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My names is Shaun I divorced my wife Greta two years ago after discovering what many of my close friends had all known for months that she was having an affair with her tennis coach. Divorcing Greta was a long drawn out affair contested by her fortunately we had no children so the financial settlement was not crippling. I got to keep the former matrimonial home and Greta had to go back into employment which must have come as a huge shock to her.
Adjusting to a life living alone was not easy and my friends suggested that employing a housekeeper would leave me free to write and take care of the daily household chores. I placed an ad for a housekeeper in the local newspaper but didn’t receive a single reply in seven days. One Saturday afternoon as I was leaving my golf club I was stopped in the car park by a member called George Jones who I didn’t know very well and didn’t like at all.
I knew George was a self employed accountant he was married and a regular attendee at the local church. I always tried to avoid George’s company as I thought him to be a pious and rather pompous individual with no sense of humour. George explained that he had heard my ad for a housekeeper hadn’t received any replies and told me that he may have a solution to my problem. His wife Heather had been on the lookout for a cleaning job and she was an excellent cook.
George pointed out that I had met her once at Golf Club function if I employed her I would not be admitting a stranger into my home. I told George I was desperate to fill the vacancy and asked him to get his wife to telephone me if she fancied taking the job. Try as I might I could not remember the name of George’s wife recall what she looked like or when I had met her.
Shortly after lunch that same afternoon George rang me and told me that his wife Heather was interested in working for me. I spoke on the phone with her and asked her to come round to my home to be interviewed. Heather came to my home a couple of hours later, after a brief conversation we agreed her duties, hours and rate of pay. When she informed me she was free to start work on the following Monday morning I was delighted. She seemed to be a very capable woman and I could finally get on with my writing without having to concern myself with household chores.
Employing Heather worked out well my home and clothes were always clean and the meals she prepared for me were always excellent. She was very quiet and reserved and rarely spoke but she worked hard and did a good job. Despite Heather visiting my home five times a week for over twelve months I knew very little about her. She once told me that she attended a local gym and occasionally ran in marathons which surprised me. Although Heather was only three years younger than I at 35yrs of age she always dressed very conservatively which made her appear older.
Heather had long mousy coloured hair which normally she scraped back and pinned behind her head. The clothing she wore to work was drab and colourless her clothes always appeared to be two large, two long and smother her rather slender frame serving to make her appear shapeless. Angela wasn’t unattractive but the fact that she never wore any makeup contributed to her rather plain appearance. When I looked at her I could never imagine her running in a marathon or visiting a gym.
The church appeared to be at the centre of Heather’s life and was one of the few things she ever spoke about. As Christmas approached I started to think that I ought to buy Heather a present to reward her for all her hard work but hadn’t got a clue what I should buy. A couple of weeks prior Christmas I was working in the small bedroom I had converted into my office. I was thinking about Heather’s Christmas present when she entered carrying a cup of tea and a sandwich she’d made for my lunch.
I asked if she and her husband would be attending the Christmas Dinner Dance being held at the Golf Club the following weekend. Heather confirmed that they were attending but told me she was quite anxious about the event as it was a Black Tie formal dinner. She told me that on her previous attendances she had felt embarrassed when she compared her dull outfits to the expensive evening gowns worn by the wives of other member’s.
That gave me an idea I told Heather that I was intending to buy her a gift and asked if she would accept a trip to the Beauty Parlour for a makeover and a new evening dress to wear to the Dinner Dance as a Christmas present. Heather initially declined and only after a lot of persuasion did she finally accepted my offer which she described as being far too generous. I made Heather an appointment at the Beauty Parlour for the Saturday of the Christmas Dance then telephoned Christine at the boutique from which I had always purchased my ex wife’s clothes. I gave Christine a brief appraisal of Heather and her lack of dress sense asking if she would be kind enough to assist her to choose a dress suitable for Golf Club Dinner Dance. I also asked Christine not disclose gaziantep escortları the price of any garment selected as Angela was likely to base her choice on cost rather than style Christine immediately understood and agreed to help.
