cuckold ailede büyüdüm 2

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cuckold ailede büyüdüm 2

Bu olaydan iki gün sonraydı. Eve geldik yine kardeşimle, annem altında kısa bir etek üstünde bir bluz ama iki üç düğme açık hafiften içindeki siyah sütyen görünüyordu. Ben bakmamak için çok çabalasam da dayanamayıp bakıyordum bazen annem yakalıyordu gülüp göz kırpıyordu. Yarım saat geçmedi kapı çaldı.Babamın gelmesine daha vardı ama yine erken gelmiştir diye kapıyı ben açtım. Karşımda babamın iş arkadaşını gördüm. Levent amca, bir an korktum babama bir şey mi oldu diye adam da beni görünce çekinir gibi oldu, annem içeri davet edince çekine çekine girdi içeri.
İçeri girdi oturdu annem içecek bir şeyler getirdi, tabi her eğilip kalktığında göğüsleri çıktı çıkacaktı yerinden. Adam da bakmamaya çalışıyordu sanırım ben varım diye. Annemde sürekli sorun yok gibi bir şeyler yapıyor adama. Sonra annem yanıma geldi, hadi kardeşini al odana git, lütfen ben demeden gelmeyin. O gün arkadaşlarla oyun oynadıkya şimdi de oynayacağız dedi.
Bende “ama babam yok” dedim, annem güldü, gelecek merak etme haberi var dedi. Odaya girdik kardeşimle.O ders çalışıyordu her şeyden habersiz benimse içim gidiyor içeride neler oluyor diye.Babamda yok , adam anneme bir şey yapar mı diye korkuyordum aynı zamanda.
Ben on dakika sonra hafiften kapıyı açtım, kızarsa tuvalete gidecem diyecektim. Odaya geldim kimse yok mutfak ta da kimse yok, en son yatak odalarına doğru gittim bu sefer kapıyı tam kapatmamışlardı sanırım aceleden.Bu sefer daha net görüyordum her şeyi.Levent amca annem bluzunu çıkartmış, sütyenini çıkartmış ve göğüslerini yalıyordu. Sonradan öğrendiğime göre annem silikon yaptırmış onda böyle dikti. Baya yaladı annemin göğüslerini. Daha sonra annem adamı yatağa yatırdı fermuarını açtı, ve siki port diye dışarı fırlardı. Annem başladı yalamaya adamın sikini. Benimki de küçük olsada kalkmıştı. İlk defa bir erkek siki görüyordum.Gerçekten çok büyük gelmişti. Annem nasıl hepsini almaya çalışıyor midesi bulanmıyor inanamıyordum.Bu arada annemin etek iyice sıyrılmış götü amı görünüyordu iç çamaşırı yoktu anladığım kadarıyla.
Annem adamın sikini baya yaladı.Arada bir de göğüslerinin arasına sokup oarada git gel yapıyordu adama sonra tekrar yalamaya devam ediyordu.
Sonra annem yan yattı, adam ise annemin eteğini sıyırmıştı. Daha sonra sikini azıcık tükürükledi ovaladı ve yan duran annemin amına girmeye başladı.Yavaş yavaş o koca sik girip çıkıyordu. Çok yavaş hareket ediyorlardı.Annem ise hafiften götünün tekini ayırıp adama yardım ediyordu. Daha sonra hızlandılar. Levent amca annemin belinde baldırından destek alıp hızlanıyordu.Sesleri yine artmıştı annemin çığlık sesleri bir garip ediyordu beni acı mı çekiyor zevk mi o zamanlar bilemiyordum.Daha sonra annemin bacağının tekini havaya kaldırdı azıcık daha kendini öne itti ve o şekilde girdi .Annemi bacakları L şeklindeydi. Levent ama annemin bacak bitiminden tutmuş destek alıyor daha sert ve seri sikiyordu. Baya böyle sikiştiler. Sonra babamın kapıyı açma sesini duyar olunca odama koşturdum.
Benim salak kardeş hala ders çalışıyordu. Ben şimdi kavga çıkacak diye beklerken hala ses gelmiyordu. On dakika felan sonraydı sanırım yine çıktım odadan , annemlerin odaya gittim .Bu sefer kapı kapalıydı. Kapı deliğine dayadım gözümü bu seferki manzara midemi bulandırmıştı. Babam yatak yanına diz çökmüş, elleri yatakta annemleri izliyordu. Levent amca aynı posizyonda sikmeye devam ediyordu annem ile babam ise göz göre bakıyor, tabi annem gözünü açtığı anlarda.
Babam bazen yukarı kayıyor ve tam annemin amına bakıyor sonra anneme bakıp bir şeyler söylüyordu.
Ardından babam yatağa uzandı, sırtı yatak başına gelecek şekilde. Annem ise bu sefer domaltı, kafası babamın dizine değdi değecek şekilde Levent amca annem sikmeye başladı. Annemin sert sikişlerde sesi iyice artıyordu.Levent amca bazen o kadar ileri itiyordu ki annem düşmemek için babamın bacağından destek alıyordu.Çok geçmeden babam sikini yine çıkardı ve sıvazlamaya başladı.Baya sikiştiler böyle. Sonra adama annemin ağzına sikini soktu azıcık yalama işleminden sonra boşaldı ağzına. O zamanlar bilemesem de sonradan öğrendikçe taşlar yerine oturdu.
Annemin ağzından döller aktı, annem yatağa değmesin diye eliyle siliyordu. Sonra Levent amca üstüne giymeye başladı. Annem ise babama yaklaştı ve kalkık sikine kafası değecek şekilde iyice yaklaşltı. Ardından gülüp yalamaya başladı. Annemin ağzındaki dölleri babamın sikinde görüyordum daha doğrusu parlıyordu. Babam iğrenmek bir yana zevk alıyordu.Babamda çok geçmeden boşaldı. Sonra normal konuşmalara geçtiler, annemde giyinmeye başladı ben hemen odama koştum yakalanmamak için.

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Teyzemi Siktim! Teyzemle Çılgın Tatil! (Atay 18 Y.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Teyzemi Siktim! Teyzemle Çılgın Tatil! (Atay 18 Y.

Selam arkadaşlar, ben Adana’dan Atay. Sizlere 2 sene önce başımdan Teyzemle geçen ve halen devam eden bir olayı anlatmaktan ve bunu sizlerle paylaşmaktan büyük bir haz duyuyorum. Teyzem 34 yaşında, oldukça bakımlı güzel ve tam bir hanımfendidir. Bundan 6 sene evvel evlendi, fakat evliliğini fazla sürdüremedi. Kocasının muhafazakar bir bey olması, giyimine kuşamına karışması ve şiddetli geçimsizlik, malum boşandılar. Teyzem küçüklüğümden beri hayallerimi süslemiştir. Teyzemle oyunlar oynamak, sürekli onunla vakit geçirmek hoşuma giderdi. Büyüdükçe cinsel arzularım da artmaya başladı. Etrafımda fiziğim nedeniyle birhayli kız vardı, ama ben Olgun Kadın düşkünü bir gencim. Teyzeme olan hayranlığım artık onu arzulamaya dönüşmüş ve onu istemeye başlamıştım. Hergün hergece, masturbasyon yaparken, zevkin doruğunda boşalmak için çıldırdığım anda, hayallerimi süsleyen o kadına, Teyzeme sahip olmak hiçte kolay olmayacaktı.

Teyzem Bankacıdır. Bankada bulunduğu pozisyonu gayet güzel, yıllardır sevilen, sayılan ve güven duyulan bir iş karakteri vardır. Bu yüzden onu sürekli şehir dışına ve yurtdışı seminerlerine gönderirler. 16 yaşındaydım o zamanlar. Annemle birlikte Teyzemi ziyarete gitmiştik. Teyzem Anneme, Temmuz ayının 15’inde Antalya’ya gideceğini söyledi. Antalya merkezde seminere katılacağını ve oradan da tatil yapmak üzere 10 günlüğüne Alanya’ya geçeceğini, hatta kalacağı Oteli bile ayarladığını söyledi. Annemi ve beni de çağırmıştı. Ancak çalışması nedeniyle, Annem gidemeyeceğini söyledi. Ben de fırsatı bulmuştum, şimdiden Teyzemin sırtını yağlamayı hayal ediyordum. Ve Teyzemden beklediğim cevap geldi, “Atay hayatım, seninle birlikte gidiyoruz öyleyse, dimi Teyzecim?” dedi. “Sen nasıl uygun görürsen Teyzecim!” dedim. Teyzem de, “İyi o zaman, 10 gün sonra valizini hazırla!” dedi. Mutluluktan uçmak üzereydim ama belli etmiyordum, olsa da olur, olmasa da olur havasını takınıyordum.

O gün geldi çattı, Uçakla Antalyaya uçtuk. Bizi Havaalanından yetkililer aldı ve bir Otele getirdi. Teyzem, bu Otelde 2 gün kalacağımızı, toplantıları bittikten sonra Alanya’ya gideceğimizi söyledi. Herşey tıkırındaydı. Teyzem toplantıdayken, ben de onun hayalini kurup 31 çekmekteydim. 2 gün geçti ve Otobüse atlayıp Alanya’ya gittik. Otel 5 yıldızlı ‘De Luxe’ bir Oteldi, gayet hoştu. Odaya çıktığımızda çok heycanlanmıştım. Neden diye sorarsanız, odadaki tek yatak 2 kişilikti. Teyzem, “Bu işte bir yanlışlık var!” diyerek, hemen Resepsiyonu aradı, ve ‘iki ayrı yatak rezervasyon yaptığını’ söyledi. Resepsiyondan Teyzemin rezervasyonunu inceleyip, bir yanlışlık yaptıklarını kabul ettiler, fakat malesef Otelde başka boş oda olmadığını, bizi başka bir Otele aktarabileceklerini, fakat o Otelin sadece 3 yıldızlı olduğunu, eğer şimdiki odada kalmayı kabul edersek, kendilerini affettirmek için, bize Otelin Sauna, Hamam, Fitness, Disco gibi etkinliklere ücretsiz giriş ve limitsiz içki kuponu vereceklerini söylediler.

Teyzem de kabul etti. Bana da gülerek, “Eminim tek yatmak isterdin, ama artık Teyzenle aynı yatakta yatmak zorundasın!” dedi. Ben sakince, “Önemli değil Teyze, birlikte yatarız!” dedim, ama içimden ‘Yaşadık!’ diye bağırmak, havalara uçmak geliyordu. İlk gün sadece yattık ve yorgunluk attık. Teyzemle aynı yatakta yatmak bile beni çıldırtıyor, kudurtuyordu. Teyzem çok yorgun olduğundan, yastığı görür görmez hemen uyumuştu. Ama ben heyecandan sabaha kadar gözümü kırpmadım. Uyuyan Teyzemin orasına burasına hafif hafif dokunmalar, bacağına bacağımı falan dokundurmalarla falan ilk geceyi geçirdik. Sabaha kadar, uyuyan Teyzemi seyrettim, o harika kokusunu içime çektim.

Ertesi gün Teyzem kuponları değerlendirmek ve Otelin Saunasına gitmek istediğini söyledi, ben de ona eşlik ettim. Teyzem bikinisini, ben de şortumu giydim, havlulara sarılarak gittik. Sauna çok sıcaktı, ben sıcağa pek dayanamıyordum. Ancak teyzemle de orada gayet güzel bir ortamdaydık. Teyzem iyice yumuşamıştı ve benden sırtına masaj yapmamı istedi. Sauna nerdeyse karanlıktı ve hep yabancı Turist çiftler vardı. Ben Teyzemin sırtını ovalarken, Turistlerden bir çift te havlularını çıkarmış sevişiyordu. Teyzem sıcağın da etkisiyle kendinden geçmişti, “Artık çıkalım, havuza girelim!” dedi. Benim sik kazık gibi olmuştu, havluda zor saklıyordum. Bildiğiniz gibi Sauna havuzlarına şortla giremezsiniz, çıplak giriliyor. Teyzem, benim şaşkın bakışlarım eşliğinde, havlusunu ve bikinisini çıkardı, çırılçıplak girdi havuza. Ben çıkaramıyordum. Teyzem, “Problem ne canım?” dedi. “Teyze birşey yok, ben girmeyim!” dedim. Teyzem sikimin kalkık olduğunu farketmiş, bana gülümseyerek, “Teyzecim ergenliktesin olur böyle şeyler, burda kimse kötü bakmaz, herkes çıplak! Hem yiğidin malı meydanda olur!” dedi. Ve içime su serpmişti. O cesaretle kendimi çırılçıplak havuza bıraktım…

Saunada çok rahatlamıştık. Saat 17:30’u gösteriyordu, akşam yemeğine daha birbuçuk saat vardı. Biz odamıza çıkmıştık. Saunada birbirimizi çıplak gördük diye, Teyzem oda’da da çekinmeden önümde üstünü değiştirdi. Böylece Teyzemin o harika vücudunu birkez daha çıplak görmüştüm. Teyzemin göğüsleri dimdik ve büyüklerdi. Amı ise yeni traşlı ve pasparlaktı. Resmen çıldırıyordum, ama Teyzemden çekiniyor ve ne yapacağımı bilmiyordum. Giyindik indik aşağı. Yemeğimizi yedik. Yemekten sonra Teyzemle gece eğlencelerine katılacaktık. Ogün Otelin Discosu ‘Köpük Partisi’ düzenlemişti. Katılanların çogunluğu yine yabancı Turistlerdi. Çok kalabalıktı ve göz gözü görmüyordu. Ses ve görüntü efektleri, Köpük yağmuru, içki, müzik ve dans harikaydı. Çok güzel eğleniyorduk. Teyzem de ufaktan götürdüğü Vodka’larla kafa yapmıştı. Ben ise Teyzeme gözkulak olmak için fazla içmedim…

Ama Teyzem içtikçe içiyor, dans pistine kalkıyor, genç Turist erkeklerle (nerdeyse erotik denecek) dans ediyordu. Elimden birşey gelmiyordu, mecburen oturduğum yerden Teyzemi ve dans etiği genç erkekleri izliyordum. Discoda Teyzemle bir yakınlaşma yaşayamayacağımı anlamıştım. Ama Discodan sonrasını düşünüyordum, odaya yatmaya çıktığımızda, mutlaka Teyzemin sarhoşluğundan yararlanmalıyım dedim kendi kendime. Teyzem kafayı iyice bulmuş olmasına rağmen, Vodka’ları ardı ardına götürüyor, ve Turistlerle sanki ayakta sikişir gibi dans ediyordu. Vakit geceyarısını çoktan geçmiş, saat nerdeyse 03:00 olmuştu. Teyzem de artık Tilt olmuş, ne dediğini, ne yaptığını bilmiyor, ayakta duramıyordu. Teyzem zar zor gelip yanıma oturduğunda, onu odamıza götürmek için yerinden kaldıramıyordum. Sağolsun bir genç Turist yardımıyla Teyzemi odaya taşıdık, yatağa oturttuk. Turiste yardımı için, “Thank You!” dedim. Çocuk, önemli değil gibisinden güldü ve tam gidiyordu, fakat Teyzem kolundan tuttu bırakmıyor, çocuğu öpmeye çalışıyor, sikini elliyor, “Fuck Me! Fuck Me Please!” diyordu. Turist kendini Teyzemden zor kurtardı ve gitti…

