 5’1″. My hair is curly brunette, with natural highlights of gold and red. My lashes are long, full and dark, while my eyes are a deep forest green.

As my eyes stare at themselves, I wonder what makes me unique?

My facial shape is oval with a petite nose, lips that are sensitive and dusty pale rose hue. My shoulders are bare as is the rest of me, as my eyes traverse slowly down the double image of myself. My eyes stop at my high breasts as they too stare at me, small C cups are their mature size, my aureolas are large when relaxed and comfortably warm… as they are now. They are a soft tan-pink tone, surrounding a medium rosy texture of the semi-hard nipples. My gaze lingers upon the stainless steel barbells that run threw them, green 1/4″ balls act as stoppers to keep the jewelry safely in the piercing, my choice to pierce them was not simply for sexual play, but for sensual appeal and attraction. For my nipples have always been super sensitive, even before I had the bejeweled.

My eyes leave my globes of womanhood, tracing my short ribcage, my short Ümraniye Escort waist to my fleshy hips and thighs. A belly button ring adorns my navel, matching green balls on each end. My hips are what He enjoys the most… Says it gives Him excellent leverage when we are making love. My thick thighs make my cheeks burn with dislike, but He says not to change them for they are gorgeous. I turn to one side, eyeing myself in profile, following the curve if my butt. Two dimples directly above my ass cheeks make me smile slightly… Butt dimples were a strange thing to have but I enjoyed them. He says He Loves my ass, the way it curves and features me well. My thighs tapper lower to my knees and then to my muscled calves and ankles. My feet and hands are small, not tiny, maybe too some but they merely just small. He Loves the feel of my small soft hands wrapped firm around His thick shaft, while my tongue and lips explore and love Him.

My earrings twinkle in the lamp light as I face the mirror once again. My body jewelry sparkling as the light gleams off of their surfaces. My curls hang loosely around my neck and face, framing it which only adds to my soft petite form.

My fingers pluck at my nipples, while my eyes flutter with feeling, vibrating thrills shoot straight to my womb… Wetting my core. My vagina begins to pulse and ache with a familiar need, a need of desire and comfort. Kneading the bulbous flesh of my breasts I tremble with sensations. My mind instantly turns to thoughts of Him. His smile, His eyes, His voice… The way He touches me, the length and girth of His Ümraniye Escort Bayan ample shaft. The taste of His flesh in my mouth, between my lips, my tongue lapping. My fingers petting and stroking eagerly.

My middle finger slipped towards my clitoris as I backed up, sinking into the deep fluffy sued couch, my legs spreading instinctively as I began to press slow circles on my exposed clit. My breasts spread out across my chest like round plush orbs, simply begging to be kissed and suckled, my nipples were extended, sensitive like my clitoris is… My barbells standing out against my flesh adding to their natural appeal. My circles grew rougher as my pussy lips got wetter, my scent wafting threw the room as I grew increasingly excited. The curly triangle pube hair was soft against my palm, it tickled as I twirled my finger, my vagina grew hot and began soaking and dripping with each passionate thought.

Licking my lips I kneaded my larger left breast with my fingers, with my free hand flicking and gently tugging on my nipples making me moan aloud while my pussy ached with need… Ached to be filled and fucked.

My moaning grew into panting groaning as the feeling of my clit being tended too as my other fingers toyed with my hardened tits. My stomach began to tense as I leveled my hips up and down, my vagina dripping and heated begging to be thrust into, to have a vigorous plundering. My orgasm built as wave upon wave of sensations rolled threw my little body. My mind spun and swirled with thoughts of Him, His thick hard dick moving in and out of my soft warm Escort Ümraniye body, my pussy gripping Him, clasping Him intending to draw His manhood in and never let Him go. My cheeks flushed with heat as my orgasm broke over me, my vagina shivering violently, squeezing madly yet still aching to have a hard rod buried to the hilt. Gasping and groaning loudly I bucked as my bliss irrupted within my needy cunt. My bucking only caused me to want the real thing even more, my finger massaged my engorged clit harder, my juices soaking my inner thighs. Moaning with ever increasing need I rubbed my way into another rippling orgasm. Rocketing my body into panting His name as it torn within me, my vagina grasping and squeezing so harshly, pulsating it’s glistening heat.

Trembling viciously as I again forced another climax on myself, screaming His name, my body crying for His stiff cock. My eyes caught my reflection in the oval length mirror, I saw just how wickedly wanton I was being. There I lay legs spade apart like a lustful school girl, my 20 year old body shivering with need, my tight gripping pussy never ceasing it’s eager power filled squeezing. My tits looked good enough to eat as they sat lusciously on my chest, the green glinting from the light. Cum glistening on my puffy, enflamed vagina lips. And lastly my green eyes were half hooded with wonderful bliss. He always Loves my face after I’ve been made to cum so fully and completely. A true portrait of happy, wonder and satisfaction.

“Fuck me! Fuck me…ohhhhhhgod fuck me!” I cry aloud as my fingers tease myself to immense pleasure, building, pluming within my womb. My womb begging for rich thick cum. My legs went wider, my mouth open as I gasped over and over again. The pleasure was beyond intense, my body convulsed violently as I could nearly feel His long fat dick pushing into my small passage. My warm pussy cream soaking Him making Him slippery with my Love.

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A Beachy Education

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Ending up down at the city beach wasn’t part of the plan. But then, I didn’t really have a plan. I had been kind of wandering through life in a dream state since my divorce became final. I go to work, (two jobs, now), I go out and wander around looking for inexpensive things to do, I go home to my new tiny apartment. It is ironic that you have so little money to entertain yourself once you have the freedom to do whatever comes to mind. I’m lonely, but I don’t really want to date yet. So, when I got off my second job as an undercover security guard at a ritzy downtown complex, I needed something to fill up the time. That’s how I found myself walking.

I like the beach at night. This is a lake beach, rather than an ocean beach, with a little resort town situated next to the shore. Having grown up next to the sea, I miss the roar of the breakers, but the quietly lapping water of the lake has a peaceful quality of its own. Technically, I’m breaking the law — it is well past the city-imposed 10 P.M. curfew, but I’m not vandalizing anything or selling dope, so I don’t feel bad about being here. Besides, late at night is the only time traffic noise doesn’t overwhelm the gentle voice of the lake. After a long walk along the shoreline, I decided to just sit with my back against the beach’s retaining wall and enjoy the relative quiet. Sometimes I can enjoy the moon’s reflection on the water, but there is no moon tonight and the beach is very dark.

It didn’t take long for my peaceful respite to be interrupted. I had only been there ten minutes or so when I heard laughter and lively voices approaching. My eyes, having adjusted to the dark, could pick out three figures, and from the sound of their banter and the unsteadiness of their gait, I could tell they had been drinking or maybe smoking a bit. They were nearly upon me when one of them jumped back and said “Holy shit! There’s somebody here!!” There was fear in her voice, but something else too, I thought. Mostly she was startled, not scared. There was an undertone of amusement and adventure.

“Hi! Sorry if I scared you,” I said from the deep darkness of the retaining wall’s shadow.

