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Four Generations of Help
Alzheimer’s as Story-helper
A story by XXscribbler
Jerry was the only man at the table — or in the house – at the moment, all the other males having gone off on a shopping expedition that would include lunch and most likely take the entire afternoon.
Midmorning now, and the homebodies were seated in the big kitchen, consuming coffee and cake — Jerry plus four generations of women from his “second family”. Even without a trained taxonomist’s eye one could follow the physical characteristics from generation to generation. All were strong, good-looking, intelligent and strikingly independent, all highly life-capable, and accomplished in their chosen fields.
The generations ran thus – great-grandma Maureen (84); grandma Jeannie (56); mother Barbara (35) and her childless sister Caroline (33); finally terminating in Barbara’s daughter Kathy, the current youngest generation. Jeannie’s husband Carl was Jerry’s closest running-buddy and had been so for decades — the entire family had been runners in the same club, which was the underlying source of Jerry’s connections to various family members.
Some of those connections had become extraordinarily close — and in every case were completely unknown to anyone save the active participants.
Despite her well-developed Alzheimer’s, Maureen the Matriarch was at the head of the table in her accustomed place, still showing signs of earlier handsomeness, inhabiting a body that hadn’t yet failed her as her brain had. She had been a powerful personality — a teenaged advocate and practitioner of free love and, to an embarrassing extent, a lifelong advocate of total freedom of speech — any topic, anywhere, any time, any audience. That propensity had regularly mortified her family over the years. Maureen eventually married and produced Jeannie – who then rebelled by being seriously conservative.
Maureen divorced at age 50 and for nearly three decades thereafter cut a wide, long swath through the accessible males she encountered, with no regard whatever for any aspect of a target’s “formal eligibility” for such shenanigans — particularly ignoring age or marital status. Her philosophy, often and strongly expressed, was simply “What happens between two adults is THEIR BUSINESS ONLY!”
Maureen exhibited a rare form of sudden-onset Alzheimer’s that puzzled even doctors whose full-time profession it was to fail to understand the disease. Only about five years in, she now had no short-term memory whatever, but seemed otherwise largely mentally okay, at least superficially.
Long-term memories, say for events fifteen or twenty years past, were routinely accessible: she could discuss them, but not remember –in the present- doing so! She carried on apparently rational conversations, but the erase button was permanently depressed, about half a second behind her mouth. As a result, she was actually interesting company, until one had heard a particular story six times and realized that it was going to repeat indefinitely. Still bright, cheerful, personable and engaging, she couldn’t recall one’s name from minute to minute, had to be reintroduced even to her to her daughter and grand-daughters during every visit.
What made her condition even more wrenching, and which drove the medicos uniformly bonkers, were her periods of absolute lucidity, moments that were scarce and randomly timed, and equally random in length — ten seconds, two minutes, occasionally close to an hour.
It was a characteristic of her special condition that when lucidity struck she would not participate in whatever talk had been going on around her, rather she always would simply launch into a conversation of her own making and direction — it would be clear, logical, perfectly rational, two-way — but it would be on a subject of her choice and it would proceed down that path until some biochemical switch flipped in her brain — at which point she would revert completely, a pure step-function, no warning. Dealing with her in that ‘normal-again!’ state and then seeing her regress instantaneously was a horrible experience.
Today was just a routine family get-together. Generalized chit-chat, bits and pieces of several conversations interleaving.
Jerry was sitting closest to Maureen when her head came up significantly and the look in her eyes changed, as did the whole tenor of her body. Jerry watched as she quickly, acutely inventoried the group, a tiny smile trying to break through. The hair on his neck rose — even though he’d never been through one of her episodes, he knew of them and could tell at once — Maureen was inside there, behind the eyes, aware and functioning.
He said nothing, just studied her.
Maureen scanned the group again, made perfect eye-contact with Jerry, obviously recognized him, smiled, laid her hand atop his, squeezed quite firmly. The motion stopped conversation, illegal bahis turned all heads Maureen’s way. Everyone knew instantly what was happening, and they all just waited, breathless.
“Well! Ladies! You’re being boring, which is a true sin! We need a better topic! So – a question, please! Just to assuage my own curiosity. Which of you, my lusty offspring, have taken proper advantage of this lovely man sitting here next to me?” She looked at Jerry, in case there might be any doubt, and grinned widely at his obvious discomfiture.