Kapıyı kapadım ve Teyzemin yanına, yatağa geldim. Teyzem öyle bir sarhoş olmuştu ki, gözünü nerdeyse açamıyor. Bu sefer Teyzem beni yakalayıp yatağa çekti, sikime elliyor, beni öpüyor ve bana, “Fuck Me! Please Fuck Me!” diyordu. Bu da benim işime geliyordu tabi! “Yes Teyze! Yes!” diyerek Teyzemin üstünü başını çıkardım, çırılçıplak yatırdım yatağa. Sonra kendim de yıldırım hızıyla soyunup, Teyzemin yanına girdim. Teyzemin dudaklarını öpmeye ve göğüslerini yalamaya başladım. Teyzem artık hangi alemlerde geziniyorsa, gözleri kapalı, sadece, “Mmmhhhh, Good! Good!” diye inliyordu. Yalayarak aşağıya, Teyzemin amına geldim. Teyzemin amını yalamaya başladığımda, Teyzem saçlarımı koparırcasına tutarak, kafamı amına bastırıyordu. Teyzem bir süre daha inledikten sonra, dudaklarını ısırarak Orgazm oldu boşaldı. Artık hiç sesi çıkmıyordu, sadece gözleri kapalı bir şekilde mutluluktan uçuyordu…

Teyzemin bacaklarını aralayıp sikimi amına yerleştirdim ve gidip gelmeye başladım. Teyzemin amı, zaten az önce boşaldığından dolayı vıcık vıcıktı. Daha 2-3 kere sokup çıkarmıştım ki, yeniden titreyerek Orgazm oldu. Sonra beni göğsümden ittirerek, üstünden kalkmamı istedi. Ama ben daha boşalmamıştım, moralim bozulmuştu, “Hay amına koyum böyle işin!” diye söylenerek Teyzemin üzerinden kalktım. Ben üzerinden kalkınca, Teyzem yüzüstü döndü ve götünü yükseltti. İnanamıyordum, Teyzem götünden sikmemi mi istiyordu? Bunu anlamak için Teyzemin göt deliğini yalamaya ve parmaklamaya başladım. Teyzem, “Yes! Yes! Fuck my Ass!” diye inlemeye başladı. Teyzemin kasıklarının altına yastık koyarak götünü biraz daha yükseltim. Ve sikimi götünün deliğine dayayıp, yüklendim. Sikim Teyzemin götüne sonuna kadar girerken, Teyzem ağlıyor mu, gülüyor mu, yoksa zevkten inliyor muydu, öylesine garip sesler çıkarıyordu. Anlamadım, ama okadar da önemli de değildi, Teyzemin götünü yarım saate yakın siktim ve götüne boşaldım…

Sonra yastığı altından alarak, sikim Teyzemin götündeyken, Teyzemi yan çevirip, arkasından sarılarak uzandım. Az sonra sikim küçülüp Teyzemin götünden çıktığında, Teyzem çoktan sızmıştı. Teyzemi sırtüstü çevirdim ve uzun bir süre, uyumakta olan Teyzemin vücudunu inceledim. Teyzemin vücudunun her detayını, her kıvrımını kafama kazımak istiyordum. Daha sonra göğüslerini okşadım, amıyla oynadım, Teyzem uyanır da birdaha amından siktirir mi diye, çünkü sikim yeniden kazık gibi olmuş, hızımı alamamıştım. Ne yaptıysam Teyzem uyanmadı. Ben de Teyzemi uyurken sikmeye karar verdim. Bacaklarını ayırıp arasına yerleştim. Teyzemin amına geçirdim, ve yarım saat, kırkbeş dakika siktim uyuyan Teyzemi. Sabah uyandığında kendisini siktiğimin farkına varsın diye de, göbeğine ve göğüslerine boşaldım. Sonra ben de uyudum…

Ertesi sabah uyandırma servisinin açtığı telefonla, ikimiz de çırılçıplak (ve benim sikim kalkık) vaziyette uyandık. Teyzem kendine gelir gibi olduğunda, dudaklarımdan öptü ve kalkık sikimi ve taşaklarımı avuçlayarak, gayet memnun bir halde, “Erkeğim Teyzesini ne de güzel sikermiş!” dedi ve beni üzerine çekerek sikimi kendi elleriyle amına yerleştirdi. Kahvaltıdan önce Teyzemle bir posta sikiştik ve duşumuzu alıp giyindik, öyle indik Otelin kahvaltı salonuna.

Tatilimizin sürdüğü 10 gün boyunca, hergün siktim Teyzemi! Tatil bittikten sonra da Teyzemle sikişmeye devam ettik. Teyzemle 2 yıldır sikşiyoruz, onun kocası gibi oldum artık…


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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

üniversite arkadaşım ve eşi

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


üniversite arkadaşım ve eşi

. Bu yaşanmışlığımda hiç bir beklenti yokken spontene gelişti. İzmir e toplantı için gitmem gerekiyordu. Eşim işlerinden dolayı gelemeyince bende oradaki üniversiteden arkadaşlarım olan Nilay ve okan da kalacaktım. İzmire varır varmaz direk toplantının yapılacağı otele gittim. Akşama kadar süren toplantının bitiminde Nilay eşi ile birlikte gelip beni aldılar ve Güzelbahçe tarafında bir balık restauranta yemeğe götürdüler. Rakı balık muhabbet neşeli bir akşam oluyordu. Yemeğin sonuna doğru kafalarımız güzel olmuştu. Okan hadi geceye devam edelim bir bara gidelim eğleniriz demişti. Alsancakta bir bara girdik. Hoş bir ortamdı sahnede gay bir sanatçı vardı ama mükemmel sahne yapıyordu.

Nilay ile okan dansa kalkmışlardı bende tek başıma hem onları izliyor hemde içiyordum. Bir taraftanda tek olmanın hüznünü yaşıyordum. Masaya döndüklerinde Nilay eşine benide dansa kaldırmasını söyleyince nedense biranda mutlu oldum. Dans ederken alkolünde etkisi ile Okana baya bir sokulmuş ve sarılmıştım. O anda kadınlığımın üzerinde okanın kalkmış yarağını hissettim. Kol gibi sürtüyordu içim bir hoş olmuştu hiçte kendimi geri çekme ihtiyacı hissetmedim. Bende anın tadını çıkarmaya çalışıyordum. Islandığımı fark ettim sonra birden Nilay aklıma geldi bizi izliyordu. Ne yapıyorsun sen arkadaşının kocası üstelik oda bizi izliyor diye düşündüm ve kendimi geri çektim. Okan kulağıma ne oldu derken nefesini kulağımda ve boynumda hissetmem beni daha da azdırdı aslında. Karın dedim. No problem dedi ve yine dayamaya devam etti. Aslında bitsin istemiyordum ama Nilaylada kötü olmak istemiyordum. Başım döndü oturalım diye bahane ettim. Aslında aklımda bana dayanan yarağında kalmıştı. Çok azmıştım. Keşke kocam burda olsa diye düşündüm. Masada nilayın tepkisini merak etmiştim ama o hiç bir olumsuz tepk**e bulunmadı çok şaşırdım. Geç saattlere kadar eğlendik.

Çıktığımızda okan içmeye evde devam edelim ne içersin ne alayım diye sordu. O saate kadar rakı içmiştik bende bira al cila yaparız dedim. O arabadan markete inince Nilaycığım herşey için teşekkür ederim. Dans sırasında da okana fazla samimi olmak zorunda kaldım malum alkolden dolayı dengemi sağlayamıyordum falan diye mazeret beyan etmeye çalıştım. Saçmala allah aşkına Okan mükemmel bir erkektir. sen hoşuna gittimi onu söyle deyince dondum kaldım. hiç bir cevap veremedim. Ne amaçla sorduğunu anlamakta zorlandığım için cevap veremedim. Gece bizim için daha yeni başlıyor çok hoşuna gidecek bu gece merak etme dedi. Eve geldik Nilay okana sen içkileri hazırla biz üzerimizi değişelim sende rahat birşeyler giy dedi. Odaya geçtik Nilay soyunurken onu inceliyordum bembeyaz sütun gibi bacakları ve taş gibi vücudu ve dolgun ve diri memeleri ile kıskandıracak kadar güzeldi. 2 mizde çocuk doğurmamıştık ama onun memeleri çok güzeldi. Sütyeninide çıkarınca inanılmaz göründü gözüme. Şort ve üzerine sütyensiz olarak dar bir body giydi inanılmaz seksi olmuştu. Bende hem soyunuyor hem onu izliyor hemde muhabbet ediyordum. Çok güzel olduğunu ve inanılmaz bir vücudun var dedim.

O da aynı iltifatları bana yaptı. Bende bir şort giydim üzerimi tam giyerken sütyenini niye çıkarmıyorsun allah aşkına çıkar rahat et dedi. Okan dedim. Ya bırak allah aşkına adamın gözleri bayram etsin biraz 2 tane taş gibi hatun dip diri memeler kocama bütün bu güzel akşam için teşekkür etmiş oluruz dedi. Biran duraksadım ama aklıma o taş gibi siki geldi yine zaten azmıştım iyice alkolün verdiği cesaretle peki madem diyerek siyah ve dantelli sütyenimi fora ettim. Nilayın gözleri memelerimdeydi. Beğenmedin mi ? dediğimde harikulade bayıldım dedi. Dokunabilirmiyim dediğinde istemsizce hı hı diyebildim. Yumuşacık elleri ile önce okşar gibi yaptı meme uçlarımı mıncıkladı. içim garip olmuştu ilk defa bir kadın memelerimi okşuyordu. Sende benimkileri dokunmak istermisin deyip bodysini yukarıya doğru kaldırdı. Bende aynı şekilde onun memelerini okşamaya başladım. Çok garip bir zevk almıştım. Bu sırada Okan hadi ama gelmiyormusunuz diye seslenince kendimize geldik. Hemen üzerimize bodilerimizi geçirdik ve salona döndük. Okan sehpanın üzerini bira çerez vs donatmış. Kendisi de şort ve atlet oturuyordu. Ben tam karşısına oturdum. Sohbet devam ederken hafif müzik eşliğinde sözü ve espirileri ara ara belden aşağıya ve sekse getiriyorlardı. Okan WC ye gidince bizim kafalarda artık tamamen iyi olmuştu. Nilay dediki ; Bak bişey söyleyeceğim ama tepkinden korkuyorum. korkma söyle dedim. Biz seks hayatımızı renklendirmek için değişik fanteziler yapıyoruz. Kocamla birlikte bazen 3 lü bazen 4 lü muhabbetlerimiz oluyor.

Sen hiç denedinmi böyle dedi. Yok hayır olmadı deyince bu akşam hep beraber sevişelim mi ne dersin. Körün istediği bir göz allah verdi iki göz. Hem ilk defa gurup yapacağım hem de aklımda kalan okan aletine sahip olacağım. Kocam duyarsa öldürür beni dedim. Saçmalama bu 3 kişilik bir ilişki nerden duyacak. diye beni ikna etti (bende dünden razıyım tabi) Okan tuvaletten gelince Nilay benle konuştuğunu problem olmadığını söyleyince gözünde gülücükler açtı. Ben Wc ye gittim döndüğümde Nilay Okanın kucağında sevişmeye başlamıştı. Ben önce bir müddet izledim amım sırılsıklam olmuştu. Resmen canlı porno izliyordum. elimle kendimi parmaklamaya başladım. Okan kalktı ve beni ayağa kaldırdı. Öpüşmeye başladık öpüşmek değil resmen sömürüyordu. Çok güzel öpüşüyordu. Ne ara beni soydu hiç anlamdım. Ayakta öpüşürken amcığımda bir dil beni emmeye başladı Nilay bacak aramdan oturmuş amcığımı emiyordu. Bende Okanın sikini avuçluyordum. Allahım ne güzel bir şey bu. Yazarken bile tekrar ıslanmaya başladım. Sonra beni kucakladı okan ve yatak odasına gittik. 3 müzde çırılçıplaktık. Nilay ile deli gibi öpüşmeye başladık ilk defa bir kadınla öpüşmenin ve sevişmenin hazzını yaşıyordum. Öpüşüyor memelerimizi sıkıyorduk. 69 pozisyonuna çevirdi beni ben onun amcığının o benim amımı yalıyorduk. Ben üstte olduğum için okan da arkama geçmiş göt deliğimi yalıyordu.

Allahım bu nasıl bir zevk çıldırıyordum. O pozisyonda sarsılarak boşaldım. İnanılmaz boşaldım. Ama nilayı yalamayı bırakmıyordum ben onun ağzına boşalmıştım sıra ondaydı oda benim ağzıma boşaldı kadın vajinasının ağzında yalaya yalaya tüm suyunu içtim. İnanamıyordum bu rüyamı yoksa gerçekmiydi. Okan iyice kocaman olmuş kalın ve damarlı yarağını eline almış oynuyordu sonra getirip o yarağı ağzıma verdi. Hepsini alabilme şansım yoktu. Nilayla ikimiz kocamızın o devasa yarağını yalamaya başladık. ben yarağın başını emerken nilay taşaklarını ve kocasının götünü yalıyor o başına geçince ben taşaklara ve göt deliğini yalıyordum. Nihayet okan da dayanamadı ve 2 mizinde ağzına yüzüne ne varsa boşalttı. Nilay la birbirimizin yüzündeki spermleri yalıyor sonrada öpüşerek onları yutuyorduk. Yatağa uzanarak birer sigara yaktık. Ben ortadaydım Nilay nasıl beğendinmi hayatım dedi. Ben bunca zaman böyle bir zevk almadım ve böyle güzel orgazm yaşamadım dedim. Dur bakalım daha neler yapacağız sabahlar olmayacak dedi. Bu arada amımı okşuyordu. Bende okanın yarağını okşuyordum. Kocanınkimi benimkimi dedi. Ben seninki daha kalın ve daha iri ama iyisi içinde en çok kalanıdır deyince kahkaha koptu.

Ben okanın yarağını ağzıma alarak tekrar kaldırmaya başladım. İnikken ağzımda daha rahat alıyordum. Büyüdükçe gırtlağıma zorlamaya başladı. Ben Kocasınınkini kaldırıken Nilayda benim amımı ve götümü dilliyordu. Ne müthiş güzellik böyle. Ilık ılık diliyle amım ve götüm yalanırken bende erkeğimin yarağını emiyorum. Nilay göt deliğimi dili ile sikmeye başladı parmağıylada amımı sikiyordu artık kaç parmağı içime sokuyordu farkında bile değildim deliriyordum zevkten öyle olunca bende okanın sikini daha bir iştah ve ihtirasla emiyordum. Sonra parmağını götüme sokmaya başladı yavaş yavaş götümü genişletiyordu. Kocasına hazırlıyordu kendi elleriyle benim daracık göt deliğimi diye düşündüm nasıl alırım ben o yarağı götüme dağıtır benim götümü diye düşünmeden edemedim. Artık okanın yarağını yemek istiyordum içimde istiyordum kalktım ve yarağının üzerine oturmaya başladım. O kadar yavaş içime alıyordum ki her cm sini hissede hissede içime aldım. Köküne kadar alınca ohhhhh diye ağzımdan dökülüverdi. En derin noktama kadar girmişti bir müddet hiç kıpırdamadan tadını çıkardım sanki içime balta sapı girmişti.