It turns out there were three girls, and they just stood looking at me for a moment. Finally, their nerve returned and they giggled and talked a little bit among themselves, the way you do when something frightens you and then you’re embarrassed when you find out it wasn’t anything scary after all. They asked me what I was doing there, and I told them I just liked the beach at night. They were pretty lit, and talkative, and told me they were just visiting, and had to get back to school tomorrow. Until then, they wanted to party! The last hurrah of a too-short vacation, as it were. Anyway, I realized they were all pretty cute, as far as I could see. Bikini tops and shorts contrasted with the light glow of their skin in the starlight. I also realized two other things — one, I had been feeling pretty melancholy without knowing it, and two, the mirthful chatter of these girls was cheering me up in spite of myself. We went on talking for several minutes, happy smalltalk in an unending flow.

I guess I wasn’t listening closely for a minute, because suddenly I heard two words — sex toy — and I couldn’t figure out where those words fit into the conversation! I must have looked confused, because they all laughed at me and the blond, whose name turned out to be Sarah, asked me if I wanted to be a sex toy. Now, I’ve been out of the dating game and off the playing field for quite a while, so I honestly didn’t know what to think. I figured they were just having a little fun at my expense. They all laughed at me again as I sat there thinking, and though they were all kind of talking at once, it finally sunk in that they really did want a “sex toy!” Evidently, part of their holiday adventure was supposed to be picking up a guy and having a foursome! They hadn’t liked any of the college boys they had met in town so far, although they did say they had seen lots of hotties. They way they said it, I got the distinct idea I wasn’t exactly on\e of the “hotties, but fortune had smiled on me anyway. At this point, Ankara bayan escort I was beyond confused, but I found myself getting kind of aroused, despite the unlikelihood of anything actually happening. I was still 90% sure they were just poking fun at me.

It was only when all three came over and started touching me, petting my shoulders and neck, and kissing my cheek playfully, and finally kissing each other NOT so playfully, that I decided they were for real. Tops came off, breasts were exposed and suckled, kisses exchanged, and my shirt was removed in a flurry of activity. I couldn’t really tell who was doing what to whom, to be honest, but I did gather that the two dark haired girls with Sara were named Emily and Claire. I was glad there were no houses too near the beach — while I was confident we couldn’t be seen, I was worried that someone would hear and investigate.

As things progressed, I felt carried along on a wave of fate and inevitability. Things still didn’t feel quite real in a way, but the sensation of a tongue on each of my nipples and one exploring my mouth while six hands roamed my body belied that feeling. By now, my cock had given in and accepted this adventure, but my mind still struggled — doubt, fear, and even a little guilt muddled my thoughts and tinged the pleasure coursing through my nerve-endings. In one of those weird, “where in the hell did THAT come from?” thoughts, I was suddenly thankful I had been chewing some cinnamon gum! The girls’ breath was scented by a sweet mixture of alcohol, fruit, and in at least one case, pot. Sara, I think, but maybe Claire, too… I don’t really know, and I didn’t really care at the time, either.

Soon, a pair of hands unbuttoned my pants and started to pull them down, when Sara declared, “Hey, he’s got handcuffs on his belt! What, are you a cop?” Anger and fear fueled her words. I explained quickly that I was a part time security guard, and the place where I worked didn’t want all their frequently wealthy quests to feel intimidated by someone in uniform. It turns out wealthy guests often like to misbehave, in their own manner, and a “cop” on the scene might spoil the mood of revelry. Thankfully, the girls believed me (another odd, stray thought — how often people disbelieve the truth while swallowing a lie!) and then they started asking if we could play with the cuffs. I demurred at first — these are real cuffs, not adult store toys with a quick release button — but three hot, naked girls giving their best pleading pouts are pretty persuasive. Especially on a guy who hasn’t had sex in months and is about half way there just from some kissing and petting! Needless to say, out the cuffs came.

They decided they really wanted to make a sex toy out of me, so they cuffed my hands and had me lay down on the pile of clothing we had created. It was actually quite hard to tell what was going on, but it seemed they were true to their words. I sure felt like a sex toy! Each of them took a turn straddling my face while I did my best to please — pussy tasted SOOOooo good after so long, I could have died then and been happy, and I loved the feeling of energy that flowed through each girl’s body as she approached orgasm, squirming and grinding hips into my face. Someone sucked my cock occasionally, but I couldn’t tell who, sadly. They were definitely different girls, though, because they had vastly different techniques, and I am pretty sure one of them was deepthroating me right to the balls. It felt incredible, but nobody did anything for too long, so I stayed hard but didn’t get too close to cumming. They straddled me cowgirl or reverse cowgirl, too, and there was plenty of kissing and tasting among the girls.

The strongest memory from this part of the night was when Emily was fucking me, reverse cowgirl, and then she leaned back, and lay on top of me, her head resting on my shoulder, against the side of my face. One of the other girls had taken a spot between her legs and was licking her pussy. I could feel the night air on my wet cock, and I could feel the other girl’s hair feathering against my hips lightly as she Escort bayan Ankara pleasured her friend. Occasionally, I could feel her face or chin against my cock, but she didn’t go down on me. All her attention was on that sweet, wet pussy. When Emily came, the convulsions of ecstasy that passed through her created the most amazing sensation in my body, like pure electric pleasure passing directly from skin to skin, muscle to muscle, nerve to nerve. It was as if my body had an orgasm of its own, this time not centered in my loins, but spread all over. Pretty fantastic, and unlike anything I had felt before.

When all three girls seemed to have tried everything they wanted to with their sex toy in this position, someone came up with the bright idea to handcuff me to the lifeguard tower. I wasn’t too keen on that idea, but I didn’t really seem to have much say in the matter! My protests were roundly ignored, and my three “captors” helped me up and hauled me down the beach to the tower. They only uncuffed me long enough to hook the cuffs around one of the uprights, and then the clasp was back around my wrist. I had never worn handcuffs before, and I was surprised that my wrists were really sore and bruised feeling already.

I stood there feeling vulnerable in a way I hadn’t when we were on the beach. For one thing, we were no longer down on the ground in the meager shadow of the retaining wall. We were further out toward the lake, where any passerby up on the boardwalk might see us silhouetted against the water. Standing with my back against the coarse wood of the tower, I could feel the light breeze down the length of my whole body, and that simultaneously made my nipples hard and made me feel very exposed. It’s odd how much fear can heighten sensation, and increase excitement. I realized my cock was harder than ever, jutting out like a flagpole. The girls seemed to pick up this. And, my increased vulnerability also brought out the tease in them!

All three seemed to enjoy the sense of power they now had, and tortured me mercilessly by just barely stroking my cock while kissing one another, or sucking me to the point of cumming and then laughing and pulling away just before I orgasmed. They ate each other while I watched, they backed up against me and fucked me while fingering themselves to orgasm, they knelt together in front of me and teased me with tongues and lips. Oddly, at this point, I was first able to get a glimpse of the three girls’ personalities. Up to now, they had seemed a blur of amazing, blinding sexuality, but now I picked up on individual differences. Sara was certainly the ringleader, and while flirty and fun, I sensed an underlying heartlessness. To her, I think I had really become a toy. Claire was a follower, nice enough, but I think she would do what ever Sara told her. Emily, while still enjoying the whole adventure, seemed a little put off when the teasing took a more cruel turn. She alone seemed to pick up on the fact that, no matter how hard my cock, I was starting to feel a little abused. Or at least, misused…

When, at last, Sara suggested the unthinkable — that they leave me cuffed to this damned tower — it was Emily who protested. Claire seemed to realize it was over the top, beyond fun and on to the point where a person’s life could be ruined. But Sara convinced her that someone would help me or I would get free before morning, and she placed the handcuff keys on the deck of the tower. Emily argued the whole time, but at last the two other girls rounded up their clothing and bodily dragged her off by the arms. She kept looking back.

