Evli Çiftle Grup-1

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Evli Çiftle Grup-1

Selam azgın hikayeciler.Yazdıklarımdan çok etkilendiğini 3 yıldan bu yana çift olarak partnerlerle görüştüklerini ama şartlar uygun olursa tek olarak ilk defa beni eşiyle aralarında görmek istediklerini yazınca cevap yazıp net üzerinden konuşmak istediğimi bildirdim.Detaylı yazmak adına giriş kısmı biraz uzun sürüyor arkadaşlar haberiniz olsun.

Skype adreslerimizi verip 3 gün boyunca yazıştık durduk mineyle.Arada cam dan da vucutlarımızı gösterip sohbeti koyulaştırdık.Mine 29 yaşında 160 boyunda 50 kiloydu eşi uğur da 33 yaşında 175 boyunda 65 kiloda 5 yıllık evli olduklarını ve uğurun geçirdiği kaza sonucu sex olarak kendisine yetmediğini ilk başlarda istemeselerde sonradan facebook üzerinden başka evli çiftlerlede görüşerek bu hayatı yaşadıklarını yazdı mine. Normalde asla tek erkekle yapmadıklarını sürekli olarak görüştüğü 4 tane evli çift olduğunu ama artık aynı şekilde aynı kişilerle yaşamanın sıkıcılığından dolayı eşiyle beraber hikayemi okuduktan sonra msj yazmayı uğurun önerdiğini söyleyince bende bundan dolayı mutlu olduğumu ve isterlerse görüşebileceğimi söyledim.En son ne zaman o evli çiftle beraber oldun diye sorunca 2 aya yakındır görüşmediğimizi söyleyince o zaman en kısa zaman yaşayalım diye ekledi. Ben hemen cevap yazıp peki bu zamanı akşama alabilirmiyiz deyince mine bilmem eşimle konuşmam lazım bana 5 dk ver deyip telefonla aradı.
Zaten hafta sonuydu ve yakın yerde yaşıyorlardı gidip gelmek sorun olmazdı.Çok geçmeden de yanıtlayıp tamam kabul saat 8 gibi burda olurmusun deyince bende tabiki dedim.Yanlız telefon numarasını veremeyeceğini şuan için bunu yapamayacaklarını söyleyip bana bir adres verdi.Ben kuşkulu davranarak ya gelmezseniz boşuna mı gelmiş olacağım deyince asla öyle birşeyin olmayacağını dediği adreste olmamın yeterli olacağını eşinin orda beni karşılayacağını yazdı.Bende tek uğuru görürsem gelemem yanında sende olmalısın deyince peki zaten evimizin karşısı sana verdiğim yer ve bende orda olacam deyince bende gelmeyi kabul ettim.Saatler geçmiş hafif hava kararmak üzereydi.Eve gidip duş alıp hazırlanarak yola koyulmuştum.Söylediği sokağa gelip aracımı biraz geriye park edip yürüyerek durağa geldim.Saat 8 e gelmişti nerdeyse ve durakta minenin özelliklerinde bir bayanla erkek vardı.Yanlarına gelince mine bana doğru bakıp fırat değilmi deyince merhaba minemi? dedim.Onlarda merhaba deyip beraberce karşıdaki siteye yöneldik.
2.katta oturuyorlarmış.Kapıdan girene kadar ses etmeden onlar önde ben arkada ilerledik. Kapıdan içeri geçip üstümü alıp kısa süre ayakta tanışma faslından sonra beni salona davet ettilerMine gayet alımlı uğur ise gerçektende yakışıklı biriydi.Koltuğa oturup sohbete başladığımızda mine ağzı açık beni izliyordu.Neden öyle bakıyorsun dediğimde çok rahatsız sanki uzun yıllardır tanışıyormuş gibi sıcak kanlısın değilmi kocacım dediğinde uğurda evet aşkım fıratla uyum sorunumuz olurmu diye düşünüyordun ama bence hiç olmayacak diye eşini onayladı.Yaklaşık 30 dk kadar muhabbet ettikten sonra mine yanımızdan sanırım hazırlanmak için ayrıldı.Bende uğura dönüp onun hakkında bilgiler almaya kıskançlık vs gibi şeyleri sormaya başladım.Uğur rahat olmamı istedi zaten penisinin çok sertleşmediğini sertleşsede çok uzun süre o şekilde kalmadığını eşini memnun etmek adına bu yola girme fikrininde kendisinden çıktığını söyledi.İlk zamanlar eş değiştirip orta karar sex yaptığını ama şimdi pasif olarakda sexe katıldığını söyleyince benimle de isterse a p olarak sex yaşayabileceğini söyleyince aktiflik pek olmazda sana pasif olmayı çok isterim dedi.

Biz konuşurken mine süzülür şekilde üstünde içini apaçık beli eden şekilde yanımıza geldi. Mine resmen afet gibiydi.Yanımıza gelip ee beyler detayları konuştunuzmu deyince ben sana dair konuşmadık başlasakda bitiremezdik bu sürede deyince mine bak sen nelerim varmış benim peki demesiyle mineyi tutup kucağıma doğru çektim.Anlatılmaz yaşanır dedikleri özelliktesin sen deyip ellerimle göğüslerini okşamaya başladım.Minede dudaklarıma yumulmuş eliyle aletimi sıvazlamaya başlamıştı ki uğur gençler burda olmaz hadi mekanımıza geçelim deyince mineyi kucakladığım gibi uğuru takip edip yatak odasına girdik.Mineyi tutup yatağa atıp üstüne uzandım.Dudaklarına yumulduğumda mine de kendini kaptırmış başımı eleriyle sıkıştırıp delicesine öpüşmeye başlamıştı.Bir yandan öpüşüyor bir yandanda ellerimle vücudunu keşfediyordum.5 dk boyunca sadece öpüştükten sonra ben yavaştan elbisenin üstünden göğüslerini dişlemeye başlayınca mine rahat edemedim çıkarayım müsadenle deyip elbisesini çıkarınca göğüslerinin güzelliği karşısında yeniden büyülendim.Yatmasına rağmen göğüsleri dimdik şekilde durması iyice tahrik etmişti beni ve hemen dilimle yalamaya arada başını dişimle sıkıp çekmeye başladım.Mine resmen kudurmuş başımı göğüslerine bastırıyor alabildiğim kadarını ağzıma sokmaya calışıyordu.

Hareketlerimi hızlandırdığım anda inlemeler eşliğinde boşalmaya başladı.Harikasın aşkım ilk defa sadece göğüslerimle ilgilenerek boşaltan oldun sen beni iyik**e sana o msjı yazmışım iyiki gelmişsin dedi.Yerinden doğrulup kocasını çağırdı ve fıratı soy aşkım dedi.Tamamen soyunduğum an minenin üstüne boylamasına uzanıp yeniden öpüşmeye başladık.Ben yavaş yavaş aşağılara inerken mine de kendinden geçmeye başlamıştı.Çiçekli el kadar kilotunu çıkarınca gizli hazineye ulaşmıştım.Bem beyaz teninin arasında kırmızı yanaklarıyla mükemmel kokusuyla karşımda duruyordu güzelim vajinası.Önce küçük öpücükler kondurdum ardındanda dilimi kulanmaya başlamamla mine inlemelerini arttırmaya başlamıştı yeniden.

Dilimle derinlerine yalarken uğurda boş durmayıp hemen aletimi ağzına alıp oral yapmaya başladı.Parmaklarımla deriyi yukarı kaldırıp klitorisine dil atmamla mine kendini kaybetmiş halde başımı var gücüyle bastırmaya başladı.Bende tüm deneyimlerimi uygulamaya başladım bu noktadan sonra.Bir yandan klitorisini oynuyor bir yandanda 2 parmağımı deliğinden içeri sokmuş g noktasına baskı yapmaya başlamıştımki mine sarsılarak hatta dışarı birazcık fışkırarak boşalmaya başladı.İlk defa böyle boşaldığını gören uğur da aletimi bırakmış eşine hayranlıkla bakıyor nasıldı aşkım demesiyle mine titreyen sesiyle süpperrrdi diye seslenince doğru yolda olduğumu anladım.Mine yerinden doğrulup beni itip sen nesin böyle ön sevişmemi olur 2 kere boşaldım daha bişey yapmadan deyince bunlar herzaman yaptığım şeylerdi şimdiye kadar sana yapan olmadımı deyince mine nerde bizim olay sevişmeyi kısa tutup sexe önem vermekmiş dedi.Kusura bakmada o çiftteki kocalarda yetersizmiş dedim.Buse dudaklarımdan başlayıp kocasının yarım bıraktığı işe başladı.

Aletimi eliyle tutup yazdığın zaman inanmamıştım ama gerçekten kalınmış deyip penisimin başını ağzına almaya başladı.Sanki dondurma yalar gibi sadece başını yalıyor eliylede gövdesinden tutmuş sıvazlıyordu.Elini kenara çektirdiğim an mine yavaşça alabildiği kadarını almaya başladı.Yavaş yavaş derken artık hepsi ağzındaydı ve tükürük içinde kaldı aletim kısa sürede.Tam dibine kadar sokup kendini çekince derin bir soluk aldı ve kocasından prezervatif istedi.Ustaca prezervatifi yerleştirip hemen üstüme çıktı.Bende kalçalarından tutmuş minenin ritmik hareketlerine elerimle destek vermeye başlamıştım.Mine bir yandan çok güzel süper bi şey bu ya diyor bir yandanda ayakta ki kocasının penisini tutmuş eşofmanın üstünden oynuyordu.Soyun sende aşkım deyince uğur sanki bunu beklermişçesine 10 sn de çırıl çıplak hale geliverdi.Vücudu inanımaz güzeldi uğurun resmen baklavaları vardı karnında ve aşağıdada orta kalınlıkta sertleşmeye çalışan 15 cm kadar bi penisi şekli tamamlıyordu.
5 dk kadar üstümde zıplayan mineyi tuttuğum gibi üstüne çıkıp bacaklarını omuzuma aldım.Zevk alma sırası bana gelmişti artık yanan amını seri şekilde gir çık yaparak sikiyor arada hepsini çıkarıp klitorisinin üstüne vuruşlar yaparak mineyi adeta delirtiyordum.Ben mineyi sikerken uğur aleti yerine götünü eşine dönmüş minede sanırım herzaman yaptığından dolayı yadırgamadan dili ve parmaklarıyla eşinin deliğini genişletmeye başlamıştı.Böyle zor oluyor deyip 4 ayak pozisyonuna geçti mine bende yataktan yere inip tam karşımda duran amına tekrardan seri şekilde sokup çıkarmaya başladım.Mine ohh sesleri eşliğinde eşinide hazır etmiş olacakki birden kendini öne doğru attı.Aşkım hazır oda zevk alsın deyince uğuru belinden tutup yatağın kenarına kadar çektim.Mineyi uğurun üstüne çıkartıp bacaklarını tutmasını isteyip aletimi deliğe doğru bastırmaya başladım.Deliği yumuşamasına rağmen sım sıkıydı belliki bi süredir p olmamıştı uğur.
1-2 dk kadar sadece başını itip çekerek iyice alıştırdıktan sonra mineninde yardımıyla lap diye başını sokmayı başardım.Uğur anlık bi ahh sesi çıkarıp çok kalın istemiyorum deyince mine hemen amını kocasının ağzına verdi.Bunu fırsat bilip az daha yüklenince aletim tamamen deliğine girmişti.Acı çektiği beli olan uğur altımdan kurtulmak için hareket ediyordu ama ben ve minenin tuttuğundan dolayı birşey yapamayınca çaresiz beklemeye başladı.Bi süre hareketsiz o şekilde bekledikten sonra ufak hareketlerle girip çıkmaya başlayınca uğur da kendini sıkmayı bırakmış acı değil artık zevk almaya başlamıştı.Bunu gören mine kocasının üstünden inip yanına yatarak öpücükler kondurmaya başlamıştı dudaklarına.Deliği tamamen alıştığını anladığım an artık tempo kazanmış hareketlerimi hızlandırarak şap şap sesleri çıkartarak uğuru sikmeye başladım.
Bir süre bu şekilde kaldıktan sonra uğuru yerinden kaldırıp yatağa doğru domaltıp tekrardan yerimi aldım.Aletimi tutup 1 hamlede deliğine yerleştirdiğim gibi seri şekilde yüklenmeye başladım.Mineyine kocasının önüne geçirterek penisini yalamasını söyledim.Aldığı zevkten dolayı zaten aleti dümdüz hale gelmiş yumuşak olsada kıvama yavaştan geliyorduki mine kocasının önünde bacaklarını açıp aletini tuttuğu gibi deliğine denk getirdi ve belinden çekerek içine aldı.Bende arkasından yüklenerek uğurun tamamen minenin içine girmesine yardımcı olduğum an 3 ümüzde süper bir pozisyona gelmiştik.Ben artık sabit duruyor uğurun öne arkaya hareketleriyle sikişi izliyordum.Mine de eşine süpersin aşkım devam et helal olsun diyerek kocasına gaz veriyordu.Yaklaşık 10 dk kadardır aynı pozisyonda kaldıktan sonra uğur hareketlerini hızlandırmış minenin amına sıcak dölerini bırakmaya başlamıştı.Boşalan uğur kendini hafif geri iterek minenin amına doğru eğilip kendi dölünü yalamaya başlayınca domalmasını fırsat bilip tekrardan yüklenmeye başladım.2 dk kadar daha siktikten sonra uğur ayaklarım ağrıdı mineyi sik deyip önümden çekildi ve kendini yatağa bıraktı.
Uğurun boşluğundan dolayı önümde duran mineye yaklaşıp aletimi döl içindeki deliğine yerleştirdiğim an mine de bacaklarıyla belimi kenetleyip ta dibine kadar girmemi ister gibi hareketler yapmaya başladı.Girip çıktıkça uğurun döleri içerden çıkıyor göt deliğine doğru süzülüyordu.Aletimi çıkartıp minenin bacaklarını göğüslerine kadar ittirdim ve o güzel dar deliği karşıma aldım.Götünden sikileceğini anlayan mine yavaş ne olur arkadan çok vermedim deyince merak etme zaten kabak gibi benim girmemi bekliyor deyip döl içindeki deliğe hafif hafif bastırmaya başladım.Mine korkudan dolayı kendini kastıkça penisimin başını sokamadığımdan bende daha çok yüklenmek zorunda kalıyordum.Yerinden kalkan uğur inmiş penisini minenin ağzına tıkayıp kökleyene dek mine kasmayı sürdürmüştü.Uğurun yaptığı köklemeden dolayı 1 an gevşemesiyle aletim götünden yararcasına içeri girince mine çığlık attı ama ne çığlık.Çıkar ne olur çok acıyor desede ben hiç oralı olmadan yavaş yavaş itmeye devam ettim.2-3 dk boyu yavaş yavaş ileri geri yaparak deliğini tamamen genişletmeyi başardım.Yumuşak hareketlerim karşısında minede artık kendini bırakmış zevk almaya çalışıyordu.Ellerini belimden tutup benim dahada hızlı gir çık yapmamaı sağladığında onunda istekli olduğunu anladım ve hızlanmaya başladım.
Ben hızlandıkça minede kendinden geçmişti resmen ve acıyor diyen kadın 5-6 dk sonra sok dibine kadar demeye başladı.Üzerine uzanıp yavaş hareketlerle bir süre siktikten sonra belinden kavradığım gibi kucağımda ayağa kaldırdım mineyi.Bacaklarını ellerimle dolayıp ayakta kucağımda gir çık yapmaya başlayınca mine dudaklarıma yumuluverdi.Bir yandan öpüyor arada dudaklarını ayırıp süpersin aşkım bu pozisyona hastayım ama deneme fırsatım olmamıştı deyince memnun kaldığına sevindim deyip aynı pozisyonda alttan alttan girip çıkmaya başladım.5 dk dan fazla bu şekilde kaldıktan sonra minenin ağırlığı hafiften belli olmaya başlayınca yere indirip duvara yaslayıp domalttım.Aletimi önce amına sokup çıkarttım sonra götüne derken sürekli delik değiştirip durarak kısa sürede bu şekilde siktikten sonra mine karar ver kafam döndü nasıl bir adamsın sen delirttin beni diyene kadar sürdürdüğüm delik değiştirme işine bu laftan sonra göt deliğinden devam edip sertçe sokup çıkarmaya ardı ardına sokmaya başladım.Kısa süre sonrada geliyorum dememle mine hemen içimden çıkıp uğurla beraber önümde diz çöktüler.2 side tadına bakmak istiyordu anlaşılan bende kırmadan 2 sinin kafasını birleştirip boşalmaya başladım.Öyle çok boşalmıştımki 2 sinin ağzındada yeterli miktarda döl görünüyordu.Bittiğini anladıklarında aynı anda yutkunup aletimde kalanlarıda beraberce temizleyip mine penisimin başına öpücük kondurdu.
Yorgunluktan bitap düşmüş halde 3 ümüzde direk yatağa uzanıp sohbete başladık.Nasıldı diye sorduğumda mine evli çiftle olana hiç benzemiyor.Gerçektende tek kişiyle yapmak hikayelerde okuduğumuzdan daha zevkliymiş dediğinde bende evet ilk sexten bile böyle zevk aldıysan bir sonrakinden daha da zevk alacağına eminim deyince uğur biraz acı çektim önceden de pasif olmuştum diğer evli çiftlerdeki kocalara ama seninle bambaşkaydı diyerek oda memnuniyetini bildirdi.Kısa süre soluklandıktan sonra yeni tur a başlayalımmı deyince mine aklıma bişey geldi ama kabul edip etmeyeceğini bilmiyorum deyince bende çekinmeden söylemesini istedim.Mine bizim sürekli görüştüğümüz beyza ve hakanıda adında bizden daha genç olan evli çift partnerimiz var.Onlarda gruba başka bir tek erkek alma fikri üstünde konuşuyorlardı ama aynı biz gibi kararsızlardı.Ayrıca hakan da pasifliği denemek istiyordu ama uğurun 1-2 denemesinde de tam zevki alamamıştı.Eğer kabul edersen onlarıda aramıza alalımmı diye bana sordu.Bende siz istedikten sonra bir mahsuru yok benim için deyince hemen aradılar.Onlarda kabul edince misafirlerimizi beklemeye başladık.Bir sonraki hikayemde 2 evli çiftle olan sex anımda görüşmek üzere…

