Annemin Koca Götüne Hastayım

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Big Tits

selam ankarada yaşayan 19 yaşıında yakışıklı esmer 1-85 boyunda bi gencim babam been 10 yaşıındayken öldü ve hiçç kardeşim yok evde annemle beraber yaşarız been küçüklüğümden belli hepp çalıştım ve 19 yaşımda olmama rağmen işyerinde belli biir ağırlı olan biirisiyim şu arada iyi kazanıyorum eskiden olduğu gibi fakir değiliz ( eskiden çook zorluklar yaşamıştık) neyse been fazla uzatmadan gireyim konuya annem 38 yaşıında esmer bakımlı ve çook güsel bi kadındır yengemde amcamdan ayrıldığı içiin bizde kalırdı yengem 40 yaşıında kumral kıa boylu bebek yüzlü dolgun kalcalı annem gibi küçük amma diri göğüslü bi bayandır bu arada annemin göğüsleri epey büyükdür ve been ikisinede hayranım son zamanlarda ikisinede ilgi duymaya başlamıştım hele yengemi banyo yaparken çektiğim otuzbiirlerin sayısını been bile hatırlamıyorum neyse 2003 ün haziran aylarıydı been işde çook yoruluyordum ve eve baktığım içiinde iş değiştiremiyorddum sonunda yaz tatili içiin 10 günlük izin koparmıştım o gün eve geldim bunu evdeki yengem ve anne me söledim onlarda çook sevindi been buralarda durmuyalım iki yıldir kapı dışarı çıkmadık tatile gidelim dedim onlar da memnuniyetle kabul etti ertesi gün köyümüz olan anadolu kasabasına gittik.
kasabada bi akrabamız vardı onların yanına gitmiştik amma evin hali içler acısıydı sadece biir odası vardı ve bi adam bi kadın onlara yetiyordu bide annem tel.
etmeden gittiğimiz içiin doğal olarak hazırlıksız yakalanmışlardı evde sadece kadın vardı hatırlamıştım ankaraya bizzim evimize gelmişlerdi kadının adı gülşahtı bizi içeri buyurdukktan sonra hemen yemek hazırladı sohbet ettik işte havadan sudan amma been sıkılmıştım 3 kadınla been ne konuşacaktım ki been gezcem diyerek evden ayrıldım giderkende evin sahibi olan fuat abinin iş adresini aldıım yanına gittim konuştuk sohbet hoş beş işte sonra bizi gördüğüne sevindiğini söledi sen ne kaddar büyümüşsün be yeğenim diyordu ikide biir de bilirsiniz işte devamlı böyle derlert sonra akkşam görüşmek üzere vedalaştık been çarşıyı gezdikten sonra eve gittim yemek hazırdı fuat abide beenden hemen önnce gelmişti yemekler yenildi sohbetler edildi çaylarımızı içtik ve yol yorgunluğuyla hepimizi uyku bastı sonra biirden gülşah yenge eyvahhh dedi herkez iirkildi neoldu diye meğer kadın ın size yatacak iki yatak varr amma siz üç kişisiniz dedi annem söze girdi ilahi gülşah ne varr bunda been şerminle yatarım akın da tek yatar dedi tamam denildi çözüm bulundu hemen salona iki döşek attılar yerllerimizi hazırladılar yataklar yan yanaydı yani biirleşikti annem en uca yattı yengem ortaya beende kendi yatağıma yatmıştım annem beenii uyarıyordu akın bak sen çook deli yatarsın dikkat et bizzim tarafımıza geçme gece dedi hepberaber gülüştük aama bunu diyince beende bi an acayip duygular uyandı içimden keşke dedim sonra ışığı kapatarak uykuya geçtiik.
yataklar yan yana yengem sırt üstü yatıyordu been çaktırmadan ona doğru baktığımda üzerindeki incecik örtüden ve ince geceliğinde havaya doğru vbakan diri göğüslerini gör! düm ve tahrik oldum.
amma okaddarda uykum vardıki bi elim aletimde uyumuşum geceleyin uyandım susamıştım mutfaktan su içip uykulu bi şekilde yatağa uzandım sarhoş gibiydim sağıma soluma bakmadan yatağa girdim ve elimin biyere çarptığını hissettim çarptığım yer yengemin bacağıydı hemen gözlerimi açtım ve yengemin kendi yatağı ile beenim yatağımın arasında uyuduğunu gördüm uykum kaçmıştı yavaşça örtünün altına baktım yengem arkasını banaa dönmüş ve karpuz gibi götünü banaa doğr kaldırmıştı beende beenim yatağıma geçmesini fırsat bilerek iyice yanaştım yengeme aletim kazık gibi olmuştu nede olsa yarısı beenim yatağımda diyerek biiraz cesaret buldum kendimde sonra biirazdaha Eskişehir Escort yanştım artıkk aletimin kafası poposuna değiyordu müthiş azmıştım yengemde bi hareket yoktu artıkk kendi yatağımın yarısına gelmiş olan yengeme iyice dayasım aletimi artıkk o kocaman poposunun arasına yassı bi şekilde dayadım yengemin altında incecik bi geceklik vardı ve aletimi hissetmemsi olanaksızdı been iyice ileri giderek yengeme yapıştım amma pek bastırmıyosum vücudumu uyanmaını istemiyosm artıkk tamamen yapışmılştım yek vücut olmuştuk yengem banaa doğru bi hamle yaparakk yüzünü banaa döndü been gözlerimin arasından ona bakıyordum uyanmıştı amma beenim yatağımdaydı bişey diymmezdi hemenn toplanarak kendi yatağına geçti been çaresiz di yapacak bişey kalmamıştı amma acayip derecede azmıştım 10 15 dak.
sonra yengemin yattığı tarafa doğru ilerledim ve az sonra tekrar arkasındaydım çaktırmadan bi elimi ona doğru uzattım omzunun üstündeydi elim uyanmış ve banaa bakıyordu been ise bozuntuya vermedim hayret etmiştim elim üstündeydi ve indirmemişti az sonra tekrar kafasını koydu ve bi hamleyle kendi yatağından banaa doğru götünü uzattı demek oda istiyordu amma belki uykuya dalmıştı derken kafam bu tutarsızlıkla allak bullak oldu bişey düşünemiyordum artıkk kalkan sikim taşş gibiydi ve yengem banaa geldikçe geldi sonunda götünün arasına zorlamaya başladım oda itiyordu kendi ve kendini kasıp bırakıyordu az sonra yandan baktım ona ressmen yay şeklindeydi ayakları ve kafası öne doğru kalçası ise beenim aletimine yaslıydı beende bol bi pijama ve atlet vardı onun üstünde ise diz kapağının üstünde çiçekli dar ve ince bi gecelik vardı az sonra yengem kıpırdıyordu ve tek eli önündeydi sanırım kendini tatmin ediyordu iyice emin olmak içiin hafifçe doğrulup baktım gözleri açıktı demekki oda beenii bi erkeği istiyordu kendimi tutamayıp iyice yasladım artıkk .
biirden yengemin hareket ettiğini gördüm geceliğini yukarıya sıyırmıştı şimdi çıplaktı amma been göremiyordum bunu sonra yengem elini hafifçe sikime götürdü kazık gibiydi pijamam fermuarlıydı ve o bunu bildiği içiin fermuarı açtı kalbim güm güm atıyordu yengem banaa dönmeden büyük bi ustalıkla fermuramı açtı ve ellemeye başladı artıkk bunun dönüşü yok dedim içimden ve beende elimi poposuna götürüp okşamaya başladım banaa dönerek uyumuyomusun sapık şey dedi been tebessüm eettim yanımda böle bi afet varken nasıl uyuyabilirlim dedim ve o an dudaklarıma yapıştı delice öpüyordu beenii beende zıvanadan çıkmıştım beende onu emiyordum annemin uyanması artıkk umrumda bile değildi onu altıma alrak sevişmeye devam ettik been hem öpüyordum hem okşuyordum onu tek elim amında tek elim o çook merak ettiğim diri göğülerindeydi geceliğini boğazına kaddar yukları çektim müthiş süt gibi bi vücudu vardı doyasıya emdim göğüslerini oda inliyordu altımda 69 yapmak içiin been ters döndüm been onun kılsız amını yalarken oda beenim 17 lik aletimi emiyordu uzun uzun sakso çekti beende yaladım suları gelmeye vbaşlamıştı beenden de zevk suları geliyordu hadi artıkk hadii diye yavaşca inliyordu amcamdan ayrılalı 2 yıl olmuştu banaa amcandan belli elime erkek eli değmmedi akın sikk beenii doyurr beeniii diye inliyordu beende iltifat ediyordum ona ve o an gelmişti kazık kaddar olan aletimi yanan amına değdirdim bacaklrını omzuma alıp yavaşça yüklendim yengemin gözleri kaymış kendinden geçmişti bi hamleyle içne girdim hafif inledi bi eli mem ucunda bi eli amında ydı yavaş yvaş tempo tutarak girip çıkıyordum müthiş zevke gelmiştim amma kendimi boşalmamk içiin tutmalıydım yengem tempoyu kontrol ediyordu bacaklarını ısırıyordum köküne kaddar içiindeydim yengem altımdan çıkıp sen uzan sırt üstü dedi uzandım üstüme çıkıp beenii Eskişehir Escort Bayan içiine aldı şimdi deli taylar gibi zıplıyordu üstümde gösüsleri hop hop zıplıyoordu bi eliyle saçlarını yukarı kaldırıyordu diğer eliyle yarrağımın kökünden kavramıştı evet evet evet diye inliyordu artıkk beendede hal kalmamıştı boşalmak istiyordum amma beraber boşalmalıydık onu yan yatırarak tekrar içiine girdim kulağına aşk sözleri fısıldıyordum oda iniltiyle karışık bişeyler geveliyordu beraber boşalalım karıcığım dedim olur anlamında başını sallamıştı dudakları ısırıyordu been geliyordum oda geliyordu ve sarsılarak boşalmaya başladı beende içiinde çıkıp önünde diz çöktüm hemen ağzına alarak yalamaya başladı bebek gibi suratına az sonra tüm menilrimi boşalttım eliyle hepsini ağzına görtürdü sikimi temizledi ve kulağıma eğer beenii herzaman düzmezsen annene sölicem dedi beende gülerek olur dediğm üsütmüzü düzelttikten sonra o banyoya been wc ye gittim ve tekrar yatağımıza döndük beenim tek elim amındaydı oynuyordum onunda eli beenimkindeydi tekrar yapıpı yapmamada kararsızdık.
sonra uykuya dalmışız sabah uyandığımda annem başımda dikiliyordu ve beenim elim yengemin geceliğinin içiindeydi yengem ise uyuyordu annem banaa kızgın kızgın bakarak adi herif yengenimi becerdin dedi been hemen toparlandım yok aenne saçmalama yaa ne alakası varr uyku sersemiyle olmuştur dedim oda kızgın edasını sürdürerek sanki biz salağız bilmiyoruz diyerek çıktı salondan beynimden vurulmuşa döndüm görmüş olabilirdi çook utandım sonra yengemi uayandırıp ona anlattım olayı oda merak etme sen been bulurum bi yolunu dedi anlamamıştım neyse dedim kahvaltı hazırlandı az sonra yedik ve fuat abiyle çıktık beenii illa iş yerine götürmek istiyordu adam iyi niyetle amma beenim gitmemem lasımdı evdeki olayları kaçırmamalıydım neyse yolda onu nasıl ekerim diye düşündüm sonra aklıma bi fikir geldi aaaa dedim fuat abi annem beenden bişeyler istemişti çarşıya gidip onları alayım senin yanına gelirim been dedim ısrarcı olmadı peki dedi adresi aldıım tekrar koşar adımlarla eve doğru yürüdüm sonra gülşah yengeyi yolda gördüm nereye gidiyosun dedim çarşıya öte beri alcam dedi sen nereye demezmi biirden affalladım hiiçç dedim annemlere sorayım bişeyler istiyorlarmı dedim.
kadın tamam dedi ayrılıp gitti been evin yanına geldiğimde içerden tartışma sesleri geliyordu annem yengeme kızıyordu hemen camın altına geçip dinlemeye başladım annem sizi gördüm şermin seviştniz gece bunu nasıl yaparsın beenim oğlum o madem bu kaddar azdın git başkasına siktir kkendini diyordu şaşkındım been oturmuş dinliyordum yengem kendini savunuyordu ne yapayım hülya dayanamadım 2 yıldir elime erkek eli değmedi sende biliyosun tahrik oldum bi an dedi hem sen istemiyomusun sanki sen de 9 yıldir erkeksizsin eminim sende yanıyosundıur diyodu annem hayır istemiyorum desede beence oda dayanamayırdu erkeksizliğe bi kaç kez kendini ayna karşısında okşarken bılmuştum sonra epey bi konuştular yengem ; bak beenii yanlış analama amma eger istersen sende yapabilirsin dedi annem öfkeyle hayır olmaz oğlum beenim nasıl konuşuyosundiyrdu duyduklarıma şinanamıyordum yengem ne varr bunda başkalrına verceğine oğluna ver diyordu hem müthiş bi erkek o.
been gülüyordum amma hoşuma gi,tmişti annem biiraz yumuşak bi dille yengeme tamam şermin beende yanıyorum amma oğlumla yapamam bunu sende yapma ayne evde yaşıyoruz olmaz diyordu nese konu kapandı been fuat abin yanına gittim akkşam eve döndük annem yüzüme bile bakmıyordu yemek yedik sohbet çay felan ve biir gece daha olmuştıu bakalım bu gün neler olacaktı yine yataklarımız aynı şekilde yapıldı yattık annem banaa dönerek iyi geceler dedi been hınzırlık yapcam Escort Eskişehir ya ya neden been burda yatıyorum siz burda yatın been orda dedim ya olmaz akın saçmalama felanderken been ayağa kalkarak annemin yanına yattım onlarda mecburen beenim yatağıma geçti amma değişen bişey olomuştu artıkk annem ortada been solounda yengem sağındaydı yatmıştık been anneme dönmüş ona gülüyordum ne gülüyosun köpek dedi banaa güldüm been sonra arkasını banaa döndü yengemde kısa süre sonra başını kaldırarak banaa baktı annemi gözleriyle işaret ederk güldü beende güldüm başımı salladım tamam anlamında şimdi annemi baştan çıkarmalıydım amma nasıl.
yengem az sonra fısıltıyla hülya been çook sıkıştım biiraz gidermisin dedi annem sölenerek beenim yatağıma doğru geldi hala arkası dönüktü banaa been ise yine tahrik olmuştum örtüyü kaldırarak annemin ince geceliğinden poposuna baktım yengeminki kaddar güseldi yavaş yavaş yaklaştım biiraz daha gitsem değecektim neyse yarım saat kaddar geçti annem uyumuştur diye düşünüordum artıkk o ara yengemin annemi banaa doğru sıkıştırdığını gördüm annemde uyku sersemiyle beenim yatağıma doğru yanaştı artıkk sikim götüne değiyiyordu ve kısa süre sonra kaazık gibi olomuştum tamamen arasına girdiğimde müthiş zevk almaya başladım ve biirden anneminde poposunu kastığını hissettim uyumuyor diye düşündüm yengeöe baktım gözleri açıktı kaltak doymamış diye içimden geçirdim dayanacak gücüm kalmamıştı tek elimle annemin geceliğini yukarı doğru sıyırmaya başladım yavaş hareket ediyordum bu arada annem de iyice banaa yapışmıştı beline kaddar sıyırdığımda küodu elime değdi onuda yavaşca indirmeye başladım sonunda indirmiştim amma ter içiinde k aldıım uyanmaması mucizeydi belikide uyumuyıordu diye aklımdan geçirrirken beenim oğlanı çıkardım tükmükledim kafasını ve annemin amında gezdirmeye başladım müthiş bi duyguydu göt deliğine amına bastırıyordum kendimden geçmiş dim ve dayanamayıp kafasını içiine soktumda annem gözlerini açtı gerçekten uyuyordu banaa dönerek akın sen neyapıysun dedi yavaşca anne dedim seninde erkeğe ihtiyacın varr 9 sendir erkek yüzü görmedin dedim sonra gözleri doldu oğloum oğlummm diye sarıldı banaa kocaman göğüsleri arammızda sıkışmıştı oğlum beende dayanamıyorum amma anneni sikme senn olmaz anne dedim banaa vermiceksin eve dönünce başkalrına verceksin biliyorum dedim hala sikim amına yaslıydı ne olur beende insanım amma sikme beenii diye yalvarıyordu artıkk gücüm kalmadı diye ağlarken anneciğim korkma kimse sana zarar veremez been varım diyip teselli ediyordum onu bi hamlede üstüne çıktım hiçç karşı koyma anne sana dayanamıyorum ne ollursa olsun seni sikecem diyordum ve okşama başladım sikimi amında gezdiriyordum tek elimlede soyurdum ne olur akınım sikme oğlum diye haykırsadad krşı koymuyordu bu beenii iyice tahrik etti yengemde soyma işinde banaa yardım ediyordu akın hayır sokma akınnnnn derken been bi hamleyle içiine girdim ohhhhhhhh dedi kaldı sikme anneni yapma yavrum diyordu amma been duramazdım artıkk seri hareketler le içiine girip çııökıyordum sonunda soymuştıum 100 lük göğüslerini ısırarak yaladım her yerini boynunu dudaklarını omuzlarını artıkk oda inliyordu içiine girip çıkarken şap şıupp sesleri çook hoştu yengemide bi elimle idare ediyordum göğüslerini amını yalııyordum yengemde annemin göğüslerini emiyordu bu şekilde uzun bi süre sikiştik ayakları omzumdaydı sert hareketlerle içiine girip çıkıyordum ikişside inliyordu sonra annemi domaltıp içiine girdfim yengemde amını anneme yalatıyordu en sonunda sarsılarak boşaldı annem ve uzun bi ohhh çekti yığılıp kaldı yengem ise boşalmamıştı hemen yengemin bacaklarını açıp içiine girdim onuda düzdükten sonra önnce been sonra o boşaldı döllerimi ikisininde amına dağıttım onlarle elleriyle amına yediriyordu döllerimi sabaha kaddar annemi ve yengemi düzdüm o gün annem harika biir kadın esmer teni beenii azdırıyor hele o kocaman memeleri deli ediyo yengeminde poposu harika bakalım götten isteyecem artıkk şimdi evimizdeyiz hemen hemen her gün Sikiyorum

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Subject: What I Saw 27.2 What I Saw 27.2 Here is part two-hope folks are still enjoying the series… My heart was racing and my hands were shaking as I clutched the steering wheel, driving at breakneck speed to get to the porno theater. I had stayed in hiding while Lane cleaned himself up. He had brought jeans and a pale tight blue t-shirt in his back pack and also another jock strap. As he went to slip off the wet semen stained jock he was wearing, Dad put a hand on his arm, “Leave it on…think how fucking hot it will make them when they strip your pants off and see big cum shots all over the strap…they’ll know what a whore you are” Lane’s breathing seemed to speed up and he struggled into the jeans and super snug shirt. He was still sweaty and the shirt clung to his chest and arms. Dad stripped the bed and threw the linens in the wash. It was after ten o’clock and Lane kept looking at the clock. Dad caught him at one point and said, “Don’t worry slut…the place doesn’t really fill up until about 11 or so…I told Ryan to be there at 10:45 and on the cruising message board I said eleven…so all those hung studs have probably been sitting there watching porn… their huge cocks getting harder and harder…big dicks leaking…thinking about the things they’re going to do to you…” Lane groaned involuntarily and Dad looked down at his swollen crotch. “Fuck kid you really are something…you’re still rock hard and desperate for more cock…aren’t you?” Lane looked embarrassed and stared down at his feet in the old flip flops, but answered in a thick voice, “Yes…I can’t help it…it’s been awhile since…last time…and…” He muttered something under his breath. “What was that Faggot…I didn’t hear?” Dad said. Lane looked up; his face flushed with shame, but met Dad’s eyes and said, “Three isn’t nearly enough.” Dad laughed, “Good…I want you motivated…it makes for a good film…You just do what Ryan says and this one could sell better than the last.” As they walked out the door I heard Dad tell Lane he was going to drop him off and Ryan would bring him back to our house when it was all over…”I’ve gotta do a hazmat on this place before my wife and kid get home…” I heard dad laughingly say as he closed and locked the door. I knew that Dad had a bit of head start on me, but I still almost jumped out of my skin when I drove past the theater to park and saw his car pulled over and Lane hop out looking anxious as he scooted through the doors into the theater. I made sure Dad was gone as I cautiously walked from my parking spot to the glass blacked out double doors of the theater. I paid the admission and pushed through another set of doors into a seedy filthy little lobby. I stopped short…there was the camera guy, Ryan and Lane having an intense conversation. Lane had his back to me and Ryan wouldn’t recognize me…so I carefully moved closer trying to listen in. Ryan was keeping his voice low but I could hear the excitement, “Listen kid…there’s quite a few guys in there already…there’s a lot of jerking off going on, they seem incredibly horny…that message Jim put up on the board was filthy…this is gonna be intense.” I heard Lane exhale a big pent up breath before asking, “What do you want me to do?” Ryan smiled, “Well I’m going to have to cut this footage into the stuff I shot the other day…so I was thinking we’d start off a bit slower this time…maybe just do a few blow jobs…hold off on the real heavy stuff…but don’t’ worry… I’ll give you some directions once we get started…but Kid…once things really get going I won’t be able to interrupt what’s happening…you’ll be on your own.” Lane groaned, “Shit…kid let’s get in there.” Ryan laughed, “You’re so fucking eager and your dick looks like it’s ready to snap off…” They pushed through the swinging double doors into the theater proper and I waited a few minutes and then followed. It was really dim in the small concrete floored room. The only light was the faint glow coming off the big screen which currently showed an extreme close up of a thick hard dick plunging over and over again into a woman’s wet hairless vagina. There was about ten or so men in the theater staring up at the screen, many had their hands in their laps and I noticed some even had their hands wrist deep down their pants. Every single head turned and was now staring at the young kid and the tall thin punk guy who were standing in the aisle against the wall. No one moved but you could tell they all knew why the kid was here. Ryan walked past Lane and took an end seat further back in the theater. I slipped into a seat in the front row and sank down low and turned to watch. Lane just stood there staring at the men in the audience. His lips were slightly parted and his chest was rising and falling rapidly, every muscle standing out in the tight light t-shirt. It was clear to all the men that the kid was fully erect and barely dressed…definitely looking for action, but no one moved. I sat watching…waiting. Lane leaned against the wall a bit and seemed to fix his eyes on one particular guy. He was sitting in the aisle directly in front of him and was a few seats in. He was wearing a plaid shirt and had sandy hair and a handsome craggy face. He had totally stopped pretending to look at the woman writhing on the screen and was now staring directly at the obviously aroused kid loitering in the aisle. He had on jeans and I could see a prominent tented bulge standing straight up from his lap. His cock was clearly large and obviously extremely erect. He let one big hand, dusted with light blond hair, casually hang off the armrest and making sure Lane was watching… he cupped his mounded jeans and let the heel of his hand stroke down the straining shaft as he shuddered. Lane groaned and…I almost swooned…fell to his knees in the aisle. All the men in the theater seemed to lean towards the kid, but the big blond, needing no further encouragement acted first. He stood up; he was really tall, well over six feet and had a lean frame with broad shoulders and narrow waist and hips. He eased out of the aisle, his hard cock bulging out from the front of his jeans obscenely. He went and leaned against the wall right next to the kneeling kid. “You want to play… the whore that board said would be here?” he whispered. Lane tore his eyes off the man’s straining crotch and looked up at him and simply nodded his head. I saw movement behind the pair in the theater and Ryan was flipping open the small hand held movie camera and focusing it on the two in the aisle. “Well…go ahead…” The man said gesturing with his head at the huge tube of hard dick straining against the placard on the front of the denim. Lane swallowed hard…and reached up and slowly undid the man’s thick brown leather belt. The clinking of the buckle sounded magnified in the theater. Every man had their eyes glued to the aisle and the screen could have been projecting a Disney movie for all they knew or cared. Lane had to exert some force to undo the button because the man’s cock was so large it had caused the pants to pull super tight putting incredible tension on the button. The zipper hissed loudly and seemed to take forever to be fully lowered. Once the pressure from the fasteners was released a thick underwear clad erection literally sprang out. The man was wearing white briefs and there was clear wet stain at the apex of the huge tented bulge. Lane moaned, the man’s cock was enormous, it had to be well over ten inches long, it shook slightly in the stretched out cotton and seemed to expand, now no longer confined in the tight pants. “See how fucking hard I am…sitting here watching this shit…thinking about some little faggot whore showing up to get gang banged…and I’m the first…” He whispered. Ryan eased out of his seat and knelt down in the aisle panning the camera in as Lane used a shaking hand to cup and heft the man’s huge cloth covered balls. They totally filled out the pouch of the briefs and each round orb could clearly be seen in the glowing white cotton. They barely fit in Lane’s palm and he moaned low and licked his lips as he caressed them and felt their size and weight. `Oh fuck Kid…that feels good…they’re so fucking full…I haven’t had sex or jerked off in a week…not since I read about you…I was saving it up…mmmm” he broke off in a soft moan as Lane closed his fingers around the firm round testicles and gently pulled on them. The man’s cock jerked in the underwear and his head seeped more precum, causing the wet spot to spread and cling showing the outline of a truly gigantic glans with a deep wide piss slit. “Fuck kid…you got me wet and leaking already…play with my cock…let all these fuckers watch.” He took a big breath and leaned against the greasy wall for support. Lane’s face was incredible; the look of pure hunger and need was unmistakable. His brown eyes were wide and the whites shone bright in the dim light. Beads of sweat clung to the tip of his straight nose and one hung off the cleft in his chin. His thick lower lip was slick with spit as he was almost drooling at the sight of the tall man’s huge cock. Ryan moved in closer and whispered, “Tease him…make this last…this is fucking hot.” The tall man opened his half-closed eyes and noted the man filming and turned his attention back to the kid kneeling in front of him. Lane was almost panting in excitement and his body looked amazing in the soft glow of the screen, his arms bugling with soft rounded muscles in the tiny t-shirt. The hem of the shirt barely met the top of his jeans and a