Première journée de rafting

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Première journée de raftingLe lendemain du resto à la ferme, je demande à Alain :« Dis-moi chéri ? Tu avais organisé la soirée avec Fred en sa chant que son pote black serait là ? »En me regardant d’un air innocent dont je ne suis pas dupe, il me répond :.« Non, pas du tout ! Mais je crois que tu as aimé. »« Oui… C’est pas faut ! »Rien que d’y repenser, je sens poindre dans mon ventre des picotement familiers.. C’est avec le cœur léger que ma journée commence. C’est Alain qui organise toute nos promenades et il a décidé d’une activité plutôt sportive, c’est à dire un raid sur deux jours en rafting et canyoning.Le moniteur qui nous gère au départ de la rivière, nous briffe sur la sécurité et le déroulement des deux jours. Quand il vérifie mon harnachement, il en profite insidieusement pour me peloter discrètement. Ca commence bien me dis-je. Et c’est dans la bonne humeur qu’on entame la descente des rapide de ce torrent tumultueux. Le cadre des gorges est somptueux. Placée à l’avant de l’embarcation, je reçoit des gerbes d’eau fraîche qui me cingle le visage. Le contact de l’eau froide raidit mes tétons qui pointent sous le gilet de sauvetage.Après deux bonnes heures de descente. Pat, l’organisateur, décide de faire une pause dans une anse calme du cour d’eau. Le soleil est à son zénith et la chaleur est étouffante entre ces parois rocheuses. J’ôte mon gilet de sauvetage et mon tee shirt mouillé ne laisse aucune ambiguïté que l’état dans lequel je me trouve. Pat et mon mari peuvent en apprécier apprécier le volume et distinguent aisément mes aréoles brunes surmontées de mes tétons dressés. Je fais celle qui ‘a rien remarqué, mais suis troublée par le regard des deux hommes. Mais Pat sonne la fin de la pause et nous repartons pour la deuxième partie où nous sommes secoués türbanlı yozgat escort comme des pruniers pour arriver enfin à notre bivouac pour la nuit.Pendant que je me prélasse après cette journée magnifique mais épuisante, Les deux hommes montent le campement. Quand Pat m’appelle pour l’apéro, je suis surprise de voir qu’il n’y a qu’une tente. Devant mon air étonné, Pat explique :« Avec cette embarcation nous devons voyager léger et puis les nuits sont froide. Une seul tente permet de conserver la chaleur humaine. »Son explication tient la route et nous trinquons joyeusement. Aprés le repas et quelques verres de Génépi, Par propose :« Et si nous faisions une partie de poker ? »Je m’inquiète un peu ne sachant pas y jouer.Pat est rassurant :« T’inquiète ! Je vais t’apprendre. Tu vas vite piger ! »Alain demande :« Quelle va-t-être la mise ? »En me regardant intensément, il sort :« Facile, nos fringues ! »Alain amusé lui dit :« Un strip poker ? Super, on est partant pas vrai ma chérie ? »L’esprit un peu embrumé par le Génépi, j’hésite. Mais ne voulant pas passer pour une gourde, j’ accepte de jouer le jeu.Pat m’explique les règles auxquelles je ne comprend rie et la partie commence. Bien entendu, en quelques tours les vêtements tombent entraînant de grands fou-rire. Mais je me retrouve rapidement à poil.. Gênée,je tente de sauver la face en riant bruyamment. Je sens bien où leurs regards se pose. La raideur qui déforme leurs caleçons prouve qu’ils sont loin d’être insensible à ma nudité. Pat rompt cet instant très gênant en proposant un gage pour la perdante. Je me doute déjà de la tournure du jeu. Il propose à mon mari de donner le gage. Alain hésite un peu mais vicieux comme il l’est, il lance :« Michèle tu va sucer notre türbanlı yozgat escort bayan organisateur ! »Pat est ravi de cette décision et sans attendre ma réponse le voilà déjà la queue à l’air.Docile, excitée, et surtout très éméchée, je pose mes lèvres sur le gland turgescent qu’il me présente. Avant que je n’ai le temps de réagir, il enfonce son chibre au fond de ma gorge en me maintenant la tête. Tandis que mon cœur se met à battre un peu plus vite, il dit à mon mari :« Sa bouche est bonne ! »Je suis un peu étourdie par ce qui vient de se passer. Quand il commence à me baiser la bouche. Alain regarde ça d’un air complaisant en se masturbant doucement.« Elle te suce bien ma femme ? »« Oui elle est extra. Je crois que je n’ai jamais été pompé aussi bien ! »Je profite d’un moment où je n’ai pas sa verge dans la bouche pour demander à mon mari :« Chéri approche ! J’ai envie de vous sucer tout les deux. »Pas la peine de lui dire deux fois. Je contemple un instant les deux sexes qui se dresse juste pour moi à quelques centimètres de mon visage. C’est toujours pour moi un instant magique de savoir l’effet que je produit sur un mâle. Dans ces instants magique, je redevient la femelle originelle.Les effets de l’alcool me transporte comme sur un nuage. Un désir profond bouillonne dans mon ventre. Quand je referme mes lèvres sur la verge tendue de mon mari en pelotant les couilles de l’accompagnateur, c’est comme si c’était la première foi que je le suçais. Ma langue s’enroule autour de son gland. Je le lèche avec une sorte de gourmandise puis je passe à l’autre verge. Je m’imprègneDans ce cadre idyllique, bercée par le chant des oiseaux et des cigales, avec en bruit de fond le bruit du torrent enivrant, je les suce türbanlı escort yozgat à tour de rôle en malaxant leurs bourses avec une avidité qui les ravi et les étonnes. Un besoin impérieux de pomper ces deux membres et d’assouvir mes besoins de femelles en chaleur s’empare de moi. Elle est loin la bourge de la vie quotidienne. Je ne suis plus qu’une chienne en chaleur à remplir et ça me transcende.« Haaa Michèle t’es trop bonne !!! Je ne vais pas pouvoir résister longtemps ! » Lance Pat. S’agrippant à ses fesses, j’avale son sexe au maximum, jusqu’à sentir le gland au fond de ma gorge. Les palpitations de sa verge annonce sont éjaculation proche. Brusquement, dans un râle profond, un flot chaud et visqueux envahit ma gorge. Par saccades, son sperme frappe mon palais. Pat maintient ma tête pour mieux profiter du moment. Je dégluti et me délecte de son liquide légèrement salé qui coule dans ma gorge. Alain est admiratif même si il a l’habitude de me voir dans une telle situation.« Dis donc Michèle ! Tu semble vraiment apprécier notre Pat ! Ca me donne envie de te prendre en levrette. »Pat se retire de ma bouche pour laisser la place à mon homme.Je lèche les traces de semence sur mes lèvres et en me mettant à quatre pattes, me cambrant pour accueillir mon homme, en lui souriant, je luis demande :«  Tu as aimé…? »« Ho que oui ! Merci Michèle, Qu’est-ce que c’était bon… ! »Avec le goût de son sperme que je savoure dans la bouche, Alain me saisit les hanche et d’un coup de reins, il me pénètre jusqu’à la garde. Je pousse un feulement de plaisir sous cette saillie a****le. Ses coups de boutoirs son violent et amples. Je suis secouée comme jamais et mes seins ballottent dans tout les sens rendant le spectacle certainement très attrayant pour Pat. En quelques minutes, nous avons un orgasmes commun.Nous restons un instant soudé sous les yeux de Pat qui affiche un large sourire en nous disant :« C’est pas le tout ! Mais il faut dormir maintenant ! La journée de demain risque d’être éprouvante.Encore sous le coup de notre orgasme, nous fillons sous la tente commune et nous endormons les uns contre les autres pour un sommeil réparateur.