This was a life-long signature social tactic for Maureen, choosing an opening gambit that knocked the group utterly out of equilibrium. The other women were silent, almost gawping. Maureen studied her progeny’s faces. “I mean sexually, of course, what else would I mean?! Nobody ever misses another slice from a cut loaf, and god knows most of us are certainly cut loaves, and could use more than we get. More sex, not bread.”
Maureen had an immense, and still quite active, sex drive — at her care facility, she was mildly notorious for overt masturbation and for choosing an occasional partner from the few still-functioning men, somehow managing to find them in the dark, but always losing her way enroute back to her own space and having to be led by some embarrassed candy-striper.
“Kids, you should NEVER turn down something nice that the fates offer you — always carpe the god-damned diem and go for it! I certainly took advantage of him! Didn’t I, Jerry?”
Jerry went beet red: the other women, every one, turned to stare hard at him –and NOT at Maureen- each wearing a different expression. Maureen squeezed his hand, looked about her with a vaguely triumphant air: “Nothing odd about it, ladies — quite some years ago he came over to help paint my place. Carl was supposed to come with him but had a sore back. It wasn’t thirty minutes until Jerry and I were in my big old bed, carpe-ing the bejeezus out of the diem. You should NEVER leave a man and woman alone together if they like one another, especially with access to a bedroom. Ages and other relationships don’t matter a damn bit!”
She sighed, patted Jerry’s reddened cheek, looked around at her totally stunned audience: clearly not one of them had had an inkling. The women looked back and forth amongst themselves, anywhere save at Jerry — with Kathy the only exception… she was flicking back and forth twixt Maureen and Jerry, grinning slyly.
Then Maureen actually blushed, giggled again, and went right on “He has a lovely body, you know. And an absolutely beautiful cock that stays rock-hard practically forever. And what this man can do to a pussy with his mouth is just, well, unbelievable! A national treasure, if we had such things. Carpe, carpe, ladies! Step right up! Take a number from the machine!”
Jerry was as red as he’d ever been in life: the women all continued to stare at him, all of their expressions were slowly morphing — but into what, he couldn’t tell. He DID know that he was in for a spectacularly difficult visit, starting NOW.
While Maureen paused, Jeannie finally managed to blurt out “Maureen, for heaven’s sake…” and then turned to Kathy, came back to Maureen, and said “Now you’ve started, I know you’re going to stick to this stuff for a while, but at least Kathy should probably leave the room!”
Kathy spoke up instantly: “NO! Why should I leave? Just because Maureen wants to talk about her sex-life? It might be kind of fun to hear about it! She’s certainly had LOTS of practice!”
Mom looked likely to go obstinate, and Kathy flared up: with real vehemence, she insisted “It’s NOT like I don’t understand what she’s talking about, you know — I’m not some little village IDIOT! Sheesh, already! And it’s NOT like hearing it is going to dissolve me the way water did Dorothy’s witch, either. Why shouldn’t I stay? Any one of you, just give me just ONE decent, logical reason!”
Maureen nodded at her: “Hear, hear for the youngest generation. At least SHE has a good head on her shoulders. Let her stay, for heavens sake! She might learn something useful — or at least interesting!”
Jeannie looked helplessly at Kathy’s mom for support, but Barbara just shrugged and said “Kathy’s right — there’s no harm in her staying.”
Kathy mouthed “Thanks, mom!” at Barbara, and looked almost smug.
Jeannie sighed –she and Barb often disagreed on child-rearing issues- and settled back resignedly as Maureen went on: “So, girls, let’s hear it – HOORAY for May September in reverse! That’s the way it really should be! Middle-aged men should work both ends of the female spectrum — not intending to make a bad pun, my dears! — they have the fuerza and knowledge needed to satisfy us older and more experienced women, and they also know enough and have enough self-control to be able to teach the young properly.”
She paused, snorted derisively: “Your teenage boys, however, for all their energy and enthusiasm, illegal bahis siteleri are just a damned shameful loss — no technique whatever. What a waste of raw materials! Phooey! Anyhow, just for the record, because you are all so obviously curious, Jerry and I had this incredible, intense affair for about three weeks. I mean, we pretty much fucked ourselves silly every day – until I wandered off onto another fascination.”
She turned to Jerry, patted his arm gently and said “I’ve always been sorry about just dropping it so suddenly. Maybe I got a little scared or something. Forgive me?”
