Ablamı Evde

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Ben daha 17 yaşlarımda ergenliğe yeni yeni alışan bir gençtim ablamda 22 yaşında idi bir gün evde ben yalnızken o geldi ve yemek yapmaya başladı.Bende bilgisayarın başında oyun oynarken ablam yanıma geldi bana şakalar yapmaya başladı.Ben de zaen azgınlık vardı birde o gıdıklamaya felan çalırşırken bende başladım o nu gıdıklamaya o gülerken yaagın üzerine doğru uzandı bende artık niyeti bozmuştum o nu gıdıklama diye ellerken.yavaş yavaş koltuk altından memelerine doğru kaydım ve artık resmen elliyordum memelerini birde kendine geldi ve bana dur napıyoun dedi ama duyan kim.ben gıdıklar gibi yapıp ellemeye devam ettim memelerini.bana dur artık diyerek bir tokat atı hala unumam acısını ama artık bende azmışım artık sikecektim bende ona ne o demin bana şaka yaparken iyidi deyip onu yaağa doğru ittim.O benim niyetimin arkına varmış dur yapma dergibi oldu ben hemen yapışım memelerine ellemeye bir yandanda öpmeye çalışıyordum ama bana izin vermemekte direndi bende dayanamayıp bir tokat attım izmir escort ona ve başkaşarına kendini siktiriyosu bana yokmu diyerek yapıştım dudaklarına .bana artık du deiyor ama yap yada sikte demiyordu sadece oylece duruyordu ama ben diyetimi bozmuştum anu yaagın üzerinde soymaya başladım bir yannadanda öpüyordum ama bana karşılık vermiyordu. ilk once kazagını çıkardı daha sonra içinde ki göleği çıkardım o süper memeleri karşımda sütyenin altında beni bekliyordu.memelerini yalamak istedim ama ger çekilir gibi oldu ama onu kendime çektim karşıda koymuyor karşılıkta verimyordu ama ben gittikçe azmıştım ve altındaki kot pantonunuda çıkarmaya nıyetliydşm ama elimi tutarak yapmamı engellemeye çalıştı anlam bende ekrardan tokat atarak pantolonunuda indirdim ve bacağından çıkardım o koca götü ve basenleri beni öldürüyordu o güzel tangasınn altındaki amına elimi sürerken arık titremeye başladı sanki yapma dergibi oluyordu ama hiç dinlemeden amından yalamaya başladım.ablam dur ne lur diye ağlamaya izmir escort bayan başladı ama ben yine ona başkalarına vareda bana yokmu dedim ve ablam hıçkırıklarla ağlamaya başladı bende o ağlarken onun ağzına vermeye çalışıyordum. ama istemiyordu ve reddediyordu saçından tutup zorla ağzına vermin süper emiyordu yavaş yavaş oda zevke geldi ve 2 dk içinde vakum gibi emmeye başladı bir ara onu tekraer öperek domaltım ve götten sikmeye niyetlendim ve bana yapma dedi yine ama busefer sanki yapmamı istiyordu bende dinlemedim ve sikii tükürükleyip 19 cd lik yaragınım başını zorla soktum ablam büyük ber çığlık attı. ama dinlemedim ve ona yavaş git gellerde bulundum ama tamamını bir türlü sokamıyordum ve kendimi gererek bir zorlama ile tamamını soktum ama ablam bayılacak gibi oldu ve ağlmaya tekrar başladı ve gözyaşları görülüyordu bunu görünce dayanamayarak çıktım içinden ne o deim daha önce hiç götten yemedinmi deim bana baktı ve başınıu yere eğdi.bende tekrardan onun vücudunu yalamaya escort izmir başladım amı o süper amı hala aklımdan çıkmıyor. amını yalarken sokmak istedimi soledim amına ama hiç birşey solemeden ağlamaya devam etti bende bacaklarını ayırarak başını amında gezdirmeye başladım ve yavaşca sokmaya başladım ama sanki bir engel vardı ama ablamın bakire olmadına emindim kendini sıktıgından enghel varmış gibi hissettiriyordu diye düşündüm bir an zorladım aman anrım ablam bakireymiş ve ben onu bozmuştum ablam büyük bir çığlıkla bana bağırdı yırtın beni diye ama olan olmuştu bende gigele başladım amının acısı dinip zevke gelmesi için dediğimgibide oldu zevke geliyordu ve bana karşılıkvermey başladı ben ona artık birşey yapmıyordum o benide ileri geri itiyordu ona boşalıcamı soedeim beni takmadı ve içine boşaldım bana ne yaptın diyerek hemen banyoya kostu ve 2-3 dakka sonra geldi bana baktı ve ekrar sikemi isedini soledi ve kucama ourdu ama benimki ölmüştü bile yalamanlazım diyerek gösterdim ve yalamaya başladı benimki büyüyünce kucama oturdu ve bir müdded sonra oada büyük bir titreme ile boşaldı ablam daha sonra benlen 1-2 hafta konuşmadı ama artık her fırsata onu ellemeye devam ediyorum arık bana kendini siktirmiceni açıkça solediGönderen: orhan

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Kardeşimin Kızlığının Fethi

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Merhaba ben adım hüseyin size başımdan geçen bir olayı anlatmak istiyorum kardeşim henüz 16 yaşında iken ben 17 yaşındaydım kardeşimin o zaman külotlu çoraplarını ve daha yeni büyüyen gögüslerini sütyenlerini sikime zevk aracı kulanıyordum 1 gün kardeşimin iç çamaşırlarını banyoda kulanırken kardeşimin beni izlediyini fark etmedim kardeşim banyoya birden girdi ne oldugunu şaşırdım ama bir yandan da seviniyordum birden dudaklarıma istanbul anal escort yapıştı evde kimse yoktu . bende dudaklarına cevap veriyordum . sonra soyunmaya başladı . bende soyundum göyüslerini yalamaya başladım çok küçüktü dişlerimi gögüs uçlarına geçiyordum kardeşim de zevkten ohhhhhhh ahhhhhh diye sesler çıkarıyordu sonra kardeşimi küvete yatırdım gögüslerin aşagı dogru yalamaya başladım tam amına geldiyimde bahçelievler escort dilimin amının içine sokmaya çıkarmaya başladım kardeşim ise deli gibi zevk alıyor du sonra arkasını çevirdim göt deliyini yalamaya başladım .. yarağım deli gibi ii di .. kardeşimin arkasına geçtim yaragıma krem sürdüm biraz itekledim oda canım acıyor abi demesine kalmadı köküne kadar soktum oda büyük bir çığlık attı bende istanbul tesettürlü escort durmadan pompalıyordum deli gibi sikiyordum sonra aldım yatak odasına götürdüm götüne 2 defa deliler gibi siktim .. şimdi sıra amındaydı .. amını gene yalama başlamıştım abi sik beni diye inliyordu bende kremi yarağıma biraz daha sürdüm kardeşimin amınagirmek istiyordum ama çok dardı biraz zorladık tan sonra yarağın başı girdi birden kökledim. kardeşimden kanlar oluk oluk akıyordu kardeşim altımda bir faişe gibi çığlık lar atıyordu bense içine girip çıkıyordum en sonunda kardeşim amına bütün menilerimi boşaltım kardeşim de rahatladı bende kardeşimin kızlığını ben almış oldum artık her gün sikiyorum şimdi evli şimdide sikiyom eniştem tatmin etmiyor ……Gönderen: cicicocuk

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Bitanem Serpil

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Herkese selamlar ben Uğur Amasyalıyım 20 yaşındayım.Sizlerle paylaşmak istediğim bu olay yaklaşık 3 sene önce yani 17 yaşımda başıma geldi.Uzaktan akrabamız olan Serpil isimli harika bir kız vardı ve bende ona ezelinden hastaydım.Serpil ailenin tek kızı olduğu için ona ihtişamla bakılıyordu ve kendiside herşeyine çok özen gösterirdi.Her 31 çekmemde hep onu hayal ederdim.Evimiz 2 katlı olup alt kat salon ve bahçeye açılıyor.Üst katta ise bahçeye bakan ufak pencereler mutfak yatak odası vs.bulunmaktaydı.Sıcak bir havada Serpille annesi bize gelmişler.Ben uyuyordum ve bahçeden gelen seslere uyandım.Serpilin geldiğini ve bahçede oturduğunu görünce sevindim ve onu istanbul anal escort hayal etmeye başlayarak sikimle oynuyordum.Serpil güzel kalçalarını ortayaçıkaran 1 kapri ve sıfır kol 1 tşört giymişti.Annem ve onun annesi yaşlı olduğu için evde hizmet etmek Serpile düşmüştü ve Serpil kendine ve yanındakilere kola doldurmak için yukarıya yani mutfağa çıktı.Bende üzerimde bulunan şort atletle tüm gücümü toplayarak mutfağa gittim.Benimki zaten kalkmış durumdaydı ve çok belli oluyordu.Mutfağa girdiğimde Serpil bana arkası dönük şekilde masada kola dolduruyordu.Hoşgeldin Serpil dedim mutfağa girdim oda hoşbulduk demesine rağmen arkası dönük bahçelievler escort şekilde işine devam ediyordu.Artık ne olursa olsun dedim ve Serpilin arkasına diz çöküp götüne ufak ufak öpücükler kondurmaya başladım.Serpil döndü bana doğru baktı ve hiç birşey söylemeden tekrar masaya döndü.Bu harika birşeydi ve bana cesaret vermişti.Öpücüklerimi dahada hızlandırıp kalçalarınıda avuçlamaya başladım.Tam bu arada annem Serpil ne oldu kızım kolayı bulamadınmı yoksa diye bahçeden bağırdı.Serpilde mutfaktaki cama doğru gitti ve yok teyze buldumda şu an sıcak buzluğa koydum biraz soğumasını bekliyorum dedi.Başı bahçeye dönük şekilde hala istanbul tesettürlü escort penceredeydi ve güzel kalçaları bana bakıyordu.Dışarıdan görünmemek için tekrar diz çöktüm ve Serpilin arkasına doğru yöneldim.Kolaları doldurduğu halde aşağıdakileri oyalıyordu ve zaman kazanmıştık.Tekrar o muhteşem götü öpmeye başladım Serpil ses çıkarmadığı için biraz öptükten sonra kaprinin düğmelerini açıp hem kaprisini hem beyaz külodunu 1 hamlede çıkardım.Artık sürekli düşleyip 31 çektiğim göt tüm güzelliğiyle karşımdaydı.Serpil geriye dönüp öne hiç dokunmak yok arka senin neistersen yapabilirsin dedi.Bende götünün arasını açıp deliği yalamaya başladım.Harika bir tadı vardı ve ikimizde müthiş zevk alıyorduk.Serpilin götünü yalarken 1 yandanda 31 çekiyordum.Ona ağzına almasını söylesemde kabul etmedi ve bende Serpilin o müthiş götünü yalayarak üzerine boşaldım.Şu anda Serpil evli o gün sikemesemde şu anda buluşuyoruz ve ön açık olduğu halde ben onun muhteşem götünü sikiyorum.Gönderen: uğur

