Benden Üç Yaş Büyük Kuzenimi Beceriyorum

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Merhaba arkadaşlar sizlere yaz tatilinde kuzenim ile aramda geçenleri anlatmak istiyorum. Ben 22 yaşında 1,85 boyunda kuzenim ise 25 yaşında zayıf esmer birisi. Annem ile dayımlar bizden 1 gün önce köye gitmişlerdi. Köye gittiğimde dayıma Pelin ablamın nerede olduğunu sordum. Dayım da yukarıda odasında olduğunu söyledi. Yanına git çağır dedi. Ben de tamam deyip yukarıya çıktım. Kapıyı çalmadan direk odasına daldım. Kuzenimm yeni aldığı kırmızı sutyenini deniyordu. Hemen açıkta olan göğüslerini kapatmaya çalıştı. Bana ne yapıyorsun sen dedi. Bende haklı duruma çıkmak için kapını kilitlemez isen direk dalarım dedim. Birden haklısın dedi bende şaşırdım.  Direk yatağının üstüne uzandım. Bana çıkmayacak mısın dedi. Yatağımdan kalk dedi. Bende hayır gel kaldır dedim. Hemen suty?nini giyip badisini giyince atladı üstüme cimcikl?y?r?k kaldırmaya çalıştı ama b?nim ufaklık yerini bulmuştu k?lkıyordu hazır ?la biraz daha dayanınca cimcikleee sikim götünü zorluyordu oda anladı herh?l de biraz duraksadı ama bozuntuya v?rm?di devam etti birazda sürtm?y? başladı artık kazık gibi olmuştu sikim ben tamam kalkacam dedim oda noldu d?y?n?m?dın mı diyince senin gibisine kim dayanır dedim oda utandı gibi oda hala üstümd? kalkmıyordu kalksana kızım dedim oda bende simdi kalkmıom dedi bende halimd?n memnundum ama kaldırmaya çalışmak zorundayım anlamasın diye gerçi o yapıyordu her şeyi neyse biraz zıpl?ttım gaziantep escort gözünü k?p?ttı bir d?h? y?pınc? ohhh diye inledi bende şey dayım seni ç?ğırdı Bir görün gelince devam ederiz kavgamıza dedim oda tamam dedi gitti gelince kapıyı kitl?di ve üstüme geldi bende oooo sonuna kadar devam edicez galiba dedim oda gülerek evet dedi neyse geldi üstüme hadi kaldır dedi bende biraz sağa sola kaysana bende hazırlanayım dedim oda anladı gibi sürtünmeye başladı ?hh tmmdır simdi k?ldırıom dedim ki kapı ç?ldı korktuk ben hemen saklandm dolaba çünkü y?k?l?ns?k acıklayamazdık dayım geldi bu kapı neden kitli diyince oda baba ustumu giyiniodum siz ?lsanız biş?y olmaz ama kuzenm fel?n girer dedi dayımda tmm iyi akıl etmişin dedi neyse dedi dayım biz yukarı evdeki komsul?r? gidioz gelicenmi dedi yok ya yaslıların arasında durmak istemem dedi dayımda tmm dedi ve çıktı. pencereden baktık gittiklerini gördük ama emin olmak için ben evi gezdm kimse yok hemen çıktım yukarı yattım yatağa gel bakalım dedim direk zıplatark kaldırmaya başladım o gözleri kapalı hafft?n inl?m?y? başladı ben artık öpmek istediğimden altıma alıp dud?kl?rın? yapıştım oda karşılık verip yaklaşık 10dk öpüştük. ben on? bakiremisin dedim oda hayır dedi bende tmm işimiz kol?y olacak dedm gülüştük ben bunun b?dysini çıkarıp ?utyeninide bir çırpıda çık?rdım ve öpmeye başladım memelerini (memeleri iri deildi ufaktı ama c?k süp?r gozukuodu hayal edebiliyorsunuzdur) neyse okşadım yaladım ve aşağıya kaydım eş?fmanı vardı aşağıya indirdim ama içinde biş?y y?ktu ben direk tüysüz ?mını y?l?m?y? başladım 15dk olmuştur yaladım ve bianda tityerk b?şaldı bende yaladım yuttum ve hadi sır? sana geldi dedim drk?n kapı çaldı baktık gelen dayım ben hemen üzüldüm çünkü b?slamamıstım ama kuzenm merak etme gönderirim dedi ve dediği gibi ?ldu dayım sig?r?sını aldı ve gitti geldi direk benm ufaklığa atladı işi uzun sürdü alt katta sikim haliyl? inmişti neyse kaldırdı yalamaya başladı sikim 1 dkya sertleşti ve onu duvara ellerini yaslayarak ve bacaklarını ?ç?r?k amını ortaya çıkardım ve sikimi biraz daha sıvazlayıp amınıda ıslatınca sikimi soktum Bi haml?d? ve birden bagıracakk?n ağzını kapadım neyse ki son anda bagırmadı ağzını acınca napıon yavaş ol bakire deiliz ama bu daha 2 ?luy?r dedi bende napim bu gotu görünce kaptırdım dedm ve p?mpalamaya başladım siktikce inliyordu ayakta siktikt?n sonra yatağa donalttım arkadan amına girmeye devam ettim ?ldığı z?vk yüzünden belli oluyordu ibl?y? inl?y? Bi hal ?lmuştu ve ben dayanamadım diy?r?k içenden çıkıp gotunun üstüne bo??ldım ama ne boş?lm? sular s?ll?r gibi çünkü böyle vucud görmemiştim şimdiye kadar ben yatağa yığıldım oda akan doll?rd?n ?liyl? alıp ağzına götürdü hımm tadı fena değil dedi ve gelip yanıma uzandı ben pelin çok güz?ldi ya s?n ne mük?mm?l bişeymişin dedim oda s?nd? superdin kızlıgımı v?rdgim adam böyle sikemedi bende eee farkımız bu dedim ve pelin arkadan dwnedin mi dedim oda yok ama sen istersen d?n?riz dedi bende tmm dedim direk sikimi ağzına verem kaldırdı ve gotunu dondurdum krem varmı gunes yağı veya dedim oda su çantada dedi ?ldım gotunu yağladım skimide yağlayıp gotune girmey başladım kasıyordu kendini dedm k?sm? rahat ol dedm ve kendini bır?ktı b?sını soktum acıyor dedi bende biraz dayan acıması norm?l dedim oda kafasını s?lldı tmm der gibi ben yarısını sokmuştum derken tamamını soktum bağırmamak için gözünd?n yas geldi ben dudaklarına yapışıp onu bira rahatlatmaya ç?lıştım ve rahatladı ben başladım git g?ll?r? hızladım hızl?ndım Bi b?ktım bizim kiler yuk?rı ?vd?n çıkmaya hazırlamışlar pelin b?n? çabuk dedi ve var gücümle pompaladım derken colkan gibi gotune b?saldm cık?rdgmd? doller akıodu gotunden ve hemen t?mizl?yp ustumuzu giyindik ve aşağıda yv izliı numarası yapı?duk bizimkil?r geldi dayım direk b?ni sordu nerdeydin dedi bende dayıma az işim vardı biterse dedim geçiştirdim. ama bu burs? bitmedi tabi pelin ablam ile 2 ay boyunca köy de fırs?t buldukç? sevişirdik y?lnız kalınca sikişebiliyorduk belki diğer hik?yelerimi yazarım siz değerli okuyuculara ?kudgunuz için teşekkürler eğer içinizde varsa böyle Bi duygu açığa çıkartın bence çok güzel bir ş?y bu duyguyu tatmak h?scakalın yarın pelinleyim bu sfer bizdeyiz istanbulda ev bos artık bakalım benm ?klımd? yeni biletler var

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ders Sırasında Azdıran Öğrencimi Becerdim

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Selamlar ben turizm lisesinde matematik öğretmenliği yapıyorum. Adım ise Asım ben bekar ve yakışıklı bir öğretmenim bu nedenle peşimde de bir çok çıtır öğrenci dolu.  Ben bu hikayemde sizlere bir öğrencimle aramda geçen masum ama bir o derece vahşice gerçekleşen sikişi anlatmak istiyorum.

O zamanlar okula yeni gelmiştim ve okulda hiç kimseyi fazla tanımıyordum anlatılana göre 18 yaşında bir kız varmış ismi Aybükeymiş. Aybüke daha önce kolejden gelmiş buraya ve mini bir etek giyermiş oldukça da seksiymiş isteyip elde edemeyeceği erkek yok diyorlar. Üstelik bunu öğrenciler kendi arasında bekar öğretmenler de kendi arasında konuşuyorlar. Ben uzun zamandır kızsız kalmışım ve merak ettim bu Aybüke kim diye

Bir gün çaktırmadan onun olduğu sınıfa gittim sınıfları geziyormuş gibi yapıyordum ve içeri girdiğim sınıfta gaziantep escort bir kız Aybüke diye seslendi. Ben onun seslendiği yöne doğru baktım gerçekten melek gibi güzel ve seksi bir kız bakıyordu bu tarafa doğru.  Bir anda içimde bir volkan kaynaklandı ve kızı deli gibi istiyordum anlatılanlardan etkilenmiştim anlaşılan. Ama öğretmenin bir öğrencisiyle bu tür bir ilişki yaşaması düşüncesi bile beni utandırıyordu. Eve gittim aradan birkaç gün geçmişti ve artık rüyalarıma girmeye başlamıştı. Lakin geceleri rüyalarımda onu sikmek ve cünüp kalkmak da beni yormuştu.Galiba ilgimi Aybüke’ de fark etmişti.

O gün derse girdiğimde en arka orta sırada oturan Aybüke ders boyunca bacaklarını açarak bembeyaz kilodunu gösteriyor elindeki kalemi amına sürüp sonra ağzına sokuyordu. Ben ise kalkan sikimi kimseye göstermemek için ders boyunca oturduğum yerden kalkamamıştım bile tenefüs zili çalınca yanıma gelen Aybüke özel konuşmak istediğini söyleyerek herkesi dışarı çıkartmış sınıfı kapısını da kitlemişti. Bu gün bu kalkık sikle dolaşamazsınız hocam şimdi hızlı bir indirme operasyonu düzenleyeyim akşam tadını çıkarayım diyerek kilodunu sıyırıp açtığı yarağımın üstüne oturdu.

Üzerimde inip kalktıkça çıldırıyor kalçalarını avuçlayarak alttan destek vererek sikiyordum. Boşalacağımı anlar anlamaz kalkmış eliyle devam ederek yere boşalmamı sağlamıştı.Ben toparlanırken o yeri siliyor bir yandan da sıra sende akşam beni sabaha kadar sikmen için geleceğim diyordu. Ve akşam oldu kapı çaldık kapıyı açtığımda aybüke’ yi karşımda gördüm ve direk boynuma atladı ve hadi padişahım sik beni sabahlara kadar seninim diyerek dudaklarıma yumuldu aynen o şekilde yatak odasına gittik uzandık yatağın üzerine ve bacaklarını ayırıp amını çıkardı meydana ben de direk yumuldum ve dilimi içine sokarak yalamaya başladım öyle güzel kokuyordu ki bir am ancak bu kadar tatlı olabilirdi ve artık dayanamıyorum hocam sik beni dağıt amımı parçala parçala ohhhhhh sikkkkk daha hızlııııı bastır diyerek ben siktikçe tahrik ediyordu beni ve ben de dayanamayarak memelerine doğru boşaldım sonra boşalan sikimi temizledim inmemişti bile ve tekrar soktum amından içeri doğru hızlı bir şekilde gelip giderken bir müddet sonra o da kasılmaya başladı anlaşılan boşalıyordu ve boşalırken o kadar tatlı görünüyordu ki o boşaldıkça ben sikmeye devam ettim ben soktukça o içinde ne var ne yok boşaldı. Ve ardık her hafta sonları aybüke ile sikişiyoruz. Bazen akşam geliyor ders çalışma ayağına yine sikiyorum kararlıyım bu yıl matematikten 4’ le geçecek.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Sevgilim Beni Kandırarak Kızlığımı Bozdu Bakire Seks Hikayesi