Jerry nodded silently.
Maureen paused, went dreamy-eyed, hummed for a moment, then gave each person at the table an individual, long, pointed look. At the end of the inspection, she sighed again and shook her head: “REALLY, Ladies! Turning down manna from heaven, that’s dumb dumber dumbest! He’s not only good looking and terrifically good at sex, but he’s an adventuresome cuss and a fine teacher. Within our first hour together he had shaved my pussy AND taught me how to buttfuck! Both were brand-new to me, even after all my years of experience. Talk about a drag-racer start to the affair!”
Into the dead silence that followed there intruded a little gasp and suppressed giggle: all heads turned to Barbara, now gone brilliant red from hairline as far south as skin was visible. Her eyes met Jerry’s, then bounced to Maureen’s, to Jeannie’s, back to Maureen’s.
Maureen studied her for a few seconds, then nodded and said softly “Oh. I see!! You, too? Lucky, lucky YOU! Lucky US, actually! Across two generations!”
Barbara hadn’t said a thing, but her expression and color, and apparent inability to breathe, confirmed it — as did Jerry’s expression. Sister Caroline, sitting beside Barbara, turned suddenly to face her, poked her in the ribs with an elbow, and muttered through a silly, embarrassed grin and her own fuchsia coloring, “You little SHIT! My very own big sister!”
Maureen laughed delightedly, intuiting full well what was coming, and asked Barb “Adventures?”
Barb shook her head, then said softly “At least, not the shaving…”
Kathy’s expression was one of utter shock, fading quickly to fascination — here, in public, her very own MOM had just admitted to having had sex with JERRY! And not just any old sex, but the ANAL variety. An OhMyGod moment of the very first water.
Caroline almost said something about her own ‘Jerry-adventures’ — which had been a near-perfect parallel to Maureen’s – but decided not to go there, and focused again on Barbara: “Damn damn damn! And all these years I thought I’d stolen a march on you! He was supposed to be all MINE, dammit! At least, for a while! Of course, it’s not like you and I ever really talked about our sex-lives, and it’s not like Jerry and I ever talked about his ‘other women’, so how would I know? But you’d think I should have been able to tell! Jeez! When did you and he…?”
Jerry squirmed visibly, held his tongue. Nothing he could say would do anything except make things more difficult, this he understood completely.
Barb looked around the table half helplessly, half self-satisfied and rather smug. She avoided Kathy’s fascinated gaze entirely, and seemed resigned to letting things come out. Jeannie was thoroughly flustered now, watching her daughters fess up. Maureen just sat and smiled through the slow-motion uproar she was generating, apparently delighted.
Caroline finally answered Barb’s question – “Nineteen eighty-four, for a couple of months, several really, say from start of school to about Christmas. Practically daily, too.”
Kathy watched her Mom and aunt closely, soaking up every nuance.
Barb scrambled mentally to reconstruct her timeline and fit it to Caroline’s.
Caroline sighed, giggled tightly, reached across to lay her hand atop Maureen and Jerry’s, said “Wow! Inter-generational man-sharing! True confessions time, isn’t it? Such fun! All these deep, dark secrets, exploding on us after all these years! And you’re right, Maureen, he DOES have a great cock and mouth. And he actually can fuck for LONGER than I want — I sometimes had to tell him to stop or I’d get sore!” It was her turn to go a bit dreamy-eyed: “You know, all that time I don’t believe he ever failed to give me another orgasm whenever I asked for it. And boy howdy do I love orgasms!”
Kathy’s eyes widened — this was juicy stuff, indeed! She glanced at Jerry, who just smiled, nodded self-confidently, and shrugged. Kathy returned her attention to the other women, but under the table her naked toes found and caressed Jerry’s ankle: his jaw clenched slightly, and Kathy alone noticed it — to her huge satisfaction. Even more satisfying was the glance he shot at her.
“Hellfire!” — it was Barb’s favorite curse: she’d just now gotten the time-line mentally laid out. “Jerry and I had a thing going intermittently for about six years. canlı bahis siteleri And YES, he’s good and carpe all that stuff. But Caroline, you and I overlapped FOR SURE the whole time you two were…” She squinted hard at Jerry, tried to be pissed, failed, then broke into a wry look and shook her head in disbelief. “Damn, Jerry, but you are GOOD! Fucking us both in parallel all those months.” She looked at Barb, asked “Did you have any idea he was doing us both?”
