komşu kızına gitar öğrettim

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

komşu kızına gitar öğrettim
25 yaşında bir gencim,komşumuz birgün kızıyla bize gelmişti,ben odamda sıkıntıdan patlıyordum,gitarla uğraşırken kapım açıldı ve o güzel çıtır girdi içeri,merhaba … abi gelebilir miyim dedi…ben de tabi dedim geç otur dedim,biraz daha çalıp söyledikten sonra abi bana gitar öğretir misin dedi…öğretirim öğretmesine de ,biraz zamanını alır,hemen olmaz yani dedim,olsun benim zamanım çok biliyosun dedi,annenden izin al kabul ederse öğretirim dedim…o gece sürekli hayal kurdum,ve hiç almadığım zevkleri aldım,bian önce yarın olsun da hayallerimi gerçekleştireyim diye heyecanlanıyordum…nihayet yarın oldu ve ben yine odamda gitarla uğraşıyordum,neyse,annesi izin vermiş ve başaldık ilk derse…o benim yatağımda oturuypordu,ben de karşısında yere minderimi atmış,uzanmış bir vaziyette güzelim bacakları seyrediyordum,mini olmayan ama yinede kısa bir etek gitmişti…işin garibi bu kızla şimdiye kadar çok fazla muhabbet etmemiştik,sadece karşılaştığımızda falan selamlaşır geçerdik…ama yin de gözüm vardı arkadaş olmak istemiştim ama açıkçası korkmuştum sonuçta aynı apartmandaydık,işin ucunda rezil olmak da vardı… derse başladıktan sonra gitar elinde,nasıl tutacağını bişlmez bir şekilde ses çıkartmaya çalışıyordu…olmuyo yaaa diyerek kaşlarını indirdi,suratını indirdi,ağlamaklı oldu…ben hemen yanına gittim,tam sarılmadım ama yinede elimi omzuna attım,üzülme falan dedim teselli etmeye çalıştım,bu daha başlangıç,öğreticem sana merak etme dedim…tamam abi dedi sarıldı ve yanağımdan öptü…tabi benimki dururmu,hemen kalktı…abi benim bunu öğrenmem lazım,konservatuara girmek istiyorum dedi,tamam canım girersin sen sınavdan iyi puan almaya bak,yetenek sınavına ben hazırlıcam seni dedim ve derse devam ettik…istersen ben sana göstereyim dedim tamam dedi…tekrar yere oturdum ben bu sefer hemen dizlerinin dibine çöktüm…parmaklarını ben yönlendiriyordum,basması gereken tellere yöneltiroyrdum…gitarı dizine koyduğu için eteği açılıyordu,zaten ben hemen dibinde yerde oturduğum için bacaklarını açması gerekiyordu,birde giarı dizine koyunca offf,o ne manzaraydı öyle,yalan yok kilodunu götemedim,ya da bakmaya cesaret edemedim veya heyecandan göremedim:)ama sonuçta görmedim…fakat,o duruş herşeye bedeldi…ben parmaklarını okadar sıkmışımki acımış biraz,gülümseyerek abi kopardın parmağımı yaaaa dedi gülerek..ben hemen işaret parmağını elimle ağzıma götürüp öpmeye başladım,çok hoşuna gitmişti,gülmeye başladı,diğer parmağını da öptüm,iyice gülmeye başladı…acaba gıdıklanıyor mu yoksa zevk mi alıyordu bunu henüz anlamamıştım,biraz yoruldu dinlenelim dedi tamam dedim,kendini yana doğru bıraktı karşımda denizkızı gibi yan yatıyordu biyandan da sohbet ediyorduk…tekrar başladık derse ben hemen yanına geçtim,istersen yandönüp otur beraber çalalım dedim tamam dedi…ayaklarını yatağa kaldırıp açtıgitarıda önüne koydu..bende arkasına oturdum,aynı onun gibi oturudum bekliyordum,ama götüne deymemiştim daha korkuyordum…nasıl abi oluyomu,beceriyo muyum falan diye sorular sorarken ben pek anlamııyordum ne sorduğunu sadece ses duyuyordum,çünkü aklım ona nasıl dayanırım sorularına cevap aramakla doluydu…evet evet falan diyerek geçiştiriyordum,biraz daha yanaşıp gitarın kontrolünü ben aldım,oda tutuyordu tabi gitarı,ritm çalıştırırken iyice yaklaşmıştım artık,o şarkı söylüyor ben de çalıyordum,yaklaştım yaklaştım,ve nihayet götüne dayanmayı başardım…inanılmaz zevk alıyordum…biran şarkı söylemeyi bıraktı sadece önümde oturuyordu ben de sadece çalıyordum,kısa bisüre sonra neden sustun ne güzel söylüyordun dedim,abi benim gitmem lazım dedi,neden dedim,başım ağrıdı dedi,ilaç vereyim falan dedim yok abi gitmeliyim dedi…daha fazla israr edemedim ve gitti…kapıya yürüdük beraber öpüştük ve gitti…ben nolduğunu bilmeden merak ve korku içinde odama döndüm…uzandım yatağa düşünüyordum ,acaba rahatsız mı oldu onun için mi gitti,annesine falan söylerse rezil olurum diye düşünürken ayağımda bir ıslaklık hissettim,bibaktım ki çarşafta biparça ıslaklık var,o ıslaklığı görmek beni çok rahatlattı,anlaşıldıki amı sılandığı için apar topar kalktı gitti…biraz olsun rahatlamıştım,akşam yine onu hayal ederek iki defa boşaldım ve ertesi günü beklemeye başladım,nihayet ertesi akşam oldu fakan gelen giden yoktu,daha ertesi oldu yine yok yine yok ,bir haftadan fazla oldu gelmedi,birgün yine okul çıkışı binada karşılaştık nerdesin neden gelmiyorsun kaç gündür dedim hiççç dedi,yüzü kızardı yere bakmaya başladı,ben hemen yarın bekliyorum gel dedim tamam abi dedi,istersen birazdan da gelebilirsin dedim,bişey demedi ve gitti…akşam oldu kapı çaldı bir bakıtmki o gelmiş…annesi salona geçti kendisi benim odama geldi…ama yine bidurgunluk vardı,neden bana bakmıyosun dedim,hiçç dedi,başlayalım mı derse dedim olur dedi,ama gerçekten isteksizdi…gitarı verdim eline tıngırdatmaya başladı,ben yine arkasına geçtim oturdum sikimi dayadım götüne,bikaç dakika geçmeden yine ben gidicem dedi,ama daha başlamadık bile dedim olsun dedi ve kalkıp gitti,bende arkasından gittim,salonda oturmaya başladık,annesi nasıl gidiyo dersiniz dedi,cevap vermeyince bana baktı,ben de aslında iyi gidiyo biraz çalışsa çok iyi olcak ama istemiyo galba vazgeçti dedim,annesi kızdı neden istemiyosun kızım abin ne güzel çalıyo sana da öğretiyo dedi,zavallı kız ağlamaya başladı,bu sefer ben d üzüldüm,sanki kızı taciz etmiş gibi hissettim kendimi,yemen yanına gidip omuzlarını okşayarak tamam sakin ol falan deyip yine teselli ettim ve odama geçtim…yatağıma baktım yine ıslaklık vardı ve artık iyice emin olmuştum utandığı için böyle davrandığını…biraz sonra kağpımı tıkladı biri kapı açılınca bikatımki o geldi…biraz daha rahatlamış görünüyordu bu defa,noldu hayırdır dedim abi özür dilerim deyip biatladıki üstüme,ben yatakt aoturduğum için oda kucağıma oturdu…noldu canım dedim,yok bişey deyip ağlamaya başladı yine,hadi derse başlayalım demez mi,emin misin,istiyomusun gerçekten dedim evet abi dedi,ama yine gidersen bidaha ders vermem dedim,tamam naparsan yap gitmicem abi dedi,nasıl yani dedim,ne yatım ki ben dedim?gitar çalarken bana çok yaklaştın yaa,daha napcaksın dedi,ne var bundfa,ya nlışlıkla oldu dedim,hem istemiyosan bidaha olmaz dedim…hayır hayır istiyorum dedi,ne dedim?yani heyecanlı oluyo dedi,dah önce hiç böyle bişey olmamıştı heyecanlandım zevk aldım ve utandım dedi…ben tamam dedim utancak bişey yok dedim ve bacaklarımı açıp onu da önüme oturttum,sikim zaten kalkktı oturur oturmaz kendime iyice yaklaştırıp dayandım götüne…nasıl hissediyorsun şu anda canım dedim,iyi böyle abi dedi,tamam deyip gitarı da verdim hadi bakalım sen başla dedim tamam deyip çalmaya başladı…ben ellerimi arkaya koyup geri çekildim ama sikim hala ona dayanıyordu bu daha zevkveriyordu…aferin öğrenmişsin falan deyip motive etmeye çalışıyordum ,sonra tekrar doğruldum ve bu sefer ellerimle karnından tutup iyice sikime bastırmaya başladım,hiç tepki vermedi,iyice cesaret alıp ellerimi henüz olgunlanmamış memişlerine götürdüm,uçlarını sıkıyordum,kulaklarını yüzünü her yerini öpüyordum,kız kığpkırmızı olmuştu ateş gibi yanıyordu,bugünlük bu kadar ders yetermi dedim,sen bilirin abi dedi…ben hemen doğruldum gitarı aldım yerine koydum önünde ayakta duruyordum…tabi sikim belli oluyo ve gözleri sikimin üstündeydi,o masum bakışı beni iyice çıldırtıyordu…hemen yanına yanaştım sikimi omzuna sürtüyordum,biyandan da yanağını okşluyordum…abi yapma nolur utanıyorum dedi,utanma canım lütfen rahat ol dedim,sadece bu dedim,başka bişey olmıcak dedim…hem senin erkek arkadaşın olmadımı hiç ,böyle şeyler yapmadınız mı dedim,oldu ama sadece elele tutuşltuk okadar dedi…pejki bundan rahatsız oluyomusun,oluyosan yapmıyım dedim..bilmiyorum abi dedi,peki tamam sen bilirsin dedim ve salona geçtik…biraz oturduktan sonra evine gittiler…ertesi gün oldu yine geldi,hadi abi başlayalım dedi,yine aynı pozisyona geçtik ve başladık…biraz sonra sana abi demesem adınla hitap etsem olur mu dedi,ooo tabi olur canım rahat ol lütfen dedim…artık iki yaşıt arkadaş gibi hitaplar başladı sakalaşmalar falan…ayağa kalkar mısın lütfen dedi,neden dedim kalk dedi…tamam kalkıyım dedim ellerimden tuttu durrmamı istediği yere getirdi beni ve öylece durdum…bibaktım şortumu çıkarmaya şalışıyo,napıyosun sen kızım dedim,ne varmış bunda dedi,bunu istemiyomusun dedi,hayır canım yaa,dur sakin ol dedim,olamam dedi ve indirdi şortumu hemen ağpzına aldı ,ben hem zevk alıyordum hem de korkudan ölüyordum,kapı açılıp annesi gelse rezil olurduk…ama yapacalk bişey yoktu,o sikimi ağzına alıp resmen sömürüyordu ben de artık kafasını tutmuş ileri geri hareket ettiriyordum,boşalmak üzere olduğumu söyledim bana bakıp yutucam dedi,sen bilirsin ama miden bulanabilir dedim,bişey olmaz deditamam ozaman deyip boşaldım ağzına,hepsini yuttu,biraz bulandı midesi ama kusmadı…hemen tuvalete gidip yüzünü yıkadı ve geri geldi yanıma oturdu sarıldı tekrar ve öpüşmeye başladık kucağıma oturdu amını sikimin üstüne koydu ve hoplamaya başladı…tabi benim de hoşuma gidiyodu bunlar…baya biseviştikten sonra durdu ve istediğin oldu mu dedi…evet dedim,eğer istersen sikişmemek şartıyla her zaman yaparız bunu demez mi…tamam canım bana uyar dedim…sen yeterki rahat ol dedim…tamam aşkımmmmm dedi büyük biiştahla… aylarca devam ettik böyle sevişmelere,ama artık heyecan vermemeye başlamıştı…şimdi sırada annesi vardı,benden oldukça büyüktü ama çok çok güzeldi,fena bir güzelliği vardı kadının…onunla nasıl iletişim kurabilirim diye düşünüp durdum günlerce…ve ensonunda buldum…ama şimdi anlatmıcam daha sonra yazarım…çünkü sikim kalktı wc ye gidip boşalmam lazım…hem o anıları hatırladım,hem de bu yazıyı okuyan hatunları hayal edince ikisini birleştirince iyice zevke geldim:)seks sohbeti seven kadınlar eklerseniz beni konuşuruz…
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Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Bayramdan sonra herşey daha sakin olmaya başlamıştı. Olanlardan sonra Emine teyzeyi daha görmemiştim. Ailesi ile beraber köye gittiklerini biliyordum. Ancak ne zaman geleceklerini bilmiyordum ancak çok merak ediyordum.

Olanlardan sonra defalarca yalnız kaldığım zaman masturbasyon yapmıştım. Hep onu hayal ediyordum, o güzel kalçalarına dokunan parmaklarıma baktığım zaman bile şaşkın bir halim vardı. Nasıl ve ne şekilde o cesareti alıp da yaptım ben de tam olarak bilmiyordum ama bir şekilde yapmıştım. Devamını getirmek istiyordum ama o günden sonra ona nasıl yaklaşmam gerektiği üzerine çok kafa yordum. Bir türlü yüzde yüz olarak emin olamiyordum. Çünkü netice itibari ile onu zorlamistim. Belki isteyerek belki de istemeden beni oksamisti ama o durumdan kendini kurtarmak için yaptığını her geçen günde daha iyi bir şekilde anliyordum.

Odamda otururken dışarıdan gelen konuşma sesleri duydum. Kadınlar kendi aralarında konuşuyorlardı ama Emine teyzenin sesi olduğuna emin olduğum bir ses daha duyunca hemen pencerenin kenarından, görünmeden bakmaya başladım. Karşı apartmandan ya da başka bir yerden baktığım gözüksün istemiyordum. Yoksa çıkacak dedikodunun hiçbir şekilde önüne gecemezdik. Aralarında konuşup, bayramın nasıl geçtiğini anlatıyorlardi ki Emine teyze pazara kadar gideceğini söyledi. O anda hızlıca üzerimi giyindim. Bir şekilde ona yetişmem lazımdı. Hızlıca üzerime bir sort ve tişört giyip hızlıca dışarı çıktım. Pazara doğru yürürken kalbim deli gibi atıyordu. O günden sonra ilk defa onu görecektim.

Pazar yerine kadar yürüdüm ama Emine teyze ortada yoktu. Etrafı biraz gezmeyi düşündüm ama o zaman ona denk gelme şansım daha da düşerdi. Biraz pazar yerini gören bir yere ihtiyacım vardı. Biraz uzaktan bakıp nerede olabileceğini kestirmeye çalıştım. O anda onu gördüm. O muhteşem, büyük kalçaları ile oradaydı. Bir tane pazar arabasını sürüklüyor ve patates alıyordu. Beyaz bir bluzun altına gri bir etek giymişti ama bu uzaklıktan bile sutyeninin izini gorebiliyordum. Öyle bir giysiyi dışarıda nasıl giymişti hayret etmiştim.