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Dolu Dolu Bir Gün

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Ben 20 yaşında güzel bir kızım. Bu anlatacağım olay bundan iki gün önce oldu sabahtan annem ve babam köye gitmişlerdi ve kahvaltıdan sonra 17 yaşındaki erkek kardeşimle yalnız kaldım. O bilgisayarın başında oyun oynuyordu. Kendimi ona siktirtmiycektim ama bana temas etmesini çok istiyodum. Altıma diz üstü eteğimi ve üstüne de pembe badimi giydim(sütyensiz). Gidip hemen yanındaki yatağa uzandım ve dizimin tekini kaldırdım böylece etek biraz daha sıyrıldı. götümü rahatça görebilirdi artık. Başımı tutuyodum. Noldu? Dedi. Başım ağrıyo dedim. Üstüne üstük baldırmı masaya vurdum dedim. Güldü onu nasıl becerdin dedi. Bende anlamadım dedim. Masaj yapıyım istersen dedi. Ben de hemen ok dedim. Ben yüzüstü yattım oda geldi yatağın başında diz çöktü. Eteğimi kalçama kadar sıyırdı. Tam olarak nereyi vurdun dedi. Ben de kalçamdan 4 parmak aşağısını gösterdim. Yavaş yavaş ovmaya başladı. Ben de acıyomuş gibi yapıp yavaş dedim öyle öyle yapıp nerdeyse okşar moda getirdim. Hareketleri iyice yavaşladı yavaş yavaş kalçamın altına doğru kaymaya başladı. Çok hoşuma gidiyodu ama daha ileriye gitmeden frenlemeliydim onu. Hafiften kalçama dokunmaya çalışınca(tam altına) sağol bukadar yeter dedim. O da dur şakaklarını da ovıyım dedi ve yatağın üstüne çıktı. İki yanıma dizlerini esenyurt escort koydu ve ovmaya başladı hafiften üstüme yattı dirseklerini yatağa koydu ve okadarlık bir mesafe bıraktı sadece.Siki kalkmıştı ve götüme bastırıyodu çok net hissediyodum çünkü onun da altında eşofman vardı. Sonra tam anlayamadım ama sanırım eşofmanını sıyırıp öyle bastırmaya başladı. Sikini zaten kalçama kadar sıyrılı eteğimin altından sokup külotumun üstünden sürtmeye başladı bu kadarı fazlaydı yeterli sağol deyip doğruldum o da hemen toparlandı. Ben gidip bi ağrı kesici alıyım dedim. Hevesi kursağında kaldı. Ogün için yaseminle(arkadaşım) buluşup sinemaya gitcektik kız kıza. Dışarı çıkıp otobüse bindim. Baya kalabalıktı daha da yolcu alınca iyice sıkıştık. Arkamda 16-17 yaşlarında bir çocuk vardı. İyice yapışmıştı bana arkadan. Kalabalık olduğundan hiç kimsenin bir birinden haberi yoktu. Çocuk bundan cesaret alarak eliyle götümü hafiften hafiften okşamaya başladı çok hoşuma gitmişti sesimi çıkartmadım. O da bundan cesaret alarak daha belirgin okşamaya ve sıkmaya başladı. Diz üstü eteğimi biraz daha yukarı sıyırdı ve elini alttan soktu. götümü külotumun üstünden okşamaya başladı. Acayip zevk alıyodum. Elini külotumun da altına soktu ve çıplak götümü okşamaya kadıköy escort başladı. Parmağını göt deliğime sokup çıkarmaya başladı. Sonra sikini çıkarttı ve onu sürtmeye başladı bi süre sonra götümün arasına boşaldı. Sonra inceğim yere geldim ve indim bu arada ben de boşalmıştım. Hemen sinemanın tuvaletine girip önümü ve arkamı kontrol ettim. Eteğim mavi kot etek olduğu için belli olmuyodu yada ben fark edemedim. Her neyse burda eteğimi biraz daha yukarı topladım ve resmen mini etek gibi olmuştu. Yasemin geldi ve birlikte film salonuna girdik. Sağımda yasemin solum da ise 35-40 yaşlarında bir adam oturuyodu. Işıklar kapandı ve ben bacak bacak üstüne atıp yasemine doğru oturdum ve kalçamı biraz geriye attım amacım yanımdaki adamı tahrik etmekti. Filmi izliyoduk derken amacıma ulaştığımı anladım. Alttan alttan kalçamda bir el dolaşıyodu. Ben ses çıkarmayınca adam daha da ileri giderek elini eteğimin hatta külotumun altına sokup götümü okşamaya başladı. (otobüsteki çocuk gibi) Parmağını göt deliğime sokmaya başladı. Bu arada yanında da karısı vardı çıkarken farkettim. Ara oldu adam da ben de toparlandım. Tekrar film başladığında yaseminin montunu bacaklarımın üstüne örttüm bu sefer düz oturuyodum ama yine bacak bacak üstüne atmıştım. avcılar escort Adamın işi kolaylaşmıştı. Işıklar kapandı ve adam elini montun altına soktu kimse anlayamazdı. Elini yine eteğimin altına soktu ve külotumun üstünden okşamaya başladı. Parmağını aradan sokup amımı okşamaya başladı. Bi süre sonra boşaldım. Film bitti ve çıktık yasemini alıp hemen uzaklaştım. Yine boşalmıştım ama daha doyamamıştım. Bir de yaseminle sevişseydim diye düşünürken yasemin evine çağırdı çay yaparım sana dedi. Tamam dedim. Gittiğimizde annesi gilde vardı ama akraba ziyaretine gittiler. Biz de çay içip tv izliyoduk. Sonra ben onun karşısında frikik vermeye başladım. Eteğim hala mini etek modundaydı. Normalde böyle giyinmediğim için o da şaşırmıştı ve bana dönüp bugün niye böyle orospu gibi giyindin dedi. Ben de gülerek orospu oldum dedim. İstermisin? 30 kağıt dedim. Bana damı parayla dedi. Bugünlük ücretsiz olsun da ayağım alışsın dedi. Tamam öyle olsun hadi dedim. Kalktım gidip kucağına oturdum yan bir şekilde. O da bacağımı okşamaya başladı ben de ohh demeye başladım. Ay bu iyice orospu olmuş dedi. Ben de ne sandın dedim. O da daha ileri giderek götümü okşamaya başladı. Üstünü çıkardı ve sadece iç çamaşırlarıyla kaldı. Ben de badimi çıkardım ve göğüslerim meydana çıktı. O da eteğimi çıkardı. Öpüp yalamaya başladı ve ben de onun kalçalarını okşamaya başladım. Göğüslerimi yalayıp sıkıyodu. Sonra amımı parmaklayıp beni boşalttı sonra da o boşaldı. Sonra eve döndüm iyice bir duş aldım sonra direk gidip uyudum çok yorulmuşum… Gönderen: masum kız

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Dayıoğlu Yengem Ve Ben…

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Ben 21 yasında yakısıklı sayılabılecek bir genci sizlere basımdan gecen bir anımı anlatmak istedım..Bir gün dayımlara gittim kapı acıktı yenge diye seslendin ama ses veren olmadı bende ya bakkala yada öbur yengemlere cıkmıstır sıe dusundum bu arada buyuk dayımla ufak dayımlar altlı ustlu oturuyolar. İcerı gecıp tv seyredıyordum aradan bes dakıka kadar zaman gectı yatak odasından inleme seslerı gelmeye basladı? Bende herhalde eroıl dayım Şaziye yengemi sikiyor dedim ve yatak odasına dogru yöneldım kapıyı hafif araladım bide ne göreyım buyuk dayımın oğlu hakan Şaziye yengemın amına girmiş gidip geliyor saziye yengemde altında ahhh ohhh hadi daha hızlı aşkım falan diye inliyordu bosalma aşamasına geldıklerınde Şaziye yengem sakın içime boşalma dedi.. hakan tamam dedi ve birkaç gitgelden sonra yarragını cıkarıp Şaziye yengemın göğslerıne karnına bosaldı? Hakan yengeme götten sikme isteğinde bulundu ama yengem olmaz dedi daha önce sikilmedim götten dedi ve hakana hadi kalk şimdi gelen giden olur falan dedi hakan bari bi sefer de ağzına al dedi yengem hayır deyıp yataktan kalktı ve külotla südyenını aldı bende hemen yan odaya saklandım yengem banyoya gitmişti hakan da içerde giyiniyordu bende dısarı cıktım esenyurt escort yolun basına gittim baktım hakan cıkıyor bende yolda karşılasmıs sansın hiçbiseyden haberım yokmus gibi davrandım.. Bizim hakanla aramız cok iyiydi cok samımıydık hatta hakanla sikişirdik beni sikerdi yani bakayım bu mevzuyu anlatacakmı diye dusunuyordum sonra birkaç tane bira alıp devamlı içtiğimiz ve hakanın benı siktiği inşaata gittik biraları içmeye başladık ?.. Hakan anlatmaya başladı Şaziye yengemı siktım falan bende hadi lan yalan konumsa falan dedim vallahi lan falan dedi ama amına kodumun karısı bi tek amcıktan verdi götten istedim vermedi ağzına al dedim almadı yaa dedi bite amcığı verdi? Bari seni götten sikeyim deyip elini götüme atıp okşamaya başladı yarağını da çıkarttı ve biraz yala dedi ben yarağını yalamaya başladım bi süre yaladıktan sonra tamam yeter dedi ve domal dedi bana bende dolmadım ve götume girmeye basladı konune kadar sokunca hızlı bı sekılde git gel yapmaya başladı her gidip gelişinde şap şap sesler gelıyodu ve bir süre sonra bütün döllerını götumun içine boşalttı?Sonra kalktık o kahveye gitti bende yengemlere doğru gittim ne yapıp edip bende sikecektim onu evde tek olsun kadıköy escort diye dua ediyordum eve vardıgımda sevinmiştim evde tektı ve oğlu erkanla yemek yiyorladı erkan 7 yasınada bir cocuk yemegği yıyınce dısarı cıktı ben hem yemek yıyoo hemde yengemı nasıl sikerim diye dusunuyordum ve hakanla sikişleri aklıma gelıyordu sikim dimdik olmustualtımda ince keten bir pantolon vardı vbe bellı oluyordu yengemde fark etmıstı kalktını yengemin ustunde ise benım en cok sevdıgım bir eteği vardı o etegı giyince kalacaları daha seksı gorunuyordu neyse yemegı yedık yengem sofrayı kaldırmak için domalıyor benın içim gidiyordu yengem mutfaga dogry yoneldı bende peşinden gittim yengem bulasıkları bulasık makınesıne atmak içindomalınca bende arkasına geçip sikimi götune dayadım tam götunun rasına denk gelmiştı bır elımlede göğsünü sıkıyodum kalktı ve napıyorsun sen deyıp tokat atmaya kalktı senı dayına söylıyecem dedi bende söyle dedim bende senı soylerım hakanla sikiştiğini görmedimmi sanıyosun banada vermezsen söylerim dedi tamam ama bugun olmaz birazdan dayın gelecek dedi yarın gel tamam deyıp evden cıktım ve eretesı gunu gitiimYatak odasına gectık ben dudaklarına yapıştım öpüşmeye başladınk öpüşürken kalcalarını avcılar escort sıkıyor amını oksuyor ve parmaklıyordum ikizmizde cırılcıplak kaldık onu yataga yatırdım Göğsletını emmeye basladım amına kadar geldım veamını yalamaya basladım bir süre sonra sikimi amına dayadım ve yavas yavas amına girmeye basladım kökune kadar girince hızlı bi şekılde gitgel yapmaya basladım göğüleri sağa sola dalgalnıyıor ve altımda inil,yordu hadi daha hızlı sikk hadi boşalma aşamasına gelınce sakın içime bosalma dedi bende yaramı cıkarıp amının yenı kesmiş oldugu kıllarının ustune bosalmaya basladım ?.Gel hadi sana kıyak yapayım dedi hakanın sikini yalamadıma ama senınkını yalayayım dedi ve azgına aldı yalama ya basladı öyle guzel yalıyordukı iliklerım kuruyacak sandım ona domalmısını söyledim napacaksın dedi bende senı bu pozisyonda sikecem dedim amacım o yıllardır hasta oldugum gotunu sikemektı domalınca ben amına girdim 1-2 gitgelden sonara cıkarıp götune datadım öyle bi çığlık atıktı ölüyor zannettim ama daha hepsi girmemişti bile kaçmaya çalısıyordu ama koltuk altlarından tutmustum hiçbiyere kacamazdı aglıyordu neolur cıkar canım yanıyıor diye ama nafıle ben bulmusum bırakırmıyım götunu yırtmıstım bi süre sonra o da alıştı eve hadı daha hızlı demeye basladı bıkac gitgelden sonra butun döllerimi götunun içine bosalltım oda benle beraber bosaldı sonra banyoya giridik banyoda da bi kez sikiştikten sonra ben cıktım şimdi ne zaman istesem ne zaman sikim kalksa yengemi sikmeye gidiyorum? Gönderen: özgürrrr