Come the evening of the Christmas Dance I arrived at the golf club early and saw to my disappointment that I had been seated at the same table as Heather and George. I took my place leaning on the bar with my drink and observing the crowd of members and their wives chattering around the elegantly laid diner tables.
I was talking to a couple of male friends when Heather made her jaw dropping entrance. Gone was her mousy coloured hair, now her hair was dyed black and had been styled to form a mass of small tight curls that cascaded down onto her bare shoulders. Her black tresses flattered and framed her now beautifully made up face. It took me several seconds before I realised that this actually was my housekeeper and she looked stunning.
Heather’s evening dress was a scarlet figure hugging off the shoulder number with a revealing neckline that plunged to her naval. The dress clung to every shapely contour of her lithe elegant body like a shimmering second skin. The dress tapered to the floor and was slashed to the waist. As Heather walked her long shapely tanned bare legs were revealed as she took each confident stride.
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing the quiet plain woman that had worked in my home for over twelve months had been transformed into this beautiful elegant woman striding confidently towards me. Heather radiated style, elegance and confidence. She stood tall and straight her square shoulders pulled back thrusting her pert breasts forward displaying them magnificently. Heather I mused wouldn’t have looked out of place strolling down the red carpet at Hollywood Film Premier on the arm of a male superstar.
The chattering subsided as all eyes turned to look at her. As she walked with feline grace to my side her pert breast jiggled provocatively with every step. Heather flashed me a smile that lit up her face, she gave me a quick peck on the cheek before she spreading her arms wide and twirled around asking if I approved of her wonderful new look. I told her that I was flabbergasted she looked like a film star and certainly wasn’t going to feel unattractive or underdressed at this function. I also told Heather something she already knew and was revelling in. “Every man in the room is staring at you, you look beautiful, no gorgeous.”
Heather saw that I was staring at her magnificent cleavage deliberately she leaned forward permitting me an even closer inspection of her cleavage giggling girlishly as she whispered. “Not everyone is so pleased with my wonderful new look. George told me I look like a tart and refused to bring me this evening. We had a blazing row and I told him that I would come on my own if I had to but I wasn’t going to miss the opportunity to show off my new look and this beautiful dress.”
When I finally raised my eyes from Heather’s magnificent breast I saw her husband George standing behind her with a face like thunder. I welcomed him shook his limp hand and asked what he would like to drink. George ordered a large Tonic Water with a twist of lemon explaining that he was driving. Heather requested large Rum & Coke tilting her head coquettishly and laughing she informed me “I’m going to make the most of this evening. I have never looked or felt this good in my life and that is due entirely to your generosity.” Heather added “Oh and I also know Christine lied when she told me how much the dress cost because I saw the price ticket. It was very expensive but I adore it and hoped you wouldn’t mind?”
“I don’t know what the dress cost but it was worth every penny. The colour and style suit you and shows off your curvaceous athletic body, you look simply magnificent.”
Heather blushed and smiled radiantly at my effusive compliment she then asked if I had told Christine to fib about the cost of her evening dress. I replied that I just wanted her to look good and not to feel inferior the other women attending. Heather beamed as she replied that I had achieved my objective she had never felt or looked so sexy in her life. “I just love my new look and this beautiful dress.”
Heather’s bosom was heaving her eyes were wide and shining with fully dilated pupils she was clearly turned on and her sexual arousal was quite apparent. After enjoying a couple more drinks at the bar Heather became more relaxed and quite animated attracting quite a crowd mostly men around her. All of them anxious to talk and take the opportunity to admire her shapely figure and magnificent breast.
Heather flirted outrageously with them all flashing her sexy smile. She ignored the fact that not one man looked her in the eye instead they carried on a conversation with her exquisitely displayed breasts. Whilst Heather revelled in the male the attention her husband retreated further and further away from her infuriated by her brazen behaviour and making no effort to hide the fact.