stripe of tan back and then startling white skin beneath showed. The thick strap of the jock strap was half exposed and his ass swelled out, each round perfect cheek pressing insistently against the back of the jeans. Lane released the bloated balls letting them drop back into the soft pouch and moved his trembling hand to cup and gauge the thickness of the shaft. The man gasped and watched his dick jerk back violently against his body in the confines of the underwear. A huge gob of precum absorbed into the cotton. Almost the entire cock head was now saturated and the underwear was practically translucent at the shaking, bobbing top of the tented cock. Lane bit his lip and let his hand continue up the long heavy erection, he stopped when he reached the clearly defined coronal ridge and gently wrapped his fingers around the super thick tube and pumped them gently a couple times right behind the engorged glans. Precum literally poured out of the slit and soaked the underwear further. “Holy Fuck!” Ryan hissed, moving in closer with the camera to catch the cock pulse and tremble still completely covered. d…fuck…I’m so hard…take my cock out…c’mon…I’m hurtin.” The man said through clenched teeth as Lane lightly grasped the cloth covered dick and gently pulled it away from his body and then let it go. It was so hard it barely moved, just standing up even straighter along his abdomen. “Ohh…ohhh…fuck…” he moaned. Lane shifted on his knees and everyone in the theater could see that he was also incredibly aroused. His cock was throbbing and straining at the front of his jeans and whether it was precum or semen from when he had cum in the jock earlier, the front of the jeans were decidedly damp. The kid sat up higher on his knees and leaned in close, letting his face graze the man’s hip. His parted lips were inches away from the dripping head and the man gasped and the cock jerked in the underwear. Lane let one hand lightly trace the thick outline of the straining shaft and trailed the other up the man’s stomach and chest. He fumbled and I realized he was unbuttoning the man’s plaid shirt. He worked each button slowly while he stared at the towering shaft and let his panting hot breath blow directly on the sopping engorged glans. The man was oozing so much precum that more than half the shaft was now wet, with the underwear clinging to every ridge and vein. The cock was thick with a clearly defined tube along the underside. The ridge where that big blunt head connected to the shaft was widely flared and the man’s dick was vibrating in excitement. Lane popped the last button and the man’s sculpted furry chest and long torso with six pack abs was exposed. Lane moaned and ran a hand up the man’s body his mouth hanging open in lust. Ryan was whispering encouragement to the kid as he stared at him through the camera screen, “Yeah…that’s it…touch him…tease him…look at how much he’s fucking leaking, Kid…hot little faggot has the guy all worked up.” Lane repositioned himself so he was directly facing the massive tented underwear. The kid half closed his eyes and moaning opened his mouth and ducked down catching one heavy cotton covered ball in his mouth. He stretched his lips wider and trapped the other testicle and began to mouth and suck on the swollen egg sized balls. The man groaned and his cock jerked and swayed throbbing in excitement. The guy was amazing, precum seemed to leak in a constant stream from his cock; he was so incredibly aroused. Lane ran shuddering hands up the man’s jean clad calves and as he continued to tease and pull on the balls with his mouth, getting the pouch of the briefs all wet he hooked his hands into the waist of the undone jeans and slowly pulled them down off the narrow hips and then roughly shoved them down in a bunch at the man’s feet. Lane’s sweaty face was buried deep in the wet cotton and he was panting and moaning as he gloriously sucked on those huge testicles. He let one hand trail up the trembling shaft and he moaned louder when his fingers came in contact with the precum soaked head. He let he palm graze the tip of the glans and the man shuddered so hard he almost slid down the wall. If he wasn’t leaning against it, he most likely would have fallen to the floor. Lane pulled his hand back as the man’s cock jerked violently in the underwear. Lane knew he was dangerously close to shooting. Ryan panned in for a close up on the enormous head as it visibly swelled and a blossom of fluid spread out further saturating the cotton. Lane pulled his head back and leaned back on his heels staring up at the man. The guy’s gorgeous chest was heaving and a light sheen of sweat covered his exposed skin. Lane knew he couldn’t directly stimulate the man’s cock, even through the underwear, as he was so close to cumming. Instead he bent down and undid the laces on the guys Timberland’s and slipped off the man’s shoes. Once those were off he eased the man’s jeans over the sock clad feet leaving the guy standing there in his obscenely tented briefs and wide open shirt. Lane moaned at having the guy so close to being naked and Ryan must have seen some of his control slip because as Lane leaned up, Ryan put a steadying hand on the kid’s shoulder, “W…Wait…tease him some more…this is making for great film…and think how hot it will be when you finally get him off.” Lane groaned in frustration and the man almost cried out. “I want to feel that big cock shoot in my mouth so fucking bad” Lane said, breathless. Men began to shift in their seats and two got up and came to stand in the aisle to get a closer look at the show. One man was about 5’10 or so and thick with a dark crew cut. He had pulled his t-shirt bottom back over his head, exposing a sweaty muscled chest littered with tattoos. He had undone his pants and had his nine inch erection in his hand, lightly stroking it watching the kid play. The other guy was black and had close cropped hair and a mustache. He was wearing a baseball cap and a blue sleeveless shirt. His arms were heavily muscled. He had undone his jeans and his cock was beautiful. Almost ten inches long with s super oversized purple head and big round balls. His dick was light brown with a darker shaft. He stood watching, jerking his fingers right behind the swollen glans. Lane flicked his eyes to the two men but managed to pull himself together and took a deep breath he was so cock crazed I didn’t know if he could hold off , but he gritted his teeth and gently cupped the tall man’s huge balls and lightly ran his palm over the top of the head again. The guy groaned and trembled and Lane kept up this light teasing contact until the dick began to wildly jerk and slap back against the guys stomach. Precum positively drenched the underwear and his magnificent cock was clearly visible through the soaking fabric. The black guy moaned, “Shit…he’s fucking close Kid.” Lane took his hands off the guy and just stared at his extreme state of arousal and bit his lip, holding Eskişehir Escort himself back. I noticed a hot looking Spanish guy move his seat to sit in the row directly next to Lane. He was younger…maybe thirties and had a shiny black hair cut really short on the back and sides and sort of brushed forward on the top. He had a sharply defined mustache and goatee and big stainless steel industrial looking hoops through both ear lobes. His dark eyes were on fire watching the kid and I could see his big rounded chest muscles heave under the tight yellow t-shirt he was wearing. His faded jeans were undone and I could see a hefty erection rising up covered in bright red underwear. He was so hot looking Ryan took note and let the camera swing away from Lane and pan across the guy’s enraptured face. Ryan put the camera back on Lane and said, “take his cock out…play with it some more.” The men watching moaned in assent. Lane sat up and using his fingertips gently pulled the tight elastic waist band of the briefs away from the man’s tight ridged stomach. He carefully eased them over the throbbing erection and slid them from the man’s lean hips. The man’s huge cock swayed as he allowed the kid to pull them entirely off over his feet. He stood there, the shirt swinging loosely open, otherwise totally naked. His cock was incredible. It was flushed a deep red and the veins were bulging in thick pale blue lines all around the granite-like shaft. The head was bulbous and soaked with clear shiny fluid. The shaft arched up a bit straighter now free of the underwear and his balls hung heavy and low. A neat crop of light brown pubic hair surrounded the thick base of the cock and deep cuts of his hip flexor muscles were exposed. “Holy Shit…” Ryan breathed. Lane moaned and reached out and lightly cupped the heavy balls glorying in finally feeling skin on skin. The guys cock jerked and a long thin strand of shiny fluid dripped from the deep cleft in the head and hung suspended, glittering in the silver light of the screen. Lane squeezed the swollen testicles a bit harder and the cock swayed causing the strand of fluid to swing and drip onto his forearm. Lane moaned and leaned over and extended his thick pink tongue and licked the precum from his arm. He let his fingers play over the engorged shaft and more precum oozed from the wide slit in the head. Lane moaned and opened his mouth taking the overheated, massively swollen balls into his wet mouth. His twisted his head as he sucked powerfully on them letting the string of precum drip in slow motion onto his sweaty cheek. The guy threw his head back and said, “Fuck Kid…I’ve never been this excited…suck my cock…god…please.” Lane moaned and let his lips tease the wide base of the man’s dick as Ryan said, “Tease him more…fucking A this is so hot…I’ve never seen so much precum.” Lane continued to just suck, tongue and mouth the man’s swollen testicles and the wide base of his erection. His cock was jerking and vibrating and precum was literally pouring out of the bloated head. Thin strands of it hung from the cock and Lane’s cheek, chin and lips were glistening with it. The two men standing were in awe and their own dicks were leaking as they panted watching the kid. Lane would lean up and extend his quivering cupped tongue and catch a heavy string and flick it and play with it before closing his lips and tasting the fluid. The visible signs of the man’s extreme arousal and the salty taste of the precum were making Lane crazy, several times Ryan had to forcibly hold him back with one hand as the boy tried to lean up and capture the soaked and dripping engorged glans. Ryan knew the minute the kid gave the guy any direct stimulation to his cock head he would explode…and he wanted to keep this going a little bit longer. The tall man was clearly in agony. He was almost panting and his legs were shaking. His cock was so engorged it was deep, deep red and it looked impossibly hard. As he stared wide eyed as the kid caught another heavy drop of precum dangling from his trembling glans on his tongue, he moaned and reached out. Desperate to finally cum, he wrapped his thick fingers in Lane’s hair and his forearms bulged as he tried to force the kid’s hot mouth onto his dick. Lane strained to pull away, when suddenly the hot Spanish guy got out of his seat and his jeans sliding low…fuck he was wearing a red jock! I caught a flash of smooth caramel skin and hint of cleavage at the top of his ass before he got right behind the guy. He reached around with thick hairy wrist and blunt hands and grabbed the guy’s arms, pinning them behind his back. “Fucking keep going little boy…tease his cock.” The tall guy groaned and Ryan said, “FUCK YEAH” making sure to capture both men’s faces as they watched the kid run his hand lightly up the shaft causing a heavy watery wave of fluid to overspill the gaping slit and pool in Lane’s out stretched left hand. As he squeezed and toyed with the guys’ balls he brought his cupped palm to his mouth slurped the precum off his hand and fingers. The whole theater groaned at this. The Spanish guy decide to take a more active role and I heard saw him press his thick lips to the man’s ear and whisper, “Feels fucking incredible doesn’t it…fucking little slut playing with your cock…keeping you on the edge…teasing your huge hard dick…you want more?…want to be totally naked…huh?” he leaned away and slid the plaid shirt from the guys heavily muscled arms. Ryan scanned the camera up the guys taut vibrating body, he stood in the middle of the aisle, men watching, totally naked, his legs shaking, spread wide as the fully clothed kid kneelt at his feet. The Spanish guy stripped off his own t-shirt, exposing a hairless muscular torso with heavy black tribal tattoos all over one shoulder and down a veined bicep. “Nice” Ryan moaned. Lane was caressing and cupping the balls and watching as more and more precum spilled from the head. He would lean in and catch it on his tongue, letting his chin and cheeks get smeared and coated with the clear fluid. The Spanish guy said, “Let’s see if we can get more. ” He transferred the man’s thick wrists to one of his hands and then sank down to his knees behind the guy, his jeans puling low in the back exposing the thick red strap of his jock and beginning swell of his ass. He used one hand to gently pull one of the man’s hard clenched ass cheeks apart and leaned in and began to lick the man’s sweaty ass crack. The guy jumped and moaned and an almost opaque blob of fluid oozed form the head. Lane leaned up and let his trembling tongue lightly scoop it from the slit. He held his tongue out so all the men could see the thick heavy drop before moaning and swallowing it. Lane was shaking now and I could see his control slipping. He was staring mesmerized at the huge long stalk of the man’s erection and the massively bloated head, precum coated his face and lips and he could barely catch his breath. Ryan knew he couldn’t hold back any longer. His hand shaking holding the camera he looked up at the two men standing watching, “The kid is desperate to feel a cock shoot in his mouth…I want to tease this big stud longer…one of you close?…want to feed the cunt? Help him hold off longer?” his voice was thick with lust. Lane had his eyes half closed and I could see he had leaked so much himself that the front of his jeans was stained dark. The black guy said, “Shit…shit…I’m gonna cum kid…take it.” Lane turned on his knees and moved his mouth close to that big brown head, a heavy bead of clear fluid shaking in the slit. The man’s huge hard cock was curved and the heads was impossibly bloated. The black guy cupped the back of Lane’s head in one hand and jerked his cock with the other. Ryan moved the camera in for close up as the guy moaned, “Here it comes Kid.” and jerked his hips forward. Lane opened his mouth and the man let his massive, slick cock head rest on the boy’s lower lip. The first heavy shot of semen came out in a slow arch and hit the roof of Lane’s mouth dropping heavily onto his tongue. The black guy shuddered as several thick shots of cum filled the kid’s mouth. Lane moaned and swallowed the sperm, he angled his head and a jet of semen lashed his cheek. He sat up and closed his lips around the head and deep throated the cock, holding it steady by the tight hard balls, letting the cum splash down the back of his throat, his cheek streaked with a heavy shot of sperm. The tall man’s mouth was open, whimpering helplessly watching the kid eat the other guys’ load. His cock jerked wildly about as the Spanish guy was now penetrating him with the full length of his tongue deep into his ass. “Fuck kid…I…I’m gonna shoot…I…”he gasped. His mouth hung open in ecstasy. The Spanish guy quickly stood up and leaned in close, pressing his chest to the guys heaving back. He watched the guy’s cock vibrate and the head swell. The guy was teetering so close to orgasm with no real stimulation. Lane was kneeling right in front of the towering jerking cock; he turned, his mouth open, tongue quivering. The Spanish man reached around and used two blunt fingers to flick and twist the big man’s nipples. The guy almost screamed and Ryan said, “Lick the head…that’s all it will take…do it kid…oh fuck.” The guys’ eyes popped wide, “FUCK…do it…please…ahhhh” Lane leaned up and extended his tongue, he formed the tip into a cup and let it lightly swirl around the deep dripping slit and flutter against the circumcision scar. The man’s whole body tensed and he screamed as his dick spasmed as a spray of cum rocketed out of the head, raining down on Lane’s face, hair and the floor behind him. Heavy ropes of semen jerked out of the cock, arching up into the air almost two feet. The cum landed on the bridge of the kid’s nose, his forehead and into his hair. A thick string bisected his lips and heavy droplets spattered his tight t-shirt. “Eat some…GOD…swallow some cum you fucking whore!” the guy with the crew cut said. Lane reached up and used just three fingers and his thumb to angel the still shooting cock down and he closed his spermy lips over the massive wet head. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed the rest of the huge load. As he pulled his mouth off the huge cock, strings of cum hung in his open mouth. The Spanish guy let go of the tall guy and came around leaning over the boy. He grabbed his chin in a shaking hand and extended his fat pink tongue…it was shaking in excitement, and began to lick the heavy stripes of sperm from the kid’s sweaty face. He would look and find a streak of semen and start at the spot where it first hit the kid’s face and collect the entire shot on his tongue. Lane moaned and let the guy clean his face. The Spanish guys’ tongue and mouth were coated with cum when he leaned over and closed his panting, semen coated lips over Lane’s. As he deeply kissed the kid he forced his cum covered tongue in the kid’s mouth. Lane sucked on the thick mobile member, sucking the sperm off it and moaning. This was too much for the guy in the crew cut, He was trembling like mad jerking his slick cock furiously, d..e here…ohhhh…fuck…I’m gonna shoot…eat my load you filthy pig…ohhh.” The Spanish guy pulled his mouth off Lane’s and cast his dark eyes at the shaking head of crew cut’s dick. He crouched down next to Lane and grabbed the sides of his head, “Take his cum…eat it you Fucker!” Lane opened his mouth and the man rammed his cock in balls deep, his hips shuddering. Lane’s neck bulged around the shooting head and he choked a bit as cum splashed down the back of his throat. “Oh yeah…he’s fucking feeding you…oh you whore…!” The guy holding his head said and pulled his mouth off the cock violently. The wet dick pulsed and jerked out a jet of semen onto Lane’s forehead and into his hairline. The man aimed his sopping head and penetrated the kid’s mouth again letting his shooting cock fuck in and out of the kid’s lips, groaning loudly the whole time. Sperm sluiced out around the head and clung to Lane’s lips as the guy’s cock jerked and shuddered sliding deeply in and out of the kid’s mouth. The Spanish guy leaned over, letting go of the boy’s head and began to lick the cum off Lanes lips as they were still stretched around the thick shaft. The man mouthed and tongued the guy’s shaft and it weakly pumped in and out of the kid’s mouth. He licked up the heavy gobs of semen on Lane’s chin and as the man pulled his spent cock out of the boy’s mouth the Spanish guy closed his cummy lips over Lane’s again, forcing semen and spit into his mouth in a deep kiss. Ryan had the camera locked in close, “Who the fuck are you man…you wanna stay and play through this whole thing…the kid will be taking on all comers all night you want in?” he breathed. The Spanish guy broke off the kiss and stood up. His cock was sticking out rock hard in the front of the bright red pouch of the jock. A dark stain of precum dotted where his round cock head pulsed against the fabric. He nodded his head at Ryan and shucked down his jeans stepping out of them. He was covered in sweat and his thick muscular body was beautiful. He ass was full and round and his thighs heavy with muscle. “Let’s get this boy more cock.” Ryan said looking into the dim theater. Lane shifted on his knees his cock painfully erect in his pants. “Fuck…I’m so horny…I need more.” He moaned. A tall older man got out of his seat. He looked like he was in his fifties and had grey short- cropped hair, a handsome face and wire rimmed glasses. He was lean and had on blue dress pants. It looked like he had a steel pipe in the front of his pants. He came over and stood before Lane. “Suck my cock, Boy” he said. He let his arms hang at his side and thrust his hips out giving the kid access to the huge bulge tenting out the front of his pants. Lane sat up on his knees and shakily unzipped the older man’s pants. He reached his hand in and maneuvered out a long thick almost eleven inch cock. It was thick around as the kid’s wrist and uncircumcised. The thick foreskin had retracted exposing a pale purplish head already wet with precum. “I’ve been here for hours watching this shit on the screen…thinking about what I read on the message board and then seeing the little fucking whore show up… eat cum…I need to get off”. He said. Lane reached up with one hand and shucked the guys pants down a bit and gripped the massively thick base of the cock, the man’s huge testicles swung between his spread legs. The kid steadied the shaft and began to use his entire tongue to run around the head and over and over the slick gaping slit. I could still see thin streaks of semen on the surface of his tongue as he lapped at the older guys cock. The man threw his head back and groaned, “Ohhh you fucking little faggot…ahhh…you fucking love dick…don’t you?” He looked down in amazement as the kid continued to tongue his overly sensitive engorged cock head, while Ryan swung the camera in close. The guy rocked back on his heels, hands laced behind his head, legs spread and let the kid play with the huge cock jutting out from his hairy groin. Lane moaned in overdrive now as he moved his hand from the base to cup the massive balls swinging below the stalk. He fondled them and gently squeezed them as he mercilessly flicked the tip of his tongue over the underside of the dripping cock head bobbing in front of him. He gripped those huge testicles tighter and used them to guide the enormous head to his mouth. His eyes closed in lust as the hot wet head filled his mouth and he slid his lips lower down the veiny shaft. Another man had now left his seat. He was in his forties or so, and as he stepped over the Spanish guy who was kneeling down blocking the aisle watching Lane give an expert blow job. I saw the guy was massively erect in a pair of expensive looking suite pants. He had an almost shaved head and a goatee and mustache. He was very lean and muscular looking and sweat had already stained his dress shirt between his pectoral muscles. He slowly began to unbuckle his belt. The bulge in his suite pants was truly incredible; it coursed all the way along his right hip and was jumping and jerking as he struggled to unfasten his pants. Lane pulled off the older guy’s cock long enough to stare as the guy slowly lowered his zipper and parted the front of the pants. The white boxer briefs he was wearing could not contain the full length of his cock. It snaked off to the side and the rounded engorged head protruded over the tight elastic waistband. Eskişehir Escort Bayan The kid moaned low in his throat. The guy roughly shucked down both pants and underwear and his ten inch long cock bobbed and swayed with the motion. It was fucking incredible. It stood up straight and tall, the tip reaching well past his navel. It was flushed red with blood and the shaft was thick and ridged with veins. The head was big and deeper in color and was shining with a slick of precum. He had large, swollen looking balls that were shaved and seemed to churn in their sack. The dick looked so hard it was arching back towards his body and pulsing in time to his heartbeat as he stood there displaying it for the kid. He had lifted the tails of his dress shirt and the flat hard muscles of his lower abdomen were showing, he was so lean that you could see veins traced along his groin. “See how hot you’ve got me…it fucking aches it’s so hard…watching you make a fucking pig of yourself” He looked over at Ryan as Lane went back to licking up and