Ona doğru yürümeye başladığım zaman kalbimin atışı hızlandı. Öyle bir atıyordu ki her an yerinden çıkacak gibiydi. Ona ilk dokunduğum andaki heyecan hiç bitmiyordu. Zamanla azalır zannetmiştim ama aksine giderek daha fazla olmaya başlamıştı. Sadece şu his bile bana uzun zamandır hiç hissetmediğim kadar yaşadığımı hissettirmisti.

Yaklaşırken arkasından sürüklediği pazar arabasına dikkat ettim. Bir şekilde onun kenarından geçip o güzel kalçalara dokunmam gerekiyordu. Artık bazı konularda daha rahat olduğumu fark etmiştim. En son olaydan sonra böyle kalabalık bir ortamda sesini cikaramazdi. Yine de bir önlem daha almam gerekiyordu. Sadece böyle bir şeye güvenemezdim. Neticede bağırsa bir anda beni linç ederdi kalabalık. Yine de o anki kalbimin atışı, yaşadığım heyecan daha ağır basmıştı. Hatta onu yürürken, arkadan gördüğüm zaman erkekliğimin sertleşmeye başladığını hissedebiliyordum.

Giderek aramızdaki mesafe azalırken artık kalbim neredeyse yerinden çıkacaktı. Beni görmesini sağlamak zorundaydım o yüzden pazar arabasına dokunmam lazımdı. Dengesi bozulunca illa ki geriye bakacakti.

Hızımı biraz daha arttırdım ve ayağımın tam ucunu tekerleğe degdirdim. Hafifçe havalandı pazar arabası. Omzundan geriye hafifçe başını çevirdi. Beni gördüğü zaman anında önüne dönüp, yürüme hızını arttırdı ama ben daha hızlı yürüyordum. Zaten o kısa bacakları ile bu kalabalıkta gidebileceği bir yer de yoktu. Yine de arkasında yürürken o güzel kalçaları sallandikca kan resmen erkekliğime hücum ediyordu.

Biraz daha yanaşıp beni duyabileceği şekilde yanına sokuldum.

“Emine teyze, nasılsın yardım edeyim mi malzemelere?” dedim. Durdu ve yüzüme baktı, gözlerinde korku vardı. Etrafta birçok kişi vardı ve büyük bir bölümü mahalleden insanlardı. Göz kırptım hızlıca. Anlamasını sağlamam gerekiyordu.

“Yok oğlum ben bunu kendim çekiyorum zaten ağır değil. Allah razı olsun.” dedi.

Yürümeye başladığında ben de yürümeye başladım. Etrafıma bakındım ama sima olarak benim tanıdığım kimseyi göremedim. Muhakkak ki onun tanıdığı ve onu tanıyan insanlar vardı.

Yavaşça elimi uzattım, ayni anda etrafa dikkatlice bakarak parmaklarımı o güzel kalçalara degdirmeye başladım. Vücudumun her yerine elektrik dagiliyordu sanki. O kadar başka bir histi ki bu. Onun o güzel kalçalarıni kaç defa gözümü kapattığımda canlandırmaya çalıştım hatırlamıyorum.

Hızını daha fazla arttırmaya çalıştı ama pazar arabası bir yere daha takıldı ve tokezledi. Geriye dönüp bana baktı, ben de ona. Sadece birkaç saniye gözlerime baktı ama ben geri adım atmadım. Tam o bakarken kalçasına elimi uzattım ve o güzel dolgun eti avucladim. Bir anda ileri doğru atıldı. Yerinden sicramisti. Ama korktuğum gibi bagirmadi ve ortalığı birbirine katmadi. O da korkuyordu. Tek korkum, bana tamamen karşı koyup burada linç ettirmesiydi ama bunu yapmamıştı. İleride fikrini değiştirmesi ihtimaline karşı daha net ve somut deliller yaratmam gerekiyordu ki elimden kayıp gitmesin.

Kenardan döndüğü sırada pazar arabasının bir tarafından tuttum.

“Emine teyze ben de o yoldan gidiyorum zaten. Gel yardım edeyim.” dedim.

Yüzü bembeyazdi. Etrafa bakıyordu. O anda onun da kalbinin deli gibi attığını hissedebiliyordum. Parmakları, arabanın demirindeyken gevşedi ve “Peki oğlum sana zahmet olmayacaksa…” dedi.

“Ne zahmeti teyze… Zevkle…” dedim göz kırparak. O anda kimse bize bakmiyordu ama o etrafı gözleriyle resmen tariyordu. Tabi ki bu yaşta bir kadının adının çıkması çok riskli bir olaydı.

Gözleri fal taşı gibi açılmıştı. Arabayı ben çekmeye başladığımda ellerini bıraktı ve yürümeye başladı. Kalabalıktan ayrıldığımız anda yavaşça diğer elimle kalçasına yeniden dokundum. Gerçekten verdiği his müthişti.

“Emine teyze temizliğe ne zaman geliyorsun?” diye sordum.

“Gelmeyeceğim artık…” dedi. Etrafta kimse bizi duyamazdi o yüzden rahatça konuşuyordu. Sinirli olmalıydı ama bunu yansitmamaya çalışıyordu. Sonuçta yine mahalleye yakindik.

“Gel bence Emine teyze… Evin temizlenmesi lazım…” dedim.

“Yok… Gerek yok…” dedi.

“Herkese söylerim… Sen bilirsin… Hem gelirsen ben de seni mutlu edeceğim merak etme…” dedim.

“Saçma sapan konuşma… O gün olanlar bir hataydı. Çocuksun sen daha olabilir… Ama bu devam edemez… Çok günah…” dedi. Böyle demesi komikti çünkü günah olmasa sanki kucağıma atlayacakmis gibi söyledi. Yine de böyle kaçamak cevaplar vermesi hoşuma gidiyordu. Erkekliğim bayağı sert olmuştu.

“Emine teyze… Sen beni dinle… Çocuk falan diyorsun ama o gün okşuyordun…” dedim sırıtarak. “Beni burada bekle. Bir yere ayrılma yoksa o gün seninle yattigimizi söylerim herkese.” dedim. Pazar arabası ile kuyumcuya girdiğim zaman, camdan dışarı baktığımda Emine teyze gerçekten de beni bekliyordu. Dediğimi yapması hoşuma gitmişti. Kuyumcudan çıktığım zaman etrafa baktım ve kimsenin bizi görmediğine emin olduğum bir anda onun elini tutup avucunu açtım. İçine aldığım hediyeyi koyup avucunu kapattım. Avucunu açıp baktığında şaşırmıştı. Bunu gözlerinden anlayabiliyordum.

“Beğendin mi Emine teyze…” dedim sırıtarak.

“Güzel de oğlum…” dedi ve gözlerime baktı. “Ben bunu takamam ki, ne diyeceğim insanlara?” dedi.

Harika bir haberdi bu. Kabul etmiş bir şekilde insanlara açıklama yoluna bakıyordu.

“Hallederiz onu Emine teyze, daha fazla kazanıyorum dersin. Mesaiye gidiyorum diye bizim evi fazladan temizlersin.” dedim sırıtarak. Sesini çıkarmadı.

“Eve gidelim artık yemek yapmam lazım.” dedi.

Yolda giderken mahalleye girmeden önce, bir kere de kalçalarıni avucladim. Bu sefer dönüp bakmadı bana. Yürümeye devam etti.

Olmuştu bu is…

Emine teyze artık elimdeydi.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Kocam İstedi Kaynımla Sikişiyorum(ALINTI)

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Kocam İstedi Kaynımla Sikişiyorum(ALINTI)
Selam Erotik Hikaye severler, ben Selda. Almanyada Bremende yaşıyorum. Evleneli 14 sene oldu. Kocam 42 yaşında. Kocamla sex yaşantımız başlarda fena değildi, yani kocam hastalanıncaya kadar. Şeker hastası olan kocamın artık siki kalkmıyor ve erkeklik görevini yerine getiremiyordu. Durum böyle olunca da kocam amımı yalayarak ve parmaklarıyla benim orgazm olmamı ve boşalmamı sağlıyordu. Kocam üzülmesin diye ona hiç birşey belli etmiyordum, ama canım hep yarak istiyordu, hiç birşey bana yarağın verdiği hazzı vermiyordu.

Bir gece yatakta kocam yine amımı parmaklarken, sanki derdimi anlamış gibi bana, “Aşkım canın hiç mi gerçek yarak istemiyor? Birini bulalım sana, seni adam gibi siksin tatmin etsin!” dedi. Kocamın bu lafına şaşırmıştım, ilkin ne diyeceğimi bilemedim, sonra beni deniyor diye düşündüm ve “Sen manyakmısın? Ne dediğini kulağın duyuyor mu? Kimseyi istemiyorum, ben senle mutluyum!” falan dedim ve konuyu kapattım. Fakat kocam bunu devamlı dile getiriyordu artık, “Karıcığım gençsin güzelsin, benim yüzümden yarağa doyamadın, istersen beni boşa ve siki kalkan genç biriyle evlen!” falan diyordu. Ben de onu çok sevdiğimi, herşeyin sex olmadığını falan söylüyordum. Ama kocam ısrarla, “Sana birini bulalım!” diye devam ediyordu. Ben de her seferinde, “Saçmalama, olmaz öyle şey!” diyor kapatıyordum konuyu.

Amıma yarak girmeyeli aylar olmuştu. Kocam yine bir gece amımı yalarken inanın çok azmıştım. Yatağın başucunda duran Deodoranta uzandım aldım ve kocama verdim, “Al bunu sok amıma!” dedim. Kocam amıma Deodorantı sokup çıkarırken ben de gözlerimi kapatıp, amıma gerçek yarak giriyormuş gibi hayal kuruyordum. Kocam, “Bu güzel am daha fazla yaraksız duramaz aşkım, bu ama gerçek yarak lazım, canlı canlı, diri diri bir yarak lazım ve bunu ben istiyorum, ben senin adam gibi sikişmeni istiyorum, senin yarakla tatmin olmanı ve boşalmanı istiyorum, eğer bu isteğimi yapmazsan senden ben boşanacağım!” deyince beynimden vurulmuşa dönmüştüm. Kocama şaşkın şaşkın bakarak, “Sen iyisin demi? Ne yapmak istiyorsun? Ben böyle de mutluyum!” dedim. Kocam da, “Canım karıcığım, seni çok seviyorum ve senin mutlu olmanı istiyorum, sen sadece sex için, cinsel doyum için bir başkası ile sikişeceksin, sen yine benim karımsın, sen yine benim başımın tacısın!” diyerek beni öpüyordu.

Baktım kocam beni bir başkasına siktirme konusunda çok ciddi, “Nasıl olacak peki?” dedim. Kocam da, “Her şeyi düşündüm ben, Hakanla sikişeceksin!” deyince, “Neeeeee?” diye gözlerim açılmıştı. Hakan kocamın kardeşi, yani kaynım. 22 yaşında, yakışıklı ve bana yenge diyen biri. Duyduğuma iyice emin olmak için, “Bizim Hakanla mı yani?” dedim. “Evet, kardeşimle sikişeceksin! Kardeşim dururken seni neden bir başkası siksin ki?” dediğinde donup kalmıştım. Bu arada kocam yine amımı yalamaya başlamıştı. Hem yalıyor, hem de konuşuyordu, “Hakan sikecek seni, kardeşimin koynunda tatmin olacaksın…” diye. O anda hiç birşey düşünmüyordum, şaşkındım sadece. Kocam, “Seni kardeşime siktireceğim!” diye diye yarım saate yakın yaladı amımı. Ben de kaynımın yarağını hayal ederek boşalmıştım…

Kocamla kaynım beraber çalışıyorlar, kendi işleri. Ertesi sabah kahvaltıdan sonra kocam işe gidince ben kafamdan kaynımı atamıyordum birtürlü. Kaynım oldukça yakışıklı biri, ama o güne kadar onunla böyle bir şeyi hiç düşünmemiştim, kardeşim gibi gördüm hep. Keyif çayımla birlikte sigara içmek için pencereyi açtığımda, kocamın benim arabamı götürdüğünü farkettim. Kocama telefon açtım ve neden benim arabamla gittiğini sordum. Kendi arabası çalışmamış, ondan benimkiyle gitmiş. “Sana araba mı lazımdı?” diye sordu. “Evet, günüm var ögleden sonra, oraya gideceğim.” dedim. Kocam da, “Tamam ben Hakanı yollarım, o götürür seni! Akşam konuştuklarımızı da unutma aşkım, çocuğa yakınlık göster, ufaktan ufaktan baştan çıkarmaya başla!” dedi. Telefonu kapatınca, kendi kendime, Neden yapmayayım ki, madem kocam da istiyor, hem koç gibi delikkanlı… diye düşündüm ve içimde yeniden alevlenen sex isteği ile hazırlanmaya başladım…

Aynaya daha mutlu bakıyordum. Banyoya girdim ve her yerimi traşladım, özellikle amımı kaymak gibi yaptım. Kaynımı düşünerek amımı okşayıp orgazm olduktan sonra duşumu aldım ve çıktım banyodan. Saçlarımı yaptım, kısa dar eteğimi giydim, en güzel parfümümden bolca döktüm üstüme ve kaynımı beklemeye başladım. Derken aşağıdan zili çaldı, “Yenge benim, hadi in, arabada bekliyorum.” dedi. Ben de, “Yukarı gel, daha erken, birer kahve içelim de öyle çıkarız!” dedim. Arabayı park edip yukarı çıktı. Kapıyı açtığımda, “Oooo yenge, bu ne hal, çok sexy görünüyorsun, düğüne gidiyorsun desem öğlen vakti düğün mü olur?” diye keyifle içeri girdi. Kahvesini verdim, karşılıklı içerken işyerinde işler nasıl gidiyor falan konuşurken, kaynımın gözleri sürekli bacaklarıma takılıyordu. Bu güne kadar hiç dikkat etmemiştim, ama pantolonun önü de bir hayli şişkin duruyordu. Ben de yavaş yavaş bacaklarımı açıyor, gülücükler atıyordum…

Kahvelerimiz bittikten sonra kaynım, “Yenge çıkalım da seni gideceğin yere götüreyim, geç kalırsam abim bana kızar.” dedi. Evden çıktık, yola koyulduk. Arabada parfümümün kokusu her yeri sarmıştı. Çaktırmadan bakıyordum ve kaynımın önünün gittikçe kabardığını hissedebiliyordum. Kaynıma, “Kız arkadaşın, sevgilin var mı?” diye sorduğumda, “Aman yengeee, yine başlama, ben daha evlenmek istemiyorum!” dedi. Ben de, “Sadece kız arkadaşın var mı diye sordum, evlen mi dedim sana?” diyerek güldüm. Kaynım da gülerek, “Yenge kaç tane istiyorsun? Biliyorsun burası Almanya, pabuç değiştirir gibi sevgili değiştiriyorum!” dedi. Ben de şakasına, “Bana baak, sakın gavur kızlarından çocuk mocuk yapayım deme haa!” dedim. Kaynım, “Merak etmeyin yav, Alman kızlarıyla sadece eğleniyorum, iyi bir Türk kızı buluncaya kadar evlemem!” dedi. “Peki, nasıl birisini istiyorsun?” diye sordum. O da, “Senin gibi sexy olsun yenge!” dedi. “Canım benim!” deyip kaynımın yanağının dudağına yakın yerine bir öpücük kondurdum.