When we were called into dinner George was nowhere to be seen. Heather smiling happily took my arm and I escorted her to our table where I discovered that I had been seated alongside her. To Heather’s left sat George who was determined not to enjoy the evening and sulked like a child all the way through the excellent meal. Heather was equally determined to make the most of being the centre of attention.
Shortly after taking her seat she deliberately turned her back on her husband and I became the focus of her outrageous flirting. At one point she leaned over so deeply I was certain that her magnificent breasts were going to spill from her low cut dress as Heather whispered into my ear “How do you think I’m doing?”
I told her that her company was captivating also as I was the main subject of her outrageous flirting I too was thoroughly enjoying my evening. Heather’s breast jiggled as she laughed heartily then told me quietly “You really should be a little more discreet. You’re staring at my tits, George has noticed and he’s certain that you’re trying to proposition me.”
I replied that I was guilty as charged and didn’t much care what George or anyone else thought. I expressed my surprise at her use of the word Tits explaining that I thought as a committed Christian she would not use such profanity. Heather laughed as she told me George was the committed Christian she was an agnostic but he insisted she attended church with him every Sunday. It was all part of the charade that was their marriage.
Heather astonished me when she told me that her marriage was a sham. “We sleep in separate beds and have done for years I can’t remember when we last had sex.”
She turned to George and asked in a voice heard by everyone seated at the table “When was the last time you and I had sex George I simply can’t remember it was so long ago?”
George’s face glowed red in embarrassment he stood up and announced to everyone seated at the table that his wife was unwell and they were leaving the function. My heart sank I was thoroughly enjoying Heather’s company. Inflicting further embarrassment on her husband Heather refused to leave telling George she felt fine and was enjoying herself for the first time in a decade. He could go home if he wished to but she would only be leaving when she was good and ready to. George couldn’t take any more he stormed out of the room leaving Heather sitting at my side calm and smiling as if nothing had happened.
She leaned over and informed me that nothing and no-one was going to cut short her enjoyment of the evening. The band started to play at Waltz and Heather asked if I would like to dance with her. Needing no second invitation I stood and escorted her onto the dance floor.
As I held Heather in my arms her arms gripped me tightly round my neck which squeezed her breast together and raised them up onto my chest. Heather conspiratorial voice whispered in my ear telling me there was one tiny thing spoiling the look. Her new dress clung so tightly to her ass everyone could see her panty line. She had been warned about the potential problem but after George started carrying on she had forgotten Christine’s advice to wear a thong or no panties at all.
Heather asked to be excused and walked from the dance floor, I returned to my seat at the dinner table. When Heather returned she tapped me on the shoulder and beckoned me back to the dance floor. Back in my arms Heather whispered into my ear “That feels so sexy although it’s a little draughty because I took my panties off and flushed them down the toilet. If I am dressed like a tart then perhaps I ought to act more like one.”
I re-assured Heather telling her that she looked nothing short of magnificent also she was very beautiful. She acknowledged the compliment with a warm smile and a tender kiss full on my lips. She pressed her magnificent breasts harder into my chest and asked me. “How could my husband say such a thing? It’s clear to me that all he ever wanted was a cook and a cleaner he certainly doesn’t want me for sex any more.”
I replied that I could not understand how George could refuse to have sex with Heather telling her honestly that she had a beautiful face a body to die for and a captivating personality. Heather squeezed me even more tightly and looked lovingly into my eyes as her lithe toned body swayed sensuously against mine I felt my cock starting to stir in my pants.
Heather also felt it beginning to rise, she placed a hand over her mouth glanced down at my swelling crotch and giggled naughtily. Heather whispered that it was very plain to her that I was unlikely to refuse to have sex with her should the opportunity arise. She suggested that perhaps we should step outside before one of the seated onlookers told us to “Get a Room.”
I agreed and walked Heather to an emergency exit leading out to an area at the rear of the building where we were unlikely to be disturbed.