Bu ara Nilayla öpüşüyor birbirimizide okşuyoruz. Nilay memelerimi emmeye başladı bende yavai ve ritmik hareketlerle üzerinde oturduğum yarağın tadını çıkarıyordum. Yavaş yavaş hızımı artırmaya başladım gitgellerim hızlandıkça zevkin doruklarına çıkıyordum. Nilay memelerimi emmeye bırakarak yataktan kalktı. 1 dk sonra döndüğünde tekrar arkama geçmiş götümü yalıyordu ve parmaklıyordu önce tek parmak sonra 2 parmakla götümü sikiyordu kocası amımı karısı götümü sikerken ben deliriyordum. Götümde bir ıslaklık hissettim jel gibi bir şey sıkmıştı onla iyice gevşetti göt deliğimi sonrada beline bağladığı takma yarakla yavaşça ve itinayla götüme girdi aman allahım nasıl bişeydi bu hem önden hem arkadan amımda kocasını yarağı götümde Nilayın takma yarağı ne kadar sürdü ve ben kaç kez boşaldım hatırlamıyorum ama inanın dostlar bu an hiç bitsin istemedim. Okan aşkım geliyorum dediğinde boşal içime korunuyorum dedim. Sıcak sıcak içime fışkırtmasını şu an bile hissedebiliyorum. Nilay hala arkamdan beni beline bağlı yarakla sikmeye devam ediyordu.

Okanın üzerine yığılıp kaldım. Üst üste o şekilde bir süre kaldık. ama titriyordum tir tir titriyordum. Uçtum resmen zevkten deli oldum. sonra banyoya girip küçük bir temizlik yapıp tekrar sigara içtik ben bira içmek istiyorum dedim. dilim damağım kurumuştu 3 müz beraber çırılçıplak salona geçtik birer tane daha bira içerken nilay bebeğim mutlumusun dediğinde. Hayatımda hiç bu kadar mutlu olmadım dedim. Bu kez Nilay koltukta oturan kocasının önüne diz çöküp yarağını yalamaya başladı ben izliyordum Okan yere uzandı nilay yarağını yalamaya devam ediyordu. Bana gel sende beni yala dedi. emir kabul ettim. Bende onun amını ve götünü yalıyor amını yalarken götünü götünü yalarken amını parmaklarımla sikiyordum. Aklıma birden takma yarak geldi koşup yatak odasından onu alıp geldim bende taktım. Ben gelene kadar Nilay kocasının yarağının üzerine oturmuş zıplamaya başlamıştı. O kadar güzel ve seksi sesler çıkarıyordu ki tahrik olmamak mümkün değildi.

Ben de arkasına geçip götünden sikmeye başladım allahım buda başka güzel bir zevkmiş düşünsenize yıllardı sikilen yarak yiyen bir kadın şimdi bir erkekle beraber başka bir kadını sikiyorum ohhhhh inanılmaz müthiş. Okan sonra 2 mizide kaldırdı yanyana 3 lü koltuğa domalttı Bir nilayı amında sikiyor çıkıyor beni götümden sikiyor. Nilayı götünden sikiyor beni amımdan sikiyor dönüşümlü am göt 2 mizide dağıtıyor resmen bizde bir taraftan kafalarımız yan yana öpüşüyoruz. Adam rahat yarım saatten fazla sikmiştir bizi. dizlerimde dermen kalmadı boşalmak bilmiyor. Nihayet boşalacağı zaman 2 mizide döndürdü yine ağzımıza yüzümüze fışkırttı. Bizde ham yalaştık hem öpüştük hiç bir gram spermi ziyan etmedik. Okanın sorusu kapak oldu bana İçinde uzun süre kaldımı makbul oldumu. Güldüm tabiki.

Bu daha uzun sabaha kadar sikiştik. Gün doğmak üzereyken uyumuşuz. Tekrar izmire gelme sözü aldılar benden bende can atıyorum gitmek için. Nilay kocanıda getir 4 lü daha güzel olacak ikna ederiz biz diyor. Bilemiyorum korkuyorum. Ya ters teperse diye. Onlarda istersen önce sen onu tek gönder biz 3 lü yapalım ona seni ikna etmesini söyleyelim dediler aklıma yattı. Kocamın izmir de işi çıkmasını 4 gözle bekliyorum. Gerçekleşirse sizi bensiz bırakmam canlarım anlatırım mutlaka. Ha tabi ki şunu söyleyebilirsiniz niye burda anlatıyorsun diye. Şunu unutmayın güzel şeyleri paylaşmayınca hiç bir lezzeti olmuyor. Böyle şeyleri eşinize dostunuza anlatamıyacağınıza göre burda anlatıp rahatlıyorum.

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sanaldan gerçeğe-2

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


sanaldan gerçeğe-2
Önceki bölümde buluşmamız gerçekleşmiş ve arkadaşımın ağzına harika bir biçimde boşalmıştım. O da muhteşem şekilde emmiş ve tüm spermlerimi yutmuştu.

Bölüm 2

Yatakta bitmiş bir halde tavana bakıyordum, oturduğu yerden üzerime eğilerek nasıl beğendinmi diye sordu.
-Harikaydın dedim. Müthiş emiyorsun, içimde hiçbirşey bırakmadın dedim.
-Konuşmalarımızdan anlamalıydın, sik yalamayı sevdiğimi ve bunu iyi yaptığımı.
-Tahmin ediyordum ama bu kadar iyi yaptığını bilmiyordum. Resmen bitirdin beni dedim.
-Ne dersin çıkıp evlere dağılalım mı diye sordu, aslında evde beni bekleyen yoktu, hem sabaha kadar da kiralamıştık odayı.
-Biraz daha takılalım gideriz, eğer sen rahatsız olduysan şimdi çıkalım, sorun yoksa biraz takılırız , duş alıcam zaten dedim.
-Benim içinde sorun yok dedi ve o da yanıma sırt üstü uzandı. Şimdi yatakta yanyana çırılçıplak uzanmış , ikimizde tavana bakıyorduk. Nefesim yeni yeni düzeliyordu. Yavaşça yan tarafa ona doğru vücudumu döndürdüm. Sanki sevgilime sarılıyormuş gibi elimi ve ayağımı vücudunun üzerine attım ve onu sarmaladım.
-Bana doğru bakıp sanırım geceyi bitirmeye niyetin yok dedi. Bense, bilmiyorum sana bağlı, sen istersen neden olmasın dedim ve hafifçe yaklaşıp dudaklarına bir öpücük kondurdum. Sonra bir daha , bir daha. Bu öpücüklere onunda karşılık vermesi ile ateşli bir şekilde öpüşüyorduk. Vücudunu okşamaya, göğüslerini sıkmaya , oradan aşağıya göbeğini, kasıklarını okşamaya başlamıştım.Ellerim dahada aşağılara inerek sikinin üzerine geldi ve bende onun sikini okşamaya başlamıştım.
Ani bir hareketle bana döndü ve beni iterek sırt üstü yatağa düşürdü, şimdi o benim üzerimde öpüşüyorduk. Elleriyle vücudumu okşuyor ve kasıklarıma doğru iniyordu. Sonunda eli sikimin üzerine ulaşmıştı. Sikimde kıpırdanmalar başlamıştı, hafifçe sertleşmişti. Her okşamasında daha da sertleşiyordu.
Artık sikim tekrar en sert halini almıştı. Öpüşmeyi bırakıp aşağıya sikime doğru indi ve tekrar ağzına aldı, gerçekten bu işi iyi biliyordu, Ağzının içindeki sıcaklık sikimi kavuruyordu .
Bu defa engel olmalıydım ona,yoksa gene beni boşaltacaktı. Hafifçe doğrulup sırtımı bazanın başlığına yasladım ve onuda başından tutup havaya kaldırarak ağzından kurtardım sikimi.
Sinsice , gülen bir yüzle bana bakıyordu, o da bunu iyi yaptığını biliyordu

– Daha fazla dayanamam bu harika oral seksine dedim.
-Biliyorum bencede diye kendinden emin tebessüm ediyordu.
İki elimle yüzünü kavradım ve ateşli bir öpüçük verdim.
-Hadi şimdi arkanı dön, muhteşem götünü sikmek istiyorum, delirtiyorsun beni dedim.
Öne yatağın bazasına doğru kendini ilerletti ve iki eliyle baza başlığından tutundu, belini aşağı doğru kırdı, götünü ise yukarı kaldırdı. Tam bir orospuydu, benim diyen kadın böyle durmazdı sanırım. Yuvarlak kalçaları harika bir şekilde yukarı kalkmış ve arasındaki ufacık göt deliği gözümün önündeydi.
Hayranlıkla bakıyordum götüne, dizlerinin altında kıl olmasına rağmen götünde hiç kıl yoktu, sanırım o bölgedeki kıllarını alıyordu ve çok güzel bir görüntüydü. Parlak , yuvarlak bir göt.
Arkasında dizlerimin üzerinde dururken avuçlarımla kalçalarını kavradım ve okşamaya başladım. Eğelerek kalçasını öpmeye başladım. Göt deliğini yalamayacaktım ama kalçaları harikaydı ve onları yalamak hoşuma gitmişti. Şimdi kalçalarını şapur şupur yalıyordum, bir elimlede aşağıya sarkan sikini tutmuş ona otuzbir çektiriyordum.
Sikimdeki sertlik dahada artmıştı, bu güzel götü sikme zamanım gelmişti. Kafamı kalçalarından kaldırdım ve tam arkasında ayağa kalktım. Elime tükürük alıp ayakta belinin üzerinde duran sikimi sıvazlayıp iyice yaydım. Kalan tükürükleride götünün deliğine yayarak ıslattım.
Sikimi kavrayarak ucunu götünün deliğine fırça çekmeye başladım.
-Yavaş sok , ilk girdiğinde genelde biraz acıyor dedi.
-Tamam güzelim, acırsa söyle çıkarırım dedim.
Yavaşça deliğinden içeri doğru itmeye başladım. Göt deliği hafifçe sikimi içine alıyordu. Şimdilik pek ses yoktu. Ucunu sokup sokup çıkararak alıştırıyordum götünü. Biraz daha kendimi itmemle beraber kafası içine girdi. Offff diye inledi.Kafası büyük , gövdesi biraz daha dar olduğundan girince götünün deliği kapanarak sikimi kavradı. Harikaydı, sıcacıktı.
İnanılmaz bir duyguydu, yıllar sonra yine bir göt sikiyordum ve aynı duyguları yaşıyordum.
Hiç kıpırdamadım. Sikimin yarısı içinde , yarısı dışındaydı.
-Offf bu çok güzel birşey, daha büyük bir sikte aldım içime ama seninki daha kalın ve daha sert diye söyledi.
-Biliyormusun senin götünde harika, bu kadar dar olacağını hiç tahmin etmemiştim. Kıpırdayamıyorum bile, biraz gitgel yapsam gelicem diye korkuyorum dedim.
-Gelebilirsin içime, bende bunu çok istiyorum dedi ama benim hiç niyetim yoktu hemen gelmeye.
– Bu şekilde biraz durduktan sonra ellerimle kalçalarının iki yanındanda tuttum ve sikimin kalan yarısınıda yavaş yavaş soktum. Dibine geldiğimde ahhh yavaş biraz acıdı dedi.
Sonunda dibini bulmuştum ama acıdı demesiyle tekrar sikimi geri başına kadar geriye çektim.
-Biraz daha tükürükle istersen dedi,
Tekrar sikimi tamamen dışarı çıkarıp, avucuma aldığım tükürükle iyice ıslattım. Sikim tükürükten parlıyordu.Kalanıda götünün deliğine yaydım, hatta parmağımla biraz da içine ittirdim. Deliğinin içide tükürükten nasibini almıştı.
Sikimi tekrar götüne ittirdim ve bu defa kafasının girmesi çok daha kolay oldu, yine sikimi kavramıştı götünün deliği. Kalçalarından tuttuğum gibi sikimi ileri doğru ittirdim. Ahhh ile offf orası bir ses çıkardı. Yine dibindeydim ama bu defa itiraz yoktu.
Şimdi artık git gele başlamıştım. Dizlerimi biraz daha kırıp üzerine abandım ve yavaş yavaş içinde gidip geliyordum.
Ne muhteşem bir götü vardı , içerisi fırın gibiydi . Sikimse götünün deliğinde yağ gibi kayıyordu. Müthiş bir tempo yakalamıştım.Her dibini bulduğumda kasıklarımla kalçalarının buluşmasının sesi geliyordu. Şak, Şak, Şak diye.
O ise offffff, ohhhhh, harikasın çok güzel sikiyorsun , sikine bayıldım diyordu.
Tempo çok güzeldi ama benim istediğim pozisyonu sikmeden boşalmamalıydım.
Sikimi çıkardım ve sırt üstü uzanmasını söyledim.Uzandı ve bacaklarını bana doğru açtı, Elleri ilede kalçalarını ayırdı.
Tam anlamıyla teslim olmuş ve sikini içimde istiyorum tekrar, hadi gir içime diyordu.
Bu isteğini kıramazdım, zaten bende çok istiyordum.
-Biraz daha aç kalçalarını , götünün deliği iyice açılsın dedim.
Bacaklarını biraz daha ayırıp , kalçalarını iyice gerdi. Sikimi deliğine hızaladım ve dizlerimin üzerinde ittirdim. Lap diye girdi götüne. Bu dahada harikaydı. Ahhhh harikasın dedi. Gözlerini kısmış hissediyordu içinde resmen.
Kendimi ileri iterek dibine kadar soktum sikimi.Artık tek vücut olmuştuk. Gözlerini kısmış, kendini bana dahada itiyordu. Sanki dibine kadar sokmamışım daha fazlasını istiyordu. Sikine baktığımda, tam sertleşmemiş ama prostatına yaptığım baskı nedeniyle sıvı sızıyordu. Buda daha çok zevk alması anlamına geliyordu. Öne doğru eğilerek dudaklarına yapıştım. Şimdi hem dibine kadar sokup çıkarıyorum hemde bir kadınla öpüşür gibi sevişiyorduk. Delirmiş kendimden geçmiş bir şekilde çok sert biçimde sikiyordum. Ahhhh , ahhhh diye inliyordu ama benim durmak gibi bir niyetim yoktu. Son derece hizlanmış ve sikimin her dibini bulduğu anda gelen seslerden tahrik olmuştum. Şaklamaların sesi odada yankılanıyordu ve her şaklama dahada yüksek sesle oluyordu.
Geliyordum yine, bu defa bu sıcacık göt deliğinden çıkmaya hiç niyetim yoktu. Son defa dibine kadar soktuğumda , büyük bir patlamayla boşalmaya başladım, kasıldıkça içine doğru spermlerimin aktığını hissediyordum. O ise kendini dahada bana ittirmiş ve kasıklarımla , göt yanakları arasında hiç boşluk bırakmayacak şekilde kilitlemişti. Kaç defa kasıldım bilmiyorum ama artık boşalmam bitmişti ve sikim içinde küçülüyordu. Hiç acele etmedim. Kasılmalarım tamamen bittiğinde yavaşça doğruldum ve sikimi götünden dışarı kolayca çıkardım.
Götünden sızan spermlerim çarşafa doğru aktı. ikimizde ter içinde kalmıştık.
Yine çok güzeldi, galiba ben bu götünün aşığı olacağım dedim.
-Güldü ve sadece götümün mü?, o tatlı sikini ağzıma nasıl aldığımı da unutma!!! dedi:)

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Massage to Arpita in Pune – Day 2

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I hope you guys must have read the first part. Now let me tell you what happened on day 2.

I woke up by 10am the next day. She served tea on bed. I was almost being treated like her hubby. I guess, she had taken bath few minutes back. Her hairs were still wet. I felt so nice and so good seeing her like that.

This experience of mine is being penned by both Arpita and I.

Hi guys. All the words which are mentioned in this experience are absolutely true. Nish and I, sat together and wrote this.

If any females are reading this, if at all you get a chance, don’t miss a chance to contact him and get a nice massage. Don’t worry. He is a nice and decent guy. He will definitely not disappoint you. If any males are reading this, you can make your wife feel special by giving her a nice massage by Nish. Don’t worry. He is a nice and decent guy. He will definitely not disappoint you.