down the older man’s massive erection, “I read this kid loves cock up his ass too.” Ryan simply nodded his head. The man looked at the Spanish guy in the jock watching every move the kid made. “You…get him naked.” He ordered. Lane moaned and looked back over his shoulder as he lightly, playfully, bounced the bloated balls of the older guy in one palm while fluttering the other hand all over the head, which by now had swelled to almost twice it’s normal size, he whispered…” …I fucking need to feel that huge cock in my mouth…down my throat…I…I…want you to cum in my mouth…let me swallow your sperm?? Please??” he moaned. The older guy spat out, “Fucking pig” and moaned The Spanish guy stood behind Lane, his legs on either side of the kid’s knees, the guy in the suite pants a bit to the side watching. The Latino leaned forward pulling lane’s face around and opened his mouth wide and covered the boy’s sticky lips with his. He gripped the back of Lane’s head in one big hand and ground his mouth down hard. He pulled away and as he forcefully pulled the boy’s t-shirt over his head baring that smooth heaving chest. “I’m gonna get you naked for this man to use you…show him that gorgeous fucking ass you’ve got in those pants”. He leaned down and thrust his tongue down Lane’s throat again choking the kid with its length. The guy in the suite gripped the short crop of hair on the Spanish guy’s head and pulled, breaking him from the deep kiss, leaving Lane’s lips swollen and red, ready for his cock. The boy’s eyes were half closed and glazed over. The guy standing behind the trio’s eyes dropped low as he drank in the sight of Lane’s ass, the pants riding low as he knelt on the dirty floor, and the bright white band of jock clinging to the muscles of his lower back. The deep groove created by his latisimus muscles and the two shadowed indentations just above the twin globe hinted at the dramatic flair of his ass cheeks and it looked incredible. The man leaned forward roughly shoving the Spanish guy aside and whispered into the boy’s flushed pink ear. “Fucking cock tease…sucking dick in a porno theater…I know you need a big hard cock up that ass…but before I fuck you… this man here,” he jerked his head at the Spanish guy, “is going to fucking eat that ass-pussy out until you ready to shoot…get you sopping wet and ready for my dick…I might let him get you off with just his filthy tongue, or maybe not…keep you on the edge…begging to cum. That’ll teach you to be a fucking slut” The man’s low growl caused Lane to visibly shiver. The Spanish guy shuddered and leaned over and whispered in Lane’s ear “I’ve been fucking dying to get my tongue in you…taste that sweet hole…since I saw you walk in, that bubble ass… fucking straining at those jeans…I’m going to take my time, touch it…stare at it and get my tongue deep up into every inch of you…” The Spanish guy was gliding the flat of his palm up and down the deep sweaty muscles of the kid’s back as he kept up his filthy litany of whispers, putting on a show for the guy in the suit and the other men in the theater. “Get to it” the guy in the suite ordered. Lane moaned and adjusted so his back was to the men. His sculpted muscles and the tight trim waist caused his ass to protrude almost obscenely as he bent a bit at the waist and thrust that perfect ass out, still fully covered in the now pulled low denim. The Spanish guy was almost overcome, he rocked back on his heels, kneeling behind the kid and let his hand lightly glide down the boy’s sweaty back. His cock jumped and throbbed in the dripping pouch of the strap as he reached both hands up and firmly cupped the two perfectly rounded mounds. Lane jumped at the contact and his breathing quickened. He had been sucking cock for a while and was dying for more. The older guy’s cock still throbbed, huge at his face but he was content to watch the ass play unfold. Ryan edged closer with the camera saying, “This is fucking gold…” As the Latino began to gently squeeze and knead the firm flesh. Lane began to moan almost continually as the guy began to thoroughly explore every inch of the kid’s ass. He paid special attention to the deep cleft and ran two thick fingers roughly into the kid’s cloth covered asshole. The guy in the suite pants began to talk as the other guy worked the kid’s ass over “You fucking whore…look at this hot ass…oh God… what I’m going to do to this…after the tongue fuck, I might just let you feel my cock head inside that tight asshole. Let that tight ring clamp down on it…feel its size…maybe I’ll even pump a hot load of cum up there…huh…would you like that?” The dirty talk was driving the Spanish guy crazy and he seemed to be unable to contain himself any longer and with a groan he hooked his fingers into the waist band of Lane’s pants and slowly lowered them. I thought the men watching were going to shoot right then as his hands shook as the pants slid lower and lower over the shining white perfect skin, Lane leaned up, one hand wrapped around the massively thick base of the older guy’s cock, his thigh muscles shaking and craned his neck to look over his shoulder at the Spanish guy’s mouth hanging open in pure unadulterated lust at the sight of his ass. The jeans were tucked down under the round cheeks and his cock was bound up tight in the still damp and sperm crusty pouch of the white jock at his crotch. I could see it jump and pulse at being that much closer to being naked before the group of men. I stared in amazement; the two cheeks were so round and tight that they pressed together creating that perfect Y of cleavage at the top swell of his ass. Sweat from his back had trickled down causing the deep crack to glisten. There were shadowed dents of just the hint of muscle under the soft flesh and he had two deep dimples in his lower back right over each cheek. The guy in the suite gasped, staring wide-eyed at the now almost naked kid, kneeling on the floor in the dim theater, his cock twitched once…twice…and a thin stream of precum oozed out and splattered to the ground. “Wearing a fucking jock strap…fucking slut…shit… look…there’s cum stains on it…fucking WHORE.” He spat out, “Ohh… God kid you’re too much” The Spanish man groaned and leaned forward, bending fully over. He roughly gripped the tender flesh of the two globes and pulled them apart. Lane’s hole was perfect, hairless and pink. A stray bead of semen still clung to the perfect ass lips. The guy in the suite almost exploded, “Is that fucking jizz…you’ve been bred already slut?” He said, leaning over and pulling Lane’s head back by the hair. The kid looked up at him and the other men now standing around watching, “Yes…I got fucked by three men before I came here.” He whispered. The Spanish guy groaned at this admission and bent over, gasping as he moved his head forward, the big steel hoops in his ears swinging and glinting in the glow of the screen. Lane screamed as just the tip of his tongue made flitting contact with that pink hole and his entire body began to tremble. The man’s tongue quivered, the bead of sperm siding down the tip. Lane looked back over his shoulder and gasped “Christ …Shove you’re tongue in…lick my hole…I…I……ahhh” he broke off into a low moan. The Latino pulled back and just stared and lightly stroked the kid’s overheated flesh, letting him calm down. The guy in the suite roughly rubbed the Spanish guy’s head like a dog, “that’s good…slow it down…we don’t want this little Bitch cumming yet.’ He craned his neck over looking at Lane’s straining face, “You back in control…ready for a little more Faggot?” He asked. Just then the Spanish guy turned a soft stroke into a stinging slap, causing Lane’s ass to shake. He leaned forward again and parted the cheeks. He had to exert pressure to separate them, exposing that hole again. He smiled, the dark trim goatee framing his heavy lips, as he leaned in and began to just brush the tip of his tongue against all the sensitive nerve endings. Lane was trembling, desperately in need and his entire body was covered in sweat. The man pushed just the tip in to the tight ring, this slightest penetration caused Lane to groan so loud the guy in the suite gripped his tattooed shoulder and pulled him back. Lane turned, “C’mon.” he huffed, “…shove your tongue up into me…ohhh GOD!” The Spanish guy moaned at this torture and brushed the full flat length of his tongue across the kid’s asshole. He then formed his tongue into a spear and began to force the tip and the first few inches into the tight wet hole. He had just gotten in almost to the root and was groaning himself uncontrollably now at the silky feel and taste of this perfect ass. As his tongue reached full penetration he let out a deep groan as a wave of cum oozed around his thrust in tongue. He slurped it down and gasped. He braced his hands on the clenched muscles and thrust in further, harder. Lane jumped and shook even more, his thighs quaking, spread to the limit of what the bunch of fabric around his knees would allow. “Get those pants off” the standing man said. The kid groaned loudly and let the Spanish guy pull the jeans over his feet. Lane now knelt there naked except for the jock. The guy in the suite had undone his shirt and let it fall to the floor and stepped out of his pants and underwear. He now watched, naked as the Spanish guy ground his chin into the kid’s wet ass crack. The Latino was now viciously tongue fucking the kid. He had his ass spread wide and was moving his whole head back and forth in strong thrusts, jamming several inches of his tongue deep into the pink wet hole. Lane was in overdrive. In frenzy, he had turned back to the older guy’s huge erection as he was thrusting back against the hot mouth at his open ass and using every inch of his extended tongue began to torture the throbbing wet cock head in front of him. “I can’t take it anymore; I have to be inside this slut.” Said the guy in the suite abruptly, pushing the Latino away from the kid’s ass. The kid looked back over his shoulder, “Ohhh god…please fuck me…!” he groaned. As he spoke he was running his clenched fist up and down the long thick shaft of the older man’s cock which was slick with precum. “Fuck kid-watch it-I’m getting close.” The older guy said attempting to pull away. The guy in the suite pulled Lane up onto his feet, bent over. Ryan moved back to catch the full scene. The man stood poised behind the kid. Lane’s ass was inches from his cock, which was iron hard and jerking in time to his pulse. The head had swelled to almost twice its original size and was soaked in precum. He stared down at the hole presented before him; his eyes have closed in a fog of lust. He gripped the kid’s narrow hips in both hands and said. “You ready for this you little fucker?” “GOD…yess..ahhh!” moaned the kid. He had to remove one hand from Lane’s hip to push his erection down to line it up with the sopping wet hole. He inched forward, resting the slick tip against the kid’s ass lips. “Ohhh…fuck…it’s so hot…it feels so big…so hard…fuck…shove it in…I need to get fucked!” he begged. The guy slowly inched his hips forward and the tip gently parted the tight ass lips. As just that little bit slid in he moaned and a thick bead of almost white precum oozed out of the head and coated the opening, already slick with saliva. The kid’s cock pulsed…once…twice and I saw a heavy glob of precum fill the still damp webbing of the jock. “Hey Pal, don’t make him cum yet…” said Ryan panting. Lane was oblivious and had now turned back to the older guy’s throbbing cock and was once again flicking his tongue at the piss slit tasting his precum. “I don’t fucking care.” Said the guy in the suite”…whore like this can take dick all night and cum till his balls fall off.” He moved his hands back to the kid’s slim waist, wrapping his fingers in the thick band of the jock strap and pushed his hips forward. The kid groaned and his ass clamped around the thick flange of the cock head now firmly imbedded in him. “Ohhh fuck…it’s so fucking tight…ahhhh…!’ huffed the guy. …and he’s soaking wet…whore.” the guy said through gritted teeth as he looked down and watched as he fed more and more of his thick rock hard cock into the kid’s body. The kid would shake and jump as each ridge and vein passed over the nerve ending rich lips of his ass. The guy threw his head back and groaned as he felt the last few inches push deep in and his balls brushed up against the thin leg straps of the jock. He moaned and lurched forward grinding his balls hard against the kid’s sweaty taint. “Fuck him!’ said the Spanish guy looking on in awe. He needed no further encouragement. He held on to the waist band of the strap and drew back his hips slowly letting the kid feel every thick hard inch as is exited his super tight asshole. When just the head remained, he jerked back and it popped free and snapped up straight against his body. The kid cried out and more precum oozed out his tortured dick. The guy bent his knees, crouched and lined the bloated head up again and pushed steadily forward. Inch after inch slid effortlessly into the kid until the he was once again buried to the hilt. “Holy fuck-I’ve never felt anything this good…ohh!” He groaned. The kid was moaning now around the enormous cock head he had trapped in his mouth and was sucking hard on just that round hot piece of wet flesh. He used one hand to steady the shaking cock and the other to squeeze and tug at the full tender balls. His cheeks hollowed at the tight suction he was applying and he began to twist his mouth around the thick round head. He never went further down just continued to suck and swirl his hot mouth around the oversized glans. The guy in the suite had meanwhile had established a hypnotic rhythm. He would force himself in as far as he could, almost standing on his toes to get his head in as far as possible making sure the kid felt it deep in him and then slowly, agonizingly, draw the full length of his cock out until the head popped free and trembled at the dripping entrance. Every time he re-penetrated the kid, Lane would jump and jerk and precum would force itself out of his railroad spike dick and soak the pouch. The guy continued this rhythm for several more strokes and then he seemed to lose control. He swore and tossed his head, flinging beads of sweat around the theater and began to use short deep strokes to hammer deep in the kid’s ass and pound his prostate gland. This was too much for Lane, he was too horny having sucked off three men already and so desperate for a cock up his ass, he gasped and driven by pleasure and lust steadied the trembling dick in his hand impaled his mouth on the 11 inch cock. I could see his neck swell as the plum sized head passed the back of his tongue and lodged itself deep in his throat. The older guy screamed, “I’m going to shoot you little fucker…ahhh” The kid paused, groaning then pulled back letting the now shooting cock slide up his throat, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed the thick load pumping out of the cock head as it trailed up to his tongue. The guy was moaning so loud…”Ohh you little cum whore…fuck yeah…eat my load!” I heard a sound like a sharp gasp come from the kid’s open mouth when one particularly vicious thrust from the guy fucking him hit his prostate and his cock just exploded, jerking violently in the tight webbing of the strap. The Escort Eskişehir pouch filled and dripped with his hot heavy load. The kid groaned and opened his mouth letting the older man’s still shooting head rest on his flattened tongue. It blurted our thick heavy streaks of semen directly onto the cum drenched surface of his tongue. The older guy was string wide-eyed at his shooting dick, he clenched some inner muscles and a shot of semen came out with such force that even though Lane’s mouth was straining wide the cum still shot over his top lip and splashed against his cheek and the bridge of his nose. The kid leaned up and trapped the jerking head in his closed lips and swallowed. The other guy watched this entire scene as he continued to fuck his huge dick into the kid, literally fucking the cum out of him. With each pounding stroke more cum would pulse out and fill the jock strap. The guy was losing it, seeing the kid close his eyes in ecstasy as he got another full shot across his tongue and moan at the taste of the thick cum. His strokes became erratic and his legs were trembling uncontrollably. He pulled back almost exiting the tight fluttering ass lips, the bloated head stretching the kid’s anal ring and then I saw his balls pull up tight to his body and I could literally see the cum pulse up the thick tube on the underside of his cock. The kid groaned louder when he felt the first hot shot coat his insides. “Ohhh fuck you’re cumming in me…ahhh…!” groaned Lane. Ryan’s camera shook and he hissed, “Yeah fucking breed the little pig.” The man drew his dick back and let the shooting head pop free. A thick shot of cum lashed across the kid’s lower back. The man watched as his cock head swelled and another shot of cum arched and spattered on one sweaty trembling ass cheek and dappled the thick band of the jock. The man moaned as another pulse of hot semen splashed directly against Lane’s ass lips, before the man shoved the still firing cock back in, balls deep. He held onto the kid’s slick hips with shaking hands as he unloaded the rest of his hot cum directly onto the kid’s tender prostate gland deep, deep in Lane’s ass. “Ohh fuck you’re burning my insides…ohhh it feels so fucking good.” the kid cried as tears squeezed out of his eyes. The guy fell back spent, his half hard dick leaking drips of cum. The kid was covered in sweat and his back and face were sticky with semen, the guy in the suite pants roughly milked the last few drops of cum out of his still erect cock. He flicked his hand and let the cum splatter onto the small of the boy’s back. He looked over at the Spanish guy and said. “Clean this fucking pig up for the next customer.” All the men in the theater groaned as the Latino, his red jock straining, and soaked with precum from watching the kid get fucked, crawled over and knelt behind Lane. His hands shook as he reached up and gripped the top of the kid’s muscled thighs and extended his tremmoring tongue. He leaned forward and flexed it into a point and moaned loudly as he speared it deep into the kid’s cummy asshole. He pulled his tongue back covered in semen and groaned as he sucked his tongue back into his mouth and swallowed. He leaned up and curled his tongue, licking the heavy streak across one smooth milky white ass cheek. Moaning louder, the man sat up higher on his knees and opened his panting mouth to lick and suck the sperm off the kid’s sweaty back. He crawled on shaking legs over to the boy’s spattered face and began to lick the huge streaks of cum off his cheeks, and the bridge of his nose. He gripped the kid’s face in his hands and tilted his head back and scooped a heavy shot off the kid’s corded neck and then pulled the kid down into a deep cummy kiss, their breath panting through their smeared mashed together lips. Ryan was shaking uncontrollably trying his best to steady the camera, “Someone else fuck him…he needs another cock.” He said in a strained voice. A black man who had been watching the action from the back of the theater shuffled forward. His pants were open and a long wicked looking cock arched in front of his body. He was younger…maybe thirty and tall and thin with almond shaped eyes and very dark skin. He shucked a jacket off his lean shoulders and stood behind the bent over kid in a t-shirt, his hard-on throbbing arched over the kid’s ass. His dick was really long, maybe eleven inches and the head was round and bulbous. He looked down at the Spanish guy and said” Guide me into him.” He reached out and steadied himself with two hands on Lane’s hips and watched as the Latino crawled over and lovingly stroked up and down the length of his curved shiny brown erection. He groaned when the Spanish man let his palm graze the swollen head and smear precum all around the super sensitive surface. All the men in the theater watched as the Spanish man let his palm slide along the heavy underside of the erection and gently urge the man forward. Lane looked back over his shoulder, “Yeah…put that fucking huge cock in me…ohhh… god…fuck me!” he moaned. Just then another man stepped up. He was forty or so and balding with an unbuttoned dress shirt and pants riding low on his lean hips. His rampant nine inch cock was dripping wet. The head was mushroom shaped and the shaft thick. He gripped the kid’s sweaty curls in two fists, “Shut that fucking whore mouth.” He said and guided the kid’s lips onto his erection. Lane moaned and deep throated the cock in one stroke. The man wrapped his hands tighter in the kid’s hair and threw his head back in an extended groan, “Ahhhh…fucking cunt…work for my load…” His body jerked violently as Lane clenched his throat around the deeply embedded head and caught his swinging balls in his hand. Lane pulled back until just the crown stretched his lips then impaled himself again. That was it for the man and he groaned as he began to cum in the kid’s mouth. Semen spurted out of his jerking dick head, totally filling Lane’s throat. The black man was now shaking uncontrollably as his cock penetrated the kid’s dripping hole. He had at least half of the impressive length inside and his balls were jumping already. The Spanish guy knew the guy was so close to cumming. “Ram it in…shoot in his ass…fill him up for me.” He whispered caressing the man’s testicles his eyes glued to the dark brown shaft buried in the perfect pink asshole. Lane moaned around the shaft cumming in his throat as the black guy jammed his hips forward, the full length of his cock thrust into the kid in one violent stroke. He groaned and gripped the kid’s hips as his cock began to shoot deep inside the boy. The guy orgasaming down Lane’s throat stumbled back and his cock popped out of the kid’s mouth. A shot of cum slashed across Lane’s straining face before the man reinserted his still shooting head in the kid’s cummy mouth. The Spanish guy was licking and sucking on the black man’s balls as he unloaded up Lane’s ass. The Black guy looked down and slowly pulled his hips back letting his long black shaft slide out of the kid. The sperm smeared shaft and still dripping head throbbed, poised over the Spanish guy’s face. He groaned and leaned up and sucked the coated head into his mouth and slid his lips down the stalk, deep throating the filthy cock. The thin black man trembled as the Spanish guy finished cleaning off his penis and stepped away from the prone kid. The Latino turned on his knee and groaned as he began to deeply tongue fuck the kid, forcing huge globs of sperm out of the tight hole onto his extended tongue. He moaned and covered the boy’s asshole with his lips and literally sucked the cum from the kid. Ryan was sweating profusely as he panned the camera in close getting the tortured, cum smeared face of the Latino guy as he ate out Lane’s semen soaked asshole. Another man stepped over and roughly shoved the Latino out of the way. “I need to fuck this little whore.” He moaned. He was another forty-something year old white guy. He had on a baseball cap and sweatshirt. His cock jutted out of the open front of his jeans and was thick with a huge engorged glans. The shaft was deeply ridged and about ten inches long. He put a hand on the kid’s sweaty back and lined that big bloated head up. His body was shaking so violently from excitement that as he moved forward to penetrate the kid the head bumped and skidded along Lane’s ass cheek, leaving a trail of clear precum. Lane moaned and looked back at the man, “Fuck me…put it in…God…fuck me.” He urged. The guy groaned at the sluttish behavior and gripped his shaft tighter. As the huge head parted Lane’s tight dripping ass lips the kid jumped and arched his back in pleasure. The man gripped the narrow hips and began to jerkily fuck his cock into the kid. The Latino knelt next to them watching intently. After a few minutes, the man’s strokes got choppy and his ass muscles trembled. The Spanish guy reached up and grabbed the back of the guy’s shucked down pants, pulling him back. His cock slid out… already shooting. Cum arched up high in the air in powerful shots and splashed down