So, I can’t even begin to describe the maelstrom of thoughts and feelings one experiences when handcuffed to a lifeguard tower in a public place, and one’s entire life and career are about to head down the shitter. Sheer panic took me for a while, and I simply couldn’t think. Then, I began to try and figure out something, anything, to get free. I tried overturning the tower, but it was too heavy and stable. I tried pulling my hands through the cuffs, but they were simply too tight. I would have had to break my hands Bayan escort Ankara to get free. I remembered the keys above my head on the deck of the chair, but they may as well have been on the moon. I thought of my cell phone in the pocket of my jeans, across the beach. I had a crazy vision of someone finding it, and remembered with dismay that the first person in my contact list was still my ex-wife. I hadn’t remembered to change it. Who would I change it to, anyway, I thought with a touch of self-pity. And I thought of how my ex would feel if some stranger called her to tell her my first sexual experience resulted in me being handcuffed, naked, in public, by three college girls on a lark. I actually laughed out loud at that thought, even as the horror of it sunk in. It was like the nervous laughter that sometimes escapes when we hear news or see something that is so bad our brains don’t know how to process it.

I was roused from this sense of despair and resignation by the sound of footsteps. My heart raced. Who would be out at this time of the night? Hope and black dread wrestled for the uppermost spot in my consciousness. For a moment, I didn’t want ANYONE to find me, I just wanted to die here and be done with it. The footsteps came straight toward me — no hesitation or hint of faltering. The soft swish of feet in the sand bore down on me.

It was Emily.

“I’m so sorry. The others are asleep. We didn’t mean… I’m so sorry!” In another of those random thoughts, I was struck by how brave this girl was to come out here alone in the middle of the night, against her friends’ wishes, in a strange town. I was overcome with gratitude, and couldn’t stop thanking her. To my surprise, she put her fingers to my lips and shushed me quietly. Then, she pressed her body close and kissed me. I was waiting for her to grab the keys and unlock me, but she broke the kiss long enough to say “This is what should have happened.” Then she kissed her way down my body.

After the emotional train wreck that had occurred within me such a short time ago, I could scarcely believe that I was responding to her touch. Kneeling down, she looked up and said “You were such a good sport, and we were stupid and drunk. You at least deserve this.” And with that, she took my shaft into her mouth and began to give me the most incredible head I have ever felt. Her tongue was magical, and, as it turns out, it was Emily who could deepthroat. She didn’t tease at all, but didn’t hurry either. She made sure I experienced each sensation to the fullest. When I finally released, I thought I might faint. I had been holding my breath, only sucking in short gasps when my body screamed for oxygen, and now my chest heaved and my heart pounded. My orgasm poured out in a flood of long waves, over and over, and Emily kept sucking me deeply the whole time. As I subsided, her mouth became gentle, caressing, licking and sucking until I was totally spent. She stood up, grabbed the keys and unlocked the handcuffs. She rubbed my stiff wrists, and when she saw I was OK, she handed the keys to me. With a quick kiss, she said “thank you,” turned and jogged away. That was it. I never saw any of them again.

I can’t say I learned any of the lessons most people would have expected me to learn from that night. I think it was such a once in a lifetime thing, any of the lessons people would normally think of — be more careful, don’t have sex with strangers, don’t be so gullible, a grown man should know better than that — those lessons don’t seem to apply. Instead, what I got from that night wasn’t a lesson, but a catharsis. I started to FEEL again on that night. It wasn’t all good, to say the least! It wasn’t even what I’d call normal. But it broke free feelings I didn’t ever expect to have again. I learned I can take chances, that I have a wild side, a side willing to take risks. I learned about myself, and that is probably the best gift any three college girls could give a sad divorced guy. Whether they meant to or not.

I never quite understood why Emily thanked me, just before she left. Maybe she was thanking me for not blaming her. Maybe she was thanking me in advance for not filing some kind of kidnapping charges! Maybe she was just thanking me for sharing an amazing experience. I can’t ask her now, so I’ll probably never know. I feel, though, that I am the one who should be thankful. So, Emily, Claire, and yes, even Sara — thank you. Thank you for making me feel alive again.

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Billionaire and the Sisters Ch. 57

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A note to readers: This is a long story that unfolds chapter by chapter through the eyes of two protagonists – Mark and Elsa, and as in many of my other stories involves a growing spate of horny characters. Every ten chapters or so I will provide a short summary at the start of that episode to bring new readers up to date (see start of Ch. 50). This story could appear in a number of genres (Loving Wives, Incest, Lesbian, Fetish, and more) depending on the chapter, but the overall theme is Group, so I have applied this moniker to all chapters. The story is still being written, yet I intend to post a new chapter every couple of days. Enjoy.

Chapter 57 – Bad News Comes In Threes


There’s bad news and then really bad news that comes your way once in a while. I had two major doses of it on Monday morning. I’d been talked into a late start at work so that we could all have a relaxed breakfast, plus bid goodbye to Troy and Janet, and Dan and Sandy. Their departure went like clockwork and they were out the door before seven a.m. to catch their flight to Atlanta.

My first bout of news I didn’t want to hear came from Brita shortly after our guests departed. She pulled me aside, and I could tell she had something touchy and sensitive to talk about. I’d known it all weekend, but I hoped it was something I could cope with.

Brita sat in a chair as I lounged back on one of the sofas in our media room. “Mark, this is very awkward for me to broach with you, but I must. First, I must premise my comments with the words I love you. I deeply love you, have loved you, and will continue to love you.

“That said, I’ve made a decision I need to share with you. Nils has asked me to marry him, and I have accepted.” She paused and added, “I would have raised it earlier, but I didn’t want this news to influence your enjoyment of the party and all.”

I was dumbstruck. My brain went into freeze mode. I just nodded to indicate I’d heard her words. Hopefully, she’d know that I was still processing them. I was choked up and unable to speak in any case.

She went on, “Nils and I do not plan a monogamous marriage, as you might expect from watching our behavior this weekend. I will always be available for you, and despite this change I hope I can always approach you in the same way. As I said, I continue to love you and will feel proud to be one of your wives in the future, if you’ll have me.

“Through you, and with Nils help, I have learned that I can love more than one person. I love you two men, and I love my sisters – Elsa, Cindy, Melanie, Sheila, and KC. I have not yet told them about this because I wanted to talk to you first. They are to be my next conversation.”

She looked at me for a long time, hoping I would say something, but I could only stare at her and try to formulate a response. My eyes got all teary and my throat constricted.

Finally, my brain reengaged and I could think and speak. “Brita, thank you for your forthrightness. I … I’m feeling a sense of loss for some reason, despite your point that as far as you and I are concerned little will change. We have access to each other, and I want that, and we continue to love. I do love you and this situation won’t change that. Nils is a great man and I like him; you couldn’t have done better anywhere in the world.