Arpita : Wake up Nish, its 10am now.

Nish : Good morning.

Arpita : Good morning darling. (I could see a glow on her face). Here is your tea.

Nish : I don’t drink much tea. Since you have made it, lemme have it.

Nish : Nice tea. Feels fresh.

Arpita : I have never been so comfortable Nish. I feel so relaxed. Even after lot of my desperation to have sex last night, you did maintain your professionalism. You really made me feel special. Thanks a lot dear.

Nish : Thanks dear. Now lemme get refreshed.

Arpita : Yes. In the meantime, lemme get the breakfast ready for you and also, I have a small surprise.

Nish : Surprise for me. Please tell me what is that?

Arpita : It’s a surprise darling. You need to have patience.

Nish : (I smiled) ok. Will be eagerly waiting for that surprise.

By the time I finished my shower, she had prepared delicious breakfast. While having breakfast, we spoke about the previous night’s experience and few other things. Things were absolutely normal.

Arpita : You were telling me about Nuru massage yesterday. Tell me more about it.

I explained her about nuru massage. I was carrying Nuru gel with me, which one of my client had got it from the US. Nuru Gel is a very slippery and odourless gel.

She asked me to pack the bag with couple of clothes and the necessary things for massage. I realised, this was the surprise she might be talking about.

Nish : Where are we going?

Arpita : Patience Nish, patience. You’ll get to know that very soon.

Nish : Cool!!!

We kept our bags in the car and she drove. We picked up chocolate sauce and jellies on our way. The surprise was killing me. I was wondering where is she taking me? We kept our conversations going. I kept on asking her about the surprise, but all the reply I got from her was, wait and watch.

She illegal bahis drove the car to one of the resort in Mahabaleshwar. The resort was just marvellous. Later, I got to know that, she is a member of the resort and had made the plans before I had arrived in Pune, but, confirmed about this only after the previous day’s massage session.

We checked into the cottage which was given to us. Surprisingly, she had also hired the spa room, which consisted on a massage table and the Jacuzzi bathtub. Both the rooms were filled with pleasant aroma. We explored the resort for sometime, played housie/lotto and other group games. It was fun. We went back to the cottage, got refreshed.

Nish : Now, I need a nice massage. Lets go to the massage room.

Before going there, we had little food.

I gave her a nice massage, a normal relaxing massage. In return she tried to offer me massage too. She was good to a certain extent. But was happy, she tried it.

We came back to our cottage post massage.

Arpita : Nish, you are a good companion now, rather than a masseur. And yes, I mean it. I was very much apprehensive, but your hospitality, your caringness, aahh… I’m flattered. You are such a nice person to be with.

Nish : Thanks dear

We relaxed ourselves, had dinner and were just in each other’s arms, making the moment to feel cozy. She shared some of her personal moments during then.

Sorry if I’m boring you guys. But, I’m trying to make you guys feel that, you are experiencing fun while reading this experience of mine.

Arpita : Offer me the nuru massage.

Nish : We may end up having sex post nuru or during nuru massage. Is it ok for you?

Arpita : Yes. Its been a while since I have had sex. So, I wouldn’t mind.

Nish : I can control my sexual desires. Will you be able to control?

Arpita : Nish, like I said, its been a long time since I have had sex. Its ok for me. I can easily bank on you, without any second thought.

Nish : (I just smiled)

She asked for a mattress with the resort authorities. To our luck, we did get one.

I arranged the mattress in the cottage. The cottage was spacious, hence we thought of using the same, rather than going to the massage room, without any disturbances. We both helped each other by giving a sensual feel to the room. Lit the aromatic candles, soft music, fruits were already there.

How the nuru massage was experienced, will be told by Arpita now.

Hey guys. Hope you have not got bored. For those who have felt bored, we are so sorry. Without wasting much time, let me narrate you in my words, MY NURU MASSAGE.

Once we arranged everything, I was all set to get my FIRST NURU MASSAGE. He seducingly helped me to remove my dress and I removed his dress, making illegal bahis siteleri us naked. He guided me under the shower. The water was luke-warm. Once we were completely drenched, he took some nuru gel and rubbed on my breasts and shoulder. His smooth hands were making me so horny, I grabbed him and started kissing. I was already feeling very hot.

I couldn\’t control much. He is certainly not a hunk, but a nice lovable person, who would never disappoint you. I felt hot. My nipples got hard. He made me turn around and applied some gel on my back and started rubbing his body on my back. The feeling is just so great. Its really tough to explain here. I turned around, moved my hands on his chest, went closer and with my tongue, encircled his nipples, bi those with my teeth. I took some gel and applied on his body and I rubbed my breasts on his chest. I moved up, started kissing him again. Amazing, his lips are so inviting that, I couldn’t resist and we started kissing hard, exploring each other’s tongue, biting lips, sucking lips. It’s such an erotic feeling. He is the best kisser. Meanwhile, one of my hands went down to his cock and I squeezed it. I took my hands further down and cupped his balls. He was hard, but he never showed the hardness on his face. That’s the best thing I liked about him. The respect which he shows!!!

He stopped me there and said

Nish : You have lot of time for this. Lemme give you a nuru massage now.

Arpita : Don’t be so mean sweets, lemme enjoy without any limitations.

Saying this I knelled down and took his hard cock in my mouth and started giving him a blowjob. He made me stand-up and rinsed me under shower.

Nish guided me to the bathtub. Once inside, he took the lofah and started rubbing it on my body. While lofah was in one hand, his other hand was moving smoothly on my body. He was making me feel so hot and horny. One of the best feeling, I was ever getting and will ever have. I rested my back in a sitting posture. He sat on and end, put his legs on my breasts, his thighs were resting on my shoulder. He leaned on me and started rubbing my breasts and tummy again. My head was almost touched his cock. I could feel it infact and I wanted to grab his hard cock and wanted him to fuck me then and there, but controlled a lot. He rubbed my back and came infront of me. As soon as he came near, I again grabbed him and was kissing him again. I was enjoying every bit of it.

After he cleaned my entire body, he guided me to the mattress which was prepared in the room. We were still dripping of water.

The Iights were dim, soft music being played in the background. I remembered my honeymoon, which was not even close to this. Well, that’s history now.

I laid down on the mattress. He sat on my legs. LOL, didn’t canlı bahis siteleri apply much pressure though. The nuru gel was very slippery, very easy to slide. It had no odour and no color. I heard this gel was given to him by one of his client who had come from US.

I felt, my body had become warm post bath. I felt really nice. He asked me to turn around (face down on the mattress). He took handful of gel from the bowl and poured on my back. He applied so generously using his smooth hands, I felt so great.

Honestly, I didn’t know how exactly nuru massage would be done. I had just asked him what it is all about. But what he replied was true. Massages should never be explained, it should be experienced. I had already started enjoying MY NURU MASSAGE.

After he applied the gel on back, he widened my legs. He laid on me and started spreading the gel all over my body. Once my back was thoroughly covered with gel, he asked to turn around and applied the gel on my breasts, tummy, legs, all over my body. He did take some gel again in between, made sure, our bodies would be sliding. Now, both our bodies were thoroughly covered in a thick layer of nuru gel. The feeling was just WOW!!!

It was almost like, we were dripping with the gel. Now he started the main massage. He made sure that body-to-body contact is there and started sliding backwards and forwards on my body. I couldn’t hold on anymore.

I made him lay on his back and got into 69 position. I really wanted him to lick my pussy. As soon his tongue touched my clits, aahh, it kinda sent a trigger within me. He was sucking my pussy so nicely and I started sucking his hard dick. This went on for sometime and I felt, lemme enjoy his licking my pussy.

I freed myself from his cock and laid down. He came in between my legs and started licking my pussy again. He can keep licking pussy all day long. I had become so damn wet. I had also started to cum a bit.

(You really don’t know how tough it has become for me to type all these. Its reminding me of the moments spent with him. What a feeling. I am really wet down.)

Enough now, I decided and told him,

Arpita : Nish, please stop teasing me. Fuck me baby. I need it inside.

He smiled and without thinking much, he guided his cock inside my vagina. Aahh!!! Finally after a long long time, I am getting a cock inside me. He fucked me for a while and finally when he was about to cum, he signalled me.

I knelled down. He positioned his cock right in front of my mouth and shot his cum inside my mouth. Honestly, I had never done before, but yeah, I had seen in movies. But feeling like this, it was just an awesome of an experience for me.

We did enjoy the entire night till next noon. Post which we drove back to my home in Pune and the next day, bid goodbye to eachother.

I’m glad to be sharing this experience of mine in my words. Like Nish says, yes, its not stories which he writes, its his experiences.

Adios. Luv – Arpita

do leave your comments. thanks.

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The Despicable Plan Pt. 01

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Dear readers, I did get some unprecedented response for my previous stories about a man’s exploration of his daughter in law’s sexuality. On the surface it seemed like he failed but he had succeeded in planting a seed in her heart. The point where I left that story 2 years ago opened up new avenues for the daughter in law to take action. But it’s been two years and I still haven’t come up with a suitable way to continue that story. It is just too perfect at the point… leaving a sense of emptiness. Maybe some day I’ll find an idea. In the meanwhile, here is a multi-part story I wrote following a scheming father in law. It is written in the same spirit as the “How the tables have turned” series. But this features new plans, new execution style and new plot. It gets more explicit than the previous stories that I’ve written but like always I try my best to follow common sense and logic of what might happen in a realistic scenario. Just like running a simulation. Sometimes outlandish things happen that might raise an eyebrow but given the timespan over which this story plays out, I guess coincidences just happen. The cherry for this cake is at the end. I hope you’ll have enough patience to read through. I have finished writing the whole story. I will upload it in multiple parts. So, the patience will be worth it.

P.S. I know the spelling of renaissance. It’s just a username. Get over it… LOL.

Present Day

Little boy Raju was playing with his newly bought tennis ball. He was playing, sure, but not quite enjoying it. The ecstasy of owning a tennis ball and showing it off to his friends had already worn off. Now he wanted someone to play with. But the house had only three other members, save him. His mother, father and grandfather. Dad, Sumit was at work, Mama, Shreya in the kitchen and grandpa Ramakant was watching TV in the living room. It was futile to ask the grandpa to play because he was apparently weak and fragile. So, he turned towards his mom naturally to entertain him.

“Mom!! Why don’t you play with me? Come… let’s play cricket. You bowl, I will bat.”

Shreya bent and ran her fingers through his hair and said with a dry smile,

“Go and ask grandpa to play with you.”

Perhaps kids have an unconscious superpower. They can sense emotions better than elders. Little Raju could see through his mama’s smile, the suppressed sadness. He didn’t push her further. He said OK! with feigned excitement and ran off to the living room. There he saw his grandpa lazily sitting on the sofa. He jumped and sat beside him, with no reaction from his grandpa.

“Grandpa! What are you watching?”

“Can’t you see for yourself? You brat. Don’t disturb me. Go play somewhere else!”

The kid dismissed this rudeness and abruptly asked, “why is mama always sad?”

Dr. Ramakant turned his head towards Raju slowly. His drooping eyes met Raju. But there was no anger in them. There was an unfathomable sadness that one usually sees in the eyes of people who have seen suffering, death of ambition and despair from a close distance. Raju wasn’t expecting that. He was prepared for a retort. But his grandpa’s silence was unacceptable to him. He asked again,

“Why is mama sad!” he said in the typical annoying tone of an unpacifiable brat.

“It’s… it’s all my fault.” said Ramakant with a defeated look, “and to some extent yours as well.”

As Raju sat there bombarding his grandpa with a barrage of questions,

What do you mean? What did I do? What did you do? Tell me! Maaaaamaaa! What did I do?

Dr. Ramakant’s thoughts had gone back to 12 years ago, deaf to his grandson screaming right next to him. The time it all started.



Dr. Ramakant was a reputed doctor in Delhi. He was originally from a small town called Aam Bagan in West Bengal and had moved to Delhi to continue his practice in a top-tier medical college as a professor and medicine specialist. He had an illustrious career and was a well-known doctor not only in his community but also to his countless patients. He had a nickname- ‘smile-healer’. An urban legend had propagated that Dr. Ramakant could heal with his smile. That was his speciality apart from medicines. He would smile at every patient and make them comfortable, and they would naturally open up to him and even tell him embarrassing stuff about their lives. This allowed him to deduce their ailments from the symptoms and their habits and often pin-point life-saving details. He was a good doctor not because of his knowledge of medicine but also because of how observant he was while discussing the symptoms with his patients.

His wife on the other hand was a bitch. Good karma doesn’t always repay people with good results. Perhaps his next life would be better but in this one he wasn’t reaping the karmic points he had earned from saving all those lives. He was too busy, as dedicated doctors often are. So, his parents had found a beautiful and well-mannered daughter-in-law for themselves. illegal bahis He agreed to marry her because she was a professor in biological sciences, and he felt it was good for his social status. Additionally, he had expected to have enlightening academic discussions with her.

But none of that happened. She was a god-awful annoying person who complained about everything. Dr. Ramakant tried his best initially to satisfy her but her demands were lofty. Despite being a professor, she knew no humility. Academic discussions were borderline wars. Every time she would refuse to see logic and insist that her knowledge was adequate, and she was right. Therefore, Dr. Ramakant’s attitude at home became that of a bitter man. The moment he would step into his home, he would be struck with a negative aura and his trademark smile that he showed to his patients would immediately disappear.

But there was something that his wife was good at. Sex. She was a bitch… but she was a bitch in heat. She had a bigger sex drive than Dr. Ramakant and they had sex at least 3 times a week. They had probably tried every position known to mankind and if it was 200 B.C., they might have added some pages to Kamasutra with their own unique styles of sex. It was only a mystery how such a good sex life couldn’t be converted into a good marriage. Perhaps this happened because his wife was insatiable and craved thrill. And to achieve that thrill she had started seducing young men.

Dr. Ramakant at the age of 46, professor, medical practitioner, next-in-line for dean- had been unable to keep up with her growing lust, resulting in her looking for alternatives and him filing for divorce. It was a bitter separation that became quite a news in the local community. However, he was portrayed as the “cheated husband” and received sympathy from friends, relatives and neighbours. Since, he had a spotless character record and thanks to all the witnesses vouching for him, he got custody of his son.

He didn’t want his 10-year-old son to grow up to be a scoundrel without parental love and care, so he sacrificed his ambition to become Dean of college, to spend more time with his son and raise him to be a good man.

He had been advised by his relatives to remarry, to have a mother for his son. But he had turned down those suggestions saying, “I’ve seen enough cases to know how well step-moms and step-sons get along with each other.” So, he stayed unmarried. Unfortunately, the legacy that his wife had left behind was lust. His sex-drive was very high, but he told himself that it would bring nothing but disaster for not only him but his beloved son. So, he bottled it all up and devoted any time that he had to his work and a medical researcher and son. To vent himself, he would occasionally masturbate in his room. It was barely enough to contain his lust but that was all he could do. Almost two decades later, his son became a regular practitioner of medicine, following in his father’s steps in the same medical college as him.

Dr. Ramakant had learnt a lesson from his life- career was not everything. To have a great career you must be supported by a good family. But he didn’t want to build his family for his son, the same mistake his parents had made, and he paid dearly for it. So, he had made it clear to his son that he could marry any girl he liked, no restriction and any time he wanted, no rush. To his delight he didn’t have to wait too long. His son brought home a fine lady. She was 27 years old and a beauty comparable with goddesses. She would often come home with Sumit for dinners. She stood at a height of 172 cm and had fair skin with a pinkish blush on her cheeks.