Bu arada günün yapılacağı evin önüne gelmiştik. Kaynıma, “Çok kalmıyacağım zaten, ben seni ararım, gelir beni alırsın!” dedim ve arabadan indim. Ben apartmana girene kadar kaynım gitmedi, kesin arkamdan kalçalarımı seyretmek için durdu. Kaynımı etkilemiştim :)) Yukarı çıktım, günün yapıldığı eve girdim. Sohbet mohbet, çaydı pastaydı derken, bir süre sonra kocam aradı beni, “Nasılsın canım, iyi misin?” diye soruyordu. Ben de, “Evet iyiyim, gündeyim, birazdan Hakan gelip alacak beni.” dedim. Kocam, “İyi iyi aşkım, dediklerimi unutma sakın!” diyerek telefonu kapadı. Gün daha devam ederken ben izin istedim. Arkadaşlar, “Ne o ya, daha erken!” falan dedilerse de, ben kaynımı aradım gelsin diye. Aklım kaynımın yarağındaydı, onu içime alacaktım, düşündükçe amım ıslanıyordu, aylardır yanan amım sanki iflas etmişti ve sikilmek istiyordu…

Kaynım gelip telefonumu çaldırdı. Hemen indim aşağı. “Yenge çok kalmadın?” dedi. Ben de, “Amaan, uyuz karılar, hep aynı şeyler, sıkıldım! Ama belki sen beni güzel bir yere, birşeyler içmeye götürüsün?” dedim. “Tamam yenge, iyi bir yer biliyorum, gidelim, ama fazla durmayalım yoksa abim kızar bana.” dedi. “Ne kızacak? Benlesin! Ben birazdan abini arar söylerim, yoksa beni atlatmak için mi öyle diyorsun?” dedim. “Yok be yenge, senle birlikte saatlerce kalabilirim, ama abimi biliyorsun!” diye güldü. Güzel bir Cafeye götürmüştü beni. Birer duble Wiski ısmarladık, içeceklerimiz geldi. İçerken ben özellikle dirseklerimi masaya koyup öne doğru eğiliyordum. Göğüs dekoltem de açıktı zaten, kaynımın gözü memelerime takılıyordu sürekli. İkinci dubleleri içerken ben lafı kocamın şeker hastalığına getirmiştim. Kaynım da, “Evet yenge, abim çok sinirli oldu bu aralar.” dedi. Ben de, “Biliyormusun asıl sinirli olma sebebini?” dedim. Kaynım da, “Nedir yenge?” dedi. “Çünkü abinin artık şeyi…” dedim ve sustum.

Kaynım, “Anlıyorum yenge, doktor abime demişti zaten, zamanla erkekliğini yitirebilirsin diye.” deyince, gözlerim gözlerine takılmıştı. Bir iki dakika susukun bir şekilde birbirimizin gözlerine dalıp gittikten sonra kaynım, “Sana da üzülüyorum yenge, bu genç yaşında…” dedi. Ben de, “Olsun, ben abini seviyorum, ne olursa olsun o benim kocam. Ama madem laf açıldı, konuşuyoruz, bazı şeyler daha anlatacağım, ama bak aramızda kalacak kesinlikle, söz mü?” dedim. “Evet yenge, söz!” dedi. “Abin benim bir başkası ile yatmama bile razı!” dedim. Kaynım, “Neee!!!” diye afalladı. “Valla razı, hatta çok istiyor, ama ben istemiyorum, çünkü abini seviyorum!” dedim. Kaynım, “Yenge abim de seni düşündügü için istiyor bunu bence.” dedi. “Evet beni düşündüğü için tabii, ama ben bir başkası ile yapamam ki…” falan dedim. Tam o sırada kocam aradı, ben de, “Hakana el koydum bugün, çocuğa kızma!” dedim. Kocam da, “Hadi seni göreyim, bu işi yap bugün!” dedi ve kaynımı istedi telefona. Kaynıma, “Fazla iş yok şu anda, gelmene gerek yok, yengeni gezdir, eğlendir, yengenin gönlünü yap!” dedi…

Birer duble daha içip çıktık Cafeden. Evin önüne geldiğimizde kaynım, “Yenge görüşürüz!” dedi. Ben de, “Yukarı gelsene canım, konuşalım biraz daha!” dedim. “Tamam yenge!” deyip arabayı parketti ve yukarı çıktık. Merdivenlerden çıkarken yine kalçalarımı seyredeceğini bildiğim için yavaş yavaş ve götümü kıvıra kıvıra çıktım. Eve girince kocamın Wiskilerinden birini açıp birer duble doldurdum. Benim gözüm onun kabarık yarağındaydı, onun gözleri de göğüslerimle bacaklarımın arasında geziniyordu. Biliyordum, kaynım da o anda benle sikişmek istiyordu, ama nasıl başlayacaktım, onu bilmiyordum. “Hakan…” dedim. “Evet yenge?” dedi. “Ben…” dedim. “Evet yenge?” dedi, ağzımdan çıkacak kelimeleri heyecanla bekliyordu. “Biliyormusun…” dedim, ama takılıp kalmıştım, bir türlü nasıl söyleceğimi bilemiyordum, numaradan ağlamaya başladım…

Kaynım hemen yanıma geldi oturdu, “Yenge ne oldu, neden ağlıyorsun?” diye beni teselli etmek için. Ben cevap vermeden başımı omzuna koydum. Mis gibi kokusu vardı. Birden başımı kaldırdım, “Hakan beni öp!” dedim ve dudaklarına yapıştım. Kaynım şaşırmıştı ama yine de öpüyordu beni. 5 dakika kadar ateşli bir şekilde öpüştükten sonra, “Yengeni bir başka erkeğin sikmesini istermisin?” diye sordum. “Hayır! Asla!” dedi. “Ozaman sen sik beni, beni sen tatmin et, beni başka erkeklerin kollarına itme!” dedim. Kaynım salmıştı kendini, “Yengemmm benimmm! Ben varken sana erkek sinek bile kondurmam!” diyerek boynumu boğazımı öpüyor yalıyordu artık. Yavaşça elini memelerime attığında benim de kalbim küt küt atıyordu. Memelerimin ucu dipdiri, taş gibi olmuştu. İkimiz de çok heyacanlı ve bir okadar da ürkektik. Bir süre bu şekilde seviştikten sonra birden kaynımın kucağına çıktım oturdum ve bluzümü soyunup sütyenimi çıkarıp attım, memelerimi kaynımın ağzına verdim. Kaynım memelerimi öpüp yalayıp emerken ben de saçlarını okşuyordum. Eteğim sıyrılmış, bacaklarım onun belindeydi…

Sonra birden beni kucakladı ve yatak odasına götürdü, yavaşça yatağa bıraktı. Artık konuşmuyor, sadece sevişiyorduk. Elleri memelerimi yoğururken, dudakları dudağımda, dili ağzımın içinde öpüşüyorduk. Yavaşça elini ıslak ve ateş gibi yanan amıma götürdü. Amımın suları tanga külodumu bile ıslatmıştı. Önce eteğimi çekip çıkardıktan sonra tangamı çekti çıkardı bacaklarımdan. Külodumu yüzüne götürüp kokusunu içine çekti, “Ohhhh mis gibi kokuyor!” deyip kenara bıraktıktan sonra amıma eğildi. Dilini amıma değdirdiği an heyecandan ölecek gibi oldum. Kaynım ustaca yalıyordu amımı. Amımın dudaklarını vantuz gibi ağzına çekiyor, dilini amımın deliğinden içeri itiyordu. Amımı yalarken durmadan, “Offff yengem, yerim ben senin amını!” diye mırıldanıyordu. Kaynım beni ağzıyla boşalttıktan ve amımın sularını yalayıp yuttuktan sonra, marifetli ağzını biraz daha aşağılara kaydırıp, “Süpersin yengemmm, mis gibi kadınsın!” diyerek göt deliğimi öpüyor, dilini büzüğüme sokuyordu. Kocam da iyi am yalardı, fakat daha hiç götümü yalamamıştı.

Artık dayanamıyordum, birden doğruldum ve kaynımın elbiselerini parçalarcasına çıkardım. Boxerini de çıkardığımda damarlı ve oldukça iri siki taş gibiydi. Eee, 22 yaşında, sağlıklı genç siki tabii, öyle de olması gerekiyordu! Hemen sikine yumuldum ve dakikalarca yaladım emdim sikini. Bir an önce bu muhteşem yarağı içimde istiyordum. “Koçum hadi artık beni sikmeni istiyorum, ne olur sik beni artık!” dedim. Kaynım beni sırt üstü uzatıp üzerime yanaştı. Dudaklarımı öperken alttan da yarağının mantar gibi başı yavaşça içime girmişti. Uzun zaman olmuştu amıma yarak girmeyeli, zevkten deli gibiydim, sanki ilk defa sikiliyor gibi heyecanlıdım. Kaynımın o kalın damarlı kütük gibi yarağı amımı yararak ilerlerken ben de zevkten inliyordum. Hepsini sokup ta taşakları amımın dudaklarına değdiğinde, yarağının başı da mideme baskı yapıyordu…

Birkaç saniye sonra kaynım ağır ağır sokup çıkarmaya başlamış, sonradan da hızlanmıştı. İki dakika geçmeden ben tekrar boşalmıştım. Kaynım ise pompalamaya devam ediyor, ben çıldırıyordum, “Sik erkeğim, canımm benimm, ohhhhhh beeeee ne kadar güzel birşey buuu! Sikicim, erkeğim, sik yengeni, bir başkasına siktirme bu amı, ben sizin amınızım, koçummm benimmm, ohhhhh!” diye inliyordum. 15 dakika daha amımı pompaladıktan sonra kaynım birden kasıldı ve öylece durdu. Kesik kesik fışkırıyordu dölleri içime. Son damlasına kadar boşalmış ve üzerimden inip yanıma uzanmıştı.

Biraz dinlendikten sonra, “Yenge, bu yaptığımız doğru muydu?” diye tereddütünü dile getirdi. Ben de dudaklarına yapıştım ve “Aşkım sen yapmasan başkası sikecekti, ben bu evin amıyım, sizin amınızım, tabiki sen sikeceksin!” diyerek öpüyordum. Biraz öpüştükten sonra elimi yarı canlı sikine attım ve okşamaya başladım. Sonra da eğilip ağzıma aldım. Emerken siki ağzımda büyümeye başlamıştı. Kaynım, “Yengemm benimmm, harikasın sennn…” diye mırıldanıyordu. Kaynımın siki yine kıvama gelmişti. Domaldım bu sefer, istiyordum ki o koca sik amıma arkadan girsin. Kaynım da çekingenliğini atmış, artık ustaca sikiyordu amımı, ben de sikişin tadını sınırsızca alıyordum. Aylardır sikilmeyen amım, kaynımın, genç sikicimin yarağı ile coşmuştu, “Hakanımm, sik beni koçummm, doyur yengeni!” diye kaynımın altında zevkten kıvranıyordum…

Aylardır yaraksız kaldıktan sonra, sikişin ve yarağın tadını kaynımla yeniden almıştım. Artık nerdeyse hergün kaynımla sikişiyorum. Bunu bana yaşatan anlayışlı kocama teşekürler ediyorummm :))

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Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