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Merhaba arkadaşlar ben Seda; 18 yaşındayım. Benim bir sevgilim var. Kendisi çok yakışıklı ve sekse düşkün biridir. Tüm kızların hayalini kurduğu tipte bir erkektir yani. Bir gün sahilde geziyorduk. Beni dudağımdan öpmeye başladı. Bende karşılıksız kalamam tabi ve bende öpmeye başladım. Sonra memelerimi okşayıp sıkmaya başladı. Bende ne yapıyorsun bir gören olacak dedim. Oda bana gel bende dedi. Onu takip etmeye başladım. Beş yıldızlı güzel bir otele girmiştik. Burada ne işimiz var dedim. Sus ve yürü dedi bana sadece. Bir oda tuttuk gaziantep escort ve odaya çıktık. Odaya girer girmez beni yatağa fırlattı. Ne yapıyorsun ya dedim. Oda bana bak Seda ben uzun zamandır bu anı bekliyorum lütfen bir şey deme dedi. Ben de anlamamış gibi neyi dedim. Seni sikmeyi bekaretini almayı bekliyorum dedi. Madem benim sevgilimsin seni amından ilk ben sikeceğim dedi. Ben hayır asla olmaz dedim. Israr etti bildiğiniz yalvardı. Kabul etmedim. O da tamam o zaman amını yalayım götünü sikiyim dedi. Ben de tamam ama sadece götümden sikeceksin amımıda sadece yalayacaksın dedim. Sonra benim üstümü çıkarmaya başladı. Bende onun üstündekileri çıkarttım. Sİkini yalamaya başladım. Sonra oda amıı yalamaya başladı. Ben kendimden geçmiş bir şekilde gözlerimi kapamış inliyordum. Sonra birden sevgilim amıa soktu. Ahh ne yapıyorsun dedim ama iş işten geçmişti. Amımdan sikine doğru kanlar akıyordu. Yapma lütfen diye ağladıkça sevgilim daha sert sikiyordu. Yarım saat siktikten sonra göbeğime boşaldı ve bana hadi git yıkan dedi. Duştan çıktığımda ben senden götünü sikmek için söz almıştım değil mi dedi. Sözümü tutmadan olmaz dedi ve götümden sikmeye başladı. Götümü daha önce defalarca siktirmiştim. Torba gibiydi. O yüzden de pek bir şey hissetmedim. Biraz götümden siktikten sonra amımı yalamaya başladı. Beni resmen diliyle sikiyordu. Ben de ona dilinle sikeceğine yarrağınla siksene amımı dedim. Daha doymadım dedim. Biraz daha sikti ve içime boşaldı. Ben hamile kaldım ve çocuğu aldıramadım. Şuan 3 haftalık karnım daha büyümedi. Ama büyüyünce aşleme ne diyeceğimi bilmiyorum. Aldırmaya korkuyorum ne yapacağım bana yardım edin. Yardım edene kendimi siktireceğim.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Garrett’s Brown-noser Ch. 02

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Disclaimer: This story is a gay authoritarian fantasy. No part of it is based in fact, and none of the characters are intended to resemble real persons, living or dead. It features a domination/submission relationship between two consenting men above 18. If this type of content is offensive to you or illegal in your area, or if you are under the age of 18, please do not proceed.

The following morning, after the exhausting evening I had spent at my now-master Garrett’s feet – where he essentially gave me a glimpse to his world of obscenity and lewd sexual desires – I was sound asleep in my assigned room.

“Get up, shitstain.”

Awakened by a smack so mighty that it knocked my skull off the edge of the bed, I opened my eyes to the sight of his totally naked body, with Garrett’s monstrous balls and soft, foreskin-shielded cock dangling above my face.

“What time did I tell you to wake me up?”, he yelled, with an increasingly aggressive tone.

I looked at the clock on my left to see that it was already 08:20.

“Sir, I’m so sorry, Sir. Sir, I slept in, Sir,” I shrieked, getting down on my knees.

“Point my cock at your bed, you good-for-nothing cum dump, and make sure you get some on your pillow.”

“Sir, please don’t do that, Sir. Sir, I’m begging you, Sir,” I pleaded, bowing my head to kiss Garrett’s giant, hairy feet.

With an effortless kick, my skull was mercilessly banged against the bed frame.

“I’ll tell you what, brown-noser. You repeat what you just said while kissing my asshole, and I’ll consider it.”

Knowing that I could potentially spend my next eight hours of sleep on a wet mattress reeking of Garrett’s urine, I rushed to press my face into his dirty, never-shaved asscrack, pucker my lips, and give his filthy butthole the deepest, most affectionate kisses I could come up with.

“Sir, please don’t wet my bed, Sir.”

My voice was on various levels of obscurity, as I moved my lips between different corners and depths of his absurdly damp buttcrack…

“Sir, I’ll make sure to wake up earlier next time, Sir.”

…which must’ve created a hilarious sound effect for him, no wonder he was tittering the whole time.

“Go lower, pussymouth.”

Obeying, I dragged my lips just below his asshole.


My lips reached the densely-haired point where his taint met his asscrack, and my nostrils were now stuck to his awful-smelling butthole.

“Sir, I have nowhere else to sleep, Sir,” I begged between the breaths.

He must’ve gone for a long run before waking me up, because the level of humidity of his buttcrack was unusual. Not only was my entire face soaked in his warm sweat, but it was dripping from the chunky hairs above onto my nose. I found myself cringing at the harshness of the scent.

“Sir, please have mercy on me, Sir.”

I was so busy attempting to breathe through Garrett’s overpowering odor that I wasn’t expecting what was coming. His asshole erupted with an offensively loud and sturdy fart that continued to vibrate around my nose for two seconds straight. The intoxicating stench was pure sulfur with a rich protein essence, which was less than surprising considering the amounts of meat that he consumed on a daily basis.

Too scared to piss him off again, my only choice was to allow every molecule of his fart to travel through my nasal passage. When it ended, I fell to the floor, dry-heaving, so repulsed I could throw up, with no escape from the sound of his laughter.

“That felt good,” he remarked, adding insult to injury. “I’ve wanted to do this to you ever since you moved in, and it most definitely won’t be the last time.”

It made my flesh creep to learn that I was going to undergo this experience again, probably more than once an hour, for as long as I lived under his roof.

A true sadist, it appeared that he wished to see less compliance and smooth performance, more pointless, feeble resistance and disobedience, just for the fun of making me obey anyway.

“So, I thought about it. You did such a good job making love to my shithole, but you still need to learn your lesson.”

Still sick in the stomach from snorting Garrett’s fart, I no longer had the energy to do any more begging, especially when that only seemed to aggravate things. I simply wrapped my fingers around his now-semi-hard shaft, stroked it back, and aimed it at the headboard.

“Don’t forget that this is technically my bed. You’re just lucky to be sleeping in it.”

As soon as I took his cock into my hand, dark yellow urine stormed my bed with such a force that it penetrated my mattress within seconds. I had no choice but to watch every drop as it saturated my place of sleep, and the humiliation was complemented by his laughter from above.

“Lick it clean,” he ordered, announcing Ankara escort that his bladder was finally empty.

Garrett watched me flick my tongue across his piss slit, with my face leaning upward, in the perfect position for him to drop a sizable ball of spit on it. It exploded right between my eyes, which gave him a nice, well-heard chuckle.

This session was over when Garrett simply pulled his cock out, walked away, got dressed, and left for work.

Throughout the rest of the day, I realized that he had turned down the AC to accommodate his now-full-time nudity, without any consideration to the fact that I lived there too, and still had to wear clothes myself.

Soon enough, a home delivery let me know that the relatively warm temperature wouldn’t be that big of an issue, as he had ordered four flamboyant maid uniforms for me online, and they were revealing and delicate enough to let some breeze in.

Garrett returned home early, at 18:00., with two huge underarm wet spots. A wide grin appeared on his face as I rushed to kneel at his feet and welcome him by kissing his shoes, looking ridiculous in a maid uniform.

He took a good couple of minutes to watch and titter to himself at the joke that I was – kneeling, with feminine clothes covering my masculinity-depraved, weak build, French-kissing another man’s boots.

“Undress me, faggot.”

I immediately obeyed…

“Sir, yes, Sir.”

…by undoing the buttons of Garrett’s shirt first.

As soon as I slid it over his shoulders, he grabbed me by the back of my head and vigorously locked my face into his right armpit, cutting off my air supply. Suddenly, I found myself in a dark, humid space, where my skull was secured so firmly that I wasn’t even able to struggle.

When he finally loosened his hold, I was so desperate for air that I had to fill my lungs with the head-lighting aroma of his armpit sweat. The more of it I breathed in, the more I realized how rich and potent it was. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and made sure to mark me with his testosterone by rubbing my nose and lips into his abrasive hair.

I decided to improvise, hoping that using my tongue to wash his tangy armpit sweat away would help reduce the aroma. I started at the bottom, next to his nipple, and managed to lick every drop going up to his bicep, then to his shoulder.

“Do the other one, bitch boy,” he instructed, grabbing my head and moving it to the other side.

I made sure to lick his equally rank left armpit just as thoroughly and comprehensively as I had done the right one. This time, he even made me hold tufts of his armpit hair with my lips and suck on them to make sure they were clean.

“Keep going, fuckface,” Garrett said, pushing me down on my knees.

“Sir, yes, Sir.”

I continued by taking off his boots, removing his socks, and neatly putting them in the shoe cabinet nearby. Then, I unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, and lowered them to the ground so that all he had to do was step out of them.

After I pulled down his boxers, he turned around. “Spread them,” Garrett demanded, presumably referring to his asscheeks.

“Sir, yes, Sir.”

I placed my hands on either side of his buttcheeks and pried them open.

“Get to it, brown-noser. My ass needs a good cleaning.”

I picked through the hairs on the inner sides of his asscheeks with my tongue, tasting and swallowing every drop of sweat I could collect. I went from the bottom up on the right side of his buttcrack, then from the top down on the left one, until I found myself close to his taint.

From there, I made my way up to his asshole, and worked on removing the pungent mud that covered it. When it seemed to be clean, I started to draw circles on his anus using the tip of my tongue, gradually moving it towards the center.

He didn’t seem to have any patience. “Stick your tongue in there, and don’t take it out until told,” he ordered, grabbing a fistful of my hair and cramming my face in so tight that my nostrils were shut.

“Stroke my knob and balls while you do that.”

I obeyed, caressing Garrett’s wrinkled hair-covered nutsack with one hand, and kneading the length of his now-rigid cock with the other, only adding to his satisfaction as my tongue swam inside him. I could hear the hot-blooded pleasure in his growingly loud moans while his asshole constantly tightened and relaxed around my tongue.

Without a warning, Garrett took one step forward. Knowing better than to let my tongue slip out without being told, I crawled forward so that my tongue was catching up with his butthole. That’s when I began to realize that I was going to spend a lot more time doing this, and it would be my default position for many days to come. It never failed to amuse Ankara escort bayan him when he walked me like a dog with my face nestled in his asscrack.

I wasn’t in a position that allowed me to see his face, or anything but his butthole and the hair around it for that matter, but I was sure he was smiling the whole time as he walked.

“Go get the water ready, ass-licker,” Garrett demanded, violently grabbing my neck.

I had my face pulled out of his butt to find that we were in his four-piece bathroom.

“Sir, yes, Sir.”

It only made it more degrading to know that he had only made me give him a tongue bath and because he was about to shower, and he valued his own sweat and dirt way too much to let them go to waste.

Over the next ten minutes, he made me soap, scrub, and rinse every inch of his naked body with my bare hands, leaving my maid uniform to get drenched under the shower. I made sure to get into his armpits, crotch, buttcrack, and even between his toes, forced to feel every muscle on my fingertips, and acknowledge his physical superiority over me.

Garrett hadn’t lost his hard-on ever since the moment my tongue touched his asshole earlier, and there was only one way to get rid of it. While I was washing his thighs, he backed me into the corner so that his feet were on either side of my hips, and shoved his stiff cock between my lips.

For a prolonged period of time, he enjoyed fucking my face without any mercy, with so little space between his crotch and the bathroom walls that I couldn’t move my skull in any direction to escape his iron-hard prick poking every corner of my mouth and throat, while I helplessly choked and whimpered.

At some point, I was so desperate for air that I felt the need to put my small, weak hands on his hips and feebly try to push him away, at which he exploded into cold-blooded laughter. He ended up shooting a hefty load at the heart of my mouth, which gave me a proper taste of his creamy essence before I had to swallow it.

When I had done a thorough job of cleaning his body, he closed the tap, grabbed a fistful of my hair, and dragged me out of the shower cell.

“Towel,” was all Garrett had to say.

I picked up a large towel I had previously placed in the bathroom…

“Sir, yes, Sir.”

…starting with his hair, then his upper body, down to his feet, paying extra attention to his privates.

“I’ve got to drain the main vein,” Garrett mentioned, walking towards the toilet.

I knew what was expected of me. Face sandwiched between his butt muscles, fingers around his member, pointing it at what I assumed would be the ideal position not to wet the seat.

“Sir, yes, Sir.”