When we stepped out of the building the cold night air made Heather shiver I removed my Dinner Jacket and placed it around her bare shoulders. Heather grasped me to her and kissed me passionately probing my mouth with her tongue and pressing her crotch into my ever swelling prick. She was almost panting as told me that she wasn’t cold she was quivering in excitement and anticipation.
She felt sexy and desired for the first time in long time and she had me to thank for those feelings. As we kissed again Heather slowly swayed and pressed her hips harder against my now fully erect cock. She threw back her head laughing at her brazen efforts to seduce me. As she doubled over laughing her magnificent breast tumbled free from the constraints of her revealing gown.
I stared open mouthed at Heather’s beautiful firm breast and the dark aureoles surrounding her protruding nipples. Heather glanced down at her pert breast and making no attempt to replace them in her dress she told me. “Hold them I would love you to, you’ve been staring at them all evening and it would be a shame if you didn’t.”
Heather’s voice was rasping and throaty, very sexy and an octave lower than normal. I desperately wanted to bury my face into her beautiful breast but reluctantly told her that I didn’t want to take advantage of the situation. She had been involved in an argument with her husband had consumed a lot of alcohol and was probably feeling vulnerable and unloved.
Heather told me that I wouldn’t be taking advantage of her situation and after not having had sex for several years she was desperate to renew the acquaintance with it preferably with me. She thrust her hand down the waistband of my trousers and grasped my stiff cock kissing me fiercely and probing my mouth with her tongue. She looked at me eyes wide in amazement as she told me that my cock was enormous, twice the length and girth of her husbands.
Heather confirmed what I already knew, that I was better endowed than most men. She gently eased the foreskin of my throbbing cock back and forth in the limited space available. Then she took hold of my hand guided it through the slit in her dress and placed it onto her hairless wet cunt. She gasped as first my fingers lightly brushed over her clitoris then moved down to the gaping wet lips of her cunt and plunged into it.
After clinging onto my neck and enjoying the sensations my probing fingers were creating. Heather gently tugged my hand away from her cunt sank onto her haunches and tugged down the zip on my trousers to prize my swollen cock free. She pausing for a few seconds to inspect my stiff cock which was pointing straight at her face she told me “I’ve only ever been fucked by George I was a virgin when we met. I always thought he had a small one but never new how small it actually was, is yours normal?”
I told Heather that my cock probably a little above average size but it wasn’t massive. She replied that it was enormous compared to George’s then greedily popped it into her mouth. Heather took me completely by surprise as she sank my long prick deep into her throat then slowly withdrew it slurping noisily. Her head repeatedly bobbed back and forwards as she slid my cock ever deeper into her throat.
Heather’s lips made a soft popping sound when she plucked my cock from her mouth. She then pushed her tongue under my foreskin and rotated it around the head of my saliva coated prick. While she was performing this exquisite service she slid one hand along the length of my saliva coated shaft. With her other she gently massaged my sack and balls.
The sensations she created were mind blowing and made my cock jerk and grow even harder. I asked Heather how she was able to take my cock into deep into her throat without gagging she chuckled and replied “Lots of practice.”
I asked “What on George’s small cock?”
Heather laughed shaking her head so vigorously her tits bounced from side to side. “You have the book Deep Throat to thank not my husband’s tiny cock.” I read the book and it fascinated me so much I practiced the technique with a carrot until I could do it without gagging”
“You’ve read Deep Throat?” I asked in total astonishment.
Heather laugh again explaining that she had grabbed the book without reading a little of it thinking it was going to be about The Watergate Scandal. She recalled the man who sold her the book giving her a strange look when he handed over. It was my turn to laugh telling her I would have liked to have seen her expression when she read the first chapter and discovered the content was quite different to Watergate. Heather replied “I loved that book I read it over and over in bed and pleasured myself at the same time.”
Heather told me that was the only way to release her sexual tension after George stopped having sex with her. Looking up at me Heather had a wicked smile on her face as she observed “I could have had affairs I had plenty of offers but I wasn’t that type of girl then. I’m full of surprises tonight aren’t I?”
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