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ablam ysrrsğımı çok sevdi

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ablam ysrrsğımı çok sevdi
Merhaba arkadaşlar ben ferhat adanada yaşıyorum 17 yaşındayım ergenliğimin tam ortasındayım 1.76 boyum var köyde çalıştığım içinde fit bir vücuda sahibim.Ablam ise tahminimce 1.70 boylarında 19 yaşında 55 kg var yok ama gögüsleri adım gibi eminimki 85 beden vardır neyse yaşadığım olaya geçelim.Meslek lisesi öğrencisi olduğum için gün gün farklı saatlerde okuldan geliyordum o gün 8 dersim vardı ama ingilizce hocasının raporlu olma sebebiyle 6 ders işleyip eve geldim.Aklımda birşey yoktu herzamanki gibi odama geçip bilgisayar oynayıp 31 çekerim diyordum ablamda sağlık lisesine gittiği için 8 dersi oluyordu herzaman daha 2 saat vaktim vardı hemen bilgisayarın başına oturup porno açtım ve sikimi okşuyordum altımda dar bir eşofman vardı üstten üstten okşadım ve porno izlemenin şahvetine dalmış giderken farketmeden 1.5 saat geçmiş hemen yarrağımı çıkarıp asılmaya başlamıştımki kapı çaldı hemen pornoyu kapatıp kapıya yöneldim fakat altımdaki dar eşofman aklımdan çıkmıştı yarrağım yana yatmış gözle görülecek şekilde duruyordu. Kapıyı açtım karşımda ablam vardı dizlerin hafif üstünde bi etek kırmızı çorap bedenine oturmuş çok çekici duruyordu.Sikimi farketmedi diye seviniyordum yanağımıöpüp odasına geçti bende odama yöneldim 5 dakika falan geçmeden üstünde sadece havlu ile odama gelip ferhat ben banyoya giriyorum gelme tamammı dedi ve gitti evde banyo kilidinin bozuk olma nedeniyle evdeki herkes banyo yapmadan önce söylerdi.Ben odamda oturmuş yarrağımın inmesini beklerken şeytan aklımı çeldi içerde mükemmel bir fizik beni beklerken kendimi neden 31 çekerek tatmin ediyordumki hemen banyoya doğru yöneldim kapının deliğinden içeri baktım fakat küvetinde kapısını kapatmış hay şansıma diye yanarken azgınlığında verdiği cesaretle içeri dalıp direk sikmeliyim diye düşündüm fakat böyle zorla yapmış olurdum onunda istemesini sağlamam gerekiyordu yoksa babamlara söyleyebilirdi.Ne yapayım ne yapayım diye düşünürken aklıma bir fikir geldi o banyodan çıkınca odasına geçicekti büyük ihtimal ve bende odasında büyük dolaba saklanıcaktım dolabı açtığında korktup elleriyle tuttuğu havlusunu düşürtecektim ve vücudunu görmüş olacaktım gittim dolaba girdim beklemeye başladım 3-4 dakika olmadan odanın kapısı açıldı ve biri içeri girdi parkeden gelen seslerden anlayabiliyordum işte tam zamanı diye düşünürken dolabını kapağını açmasıyla bağırmam bir oldu o korkuyla havluyu bırakıp çığlık attı ve vücüdunu tamamen görebiliyordum kocaman memeleri iştahmı açıyor portakal gibi amı beni çıldırttıyordu. Ne yapıyorsun sen diyip yerden havluyu aldı ve hemen kendini havluya sardı bende gülerek istediğim şeyi diyip odadan çıktım yarrağım eşortmanıı delicek gibi olmaya başladı kafası zonkluyordu banyoya geçip 31 mi çeksem diye düşündüm ve banyoya doğru yöneldim içeri girdim kapıyı aralık bıraktım ve kirli sepetini karıştırmaya başladım ve ne göreyim muhtemelen ablamın 10 dakika önce banyo yapmak için çıkardığı siyah kilodu üstü hafif dantelliydi hemen koklamaya başladım mükemmel kokuyor ve beni daha çok azdırıyordu yarrağıma sarıp 31 çekmeye başladım 5-10 dakika çektikten sonra kiloda boşaldım ve yerine koydum banyodan çıkıp içeri gittiğimde ablam televizyon izliyip telefonuyla uğraşıyordu beni görünce çok kötüsün nasıl korktum hayvan dedi bende gülerek karşılık verdim. Ablamın karşısına oturana kadar ne giydiğini faketmemiştim bacaklarını sımsıkı saran siyah bir tayt üstündede göğüslerini kavramış bir penye çaktırmadan bakmaya çalışıyordum fakat bazen göz göze geliyordum benim çavuş yine ayaklanmaya başladı tekrar banyoya gidip rahatlamam lazımdı fakat direk ablamın karşısında oturduğum için dar eşofman sikimi saklayamıyordu birazdaha oturmaya karar verdim telefondan porno resimlerine bakıyordum ve yarrağım eşofmanı delicek gibi oldu ne olursa olsun kalkıcam diyip ayaklandım ve yavaş adımlarla kapıya yöneldim ablamın olduğu yere hiç bakmadım ama emindim sikimi görmüştü hemen odama geçip asılmaya başladımki içerden gelen ferhat sesiyle kendime geldim efendim diye cevap verdim ablam biraz gelirmisin canım diyerek yanına çağırdı hala yarrağım ayaktaydı fakat önemsemeden içeriye gittim ablam az gelirmisin dedi ve yanına oturdum telefondan bir kaç fotoğrafını açarak bunumu atıyım bunumu gibi şeyler söylüyor fakat benim gözler gögüşlerine kayıyordu. onunda yarrağıma baktığına emindim ve abla dedim efendim canım diyerek karşılık verdi senin sevgilin yokmu dedim yok dedi neden dedim eskisinden yeni ayrıldığını söyledi oyüzdenmi bu fotoğrafları bana gösteriyorsun dedim evet canım dedi senin görüşlerini önemsiyorum dedi bende peki abla bu olsun diyerek altında kot şort olan ve üstünde askılı olan fotosunu gösterdim oda tamam canım diyerek yanağımdan öptü beni herzaman yanağımdan öperdi fakat hiç bu kadar uzun süren olmamıştı başka birşey varmı abla dedim oda yok canım birazdan bir kaç arkadaşım gelicek kız kıza oturucaz eğer odandan çıkmazsan güzel olur dedi peki abla diyip odama gittim 10 veya 15 dk sonra kapı çaldı ablam kapıyı açmaya gitti içeri 2 tane hatun girdi biri sarışın diğeri kumraldı ve vücüt yapıları ablamınkiyle aynı gibiydi bunları hepbirlikte nasıl sikerim diye düşünmeye başladm fakat aklıma birşey gelmiyordu 5 dk sonra içerden kahkaha sesleri geldi sessizce odamdan çıkıp kapı deliğine yöneldimki gördüğüm şey beni dondurdu ablam altındaki taytı çıkarmış giymiş olduğu sarı dantelli külodu ile bacaklarını açmış arkadaşı edaya (sarışın olan) fotoğraf çektiriyordu nisa (kumral olan) ise ablamın bacaklarını kavramış daha çok açmasını sağlıyordu benim yarrak göbeğime kadar geldi bu arada yarrağımın boyutu 17cm arkadaşlarıma söylediğimde yaşıma göre büyük olduğunu söylerlerdi. Onları kapı deliğinden izlerken eda ablada üstündekini çıkarıp südyenle kaldı oda südyeniyle fotoğraf çekilmeye başladı içeriye dalıp 3ünüde hunharca sikmek istiyordum fakat terslerler ise ne yaparım diye düşünüyodum ve aklıma bir fikir geldi bizim oturma odası ile mutfak birleşik oyüzden su içmeye diye içeri girip onları öyle yakalamayı planlıyordum ve yaptımda içeri dalıp onlara doğru yöneldim hepsi çığlık atarak açık olan yerlerini kapatmaya çalışıyorlardı bende napıyorsun siz demeden eda ve buse inceden gülerek dış kapıya doğru yöneldiler bende gitmelerine izin verdim ablam ile başbaşa kalmıştık abla napıyordunuz siz diye sorduğumda boşver diyebildi. Fakat hayla taytı ile üstünü kapatmaya çalışıyor üstünü giymiyordu benim dik olan yarrak ablamın gözüne çarpmış olucakki sen odanda napıyordun dedi hiçç oturuyordum dedim hiçde öyle gözükmüyor diyerek yarrağıma baktı bende ergenlik yıllarındayım yapcak birşey yok dedim ablam hala sevgilin yokmu yoksa dedi bende var ama sadece öpüşüyoruz daha ileri gitmiyor dedim ablam peki ama şimdi çıkta üstümü giyiyim sonra anlatırım sana olanları dedi çıkmama ne gerek var giyin hoş görmediğim şeymi dedim ablamda nerde gördünki dedi dolabından çıktığım anı hatırlamıyormusun dedim oda doğru ya diyerek karşılık verdi ayağa kalkıp taytını koltuğa koydu bende diğer koltuğa oturdum ablamı seyrediyordum ve abla diye seslendim efendim canım dedi bi kez dokunabilirmiyim dedim efendimm dedi hafif gür sesle sadece dokunmak istiyorum dedim oda olmaz dedi ayağa kalkıp yanına gittim sadece bi kere diyip elimi bacaklarına attım hayır olmaz diyip ayağını geri çekti ben belinden kavradığım gibi kendime yapıştırdım ablamı sertleşmiş olan yarrağım göbeğine geliyordu eminimki oda azmaya başlamıştı elimi kilodundan amına attım ve yumuşacıktı üstünden okşamaya başladım ablam çıt çıkarmıyordu bundan cesaret alarak elimi kilodunun içine attım direkman amını okşuyor am dudaklarını mıncırıyordum dayanamayıp dudaklara yapıştım ilk önce karşılık vermedi fakat zman geçmeye başlayınca hafiften oda öpmeye başladı ellerim gögüslerini okşuyor dudaklarım dudaklarını isiriyordu boynuna indım yavaşca göğüslerine doğru yöneldim üstündeki tek hamlede çıkartıp attım sonra kendi üstümdeki penyeyide çıkartarak fit ve geniş vücüdumu ortaya serdim direkman gögüşlerine yapıştım südyeni tek seferde çıkarıp meme uçlarını sıkmaya başladım bi memesini yalıyor diğerinin ucunu sıkıyordum ablam hızlı hızlı neefes alıyor bende memelerini sömürüyordum sonra koltuğa yatırdım ve göbeğinden aşağıya doğru yalaarak inmeye başladım amına geldiğimde kilodunun üstünden 2 dk yaladım ve kilodu çıkardım amına yumulduğum gibi ablam inlemeye başladı kafamı amına bastırıyor dilimi daha derine sokmamı sağlıyordu bende dayanamıcak duruma geldim yarrağımı çıkartım amına sürtmeye başladım ablam dur hala bakireyim dedi bende azına uzattım azına aldı sanırım ilk defa yapıyordu ve dişleri yarrağımı acıtıyordu fakat verdiği zevk bunu hissettirmemeye başlamıştı baya islanan yarrağımı hafif sıvazlayıp göt deliğine dayadım fakat girmiyordu tekrar amına yumuldum sert bi şekilde yalamaya başladım bi elimlede orta parmağımı götüne sokuyor genişletiyordum sonra 2 parmağımı sokmaya başladım ve birden kalkıp yarrağımı göt deliğine dayadım dayadığım gibi kökledim ve ablam sert bi çığlık attı ben çığlığı duyunca daha çok azmaya başladım ve sok çek yapıyordum yarrağım yarısına kadar giriyor daha gitmiyordu sürekli sok çek yaparak genişletiyordum ve birdene tüm vücüdumla yüklendim ablamdan sert bi çığlık daha koptu ve yarrağım dibine kadar girmişti zevkten dört köşe olmuştum yavaş yavaş ileri geri gitmeye başladım fakat ilk deneyim olduğundan dolayı boşalmam uzun sürmedi boşaldıktan sonra yarrağımı çıkarıp ablamı ayağa kaldırdım götünden döller dışarı taşmaya başladı banyoya yöneldik suyu ayarladım ablamla birlikte banyoya girdim ablam ağzına alıp kaldırmaya başladı biraz uzun sürdü ama ayaklandı hemen amını yalamaya başladım fakat bu sefer uzun süre yalamadım yarrağımı çıkarıp göt deliğine kökledim ve rahat 15 dakika ablamın çığlıklarıyla kökledim tam boşalacağım zaman yarrağımı çıkarıp azına dayadım ve tüm menilerimi yüzüne ağzına ve burnuna boşalttım ablam gülerek dilini yettiği yerleri yalıyordu o günden sonra okuldan gelince ev boş oldumu ablamla sikişiyoruz ve aldığım zevk pahabiçilemez. şimdi ise satmayı planlıyorum varsa isteyen ulaşabilir burdan 00 32 2 588 99 09 4

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Karim Meral’i Kim Sikti ?