Even after the extensive cleaning I had given his butthole – first with my tongue then soaping it and scrubbing it with my own hands – it still had a faint musk to it. Then again, it was a big, hairy, hard-at-work man’s ass. That was as fresh as it could be.

“Sir, I think I can still do a better job cleaning your hole, Sir,” I hinted, since I was going to put my face back there sooner or later.

“Why don’t you give it a lick?”

With that, I touched Garrett’s asshole with my tongue, lapped it, and eventually stuck the tip inside. Along with the hostile sound of his sturdy piss stream splashing against the toilet water, his butthole gaped open with a massive fart that was silent at first, then became more audible as he grabbed my head and pushed my tongue inside.

“Is that better, brown-noser?”

Tasting his fart was definitely not as brutal as having to take it up my nose, but the flavor was still intense enough to make me nauseous. He let out a taunting sigh of relief as he continued taking a piss.

I couldn’t help but clench my teeth in disgust. It was a reminder that even freshly showered, he could always find a way to abuse my sense of smell. If he wanted to blast each one of his farts right up my nostrils, he could, and totally would.

While I tilted the tip of his cock back just before the last drop, he instructed, “Whenever you have the chance, you must thank me for my fart by kissing my nuts. Got it, asswipe?”.

“Sir, thank you for farting in my mouth, Sir,” I said intermittently between the kisses I was giving his full, round balls. “Sir, please feel free to do that to me whenever you feel like it, Sir.”

There I was, kissing a man’s nuts and verbally thanking him for farting down my throat, just after I had served as his shower and bathroom helper. I felt ridiculous for every word I was saying.

“Good job, cocksucker. This time, you managed to get all my piss in the toilet. As a reward, you get to take a swig.”

I wasn’t dumb enough to think this was in any way optional.

“Sir, yes, Sir.”

In obedience, I pulled Escort Ankara my face out of Garrett’s ass and lowered my head down the toilet. Even saturated in water, I could taste the sourness of his urine.

“Get yourself cleaned up, pussyboy, and do it quickly. I expect to be chugging on a cold beer soon, and I expect you to be chugging on my wood too,” he said, watching me flush his piss.

“Sir, yes, Sir.”

Within ten minutes, I finished showering, changed into a new maid uniform, brought a huge beer can from the fridge, popped it open, and set it on the coffee table in the living room, where Garrett was relaxing and using his phone. I knelt, picked up his soft organ between my lips, while he completely ignored me.

“Hold it there for a minute.”

I froze right where I was, kneeling, with my mouth only serving as a moist shield for Garrett’s fat knob, but that didn’t stop it from growing inside my skull.

“Tickle my nipples.”

Using the same technique that Garrett had used to please himself the evening before, I reached up to his chest and started to rub the ends of my index fingers from the dorsal side on his fully soft nipples.

“Good boy.”

His panting became heavier with each passing second, as the nipple message he was receiving was only making him more eager to attack my throat. Less than a minute in, he couldn’t take it any longer.

“Go ahead. Work that pussymouth. Take care of my dick.”

Since Garrett never told me to stop stroking his nipples, I had to be as focused on keeping them aroused as I was on my worship of his cock. My job was to maximize his delight, and that’s exactly what I did.

The look of satisfaction and relief that appeared on his face, biting his lips and squeezing his eyes shut, let me know that I was doing a job to be proud of. Garrett must’ve been in pure bliss because within minutes, he was ready to empty his balls down my throat…


…but first, he was going to have some fun his own way.

I found myself on the floor at his feet, with a burning sting on my left cheek. What had just happened?

“Did I tell you to stop, cocksucker?”

I pulled myself up, wrapped my mouth back on his hard tool, and put my index fingers back on his nipples.

He passed his chunky fingers through my hair and impaled my throat until my nose was digging a hole in his pubes, and it was obvious from his breathless moans that he was close to cumming.

A few more seconds of deep-throating would’ve made him ejaculate down my throat, but instead, his left hand assaulted my right cheek with another heavy blow that landed me back on the ground. That’s when I realized that he was using me to edge himself.

While trying to resume my position, I heard a hawking sound, and I knew what was expected from me. I opened my mouth, and caught Garrett’s mucus-loaded spit on my tongue, right before taking his cock back in.

Right before his third ruined orgasm, I received a huge strike that abruptly caused my head to hit the floor. Tears began to roll down my cheeks, and he went back to laughing his ass off.

“Suck my balls.”

Through the pain in my neck and the burn-like aches on my face, I was able to collect myself and French-kiss Garrett’s beefy nutsack, then take it in one testicle at a time until the whole thing was in my mouth.

I could feel the hair of his balls and crotch everywhere, at the back of my mouth, between my teeth, inside my nostrils.

As I would later realize, this wasn’t going to end anytime soon. He was enjoying it too much, and cumming in my mouth was not the point anymore. He let my torture continue for much longer than I thought he could resist to flood my throat with his semen.

He spent the next half-hour or so using my lips, tongue, throat, and hands to indulge himself to the point of cumming, then cutting off his own orgasm by pitilessly launching my skull a couple of feet to the side.

The living room was filled with my sounds of retching and sniffling, while Garrett groaned at the top of his lungs throughout every second of my oral service, and insensitively cackled at my predicament.

Whenever I was nursing on his cock, Garrett liked to decorate my face with yet another fresh loogie. By the end of the session, my eyes, my forehead, my cheeks, and the bridge of my nose were covered with his spit.

At one point, I was too exhausted to get back up, and that’s when Garrett decided it was time to give it a rest. He straddled my face so that his knees were on either side of my head and he was facing my lower body, and thrusted his solid rod down my throat, while I caressed his nipples. It slid right in, ruining any attempt I was making at catching my breath.

Ruthless, non-stop throat-fucking went on for just under a minute, accompanied with more helpless gagging from my side, which only added to his enjoyment. He orgasmed with six fire-sure loads so deep down that I didn’t get a chance to taste any of them before it would go straight to my stomach.

Thank you for reading chapter two. Any feedback will be appreciated.

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Best Laid PlansPart 3 – Chapter 5

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Part 3 – Chapter 3 Driving to Ted’s place they were both quiet.Ted was thinking, “This is Pam’s mother. She is totally hot and is suggesting that she wants to have sex with me. This is just so confusing. She is so hot and I want her, but she is my lover’s mother. What the fuck?”Kate was sitting beside him and thinking, “I want this man so much. It’s been years since I’ve had a man’s cock inside me and I’ve been thinking about this one for a long time. Please, don’t screw this up Kate. Make it simple and get him between your legs.”Ted pulled the car into his driveway and hit the button to open his garage door. He moved the car inside and hit the button again to close the door. “I’ll get your door,” he said to Kate.She watched him walk around the back of the car wondering, “When was the last time a man opened a door for me?”Ted opened her door and she slid out of the seat and stood between him and the car. He let the door shut and stood there in front of her. She looked up at him and studied his eyes and neither of them moved for long seconds. Finally Ted moved his mouth toward hers and just as they touched, the overhead lights turned off, leaving them in total darkness.Their lips touched and a forest fire broke out. Ted pushed her body against his car and pressed hard against her. Kate was ready and accepted his tongue in her mouth and his body pressed against hers.  Within thirty seconds they were both lost in lust and wanting nothing more than to be naked under the other’s hands.After several minutes of passionate kissing and moans of anticipation, Ted broke the kiss and stood away from her. “Perhaps I should invite you inside my home. That seems a little more polite that striping you naked in my garage.”Kate looked into his eyes and responded, “As long as we both get naked, I don’t care what the formal procedure is,” she said. “But do I audition here or inside your house?”Ted stood back and reached out for her hand. “The audition is inside,” he said as he took her hand. “Let me show you the way.”Ted took her inside and began to show her around. First he showed her around his home, through the kitchen and then family room, which he explained, “There isn’t really a family, but that’s what the realtors call it.” He showed her the stairway that went to the rooms upstairs and explained that there were two bedrooms up there and his office. “I spend some time in my office upstairs, but those stairs are rarely used. I certainly don’t need the space, but the downstairs part of this place was exactly what I wanted, so Kartal Escort I bought it several years ago.”He took Kate’s hand and led her to his bedroom. “This is my playroom and the reason I bought it. The bedroom is roomy and has a huge walk-in closet that I love. But the bathroom is one of a kind,” he told her as he walked her inside. “It has this very large tub that has jets like a hot tub and a wonderful walk-in shower that could easily hold four people.”Kate looked up at him with raised eyebrows causing him to say, “I’ve never had more than two people in it, but it could easily hold four.” He pointed out that on the other side of the shower was a “private” toilet with a door to close it off. “I’ve always thought that people shouldn’t share their toilet time, so I was pleased that this place had what is referred to now as a water closet.”Kate checked it all out and nodded with approval. “I think you’ll like the bathroom in my master bedroom in my new home,” she said. She was thinking that Ted would see her new home before long, but the point was lost on him.Ted led her back to the family room and said, “Well, that’s my place. I hope that you like it.”She smiled up at him and said, “I do like it, Ted. You have a wonderful home and it certainly suits you.  It’s very masculine and no one could be in doubt that you are a manly man when this is your domain.”He wasn’t really certain if that was a compliment, but just said, “Thanks.”“And where do we shoot the audition film?” Kate asked, knowing the answer before she asked the question. She had seen the film that he made with Pam and she recognized the room and the couch in his family room. Unless he changed things, it would be filmed about five feet from where she was standing.“You are certain that you want to make an audition film?” Ted asked once more to be certain that was the way she wanted to play it.“I’m quite certain,” was Kate’s reply.“OK then,” he said once more taking her by the hand. “If you’ll just come with me to my breakfast area I’ll pour you a glass of wine for you to enjoy while I set up the camera equipment.” He showed Kate a seat at his table and set about opening a bottle of wine. He handed it to her and waited for her to taste it. When she nodded her approval he left her to get his equipment from his closet.Less than fifteen minutes later, Ted reappeared and held out his hand. “Kate?” he said as if he didn’t know her. “I am Ted, your director for this audition film.”She put down her glass and played along. “Hi Kartal Escort Bayan Ted. Can you tell me what we’ll be doing today?”He took her by the hand and led her into his family room and stationed her in front of his couch, letting her see that he had set up three different cameras and some lighting equipment.  “Now if you’ll just stand right here in front of the couch, we’ll begin,” he told her. “I will move behind the cameras and you just need to follow my directions. Is there anything you want to tell me before we begin or anything that you want to make out of bounds?”Kate smiled at him and said, “I don’t think so. I’m ready to begin.”Ted moved behind the camera in the middle, checked a few things before saying, “These cameras are all synchronized. Once I turn one all, they all film simultaneously and I’ll edit them into once piece. Are you ready?”Kate turned to face the camera. “I believe the line from the movie is, I’m ready for my close-up.”From behind the camera, she heard Ted say, “This is the audition film of Kate Barnes. Today she will be auditioning for the role of the mother for the film ‘Private Training.’ This film is about a mother that finds her daughter and her boyfriend having sex. The mother decides to help the young people get it done properly. Now then, Kate, would you please turn around slowly so that we can get the full view of you.”Kate smiled and turned slowly. She noted that he was beginning the same as the one he had made with Pam and assumed that he would be asking her to undress very shortly. By the time her back was to him she could already feel that her nipples were hard. By the time she had made the complete turn she could feel the dampness between her legs.“Excellent,” came the voice from behind the camera. “Now I would like for you to remove your blouse and skirt. We would like to see you in your panties and bra.”Because of the lights that were directed at her, Kate was having trouble seeing Ted. She put her hands to the top button on her blouse and slowly began to unbutton it. When all of the buttons were undone she reached behind and unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to the floor. Now she was standing in front him and the cameras knowing that he was seeing her in Carolina blue lacy panties and matching bra. Very slowly she removed the blouse and tossed it over the arm of the couch. She hoped he was enjoying the show, but she knew it was exciting the hell out of her.“Beautiful,” he said.  “Now give us another 360.”Once again she Escort Kartal turned slowly. Kate had picked her lingerie carefully for today and knew that when she faced the camera he wouldn’t be able to miss seeing how erect her nipples were. Kate was willing to bet that he could already see a wet spot in her panties because she knew what was going to come next and she was extremely excited.“That’s great, Kate” Ted said, still on the dark side of the camera. “Now would you please turn your back to the camera once more? I’d like for you to stand there with your feet apart and let me get a long shot of you from behind.”As she turned she kicked her skirt away and stood with her feet shoulder-width apart waiting for his next command.“Absolutely beautiful, Kate,” she heard him say. “What an exceptionally beautiful ass you have. Damn!”Kate smiled without turning. She already knew that he was an ass man and was hoping that the view from behind had him as turned on as she already was.“Now then standing just as you are,” Ted directed, “Remove your bra and panties.”After she had done as he requested, he instructed her to turn back to the cameras. She turned, now completely naked except for her shoes, put her hands on her hips, and let him have a long look.After a few seconds, she heard him say, “Kate you are beyond beautiful. Let me ask you a few questions for our producer. Your breasts are perfect. Have they been enhanced?”Without changing her pose Kate answered, “Yes, about eight years ago. I had some minor work done at my husband’s insistence. I expect they’ll look like this until I’m 80.”“How very nice,” Ted said from behind the camera. “Have you always had your pubic area shaved?”Kate chuckled a little and replied, “Actually no. My late husband thought that only whores shaved their pussies and didn’t allow me to even trim mine. About two weeks after he died I began the process to have it removed permanently. Do you like the way it looks?”“I certainly do,” Ted responded. There was a bit of a pause before he said, “Now Kate, in the script your character will observe your daughter having sex with her boyfriend and you will become aroused and masturbate while watching them. I’d like for you to lie back on the couch, facing the center camera, and do that for me. OK?”Kate gave the camera a sexy smile. She had assumed this is what she would be asked and she was totally ready for it. Without a word, she positioned herself against the couch, sat back and pushed her ass out near the edge of the cushion. After spreading her legs out wide enough to give him and the camera a good view, she began to slowly move her hand from side to side across her vaginal lips. What she really wanted to do was bury two fingers inside her wet pussy and bring herself to a climax, but she wanted to put on a good show for Ted and took her time.