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First Timer

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


I checked my phone and the time was only six in the evening, Traci had asked me to go to the club with her. But I didn’t feel like getting dry humped by a bunch of strange guys.

So I’d told her no, and here I was regretting it because I had nothing to do, and it was Friday.

I decided to head for the pool, of Traci’s and I’s apartment complex.

I pulled off my t-shirt and rifled through my dresser to find my skimpy bathing suit.

I finished undressing and started tying the top in place, the black material felt nice against my skin.

I enjoyed the feel of it as I slowly slid it up my legs and over my ass.

I checked myself out in the bathroom mirror, liking what I saw.

I’d always loved the look of my firm, and toned body, and swimming helped me keep it.

I quickly ran a brush through my long hair, and then grabbed a towel and made my way out of our apartment and towards the elevator.

That’s where I first saw him, I’d pushed the button and was waiting on the elevator doors to open.

When they opened he almost bowled me over since he couldn’t see me over the box he was carrying, I squeaked and jumped out of his way. Then blushed bright red, who the hell squeaks?!

I wanted to melt into the floor right then, but he glanced around the box at me and his eyes made their way up my legs, slowly over the towel covering my firm stomach and full breast.

By this time, my blush had gotten worse.

He threw the cutest smile at me and apologized and all I could do was canlı bahis şirketleri smile stupidly and mumble no harm done.

“What’s your name?” He asked as he adjusted the box so he could better support its weight.

“Luna, how about you?” I’d never seen him before, so I was wondering if he was a new tenant. I wouldn’t mind seeing him again…

His dark eyes finally settled on my face and I felt a tingle run through me.

“I’m Ace, I’d love to stay and chat, but this box is getting kind of heavy. I’ll hopefully catch you later.” He smiled at me again and walked down the hall, my eyes trailing after him before I stepped into the elevator and pushed the button.

If I was going to see him later, and that must mean he was moving in.

I was smiling as I made my way to the pool, I pushed the glass door open and found myself a chair to set my towel on.

No one else was in here, so it was nice to be able to have the pool to myself for a while, I threw my towel onto the chair and headed for the deeper side of the pool.

I slipped into the water and sank to the bottom of the pool, just enjoying the feel of the cool water against my skin.

I heard a splash and made my way to the surface, feeling a bit cross now that someone had ruined my silent time to myself.

I looked around for the other swimmer but didn’t see anyone and then I felt someone grab my foot and pull me under.

I shot my way back to the surface and to the edge of the pool and glared at the head that popped canlı kaçak iddaa up laughing.

“Don’t worry, I won’t drown you, darlin’.” Ace said teasingly.

I almost drowned myself right then, but instead I smiled and swam over to him.

“Well I hope not, I just met you and all. I didn’t think I’d annoy you that quickly.” I stuck my tongue out at him, and he wrapped his arm around me.

Pulling me close against him, his face less than an inch away from mine, I shivered when I felt his breath tickle my neck.

“I don’t think I could kill you, you’re honestly too sexy for me to even think about that, so distracting and all with your delicious looking body.” He ran his lips softly over the skin of my neck and I thought I was dying.

I felt the tingle start again except stronger this time, starting in my thighs and making its way up my stomach. He’d pulled us into the shallower water and I hadn’t even noticed, as my assaulted my neck and senses.

I felt my back push into the wall as he bit my ear softly and his hands trailed down my sides. He whispered against my neck, asking how old I was.

I trembled as his hand slowly made its way up my thigh.

“I’m nineteen,” I whispered, my eyes were closed and my breathing was speeding up slowly, with every inch that his hand made further and further up my thigh.

His lips trailed slowly up the side of my neck and across my cheek they barely touched mine, “Kiss me,” he said.

And I did, I pressed my lips to his and wrapped my arms canlı kaçak bahis around his neck. I felt his tongue slowly slip between mine and caress my tongue, inviting me to play. I shyly slipped my tongue into his mouth, exploring cautiously.

Who knew my first French kiss would be with a guy I just met…

He pulled away and smiled at me and I felt his hand rub against my pussy through my skimpy bathing suit.

I gasped and he pressed his lips again to mine, he kissed then bit my lip softly.

My hand started to move to his but he grabbed it with his free hand and pinned it against the pool wall, his lips made their way to my neck and bit playfully. I moaned softly and thought about what was going on, what was I doing?!

I was letting a stranger touch me, and enjoying it.

I couldn’t do this though, I couldn’t let my first time be with a stranger in the pool!

Or could I… his fingers started to slip into my bottoms and I almost panicked.

“Wait, wait…” I whispered, and I felt his hand freeze and his dark eyes looked into mine questioningly.

“I.. I can’t do this, not like this…I don’t want my first time to be… ” I trailed off and couldn’t look at him, he probably wouldn’t even want to talk to me again after this.

He laughed and pulled his hand away from my thighs and wrapped both his arms around me, “Look at me.”

I made myself look at him.

“Would it really be your first time?” I nodded, my face going hot and looked down again.

“Well, then the pool definitely won’t do.” He smiled at me again and kissed me softly.

I sighed and leaned into him, I liked this way too much, and I wondered who this stranger was.

He made me want to just melt into him and let him have his way with me…

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Four Generations of Help

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Four Generations of Help


Alzheimer’s as Story-helper

A story by XXscribbler

Jerry was the only man at the table — or in the house – at the moment, all the other males having gone off on a shopping expedition that would include lunch and most likely take the entire afternoon.

Midmorning now, and the homebodies were seated in the big kitchen, consuming coffee and cake — Jerry plus four generations of women from his “second family”. Even without a trained taxonomist’s eye one could follow the physical characteristics from generation to generation. All were strong, good-looking, intelligent and strikingly independent, all highly life-capable, and accomplished in their chosen fields.

The generations ran thus – great-grandma Maureen (84); grandma Jeannie (56); mother Barbara (35) and her childless sister Caroline (33); finally terminating in Barbara’s daughter Kathy, the current youngest generation. Jeannie’s husband Carl was Jerry’s closest running-buddy and had been so for decades — the entire family had been runners in the same club, which was the underlying source of Jerry’s connections to various family members.

Some of those connections had become extraordinarily close — and in every case were completely unknown to anyone save the active participants.

Despite her well-developed Alzheimer’s, Maureen the Matriarch was at the head of the table in her accustomed place, still showing signs of earlier handsomeness, inhabiting a body that hadn’t yet failed her as her brain had. She had been a powerful personality — a teenaged advocate and practitioner of free love and, to an embarrassing extent, a lifelong advocate of total freedom of speech — any topic, anywhere, any time, any audience. That propensity had regularly mortified her family over the years. Maureen eventually married and produced Jeannie – who then rebelled by being seriously conservative.

Maureen divorced at age 50 and for nearly three decades thereafter cut a wide, long swath through the accessible males she encountered, with no regard whatever for any aspect of a target’s “formal eligibility” for such shenanigans — particularly ignoring age or marital status. Her philosophy, often and strongly expressed, was simply “What happens between two adults is THEIR BUSINESS ONLY!”

Maureen exhibited a rare form of sudden-onset Alzheimer’s that puzzled even doctors whose full-time profession it was to fail to understand the disease. Only about five years in, she now had no short-term memory whatever, but seemed otherwise largely mentally okay, at least superficially.

Long-term memories, say for events fifteen or twenty years past, were routinely accessible: she could discuss them, but not remember –in the present- doing so! She carried on apparently rational conversations, but the erase button was permanently depressed, about half a second behind her mouth. As a result, she was actually interesting company, until one had heard a particular story six times and realized that it was going to repeat indefinitely. Still bright, cheerful, personable and engaging, she couldn’t recall one’s name from minute to minute, had to be reintroduced even to her to her daughter and grand-daughters during every visit.

What made her condition even more wrenching, and which drove the medicos uniformly bonkers, were her periods of absolute lucidity, moments that were scarce and randomly timed, and equally random in length — ten seconds, two minutes, occasionally close to an hour.

