Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Having lit the candles in my bedroom you were just turning down my bed covers when you discovered the diary. Opening the leather bound book you began to read a descriptive narrative of a lusty sexual encounter. Entranced your heart races and your nipples are stirred. So involved in your reading you do not hear me enter the bedroom. Slipping up behind you, you feel my hot breath upon your neck while at the same time my hands start sliding around your waist. Startled you drop the book and spin around, your wide frightened eyes searching my face for a reaction.
Your cheeks flaming with embarrassment of being discovered. Trembling in front of me you lower your eyes to the floor. You have displeased me and know you will be punished. You watch my feet carry me across the room to the bed. You obey quickly as I order you to stand in front of me. Your fingers tremble and fumble trying to unbutton your servant dress at my command. My patience wears thin and with a ripping sound I pull the kayseri escort dress open letting it slide off your shoulders and drop to the floor. You obey my orders to spread your legs and open yourself to me. Thighs trembling as my hand moves to touch you there. Sliding between the shaved lips I find the wetness and begin stroking lightly. Your knees become weak and your eyes close from the pleasure. Abruptly I stop stroking. Your eyes fly open as I pull you down across my knees and land a hard spank. I remind you that you did not have permission to touch my diary and land another sound spank.
Moaning and grinding into my knees you beg for my forgiveness. “My Lord how can I redeem myself?”
Pushing you to your knees on the floor in front of me you understand as you unbuckle my belt freeing my hardness. Leaning forward you kiss the tip, then begin licking soft circles around the ridge. Drawing the circles inward until you have licked the entire head. Slowly taking it in your mouth, tongue swirling, inch by inch until your lips clamp around the base. With your lips around the base of my cock you look deep in my eyes and raise your lips to start again. Taking your hair in my hands I begin to guide you, controlling the speed and depth of the strokes.
Before I cum I take you by your hair and jerk your head up so that I can see your face. You smile much the same as a small child would. One that knows she has displeased her parents and is trying to be extra good to make up for it. I command you to stand in front of me. You do and with my hands on your waist I force you to turn around. I bite your ass and then stand up behind you. With one hand on your waist I lay my free hand on your shoulder and force you to bend over. With one slick movement I slide in you from behind. You gasp just like you always do when I first enter you. I make you bend all the way over and touch the floor.
A few quick hard strokes in a pussy that was not ready for such abuse cause you to yelp. I slide back out of you and slide a small vibrator in you. I sit back down and you know that it is time for you to continue blowing me. The taste of my first few drops of cum and your own pussy juices mix wonderfully in your mouth. The vibrator hums and moves in your pussy as you move me in your mouth. You make little noises to yourself as you swallow me whole. Occasionally you choke on my cock but you know breaking your rhythm would only bring you more punishment. You want to move and grind your thighs together so as to make the vibrator hit all the best spots but you don’t dare because you know I demand your complete attention.
You feel my cock swell even more, the vain along the bottom of it begins top pulse and you know in a few short seconds I will cum. You slow your rhythm because you don’t want to loose a single drop of my hot stickiness. I explode in your mouth and at the same time you orgasm with me. Your head continues bobbing until I am sucked dry and you lick me clean. You are a good girl and once again you have gained my favor.
Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
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