eşim ezgı ile arabadaydık sikicinin evine yaklaşmıştık eşimde beyaz mont vardı uzerınde altında kot pantolon onun da altında siyah tanga vardı sıyah uzun botları ayakkabılarını gıymıst
kırmızı ruj dudagını dolgun gosterırıyor monyun altında ıse bogazlı bır kazak vardı hava kapalı soguk oglen olmasına ragmen sankı aksam uzerı gıbıydı yenı yagmur yagmıs arabanın ıcınden o su ıle karısık
camur sesını duyabılıyordum duduaklarımı ısırıoyrum heycanlıydım ıcım kıpır kıpırdı karım başkası ıle ızlıyecektım bu bızım ılkımız olacaktı kafamda turlu dusuncelerle gıderken eşimi sessızlıgı bozdu
-kondom aldın dımı
-evet aldım dedım eşim dereın bır nefes cekerek camdan dısarı baktı hafıften tebessum ederek bana
-ne tuhaf dımı dedı
-tuhaf olan ne askım dedım
-ne blım baskasının yanına gıdıyoruz cok garıp dedı ne dıyecegımı bılemedım bırazda haklıydı sonra kendımı toplayarak
-bı degısıklık olacak askım dedım unutma ıstemedıgın bıse olursa gıderız rahat ol dedım karıma
az kalmıstı aamın dag evıne yaklastıkca heyecanlanıyordum karnımda mılyonlarca ıgneler batıyordu sankı bır kac dakıka sonra patıka yola gelmıs yolu tırmanmaya baslamıstık araba evın onune yaklasınca
karımın sıkıcısı kapıya cıkmıs bızı karsılamak ıcın beklıyordu arabadan ınıp yanına agır adımlarla ılerlıyorduk ıkımızınde yuzunden bır gulumseme vardı ben heycanımı bellı etmemeye calısyordum adam bıze kollarını acarak
-hosgeldınız bende sızı beklıyordum dedı karımın elını optu benımle tokalastı kapının yanına cekılerek bıze ıcerı gecmemızı ısaret ettı bızım arkamızdan ıcerıye gırmıstı kapının hemen yanındakı odaya gırmıstık burası salondu karslıklı koltuklar vardı
odun atesı yanıyordu bu koltukların tam ortasında guzel loş bir ortamdı koltukların hemen arkasında masa vardı onun uzerı ıcecekler vardı bızım ıcın hazırlanmıstı galıba sikici pantolon gomlek gıymıs saclarını yapmıs gayet duzgun temız gorunuyordu
koltuga esımle bırlıkte oturmustuk yanyana adam karsımıza oturmustu sohbet etmeye basladık gayen duzgun baska konulardan içeceklerımızı yudumlamıstık zaman gectıkce esımde bende rahatlıyorduk eşimin hoşuna gıtmıstı adam bunu hıssedıyordum akşam yemegımızı yemıstık şöminenın onune mınder koyup eşimle uzanmıstık
adam sofrayı kaldırkıtan sonra yanımıza gelmıs oturuyordu ben adamı gorunce oturdum bacagımın arasına esımın sırtı gelecek sekılde esımde benım gogusume dogru uzandı ıkımızın yuzu şömineye bakıyordu adam yanımızdaydı
bır kac dakıka sonra esımı ellıyor opuyordum ortam başlasın dıye cnku esımden bı tepkı alamıyordum bır yandan da adamıda heycanlandırmak olayı baslatmak ıstıyordum ve ıstedıgım olmustu ben opusurken karmlar karımın amında adamnn elını gordum kot pantolonun uzerınden oksamaya baslamıstı eşım bana baktı benden gulumseme gorunce gozleını kapatıp anı yasamaya basladı
esım kucagımda amında baska bır el vardı haz almaya baslamıstım ezgı kıvranıyor bır yandan dudaklarıma opucuk konduruyordu adam bıra daha oksadıktan sonra esımın pantolonunu yarısına kadar soydu sıyah tangası gorumnustu esım hala kucagımda goguslerını sıkıyordum
-guzel amcık dedı adam esıme baktı sonra bana bakarak ” sanslı adamsın ” dedı adama teskkur ettım evet teskkur ettım karımı sıkecek olan adama tesekkur etmıstım adamın ellerı karımın amındayken teskkuretmıstım adam dızlerının uzerınde karımın amını oksarken bır yandan sıkını cıkarmaya calsıyordu sıkını cıkardı buyuktu ve daha tam kalkmamıstı
karımın amcıgını oksadıkten sonra elını cekerek bana gosterdı
-bak sulanmıs goruyormusun dedı adam kafamı salldım esım gercekten de sulanmıstı daha tangasını bıle cıkarmamıstı adam bır yandan sıkını sıvazlıyor bır yandan amıyla oynamaya devam edıyordu
-bı dk bu pozısyon cok hosuma gıttı dedı ve dızının uzerınden ıyıce bana yaklastı gogusmdekı karımın agzına verdı olayı 20 cm lık bır acıdan ızlıyordum hemen gogusumde yatan karımın agzına veren bır adam vardı karım ıstahla yalıyor
-cok guzel yalıyor dedı adma bana karrımın agzına verırken hızlanmıstı karımdan sesler gelıyor bazen hepsını sokuyor bazen bır adnda cekıyordu adam porno fılmlerındekı gıbı bır sıkıcıydı adam
elıne aldı kendı sıkını karıma ” agzını ac ” dedı karım soylenenı yaptı adam sıkını dılıne vurduruyordu karımın saclarından tutup hepsını sokuyordu sanırım bır10 dk kadar agzına verdıkten sonra son bır hamle ıle hepsını dayadı karımın agzına saclarından tutmustu kafasını yukarı kaldırarak hırladı bosaldı sandım ama bosalmamıs
-bosaldım mı sandın dedı adam bana kafamı salldım
-korkma ben senın gıbı hemen bosalmam o yuzden karılarını bana sıktırıyolar dedı adam ayaga kalkarak pantolonunu cıkardı karımda ayaga kalkacakken ” sen orda kal bebegım gelıorum ” dedı karımı tekrar gogusme dogru yartırdı yarı sıyrılmıs pantolonunu cıkarmadan ayaklarını bırlestırıp ozzuna koydu kılodunu sıyırarak ıcıne gırdı
ıkısıde ılk gırıste tısladı karım gozlerını kapatmıstı adam gıdıp gelmeye basladı
_cok dar hıc sıkmemıssın sen bunu dedı gogsumde karım sırt ustu yatmıs bacakları omuzda sıkılıyordu adam bazen hızlanıyor bazen yavaslıyordu karımın ınlemelerı benı cıldırtmıs onu opucuklere boguyordum adamın her amcıga vurusnda slap slap seslerını duyıuyordum karım benım gogsumlar adamın sıkı arasında gıdıp gelıyordu
karımın amcıgından cıkan zevk suyu seslerını adam vurdukca nasıl kayganlasıtıgını duyabılıyordum bır kac dakıka sonra adam amcıktan cıakrak ayaga kalktı esımıde kaldırdı ıkısıde hızlıca soyundu adam yerdekı mınderı alaraka koltugun onune koydu uzerıne oturdu sırtını koltuga dayadı
karıma uzerıne oturmasını soledı karımın ayakları tamamı yere basıyor tuvalet pozısyonunda adamın sıkıne oturarak gıt gele baslamıstı bende dıger koltuga oturarak onları ızlemye baslamıstım sıkım tas gıbı olmus arkalarını bana donuk oldugu ıcın fırsattan ıstıfade sıkımle oynamayua baslamıstım bıle sım buyuk bır keyıfle zıplarken ınlıyordu
adamın sert hırıltılarını duyuyordum karım her ınıp kalkmasında got yanakalrı dalgalanıyordu adam saplaklıyor sıkıyordu esımın gotunu kızarmıstı bana bunları yapmamaıstı hıc sanırım dedıklerı dogruymus seven degıl sıken yaranır derledı sanırım bu dogruymus ben bunları dusunurken tek bır hamlede adam karımı ters cevırerek onume domalttı onları yıne arkadan goruyordum
esımı koltuga dayadı dızlerı yerde ıdı amcıgını goruyordum tam arkasındaydım adam ayaga kalkarak bır seyın ustune bınıyormus gıbı karımın amına soktu aynı hızla devam ettıler burada bosalmıstım kıloduma adam hız kaybeten sıkmeye devam edıyordu karımın amının nasıl ıcıne aldıgını nasıl acılıp kapandıgını gorebılıyordum derınlere gıdıyordu adamın sıkı benım ulasamadıgm yerlere
bır kac dakıka sonra adam ayaga kalkarak karımın belıne bosaldı uzun bır bosalma oldu karımın sırtı dollerle kaplanmıstı olan bıtıne ızlıyor ızlemekten zevk alıyordum evet ben bır cuckolddum karıma bu gunden sonra ıyı bır sex hayatımız olmustu …

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Balikesirden Evli Pasif ve Ben

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Balikesirden Evli Pasif ve Ben
Merhaba Balikesir merkezde yasayan tecrubesiz aktifim evliyim kadinlarla iliskilerimde hic sorun yok ancak seksi cok seviyorum .180 83 kilo kulturlu bakimli yakisikli biriyim icimde bircok fantezi var ve sartlanma zorlama olmadan neyi ne kadar yapabilecegimizi birlikte kesfedecegimiz evli tecrubesiz pasif ariyordum . Buradaki profilime bir arkadas yazdi kendisi de benim gibi evli ve tecrubesiz olan hakan ile yazismaya basladik kucuk bir sehirde oldugumuz icin ikimizde cekiniyor korkuyorduk fantezilerimizi paylasiyor dertlesiyorduk zamanla birbirimize isindik ve birbirimizi cesaretlendirerek gorusmeye karar verdik Onun esi calısıyordu o nedenle onun evinde bulusacaktik ilk defa boyle birsey oldugu icin ikimizde cok heyecanlıydık sabah erken saatlerde bulusmaya karar verdik zaten daha once onunla konusmalarımızda hicbirsekilde soyle yapacagız boyle yapacagız diye birbirimizi zorlamayacak nelerden hoslandıgımızı deneyerek gorecektik
Onun evine dogru yola cıktım arabamı parkedim dairesinnin zilini caldim beni gayet samimi birazda cekingen olarak karsiladi hakan iceriye gectik kulturlu düzgun konusan bakımlı biriydi oturduk ve cekingen cekingen konusmaya sohbet etmeye basladik ama eve girdigim andan itibaren olayin heyecani ile altim dimdikti .birer bira içmeyi teklif etti rahatlamamiz için kabul ettim ortamdaki erotizm çok yogundu.daha once konustugumuz gibi once dusa girmeye karar vermistik beraber banyoya gittik ve ikimizde soyunmaya basladik ilk defa yabanci bir erkegin yaninda soyunuyordum hakan da en az benim kadar urkek ve heyecanlıydı.
Benim vucudum atletik sayılır hakan ise biraz daha kiloluydu soyundugumuzda ikimizde birbirimizin vucudunu suzuyorduk ve ikimizde tas gibi sertlesmistik dusu actık ve dusun altına girdik ve o zaman hakan elini uzatip sikimi oksamaya basladi biraz daha heyecanımızı yeniyorduk dus lifini sampuanlayarak onun vucudunu ovmaya basladim oda benimkini ovuyordu her noktamızı sampuanlıyorduk poposuna biraz daha ozen gosteriyordum zaten bakimini yapmisti onun arkasini cevirerek dusun altında sampuanlanmıs etli poposuna yaragimi surtmeye basladim iki elimlede gogus uclarini sıkıyordum iniltiler cikariyor cok hoslandigini bana hissettiriyordu ara sıra biraz geriye cekilerek tertemiz poposunu ayırıryor deligine sikimi sokmadan bastiriyordum ve bir parmagimi yavas yavas deligine sokup cıikartiyordum aldigi zevkle beraber ters donerek onumde diz coktu uzerimize dustan yagmur yagıyordu sanki suyun altında sikimi sivazlamaya basladi tasaklarimi oksuyordu sonra dilini tasaklarimda gezdirdi ve dilini sikimin deligine kibarca surdu ilk deligi yaliyordu sanki dilini o kucucuk delige sokmaya calısır gibi sikim sanki patlayacakti cok hosuma gitti .sonra agzini acarak once yaragimin basini agzina aldi bir sure emdi ve sonra daha fazla bogazina sokmaya basladi ilk defa yapiyor olmasina ragmen sanirim o heyecandan bana cok tahrik edici geliyordu bir sure agzina aldiktan sonra ictigimiz biranin tesiriyle cisim geldigini soyledm o da kendisininde geldigini soyledi ve ayaga kalkti siklerimizi birbirine degdirdik uclarini sanki opusturur gibi birbirine surtuyorduk dusaun altında istersen iseyebilirsin tenimin uzerine dedi sasirmistim ama ayni anda bu dusunce beni cıldırtmıstı yavas yavas siklerimizi surerken isemeye basladim sikimin deligi acildi ve sicak cisim onun sikinin uzerine carptı cisimle islanan sikini ayni anda sivazlıyor ve ohhhh gibi sesler cikariyordu bende isemememi arada keserek onu izliyordum hafif egilerek cisimin gogusune gelmesini sagladi ohhhh sicacik tenime carpıyor kocacim muthis diye inlemeye basladi benimde hosuma gitmisti tekrar ayaga kalkti ve sikleri surmeye basladik ben o heyecanla sende ise dedim ve ayni anda siklerimizi sivazlarken isemeye basladik sicacik carpmasi cok hos bir histi . sonra iyice azmis bir sekilde sikleri birbirine surerek bosalmaya basladik ayni anda birbirimiz dolleri birbirimizin sikinde oluyor ama biz dollu dollu cekmeye devam ediyorduk elime bulasan karısmıs dolleri onun agzina surdum ve yalattim elimi muthisti sonra dusun altında biraz daha temizlenerek cıktık ve salonda cırılcıplak oturmaya basladik hem nasil hissettigimizden cekinmelerimizi yersizliginden konusuyorduk yazismalarimizda konusmustuk esiyle hic ama hicbir isim olamayacagi ancak ondan konusmaktan camasirini giymesinden cok hoslanacagimi soylemistim oda bundan hoslanacagini belirtmisti simdi geliyorum diyerek yanimdan ayrıldı 5-6 dakika sonra iceriye girdiginde uzerinde bir sutyen altında bir tanga ve kilotlu corap vardi gercekten cok hos olmustu yanima gelip sikimi agzina aldi nasil olmusum diye sordu sadece mukemmel diyebildim ve kilotlu corabin uzerinden poposunu oksadim deligi cok temiz ve traslanmıstı daha once lagman yaptıgını da soyledi dustan cıkmıstık onumda domalttım ve deligine yaklastim deliginde nefesimin sıcaklıgını hissetti sonra dilimi deligine surdum icine sokabildigim kada dilimi sokuyordum cıldırmıstı sonra parmagımı sokmaya basladim sikine dokunmuyordum ama deliginden prostat masajı yaparak parmaklıyor icinde cok zevk aldigi bir noktaya degiyordu parmagim bagirir gibi inliyordu hakan ve siki tam sertlesmemis sekilde deligini oksamamla birlikte bosalmaya basladi bogurerek cıldırmısti sonra hayatının en guzel orgazmini yasadıgını soyledi ve biraz dinlenmeye kalktık gercekten muthis bir gun geciriyorduk sonra bilgisayardan porno actı seyrediyorduk bana esinin camasirlarini gösterirmisin dedim yatak odasina gittik giderken sikimden tutuyordu o sekilde cekmeceleri acarak gosterdi esi hafif kiloluydu camasırlari buyuk ve hostu daha sonra salona donerken banyoya girelim dedim kirli sepeti gozume carpısti girdik esinin kullanılmıs kilotlari vardi uc tane aldim elime salona gectik karinin amini koklarken seni sikmek istiyorum dedim cok hosuna gitti onumda diz coktu ve bende karisinin kilodunu elime alip ag kısmını koklamaya basladim tanimadigim bir kadinin am kokusunu içime cekerken kocasi sikimi agzina aliyordu zevkten basim donmustu karısının sanırım yeni cikardıgı agının hala ıslak oldugu bir kilodu koklarken dilimi degdirdim amciginin tadina bakarken sikim hakanin agzinada kasilaya basladi bosaliyorum dedim ama hakan devam ediyordu ve agzina muthis bir sekilde patladim cıkardıgım seslere kendim bile inanamiyordum 🙂 umarim hikayemi begenmissinizdir xhamster da nickim : sahipbalkes mesajlarinizi bekliyorum bu olanlar yasadiklarim degil yasamak istediklerimin bir kismi icimde canlandirdigim fantazilerin bir kismi artik gercekten bu ve daha fazlasini yasamak istiyorum balikesirden evli duzgun kaliteli tecrubesiz bir pasif arkadas okur ve bana yazarsa cok memnun olurum inanin pisman olmazsiniz en oncelikli konumuz guven saygi olacak bekliyorum tsk ederim ama ne olur baska yerlerden sanal arayan kisiler ve hergun birileriyle olan tecrubeli kimseler yazmasinlar neyi nasil yasamak istedigimi yazdim eger bu yazdiklarimi sizde istiyorsaniz bekliyorum skypee [email protected] ekleyebilir mail atabilirsiniz

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The Politician’s Daughter Ch. 02

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Author’s Note. All characters are over 18.


Paul fled to DC that afternoon, without even saying goodbye. The next time Allison saw him wasn’t even in person, but when he appeared on one of the Sunday morning talk shows. She was watching him in the den with her mother, who made a point of taping all Paul’s media appearances. Iris had a large table in front of her and was happily going over the seating chart for the wedding at the same time.

“Allison, help me out here.”


“Look at this. I have Anderson Cooper sitting between your father and Senator Welles. I can’t do that.”

“Why not?” Allison asked, trying to hide her smirk.

“You know! It will seem like I’m trying to say something. About his being . . . ”

“Gay, Mom? I think it’s ok. You can seat him next to two men.”

“Oh, shh, your father’s on,” Iris said, turning up the volume.