“I love some other married women, but I have remained a little more distant from them than I felt with you: Margo, Amber, Edie, Kim, and Pam to mention five. After this weekend, I think I’d add Janet and Sandy to that list.

“I continue to love my other five girls too – KC, Mel, Cindy, Sheila, and Elsa – my wives, as you noted. I know that a person can love more than one other, so I think I know what you are feeling, and how you might also be dealing with conflicts now and then. I think we each feel them now and again.

“You deserve someone as nice a Nils. He will be a good husband, and I can tell he has long been devoted to you. If you do any kind of significant service, I hope you will invite us to your celebration. We don’t want to dominate, but we would like to add our blessings to the many others your friends and family would give.

“Lastly, I have always worried about the distance between us – the physical distance. I know we talked and wrote, but it’s not the same as being there. Nils can be there to hold you, kiss you, and make love to you every day. Under other circumstances, I’d love to be that man.”

Brita cried and came to be beside me; we hugged. She apologized again, “I feel badly for dumping this on you, but I promise nothing will change Ankara escort … and, of course, you’ll come to our ceremony. We won’t do a large wedding, but we will have a middle ground celebration some weekend in the not too distant future.”

“We’ll be there – all of us,” I assured her and then we kissed.

I had known I’d be saying goodbye to her that morning, but this felt different. I steeled myself and put my brave front on.

Brita and I then walked back to the kitchen where the others sat over coffee. Nils was sitting there with them along with Tom. I saw Brita lock eyes with Nils and give a small nod. Brita went and stood by Nils, and then made her little announcement to everyone. An embarrassed hush fell on the room, and the other girls looked at me to see my reaction. I nodded and tried to smile to show I knew, and then I made a few general comments wishing them happiness and joy. I toasted them with my cup of coffee.

Brita emphasized that her relationship with all of us wouldn’t change – she didn’t want it to change. She wanted an ‘and’ and not an ‘or’. She wanted Nils to be a steady presence in her life, and she wanted all of us in all the ways she’d known us in hers. She mentioned how she hoped we would all welcome Nils in a loving and caring way into our lives the same way that she had. I realized that this moment was unique because in a way, we were annexing Nils into a large international polyamorous family. I was pleased with that thought, and it took the edge off the pain I felt at losing Brita. I wasn’t losing her; I was gaining Nils.

A buzz of conversation soon erupted that took the edge off the raw emotions most of us suddenly felt. Eventually, Nils and Brita left us to head to the airport and Brita’s corporate jet for the flight back to Denmark.

I think we were all introspective about the event, because after their departure we seemed to talk about everything but Brita’s decision and her wedding to Nils. I was grateful that we’d had some romantic time together during her visit, but I still had that hollow spot in my gut.

The second bit of bad news came to me in the early afternoon on Tuesday.

Melanie came and stood in my office while I was finishing up a phone call to our plant in Mexico. She’d come in that way often, usually when there was a phone call or visitor we hadn’t expected, so I thought little of the interruption. I waved her in.

After I hung up, Melanie said, “Lucas is here. He needs to see you and says it’s important.” I detected a raw edge to her voice; something was wrong. She knew what Lucas had to say but didn’t plan to upstage him.

I gestured her to bring him in and a few seconds later he strode into the office in his long, meaningful steps to get somewhere in a hurry. Melanie and Sheila came to the door behind him and stood listening. Izzy peeked in behind them, realizing that something important was happening. None of them looked happy. They all knew what the news was.

He started, “Mark, I’m sorry to tell you this, but … you should know. Myron Tanner escaped from police custody early this morning. He was being moved from the city jail to the detention center out in Maysville for psychiatric evaluation. He was put in the van at the jail, and wasn’t there when it arrived, at least that’s what the police told me. They’re investigating, of course, but the important thing is that we’ve tripled up on security again. We have guards on their way right now to cover KC, Elsa, and Cindy where they work. Others will be here shortly, but access is normally very tight here in any case, but when you head out tonight, you’ll know what to expect.”

“I don’t suppose they have any idea where he went or what his plans are?”

Lucas shook his head. “Nothing we know about. I’ve already suggested to the police that they interview the others who were in the van and in or near his cell at the jail to see if they can piece together anything. They already had his apartment under surveillance.”

I paced around my office and said, “There’s really nothing we can do is there?”

Lucas again indicated no. “We just have to wait and see and hope that if he tries anything with us it will be annoying but not life threatening. Maybe getting arrested and being on the run will make him leave the area.” We all knew that was pure wistful thinking.


Geck came into my office at the architecture company. Sean and I were working on some details for several closets at The Meadows – hopefully our house come the following July. He informed me about Tanner and the Ankara escort bayan renewed security coverage.

I asked Geck about Mark and my sisters, and he explained that they were being covered with additional security even as we spoke. I reflected on the problems we’d had with Tanner before. A couple of them could have turned deadly. This man either wanted blood or he wasn’t thinking too clearly about being annoying. Mark thought he was rehearsing for something deadly.

I called Cindy and we talked briefly about Tanner and the increased security. Because she worked on investments with a lot of personal data, she was behind locked doors in a better secure area than where I worked. At least that made part of the security job easier.

Just to be on the safe side, I also texted Brita to tell her about Tanner. We weren’t even sure the man knew about Mark’s Danish love interest, but better to be on the safe side. Brita had her own security force. Apparently, there were nut cases all over the world.

We reviewed our designs with Greg, and then the three of us went to lunch. Although I felt I had a target painted on my back, I wasn’t going to change my life or routine just because something might happen from Tanner. We’d caught him before by being out there; maybe we could do it again, although I didn’t want to endure another spanking from Mark.

Back at the office, we again reviewed the design for the kitchen, a large open area with two work and eating islands in it. We’d designed in three refrigerators, two large ranges, two microwaves, triple sinks, double dishwashers, and several double ovens. We would be all set when we entertained.

Entertaining made me reflect back on the party. I talked to Greg and Sean about it too, asking what they liked the most, and what they would like to see changed if we did it again. At first they were both speechless about the questions, but then at random intervals the rest of the day I started to get an ideas from them – music, food, lighting, drinks, the TVs playing porn, and (they teased) more and different pussy.

Having had several parties with an expanding guest list helped clarify some of our needs for cabinet space in the kitchen so that we had places for a large number of glasses, serving dishes, and so on. We made some tweaks to the design that Mark and my sisters had seen.

Sean said, “Hey, let’s drive out to the house site and see what’s happening. Doug has double crews working to get closed in before the snow flies.”

I agreed. I collected Geck and two other bodyguards, and we joined Greg and Sean, and off we went – Greg, Sean, Geck, and I in one limousine, and the war wagon following. Greg and Sean had gotten used to my security, and didn’t blink when they were around. Geck was a sociable man, but tended to wait to be included in conversations instead of starting them.

We pulled up at the site about thirty minutes later. The place was a buzz of activity. I climbed up on a pile of lumber and took a series of photographs looking in all directions.

The main house had a first floor and at one end of the long structure, a second floor, with some two-by-twelve joists for the third or top floor. A separate crew at the other end was framing up the structural walls on the first floor to support the upper floors. At least a dozen hammers and nail guns could be heard flailing away at anchoring nails, plus there was a constant whine of various saws ripping into various sizes of lumber.