However, Dr. Ramakant had learnt to be wary of looks and took his time to assess this girl- Shreya. Shreya seemed to be well-mannered, but, so did his wife to his parents. He would be rude to her intentionally to gauge her reaction, but she would forever be calm and diffuse every tensed situation in such graceful way that he was actually impressed. He started seeing in her, the wife he never had. He decided that she was perfect for his son. He met her parents and proposed his son’s marriage with Shreya. Her parents were more than happy to get their daughter into such an illustrious family. With the lack of higher education, they weren’t sure if Shreya could ever get a good husband but here, one of the most celebrated doctors of Delhi had walked right into their home with open arms. They felt blessed.

The wedding was a big success. But what followed…


Present day

Shreya heard the commotion and came rushing to the living room.

“Mom! Grandpa said it’s my fault!”

“No, my son… what fault? What is your fault?” Shreya asked him, wiping his tears.

“Grandpa said it’s my fault that you are sad. I didn’t do anything. I swear!”

Shreya glared at Dr. Ramakant. Then she pampered her son with some of his achievements and that she was proud of him.

Half an hour later she put him to sleep, shut illegal bahis siteleri the door to his room and stomped towards the living room.

“How dare you?” she shot.

“I told him that it’s my fault.”, he said looking at the floor

“You have no right to blame him… He’s just a kid. You know very well why I… ”

While Shreya started her monologue, Dr. Ramakant had spaced out again. In his mind he was telling himself his own story. How he ruined his son’s marriage out of his selfishness.


Dr. Ramakant’s flashback.

I should have been more careful. I had planned every step meticulously but one moment of weakness and my retirement plan got ruined.

When Shreya came to my house as the daughter-in-law, I felt the warmth from her that I had never felt before. Being aloof from my family because of my work and living a decade with my bitch of a wife… I didn’t know that a woman can actually be so warm. She treated me with kindness and took good care of me. Although I go to the advisory board meetings quite often, if there is someone that I interact the most with, it’s Shreya, even more than my son. She filled the void that my wife had left, at least as far as emotions are concerned.

I am a retired doctor. Apart from my personal clinic there is very little to keep me busy. But this lust… this ‘gift’ from my ex-wife is a curse. I tried my best to keep it bottled up, but I was wrong. The more I suppressed it, the more I contributed it to becoming a time bomb ready to explode. And it exploded. I confess that gradually I started seeing Shreya as more than a daughter in law. The more time I spent with her, the more I was drawn towards her. But what I wanted from her was not her body. Rather, I wanted to connect with her on a spiritual level, like couples would. This added to my lust was a corrosive mixture. It corroded my conscience, my soul and my sense of duty. Yes, as a father it is my duty to enrich my son’s life, but I destroyed it.

It started in 2002, a few months after Sumit married Shreya. Shreya would do her daily chores dutifully while I would sit in the clinic attached to our living room. I was 64 years old that time and she was probably only 29. We would eat lunch together. Sumit used to eat the food packed by Shreya.

I don’t know when it started but I started seeing her in a different light. I started becoming desperate for lunch time to come because then I would be in her company. And when did it happen that I started getting jealous of my son? It was like a switch was flipped one day and there was no way to flip it back. I masturbated once a week but now I had to do it three times or my erection would become painful. It started slowly. I told myself that I’ll only imagine her body without the face and fantasize about me undressing her sweet body. For my old bones this venturing into the dark taboo territory was too much to handle and I would climax instantly.

But I had forgotten my own teachings as a doctor. The human body and mind gets used to things rather quickly and starts expecting more. Until you give it what it wants, it won’t rest. Maybe now I understand how my ex-wife used to think.

Gradually, Shreya’s face got added to the body in my fantasy. There was no turning back. It is a slippery slope and I slipped further into this abominable pit. Soon, I lost interest in my clinic. It was just a distraction now. My main attention went towards Shreya. The curve of her hip… the smoothness of her skin… the angelic glow. Even my fantasies couldn’t match up to her real beauty. Quite often I would try to brush my hands against her body. I’m sure she didn’t notice it. It would be thrilling if she did. How would she react if she knew my intention? Would she slap me? Would she accept my advances? She seems to be a pious lady with good family values. If I showed her this devilish side of me, she would surely get out of my grasp.

I had to find a way to take things slowly and definitively. My lust defeated my morals and I hatched a plan.

First, I drilled two holes in our house when Shreya went out one day. One hole that connects my bedroom to their attached bathroom which she uses regularly and one on the wall to their bedroom. The first hole would help me masturbate to her body in the safety and privacy of my room and the second one would allow me to assess their sex life. To try it out I had to drill several holes in different angles to get a good look at everything and put up a large-framed painting over it.

I snooped on her one Thursday morning. On Thursday mornings she gets up early to perform a specific ritual. So, she takes extra-long baths on that day. I woke up early that day and assumed my position after locking my door. Although it was awkward and rather tiring to remain standing like that for so long, my elevated heartbeat was pumping enough blood and my adrenaline was through the roof. So, I endured. At around 6:30 AM I heard the sound of her entering canlı bahis siteleri the bathroom.

She was wearing the same saree that she wore the previous night. I wondered how she would look in night gown. She does look like a foreigner with her short straight hairs; a night gown would only enhance her sexiness. She entered the bathroom with a large, pale blue turquoise towel in her hand. She placed it on the clothes hanger to her right and turned on the top. I was surprised to see that she doesn’t use the shower. She is much more “Indian” than I had expected. She tested the temperature by pouring some water from the bucket on her feet. While the bathroom was filled with the noise of running water, she dropped her pallu (long end of the saree that falls on the shoulder) on the floor. The synthetic piece of garment slipped with a rustle down her shoulder and hip but this erotic sound was drowned in the noise. The bucket started overflowing. She turned the knob off.

She unclenched the saree from her petticoat, lifted the heap from the floor and placed it in another bucket to be sent to laundry. The bathroom was now quiet, only the irregular drops of water from the faucet of the tap on the bucket full of water interrupted this silence. I felt that this was quite metaphorical… my lust brimming over and spilling out bit by bit. She started to unhook her blouse. It was a front-buttoned blouse. She unhooked the three hooks and a pair of plump breasts popped out of them.

She doesn’t wear a bra in the house, it seems. I thought to myself.

The light from the frosted glass window made vivid colourful patterns, following the contour of her marvellous breasts. I stood there transfixed on the other side of the wall as if I had been teleported to another dimension. I looked on. I judged the breasts to be about 36-C. I had seen plenty of breasts in my life but under this circumstance these specific pairs were the best. She put the blouse in the bucket. And just like that, her petticoat ended up in the bucket as well. She had a thick bush down there. So, I couldn’t see her pussy lips clearly. But as she stood there for a while, bending over to touch the water, I swear I saw wings coming out of her back.

Her skin had a healthy pinkish tint. Short hairs fell just on her shoulder. No make-up, all natural. She had a slim built, not an hourglass figure. This made her breasts strikingly prominent. The kind of butt she had, I guess it’s called bubble-butt. Because of restrictions on the dimension of the holes, I couldn’t see her body in its full glory. From one hole I could see above her chest, from the other only her crotch and the third one showed me the space between her breasts and groin. But my mind was sort of stitching these bits automatically. I’m a doctor after all.

She poured water on her head using a mug. However, this bit wasn’t as graceful as the previous parts. In fact, she poured water too fast and her face made a comical cringey shape, as if the water was colder than she expected. So she did a little tippy-tap which was very cute. This somehow made her more human and perhaps this is what draws me towards her. The rawness of her beauty. She seems within arm’s reach; angels are far beyond.

She applied soap on her body, not the body-wash, once again an Indian trait. Then she used a loofa to scrub her body starting from neck, working her way downwards. The white lather almost blended with her fair skin. She rinsed it off and then sat down on the little chair. I couldn’t see what she was doing because it was below the lowest limit of the holes I made. But I could hear her bangles jingling. Whatever she was doing, her hands were moving fast and rhythmically. She got up after about 5 minutes and then poured water down her navel. She bent one more time and then she took the towel to dry herself off.

Was she masturbating? Or just scrubbing her feet? If she was masturbating, it could mean that her sex life wasn’t going that well. Maybe that’s the crevice through which I could creep in. I should note that down.

She dried herself thoroughly with the towel. After taking the bath her skin had a soft glow and much fresher look. I didn’t know that was even possible. All this took about 40 minutes. I didn’t notice it before, but it seems that she hadn’t bolted the door. She just turned around, left the bathroom and went into the bedroom, naked. I envied my son for having full access to such a beauty! What wouldn’t I give to just hold her soft body gently in my embrace! This jealousy marks my final fall. I had hit rock-bottom. I had failed as a father. I had failed as a human.

Well, if I have failed then let me not be a miserable old man. I will find a way to get her into my embrace and teach her to love it. I needed to activate my second plan. For that I needed some other information. I continued to watch in hopes that she would return. But I saw Sumit enter the toilet. He entered, turned right and walked towards the wall that I was looking through. Right under that wall was the toilet. Thanks to the abstract pattern made using plaster of Paris, the holes blended pretty well with the wall and were barely visible. He was going to pee. From where he was standing, I got a good look at his penis.

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The Discovery

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(Author’s Note: If you haven’t done so, you may want to read The Sperm Donor first. $)


It was one Saturday afternoon that the life of 45-year old Mrs Helen Smith, loving wife and mother would change forever.

“I take it Donald’s not happy about you doing this?” Asked Cathy.

Her younger sister had come round to help Helen with the spring cleaning.

“You don’t know the half of it, Cathy.” Helen complained. “Now that I’m pregnant, my over-protective husband doesn’t want me to do anything. In case it hurts the baby.”

Helen was two months’ pregnant.

“That’s including sex I suppose?” Helen and Cathy always had a close relationship and could talk about most things.

“Don’t even go there.” Helen looked over at her sister and saw the sympathy. “Oh don’t get me wrong, I love Donald but I can’t remember the last time we actually made love.”

“But surely you were having sex before you became pregnant?”

“Yes, ‘sex’. But that was when we were trying for a baby. When we found out that it wasn’t going to work, Donald just stopped. He then just concentrated in providing the hospital with the samples.”

Helen and Donald had been trying on and off for a second child for the last 14 years. But in the end, due to her husband’s low sperm count, they resorted to using artificial insemination which was eventually successful.

For a moment, Helen stopped as she thought about the beakers that Donald had to fill to take to the hospital. She could still remember how different that last beaker had looked as if it was a sign that this was the one that was going to work – which it had been.

“I’m sorry, Helen.” Cathy broke in.

“Oh I’m okay. It would just be nice if he occasionally treated me like a woman rather than just a wife and expectant mother.”

“He only loves you. I wish I had a guy like him”

“I know that he loves me.” Helen sighed. “But that doesn’t mean that I can’t do what I want and today that is to clean this fucking house.”

“Okay! Okay!” Cathy grinned. “I think I will go and start on Gabe’s room. You can come in when you have finished in here.”

Gabe was Helen’s 18 year old son.

“Okay. But no nosing around. You know how Gabe hates us going into his room.”

Cathy just rolled her eyes and left.

It didn’t take Helen too long and then she went across the landing to join her sister. When she entered her son’s bedroom, she saw that Cathy had changed the bed and had tidied up the room. She was now sitting at his desk using his computer.

“What are you doing?” Helen asked. “I told you not to nose.”

“Oh sorry, sis.” Cathy replied, jumping at the sound of her sister’s voice. “I wasn’t meaning to but found that his computer was on and couldn’t resist.”

“Well you have better turn it off then.”

Cathy turned and looked at Helen, her face completely deadpan. “I think you should look at this first.”

Helen went over. “What is it?”

Cathy got up and offered Helen her seat. “Just take a look. I’ll get us some coffees.”

Helen sat down and looked at what was on the screen. She saw that Word was open and that a document had been loaded.

She read the first couple of lines.

‘The Sperm Donor

18-year old Gabe Smith stood outside his parents’ bedroom…’

“What is this? She asked herself. Helen carried on reading.

‘It was early in the morning and the young boy was thirsty and had got up to get a drink.

As he had walked back to his room, he heard voices coming out of his parents’ bedroom. His curiosity aroused, he had stopped to listen to what they were saying.

“I hope it works this time, Donald.” It was his mother’s voice…

(Author’s Note: Read The Sperm Donor for the full story. $).

…mum’s going to have my baby, he sickly thought even as he felt her soft breasts pressing into his chest. The boy managed to extract himself before his mother noticed his expanding erection. He quickly had to excuse himself.

That night, Gabe had to jack himself off three times before he fell asleep exhausted. A smile on his face.’

Helen sat staring at the screen before she noticed that her sister was standing by her, cup in hand. She took it and drank deeply. At that moment, she wished it was something stronger.

“I’m sorry, Helen. He had a folder open on the screen and the document was just there. I couldn’t resist opening it.”

“It’s a story on how I became pregnant.” Helen said, feeling numb.

“I know.”

“But it is so sick. It says that it was Gabe who got me pregnant, by switching the semen in the beaker.” Helen felt disgust.

Cathy knelt next to her sister and squeezed her arm. “I’m sorry, Helen. I knew that Gabe had a very vivid imagination but this…?”

Helen nodded. But she wondered if it was just her son’s imagination. Some of the things depicted in the story had actually happened and then there was the thing with the beaker. She could still remember how full it looked compared to the others, as illegal bahis if…

No! She could not think that.

“You okay?” Cathy broke in.

“Huh? Oh I’m fine.” She lied.

The last line of the story came back to her: ‘That night, Gabe had to jack himself off three times before he fell asleep exhausted. A smile on his face.’

Had Gabe really wanted to make her pregnant? His own mother?

Helen felt a tinge and realised that this time it was not just revulsion.

“Helen?” Her sister was speaking to her. “You keep zoning out. You sure you’re okay?”

“Huh? Oh sorry, Cathy. I am just a bit shocked I guess.”

“I don’t blame you.”

Helen looked around the room. “Look. Mind if we call it a day? We have pretty much done everything and I can finish up later.”

“You sure? I haven’t dusted and hoovered in here yet.” Cathy said.

“Oh don’t worry about that. I will do it later.”

“Okay.” Cathy sighed. “If that’s what you want.”

Twenty minutes later, Helen was seeing her sister off.

“I wouldn’t worry too much that story, Helen.” Cathy said. “He’s a teenager, full of hormones and a very vivid imagination. He has just gone off track a little. I have heard worst things. He will grow out of it.”

Helen smiled at her reassuring words. “I guess.”

“So what are you going to do? Are you going to tell Donald?”

“He would go mad. No, I will deal with it.”

Helen could see that Cathy wanted to ask more but had decided against it. Instead she said ‘bye’ and left.


Later, Helen lay on her bed. In her hands was a print out of Gabe’s story.


A few weeks had passed and Helen, having the house to herself, was in the sitting room trying to watch the latest instalment of Eastenders, but with very little luck.

Again she found her thoughts returning to the story Gabe had written. Try as she might, she just could not forget what she had read. The rational side of her said it was just a piece of sick fiction. Of course, it did not help that she kept reading it over and over.

But some of the events in it had actually happened. Discovering that they had forgotten the beaker and having to go back home for it. Finding Gabe with it in his hand.

Had he just found it himself or had he been doing something? The contents in the beaker did look different and there was the nurse’s comment about it. That she had never seen one that looked so good.

Could he have actually done it? Could he have actually swapped his father’s semen with his own?

At first, she tried to pass the whole thing off was preposterous. But now she was slowly growing more convinced that it was not. She felt herself flush at the thought as she continued to nurse her cup of coffee.

Christ! She wished she could have a real drink.

But it can’t be true can it? The idea was so sick.