It was a characteristic of her special condition that when lucidity struck she would not participate in whatever talk had been going on around her, rather she always would simply launch into a conversation of her own making and direction — it would be clear, logical, perfectly rational, two-way — but it would be on a subject of her choice and it would proceed down that path until some biochemical switch flipped in her brain — at which point she would revert completely, a pure step-function, no warning. Dealing with her in that ‘normal-again!’ state and then seeing her regress instantaneously was a horrible experience.

Today was just a routine family get-together. Generalized chit-chat, bits and pieces of several conversations interleaving.

Jerry was sitting closest to Maureen when her head came up significantly and the look in her eyes changed, as did the whole tenor of her body. Jerry watched as she quickly, acutely inventoried the group, a tiny smile trying to break through. The hair on his neck rose — even though he’d never been through one of her episodes, he knew of them and could tell at once — Maureen was inside there, behind the eyes, aware and functioning.

He said nothing, just studied her.

Maureen scanned the group again, made perfect eye-contact with Jerry, obviously recognized him, smiled, laid her hand atop his, squeezed quite firmly. The motion stopped conversation, illegal bahis turned all heads Maureen’s way. Everyone knew instantly what was happening, and they all just waited, breathless.

“Well! Ladies! You’re being boring, which is a true sin! We need a better topic! So – a question, please! Just to assuage my own curiosity. Which of you, my lusty offspring, have taken proper advantage of this lovely man sitting here next to me?” She looked at Jerry, in case there might be any doubt, and grinned widely at his obvious discomfiture.

This was a life-long signature social tactic for Maureen, choosing an opening gambit that knocked the group utterly out of equilibrium. The other women were silent, almost gawping. Maureen studied her progeny’s faces. “I mean sexually, of course, what else would I mean?! Nobody ever misses another slice from a cut loaf, and god knows most of us are certainly cut loaves, and could use more than we get. More sex, not bread.”

Maureen had an immense, and still quite active, sex drive — at her care facility, she was mildly notorious for overt masturbation and for choosing an occasional partner from the few still-functioning men, somehow managing to find them in the dark, but always losing her way enroute back to her own space and having to be led by some embarrassed candy-striper.

“Kids, you should NEVER turn down something nice that the fates offer you — always carpe the god-damned diem and go for it! I certainly took advantage of him! Didn’t I, Jerry?”

Jerry went beet red: the other women, every one, turned to stare hard at him –and NOT at Maureen- each wearing a different expression. Maureen squeezed his hand, looked about her with a vaguely triumphant air: “Nothing odd about it, ladies — quite some years ago he came over to help paint my place. Carl was supposed to come with him but had a sore back. It wasn’t thirty minutes until Jerry and I were in my big old bed, carpe-ing the bejeezus out of the diem. You should NEVER leave a man and woman alone together if they like one another, especially with access to a bedroom. Ages and other relationships don’t matter a damn bit!”

She sighed, patted Jerry’s reddened cheek, looked around at her totally stunned audience: clearly not one of them had had an inkling. The women looked back and forth amongst themselves, anywhere save at Jerry — with Kathy the only exception… she was flicking back and forth twixt Maureen and Jerry, grinning slyly.

Then Maureen actually blushed, giggled again, and went right on “He has a lovely body, you know. And an absolutely beautiful cock that stays rock-hard practically forever. And what this man can do to a pussy with his mouth is just, well, unbelievable! A national treasure, if we had such things. Carpe, carpe, ladies! Step right up! Take a number from the machine!”

Jerry was as red as he’d ever been in life: the women all continued to stare at him, all of their expressions were slowly morphing — but into what, he couldn’t tell. He DID know that he was in for a spectacularly difficult visit, starting NOW.

While Maureen paused, Jeannie finally managed to blurt out “Maureen, for heaven’s sake…” and then turned to Kathy, came back to Maureen, and said “Now you’ve started, I know you’re going to stick to this stuff for a while, but at least Kathy should probably leave the room!”

Kathy spoke up instantly: “NO! Why should I leave? Just because Maureen wants to talk about her sex-life? It might be kind of fun to hear about it! She’s certainly had LOTS of practice!”

Mom looked likely to go obstinate, and Kathy flared up: with real vehemence, she insisted “It’s NOT like I don’t understand what she’s talking about, you know — I’m not some little village IDIOT! Sheesh, already! And it’s NOT like hearing it is going to dissolve me the way water did Dorothy’s witch, either. Why shouldn’t I stay? Any one of you, just give me just ONE decent, logical reason!”

Maureen nodded at her: “Hear, hear for the youngest generation. At least SHE has a good head on her shoulders. Let her stay, for heavens sake! She might learn something useful — or at least interesting!”

Jeannie looked helplessly at Kathy’s mom for support, but Barbara just shrugged and said “Kathy’s right — there’s no harm in her staying.”

Kathy mouthed “Thanks, mom!” at Barbara, and looked almost smug.

Jeannie sighed –she and Barb often disagreed on child-rearing issues- and settled back resignedly as Maureen went on: “So, girls, let’s hear it – HOORAY for May September in reverse! That’s the way it really should be! Middle-aged men should work both ends of the female spectrum — not intending to make a bad pun, my dears! — they have the fuerza and knowledge needed to satisfy us older and more experienced women, and they also know enough and have enough self-control to be able to teach the young properly.”

She paused, snorted derisively: “Your teenage boys, however, for all their energy and enthusiasm, illegal bahis siteleri are just a damned shameful loss — no technique whatever. What a waste of raw materials! Phooey! Anyhow, just for the record, because you are all so obviously curious, Jerry and I had this incredible, intense affair for about three weeks. I mean, we pretty much fucked ourselves silly every day – until I wandered off onto another fascination.”

She turned to Jerry, patted his arm gently and said “I’ve always been sorry about just dropping it so suddenly. Maybe I got a little scared or something. Forgive me?”

Jerry nodded silently.

Maureen paused, went dreamy-eyed, hummed for a moment, then gave each person at the table an individual, long, pointed look. At the end of the inspection, she sighed again and shook her head: “REALLY, Ladies! Turning down manna from heaven, that’s dumb dumber dumbest! He’s not only good looking and terrifically good at sex, but he’s an adventuresome cuss and a fine teacher. Within our first hour together he had shaved my pussy AND taught me how to buttfuck! Both were brand-new to me, even after all my years of experience. Talk about a drag-racer start to the affair!”

Into the dead silence that followed there intruded a little gasp and suppressed giggle: all heads turned to Barbara, now gone brilliant red from hairline as far south as skin was visible. Her eyes met Jerry’s, then bounced to Maureen’s, to Jeannie’s, back to Maureen’s.

Maureen studied her for a few seconds, then nodded and said softly “Oh. I see!! You, too? Lucky, lucky YOU! Lucky US, actually! Across two generations!”

Barbara hadn’t said a thing, but her expression and color, and apparent inability to breathe, confirmed it — as did Jerry’s expression. Sister Caroline, sitting beside Barbara, turned suddenly to face her, poked her in the ribs with an elbow, and muttered through a silly, embarrassed grin and her own fuchsia coloring, “You little SHIT! My very own big sister!”

Maureen laughed delightedly, intuiting full well what was coming, and asked Barb “Adventures?”

Barb shook her head, then said softly “At least, not the shaving…”

Kathy’s expression was one of utter shock, fading quickly to fascination — here, in public, her very own MOM had just admitted to having had sex with JERRY! And not just any old sex, but the ANAL variety. An OhMyGod moment of the very first water.

Caroline almost said something about her own ‘Jerry-adventures’ — which had been a near-perfect parallel to Maureen’s – but decided not to go there, and focused again on Barbara: “Damn damn damn! And all these years I thought I’d stolen a march on you! He was supposed to be all MINE, dammit! At least, for a while! Of course, it’s not like you and I ever really talked about our sex-lives, and it’s not like Jerry and I ever talked about his ‘other women’, so how would I know? But you’d think I should have been able to tell! Jeez! When did you and he…?”

Jerry squirmed visibly, held his tongue. Nothing he could say would do anything except make things more difficult, this he understood completely.

Barb looked around the table half helplessly, half self-satisfied and rather smug. She avoided Kathy’s fascinated gaze entirely, and seemed resigned to letting things come out. Jeannie was thoroughly flustered now, watching her daughters fess up. Maureen just sat and smiled through the slow-motion uproar she was generating, apparently delighted.

Caroline finally answered Barb’s question – “Nineteen eighty-four, for a couple of months, several really, say from start of school to about Christmas. Practically daily, too.”

Kathy watched her Mom and aunt closely, soaking up every nuance.

Barb scrambled mentally to reconstruct her timeline and fit it to Caroline’s.

Caroline sighed, giggled tightly, reached across to lay her hand atop Maureen and Jerry’s, said “Wow! Inter-generational man-sharing! True confessions time, isn’t it? Such fun! All these deep, dark secrets, exploding on us after all these years! And you’re right, Maureen, he DOES have a great cock and mouth. And he actually can fuck for LONGER than I want — I sometimes had to tell him to stop or I’d get sore!” It was her turn to go a bit dreamy-eyed: “You know, all that time I don’t believe he ever failed to give me another orgasm whenever I asked for it. And boy howdy do I love orgasms!”

Kathy’s eyes widened — this was juicy stuff, indeed! She glanced at Jerry, who just smiled, nodded self-confidently, and shrugged. Kathy returned her attention to the other women, but under the table her naked toes found and caressed Jerry’s ankle: his jaw clenched slightly, and Kathy alone noticed it — to her huge satisfaction. Even more satisfying was the glance he shot at her.

“Hellfire!” — it was Barb’s favorite curse: she’d just now gotten the time-line mentally laid out. “Jerry and I had a thing going intermittently for about six years. canlı bahis siteleri And YES, he’s good and carpe all that stuff. But Caroline, you and I overlapped FOR SURE the whole time you two were…” She squinted hard at Jerry, tried to be pissed, failed, then broke into a wry look and shook her head in disbelief. “Damn, Jerry, but you are GOOD! Fucking us both in parallel all those months.” She looked at Barb, asked “Did you have any idea he was doing us both?”

Barbara shook her head strongly ‘no’. Caroline took a deep breath: “Me neither, not ONE single, solitary clue! How the hell…” Then she sighed, mused almost to herself, “Jeez, I wonder what it would have been like if I’d been your ONLY outlet all that time?! And, pray tell, who else that we know have you fucked?” Then, directly to Jerry, “No, don’t answer that! I’m not sure we really want to know…”

Barbara had a thought, jumped visibly, looked hard at Jerry, carefully ignored her daughter. “Jerry… did you ever fuck us both in the same day? Did you?”

Caroline was caught up by the question, chimed in with her own: “Good question! Well- DID YOU?”