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Birthday Present

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Well this all happened two weekends ago. My boyfriend Jake’s father was turning 45. Seeing his wife left him a couple of years back and not dating at the moment. We decided to take him out for dinner and maybe some drinks.

Jake still lives with his father even though he’s 23. Seeing its a huge house and they both run a landscaping business together it works for both of them. So there they were about 5:30 pulling into my driveway with Jake’s truck. Not the work truck but his new Dodge. Even though it was winter in the North-east and fairly cold I decided to wear my black skirt with a light white top.

Throwing on my long coat I went outside where William was waiting with the door open so he could help me get in between them. Sliding over to Jake I gave him a hello kiss to which he said “Don’t forget the birthday dad,” he said smiling. I turned to his dad grabbed his head and planted a big kiss on his lips.

“Happy Birthday!” I said smiling.

Off we drove off. There I was sitting beside 2 big men. Jake looked like a younger version of his father. Bill had his arm hanging on the seat behind my head. His arm kept slipping down and landing on the back of my neck. After saying sorry for the third time.

“If your gonna keep doing that you might as well leave it there and give me a massage,” I said laughing. “I would give you a good one but your coat is in the way,” replied Bill with a sly grin.

“No problem,” I said unzipping my coat an pulling it off my shoulders.

“There,” I said, ” Work your magic!”

It felt a little strange at first have his father massaging my neck but after a few minutes of his strong hands working my muscles it started to feel good. Way to good. I closed my eyes lowered my chin to my chest and let my body go limp. I have to admit it my body started to react to his attention. I could feel my nipples hardening under my blouse and a little moisture between my thighs. I’m sure they both heard a couple of unintentional moans. Even though it was a 40 minute ride I, opened my eyes and realized we arrived. Entering the restaurant Bill excused himself to the rest-room.

“I see you really liked my fathers massage, your nipples are still hard,” said Jake leaning in to me.

“He has very strong hands,” I replied trying really hard to hide the fact that I was blushing.

“Maybe you should return the favour on the way home,” added Jake cheekily.

“Can’t really reach back there he’s to tall,” I shot back nervously.

“That’s not the area that I think he would like massaged” he said smiling and leaving me completely speechless.

“THAT’S YOUR FATHER your asking me to jerk off!” I said finally getting over the shock.

“But its his birthday and it’s OK with me,” Jake said.

With that I said “we’ll see but you better get me some drinks,” Bill returned and we went to the bar before are table was ready.

Our table was ready in about 20 minutes and with my second margarita in hand we sat down. Now it was my turn to excuse myself to the powder room. Once in there I looked at myself in the mirror to try to figure out my next move. Never have I ever thought of doing something like that with an older man never mind my BF father with him next to me. His massage was great and I started wondering if the son got his cock from his father. I thought if I tried something he would probably stop me. With that in mind I headed back to the table but not before releasing one more button on my blouse.

Both men were gentlemen and stood on my return and Jake gave me an little wink noticing my opened blouse. He also said he ordered me and his father another drink. So we got down to the business of ordering our meals. Everything sounded so good that none of us could really decide. So we all chose a dish that we liked and we were all gonna share. Couldn’t help catch Bill glancing down my blouse a few times. While waiting for our food to arrive we just made small talk about life, weather and my school. Telling them I’m almost done getting my business degree.

“Ya know Jake,” Bill said “business is good and we were planning on hiring someone to work the office and do the scheduling and the books. Maybe Hannah could come work for us. She would sure pretty up the office,”

The drinks had clearly had an effect on me when I said “Sure that would be great and I’m sure I would have to take care of my bosses,”

“No but that would be a big perk for you,” Bill said laughing.

Thank god the food arrived and it all looked? fantastic. We all dug in and shared each others meals. Picking off others plates an being fed by two handsome men was very arousing. Between the drinks and all the flirting got me thinking about Jake’s Pendik Escort request, I thought to my self that I might as well give it a shot. Finishing our meal Jake paid up while Bill went to get our coats. This time I didn’t zip it up.

Stepping outside we were all surprised to see it was snowing heavily and there was a inch or more on the ground. Jake went to get the truck while we waited at the doorway. Feeling a little buzzed I held onto Bill’s arm to steady myself. When Jake pulled up ” Damn now my feet are gonna get all wet and cold,” I said shivering to emphasize my point. With that Bill swooped me up in his arms and carried me to the truck. He opened the door with one hand while still holding me sliding me onto the seat. Doing this made my skirt rode 3/4 up my thighs. I didn’t try to straighten out I just closed my coat. Bill got in an off we went.

Little ways down the road I let my hand drop on Bills thigh. Patting it I turn to Jake and said what a sweet man his father was for carrying me to the truck. He and Bill just laughed a little. I left my hand on his leg and soon my fingers were starting to massage him. That’s when I thought the fun was over because he placed his hand on mine and stopped me. But to my surprise he just did that so he could unzip his jacket. He then took my hand and placed it a little higher on his leg and used his hand on mine to start massaging him. He stopped but my fingers kept on going moving up ever so slowly up his body. Reaching the front of his pants I could feel that I was doing a good job. I could feel his hand slowly undo his belt and unzip his pants. That made it easy to slip my hand into his briefs to find I wasn’t going be disappointed by the big package inside.

Just then I felt Jake’s hand on my bare leg “told you Dad, my Hannah is one hot woman,” said Jake proudly.

“DAMN right she is didn’t think she would do it!” He laughed back.

“Now keep your eyes on the road don’t want to land in a ditch,” He commanded Jake.

I should of been mad for being set-up like but now I was horny as hell so I didn’t give a flying fuck. I turned my body to him so I could get both hands around his hard cock. As I stroked him he lowered the back of his seat and pulled me closer too him grabbing my head so we could kiss. Our lips connected and out came our tongues to explore each others mouth. His hand then slipped into my blouse to play with my hard nipples. His cock was so hard I thought he was gonna explode right there. I started to slow down but he told me to keep going. When he lowered his mouth to my breast I couldn’t help but let out a loud moan.

“Suck my cock Hannah!” he whispered in my ear seductively ” I want to feel your mouth around my cock” he ordered me and I wanted to obey is orders so badly.

Lowering my mouth I slowly stuck out my tongue to lick his swollen head. His cock was just as long as his son but a little thicker. Cupping his balls with my hands I opened my mouth and started sucking. That got an instant moan of pleasure. I could feel his hand working its way up my thighs so I spread them open so he could get to my pussy. His eyes opened wide when he got there to find it bare and bald. Running his finger over my clit made me quiver and go deeper down on his cock. Spreading my lips he inserted his finger deep inside.

“You like that baby don’t you,” he asked.

All I could do was shake my head yes. With that he pulled it out. Grabbing my hand from his balls and bringing it to my pussy.

“Make yourself cum for me Hannah” he said looking me right in the eye.

With that he placed both of his hands on my head and started guiding it farther down his cock.

“Cum for me Hannah!” he asked again.

My thumb rubbed over my clit as I inserted 2 fingers in my pussy. I knew it wouldn’t be long before I had my first orgasm as I quickly finger fucked myself. Bill was fucking my mouth faster and faster and his frantic pace made it obvious that he wasn’t going to last long either. That’s when I could feel it building up inside me, my finger fucking myself faster and faster until the pleasure of my orgasm arrived burying my mouth deep down his cock.

“Fuck baby I’m gonna cum take it all for me!!” he shouted.

With that he unloaded his seed down my throat. Holding my head down making me take it all, load after load of hot thick cum.

All was quite for a bit until Jake spoke up “Hannah you were fantastic,”

“Thanks,” I said as I gave his cock one more kiss before I zipped him up.

Straightening myself up I was surprised to see that we have missed the exit to my place.

“Where are we going?” I asked to which Jake said “Your gonna spend the Pendik Escort Bayan night at our house,” accompanied with one of his mischievous smiles.

“WHAT?” I said in shock but in reality I knew this was coming. Jake just simply laughed at my astonishment.

Within a couple of minutes we arrived at there house. Once again Bill carried me while Jake pulled the truck in the garage. Once inside Bill took our coats and shoes.

“DAMN! your pretty,” he exclaimed looking at my now exposed breasts.

“Thanks, your not bad either,” I said winking at him.

Jake came in and Bill excused himself. Jake took me over to the couch so we could sit. He turned on the TV so he could check the weather. Pulling me close he gave me a big kiss.

“Thanks for doing that for my father,” he said to me the gratitude was evident in his voice.

“My pleasure,” I said.

“Now, I think it’s time to take care of your boyfriend,” as he gently began to guide my head down his body.

“Take your pants off!” I said impatiently.

To which he stood up and exposed his hard cock for me. Pushing him back down I crawled between his legs so I could taste him. I could taste his precum as my tongue circled his head. He reached over my shoulders and pulled my shirt off so his fingers could pinch my hard nipples. “Damn boy! is that anyway to treat our house guest,” Bill said as he entered the room.

“We got a big bed upstairs and your making her suck you off on her knees on the floor,” he said sternly.

“Take her to the bed and get comfortable,” said Bill once again the authority he held over Jake was evident.

“Hannah you think I could join you two,” Bill asked completely surprising me for the second time in one night.

Took me all of two seconds before I grabbed there hands and let them lead me to the bed. Damn the bedroom was huge with the biggest bed I have ever seen. Big flat screen TV and a big mirror dresser. The door was open and I could see a full bath.

Removing the rest of our clothes we climbed on the bed. Jake laid down with his head resting on the headboard. I started to get between his legs when I felt Bills hands grab my hips and flip me over and drag me to the edge of the bed spreading my legs wide. I could see his head lowering down and soon felt his tongue circling my clit.

“Lick me!” I begged to which I could feel his fingers parting my lips and his tongue diving into my pussy. COME here Jake let me taste your cock. Jake moved to my side and started feeding me his cock. The feeling was incredible. Bill was fucking fantastic!! Alternating between his tongue and fingers in my pussy bringing me almost there then slowing down. When he knew I couldn’t take anymore he grabbed my hips and buried his tongue deep in my pussy. I screamed so loud Jake’s cock popped right out of my mouth. My body was still trembling when Bill turned me over and positioned me on my hands and knees. “I’m gonna fuck you now Hannah, do you want my cock baby,” growled Bill.

“YES!” I replied.

“While you suck my sons cock and I will pump my seeds deep in to your womb baby,” said Bill barely hiding his excitement.

I crawled between Jake’s legs and took his cock in my mouth. I could feel Bills cock parting my pussy lips and with one thrust he buried it deep inside me.

“FUCK your pussy is so tight!” he said.

With that he started fucking me with long slow strokes. I was taking Jake’s cock deeper in my mouth with every stroke of his father. His cock was picking up the pace and I could feel it growing bigger than it was. His hand reached around to play with my clit. Bill soon began increasing the speed of the strokes. His thick cock pistoning in and out of my pussy at rapid pace, I met each of thrust my thrusting my cunt back up against his thick pole. I don’t how long Bill was fucking me, it felt almost like an eternity when it probably wasn’t, but I knew it would be over soon as Bill’s thrusts became more frantic and animalistic.