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Bear Blow-Off– Final Part

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Bear Blow-Off– Final PartMy hands felt so nice and warm sliding down the front of Randy’s pants. A mature man was he but his supreme masculinity made me hot all over!I laid my head in the middle of his shoulders. My penis was relishing somehow right below and under his buttcheeks which were clothed and I pressed hard to see if they would quiver.My fingers were shaking yet I still kept my hands below his precious pubes. I felt the gorgeous line again of his penis. Right when I smoothed the edge of his glans I felt it twitch ever so slightly. Now I had bravery beyond normal as I went further down with one of my hands and touched his scrotum. It felt wonderful to cup his balls the serene moment I finally had in my hands made me excrete precious clear juice from my cock-head.I slipped them out. “I’m sorry.””No. It’s…” and he closed the fridge and headed upstairs.I wasn’t sure if it was on or not. I looked at the time. It managed to be 1:05 A.M. His wife would probably be home in…Will you shut up about that, I thought. His wife doesn’t give two balls about him. And Carol does want the divorce to eventually be final anyway.He was all mine tonight! The thought made me happy with anticipation. I almost trotted up the stairs after him as he was going around to his bed again.”Say Randy.””Yeah.””That thing you wanted me to do. You still up for it?”He paused. türbanlı yalova escort I couldn’t tell whether it was that he was thinking of the matter at hand or whether he was still slightly wasted and could not quite let the thought sink in yet.I think I saw him nod. “Yes?” I asked.He did it again.Success.He knows how much I cared for him and he also now knew that I would do anything for him. Does he realize that I could give him a night that neither of us would forget?I never blew a man before but I already had a cock myself and knew just what would get my juices flowing… and now I just needed to see if I could handle the matter at hand (hehe).I helped him take his t-shirt off as he stood and could not believe how happy I was! Finally!”Yeah baby.” I said aloud. He looked at me. Then smiled and I gave a little laugh in embarrassment.Soon I was on my knees. He had stripped off my clothes and I was down to my boxers. I enjoyed his scent as his wonderful cock was in my face, peering out of his jockeys in the still moonlit night.I didn’t know what to do. I started kissing it.”No. Not that.”Somehow he got me up on my feet and he put his hand into my open boxer fly. I was surprised at his rough yet warm hands. My cock immediately stood at attention at the friction he was making on it, stroking it up türbanlı yalova escort bayan and down.Ooh. I started to jerk him again. Then I got down and inhaled a big breath. I opened wide and began sucking his average but beautiful pole. He laughed when I exhaled.”You don’t have to hold your breath, Craig.””Damn Randy. I want you to blow off some steam so bad. I want you to cum hard.””It’s okay. I am glad that you just tried and that is all that–“I quickly got my mouth back on his penis again. I swallowed it until it got near the uvula in my damn throat. Then I pushed back and slid it back in again.I did this until I heard him say “Uhhh..” and some pre-cum poured into my mouth I could taste it only after I drew him back out and my tongue got some of the goo.Soon I got his jockeys off and I almost blew my load (it felt like anyway) without even touching my own dick. His body was amazing! I almost took a moment too long to kneel in glory to it.I got him lying on the bed and I kept on sucking. More pre-cum came and it almost dripped out of the side of my mouth. Touching his balls I could feel them go up ever so slightly.My penis in my boxers kept sliding around they had so much pre-cum along the ridges of my fly.”You know you don’t have to worry a thing about life anymore baby.” I said almost surprised türbanlı escort yalova that the words were coming from me. “You have me now.”Somehow I ended up flat on the bed and he was with wet ecstacy pumping his wonder-pole deep into my mouth. The pumping got faster and faster. I started to moan with it in me and the vibrations seemed to excite himMore, more more! He was using me as his secret fuck friend! I loved receiving his dick in my mouth and as his breathing got more rapid and his speed increased I could not do anything but lie still and live the intensity of it—“Aaaahh!” as he spurted his load deep into my mouth. Each exit from my dick made me quick to swallow his precious seed before his prick re-entered my face again. More squirting into my mouth and then there was less. Then he managed to stop and I gently sucked on his pole to get the rest of the man-juice off of him.That wasn’t the only time I got to blow him that night.Another moment was sucking him for a time, then I tongued between his beautiful cheeks and jerked him off with my freehand and he came onto the wood floor. I loved hearing the wonderful thud of his spend.Sometime before the third time he gave me a break and got out his old lube that he forgot about. He put a nice amount on his cock head and then as he sat on the side of the bed he put his dick end up my arse. I had to only let it get in a little because the pleasure became too much for me.”Oh shit!! I love you.” and jizz erupted from my hands. Damn he was so great.We held each other on his and his wife’s bed afterwards. I looked up at him and he gave a great smile one I hadn’t seen in a while and I realized he was gonna be mine- his secret fuck friend- for a long time.

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 1

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 1She was 23, 5’3″ brunette with a stunning smile and perfect young tight body. She had held her virginity through all those years, being homeschooled made it easier, but in college she almost broke down and she longed to be touched, tasted, used and to do the same. Her long time boyfriend she never allowed to do anything other than kiss and one time when she was daring she let him finger her and suck her nipple, she was u******e at that time. He left for college where she learned he turned from his religion and is now married to another man, as a man slut. She questioned herself, looked in the mirror, wondered “why” she was alone. Truth was, she was shy, she was ultra conservative and she felt guilty for looking at the husbands of women at church and at the preschool where she worked. She told herself it was wrong, but she would get wet when a handsome man paid attention to her and talked to her. She would hurry home, before anyone was there, after work to masturbate. She lived with her türbanlı zonguldak escort parents and as with many preachers and their families, never had enough money. She would ask forgiveness for her thoughts, but she would play with her pussy and pinch her nipples when alone and at night when everyone was sleeping.It was worse when she could hear her dad and mom fucking in their bedroom, she would here them say nasty things and use words she was always told not to use. When she would hear her m_m moaning and panting and saying “fuck me harder” and her d_ddy pound her and tell her how could she felt, she would imagine a cock in her fucking her the same way, even his!I first notice her at church, wearing a conservative blue dress and heels that accented her body. She had a beautiful voice and sang in the choir, but my evil thoughts were on how sexy her perfect face and makeup would look with my cum on them and wondered about her hot body under that dress. We türbanlı zonguldak escort bayan would make small talk and I could sense she would be nervous, but enjoy my compliments. I always told her how stunning she looked and remarked on new dresses and such. She blushed and said “thank you, I think your wife looks lovely today too!” I would comment things such as “yes, my wife is hot, but not as hot as you my dear.” She would blush and if stared at long enough, I could see her nipples harden and her breathing get faster. I would not try to hide my hard cock in my dress slacks and I caught her looking, more than once. At fellowship, one day, I accidently (yeah right) bumped against her sexy ass and she straightened up, as she leaned forward at the table I leaned also and pushed harder, she froze as she felt my HARD cock at the crack of her ass. I then stepped back, she turned, saw it was me and blushed. I simply said, “hello”. At home that afternoon I türbanlı escort zonguldak fucked my wife raw thinking of her. I did not know it at the time, but learned later she was home fingering herself to orgasm thinking of me. That brings me up to the seduction, it took place in two main parts. Seduction and/or blackmail, you decide!First, Chapter 2 deals with me mowing their lawn and fixing their car (something the preacher could not do well), the second was when I worked on the wiring in their parsonage and I installed a hidden camera, two hidden cameras actually (one in her bathroom and another in her bedroom). The bedroom was IR capable for night.Second, Chapter 3 deals with her baby sitting our k**s while I took the wife on a anniversary get away, with the preachers daughter staying at our house.Well, once armed with video and some interesting history on the preachers daughter, the next step was easy — let me do as I please — or else! After that, it was simply telling her to “do everything I tell you.”We still attend church, her parents and the congregation is in shock, including my wife, that sweet little “Jaimie” is expecting, and she is not married. What a scandal. I hold the higher ground and tell all, “not to judge to harshly nor cast the first stone.” Of course, I know she is carrying my baby…but that is for later. Much later…. BTW, she is over 20 years younger than I….