Not too far away I could see three men framing in the cabana near our swimming hole. Given that the temperature was about thirty-five, I couldn’t even imagine swimming. Further away, I could see the metal skeleton for the large hanger near our runway. That building would be all-metal or concrete with immense folding doors to provide access by the planes we would keep at The Meadows.

Doug Reed rushed up and greeted us. We talked for about ten minutes. He had things slightly ahead of schedule, so we were pleased and told him so. The large burley man beamed, but tried to act as though this was his normal mode of operation.

We left and went back to the office, getting there just in time to call it a day and head home. Instead of walking, as I had on the way to work, I rode home in the war wagon with the three security guys. They wouldn’t even let me out of the car until they had ‘secured’ the area.

I showed everyone the pictures I’d taken out at the building site that afternoon. We were all excited about the possibility in only a few more days of actually walking Escort Ankara through the framed in house.

We were coming up on Thanksgiving, but Doug Reed, our contractor, had opted to only take the one-day off and not create a four-day weekend for the crews. He promised he’d make it up to them. There wasn’t much of a complaint. Everyone needed the income, especially with Christmas coming.

Doug had also rented some huge spotlights that got turned on about four o’clock in the afternoon. They lit up the entire house from different angles and enabled the crews to work after dark. He was running twelve-hour shifts. Mark had authorized the overtime.

We had been asleep for several hours when I heard the house phone ring. This was unusual. One of the security staff would answer. If there were any kind of crisis, we’d hear about it.

I drifted back to sleep, but then awoke to knocking on our bedroom door. Mark was up like a flash, put his robe on, and left the bedroom in response to the knock. I could hear the edges of conversation through the door. I think we were all awake by then. The bedside clock read 3:12.

I got up, naked of course, and peeked out the door. The security guard had finished with Mark and was walking back towards his station near the front door.

Mark turned to us with a grim expression on his face.

He said, “Someone torched The Meadows. What there was of the house burnt to the ground. All the lumber, construction trailers, the cabana, and storage sheds that were there were burned too. The fire department is still on the scene. They have no doubt that it wasn’t arson. I’m going out and have a look.”

I muttered, “Tanner,” just loud enough for everyone to hear.

Mark nodded. “I have an uncomfortable feeling that you are right.”

We got dressed and had a caravan of cars as we shot out of the city to our land. A dozen fire engines were on the scene. Water was being sprayed over the smoldering ruins of what had been the start on our house. The large lumber pile I’d stood on to take pictures was a pile of charred wood and ash. We could see three fire trucks down by the cabana project too. Water was being pumped up hill from the river to spray on the remains of both house and cabana.

A large pick-up careened into the driveway about five minutes after we arrived. Doug Reed stormed out of the truck and surveyed the scene. I could hear him swearing under his breath; he was going nonstop and I heard words I didn’t know existed, but I was sure that they were very bad ones my mother had warned me about ever using.

Mark, Doug, and the fire chief on scene got together in a huddle. I could imagine the questions about how soon we could take back control of the site, what steps we needed to take, how to treat the crime scene, and so on.

I saw Mark call Lucas over to the conclave, and then two more firemen. They ended after about fifteen minutes.

Mark and Lucas came back over to where we were standing. We were all cold.

Mark said, “We can’t use the site tomorrow … or rather, later today. The Arson Squad will be on scene, although there are a dozen different gasoline cans scattered around that got used as accelerants. They’ve been collected as evidence. Saturday and Sunday, Doug is going to get a various crews out here to clear away the debris. He’ll have his hands full tomorrow reordering lumber and doing our own damage assessment.”

Mark turned to me, “Elsa, everything in the trailer was a loss too, so all the plans and notes and everything are gone. We’re hoping you have at least some of that at your offices.”

“Yes,” I responded. “We can have replacements ready by noon.”

I then got a squeamish feeling in my gut. I turned to Lucas, “Lucas, you’d better put a guard on the building where I work. If that goes up in smoke, there will be some huge losses, and it won’t be just this project. That’s a huge vulnerability for us.”

Lucas was instantly on his cellphone.

We watched the firemen doing their job for another hour and speculated about various things. Occasionally, one of us would break out crying and a sister or two would hold her. I’d already texted Greg and Sean about the fire, even sending a short video I took of the scene with all the blinking lights and smoke still rising from the foundation.

Lucas came up to where Mark and the five of us stood. “It was good thing Elsa had me put a guard on her building. The place had been set afire as well, but we think we caught it before any serious damage had been done. The security team I sent thought they saw Tanner running from the scene, but can’t be completely certain it was him – right build and ran like the wind. There was only minimal damage.

I cursed and found comfort in some of the curses Doug Reed had used earlier that night.

Mark kept muttering about how bad news comes in threes.

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The Second

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Jennifer was glowing. That’s the only word that described how she felt. She was in her mid-thirties and still single, with many bad dates and relationships behind her. Now she was with the man of her dreams. Always before, whenever she had met the perfect man, he had been married to a friend.Christopher was handsome, funny, kind, successful, and, most importantly, available. They had met a while ago and instantly hit it off. They were now on their first actual date, on Valentine’s Day, no less.The afternoon started with a visit to the Museum of Fine Arts and an exhibit on “Love.” Walking hand-in-hand, making fun of some pieces and admiring others, they were enjoying being together. The sexual tension and fun reminded Jennifer of another visit to this museum.Jennifer’s FlashbackShe was sixteen. Her “Health” class had taken an all-girl field trip to an exhibit on conception and birth. The frank images showed swollen bellies and breasts, gaping vaginas crowned with baby’s head, and wrinkled and wet newborns.The images that had the most impact on these hormonal teens were those of erect penises, inserted and spurting seamen. Since this was a museum exhibit, the displays were more art than education, making them erotic in nature.On the bus ride home, she found herself in the last row, cuddled up with her best friend. They were being silly, Göztepe Escort speaking every name they had heard for a penis. This had them giggling, poking, and twisting around. Then, foreheads together, they would lock eyes before announcing the next dick name.At one point, their lips brushed together. This turned into small kisses and nibbling. Already aroused, Jennifer wrapped her arms around Susan and pulled her tight as the kissing deepened. This was the first sexual kiss for both girls. Soon tongues explored, and hands wandered. Crotches got pressed into thighs, and hips humped.They made out the rest of the ride back to school. Jennifer was so stimulated that she thought she would explode by the time they climbed out of the bus. Later that night, her fingers found the wetness between her legs. Attempting to recreate the feelings from the bus ride, her rubbing palm located the magic spot. She had her first orgasm that night.Present TimeChris saw the twinkle in Jennifer’s eyes and misinterpreted her demeanor.  He was a few years older than her and skilled at seducing women. Her look told him that his charm and wit were working. He expected to hook her tonight._____The next event on their date was a sunset cruise on a tall ship. The Valentine Cruise included exotic chocolate confections paired with wines. Göztepe Escort Bayan A hostess explained each pairing and encouraged the couples to feed small bites and sips to each other. The hostess had a planned break as the sun neared the horizon.Jennifer was sitting close to Chris, his arm around her, watching the sun sink out of sight. Their lips met, and they shared their first kiss. It left Jennifer breathless. Goosebumps down her side seemed to connect her lips to her clit. The kiss was so right that Jennifer knew Chris was ‘The One.’The sails overhead tugged at Chris’s memory.Chris’s FlashbackWhen Chris was in his twenties, he had a co-worker, Charlene. She wasn’t beautiful. Her sensuality made her attractive. She constantly flirted with Chris. He knew she was married. He also knew she was having an affair with another co-worker. This meant that Chris being married would not be a hindrance.Time passed, and Charlene’s banter became cruder, and every statement was a sexual double entendre. It was clear that she wanted Chris. Their shift ended at four PM, and the summer sun didn’t set until nine PM, so one afternoon, Chris invited Charlene to go sailing.When she climbed out of her car at the marina, Chris found she was wearing the same thing as him: a light, loose tee shirt and a pair of loose Escort Göztepe shorts. In Charlene’s case, they were very short. This allowed Chris to see down her top to her full, braless breasts. When they moved around the confines of the boat’s cockpit, he got good looks up her shorts at her wet, panty-less pussy. He was sure she could see his balls and rod up his own loose shorts.While tacking across the bay, it became clear she was intentionally flashing him. Chris allowed his semi-hard cock to fall out of his shorts, displaying his prominent head. With a giggle, Charlene pointed out his ‘wardrobe malfunction,’ He replied with an ‘oops.’  Chris tucked the tip back under his shorts only to have it pop back out moments later.Charlene whipped off her top, claiming the need to improve her tan. She then slid closer to Chris and caressed his exposed cock. Having her half-naked and stroking him, Chris knew it was time to act.Chris hove to. The forces on the hard-over rudder countering the backwinded jib, and the loose main sheet, brought the boat to a standstill. They were in the middle of the bay, out of sight of either shore and well away from the bridge that dominated the skyline to the north.“Looks like we ran out of gas. How shall we pass the time until we are rescued?” Chris jokingly declared.Charlene pushed Chris down onto the seat cushions and climbed on top of him. She drove her tongue aggressively into his mouth as she frenched him. Her free hand pulled up the bottom of his shorts to release his cock and balls. She guided his tip up her shorts to her wet hole. When she was aligned, she pushed back to bury him entirely.