audibly on the kid’s heaving back. Lane moaned as the hot semen hit his skin. His own cock was pulsing and straining in the soaked pouch of the jock and he looked on the verge of another orgasm himself. Ryan panned in close as the Spanish guy leaned in and began to collect the heavy shots of semen on his tongue. He licked up and down the kid’s back before moving up to the boy’s head and trapping his mouth in another cum laden kiss. I could see their thick wet tongue coil around each other as their mouths skidded together, their breath coming out in huge gasps. Just then a group of three younger men entered the theater. They were young…mid to late twenties and most and were talking loudly and laughing. When their eyes adjusted to the dim light and saw the bent over kid, naked except for the white jock strap, his sweaty skin gleaming in the faint glow of the screen. Semen spattered on his back and heavy white droplets caught in his dark curls, sucking on the tongue of the nearly naked Latino guy, they froze. One of them, a tall guy, heavily muscled wearing a tight t-shirt and cargo pants said, “HOLY FUCKING SHIT…I can’t believe that board was true…FUCK!” They cautiously walked over to where Lane was still locked in a deep kiss moaning into the Spanish man’s mouth. Ryan was leaning back in his seat, His cock straining at his pants and a huge precum stain decorating his crotch. He was aiming the camera at the three newcomers and whispering words of encouragement, “Yeah…look at the little whore…he’s been sucking cocks and taking dick up his ass for almost an hour and half…he’s taken about eight loads already…fuck him…all three of you can have him…do him…he’s a filthy fucking whore…use him.” He said. The big guy looked down at his own rapidly swelling crotch in disbelief. The two men with him were already undoing their pants freeing their painfully hard cocks. The three men fell on Lane with abandon. The big guy stepped up behind Lane and gripped his hair in one fist. He jerked the kid’s head back on his neck, “You want more cock?” he said. Lane groaned and nodded as much as the tight grip would allow. The man got a disgusted look on his face and leaned down and spat in the kid’s face. Lane closed his eyes and groaned. His two companions were running their hands all over the kid’s overheated sweaty body. One of them was short and dark haired with a distinct beard scruff and deep blue eyes, was staring, mouth agape at the high round ass cheeks. His hand shook as he caressed and hefted their weight. The big guy Jerked Lane to a standing position. “Look at this fucking whore.” He said to his buddies. He gestured with his head at his dark haired friend. The man’s cock was throbbing out of the open flap of his pants and his cock was swaying with the weight of his bloated head on a thinner shaft. “Pull that fucking jock off him…I want him naked.” He said. The dark haired guy moved in and roughly pulled the sodden jock strap off Lane’s hips and over his feet. Lane stood there, naked. His cock stood up straight as an arrow tight along his abdomen, his crotch smeared and sticky with his own cum. His sweaty chest was heaving and he winced as the big man flexed his arm and pulled his hair harder. The man backed him up to one of the dirty cloth movie seats. “Lie down and spread those fucking legs, whore.” He said. Lane looked up at the man and lay back on the seat. His cock pulsed, seeping precum pooling in the ridges of his stomach. He gripped the arms of the seat and lifted his legs, baring his asshole. The big man stepped between his legs and undid his pants. He hauled out a huge thick erection. It was about eleven inches long and crowned with an enormous cock head. It was so hard it curved slightly back to his body. The gripped an ankle in each big hand and lined the head up. The Spanish guy scooted over on his knees to get a closer view and the man angled his hips and used that thick blunt head to penetrate the kid. Lane jumped and his cock jerked against his sweaty stomach as his ass lips strained to accommodate the width and girth of the huge head. As the man began to fuck the full length of his monstrous cock into the kid the Latino guy got low down on the filthy floor under the juncture where the man’s body met the kid’s. He began to flick his tongue teasingly against the man’s thick slick shaft as it slid rhythmically into the kid. Lane was moaning and writhing around on the seat. His cock was oozing a constant stream of precum and at a particularly hard, deep thrust the man’s huge rock hard head must have banged directly against the kid’s prostate…cum shot out of Lane’s dick in a heavy splash. The streak of semen skidded up his stomach and across his heaving chest. Beads of sperm hit the seat back as another shot followed. “Look at the little whore fucking shoot!” said the third man of the group. He was blond and lean with a rock hard blunt looking 9 inch cock. The big guy was angling his hips and spreading the boy’s legs further apart trying to penetrate him even deeper. The Latino was going back and forth between sucking on his bloated balls and licking the kid’s ass lips as the shaft slid in and out of him. It was too much the big guy moaned and sweat dripped off his head onto Lane’s naked chest. “I’m gonna shoot you little whore…right in you…ohhh…fuuuuckkk!!” he gasped and bottomed his dick out deep in the kid. His balls contracted as he fired huge blast of cum deep in the kid. The Spanish guy was licking and sucking furiously on those churning balls and the man let his cock slip form the tight asshole and a big shot of cum landed on the Latino’s sweaty face. The man stood there and watched as his cock fired several big milky shots of semen onto the kid’s asshole. He staggered back and huffed, “Next” IN a second the dark haired guy was between Lane’s legs and lining his erection up with the dripping hole. He punched his cock in deep and hard in the first thrust and Lane grunted as his cock flopped on his soaking wet abdomen. It was over in two or three more brutal thrusts. The man let out a scream and fell forward his hands gripping the back of the seat as he ejaculated deep inside Lane. He fell back and the blond stepped up. He looked down at the slick, cum drenched kid, “You ready for another dick?” he said in a low voice. Lane nodded,”Yeah… Fuck me…put your dick in me.” And wrapped his heels around the man’s narrow hip, trying to pull him forward. The man slowly let his cock sink into the dripping wet hole and began a slow deliberate fuck. He would watch as his cock drove into the kid almost in slow motion and then leisurely withdraw the entire length until just the big round head remained sheathed. He reached down and began to lightly caress the kid’s nipples with his thumbs as his hips picked up a bit of speed. “Cum for me little boy…shoot show these men how much you like getting fucked.” He whispered down to Lane. Lane groaned and his cock twitched and he began to cum again. Just then a couple more men entered the theater. One was strikingly handsome. He had dark curly hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He had on tortoiseshell glasses and the body under the tight dark polo shirt looked rock hard. He was probably in his late twenties. The guy with him looked about the same age with a short crew cut and light hair. They clearly knew what to expect walking in and approached the man fucking the kid on the seat. Light from the screen seemed to hit Lane’s straining face, still in the midst of his orgasm. The dark haired guy sucked in his breath and yelled, “Fucking…Lane…that you?” Ryan panned the camera up at the shocked look on that handsome face. “You know this whore?” he said throatily. The guy looked stunned and whispered, “He’s my little brother…” Continue????

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Subject: “A Trial Of Strength” – Part 384 by Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH – PART 384 By Rob Williams CHAPTER 384 � “TYLER AT THE TRIBAL GAMES” IN THIS CHAPTER: Dr. Steve gives the new boy Tyler insights into the games the tribe plays. First he watches his pal Eddie service his man Hassan, the homoerotic Marine Captain returning from the base in full battle gear and horny as hell. Then Tyler is riveted as the proud young athlete Tommy displays his flawless body in his gymnastic routine, and then the same macho jock, muscles straining, begs to get his perfect ass ploughed. _____________________________________________________________________ ************ In the previous chapter ************* Pablo and his new boy Tyler had a good first few days, bonding as master and boy, until Pablo’s dad, the construction boss Randy, leader of the tribe, came on the scene. Bob, the co-founder of the tribe and Randy’s lover, was the one left to confront the resulting mayhem, which engulfed not only Randy, Pablo and Tyler, but also Bob’s boys, the identical twins Kyle and Kevin. Bob’s first concern was for the shy, insecure Tyler, and he enlisted the help of young Eddie who had become a good friend to Tyler early on. “Listen kid,” Bob explained, “the shit’s really hit the fan here and I need you to take care of your buddy Tyler. Near as I can figure it, Randy got home horny as a stallion after a fight. Tyler was alone in his new room and Randy went in and fucked him … you know, seduced him the way he does. “Pablo came home and caught them and went apeshit. There was a huge fight between Randy and Pablo, the room was trashed, and Tyler ran out blaming himself. He ran straight into Kevin who was alone in the kitchen and, well you know Kevin, how sweet and tender he can be. So he took Tyler upstairs and comforted him and it ended with Kevin making love to him. “When his brother Kyle came home and saw it he hit the roof. You know how totally exclusive the twins have always been, and he saw it as Kevin breaking that unbreakable bond between them. So Kyle stormed out and has gone to stay with his pal Danny. “So I’m entrusting Tyler to your care. Take him up to Hassan’s and let him meet Doctor Steve and Lloyd. I’ll call them to fill them in and Steve will know what to do.” So that, for the time being, took care of Tyler and put him in a safe place. As for Randy and Pablo, they took care of themselves. The father/son brawl had served to spark their mutual respect as fist-swinging alpha males and when the dust settled they belatedly focused on the damage they had done to the fragile Tyler � and to his room. “Dammit,” Randy said, “we were so wrapped up in our own blame and shame routine we both lost sight of your boy, and now we gotta put things right. And I know where to start. That kid was dazzled by this classy new room we assigned to him. He thought he was in heaven � until I crashed in on him, and then you and me trashed it. “The least we can do now is put that right so Tyler has a great room to come home to. We may fuck up in other ways, kiddo, but if it’s one thing we do get right it’s construction. So let’s go take a look at the room, see what’s needed, then make a run to the warehouse, get all the supplies, and we’ll make a start on it right away, just you and me.” Problem number two solved. Now Bob turned his attention to the separation of the previously inseparable twins. He went and tried to reason with Kyle who was adamant the he would never forgive Kevin and never return to the house. So Bob played the only card he could think of. He accentuated his own hurt and sadness that his beloved twins were breaking up, a sadness that was genuine and heartfelt. After he left, Kyle phoned Kevin. “It’s me, dude. Look, what happened between us is not important. What is important is that Bob is hurting … bad. We’re hurting him, Kevin � he said his heart is breaking. We can’t do that to Bob, we just can’t. He’s the most wonderful thing that ever happened to us and his happiness is in our hands. You know what we have to do.” A short while later they were back together and invited Bob to their apartment at the house for drinks, where they demonstrated their reconciliation in their own unique way. They delighted their handsome master by making love to each other, then inviting Bob to join in. To make amends for having hurt him they now showered him with affection � identical twins making highly erotic love to him together. In a state of euphoria the twins invited Bob to stay for dinner, just the three of them, and then spend the night with them. And so, a short time later when at last they were all seated in the twins’ small private dining room, peace had been fully restored among them and the past forgotten as if it had never happened. They gossiped about the unfolding saga of Pablo and Tyler and the twins gave their confident predictions about how everything would turn out for Tyler up at Steve’s house. Bob laughed, “You think you’re pretty smart don’t you? Smart as well as gorgeous. You’ve got the whole scenario worked out. Now all we have to do is sit back and see just how smart you’ve been.” ******************** CHAPTER 384 ******************** After the strain of confronting the messy situation between Randy, Pablo and Tyler, Bob had announced his intention of getting `pleasantly drunk’ during dinner with the twins. This he did, and spent the night in their bed happily entwined in their limbs. Next day they woke early to morning sex before the twins had to go downstairs to make a start on breakfast for all the guys. Bob gave himself the luxury of another half hour in the twins’ bed, his mind running over the events of the previous day. It had all been Randy’s fault, of course, horny as hell and exercising his `droit du seigneur,’ the lord’s right to ravish the new boy to the tribe, ignoring, of course, the major consideration that this new boy was Pablo’s boy. Pablo had been raised by his adoptive dad Randy to be as quick with his fists as his father was, so the fight had been inevitable. But that same bond of like-father-like-son had also brought them together in the healing task of physical labor, repairing the wreckage of Tyler’s room, an act that restored not only the room but also their close father/son relationship. Now for the master/boy relationship between Pablo and Tyler. As Bob meditated on that he realized how complicated the task was. Not only was it a brand new relationship, but each participant was brand new to the role. Pablo was a hothead like his father and had never been called on to practice the subtle skills he now needed for nurturing a boy of his own. In his rage at Randy he had lost sight of the fact that his first obligation was to his boy. He had angrily (and unfairly) blamed the boy for surrendering his ass to Randy, and then had not even noticed that Tyler had run away. As for Tyler, it would be an understatement to say he was a novice � na�ve and reclusive and a stranger to a communal life with other men, especially men as assertive as this tribe. Bob knew he had done the right thing in separating Tyler from Pablo until the dust had settled. It now called for the skills of Doctor Steve, the psychologist who had helped all members of the tribe through personal crises at one time or another. It didn’t hurt that he was also Randy’s brother � the polished professional version of the rugged construction worker � so Steve knew exactly the issues at play here. Before he went down to breakfast Bob put in a call to Steve to make sure that Tyler was OK up at Hassan and Eddie’s house, the guesthouse on the grounds of Steve and Lloyd’s property in the Hollywood Hills. “Glad you called, Bob,” Steve said. “To tell the truth I haven’t seen much of the boy yet. He spent the night with Eddie who, by the way, is behaving with more maturity than I gave him credit for. Underneath that stream-of-consciousness chatter of his Eddie has excellent instincts when it comes to people, and right now I’d say he’s perfect for Tyler.” Steve chuckled. “If nothing else that non-stop verbal barrage will distract Tyler from dwelling too much on his own troubles. And this morning I’ll meet with the kid � casually, of course � and try to reassure him that things will turn out fine. You’re right about Pablo. Keep him at a distance for now. Then I’ll meet with him too � just him at first, then the two of them together. “One good thing, having spent the night with Hassan and Eddie he’ll have seen how a real loving master/boy relationship works, even when the master and boy are so different. Actually,” Steve chuckled again, “I can’t wait to hear what went on down there in the guesthouse.” *********************************** Astute as ever Steve was right to be intrigued, and when he later heard the story from Eddie’s own lips (of course) the doctor got a boner in his tailored pants. When Bob had entrusted Tyler to Eddie the previous evening, Tyler had felt his world had come to an end as they left the house, but Eddie had insisted that the world goes on, which he demonstrated by simply talking … and talking. He told Tyler of the time he and Hassan had argued, the Marine had ordered him from the house and Eddie had fled back to the desert where he resumed his old job of bar-back in Uncle Mike’s leather bar. Eddie gushed on, “But when Hassan heard from Uncle Mike that I was on my knees in the back room with a bunch of guys lined up for blowjobs from me, well, the soldier said `not my boy’ and he raced out to the desert, stormed into the bar, slung me over his shoulder, threw me in the jeep and brought me back here.” Tyler, listening wide-eyed, said, “Wow, I wish I had a master like that.” “You do, kiddo,” Eddie laughed, “though it don’t feel like that right now. Pablo’s that kind of guy, except he’s younger and not as experienced as Hassan, of course. But one day he’ll rescue you like my Marine rescued me, you’ll see.” When they got to Steve’s big house in the hills they walked down the path to the guesthouse and Eddie said, “I’m starved, but you’re gonna have to help me cook dinner, dude, `cos I’m no great shakes in the kitchen.” “Oh, no problem there, Eddie. When we were out in Palm Springs I helped out in the kitchen and the twins taught me a lot of stuff. So let’s give it a go.” Eddie was proving Steve right, that he had instincts about what would help a traumatized guy like Tyler � putting him to work and making him feel like an equal. While they ate a simple meal, washed down with beer, Eddie said, “Hassan will be home soon � and he’ll probably scare the bejesus out of you. Remember in Palm Springs how he came back from maneuvers at the Marine Base out there, all dressed in his battle gear looking like every boy’s wet dream? It’ll probably be the same today, because of the filming. “See, he heads up the training and recruitment at the Marine Base in town and they make a lot of recruitment videos, usually starring Hassan. Hell, the Marines sure know what they’re doing. Any young guy who sees that stud in a film about the Marine’s, he’ll join up just in the hope of meeting him and submitting to his orders. “Anyway, after barking orders all day to those young Marines, he’ll be horny as hell when he comes in, just like Randy was when he came in and found you.” He saw Tyler flinch and quickly reassured him. “Don’t worry, kid, Hassan won’t take out his lust on you � he’s got me for that. “Besides, him and me both know there’s to be no sex for you tonight. After what happened with Randy and Pablo we don’t wanna get involved in that mess. So you leave the sex to me and my soldier. `Course,” Eddie grinned roguishly, “there’s nothing to stop you from watching. You’ll see how I deal with a horny soldier. “See, a boy has to know how to handle a man like Hassan, `cos he can be real tough � hell, he’s a Marine Captain, ain’t he? Sure, a master has to know how to treat his boy, but the boy has to know how to handle his master too. I got that down real good and, well, I wouldn’t exactly say I’ve got the soldier eating out of my hand, but close.” Unworldly though he was, Tyler recognized a boast when he heard one � and loved Eddie all the more for it. And it wasn’t long before he got to see the truth behind the boast. One thing Eddie got dead right was that the sight of the returning Marine Captain did scare Tyler. Hassan had come straight from the base in the same combat gear he had worn in the video shoot that portrayed a Marine in battle. Tyler lowered his eyes to the laced combat boots, then up past the camouflage fatigue pants, the heavy belt round the slim waist, the khaki tank top stretched over the heavily muscled torso with a ragged, sleeveless denim shirt hanging open over that. His rugged Arab/Asian features were set off by jet black hair and mirror sunglasses and his cheeks still bore black camouflage streaks. Scared though he was Tyler agreed with Eddie that the homoerotic Marine Captain was every boy’s wet dream. Hassan was stoked, his chest heaving, his tank streaked with sweat, and when he whipped off his glasses his slanted dark eyes were gleaming with lust. He looked first at Tyler and, typically a man of few words, said, “Hey kid, I heard what happened. You OK?” “Yes thank you, sir. Eddie’s been real kind and … ” “Good,” Hassan cut him off. “Right now Eddie’s got work to do, but hang in there and then we’ll have a drink.” Then he turned lascivious eyes on Eddie. “You boy … on your knees.” Obediently Eddie dropped to his knees before his master, unzipped his pants, pulled out his rock-hard cock and went to work. He clamped his mouth over the long shaft and soon the captain was groaning with pleasure. “Damn, I needed that,” he growled, pulling off his shirt, his muscles rippling under the sweat-soaked tank sticking to his chest. Tyler watched awestruck. Eddie knew Hassan’s sexual needs intimately, Erzurum Escort having satisfied them so often, and he could tell that the soldier had built up a head of steam and was close to his climax. So he had to go carefully to prolong his pleasure. He used only his tease technique and stopped well short of making him cum. Even so Hassan felt his balls about to burst and he groaned, “No, boy, not like this. I want your ass. On the bed.” Eddie instantly pulled off the soldier’s cock and fell on his back on the bed. Tyler gasped as the soldier pulled off his tank top and towered over his boy stripped to the waist. “You’re no use to me unless you’re naked, kid,” Hassan growled. He reached down and yanked his shorts off over his sneakers, then ripped off his T-shirt with one tug. Eddie was wild with excitement seeing the handsome Marine so pumped, muscles flexed, his stubbled jaw clenched hard. “Show me that ass, boy,” the captain commanded and Eddie grabbed behind his knees and pulled his legs back high in the air, naked except for his sneakers. Hassan grabbed his boy`s ankles, held his legs high, and pressed the head of his cock against his butt. “Man, I’ve needed this ass all day. You ready to open it up for me?” “Aye, aye, sir.” Eddie’s natural playfulness was now tinged with apprehension at the intensity of Hassan’s lust. This was the rugged Marine at his most ferocious and Eddie craved to feel his cock. Which he did now as Hassan drove it deep in his ass. Pumped as he was Hassan’s cock could have been a weapon but, like any good Marine, he never lost control. The fuck was fierce but stopped short of causing actual pain. Eddie was flying, gazing up at the wild Arab/Asian soldier heaving above him, stripped to the waist in fatigues and boots, his black hair whipping across his exotic olive-skinned features. “Work my chest, boy,” he ordered. Eddie knew what that meant, reached up and pounded his fists against the solid mounds of his pecs, then squeezed the nipples tight in his fingers.” That stoked the captain even more as he pounded ass and said, “You’re my boy, right?” “Yessir.” “Mine to use as I like?” “Yessir.” “Your ass belongs to me, right?” “Sir, yes sir!” Eddie shouted like a young Marine recruit.” “And you like getting it hammered by a Marine’s big cock?” “Sir, yes sir!” “Come on boy, pinch those tits … harder … that’s it … make me cum, boy. Make me bust my fucking load in your sweet ass. Yeah, here it is, let me see you cum … that’s an order!” “Sir, yes sir,” Eddie shouted as the soldier’s cock speared him deep and exploded in his ass, making the boy’s cock erupt all over his chest, soaking the ripped shreds of his T-shirt. “Yeah � fuck yeah,” Hassan yelled. “Boy I needed that … it’s been building