Again, she felt that flush and realised it was excitement. Immediately she felt guilty. The story didn’t excite her? Did it?

Surely she could not find the idea of being pregnant with her own son’s baby exciting?

Oh God please no!

Maybe it was just hormones? Her hormones rather than her son’s.

She had to admit that she had been feeling more horny of late. Maybe it was the pregnancy? They say that it could affect a woman’s libido though she could not remember how she was like when she was pregnant with Gabe. Of course, it did not help that her husband had not touched her in months. She had tried approaching him a few times but he would just back off with the excuse that he did not want to harm the baby. Eventually, she had given up and resorted to other methods.

Yes. That was it. It wasn’t the story, she told herself unconvincingly.

Helen sighed. What a mess!

“Hi, Mum.” Helen’s chain of thought was interrupted as Gabe came walking through the door.

“Gabe!” Helen said, surprised in seeing her son. “You are back early.”

“Well there wasn’t anything on at the flicks and it’s pretty cold so I thought I just come home.”

Helen knew that Gabe would want to go up to his room as per usual.

“Could you sit with me for a minute?” Helen found herself saying.

What was she doing?

Gabe sat down on the sofa next to her.

“What’s up, Mum?”

No! Don’t!

“I have something to show you.” Helen fished out Gabe’s story from her handbag and handed it to him.

The boy opened it up.

“Oh.” He whispered as she watched the colour drain from his face.

“I read it.”

The boy looked terrified. Instantly, her maternal instincts came to the fore. Reaching out, Helen took Gabe’s hands in hers.

“It’s alright.” She soothed. “I am not mad.”

No, she felt something else altogether.

Gabe said nothing.

“Well perhaps a little disappointed.” Helen conceded. “What if your father had read it? He would have gone berserk.”

“Y-you weren’t suppose to read it.” The boy said, illegal bahis siteleri not looking at her.

“And you weren’t suppose to write it, honey. What made you do it?” Before she waited for an answer, Helen found herself asking: “It’s true isn’t it?”

Again she felt a flush of excitement. But stronger this time.

The look on the boy’s face had told her everything. However, he tried to evade her. “W-what’s true?”

Helen was determined to get the truth. “That you swapped the contents in the beaker.”


“That you substituted your father’s semen with your own. That you got me pregnant.” As she said it, Helen could feel the excitement surge through her.

Gabe said nothing.

“Well?” She pressed.

“I..” She knew that Gabe wanted to bolt. But she held him firmly by the hands.

“I said I am not mad with you. But I need to know the truth.”



Gabe slowly nodded. His face ashen.

Helen fell back into the sofa. It was now a certainty. The baby was Gabe’s, not Donald’s. The very idea that she was having her son’s baby should have made her sick to the stomach. It did not. Instead she had butterflies.

Helen looked at the boy. Why wasn’t she furious with him? Instead she felt her heart go out to the lad. Gabe was still her son. Despite everything else, he was still her little boy.

Pulling herself up, Helen lifted his chin so that he faced her. He tried to squirm.

“Look at me.” She told him. The boy obeyed.

She just stared at his face and could not help but think how handsome he was becoming. He was already so much better looking than his father. Her boy was growing up.

Her excitement grew.

“But why?” She asked softly, finding her voice a little husky.

“I-I…” He started

“Go on, sweetheart. Tell me. Tell Mummy.” In the past, when comforting her son, Helen had often referred to herself as ‘Mummy’. When she did it this time, it felt different.

“W-well, I knew that you and Dad were having problems having a baby…” Gabe started to say.

Helen waited for him to continue.

“…and I heard you and Dad that morning and I just wanted to help.”

Oh baby, she thought.

“But Gabe, that was so wrong.”

“I just wanted to help.” He simply stated. It looked like he was going to cry.

“Oh, sweetheart. Come and give your Mummy a hug.” Again Helen felt herself flush as she pulled her son into an embrace.

“I’m sorry, Mum.” Gabe said, almost sobbing. “I was only trying to help.”

“Shhhh!” Whispered Helen. “It’s okay. It’s all going to be okay.”

But despite her words being all maternal, Helen was now aware of how her son fitted in her arms. His developing young body felt so good. She could smell his musk. His hot skin against hers. He was definitely turning into a young man.

She felt another surge of excitement.

Helen pulled back and looked deep into his blue eyes.

“Oh darling, I do love you. You do know that?” She said.

“Yes, Mum.” Gabe nodded.

“And that I will never stop loving you. Whatever happens.”

Gabe nodded.

Helen was going to say something else when they heard the front door slam. Her husband was home. She instantly stood up.

“Hi, guys.” Donald announced as he come into the living room, throwing his briefcase onto his armchair.

“You are home early.” Helen said, finding herself annoyed at the interruption. “At least I can now start the dinner.”

Helen went into the kitchen, leaving Gabe in the sitting room while Donald went upstairs to change.

As she got the pans and pots out, her mind went over the revelation she had with Gabe.

She was going to have her son’s baby! Her heart fluttered.


Dinner went ahead as normal with Donald going on about things that were happening at work. Helen nodded and commented, her attention kept returning to Gabe who just sat at the table quietly. His plate hardly touched.

“You okay, Gabe?” Asked his father.

“Yeah.” Gabe replied.

“But you haven’t touched your dinner.” Stated Helen.

Gabe pushed his plate away. “Sorry. Just not hungry.”

Helen leant over and felt her boy’s forehead for a temperature. Though she knew the real reason why he had lost his appetite. “”Are you feeling okay?”

“Just a bit tired.” The boy replied.

“Then why don’t you go up to your bedroom and I’ll come up later to see how you are.” Helen said.

“Okay.” And the boy quickly left the table.

“You haven’t eaten much yourself.” Commented Donald, looking at Helen’s plate.

“I had a sandwich earlier.” Helen lied.

“I don’t know what’s the matter with that kid.” Muttered Donald. “He’s been funny ever since you became pregnant.”

“You think?” Helen was not sure if she was being sarcastic or genuine.

“I wonder if he’s jealous? Being an only child all this life and now he has a little baby brother or sister coming along.” Donald wondered.

Or rather a son or daughter, canlı bahis siteleri thought Helen. Again she felt herself flush.

“I don’t think so, darling.” She told her husband. “Anyway, I will check on him later and see how he is.”


As usual, Helen and Donald did the washing up together. With Donald doing the actual washing while Helen dried and put the crockery and pans away since she was the only person who knew where everything went.

Helen then went on to make a chicken sandwich for Gabe while Donald excused himself back into the living room. A few minutes later, she went through on her way upstairs.

“I am just seeing how Gabe is.” She said.

“Okay.” Replied her husband as he went through the channels on the Sky remote. “There’s a good film at nine on the Syfy Channel that we should watch.”

“Okay.” Helen said, not really listening.


Outside Gabe’s bedroom door, Helen knocked.

Getting no answer, she let herself in.

In the dark, Gabe was sitting on the edge of his bed. Turning on the bedside lamp, she placed the plate next to it and then sat next to the boy.

“You were very quiet at the dinner table. You okay?” She asked, knowing full well that he was not.

“I’m sorry.”

Helen then saw that Gabe had been crying.

“Come here.” Helen took her boy into her arms and held him tightly. Again she noticed how good it felt.

“We will get round this.” She soothed.

Gabe nodded again. “But…”


“For long moments Helen held her child to her. She then pulled back.

“Sweetheart. What is done is done. I know that if you could go back, you wouldn’t have done it.”

“Huh! Huh!” The boy nodded.

“But if you hadn’t had done that, then there would be no baby.”


“Gabe. You are almost an adult and I should treat you like one and so I am going to be honest with you. If it wasn’t for you, I doubt I would ever have another baby.”

And it was true. In her heart, she knew that she and Donald would have never had another child together. If it hadn’t been for Gabe…

The revelation brought tears to her eyes.


“I’m okay.” Helen said, wiping her face. She then continued.

“I already told you that your father has a low sperm count. Well the doctors told us that it was very doubtful we would ever conceive. Literally that last visit was our last chance. I saw the beaker when I first got up and knew it would not work. But then when I checked it after coming back for it. After I took it off you.”

“Y-you knew?” Gasped Gabe.

“I knew there was something different with it…and when the nurse said how good the sample was. That it was the best she had ever seen. I didn’t realise it at the time but maybe I did suspect something.”

She found herself looking into her son’s face. Into his startling blue eyes. Eyes that were a mirror image of her own.

“God, darling. Do you realise how handsome you are becoming?” Helen sighed. “Some day you will make a lucky girl very happy.” And she felt a wave of bitterness. Helen did not want to lose her baby boy. Not to anyone.

Gabe blushed.

Helen stared intently at him as she felt an intense wave of love for her boy. Something that she had never felt before. Oh she would always love him but this felt different. Was it gratitude for what he had done? For what he had given her? Or was it something much more?

He was so handsome. His face. His mouth. His lips.

Oh baby.

Helen started to move forward. Her face closing on the boy’s. Her lips moving towards his.


Her husband’s voice was like a jolt of electricity. Helen quickly stood up.

“Now eat your sandwich and we can talk more about this later.”

The boy nodded and went to eat his meal while Helen left him to join her husband downstairs.

“What had happen just then?” Helen asked herself.


“Where are you going?” Her husband asked as Helen pulled on her dressing gown.

“I’m just going to check on Gabe.” She told him.

“You worry about him too much. Let him be.”

“I just want to make sure he’s alright.” She answered though she knew there was more to it than that. Her rational side told her that she should stay in her bedroom but she had to see her son.

Like before she knocked on her son’s door before letting herself in. With the bedside lamp still on, she saw that Gabe had changed and was now in bed.


“I just came to say ‘goodnight'”. She looked at the half eaten sandwich on the bedside table. “You didn’t like your sandwich?”


“You keep saying that.” Helen smiled as she sat on the edge of his bed. She reached over and pushed back his mop of hair.

“I just wanted to make sure you are okay.” She continued.

“I suppose.”

“Gabe. Everything will work out. I promise you.”

“I suppose.” Gabe said again and then after a slight pause. “Mum? Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure. Shoot!”

“Will you keep the baby?”

The question struck Helen like a dagger. Why would he even think that she would consider anything other than keeping it?

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Massage on the Move Pt. 01

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I was a good ten minutes into the massage that was expertly easing the tension in my lower back when I realized that Vicky may have more services available. As her fingers pushed up towards my shoulders I shifted my head, opened my eyes, and saw the light summer dress she had been wearing when she greeted me at the door crumpled on the floor next to the massage table.

I chuckled internally at my dumb naivety. Just an hour ago I’d gone to Craigslist looking for someone offering massage services that were local and affordable. Vicky’s ad looked polite, professional, and personable. Our quick text message communication indicated she could host the massage almost immediately. So without thinking too far in advance, I headed over.

The apartment building was pretty crappy. Litter was strewn around, bunches of kids of all sizes and races were running around a playground that probably didn’t meet local safety standards. I proceeded with a sort of Robin Hood vibe. Like this Vicky was probably struggling, but providing this service to take care of her family. She’d suggested in our texts that I didn’t have to pay until the end of the 50-minute massage to ensure that I was satisfied. I had nothing to lose. So naïve.

She had opened the door as soon as I knocked, a bright, cheery smile across her pale-skinned face. Straight blond hair fell down her shoulders, almost forming an arrow that pointed to evidently large breasts cupped in the light cotton material of that flower-patterned summer dress.

We exchanged pleasantries as she led me in. Another door in the apartment closed, causing me to look that direction.

“Just my brother getting out of the way,” she said. It made me a little uneasy that someone else was there, but it also made sense that she’d have some form of security if strange men were coming to the apartment.

The apartment looked like it needed a thorough cleaning. Dishes were stacked by the sink and a kitchen table was covered in junk mail, pizza boxes, magazines, and the other detritus of inhabitants not concerned about appearances.

Vicky caught me looking around.

“I know, I know,” she said, apologetically, “I told him I wasn’t lifting another finger until he did his share, and now he’s calling my bluff.” Her voice trailed off.

“But I make enough from these jobs, I get my own place and he’ll be left to his filth. Though I know in the meantime it doesn’t help first impressions for my clients.”

“No worries,” I replied, and just smiled.

Vicky walked over to the massage table set up in the main living area. I guess that made sense. I’m sure any other spare rooms in this apartment weren’t large enough to fit the table, but it added to the uneasiness.

“You can undress and wrap this towel while I get the oils,” she said cheerily, and disappeared into the bathroom.

Slowly I slipped off my jacket and polo shirt, then belt and dropped my jeans. At least the towels on the table looked almost new and smelled laundry fresh.

Well, I was here now, so down went the shorts and I quickly wrapped the towel before folding and placing my clothes on a nearby chair.

Vicky knocked on the door from inside the bathroom and called out “are you ready?”

I climbed on the table and placed my face in the cushioned space and let out a muffled “yes.”

She came into the room and over to the table where I could feel her presence even if I didn’t look up. She asked where in particular to focus and if there was anywhere to avoid. I told her about my lower-back tightness and my neck stiffness from sitting staring at my computer for 12-plus hours a day. I heard the pop of the oil bottle and her rubbing her hands before feeling them softly rub across my back, up my spine, into my shoulder blades, and across my neck.

It was bliss as she increased the pressure and I started to zone out in the deep relaxation. As she silently worked my thighs I started to feel my arousal rising and concentrated on thinking about football, my mother, whatever would avoid that embarrassing situation.

But then when I looked up slightly and noticed the dress on the floor Vicky gently pulled at my side, beckoning with her hands for me to roll onto my back. I did so and readjusted on the table and squinted as those large pendulous breasts were now exposed and dangling over my chest. Her large pink areolas spread wide across the surface and illegal bahis her nipple jutted out just slightly. She turned and walked to the table to retrieve another bottle, letting me stare at a wide ass that was slightly dimpled but so beautiful. As she turned I could just make out the top of her seemingly freshly shaved pussy. Without saying a word she stood over my head and rubbed her hands down my hairy chest, down towards my stomach, forcing those breasts to dangle tantalizingly close to my face.

It was impossible now to keep my erection down and I could see the towel shift as it grew. After just a couple of minutes Vicky said, simply, “let’s set that free, shall we?” The question was rhetorical as she pulled at the towel and I arched my back to let her pull it free.

She tossed the towel to the floor and without saying another word gently cupped my balls in one hand and began to stroke my seven-inch shaft. As she exposed the bright red head of my uncut cock she brought her mouth down to it and licked the tip, then around the glans, then down the bottom of the shaft before taking one of my balls in her mouth and flicking her tongue around it.

I twitched a few times in response to her tongue and the fingers slowly guiding up and down my rock hard shaft.

“Would you like to stay right there?” she asked.

Not understanding any alternatives I mutely nodded. Vicky reached over to the table and revealed a box of condoms. “Required, okay?” Again, I mutely nodded and she blew on the condom to expose the tip, then rolled it over my bright purple head and down the shaft.

Carefully she lifted her knee onto the side of the table, and as expertly as I could imagine swung her other leg across to straddle me. I glanced towards the door where I knew her brother was waiting or hiding or even possibly peeping.

Vicky placed her hand softly on my face and pulled it back straight so I was looking into her blue eyes. “Just relax,” she said as she lifted both my arms, sliding her hands down to mine, then placing them over those large breasts.

“I love having them played with; tweak my nipples, make them hard.”

As I started my own massage she reached down and took my cock in her hand, lifted her hips, and guided it towards her pussy. It wasn’t that wet—no real surprise—but she just pushed down, pulling back my foreskin forcefully, which wasn’t very comfortable. But I focused on her breasts, and slowly her rocking back and forth got us into a rhythm.