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Karim Meral’i Kim Sikti ?
Sanirim sevgili karimin sikilsine sahit oldum, tarifi imkansiz bir zevk deryasi icindeyim. Meral’in kalin ve uzun yaraklara hasta oldugunu zaten biliyordum.Onu her siktigimde zevke geldigi sirada kendisini siktirmem icin bana yalvariyordu.Bununla ilgili olarak BARMEN hikayemi zaten okumus bulunuyorsunuz.Doyumsuz ve isterik bir disi olan orospu karimi tatmin ederken cok zorlaniyor olsamda onunda sikilmesini bende cok istiyorum.Olgunlastikca bas donduren bir disilige adeta burunmekte ve kendinde olan bu gucu iliklerine kadar hissetmekte. Bakimina duskun kiyafetlerine ozen gosteren sevgili karim yolda yururken bile hayran bakislar altinda adeta toplu sikise davet edilir gibi oluyor her seferinde.Hatlarini belli edecek kiyafetlerini ozellikle giyer ev kadini havasindan cikip musteri arayan orospular gibi kivirtmayi cok sever. Bir cok siki kaldirdigini biliyor zaten bu onun o kadar hosuna gidiyor ki eve dondugumuz de tangasinin agi sumuk gibi sirmsiklam olmus oluyordu.Orgazm yasadigini bana itiraf etmekten cekinmiyordu.
Sonbahari karsiladigimiz su gunlerde guzel bir pazar gunu orospu karimla public bir alan olan piknik yerlerinde yuruyuse cikmistik.Kafamdan onu uygun bir yerde domaltip sikmek geciyordu,bunun icin etrafi gozetliyor uygun bir yer bakiyordum.Bu fikrimi karima belli etmemeye calisiyordum.Bazen onumden yurumesini onu arakadan izlemek istedigimi soyluyordum.Onun her hareketini videoya kayit yapacagimi bildigi icin en orospu haliyle kalcalarini kiviriyor kendinden emin bor sekilde yuruyordu.Etraftaki insanlarin karimi sikecekmis gibi izlemesi cok hosuma gidiyordu.O dibine kadar bir orospuydu ve benim orospumdu, artik herkesin orospusu oldu bunu zaten biliyorsunuz.
Birden Meral bana soguk bira icmek istedigini soyledi sasirmistim cunku planimizda icmek yoktu.Gidip bira almam icin bana israr etmeye basladi.Public aile piknik mevkisindeki bufelerde alkol satil adigi icin aracima binip 3 km uzakliktaki bufeye gitmem gerekiyordu.Beraber gidip alalim dediysemde hayir sen git al gel dedi.Dedigini mecburen yapacaktim ama meralin aklindan gecenleri henuz bilmiyordum.Aracima dogru yonelip merali orda yalniz biraktiktan sonra dusunmeye basladim.Neden bu istegi aniden belirdi neden bu konuda cok israr etti diye icimi kemiren hislere sahip oldum.Birden cep telefonum caldi arayan orospu karim meraldi ve bana eve gitmemi yesil taytini getirmemi istedi.Iyice uyuz olmustum bu duruma bunun icin 45 dakikalik bir zaman gerekiyordu. Butun seriligimle once biralari aldim ve sonra eve gidip istedigi yesil taytini posete koyup arabamla geri donus yoluna girdim.Zaman sanki durmus sanki gormemi istemedigi bir seyi yapacak gibiydi.Bu kadar cesur olabilecegi aklimin ucundan gecmemisti.
Piknik yerine geldigimde merale telefon actim tam olarak nerde oldugunu sordugumda duydugum cevap karsisinda hem heyecanlandim hemde saskina dondum.
Caglar : Meral nerdesin askim
Meral : Su anda sikiliyorum falanca yerdeyim kimseye gozukme gel beni izle ve sikini oksa dedi.
Adeta ter bosanmasi yasamistim nasil olur diye dusunurken dedigi mevkiye gittim. Insanlarin pek belirgin olmadigi ama seslerin duyuldugu agaclik bir arazide merali agaca domaltmis siken adami gordugumde sikim oylesine sertlestiki adeta bosalacaktim.Dizlerine kadar tangasini indirmis goguslerini disari cikartmis karimi catir catir sikiyordu. Adamin yaragi cok uzun ve kalindi meralin siyah saclari zevkten saga sola savruluyordu.Adam hic bosluk vermeden sikiyordu ve arada kalcalarini tokatliyordu.Pezevenk kocan mi iyi sikiyor yoksa benmi iyi sikiyorum diyordu.Orospu meral tabiki sen iyi sikiyorsun derken sesi titriyordu.Cok zevk almistim yillarimi paylastigim karimin sikilmesine ikinci kez sahit olmak cok hosuma gitmisti.
Birden adam uzun yaragini cikarip merali saclarindan tutup kendine cevirdi diz cokmesini soyledi. Agzina soktu uzun yaragini ve orospu karimi en az bes dakika agZindan sikmeye basladi.Girtlgina kadar sokuyorsu ve tasaklarinida yalatmayi ihmal etmiyordu.Ben birinci postayi bitirmis ikinci postaya baslamistimki karimin agina gurul gurul bosaldi.Meral birazini yuttu birazinida tangasiyla agzini silerek temizledi.Adam karima tesekkur edip oradan uzaklasti.Orospu karima herseyi izledigimi soyledim ve detaylara asla girmedim.Kimdi kimin nesiydi diye sorular sormadim.Yesil taytini giyip birasini ictikten sonra ormanda biraz cekim yaptik.Evimize donduk ikimizde sessiz ama mutluyduk.Bu hikayemle ilgili resimleri en yakin zamanda paylasacagim.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Evli Mutsuz Sevgilim ve Ben -1

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Evli Mutsuz Sevgilim ve Ben -1
Slm Ben onur Balıkesirde yasiyorum 37 yasında evli biriyim Biliyorum evli birinin arayis icinde olmasi hic hos birsey degil ama evli olupta hayatinda bircok eksiklik olan kisiler beni cok iyi anlayacaklardir. Guzel bir sosyal cevre aile ve iliskiler olmasina ragmen dısaridan cok mutlu gorunmeme ragmen icimde yanginlar vardi cinsel hayatimiz cogu evlilikte oldugu gibi cok sıradan sanki gorev gibi yapılan birsey olmustu hani evliyim yapmaliyim yapalim bitsin tarzinda tabiki kabul etmek gerekir erkek yada kadin farketmez her insanin sekse bakıs acisi hayatindaki onemi farklidir kimi icin birinci siradayken kimi icinse olmasada olur seklindedir bizim evliligimizde bu sekildeydi . Zamanla ne kadar ugrastıysamda bu durumu degistiremedim .
İnternet ve bilgisayarla birlikte bende bazi arayislar icine girdim Sosyal medya sayesinde bir hanimla tanıstım ismi hulya idi (tabiki gercek ismini yazmiyorum ) Hulya benim gibi evli 43 yasında 163 boy 73 kilo balıketli hos bir hanimdi cok guzel oldugu soylenemez bircok insan icin ama zaten benim icin fiziksel guzellikten daha onemli olan hissetmek uyusmak tenine dokunabilmek daha onemlisi ruhuna dokunabilmek .Hulya ile onceleri havadan sudan sohbetler ediyorduk daha sonra birbirimize guvendikce daha ozel konulardan konusmaya basladik . Hulyada benim gibi ilgisizlikten sikilmis doya doya cinsellige ac biriydi esiyle erken yasta evlenmis kaba saba bir adamla bir omur geciriyordu esinin kendisinin isteklerine arzularina asla onem vermedigini zoraki bir evlilik surdurdugunu soyluyordu.aslinda cinselligi cok sevdigini doya doya fantezilerle birlikte sevismek istedigini doymak doyurmak istedigini belirtiyordu Artik hemen hergun internetten birbirimizle sohbet ediyor fantezilerimizden isteklerimizden konusuyorduk .Sehrimizin kucuk bir sehir olmasinden ve ikimizinde evli olmasi cekindigimiz korktugumuz cok sey olmasindan dolayi bulusmak istesekte cok cesaret edemiyorduk.
Zamanla birbirimizi tanıdık ve guvendik artık yazısmalarimiz yetmiyor birbirimizi deli gibi arzuluyor ama ikimizde hayatımıza bir zarar gelmeden kırmadan dokmeden birşeyler yasamak konusunda anlastık.Hulya ile kamerada sohbet edip birbirimizi tatmin ediyorduk ama artik yetmiyordu o benim vucudumu ben onun vucudunu defalarca gormustuk bulusmadan once belki size garip gelecek ama cok degisik bir olay yasadik tatlari kokuları cok severim cinsellikte icine girip cıkmak degil saatlerce opmek yalamak dilimle doymak doyurmak isterim Hulyaya sik sıik amini yalamak istiyorum kokunu istiyorum derdim ve birgun onu kilodunu bana vermesi konusunda ikna ettim 3 gun boyunca aynı kilodu giymesini istedim ve bu 3 gun boyunca musait oldugumuzda karsilikli olmadigimizda beni dusunerek masturbasyon yapacak onun o guzel amcıgının kokusu tadi kilodunun uzerine sinecekti Gorusecegimiz gun yine kamera actik onu nasil sikmek istedigimi konusurken hulyada kilodunun uzerinden amini parmakliyordu zatan bir iki gundur ayni kilodu giydiginden ve o an cok azmis sekilde karsilikli konusmalarimizdan kiloduundaki islakligi kameradan gorebiliyordum Oda Bende kameradan iccamasirimiza bosaldik ve simdi hic gorusmedigim hulya ile camasirlarimizi degis tokus edecektik bu dusunce hulyayi cıldırtıyordu kocasi onunla dogru duzgun sevismezken bir erkegin kendisinin kirli kilodunu amcıgını kokusunu tadini deli gibi arzulamasi onu cok tahrik ediyordu Esiyle sadece msiyoner pozisyonda sikistiklerini esinin birakin amini yalamayi goguslerini bile opmedigini soyluyordu Neyse kamerada bosaldiktan sonra camasirlarimizi cikarip yanimiza alacak ve balikesirdeki bir giyim magazasında 1-2 dakika gorusecek ve camasirlarimizi birbirimize verecektik 1 saat sonra bulusmak uzere ayrldik bu fantezi sebebiyle bosalmis olmama ragmen inanin aletim hic inmedi arabama binim bulusma yerine gidince sikimi saklamak zorunda kaldim alısveris magazasina girip onu kıyafetlere bakarken gordugumde heyecandan olecek gibiydim oda beni gordu yuzu hafif kızarmıs ama o kadar istekli bakiyordu ki anlatamama sabah saatleri oldugundan magazalar tenha idi elime bir kazak alip giyinme kabinlerine dogru yurudum beni takip etti kabinin onunde ben elimdeki poseti ona oda bana verdi ayrılacagimizi sanirken bekle diye isaret ettim ve kabine girdim en dipteki kabinde pantalonumu cıkardim boxer imdan aletim con net gorunuyordu Hulya kabinin onunde bekliyordu sanki kocasi yakini kıyafet deniyor oda bekliyor gibi magazanin tenhaligindan cesaret alarak kabinin kapısını araladim beni sadece oradaki hulya gorebiliyordu onun getirdigi poseti alarak actim beyaz kilodunu elime aldim hulya heyecan icinde beni izliyordu hulyanin biraz once bosaldigi sırılsiklam olmus kilodunu onun gozelrinin icine bakarak burnuma goturdum amcıgının degdigi ıslattıgı agını doya doya kokladim bir elimde kilodu vardi bir elimlede gorebilecegi sekilde sikimi boxer imdan cikardim yay gibi fırladi saniyorum oradan damarlarini bile gorebiliyordu kocasindan baska kimseyle olmamis simdiye kadar cinsellikten dogru durust zevk bile almamis hulya simdi yabanci bir adamin biraz once kendi uzerinden cikan kilodu koklayarak sikini sivazlamasini izliyordu amciginin muhtesem kokusunu içime cekiyor deli gibi sikimi oksuyordum dilimi klodundaki islakliga surdum tadi muthisti Hulya iceri dalmamak icin kendini zor tutuyordu dudaklarini islatip kemiriyordu kapali biriydi ama daha fazla dayanamayıp sadece bir kac saniyeligine elini onune attıgını gordum ama korkarak cekti ortamdaki atesi inanin size anlatamam bende onu iceri cekip deli gibi sikmemek icin kendimi zor tutuyordum kilodu burnumda 3-5 dakika sonra deli gibi kasilmaya basladim hulya izliyordu ve deli gibi sarsilarak bosaldim sanki hic bitmeyecek gibi dollerim kabindeki aynaya carpıyor ben sarsilarak bosaliyordum hulyada sanki kendinden gecer gibi beni izliyordu sonra kabinin kapisini kapatip orayı temizledim ve onun kilodunu laarak ciktim ama Hulya disarida degildi Eve gelip hemen internete gectim hulya bir sure sonra nete geldi kamera actik sen delisin diyordu Benim amcigimi koklaman dilinle tadina bakman ve o kadar sertlesmis olman beni cildirtti diyordu neden beklemedigini sordugumda artik dayanacak gucunun kalmadigini ve bir an once eve gidip bosalamk istedigi icin kosar adim ayrildigini anlatti esiyle sikisirken bile o magazadaki olanlardan aldigi zevk kadar bir zevk almadigini ve gozlerimde esinin gozlerinde 20 yildir gormedigi atesi ve arzulamayi gordugunu soyledi Eve gelince oda benim bosalmıs oldugum kilodu koklayarak neredeyse kendine dokunmadan bosalmıs sarsilarak Biliyorum hikayem uzun oldu ama inanin bu kadar degil Hulya ile boyle birşey yasadiktan sonra artik gorusmemiz kacinilmaz olmustu onuda bir sonraki hikayemde anlatacagim eger begeni gelirse 🙂 benim instagram adresm : onurblksr isterseniz oradan mesaj atabilirsiniz eklemenize gerek yok yada [email protected] adresine mail atarsaniz donus yaparim Balikesirden heryastan Kadinlardan mesaj bekliyorum biliyorum cekindiginiz korktugunuz bircok sey var ama inanin bende sizin gibiyim taniyin guveneceksiniz denemekle ne kaybedersiniz Baska sehirlerden arkadas olmak sohbet etmek isteyenler olursa bekliyorum Bu yasadıgım ve yazdigim fantazilerin sadece kucuk bir kısmı gozlerimden sizi ne kadar arzuladigimi gormek istemezmisiniz