up all day. You were great, boy. A great fuck. How about you kid?” turning to Tyler. “Look good to you?” “It made me cream my shorts, sir.” “That good uh? Well now you can do something else and clean up my boy. I think you know how to do that. I like to watch two boys together.” Hassan strode over to the fridge, pulled out a beer and stood, legs astride, throwing his head back as he took a long drink. The awestruck Tyler watched the shirtless Marine’s pronounced Adam’s apple move in his throat and almost shot another load, but Hassan growled, “Come on, boy what’re you waiting for?” Tyler hurriedly knelt by the bed, leaned down and began to lick the cum from his friend’s chest and abs. After slurping and sucking up the warm juice he kissed Eddie and the two friends shared the musky taste of jizz. “Looks good, men,” Hassan grinned. “OK, bring a couple beers and let’s sit outside. After a tough day’s work and a great fuck nothing beats sitting outside with a beer on a warm night.” Having come home like a raging bull in heat Hassan was now transformed into a gentle giant of a man, his soothing Arab/Asian accent and smiling, slanted eyes lulling the boys into a warm sense of security. With genuine interest in the new boy Hassan encouraged Tyler to talk about himself and reassured him of his future. “Don’t sweat all that bullshit that went down today, kid. You’ll see, tomorrow Doctor Steve will take charge, and that guy knows what he’s doing. “But from what I hear Pablo loves his new boy and that’s all you need to know. After that all the rest falls into place. Hell, what’s not to love? You’re a cute kid and I’d fuck you myself except that’s what got Randy into a whole mess of trouble. So it’s hands off right now … but maybe one day, uh? Meanwhile you got a great buddy in my boy here, and tonight the three of us will sleep together, OK?” “Very much, sir. Thank you, sir.” Later, in bed, Tyler looked at Hassan and Eddie sleeping and reflected on Eddie’s earlier proud boast that he knew how to handle his man. Truth be told, it seemed to Tyler that all the handling had been done by Hassan, and Eddie had just followed the captain’s orders. Tyler smiled to himself, kissed Eddie on the cheek and fell asleep himself. ********************************** As the next morning dawned everyone was aware that there was a lot to be done � both at the tribe’s compound and at Steve’s house. At the tribe’s house the twins were already hard at work in the kitchen preparing breakfast. After Bob had idled in their bed a while, then had his phone conversation with Steve, he pulled on his jeans and T-shirt and went down to breakfast. It was just him, Mark and Jamie in the dining room and soon they were joined by the Aussies, Adam and Nate from next door. No sign of Randy and Pablo, though they had all heard sounds coming from the room upstairs that had been assigned to Tyler but trashed in the fight between father and son. They all knew that the two men were working to restore the room to its former state � only better � and pretty soon Randy and Pablo appeared, looking bleary eyed but elated. “Come and see, buddy,” Randy said to Bob, his eyes shining like a boy showing off a new toy to his parents.” “Aw, Randy, I just sat down to breakfast.” “Come on, sir, please,” Pablo said just as eagerly. “Just for a minute.” Bob allowed himself to be dragged from his chair and led upstairs to Tyler’s room. “Ta-da!” Pablo threw open the door and Bob gaped. “Wow.” The room had been transformed, the walls painted a subtle shade of lemon yellow � “Tyler’s favorite color,” Pablo beamed. Windows and furniture had been repaired or replaced, floors re-finished, and the white muslin curtains left behind by Mario had had been re-hung and blew elegantly in the light breeze. “Guys, this is absolutely amazing � much better even than before. You two must have been working on this most of the night.” “Pretty much, dude, and we work fast.” Randy’s eyes sparkled. “We did get a few hours’ sleep and time for, well, a little recreation,” grinning at Pablo. “You think the kid’ll like it?” “Like it?” Bob said. “He’ll be over the moon, especially coming from that closet-size room of his in the desert to this gorgeous space.” “And look, sir …” Pablo opened the closet and drawers. “All those new clothes we bought for Tyler when you and me went shopping yesterday before …” he blushed, “well, before the fight and everything. Anyway, they’re all here. I can’t wait to show him … make up for all the crap we put him through. I know he’s with Eddie at Steve’s place so I’m going up there right now.” “Er, I wouldn’t be too hasty,” Bob cautioned. “I just spoke to Steve and he wants Tyler to spend the day up there so he can check him out and make sure he’s really ready for what lies ahead.” Pablo bristled and his mood darkened. “What lies ahead for him is that he’s my boy, and I’ll be the one who decides where the fuck he spends his fucking day. This is bullshit. I’m gonna call the doc right now.” “Pablo, please don’t lose your …” But Pablo was gone, pulling out his cell-phone as he left. Bob heaved a deep sigh of frustration. “What am I gonna do with you two? You’re cut from the same rough cloth.” Randy, still basking in the pride of his construction achievements last night, smothered a grin as he looked at Bob. “My boy tells me you gave him a real tongue lashing yesterday. I’m waiting for mine.” Bob looked at the self-satisfied gypsy and sighed again with frustration. “Randy … I have no words left to say. It’s all been said before, over and over again. I have given you the reprimand speech so often I should record it and just hit the `play’ button next time you act up. “I mean, here you are, the great protector of boys, causing suffering to one of the most vulnerable. I just don’t get it. Did you really have to fuck Tyler when you got home from work yesterday? Why on earth did you do that?” Randy shrugged. “I was horny.” “Oh my god, you are such a child. I bet when you were a kid in school and the teacher asked, `Randy, why were you masturbating under your desk there?’ you said the same to him � `Cos I was horny, sir’.” Randy grinned. “Number one, buddy, when I was horny I had the good taste to go to the locker room to jack off. Number two, I didn’t stay in school that long anyway, I needed to earn a living. And number three, I never called my teacher `sir’. Never called anyone `sir’ … except maybe you sometimes when you fucked me and made me submit to you … sir.” At a loss for words Bob looked at him and stifled a smile, then sputtered and started to laugh. Randy joined in and soon they were both helpless with mirth and Randy wrapped his arms round his lover. “Hey, dude,” he said, “how about we fool around a bit now, eh? Christen Tyler’s bed here and you let me fuck you?” “Randy, why on earth would I do that?” “‘Cos you’re horny.” Bob stared into the smiling, seductive blue eyes and said, “Fuck you, man. Fuck you.” Then he took his clothes off. ******************************* Downstairs things were much less harmonious as Pablo talked to Doctor Steve on the phone. “Bob’s right,” Steve said patiently. “Tyler’s entry to his new world has been quite traumatic and confusing. By all accounts he worships you but he’s probably racked with doubts and self-recrimination about what happened. “So in my professional opinion it would be best for him to spend a quiet day up here where I can talk to him casually and get a sense of his feelings and his needs. He’ll be with his pal Eddie and he’ll get to know Lloyd and Tommy. While he’s here I’ll treat him as my patient.” “Your patient? That’s bullshit … he’s my boy. I don’t give a shit about no `professional opinion’ and I’m warning you, doc, I know what you get up to there, especially Lloyd and Tommy and their fuck sessions. If they try to lure my boy into getting gang fucked, I’ll damn well …” “Oh for heaven’s sake, Pablo. Do you really think that after what happened with Randy I would allow anyone near that boy’s ass? That’s insulting to me and all the guys here.” “I don’t care. The kid is my boy and I’m coming up there to reclaim him.” “Listen to yourself, Pablo. Reclaim him � like he’s a piece of lost baggage? That just shows me that you don’t have the temperament to be anyone’s master, least of all a shy, confused young man like Tyler. Now let me give you a warning. If you come up here and make a scene I’ll take out a restraining order on you and you won’t be allowed near him. Check with Mark � as a cop he knows the law. A doctor always has an obligation to protect his patient. Pablo was seething. “Fuck you, doc. Fuck you and all your fancy shrink talk. I’m Randy’s boy and we get what we want. You ain’t heard the last of this.” He hung up on Steve and paced round the garden. The twins, who saw and heard everything as usual, now came out and Kyle said, “Hey, Pablo, breakfast is getting cold. It’s all ready in the dining room. Come on, you need to eat.” Pablo was so angry he couldn’t think straight so his default position was to follow the twins into breakfast where he went to the sideboard and made a noisy show of piling his plate high with food. Already seated at table were Mark and Jamie, Adam and Nate. They had heard Pablo’s angry voice coming from the garden and now exchanged silent glances and raised eyebrows. Pablo joined them, ignoring them as he stuffed food angrily in his mouth and they tried to carry on their normal conversation. But Pablo abruptly interrupted them by looking up and saying, “So Mark, what’s this bullshit restraining thing all about? The doc said you’d know.” “A restraining order? It’s a legal way of keeping someone away from another person to stop him for harming them. I’ve often been called in to help enforce one.” “Harm them? Does that fucking shrink really think I would harm my own boy? Fucking bullshit. We’ll see about that.” He looked down at his plate and resumed stuffing food in his mouth. Mark looked at the others and shrugged in a let’s-not-get-involved gesture. The ensuing uncomfortable silence was broken by their resumed, stilted conversation until at last Bob and Randy came in, with that post-sex afterglow they all recognized. Mark shot a cautionary look at Bob and nodded toward Pablo who was still stubbornly focused on his plate. Bob knew Pablo had stormed out on him and Randy to call Steve and rightly guessed that the conversation had been belligerent. When he and Randy had got their own breakfast and sat at the table Bob said casually, “So what’s happening, Pablo?” Pablo raised angry eyes and said, “Bullshit, that’s what’s happening … fucking bullshit … the fucking shrink’s not letting me see my own boy … gonna get the law on me or something … fucking restraining bullshit.” Bob said gently, “Oh, I don’t think it would ever come to that. Look at me Pablo.” He gazed into Bob’s dark brown eyes. “Pablo, you’re angry right now, and I understand why. But if you take my advice, you’re not in the greatest of moods to reunite with Tyler right now. Let some water Erzurum Escort Bayan flow under the bridge and you’ll find the reunion will be all the better later on. I think the best thing you can do for now is just go to work. I’m sure the construction site is busy, right Randy?” Bob looked for support at Randy who said, “Damn straight. Kiddo, I gotta have that truck fixed by noon … got a lot of shit to haul. Think you can work with Ben and get it done by then?” “Course we can,” Pablo growled. “Seems I’m trusted with a 10-ton truck but not with my own boy.” He looked back at Bob. “OK, sir, I’ll do what you say. And after work I’ll check back with you before I go get my boy.” “Thank you, Pablo. It’s all gonna come out OK, you’ll see.” “Thanks, sir,” Pablo mumbled as got up and strode from the room. Adam grinned at Bob and said in his Australian drawl, “Mate, how do you do that? I mean take a guy who’s all riled up like that and end up with him eating out of your hand.” Bob grinned. “Oh, I dunno � tone of voice, the look in the eye … and no rough stuff.” He smiled over at Randy and held up his hands … “Look dad, no fists.” ********************************** Meanwhile, up in the Hollywood Hills, things were stirring in the guesthouse down the path from Steve’s house. Hassan disentangled himself form the young limbs draped round him and got out of bed. He pulled on gym shorts and running shoes and took off on his regular early morning run in the hills. Eddie brewed coffee and the two boys sat out on the porch in the early morning sun. “So,” Eddie said, “today you get to meet Doctor Steve.” “Yeah, and I’m kinda scared about that,” Tyler said. “Ah, piece of cake, don’t worry. OK, so let me fil you in on the setup here. Steve’s a real good guy, gorgeous as hell and real smart. He’s a shrink, solves guys’ problems for a living. He’s had therapy sessions with all the guys in the tribe at one time or another but his methods are not just `sit on the couch and spill your guts’. He’s real … inventive.” “Plus, he’s Randy’s brother, a year younger and looks just like him. But the similarity ends there. Steve’s the cleaned-up version � Beverly Hills professional, while Randy’s the … well, you know, the rough tough gypsy. They were separated at birth or something, like characters in some soap opera. Randy stayed on the tough streets of Texas while Steve was raised by some rich family up north in Marin County. “His lover is Lloyd and they got this fancy shmancy house just up the path here. Lloyd’s the architect for Randy’s construction company, and they’ve had their big old fights too that usually ended up with Randy fucking the shit out of him. Not that Lloyd minded. He’s a gym jock, hooked on good-looking guys, and loves to fuck. “Which brings me to Tommy, their house manager. He used to be known as the Golden Boy � totally gorgeous with the body of death. Used to be an ice skater, then a competition gymnast, which he still does. He worked as an assistant manager at a ritzy hotel down the coast, but he had a real my-shit-don’t-stink attitude. “It was Randy knocked that out of him and now he’s a great guy � loves to get it on with Lloyd who watches him do his gymnastic routine at the gym downstairs, then fucks him. Tommy’s lover is Danny, the chef at the Grady House � I’ll tell you later � but they fuck around with other guys too as we all do � but always in the tribe � remember the rule I told you about?” Eddie finally paused for breath and Tyler grinned, “Dude, that’s a lot to take in � all these new guys … a bit scary like I said.” “Ah, you’ll be fine. Hey, there’s Steve now.” Tyler looked up and saw a tall, broad-shouldered man coming down the path from the main house. He was dressed in smart slacks and loafers and a white dress shirt and tie pulled down at the loosened collar. As he approached Tyler could see that Eddie had been right � macho handsome with a warm smile. “Hi, Eddie, we meet at last,” Steve said, holding out his hand to shake Tyler’s, who gasped, “But, sir, you’re just like Randy.” Steve laughed, “You know that’s the first thing I hear out of most guys’ mouths when I meet them, if they already know my brother. But appearances can be deceptive. Except for the face and body I behave a lot differently from Randy.” “Like you’re not gonna fuck me, sir?” Tyler smiled shyly. Steve roared with laughter, “No, kiddo, I’m not gonna fuck you.” That flash of humor from Tyler on a subject that had been painful told Steve a whole lot about the boy right from the start. If he was feeling relaxed enough to be confident he could give and take as well as the next boy. No wonder he and Eddie had struck up a friendship. “Hey, can you squeeze another cup of coffee out of that pot?” “Sure, sir,” Tyler said, “I’ll go get another cup.” He scurried inside and Steve gave Eddie an approving look. Eddie smiled back proudly as if he alone were responsible for this newfound confidence in Tyler (which Eddie mostly was, in fact.) When Tyler returned and poured Steve’s coffee the doctor said, “I can’t stay long as I’m seeing a patient in a few minutes. I’ll only be an hour with him … actually,” he smiled” only fifty minutes � that’s a shrink’s definition of an hour. I just wanted to meet you first, Tyler, and tell you what I think we should do today. “Now I know you are anxious to see Pablo, and that does you credit. But after what happened yesterday I think it would be good if you spent most of today with us before you and Pablo are reunited. I told Pablo this and, predictably, he objected strongly. He said you are his boy and he wants to come and get you as soon as possible. I think his impatience indicates how much he loves you and wants you.” Tyler brightened. “You think so sir?” “Sure of it. Anyway Bob persuaded him to hold off until after he finishes work and then he’ll come. In the meantime I feel it’s important for you see how the tribe works, the kind of relationships and interactions the guys have, as they can be unusual and surprising to a newcomer. It’ll be good for you to meet the other guys here, my lover Lloyd and our house manager Tommy, and later Tommy’s lover Danny is dropping by. “Now I hate to lay this on you right away, but I understand that you have done some kitchen work with the twins at Uncle Mike’s in Palm Springs, is that right?” “Yes, sir, quite a bit. I liked it a lot.” “Good. Well, you see, Tommy is single handed in the kitchen today until Danny gets here later so,” he paused and frowned. “I hope you won’t think this impolite of me since you just got here but I’m wondering if you might help Tommy in the kitchen, for breakfast at least. Could you?” “Of course, sir,” Tyler said eagerly. “I would like that.” Of course this was a calculated part of Steve’s plan. No better way to make the kid feel at home and part of the family than putting him to work in the kitchen. “Great, good of you, Tyler. Eddie, I know you have to be here for when Hassan gets back from his run � he’s usually hot and horny after that and you have your, er, duties, so do you mind if I steal Tyler away for a while?” He winked secretly at Eddie who grinned playfully at Tyler. “Go ahead, kiddo, and don’t forget � I like my eggs like my attitude � sunny side up.” ***************************** Steve took Tyler up the path to the house, which impressed Tyler with its size and opulence and its expansive views over the Hollywood Hills and all the way to the ocean. For a moment he felt nervous and out of place until Steve took him into the kitchen and introduce him to Tommy. His first view of Tommy was from the back. He was bent over the oven and Tyler gasped at the sight of the incredible bubble butt under his tight black pants. “I know,” Steve winked at the boy. “Amazing uh? That is an ice- skater’s butt, kiddo. Tommy, stop flashing those flawless buns and let me introduce Pablo’s boy Tyler to you. He’s come to help you in the kitchen.” Tommy stood up straight, turned round and flashed a smile. Again Tyler gasped at the dazzling blond with his tousled blond hair and obviously stunning body under his tight gray T-shirt. Steve nudged Tyler and said in a stage whisper, “Gymnastics, Tyler. That’s where that perfect physique comes from.” “Tyler,” Tommy smiled, “it’s good to meet you, dude, I’ve been hearing so much about you on the grapevine. And thank goodness you’re here `cos I was in the weeds here trying to prepare breakfast for so many.” “Tommy,” Steve said, “my patient will be here any minute so can I leave Tyler in your capable hands?” He hurried out and Tommy said, “Thanks a heap for helping me out, Tyler. Here’s what we have to do first.” Tyler followed Tommy’s instructions well and they worked so comfortably together that they were able to chat while they worked. Tommy said, “Don’t worry, dude, I know all about what happened down there with you and Randy, and I can sympathize. See, when I first came in contact with the tribe Randy fucked me and … shit you might as well know … I fell in love with him. You know what I mean?” “I can believe it,” Tyler said, warming to the subject. “Pablo told me I wasn’t to let anyone near my ass except him, but when Randy wanted to fuck me I … I gave in and … and I loved it. I felt so guilty afterwards � still do.” “Ah, you shouldn’t beat yourself up over it, dude. Everyone falls in love with Randy, even though he can be a rough son-of-a-bitch sometimes. If he were to walk in now and tell me to drop my pants I would. But I’ve got a great life here with Steve and Lloyd. They’re great guys and I’m one of the family.” Tyler grinned and jumped right in. “Er, Eddie told me about you and Lloyd. Is it true that …?” “That he watches me do my gymnastics routine, then fucks my ass? Yup, it’s true, and I get off on it big time. See, as a gymnast I was always something of an exhibitionist and even now I love showing off to guys. Lloyd is a guy who loves to look at handsome guys with great bodies � that’s why he often goes to a public gym when he’s got a great one downstairs. He’s a real gym-jock and it shows. Great body.” “But Eddie says you’ve got a lover. How does he feel about that?” “Danny? Yeah we love each other a lot, even though we live in different houses … he’s the chef at the Grady House. We have great sex together, but we don’t mind if we fool around with other guys too. Most of the guys in the tribe are like that � provided it don’t stray outside the tribe, that’s a big no-no. “Course, Randy gets mad if anyone else fucks his lover Bob in the ass, and Pablo takes after him. That’s why he had a cow when Randy fucked you. “But I’m not in love with Lloyd � we’re just fuck buddies. I love showing off to him and he loves to watch and it’s only natural that watching makes him horny and he ends up fucking me.” Just then the kitchen door flew open and Lloyd came in, wearing gym shorts and tank top that showed off his well-honed muscles to perfection. A smile lit his handsome face and he said, “Hey, Tommy, I’m off to the gym but I had to stop by to meet the new guy. And that would be you, kiddo.” He ruffled Tyler’s hair. “Great to meet you, here give me a hug.” Tyler found himself swept into Lloyd’s strong arms and pressed against his muscular body. When they separated Lloyd looked down at the unmistakable bulge in Tyler’s shorts. He chuckled, “That’s what we like to see, kiddo. But word on the block is it’s strictly look don’t touch with you. Don’t wanna stir things up with Pablo like Randy did.” Tyler blushed. “But the same don’t apply to you, Tommy,” Lloyd grinned. “You are definitely look and touch. You, er, gonna be working out downstairs later, stud?” “As always,” Tommy smiled sexily. “Good. I’ll see you there, big guy. Good to meet you, Tyler. Welcome to the whorehouse.” With that he was gone. “See what I mean, Tyler?” Tommy said “There’s no stopping Lloyd. He’ll spend an hour at the gym, showing off his body and ogling other guys, then he’ll come home horny and hot to trot and get all stoked watching me. Then he’ll move in for the kill. Danny’s coming up later `cos he likes to see the show. I hope Steve lets you watch too � it’d be an education.” ******************************** Tommy and Tyler worked well together and breakfast was soon on the table out by the pool. Steve had finished the session with his patient and came out dressed more casually in cargo shorts and a white V-neck T-shirt. It emphasized his muscular chest better than the formal shirt had and also had the effect of enlarging the bulge in Tyler’s shorts. They were soon joined by Hassan and Eddie. When Hassan had come back from his run Eddie had naturally knelt before him and sucked his sweaty cock to a noisy climax before they both hit the shower. When the food was all served Tyler and Tommy took their places, and Steve had Tyler sit next to him. During the meal Steve chatted amiably with Tyler in what seemed to the boy to be casual conversation. But in fact Steve was skillfully putting him completely at ease and, in answering Steve’s questions, Tyler gave him many unguarded insights into his previous solitary life and his aspirations now, which all centered, not unexpectedly, on his role as Pablo’s boy. Steve quickly deduced that under the boys shy exterior there was a bright, quick-witted youngster struggling to emerge. But the doc had learned all he needed for now, rather like the first session with a new patient, and he judged that it was time to move to the next phase � exposing Tyler to