“OH GOD! THAT FEELS SO GOOD!”, I screamed out as I came once again.

“I’m gonna cum baby!” declared Bill as I felt the first of many loads shooting into my belly. Just then Jake grabbed my head and unloaded in my mouth. We all just laid there for a few minutes before we started to move.

Bill got up and looked out the window “DAMN!” he said “Jake looks like you got some ploughing to do my boy,”

“Why me?” asked Jake.

“Cuz I’m the boss and its my birthday plus you were the designated driver tonight,” said Bill once again showing his power of Jake, just seeing him be so dominant got me excited all over again even after being fucked senseless. “Don’t worry Hannah Escort Pendik and I will be fine,” he said mockingly to his son. Jake was pissed but he did what his father wanted.

“Kids!”He laughed.

As we heard the truck drive away. Bill told me that the bathroom was mine if I wanted to shower and freshen up a bit. Giving him a kiss I said I would be back soon. The bath was gorgeous. The cabinet contained everything a women would need after a good fuck, clearly Bill had many house guests. I didn’t want him to be alone a long time so I took a quick shower and dried my hair. While I was brushing my hair I thought I heard the sound of porn from the bedroom.

“Hell! he can’t still be up for more can he?” I wondered to myself.

Leaving the bath with just a towel around my body I could see Bill watching TV slowly stroking his semi hard cock. I froze when I looked to see what he was watching. On the big screen was me being fucked by Bill. He quickly turned it off.

“SORRY, your just so hot I had to record it,” he said apologetically. I knew I should have been pissed but then again I fucking enjoyed and the recording looked like movie quality.

“Lets watch together then you can delete it,” I said jumping on the bed next to him. He said he’ll delete this one if he could make one of just us. He didn’t want to share me with his son, he wanted to own me. I had no objections as long as he kept the video for him self, I asked him to promise me that he wouldn’t show it to anyone else.

“PROMISE,” he said.

With that he showed me the three cameras he had set-up in the room.

“I can even do split screen with all three,” he replied.

He turned on the cameras and there we were on TV. There we were laying next to each-other. Bill slowly reached out with his hand and placed it on my bare pussy. Running his fingers over my lips running them over my slit. I could feel my body getting hot as I ran my hands over his chest working my way down. He turned to me so he could kiss and suck my nipples. I was surprised to see how hard his cock has gotten again.

“Mmmmm your lips are getting me so hot. Stick a finger in me,” I cooed seductively. With that he positioned me on all fours but this time he got on his back and pulled my body over his face. “But what am I gonna do?” I asked.

“Cum for the camera Hannah cum for it,” he told me with a wink.

With that he ran his tongue up and down my slit rolling his lips around my clit. He had his arms around my ass pulling me closer as I tried to pull away. Then I could feel his tongue leave my pussy and start licking my butt. Something Jake would never do. Sensing I enjoyed that he stuck it deep inside. That was it my body had the best orgasm I’ve ever had, my third orgasm of the night. Trying to get away he held me tighter.

That’s when I heard a vibrating sound and the feeling of it entering my pussy. It wasn’t big but it drove me over again. Begging him to stop I screamed “FUCK ME! FUCK ME!”. With that he pulled it out of my pussy but now he held it tight at my butt. His tongue lapping my clit as he inserted the toy in my ass. This time I broke free.

“Please fuck me Bill!” I begged, I was so damn fucking horny again.

Oh yes its time for a fucking, looks like sluts all horny and ready!” he said.

“Does my little slut want daddy to fill her womb again?” he said knowing full well that I wanted his cock.

“Yes daddy! Please fuck me! Fuck me daddy!” I pleaded once again. He got me get on all fours and slid his cock right in. He didn’t start slow this time but was hard and fast from the get go.

“Look at the camera Hannah show it how good it feels how your tight bald pussy takes my big hard cock. Fuucckkk immmm gonna cum!” he grunted.

“YESS DADDY! GIVE IT TO ME! GIVE ME YOUR CUM DADDY! Cum on my face, mark me as your bitch!” I screamed, I had never let Jake cum on my face but here I was desperately wanting his father to cum all over me to mark me as his. Bill stood up and began stroking cock faster and faster as I waited desperately for his cum.

“Oh fuck” he said as I felt a thick wad of cum land on my forehead. “That’s it Bill give me more, give more,” I egged him on. With that the floodgates opened as Bill unloaded thick ropes of cum all over my face, I was completely drenched in cum. I grabbed Bill’s cock and took in to my mouth wanted every damn drop of his cum. I don’t what happened but it was if I was possessed by some cum demon.

“How was that do you think that’s going to look good on camera,” I asked looking up at Bill wiping the cum of my eyelids.

“Hannah its going to look amazing, now we should probably clean up before Jake gets here,” he laughed as we made out way to the bathroom together.

“So do you wanna come and work for me then?”

“Yes I do daddy! Especially if I keep getting bonuses like tonight every now and then” I replied with a wink.

“Looks like I found a new employee,” said Bill smiling mischievously at me.

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Young Man at the Bathhouse

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I was off on a Thursday night so I thought I would go check out the local bathhouse, when I pulled up I knew it was not busy whatsoever. One car in the lot, but I did not care I would enjoy the amenities, I went in paid and got a room. I got in the hot tub, a few guys in there, not really my type but I would play with them if need be.

This handsome young man walked by but kind of gave me the look of not interested old man, fine his loss. I lay there in the tub totally relaxed, this would be just what my body needed after a long day of tedious work.

Young guy walked by a few more times but I really did not give him a second look, he had his type and I had mine. Not that I would not rock his little world but I was not about to beg for it. He walked up to the tub and was about to come in and join me.

He has a great body, tight, muscular, hairless except for his upper chest which he trimmed down, his balls shaved smooth like his ass. His pubes trimmed in a triangle of sorts, he smiled at me as he took a seat on the other side of the tub.

I smiled back but did not really pay any attention to him, he had made it clear I was not what he was looking for with his first look at me, so I was not about to push myself on him. I lay there across from him legs spread cock soft but ready to rise to the occasion.

His foot brushed my own, his foot travelled up my calf to my knee cap, his foot made its way to my thigh then my cock. He gently pressed his foot into my now semi erect cock, his foot slid along it and slowly made me hard. I held his foot with my hand and gently jerked my cock with the arch of his foot.

I was now rock hard and Ankara bayan escort ready, my cock wanted more than a foot job, I wanted that ass, I wanted his mouth to swallow my cock. I would feed him multiple loads of my cum in both of his tight holes. He saw the look on my face he knew I wanted to take this elsewhere.

He stood up his cock fully erect I would guess he was about five by four maybe five, a nice cock for sure. He pulled me to my feet and stared at my own eight by six, his hand on my cock, I made my way out of the tub and into the shower, he came in with me and soaped me down.

He paid special attention to my cock balls and chest, I soaped him up all over mostly his cock balls and that ass. He looked me in the eyes and pulled in towards me, I placed my hand at the back of his neck, my other hand around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

My lips envelloped his, I pressed him to the wall his chest to my own, the air escaping as my own body pressed into his. He wrapped his arms around my neck, this young man needed to be kissed hugged and made love too. He and I made out in the shower for quite some time, I pulled back and shut the water off.

He and I dried each other off then he took my hand and guided me to his room, he had a large room, with a bigger than bed. I pulled off his towel and threw my own on the floor, he went to shut the door but I told him to leave it open.

He gave me an odd look like why, but I wanted people to watch us, once I started to fuck him I wanted another cock for his to swallow and drink another man’s cum. I grabbed his neck in my hand and pulled him in for Escort bayan Ankara a kiss. His arms around my chest I controlled his every movement, I gently laid him on the bed and laid on top of him.

He lay there so vulnerable, but yet so ready to do what I asked and told him to do. He and I lip locked, he tried to grab my cock but I laced my hands into his and held his arms out tight.

“Son you will do as I say, you are not to touch anything I do not tell you too, that includes your own cock, balls and ass. I own you right now and you will be mine for the next few hours.”

He went to say something about being late for a previous engagement but I held my palm over his mouth.

“Only speak when I say you can Son.”

He nodded his head and lay there not moving even a finger, I released his hands and he tried to pull his hands back. I stared at him and he slowly put his hands back in place, I leaned in and kissed him, first his lips then his neck, to his earlobes down his neck to his chest, to his arm pits, I worked his nipples then down his ribs to his stomach.

I past his cock down his legs to his pretty feet, I licked and sucked his toes, then up his legs to his thighs to his balls. I sucked in his balls and held them there, my tongue lapping at them, his cock pumping out precum. I released his balls and ran my tongue along the shaft of his pretty hairless cock.

I sucked his knob in and licked away all the precum he had produced, he was going crazy his cock ready to shoot a load of cum inside of me. I let go of his cock then lifted his legs and there it was, so perfect, so pink and so ready Bayan escort Ankara for me to ravage.

I had him hold his legs so I could spread those cheeks and admire that beautiful ass hole. He was anticipating me to do something, anything. He was very impatient, always in a hurry to give or receive pleasure.

I spit on his hole and then ran my tongue over it, he inhaled and held the air in, I was driving him crazy. He had no idea I was just starting, there was so much more I would do for him and to him. I softly ran my tongue along his ass crack, his skin so smooth and so soft.

I kissed his hole then pressed my tongue to it, he opened up and let me in, I ran my tongue along the edge of his ass hole. He was going crazy, at one point when my tongue was inside he screamed out loud, this got the attention of everyone in the building including the guy working the front desk.

I continued to rim that hole of his, getting more and more tongue inside of him each time, I tongue fucked the boy till he was sweating and begging me to put my cock inside of him. I shook my head so he knew he was not allowed to talk or ask for anything.

I would never tire or this hole of his, I pulled my tongue out and shoved my index finger inside of him, I worked his prostate then fingered him, soon I had the second finger in. He was squirming and had this look of ecstasy, he looked like he was high.

I pulled both fingers out and shoved my face back into his hole, my tongue dove in and he screamed once again, wait till I had my cock inside of him he would be going crazy. Two guys tried to come in but I told them this was a private party of only two, but I would need another cock to shove in his pretty mouth once I started to fuck that pretty ass of his.

The two guys both wanted to shove their cocks in him, who knows he just may get two in each hole at the same time. I pulled him up off the bed and I took his place, he would show me his oral skills.