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Geçti?imiz a?ustos ay?nda s?cak bir ö?le üzeriydi,kar??dan esen s?cak meltem saçlar?m? savuruyor,az ilerimdeki in?aat?n önündeki kum tepeci?inden ald??? kum tanelerini gözümün içine serpi?tiriyordu.Bende bir yandan caddeden kar??ya geçmeye çal???rken bir yandan da kum yüzünden yanan gözlerimi ovu?turuyordum. gizler h o t m a i l c o m Sonra birdenbire sanki kafama balyozla ?iddetle vurmu?lar gibi bir alg?laman?n ard?ndan her ?ey bir anda etraf?mda döndü ve adeta ku?tüyü bir yata??n üzerine dü?üyormu?um gibi garip bir hisle kald?r?ma dü?tüm.Yana??m sert kald?r?ma yap??m?? ?ekilde bir ara gözlerimi aralad???mda beyaz bir kad?n ayakkab?s?n?n burnumun dibine kadar girdi?ini fark ettim.Size enteresan gelecek ama o vaziyetteyken yan?ma gelen kad?n?n parfüm kokusunu alg?l?yor,hatta parfümünün markas? hakk?nda kafamda dü?ünceler bile olu?uyordu.. Sonra etraf?mda ko?u?malar ve sesli konu?malar duydum..en son hissetti?im ?ey ise bir araban?n içinin bo?ucu s?cakl???yd?.Aradan ne kadar zaman geçti bilmiyorum,gözlerimi açt???mda ilk gördü?üm ?ey tepemde yuvarlak beyaz bir avizenin üzerinde çiftle?en iki tane kara sinekti.S?rt üstü yatt???m yerden kafam? kald?r?p etrafa göz att???mda ise bir hastane odas?nda oldu?umu fark ettim.Kafamdan çe?itli dü?ünceler geçiyor,buraya nas?l geldi?imi hat?rlamaya çal???yordum ki odan?n kap?s? sessizce aç?ld?..içeriye bir afet-i devran girdi ki, benim babayi?it hasta halimizi umursamadan yerini yad?rgay?p ?öyle bir kafas?n? kald?rd?.Kad?n,30-35 ya?lar?nda sar? saçl?,ye?il gözlü, memeleri üzerindeki darac?k bodysini delip geçecekmi? gibi duran bal?k etli mükemmel bir varl?kt?.Bana’’geçmi? olsun Ferdi bey,kendinizi nas?l hissediyorsunuz’’derken bir yandan ac?kl? ac?kl? gözlerimin içine bak?yor bir yandan üzerimdeki nevresimi düzeltmeye çal???yordu.Belliki cebimdeki kimli?imi buldular diye dü?ündüm.Fakat bu güzel kad?n?n hem?ire olmad??? k?l???ndan (gizler hot mail com)k?yafetinden her ?eyinden belliydi..Ben yinede ihtiyatl? davranarak doktor musunuz acaba diye sorunca,yüzünde ?eker çalan küçük çocuklar?n tak?nd??? masum bir ifadeyle hay?r diye cevap verdi ve aç?klama yapmaya devam etti..bir yere acil yeti?mesi gerekti?i için arabas?yla biraz h?zl? gitti?ini,aniden kar??s?na ben ç?k?nca fren yapt???n? ama bana vurmaktan kurtulamad???n?,hastane masraflar?n? pe?in ödedi?ini hiçbir yerimde k?r?k ç?k?k olmad???n? ertesi gün taburcu olabilece?imi uzun uzun anlatt?..demekki kald?r?mda yatarken beyaz ayakkab?s?n? gördü?üm bu kad?nd?.?lerleyen saatlerde ise sohbetimiz büsbütün koyula?t?,ad?n?n Aysun oldu?unu, bir ithalat firmas?n?n orta?? oldu?unu 12 y?ll?k evlilikten sonra e?inden geçen y?l bo?and???n? hiç çocuklar? olmad???n? ama sorunun kocas?ndan kaynakland???n?,eski vekillerden olan babas?n?n miras b?rakt??? büyük bir evde kendisi gibi yeni bo?anan çocukluk arkada?? bir bayanla birlikte ya?ad???n? söyledi.O anda akl?ma bana arabas?yla vuran bu güzel kad?na bir oyun oynamak geldi.Otuz y?ld?r ?stanbul da ya?amama ra?men ona aslen ?zmirli oldu?umu ?stanbul a i? için geldi?imi,?stanbul da hiç akrabam olmad???n?,bana arabas?yla vurdu?u gün ?zmire gitmek için haz?rland???m? ama bu talihsiz kazan?n gerçekle?ti?ini söyledim.Bana bu vaziyette ?zmir e gidip gidemeyece?imi sordu?unda imkans?z gidemem..ayakta duracak halim yok birkaç gün bir otelde dinlenirim herhalde diye cevap verince bekledi?im tepkiyi verdi ve istersen benim evde birkaç gün kalabilirsin ev çok büyük,bir sürü odas? var dedi.Tabi bu ,biraz nazdan tuzdan sonra raz?#61514;teklife bal?klama atlamak bana yak??mazd? oldum.Ertesi gün Aysun hastanedeki odama,beni evine götürmek için geldi?inde yan?nda birlikte ya?ad??? arkada??n? da getirmi?ti.Aman tanr?m o ne güzellikti…Aysun kadar iri memeleri olmasada mükemmel güzelli?e sahip bir poposu vard?.Angelina Jolly e benzeyen yüzüne k?sa siyah saçlar? o kadar yak??m??t? ki gözlerimi alam?yordum.Yar?m saat sonra iki güzel kad?n birer koluma girip beni hastane koridorundan geçirirken insanlar?n k?skanç bak??lar? adeta beni delik de?ik ediyordu.Aysun un kulland??? lüx arabayla yakla??k 45 dakikal?k bir yolculuktan sonra büyük demir kap? ve güzel bir bahçenin çevreledi?i eski konak biçimli triplex bir yap?n?n önüne geldik.?ki f?st?k hemen odam? haz?rlay?p yata??m? yapt?lar ve dikkatle beni yata??ma yat?rd?lar, benim telefonum kazada k?r?ld???ndan gerekti?inde onlar? ça??rabileyim diye Aysun kendi cep telefonunu ba?ucuma koydu.O andan itibaren tek dü?ündü?üm ?ey bu yavrular? nas?l sikebilece?imdi…hastal???m? falan unutmu?,bütün benli?imi dayan?lmaz bir sex arzusu kaplam??t?.Eve geldi?im gün vukuats?z geçti,üzerime o kadar dü?üyorlard? ki ak?am yeme?imi bile yata??ma kadar getirmi?lerdi.Ertesi sabah ikisi de i?lerine gidip evde yaln?z kald???mda ak?ama kadar bu yavrular? nas?l edipte sikebilece?imi dü?ünüp kafa patlatt?m ama sonunda dahiyane bir plan yapmaya muvaffak oldum.Onlar gelmeden hemen üzerimi giyinip bir cd dükkan?ndan Takashi Miike nin Cevaps?z Arama isimli gerilim filmini sat?n ald?m ve ard?ndan Aysun un telefonuna kendi kart?m? tak?p yak?n bir arkada??m? arad?m.Ona Aysun ve Nihal in cep telefon numaralar?n? vererek ak?am saat 10 dan sonra her 45 dakikada bir bu numaralar? aramas?n?,kaba de?il ama ürkütücü kelimeler kullanarak telefona ç?kanlar? korkutmas?n? tembihledim.Geriye yavrular?n eve gelmelerini beklemek kal?yordu.Aysun ve Nihal ak?am 8 gibi geldiler…hemen yan?ma gelip halimi hatr?m? sorduktan sonra du? al?p yemek haz?rlayacaklar?n? söylediler..benide salonda bir kanepeye alarak televizyon seyredersin dediler.Nihal e,sizde Vcd Player varm??diye sordu?umda evet cevab?n? al?nca derin bir oh çektim.Onlar?n du? almalar?,yemek haz?rlamalar? ve yemek yememizin ard?ndan saat 9.30 olmu?tu bile.Elimi çabuk tutmal?y?m diye dü?ündüm ve han?mlara..bu gün çok can?m s?k?ld???n?,biraz evin bahçesine ç?kt???m?,seyyar bir vcd sat?c?s? gördü?ümü ve seyretmek için bir film sat?n ald???m? ama sonra birlikte seyrederiz diye vazgeçip ak?am? bekledi?imi söyledim.Bunun üzerine Aysun elimdeki filmi al?p vcd player a takt?…arkada??m her an telefonlardan birini arayabilece?i için filmin ba??ndaki reklamlar? seyredecek vakit yoktu hemen kalk?p cd yi ileri sard?m ve film ba?lad?.Daha önce filmi seyretti?im için filme de?il han?mlar?n filme verdi?i tepkilere dikkat ediyordum.?kiside tam filmin etkisine girmi?lerdi ki Nihalin telefonu çald?.Telefonda neler konu?uldu?unu bilmiyordum ama nihalin yüzü ?ekilden ?ekle giriyordu.Ben neler oldu?unu,neden endi?elendi?ini sorunca..sap???n biridir önemli de?il diye cevap verdi ve tekrar filme geri döndük.Yar?m saat sonra bu kezde Aysunun telefonu çald? ayn? endi?e ve korkuyu Aysunun yüzündede görünce plan?m?n iyi i?ledi?ini anlam??t?m.Aysun ve Nihale telefonlar?n? kapatmalar?n? söyledi?imde bütün e? dost akraba ve i? ba?lant?lar?n?n bu telefonlar?n ucunda oldu?unu kapatamayacaklar?n? söylediklarinde benda yang?na körükle gidip hakl?s?n?z her ?ey olabilir dünyayla ba?lant?y? kesmemek gerek deyiverdim.Film bitti?inde saat 12 civar?yd? ama sexy dullar?n yüzlerindeki endi?eyide görebiliyordum..Sabah yine i?e gitmeleri gerekti?i için fazla sohbet edemeden ikiside yatmak istediklerini söyleyip odalar?na gittiler.Tabi bu arada telefonlara gelen ça?r?lar devam ediyordu.Ard?ndan bende odama çekilip üzerimde ne var ne yok ç?kartarak ç?r?lç?plak yata??ma yat?p olacaklar? beklemeye ba?lad?m.Aradan 45 dakika geçmi?tiki Aysun ve Nihal birlikte odam?n kap?s?n? çald?lar..telefonlar?n devam etti?ini,ikisininde ayr? odalar? oldu?unu,önce birlikte yatmaya karar verdiklerini ama yinede korktuklar?n? bu yüzden odama geldiklerini söylediklerinde neredeyse sevinçten uçacakt?m.Onlara bu gece ayn? odada kalabilece?imizi, ben varken hiçbir?eyden korkmamalar?n? iyice empoze ederken odada ba?ka yatacak yer olmad??? için ikisinide yata?a davet edip bu gece yan?mda emniyetle yatabileceklerini,hiç korkmamalar?n? söyledim.?ki kad?n benim ç?plak oldu?umu fark etmeden geldiler iki yan?ma yatt?lar..biraz sohbetten sonra ikiside bana arkas?n? dönüp uyumaya koyuldu ama k?p?rdanmalar?ndan uyumakta zorland?klar?n? anlayabiliyordum.bana ilk yüzünü dönen Aysun oldu.Bende ona yüzümü döndü?ümde nefeslerimiz birbirine kar??acak kadar yak?nla?m??,lo? ???kta birbirimizin gözlerine bak?yorduk.Bir süre bu ?ekilde bak??t?ktan sonra ben çar?af?n alt?ndan yava?ça Aysunun elini tutup sanki teselli eder gibi önce gö?süme koydum..oradan yava? yava? a?a??ya sikime do?ru götürdüm..ta? gibi olmu? dimdik sikime eli de?ince biraz tedirgin olup geri çekmek istedi ama elini bile?inden s?k?ca tuttu?um için kurtulamad? ve daha fazla direnmeyi b?rak?nca minicik,yumu?ak elini ta?aklar?ma kadar indirdim o da daha fazla dayanamam?? olacakki kendini koyverdi ve h?rsla ta?aklar?m? avuçlamaya sikimi s?vazlamaya ba?lad?.Ta? gibi kocaman olmu? yara??m?n ucundan s?zan zevk s?v?lar?n?n Aysunun eline bula?t???n? hissedebiliyordum.Sikimin ok?anmas? beni deliye çevirmi?ti hemen aysunun güzel dudaklar?na yumulup derin Frans?z öpücükleri kondurmaya ba?lad?m ç?lg?nlar gibi öpü?ürken bir yandanda iri melerini avuçluyor ucunu parmaklar?mla s?k?yordum di?er taraf?m?zda Nihal hiçbir?ey olmam?? gibi bize arkas?n? dönmü? yat?yordu ama onunda uyan?k oldu?undan emindim.Aysunun dudaklar?ndan yava? yava? boynuna oradan iri memelerine inip yalamaya ba?lad?m memelerinin misket gibi olmu? tatl? uçlar?n? ak**e ?ekeri gibi a?z?mda eritiyor onu zevkten inletiyor k?vrand?r?yordum yava?ça daha a?a??lara..göbe?ine ve oradanda tatl? am?na indim Aysunun balkutusu zevk s?v?lar?yla s?r?ls?klam olmu? alev alev yan?yordu.Kalçalar?na kadar indirdi?im mis kokulu külotunu bana daha fazla engel olmamas? için bir hamlede hoyratça çekip en ince yerinden kopartt?m art?k Aysunun kad?n kokan tatl? amc??? ve çiçek gibi göt deli?i dilime amadeydi.Dilimi bir am?na bir götüne sokuyor a?z?ma burnuma Aysunun zevk s?v?lar? bula??yordu bende onlar? zevkle yutuyordum.Ben Aysunun am?n? götünü dillerken yan?ba??mda arkas? bize dönük yatan Nihalin sol kolunun ritmik hareketler yapt???n? fark ettim çar?af?n alt?nda ne yapt???n? göremiyordum ama tahminim do?ruysa harika olacakt?. Aysunun zevkten v?c?k v?c?k olmu? am?n? yalarken sanki yanl??l?kla olmu? gibi elimi Nihalin ön taraf?na do?ru kayd?rd???mda elinin e?ofman?n?n içinde oldu?unu,onunda gizlice am?n? parmaklad???n? fark ettim.Dilimi Aysunun am?ndan çekerek Nihali nazikçe s?rt üstü çevirip bir hamlede e?ofman?yla birlikte külotunu a?a?? indirdim ve onunda zevkten s?r?ls?klam olmu? am?n? yalamaya ba?lad?m.Bir yandan parma??mla Aysunun göt deli?ine masaj yap?yor bir yandanda Nihalin buram buram sex kokan tatl? am?n? dilimle mest ediyordum.?ki azg?n dulun uzun zamand?r yara?a hasret kald?klar? her hallerinden belliydi.?kiside zevkten deliye dönmü? tatl? tatl? inliyor,kal?n ve damarl? yara??m? amlar?na bir an önce sokmam için telepatik olarak yalvar?yorlard?.Sikimin tad?na ilk Aysuna bakt?rmaya karar vererek Nihali b?rak?p Aysunun bacak aras?na geçtim kaz?k gibi olmu? kocaman sikimi am?n?n dudaklar? aras?nda biraz gezdirdikten sonra s?r?ls?klam amc???na birden kökledim Aysun derin bir oh çekip ba??n? geriye atmas?yla beni belimden s?k?ca yakalamas? bir oldu..yara??m? her kökleyi?imde nihayet..nihayet diye ç??l?klar at?yor ate? gibi amc???yla koca sikimi bo?luk b?rakmadan s?k?ca sar?yordu.Bu arada Nihal dizlerinin üzerinde do?rulmu?,ben Aysunu sikerken oda boynumu kula??m? yal?yor tatl? nefesiyle beni deliye çeviriyordu.Az sonra aysun sikimin alt?nda sars?la sars?la bo?al?rken,erke?immm..can?m kocac???mmm..diye yüksek sesle ç??l?klar at?yor sanki sikimi am?n?n içinde k?r?p oradan hiç ç?karmak istemiyorcas?na sert hareketler yap?yordu.Nihayet orgazm olup sakinle?ti?ini fark edince zevk s?v?lar?na bulanm?? sikimi Aysunun am?ndan çekip Nihal i saçlar?ndan tutarak yara??ma do?ru yakla?t?rd?m.Nihal yara??m? yüksek devirli bir elektrik süpürgesi gibi emiyor,sikimi a?z?na her soku?unda sanki içimden bir ?eyler kopuyormu? hissi veriyordu.Azg?n dul Nihali yaraktan daha fazla mahrum etmeye hakk?m olmad???n? dü?ünüp arkas?n? çevirip domaltt?m..am?n?n zevkten kabarm?? dudaklar? arkas?ndan ta?ak gibi ç?km??,içine girmesi için adeta sikime yalvar?yordu.Kar??mdaki arzulu ve sikilmeye haz?r am?c??? daha fazla bekletmedim..zevkten kaz?k gibi dikelip,kafas? kad?n yumru?u gibi kocaman olmu? yara??m? Nihalin uzun zamand?r yarak girmeyen am?na dayay?p ta?aklar?ma kadar kökledim.Nihal zevkten adeta kudurmu?,ben am?na kökledikçe kafas?n? sa?a sola sall?yor bir eliyle de a?a??dan ta?aklar?m? avuçlam?? can?m? ac?t?yordu.Az sonra Nihal de kal?n yara??m?n verdi?i sonsuz hazza boyun e?ip ç??l?klar atarak bo?al?p rahatlad?..ama benim azman siki?meye doymuyordu.Bu kez Nihali b?rak?p tekrar Aysun a döndüm..onu yüzükoyun yat?r?p göbe?inin alt?na iki tanede yast?k koyarak poposunu yükseltince karaincisi bütün ihti?am?yla hizmetime girdi..hemen e?ilip misler gibi göt deli?ini dilimle yumu?at?p yara??ma haz?rlamaya ba?lad?m.Göt deli?inin iyice yumu?ay?p kendini b?rakt???ndan emin olduktan sonra hala siki?e doymayan yara??m? muhte?em Karaincisine dayay?p yava?ça kafas?n? içeri soktum…azg?n dul sikimi götünden ç?karmam için yalvar?yor ac?yla kar???k zevk ç??l?klar? at?yordu.Onun ç??l?klar?na ald?rmay?p sikimi köküne kadar götüne soktum gidip geldikçe deli?ini kasmay? b?rak?p k?z??m?? azg?n bir k?srak gibi alt?mda dans etmeye ba?lad?.Ben Aysunun götünü sikerken Nihal de bo? durmuyordu. Arkama geçmi? popomu yal?yor küçük ?s?r?klar atarak beni kudurtuyo?du..anlad?mki daha yara?a doymam??t? esmer güzeli azg?n dul..Bir yandan Aysunun darac?k götünü sikerken bir yandan elimi arkaya at?p Nihalin k?sa saçlar?n? yakalad?m ve kendime çekip alev gibi yanan dolgun dudaklar?n? emmeye ba?lad?m..sonra bacaklar? aras?na Aysunun s?rt? gelecek ?ekilde önümde domalt?p onunda göt deli?ini doya doya yalamaya sikim içim ideal duruma getirmeye ba?lad?m..göt deli?ine her darbesi at???mda poposunu yüzüme daha çok bast?r?yor am?ndan s?zan zevk s?v?lar?n? çeneme bula?t?r?yordu.Bende zaman zaman dilimi götünden çekip salg?lad??? s?v?lar? kana kana yalay?p yutuyordum.Aysunun orgazm oldu?unu art?k poposunu alt?mda y?lan gibi k?vrand?rmamas?ndan anlad?m ve sikimi s?k? s?k? kavrayan s?cak götünden çekip onun s?rt?nda bana domalm?? duran Nihalin götüne dayad?m.Yara??m? Nihalin darac?k ama istekli götüne yava? yava? sokarken Aysun gibi ç?karmam için yalvarm?yor..aksine dahada köklemem için poposunu sikime do?ru bast?r?yordu.Nihalin güzel götünü Aysunun s?rt?nda yar?m saat kadar siktikten sonra art?k takatimin kalmad???n?,döllerimin d??ar? ç?kmak için sikimin s?n?rlar?n? zorlad???n? hissederek kendimi orgazm olmaya ?artland?rd?m.Nihalin s?cac?k ve dar götünü biraz daha siktikten sonra sikimi ç?kar?p Nihali ve Aysunu yan yana s?rt üstü yat?rarak bende üzerlerinde aya?a kalkt?m.Patlamak üzere olan sikimi birkaç saniye elimle s?vazlad?ktan sonra yara??m?n kafas?n? döl ya?muruyla sulan?p beslenmeyi bekleyen Aysun ve Nihalim yüzüne do?ru e?erek ?iddetle bo?ald?m.Spermlerim sikimin ucundan öyle tazyikli ve bol ç?k?yorlard?ki döllerimi azg?n dullar?n yüzüne itfaiye hortumuyla f??k?rt?r gibi f??k?rt?yordum…onlarda zevkle döllerimi yalay?p yutuyor,?ifal? bir iksir gibi elleriyle memelerine ve yüzlerine sürüyorlard?.Birlikte ya?ad???m?z bu mükemmel hazz?n ard?ndan azg?n dullar?n ortalar?na uzan?p onlar? birer koluma yat?rd?m.Bir yandan saçlar?n? öpüp kokluyor bir yandanda onlar? sikebilmek için ba?tan beri planlad???m muzipliklerimi anlat?yordum..ikisindende tek kelime tepki almay?nca bu maceran?n onlar?nda çok ho?una gitti?ini anlayarak rahat bir nefes al?p rahatlad?m.Beni affettiklerinin en bariz ispat?da ertesi gün ikisininde i?e gitmeyip sex partimize kald???m?z yerden devam etmemizdi.
(gizler h o t m a i l c o m ) Burada anlatt???m an?m tamam? ile gerçek olup,söz konusu ki?ilerin isimleri de?i?tirilerek onlar?n müsaadesiyle yay?nlanm??t?r. gizler h o t m a i l c o
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Chapter 11 of Wife’s Story