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Angel & Amanda

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Angel & AmandaAfter a long & stressful half a year this get away was just what was needed. Negril Jamaica could not be a better spot for hot sun, sandy beaches, warm nights with cool breezes and not to mention hot exotic men! All the elements needed to take your mind and body to a different world. You, Angel & Myself decided to pool some $$$ together & take an awesome end of summer vacation. We found a reasonably priced resort on the western side of the island. Nothing but 4 days & 5 nights of pure relaxation. Once on the plain your mind began to wonder of what may lay ahead. The flight was a pretty quick one you and Angel became excited once we landed and started to rather our things off the plain. First order of business was to secure a ride to the resort once outside the airport you realized how much you two stood out being two leggy tattooed southern girls and you with blue eyes definitely not the norm there. The male locals were definitely giving you both the once over but nothing over the top and in your mind you said the heck with it I am going to enjoy myself and the extra attention. Once in the cab on our way to the resort you began to feel this sense of inner peace. Being away and the diversity of the island and it’s people something a girl from Alabama did not always get back home. The ride to the resort was long but full of interesting sights. It was a little frustrating cause you & Angel wanted like to stop and see the scenery but also cause you all have been traveling all day and are alil tired. Soon there after our cab driver informs us that we are only a few mins away. The anticipation starts to build as you ladies spring to life with the news. Once the resort was in sight you all knew we had gotten a great deal. The place was breathe taking. Valets were already waiting for Us to pull up to help us inside to check in then to the room. Once inside the place was even more stunning! At the front desk we are informed our room has received a considerable upgrade due to the advanced booking date & some other guests canceling reservations. We now have a 3 bedroom executive suit over looking the water with a full bar, jacuzzi & of coarse a balcony! It just keeps getting better. In the room it’s almost surreal. After we get a chance to collect ourselves after all this great luck we talk about a plan for the day. We decide to hit the beach and catch some sun after grab some dinner then hit some of the local nite spots. We all change into our bathing suits. I past by your room both you and Angel were both there. I could not help but notice you both stark naked and choosing which bikinis your wanted to wear. I stop for a quick second and appreciate the view but knew I should not be staring but was definitely happy with my female company for this trip. As we walk to the beach more attention for u ladies continues from the males on the beach.In my mind I feel like such a stud having two women who are both getting so much eye time from everyone. We find our lay out spot and start basking. A waiter cam over to our towels and asked if we wanted to order some drinks. The whole scene is gorgeous something out of a movie. We take in the whole view. U two lay back sipping on your margaritas. The beach is also clothing optional so a good portion of the people are nude so you and Angel decide WTF & remove your tops. I was not complaining. Now both laying back & watching the passers by. Angel stays reserved but is taking some long looks underneath her Ray Bans. You however Are making no secret about what you like. One guy in particular keeps coming around with whom you have exchanged more then a view glances with. He makes another pass around our way but this time you call out “you can say hi you know” He cracks a big smile and comes strolling over. Angels “OMG Amanda”. In a thick Jamaican accent “well hello” your reply “you enjoying the view out here?” his reply “oh yes”. U both exchange names, his turns out to be Winston, A tall about 6’2 very muscular & dark Jamaican native with pulled back braids/dreads wearing a pair of Speedo swim trucks & from the looks of things seems to be very well gifted. You both make small talk then end up going off for a walk. I was like “oh shit”. Angel then turns to me and says guarantee he ends up in our room later. You appear with Winston about 25 min later. Your both about 25 yards away you türbanlı kırşehir escort say you’re parting words for the time being and exchange a small kiss. You head back over to us with a big shit eating grin on your face. You Inform us he works at the resort as a fitness instructor for the guests & that he may stop by before dinner. Angel says whatever & heads off back to the room, about 10 me later we do the same. Back in the room for about a hour and there is a knock on the door. Angel goes to answer and sees thats its Winston. She yells out “Amanda your guest is here” you crack a huge smile and jog over to the door and hug one another on sight. Inviting him in you both take position on the coach and engage in some more getting to know you convo. You both are definitely vibing off one another though & are playing that who will break first game. He has his arm around your spot on the couch & then brings his hand down to rest on your shoulder. With that being down your hand finds its place on his upper thigh. The & mood is right so you both lean in & begin a deep kiss. Tongues locked the facial hair from his goatee rubs against you’re face. His grip on your shoulder has tightened, so has yours on his thigh in fact your hand has started to move up some. It didn’t take much finding the very large and still growing bulge between his legs. You slightly pull away from the kiss to mutter “Hmm mm what is this”. He changed before he came to the room now wearing a wife beater, loose fitting shorts & sandals. You still in your Bikini top and a pair of terry cloth booty shorts & bare foot. After enough caressing you think its time to see what you’re working with. Undoing Winston’s zipper you reach inside and grab hold.Barely being able to wrap you’re hands around it reveling a huge 9 inch uncut jet blk cock. You are one happy girl! While stroking it you all a sudden look over and notice Angel had taken a sit at the end of the couch. She asks “are you two having fun”. Winston quickly replies “OH YES ALOT”. You laugh & tell Angel to lighten up. She says “Oh I am fine”.Continuing to jerk him you tell Winston that she is afraid of blk cock cause she has never had one but she is curious. Angel tells you “shut up” . Winston asks Angel why she is afraid? she says “Oh I’m not” you quickly reply “prove it” . Going back to kissing Winston Angel quitly made her way over by both of you. Winston breaks the kiss to say “OMG” you look down to see Angel taking long licks on Winston’s rock hard cock. He says “she is not scared” you then “say there you go girl”. Your relishing the view of Angels pink tongue gliding over his massive dick. She takes position on the head and goes in deep. You move down opposite her and join the action. I was in my room unpacked when I heard the sounds of what could only be mistaken for acts of hot passionate lust. I peeked out the door & was amazed by the view of you both orally servicing a huge blk cock. You both toke position on either side of his cock and were gliding your tongues & lips from the base all the way to the tip and in some cases your mouths were pushing the foreskin over the head and then pulling it back all the while keeping your tongues pressed against the back of his cock. He had reached under both your asses to slide two fingers inside both you’re dripping wet pussies. You both furiously rubbed your swollen clits. My cock quickly became rock hard from the sight of all this. U then grabbed his cock by the base & took it as deep as u possibly could still leaving about 2 inches cause he was so thick at the base. Tears began to run from your eyes. You emerged from his cock leaving loads of spit in you’re wake, some is still hanging from your mouth & chin connecting to the head of his throbbing cock. You see the shock & amazement on Angel’s face she even mouths “OMG” after watching you while she has her hand lightly wrapped around his dripping wet cock fresh from your attempted deep throat. She mutters the words “its so big” you then look to her and say “I wanna see you swallow as much of that big black cock as you can!” I was still watching from the doorway. I could not help but notice how sweaty all 3 of you had gotten even though we all were in an air conditioned room. It was so erotic watching the stark contrast in Skin tones among you türbanlı kırşehir escort bayan both & him. The sight of seeing my two gorgeous southern white female friends worshiping this very dark, muscular & exotic Jamaican stud was all my heart could take. I desperately needed to remove my cock from my shorts. Before I knew it Angel began to trying to take Winston as deep in her throat as she could. Barely making it half way she started gagging. Angel could not help salivating all over his cock during this you were holding her hair back out of her face & giving words of encouragement for her to take more of his cock, also giving her an occasional push on the back of her head. Telling her how sexy she looks trying to deep throat that blk cock. After all this foreplay both your pussies were aching to get penetrated by this Mandingo like stud. You had your mind made up that you wanted to see Angel get pounded first. Your hands still on the back of her head. You remove her salivating mouth from his dripping wet cock & stood her up next to you still with a hand full of her hair, your other hand goes in with two fingers to check how wet her pussy is, its dripping! You then order Winston into an all fours position facing you and Angel. You aren’t holding anything back. Especially since getting Angel to come along for the ride finally you not going to let one opportunity pass without being as naughty & sometimes down right filthy as you can be! and have her be. You force Angel to her knees with her face & mouth at eye level with Winston’s cock & balls. Angel immediately starts sucking & lightly biting his heavy balls. You are pleased with this. You place your milky white hands on Winston’s Jet Black ass cheeks & drag your nails over his very well muscled ass, followed up by tightly grabbing then a loud smack for each cheek. The sounds of Angel sucking & slurping on Winston’s big balls fill the room. You return your hands to his ass checks but this time spreading them & lowering your head right above his ass. Letting a long steam of spit fall from your mouth to his waiting asshole after all the saliva has fallen you then extend your moist tongue & bury it into Winston’s asshole. Furiously flicking your pretty pink tongue. I have had enough. I quickly remove my rock hard cock from my shorts. Already sticky with pre cum, I spit in my hand & rapidly start stroking. The sight of Angel kneeling behind him servicing his balls & you standing slightly bent over eating his ass was delicious. In my haste to start stroking I all a sudden noticed you have finally spotted me in the doorway. Looking at me intently with you’re stunning blue eyes. Now that we have made eye contact the intensity has been taken to a whole new level. You raise your eye brows at me almost asking me with your eyes if I liked what I was watching. You stop eating his ass just for a second just to ask Angel “how those big black balls taste?” She could barely stop long enough to say “Fucking Delicious” you give me a little smile, hock back & spit on his asshole. Glide your tongue over it a few more times before again grabbing a handful of Angel’s hair & swinging one leg over her back straddling her like a horse. Bringing her face up to his already moist ass you tell her “its your turn” while slightly turning your head to look at me. You bury Angel’s mouth into is ass. Telling her to “drive that tongue in his ass” again while looking at me. The enjoyment of mind fucking me is written all over your face, I love it. All a sudden you pull Angel’s mouth from his ass. She lets out a big gasp as You bring her to her feet. Telling Winston to stand up. You push Angel onto the coach. Taking Winston’s cock in Ur hand then guided towards Angels all so ready pussy. Winston without mercy drives his large cock into Angel. She lets out a loud moan. You smile & say “fuck yea” you are in your element. Winston began to really pound Angel. Her thighs shake uncontrollably. Leaning your head in right above were Winston’s cock is trusting into Angel. You then ever so slightly at first start flicking your tongue across Angels inflamed clit. Her moans become deep & loud. Again You look over at me. Your eyes are truly the windows to your soul. Your one hand is busy caressing Angels breasts & nipples. The other is clinching Winston’s türbanlı escort kırşehir ass cheek as it’s flexing with each trust he takes. You then stand & straddle Angel’s face positioning your pussy right above her mouth, lowering it to her already waiting tongue. You are so turned on she has finally decided to let loose sexually & just have a great time. Your facial expressions change as her tongue gets a rhythm going on your pussy. She takes pause every now & again cause of the force of his big black cock. With your hands placed firmly on Winston’s broad shoulders to steady yourself over Angels face. We still maintain solid eye contact. It’s almost to the point we are fucking even though we aren’t physically but very much mentally. You lean forward & engage in a very deep kiss with Winston. Such a simple but all so passionate act. Watching your tongues & mouths locked together in lust was blissful. Winston mostly to keep himself from cumming. Quickly pulls his cock from Angels pussy leaving her breathless. Her stomach contracting rapidly trying to regain composure. Keeping your position on her mouth. Winston then throws Angels legs onto the couch then pushes you forward to a 69 position with Angel. As you begin to eat Angels gaping pussy the pressure from Winston thick cock starts to fill you. Turning to look at him as he further forces himself into you. From my position in the doorway I had a really good view of Winston forcing his big black cock into your juicy white pussy. Looking back at him as he did so. I could see the pleasure & small hint of pain come over your face. That kind of cutting edge feeling during sex is what you live for. Hot interracial action with a friend you have been looking to have fun with for a long time. The sounds of Winston’s thighs slapping against your firm ass became very strong, so did your moans. The cries of “OMG FUCK ME DADDY” shot from your lips. The pressure of Angels tongue on your clit was only strengthening the pleasure. Winston in his thick Jamaican accent shouted out “come on take dat blk cock”. You emerge from licking Angels clit to say back “tear that white pussy up” while saying that you still managed to glance over at me. Winston’s sweaty ass cheeks hung over Angels face as she moved from licking your clit to his also big sweaty balls. I was so close to cumming. My balls tensed up, my muscled tightened. You are pretty much screaming at this point. Eating Angels pussy can no longer pacify you. He is such a physical man the force of min and his big cock is punishing but you’re loving it. Winston rips his cock from you. Your ravished body falls onto Angel just trying to collect yourself best you can. Switching ends now with you both still in 69 he drives his cock into Angel! She lets out a deep moan which vibrates onto your all so sensitive pussy. HE relentless pounds her till the point her muscles give and and goes limp. This tunes Winston on so much he immediately pulls out and cums all over her pussy. Being the good friend you are you clean every last drop from her as she is still in ecstasy from Winston drilling her. You think its best to take Angel to her room so she can recover, Winston picks her up and carries off. You stand up and walk over to me in the doorway stand in front of me butt naked, me still stroking you ask “U LIKE THIS” “U LIKE WATCHING US GET FUCKED!” I reply “YES” “VERY MUCH” U reply “GOOD CAUSE I WANT YOU TO WATCH Cum ON HIS COCK” . The sight of you naked and having just watched all of that I cant hold back anymore and cum very hard. Walking back over to the couch Winston returns from Angel’s room and pushes you to the floor he then positions himself into standing doggie with his hands pressed down on your lower back holds nothing back driving every inch he has inside of U.. your moans are unbelievable your body starts to quiver uncontrollable I could tell you were cumming really hard but Winston didn’t stop fucking you till your eyes rolled back into your head and You bite down on your lower lips moaning the words “OH MY GOD” . Winston announces “I’M CUMMING” He then takes his throbbing cock from your pussy and stands in front of U while he jerks his load into your willing mouth. All I can do is was in amazement how sexy you are being so naughty and dirty. Both laying there you collect yourselves and clean up exchange a few laughs. Showing Winston to the door giving him a nice lip kiss good by .. You then come walking down the hall and knock on my door. I answer, you lean forward pressing up against me and saying into my ear “did you like that” I gasp and say “YES” your reply ” Well you better get ready cause there’s allot more where that came from and the first days isn’t even over with” THE END/To Be Continued