Jerry shrugged, looking like a kid caught with a hand in the candy-jar, and nodded: “Yep. Quite a few times, in fact! Once only about twenty minutes apart.”

Maureen laughed: the sisters stared at one another for a long moment, then dissolved into mild incredulity.

Barb reached out and smacked Jerry gently across the face with her palm, a purely pro-forma gesture. “I’m not sure whether to congratulate you or be madder than hell! But I guess if we all survived to this point, there must have been no actual harm done. But DAMN!”

The only unembarrassed face other than Maureen, the only eyes able to readily meet anyone else’s, belonged to Kathy, who was goggling a bit at this latest complex revelation, and who was enjoying herself immensely — to the point of barely suppressed mirth at the dismay and surprise and indignation fighting for dominance on her mom’s and aunt’s faces.

Nobody, most especially Maureen, had been paying much attention to the second generation, Jeannie, sitting quietly at the table. But while Jeannie was studying how her daughters were dealing with having shared Jerry so closely, Maureen was in turn studying Jeannie intently. Eventually, Jeannie noticed the scrutiny and their gazes locked.

Maureen said not a word, just watched Jeannie’s face go slowly, steadily, redder. Finally, Maureen sighed, smiled, and said, so softly that it caught everyone’s attention, “Um-hmmm! You, too! Good for YOU, daughter mine — I wouldn’t have guessed you had it in you. So to speak!”

All eyes settled on Jeannie’s face — and the most surprised was Kathy — endless incredible revelations — what else COULD there be to find out?

It was obvious to everyone that Maureen was correct.

Finally, under the weight of combined stares, Jeannie gave a tiny shrug, smiled to herself, and nodded as she said “Just ONCE, dammit! And while none of YOU may feel guilty over your adventures, I certainly do!” It was a transparent — and futile – attempt to claim some sort of high moral ground. The others just grinned at her.

Maureen laughed again and said “OK then, I’ve got one more for the cooking pot!” She looked at Jeannie: “You and Carl have both had plenty of chances to give away slices… what with him gone on business for weeks at a time, you home alone and the girls in school all day, him in foreign countries and traveling all over the USA as well. I don’t know for sure whether you, Jeannie, have given away other slices, but if you’re worried that somehow you and Carl are not equally guilty, I can assure you from personal experience that you are, in fact, equally so.”

Kathy understood at once, and actually gasped: that triggered understanding in Caroline and Barb, who with Maureen now watched Jeannie closely. Jeannie, over whose face, very slowly, there spread a dawning understanding. She stopped breathing as she saw confirmation in Maureen’s face. It took some doing, but Jeannie finally managed to ask “You and him? My own MOTHER with my HUSBAND!? Good GOD!”

Maureen nodded, shrugged. “He’s pretty conservative, and I know he feels the same way you do about having fallen off the wagon. If it makes you feel any better, just like your adventure it was a singleton, a LONG time ago under special circumstances, and we’ve always felt a bit guilty — even ME, despite my philosophy about sex! So, to the best of my knowledge, you and he are even-steven. Best to leave it that way, I think.”

Nobody seemed either willing or able to say anything. Finally it was Barbara who broke the silence. “Wow. Good GRIEF!” She shook her head wonderingly. “I mean, who’da thunk it in their wildest dreams? Guess we all got your disposition, Maureen — either genetically or by osmosis. Fucking in all directions at once.” Then after a ten-second stare at Jerry, she said “Well, at least he hasn’t gotten to all FOUR generations!”

She shifted her gaze to Kathy, smiled at her, and asked banteringly, not really expecting a reply, “Has he, dear? You’re the fourth generation!”

Kathy went bright pink as the whole group focused on her.

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Doctors Orders 1st Appointment

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It was one of those days when things kept went wrong, right from the start. My alarm didn’t go off, so I dressed hastily. I missed my train; I left my lunch at home and so on. It wasn’t until I was almost too late that I remembered that I had a doctor’s appointment that evening. I ended up having to run to catch my train, which was not a good idea as my appointment was about a sore knee; but as I sat on the train I realized that a sore knee was the least of my worries.

You see under my suit, I was wearing ladies knickers. They were pink, lacy at the front and silky everywhere else, bikini briefs style. I habitually wore panties under my boring business suit and I have done so for so long now that I have to remind myself not to wear them when the circumstances demand it. Being in such a rush that morning I had forgotten my doctor’s appointment and had worn panties. I arrived at the surgery just in time for my appointment. I was about to head for the toilets so I could take them off, figuring that being caught ‘going commando’ was better that being caught in panties, when my name was called. The receptionist was a strict-looking woman, a bit older than me, wearing a name badge that said Margaret on the lapel of her smart gray skirt suit. She looked so stern I didn’t want to make a fuss, so I headed for the consulting room, hoping that I could still find a way to avoid embarrassment.

Nervously I entered the room. Dr Susan Jones was waiting for me. I hadn’t had an appointment with her before. As she ran through some routine questions I got my first look at her. She was about my age, early thirties, with long blonde hair, lovely blue eyes behind her spectacles and a trim, athletic figure. She was wearing a fitted white blouse and a short black skirt that showed off her legs. It was fair to say that Dr Jones was bit of a ‘hottie’.

“And what is the problem Mr. Christian?”

“Um, it’s my knee”, I explained giving her some details of when it hurt.

“Well I shall need to give it thorough an inspection. Certainly I will give it as much attention as you have been giving my legs, Mr. Christian.”

Oh dear, she had caught me eyeing up her legs. I mumbled güvenilir bahis an apology.

“Never mind, I’m sure you meant it as a compliment. Now slip off your trousers and pop onto the couch.”

The ‘going commando’ plan was completely out of the question now. If I tried to slip my knickers off along with my trousers she’d think I was exposing myself. I removed my shoes, then my trousers and tried to get on the couch quickly and cover myself with my shirt.

She pulled her chair over and began examining my knee, prodding it and moving it about.

“Well there doesn’t seem to be any ligament or cartilage damage, so that’s good. Nice panties by the way, I have a pair like them myself. It could be a postural problem; maybe the way you stand puts pressure on your knee.”

Relieved at her calm acceptance of my attire, I began to relax, and then realized that she had said something else.

“Sorry Doctor, I didn’t catch that, what did you say?”

“I said, just slip off your shirt and socks and stand up for me, please ‘Chrissie’.”

With a sinking feeling I pulled off my socks and began to unbutton my shirt. Then a thought struck me.

“Why did you call me Chrissie?”

“Chrissie seems so much more appropriate than Mr. Christian, given your current attire. You have no objection do you, Chrissie?”

I meekly replied “No Doctor.”

For what seemed like minutes but was probably a few seconds I stood there in just the pretty pink knickers. Oddly my biggest worry was trying desperately to remain calm and not let on just how turned on the situation was making me. Then I heard the doctor say into the intercom, “Can you pop in to my consulting room Helen?”

Within seconds we were joined by Helen, the nurse. I blushed as she entered the room. She was a plain-speaking Northern lass, a big girl, as tall as me and quite plump but in a curvy way. She was a blue nurses uniform of blouse and trousers.

“Blood hell, what have we got here?” she laughed.

“Chrissie here needs a longer consultation than I can fit in right now, but she’s happy to wait til after the last appointment.” Doctor Jones explained in a matter türkçe bahis of fact tone, “Can you take Chrissie to wait in the records room?”

“No problem Doc.” Helen said “come on the Chrissie, follow me” she ordered.

I went to get my clothes from the couch, but Dr Jones stopped me.

“You won’t need those, its only 20 minutes or so.”

So, dressed in just my pink panties I meekly followed Helen along the corridor, thankfully away from the waiting room. The records room was basically a small box room full of filing cabinets. There was no chair or anything for me to sit on, so I had to stand. As she left Helen said with a giggle “Don’t wander off Chrissie.”

I stood there waiting. Wandering off was not an option. Twice the door opened and the stern faced receptionist came in. Both times she simple said, “Excuse me Chrissie” went to a filing cabinet then went out. It was weird the way she ignored my predicament, although the way she called me ‘Chrissie’ showed that she was in on the joke. I wondered what was in store for me. Eventually Helen fetched me. In the corridor Margaret was at one end, Susan at the other. She called out, “Walk up and down the corridor for me please, Chrissie.”

Under the gaze of the three women I walked up and down. To my horror I noticed that Margaret was filming me with a small video camera. Susan and Helen took it in turns to give me instructions. “Put each foot further across in front when you walk” or “swing your hips a little more”. I knew their instructions were making my walk increasingly more feminine, but I couldn’t refuse. Anyway, being ordered about by these three women, whilst wearing just panties, was a bit of a turn on, so I wouldn’t want to refuse. Finally they directed me into the examination room again and made me stand with my hands on my head in the centre of the room.

“What is our diagnosis of our patient Chrissie?” Dr. Jones asked the others.

Margaret spoke first, “He’s a little poof who probably takes it up the arse.”

I tried to protest but Dr. Jones cut me short, telling me to keep quiet if I knew what was good for me.

“No, he’s not gay,” said Helen, “look at the way güvenilir bahis siteleri his cock twitches when I touch it.” She stroked my cock through the lacy material and it responded by getting even more erect. “In fact there is a damp spot where he is dribbling pre-cum.”

“I do believe you are right, Helen,” replied the doctor. “Of course his smaller than average penis does mean that he is well suited to wearing ladies knickers and panties.” She pulled on a pair of disposable rubber gloves. “Turn round, and bend forward with your elbows resting on the couch.”

I obeyed her but the lowness of the couch meant that my bum was very exposed; more so when she slipped my pink panties down to expose my bum but keep my cock trapped. I felt a cold feeling on my bum.

“This is just some gel to assist my examination, Chrissie.” Dr. Jones said as she began to rub the gel around and into my bum hole. My cock twitched even more as she applied more and more pressure with her finger. She pressed a little harder and her finger slipped in. I moaned with unexpected pleasure.

“Well he might be enjoying this, Margaret, but from the tightness around my finger it is not something he has done before, so we can rule your diagnosis out.” As she spoke the beautiful doctor slid her finger in and out, whilst reaching round to touch my cock. It was all too much for me and I came messily in my panties.

Abruptly she removed her finger. “Stand up and pull up your panties,” she ordered. “My opinion is that you are a panty-boy, someone with a panty fetish. I’m going to prescribe a course of treatment. You will follow my instructions, to the letter; otherwise we shall go to the police about your lewd behaviour. I have two witnesses to your state of arousal and suggestive behavour; you’ll be in a world of trouble if that happens.” She wrote a long list while I was allowed to get dressed. She handed me the envelope. “Your next appointment is tomorrow. Margaret has fitted you in just as surgery closes, so we’ll be all alone, just like this evening. Follow the instructions in my letter exactly and we’ll have some fun tomorrow. Good bye Chrissie, you sissy panty-boy.”