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Chapter 11 of Wife’s StoryChapter 11 of Wife’s StoryAnother Monday morning. JC and Mike get ready for work and get their d******r to school, and it’s all part of their routine that they’ve gotten so use to. The only difference is the awakening of JC’s sex drive and to Mike’s benefit, he now has an extremely hotwife. Their foreplay as advanced to the point that it all starts with Mike asking JC about sex with Reuben; what was it like, did she like his cock, what does he do that turns her on, when are you going to fuck him again. Just the thought gets Mike aroused and JC is enjoying the teasing she gives to Mike. She hasn’t told him about Lem and how she finds Lem very desirable but will tell Mike eventually.“JC, do you think we should invite Reuben over sometime?” Mike asks. “It’s possible, but we have to be discrete about it, and Tiffany can’t be here at all. What do you imagine would happen if Reuben was here?” JC asks with a coy smile. “I don’t know. Have a few drinks. Get you loosened up and show me what you can do with Reuben. I’d love to watch it all,” Mike told her. “Ok, I’ll ask Reuben. Tiff has a sleep over next weekend with the scouts, so that might be a perfect time. Plus my birthday is Wednesday so maybe a fun way to celebrate afterwards,” JC says with a tingle in her pussy. Next day at work, JC runs into Tina in the HR office. “Hey Tina. How was your weekend?” winked JC. With a chuckle, Tina says, “It was marvelous! I haven’t done anything like that since college,” Tina said looking around making sure nobody was within earshot. “Does your husband know what took place,” JC asks. “Oh no. No way could he ever know. He would go ballistic if he knew I was with 6 men, let alone 6 black men. Not that he’s racist, I just think he’s a bit insecure with his, um, manhood,” Tina says shaking her head sympathetically. “What about your husband? Does he know?” Tina asks JC. Looking around, JC says, “Yes he knows, and he approves!” JC said smiling. “Get out! Are you guy’s swingers now?” Tina asks very interested now. “I don’t think we’re on that level, yet. But maybe something along those lines,” JC said. Then she goes into the beginning when her and Reuben first got together, the time at the conference where he introduced to her to Lem, and the time in her office just last week.Tina is looking at JC with disbelief. Who would have thought of all people, JC Sanders fucking black guys, Tina thought to herself. With her immaculate daily appearance, dressing so professionally and conducting herself as such, Tina is seeing another side of JC that no one would have suspected.“I’m almost envious, JC. I could use some of what you’ve been doing,” grinned Tina. “I guess your husband wouldn’t approve of such a thing?” JC asked Tina. “No, he would not. That’s why I look so forward to our trips for the hospital.” Tina goes on to tell JC about her trysts with other men that she hooked up with on her out-of-town business trips. It wasn’t hard for Tina to hook up with a new lover on those trips. Her thick red hair and porcelain skin, long legs and 36C breasts turned heads whenever she would enter a room, and she appreciated that since, for a while now, her husband has seemed a bit disinterested. “Have to run, Tina. We should get together some time after work, some wine, and tell stories,” laughed JC. “I know, right?” Tina smiled approvingly. As JC is leaving the HR office, she sees Reuben coming down the hallway. Reuben is always a sharp dresser and today is no exception. Reuben sees JC and grins as he approaches. JC dressed in silk blouse, skirt, and high heeled pumps, her blonde wavy hair pulled back she looks the sexy professional that Reuben finds irresistible. “Hello JC, nice to see you today. How’s your weekend?” asks a grinning Reuben. “It was fabulous. Thank you so much for hosting your party and inviting Mike and me to it,” JC said flashing that wonderful smile. “Hey, I looked at the monthly hospital calendar, and I saw it’s your birthday this Wednesday. Mind if I treat you to lunch?” Reuben asked hopefully. “You know what, Reuben? I’ll say yes. I just want to keep it discrete though, ok?” JC says.“Yeah I know, keep it all on the up-and-up,” Reuben says. “Do you want to meet me at the restaurant or drive with me?” Reuben asks JC. “I’m zonguldak escort ok with riding with you, so I’ll meet you in the parking lot at twelve o’clock Wednesday. Ta Ta, Reuben,” JC says as she starts down the hallway with Reuben looking after her. “Mmmm, that’s my baby,” Reuben thinks to himself, then considers a gift to give her for her birthday. Reuben then decides he’ll go to the mall after work and find something nice at Victoria’s Secret that he’d like to see her in. “Hello Reuben!” says Tina, catching Reuben by surprise. “Tina! How you doin, Red?”“Fine. Just was chatting with JC. Actually a very interesting chat,” Tina coyly smiles at Reuben. “Oh really? Do tell,” a grinning Reuben asks. “Maybe another time in a more appropriate setting,” winked Tina. “Hey Tina. Maybe you can help me with something? You know JC’s birthday is Wednesday and I’d like to get her something nice. You know, something she’d look real good in. Like in a sexy good thing,” Reuben says suddenly feeling a bit out of his swim lane. He’s never really bought anything sexy for a woman before. All his exes and mothers of his c******n never cared for such things. But, JC is different. She deserves to be treated like a lady, but like a hoe in bed too. Or, on her desk, muses Reuben.“Do you think she would like something from Victoria’s Secret? I’ve seen the catalog, but have never gone inside one, and wouldn’t know where to start,” Reuben says feeling a bit lost discussing something like this. “I might be able to help you, if you like, Reuben?” Tina asks “I was thinking of going to the mall and I would appreciate you holding my hand on this new adventure,” laughs Reuben. Maybe holding something else, he thinks to himself as he is appreciating the lovely redhead next to him. Man, so much quality pussy around here, he muses. “How about I meet you at the mall food court after work? Say around 5:30?” Tina offers. “Sure, that would work,” Reuben agrees. “Now, I came into HR for something else…” as Reuben and Tina get back to their professional personas.Reuben strolls into the mall food court and spies Tina immediately. Not hard to miss that luscious red hair. “Hi Reuben. Are you ready to be introduced to something totally alien, like walking into Victoria’s Secret?” grinned Tina. “Let’s do it,” Reuben says. Reuben is amazed at the sheer volume of different sorts of lingerie. He didn’t know where to start, but Tina led the way. “Reuben, what do you think of this?” Tina asks holding up a matching set of leopard-print bra and thong. “Wow, I like that!” Reuben smiles, then an idea crosses his mind. “You know Tina, I just can’t imagine JC in those, but maybe, could you try them on and give me an idea,” grins Reuben. “Um, I’m not sure that’s how it works, Reuben,” Tina chuckles. She looks around and the store is not busy and the sales girls are at the register talking, so Tina says, “Just this once. We can sneak into the changing room and I can show you. I’ll let you know when I’m ready,” Tina tells Reuben. As Tina makes her way to the changing room, Reuben mulls his next plan and maybe he’ll finally get lucky with Tina. Tina goes into the changing room and starts to have second thoughts about how crazy this is, and she knows Reuben is up to no good, but here I am, she says to herself. Removing her blouse, skirt, bra and panties, Tina slips into the thong and bra, which is a size smaller than what she normally wears but probably will be fine for JC. Checking herself in the mirror, she likes what she sees. She still has a great body, but maybe attributable to not having any k**s yet. That’s always been a sore point with her husband for not having any k**s after 5 years of marriage. She really didn’t want k**s, not yet, and was secretly on birth control which helps her reconcile her out-of-town liaisons.Tina opens the changing room door and finds Reuben standing right outside, leaning up against the wall. Reuben’s cock is already hard from the anticipation of seeing Tina in a thong and bra. “Come on, hurry before anybody sees you!” Tina urges. Reuben steps into the changing and it’s a bit tight with Reuben size as he’s almost can’t help standing up against Tina. He looks at her in the mirror and admires how well she wears the thong and bra. “Turn around escort zonguldak some so I can see all of you, you little slut,” Reuben tells her. Tina twirls a couple times until Reuben and her are face to face. She looks up at him and asks, “So what do you think? JC would look good in this too.” “Baby, I know she will, and you are looking damn fine too,” Reuben tells her, and then, “You feelin this cock?” he asks while Tina’s hand is stroking it inside his pants. “Feels like somebody wants to get out,” Tina says smiling slyly. With that, she unbuckles his belt, unzips his fly and pulls down his pants to his ankles. Reuben’s cock is straining to get out his boxer shorts, and Tina obliges by pulling them down. “Oh my Reuben! Its magnificent! Now I know what JC has been telling me,” Tina says as she starts to stroke Reuben’s veiny cock with the mushroom head. Kissing his balls as she does so, she works the mushroom cock head into her mouth, enjoying the salty taste of Reuben’s manhood.Reuben grabs her from the back of her head and forces more cock into her mouth. Looking down at this beautiful redhead servicing his cock is almost enough to make him cum before he wants to. There’s not much room to maneuver in the changing room, otherwise he’d turn her around and fuck that red headed pussy of hers, so he’ll have to be content to bust his nut down her throat. Tina is truly enjoying having big Reuben in her mouth and she can tell Reuben is close to cumming as his breathing is picking up. She wants him in her pussy, but now is not the time nor place. Reuben is feeling his nut coming and when it does, it floods Tina’s mouth and throat with more than she can handle and she sputters and coughs cum and spit back onto Reuben, but she continues to take as much of cum down her throat and into her belly as she can manage.Reuben is finally drained, and Tina licks the remnants from his cock. “Damn girl! You can suck the brass off a doorknob!” exclaimed Rueben. Looking up at Reuben with her bright green eyes, Tina smiles at him while she wipes her face as best she can. Taking off the bra, she uses it to dry her mouth and chest of Reuben’s cum and her spit. “You better go, Reuben before someone suspects something,” Tina says. Pulling up his pants and boxers, Reuben shakes his cock at her and says, “Next time my boy here is going into that pussy.” “I’ll be around,” Tina answers back. With that, Reuben zips up, opens the door to make sure the coast was clear, gave Tina a quick kiss, and he was gone. Tina takes off the thong and leaves it and the bra in the changing room, gets dressed and leaves as quickly as she can. Meanwhile, Reuben goes back to the rack where he and Tina found the ensemble, and he finds JC’s size and goes to pay for it at the check-out. He asks for a gift box as well, and the young blonde woman asks if its for his wife. “No, somebody else’s wife,” Reuben says with a wink. “Oh my!” said the red-faced young woman. “Well, I think she’ll like these a****l prints. Very in style these days,” she added. “I’m going to find out soon,” he says, winks at her, then departs the store just as Tina was coming out of the changing room. They both wave and go separate ways smiling to themselves. Wednesday morning, Mike and JC’s alarm goes off to start the day. As they are both in the bathroom getting ready, Mike wishes JC a happy birthday and pushes her into the bedroom onto the bed. “Mike, we don’t have time for this,” JC mildly protests. “C’mon, it’s your birthday, and you’re dressed for it,” as Mike eyes her naked body beneath him. “I bet Reuben is going to treat you to something special at lunch today,” Mike teases. “We’re going to keep it discrete today,” JC says. “Did you ask him about coming over this weekend?” Mike asks as he’s kissing her neck and groping her pussy.“At lunch I will,” she replied as Mike is going to make her late, so why not go with it, she decides, and she is fully focused on getting her birthday fuck from her husband.Arriving to work, not too late, JC catches up on emails and phone messages which take up all her morning, and then lunch. Finishing up her morning tasks, she grabs her purse and heads for the parking lot to meet Reuben. She sees his car as he pulls up, and she hops in. “Hey Baby. Looking really zonguldak escort bayan good for being another year older,” Reuben teases. “Almost as old as you now, not!” JC shoots back. “Ouch Baby, I’m just have a few years head start on you. How’s your appetite?” Reuben asks. “I’m looking forward to spending your money on a big meal,” JC taunts. “That’s my story with women. You’re killing me here,” Reuben pretends to pout.They get to the restaurant and Reuben is a good friend with the owner who finds them a secluded table in the corner. By JC’s standards, she splurges and orders a Cobb salad and a glass of chardonnay. Reuben orders shrimp and grits with andouille sausage which is his hometown favorite. “Reuben, Mike wanted me to ask if you were up to coming over to our house this Saturday for some drinks, and just hang out,” JC asked Reuben. “Sure, I’d be up for it. But why?” Reuben asked. “Mike wants to watch us have sex,” JC says looking around to make sure she didn’t say it too loud. With a toothy grin Reuben replies, “Yeah that can work.” “Ok, how about 7 PM Saturday night?” JC says. “Sounds really good. And, for your birthday, I got you this,” Reuben says giving her the gift-wrapped package. JC opens it to reveal the leopard-print bra and thong set. “My goodness, Reuben! It’s very thoughtful of you. I suppose you want me to wear this for you when you come visit?” JC says, already knowing the answer. “Damn straight, Baby. And, wear your thigh high stockings and heels too,” grinned Reuben.Finishing up lunch, JC and Reuben drive back to the hospital where Reuben parks in the back corner of the parking lot, which is different from his usual spot just outside the cafeteria entrance. “Why are you parking here, Reuben?” JC asks, feeling she knows the answer anyway. Just as she asks Reuben, he is already taking his cock out of his pants. “Thought we’d have a little fun before going back to work,” Reuben says grinning and puts his arm around JC, pulling her towards him and his growing cock. “Reuben, I don’t think this is being discrete at all, and security may come by too,” JC protested. “C’mon Baby. You know you get me off so easily. This won’t take long so come taste daddy,” Reuben says as JC can’t resist Reuben’s cock. She leans over the center console and grabs Reuben’s cock to stroke it. The engorged veins and mushroom head are at the height of arousal and JC takes the black cock into her mouth, enjoying musky smell and taste of it.“Oh Baby, that’s it. You’re such a good cocksucking bitch. Climb over here and ride this cock,” Reuben urges JC. Without hesitation, JC climbs over the center console, hiking her skirt up, straddles Reuben, and inserts his cock into her waiting pussy. Reuben moves his seat back to give JC more room and now he can cup the fine ass of JC as she’s bouncing on Reuben’s cock. “Oh Reuben, you are such a bad man,” JC pants as she’s kissing Reuben. JC feels an orgasm coming just as Reuben thrusts up into her giving her one of several spurts of semen deep into her womb. JC cums with each thrust, gushing pussy juice mixed with Reuben’s cum onto his lap.The torrid passion consumed them and leaves them both breathless. JC climbs back off Reuben and back to the passenger seat, leaving a trail of cum from Reuben’s lap, across the center console and onto the passenger seat. Reuben’s lap and seat are drenched, and JC tries her best to keep her skirt hiked up from the same fate as Reuben’s pants. “Oh Reuben! I’m so sorry about the mess,” JC says sincerely. “No Baby. Don’t be. I’ll just run home to change since I have a little time yet. You want to come along?” Reuben asks. “No, I really need to get back to work and figure a way to get cleaned up,” JC tells him. Reuben gets his cock back in to his cum soaked pants, zips up and drives JC a bit closer to the hospital. “There’s some napkins in the glove box you can use to wipe yourself,” Reuben offered. JC finds them and needs quite a few to clean herself up enough so she doesn’t have cum running down her legs as she’s walking into the hospital. Satisfied she got it all, she pulls her skirt down, just as Reuben pulls up to the curb. “Thank you for lunch and the gift Reuben. See you Saturday then?” JC asked. “I’ll be there, Baby,” Reuben grinned, and JC exits the car, smoothing her skirt as best she can as she walks into the lobby. “Happy Birthday my little slut,” Reuben says to himself with a chuckle. Saturday night is going to be a good one and he’s looking forward to the beginning of cuckolding his first white couple.