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Sissy discovers (part 1)

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Sissy discovers (part 1)This is an original fictional story, where a young woman finds that she has an admirer at home, and unexpectedly decides that she likes the attention. I’ll post more parts of the story over time if there is interest so please comment.Outwardly Sissy looks like your average pre-college teen with a wholesome family. Cute and sexy she has a special effect on all that meet her that creates lusty thoughts in her fiends, and as she will find out, particularly her younger brother. When Sissy finds out her brother’s fantasy for her, she decides to take action, but it leads to places she never would have believed. ******************************1- Panty raidThe blackness of the room is complete but for one shaft of dim light from slowly expanding from an opening door. It spreads over the large room and slides across a bed where a girl is sleeping. The soft light reveals a blonde girl sleeping, her hair cut short into a bob falling around a peaceful cherub face. A silhouette of a young man moves into the room and stands over the bed looking at the girl. Brad looks down at her and sighs. The covers only come up to her waste, and her tight camisole gently raises and lowers with her rhythmic breaths. He studies the outline of her breast. Unexpectedly he witnesses a shadow form in the profile of camisole top as her nipples get hard from chill that spilled in through the open door. He is dressed in only boxers, feels an erection is beginning to pull on his shorts. Absentmindedly he reaches down and slowly pushes the hardening dick back between his legs. This is not the first time Brad has snuck into his sister’s room, but it is the first time he was brave enough to enter when Sissy was in it. He is familiar with the large space, it is a mirror layout of his own room, and he can navigate it in the dim light like the cat burglar. He knows every part of this room, from the poster of boy bands and the cartoon like stuffed turtle mascot for the university she will attend next fall. Clothes and shoes on the floor are the only mines that he must pay attention to. Glancing over the room, he sees a swim suit top hanging on the back of a chair. Nope – not what he came for, even though it is tempting. She would definitely miss that. But it makes him think of all the times he has seen her prancing around their neighborhood pool teasing the boys, and unknowingly, teasing him. For a moment his mind drifts in to a movie-like sequence of images of his sister at the pool, jumping out and running after friends, breast barely contained, water streaming out of her panties. His thoughts fade to her bent over drying off with her round butt unwittingly right at his eye level, inches away from his face, only the smallest triangle fabric covering mounds of flesh clearly outlining the slit of her pussy. At nearly 16 he has seen a lot of shaved pussy in porn, but never close-up in person. He can’t imagine that he will ever see her smooth mounds of flesh, but it is something he has dreamed of many times. He is good looking but still very much a shy virgin. The thoughts and the sneaking have his heart racing, as he spies the piles on clothes on the floor. They bring up other memories of his favorite thoughts for his sisters body. A pink t-shirt on the floor he remembers filled with straining braless nipples, a towel discarded on the floor reminds him of the one time he saw his sister through a partially open bathroom door. Drying her hair with only a towel wrapped around her waist – the reflection of her up-stretched arms pointing her already firm tits even higher into the air. At the sight of a black dress he stops and smiles as he remembers seeing his sister wearing it to türbanlı malatya escort go “clubbing.” He picks it up and holds it out. She had sat right across from him in the living room and he had a clear view of her white lace panties. Her smooth legs had pulled her dress right up her thighs exposing her underwear pubic triangle, her pussy clearly visible through the lace before she yanked down the hem. That very moment seeing those panties had given him the idea to sneak into her room the first time. He lifts the dress to his face and breaths in the faint smell of perfume. Then he stuffs the dress into his boxers and rubs the knit fabric on this stiff cock… creating a warm burning sensation. He contemplates jerking off in the dress while she is sleeping, and wonders if he could pull her top down without wakening her. Behind him, Brand hears a rustling sound from the bed. He snaps out of his daydream and his heart stops as a shock runs through his system and he immediately thinks Sissy has caught him sneaking in her room. Time sped back up as his mind races to think of an excuse for being there. He starts to turn around and he realizes his cock is now half out of one leg of his boxers with a black dress pulled over the head like a ski-mask pulled over the head of a jewel thief. Frozen like a deer, he turns his head to see that Sissy has simply turned over on her side and still sleeping. Breathing again he decides to quit fooling around in here – to dangerous, and focus on why he came into the room while he tosses the dress back on the floor. Brad turns to the dresser in the room and opens the top drawer and rifles around, but then looks up and across the room to the hamper. He closes the drawer, and digs in the clothes hamper in the corner for a few moments before coming up with his prize, a light blue and white polka-dot thong. He smells it and lowers it to his dick and rubs. Brad quietly turns to leave the room looking over his shoulder at Sissy in the bed as he leaves. He has what he wants for tonight, maybe some other time he will find a way to see her tits again. 2 – Peeking Sissy is having a wonderful dream. It is a bit strange because it is the type of dream where you know you are in a dream, while you’re having it. Even so, it is a wonderful dream. She is getting her brains fucked out by a guy she has just met at the mall – he looks like a dream, and they have, for reasons she does not know and only seem to make sense in a dream, started to fuck on the display counter. She is in a Hollister store, bent over a stack of sweaters bare ass in the air. The music is pounding at concert volume as the hunk behind pounds her to the beat with his unrealistically large dick. She notices that the other shoppers and staff in the store do not seem to notice what they are doing. Even so there is the trill and feeling that someone is watching. She wonders why she is not embarrassed by this, but in her self-aware dream you decide it is normal and neither she nor the hunk are worried enough to stop. He is now standing on the counter over her, his dick pointed straight down so he can put his fat veined cock straight down her pussy. Her impossibly arched-back has pointed her round ass high in the sky, and his purple head pushes apart her pussy lips as it slides into her. The sweaters are falling onto the floor, and the hunk is speeding up. It really feels good. That’s when she notices that the manikins are watching. Their eyes are actually following the action – the only ones who notice the wild sex happening on the sweaters. She thinks about how strange they make her feel, and they are grinning and smiling in a türbanlı malatya escort bayan sly and knowing way. Now that does begin to make her uncomfortable. I mean who are they to care if she is getting fucked in the store? They are really annoying her watching her every move, and she is getting ready to point this out to them, when she hears the “click.”The store and the music are gone, the hunk is gone, his giant dick is gone, and she is in her bedroom in pitch black. Damn she thinks – I wish these dreams did not end before I cum…. When she opens her eyes she knows what the sound was, and she turns to the closed door. It had been the latch clicking. Light from the hall is filtered under the door, and she can see two shadows that slowly move away, feet walking from the door and down the hall. Sissy quietly gets out of bed with only her camisole and panties on. She stealthily crosses the room quickly to open the door a crack to see who had opened her door, and sees Brad sliding into his room. What the hell?, she thinks. She looks around the room – no one here, nothing amiss. Down the hall a light comes on under his door.She creeps down the darkened hallway to his door and cracks it open to look inside. She does not make the same mistake with the door latch. The room is mostly dark with a single reading light at the bed on. Bard is sitting nude with Sissy’s panties hanging from his hard dick. He is flipping through magazines and stopping periodically to pull hard on his dick. The skin on his head is stretched tight as a drum as his fingers slide over the top of the ridge. Sissy’s eyes spring open in complete surprise then her face twists up into disgusted grimace. But she does not look away and after a few moments she becomes interested in the panties on his dick. Her eyes narrow as she recognizes them as hers. She opens the door a little more to see better, but is not able to she her brothers face. She has never seen his dick hard. She had seen it before, when he was a little boy, and it was a little dick. But now she realizes he is a young man and his cock is large. Actually huge, and she is surprised. It had never occurred to her to think about what size her brother dick might be. The shinny taut skin and dark blue veins are visible as his hand alternates between fast and slow strokes. She realizes he is stretching out his orgasm, if she stays; she is going to see her bother cum. She is fascinated at the thought, and realizes that her own panties are already wet from the dream and she is rather worked up herself. She peers into the room and starts a slow circular motion with her fingers through her damp underwear. Brad is really working the polk-dot thong over the head of his dick head, naturally insuring the triangular patch that is usually right on her pussy is rubbing back and forth on the swollen gland of his head like a polishing cloth. She realizes that she was wearing those yesterday. Damn he got them out of the dirty clothes the little prick….This is really strange but it is making her even hotter as she wonders if he is fantasizing about her? I mean, could he be thinking of her pussy rubbing right on his dick? ….and she begins to think of the natural opposite, his dick in her panties from yesterday, is kind of like his dick rubbing her clit right now, right? She is rubbing her crotch with some abandon now and Brand has picked up the pace as well. She pulls her underwear to one side, as she probes into her pussy with two fingers and wildly rubs her now exposed clit. She likes the big dick on her clit idea. Sissy’s mouth parts a little as her breath picks up and her chest is beginning türbanlı escort malatya to pound as she leans against the door jam. She is hidden from Brad’s view still as she can’t see his face from her vantage point. But his dick she can see just fine. She can’t take her eyes off of his hand working up and down sliding over the glistening head. The panties have moved down his shaft and now she can see him stoke the full shaft.Her nipples get hard through the camisole and her hand runs under it to fondle her tits. She notices his stomach muscles are straining and his legs are stiffening, he’s getting closer and she is too. She begins to shiver and shutter as she see his abdomen contract and a large stream of white cum shoots up over his hand. He jerks again and stops as another load shoots out a little lower and again and again until cum begins to just bubble out of the end of his dick and over his fingers and balls.She has nearly missed the show as she has been shuddering from her own eruption of orgasm. She is amazed at how hard she came and almost immediately a wave of guilty feeling washes over her. How wrong it is to have seen her brother jerk off, but even worse to cum herself while watching! She closed the door quickly as she sees Brad move to get off his bed and clean up the mess with her panties…. oh great. Back in her room she tries to go to sleep but even with the glow from the orgasm, her mind is racing. She tosses in the bed for a few minutes and then gives up and clicks on a light. In the glow she can see her reflection in the mirror. The short hair still looks foreign. She just got it cut to make her look more serious for when she starts university, but the effect she got was to make her look younger than the 19 years old she is. Not that it looks bad – just kind of cute – not serious she thinks. She sits up and stands in front of the mirror getting ready to perform the age old female inspection of her body. Turning and posing she judges her boobs to be near perfect…. Well maybe they could be a tinny bit larger. In her camisole, that is a little small and tight, they form nice round globes of flesh. Her waist is thin and her butt is firm and not large or small, and athletic brown legs reach out of her panties to the floor in very smooth graceful curves. She pauses on the legs – they could be a little longer, she is only five, six. Her modeling fantasy from her adolescent days had faded because of this one and only short coming. Her eyes stop on the blue triangle of her pale blue underwear – and the vision of her brother she has just experienced comes back to her, the long shaft of her brother’s penis, hard and thick with his hand working her panties, yes her pussy dripping panties, up and down. Now she looks in the mirror differently, thinking what does my brother see? Is he just getting my panties because they are all he can get, or is it me? Turning her head down she hooks her thumbs in the waist band of the panties and pulls them out to see her shaved mound. Silky. She shaves almost everyday and has since Roger, her third serious boyfriend from two years ago. He was the second boy she had sex with. His dick was gorgeous. And she learned to love to have it in her mouth almost as much as he loved to put it there. It was not too large and she could almost put the whole shaft into her mouth. Almost, thinking about her early gagging attempts. But man, Brads dick is like nothing she has ever seen. It must be another inch or two longer than Sammy’s rather large cock. He was a short summer fling at the neighborhood pool last year. Brad and Sammy hung out some even with the large age difference. Then thinking about her brother at the pool, she wonders how could her brother kept that monster hidden from her. He must have not ever gotten a boner at the pool. Then a stranger thought come to her. I wonder if Brad was checking me out at the pool. Eeewwww. She is getting sleepy now and climbs back into bed, thinking about the size of Brads dick, wondering if she will ever see it again, wondering why she would care……..