I left clutching the envelope. All the way home the sticky wetness in my panties was a reminder of the events. I managed to get home before the wetness soaked through my trousers. As soon as I was home I opened the letter and began to read…

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Customer Service

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Bikini Babes

Not many people would view being a parking attendant as a glamorous job. Certainly Nate didn’t expect it to be the kind of job where he’d get much pussy. He expected, and got, long, lonely hours, a stupid shirt with a logo on it, a tiny booth, and no heater. So far the September nights had been kind to him, but God only knew what it would be like when the really bad weather hit.

Still, the money was okay and the long quiet nights gave him time to catch up with his reading and revision. Nate figured the job was better than working in McDonald’s and it was helping him get through his sophomore year in college. It also facilitated one of the most memorable sexual encounters of his life.

He did a 6pm-2am shift 5 nights a week and caught up with his sleep on the weekends. The private parking lot was a standard concrete, ramped, three parking floors, away from the city center, so it catered for a day working clientele and was not busy at night. Hardly anyone started their parking during Nate’s shift, so most of the customers picked up their cars, paid via the automated machine and went on their way. Nate simply dealt with the issues, and there weren’t many of those.

Sometimes someone’s ticket couldn’t be read by the machine, sometimes they’d lost their ticket and very occasionally the barrier wouldn’t work after they’d paid. None of this was difficult to deal with and Nate usually spent most of his shift reading, either his college work or the porn stash the day guy kept under the desk.

On the night in question, a Wednesday, Nate was leafing through a text book and making notes. It was even quieter than normal in the parking lot and not a single car had come or gone in the last hour. Now it was nearly eleven o’clock and he was caught a little off-guard when she came to the booth window and knocked for attention. Most people drove up to the window.

“Hello.” She started when he slid the window open. “I have a little… problem.” She smiled wanly at him.

The woman looked in her early fifties, very well dressed, long black hair and subtle make-up. She had a hefty black laptop bag over her shoulder and her pretty face looked a little embarrassed.

“How can I help you?” Nate asked, expecting the usual stories and ready to point to the notice on the wall about lost tickets being charged at the day rate. That thought was replaced quickly when the woman pulled out a ticket.

“I’m sorry,” she began uncertainly, “I don’t have any cash.”

Nate was about to point out that the machines took credit cards and he’d take a check when she continued, “I also don’t have any credit cards, or my check book. I left my purse at home this morning.”

He was sure the problem wasn’t unique, but it had never happened on his watch, and he didn’t recall any instructions on how to deal with it. Nate took the ticket she’d offered him and checked the date. It was that morning’s ticket and he automatically calculated the fee should be around $12. Not like that was ever going to break the bank or make anyone a millionaire. Always a sucker for a pretty face, Nate was about to offer to let her out of the lot if she drove up when she spoke again. “I park here every day. I can leave you my address and phone number, and I’ll pay you tomorrow.”

This last statement confirmed his belief that she was not just pulling some kind of scam to get out of paying. Nate handed her back the ticket and smiled. “It’s okay, just drive up. I’ll let you through.”

“Oh, thank you.” She beamed, “That is so kind of you. I’ll be right down.” And with that, she walked off briskly.

Back at his book, Nate didn’t notice as the minutes passed and no car had come through. Then the woman returned, once again on foot and once again looking sheepish. This time Nate saw her before she knocked on the window and opened it before she spoke.

“Is everything okay?” Nate had always been aware of the dangers of women alone using the lot and wondered if something untoward had happened.

“Yes, well, no.” She looked a little out of breath. “I… erm… my car battery. It’s dead.”

Nate smiled, mostly in relief. A dead battery was something he could do something about. “No problem. Let me just get the jumper and we’ll get you going. He opened the small closet that backed onto his booth and pulled out the portable jump pack. Then he hung the handwritten sign that said, “Horn for service”, stepped out of the booth and locked the door behind him.

The woman fell into step next to him and he asked where she was parked. They walked up two flights of stairs and emerged on the correct level. There was only one car parked on that level, a large white SUV. “That’s me,” she confirmed as Nate started walking towards the beast.

“Pop the hood,” Nate instructed when they got to the car. She had to open the door with the key as there was no power to use the remote. Once in the driver’s seat she opened the hood and he set about connecting up the jump pack.

The SUV fired up first time and canlı bahis şirketleri Nate unhooked his cables and closed the hood. He smiled at the woman who gave him a huge, relieved smile right back. While he wound the jump pack’s cables away she got out of the car and over to him.

“Thank you so much.” She touched his arm affectionately. “You’ve been so kind. I’m so grateful.”

“It’s no problem.” He shrugged off her effusive thanks. “Drive safe.”

The woman suddenly looked embarrassed again. “I don’t even have anything to give you.” She stated the obvious. Nate’s colleagues, when explaining about the jump pack, said that customers who needed help usually slipped a ten or twenty dollar tip to the on duty guy. He’d realized straight away that was not an option here.

“Wait.” She stopped him just as he was about to turn away.

Nate turned and the woman came close to him. She was shorter than him and looked up a little to meet his eyes. It struck him that she really was attractive for her age. Her hand again took hold of his forearm. “I’d really like to say thanks. Somehow.”

He was about to ask, “What do you mean?” but something about the look in her eyes suggested he didn’t need to bother. When her hand slipped from his forearm down to run up and down his thigh a little, left no doubt at all. A million thoughts about the logistics of anything he hoped she had in mind ran through his brain all at once.

“I…” He struggled for a meaningful response, but thankfully she realized there was none.

“Why don’t you get in the car and I’ll thank you?”

Nate placed the jump pack at the front of the car and got in the rear passenger door that she had opened for him.

He felt awkward for a few minutes while she got in the other door and sat next to him. She pulled off the light coat she’d been wearing and revealed a low cut blouse that featured some impressive cleavage. “Relax,” she encouraged, “relax and enjoy. I don’t bite. Well, not on purpose anyway.”

Nate was nervous but realized he was highly aroused and already uncomfortable in his jeans. Thankfully the SUV was so big there was plenty of room around the rear seats. The woman kneeled in front of him and reached out to feel the bulge he’d developed. “That’s nice.” she complimented as she started to pull at his belt. “You feel so big.”

Once she had undone his belt and zipper she fumbled around his underwear but quickly gave up and told him, “You need to help me get these down.” Nate eased up from the seat and pulled his jeans and underwear down over his hips. She completed the job, pulling then down as far as she could. As soon as he had sat down again she grasped his erection firmly. “Wow.” She smiled up at him. “Been a while since I’ve felt someone that hard. You young guys…”

He opened his legs as wide as he could as she eased them apart with her hands. Once she had his cock and balls fully exposed she slid her hand up and down his shaft a few times, and then dipped her head to take him in her mouth. Nate caught his breath as the first tingles ran through him. His instinct was to close his eyes and soak up the physical sensations that her mouth radiated but he was mesmerized by the sight of her head bobbing up and down in his lap while her hands stroked his shaft and balls. There was no doubt that her intention was to make him cum as quickly as she could, repaying his kindness several times over.

At nineteen years old, this wasn’t Nate’s first blowjob, but the difference between this woman and the teenagers he’d been with was marked. There was no hesitancy in her movements, only experience and confidence that she could bring her lover pleasure. He felt her tongue work on his shaft and over the head of his cock as she slid up and down him and in only minutes he knew that he wasn’t far from blowing his load.

“Is that good baby?” She paused to look up at him. “My teeth aren’t hurting you, are they?”

Nate shook his head. He hadn’t even felt her teeth. He watched as she resumed her work, hungrily taking him back into her warm, wet mouth.

He knew that she felt him close to cumming when she increased her upward pressure on his balls, squeezing a little and rubbing them upwards with her hand. Her other hand continued to stroke him while her mouth worked up and down with a relentless, constant pace that brought his climax closer with every stroke.

He didn’t want to explode without giving her fair warning and started to say, “I… I’m…” but she just flicked her eyes up to meet him and let him see that she knew, and was okay with the situation.

As he started to cum Nate groaned and his legs tensed. The woman continued to work up and down on him even though she knew he was now into an unstoppable orgasm. The force was shattering for Nate, shaking his legs and making waves of pleasure run out from his groin along every nerve in his body. Even when his climax moved to the next phase, she remained clamped onto him and stroking his cock.

Nate canlı kaçak iddaa didn’t see his cum spurt from his cock, but he felt the jerk of the force, again and again. Her mouth didn’t move from him until he’d stopped spurting. He slumped in the seat and she raised her head from his cock, still holding it tight in her hand.

“Wow,” she smiled, “I think you needed that. You came a lot.”

Nate looked for evidence of his cum in or around her mouth. There was none. For the first time in his life, someone has swallowed all of his juice. It was a lot to take in, but he realized the situation, this woman and his orgasm had made for one of the most memorable sexual moments in his life.

“That was amazing.” He finally managed.

“You’re welcome Baby.” She leaned up to kiss him on the cheek. “It was a delight watching your face as you came. It’s been a while since I had a young stud like you. I enjoyed saying thanks.”

She was all business after that, something Nate was grateful for as he didn’t really know what was expected of him. It had occurred to him that he should offer some kind of reciprocation but she got out of the SUV and walked around to the driver’s door before he could say anything. Nate pushed his cock away and pulled up his zipper. He opened his door and got out.

Somehow he remembered that the jump pack was in front of the car, lifted it out of the way and came back to the open driver’s window. A big smile greeted him. “Glad you had fun Baby,” she said. “Thanks for all the help. Great customer service.” She curled her finger, motioning him towards her. He moved closer and she leaned out to kiss his cheek again.

“Just drive down and I’ll open the barrier.” He reminded her and then set off to get down the stairs while she drove around the ramps.

When she’d gone through the barriers Nate watched the SUV move out into the main road and off to wherever she was going. He tried to take in what had just happened, but failed. Used to sex being such hard work getting to the act, and his experience being limited to girls who probably knew less than he did, this was all new. All good, but all new.


Nate looked for the woman the next two nights. Not that he thought there might be a repeat performance, but he found himself yearning to know more about the woman who made him cum harder than anyone else ever had. She must have left the lot before his shift though, as he didn’t see her either evening. He even walked the floors briefly, just to see if her SUV was parked. It wasn’t and he concluded that she must have been working late Wednesday.

He hadn’t looked for her car on the Monday night. It had been uncharacteristically busy early and then he was trying to catch up with a book he had to read. He was deep in the book when she walked up to the window with a smile that said, “Remember me?”

Nate slid his window open and gave her his friendliest, “Hi.”