“Pull harder on my nipples,” she quietly commanded. So I pinched them between my fingers, pulled, rotated, and became even more turned on as they responded, sticking out a full inch. That prompted Vicky to start groaning, softly at first, but as our pounding motion got faster and harder, the noise was unmistakable, and my mind flitted to that bedroom, hoping her brother had headphones.

I lifted my head to wrap my mouth around that areola, very gently using my teeth to tweak at the erect nipple. Vicky slowed her pace, but groaned more intensely. Then she sat up, pulling her nipple from my mouth. She looked majestic, those large breasts, those areolas now smaller as the nipples stood proudly. She started rocking at a different angle, then licked her fingers and lowered them to her clitoris, parting the lips with two fingers before using her other hand to slowly circle over the exposed head. I reached up to take hold of those nipples again, and Vicky gasped in shortened breaths. She began to emit small squeaks that were simply adorable and so hot.

The one benefit to my mind wandering to whether Vicky’s brother could hear or even see what was going on is that it slowed down my own countdown to launch. I’d be proud if I could last long enough for a pro to get herself off. And with that thought I could tell my own explosion was imminent.

Right at that moment Vicky dropped her hips deep, thrusting my cock as deep inside the warmth of her now well lubricated pussy as it could go. The sucked in air quickly and intensely, her fingers now flickering wildly over her clit, then she suddenly stopped and began quickly pounding on my cock, faster and faster, her hands now by my shoulders, those tits flapping across my chest. After one last high-pitched inhalation of air she let out a long, deep, low groan, and the pace of her thrusting slowed before she flopped onto my chest and I could feel her pussy muscles flexing illegal bahis siteleri and twitching around my pole.

She lifted her head, her face just an inch from mine, a smile on her lips, and she quickly pecked me on the lips.

“Well, soldier, I must say that has not happened with a client before, but that was amazing, and now I owe you. So you can stay inside like this, or if you want to finish somewhere else, somehow else, it’s your choice, no extra fees.”

This was all so weird to me and I guess I lacked the confidence or knowledge to know what to ask for. And I didn’t want to ask for what I really wanted to do with someone, which was to unload on their face. My girlfriends, the few that I had, had never allowed it. Maybe this would be my only shot. So many thoughts.

“I appreciate you thinking about it, but honey, we don’t have all day!” Vicky giggled as she berated me politely for taking my time.

“I’m okay here,” I finally mumbled.

With that, she began rocking her hips again. It was smooth and well lubricated now, and I could hear the telltale slaps and slurps of a very wet pussy. Vicky went slowly, with more movement, clearly trying to make sure I got off soon. That wasn’t going to be a problem.

“Is there anything else I can do?” she whispered.

“Um…I like kissing,” I meekly whispered back.

Vicky tilted her head. I knew that most pros didn’t allow kissing. But if I was pushing anything, it was better to be turned down for that than the embarrassment of being rejected for asking to smother my goo on the girl’s face.

Vicky leaned forward, pressing her breasts into my chest, opened her mouth, and kissed. She maintained the gentle rocking of her hips as her tongue now explored my mouth, my tongue, my teeth. It was better than I could have hoped, and almost instantly I felt the rush of blood as I reached the point of no return. My hands grabbed down on her thick ass, pushing myself deep in the warm wetness of her pussy. I released my own groan with her tongue in my mouth and she backed off, letting her breasts rest softly and alluringly on my chest as I tensed and raised my hips, and felt my hot load fill the tip of the condom. Three, four thrusts and groans and my body fully relaxed.

Vicky slowly lifted her hips as I held the condom in place, and deftly slid off the massage table, landing with a bit of a thud.

“I’ll take care of that,” she said as she slipped the condom off my still thick cock. I looked down and my balls and upper thighs were glistening with her pussy juices. She may have been a bit dry early, but this clearly worked for her.

“The bathroom’s over there if you want to get cleaned up a bit,” she said, “I made a bit of a mess down there with my love juices flowing like that. I have to say again, wow, that rarely happens in my personal life, let alone when with a client. We must have some kind of chemistry.”

Still nervous and now keenly aware of my surroundings I jogged to the bathroom, washed up, and returned with a towel wrapped around my waist. Vicky was wiping herself with a wet wipe and towel as I came back in to the main room. She remained naked and I got to admire her womanly curves, especially those soft floppy tits as she used more wet wipes and towels to wipe down the massage table.

“So,” she said, with a business tone, “worth the money?”

I mumbled and stuttered, realizing I now had to finish this purely business transaction.

“Just so you know, maybe for the future…” she tilted her head with a cute flirtation “there are other options, for which I have different rates.”

I evidently had a blank look on my face.

She sighed slightly. “You’re sweet. But, you know, if you want to go in my ass, or have me swallow, or any other kinky stuff, we’ll negotiate. I just don’t do piss and ass licking, that kind of stuff. Just so you know.”

I nodded blankly, retrieved my wallet and pulled out the amount we’d agreed.

She smiled as I handed over the bundle of bills and tossed it casually on the table. “I really did enjoy that, so I hope to get to see you again.”

Once more I nodded mutely, got dressed, and headed for the door. Vicky caught my arm as I was opening the door, leaned up and pecked me on the cheek.

“I mean it. Hope to see you again soon.”

I left quickly and hustled to my car parked around the corner, looking down canlı bahis siteleri all the time assuming everyone out on the streets knew where I’d been and what I had just done. Even though I’d cleaned up in the bathroom I could still smell Vicky on my hands, and assumed the aroma emanated in some cloud around me. I was shaking as I turned on the ignition, but I also figured that yes, I’d see her again soon.

Just a week later I caught myself thinking about the encounter with Vicky, and almost immediately my cock had started to get hard. Maybe it was time. I texted her and she promised me her brother was out of the house that afternoon, so it would be a great time.

This time we dispensed with the pretense of the massage and she led me straight to her bedroom, which was tidy, clean, smelled great, and distinctly girly. The brother was holding out on his bluff and the rest of the place was a mess. Vicky just sighed and apologized.

This time, after she’d sucked me for a while and applied the condom, I did her from behind for a bit, then on top. While I was on top I positioned myself so I could massage her swollen clit with my thumb. She was instantly wet, and again seemed to get really into it, commanding me to go a bit slower, then speed up, as it appeared I might make her cum again. I did everything I could not to blow my load as her intensity rose. I realized I was getting close and pulled out. She asked what was wrong, but without pausing I slipped down her torso and thrust my tongue into her wet pussy, then over her clit as my fingers explored inside her, searching for the elusive G-spot. I curled my fingers upwards—as I’d read on the internet—and I think I hit the jackpot.

Vicky’s back arched instantly and she let out a loud, screech, followed by “Yes, yes, oh my god, yes.”

I felt like I was in a porn movie and she was just acting, but it’s clear she wasn’t. I stayed focused on her clit with my tongue and on this magical spot with my fingers. Suddenly she tensed and I felt her squirt on my chin, her juices hitting my chest and matting the hair. As she relaxed I sat up and wiped the juices from all around my face.

Vicky giggled and handed me a towel.

“Two for two,” she said, “so any thoughts on what I can do for you this time?”

I paused. “Could I remove the condom? I can promise you I’m clean, if you can promise me you are.”

Vicky took a deep breath. “You’re not my boyfriend, you know that right. This is a client relationship.”

“I get it. Understand if it’s a no-no.”

“I’m sorry…but how about this. You keep doing what you’re doing, and when you’re ready, pull out, take off the condom, and you can finish on my breasts. And I’ll even rub it all over them for you.”


I lined up and easily re-entered Vicky’s slick pussy. She pulled me down to her grabbed my face, and kissed me. I was shocked, but delighted. We kissed as I continued to slowly pump deep inside her. I came up for air and she took hold of her breasts, pulling at the soft skin, lifting the nipples, making them stand to attention.

I felt like I was close, so sat up, pulled out slowly, and quickly cast off the condom. I moved my knees to her sides, straddling her torso. Vicky took hold of my lubricated cock and slowly pumped. I let her do it, but as I felt I was about to finish, took over to control my own orgasm. She took the hint and pushed her breasts together, creating a deep crevasse of cleavage.

I came. The first stream landing straight in the middle of the cleavage, but the second, stronger burst flung forward on to her chin, dribbling down her neck. She flinched a bit, as the next, and the next rope covered her tits. I squeezed out the last drop on to her stomach, and relaxed, at which point Vicky let her breasts go and massaged my splooge into them, causing them to glisten.

As we cleaned up we chatted, and she was willing to answer every question: yes, he was her brother, and no he wasn’t secretly filming (that she was aware of), and yes he knew what she was doing and had headphones. She wanted to be a writer, had tried other businesses, had a failed marriage, no kids but was interested, never turned a client into a relationship other than regulars, of which there were several.

And she would also, for an additional fee, do an overnight. I suggested a hotel and she would do that, letting us have several hours and go as many times as I wanted.

“Next time, let’s do the overnight,” I said as I left with a huge grin on my face. Vicky’s cute nod of affirmation would keep me going until next week when I could work out this next chapter at the hotel.

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The Daughter and the Drugs Ch. 01

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Jim’s meaty fingers clacked clumsily on his computer keys. As he loaded his favorite website his heavy breathing increased into a full pant. At the top of the screen was a “shop” tab, and upon loading he’d found his holy grail. In big bold letters the heading read: PREMIUM PANTIES.

Although Jim was in a committed relationship with his wife of forty years, he’d found that in times of complacency he could find gratification in a stranger’s panties. It was wrong, he knew, but to Jim that added to the thrill. Perusing the various shops around the web, and even sometimes mustering the gall to place an order was one of the only things he found could cause a stir in his pants.

This particular website, Jim’s go-to, housed panties from various women all across the United States. Most orders came with either the URL to a video or a written description of how these panties were used. The prices were fair and Jim always received quality products. The great thing, Jim thought, was that he could play favorites, only buying from the women whom he’d had a pleasurable experience with previously. A woman who went by the name Justice Star never disappointed, always sending pungent panties and links to exceptionally filthy videos of her playing with herself in said panties.

Jim made his was down to Justice Star’s page, knowing full well that this time he was buying panties, not just looking. Most illegal bahis times Jim would just look at the womens’ dozens of photos , and touch himself with the panties he already had in his possession, but this time, this day, he’d felt an urge he needed to satisfy. His wife retired two weeks ago and left for a month-long cruise with their eldest son, leaving Jim sexually frustrated and longing for a taboo pleasure. Since his wife’s sex drive had been nonexistent for the better part of a decade, Jim was able to suppress his urges when she was around. In her absence his lustful longing bubbled inside him like hot fire.

Jim couldn’t click on Justice’s page fast enough, but as it loaded he did not see pictures of her panties displayed, with prices underneath and a brief description, instead her page read: out of stock.

I want to say sorry to all of my loyal customers, she’d written on the page, but as of 02-04-16 I am unable to provide my service. Thank you so much for your years of patronage, but the circumstances in my life that allowed me to pursue this avenue of sales have changed. Thank you, again, and good luck. There are so many wonderful vendors on this site so I’m sure you’ll find someone who fits your tastes. Remember to help the little guys! Every new shop needs someone to be their first customer.

Love, Justice Star

The erection that was beginning between Jim’s legs illegal bahis siteleri deflated and he let out a monstrous sigh. The loss of his favorite vendor was a big one, but he knew he had to push on. Back on the main page Jim scrolled though the profiles, stopping at any that caught his eye. Twenty minutes in and he was already raking his fingers through his balding white hair in frustration. Finally he found a page that stood out. The profile picture was typical, the bottom half of a small, petite girl with her milky thighs spread, revealing the crotch of cotton blue panties, but the description was intriguing.

Bouncy Stephanie: I’m 22, 5’6″, 140lbs, I take requests and I individual chat. Based in Indiana.

Jim lived just thirty minutes away from the Indiana border, and liked the thought of faster shipping. He’d also rarely found a girl who was willing to chat individually with customers. He’s chalked that up to her young age, as many of the older women knew that the more separated you were from your customers the safer you were. Looking further, he saw that her prices were almost 25% less than what he was currently paying. Well, he thought, this seems too good to be true. The only things he could find to explain the low prices was the fact that her shop opened just a month ago. It had no reviews and only eight customers had actually purchased from her.

Jim readied his canlı bahis siteleri mouse to rifle through her pictures and upon clicking the first photo, his heart almost stopped.

There, in full color, inches from his salivating mouth, was his daughter’s naked body. She was on her back, legs spread wide with her blue cotton panties pushed to the side, two fingers stretching her tiny pussy, another hand pinching her pink nipple, and another pair of cotton panties shoved deeply in her mouth.


He closed the window as fast as he could, disgust souring his mood. He couldn’t get that image of his youngest daughter out of his mind. Even though his stomach felt sick from even the thought of his daughter in that compromising position, it seemed like all the blood in his body was flowing to his cock. He absent-mindedly stroked himself, and then sat back down on his computer chair rubbing his dick faster. He didn’t want to, but the only thoughts that flooded his mind to orgasm were of his daughter’s dripping pussy, and her moans as he forced himself inside of her. He pictured her gripping his back as hard as she could while writhing on his shaft, her sweaty little body spasming with each thrust. He imagined his dirty, slutty daughter giving her used panties to strange men, those men seeing her naked body in pictures and video, and he knew he had to experience that. Finally as each explosion of cum ripped from his body he could only picture Stephanie, begging for more.

Jim sat at his computer, exhausted and disgusted, only wishing that Pandora’s Box had never been opened, because he didn’t think it would ever close.

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The Bondage Family Ch. 03

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19-year old Aubrie Colt had been in nervous and jittery state for the entirety of her engagement party. There were all of those people to thank with new people to meet and family members wishing her congratulations. Aubrie was not the flamboyant person her cousins Frankie or Brittney were. If she had been, things might have gone her way a lot sooner than that.

Aubrie was not shy in the way that some girls were. She was pretty, with curly auburn hair and a slim, almost model-perfect body. She liked clothes and wore them well, even if her daddy didn’t always approve. She was so thankful that she had an ally in her mom, who encouraged her little girl to be more open and take bites out of the apple of life. Aubrie adored her daddy, he was strong and confident. If only he wasn’t so rigid and set in his ways. If he had been more like his younger brother, her uncle Ryan, Aubrie might not have rebelled the way she had the past year. She supposed that she had her cousin Brittney to thank for that and her new, liberated way of living.

She and Brittney had been thick as thieves for a long time and were able to tell each other anything. They had a lot of time to spend together and worked for the same supermarket chain. The two cousins / best friends always managed to schedule their breaks together. Last year, Brittney’s confession had knocked Aubrie for a loop.

“I’ve started having sex,” Brittney explained to her cousin. “They’re right, you know – its’s every bit as good as everyone says it is.”

“I can’t believe it,” Aubrie said to her younger cousin. “You only turned 18, like, a few weeks ago.”

“I would have started even earlier, but there are strict rules about waiting until you’re 18,” Brittney explained.

“Rules? I don’t understand – how can there be rules? You should be free to do as you please. There’s something you’re not telling me, isn’t there?” Aubrie questioned her cousin.

Brittney sighed; the petite brunette and her cousin had been best friends for years. Their personalities and temperaments were much alike. She didn’t want to keep secrets from Aubrie although she knew the secret she was keeping was a big one. She thought of her daddy and of Frankie – how might they react to her spilling the beans? The young girl took a deep breath and decided that she had no other choice.

Brittney grabbed her cousin’s shoulders and held her tight. “I’m about to tell you something very serious, it’s a big secret. Can I trust you not to blab it to anyone?” She said to her younger cousin. “If this was to ever get out, it could cause a great deal of trouble for everyone,” she explained.