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Submissive’s diary Ep. 2 : Restraint pt. 2

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Submissive’s diary Ep. 2 : Restraint pt. 2part 2I had never seen Mike go through so much trouble to prepare the room. I could easily tell what we were going to use, because next to each and every table, chair or steel frame was a tray covered with a satin cloth and underneath were the tools for that particular station. I could make out some whips, one or two vibrators and the occasional chain.”What is all this?” Mike crossed his arms and confidently answered”My usual preparations. See, with you I just do things out of the moment. And you can’t plan spontaneity. But this session, I planed in advance, giving me the opportunity to carefully prepare the perfect environment.” Looking at Ashley and me, he grinned.”And I thought of EVERYTHING. To be honest, it felt good to fall back into old routines. This is what I used to do back in the day before ever session.”Ashley went over to a steel frame and kneeled over it, resting her body on it. She was waiting on all fours for someone to tie her up. Mike walked over and put leather straps on her legs, arms and back, then he returned to me.”Tonight, we are here for two reasons. The first is that I wanted you to meet little Ash here. After tonight, she will be yours.” “What do you mean?” I got exited. He couldn’t possibly mean what I hoped for.”I mean, she will be your pet.” My heart was doing jumping jacks. He meant it! “She’s about to finish high school and after that she is aiming for a masters degree. All here in town. And for that time, whenever she’s türbanlı manisa escort not at school, she will be here as your little pet.” I kissed him. A dream had just come true. Ashley looked back at us with a huge smile. I wanted to walk over to her, but Mike stopped me.”The second reason,”, he continued, “is for you to learn restraint. Having her in your life will mean a lot of fun, pleasure and of course a lot of mutual affection shared between the two of you. But it also means you’ll have to punish her from time to time.” His voice had become very critical at the end. “And you are not capable of doing that. Not right now, anyways. So you will watch me hurt her and not intervene. She will scream, cry and beg. And you will take it. Understood?””… … … Yes master.” I didn’t like this at all. Ashley was a sweet little girl, not some drawing board for Mikes cruelties. But she agreed to this, so she knew what she was doing… right?”If I catch you comforting her in any way, including verbal, you are in for one hell of a punishment. It will make the baton on the first night look like a walk in the park.””understood.””Good. Now go, sit in front of her. I want you to see her face.” I walked over and found Ashley smiling at me. It looked like she was trying to encourage me of all things. I nodded to her and quietly watched as Mike picked up a crop from the tray, running it over her back. The first two his came down on her back and she took it türbanlı manisa escort bayan without a change of demeanor. The third one was a lot harder and she grinned her teeth. I wanted to touch her, to tell her that it was all going to be okay, but I knew would only mean trouble for her and me. This was turning out to be a lot harder than I expected.A few more hits came down, every time increasing in strength. Ashley took them bravely and I sat on my hands to fight the urge to touch her. Mike pushed up her skirt and began working on her butt. Again, beginning easy and increasing in strength with every hit. She took them bravely and was doing better than I hoped. Next up was a leather paddle. Mike showed no mercy, slamming her ass with it and for the first time Ashley cried out in pain. Hearing that and seeing the first tear running down her face almost tore me apart. Every fiber of my body told me to help her. Five more hits before he stopped. By then, Ashley’s mascara ran down her face and I felt myself beginning to cry as well. Next up was the bullwhip and the Vibro-clamp, as Mike had named his diabolical little invention. It was a regular nipple clamp, but with a vibrating egg mounted on it. He would put it on my clit while whipping me and it seemed that Ash was in for the same ordeal. A muffled shriek when he clamped it to her, followed by a surprised moan as he turned it on. I knew what would follow, and I was right. Mike waited türbanlı escort manisa until she was on the verge of an orgasm, then the whip cracked. The pain of that treatment is immense because it is multiplied by the shock of being ripped away from the climax, and he uses it to this day as his most severe punishment. And it hit Ashley like a car. Her scream was filled with terror and she spun her head around.”Please! No more of that! I … I can’t take that!”Mike stopped. But only to wait for the next orgasm to build up. I knew this just too well. It took a few minutes, but it built up again. She closed her eyes, giving in to the feeling and I bit my lower lip, awaiting the inevitable.CRACK!Ashley was shellshocked. Her eyes were widened and her mouth open but not a single sound made it’s way past her lips. It is after that second hit when you realize what her is up to. Slowly coming to the right conclusion, her courage faded away and she began to cry and beg him to stop. But of course he would do no such thing. Instead he waited another ten minutes for the vibrator to do it’s job. As the orgasm came closer, Ashley began to jerk around in her bindings, fighting it as hard as she could. But that egg was relentless and soon enough, she came. Biting down she waited for the whip, but nothing happened. When I saw her relax, I closed my eyes. CRACK!I opened them again just in time to see Mike lube up a fairly big dildo and kneeling down behind her. Immediately I jumped up and ran to him, yelling”Pancake! Pancake!” And just in time. A second later and he would have forced all 8 inches in at once. I wasn’t proud of using the safe word fir the first time ever, but I had to stop him at any cost.”What is it?” He said, looking at me.”You can’t be serious, doing that to her!””Why the hell not? It’s just a dildo!” Her head spun around.”Why? Because she’s a virgin!”

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Turned into a Slut Ch. 03 (Timmy takes it from two