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Big Women Crave Anal Lover

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Stephen Valiant is the name and perversion is the nature of my game. I’m a tall, good-looking Black man living in Brockton, Massachusetts. Six feet two inches and two hundred and fifty pounds of tough African-American man. I just moved there from Atlanta, Georgia. Recently, I inherited a nice house on Brockton’s West Side. My chief occupation is college student at Massasoit Community College but my favorite hobby is the search for booty. If the study of booty was a college major, I’d have a Master’s Degree in it. I would be heading a booty research department. I’d publish articles on the subject. That’s how much I’m knowledgeable on the subject. Just call a Student of the International School of Booty Studies.

I was walking around the Westgate Mall when I noticed this chick with this awesome booty that was just begging for my attention. Her name was Gina Peterson. I sort of knew her from campus. I think she’s a nursing student or something. Nevertheless, she had a nice ass so I grinned and checked her out. A pretty-faced, large-breasted, wide-hipped and big-bottomed Black woman. Her skin was dark brown and her hair short and bleached white. I like large women, especially those of my race. They have a certain appeal that skinny women just don’t have. I approached her and started immediately spitting game at her. I got mad game to spit at females. I could tell that she was feeling me because she was smiling and asking me all sorts of questions. I told her that I was feeling freaky. She told me she felt the same way. We headed to the bathroom to get busy.

Gina and I went to the bathroom to do our thing. We were both giggling like a pair of brats. I stood with my back against the wall, kissing her. She was feeling me up. I was already hard as steel. I wanted to tap that booty of hers so badly I could taste it. We kissed, and caressed each other. I felt up her breasts and sexy plump ass. Damn, this dame was fine. I wanted some of that. She went straight for my dick. Gina knelt before me and pulled my dick out of my pants. Luckily, I never wore any underwear. She gasped when she saw the size of my dick. Ten inches of Black Man Power stared her in the face. She smiled, and kissed my dick. Then she began sucking on it like her life depended on it.

Up and down that pretty little head of hers moved. Bobbing up and down on my magic stick. It was turning me on in a major way. She really knew how to handle a cock. Judging by the way she licked my dick head and sucked on my balls. This gal was aiming to please. I thrust my cock down her throat. She almost gagged on it but being an experienced cock sucker, she adapted to it. She sucked that cock like cock sucking was going out of style. I grinned, not believing my luck. Her expertise was remarkable. She got me to cum in record time. When I erupted in her mouth, she drank my cum without spilling a single drop. Once she was done, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and looked at me. I grinned, and nodded at her. Yeah, she had done a terrific job.

I looked at Gina, and told her that I wanted to go down on her. She flat out refused. I was surprised. Most females love it when a man licks their pussy. Many of them make it a requirement before they let a man stick his cock into their juicy holes. Oh, well. Gina surprised Ankara bayan escort me further when she told me that she wanted me to fuck her in the ass. I asked why. She told me that it was that time of the month and she didn’t want to risk any complications. I didn’t either. So I was totally down with that. I grinned. Man, this chick was something else. Oh, I’ve fucked women in the ass before. The first woman I took that way was my forty-seven-year-old Irish college professor, Martha O’Shea. I was only nineteen years old back then. Two years later, I had stuck my cock up the juicy assholes of about six women and I was about to make it seven. Thanks to the lovely and sexually adventurous Gina.

Gina removed a small tube out of her pocket and dropped her pants. She didn’t wear any panties either. I looked at her hairy, visibly moist pussy. Yeah, she was very much turned on by me. She poured some lube out of the tube and applied it between her large, sexy butt cheeks. Then, she handed it to me. I took the lube and applied it all over my dick. Gina got on all fours and spread her spectacular butt cheeks wide open. I grinned, and pressed my dick against her asshole. With a swift thrust, I ventured into unknown territory. What I first noticed was how easy it was going in. I mean, even with the lube, Gina’s ass ought to be tighter than this. Unless anal sex was something she did frequently. I grinned, and continued to thrust into her. Her ass felt wonderfully warm around my stick. Very welcoming. Holding onto her hips, I ventured deeper.

I got really turned on as I fucked her. There’s no feeling in the world quite like the one you get when you’ve got a big woman on all fours and your dick is far up her ass. No feeling like it. There’s probably nothing I love more. I continued to pound my way into the depths of Gina’s asshole. Amazingly, I didn’t get a peep out of her. Except maybe the occasional gasp or moan. None of the screams I was expecting. Damn, what was it with this bitch? I smacked her ass and got a yelp for my efforts. Grinning, I slammed my cock deeper into her asshole. I began to fuck her furiously. Just slamming it as deep as it would go, and beyond. I fucked that ass of hers so hard that her plump body shook under the force of my thrusts. Her ass was so wondrous. Tightening and stretching, accommodating the size of my cock. What a wondrous ass!