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The days before the Internet, using the LA Free Pr

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The days before the Internet, using the LA Free PrThis was going to be my big date! I had been crossdressing for 5 years, and I had even gone out to the Queen Mary a couple of times, but I had always slipped away and hurried home. It was my part time fantasy and I wanted to keep it that way. But each time I had this fantasy about going on a date as a girl with an older tall man. We didn’t have the internet like we have today so I ran an advertisement in a magazine called TV Epic. It was a transgender medium for events, activities and dating. I received several letters from men expressing their desire to meet me but they seemed to be just like one liners with no substance. Some even sent letter that had the following: Let’s fuck” and a picture of their cock. How do you respond to that? But one letter captured my attention. His name was Lamar, and he was 44 (I was 26 then) He was very romantic and described how our evening would be when I arrived at his home in West LA. How he would have roses for me, expensive wine, candlelight and soft music, and he would greet me well dressed. Well, you know, I was thinking be still my heart. So I wrote him back and sent him my telephone number. It was 3 days later when I received his call. He sounded very sexy on the phone and I could just imagine him taking me in his arms and, and, well, let me get back to the story. There were not too many places that I could go to buy dresses back then, but I decided I would be braver than ever before and I went to The Broadway in Anaheim, and I bought a very nice evening dress, black pumps 3”, a new slip, bra and matching panties. The clerk, an older woman almost refused to sell them to me but when I produced cash she quickly took it. I then went to Robisons and bought new earrings, a necklace and 2 bracelets, and 4 rings all in silver. I stopped at Savon and bought all new cosmetics, eye liner, mascara, eye shadow, foundation, powder, blush, lipstick, lip liner, false eye lashes and false nails. I hurried home to get ready for my date. It was easy as I lived alone in a small house in Fullerton at the time. I ran a hot bath and then shaved completely all unwanted hair. I bathed in Lavender and washed my long hair that fell to the middle of my back. I took special attention to cleaning myself so I would be ready for him. I got out and started getting ready. Curled my hair, makeup, lingerie, dress, hose, heels jewelry, and then I was ready. A touch of perfume and I was ready to go. I filled my purse with things I would need, grabbed my keys and out the door I went. My neighbor who was a lowrider whistled at me thinking I was a girl. But of course he did know it was me. He had seen me before.I had my directions with me and headed to West LA. The traffic was light and I was getting off on Santa Monica Blvd in no time and headed west. I found his apartment building easily and parked my car, checked my makeup in the tekirdağ escort bayan mirror, and got out and walked to the apartment. I rang the bell, and soon the door opened. And there he stood and he was gorgeous! He was 6’6, very masculine, and Black! I didn’t know he was going to be Black! But I was so attracted to him I just sort of floated into the house and he took me by the hand. He had dropped rose petals all over the entranceway and had a red rose for me when I came in. I held it in my hand as he took me into the living room that was dimly lit with candles, and the soft scent of incense only increased the romance in the air. We talked, and he offered wine, and he told me how beautiful I was. I was so taken by him, and so lost in his words and his eyes. When he opened a new bottle of wine and poured my glass, he leaned over and kissed me. I melted! I mean, I really melted. He grabbed me to keep me from falling over and I kissed him back and took his tongue and sucked on it. He pulled me closer and I could feel his hardness against me! It felt enormous! As for me, my very tiny clitty was started to respond to his body pressed against mine. I was thankful it is so small as I want him to always think of me as a girl. I was so lost in the kisses that I didn’t realize at first that he was pushing me downward, and before I knew it I was on my knees before him. Looking up at his face. He smile and told me that he had been waiting for this moment, he said me to and I looked right at his huge bulge in his pants. I knew I what was expected of me. I reached out and rubbed his manhood and moaned and told him how big it was. I unclipped and unzipped his pants and let them fall to the floor and helped him step out of them. I rubbed his manhood against his boxers and then I slipped them off and helped him out of those. His penis was sticking out right at me, all 9 inches, and he was uncircumcised. I reached for him with both hands and leaned forward and kissed him and licked him with passion. I was enticed by his musty masculine scent that made me horny for him. As I sucked and kissed his penis, he placed his hands on my head and guided him into my mouth. I was trying to take him in but he was so big. I tried to relax and I found that if I left his foreskin on the end I could make his penis go further into my throat. All of a sudden I was able to relax and his penis went all the way into my throat. I breathed through my nose and concentrated on not gagging. And he was enjoying this immensely, He kept saying I was a good girl, a good cocksucker and more than a real woman to him. All I wanted to do was please him and make him want me and love me. He started to pull himself out and just when the tip of his penis was in my mouth he came with a rush and filled my mouth with his cum! There was so much that it flowed out of my mouth onto my bra. I kissed and licked all that escort tekirdağ I could and swallowed it. I then looked up at him and smiled and told him thank you for the reward. He told me He loved it and would love to have me please him again so I did, and he became very hard almost right away. When he was fully erect again, he took me by the hand and took me to his bedroom, kissing me along the way. I knew that I was going to be his tonight, his woman, totally given over to him. When we got to the bedroom, I removed my dress and slip, and was standing in front of him with a bra, panties, garters stockings and heels. I moved to him and kissed him passionately and he pulled me to him and pressed his hardness against me. He was so strong! He reached down and pulled my panties right off of me, ripping them, and he laughed at my tiny clitty and said I truly was a girlie girl. He turned me around and I felt him rubbing lotion on my and in me and then I felt his manhood against me, and he grabbed me by the hair and I felt his manhood forcing it’s way into me. I cried a little and it was so painful, and he whispered in my ear “Once I am all the way in, you will never want me to take it out. I tried so hard not to cry out again but I did, and he rubbed by behind and reached around and touched my clitty and said “It will feel very good soon! Soon I didn’t really feel that much pain but I felt like his cock was all the way into my stomach. I asked him how far he was in and he told me all the way’ I gasped as I didn’t think it were possible! He was fucking me slowly and taking him almost all the way out then all the way in again, slowly, then faster, and faster and faster, I felt myself bucking with pleasure as my hips strained to meet each of his thrusts. He said “you are a little bitch in heat, aren’t you?” I sighed yes and told him that I wanted him, and I wanted him to come inside me. He pulled out and rolled me over on my back and pushed my legs up over my head, and he entered me again and kissed me as he fucked me. It was heaven, I was so enraptured by this that all I could think about was him! I wanted him and wanted to be taken by him all night long! I was doing what I could to make sure he was all the way in me, and he was fucking me so hard, it hurt but I loved it, and I didn’t want him to stop! My little clitty was fully erect now, at 3.5” and he remarked that I was not only enjoying this, but I was going to come like a woman comes soon. He said he was getting ready to come and he was fucking me so hard and we were bucking so crazy that was almost fell off the bed. Just then he groaned real loud, and forced his cock in even deeper then ever, and his whole body spasmed and jerked as he filled my little pussy with his cum. And as he did this my little clitty spurted a little tiny bit of sissy cream. He jerked a few more times and them he laid on top of me. I kept my legs tekirdağ escort all the way over my head so I could make him feel good inside me. He lifted his head and said: “Did you love this tonight, baby?” and then he kissed me and I said yes I loved it and held him tightly. He rolled me over onto my side and entered me again and we fell asleep with him inside me. Twice during the night I was awakened by him fucking me. OMG! It was so wonderful! I wanted this night to never end. When I woke up the next morning he was sound asleep, so I leaned down and started sucking his cock. It sprang to life suddenly and I took him all the way in fighting the gag reflex. Soon he filled my mouth with his wonderful seed, and he smiled at me and said we should start dating regularly. My heart skipped a beat or 2 I think! I knew I was in love but I didn’t want to frighten him off! I said yes, I would love to date him all the time.I had to get up to go home as it was a work day, and it was already 6AM, and I still had to drive home, change and go to work. I jumped up, put on my dress, ran into the bathroom and freshened up my makeup, and realized I had no panties to wear. I kissed him and ran out the door and flew down the freeway to my house. When I arrived and got out of the car, I realized my car seat was filled with his cum that had run out of me on the drive home! Oh My, I thought, what a slut I am and I laughed. I ran into the house and waved at my lowrider neighbor who was on his way to work. He laughed at me and said “Did you get some last night?” I smiled and said yes and went inside. I went into the bathroom, stripped down and jumped into the shower. I quickly finished and came out and put on a teddy and moved around the room looking at what I would wear for the day. Although I am transgender I still dress acrogenous at work wearing girls jeans and tops that could go both ways. I heard a noise in the front room and I turned to see my lowrider neighbor standing there, with a huge hardon, saying” How about you take care of me baby”. I was so flustered, and said I need to get ready for work, and he said it won’t take long. So, I came over to him, dropped to my knees and took him into my mouth. He did the same thing my Date did last night, pushing with his hands forcing his cock into my throat, and once again I was floating away because this is one of my favorite things to do. He started pumping my mouth and I was rocking back and forth sucking him and kissing his balls and licking them. He said i was real good, better than he ever dreamed. I smiled up at him and he told me I was pretty, and a good sissy. I smiled because I have always been a sissy. He fucked my mouth until he came, and then he said off to work I go and he left. I got up and finished getting ready for work and left, with the taste of 2 men in my mouth and the seed of one still dripping out into my panties. I couldn’t wait to find out what was going to happen to this sissy that night, because I was having my new boyfriend over and my lowrider neighbor just crossed over and made me give him a blow job, which I readily accepted. I never turn down a nice cock to suck. I am such a sissy

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Settling the Estate

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Settling the Estate“I’ll be back in two weeks, mama,” the 51 year-old said.“Okay, sweetheart. Drive safe. Let me know when you make it home,” replied the septuagenarian with thinning onyx dyed hair pulled into a bun.Andrea Beale hopped into his long-wheelbase, red 2016 Jaguar XJR. He backed out of the driveway of the two-story, symmetrical Georgian Revival house where he spent his c***dhood. He headed home.After a five hour drive, Andrea arrived at his palatial townhouse. He was not the sort to do yard work. He had grown up as the only son of a second generation Black doctor. He’d also followed in the path of his dad and grandfather ultimately specializing in internal medicine. But he tired of the profession after a few years, so at age 42 he went to law school. Now, he specialized in medical malpractice defense.Andrea had spent the past week with his mother, Bette, after burying his father. Thankfully, there wasn’t much that needed to be handled. Most of the assets had already been properly divided. There were accounts that were payable upon Dr. Junius Beale’s death to Andrea’s two half-sisters. All of the property was & other accounts were owned in joint tenancy with Bette so all of that went to her.Andrea was overdue for a pounding. He started scrolling through the contacts on a messaging app. He hit up a younger dude that had slayed his pussy previously. The cat replied and said he was available in a couple of hours. Andrea agreed to thee timeframe, then went to fix a stiff drink. The effeminate professional preferred cognac. So that is what he had. He ran a bath and addled some oils in it. “Okay, Google,” Andrea spoke louder than necessary with his still soft voice. He instructed the AI assistant to turn on the HD television above the jacuzzi tub and start streaming the newest season of his favorite period drama.He soaked quietly and sipped the beverage he’d poured into a large glass. He was enjoying the show thus far. He stood up and toweled off his golden brown skin. He lathered on some vanilla cupcake scented lotion then got dressed in a slutty hot pink mini dress, white thigh high stockings, & black spike heels. He affixed a long platinum wig to his head and strutted downstairs. Andrea topped off his drink.The guy he knew as Jay, hit him up asking if it was cool to swing by now. Andrea quickly informed he was ready and waiting. He snapped a quick pic in the mirror showing off his round rump.Jay arrived and Andrea let him inside. “Missed you,” the hostess smiled.“Yeah, right,” the thirty-something rolled his eyes. “I ain’t heard from you in a minute.”“I’ve been busy.”“It’s cool.”“You look sexy as hell though! You ready?”“Yes,” beamed the sissy.“Come on then!”“Jay led the way down the stairs to the bottom floor of the tri-level house. He knew the way to the bedroom where he usually fucked Andrea. “You smell good as fuck, boo,” the 6’3”; 255-pound, chocolate brown dude with the shaved head remarked. Once in the room, he dropped his jeans. They fell around his ankles atop his nubuck leather boots. He took his member out of the slit of his plaid boxers. “Suck it, gurl!”Andrea knelt. The steamy scent smelled like man. She licked the tip of the cock. Then, she wrapped her luscious lips around it and sucked it to life. It grew to eight inches. She ran her tongue over the salty, hairy balls. She slurped on them too,“Ah shit, gurl! You gon’ suck the skin off this muthafucka,” Jay exclaimed. “Come on and let a nigga fuck you real quick!”Andrea hopped on the full-sized bed. Jay spread her generous cheeks and spat on her hole. He smacked them. The jiggled.“Give it to me,” she shook her juicy tail.Jay pushed inside slowly. “Ah damn!”“Ooh,” the homeowner winced.“Let me in that boipussy, bitch!”“Yes, sir!”Andrea’s muscles relaxed.Jay went in to the hilt. Then, he pulled halfway out and went back in. He stroked at a rapid pace after that.“Fuck me,” wailed the sissy! “Fuck my faggot ass!”“Yeah, faggit! Take all this big dick!”“Oh my god, Daddy!”“You like how a nigga fuck you?”“Yes, sir!”“Don’t let it be so long till you hit me up next time,” he slammed forcefully pushing Andrea flat on the bed.Jay began the assault. He jumped in and out of her pussy.Pfffffft. Pffffft. Andrea’s hole farted because it was so open.“Hell sivas escort yeah! Make it talk, bitch!”“Oh, Daddy! Fuck my ass!”“That’s a good li’l faggot! You like this big dick in that wide ass?”“Yes, sir! Oh my god!”Jay flipped Andrea on his side. He fucked with every bit of his might. His bulky, bullish body thrust mightily into the thickset pussyboy. “This is my pussy!” Sweat drenched his body.The perspiration felt like pellets of rain on his smooth skin. “Oh, nigga! I love it!” He worked his hips in circles taking every inch of the monster.“Fucccckkkk,” roared Jay as he nutted.Andrea got up and fetched a warm washcloth for him to clean up. He promised to hit the mammoth man up within the week for another round.Jay spanked the firm bottom and left.———————–The next week, Andrea was back at work. He poured over medical records and charts in an effort to limit his client’s liability. His cell phone rang. It was his mom.“Hey, mama,” he answered.“You busy,” she asked.“A little. What’s up?”“I wanna sell that car.”“Why?”“I hate it.”“Okay,” Andrea sat forward. “But you know that your name isn’t on the title so really it’s owned by you, me, Linda, & Jennifer.”“That’s fine. One of you needs to come get it and soon. I don’t want any money from it.”“Alright, mama! Let me get back to work and I’ll figure it out.”“Thanks,” Bette ended the call.Unbeknownst to Andrea, Bette loathed the classic 1961 MGA 1600 Mark II soft-top roadster because it had been the elder Dr. Beale’s pussy magnet. She stayed married to the tall, brownish-yellow-skinned man with hazel eyes all those years enduring the hurt. Junius even had an outside c***d during their marriage. She needed it gone. Interestingly, Bette never took the time to recall that when she met Dr. Beale, he was married to someone else and had a daughter. Andrea took a lunch break when he strawberry pecan grilled chicken salad arrived by delivery. He sent a group text to his sisters about the car.Linda Beale was divorced and had resumed use of her maiden name. The 58 year-old pediatrician replied almost instantly that she had no use for it. Just sell it for it would fetch and mail her a check was the jist of her input.Jennifer Watkins replied an hour later. The teacher indicated that she was fine with selling it. She just wanted to check with her son to see if he wanted it. Andrea explained that she would have to buy our everyone else’s share to do that. Jennifer called.“Hey, sis,” he answered.“Hey, Dre! How are you?”“I’m fine. You?”“I’m good. I was thinking if I don’t buy you out, couldn’t I just technically say no and eventually, Julien would inherit cause neither you nor Linda have heirs.”“Well, sis,” Andrea tried to sound unannoyed. “Any one of or a combination of the owners could file a suit requesting the judge force the sell or make one of us buy the others out. I promise I’m trying to screw y’all.”“I didn’t say that,” she snapped. “I know. I’m just saying.”“It’s fine to sell,” the middle school science teacher said. “Terry looked it up online,” she referred to her husband.“What did he find,” the lawyer-doctor pursed his lips.“Great condition would be around 38 or 39 thousand.”“It’s not in great condition. It’s probably good or close to good.”“Well, can you put up ad and see what we can get?”“I was planning on it.”“Great! I’m going to find someone to ride up there with me this weekend so I can bring it back to my place. My mom wants it gone.”“Sounds good. Keep us posted.”“I will,’ he hissed at the woman four years younger.——————That evening, Andrea called a friend he’d known for around 18 months.“Charlie, how the heck are ya?”“I’m good, sexy! What’s up?”“I need a favor.”“Oh,” the deep voice slumped.“Forget it,” huffed the queer.“C’mon. What is it?”“My dad had a ‘61 MGA. It’s at my mom’s house and she wants me to pick it up this weekend. I need someone to ride with me so I can drive it back.”“I’ll go if you let me drive that thing.”“Fine.”“When am I gonna get some more of that pussy,” the retired airman asked.“Soon.”——————–Saturday arrived. The 5’10”, 200-pound, dark chocolate man pulled up at 5:30 a.m. in his burnt orange, 4-door 2017 Nissan Titan pickup. He got out and strutted to the door.Andrea opened it stepped outside escort sivas before he could knock. “Let’s go.”They loaded into the Jag and took off.Andrea and Charlie spent only a couple of hours with Bette. They wanted to return home tonight. She had prepared lunch for them. There was baked chicken & rice with steamed yellow squash & zucchini. She’d also served a pan of her scratch-made brownies. The two fellows hit the highway and made it back to Andrea’s house by 6:30 p.m.“How did it drive,” inquired Andrea.“She’s a sweet ride. How much you want for it?”“What are you offering?”“I don’t know,” the man who spent 24 years in the Air Force stroked his goatee.“My brother-in-law looked it up. He thinks we can 40.”“Thousand?”“Yeah, but that would mean excellent condition. I’m hoping for around 28 to 30.”“I’m gonna have to pass right now. These k**s in college and always needing money,” he chuckled.“Wanna come inside?”“Hell yeah!”It didn’t take long for the retired master sergeant to start fondling the host’s hefty ass cheeks.“You wanna fuck me,” cooed Andrea.“Oh yeah,” the married man nodded. They went into the master bedroom. Andrea started sucking the already erect 9-inch prick. Charlie thrust cautiously fucking his face slowly.Andre offered him his ass by getting on all fours.Charlie went inside. “Ooh wee,” he howled. “This is some good pussy, Drea!”“Thank you,” eked the sissy. “Be gentle.”“I been thinking about fucking you all day long.”“Me too!”“You think your mama know I’m fucking you!”“She probably does.”“Yeah,” he grunted. “She told me to be good to her boy before we left.”“Oh my god,” giggled the sub.“Yeah,” chortled Charlie. “She knows you’re my bitch and I be fucking you!”Charlie hammered vigorously now. He slapped the corpulent, smooth butt cheeks.“Oh yeah, Master Sergeant! Fuck me,” begged Andrea.“Yeah, gurl! Take all this straight married dick! Miss Bette know you taking it.”“Oh my god! Fuck this faggot ass!”“Yeah, faggit! You take dick better than my wife.”Andrea hopped off the hard cock. He turned around and sucked on the glistening member some more.“Suck that pussy juice off that dick! You like how you taste? Got damn,” the dominant man extolled.The punk got back on the bed. He lay on his back.Charlie mounted him and started back pounding.They kissed while humping and gyrating.“Ahhhhhhhhh,” groaned Charlie as he unloaded.Andrea knew he had to get back home to his nosy wife. He thanked him and said, “Can’t wait till next time.”“Me neither,” the military man concurred.———————–Andrea wanted to have a mechanic look at the vehicle before putting up the ad. He found a couple of places. On Tuesday afternoon, he left work early and went home to retrieve the roadster. He took it to Millard’s Volunteers Imports. He parked the 2-door classic and went inside.A cute, fresh-faced chick with glossy brunette hair, light brown eyes, and warm skin said, “How may I help you?”“I’m here to see, uh,” Andrea looked at her phone. “Chad Millard.”“Okay, what’s your name and I’ll buzz him?”“Andrea Beale. It’s about the ‘61 MGA.”“Oh,” the girl perked up. “Mr. Millard mentioned that. Let me go get him right now.”A lumberjack of a man came out to lobby. His faded gray work clothes were stained with oil and grit. “Nice to meet you. I’m Chad,” he extended his hand. “Let’s go take a look.”The shop owner took with blue-gray eyes and ash-brown hair a look around the car. He asked, “Are you just looking to get rid of it?”“Sell it. Yes.”“Right. I’d be willing to take it off your hands. You had any offers yet.”“No, but there’s another mechanic interested,”“It wouldn’t happen to be a fella named Hamrick, would it?”“Yes it is.”“He’s a good guy. Real good mechanic, but he’s gonna lowball you. Let him give you an offer and I’ll beat it for sure.”“But what kinda condition is it in?”“I’d say it’s good. Not quite at excellent though. Like I say. Talk to Hamrick then give me a call. Here’s my card. I really like it.”Andrea accepted the business card. “You gonna fix it up and sell it.”“Naw! I love classic cars. I’ll fix it up and probably keep it. My dad & Hamrick try to outdo each other with the collection.”“You don’t sell anything?”“For the right price everything’s for sale,” he chuckled. “We gotta eat, right?”“True. Got sivas escort bayan anything nice?”“Oh yeah,” Chad scratched his head. He pulled out his phone and tapped the screen. “This here silver beauty is a ‘55 Mercedes Benz 300 SL roadster. Them gullwing doors are bad. This an ‘80 BMW M1. They only made ‘em for like three years. Kinda looks like a Ferrari don’t it. Those two together are worth about one-point-seven mill.”“Wow!”“Yeah. My dad got ‘em a long time ago. Most of the rest of our stuff ain’t worth as much, but we love ‘em.”“Awesome! I’ll let you know.”“You better. Or I’ll have to whoop you,” he laughed.“I might like that,” teased Andrea.“I know,” Chad replied matter-of-factly with a wink. —————It was 5:13 p.m. All the employees of Millard’s Volunteers Imports were gone. Well, most of them. Chad sat in his office with his shirt unbuttoned, legs spread and fat, juicy cock in the receptionist’s mouth. “Suck it, honey,” he groaned as his head tilted back. He held her crown with his calloused, tattooed, chubby hands. “Yeah, sissy! Suck Daddy’s big cock! You know Daddy’s gonna fuck your li’l sissy pussy before we go home, don’t ya?”“Mmhmm,” moaned the trap who had a mouthful of manhood down her throat.Chad’s mobile phone rang. He didn’t recognize the number, but answered it anyway. “Millard,” he said plainly.“Hey, Chad. It’s Andrea Beale from earlier.”“Yeah,” the mechanic sat up and held up his forefinger for the gurl to stop. “What’s up?”“Hamrick offered me 21.”“Motherfucker. Can I come test drive it now?”“Sure. I’ll text you the address.”“Is 45 minutes from now good?”“Sure!”“I’ll be there!”Chad ended the call. He looked the male-to-female transsexual and said. “Daddy’s gonna have to fuck you later. But you can make me cum real quick!”She went back to work on the 8-inch tool. She stroked the shaft with one delicate manicured hand and massaged his furry nutsack with the other.“Oh shit,” he gripped the arms of the worn leather office chair. He rose slightly out of his seat as he came. It shot all over the bitch’s face. “Don’t you look pretty,” he chuckled. “I gotta go.”Chad cleaned off and changed into a plain white T-shirt and some jeans. He drove to Andrea’s in a 2012 Ford F-150.Andrea tossed him the keys and he walked to the car. “You not comin’?”“I hadn’t planned on it.”“Ah, hell! Hop in! I insist.”“Okay.”The automotive guy took it easy out of the exclusive golf course neighborhood filled with McMansions and several opulent rowhouses. The streets were wide and quiet with only a few k**s outside in the park.“I like how she handles,” Chad opined. “Tell you what, I’ll give you 25.”“Really,” Andrea swiveled his head.“Yep. I could give you 15 tomorrow and the other 10 in 30 days.”“Uhhhh.”“We can sign a contract.”“Of course we will! I’ll draw it up. But how do I know you’ll pay the rest?”“You don’t know it, but I run a respectable business. Can’t have my reputation taking a hit.”“I guess.”“I can make a down payment today.”“How much?”“This much,” Chad grinned as he grabbed Andrea’s hand and placed it on his crotch. “About eight inches is how much.”“What the…”“Don’t act like you don’t like cock. The way you switch when you walk. The way you look at my body.”“But I…”“Let’s go back to your place and we can negotiate!”“Yes, sir!”“That’s a good li’l faggit,” the man turned the vehicle around.Inside the lovely home, Andrea fell to his knees. He took out Chad’s thick dick. He was turned on by the half naked man’s broad chest and slight pudge. His Daddy sleeve tattoos on each arm were colorful and intriguing. He sucked the sizable White monster.“Good god, fag! Suck Daddy’s cock!”“Mmm!”“You know I was getting it sucked when you call?”“Hmmmm!”“Yeah! By my receptionist. She’s a li’l trap fag.”“Mmhmm!”“She’d be pissed if she knew I was about to fuck you? She’s sexy, but I also like juicy booties. And chocolate! Get up on the bed. I’m ready to fuck,” he ordered.Andrea lay his torso across the bed with his feet on the floor. Chad moved behind and pointed his member at the steamy ass hole. He went inside. “Ah, yeah!”“Owwwww,” whined Andrea. “Be gentle!”“Ah! Shut up,” grunted Chad. “You’re a faggit. You like it rough!”He jackhammered Andrea’s hole while the sissy screamed.“Oh, bitch!”“Fuck me!”“Yeah, slut! I love faggit whore pussy!”“Oh, Chad! Give me that big White dick!”“Yeah, baby! Take it!”Chad bellowed as he released the built up tension into Andrea. “Fuck, you got some good ass!” He slapped the cheeks as he chuckled.“Thanks! Deal accepted.”