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Days To Be Spent In Limbo

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1The flight from Amsterdam touched down in Willemstad right on time. A glance out of the window, as the aircraft banked into its final approach, lifting and settling in the thermals, had allowed Willem to catch a glimpse of the runway that was fringed by the glittering waters of the Caribbean sea. He took in the brightness of the terminal buildings that had been daubed in ochre paintwork, their pitched roofs and palm-fringed walkways, which made the building look more like a shopping mall than Curacao’s main entry point for air travellers.He found it a stunning sight and he sure needed to be here. He wanted to suspend all links with his shattered life back home, a wrecked marriage and the defection of his two daughters’ affection and loyalty. It had all been traduced by his ex-wife who had put out the word that he had abused them, and they had been accusations it was hard to fight against, despite incontrovertible evidence that it had not been so.But, the legal process, and some drips of news into the press, had done its work and he had now to pick up the pieces and start over. At least he had kept a hold of his job, the Principal and other staff members of the Technical College, where he had pursued a successful career, providing all the evidence needed to convince a court that he was innocent of all the charges laid against him, save that of being a stickler in the family home for good manners, hard work for school and college, and the adherence to some core principles founded on his lapsed Christian faith. What he had presided over in college, so he brought to his home and family life.In the words of some of his friends, he had been accused of being a ‘diligent parent’ in a world that some felt was falling apart all around them. Right and wrong had different meanings to those he had been brought up to believe in and adhere to.The scenery and views of the ocean drifted past the window as the aircraft settled into its approach, rose and fell on the up currents, but the landing was smooth, and the aircraft soon came to a halt.‘How easy it would be to be a cynical bastard,’ he thought as he tugged at his hand luggage and joined the line as he and the jostling line of fellow passengers made their way to the exit door.His six weeks’ holiday on this island could now begin, along with the task of restoring himself and attending to the tasks that his cousin, Anna, had set for him. He had been only too willing to take them on for her.After all, he was a craftsman in his own right, in carpentry. The materials he might get to work with might be different, but the skills he had acquired, over some twenty years of his career, went with him, wherever he chose to go.Cousin Anna would be waiting, and then all bets would be off on what would be encountered. She had been known to have her preferences in men, a taste that had caused a few ripples in the wider family and that she had taken no notice of, save that in the end, she had moved here and taken all her possessions with her. She had found a hillside plot of land and built herself a new home. Who she now shared that with remained a surprise after all that had gone before, several men who had fathered children and who lived out their separate lives back home.But he was not the judgmental sort. He was here to finish off the detailing of her new home and, in the process, would take each, and every, day just as it came. Travelling light was nothing new. As a thirty-five-year-old, taking his emotional baggage with him was something else entirely.But, the heat that hit him, even in the terminal building, soon reminded him that a change of scene was just what he needed. There would also be the company of a woman with an only too modern, and some said, wanton code of morals and the behaviour that went along with it. All of that was now to be welcomed and, he could easily admit, keenly anticipated.‘Yes, Willem de Vries, you’re ready to start again.’2‘Willem, over here!’ he heard an unfamiliar voice call out as he passed through the opening in a frosted glass screen Maltepe Escort and out into the echoing arrivals hall.He looked in startled amazement as a beautiful, local girl with sublimely smooth skin, starkly rouged lips and a shock of dark hair, approached him. He gaped and took in her appearance before him and found her swirling, colourful dress a delight. He heard the soft jangle of a multitude of silver and beaded bracelets that she wore on her wrists. Stud earrings glistened whenever she moved, and the light caught them.‘Eline?’‘Yes, I am Eline,’ she soon told him, on a captivating laugh, and extending her hand. ‘Oh, why bother with that?’ She moved to kiss his cheeks in the usual ways of greeting members of the family, and that he was only too accustomed to. Gone was the formality of a first meeting between them. ‘Anna’s told me all about you…’‘And I’ve heard something of you,’ he assured her.Willem shifted his case from one hand to the other. The light beyond the hall was blindingly bright and he soon put on his sunglasses, with their round reflective lenses. He made to step outside but felt her restraining touch his arm.‘It’s…it’s incredible,’ she gasped, giving him an unwavering and appraising glance. ‘You…you look just like a young John Lennon, with those glasses on.’Willem gave her an embarrassed shrug. ‘It’s been said before, Eline, even down to the light brown colour of my hair, as he once had it or so I’m told. Mine’s a little longer, that’s all.’She smiled, beautifully, her teeth bright against the colour of her lips and her dark skin that suggested mixed race, a rich golden brown. It had already captivated him for the sheer novelty of being in the young woman’s company and talking so easily with her. They walked on.‘But it’s true! Your hair, your slim face and now, those sunglasses!’  she enthused. ‘It feels as if I am walking with him.’Willem did not know whether to be flattered or embarrassed, by her enthusiastic ways of it with him and on such a short acquaintance. He felt that his grip on reality might be loosened in this woman’s company and in no time at all, were it not for the fact that she was spoken for.‘Where is Anna?’ he asked, changing the subject to what was of greater immediate concern to him.‘She’s sorry not to be here, but the heat and the humidity affect her sometimes, even with the air conditioning we often have on in the house. But you’ll see all of that very soon now.’ She took hold of his arm and guided him to the car parking lot. ‘Anna’s waiting for us with a welcome drink and lots to catch up on, so I am told. Anyway, you will hear of it all when we get home.’Accented as her melodious voice was, and her Dutch good, he was disconcerted to hear her call Anna’s place ‘home’. Their relationship would be something that he would get to hear about, or else have to deduce it from how Eline and Anna were together, even in his presence.For now, he had to take it all in.Anna’s past lovers and her last husband, dead some years now, had all been of Dutch colonial descent, her men of a particular presence and appeal to her and who had all been a vital element in what many thought to be Anna’s wayward lifestyle. Her choice of company had changed, but he wondered if this was but another phase in her life.Now, it was abundantly clear, she had taken an undoubtedly beautiful Curaçao woman as her lover and partner. He knew better than to try and keep up with it all, and this development in particular. He would, no doubt, learn how the wheels turned in Anna’s life soon enough.♥Willem gasped in admiration as Eline drew up outside Anna’s home. On the plot of ground that he had seen pictures of long ago, and where a partially completed villa had stood without a roof, there now was to be seen a white-washed property with a terracotta-tiled roof, shaded by small palms and surrounded by local plants and shrubs. A slabbed path curved up to a welcoming front door that was set back under a yet-to-be-completed recessed porch.It would be one of Maltepe Escort Bayan his first tasks to deal with the approach to the house, Anna had said after he had settled in. He had not pursued what she had meant by stressing that one word the last time they had spoken a day before his flight, but her voice had teased him as only she could, her laugh brittle but happy.Anna now rushed out to greet him, her face creased in smiles, her laugh high on the air. He saw the sway of her necklaces at her throat and how her breasts moved under her flimsy sun top. The woman did not change. There it was again, the wildness in her character and the impulse to break life’s rules that struck him even more strongly in the surroundings where he now found himself to be.‘At last, you’re here, Willem, dear…dear cousin!’‘Yes, I am, and less of the cousin bit. Just call me Willem!’First, it was Eline who had hooked his attention, now it was Anna who kissed his cheeks possessively and soon met his appraising glances upon her. He would see her lightly tanned skin,  her blonde hair almost white from the bleaching by the sun and, just as he had them, her strikingly blue eyes taking in every detail of him. She wore tan shorts and a sleeveless yellow blouse that hugged her pert figure and with sandals lending her feet an easy grace. ‘You are only the second member of our family to visit me here…but I’ve looked forward to yours the most.’For a woman ten years his senior, Willem thought that her life out here in the sun had treated Anna very kindly. She looked radiant and happy.Anna waited for him to take his suitcase from the trunk of the car; saw him glance her way as she stood close to Eline’s side, one arm around her waist, if only for a moment.‘It is how it is now, cousin,’ she told him in her direct ways of it, and of old, and on seeing Willem’s pouted smile as he took in the scene before him. He would be in the home of two captivating women and his thoughts of home, and a more prosaic existence had already fallen away.‘I’m not in a position to say anything on it,’ he replied as if needing to reassure her, ‘after all I’ve been through.’Anna pressed fingers to his lips to silence him. ‘You’re here to be mended and to help me too, isn’t that so Eline?’‘Yes,’ she smiled at Willem, seeing and hearing Anna’s evident fondness for the good-looking man before her. ‘The three of us will make your stay work…for all of us. Okay?’Willem saw the two women smile, as if they only had eyes for each other and before Anna led the way inside, out of the heat. ‘It’s as if you’ve bought your little part of paradise, Anna…’‘They’re my thought exactly, and the place has always been what Luc and I decided on buying, and slowly paid for until he was lost to me.’ It seemed to Willem that Anna wished for the confessions to be out of the way. ‘I changed after that and I found comfort with someone you now see here by my side. The years changed me, as did the things that happened in those times to make me take stock and decide on how to live out my life and to do that here. You will soon see how free it is here on the island. Life is so uncluttered and unbounded. People are allowed to be who they are…and to hell with what they think!’Willem held a hand out to her as Anna laughed, relieved to have said it all in a rush of words. She clutched it as he drew her to his side. He met her uncertain look upon him after her confession had sunk in.‘Your home in Blue Bay looks stunning and I haven’t been here long enough to even begin to know it all. You’re happy, so we don’t talk about what has brought you to this point, okay? You live on and I mend myself. That was the arrangement and I’ll live the way you two do while I am here.’ Willem squeezed her hand again as if to make her concede on that point. ‘Do we agree on that?’‘Yes, we do,’ she smiled and leaned in to kiss his cheek, but close to the edge of his mouth.‘Let me get used to the idea I’m here,’ he murmured, keeping her close for an instant longer Escort Maltepe as a charge of excitement coursed through his body.Anna slowly broke free of his hold upon her and on feeling Eline touch her arm. She gave her lover a moment’s distracted look.‘I’ll show you to your room and you can unwind, a bit, while Eline and I sort out a welcome drink or two…’‘I like the sound of that,’ he smiled and was captivated by the sight of them. His troubles back at home now seemed so very far away and he felt a surge of anticipation for what he imagined might well await him.He sure wasn’t the moralizing sort of man, and the two women had taken hold before he had been in the place for an hour. Drink, and fatigue after a long flight might yet decide how events unfolded.3Washed, and shaved, just to freshen up, Willem simply put on some swimming briefs, blue shorts, a white T, and white beach shoes. He used his fingers to brush out his hair and left it at that.His room, with its shower room and toilet, was a white out, the walls decorated with brightly coloured abstract paintings, the small dresser having a potted palm at its side. A tall sliding window looked out over the sloping hillside and the sea beyond. Oblong windows, set at the ceiling’s edge allowed light to still enter the room and curtains were only necessary for privacy. It felt as if he had been transported to another world.He soon knew that he had been, when he saw the two women together again, unashamedly intimate and unaware that he had come into the living room area.‘Ah, there you are,’ Anna smiled as she drew away, murmuring something to Eline, who nodded and left them. ‘I’ll show you around outside and also show you where I have put some of the materials you asked for…’‘And what about the tools that I’ll need?’‘They’re on call, Willem. I wasn’t going to pay a day rate when there was no knowing when you’d want to start. Just settle in first, okay?’Willem nodded in agreement with that wise decision Anna had reached.‘Ever the organised one,’ he smiled, stepping out to the edge of the slabbed verandah and looking down the hillside, its gradient steepening the further away he looked. The ground before him was cloaked in dense but dry vegetation.Stunted palms and a tangle of shrubs, thickets, and plants were close to the edge of the verandah and the grass, such as it was, stunted and parched. It would all change in almost the blink of an eye after a rainstorm.‘I’ve always been that, but even more so in getting this place fixed up.’ Anna swept an arm around to point out the view and the setting of the house, the back walls painted an azure blue and in stark contrast with the front that he had first seen. It matched other properties on either side, as the authorities demanded. ‘The small plunge pool was an expense, but worth it…as you’ll find out.’‘You’ve done incredibly well. It’s a credit to you…’ Willem had walked to its slabbed side and crouched to feel the water’s temperature.‘Try it!’ he heard a voice suggest and gasped on seeing Eline approach, an azure bikini stark against her ebony skin. She was carrying a tray; the clink of empty glasses was to be heard. A jug of some fruit cup, alcoholic he had no doubt, also to be seen. But, it was Eline who had held his attention, her bikini all but a second skin and shaping her. It was too early for him to be feeling the way he was. ‘Try it…we should all do that. Call it a ‘settling in moment’, or in my case a ‘getting to know you’ time.’Willem was disconcerted by her winning ways, her figure revealed to his gaze and so soon. He saw the women exchange a knowing glance once more.‘That sounds like a great idea.’ Anna agreed. ‘You don’t mind do you, Willem? We can take turns in the plunge pool and have our drinks right here, outside?’Willem shrugged.He felt an interloper as the two women behaved as they seemed to do when on their own. ‘I’ll watch and learn,’ he grinned, turning his face up to the sun. ‘I feel like a bleached piece of bone washed up on the beach compared to you two…’He was seen to tug off his T-shirt, revealing a line of reddish hair over his strong but pale torso and down under his waistband. The stress of recent times had taken its toll on his physique. Cycling to work, and for distraction, along with the often physical demands of his teacher’s life, had firmed up his body.Anna came to…

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First Military Threesome Ch. 02

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Part one led us into uncharted waters for our marriage that I had hoped would happen at some point leading to my wife finding out I was bisexual and loved the taste of cum in all its forms. Though a surprise, a little alcohol and some strip poker brought it out at her suggestion. After the evening’s festivities the three of us were tired and retired to our king-sized bed with Sue in the middle and us on the outside. We all talked but Sue went back to my being bi part and asked John, “Hey John, are you bi? You’re obviously not gay as you fucked me really good earlier.”

John thought for a moment, looked at me and said, “I’m not really sure, I’m not attracted to guys but I sure did like fucking his ass as my girlfriends would never let me.”

She turns to me and says, “Obviously you are bi and I wish I’d known it sooner because we could have been having tons more fun. What else haven’t you told me?”

“Well, it’s a long story and I’ve suppressed. When I was younger, I spent a year getting used by a baseball team of older guys. Found out that I actually started looking forward to the encounters. This continued with a few of them until we moved away. I really loved pleasing them and some girls that I met after the first encounter. After we moved, I did have a few other encounters but they were with girls.” I stated.

Sue responded, “No wonder you’re so good at eating pussy! I would really love to see you suck John’s dick if you’re up for it. I did love watching you get fucked by John earlier, maybe next time he can cum in your ass while you suck my pussy.”

That said, I threw the covers off, moved across Sue, took ahold of John’s slowly hardening cock, and slowly slid my lips over the head swirling my tongue around the circumcised head. Then plunged down swallowing his cock to the root. Pulling my hand out I tugged softly on his balls while I made repeated swallowing movements with my throat on his cock eliciting an “Oh, my God!!” from John.