I slowly pulled my cock out of Gina’s asshole and she protested, asking me to put it back in. I laughed and still withdrew, then teased her asshole by rubbing my dick head against its opening but not quite penetrating her. I told her to beg for more, and she did! I watched her asshole with looked at me hungrily and obscenely, wanting more cock. Craving more. That’s how good I was. Still, who am I to deny? I slammed my cock right back into her ass. That finally got a scream out of her. She wasn’t expecting me to slam back into her at full force. Oh, well. She should have expected the unexpected. I rammed my cock into the forbidden depths of her asshole. Deeper than I’d ever been. So deep that I thought I might get lost. Gina howled like a woman possessed. She was screaming loud enough to wake the dead. I was thrilled by this and more excited than ever before. I smacked her plump ass as I rammed Escort bayan Ankara my cock into the depths of her butt hole. This was awesome!!!

Action this raunchy wasn’t something I could keep up for too long. I finally came, amazingly too. I sent my hot cum into the dark, forbidden depths of Gina’s asshole. She screamed as I came inside her and collapsed on the bathroom floor. I collapsed on top of her, my dick still lodged into her asshole. She winced, but didn’t say anything. I laughed and looked at her. She smiled and looked at me. Slowly, I squeezed my cock out of her ass. Afterwards, she readjusted her clothes and so did I. We both left the men’s bathroom and I went into Radio Shack. I had some things to check out. All the while I was in the electronics store, I felt the urge to giggle about my daytime sexual experience. This was hot! I was new on campus but if all the females were anything like Gina, this brother was going to have all the fun he could handle, and then some.

I went back to school the following Monday. What happened there was something else. I ran into this good-looking, Hispanic female police officer. Her name was Maria Fernandez. I’ve seen her around campus before. A tall, large and lovely woman with dark bronze skin, long black hair and pale green eyes. Usually she looked hot in her policewoman’s uniform. She still looked hot. A sexy, chubby, fine-assed, plump policewoman. This time, though, she was in civilian clothing. I’d noticed her checking me out a few times so one time, when I saw her at the Student Center, I stopped for a little chat. We both enjoyed the conversation and went back to the cafeteria for dinner and a little chat. I could tell that this dame was feeling me. So, I asked for them digits. She told me that even though she was affiliated with the town’s police department, being part of the school police made her a faculty member. She couldn’t date students. I told her that I wasn’t interested in dating. Just some good fucking. She smiled. We went downstairs.

Maria the Latina policewoman and I checked into the bathroom, after I grabbed some condoms from the Health Office. We had a lot of fun in the bathroom. First, she got on her knees and sucked my cock. Man, this chick looked good with a cock in her mouth. She licked my cock and sucked on my balls. I must say that I really liked it. When she got done sucking on my cock, I gave her pussy a good licking. Then, she was all over me. I bent her over a toilet seat and spread her cute butt cheeks. I lubricated her ass, then pressed my cock against it. Then, I pushed. Maria’s asshole was quite tight, tighter than I expected. You’d think a hot Latin chick with a nice ass would have experimented with anal sex before. Apparently not. I took my sweet time as I began pounding my cock in and out of her tight asshole. The Latin policewoman screamed as I rammed my cock down where the sun didn’t shine.

I love banging a hot, chubby woman in the ass. There’s no other pleasure quite like it. I held Maria by the hips and slammed my cock into her asshole. She screamed, and begged me for more. I rammed my cock into her asshole. Maria howled as I plunged my cock deep down where the sun didn’t shine. I stretched her asshole with my massive black dick, pounding into Bayan escort Ankara her like there was no tomorrow. And you know what? Not only did she take all of it but she also begged me for more. I came, filling her formerly tight asshole with my manly seed. I watched my cum leak out of her asshole. Damn, it was the prettiest sight I’d ever seen! Afterwards, we shared a good laugh and cleaned ourselves up before leaving the bathroom.

My next adventure led me into the arms of Lisa Steinbeck, a tall and plump matron from Berlin, Germany. She was a professor of Criminal Justice at the school. A really hot dame who once worked in the House of Corrections. We had a lot of fun together. Man, she was the kinkiest woman I’d ever seen. I was open-minded, so we did a lot of crazy stuff together. This chick was something else. Six feet tall, with a round, plain face but shiny green eyes. Her hair was long and blonde. She was thick, and definitely heavyset, with broad shoulders, wide hips, plump thighs and a big, round bottom. Like I said, I felt like trying something new. This is what happened during that unforgettable night.

Lisa told me that she had many fetishes. She often liked to get fucked in the ass by Black men. She also liked to use her strap-on dildo to fuck men in the ass. She told me that she liked doing that almost as much as she loved getting a hard cock up her asshole. She even showed me her black leather dominatrix gear and her sleek, seven-inch black strap-on dildo. I found it pretty interesting but it was not really my thing. She insisted on licking my asshole and I let her. I did have a lot of fun with her ass, though. I bent her over and spread those plump butt cheeks of hers. I pressed my cock against her butt hole, and pushed. Lisa gasped as I thrust my cock into her butt hole. Her ass was so damn tight. I asked her about it and she told me that she’d only been fucked in the ass twice before. Both by the same man. And he was far smaller than me in terms of dick size. I grinned and resumed pumping my cock into her ass.

Damn, that beautiful white bubble butt of hers was jiggling as I slammed it with my dick. I held her by the hips and thrust deeper into her. Exploring bold new territory. Going boldly where only one man had gone before. Into the tunnel of darkness. My continuing penetration of her ass proved to be a challenge for Lisa. This dame could take pain, she told me, but a giant-sized dick up her ass was another thing. I thrust harder and faster into her ass. She screamed, yet backed her booty up against my groin. Clearly, she wanted more. And I was just the man to give it to her. We went at it like this for some time, until the wave of ecstasy caught us. I screamed, and completely let loose. I came, erupting inside her. Her screams soon echoed my own. Our bodies trembled with the force of it. Until finally we lay exhausted on her floor. Yeah, it was that intense!

Afterwards, I took a shower and parted from the wonderful company of Lisa, the kinky German woman. It was a lot of fun. I went back to my West Side house. I had a lot of work to do for a certain elderly policeman who taught several of my classes. The man wouldn’t take any excuses. As I lay on my bed, I thought about the events of the past few days. I was definitely liking Massachusetts these days. What’s not to like? The weather was lousy, the land was cold but the women, well, the women were hot! And I must say I’m loving these nights of mine! I’ve got plenty more stories coming up in the Adventures of Valiant. Check me out, folks! Don’t you forget about me! Peace, this brother man is out!!!

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Like Mother, Like Daughter!