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In chastity but joined in

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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
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In chastity but joined inFriday as soon as I walked in the house from work I was greeted by my wife Andrea. She had a towel around her that just did cover her ass, she said get in the shower and shave. Without questioning her I did as I was told. The hot shower felt good after a long day at work and as I carefully shaved my balls I couldn’t help but think what my sexy little lady had in mind tonight. When I had dried off I went to the bedroom to get dressed and I found Andrea waiting for me there. She was wearing her long pink bathrobe and fuzzy slippers. She said hands behind your back. I knew some sort of chastity was in order for tonight so I stood naked with my hands behind my back. Andrea reached into her robe pocket and took out a chastity cage I had never seen before. She said I bought you something and I’m dieing to put it on you. Her hands seemed cold as she took my balls in her hands, I flinched and she laughed. The device seemed extremely small as she had a hard time getting both my balls through the ring. I said there’s no room for my dick. She said oh yeah it’s going in too. She took my little guy in her hand and squeezed it hard and before the b l o o d could return to it she stuffed it through the ring and pulled hard on the head to be sure the ring was completely against my body. Then came the shocking part. The cage had a solid stud that is pushed into my urethra. She said I got the largest insert they offered, I don’t want you leaking a drop pasted it. She took her sex lube from her nightstand and placed the tip to my opening and squeezed. I could feel the slippery liquid fill my penis. Some dripped out when she took the bottle away. Aww she said your little pee pee couldn’t hold it all. Then she worked that big plug into my pee opening, it hurt like hell as it stretched my urethra, she had to work hard to get it all the way in and I had broken out in a sweat. As soon as the cage reached the ring she gradded the locking pin and in a flash she slide it in and jerked the key out. She sat back on her knees to admire her work. Does it hurt she asked. I said yes, it feels like my penis is being ripped open. She said it will stretch over time and it won’t hurt as bad. Then she stood up and said maybe I can take your mind off the pain. She opened the robe and let it fall to the floor. yozgat escort There she stood wearing what she knows is my all time favorite hot wife get up. Coffee colored thigh high stockings pulled up so her smoothly shaved pussy lips rub the wide Lacey band at the top. Her pussy was completely naked and b a b y smooth. She had on her lace up corset that makes her tiny waist even smaller and the cups form her thirty four b tits into perfectly round mounds.As she kicked off the fuzzy slippers and stepped into a pair of heels she said do I look OK? WOW I said you look so hot. As she admired herself in the mirror she said I’m going to have Mark come over and fuck her all night and you are going to be here watching. She looked at my cage and said are you trying to get an erection ? I said yes. She very gently took my straining dick in her hand and then leaned in close and said does it excited you knowing in just a little while your sexy little wife will be laying on her back as big ol back Mark shoves his thick black cock into my little white pussy. I said well when you say it like that . She giggled and jokingly slapped at my imprisoned little guy.She started walked towards the den and told me to follow. I said are you going to greet him dressed like that. She said of course he likes for me to show off my body. It didn’t take long before we heard Mark’s car pull up the driveway. Andrea jumped up and said he’s here, then she ran a finger between her pussy lips and wiped it under my nose. She said I’m soaking wet. I remained setting as she let him in so as to his my embarrassment. He kissed her and pushed her away so he could admire her body. Damn girl my dick is already getting hard he said. Andrea went straight for his belt and pulled his pants down. . His semi erect penis popped up and almost hit her in the face. She put her hand around the growing cock and looking at me she said look my fingers don’t reach all the way around it and it isn’t full erect. She said I just love how it hurts my pussy when you drive it in me. He said well let’s go. Andrea led him to our bedroom by his cock and she told me to come watch. She had my lay on the bed on my back then she straddled my head and sat her already wet pussy on my mouth. I began working her clit over with my tongue as she gave him some escort yozgat expert head. After a while she turned around and bent over offering her sweet married pussy to his veiny black cock. I was still between her legs and his balls nearly hit my nose as he slowly destroyed my wife’s vagina. His cock buckled a little as he had to literally force it in. He hit bottom , something I’ve never done and still had plenty of cock left outside of her. He remained still to allow Andrea to adjust to his size. Lick my clit she ordered me. I looked at his hairy black nuts hanging there and didn’t want them to touch my face. I slid down a little so I could get to her clit and started working it over. Her legs tightened around my head. Then Mark began pulling back. I watched her inner lips follow him as the were tightly wrapped around his cock. It took several minutes but he finally had her relaxed enough to brutally beat her pussy with his meat. A ring of white foam formed around his cock and I knew that was my wife’s orgasm . Since this was his first time of the night and she was still tight he only lasted twenty five minutes before I saw his balls raising up and he pumped their contents into my wife’s hungry hole. He pulled out quickly and I dodged the big cock as it fell free of my wife’s grip. Andrea immediately rolled her hips and say her freshly fucked cunt squarely on my mouth. I felt her stomach muscles tighten then all his seed was forced into my mouth. After swallowing I ran my tongue up her now noticably looser pussy. She rocked her hips grinding her nasty pussy all over my face. Just before she got off me she inspected my caged dick. Oh yes she said softly not a drop leaked out. She and Mark literally fucked all night and I fell asleep at some point. I was awaken by the front door closing. I sat up and Andrea walked back to our room. Good morning sleepy head she said. You missed out on some awesome fucking. I asked if they fucked all night. She said yes and I was so hot I even let him fuck my ass. I said there’s no way that cock fit. She turned around and bent over she relaxed her butt and out dripped some cum. I caught it with my finger then pushed it back in her ass. She tightened her butt and cooed. She asked now my balls felt. I said they ache awful. She said well I’m entirely to yozgat escort bayan tired to do anything about that I’m going to sleep. As she laid down she said soak them in ice water it’ll help. I went in the den and tried to relax but my balls hurt so I went to the kitchen and got a large mug and filled it with water from the refrigerator door, I put three ice cubes in too. I gave it and minute to cool down then carefully I placed it over my entire cage. It took my breath as my balls and dick hit the ice water. I held it then untill the ice melted then I added three more cubes. After an hour in the freezing cold water my crotch was numb. I looked at my poor balls they were drawn up tight to the ring and my penis was as short as it could get yet it was still stretched around that stainless steel rod. I went in the den and laid down on the couch. I feel asleep and was awoken by my Andrea . She had the key and was trying to get my cage off. She had to pull hard to get the cage off my penis and when she did my urethra was left open. She admired it for a while before pulling the ring off. She squeezed my balls in her hand and asked if I wanted to cum. I begged her to let me orgasm. She took my soft penis in her mouth but remained perfectly still. The warmth of her mouth caused me to get hard. I tried to buck my hips but she pulled my dick out of her mouth and said if you move I’m stopping. Then she put her mouth back on my now fully erect dick. She had it all in her mouth. Her lips were touching my blas’s and pubic bone. I could hear her pussy making noises as she finger fucked herself.It took me several minutes but I started shooting my seed into her mouth. I shot every drop I could in her then she pulled her mouth off my soft dick and moved up to kiss me. She pushed my entire load into my mouth as we kissed. . After that she soaked in a hot tub to relax her sore pussy. She said she could feel her heart beat in it. She put on a pair of cotton bikini panties and a thin tank top to lounge around in. After my shower I put on some cotton shorts without underwear. After looking at her hard nipples through that thin short my dick got hard. She noticed it and made me jerk off in front of her while she remained completely dressed. As I pulled my dick she told me how Mark had literally abused her body and that she had orgasms all night. When I was about to cum she dropped to her knees and took my dick in her mouth I began shooting my load. She caught every drop. When she came up to kiss me I expected to get my cum fed to me but she had swallowed it.