I look up during this process, holding him in my throat, seeing Sue watching my mouth intently with her lips forming an O in amazement. Her eyes wide as she says, “Wow, you do like to suck cock! I wish I could do that to you but you’re so thick and long it’d be really hard.” She turns her body around so her face is at my cock as she takes a long lick slowly putting the head in her mouth and I moan around John’s cock. Starting to slowly pull back I get to the head again, swirling my tongue around it again then plunge fast back down to his pubes. On my third plunge I accidentally push my hips hard forward shoving almost my whole cock down Sue’s throat.

She pulls back coughing, “Why’d you do that?”

I pull my mouth off his cock and say, “I’m so sorry I was just getting carried away trying to swallow John’s cock.”

“It’s OK, I was just shocked and still can’t believe I got almost your whole cock in my throat. Guess I could work on my gag reflex. Let me continue and see how much I can get in there; it’s making me really wet to think I may be able to do it.”

“OK, let’s try this to maybe make it easier. John turn 90 degrees, Sue come over here and lay your head over the side of the bed. This will make your throat straight in line with your mouth.” I stand up over Sue’s mouth tapping my cock on her chin while John leans into get his face onto her pussy starting to eat her while we prepare.

She opens her mouth, licks the head, and says, “Look here a lollypop! What next? Oh god that feels good John!”

“Ok, Anadolu Yakası Escort we’re all set. Open your mouth, put your hands on my legs to let me know how far to go. Just pull me in until you’re ready.” She opens her mouth fully pulling me slowly forward as I watch my cock disappear into her mouth. “So, to help the gag reflex. When you get close to that spot start a swallowing motion with your throat.” I can feel her swallowing over and over and it feels really good. She pulls really hard on me shoving it completely to the root and holds for about 30 seconds then pushes back until I’m completely back out of her mouth.

She says, “Wow, I had my nose in your balls. That was really cool and I didn’t even choke. You want me to continue?”

“God yes!!”

“Alright, still don’t like the taste of cum much so if you’re fully in my throat when you cum I won’t taste it right?”

“Right, it’ll just go straight into your belly.”

“Cool, so let me do what we just did a few times to get used to it then when I drop my hands you can just fuck my mouth. John, when I tap your head get up and shove that cock in my pussy so I can be fucked from both ends.”


Sue pulls my cock back into her mouth, this time taking it slowly again. Three times slowly all the way to the root and I almost can’t resist cumming but am able to hold off. She drops her hands which was the signal to go at my own pace which slow was working but I did up the tempo and held deep for about 20 seconds longer than she did as I look up and see John plunging into her pussy in one push causing her to even go a little deeper than I thought possible. I can feel her moaning around my cock especially as I pull all the way out to the head and now quickly push deep. After about 10 more strokes I feel I’m about to cum pulling back to allow a deep breath I plunge fast and deep while I unload 6-7 big spurts of cum deep in her throat. I hold it there a little too long and she starts raising her hands to push me back. I slowly pull back until she can breathe but leave my still dripping cock half way in.

In the mean time I am watching intently as John plunges into her sopping pussy as she had already orgasmed twice from the double fucking she’s getting. One last time as he unloads into her pussy a third orgasm hits hard and fast. John pulls out and I crawl up onto the bed pulling her up to sit on my mouth while cum starts dribbling out of that beautiful pussy. I dive in and clean every drop of their combined cum out of her. She orgasms one more time on my mouth and squirts a bit of pee into my mouth too. “Oh god, I’m sorry! I need to pee.”

I look up and say, “Tasted pretty good if that’s what that was go ahead and pee right now.”

“No! Really?” She cannot resist and just starts a steady slow stream of pee which I swallow. At one point I just latched onto her and sucked the pee out of her as it was easier to swallow that way. Soon, she’s done, looking down at me as I pull away keeping a mouthful. She says, “What does it taste like?”

I pull her down to me, kiss her, waiting till she opens her mouth a bit and get a deep French kiss going so there would be no question. We kiss for a couple of minutes and both swallow what we had shared. Sue pulls back up saying, “Not so bad, kind of like popcorn.”

“Yeah but yours is sweeter than mine I’m sure.”

“Never know till we try.” Sue looks down and sees a glob of cum still on my belly and she leans Anadolu Yakası Escort Bayan over to lick it up.

Swirling it around her mouth and swallows saying, “Hm this isn’t so bad. Actually, kind of sweet this time. Maybe next time you can cum in my mouth and we can share!”

“Sure, I’d love that!”

John finally comes out of his stupor after the hard cumming he just did and says, “I need to pee too.”

As he starts to get up, I say “Wait a minute, I really likes Sue’s bring that cock over here so I can at least clean it up first.”

He just stays there in the half sitting position and stammers, “Uh um Ok.”

I slide over and take his soft cock into my mouth cleaning up both their juices. Once cleaned off I could get his soft cock and balls into my mouth at the same time letting my tongue play with all of it. As I let his cock go, I say, “Let’s jump into the shower.”

“Ok” from both.

We all get off the bed going into the bathroom. I grab John’s cock as we’re walking. “I want to taste that pee of yours.”

“Me too! I may not swallow it but I do want a taste.”

We get into the shower, kneel next to each other, as John lifts his cock saying, “Here it comes as I really need to pee!”

He first aims at Sue hitting her on the top of the head riding the stream down to her open mouth as it fills up, he aims over to me first hitting my chest then walking it up to my hungry mouth. I lean forward to the head all the while it’s filling my mouth, clamp my lips over the tip and just start swallowing. I pull back after Sue smacks my back and he put another stream into her now empty mouth. He’s starting to flow less and is almost done. I latch on again taking the rest. When he’s done, I look back at Sue with her full mouth sitting there open as she plays with the pee with her tongue. She grabs my head and locks our mouths together sharing what is in her mouth. When we pull back, we see a kind of dumbfounded look on John’s face. As he says, “Not sure I’ll be trying that but it was certainly fun.”

I laugh and say, “All good but now I have to pee myself.”

“Give it to me baby!” Sue says with an open mouth.

I stand, placing my soft cock onto her bottom lip and start pissing slowly as I don’t want to overwhelm her. She clamps her lips over the head and starts swallowing while nodding. I take this as a sign to let go so I do. Flooding her mouth, it starts to dribble out the corners and I see it start streaming but she is still swallowing wholeheartedly. Oddly, I start hardening as the stream starts to go down. By the time she’s finished swallowing I’m fully hard again. She pulls back and says to John, “Want to help me?”

“I guess I can try, never really wanted to but let’s see.”

He kneels down next to Sue. She pulls my cock over and lays it on his lower lip. He tentatively licks the head with his tongue. As Sue also kisses and licks the head as they kiss each other with my cock in between, tongues intertwining.

After this we stand up in the water soaping each other up and down. John is soaping my back sliding his hand into the crack of my ass as I look back seeing him getting hard again while he plays with my ass. I say, “Go ahead and do whatever you want there. Whatever you desire.” Then I feel a finger slowly work its way into my hole and I let out a loud moan as I’m soaping up Sue’s ass doing the same to her eliciting a loud squeal from her.

Sue looks back and says, “Don’t you Escort Anadolu Yakası dare! You know I said nothing in my ass! Damn, that does feel different and not too bad after all. Alright, you can play but you’re not getting that big cock in my ass. It barely fits into my pussy!”

As I slowly finger her ass a few I let the water stream down her back washing away the soap leaving her clean I pull out my finger and slowly lower myself to my knees. Spread her cheeks and shove my tongue as deep as I can into her asshole getting a low loud moan from her and I tongue fuck her ass. In the meantime, while I was distracted, I notice that John has followed me down and now has more fingers opening my ass. It feels like he’s fucking my ass with his whole hand. He sits on the floor, pulls his fingers from my ass, pulling my ass over his cock, finally yanking me onto his cock again. I think, ‘God, that feels good!’ All the while I am licking Sue’s ass trying to get my long tongue as deep as possible. While I start fucking myself onto Johns cock it puts in a rhythm that has me plunging in and out of her ass.

Next, I decide to see if I can stretch her hole a bit without her really thinking about it. I slide my other hand down to her pussy pushing in two fingers while the others slide across her clit over and over. I proceed to push three fingers slowly into her ass at the same time. Bringing forth another moan as she says, “Oh wow that feels so good!”

Then I pull off of John’s cock, slide under Sue’s legs, pushing up my ass so that our cocks are almost touching, I then pull Sue down to her knees and start kissing her while pushing her completely onto the head of my cock. John gets the idea and quickly puts more soap on his cock. He lines it up directly to her asshole just when Sue decides to just plunge fully onto my cock. She pulls back with her mouth open in an O shape. John says, “Whoops!”

Sue gets over her shock and almost starts up when John starts rubbing her shoulder and kissing her back. She puts her whole weight onto both of us and says, “Asshole, you did that on purpose! Think I’ll just sit here a minute and soak this in! God, I have never in my life felt so full of cock. It feels so good and just for that I’m going to fuck you both raw!”

She starts slowly up and down but is soon at a brisk pace fucking us both as hard as she can. I get a hand on her nipple and another on her clit which sends her into a massive orgasm at the same time pushing us both completely over with her. She loses all control and falls back down on us both keeping us impaled into her holes. John and I both put our arms around all of us and just sit there holding each other until we all get our heartbeats under control.

Sue says, “Well, that was fun. I’m just glad it was John’s cock and not yours.” As she smacks my shoulder saying, “I know you planned this! Guess I don’t have a virgin hole now.” She starts to stand up letting both our cocks loose and as she stands, I look up to see cum coming from both holes. I sit up and start licking up her leg, “There you go, get to cleaning up this mess.” I proceed to clean her pussy and asshole till there is no cum left.

We all clean up and towel down heading back into the bedroom to finally go to sleep.

Sue kisses John long and hard turning to me whispering in my ear, “So, new plans for the Halloween party tomorrow. I’m going to shave you everywhere, dress you up like a slut in heels, and I’ll be your pimp. Since John is going with us, he’ll be your first John of the night! I’m going to sell your ass and mouth telling everyone you don’t want to get pregnant and you’ll fuck and/or suck everyone I sell you to, I might even take an extra $30 if they want to piss in your mouth.” Then she kissed me and laid back.

‘Oh God, I can’t wait!’ I think all night.

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SissyMandy – Tamed By A Cougar