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When my friend Clive and his wife Amanda invited me and my wife to their daughter Fiona’s engagement party we reluctantly agreed. Though my wife didn’t get on badly with Amanda she couldn’t see why any woman should have such spectacular looks and a figure as Amanda and have such a perfect marriage too. I felt something of the same. Clive had gone from success to success while I’d plodded on. Added to all that our son had no qualifications and was unemployed, while Fiona had not only inherited her mother’s looks and figure and was already a rising star in a London law firm.  The party was at Clive’s house in the Surrey Hills south of London. The place was huge. It even had a guest annex and Clive suggested my wife and I stayed the night after the party. We suspected he just wanted to show off his house. But two days before the party my wife’s aged mother took a turn for the worse and my wife said she’d have to spend a few days at her mother’s. It gave her the perfect excuse, but to keep up our friendship I agreed to go to the party myself and stay overnight. I had no trouble finding enough space in Clive’s drive to park my Ford among the Jaguars, Mercedes and BMWs. It was a fine summer evening and the party spilled out into their couple of acres of garden, where I mingled with bankers, financiers and media people, and ogled their wives and partners.  Among them was Amanda, dripping with bling, with the obligatory designer sunglasses perched on her perfectly styled blonde hair. She was in a dress that made it clear that even in her forties she had a man’s dream of a figure with the added attraction that the material of her dress was thin enough that when I got the light behind her I could see the outline of her body in all its glory.  There too of course was Fiona. I’d first met Fiona four years ago at one of Clive’s beach parties when she was aged nineteen and straining every guy’s dick with her delicious young body squeezed into a tiny red bikini. On the afternoon of her party, her shoulder-length golden hair gleamed under a floppy straw hat and the engagement ring on her finger looked like it would pay off my mortgage. Her bright-coloured backless halter-topped sun dress displayed acres of tanned bare back and legs made for a man’s hand to explore. It also clung to the curves of her breasts making it obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra and treated every guy who was interested to displays of her young firm boobs Ataşehir Escort bouncing unrestrained by bra cups.  Her fiancé Mark was of course with her. There was a rumour he already earned a nearly six-figure salary in his father’s business. All that and having a sex-bomb like Fiona to spread her long, tanned legs for him. Some guys have all the luck, I thought. I guessed that made up for him looking a bit of a wimp. As the party dragged on my eyes were constantly on Fiona or her mother, with half my mind on conversation and the other half on what I’d like to do in bed with them. At what I thought was an appropriate time I drifted off to my bedroom in the guest annex. It had been a hot, tedious evening and I decided to take a shower before bed. Soon I was nicely loosened up, all except for a part of me that was getting stiffer and stiffer the more I thought about Fiona and her mum.  Then just as I was lathering my chest the shower cubicle door slid open and in stepped Fiona, stark naked! A moment later she was pressed against me with her arms round my shoulders, her soft breasts squeezed against my chest, my rock-hard erection jabbing into her between her belly button and her cunt and her golden hair draped soaked over her shoulders. More by instinct than volition my one hand was instantly round her waist sliding down to her backside then clutching her bottom to pull her harder against me and my other hand slid across her soft wet thigh, between her legs and cupped over her lightly furred sex mound. She gave a gasp of pleasure when my fingers slid between her vagina lips. She moved back far enough from me for her to take over the job of lathering my body. Her hands moved slowly down my body till she was running her wet soapy hands over my straining shaft, over my balls, through my pubic hair and right under me between my legs as I spread them for her exploring hands. While her hands ran over me, my hands ran over her, exploring her boobs, bottom, thighs, cunt, shoulders, hair and everything she had to offer! Her big round firm young breasts were every bit as good as her dress and that bikini had suggested and my hands fondling her pussy and breasts soon got her nipples peaking with arousal like little deep pink corks. As she moved around me my erection strained a notch harder every time my lust-swollen knob brushed against her naked body.  I didn’t ask her what the hell she Ataşehir Escort Bayan was doing there naked in the shower with a guy old enough to be her father, or where Mark was. All I cared about was that I had this exquisite twenty-three-year-old beauty naked in my hands and hot for sex! She began to kiss me down my front, flicking her tongue over my nipples while her fingers played lightly with my straining sex kit. She slowly squatted down wide-legged in front of me. In anticipation of her kisses reaching my sex kit, I spread my legs as far as the cubicle would let me, bracing my feet against the sides, and leaning back to shove my kit forward for her. I also turned the shower off. On her way down my front, her arousal-hardened nipples brushed against my belly, then her soft warm wet breasts slid either side of my hard-up shaft till she was squeezing my shaft between her breasts with her nipples tickling my belly and the pink-purple head of my penis peeping up out of her cleavage, contrasting erotically with the pale flesh of her breasts. She tickled my belly button with the tip of her tongue, then licked me all over my soft sensitive penis head. I grunted loudly at the sudden explosion of sexual pleasure.  “Was that nice?” she asked, looking up at me with her big grey eyes. Then as if reading my mind she continued. “Mum and dad won’t let me and Mark sleep together when we’re in their house. He’s probably wanking thinking of me.” She gave the tip of my penis a little kiss then looked up at me again. “I want to do exciting things. But Mark’s boring. He just climbs on top of me and shoves his cock up me.” She paused and grinned. “I want to do something really dirty before I’m married to him. I want to suck a man’s cock off. Will you teach me how?”  Without waiting for my obvious answer she released my cock from between her breasts, then took just the head of my penis between her lips and massaged my knob with her tongue. At the same time, she reached between my legs to tickle me between my arse and my balls. I felt as if an explosive burst of pleasure had hit me. She released my cock and looked up at me. “Did you like that? Did I do it right? Mmmmm… Your cock’s twice as big as Mark’s and so stiff! What do I do now?”  I’m always only too pleased to give a young lady marital advice, and I gave her the benefit of my being married to a horny wife who’ll do most things Escort Ataşehir in bed and who has lots of exciting ideas of her own! “Lick my cock over its nozzle, and just under its head, where it joins the shaft. And keep on fingering my balls and between my legs really light just with your fingertips.”  Fiona was a quick learner! I guess my grunt and the way I juddered told her that her tongue and fingers had hit just the right place in just the right way. I could have taken any amount of the tip of her tongue tickling that sensitive spot under my knob and her fingertip circling my arse. “Was that good?” “Yeah!” I gasped and I wasn’t kidding! I carried on instructing her. “Now Fiona, slide your lips slowly up and down my shaft. Catch the ridge round the base of my penis head with your lips and tongue, and suck on the upstroke. Stroke my shaft up and down with your fingers in time with your lips.”  “Like when I give Mark a hand job?”  She’d got the right idea. At least Mark let her give him hand jobs! She closed her thumb and forefinger round my shaft just below my penis head, pressed her lips against my nozzle and slowly slid her tight wet lips down over my penis head to my shaft just below my corona ridge, then slowly slid her lips up again, with her hand following her lips along my shaft, squeezing just right. She sucked and caught my ridge. I grunted. “Like that?”I ran my hands frantically over her wet shoulders and through her wet hair. She’d certainly got the message! My penis felt tight enough to snap and all I wanted was to cum inside or over this sex-mad beauty. But I knew how to make it even better.  “Fiona. Lubricate your hand—with this.”  There was a tube of some kind of cream on a shelf on the shower wall. That done she squatted down in front of me again ready for action.  “Will you cum in my mouth, like when Mark squirts when I wank him? I want to see what it’s like.”  What a question! I needn’t tell you my answer! Fiona began in earnest, sliding her lips up and down my shaft till my pubes brushed against her sweet little freckled nose at one end of a stroke, and her lips rode right over my knob on the backstroke till she was kissing my nozzle. The deliciously tight ring of her well-oiled finger and thumb squeezed and stroked my shaft in time with her lips. Her lips and tongue caught that sensitive spot under my knob and she sucked on the backstroke just the way I’d asked her. As she sucked my cock off I ran my hands over her bare shoulders and through her wet hair. I’d slid the shower cubicle door open by then and the wall mirror outside treated me to a view of the wet round cheeks of her backside and her spread thighs with her pussy between them bobbing with the rhythm of her lips on my shaft.  

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