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Big Tits

Turned into a Slut Ch. 03 (Timmy takes it from two”Something special” turned out to be an adult novelty shop. I was amused at first but when the saleswoman behind the counter appeared to know Jennifer I became a little worried.”Hey Jennifer, I haven’t seen you in a few weeks. How have you been girl?” the saleswoman said, giving Jennifer a friendly hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. The woman was tall, taller than me at least. She looked very fit. It was obvious she worked out from the toned arms and legs she was showing. She was wearing a tight, collared blouse and tight slacks. A pair of heels added to her height and turned her into one intimidating woman.”Good, how are you doing Michelle?” Jennifer replied.”Good, good, I haven’t been able to get out as much as I like, working a lot of extra shifts, you know. Who’s this?” she asked, gesturing at me.”This is my boyfriend Timmy,” Jennifer answered as she took my hand and pulled me close to her. “But you can call him Tiffany if you’d like.” Michelle looked me over for a second and smiled. She looked like she wanted to eat me for breakfast. I shuddered inside.”Hi,” I squeaked. Michelle and Jennifer burst into laughter and I looked dejectedly at the ground in shame.”I can see why you dress him up in girls clothes Jennifer, he doesn’t appear to be very manly at all, do you Tiffany!” more gales of laughter followed this as I stood by silently.”Oh you have no idea. Tiffany honey, tell Michelle what you are wearing under your panties.””Jennifer, I don’t think…,” I started to say.”When we are with Michelle you will address me as Mistress and Michelle as Ma’am, understand? And furthermore, it is not your job to think, merely to obey me. Now tell her.”I nodded meekly. “Ma’am, I have a chastity belt under my panties.” I blushed crimson as I said this and Michelle giggled at me.”You are such a pathetic boyfriend, aren’t you? I would have done the same thing if you were mine.” She turned to Jennifer. “Good job, I hope training him goes well. I see he is new? How long has he been your slave?””Oh, we’ve been dating for a while but I just made him my bitch last night. You would not believe how quickly he is taking to it though. You should have seen the mouthful of cum he swallowed not thirty minutes ago!””Oh my god! You started this last night and he is already sucking cock for you? He must have had some strong gay desires already,” Michelle said in wonder. All I could do was stand türbanlı kırklareli escort there as Jennifer told this woman all these private things we had done. It made me feel awful but at the same time, my cock was trying its hardest to break out of its cage.”Yeah, he wasted no time going down on that cock and last night he took my dildo like a champ. Gave himself a facial even!” Jennifer said.”That is so hot, where did you find him? I want to have a little slut slave like him for myself now!””We met in school. I swear, all you need to do is start them out young when they are impressionable, you know? Speaking of wanting your own slut slave though… I was thinking maybe you wanted to help me a little with his training?” Jennifer said. Apparently this was exactly what Michelle had in mind for she almost jumped with joy when Jennifer offered.”Hell yes, I can help you! Here, let me close the store.” Michelle went to the front and hung a closed sign up with the note “Out to Lunch” under it. While she was gone Jennifer pulled me to her.”While we are here you are to obey Michelle as if it were I commanding you. If you don’t, the same punishments will happen. Don’t embarrass me or you will regret it,” Jennifer whispered in my ear as her hand teased my balls through the jeans. I knew she meant every word of it.”Alright,” Michelle said when she returned, “let’s go into the back.” We followed her through a door marked “Employees Only” into what must have been the breakroom. The floor was carpeted and there was a nice couch pushed up against one wall. There was a standard table next to the door with a few chairs around it. To the right was a door to an empty office and next to that a row of lockers. We were alone in the store. Michelle went over to the lockers and pulled out a duffle bag. From the bag she withdrew a pink dildo and a leather harness. She sauntered back towards to us.”Here Jennifer, put these things on your bitch,” she said, handing Jennifer the bag and proceeded to put the dildo and harness on. Jennifer rummaged through the bag and came out with a pair of handcuffs, a blindfold, and a spreader bar. She smirked as she circled me. She roughly handcuffed my hands behind my back. She pulled the blindfold over my eyes and connected the spreader bar to my ankles.”Lovely,” Michelle said as she approached behind me. She reached around my waist and unbuttoned türbanlı kırklareli escort bayan my jeans, jerking them down below my ass. “Hmm, look at this little cock all caged up. It looks so small and pathetic. I bet it wants to come out and play. Unfortunately, the big boys are out right now.” She stroked her fat dildo and teased my balls with it. I couldn’t help but notice how much larger than my cock it was. I moaned in desire.”Haha, look at that slut begging for your cock. He wants it so bad Michelle,” Jennifer said laughing at me. She pulled off her jeans and panties and sat down on the couch. “Bring him over here Michelle.” Michelle pushed me forward and made me kneel before Jennifer.”That’s right my little slut, get in there and lick my pussy like a good little whore,” Jennifer said pushing my head between her legs. I heard Michelle move behind me and the sound of a lid being popped open. I jumped when suddenly cold lube was drizzled onto my butt. A hand touched me and scooped the lube up and rubbed it into my asshole. I moaned into Jennifer’s pussy as two fingers penetrated me.”That’s it, let Michelle use your slutty asshole,” Jennifer said as she ran her hands through my long hair. She groaned as I attacked her clit with my tongue. I have to say, eating pussy is one of my favorite things. I love the smell of a horny woman and the taste of her juices. I love knowing that I am giving her pleasure. Above all else I love kneeling before a woman and worshiping her.”Jennifer, can we unlock the slut from her cage for a bit?” Michelle asked. I tried to lift my head from Jennifer’s lap to agree but she held me tight to her pussy.”I guess we can give her some freedom,” she agreed, handing Michelle the key from around her neck. My cock lurched with excitement at the prospect of being released. Michelle reached under me and, a second later, my cock was rock hard and throbbing. I wanted to cum so badly. I renewed my pussy eating efforts in hope that it would make Jennifer happy enough to allow it.I could feel Michelle squatting behind my ass. The tip of her dildo touched my anus and I relaxed, waiting for it to enter. Inside my guts were in knots, I wanted to be fucked so badly. Slowly Michelle pressed in and I felt the head of her cock pop into my asshole. She pushed slowly in, letting me get used to it as she went. Instead of waiting though, I pushed türbanlı escort kırklareli backwards. I was loose from my fucking last night. I wanted her to fuck me faster. The girls both laughed at my desire.”Look at the little slut trying to get fucked. She wants cock so bad. I bet she needs to cum badly too,” Michelle said as she stroked my side. “I think I’m gonna tease her instead.” She pulled the dildo out and started to fuck me with just the tip. I whimpered in disappointment. Jennifer pulled my face away from her pussy.”What are you trying to say cocksucker?” she asked.”Please fuck me ma’am, fuck my tight little sissy ass,” I begged Michelle, humping back at her dildo. They both started laughing at me again.”Fine, but only because you begged.” With a powerful thrust she buried the dildo in my asshole. I screamed with pleasure and rocked my hips.”Oh my god that’s so hot,” moaned Jennifer. She grabbed me by the hair and started to hump my face. Michelle grabbed my handcuffed wrists and started pounding my ass. I was moaning and screaming into Jennifer’s pussy as these two wild women used me for their pleasure. My cock was left untouched and I tried to hump anything I could but I felt nothing but the air on it.My prostate was on fire and my ab muscles were spasming with dry orgasm every time Michelle thrust into me but I couldn’t find the release I wanted.Suddenly, Jennifer’s legs tightened around my head and she screamed out one long, “I’m cummmmmmmmingggggggg”, as she held me tight to her pussy. Michelle’s orgasm followed as she savagely thrust one more time into me and screamed at the top of her lungs, “OH FUCKKKKK”.Tears were running down my face as I tried desperately to cum. Michelle pushed me to the floor in disgust and I started to hump the floor, looking up at Jennifer and begging her to let me orgasm.”Shut up, you pathetic slut,” Jennifer said as she rolled me over onto my back. She moved to my waist and slammed herself down onto my cock. My arms were almost pulled out of their sockets by the strain but I couldn’t feel any of it as my cock immediately started squirting cum into her hot pussy. I almost passed out from the pain and pleasure.Jennifer fucked herself on my cock until I started to go soft before she settled down to rest. She had cum two more times while I shot off in her. She sat on me for a moment before getting up and moving to my face.”Eat up pussy boy, you made this mess, now clean it up,” she said as she lowered herself until she sat on my face. I didn’t hesitate and hungrily dove into her pussy. The taste of my cum mixed with her pussy juice was like a sweet dessert for me and I couldn’t get enough. I ate her to another orgasm before Michelle took her place. As I licked Michelle, I felt Jennifer locking my cock back into its cage. I wondered what would happen to me next.

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How I was seduced by Older Women – Part II