the rather unorthodox currents of emotion and sexuality that flowed throughout the tribe. Steve wanted the boy to become confident not only in himself, but also in navigating those currents smoothly in the future. As the meal wound down Hassan excused himself as he had to go to work on the local Marine base. He hugged Eddie and Escort Erzurum said, “Back about 5 or 6, kiddo. You know how I am after a day with those young soldiers, so I’m gonna be needing you. You gonna be there waiting for me?” “Sir, yes sir,” Eddie said with a smart salute and an impish smile. As Hassan left, Lloyd returned from his gym workout and grabbed a bite to eat. Steve noticed the salacious smiles between Lloyd and Tommy and took that as his cue. “Er, seems to me Tommy is probably eager to get to his usual morning workout in the gym downstairs, so Eddie and Tyler I wonder if you two would mind clearing the table and loading the dishwasher. “Actually,” Steve grinned, “Tommy’s gymnastic routine is something to watch � just ask Lloyd. So as a special treat, Tyler, why don’t I take you down there with Eddie and we’ll get ringside seats. Tommy’s lover Danny is on his way over here so Tommy will have quite an audience. You don’t mind that, do you Tommy?” Steve asked unnecessarily with a knowing smile. “Not at all, sir. I miss the reactions of an audience at competitions.” “Yeah,” Eddie whispered in Tyler’s ear as they cleared the dishes, “but I bet those audiences never reacted like this one will. Come on, dude, let’s get this done fast. You don’t wanna miss this show.” ****************************** When they went downstairs to the large gym in the basement Tommy was already warming up with an elaborate series of stretches. Tyler stood in the doorway and his jaw dropped in amazement. In his previous solitary life Tyler had loved watching gymnastic competitions on TV, especially the Olympics, as all the young athletes were uniformly gorgeous with spectacular bodies. He always jerked off watching them, but he had never seen one live, and certainly not one like the man he was looking at now. Tommy was wearing his gymnast’s leotard, with singlet straps over his shoulders and legs that ended at his muscled thighs. The thin spandex fabric clung to his body like a second skin, with every contour of his muscular physique etched underneath. With his blond hair and chiseled features he looked simply stunning. There were several canvas chairs around the room and Steve and Lloyd were already seated. Steve waved the boys over to him and made sure that Tyler sat next to him. He leaned close and said quietly, “Just so you know, Tyler, I just spoke to Pablo on the phone and told him what we were doing. In the past Pablo has cum watching Tommy and he told me it’s OK if you want to cum too. He has forbidden anyone to have sex with you, but he said, `creaming his shorts is fine, as many times as he likes’.” “And you will like, dude, believe me,” Eddie said, sitting on his other side and overhearing Steve’s comment. “Now I’m gonna shut up and watch.” Hearing the unusual promise that Eddie was going to shut up, Tyler shared a secret smile with Steve. Just then a new guy slid quietly into the room, stood behind Tyler and squeezed his shoulders. “Hey, Tyler, I’m Danny, Tommy’s lover. Welcome to the tribe. We’ll talk after the show.” He took his seat next to Lloyd. Tommy began his routine on the gymnastic rings, pulling himself up, then stretching his arms out straight to the sides and holding the pose in a test of strength. His muscles flexed hard, his veins bulged and there was a look of clench-jawed concentration on his face. Tyler’s cock instantly became rock hard but he resisted touching it, knowing that he would spill his load. The rest of the routine was spectacular, with mat exercises, a display on the vaulting horse, the parallel bars. Tommy’s body seemed to get more gorgeous as the routine went on, pumping his muscles to the max, a thin sheen of sweat covering them and streaking his leotard, his blond hair flying over his face. Tyler was so turned on that he instinctively touched the bulge at his crotch, inhaled sharply … and creamed his shorts. Sitting next to him Eddie nudge him and whispered, “You too, eh, dude? I’ve cum twice. Looking at that hunk what else can a guy do?” Tommy’s routine went on for twenty minutes and ended that way he had begun, hanging onto the rings, pulling himself up effortlessly, holding the pose, then flipping over twice before coming down to a perfect landing, arms raised in a triumphant V. There was a burst of applause and cheers and Tommy beamed at the acclaim, which he richly deserved. While he cheered along with the others Tyler looked over at Lloyd and Danny who were smiling and whispering conspiratorially. Lloyd got up and faced the group. “Gentlemen, on behalf of us all I want to thank this gorgeous young athlete for turning us all on like that. But it’s given me one big problem. It’s this …” He pulled down his gym shorts and his cock sprang out as long and proud as a flagpole. “You always do this to me Tommy, and there’s always only one remedy. He stepped out of his shorts and, buck naked except for his sneakers and gym tank-top, walked over to Tommy and stared into his eyes. “You know what’s coming, stud, don’t you?” “Yes, sir,” Tommy said, his athlete’s pride now dissolving onto lust. Lloyd reached forward and pushed the straps of the singlet down off the gymnast’s shoulders. Tommy reached up to the rings hanging from ropes above him and grabbed them, his body stretched upward, his leotard hanging down, clinging to his slim waist and exposing his ripped eight-pack abs. Lloyd pulled off his own tank and seductively teased Tommy, the handsome gym-jock flexing his muscles before the salivating gymnast. He stroked the mounds of Tommy’s pecs, his abs and then reached round and cupped the cheeks of his ass. “Gentleman,” Lloyd declaimed, “I think we can all agree that this is one spectacular piece of ass, the result of all those athletic years as an ice skater. I call them the `buns of death’ and every time Tommy passes by me in those tight black pants of his I get a major boner. And now, with Danny’s approval, I get to do what I always lust after doing.” Tyler looked anxiously across at Danny and was surprised to see a broad smile on his face. Steve said quietly, “See, kid, Danny loves Tommy and wants him to have fun. He knows Tommy loves this public display and he loves to watch it. Don’t worry, later today the two of them will be fucking like jack rabbits.” Reassured, Tyler focused back on Lloyd who had sunk to his knees behind Tommy, who was still stretched up grasping the rings. The gym was lined with mirrors so everyone in the room had a view of every side of the action. Lloyd pressed his face against the spandex stretched over the ass, then licked the streak of sweat on the fabric between the cheeks. He lightly bit the solid ass before curling his fingers over the top of the leotard and jerking it down inch by inch, slowly exposing the perfect white globes that contrasted with the jock’s golden tan. When the ass was fully exposed Lloyd buried is face between the cheeks, licking the ass he was soon to penetrate.” He changed position, walking round on his knees to the front and gazing at Tommy’s stiff dick. By now the leotard had fallen to the floor and Lloyd stared up at the naked gymnast still holding the rings above him. “Man, you are so fucking beautiful it’s gonna be a privilege to fuck that perfect jock ass. But first I’m gonna prime your dick.” He lowered his mouth over it and pumped it hungrily, letting it slide down his throat and feasting on the pungent taste of pre-cum. He brought Tommy to the edge of his climax, then suddenly pulled away and stood up. “I’d love to drink you, Tommy but I’ll leave that to another guy. I have another goal in mind � that gorgeous fucking ass,” he yelled. He reached over for one of the jars of lube kept in the gym and spread the grease over his cock, stroking it slowly as he stared at the blond gymnast. “You want this, stud, don’t you? You want it bad. Let me hear it, man” “Oh yeah. I want your cock in my ass, sir. Please, I need to get fucked up the ass. Please, sir … fuck me … fuck me.” Tyler was riveted. He had seen this proud athlete displaying his magnificent body in a show of homoerotic masculinity, and now here was the same blond jock, his naked body stretched like it was being tortured on a rack, begging to get fucked up the ass. Tyler couldn’t believe it, could not have imagined it in his wildest imagination. It was overwhelming, it was … aaah. He sighed deeply as he pumped another load of jizz in his shorts. By now Lloyd was behind Tommy, hands gripping his narrow hips, his cock pressed between his ass cheeks. “Here it comes, big guy,” Lloyd said in his ear. “What you’ve wanted all along.” With one thrust he drove his cock deep in his ass, the handsome jock screamed and his body trashed from side to side as he clung to the rings above him. It was as if the young gymnast was getting butt-fucked in the middle of his routine. Tyler had watched his muscles ripple and flex as he hung from the rings before, but now he was getting fucked in the ass too. As Lloyd pounded ass Tommy tried to pull himself upward, off the long shaft penetrating him. He raised his feet off the floor and hung naked from the ropes, his legs thrashing in midair as the pile driver slammed in his ass. The action became intensely homoerotic as the body of the naked young athlete hung writhing from the ropes while the merciless rod speared his ass. The spectators stroked their dicks, mesmerized by the spectacle, when suddenly Danny stood up, walked toward Tommy and kissed him hard on the mouth. “Dude, you look so beautiful like that. I love watching you, your naked body stretched, getting your ass reamed, loving it. I want to make you cum, buddy.” Danny dropped to his knees, licked the silky pre-cum from the end of his lover’s cock, then swallowed the whole shaft and clamped his throat muscles round it. Tommy howled in ecstasy and Lloyd yelled, “Yeah, Danny, work on the jock’s dick while I pound his ass. Let’s do it man, let’s work on the fucking gymnast and make him spill his load. Shit, that ass feels incredible, so fucking hot … it’s gonna make me cum, man, bust my fucking load in the jock’s ass. You ready to drink his jizz, Danny? Come on man … let’s go for it.” By now Tyler and Eddie had discarded all modesty, pulled their dicks out and pumped them hard as they watched the spectacular sight of the naked blond gymnast, hanging from the ropes, his muscular body writhing as he got fucked and sucked at the same time. The young athlete was being driven wild, yelling, “Yeah, fuck me, sir … fuck my ass … make me cum … make me shoot my jizz in my lover’s mouth. Aaah … fuck … yeah … fuck … aaagh!” Tommy felt Lloyd’s cock explode in his ass, blasting hot semen deep in his gut, and Danny swallowed hard, gulping down his lover’s juice that poured down his throat. Shouts rang out from Eddie and Tyler, so dazzled by the spectacle of the naked gymnast with a cock in his ass that they spurted twin sprays of juice in the air, their third and final orgasm, courtesy of Tommy, the gymnast with the buns of death. ********************************** Back up by the pool they all recovered their breath and relaxed over drinks and sandwiches eagerly prepared by Eddie and Tyler. Steve gave a satisfied smile as he watched Tyler, now buoyant and confident, well integrated in the group. Steve knew that the show downstairs had been good for him as he had shed his inhibitions and joined in the fun with gusto. It had been a revelation to the boy that a couple like Tommy and Danny could give each other the freedom to indulge their sexual pleasures and become closer than ever, confident that their love would only be strengthened by brief adventures with others. The upshot was that Steve considered Tyler much more grounded than before and ready for his reunion with his young master Pablo. “He’ll be coming up here straight from work on the construction site,” Steve said, then grinned, “and if he’s anything like his dad Randy he won’t bother to shower or change. You’ll have to take him as he comes, all sweaty and greasy.” “Sounds hot, but I’m real nervous, sir. I mean the last words he said to me was accusing me of disobeying him by giving my ass to Randy. You think he’s really forgiven me?” “Tyler,” Steve said with a kindly smile, “I suspect Pablo is wondering the same thing � whether you have forgiven him for what he said. After everything that’s happened you’ll be a bit shy with each other at first. I mean, there’s a lot riding on this first meeting. Things will be touch and go between you at first, a bit uncomfortable, but I’ve learned a lot about you today, kid, and I’m betting that things are gonna work out fine.” Tyler spent a relaxing afternoon with the guys, but deep down he was anxious about that first reunion. The tension increased as the time drew near, and Tyler was splashing around in the pool with Eddie, both naked, when Danny shouted, “Hey Tyler he’s here. Pablo’s here.” Tyler had a moment of panic as he pulled himself up out of the pool and stood butt naked and soaking wet, water streaming down his freckled face. And there stood the handsome mechanic, shirtless in jeans and boots, his face and body still streaked with oil and grease from his work. They stood facing each other in silence, not sure how to begin. Then Pablo said, “Hey, kid. You ready to come home?” ********************************* TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength” � Chapter 385 Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter got you off, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at rw6789@aol. ALSO, I invite you to visit my Web-site gth. You can read the whole story, all the many chapters, with extras, including pictures and biographies of all the characters. Click on the `Our Story’ tab to read the current chapter, or click on the green button to browse all the chapter synopses. Enjoy AND DON’T FORGET � if you enjoy these stories PLEASE DONATE to this site. Nifty needs your donations to provide these thousands of wonderful stories. So please go to fty/donate.html and give what you can. The other authors and I thank you. … Rob

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Subject: Cadence – Chapter 6 This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any real people or places is purely coincidental. This story is the property of the author and is protected under copyright laws. The author retains all rights. No reproduction is allowed without the author’s consent. Conversations and feedback are appreciated to Greyson B. via email ail. The emails I have received thus far are greatly appreciated. If you enjoy this story, please support the Nifty archives today with a thoughtful donation by visiting fty/. This story will contain graphic depictions of sex between males of teen and adult ages (M/m, m/m). If this is an issue for you or the laws where you live, you are obviously in the wrong place. Also, this is a story with plot, not merely wank material. You have been warned. I have begun posting a new story in the Gay / high school section, called A Ghost Finds a Body. Feel free to check it out. Cadence Part 6 A few days later Cade was having their weekly group “therapy” meeting with a few other foster kids, the only time he got to see Jordan. When Cade asked him how things were at the place he was staying, Jordan was kind of quiet, like he was avoiding answering. It made Cade take him aside out in the hallway and make him answer. Jordan had already shared a few details that Cade didn’t like, like that the dad there drank beer all the time. Plus Jordan had been late to school twice because they couldn’t seem to get their shit together most mornings. “What is it?” Cade pressed once he got them alone. “Nothing,” Jordan tried to evade. “Bullshit,” Cade countered. “What’s wrong?” “It’s embarrassing.” “It can’t be too embarrassing.” Jordan nodded, basically trying to say that it could be. “Did something happen? Did you do something? Or did someone try to do something to you?” “Yeah,” Jordan answered quietly. “That one.” “Who was it?” Jordan paused, then said, “Sarah.” “Sarah?” “Yeah, the girl that lives there. They keep making me call her my sister. Just like they keep making me call them Mom and Dad. It sucks.” “So what did she do?” “She. Umm…” He stalled, clearly not wanting to say. After a moment, Cade said, “I need to know. I know it’s not your fault. I’ll believe you when you tell me.” Cade cupped his brother’s chin and made Jordan look at him, then said, “Whatever it is.” Jordan thought about it for only a moment, before he blushed and said, ” She keeps teasing me.” “How do you mean?” “Like, saying I should let her give Erzincan Escort me a bath, like every time she sees I am going in to take a shower. I always lock the door and move the foot stool over in front of it.” Cade was getting a little pissed off, but kept it to himself for now. What the fuck was up with these damned kids in foster families? Were they all fucking perverts and bullies? And the adult in their meeting they just got out of had basically just told them they needed to keep their heads down and be grateful that there were families willing to take them in. She didn’t use those exact words, but reading between the lines you could see the point she was trying to make. “Anything else happen?” Jordan nodded, but didn’t answer. He tried to look away, and Cade let him pull away from his hand. “Jordan, what happened?” Cade was starting to get really pissed, and knew it came out harsher than he meant it. ” I had to put a band-aid on on my willy.” “Huh?” ” She grabbed me through my pants and the cloth scratched me up.” “The fuck?” Cade exclaimed. “What do you mean she grabbed you?” ” She said she wanted to see it! I had to hit her to make her stop, but I bled a little and it stung like hell.” “Fuck. How old is she?” “Thirteen. I got in trouble for hitting her. They didn’t care that she hurt me first.” Damn it. Cade knew he couldn’t live like this. He and Jordan both couldn’t live like this. “I’ll take care of it,” Cade said. The idea of a dating site and Duncan came from a throw away joke made by one of the other foster kids a week or so later, but Cade made it happen. Kevin got a little over three months with Cade, teaching him way more than he wanted to know about sex. But Cade would have taken years with him to make sure nothing happened to Jordan. So that’s kind of what he did. Duncan finally showed up at the house, but it was more than an hour later, after the brothers had finished eating, cleaned up, and were back in front of the TV. Cade gave him a real stink eye, even though Duncan had a sack of McDonald’s in his hand. Jordan excitedly thanked him and grabbed some fries and a burger out of the bag and attacked them, right there on the couch. Cade had Jordan take the food to the table before he made a mess. Once Jordan was out of the room, Duncan apologized and said he had been held up at work. He told Cade to keep the cash from the day before, and that he would take care of getting some groceries for the house while Cade Erzincan Escort Bayan and Jordan were in school. Cade was frustrated, but there wasn’t much he could really do. Duncan and Jordan caught up and goofed around while eating. Cade wasn’t hungry, but ate a bit anyway. Finally Jordan was sent up to get ready for bed, and as soon as he was out of the room, Duncan playfully grabbed Cade’s arm and pulled him into a hug. Cade played along, even though he really wasn’t in the mood. Damn it, Cade wanted to stay mad. Why did his body have to betray him, making Cade hard as Duncan forced his knee between the boy’s legs and squeezed his ass? Damn these hormones. Once they heard Jordan finish his shower, they headed upstairs. While Duncan went in to see Jordan to bed, Cade used the bathroom quickly and went on into the master bedroom. Even though he was a little horny, Cade wasn’t in a playful mood, so he just stripped down, flipped off the lights, and climbed naked under the covers. Cade was annoyed, so he would give Duncan his sex and get off, but decide he wasn’t going to bother playing sexy. Cade laid there about fifteen minutes or so before Duncan opened the door and came in. When he saw Cade was already in bed, Duncan came in without talking. Cade heard the rustling of Duncan’s clothes as he got undressed, then the air of the room rushed across his body as Duncan pulled the blankets down to join him. The bed jostled in the dark as Duncan climbed in. Once he was under the sheets, Duncan reached out, and finding Cade with his hands, pulled the small teen to him into an embrace. They kissed as Duncan’s hands explored Cade’s slender body, and the teen found himself getting hot and bothered despite his mood. As his hands slid over Cade’s ass and lower back, and his lips caressed the boy’s neck, Duncan mumbled, “I’m really sorry about tonight. I got caught up and there was nothing I could do.” Before he had a chance to answer, Cade moaned against his will as Duncan’s large hand wrapped around Cade’s upper thigh, his fingers digging in just inches from the boy’s hairless scrotum, Cade’s hard cock oozing precum and sliding against Duncan’s taut stomach. The man’s own cock was firm as well, grinding against Cade’s other thigh. They lay there making out for several minutes before Duncan told him to turn around for a sixty-nine. Duncan held up the covers and helped Cade climb on top of him as he rolled over onto his back, and Cade felt the open Escort Erzincan air of the room on his bare ass and legs, even as his torso and head were buried deep in the warmth of the bed, against Duncan’s body. Cade explored around until he found his cock with his fingers, and felt Duncan spread his legs as the teen lined up his head and slipped the man’s engorged member down his throat. The weight of the covers encouraged the boy to not pull away from him. Cade felt Duncan’s tongue and lips making a meal of his inner thigh, and expected to feel Duncan go for his leaking cock, but he pulled the teen’s legs wide, slipped his arms up where Cade was straddling Duncan’s chest instead of his head. Duncan then pulled his cheeks apart roughly and dove his tongue straight into Cade’s asshole. The boy gasped at the crossed feelings of the amazing rimming and the aggravating beard burn to his sensitive hole. Cade did his best to concentrate on sucking Duncan as the man ate him out, but a couple of times Duncan came up for air, smacked the boy’s ass with his open hand, and whispered for him to get back to work. At least with Cade on top, he could control the angle he swallowed him at, and how often he deepthroated him. It tickled a bit but felt really good, and Cade started squirming a little, as Duncan actually started tongue-fucking the teen, actually penetrating him and opening him up good. Cade was really getting into everything, his body on a sex-crazed high, when he felt Duncan shift to the side and heard a soft “snap” of the lid of a certain plastic bottle being opened, which brought Cade back down to reality. He took his mouth off Duncan’s cock and laid the side of his face against Duncan’s hip bone, his breath coming out ragged across the man’s soaked organ, as Cade felt Duncan’s fingers begin to spread the chilly lube onto the flesh around his hole. Cade held his breath as two fingers pressed into his hole, his opening tensing, relaxing, and then tensing again as those fingers worked in and out. He released his breath in an explosive gasp as Duncan scissored his fingers inside the teen, before he felt Duncan’s other hand on his back, pushing his shoulders down, not quite able to reach his head. Cade took the hint and slid his mouth back over the length that he already dreaded having inside his other end. In times past, Cade had tried alternatives in this situation, such as working hard to make Duncan climax during oral warm-up, in the hopes that he would lose initiative. But too often Duncan would just come back for a second orgasm after 15-20 minutes, and that would last even longer. Duncan would just put even more effort into fucking Cade, and would just be rougher. So now Cade didn’t even try. He just accepted it as inevitable, and let it happen.