“Hi.” She seemed a little less confident than when he’d last seen her. “I just wanted to come and say… hi. Which I guess I’ve done. I wanted to… well, the other night was so sudden. I just wanted you to know I wasn’t using you, or anything like that. Hell, you don’t even know my name. My name’s Becky by the way.” Becky extended her hand to him.

Nate shook her hand through the window. “Nate. It’s okay, I don’t feel used, or anything like that. It’s good to know your name though.”

There was an awkward moment when neither of them quite knew what to say and then Nate took the initiative. “Would you like to come in? To the office, to talk. Only if you want to… and have the time.” He indicated the door next to his booth.

Becky smiled and said she’d like that. Nate quickly grabbed the key to office, came out of the booth and opened the door. It was hardly a palatial room and when he switched the light on he almost wished he hadn’t invited Becky in. There was one desk, covered in various pieces of paperwork, a small table with boxes of tickets for the machines, a water cooler and a spare chair. There were no windows in the room. Nate indicated that Becky should take either of the chairs and he offered her some water.

“No, I’m good thanks.”

Nate sat on the edge of the desk. Becky looked even better than he remembered. Tonight she wore a blue blouse, not showing cleavage, but tight across her ample bust. Her black skirt was also tight, around her hips. Nate could see that she carried a few extra pounds, but she carried them well and looked great. Her face was the same, good complexion, nice teeth and a few extra lines around her eyes, but she could still turn a few heads, Nate was sure of that.

“I just wanted to let you know,” Becky started, “that what happened last week wasn’t… normal for me. I didn’t want you to think of me like that. I genuinely was thankful for your help, but I was also very… attracted to you.”

Nate tried to be dismissive. “It’s okay, really. I didn’t think of you like that, and I had a really nice time.”

“You canlı kaçak bahis did?”

“Of course.” Nate felt his face start to flush. “It was really good. You were… very memorable.”

“I’m glad then.” Becky reached forward and gently grasped Nate’s forearm, the same simple gesture of affection she’d used before. “It was really quite nice for me too.” She caught Nate’s questioning glance. “You might not think it, but giving you pleasure like that was really hot for me. I really enjoyed that.”

“I wondered at the time if I should… you know, do something similar for you.”

Becky shook her head quickly. “No, no. I really did want to say thanks and I was already very late. I had to go. But that was a nice thought you had. You really are a nice young man.”

Nate didn’t say it, but thought that she was a horny old woman, but that wasn’t a bad thing, obviously, as he had the evidence growing in his pants to prove that. He got the feeling that Becky might be there for something more than just a talk and figured that there was no loss to him if he brought up the subject. “I don’t suppose you’d have time for… I mean, would you like to… like me to?”

Becky’s face took on a sly, knowing grin. “Are you asking if I’d like some more of that lovely hard cock of yours?”


She stood up, again taking his forearm, and closed her face to his. “That sounds like a lovely idea.”

Becky kissed him boldly. Nate responded quickly, enjoying the softness of Becky’s mouth and the urgency of her kiss. Their tongues searched for each other hungrily, moving with the exciting, improvised sensuality that comes with a new lover. Nate wrapped his arms around her and she pressed her body tight into him, not hiding her desire to feel his erection as her thigh moved up to press against it.

“God, I’ve not been able to think about anything since last week.” She breathed when they broke the kiss. Her hand slid down to touch his hard on through his jeans. “You were so hard. I’ve been thinking about you inside me ever since. I’ve been wet for days thinking about you.”

Nate wasn’t used to a woman being so upfront with her emotions and desires for him, but this felt like he could get used to it real quick. “I wanted to lick you.” He confessed as she started kissing him again.

“Still want to lick me?” Becky asked, already reaching for the rear zipper on her skirt. “You got a taste for some older pussy?”

“I want to.” Nate backed off and let Becky slide her skirt off to reveal a pair of white panties that had a very obvious wet patch at the front. He reached down and touched her through the panties while she kicked the skirt away. She was hot, radiating heat and sexuality.

Becky didn’t wait for him to pull her panties away and reached down to hitch them down and step out of them. Now her pussy was exposed to Nate’s gaze. Before he could reach out to touch her Becky sat back on the edge of the desk and opened her legs, exposing herself in all of her neatly trimmed glory for him to see. Her pussy lips protruded as she shifted her ass to be comfortable and her slit opened a little, exposing a tiny amount of slick pink skin.

“There you go.” Becky invited. “All yours Nate.”

No second invitation was needed. Nate slipped down to his knees, between Becky’s legs, and got a good look at her pussy before he closed in on her and licked for the first time.

Becky groaned as soon as his tongue touched her. He licked all the way up and down her opening, then along each side, lapping at her pussy lips as he went and feeling her slick juices on his tongue. Becky’s hand caressed the side of his head as he continued to pleasure her, subtly guiding him to her favorite spots. She brought her other hand to the other side of his face when he plunged his tongue as deep as he could inside her. When he worked his way up to her clit and concentrated there for a few seconds Becky removed her hands and held on to the desk like it was in danger of moving out from under her.

Nate loved the way she moved to his tongue, like she really enjoyed what he did. All of the girls he’d been with so far now seemed too self-conscious about letting him lick them, like they didn’t know how to enjoy the act yet. Becky was different, free and ready to enjoy everything he did for her and ready to pleasure him freely also.

He pushed his middle finger into her, feeling her heat and enjoying the little gasp she let out as he slid inside. He turned his hand palm upwards and curled his finger around inside her, pushing up towards her tummy, keeping up his attention on her clit while he did. Becky responded by trying to open her legs even wider for him.

She came with a rush, her hands gripping the desk hard and her pussy pressing into his face as the tension mounted in her. When the climax burst she gave a shout of, “Oh God” and her body froze while the first wave of orgasm flashed through it. When her muscles recovered Nate continued to lick at her pussy, feeling the convulsions of her climax pulse through her pussy several times before she reached down and eased his head away from her groin.

“That was good. Really good.” She said through her panting. “Now, get your cock out and get inside me.”

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Doctor D.R.Acula Ch. 05

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I shift my hands to the side of her chest, leaving my thumbs resting against the bottom of her small breasts, to support her upper body while she recovers from her orgasm. The roar rapidly decreases until it is just a gentle purr once again. It isn’t long before she pushes her body against my hands and leans to the side, moving her leg back beside mine. She repeats the process with her other leg, leaving me supporting her entire upper body. She places her hands on either side of my head and gently pulls my face towards hers. I gently lower her body down until she is laying stretched out over my chest, her hard nipples and small breasts pressing into me. We have managed to do this while her lower lips are still wrapped around me.

She lays there on top of me, our bodies joined together, as she recovers, the muscles inside her love tunnel giving the occasional spasm. Every time there is a spasm, my shaft is stroked, keeping me firm inside her.

“How much longer will you be hard?” she asks me.

“As long as the muscles inside your body keep doing that, I guess. I have never done this with any other new vampire before. I guess you could almost call me a virgin as well. This is the first time that I have taken a virgin vampires maidenhood. I have never had sex with one of my patients, even though there have been offers. You are the first patient that I have agreed to be intimate with, because you are a very special patient. You asked me for things that only I would be able to provide for you. You have given me a once-in-a-lifetime gift.”


I raise my head and look into his eyes, then move my lips to his, which causes him to slip out of me. I give a whimper of disappointment at the emptiness inside me. Then I kiss him and gently force my tongue between his lips to feel the brackets on his teeth. The feeling of emptiness is replaced by another just as powerful sensation as I feel my own freshly banded teeth pressing against the inside of my lips. My eyes begin to tear up and my chest begins to tremble as I begin to cry.

His arms come up and wrap around me, holding me gently. “I don’t know how I can thank you for what you have done for me. You have made me feel so special in so many different ways that I feel overwhelmed. You have turned my dream of having braces into a reality. Then you went beyond that and gave me full-banded braces.”

“When you made the offer to turn me into a vampire, I was unsure what to think. Then you explained what it was like being a vampire and what the options were that are available to me and I realized that I would have the opportunity to experience so many different things. I can be a virgin for the rest of my life and lose it again whenever I choose too. I know that for some people, that would be an uncomfortable or scary idea, but you made my first time so special for me.” I give him another kiss, pressing my body against his again.

“I just hope that I can begin to pay you back. All you have to do is ask and I will do everything that I can to make it happen.” I give him a new-braced smile.

“I do have one request that should be very easy to fulfill. You can give me a shower and clean me up. We did make a bit of a mess.” He lifts my body up and looks down between us. I tilt my head down and realize that my pussy has been leaking onto his stomach, creating a red-tinged white puddle.

“It would be an honour to service my prince’s needs,” I say, slipping back into the medieval theme. “If my prince would be so kind as to escort his princess to his bathing chamber, she shall perform the requested duties,” at which time I roll onto my back, freeing him to move. I put my arm around his neck as he picks me up and, locating my hip just below the puddle on his stomach, place his hand underneath the cheek of my ass and below my leaking pussy. I spread my legs slightly and his finger slips between them and into my pussy, which is still purring contentedly. My throat matches the purr from lower down, causing him to chuckle.

It is just a short ride down the hall to the large shower. I am placed on my feet and he gestures to the knobs in the shower. “You start the shower running while I get us some towels,” he says before going to the cupboard in the wall. There are several knobs, more than the two that I am used too. I start twisting them until I get a stream flowing out of the ceiling, which turns out to be cold. My startled shriek causes him to turn around with a huge smile on his face, exposing the metal-work in his mouth. The cold water falling from the ceiling has caused my nipples to perk up hard as can be.

I turn another knob and the water starts to heat up. After seeing his smile, my nipples stay hard for another reason. He joins me in the shower after placing the dry towels on the shelf just outside the shower. I select a nice smelling container of bodywash from the collection inside the shower and begin to wash his back. “While I am enjoying having my back washed, I think that my front needs more urgent attention, illegal bahis don’t you?”

I slip my hand between his legs and start rubbing there. “While that feels nice, I think that you can find a much more efficient way to wash my front.” This time I pour some of the bodywash over my upper chest and move around to face him, then begin to rub my body against his. I look up at his face and the smile on it. I very much want to kiss him, but the difference in our heights prevents this. The top of my head barely reaches to his shoulders.

I step back a bit and start using my hands to rub soap all over his chest and stomach. When I reach his pelvic area and start to run my fingers over his semi-hard shaft, I am surprised to see that he has a foreskin that wasn’t there before. I look up puzzled and he explains, “All vampires are able to shift bodymass to different areas. What I just did is something that I will teach you, although there are limitations. When you take from one part of your body, it has to go somewhere else.”

He turns me around and pulls me against his body, then places his hands over my small breasts. “Close your eyes,” he says, “and concentrate on making your breasts fill my hands.” I do as he says and feel my butt cheek tingle, then the tingle moves up my back and onto my chest. He chuckles and then says open your eyes and look at your breasts.