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Life could be so perfect, if only these moments with Mistress could last forever. Escaping into the sanctuary of her arms is always the highlight of every day, but this day is even more special to me, because I’ve just accepted Mistress’s last name and will now be known in the sissy universe as Mandy Parker.Okay, I realize that by giving me her last name, she’s continuing to systematically destroy every shred of masculinity I ever had, but I don’t care about that anymore. Considering how pathetic my life as Mark is going these days, why would I even want to be anyone other than the sissy known as Mandy Parker?Like today at work, when because of my own negligence, I was up against a deadline and feverishly working to get this contract out on time. I would’ve been in really deep shit if Janine, one of our secretaries, hadn’t already done most of the work that I was supposed to do on it last week.We were going over it in my office, when in what seemed like an innocent observation on her part, Janine noticed some mascara that I apparently didn’t get off in the shower. I don’t know why she’d even notice something like that, let alone point it out, but I went into a state of absolute, fucking panic when she did.Beads of sweat formed on my forehead as I squirmed to make up a flimsy lie to explain it. When she left my office with that smirk on her face, I just knew she didn’t believe my pathetic excuse. It scared me as I sat there, thinking about how dangerously close she is to discovering my sissy secret.For now at least, I’ve escaped all that, safe between Brenda’s legs and feeding on her pussy like it’s candy. Lost in this dreamy sea of sissy tranquility, I can’t possibly contemplate how she’s using her pussy to win my trust and break my will. She knows she’s got me where she wants me when she asks me to sit beside her, and I just keep licking like I don’t even hear her.”Well, Miss Mandy Parker…?” she says as she tightly clamps my head between her legs. “Are you going to keep licking my pussy all night, or are you going to come up and sit beside me like I asked?””Oh… umm… sorry, Mistress, I should have immediately obeyed you.””Understandable, my sweet, but come sit with me now. There are things we must discuss.”I forgot how slutty I’m dressed as I greedily fed on her like a pig at the trough. But I realize it now, with the water balloons in my bra cups pulling on my shoulder straps, and my feet not knowing how to move in these seven-inch platform heels. Once I clumsily get to my feet, I struggle to pull my micro mini-skirt down to at least cover my ass.”It won’t pull down, honey,” Mistress laughs as I sit beside her. “I had you dress this way for a reason.””May I ask what that reason is, Mistress?””You may, Mandy Parker. You’re dressed this way because I didn’t get any pictures of you eating pussy yesterday. So when Sherry gets home, I want some of you licking her… dressed like a slut.””I’ll like that, Mistress!” I say with giggles. “May I ask where Sherry is?””Sherry has a doctor’s appointment.””Why…? Is something wrong with her?””No, dear, nothing’s wrong. She’ll explain it to you when she gets home. Right now, I think you should turn on your new phone.””Oh, yeah…! I almost forgot about my brand new, very own… sissy phone!””Well, Mandy Parker, turn it on. Let’s see what’s in that sissy phone of yours.”While I wait for it to come on, I can only imagine what Mistress has already downloaded into my phone as I stupidly count all the pretty red hearts on the pink case.”Aaagh!” I giggle excitedly when the screen lights up. My new name, Mandy Parker, is in big, fancy letters. And behind that is a picture of me in a sexy pose they took yesterday, wearing my pale-pink baby doll nightie!”Oh, Mistress!” I laugh. “Now I have to see myself every time I turn it on!””It’s intentional, darling. Every time you use your phone, you’ll see what a sexy sissy you are. You do look hot, do you not?””Yeah…” I giggle, “I’d fuck me in a second!””And so will every sissy-lover I show Şerifali Escort your pictures to. Do you think you’re about ready for me to send you on a date?””I’m not sure, Mistress, but if you think I’m ready…””I’m first going to loan you out to a female friend of mine. Remember Virginia, the lady at Victoria’s Secret?””How could I forget her? She was so nice to me when we were looking at training bras.””Well, she has the same special needs that I have, and when I told her how well you’ve been acquiring the taste for nectar, she practically begged me to let her borrow you. I promised her she could, because I know you’d probably love to take care of her need like you take care of mine. Am I right about that?””You’re always right about everything. I’ll do my best to please her, but do you really think I’m ready to do this?””I wouldn’t give you to a lover I’ve had for many years if I didn’t think you could take care of her need. Now, you still have much to learn about the fine points of cunnilingus, but after what you’ve been doing for me in the shower, I think you’re quite ready to pleasure my lady friend.”I’ve already told Virginia I’ll bring you to Victoria’s Secret Friday night just before they close. She’ll take you home with her from there.””Will I have to get dressed up?””Don’t ask such silly questions. You know you’re an everyday cross-dresser now, so always assume that you’ll be dressing extra special on dates. For a reward, you’ll be happy to know, I’m taking you to see Cheryl to have your titties pumped up before I deliver you to Virginia.””Oh, goodie…! I love pumped-up sissy boobs!”Fuck… why am I getting goosebumps all over?~~~~~”What’s all this excitement about pumped-up boobs?” Sherry comes shuffling into the living room.”Hey, Sher…” Mistress says, “we didn’t hear you come in. What did my doctor say?””Wow, I really like her! She understands a woman’s concerns more than my old male doctor ever did. She ran some tests and everything came out fine, so I’m going in next Wednesday to have it done.””Having what done?” I ask.”I’m sorry, Mandy, I should have already told you. I’m having a tubal ligation operation.””What’s that? Is it bad?””No, it’s not bad. I’m just having my tubes tied so I’ll never get pregnant.””Why? I can’t get you pregnant.””Silly sissy… I know you can’t, but the black guys I’ve been sleeping with certainly can.””But you’re on birth control.””Sweetie, no form of birth control is one-hundred percent reliable. The only thing that scares me about sleeping around so much, is that I’ve always got little spermies swimming around inside me. If just one of those teeny things ever hooked up with one of my eggs, I’d be royally fucked with an interracial pregnancy, which would probably get us disowned by our racist parents.””Yeah, you’re definitely right about that. My mom’s not so bad, but my asshole dad is a bigger right-wing racist than your parents are. Is the operation hard?””No,” Brenda breaks in to say, “I had it done when I was twenty-two. It’s the best option for women like us who aren’t cut out to be mothers. And it’s a lot more fun for the girl if she doesn’t have to worry about a pregnancy.””Brenda’s right, Mandy. I’ll feel a lot safer with my boyfriends when I know I can’t ever get pregnant.””Do you want me to get off work so I can take you to the hospital?””No, Brenda will take me. We can’t afford to have our parents even suspecting anything about this. That’s why I went to Brenda’s doctor. We should both go there from now on. She’s very liberal-minded, like us.””Mandy Parker will be seeing her in the future, I’m sure,” Brenda says.”Oh…?” Sherry giggles. “So Mandy… Parker is living with us now?””Yeah…! Mistress offered me her last name, and I accepted. She owns me now.””Ha…!” Sherry laughs. “She’s owned your sissy-ass since day one, and you know she has.””So…? She owns me more now… and look… she even gave me my very own sissy phone!””Very nice, slut-girl. A special phone to text with all your sissy Şerifali Escort Bayan girlfriends.””You know Marci’s the only sissy I text with.””Yeah, only Marci right now, but I’m pretty sure you’ll be having more.””Let’s look at the pictures in your phone,” Brenda then suggests.”Geeez…” I gasp when I see dozens of pictures of me, “how many pictures did you load in here?””Just all the ones we took yesterday. Go ahead, look at the pretty slut you’ve become.””Ohhh… Nooo…!” I giggle as I gawk at some of the dirty poses I did for them yesterday. “I can’t believe this is me!””It damn-sure is you, Mandy Parker. That hot sissy girl you see is your true self, the person you were always meant to be.””Oh my God! I’m going to have to text Marci about this!””You can text her after I get some pictures of you licking Sherry.””Oooo…” Sherry squeals, “am I going to be in Mandy’s pictures?””Just your twat,” Brenda laughs. “I want to get a few of her eating you out while she’s dressed like this. After dinner, we’ll take a few more in our bedroom… because Mandy Parker’s gonna sleep with us tonight.””Oh, that should be fun!””Since she’s been such a good girl, I promised our slave an orgasm tonight.””Will it be from a blow job or a fuck?” Sherry laughs. “I’ll do either.””Neither. I’ll be giving her a sissy orgasm.””Fun, fun, fun!” Sherry giggles as she shimmies out of her panties. “Okay slut-girl, start licking… slave!””Yes, ma’am!” I say as I eagerly get on the floor to lick my second pussy tonight.”Mmmm… yeah,” Sherry moans as I work my tongue into her slit. “Get a video of this, Bren.””Rock those hips for me, babe,” Brenda coaches. “Fake it if you have to. When we get her in bed later, you won’t have to fake it. Our sissy slave will lick us out good!””Oh… fuck…” Sherry moans when I suck on her clit, “I’m not faking it. This little slut is already warmed up!””She should be warmed up,” Brenda chuckles, “she gave me three orgasms before you got here.””Damn, Mandy,” Sherry says as she pulls my head into her cunt, “what a lucky girl you are to have two pussies feeding you.””I know… all I need now is a big cock!””No cock for you, Mandy Parker,” Mistress laughs, “you get nothing but pussy this week.””I’ll take it!” I say as I’m rubbing my face in Sherry’s snatch.~~~~~”Holy fuck…!” Sherry exclaims to Brenda afterwards as they go into the kitchen to start dinner. “What got into that little bitch? She’s never eaten me out like that.””Amazing what a last name will do for a sissy’s mindset,” Mistress chuckles.”Geez… I guess so…. and she didn’t bitch about having to wear that ridiculous outfit?””Nope. She put it right on, and she even got the platform heels on by herself. The final phase of completely breaking a sissy’s will is when she accepts the name of her owner as her own, so the more she hears us calling her Mandy Parker, the faster she’ll accept it as her permanent name.”And once the testosterone blockers we’re feeding her kick in, she should become very docile. She probably won’t even want to think much for herself anymore, and that’s when the real fun begins.””Damn… this is working out just like you said.””No surprise to me, honey. The first time we went to bed and you told me about your wimp husband, I had a very good feeling about us.””God, I love you, Bren,” Sherry throws herself into Brenda’s arms, “letting you take me to bed was the best decision I’ve ever made!”~~~~~I see them making out in the kitchen as I go into my bedroom to get Marci’s number off my other cell phone. Every time I see them kissing like that, I’m just amazed at how Sherry’s blossomed into such a fine, sexy woman since she’s been with Brenda. It makes me even more anxious to get in their bed and eat them out while they kiss!My little clitty’s so excited as I send a text message to Marci. We usually text later at night, so I sure hope she answers me.’Hey, sissy-sis,’ I type on my phone, “it’s Mandy. Are you home?’I’m nervously waiting a minute or two for a reply, Escort Şerifali but then she answers.’Mandy? Is that you? This is a different number.”It’s me… Mistress bought me a new sissy phone!”Whoa…! That’s rad, babe. Things must be going well for you.”Very well! And guess what? I got my nipples pierced!”No… did you really?”Yeah, last Friday night. I got a belly ring, too!”I gotta see! Do you have the Facetime app on your phone?”Yeah, I have it, but I don’t know how to do it.”I’ll do it. You just hang up and accept my request when it comes up, okay?”’Got it.’A minute after hanging up, I see the Facetime thingy appear, and luckily, I push the right button.”I see you!” Marci giggles.”I see you, too! This is way beyond cool!””Yeah, we should do this every night when I’m not out on a date.””I can’t do it tonight, cuz I’m sleeping with my two Mistresses.””Shit, you lucky bitch! You’ve got two women, and I’ve never even touched one.””If you want some pussy, I’m sure Sherry will give you a piece next time we get together.””I’d like to, if Master will let me. He wants to keep me a homo, which is just fine with me.””You gotta try pussy… it’s really good.””I hope to find out one day. Show me your tits. I wanna see your piercings.””Okay, just a sec. I got a c-cup bra on, and there’s water balloons in the cups.””You crazy sissy! Water balloons…?””Yeah, Mistress put ’em in my bra. They feel kinda neat when they jiggle.””Prop your phone on a pillow, so I can watch you strip.””Who’s the crazy sissy? You think I’m gonna do a strip-tease for you?””C’mon… do it for me. It’s not like we’ve never slept together, you know.””Okay, I’ll do it, just for you.”I don’t realize that Brenda and Sherry are standing outside my door, listening to everything we’re saying.~~~~”This is so funny,” Sherry whispers to Brenda, “they’re talking like I used to talk to my girlfriends when I was fifteen!””Now that we’ve completely broken her,” Brenda explains, “Mandy’s mind should regress back to an immature, teeny-bopper mentality. We want her brain to get permanently stuck there, so we can mold her into anything we want. Marci’s perverted little brain is already stuck in teenager mode, so she’s the perfect nympho role model for Mandy to have.””Oh look!” Sherry peers through the crack in my door. “She’s doing a strip-tease for Marci!””Now ain’t that cute?” Brenda laughs. “Two little sissy sluts showing off their cute little pierced titties. Just what we want to see. Let’s leave these two ‘pre-teens’ to themselves. Things are progressing very nicely.”~~~~~It’s so much fun playing with Marci on Facetime! As I’m taking off my top, she’s taking hers off at the same time. But she can’t match me when I hold a water balloon-filled c-cup in each hand and jiggle them for her. I’m so glad I’m a sissy now, because otherwise, I wouldn’t be having fun like this at all.”Take off your bra,” Marci giggles. “Show me your tits, you whore!””You’re more of a whore than I am!””Jealous…?””Maybe.””Don’t be. You’ll be catching up soon. I told you that you were going to be one, didn’t I?””You did, and maybe you were right.””I know I was right. Every sissy who gets brought to the Laguna d’Amour sissy resort ends up a whore.””I got a whore date this Friday night.””Are you gonna get pumped full of cum?””Nope. Eat your heart out, homo-girl, cuz my date’s with a woman. I’m getting poooo-seeeee!””Fuck…! Not fair… you bitch! Shut up and show me your god-damn tits!””Okay… here goes.”I can’t stop laughing as I unhook my strap and let my bra fall away.”Oooo… I just love your nipple rings!” Marci swoons. “I kinda wanted rings, but Master wanted me to have posts.””I wanted posts like yours, but Mistress chose rings for me.””Well, we don’t get to choose. It’s whatever our owners decide for us. But I like it when I don’t have to think, cuz I’m not too good at it. Sex is all I ever think about.””I’m getting that way. I hate my job. I really suck as a man.””I did too. I’m so much happier being Master’s sissy, cuz he does all my thinking for me.””I know. Someday, I hope…””Someday you hope what…?” Mistress suddenly appears in my bedroom.”Oh… nothing.””Hi, Marci,” she says into my phone.”Hi, Mistress Brenda. Me and Mandy are having loads of fun!””I see, but it’s time to end this call. Mandy has to eat dinner now.”

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