Barbara shook her head strongly ‘no’. Caroline took a deep breath: “Me neither, not ONE single, solitary clue! How the hell…” Then she sighed, mused almost to herself, “Jeez, I wonder what it would have been like if I’d been your ONLY outlet all that time?! And, pray tell, who else that we know have you fucked?” Then, directly to Jerry, “No, don’t answer that! I’m not sure we really want to know…”
Barbara had a thought, jumped visibly, looked hard at Jerry, carefully ignored her daughter. “Jerry… did you ever fuck us both in the same day? Did you?”
Caroline was caught up by the question, chimed in with her own: “Good question! Well- DID YOU?”
Jerry shrugged, looking like a kid caught with a hand in the candy-jar, and nodded: “Yep. Quite a few times, in fact! Once only about twenty minutes apart.”
Maureen laughed: the sisters stared at one another for a long moment, then dissolved into mild incredulity.
Barb reached out and smacked Jerry gently across the face with her palm, a purely pro-forma gesture. “I’m not sure whether to congratulate you or be madder than hell! But I guess if we all survived to this point, there must have been no actual harm done. But DAMN!”
The only unembarrassed face other than Maureen, the only eyes able to readily meet anyone else’s, belonged to Kathy, who was goggling a bit at this latest complex revelation, and who was enjoying herself immensely — to the point of barely suppressed mirth at the dismay and surprise and indignation fighting for dominance on her mom’s and aunt’s faces.
Nobody, most especially Maureen, had been paying much attention to the second generation, Jeannie, sitting quietly at the table. But while Jeannie was studying how her daughters were dealing with having shared Jerry so closely, Maureen was in turn studying Jeannie intently. Eventually, Jeannie noticed the scrutiny and their gazes locked.
Maureen said not a word, just watched Jeannie’s face go slowly, steadily, redder. Finally, Maureen sighed, smiled, and said, so softly that it caught everyone’s attention, “Um-hmmm! You, too! Good for YOU, daughter mine — I wouldn’t have guessed you had it in you. So to speak!”
All eyes settled on Jeannie’s face — and the most surprised was Kathy — endless incredible revelations — what else COULD there be to find out?
It was obvious to everyone that Maureen was correct.
Finally, under the weight of combined stares, Jeannie gave a tiny shrug, smiled to herself, and nodded as she said “Just ONCE, dammit! And while none of YOU may feel guilty over your adventures, I certainly do!” It was a transparent — and futile – attempt to claim some sort of high moral ground. The others just grinned at her.
Maureen laughed again and said “OK then, I’ve got one more for the cooking pot!” She looked at Jeannie: “You and Carl have both had plenty of chances to give away slices… what with him gone on business for weeks at a time, you home alone and the girls in school all day, him in foreign countries and traveling all over the USA as well. I don’t know for sure whether you, Jeannie, have given away other slices, but if you’re worried that somehow you and Carl are not equally guilty, I can assure you from personal experience that you are, in fact, equally so.”
Kathy understood at once, and actually gasped: that triggered understanding in Caroline and Barb, who with Maureen now watched Jeannie closely. Jeannie, over whose face, very slowly, there spread a dawning understanding. She stopped breathing as she saw confirmation in Maureen’s face. It took some doing, but Jeannie finally managed to ask “You and him? My own MOTHER with my HUSBAND!? Good GOD!”
Maureen nodded, shrugged. “He’s pretty conservative, and I know he feels the same way you do about having fallen off the wagon. If it makes you feel any better, just like your adventure it was a singleton, a LONG time ago under special circumstances, and we’ve always felt a bit guilty — even ME, despite my philosophy about sex! So, to the best of my knowledge, you and he are even-steven. Best to leave it that way, I think.”
Nobody seemed either willing or able to say anything. Finally it was Barbara who broke the silence. “Wow. Good GRIEF!” She shook her head wonderingly. “I mean, who’da thunk it in their wildest dreams? Guess we all got your disposition, Maureen — either genetically or by osmosis. Fucking in all directions at once.” Then after a ten-second stare at Jerry, she said “Well, at least he hasn’t gotten to all FOUR generations!”
She shifted her gaze to Kathy, smiled at her, and asked banteringly, not really expecting a reply, “Has he, dear? You’re the fourth generation!”
Kathy went bright pink as the whole group focused on her.
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