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Subject: “A Trial Of Strength” – Part 458 by Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH � PART 458 By Rob Williams Chapter 458 � “A STRESSED OUT-COP LASHES OUT” IN THIS CHAPTER The handsome police officer Mark is stressed with cop burnout, and gets angry even with his own boy Jamie. He irrationally vents his rage on the boss’s boy Pablo and forces Jamie to join in a savage spit roast of the young mechanic. Mark seeks therapy from Doctor Steve whose unusual treatment methods involve the erotic spectacle of the two athletic jocks Jamie and Tommy making love. ___________________________________________________________________ *********** IN THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER *********** Pablo was not only Boss Randy’s adopted son, he was the construction company’s chief mechanic. He was also in the doghouse right now and working his way out of it, on what could be called a retribution tour. Pablo got in deep trouble when he discovered his boy Tyler fucking with the tribe’s good friend Mario, the lover of Grady, the heartthrob star of the hot Tarzan movie franchise. In itself this act of love was not against tribe rules but Pablo didn’t see it that way and he had ploughed into Mario’s ass in what could only be called rape. In denial at first, Pablo had since acknowledged his guilt and had already been seriously punished by the tribe’s old friend Mike (known as Uncle Mike) and his boy Larry in Larry’s Palm Springs workshop. Pablo and Tyler then returned to Los Angeles to face the rest of the tribe. On the advice of the tribe’s co-leader (and boss Randy’s lover) they went first to the Grady House for Pablo to make amends to the men he had injured most � Mario and Grady. Peace-loving Mario had invited them to `afternoon tea’ where he had used his European charm and wiles to, in effect, turn back time and allow them play out the incident with a different ending � with all four of them making love. “You see, Pablo,” Mario said, “the first version of the story was ugly but we have created a new version that’s beautiful.” When it was over and peace fully restored Pablo and Tyler lingered a little longer at the Grady House, relishing the heady sense of relief that reconciliation with friends brought with it. Mario invited them to stay for dinner but Pablo said, “We’d love to Mario but we have to get back to the tribe so I can make my peace there.” “Amico, I have a feeling that will not be so hard. I have been speaking to Bob by telephone and he wants the whole story to be closed and locked away in the annals of the tribe. I will call him again as soon as you leave and tell him about our … er … our little tea party. I feel sure that will clear the way for you.” “As for Randy,” Grady said, “your dad can’t stay mad at you for long, Pablo. And tell him I’ll be there bright and early tomorrow to pick up our gym workouts where they left off. I’ve missed those session with the big gypsy … especially the reward I get at the end,” he grinned. “So there you are, amico,” Mario said, then added quietly, “But I would look out for Mark. His boy Jamie has been helping us with our accounts and from what he told me I think there’s some tension there. The handsome cop is in love with Bob, of course, and hated to see him troubled � by what you did. He is a cop after all. Mark and Jamie have been content to stay quietly in the background lately but my intuition tells me they may play a more prominent role after this. “But, there, what do I know?” Mario laughed. “I am just a simple paesano italiano. I am sure you and your handsome Tyler will be embraced with open arms when you get home. So Grady and I wish you both buona fortuna, amici!” ********************* CHAPTER 458 ********************* WELCOME HOME Mario’s prediction of a friendly welcome turned out to be true � well, almost. When they arrived at the tribe’s compound Pablo and Tyler went straight upstairs to what was known as the second-floor family, consisting of three couples � themselves; Zack and his boy Darius; and Miguel and Finn. They had all heard of Pablo’s punishment in the desert and his reconciliation at the Grady house � and that was good enough for them. Zack, the leader of the group, made it official by shaking Pablo’s hand warmly. “You made a mistake, dude, and you’ve paid for it � and that ends the matter as far as I’m concerned. Just try to steer clear of trouble in the future. And you should probably go and make peace with your dad Randy and especially with Bob. That guy has worked real hard to keep the tribe from falling apart over this so you owe a lot to him.” “I know that, sir, and I planned on that being my next stop.” He glanced over at Tyler who was in an animated conversation with his buddy Finn. He grinned, “I guess those two are in for a long- haul gossip so I’ll leave him here and go across to Bob and Randy’s right now.” As Pablo approached Randy and Bob’s house across the garden he was uncharacteristically nervous. He worshipped the rugged gypsy Randy who had adopted him as his son years ago. And he had huge respecter for the other tribe leader Bob, who was in turn worshipped by Randy. It was widely accepted that Randy was the brawn and Bob the brain. Fortunately Pablo found the two together in their bedroom and it was obvious they had just made love � a frequent occurrence for them that always left them in a good mood. Randy was especially jovial and chuckled, “You missed your cue, kid. Couple a’ minutes earlier and you could have joined in.” The sight of the near-naked men on the bed gave Pablo a hard-on as always, and Randy jumped off the bed in just his boxers and hugged his boy. “So, you survived Uncle Mike and Larry, and Tarzan and his mate. You’ve been through the wringer, kid.” “Yes, sir, and I’ve come to apologize to Bob too for putting him through the ringer keeping everyone calm after I upset the boat. Sir, I apologize for causing so much trouble and I hope you can forgive me.” Bob smiled. “Well, Pablo, if your dad here forgives you I should follow his example. You know how much I dislike turmoil in the tribe so I would just as soon lock this incident away in the archives. Mario phoned me a while ago and told me about what he called your `tea party.’ Not exactly a traditionally genteel tea party but as usual Mario had by far the best remedy. “I loved the way he turned back time and allowed you all to change the ending of the story from hostility to love. He must have been recalling the famous quote by C. S. Lewis � `You can’t go back and change the beginning. But you can start where you are and change the ending’.” “Louis?” Randy said suspiciously. “You know this guy? Has he …?” “C. S. Lewis, Randy. No, I don’t know him personally and no he hasn’t fucked me. That would have been a tad difficult as he died over fifty years ago. He was an Irish author, famous for his quotes. Google him.” “Fuck you, man, you think you’re so smart. But I’ll take your word for it. Don’t have time to mess with dead writers. I got my work cut keeping an eye on my construction crew. We got a few Irishmen � they’re the hardest workers and the most trouble. Real tough fighters.” “Anyway gentlemen, we digress,” Bob chuckled. “So you’re in the clear with us, Pablo. Can we help you with anything else?” Pablo frowned. “Well, sir, do you have any idea how the other guys are gonna react? It would help for me to know in advance.” “Forewarned is forearmed, eh?” Bob grinned. “Yeah, I get that. I would say most of the guys just wanna forget about the whole thing. They’ll mostly take their cue from Randy.” Bob frowned and shifted uncomfortably. “There is … er, there is one guy who might not be so forgiving, our buddy Mark. Tell you the truth, Mark has been going through what a lot of cops experience from time to time � burnout. Theirs is a stressful job and they have to cope with all kinds of unsavory characters in the underbelly of society, which can leave them full of rage. “Mark is going through a spell of that now � he’ll probably go to Doc Steve for help. Steve gives anger-management therapy to cops and in fact that’s how Steve became aware of the tribe when Mark started seeing him years ago. That was before we knew Steve was Randy’s brother. “Anyway, when he heard about your attack on Mario Mark kinda hit the roof … reacted like a cop … said you should be charged with felony assault. Also, he’s real protective of me and hated the worry it caused me. And my guess is he still has some hostility about the whole thing. “Uh-oh. How do you think I should handle it, sir?” Bob reflected for a moment. “I would go and chat to Mark’s boy Jamie � you and he get along well. He’s a good level-headed guy and he’s coped with Mark’s anger problems before. He might be able to smooth the way for you with Mark. I saw Jamie leave the office a few minutes ago so he’s probably in their apartment waiting for Mark to come home off his shift.” “Thank you, sir. In fact, thanks to both of you for letting me off so lightly. I don’t deserve it `cos I know I behaved like an animal. I promise to try and keep my anger in check in future � in fact I’ll prob’ly check in with Doc Steve myself.” “Great move, kid,” Randy said. “My brother Steve has helped me keep a lid on my rage before now. `Course, I don’t need it so much these days � Bob has mellowed me out. Hell, I didn’t even go and beat up this guy Louis, did I?” Bob smiled. “There again, him being dead might have had something to do with that.” ********************************** POLICE BRUTALITY Pablo felt a mix of relief that Bob and Randy had been so forgiving, and apprehension that Mark might not be. When he knocked at the door of their ground-floor apartment he was buoyed by Jamie’s cheerful “come in � I’m in the bedroom”. “Jeez, gorgeous as always dude,” Pablo grinned as he went into the bedroom and saw Jamie in just an old pair of board shorts. Good to see you’re keeping alive that California image of the super-stud surfer, eh?” “You don’t look too shabby yourself, buddy,” Jamie said, eyeing the muscular Pablo, “especially after all the punishment you’ve taken in the last few days. Yeah, we know all about it … went up on the grapevine almost as soon as it happened.” “Yeah, Tyler and me just got back home and I gotta say my guys, and Randy and Bob, have gone real easy on me. But … I guess Mark might be a bit different, right?” Jamie winced. “Er yeah, Bob told you uh? He’s in one of his moods right now, really burned out from work � hasn’t had a break in a long time. I keep suggesting that we go away somewhere but he’s even a bit hostile to me. He goes through phases like this but this time it seems worse than usual.” “Bummer, dude. Tough on you too.” “Tell you the truth, buddy, the last couple weeks have been rough. I mean, he still loves me’ I know that, but his black mood has stifled that. Sorry to unload on you, bro, but I’m glad to have someone to talk to. I’ve tried to keep it between Mark and me but … Look, perhaps you shouldn’t stay, though, `cos honestly I can’t predict how Mark will react.” “Nah Jamie, I’ll stick around. After getting beat up and fucked by Larry and hosed down by Uncle Mike, how much worse could this be?” “Hear that? Seems like you don’t have a choice, dude, `cos that was Mark’s truck pulling up. I get to judge how angry he is by the force of the door slam.” “And that one was a doozy,” Pablo grinned as the crashing sound reverberated from the gate. “Yep. Brace yourself, dude.” Seconds later the bedroom door flew open and there stood Mark in full cop uniform � black shirt with a triangle of white T-shirt at the neck, black serge pants with a silver stripe down the sides, cinched at his slim waist by a heavy black belt and tucked into high shiny motorcycle boots. His handsome chiseled features were clenched, his blue eyes cold with anger. His gaze fell on Pablo in black jeans, muscles bulging under a tight gray T-shirt. “Ah, so you’re back,” he said coldly. “Couldn’t take the heat you got from Mike and his boy, come crawling back here.” “Sir, I …” Jamie began but Mark silenced him with a look. “If I’d seen you raping Mario I’d have arrested you on the spot for aggravated assault, boy. Felony like that carries serious jail time. If you were my boy I’d …” “Well fortunately you’re not, sir � that would be Randy.” “Don’t give me any lip, boy.” “Just saying, sir. Randy’s my dad and he’s the boss.” “And that gives you the right to fuck whoever you want, like a slave master? Have you been fucking my boy?” “No I haven’t fucked with Jamie, and even if I did it wouldn’t be a crime.” “Dammit, boy, you are one arrogant son of a bitch. Randy let you off too light, and Bob is too good a man to Diyarbakır Escort deal with a punk like you.” Pablo was losing it and his anger welled up. “Well, they don’t go in for police brutality if that’s what you mean, officer.” Jamie winced. Pablo was touching all the wrong buttons and that last dig was exactly the wrong thing to say. Jamie glared at him, willing him to apologize, knowing what Mark’s reaction would be. “Fuck you, boy, that does it.” The cop yanked a pair of cufflinks from his belt and expertly cuffed Pablo’s wrists behind his back. Pablo’s anger was cresting and his instinct was to fight back but Mark had been too quick for him. He knew his only option now was roll with the punches and let Mark take out his anger on him. The cop forced the mechanic to his knees on the floor and pushed him forward over the edge of the bed, hands helplessly cuffed behind him. Mark knelt behind him and pulled his jeans down below his ass. Staring down at the firm white globes he sneered, “So that’s the famous ass Randy’s always boasting about. Let’s see if it can take the same punishment you dished out to Mario � a rape for a rape.” He unzipped his uniform pants and yanked out his cock. “Aaaagh!” Pablo’s screams filled the room as the cop drove his huge dry cock deep in his ass. He buried his face in the bed and braced himself for the cop’s attack on his ass. As it ramped up to full bore one thing saved him � he had been fucked by Randy many times and had come to prefer the savage, animal fuck the rough gypsy specialized in. If he could take Randy’s caveman cock, he thought, he could sure take this one � and even enjoy it. He relaxed his ass as much as he could and gradually the pain subsided when he raised his head and saw in the nearby mirror the homoerotic spectacle of the handsome cop pounding ass, his biceps flexing under his black, short-sleeved uniform shirt, his blond hair falling over his fierce square-jawed face. Pablo’s cock got rock hard as he saw the cop undoing the buttons of his black shirt as he fucked, revealing the contours of his pecs bulging under his white T-shirt. “This is what you need, boy,” Mark snarled, “a dose of police brutality as payback for the brutality of the rape you committed.” He pulled the shirt from the waistband of his pants, shrugged it off and tossed it aside. Pablo gasped at the sight of the raging cop stripped down to his T-shirt with sweat patches under his arms and down the cleft of his pecs. By now Pablo not only tolerated the fuck but welcomed it � it was as if Mark represented the whole tribe in this act of retribution. If he could endure this he could emerge from the cloud of shame that had hung over him. Pablo also knew that this wasn’t only about him. Mark was using him to vent the rage that his job stress had built up inside him. Pablo was a handy target. As the fuck intensified Pablo felt the same exhilaration he felt when Randy fucked him, the power of a rugged alpha male penetrating his ass. But that effect was not shared by the other man in the room � Jamie. For over a week now he had lived with a changed man and recognized the signs of tension and anger in Mark that seized him periodically as it did most cops. Jamie idolized Mark and saw it as his duty to support him through these times, even though Mark’s irrational anger was often directed at him. But he saw no reason why Mark’s rage should be directed at Pablo and he winced when he saw the ferocious way he was hammering his buddie’s ass. But he didn’t dare to interfere or even voice his concern. All he could do was watch helplessly and hope to help Pablo at some point. But Jamie’s angst only sharpened when Mark ordered him to do the opposite of that. Mark’s T-shirt was now wet with sweat and he yanked it off and pressed it on Pablo’s face. He gagged at the rancid smell and was forced to swallow the sweat oozing from the shirt. “You like that, stud? That’s a cop’s sweat you’re drinking But that ain’t all you’re gonna drink, boy. Jamie, get your ass over here and kneel on the bed in front of him � now!” “Sir, I’d rather … I don’t think I …” “I said now, boy!” Mark bellowed. “You’ll fucking do what I tell you.” “Yes, sir,” Jamie said meekly, knowing that a refusal would only make it worse for Pablo. So he dropped his shorts and got on his knees on the bed. The sight of the shirtless muscle-cop fucking always made him hard, but this time was different. He almost didn’t recognize Mark, his usually gentle demeanor now twisted with anger, and Jamie was anguished by what he was doing to Pablo. Mark reached down, grabbed the neck of Pablo’s T-shirt and pulled his head back, forcing him to face Jamie’s cock. “Do it boy,” Mark commanded. Jamie tried to convey his apology with the look in his eye as he looked down at Pablo, who conveyed his willingness by opening his mouth wide. “Get it hard, boy,” the cop ordered seeing Jamie’s semi-hard dick. Jamie eased it in Pablo’s mouth and Pablo clenched his throat muscles round it to help Jamie obey the cop’s order. The two young friends were helping each other through the ordeal, both under orders by the ferocious cop. Mark fucked faster and yanked harder on Pablo’s T-shirt, ripping it so only shreds remained round his neck. Jamie fucked Pablo’s face as gently as he dared, knowing he was under the cop’s fierce eye. He did not look up at Mark but kept his eyes fixed on Pablo’s, each silently commiserating with the other. Pablo caught sight of himself in the mirror, his ass being pounded by the shirtless cop’s shaft while the blond jock fucked his face. That pornographic image kept his own cock hard as Mark growled, “You should get ploughed like this more often, boy, keep you in line.” In talking to Pablo Mark was speaking to all the young delinquents he tangled with every day. “I’d give you police brutality � me and one of my buddies drag your sorry ass in an alley, cuff you and force you on your knees. How’d you like to get spit-roasted by two hot cops, then have your ass thrown in jail and let those guys in there take care of you eh?” Jamie winced at the ugly image painted by Mark, but he sensed that the cop’s anger was coming to a head and hoped his climax was too. Mark growled “Not so fucking arrogant now are you, boy? Look at you, on your fucking knees, hands cuffed behind you, waiting for the cop to bust his load in your ass while you drink his boy’s jizz.” He yelled at Jamie. “Do it, boy, empty your cock in his mouth. Do it!” Anxious to end this fast Jamie fucked hard and at last looked up at the bare-chested blond cop, his muscles flexed hard, sweat running down his face and over his chest and ripped abs. Jamie focused on that homoerotic image, put everything else from his mind, and yelled as his cock poured semen in his buddy’s mouth and Pablo gulped it down. “Yeah,” Mark growled, “it’s what you deserve, boy. Now let me hear the arrogant young jock beg the cop to fill his ass with jizz … let me hear you beg, man.” Jamie pulled out of Pablo’s mouth and cum ran down his chin as he sobbed. Please, officer, I can’t take anymore. I submit, sir. I’m begging you … cum in my ass, sir. Please, officer.” “Fuck yeah,” Mark yelled. “Here it comes mother-fucker … yeaahh.” Hs muscular body tensed and with one last thrust he blasted jizz deep in the jock’s ass. Mark was purging his demons, for now at least, almost as if he really were fucking the punk in the alley with his fellow cop. When his cock drained he yanked it out contemptuously and stood up. He pulled from his belt the key to the cuffs and tossed it to Jamie. “Here, you can set your buddy free if you want. I’m gonna hit the shower and when I come out I want you gone, boy,” jabbing a finger at Pablo. And he stalked off into the bathroom. ******************************* BOB CRACKS THE WHIP Jamie jumped off the bed, knelt on the floor beside Pablo and unlocked the handcuffs. He rubbed Pablo’s chafed wrists and groaned, “Buddy, I am so sorry. I didn’t wanna do that but if I’d refused it would have gone worse for you. Please, Pablo, I …” Pablo turned to Jamie and kissed