“If what was to ever get out?” A confused Aubrie asked. “Brit, you’re not making much sense! What did you DO?”

Brittney looked around the coffee shop and saw no one was close enough to overhear. Still, she lowered her voice. “I had sex with daddy. My father was my first lover. Oh Aubrie, it was perfect. Daddy’s cock was so nice in my pussy and he was so caring and gentle.”

Aubrie was reeling from her cousin’s confession of incest. Brittney had actually fucked Uncle Ryan? He was her favorite relative and such a great dude, masculine and strong. He never treated her the way her own stuffy daddy did, he was the “cool uncle” most teen girls wanted.

Aubrie had a million questions – okay, maybe not quite a million – but before she could ask a single one, her cousin dropped a second bomb on her.

“After daddy had his way with me, he passed me around – oh God, I felt like such a slut and I loved it – then I had sex with Frankie and my mom. Eddie came last and he loves watching others go before him, he’s so cute – it was the best birthday a girl could have wished for!” Brittney enthused.

“You fuh – you had sex with your entire family?” Aubrie gasped, although quietly enough so that no one would hear them. “Fuck Brittney, do you know what they call that?”

“I know and don’t really care,” Brittney laughed, crossing her legs. “All I know is how many times I came and how good it all was. My family is the bomb and I’m glad I’m old enough to appreciate that.”

“Damn!” was all that Aubrie could manage to say. Her cousin was grinning from ear to ear. “Hey – you had sex with Frankie and your mom?” Brittney nodded. “Didn’t that seem weird – having sex with another girl?”

“Nope, felt like the most natural thing in the world, like I’d been doing it all of my life,” Brittney confessed. “I’ve been into girls for years now, I just never acted on it. Now, I’m going to make up for lost time. You should have seen it, Aubrie – Frankie and I really went to town on mom and she just had to lie there and take it. When we finally let her loose, she went after my pussy like she was starved for it!”

“Now you’ve lost me – let her loose?”

“Oops,” Brittney giggled. “I guess I left some things out – my family is into bondage and control. Daddy is our master, he leads the household. After him, Frankie is our mistress. Mom and Eddie, illegal bahis they’re like, our slaves! They do as they’re told. We had mommy tied up and eating our pussies while Eddie and Daddy watched us perform. Eddie was tied up too, he gets off on watching. We made mommy give us 2 orgasms apiece before Daddy and Frankie decided we could untie her. Frankie says that I’m in the middle, I am still her slave, hers and Daddy’s, but I am ahead of mommy and Eddie.”

“Oh God, this is the nastiest thing I’ve ever heard,” Aubrie breathed. Brittney noticed that her cousin hadn’t said “stop”, so she continued.

“I really want to peg Eddie, Daddy thinks he’d let me,” Brittney giggled. “I spoke up and said who the fuck said he had a choice. Frankie really loved that and she promised me I could, and soon. Aubrie, I’ve never been happier – I really love my fucking family!”

“Literally,” Aubrie managed to laugh. She squirmed a bit in her seat. “I’m not going to judge you, but I’m a bit jealous. I wish I had someone fucking me. My boyfriend doesn’t want to fuck a virgin, my father watches me like a hawk and I’m not into girls, like you.”

“Yeah, being almost 18 and constantly horny is a drag, I know that,” Brittney answered. “Don’t be so sure you aren’t into girls – sometimes, all it takes is a bit of encouragement, a willingness to go out of your comfort zone.”

“It wouldn’t matter,” Aubrie said. “I don’t know if any of the girls I know are lesbian or bi, I’d be too terrified to find out – even if I was interested, which I’m not sure about.”

“You do know one bi girl.”



“Wow – I would never have – you really have become a slut, haven’t you?”

Brittney nodded. “Proud of it, too. If you ever want to try a girl … oh wow, I just had an idea, you’re going to freak out when I tell you!”

“I didn’t freak out when you told me all about the family, so I doubt it.”

“Okay then, just remember – I warned you.”

“Yeah, yeah – just get on with it!”

“Okay – because I’m a slut, I think outside the box, so here goes. If you really want to get fucked at last, you should let my daddy do the honors,” Brittney suggested.

“WHAT?” Aubrie screeched, attracting attention for the first time.

“You said you weren’t going to freak!” Brittney tried to calm her cousin.

“You’re right, and I’m sorry, but DAMN Brit, you didn’t exactly give me a clue as to what you were about to say,” Aubrie gasped, gulping half her coffee. “I think you’ve gone totally around the bend.”

“Really? Don’t tell me that you haven’t noticed how gorgeous my daddy is.”

“Uncle Ryan? Sure, he’s an Adonis, but what does that have to do with anything?”

“You’re almost 18, cute and sexy and believe me, the family notices things like that,” Brittney confessed, her breathing almost shallow. Clearly, she was a bit turned on. “If I asked Daddy to be your first – like, for your birthday – he’d do it, I know he would.” The tiny brunette snapped her fingers. “I know how to put the icing on the cake – I’ll ask Frankie for permission to be your first girl!”

Brittney expected her younger cousin to freak out. That didn’t happen this time. She just sat there with her expressive blue eyes taking it all in. “Okay,” she finally spoke. “I think I can handle that.”

Aubrie had now surprised her cousin. “ALL of it?”

Hoping she wouldn’t be noticed, Aubrie leaned forward and gave Brittney a quick peck on the lips. “ALL of it – like, you only live once, right?”

“Right, exactly!” Brittney was almost beside herself with joy. “Wow, I can’t believe you made up your mind so fast. I seriously thought I’d have to talk you into it.”

“No, the more I think about your daddy’s cock, fucking me, the hornier I get,” the girl said.

“And me?”

“I’m not as sure of that – we’ve known each other all our lives, I’m a tiny bit worried that if I don’t like it …”

Brittney was wearing a huge smile. “Believe me, you’ll like it. Frankie says I’m better than a lot of her girlfriends. Face it baby, you got the family slut gene,” she laughed. “Your first time having sex is going to blow your mind and it only gets better!”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Sure! Why do you think I’ve been late to so many of my morning classes? I’ve either had daddy buried deep inside me or I’ve been tribbing with Frankie or having mom eat daddy’s cum out of my pussy. I’m thrilled to have turned into such a slut and there’s no end in sight! You’re going to have the time of your life!” Brittney insisted.

“Okay, but it’s okay that I’m still, like, a little nervous?”

“Of course Aubrie, of course!” Brittney assured her. “It’s a huge step in a new direction.”

“There is one little thing,” Aubrie confessed.

Brittney picked up on it. “We’re back to the lesbian sex issue, right?”

“Right – well, not exactly,” Aubrie spoke up. “It’s more of the `you and me’ thing. I never even thought of having sex with someone illegal bahis siteleri in my family – let alone my cousin and my best friend. I wonder – oh fuck, this sounds stupid – but y’all are so gorgeous, I wonder if I’m sexy enough for you!”

“Is that it?” Brittney laughed. “Like, are you fucking kidding me, bitch? Do you know how difficult it’s been for me not to make a move on you? You’re 5’9″ of sexy perfection, I can’t wait to let loose on you. Oh wait, we have got to get you some slinky lingerie and heels, Daddy loves it when a girl is dolled up – me too, actually,” Brittney enthused.

“Oh God, I’m so horny, I can’t stand it,” Aubrie trilled.

“Sorry kiddo, nothing until you’re 18,” Brittney said, then she decided on one small little gesture. She returned her cousin’s earlier kiss, with a bare hint of tongue. “Consider that a promissory note,” she grinned wickedly.

“Oh God, I’m practically creaming my thong,” Aubrie breathed.

“See?” Brittney grinned again. “I told you – definite slut.”

Despite it being only a few short weeks, Aubrie remembered the day felt as if it would never arrive. To her surprise, a few minutes after 9 AM, her cousin arrived with Frankie and Brooke in tow. “Happy 18th, baby cousin!” Frankie piped up. “It’s your big day, are you nervous?”

“God, yes!” Aubrie breathed. “I’m just glad my folks went to work early, I don’t know what they’d make of all this.”

Frankie smiled and pulled her cousin close. “What would they make of this, do you mean?” She gave her cousin her first fully adult, lesbian-themed kiss. Brooke followed suit, wildly tonguing her niece. Brittney was fuming when they were done.

“No FAIR!” She pouted. “You both know the deal – I get to go first!”

Frankie shot her little sister a stern look. “Chill out, baby sister. You know I always get the first taste of new pussy. But I made you a promise and you know I keep my word. I just wanted a sample, you get the main course. Let’s get our little novice all dolled up before daddy come home from work.”

Her sexy female relatives took Aubrie on a wild shopping spree combined with a makeover at a local spa and a luxurious lunch. Had they not all been so flirtatious, Aubrie would not have thought that anything was out of the ordinary. They were all flirtatious, stroking her cheek, running their hands along her legs, making cute little quips laced with double-entendres. Aubrie just soaked in all the attention she rarely got from her own parents. The thrill of her impending incestuous explorations coupled with the warm glow she got from the company of her favorite relatives had already made this the best day, like, EVER!

After she got to Brittney’s home, Aubrie was nervous. “No need,” Brittney cautioned her. She led her upstairs to her bedroom and posed Aubrie in front of the mirror. “Wouldn’t YOU want to fuck that girl?”

“Oh, my GOD!” Aubrie gasped.


“I’m gorgeous – why didn’t any of you tell me?” Aubrie half laughed / half cried.

“You needed to find out for yourself,” Brittney giggled. “But you’re right – with your hair styled like that and in that skimpy top, skirt and heels, you’re not just gorgeous – you’re fucking hot!”

“How can I ever thank you for this?” Aubrie squealed in delight.

Her cousin pulled Aubrie’s face to her own and kissed her sensually. “Like that, and later, by giving me lots of sexy cums,” Brittney told her. “Right now, we’ll all have a few drinks and some laughs and have a nice buzz for when daddy gets home. One look and you and he’ll get a huge stiffie!” Brittney giggled. She took her cousin’s hand and led her downstairs where champagne was waiting. The three women started to celebrate, although Aubrie noticed her aunt holding back a little. Evidently, Brittney had told the truth about their new family dynamic and Brooke really had ceded control to her eldest daughter. Aubrie still thought her aunt looked hot, wearing a mini that would have looked ridiculous on most women her age. Brooke still had the body to attract any man or woman she wanted – with Frankie’s permission, of course.

When she heard a car pull up in the driveway, Aubrie fought the brief impulse to flee. She really wanted this, yet knew everything was going to change. Then a warm flow came through her body. She was going to get fucked tonight, fucked as often as she could stand. Once she had conquered her few fears, she too, would be able to attract the men – or women – of her dreams. The thought of a big, thick cock in her pussy, in her mouth, just made her melt. When Uncle Ryan entered the room, all thoughts of leaving, all her inhibitions, just flew out the window. Oh yeahhh,, she wanted this.

“So, where’s the birthday girl?” Ryan asked. Brittney gave her cousin a gentle shove in Ryan’s direction and awaited his opinion.

“Did we do good, daddy?” Brittney asked. She knew that there would be no problem if something was amiss, as Frankie was the one in charge. When canlı bahis siteleri she saw her father’s warm smile, she knew it was all good.

“She’s perfect,” Ryan smiled, engaging the attention of the 4 women. “You look lovely Aubrie, are you ready for what’s about to happen?”

“Yes, sir,” Aubrie intoned, remembering Brittney’s instructions. “I can’t wait to be fucked by you. I’m thrilled for the opportunity to be one of your little sluts,” she almost purred.

“VERY good ladies, I’m pleased,” Ryan nodded as Frankie brought her daddy-lover a glass of bubbly. She stood proudly beside him as if reminding everyone she was not to be ignored.

“You’re going to love being a slut, just like the rest of us,” Frankie spoke. “Daddy’s sluts get all the attention a girl needs, he’s a fucking machine. He’s not selfish either, we’re allowed to live our own lives – within reason. I can’t wait to see you deep-throat Daddy or be impaled on his cock. When he cums inside of you, we’re all going to clean you up. That’s okay, isn’t it, daddy?”

“Of course princess, it sounds amazing,” Ryan spoke to his daughter. “Ladies, you all look wonderful. Aubrie, please come over here,” he instructed his trembling niece. Aubrie walked towards her uncle, at first on trembling legs. Then she remembered the girl she had seen in the mirror and her confidence grew. Yes, she was going to have sex with a commanding, attractive stud – but he too, was going to have sex with a teenaged sex goddess in sexy lingerie and heels. It went both ways, Aubrie rationalized.

“You girls have outdone yourselves, I’m very pleased,” Ryan said as he gave Aubrie appraising glances. “Aubrie baby, you’re a very pleasant sight indeed. Are you ready for what is about to happen?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be, yes,” Aubrie nodded.

“You understand what is going to happen?”


“Please, tell me, so I can be sure there are no misunderstandings,” Ryan cautioned her.

“Okay. You and I are going to have sex – you’re going to fuck me and remove my virginity. After that, I’m going to have sex with Brittney, my first time with another girl. When that’s over, it’s anyone’s game – a free-for-all. I am free to fuck and suck anyone I wish and become one of this family’s loving sluts, is that about it?” The teen giggled.

“Close enough, although I’m changing the plan a bit,” Ryan said as he hugged Frankie’s arm. “Frankie, you will be allowed to go first.” Frankie was stunned and she looked to her sister’s face for a reaction. Finding none, she started to move before Ryan said “No – that was a test, which Brittney passed. As ALL know here Aubrie, my word is LAW. Brittney, for understanding that, YOU will go first. You and your cousin may have sex, both of you, be sure to give us a good show,” he stated as he sat down on the spacious sofa. Frankie and Brooke knew what their assigned roles would be without even being told. They would be expected to suck Ryan’s cock and prepare him for his upcoming fuck with Aubrie. Frankie knew that if her daddy came – and she wanted his first load – it was her job, hers and Brooke’s, to make sure he was ready again when it came time to fuck her cousin. Her master must always be the first in line.

“I’m glad you’re finally old enough to join us,” Brittney breathed as she caressed her cousin’s lovely face. “You’ve been a temptation to me for a long while.” She lowered her cousin to the spacious floor while letting everyone get a good glimpse of her body, clad in a slinky black negligee and bedroom slippers. She knew her daddy liked visual stimulation as much as anything. She could see why because she was practically salivating to get her mouth on Aubrie. She remembered all that she had been taught by daddy, Frankie and even slutty mommy – the best sex happens when the partners take their time. Now that she’d had time to practice, it was time for her to show just what she had learned so far.

Aubrie was a bit more uncertain of her experience with her cousin, although she had enjoyed their earlier kissing. For a few minutes, she let Brittney do all of the work, the touching and kissing. Her responses were nothing but instinctive and then, something clicked on. She began to respond with kisses of her own and added some light touching to the mix. She liked what she was feeling, the softness under her fingertips was thrilling to her. Now the two girls began to twist and turn into each other, while still retaining all of their clothes. Aubrie heard strange murmurs and sounds she had never heard before. She looked up to see her aunt and cousin sucking Uncle Ryan’s dick – which was fucking huge! She didn’t have a clue how she would ever fit it inside of her, but that was something to worry about a bit later.

Aubrie was almost smitten with her cousin, she never would have imagined being close to Brittney would be so amazing. Their sexy young bodies moved as if they were reading each other’s thoughts. Their lingerie came off slowly, little by little. Their high heels did not as Frankie and Brittney had both reminded her that their daddy loved high heels. Aubrie being tall and slender was well suited to them and she hoped that she was providing her hot uncle a sexy view of her legs.

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