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Our Black offspring Party! (corrected)

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Our Black offspring Party! (corrected)Meanwhile back at my place we decided to hold a Creche Party for all the Black Brats we had hatched in our white wombs now!All our cucked hubbies would be looking after our ebony black sons…hahahaha. The neighbours and friends invited too, for maximum humiliation!!! Our studs would be on hand, just in-case our guests wanted to know who the Daddies were!Little skooly girl, Sue phoned me; she was weeping away and sucking in air painfully?‘Oh Mrs Smith, my titties are really aching and feel as if they will explode!’ She cried out.‘Oh, why so?’ I asked her.‘I don’t know why. I mean when I was pregnant, yes my titties were swollen and leaked all day. Now though they are so full of hot milk for my negro twins (Yes her Bull had fertilised 1egg from each excited fallopian)! I mean they are sucking my titties all the day too. My nipples are like huge hard bullets. They suck so strong, with their big lips. Milk squirts out all over, but still they ache.’ The tiny girl told me.‘Is your boyfriend (not the father) helping you, Tracy, love?’ I asked.‘Do you mean is he sucking too?’ she said.‘Yeah. I mean sucking your tits. It will help you to relieve them love. Get Jamile young boyfriend) on them,’ I ordered her.‘I asked him to, when he came round to mine and in my bedroom. The babies were asleep in the cot and I took my bra off. The bra as usual was soaked wet with spilled milk from feeding; I kissed Jamile, pulled his cock out already hard and shoved a swollen titty in his face. He sucked on the fat nipple and I worked the boob to express milk into his mouth. He seemed not to like it though. He was coughing and gipping? I wanked him off and he shot a big load of hot cum under my tits, then he stopped sucking. He said he was scared of me now that I was a Mummy with 2 huge black tit suckers! He also quizzed me about his fatherhood and began to ask if he was the real Dad?’ she blubbered.‘Oh, why is he asking you that then Sue? I probed.‘Well look how black they are and he has seen the size of their cocks! They are big boys too, like the real Daddy, Mr Masala. That will be why….oh Mrs Smith what can I do….blub…blub…blub’ she cried.‘Calm down love. You are just feeling too guilty about it. It does not matter who Daddy is. I mean perfect you have 2 Negros and they are not white, so well done by the real Daddy, I say. I mean have you seen their Dad since you came home to your Mother’s place?’ I asked.‘Yes Mr Masala called on me. Of course Mum has no idea about how I thanked and paid the BIG man as I did for his help! He said to her he was calling as a friend to see the boys like. He flattered her too, not difficult, especially when a hunk does that. She made him a drink and they sat chatting in the kitchen, she was giggling and looking at his powerful thighs. I was watching from the stairs. I could see him, not her though. I did see him take her hand and placed it on his thighs! No guessing on what. He does that with me in his taxi. He was groaning too, she just giggled and whoooed away!’ she confessed.‘Oh shit. He is a bad man love, but you know how us ladies can’t resist a big hot cock! Now did the big Negro visit you upstairs then?’ I hotly asked the teen.‘Erm, well ,yes. He had phoned me and told me to be in a nighty and no pants on. On the bed with both sons naked and sucking me. He came up. I could see he was excited already from the attention downstairs. His huge poker was holding up the front of his tribal tartan kilt, as usual he had no pants on, and no thanks to my Mother I was going to get it! His 2 happy sons sucked away, slurping a gurgling on the hot cream, my baby doll cream nighty pulled to either side over my big tits. I had a naked arm around each of them. They had erections too, which rested on my still swollen belly. Masala motioned me to open my legs as I sat on the bed. My pussy still had not recovered and is still gaping open wide! You know Mrs Smith, with that he used his phone to make some snaps of us 3. He then pulled the kilt to one side and up came the huge weapon, in fact bigger than I remember it! He wiggled the phone about behind it, until he said his bell end was hiding my face, then snipped away, laughing now. He said that was for his Bro’s to look at. Next he climbed onto the bed, flipping his flip flops off. His weight made us wobble about, as I held tight on his latched on sons, still tight on my hard nipples. Then he came close and straddled us all, the boys looked up, but carried on sucking me. I saw that big poker coming to my mouth and what was unusual is his balls hung lower than before? Hah I saw why he had had another, wider band of gold hammered around his scrotum for the twin sons he made in me. He opened my mouth with both hands and in it went. A big black hand then pulled my blonde head onto him; he blew a little spunk to calm me down. It worked I was calm as I swallowed the musky filth. He had left the bedroom door wide open and I could hear Mother coming up the stairs. By now he was full on face fucking me! His cum was cuming fast and I was gagging on it! He had pulled the kilt off to get deeper into me, his big jet black ass pounding away at my head, those hands cupping my skull and that poker slipping down my tiny throat. I gasped düzce escort a breath when I could! It was so difficult, I mean if his cock was not down me, plugging me, his thick spunk was! Mother was watching us I know, although could not see her, well until the big b**st pulled out his stick and started to hit me on the top of my head with it, flicking spunk into my hair! I glimpsed her though his tree trunk thighs, has is big black and crinkly balls swayed from side to side. I was in horror with this!!! He realised she was stood there and turned to her. He said’ hey love, take the boys from her, Masala he want to get busy wiv my love honey here. You dig?’ As if hypnotised she did as he ordered. The 2 sons went willingly to her as they were full of milk now and I was full of the Negros cream too!‘Oh love, are you saying these 2 are from this Gent and not your boyfriend?’ He mother uttered is disbelief.‘Oh Mrs Smith I did not know what to tell Mum. I was so embarrassed at what she was thinking of me. I mean did she think I was a total young slut, falling for this brute? He was now busy helping himself to me once again, without care too! She explained.‘Sue, I don’t think your mother thought that really. I mean she could see you have needs and us white ladies, once we have tasted our Black studs want it more and more. Look she is now a proud grandma too. Was he gentle with you after this?’ I asked.‘I do not want to fall back on so soon. The nurses at the maternity home had told me to be careful right now as my womb could be full of eggs very soon, making up time for the last 9 months! The big pregnancy had squeezed in my fallopian tubes and held back my eggs. They may fall into my womb and hide in the stretched lining. If I was spunked into, the sperm would love it. Bingo-knocked up again and so quickly!!! Mr Masala was licking my clit with his huge long tongue though now and I was cuming and cuming, shouting and groaning with pleasure as he did it to me. His tongue wandered up my very open pussy and he licked me out. I looked down at him and he saw me, he looked at me grinning, his ugly face said it all. ‘Hey Doll, who dun dat to your cute teeny pussy hey…hahahahahahaha’ he roared, in a deep Afro booming growl. My legs were being held high and open as he pulled me on my back onto the bed. His big powerful bare Black ass shining out, with those power bollocks were waiting their turn to pump seed again onto me. I whimpered to him, in half an effort, as I did not think or believe he would take any notice of me as usual. ’Sir, we should not at the moment put your cock in my pussy, you know?’‘Oh love. No need to be shy of your BIG NIGGA. I mean your pussy know him too good…..hahaha,’ he roared.My mother had only just left the room and took my 2 sons to nurse in her bedroom. She will have seen the scene, full on view, from behind as the brute licked me and she had the best view of his manhood swinging between his legs. Even I could see his cock dripping as he slurped on my open wet, pussy lips.He pulled my legs higher, his huge hands around my ankles. He licked me out as if I was a piece of Kentucky Chicken. My legs were being held high, bum off the bed. His hand took the long thick shaft and he was coming for his prize!!!‘Oh Sir, please DON’T, I mean later but not now. Please you will make me pregnant again you know.’ I shrieked out. I was not on the birth pill!‘Doll you no worry about your NIGGA, he be real careful wiv you…hahaha. I promises to blow my BIG load on doze milky titties,’ he bellowed out his already dripping dick nearing her open cunt.‘MR Masala, Sir. How you fancy a new pussy…oh yeah cum on you big NIGGA, come and get it,’ I heard mother yell to him, just as the bell end was rubbing my erect clitty and I was liking the feeling!!!The African immigrant turned in surprise as the mother, dressed in pink underwear and white stockings and suspender belt, held her thin weak arms about the huge giant’s shoulders and lifted, with effort the huge dripping rod. His fertile spunk dripping onto my swollen belly, making a greasy mess in my belly button, which I finger dipped and ate…mmm.Mother pulled and pulled the big man, around his chest, until he looked at her and was very interested indeed. She bobbed down her ginger head and took his bell end at full stretch in her mouth! Her nose appeared to be part of his fat shaft, like a huge clit, as her lips pulled so tight that her mouth seemed welded to him! The brute went onto his knees and fucked her face, hand on his hips. I knew the signs, as she gasped! He shot a few quick rounds of his fertile spunk into her Dick jammed mouth, of which she gulped down with difficulty. He winced and bucked with each excited release. I know it was my mother, but still I thought at least that fertile Nigga seed is not in my cunt, which this would be, there now had she not rescued me! I swear you can see the African’s balls empty as he spurts the thick semen out! He tugged the bell end free from mummy’s aching mouth. She seemed shocked as it popped out. Her teeth and jaw dripped the yellowy, musky seed, which dripped onto her new pink bra, staining and soaking it.‘Oh Lady, you keeps a Nigga boy real happy. Now I take you wiv ma BIG stick, you digs me?’ he said holding escort düzce the poker out in front of him, the veins twisting and squirming under the ebony skin. The spunk tube pulsing and waiting for the next cream delivery into mother!She had managed to distract him away from me, well for now! He stood, towering over her and took her hand, leading her out of my room and into hers. I now lost sight of them, although he was talking loud as usual to her. Her replies were too faint to hear.‘Ohhh, take dis you bitch,’ he yelled, then smack. Then the sound of a flatted heavy hand on her tight fleshy ASS cheeks. Then again and again many times and getting faster? Funny I did not hear her yell out?‘Yeah, take it like a fuck slut,’ he continued. Then the slapping slowed, then a big rip, of tearing cloth? Then I got it. Her G string had been removed!‘I’s gunna gag dat filthy gob you got. Wid dees knickers. Opens dat sluts fuck hole,’ he ordered her.She must have been resisting him as he smacked her hard again, now I knew it was her ass, as she was bent over.‘Tell me you want this black snake in you. Tell me loud,’ he hollered out.‘Oh Sir please, please yes I need that BIG snake in me. FUCK ME PLEASE,’ she screamed out as the Black hand fell like hot flames on her now red raw cheeks!‘Dats it slut, talk to me well dirty,’ he ordered, still smacking her ass.I think now he must have been positioning the weapon where all women need it. The pink g-string well and truly ripped off her bottom.She was doing as she was told and telling him what a whore she wanted to be for him. ‘ Oh, my BIG black man, what is that…mmmmmmm…what is that on my clit…oooooh? Is that your huge poker coming for my pleasure….gnaaaahhh…mmmmm?’ Then becoming muffled no as he fingered her pants into her mouth,’ Blah…dard you. Mark ma boughter prgwant..argghh..cough..oohh, woooooooo, fuuuuk, ahhhhhh, oooohhh bag mun, ‘ then just,’ ooooooooo….booowww…ohhhhh … yeahhh’ she cried out, I take it as that thick weapon sank deep into her.‘Haha, slut dat’s it, take ma snake…hahaha..it go deep yeah?’ he asked her. He was helping himself now to her well stretched pussy as she tried to cry out but the cries were muffled by her ripped thong. ‘OHHHH sheeeeeet, here cum a nasty hot load. Dis should be for your daughter Doll, but ar don’t marnd blowing it in your cheap cunt…ARRRRRRRRGH, YEAAAAH, does you feel dat Doll, NIGGA NUT?’ he said lovingly.‘Moooo…her…Moooooh her..OOOOOOHHH..DORP….(more softly now) ahhhhhhh..bo..bes..mok ma…mmmmmmmm’, she muttered through the dirty gag.I take it the NIGGA had hit home, deep in her with round 1.I was wondering about her safety as she too was in no need of the pill and had no boyfriend at the moment? My offspring’s Daddy was loading her big style, as he had not had me for 2 weeks now. As he pumped her and shouted out, she too reacted as he filled her womb with his cream. The fucking kept up for 30 mins, and then he sucked out of her love tunnel. It was quiet for a while other than a few slurping and gaging and coughing noises from Mum. I knew this post spunking routine. He loves you to milk the lazy thick cream from his big fat spunk tube and suck it all up, squeezing those huge balls, bellow his metal work. I have read many times all the yongsters names, he made, as those cooking apple size balls swing before you,+- now with mine there.There was a small murmur from one of the bored youngsters, still in my room. Mother came walking in to see. Her G-string was pulled around her neck, I guess by him, so he could be sucked off by her. Her hair was messed up and her face red and spunk stained. As she walked, long slim legged and bare assed, his thick filth slowly slid from her overfilled cunt, and slid or dripped down her white legs, it slithered very fast on her wet thighs, then drained more slowly into her white lacy stocking tops. Masala followed her, still teasing her hot and hand marked red ass cheeks. She flinched each time he tapped them. She lifted his simpering grandson up from the double cot and held him to kiss him. The proud Daddy held my mother around her naked waist and tapped her belly. He joked saying he had put another 2 in there. Mother responded by kissing the ugly brute on his big lips, reaching out of her shoes. His Huge Dick arching all 15 inches and fat still, dripping too. He held her tight, his huge hand still covering her slim flat, as yet, white belly. I noticed her pussy lips had been well battered, as they hung so low, all sucked out and limp also were bright red, like her ass cheeks. His white cum sat snuggled in her red slit, looking like a delicious creamed strawberry tart!I could still taste his musky spunk in my mouth as mother could too as she handed the 2 youngsters to me to get them back on my bursting titties. As the Big man still held her tightly, he reached down to his i-phone, which was dancing on the floor? It turned out to be one of his Nigga hommies, who had got the photo of him, posed cock out in front of me, k**s on my nipples and my cunt in shot!!! It made him laugh out loud as he read it?‘Hey sweet Dolly,’ he said to me now. ‘Mah Bro is in love wiv you. He tink you real sweety and jus rart for a NIGGA boi. I tell him oh yeah, he rart wid dat. He says he can see dat too…haha. düzce escort bayan He want in on dat, he says. Haha, can I sell him a dis Lady in photo, he want for himself?’I asked, ‘what he meant by that remark. You want your friend to see me? I mean in what way see me? Have you shown him that photo, really?’ He was holding up the pic, for me to see and grinning. He turned the screen around for Mother to look as he still held her tight.‘Hey Mummy Doll, what says you girl. I tink she fair game for Negros, you dig me? I mean I has ma turn on her. We gonna gives some poor Bro’s a chance too. Is only rarrrt.HAHAHAHAHA. ‘ he roared out. ‘ A means if you and me gonna play, then dis Lady needs company too and ma old mate he got nars equipment you gets me.Mother seemed indifferent now at the proposal. She was more interested in his offer to her as she dripped his waxy, goo down her happy thighs. In fact she just reached up and kissed the big man, which I took as she approving his idea for his spunk filled Bro to visit me! The immigrant clearly loved her attention; his huge weapon was rising fast and sniffing out her cunt. He turned to face her and the self-guided bell end, still wet and shiny with his sperm, flicked about, until with a big thrust found its target, the bell end splashing the nestled white spunk from her cunt lips, then vanishing and the shaft sliding slowly, like a greased submarine, going under the sea. He kissed her full on the lips and held her tight ass cheeks together to maximise his pleasure as he sank to the root and balls! As he hilted her and held it there, she went bright red, her face flush and veins on her neck extending. He drew back, his 15” all the way, then stabbing her deep. Looking down her greedy cunt and belly, he stood and lifted her from her heels, then in a late decision tugged her from the floor, her legs wrapping around his ass. His hands clasped her thighs to hold her in place stuck on his weapon. He turned her, her ass and his big metal clad bollocks over me and the k**s, they now guzzling my milk. Mother was cuming and shouting out obscene words. Masala thrusted his ebony tree trunk legs and fired a hot round of African filth up her willing cunt and womb, where his sensitive cock slit was buried right now. He pulled her left, yelled out with pleasure, then right, and then left then right. He was making sure he had his spunk spread over her womb innards and fallopian tubes blasted full.She was like a sex doll, all limp, but the fuck organs holding out well for the angry onslaught! He dropped her fast then, spinning her, stuck her cunt from behind. Her legs buckled, she was faint now, but no matter she was getting it properly from him, as he held her up to service his African Nigga Dick. I thought; well here comes a step brother or 2 to my twins! He lifted her off the shiny pole and her cunt fell open, spunk followed the dick as she looked down at her battered organ and her belly all puffed out, no doubt with half a litre of Afro best seed in her! All her pussy lining pouted and held onto his sticky mess in the pleasure folds. She placed a finger in her mouth and looked to him in wonder. He wanted his post coital suck off, so with one big heavy thump, his weapon smashed into my face, the k**s still sucking my titties. I could smell her and him as I sucked away and he fired over my nose lips, chin, cleavage, belly and pussy lips. He stood mother up, and then we all were in a selfy, my spunked body and face, her dripping swollen cunt and belly and his 15” STICKY WEAPON.The Chieftain sent a text to his NIGGA BRO.KING MGET YOU OVER HEREBRING YAR NIGGA DONGONE NARCE TEENY WHORE FOR YOU!Mother had to go to work. She cleans in a brothel in the night! Masala ran her over to work. I was alone now with the hungry brats! I was still in my baby doll sheer nighty and cleaned most of the Black’s mess off me. There was a knock at the door, so I put down the boys and sort of pulled my sheer nighty over my milky melons and fat belly. I opened the door and peered round it, not opening it fully. I could see a very , very ugly, but tall Black man, about mid 30’s? He was grinning a knowing grin? He stared at me and my tits, under the white stained nylon, the wet spunk patches making it see-through. His huge tongue snaked out from his puffy Afro lips and licked them as he looked at me hard. There was no speaking and as if I was hypnotised by him I opened the door wider. I could see he was dressed in a scruffy old white T shirt and something in his camo pants were waking up!!! His feet in old brown sandals, huge black feet and huge toes!!! He smiled at me a few teeth missing and some crooked. On top a mop of Afro jet coal black tight curly hair. His hand helped the door go very wide. Then he looked me up and down.‘LOVE,’ he spat out suddenly. ‘Do you know what I got for you…yeah?’With that his big dirty hand held a very long hard stiff object, hanging down one leg of the old pants. Even his huge hand and fingers worked hard to go around it!!! He pulled it forwards, the material clinging to it. It seemed to go on forever? The end of it bulged and bulging out in the kaki material, close to the tip of the monster it frothed white foam though the cloth???‘I liked you in the photo, Love. You got me wanting you, Love. So yeah is cool. I got something for you and you for me’ he reassured me and his eyes hypnotised mine!His hand took my little white one and placed it on his waiting weapon, through the pants.….More to cum x

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