Allison stared at her, noting the glowing adoration on her face. God did her mother love this. She absolutely loved being the wife of a famous man. That’s all that mattered to her. Allison continued to stare at her, pondering her, thinking about Jeremy and remembering their sometimes wild sex. Had her mother ever felt that? Had Iris ever screamed in pleasure and begged Paul to fuck her? Did she have any clue? Allison doubted it. Distaste for her mother rose in her throat. She was such an elitist, such a Stepford wife. She’d never had the slightest thing in common with her.

But Allison was riveted to the TV, too, and the perversity of the situation was not lost on her. She had kissed her father. She had seen his cock harden with lust for her. She had lain awake in bed contemplating having an affair with the man Iris slept next to every night, wanting to be one of his lovers. And yet she felt no guilt. All she felt was revulsion for her shallowness, and a little pity.

They both watched as Paul was introduced.

“Thank you for joining us today, Congressman.”

He looked wonderful on TV. He wore an expensive dark suit with a baby blue tie that made his eyes sparkle. As she watched him, Allison forgot about her mother as she felt her attraction to Paul suddenly intensify until she was shifting in her seat, right next to Iris, squeezing her legs tightly together.

“Thank you for having me, Jon. Always a pleasure.”

As she listened to him, Allison was recalling the feel of his lips and the brief excitement of having his tongue in her mouth, and the sight of the hard-on he was unable to hide. The more he talked, the more she let her mind open up to more explicit fantasies, until it wandered to thoughts of taking his cock in her mouth.

“Now, about the President’s economic plan. Can you tell us, Congressman, how the votes are lining up in the House?”

“Well, first, Jon, let me just say that my colleagues and I have been working very hard on this, and . . .”

Allison couldn’t take any more. She said “Excuse me,” and fled up to her room and locked the door. She tore off her shorts and panties and got down on the bed, her hips high in the air and her face burrowed into the bedspread. Oh God, she was soaking wet.

She barely had to touch herself before she came incredibly hard, her head thrust into the bed, gasping and shuddering over and over. She kept touching herself as she pictured pulling down Paul’s jogging shorts and freeing the massive erection she had seen the other day. She held her hips wide, spread her legs, and imagined him kneeling between them and fucking her hard, just like Jeremy used to. She rocked herself to another quick, easy climax until she collapsed, shaken and overwhelmed. She couldn’t catch her breath. She could only think how badly she wanted another orgasm, and how badly she wanted Paul, not Jeremy, to give it to her.

Allison lay panting on her stomach, trying to calm down, stunned by the intensity of her feelings. She bit the pillow and rocked back and forth. She had NEVER come that fast in her life. Jesus, what was going on?

She could only think it was seeing him on TV. Seeing him so intelligent and completely controlled, while knowing what she knew.

She trembled remembering his angry words. This CANNOT happen.

Dad . . . she whispered to him into her pillow with her eyes shut tight. What do you know that I don’t? She felt sure Paul had more experience; that he knew better than she what they could possibly be starting with each other. Why else would he resist it so strenuously?

The words she had heard long ago echoed in her head. They were engraved into her mind, and seemed to erupt in flaming script across her body.

Daddy needs to see you.

You miss me, baby girl?

God! She moaned into her childhood bed, with her mother downstairs, thinking of her father, just as she had when she was 16. She wanted him, she wanted him. Where the fuck was he?


Paul stayed away the entire two weeks before the big wedding. He was slated to arrive the day of, in the morning.

The longer he stayed away, the more Allison knew it was Görükle Escort because he was avoiding her. He couldn’t have been more obvious about it. He didn’t trust himself to be in the same house with her. But he’d have to see her now, and she was looking forward to it. She was going to look spectacular.

The only little snag was that Jeremy couldn’t make it. He called her a few days before he was supposed to arrive, saying something “suddenly came up” and he couldn’t make his flight. Allison was annoyed. She wanted a date. And she wanted to flirt and dance with her boyfriend right in front of Paul.

“Well, if you can’t, you can’t. I understand,” she said on her cell.

“I’m sorry, hon, I just can’t do anything about it.”

Allison was angry, but she was also feeling guilty. As she talked to him, she didn’t have the heart to tell him her feelings were changing. That really, she only wanted him there so she could use him to drive her father crazy. That someone else was occupying her thoughts, instead of him.

“Allison?” Jeremy asked over the phone. “What’s going on with you?”

God, he was no dummy. He could always read her so well.

“Nothing. What do you mean?”

“Yeah. You know, perhaps it’s a good thing I’m not coming back.”

“Why do you say that?”

“You know! Stop lying! You’re in love with your father, aren’t you?”

“I don’t know,” Allison said, her voice breaking.

“‘You don’t know.’ OK, listen. I think you have some things to deal with. I’m going to let you deal with them. Call me when they’re resolved. If they get resolved.”

“Jeremy,” Allison said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t expect . . .”

“No, you didn’t. But I did. So listen, call me when you’ve made up your mind. I have to go.”

“All right,” she said, hanging up. One of the pitfalls of dating an older man. He saw right through her.


The day of the wedding arrived, with all its craziness. Media trucks camped out on the street at dawn hoping to get pics of Paul Austin’s oldest son and his gorgeous socialite bride; a huge canopy strung with lights and flowers covered the back lawn; friends, relatives, children, make-up and hair people, caterers and musicians overran the estate. From the minute she got up Allison was accosted by people looking for help and directions. She didn’t have a clue if Paul had arrived or not.

Allison spent the afternoon holed up in her room with Sarah, getting ready. Of course she had invited her friend. She didn’t think she could make it through this kind of event without her.

Sarah looked so gorgeous, in a low cut pink dress with lots of flounces and ruffles and lace. Just the kind of feminine thing that suited her petite body and coloring. Allison, in contrast, wanted to go for dark and dramatic. She chose a midnight blue satin slip dress with spaghetti straps. The cut was very simple, but very sexy. The silky, shimmery material clung to her fit body and showed off her fantastic shoulders. She had Sarah pile her hair on top of her head and leave soft loose tendrils trailing down her neck.

She sat at her dressing table applying make-up while Sarah chatted away, although she was a little uncomfortable with her choice of conversation.

“Maybe I can sneak in a dance with your father tonight.”

“Oh?” Allison glanced at her. “You’d like that?”

“God yes. Your Dad is so sexy. And, well . . .”


“You know. I know you know. I mean, everyone knows that he and Iris don’t exactly get along.”

Allison rolled her eyes as she put on lipstick. “You mean Stepford wife?”

“Would it bother you? I’m not saying I want an affair with him or anything! I just want to dance with Paul Austin.”

“How much do people know?” Allison asked.

“Well I don’t think it’s a secret he’s been seeing this woman in DC. A news producer, something like that.”

“How do you know all this stuff?”

“Hanging out at bars. People talk.”

Allison furiously tossed her mascara on the table. She wasn’t mad at her friend, but at the idea of being one of “Paul Austin’s” groupies—one of his eager little sluts. She was angry that he hadn’t said hello to her today, and had completely ignored her for two weeks. The last thing she wanted was to be some weepy, clingy girl waiting around for him to notice her. And he had SAID he did not have a lover at the moment. So he’d lied. He’d probably been seeing her—fucking her—these past two weeks. He’d probably gone straight from kissing her to his mistress!

“Come on, I’m ready,” she said to Sarah. “Let’s go get a drink. I need one.”

Allison was pleasantly buzzed by the time the actual ceremony finally came around. In the few hours she’d spent with Sarah she hadn’t seen Paul once, not until the moment he walked Iris to her seat right in front of her. By that time she was fuming. There they were, one of Washington’s most beautiful and glamourous couples, the proud parents. Her mother had never looked so stunning, and Paul as well in a glorious tux. He merely glanced Görükle Escort Bayan in her direction when he sat down.

Allison watched the back of his head through the whole ceremony, noting the way his salt and pepper hair curled at the nape of his neck in the heat. She fought back a desire to just lean over and whisper something in his ear as rage quickly started to simmer within her. He made her sick, they both did. Why the hell had she come home? She saw now she’d been a complete idiot. She should have done what Jeremy wanted and gone with him to France. But no, she had come back here and run after her father. And now she’d fucked things up with Jeremy. She decided she’d call him the minute she could, maybe even try to get a flight to France. This had all been a big mistake.

Her anger continued to grow through all the family picture-taking. Her smile was frozen in place trying to pretend to be part of the happy Austin clan, when she couldn’t wait to just get away. She tensed up when Paul placed his hand around her waist in the group shots. He still hadn’t said a word to her.

Pretty soon the reception was swinging. She sat with Sarah downing one glass of wine after the other. It was too bad she was in such a foul mood, because it was a beautiful, perfect night. The ocean in the distance reflected the moon, twinkling lights and stars, and the canopied tent was decorated with roses and gardenias giving off a lush, musky scent. Everyone looked gorgeous. Iris really had gone all out.

She was just downing yet another glass of wine when she felt a hand on her back. A man’s big, warm, strong hand on her lower back, low enough where he could feel the crack of her ass.

Despite herself, Allison smiled. She felt her resolve instantly flying out the window and her whole being alight with pleasure. She turned quickly around with a huge smile on her face. But then she stopped abruptly and said, “Oh!”

It was Senator Welles.

“Allison. I was hoping I’d see you tonight.”

Allison instantly glanced around and saw that Paul was watching them. He was standing with some of his cronies, accepting their congratulations, but she could tell his eyes were on her.

She flashed Archer a huge smile, touched his arm, and gazed directly into his eyes.

“Nice to see you, Senator.”

“Alone tonight? I thought I heard you had a boyfriend.”

“We broke up,” Allison said, flatly.

“Oh. Too bad. Can I get you a drink?”

“Yes,” she beamed at him. “Something strong.”

“Coming up,” Archer said, delighted at the way she was looking at him.

As soon as he left to get their drinks, Paul came right over.

“What are you doing?” he asked her.

It was the first thing he’d said to her in two weeks. Allison felt nothing but rage at him.

“What does it look like? Having a good time.”

“With Archer Welles?”

“Yeah, so? I’m not fucking him.”

“Shh! Keep your voice down!”

“How was DC, Dad? Did you have a good time?”

“Allison . . .” he warned.

“Were you alone? Or were you with your whore—she’s a news producer, right?”

He scoffed, and looked at her. “You’re drunk. And you’ve been talking to your mother, haven’t you?”

“Nice dodge.”

“I can’t talk to you now.”

“Oh so you were planning on talking to me. How nice of you.”

“Yes, I was, but this is neither the time nor the place.”

“You’re right about that. Well you don’t have to worry, because I’m leaving. I should never have come back.”

“Leaving? Where?”

“I’m going to Paris to be with Jeremy. As soon as I can. Oooh, there’s Mom! Better go get your photo op!”

Allison brushed past him and made her way back to Archer. “Thank you! Perfect! You want to dance?”

Allison took a tiny sip of her drink and immediately dragged Archer onto the dance floor. In full view of Paul, she draped herself tightly against the handsome blond Senator and put her arms around his neck, gazing at him seductively. A slow song was playing, and she made the most of the opportunity to have him hold her. She felt his hands move down lower until they were practically cupping her ass. Her breasts were mashed against his chest. She could see Paul, sitting down, watching them with open hostility on his face. Good.

When the song was over, she led Archer by the hand to a secluded little spot right near Paul. She knew he was in earshot.

Archer was simply enchanted with her dark beauty. He wound his fingers around one of the long brown tendrils of her hair, and played with her earrings as he leaned far forward towards her, his arm around the back of her chair.

“I like your earrings. They’re very . . . sparkly,” he said, making her laugh.

“Oh, thank you. They were a gift from my father.”

“Oh? Well he has nice taste.”

“Yes, he does,” Allison said pointedly and loudly.

“And you smell so good . . . what is that scent?”

“Oh just something my boyfriend gave me.”

“Mmmm. . . it’s extremely enticing.”

“So Bursa Escort Bayan Senator, do you own a house in DC, or just rent an apartment when you’re down there?”

“I have an apartment. When you get down there I’d be happy to show you around—the city, I mean,” he laughed. “DC can be pretty daunting at first. I know all the best places.”

She gave him her best sexy smile. “I’d love that.”

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Paul get up and walk angrily back into the house.

“Hmmm, so would I,” Archer said, his mouth so close to hers. God he would love to fuck Paul Austin’s sexy daughter. His gaze traveled down her perfect body, noticing her full breasts and smooth tanned skin.

But Allison had lost her interest in the horny Senator. “Oh! I see my friend. Would you excuse me?”

She got up and fled across the dance floor to find Sarah, who was standing alone.

“Hey! How’s it going?”

“There you are! What happened to you?”

“Oh, just talking to people. You having fun?”

“Yes. But I’m tired from dancing. You want to sit down?”

They sat and drank and chatted for a little while, until it came time for the official dances. Allison watched Paul dance with his new daughter-in-law, then Iris, as people clapped and oohed and aahed. But then her mother came right over and pulled her up from her seat, insisting she dance with her father. That was the last thing Allison wanted. Would this night never be over?

It was incredibly awkward as the music came on and Paul drew her by the waist towards him. They were the only people on the dance floor and she felt like they were under a spotlight. As he drew her close, she suddenly felt weak, and a surge of that old pain. She couldn’t deny how good it felt to be in his arms. She felt deeply, more than she ever had, how much she had missed him in the past four years. What a mess. What an absolute mess. She fought off tears as she wondered, was she to be forever deprived of her love for him? It was the most powerful, dominant force of her life. It felt so good to give in to it, but it was mixed with so much pain. Part of her wanted to turn back time and pretend nothing in the past five years had happened, and just go back to how it used to be when he was the unquestioned center of her existence. But there was no going back, for her. Her love was inseparable from her attraction to him and where they were now.

“Are you really thinking of leaving?” he said in a low voice.

“Yes,” Allison tried to say, but her voice was getting muffled by the tears welling in her throat and eyes.

“Hey,” Paul said, noticing her distress.

“I think I have to,” Allison said, praying that no one else could see the tears threatening to spill out all over her face.

She was really about to have a little fit. She felt uncontrollable sobs welling up in her chest. Was she being selfish? Was she so vindictive that she was willing to cut her love for him out of her heart simply because she couldn’t have him? And yet the alternative was just as bad—to want him and know that he was rejecting her. Meanwhile, she had totally screwed up with a wonderful man who did love her. And yet she knew, now, she could not honestly give her whole heart to Jeremy. Could she ever truly give herself to another man with her father in her life, or was she just totally fucked?

And what if she was simply wrong—what if she was nothing but a pathetic, hysterical little girl with a crush on Dad?

It was too much. Thank god the song was almost over. The second it ended she pushed Paul away from her, taking the picture of his stricken face with her as she ran out of the reception tent and towards the beach. She had to get away from him!

She lifted up her dress, kicked off her shoes, and ran as fast as she could, through the woods and down to the beach. Waves were crashing on the shore. As soon as she stopped she gave in to the violent sobs tearing out of her chest and throat. She was bent over, crying and shaking, when she heard Paul calling for her.


Oh, no. He was running towards her. She did not want to see him. She keep running, but he was too fast for her, even in his ridiculous tux.