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How I was seduced by Older Women – Part IIIt kind of broke my heart to see Shawn leave last night. I went to bed feeling very satisfied, and to be honest, my pussy quivered most of the evening; I even woke up once in the middle of the night replaying the events and had no choice but to finger myself to orgasm two more times before falling back to sleep. I couldn’t wait for the paper the next day. I wanted a second helping of my paperboy. I waited anxiously in my living room for 3:15 to finally arrive. I had picked out a sexy sheer purple nightie had not worn in over a year, and a matching purple thong. My erect nipples were perfectly displayed, as were my long sexy legs as a sat reclined on my couch. I could feel my pussy getting wetter and wetter as I watched the clock on the wall. 3:20…he was late. Surely he wouldn’t stand me up. I know he had to be as anxious for a second meeting as I had been. I was already starting to get worried…what was happening to me? “Shit…get a hold of yourself girl,” I mumbled under my breath…and then there was a knock on the door. I took a deep breath and calmly told him to come in; and then there he was. He was even sexier today, because I knew what he had to offer me. His eyes opened wide at the sight of me on the couch. It gave me pleasure knowing that I turned him on. I looked down and noticed the bulge that was already in his jeans; he had obviously been looking forward to seeing me too. “Hi baby, I missed you,” I said, smiling gently at him.“Hi Ambry, I missed you too,” he shyly replied. “I brought you a Christmas gift…but I’m a little nervous about giving it to you.” He was having difficulty looking me in the eyes again…damn that turned me on. “Don’t be shy baby, I told you I was yours. I promise I will love anything you give me…but it wasn’t necessary. You gave me the best gift a girl could want yesterday.” “Well, could you close your eyes?”I was nervous and excited at the same time. To be honest, I had forgotten what sixteen year old boys thought like. He could be getting ready to eat my pussy, or he could be giving me something from wood shop. The fact was…I didn’t care…I just wanted his cock inside me again. In fact, I was prepared for him to tie me up and fuck me with a broom handle if it would make him happy. As I sat there vulnerable, I finally felt the cool breeze from outside stop as he finished coming inside and shutting the door behind him. Before I knew it, he was placing a blindfold over my eyes. Part of me knew I should resist, but I knew that he really did own me. I was his puppet to use and explore. And then he touched me. His trembling hands exploring my breasts again as his lips found mine…my pussy instantly trembled at his touch. His tongue pressed inside my mouth as his hand slid down my tummy and then in between my thighs. His fingers teased around the edges of my pussy, making sure not to actually touch it. He was driving me wild with lust, and I was just about to grab his hand and pull it against my clit when both hands grab tight to my wrists and pulled them up over my head. But there was still a hand by my pussy. I tried to speak, but Shawn’s tongue only thrust deeper into my mouth. I thought about resisting, but I really had no desire to. I was so turned on; I was already about to cum. I stopped resisting and allowed my young lover to introduce me to his friend in any way he desired. I relaxed my body and got lost in the sensations as his fingers finally made contact with my clit. My hips bucked against his tender hands as he teased and rubbed at my eager pussy. After only a few minutes, whoever was holding my wrists decided to let go of them. I allowed my arms to come to rest on the head of the young man who had now moved between my thighs and was gently teasing the edges of my thong with his tongue. The other young man stayed behind me and began massage my tits through my sheer nightie. türbanlı kütahya escort I was so close to exploding at the feel of these four hands exploring my body. Quietly in my ear I heard the man behind me whisper, “My name is Evan…Shawn said you might be willing to …ummm…teach me…I hope you don’t mind.” Shit, he was a virgin too. No fucking way could a girl be this lucky in life. I reached up with my hand and pulled Evan’s face down toward mine. Without hesitation, I drew his lips to mine and gently pushed my tongue into his mouth. Evan didn’t wait to return the favor, and his hands continued to massage my tits as his mouth hungrily feasted on mine. As Evan continued to kiss me, Shawn had pushed the skimpy piece of fabric aside, and he was masterfully now tonguing my pussy. It was all the stimulation I could handle and I exploded in a violent orgasm, smearing my hot nectar all over his still feasting face. Evan was moving his way around next to me, and as show sucked hard on my sensitive clit, Evan clamped his mouth down upon my breast, and began sucking it deep into his mouth. I wanted to see my two lovers, but I chose to leave on the blindfold until Shawn gave me permission to take it off. Evan moved his mouth to my other breasts as Shawn tenderly slid to fingers inside my pussy and began slowly moving them around. My body was still trembling from the orgasm, but I was sure a second one was close behind. Shawn slowly moved his mouth lower and pressed his tongue at my asshole. I did love the way this young stud teased me. At first he just traced little circles around it while still finger fucking my cunt. His young friend slid one of his hands down my tummy, and began rubbing around at my swollen clit while continuing to suck on my tits. Shawn’s tongue finally began to push its way inside my ass, and again my body exploded violently. Both young men were now feasting on me though. Shawn was tonguing my ass while fingering my cunt and Evan was now nibbling on my swollen nipples while also managing to force a finger into my pussy. The harder I came, the more aggressively these boys finger fucked me. I was so lost in my orgasm, I nearly blacked out. Finally the room stopped spinning, and the young boys allowed me to calm back down. “OH FUCK SHAWN…fuck…mmmmm…you sure know how to pick a gift for a girl baby.” I moaned out as I tried to calm my breathing. “I’ll tell you boys what…Evan, I’m going to suck Shawn’s cock, because he owns me, and I believe a slave should always take care of her master first. But after that, I’m going to give you both the Christmas gifts of your lives….deal?”Both young men shook their head in agreement, and Shawn immediately began taking off his clothes for me. Within seconds the young stud stood before me, and the sight of that lovely cock made my mouth water. He was getting bolder on this second encounter, as he immediately stepped up in front of me and presented his cock to me. I didn’t hesitate as I took my young master’s cock into my hand and started pumping it. Evan was watching patiently but intently as I teased Shawn’s cock up and down in my fist. My tongue dipped out and eagerly lapped up the thick drop of pre-cum before twirling my tongue around his thick swollen shaft. Fuck I loved the taste of his sperm. I was going to tease him some more, but I guess Shawn had other plans. He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me down on his cock. I happily took it deep into my mouth and began devouring it hungrily, figuring my man needed to feel release. I forced his cock into my throat as my hands massaged his balls and pumped up and down on his shaft. I looked up at him as he stared down at me with those lovely blue eyes. “Oh….mmmm….suck my….oh fuck….cock….” he muttered out; his pleading voice only making me wetter with anticipation to feel him cum in my mouth. I türbanlı kütahya escort bayan sucked even harder on his shaft before forcing my head hard and fast down on his shaft, forcing it as deep inside my throat as I could take it. I couldn’t breathe, but it was all the stimulation he required. Shawn tensed up against me and pulled two fistfuls of my hair before finally firing his hot load of steamy delicious cum into my mouth. I pulled his cock out of my throat so that I could taste his seed on my tongue. He shot load after load of that sweet cum into my mouth as his body shook against me. My tongue continued to tease at his tender shaft until I was sure he had given me every drop. I pulled his cock out and then smiled up at him as I swallowed his delicious load down for him to see. He smiled at me as I returned his cock back into my mouth. He knew I didn’t stop that easily. I feasted on him for at least five more minutes, making sure to leave his cock as hard as I had found it. An innocent nervous grin came upon Evan’s face as Shawn moved aside and I stood up from the couch. I dropped my nightie and panties to the floor, and stared down at Evan’s hard cock still hidden in his jeans. “Come here stud…let me take care of that for you,” I said, coyly smiling as my hands began to undo his pants. Evan didn’t say a word. I pushed him down on to the arm of the couch, hoping to give Shawn a great view of my ass and pussy from behind while I sucked off his buddy. Evan’s cock was almost as long as Shawn’s, though not as thick. He had pre-cum oozing out of the tip, and I eagerly lapped it up with the tip of my tongue. Damn I loved the taste of young stud sperm; another delicious nectar to feast on. I didn’t waste any time devouring Evan’s cock. I was excited to taste him, and was looking forward to feeling him inside me later as I took his little teenage cherry from him. For at least five minutes I feasted on this young buck, taking him deep into my throat, and then pulling him out completely and rubbing his throbbing member all over my face as my tongue worked up and down it. He loved it when I sucked his balls into my mouth one at a time and teased them. I knew he was going to come too easy if I didn’t play with him a little first. Finally, taking the example Shawn had set earlier, Evan grabbed the back of my head and pulled me down on his shaft…I do love it when men take charge of me. His hands forced my head up and down on his shaft as his hips bucked up against me. I decided to make this young man cum hard for me. I began devouring his cock hard and fast with my mouth. I was sucking hard on his shaft and then forcing it deep into my throat. After only about 30 seconds, he couldn’t take anymore, and he fired his cum into my mouth. Unlike Shawn, I stayed impaled on his cock, firing his creamy cum directly down my throat. He was trembling beneath me, but I just kept sucking. I finally slowed my attack and proceeded to feast on his still sensitive shaft in the same manner as I had done to Shawn when I was surprised by the feel of Shawn’s tongue back on my asshole. He was thrusting it deep inside me this time though, holding nothing back. Waves of pleasure shot through my body as his tongue spread my asshole open and his fingers found my pussy again. It was short lived though. Shawn only teased me for a couple minutes before standing back up behind me. I was so caught up in his attention that I had almost forgotten that I still had Evan’s cock growing in my mouth. Shawn moved directly behind me, and I could feel him pressing the thick head of his cock up against my asshole. I had thought about him fucking my pussy and ass all night long, and now I was getting exactly what I wanted. “Fuck your baby’s asshole Shawn…fuck me hard baby,” I said, hesitating my action on Evan’s cock only long enough to türbanlı escort kütahya speak. It was all the encouragement my young lover needed. His hands locked on to my hips, and then inch by inch he forced that thick luscious cock inside my ass. I moaned out on Evan’s cock only to have him force it deeper into my throat. Every wonderful inch of his cock was spreading open my asshole… and I loved every second of it. I wiggled my ass around, helping him to penetrate me deeper. The sound of both of these young men grunting as they pounded their cocks inside me made me explode for the third time. My ass locked down like a vice around Shawn’s cock as I panted violently around Evan’s. Shawn only tried to fuck me harder though. He started thrusting even more violently inside my ass, making it impossible to maintain my grip on Evan’s throbbing member. I had no choice but to take what was being done to me. His thick hard cock pounded violently at my asshole, slamming my body hard against Evan’s on the couch. I could feel his young cock throbbing between my tits as his strong hands twisted and squeezed at my nipples. My orgasm never stopped as the next one took over. I was lost in an endless world of haze and lust. Shawn must have fucked my ass for at least 15 minutes, never tiring of the fast furious pace he attacked at it with. I must have came at least three more times, trying desperately not to ignore Evan in the process. Finally he withdrew his cock from my asshole, leaving it quivering from my orgasms. Shawn sat down on the couch and pulled me down to my knees right in front of his gorgeous throbbing dick. I needed no instruction, and instantly forced it as deep into my throat as I could get it. “Take her pussy Evan, but treat her well,” Shawn instructed.“Treat her well,” this comment somehow penetrating my subconscious as I fed on my young lovers cock. He had become my protector too. I had never felt protected before by any man before today. My lust factor jumped, and all I wanted to do was please Shawn in every way possible. Hungrily I went back to work feasting on Shawn’s cock with an even more determined hunger than before. Even as I felt Evan clumsily slide his cock into my pussy, all I could think about was making my master happy. My body became consumed with pleasing Shawn…and even Evan, but only because Shawn wanted me to. My hunger must have affected the boys, because Shawn began feverishly fucking up against my mouth as Evan was rapidly fucking his way in and out of my pussy. I exploded again in orgasm as I felt Evan tighten his cock up inside my pussy before exploding with his second load of cum. As Evan backed away, allowing his cock to exit my still quivering pussy, I could feel Shawn tightening in my mouth. He was close. I looked up into my lovers eyes and devoured his cock with all of the energy I had. His cock hardened in my throat and I drove my face down hard and deep onto it. Violently my young master exploded in my throat and eagerly I swallowed wave after wave of his hot seed. His fingers tangled in my hair as his hips thrust up against my face, feeding even more of his thick delicious cum. I was drunk again…could I really be falling for my sixteen year old lover. When he had finally finished cumming and had started to relax, I allowed Shawn’s tender cock to slide out of my mouth. Evan was sitting in the chair across the room, still breathing hard. I sat down next to Shawn, and leaned into to kiss him gently. My hand gently massaged his cock as our tongues danced together in my mouth. After a little while, we all got dressed, and I told Evan that if he promised to keep this a secret, he could come back on his birthday and I would do it all again. Evan smiled and agreed, and I saw him to the door. Shawn was about to leave too, but I closed the door and pushed him up against it. I kissed him deeply again, rubbing his cock through his jeans. “I’m afraid I can’t let you leave yet lover. You haven’t put that wonderful cock in my pussy yet. How about we take care of that business before you go running off?” Shawn smiled at me as he pulled my nightie back off over my head. I could feel his cock hardening again in his jeans as my fingers started to undo them. It was going to be a great Christmas.