I tilt my head down and open my eyes, then laugh when I see that my left breast has grown to a large B-cup while my right is still a small pointy A-cup. “I think that I need some practice. I don’t think that I did something quite right.” His hands have been massaging both of my breasts and while it feels nice on both I find that the right one is more sensitive. “Why is this one more responsive?” I ask him while pointing to the right one.

“The skin on both breasts has the same amount of nerves in it as before. The right breast has been stretched less, meaning that the nerves are closer together.” He gives my small right breast a caress before taking the nipple between his fingers. “The left breast has stretched the skin, moving the nerves farther apart.” His other hand gives that larger breast a caress and I can feel the difference in sensation.

I am used to the feel of having small breasts, but the sensation coming from the left breast feels interesting in a way that sends a strong tingle directly to my pussy when he tweaks that nipple. “I think that I could very much enjoy having larger tits.”

“The effort of moving things around and keeping them there takes quite a bit of energy. The longer you maintain the change the more energy you burn. You will find yourself eating more. That is how we got the reputation for attacking people and drinking blood. Small changes like this don’t take much because they are so minor. Close your eyes again and think about kissing me,” he says.

I do as he says and he starts to rub my breasts and nipples. He turns me around and bends down, placing his lips against mine and kissing me. “Open your eyes again and look at your breasts,” he says as he ends the kiss.

I look down at my breasts and then bring my hands up to cup my usual A-cup breasts. The sensation is what I am used to and I am mildly disappointed in the way it feels. I also feel slightly drained and my stomach starts to rumble a bit.

D.R. Acula

“Let’s get dressed and get something to eat. You will need some time to recover and should have something to eat after each time you shape-shift. It is always a good idea to have a good meal before you try to do any big changes to your body. There is always a good supply of food in my fridge.”

I hand her a robe from the supply that I have in the cupboard so that I have something to wear after showering. On her small body, it is almost to her ankles and the top of it hangs partially open just barely covering her nipples, and even exposing them occasionally to my gaze as she moves around. I am briefly distracted by the view I have of her body until she reminds me that I am supposed to be feeding her.

I take her to the kitchen and we explore what is in the fridge. “You will find that raw foods are more appealing now. Things like Sushi will become more desirable, while fried foods like burgers will tend to disgust you.” Sharlene grabs a plate of Sushi that I had delivered earlier from the restaurant downstairs, and begins consuming it. I take a few pieces for myself and let her eat as much as she wants. When she is finally satisfied, we curl up together on the oversize couch and take a nap.

When we wake up in the morning, the sun is just peeking over the horizon and we are treated to a spectacular sunrise. It is a Saturday morning and there is nobody on the upper floors of the building today. The restaurant on the main floor won’t be open until the afternoon, so we have the whole building to ourselves. I turn to Sharlene and ask her, “Do you have anything that you need to do today?” She shakes her head ‘No’. “Then would you let me get you a birthday illegal bahis siteleri present to celebrate the start of your new life?” The broad smile that she gives me, exposing the full bands on all her teeth is enough of an answer.

“Slip into your dress and we will go do some shopping then.” I quickly slip into some clean clothes, while she collects her discarded clothing from the night before. She is about to start putting on her stockings and garter-belt when I stop her by saying, “Just the dress. You only need it until we get into the store. We are only going downstairs.”

I have keys for all the doors in my building and all my tenants know that if I take something from their store, that I will leave a note explaining what I took. They are always paid for what is removed, sometimes with money, but frequently with my skills in orthodontics.

The first store that I take her to is a lingerie store. The displays in the front window prevent anyone from seeing inside, so I help her remove her dress. “The first lesson we will work on is the same one we started yesterday, shifting body mass.” I lead her over to the wall where the bras are displayed. “Let’s start with a bra that we already know will fit you.”

She looks through the selection available and chooses a 32A underwired padded push-up bra in soft pink, the same colour as her nipples. She slips it on and it is surprising how much of a difference it makes to the look of the size of her breasts. “Look in the mirror and fix that image in your mind. Then close your eyes.” I pick up a 32B unpadded underwire skintone stretch lace bra and step behind her. “Keep your eyes closed while I change the bras for you. Don’t open them until I tell you too.”

I take my time, first playing with her breasts in the bra she is wearing and then unfasten it and slip my hands under the loose cups and play with them like that. Finally I remove the bra she had picked and replace it with the one I selected, leaving it unfastened temporarily so that I can tease her nipples a little. When I have her nipples nice and hard, I fasten the bra and tell her, “Now I want you to think about how your breasts looked before you closed your eyes. I want you to concentrate on that image until you feel your breasts filling the cups of the bra you are wearing now.” To distract her a little, I continue to play with her nipples through the lace of the bra, occasionally cupping her breasts in my hands and caressing her whole breast. Before too long, I can feel that the volume of her breast in the cup is increasing until the cup is snug all over.

“Open your eyes now and take a look.” She opens them and takes a look and starts blinking, the image in the mirror is that of a full B-cup woman. I run my hands over her breasts again, then give both of her nipples a gentle squeeze to perk them up to their hardest. Her hands fly up to her mouth in surprise, and then, when I undo the clasp between her breasts holding it closed, she smiles at me so wide that I can see all the way to the brackets on her molar bands. The straps of the bra slip off her shoulders and I place my hands underneath her larger breasts and lift them slightly. Her hands move to join mine and I move mine, letting her touch her new, larger breasts, before putting my hands over hers. “It isn’t really that hard when you have had some practice. Are you satisfied with the size and look of these breasts or would you like to try something bigger or maybe differently shaped?”

“You told me that you like small-breasted women, but I have always wondered what I would look like if I had bigger breasts. I want you to pick me out a bra that you think I would look good in and make it as big as you want. Also, find me a blindfold or sleep mask so that I won’t be tempted to peek.”

Finding a sleep mask is easy. She slips it on and then still standing in front of the mirror, continues to play with her larger breasts. I take a good look around the store, already having a good idea of what I am looking for. There is a selection of corsets and basques over beside the bra section and I head over to them. There is one basque that I have seen every time I have been in the store. It has laces on the back and a row of hook-and-eye closures on the front. The cups are high on the sides and then dip down between the breasts, just barely covering the nipples, to expose a lot cleavage. A smaller breasted Sharlene could probably get away with wearing it to a formal occasion and look stunning in it, but today Sharlene wants me to pick out something that is bigger in the chest. I look at the D, DD and DDD cup sizes, then decide that her small body would just look too fake in anything larger than a D. I didn’t even bother looking at the C-cup basque.

“This is going to take me a little while to fit you into, so just be patient with me. I know that in the end you will be pleased with the look.” This is the first time that I have had a woman in anything like this in far too many years, so I am out of practice. I take canlı bahis siteleri my time fastening the front and then start tightening the laces at the back. “I want you to start trying to fill the cups. Just do what you did before. If it helps, use your hands to massage and caress your breasts.”

I watch her reflection in the mirror as she reaches up, slips her hand through the opening between the cups, and begins to rub. Up until now, the lips of her smooth, waxed pussy have been together, but as her hand continues to play with her breast, they begin to part slightly. Her clit begins to emerge from its hiding place and peek out. With one last tug, I am able to secure the last of the lacing on her back. My job finished, I step up behind her and bring my hands over her shoulders and play with the flesh that is partially filling the cups. I concentrate mostly on playing with her nipples until there is no room left to get my fingers on them.

“Okay, stop now,” I say. “That is enough to fill them properly. Any more and it won’t fit right.”

Something about the reflection doesn’t look quite right and then it occurs to me. She should have a pair of black lace crotchless panties to complete the look. Right beside the panty display is a selection of high-heeled shoes. I select a pair of shoes with a reasonable height that Sharlene should be comfortable walking in. I regret not having her wear her stockings now.

I kneel I front of her and have her place one hand on my head to balance with, then lift her leg and slip her foot into the leg of the panty, then slide the shoe onto her foot. She stands up in the shoe and I am able to repeat the process with her other leg. Using both my hands, I lift the panties until they are at her thigh level, then slip them into place over her hips and take my time centering the opening over her pussy lips. Of course that involves more touching than is really necessary. Being this close to her, I am able to watch as her outer lips spread like a flower, exposing the delicate moist pink center inside.

Resisting the urge to spend some time playing with her lips, I stand up and move behind her. “Keep your eyes closed while I remove the mask. I want to see your reaction to the changes in your body.” She does as I ask, patiently waiting as the mask is removed. “Okay, open them now.”

When she opens her eyes, she starts laughing, all the metal in her mouth coming into view. “They look huge on my body. I have always wondered what I would look like with bigger breasts and now I know. I think that they are just too big for my body. The way I am dressed now makes me look more like a stripper than I care to look like. Why does my waist look so tiny? Is it because you tied the laces that tight? Or maybe it is the huge breasts that make it look that way.”

“I did tie the laces tight, but most of the mass that you moved came from your belly and waist. Your body has a more hour-glass look to it. That will change back as your body returns to its previous shape.

Let me get you out of that before you lose your concentration and begin to shift again.” I pick up the sleep-mask again and say, “It will be easier to maintain your current shape if you aren’t too distracted by what your eyes are telling you.” As I slip the mask over her eyes again, her hands come up and cup her large D-cup breasts through the strapless basque. Then she begins to undo the hooks on the front.


I want to experience what my large breasts feel like naked. All the support that the basque is giving me is nice, but it also is preventing me from touching them. I undo the hooks until I am able to slip one hand inside and touch some of my breast. He finishes undoing the hooks that are left and I am finally able to cup my breasts in my hands. They more than fill my small hands and seem so heavy compared to what I am used too. With the basque removed, it seems as if my whole balance is off. I begin to lean forward.

One of his hands comes around my body and slips underneath my breasts, pushing my hands up towards my nipples and steadying me. His other hand removes the mask covering my eyes and, for the first time, when I look in the mirror, I see how my naked D-cup breasts look. I am used to seeing small perky barely handful sized mounds on my chest, that I can cover with my hand, but now I have more than I can hold in my hands. My nipples are the same size that I am used too, but even though they are hard, they look so small on my enlarged breasts. My waist and belly look so tiny compared to what is now projecting from my chest.

My full-banded teeth emerge from behind my lips as a smile of delight crosses my face. “This is so amazing, but this is not what I would want to look like. I much prefer a smaller breasted me. How do I get that back?”

D.R. replies, “There are several ways for it to happen. If you go to sleep, your body will resume it’s natural shape. Never sleep with anyone who doesn’t know you are a vampire or you don’t want them to know. The next way is to put on clothes that give you the shape you are looking for. This is faster but not as accurate. You will be creating an image that is based on what you think you remember you looked like. This is what you will be doing most of the time.”

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