“Allison, please! Stop!”

He finally got to her. She knew her make-up was all smudged and she tried to clean off her face, but she could not stop crying. She hiccoughed, and could not catch her breath at the same time. A cold wind was blowing off the ocean flattening her thin silk dress against her body and she started shivering. Paul took his coat off and wrapped it around her and then she just collapsed in his arms, nestling into his warm chest as he tried to soothe her.

“Shh, shh” he said, as she wrapped her arms around his chest. She kept making ridiculous squeaks as he held her, stroking her hair, and she wet his beautiful white dress shirt with her tears. She sobbed into his clothes, which smelled of him—the most delicious, comforting smell in the world, evoking the most painful and powerful memories in her body. She cried and inhaled him at the same time.

He smelled so good.

He smelled . . . like sex.

She unconsciously turned her face towards his as he stroked her hair and wiped her cheeks, turning towards him as naturally as a fragile plant seeking the hot, life-giving sun.

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The Photo Shoot Ch. 02

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As you may know from my previous entry, my older sister Jen and I just discovered the joys of her digital camera. She caught me looking at nude pictures of her that she had taken of herself. Because I happened to be naked at the time, she got the bright idea of taking pictures of me getting myself off in front of her and her camera. I’m not complaining, mind you, I’m just still slightly in shock. Jen is a beautiful girl and I never thought she was even the least bit interested in playing around with her little brother in such a sexual manner.

If you saw her, you would probably say she looks a lot like Gwyneth Paltrow. Her thin build, long blonde hair, high cheekbones, ivory skin, bright toothy smile, and girl next door sweetness make heads turn. However, I never would have guessed her to have such a wild, sexy side.

That evening after she e-mailed me her photos, she e-mailed me and told me to come into her room, and to hurry it up. She said she had an idea and thought I would be interested. I had a pretty good idea what she had in mind.

When I opened her bedroom door, she was sitting on her bed rubbing lotion onto her legs, her long blonde hair cascading onto her plain white cotton sleepshirt. At first I was slightly disappointed in her choice of clothing, as my fertile mind was expecting that she might be naked or wearing something sexier. But the more I looked at her and thought about it, the hotter I got thinking about how just underneath that simple one piece garment was my sister’s young, sexy body. She noticed me staring at her as she slowly rubbed lotion onto her long tanned legs that seemed to go on forever.

“Hi Jason.” She greeted Görükle Escort me warmly. “Do you mind rubbing the rest of this lotion on my legs?”

I didn’t say a word. I just nodded my head and got to work; though it certainly wasn’t work. If it was, I had found my calling in life. I slowly worked the lotion around her ankles, and up through her calves stopping just short of her nightshirt.

She closed her eyes and threw her head back. “Mmnnh…, that’s nice Jason.”

As I continued to rub her legs, concentrating now on her thighs, she stated, “Jason, I’ve been thinking a lot about this afternoon. I hope I didn’t do anything to offend you.”

I laughed and said, “I don’t have any idea what you’re talking about Jen.”

“Good,” she shot back, “because I enjoyed myself and I get the feeling you did too.”

Again, I laughed. “What gave you that idea?”

“Well, as much as I enjoyed looking at that delicious looking cock of yours, I thought you might like to take some photos of me this time. What do you think?”

My delicious looking cock? Did she really just say that? “Uh, sure Jen, that would be awesome.”

“Go clean the lotion from your hands and grab the camera.” She instructed. “I’ll get ready.”

I went into the bathroom to wash the lotion from my hands and could no longer hide my erect cock straining at the fabric of my boxer shorts. I was having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that even though my parents were asleep downstairs, I was about to see my sister naked in the flesh, up close, in her bedroom, and take pictures of her no less. Where it might lead from there only made me guess Görükle Escort Bayan and only made my cock harder. I tried stalling until it went flaccid, but as hard as I tried, that clearly wasn’t going to happen.

“Aw, who am I trying to kid anyway?” I said to myself. “My sister has seen my erect cock before. Shit, she even saw me jack it off. What am I saying? She made me jack it off in front of her and cum all over the bathroom floor. I don’t think my erect cock will offend her in the least.”

I slowly walked back into Jen’s room and couldn’t believe my eyes. She had dimmed the lights, but there she was, my sister, lying on her bed in a prone position, totally naked. Her head was tilted back and she had a sweet sexy smile on her face. Her supple ass rose from the dimples on the small of her back. Once I was able to gain my composure, I silently started taking picture after picture, hovering around the bed at all angles.

“I guess little brother likes what he sees, huh?” She rhetorically asked as she stared right at my cock straining at my shorts. “It’s okay if you want to take it out and give it some fresh air,” she giggled.

As I did as she instructed, she rolled over onto her backside, exposing herself to me fully. I went crazy with the camera. I snapped picture after picture of her pert little breasts and puffy nipples, her flat stomach, and her downy blonde pubic hair that she obviously trimmed and shaved. As I focused my attention on her pubic area, she splayed her legs open and reached down and rubbed her pussy. It was as gorgeous as the girl it belonged to. My sister. He pussy lips were full, which she slowly parted Bursa Escort Bayan with her fingertips. Her clit was engorged from arousal. I focused the camera in for a close up as she opened herself up fully for the camera and inserted a finger into her now dripping wet pussy. I got closer and could smell the musky scent of her womanhood filling the air. My cock had never been so hard. I couldn’t stand it any longer. I began pulling on my cock as she watched intently.

As one hand caressed her pussy, the other was busy massaging her breasts and alternately pulling on her nipples. I put down the camera and stroked my cock more ferociously. Her eyes locked onto my cock within inches of her tender body, which I was stroking in unison with her.

She moaned a deep throaty moan of obvious pleasure and her body trembled and shook. Her legs closed tightly around her hand, which held her pussy tightly as her entire body spasmed repeatedly. She muffled a scream, which was a good idea as our parents were right downstairs below us.

Watching her body tense and finally relax, I grunted and realized that I was seconds from cumming. As quickly as Jen came, her body relaxed and loosened back into her bed. She threw her head back and moaned as I shot my third load of the day, this time right onto her belly. When the first spurt of cum hit her belly she quickly sat up. The second spurt hit her on the chin. The third one ended up on her belly again.

“Damn, Jason.” She laughed, “Watch where you’re aiming that thing. It’s loaded!”

“Sorry Jen. I didn’t mean to make such a mess.”

“Don’t be sorry little brother. It’s a beautiful mess you made. Why don’t you get into my bed while I clean up real quick. You don’t mind if we cuddle for awhile, do you?”

Do I mind? Do birds fly?

“I’ll be right back.” She said as she sashayed out of the room bare naked.

I got into her bed and waited breathlessly for her to return.

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Mrs. Lewis and The Master Pt. 02

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The day after her meeting with her Master Mrs Lewis woke up feeling horny knowing she was going to masturbate as soon as her husband left for work.

As soon as she heard the car pull away she emptied the bag Master had given her on the bed.

There was a bra that was merely a set of straps, a suspender belt, open crotch panties, two pairs of seemed fishnet stockings and a pair of red 5 inch high heels open toed shoes with ankle straps.

As she put the clothes on she felt herself getting more aroused. Her nipples grew and hardened and her cunt, the word she now liked to use, got very wet.

She sat in front of the dressing table and put on the make-up. She loved the slutty bright red lipstick and black eye shadow making sure she applied them both thickly.

She paraded round the bedroom feeling like a slut. She sat on a chair in front of a mirror and opened her legs. She pinched her erect nipples and then fingered herself while she rubbed her clit with her other hand. She looked at herself in the mirror and at that point realised what a slut she was. Her orgasm came very quickly and she smelt her fingers and loved the smell of her cum. She didn’t hesitate to lick her fingers clean. She loved the taste of her own cum.

She wished that her husband could see her now, see the real Mrs Lewis.

Two days later they had sex as usual he finished too soon and although she enjoyed being fucked she was left frustrated. As soon as he fell asleep she went to the bathroom and pleasured herself to climax.

The following day she phoned her Master.

Mrs Lewis: ‘Hello Master its Mrs Lewis here.

‘Master: ‘Hi Mrs Lewis what can I do for you.’

Mrs Lewis: ‘I need to see you.’

Master: ‘But you’re not due to see me again for another three days.’

Mrs Lewis: ‘I know but I really need to see you.’

Master: ‘Why is that Mrs Lewis.’

Mrs Lewis: ‘Well I masturbated last night after my husband and I had sex and this morning I went out to the supermarket and as I walked around I couldn’t take my eyes off the carrots and bananas and even the cucumbers and I desperately need a huge cock in me. Your cock.’

Master: ‘The trouble is I am fully booked and this afternoon I have one of escort taksim my regular couples here. I tell you what I’ll do, I’ll call Mr and Mrs Warner and explain the situation and ask whether they would mind if you came round too. They are a very friendly couple in their late 50s and she is very attractive and sexy and he is totally submissive. Leave it with me and I’ll call you back.’

Mrs Lewis put the phone down and waited for the call back.

Eventually Master called back and said, ‘Good news, I’ve spoken to Mrs Warner and she has agreed that its ok for you to come round this afternoon. Their appointment is at 2pm so why don’t you get here at 2.30pm. Don’t forget to wear the underwear and make up.’

Mrs Lewis soon got herself dressed and ready. Even putting the sexy underwear on and the slutty make up aroused her sexually.

She drove to Master’s house and rang the doorbell. After a couple of minutes he opened the door and let her in. He was naked and his erection was standing in front of him.

He looked at her and said, ‘wow you are really fuckable.’

She followed him upstairs and into a bedroom were the other couple were. He introduced them as Mr and Mrs Warner. What surprised was what she saw. He was naked except for a pair of nylon stockings and tied to a chair beside the bed with clips on his nipples. He had latex rings round his balls and the base of his erect cock. His foreskin had been pulled back and the head of his cock was coated with the same slutty red lipstick that his wife wore.

She was lying on the bed with her legs wide apart and a plug buried deep in her arse. Her nipples were coated in the same slutty lipstick and her pumped up nipples had clamps on them too. Her face was very heavily made up too.

She said, ‘hi Mrs Lewis Master was just about to fuck me but I’m happy for him to save his first lot of spunk for you but I do need to cum so while he licks my cunt and sucks my clit and makes me cum can you take care of my husband and suck him off and make sure he cums the same time as I do.’

Master says, ‘I haven’t taught Mrs Lewis the pleasures of cocksucking yet so she will wank him off.’

Mrs Warner replies, ‘oh you poor dear, escort etiler not having the wonderful feeling of a cock throbbing in between your lips and then the feeling of his spunk hitting the back of your throat, the effort to not swallow it straight away and then the great taste and texture as you swill it around your mouth. Oh Master we must show her today. In the meantime my clit is throbbing waiting for your tongue.’

The Master lay in between Mrs Warner’s legs while she held her cunt lips open.

Mrs Lewis took her dress off and pulled up a chair next to Mr Warner ready to pleasure him.

Master said, ‘take off you open crotch panties so that Mrs Warner can see you cunt.’

She did as she was told, sat down and reached out for his cock. Straight away she realised it was bigger and thicker than her husbands. She started slowly rubbing his shaft knowing he was not allowed to cum too soon.

Meanwhile Master was slowly licking up and down Mrs Warner’s very wet cunt.

Both Mrs Lewis and Mr Warner were staring at what was happening to Mrs Warner. It aroused Mrs Lewis so much that the hand that wasn’t wanking Mr Warner was playing with herself.

Mrs Warner was soon moaning and groaning with pleasure. She could see herself in one of the many mirrors in the room. She loved seeing her cunt start throbbing as Master licked her clit.

Mrs Lewis wanted Mr Warner to cum but knew she couldn’t let him. She was getting more and more aroused as she watched Mrs Warner’s cunt throbbing as Master licked it and sucked it. She loved seeing her cum trickle out of it. She wanted that herself. What she really wanted and this shocked her was that she actually wanted Mrs Warner to do it to her and vice versa. Mrs Warner was getting more and more vocal as she had more and more orgasms. Suddenly she called out, ‘this is the one.’

Both Mrs Lewis and Mr Warner were shocked when they saw Mrs Warner actually squirt her cum all over Master’s face. At the same time Mrs Lewis finished Mr Warner off as he cum all over his stockings. For one moment she wondered if she could get her husband to act the same way as Mr Warner but soon decided it would never work. Mrs Lewis herself almost cum escort beşiktaş but knew she really wanted The Master to do that. She did however wipe the spunk off the stockings and lick her fingers clean.

She knew it was now her turn, this was what she was here for. She lay on the bed and Mrs Warner untied her husband. Mrs Lewis opened her legs ready for Master to enter her. She was so wet he slid all the way in right up to his balls. Mr and Mrs Warner knelt either side of her and played with her nipples, pinching and squeezing them. Then Mrs Warner bent down and kissed Mrs Lewis on the lips. Their mouths opened and they tongued each other.

Meanwhile Master was slowly fucking her and bringing her closer to her orgasm. It happened pretty quickly but she needed more than one. She and Mrs Warner were enjoying some very sexy kisses while Mr Warner was abusing her nipples. It could have only taken a few minutes but after 3 or 4 climaxes she felt the Master pump his spunk deep into her cunt.

He slid out and Mrs Warner said, ‘can I clean you?’

She had no chance to reply as Mrs Warner was suddenly lying between her legs and lapping up Master’s spunk as it dribbled out. Making sure she didn’t lose any and definitely didn’t swallow any. She then started licking and sucking Mrs Lewis’s clit and although she had just cum so many times this past one and her first ever from a female was so intense. As she lay back and recovered Mrs Warner kissed Mrs Lewis. Again their mouths opened and The Master’s cum ran from Mrs Warner’s mouth into Mrs Lewis’s.

Mrs Warner asked whether she liked the taste and admitted she did.As Mrs Lewis got dressed Mrs Warner asked when her next meeting was and said it was next Tuesday. Mrs Warner asked, ‘would you mind if we joined you then?’

‘I’d love that,’ Mrs Lewis replied.

Suddenly Mr Warner said, ‘we can’t make next Tuesday as I have a meeting.’

His wife replied, ‘that’s ok dear I can come by myself.’

Which in reality was what she really wanted, a threesome with the Master and Mrs Lewis.

As they headed to the door to say goodbye Mrs Warner asked the Master, ‘ would it be possible for Leo to join us next Tuesday?’

‘Oh no, it’s much too soon for that, the next time needs to teach Mrs Lewis the techniques for great oral sex.’

Mrs Lewis looked puzzled about Leo but assumed it must be a friend of theirs.

As she drove home she gave a lot of thought to what had just happened and realised how much she enjoyed having sex with another female.

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The Packages Ch. 05

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I’m at Jim’s house, which is needed for the guaranteed privacy we need to speak about such things as incest without having to whisper. As I go through everything that has happened, he says nothing to interrupt me. When I talk about the details of eating Tammy’s pussy and her resulting orgasm on my open mouth and face, he grins widely in silence. When I go over the details of fucking her pussy and filling it with cum, the grin gets wider and the silence continues. When I get to the part about taking her ass in great detail and filling it deep inside with my cum, he starts to drool a little in continued silence.