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Our First Foursome

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Big Dick

Our First FoursomeMe and my partner have decided to write all our experiences down, a bit like photos to look back on. So all True stories I wrote this oneJim and I had talked about having a threesome on several occasions if I could get my partner to agree, but she always said no, until we had a sexual experience on holiday. But that’s another story. That changed her attitude a little,Then one day we were sat in the garden with my friend Jim and the talk got a little flirty and we talked about a threesome again, with me and Jim trying to get Pam to show Jim her big tits, after about half hour Pam said ok and pulled her top and bra up exposing her 36 G tits and erect nipples, love to play with those Jim said immediately, then Pam covered them up again, and said I’ll do a deal with us both, If Jim cam talk Karen that’s Jims partner in to having a foursome, she will agree to having a foursome too. I didn’t think Jim had a chance of getting Karen into a foursome, Karen was always a little prudish. So I was very surprised when about two weeks later Jim came over to my house and told me he had talked Karen into a foursome If she still had the nerve to go through with it on the night., A big if I thought to myself.We all talked on the phone Pam said Karen seemed to be fine with the idea but sounded a little nervous, but so was Pam, about jumping into bed with another couple. So we agreed to go over to there house in Norfolk the following weekend,We arrived mid afternoon Pam and Karen were a bit giggly and flirty all day, We had our tea and a few drinks to get the nerves settled,Jim and I flirted with each others partners with a little kissing and cuddling, followed by a bit of fondling, Then Pam and Karen disappeared up to the bedroom, after about five minutes Karen shouted down were ready, Jim and I quickly went upstairs to the bedroom to find them both naked in the bed hiding under the quilt, Now you to guys have to strip off before we can türbanlı konya escort get in bed Pam said, We both undressed with our partners watching us, Jim had a full erection and I was semi erect getting hard by the time we were completely undressed. Jim went to Karen’s side of the bed and got in beside her; I went and got in bed at the side of Pam. Nice to see a young man with a big hard cock can’t wait to suck it Pam says, to Jim. By the way Jim was 42 and Karen was 38Isn’t it a strange feeling being in the same bed as another couple Karen said?After a little kissing and fondling Pam told me to lie on my back, she straddled me and moved down the bed pulling the quilt down with her, my body was now exposed for all to see, and my cock was hardPam started licking my cock and balls, as Jim and Karen watched Pam started to wank me off then put my cock in her mouth as she wanked me, I could see Jim and Karen fondling each other still under the quilt,Pam moved back up the bed as she lay on top of me she slipped my cock in her pussy then sat back on my cock, now Jim and Karen could see Pam’s naked body for the first time, Karen said Pam has great tits 36 GG and she’s got fantastic big hard nipples.Jim asked if he could feel her tits, of course you can, that’s why the four of us are in bed together, you can do what you want to do touch anything, Pam replied,Both Jim and Karen had a good feel of Pam’s tits; Karen said she wishes she had big erect nipples like Pam’s. Pam leaned back and spared her legs exposing her pussy with my cock inserted and her swollen clit, Karen said she is getting very wet watching us, Jim was lying on his back with Karen at his side, wanking him off, The quilt slowly slipped back and we could now see Jim’s big hard cock as Karen wanked him,It was bigger than mine, about 7 ½ my cock is 6 ½, Very nice Pam said,She leaned forward and felt his balls, they feel full I hope türbanlı konya escort bayan some of it is for, me she said, then leaned over and sucked his cock as Karen wanked him, god that feels good Jim said.I asked him how it feels to have two women on his cock, mind blowing, he’s about to explode he says. Pam sat up again fucking me, a few minutes later Jim said he couldn’t hold it anymore and shot his load onto his stomach, Karen rubbed her fingers in his cum,They kissed; Pam leaned over and licked the cum on Jims stomach and tells him it tastes good. Then goes back to fucking me. Jim and Karen watch us as we are getting close to Cumming, The sight of Jim Cumming has made Pam want to cum now, she moans out loud as she cums then she cums again four times, now I’m Cumming I tell them as I shoot my load in to Pam’s wet pussy, Pam lays on top of me to rest. Karen says she can’t believe she has just watched us fucking. Great turn on to have someone watch you fucking I say, Karen says it is a real turn on to have four in a bed, Jim rolled Karen onto her back, the quilt fell on the floor now we could see Karen’s naked body, plumper than Pam with smaller tits and dark nipples, And a very hairy pussy, Jim sucks her nipples, and moves down to her pussy licking her clit, Pam and I sit up to watch, I reach over and feel Karen’s soft tits, she arches her back as she whimpers with pleasure, and tells us she’s Cumming and pushes Jims face deeper into her pussy, that was fucking good I’m so turned on she says, as she relaxes her body. Pam goes and gets us all a well deserved drink.We talk for a while, I say what do you think to swapping partners then, we all agree we would like to try the experience, so I lay beside Karen and Jin lays next to Pam, I can see Pam feeling Jims cock, she tells me it’s rock hard, We all start kissing and fondling our new partners, Jim lies between Pam’s legs and türbanlı escort konya sucks Pam’s big hard nipples, While I feel Karen’s hairy pussy she has a nice big clit I slip my fingers into her wet pussy to get some lubricant around her clit, she whimpers as I play with her clit, after a while I move down the bed and start licking her pussy and sucking her big clit, I insert two fingers in her very wet pussy, I looked up to see her feeling her own tits and touching her nipples, I then move back up her body kissing her tummy, as I get to her breasts she holds one of her tits to my lips, she holds her tit while I suck and lick her nipple, I slip my hard cock in her pussy, its so wet I can push my cock all the way in straight away, we both moan with pleasure,I look over to see what Pam and Jim are doing.Pam’s already whimpering and moaning, Jim has already got his cock in Pam and is starting to fuck her, I said It’s great to see Pam being fucked by a fit younger man, within a few minutes Pam says she is going to cum, Karen and I stop to watch our partners fucking each other Pam raps her arms and legs around Jim as he fucks her, she starts moaning louder as Jim fucks her harder and harder, I’m Cumming Pam says and tells Jim to keep fucking her until he cums, she keeps Cumming every few seconds then Jim says he’s Cumming they both moan as they cum together and Jim shoots his load of hot cum deep inside Pam’s pussy.Karen says to Jim I cant believe I’ve just watched you fucking another woman, in the same bed, now watch me getting fucked by another man and tell me how it feels.Karen was so turned on that night she fucked me in different positions until we both had cum, Jim said he had never seen Karen fuck like that before.It dose makes the adrenalin flow when other people are watching I said. That night a lot of sucking and fucking went on with each others partners and in all sorts of positions. A few weeks later we Went on holiday to Portugal with them for a week of sun sea and a lot of foursome sex, swapping partners, Two woman on one guy, Two guys on one woman, Great holiday.The girls put a show on for me and Jim, two women licking, and fingering each other, they made each other cum. Pam said it’s not her thing, it was just tease us guys.Now Every few weeks we meet for a foursome. Fin

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Samantha’s cock

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Samantha’s cockI can’t really say when it started. I just know that I have been fascinated by the sight of cum shooting out of cock for as long as I can remember. My first attempts at masturbation were pleasurable enough. In the dark, under the covers. I first time I ejaculated in the daylight I was hooked. I could not get enough of that feeling and the sight of that cum!! I jacked off everywhere- home, school, woods behind my house, everywhere. I soon discovered the various magazines that my Dad had “hidden” in his room. Naked women where great to look at and jack off to.As I was able to talk that first girl into dropping her pants, I discovered I liked pussy. But times were a little different- no way was she getting on the pill and we did not uses condoms so it was the old with draw and shoot form of birth control. The fact of the matter was I was türbanlı kocaeli escort still finishing that last few moments by masturbating.All that being said, I will tell you a story. I entered the US Army in the early 70’s. I was assigned to a base in Alabama. I was 20 years old and had been no and had seen nothing, that was all about to change. I met my friend, BJ, in electronics class. She was a sergeant and I was a private. We got along. I know she was different, I just could not figure out way. She finally told me she was a lesbian. OK, I cool with that. We stated hanging out and one she says let’s go to my bar. OK, I’m a GI, I like to drink. The bar was the only gay bar in a redneck town. I was a little freaked. But the night wore on, I became more at ease with BJ’s friends. One in particular, türbanlı kocaeli escort bayan Samantha.Samantha was a beautiful redhead and was in her mid 30’s. We got on well, I got liquored up and Samantha offered me a ride home. Bj said be careful but I thought, “what could happen”?. Sam took me to her house. We talked, drank some more and Samantha kissed me. A deep “ we are getting ready to get busy” kiss. I felt her cock press against my thigh. I back away and said I don’t do that and she said I did not have to do anything. In the back of my mind I wanted to see the cum shoot out of her cock but I was “gay”. I had a raging hard on, but I wasn’t gay, I kept saying to myself. Samantha turned out the lights and undressed me. Fondled and caressed me. She started to suck my dick. No the türbanlı escort kocaeli way a girl does it. Like someone who had a cock of their own and know just what to do. She brought me to the edge several times, when I finally cum it was the best orgasm I had ever had. I was cumming, she was using her tongue underneath my cock head. Unbelievable!!I told her that I was not going to suck her off. But if she did not mind, I would like to stroke her cock for a while. She said OK. I asked her to turn the lights on. She became a little hesitant, “my tits are fake”, I said I know that. She turned in the lights and exposed a beautiful erect cock. I put my hans on her cock and she shivered a little, she was as excited as me!! I stroked her cock slowly. I watched the precum run out of head cock head. I would go fast, then slow. Samantha was laying on her back and I was beside her. When she came, it shoot up to her neck – 5, 6 times. The amount of cum was fabulous!!She allowed me to stroke her cock three more times over the next six hours. I have never had another chance like that since. Not that I haven’t wanted to, the opportunity never seems to come up. I hope it will again. I love watching cum shoot out of a cock!!

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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