Once I finish going over every last detail, he says, “Damn, Jackson, you are one lucky son of a bitch. I was expecting to have to offer $100,000 before any anal took place. Looks like I could have saved some money, but not going to stop now.”

I smile and say, “You were right, Jim. All it took was crossing the line a little and everything changed. Of course, the promise of millions is a great motivator.”

He nods and says, “Course I was right, since I have a lot of experience on the matter. And I was right about something else, wasn’t I?”

I grin and ask, “What’s that, Jim? You think your right about everything, so do you want to narrow that one down for me just a little?”

He grins and says, “Cause I’m right about everything. I’m referring to how hot it is to fuck your daughter and know your son is fucking his mom.”

I nod in complete agreement and say, “Damn right, Jim. It is very hot.”

His grin widens, as he says, “Only going to get hotter. Any ideas for the next package?”

With no hesitation, I say, “Hell, yes. I want to watch Tammy and Cindy eat each other out.”

He nods and says, “You’ve got it. Anything else?”

I shake my head, then say, “No, Jim. Whatever it is you think up next, it’s bound to be interesting. Besides, I don’t want to spoil the surprise.”

He says, “Probably for the best. One thing to know your going to see your daughter and wife eat each others pussies, but not know knowing anything else about what I have planned will add to your own excitement. Besides, if I give too much away, you’re not going to want to wait and that could ruin things. Can’t take any chances they find out you know what’s going on.”

I nod and say, “You’re right on that one. Don’t want to lose any of this and them finding out might stop everything dead in its tracks.”

He says, “No sense taking any chances, so don’t bring up anything to any of your family about wanting to watch your wife and daughter together like that. Not a word.”

A couple of days pass and I have not had any opportunity to be alone with my daughter. The language we used when we were alone was something that was not meant for anyone else in the family to hear. Of course I’ve been fucking her, just as my wife has been getting fucked by my son, but the language is far less intense.

We are laying in her bed after having filled her asshole with my cum and hear my wife moaning loudly in our bedroom. I take it as an opportunity to talk to my daughter without fear of being overheard. There is no way my wife and son can hear anything I am about to say.

I look into my daughter’s blue eyes and I ask in a quiet voice, “Can we talk about something serious, Tammy?”

She looks a little worried as she says, “Yes, daddy. What is it?”

I have a sincere look on my face as I say, “I know I got carried away with the language when your mom and brother were at the hotel. Did the words we were using bother you?”

She lets out a sigh of relief and her face changes from worry to happiness, then says, “Oh, that. I though you were going to say you want to stop being with me. No, daddy, the words didn’t bother me. It’s the opposite, daddy. It made me very horny when we talked about me being your incestuous fucking cunt of a daughter.”

I grin and say, “Good to know, my little fucking incestuous whore of a daughter. Guess we’ll have to find some time alone, won’t we my fucking cunt of a daughter?”

She grins back and says, “Yes, daddy, we do.”

She giggles and the moans from the bedroom die down, which leaves me no opportunity to continue delving into the language we both enjoy. I wish I can get hard again quickly, but my daughter understands the need for time. I know we make an odd pair, but both of us are quite content in our oddity.

Everyone has gotten quite comfortable with being naked in the house, so none of us have any clothes on when the bell rings. I’m the closest to the door, so I throw a robe on and ensure it is tied tight enough to prevent it from opening and revealing my cock to the world. Unfortunately, covering up a seven inch erection is not an easy thing to accomplish. The last thing I want is someone to call the police regarding a flashing incident. I may not have close neighbors, but the road I live off of is heavily traveled. I find a new package, about the same size as the last, and know escort şişli the fun is getting ready to start.

I take it inside and close the door behind me. There is no way to contain the excitement on my face as I bring it to the living room and set it on the floor next to the couch. There is no reason to set it down anywhere else, since this is the room where we have watched every DVD we have been sent. I remove my robe and toss it to the side, then look under the coffee table and see all four black masks. They have been required for every order we have been given and have little doubt they will be required for this one.

I call out loudly, “A new package arrived.”

I don’t have to worry about being heard, since I can hear them all moving towards me. My son arrives first with his hard six inch dick moving up and down with his quick steps in perfect rhythm with his balls. He is followed closely by my wife, since they were just in bed together, and I watch her nipples bounce along with the movement of her D cup tits. My daughter is the last one to join us and I get the added pleasure of seeing her B cup tits bounce even more than my wife’s had.

I ask, “Who wants to open it?”

Tammy says in a voice filled with excitement and anticipation, “I’ll do it.”

She teases me with her ass as she points it right at me and spreads her legs wide. She bends over to show me both of her holes, which I know very well. She fumbles with the box to take far longer than needed to continue her torture of me. Finally, she opens it and grabs a letter from the top. She stands up and places it on the coffee table so I will be able to stare at her tits when she turns to read. She returns to the box and starts the torture again as she removes a DVD, another expensive recorder and another tripod. I want to fuck her in the ass right now and it takes a great deal of restraint to remain seated on the couch.

The battery for the other recorder is full charged and ready to go, but this one will need to be plugged into the wall. The new battery will need to charge, just like the previous. Cindy takes the recorder and teases Bill the same way my daughter is teasing me, which means I am no longer alone in the torture as we are both staring at assholes and pussies.

Tammy bends over a little more and spreads her cheeks to show me a slightly open asshole, which she knows is something I really enjoy seeing, then says, “There’s nothing else in the package.”

She gets up slowly, while releasing her cheeks and turns in order to grab the note, She reads, “Congratulations, Quiller family, for making it to the next step of the game. This successful completion of this round will result in each of you getting $100,000.”

This time none of them take deep breaths or let out whistles. The amount causes them all to jump up and down quickly in excitement and the noise is far louder than any whistle. I get up to join them in the celebration. There is a lot of whooping and hollering, as none of them have any reason to doubt the amount will be paid in full and in cash. They all know they are getting close to the end, but I have no intention of ending anything until long after the contest is concluded.

Tammy continues, “To remind you, everyone must agree or the entire family forfeits the game and you get nothing other than the $11,000 each of you has already won. You will not have the opportunity to win the $1,000,000. You will watch the DVD as a family and wait until it says stop. You will all wear your blindfolds, while following what you see. You will not resume the video until Jackson and Bill are ready to go again. Only then will you continue to watch and follow the instructions. The video will end when the word stop no longer appears on the black screen. The second recorder is going to be needed, but only one will be used for your first task. Once all tasks are finished and recorded, you will email the video to the same address as the previous ones were sent.”

I open the fully charged recorder and put a flash player in, one which is no longer filled with the previous video we made. I start the charging process for the new battery and set up both of the tripods, just in case they are needed. Tammy puts the DVD into the player and sits down next to me, since Cindy and Bill are taking up the rest of the couch. She presses play and we watch a black screen.

The screen fades in and shows the same four people as the first video and none of them are wearing any signs this time. The screen fades to black and the words, ‘Jackson, you will record this.’ The words fade and are quickly replaced by a close up of a hard dick and a spread pussy just inches above. The camera pulls back and I see the mother and son on a couch and both are looking into the camera, while the daughter is sitting next to them. My family remains clueless in regards to their identity, but I know exactly who they are. Not that I have any intention on revealing the escort nişantaşı identity of the family, since that would ruin things.

The camera zooms in on the dick and pussy, then the mother slowly lowers herself onto her son’s dick. She starts to ride him and they both find a rhythm quickly. Both start to moan and he cums quickly inside of her pussy. His orgasm is impressive as he continues to fill her with one explosive wave after another and some of his cum drips out and onto his balls.

He stays inside of her as the angle moves to show the daughter getting into position as she gets on her knees and she is facing the dick inside the pussy. Only then does the mother lift herself up and off of his dick, then the daughter’s mouth covers the pussy hole completely. His dick is pressed against her tits, as she is swallowing the cum being pushed out of the mother’s pussy. She pulls her head away once she is certain there is no more cum to be found and turns her head toward the camera. She opens her mouth to show it is full of milky white cum, then closes and swallows everything. She opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue to show there is no cum left.

She turns back to the waiting pussy and starts work her tongue on the mother’s clit. The woman lets out several moans, before grabbing the daughter’s head and pulling it so her mouth is directly over her hole. She lets out a scream as she releases her own orgasm and gives the daughter far more than she can swallow. What she can’t swallow, flows down her chin and onto her tits and his dick. It is a considerable amount that is lost out of her mouth, but she swallows what she can.

Once the orgasm subsides, the daughter lowers her mouth to the now flaccid dick of the brother and takes it entirely into her mouth. She lets it out slowly and shows there is very little of the mother left on his dick. She takes it all the way in again and releases even slower. She does it one last time and keeps it in her mouth for a very long time before releasing his dick.

The video fades to black, then the words, ‘Bill, you are to record this,’ appears on the screen. The scene is identical to the one we just watched in every way and I find myself to be quite content with waiting until after my son has his fun. There is something exciting about knowing my daughter is going to have the result of two orgasms in her mouth and one in her pussy before long. Jim certainly knows how to be creative with my request and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

After everything repeats, the video fades to black and the word, ‘Stop,’ appears on the screen. Tammy presses stop and waits for someone to say something. However, there is way too much going on in all of their minds for anyone to speak quickly. This is the first time Cindy and Tammy are expected to do something like this and I believe the amount being offered is more than enough for them to cross another line. After all, my family has already crossed a lot of them, but there is always the chance one will refuse.

Almost in unison, the silence is broken with the sound of agreement from every member of my family. I quickly join in and look to see if there is any sign of nervousness, but find only excitement. Even my wife cannot hide the anticipation on her face and I know there is not much they wouldn’t be willing to do at this point. I have no idea if it is the money or joy of crossing another line that has them excited, but it doesn’t matter. All that matters is I am one step closer to having the total debauchery I want to experience with my family.

Everyone gets into position and I get a close up of my son’s dick and wife’s dripping pussy. I press record and hold up a finger to show I am recording. Her pussy lowers onto his dick and easily takes it all the way inside. She starts to move up and down and I bring the camera up to capture the look of pleasure on both of their faces and my daughter watching in eager anticipation. I move back down so I don’t miss a moment of his cum entering her pussy.

Cindy lets out a moan and says, “Bill, I love your dick inside me. This makes your mommy feel so good.”

Bill lets out a moan of his own and says, “Don’t stop fucking me, mommy. Your pussy feels perfect wrapped around my dick. Don’t stop.”

I can see in the monitor every movement and like when he pulls out almost all the way. Her pussy grips him and tries to prevent him from escaping her. Then slowly taking it all the way inside again. Over and over the movements continue with increased moaning from both of them.

Cindy lets out a loud moan, then says, “Cum inside me. I want to feel my son’s cum inside my pussy. Give it to me, son.”

He lets out a loud moan of his own, then says, “I’m close, mommy. I’m so close to cumming inside you. I need to cum inside my mommy’s pussy. Don’t stop fucking me.”

She lets out a few moans and says, “Cum inside my pussy. I need my son to cum for me, now.”

He grits escort mecidiyeköy his teeth and says, “I’m cumming, mommy.”

I do not miss a moment as he starts to fill my wife with his cum. His orgasm is fascinating to watch as I turn the camera to his asshole and watch as it retracts and relaxes very quickly. I never thought about any guy in any kind of sexual way before, but I can’t help having thoughts about my son. After all, what’s one more line to cross. If I can think of my wife and daughter together, then I can certainly think of myself and my son right along with it.

Cindy lets out another moan, then says, “That’s it, son. Give me all of your cum. Mommy needs all of it.”

I continue to keep his asshole centered and cum starts to drip from his balls. Not one drop spoils my view and I hold the camera steady until there are no more signs of an orgasm from my son’s asshole. I move the camera to her pussy and then change position to catch my daughter as she positions herself to do her part. Once her tits are in just the right spot, Cindy quickly raises her pussy to Tammy’s waiting mouth and she lets out a moan as she feels her daughter’s mouth there for the first time.

It does not take long before all of the cum is out of my wife’s pussy and inside of my daughter’s mouth. She turns to the camera and opens wide to show it is full of her brother’s cum and some is dripping down her chin. She closes her mouth and swallows everything down, then opens it again to reveal there is none left as she seductively sticks her tongue out at the camera.

She turns back to her mother’s waiting pussy and sticks her tongue out and places it on her clit with no hesitation in her movement. Cindy lets out a soft moan to show she enjoys what her daughter is doing to her. She starts to work her tongue as best she can and is rewarded by the sound of increased moans.

Cindy says, “That’s it. Eat mommy’s pussy. My daughter’s tongue feels so good working mommy’s pussy.”

Her tongue works harder at the sound of the encouragement and is rewarded by heavy breathing and more loud moans. The moans increase in noise and intensity, which coincides with her tongue increasing speed as she wants her mother to cum for her. I know she is close to climax from the fucking she took from my son, so it shouldn’t be much longer now. All I can do is watch as I record and know my time is coming soon.

Cindy lets out a loud moan and says, “I’m close. My daughter is doing a good job on momm’s pussy. Now make mommy cum.”

There is no sign of my daughter’s tongue tiring from the work, instead it only increases the movement and my wife begins to tighten. She roughly grabs the back of Tammy’s head and moves her so her mouth is perfectly aligned. She pulls her face into her pussy and lets out an eruption more powerful than I have ever know her to have.

Tammy’s mouth quickly overflows from the result and I can see plenty dripping down to rest between her tits and his cock. She swallows and opens her mouth quickly to take more, then has it fill once again. Her tits and his cock are getting soaked in what is coming out of Cindy’s pussy with no sign of slowing. Several waves take my wife and each one more than fills my daughter’s mouth and adds to the collection point below.

Cindy goes through her final wave and then releases Tammy head. She pulls back from her mother’s pussy and the lower half of her face is shiny and slick from having so much escape from her mouth. She lowers herself and has no problem taking the entirety of my son’s cock, since it is not hard at all. She keeps it inside her mouth as her tongue works to remove any sign of the combined orgasm that came out of her mother’s pussy, then moves her head up slowly and I wonder what it would be like to do that to my son. She takes it all the way again, and again releases slowly. The third time she holds her head in place, but gags just a little. She slowly releases all of it and it is not quite as soft as it was just a moment ago.

I press stop and wait for everyone to move, then I hand the recorder to my son. Tammy positions herself just above my very hard dick and Cindy sits next to me on the couch. I’m certain she is happy to not have to do anything until I cum and then she will be on her knees, since her body needs time to rest after her orgasm. We see my son hold up a thumb to show he has started recording and I know her pussy is going to look fantastic on camera with my massive dick inside of her.

I feel the head enter her pussy with ease and want to force her down quickly, but the rules are clear and we have to take our time. We both let out soft moans as she lowers herself all the way and it feels like a wonderful suction cup buried deep inside of her pussy. She starts to move slowly up and down and each movement brings new wonder as we both moan together.

As we find a rhythm, I wonder if my son is going to focus on my asshole in the same manner that I did with his. It’s going to be a whole lot more than looking with the next package. The notion of total debauchery causes my dick to twitch deep inside of her pussy and she lets out a moan. Neither of us say anything, since we don’t know if we can keep our secret language a secret. So we settle for our moans of shared pleasure.

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The Old House by the Sea

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David awoke with a start, his heart pounding and his skin covered in perspiration. He turned onto his side and strained to listen – a door was banging, the back screen door. The young man sat up in the strange narrow bed, his eyes becoming more accustomed to the dark and then a moment later he went to find out what had happened.

He reached the backdoor aware that the bedroom his mother was using was empty. He stood there at the backdoor peering out over the desolate looking sand dunes, glowing unearthly in the silver moonlight; peering at the narrow sandy path through the short grass and at the patches of black trees in the far distance to his right. His mother was somewhere out there – maybe down at the waterline in the surf, or hidden in the dunes, or amongst the trees. David could hear the soft blast of the surf as it crashed into shore and went racing up the tight hard sand and he could hear the strange wind as it occasionally struck the house, sweeping in from the coast. It was the wind causing the screen door to bang which woke him.

He stood there at the back porch looking out and wondering what he should do. This was far from a normal situation and he was unsure. His mother Susan had, on a whim, told David to pack and then driven the two of them out here, leaving David’s 23 year old sister to fend for herself, at home in the suburbs. She had driven the two of them out to the north coast, to a ramshackle holiday house on the water, which she claimed to have once shared with David’s father for weeks on end, when they were both at college and carefree, years ago.

Susan was expecting something, but at first the 19 year old David had trouble fathoming his mother’s mind. Susan was seeking something, David had thought, but he couldn’t quite pin it down. She had driven them up to this dilapidated house, ready to reminisce about old times and rest for sure, but she wanted something more, wanted something from David. He finally thought he knew what it was she wanted, as he stood there at the back door, but he still wasn’t entirely sure. He dare not speak his mind.

And still he stood there. Where was his mother? Why would she get up in the early hours of the morning, leave the back door unlocked and just disappear? For a moment he thought someone might have taken Susan, but there was no sign of a struggle and they were completely alone, the road gate to this house locked. Yes, his mother was somewhere out there. Maybe she had left the back screen door open deliberately, knowing that it would bang and wake him, causing him to come looking?

David’s sister Kellie had warned David against going on this strange holiday with their mother. The divorce had only recently been finalised between Susan and David’s father and Susan was acting unpredictably, moodily, like a weirdo, according to Kellie. David did wonder, at first, why Kellie wasn’t invited along, but there was no way he was going to say no to his mother. And now that they were there he wouldn’t call a halt to the holiday – not now, not for anything – he was putting two and two together, or he at least thought he was.

Kellie was sure her mother was clearing the way for David; preparing him to step into his father’s place now that the marriage between her parents had been dissolved. Kellie knew that her conclusion sounded bizarre and she couldn’t really point to anything specific, apart from this strange holiday, but she sensed it. Kellie believed her mother was unwell, manipulating and grooming her son and the problem was that David seemed to be a willing target. Susan and David were far too close.

Still David himself wasn’t so sure. His mother had invited David away in an ambiguous manner. Susan had taken David aside one evening and pulled the young man into her arms, running her fingers through his hair and stroking his face softly. David, always aware of his mother’s extraordinary beauty, was soon under her spell. Susan’s hair was short and brown, her eyes light blue, her mouth full and soft, her skin lightly tanned, and her body slim with gentle curves. Susan addressed him with her soft voice, sincerely, trying to explain herself.

“I want you to come away with me David, just you and I, and no one else.”

“You mean on a holiday mom?” he had asked, confused.

“Yes, a holiday,” Susan continued, “I want to take you to a place that used to mean a lot to me, somewhere you’ve never been before. I’m hoping that it will become an important place for you, for just us two as well.”

“Sure mom,” David said, enjoying the way his mother was touching him.

“I just need to get us out of this house David, mecidiyeköy escort away from this horrible divorce, rid ourselves of your father once and for all.”

“Sure mom, we’ll go away. When do you want to go?”

“Well now honey, now. I have been planning this for weeks. I want you to go and pack now.”

And then they had just taken off, abruptly announcing their departure less than an hour after David was all packed. Kerrie had grabbed David, trying to warn him, but David, as usual, was under the spell of his beautiful mother and laughed off his sister’s fears. Kerrie never got a chance to tell him exactly what she thought. He and Susan jumped into the car and drove off, leaving Kerrie confused, tempted to telephone her father for advice, but not following through.

They had arrived that afternoon and Susan took a bedroom and David took the second bedroom and everything seemed normal. David’s mother had shown him around the rundown weather beaten house, pointing at first this and at that, explaining its significance in her life and what it meant. It was all thoroughly normal and David found it interesting, given how strongly he felt about Susan. There was one unusual moment though, as Susan explained the significance of the bedroom she was sleeping in.

“I think you were conceived in this bedroom David,” Susan said gently, turning to him, “I’m sure it’s not the same bed though, at least I think it’s not. That was a long time ago.”

“Wow,” was all the response David could muster.

“Yeah, wow’s right. That bed got one hell of a workout.”

David began to laugh, growing red faced – his penis stirring in his pants. Susan was laughing too, but also looking at him, her eyes sparkling, maybe expecting him to do something.

Then they had taken a walk and Susan had shown him the beach and the dunes. They had taken a quick swim in the sea and then ambled back to the house and ate and went to bed early. And now this, Susan missing at three o’clock in the morning and the screen door banging in the wind and David wondering whether he should go after her or not.

He suddenly made a decision, at last. David carefully took off his shorts and then his underwear, tossed them aside and picked up his beach-towel. He stepped out onto the back porch and pulled the door and pushed the screen door closed behind him. He descended the wooden stairs, very aware that he was completely naked and that his penis was fully erect. The warm night air caressed his skin, making his penis tingle. The grass and leaves crunched under his bare feet. He turned first this way and that, looking into as many dark corners as he could.

“Where are you mom?” he whispered.

David took one step after another, following the winding sand trail through the grass, on his way towards the beach. He looked left and right, his eyes scanning the dunes for any sign of Susan and finding nothing. Then he emerged from the trail and walked out onto the open sand of the beach, the waterline in sight now, a black body in the middle ground, the waves with their foamy heads rolling and crashing to earth. He scanned the beach for his mother, steeling himself to keep looking and not turn tail and run for his clothing and his bed.

“Where are you?” David asked, his eyes roving over the dunes and down across the cool ghostly sand and along the shoreline.

Suddenly David saw his mother. Susan was walking on the beach, her back to the water, her course set for the sandy path leading out of the beach and back to the house. It was a path that would take her directly past her naked son David. She had been swimming, he surmised, as she wore only her bikini, her hair slick and dark like jet.

He breathed hard and slowly walked towards her, not wanting to frighten or alarm her by his presence, but wanting to intercept her before she reached the sandy path. He had no idea how she would react once she saw him naked and erect. Would she slap him or disown him? David stopped walking and dropped his towel at his feet and watched as his mother grew larger and emerged into the light, playing across the sand where he stood.

“David?” Susan asked cautiously.

“Yeah, hi mom,” David replied, his voice strained, feeling very naked.

“You couldn’t sleep either? Have you come down for a swim?” Susan asked, looking slightly startled at finding David there, but seemingly oblivious to his naked body, his erection.

“I came to find you mom… I was worried.”

Susan arrived and stood opposite David.

“Yes sorry I should have left a note or nişantaşı escort something,” Susan said, talking to him as if he was fully clothed and it was daytime, “the waters nice, not too cold, even at this time of the morning.”

“Mom?” he said breathlessly, interrupting her, “mom, look at me, look at my body.”

Susan let her eyes roam over him and then she looked him in the eye.

“I know David, you look beautiful, you’re a beautiful young man,” Susan said softly, her eyes dropping again to her son’s dick and lingering on every inch of him.

“Can I kiss you, please,” he asked abruptly. He needed her so badly.

“Do you love me David?”

“Yes, I love you with my whole heart mom,” he replied sincerely.

“Love me, forever?”

“Yes, forever mom.”

Susan turned her head and looked out to sea, suddenly unsure; she finally turned back to her son. David stepped up to his mother and took her in his arms, pressing his penis against Susan’s belly, a look of desperation on his face.

“You know your sister thinks I’m some sort of black widow spider, manipulating you, trying to ruin you,” Susan said.

“That’s not true mom.”

“Are you really trying to take you dad’s place honey; it’s not an easy job?”

“Yeah I am, I’m glad he’s gone.”

“You want me all to yourself, hey?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Oh god, you can never tell anyone, never say…”

“I know,” David said earnestly, interrupting Susan, “no one will ever know.”

“Yes, okay then.”

“I can kiss you then mom?”

“Yes David, you can kiss me, you can kiss me all you want.”

David leaned in and their lips met for the first time. He kissed his mother softly, inviting Susan to open her mouth so he could start to run his tongue inside. Susan accepted, opening her mouth for him, causing him to kiss her more firmly to which she responded with greater passion, slipping her own tongue inside David’s mouth before he could get the chance to. Then she reached out and took David’s cock in her hand and began squeezing and stroking it softly, while the young man gasped in his mother’s mouth.

“You like that, hey,” Susan asked, breaking the kiss.

“God yes mom, I love it,” he said, sighing.

“C’mon, let’s go down the beach further.”

Susan took her son’s hand in hers and David picked up his towel and then she led him down to the darkest side of the beach, down where the swelling dunes met the thundering water, where the moon barely shone. Susan and David laid out their towels on the sand and Susan undid her bikini top, showing David her pear shaped breasts and then she pulled off her bikini bottoms and sat back on the towels, grinning, spreading her legs, inviting David to come and get her.

Their mouths collided again and their restless hands ran between legs, along sides, up and down spines. David was finally allowed to touch his mother in all the ways he wanted and nothing was taboo – he stroked her pussy with one hand and caressed the back of her neck with the other. There was so much to taste and his lips and tongue sought out her ears, the nape of her neck, her breasts and belly while she laughed at him, pleased by how overwhelmed he was, how horny.

And Susan was driving him crazy with her soft touch. He could take no more and she groaned softly in his ear as David moved to mount his mother. He wasted no time, having no capacity for anymore foreplay while he was so stirred up. Susan spread her legs and drew back her knees and her son slipped between her soft thighs.

“Here, put it here,” Susan hissed at her clumsy son, taking his penis in hand and guiding him in. He found the spot and she told him to push, but he needed no more directions. Susan’s high pitched groan carried across the sand as David pressed and her body yielded, opening and then moulding itself to the size and shape of his penis as he impaled her. David marvelled at how warm she was, how slippery, how easy she was to penetrate.

David fucked his mother slowly and smoothly, enjoying the sweet squelch their sex caused and the divine feelings running along his penis and slowly spreading through his whole nervous system, engaging his whole body. She rolled her hips, explaining how good it would feel when they were moving together in unison. Soon they were engaged together in a smooth rhythm and Susan was moaning softly. David looked down into his mother’s eyes, just dark pools in that space and studied her face. The merest hint of moonlight played on the tip of her upturned nose, her chin and on her wet lips. Both of them wanted şişli escort to forge a new bond – one of intense love and real passion and they kissed deeply or else silently regarded each other as they made love on the dark beach.

Incestuous love was the most intense, the most meaningful, David was ready to declare. He smoothly entered his mother again and again, while Susan held him tight and talked in his ear, encouraging him. She was glad he was so excited, but he needed her coaching. He just needed to cum, work off some of his built up sexual tension first, she realised. He was just like his father had been at first, like a jack rabbit, like a wind up machine, breaking their rhythm again and again.

David’s father, Martin had been sexually inexperienced when he and Susan started sleeping together all those years ago and Susan had initiated him, turning him into a good lover. Now it was David’s turn.

David did make Susan feel good; he was considerate and she believed him when he said he loved her. Susan was pleased they had done this, she had more or less prepared him for it anyway, she reasoned, despite Kellie’s last minute meddling. She loved this hot young man on top of her, his body lean and hard, his skin smooth and tight- she was flattered by his desperation and she knew she could mould him, remake him, and ultimately control him, if she wanted. Kellie and her ex may have resented it, but it was who Susan was, she couldn’t help it, she needed to control people.

She wasn’t going to go to a psychiatrist, like her ex said she should. He had claimed that she was overly fixated on David, that she couldn’t take her mind off their son and that it was damaging and undermining their marriage. Her relationship with Kellie was poor, her ex said, because Kellie refused to accept Susan’s passive aggressive games, her endlessly silent expectations, and refused to have Susan control every aspect of her life. Susan didn’t care anymore – she had gotten rid of her husband and next she would encourage Kellie to move out and then it would just be her and David and that was all that mattered really.

“C’mon son,” Susan started cooing, trying to tease and turn him on.

“Awwww,” he groaned long and loud, his orgasm building fast.

A few more thrusts and he got there.

“C’mon, give it to mommy.”

“Awwww! Awwww! Awwww,” David exclaimed, his voice sounding in the dark night.

Susan laughed at him happily – he was 19, still a big silly kid, shaking, straining and flinching, his penis erupting and shooting inside his mother’s beautiful body. Susan didn’t mean to mess with his head, but she couldn’t help telling him that he was a good boy and that his mommy loved him. Hearing that fresh provocation caused David to grind his penis inside Susan and give her every drop of semen he possibly could, until he was shaking, starting to feel unwell.

They spent three weeks there, in that broken down house, by the sea. That house with its peeling paint and creaky floorboards became a seething hotbed of incestuous sex while Susan and David stayed there. She brought him into her bedroom and there they spent the nights having sex, and then more sex, and still more sex. The days were spent sleeping, the afternoons bathing in the bright blue sea or lying in the sun, conserving their strength. Meals were taken when they felt hungry.

David was addicted to his mother; obsessed with her body and Susan was pleased with him. Susan let him gorge himself until he got his fill, while slowly turning him into a better lover. She had to admit though that his sex addiction and obsession with her was surprising. He exhausted himself every night, growing thinner, appearing unwell at times. She made a claim on every drop of his semen and every drop was destined to end up in her pussy. Susan had never slept with a man who could ejaculate that often, regaining an erection so quickly. David groaned through one orgasm after another after another, squirting his cum inside his mother night after night.

David would always remember their weeks there. They never got back there again and the owner of the old house by the sea finally sold it and it was torn down in later years. David remembered stroking his mother’s face tenderly as she watched him, remembered the hysterical way she would cum while sitting in his lap, his penis inside her, her shaking body in her arms. David remembered the way Susan used to suck his penis, teasing him with her soft strokes and swishing tongue. He remembered the way she opened up and told him everything and held him as he admitted everything to her. They truly fell in love while they stayed at the old house by the sea.

Finally, though they left paradise and returned to the suburbs. Kellie went to college and moved out. Martin, David’s father drifted out of his son’s life. It was just Susan and David and he wasn’t going anywhere, ever, and he couldn’t have been happier.

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