him. “No sweat, dude, I knew what was going on. You had to do what he ordered. Hell, I’ve taken worse from Randy � or you could say better depending on your point of view. I know he’s your man and all but dude, I gotta say, he’s got real problems. I know about cop burnout but he should hightail it to Doc Steve before he really hurts someone.” “I know, buddy, but I’m his boy and I love him so I gotta stick with him and help. Are you sure you’re OK, Pablo?” “Yeah, I’m tough � learned that from Randy. But speaking of the big guy I better get over there pronto. Don’t want him to hear about this on the grapevine `cos he’ll go apeshit and it’ll be war with Mark. Take it easy, bro, and if you’re in trouble call me right away.” They hugged and Pablo left the room. He ran across the garden and through the gap in the hedge to the leaders’ house. He went straight up to the bedroom and was relieved to see Bob and Randy still together there. But their reaction was anything but relief when they saw Pablo standing there with his shirt hanging on him on shreds, his hair messed up and red marks round his wrists. “What the fuck?” Randy growled. “What happened … who did this to you?” “Sir, I’m fine so cool it please. Mark’s going through a rough time � real angry � and he … well he fucked me as a punishment for …” Randy clenched his fists. “The hell he did. Any guy attacks my boy he answers to me. The cop’s gone crazy but I’ll beat some fucking sense into him.” He started toward the door but Pablo grabbed his wrist. “No, please, sir. That’s why I came to tell you myself. Please don’t take it out on Mark, sir. I want this whole thing to end here so we can get on with our lives.” “Pablo’s right, Randy,” Bob said. “Things were really calming down so please don’t escalate this any …” Bob tailed off as Mark burst into the room wild-eyed, barefoot and bare chested in jeans. “OK, man, he snarled at Randy, so I cuffed your boy and fucked his ass, something he deserved and won’t forget. So what you gonna do about that, big guy?” Randy’s eyes blazed as he stepped forward, but Bob stepped between them, stretched his arms sideways and kept them apart. “No!” he shouted. “This all stops right here. If you two fight this whole saga will just go on and on, the same old cycle endlessly repeated. I’m in charge now and I’m telling you to stop. “Since this all started with Pablo and Mario it has become blown out of all proportion with wild exaggerations and guys flexing their muscles in a pissing contest, showing off how macho they can be. It could roll on and on, but I say it stops right now. The story is ended, you get that?” The two men stood sullenly like scolded kids. “Mark, I know what you’re going through right now and you have to go see Steve as soon as possible. He’s helped you through rough patches like this before and he’ll do the same again. In the meantime, go back to Jamie `cos that poor guy is suffering watching you suffer.” Just then there was a knock at the door and young Will came in, in apron and chef’s hat, looking anxiously from Pablo, to Mark and the two men. “Sir,” he said to Bob, “I’m very sorry to interrupt but the twins asked me to find out what time you want dinner served and how many for. Will any of the guys be absent, sir?” “Thank you, Will. Go back and tell the twins that dinner will be served at the normal time as usual. And everyone will be there � no absences,” glancing at Mark. “Thank you, sir,” Will said and hurriedly left the room, leaving a tense silence behind him. Mark glared at Randy and Pablo, but he loved Bob and had rarely seen him this forceful. So he gave in, turned and stalked out of the room. “OK,” Bob said. “Now Pablo, you go back to Zack and the guys and your boy Tyler. In all of this our priority should be taking care of our boys who we have sworn to protect. From now on the routine goes back to normal � work, play, and above all love.” “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. Thank you for everything.” Pablo gave Randy one of his crooked smiles and Randy nodded back, a look of pride in his eyes. As Pablo left the room Randy turned to Bob. “Dammit man when you take over and get all high and mighty like that I get so mad … and so fucking horny. Look at this.” Randy dropped his shorts and his massive cock sprang out hard as steel. “When you do the alpha stud thing you look so fucking hot, but you know I have to remind you who’s boss, don’t you? Bob simply smiled at him and Randy growled, “So get on your fucking knees, man, and wrap your mouth round this. Make it good and Diyarbakır Escort Bayan wet `cos then it’s going straight in your ass, you get it?” “Yes, sir,” Bob said and dropped to his knees. “That’s better,” Randy said, looking straight into Bob’s eyes. “You wanted things back to normal � well this is normal.” Bob couldn’t have agreed more and opened his mouth wide. *************************** WALKING ON EGGSHELLS When Mark went back to his apartment Jamie was waiting for him anxiously. Normally when Mark got home from work Jamie was waiting for him naked on the bed and they made love. But that was obviously out of the question now and Jamie felt lost, though relieved that Mark had apparently not fought Randy. Mark’s rage had abated, replaced by a distant coolness. “I told Bob we’d both be at dinner this evening, usual time. And just so you know, I’m gonna call Steve and make an appointment for tomorrow morning. In the meantime I don’t want you talking to Pablo.” He went into the bedroom, closed the door and Jamie heard him talking on the phone. Jamie was miserable. It was Mark’s coldness he couldn’t take � in a way he would have preferred Mark to be mad at him … or something, anything. Jamie wanted to talk to someone, unload on them, but he knew if he did that would only stir the pot. He was walking on eggshells. Like the other times, he thought, this mood would blow over � or he hoped it would. At that moment Doctor Steve was telling Mark to come see him tomorrow morning at ten. “And bring Jamie too.” “Jamie? What the hell for, doc? This has nothing to do with him.” “Mark, how many years have you been coming to see me when you go through shit like this? Trust me, officer. I know what I’m doing.” “OK, doc, you win.” A short time later � between getting fucked by Randy and going down for dinner � Bob called Steve and told him what had happened. Steve chuckled on the phone. “Yeah, I already heard, Bob. That grapevine works at warp speed. Seems Pablo told Darius, who mentioned it to Eddie, who called our boy Tommy up here, who couldn’t wait to tell Lloyd and me. Oh what a tangled web. Don’t worry Bob, Mark already called and I’m seeing him tomorrow morning.” “Steve, I know you’re not supposed to talk about your patients but the guy I’m worried about is Jamie. I mean he’s in the thick of this, worried about the man he loves but getting a cold shoulder if not outright hostility from Mark.” “I know, Bob. In cop burnout cases like this it’s the family that suffers, especially the spouse. But I’m already on it, buddy. I told Mark to bring Jamie with him. See, I have a hunch Jamie might be the key to this. I won’t see them together though. I have something else in mind for Jamie. You know my methods can be somewhat irregular.” “Somewhat, yeah,” Bob grinned. “But they always seem to work.” “They do, don’t they?” Steve chuckled. “Let’s keep our fingers crossed, buddy.” ****************************** DEEP FREEZE That evening Mark and Jamie sat at the dinner table with the other men and boys of the tribe but the usual happy banter, especially from the boys, was more muted than usual. By now everyone knew what had happened and their natural sympathy for what Mark was going through was outweighed by their antagonism to the way Pablo had been savagely fucked, even after he had made his peace with the tribe. Mark himself remained quiet, his mind deadened under the weight of his residual anger, depression and deep-down guilt at his own irrational behavior. On one level he was fully aware of the burnout condition he was suffering, but logic was suppressed under his deep depression. He and Jamie left the table early, before dessert, and the group watched the forlorn couple enter their ground-floor apartment. Inside a leaden silence persisted as they got ready for bed. They still shared the same bed where usually Mark wrapped his arms round his boy and they slept like that. But recently Mark always turned his back on Jamie, leaving him to stare sadly at the ceiling. The next morning as they were stirring there was a knock at their door and Will, again in chef’s hat and apron, came in pushing a food cart. “Sirs, the twins thought that as you had to go out soon you might like an early breakfast in your room `cos they have only just started to set up the buffet outside.” Both Mark and Jamie recognized this for what it was � an act of kindness, probably suggested by Bob, to ease the way for them and help them avoid another uncomfortable group meal. Will himself, rather than leaving after setting their breakfast on the table, hung around. His instincts for how men were feeling were fairly acute by now, which he had learned from the twins and Bob, and he sensed that the presence of a third person might help to thaw the cold atmosphere that hung over master and boy. So he made small talk with Jamie until finally Mark went to the bathroom and Will said quietly, “Chin up, dude. It’ll get better, especially when Mark sees Doctor Steve. That guy can solve everything, you’ll see. I better skedaddle now though `cos I think I’m becoming `de tropp’ as they say. I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed.” Jamie stood up and gave his friend an impulsive hug. “Thanks, kiddo. You’re a real friend.” Will left and Jamie’s thoughts turned with some relief to Doctor Steve. He wasn’t sure why Steve wanted him there but he trusted the doc to know what he was doing. ***************************** DOCTOR STEVE’S PRESCRIPTION In fact at that moment, up in his spacious Hollywood Hills home Steve was already preparing for their visit. His lover Lloyd had already gone to work so he was alone with their young house manager, the sexy blond ex-gymnast Tommy. Steve had occasionally before involved Tommy in his treatment of a patient, but only peripherally as a bit player as it was borderline unethical. He explained to Tommy what role he was to play. “I hope you don’t mind doing this, Tommy, but I know you and Jamie are buddies and I think it might be helpful to both Jamie and Mark.” “Oh I don’t mind at all, sir, I’m looking forward to it. Jamie is one of my best friends and I feel real sorry for what he’s going through. I know it’s complicated right now with Mark but I know you can help fix it and I’ll be happy to do my small part � very happy actually.” Tommy went back to the kitchen and Steve back to his office to go over Mark’s case history. When the buzzer sounded at the gate Tommy pressed the security button and the gate swung open. He went out to the doorstep to greet them as Mark’s truck came down the drive. Tommy was wearing his usual house uniform � a dark gray T-shirt and black pants. He wore both items tight � the shirt stretched over his muscled gymnast torso and his pants hugging his thighs and famous ice-skater butt that, as Randy so often said, `could make grown men weep’. His dazzling smile went some way to easing the tension in the men’s faces as they got out of the truck and came toward him. Mark was in jeans and a white T-shirt, Jamie in his usual board shorts and a loose tank top. In the role of doctor’s assistant Tommy’s greeting was on the formal side as he shook hands. “Welcome, gentlemen, the doctor is waiting for you. Follow me.” Any man who followed Tommy could not take his eyes off that flawless ass, flexing under his tight pants as he walked. And Mark and Jamie were no exception now, despite their tense mood. Steve came forward to greet them in the hallway. “Mark and Jamie, so good to see you. Would you like anything to eat or drink?” They both murmured no thanks and Steve said, “Good, we’ll get started right away Mark. Er, Jamie, I need to talk to Mark alone first so why don’t you relax out by the pool? We’re likely to be some time so make yourself at home � go for a swim, get some sun. Tommy, you wouldn’t mind keeping our young friend company would you?” “Of course not, sir,” Tommy smiled. “Jamie and I are old friends. Come on dude, the weather’s beautiful … so what else is new uh? It’s California!” He put his arm round Jamie’s shoulder and took him out to the deck while Mark followed Steve to his office. Steve sat in an armchair by the window with his clipboard and Mark faced him on the couch. “Look, Steve,” Mark said abruptly, “I really appreciate your seeing me like this but I might be wasting your time. I’m just a bit down in the dumps is all, but it’ll pass. I don’t need therapy.” Most cops resisted Steve like this at first and he was skilled at turning them around. “Fine, well let’s not call it therapy eh? I never liked that word anyway. But most of us when we’re feeling depressed can benefit by talking it out with a friend and, hell, we’ve known each other for such a long time, Mark, I think we qualify as friends � good friends.” Steve conspicuously put his clipboard down on a side table. He hadn’t intended to take notes anyway � he often used the board as a prop to signal to patents that there would be no notes � just a friendly chat � and put them at their ease. “I find that the problem with depression is that it can be so amorphous. It’s like a storm cloud that forms out of nowhere and we can’t work out why. The anxiety floats free, looking for something to attach to. In your case it was Pablo. So I often find it useful to talk specifics � you know, ordinary details about how your day went at work, that kind of thing. “For example, yesterday when you came home from your shift you were real wound up. So talk about things that happened at work. I know that motorcycle cops especially feel exposed out there with not even the protection of a car. They must deal with a ton of ugly stuff going on.” “Huh, you can say that again, doc. Like yesterday morning … it started when I was only ten minutes into my shift. There was this crazy guy who …” And Mark was off and running describing his day, just what Steve wanted. It was obvious to the doc that Mark had been bottling it all up. He had seen this macho attitude before where a cop considers it a sign of weakness to unload this stuff on others. So Steve let him pour it all out with no interruption, except for an occasional nudge here and there to keep him talking. It went on and on. The floodgates had opened. **************************** A SWIM & A CHAT It was a whole different atmosphere out by the pool. Tommy was not only a beautiful man. As Steve’s assistant, welcoming stressed-out patients, he had developed a talent for putting people at ease. And he genuinely felt sorry for his good buddy Jamie, knowing what he sometimes went through living with a cop. “You want something to drink, dude?” “No thanks Tommy, but I could do with a swim � feel that water flowing over my naked body.” “Mmm,” Tommy smiled playfully, “sounds sexy. I could go for some of that myself.” Without hesitation Jamie kicked off his sneakers, pulled off his tank top and board shorts and dived naked into the pool. He swam to the side, propped his arms on the edge and looked up at Tommy as he undressed. Tommy grinned as he shimmied his T-shirt off. “Tight clothes may look sexy and Lloyd sure appreciates them on me but they’re a bitch to take off.” Jamie was awestruck as always when he saw the gymnast shirtless, not an ounce of fat, ripped muscles gleaming in the sun. His cock got hard under the water as Tommy bent double from the waist and pushed down his pants. He was wearing gray boxers briefs underneath that showed his ass to perfection. He turned his back to the pool and slowly pushed them down, exposing the flawless white globes that contrasted sharply with his golden tan.” “Dammit, dude,” Jamie chuckled, “what do you have to do to get a butt like that?” “Well, spend six hours a day on the ice rink as a competition figure skater, then switch to gymnastics and do six hours a day in the gym. But I don’t recommend that for you, buddy, `cos you’ve already got a spectacular ass from all those hours on a surfboard. Unfortunately it’s hidden underwater right now and I want a closer look.” Tommy did an arching dive over Jamie for a clean entry into the pool. Then he turned and swam back underwater to Jamie who was still clinging to the edge of the pool. Tommy grabbed his hips, buried his face between the ass cheeks and pushed his tongue inside. He held his breath for a full minute, then broke the surface gasping for air with a big smile. “Tastes just as good underwater as it does on land, dude. Come on, buddy, let’s see what you got. For the next few minutes they played in the water � splashing, grabbing, pulling each other under in long underwater hugs. When at last they got out of the pool they both had rigid boners. Tommy pulled a couple Escort Diyarbakır of mattresses off the chaises and laid them together on the warm wooden deck. He threw himself face down on them and patted the space beside him. Jamie flopped down in his stomach and they turned their faces to each other propped on one elbow. “OK, bro,” Tommy smiled, “tell me all your troubles. Spill dude.” Jamie sighed, relieved at the opportunity to have a sympathetic ear to talk to. “It actually goes back a couple of weeks, Tommy …” He relayed all the difficulties of life with Mark when he was in a funk like this. As he warmed to the subject all his pent up anxiety poured out, much as Mark was pouring out his problems to Steve at that same moment. The two versions had a different emphasis but they were two sides of the same coin and Steve and Tommy both had enough empathy to recognize a relationship in trouble � no right or wrong, no villains, just a lot of pain. Trying to lighten the mood Tommy asked, “So how’s the sex going?” Another sigh. “It’s not, Tommy, that’s another thing. Mark used to look at me with love in his eyes but now it’s this vacant stare like he’s miles away. We still sleep in the same bed but we don’t even touch. God that’s hard, sleeping next to a muscle-god like Mark. I don’t think that deep down he’s stopped loving me, but I’m not sure. It makes me real frustrated.” “And real horny too, I bet.” “No kidding. Man I’ve built up such a head of steam. I wanna jack off all the time but I don’t `cos � I know this sounds really weird � it would seem like a betrayal somehow. And besides, jacking off is so lame compared with fucking a guy.” “Well, dude, at least there’s a remedy for that little problem. I mean, lying right next to you is what Lloyd describes as the finest ass in the Western Hemisphere � prob’ly the Eastern one too, he says. And I don’t think that would be a betrayal of Mark given the circumstances of his current deep freeze. He’s still pouring out his soul to Steve, and Steve did tell you to relax and make yourself at home. Knowing Steve that would definitely include a good fuck.” Jamie chuckled. “Jeez I love you, dude. It’s so good talking to you. And I do have a roaring boner, as you may have noticed.” “I think I did catch a quick glimpse, yeah,” Tommy grinned. “So, I guess I don’t see any harm in …” Jamie leaned forward and their lips closed together. *********************************** SEX THERAPY In Steve’s office Mark’s monologue had finally run out of steam and it was Steve’s turn. “The other aspect of this that really concerns me, Mark, is the effect on Jamie. You and I both know that when cops experience a burnout like this it’s often the family that suffers most. Of course you are familiar with the battered spouse syndrome � you must have responded to domestic abuse calls often yourself.” Mark got animated. “I have never laid a finger on Jamie, doc. Are you suggesting I abuse him?” “No, no, not at all. Not physical abuse anyway. But you know, emotional abuse can be just as painful in its way. And I think that, unwittingly, that’s what you’re doing with Jamie … like when you ordered him to face-fuck his friend Pablo, against his wishes.” Mark’s outburst deflated and he slumped back with a sigh. “Yeah, you’re probably right, Steve. But … I dunno, I’m so wrapped up in myself, with my libido at zero, that I don’t have time for Jamie right now. I know that sounds cold but … I dunno … I don’t know how to love him anymore, or to show that I love him. He’s a good guy and all, but … it’s like I don’t even see him the way I used to anymore.” “In these cases, Mark, an inability to feel or express affection is common. But…” Steve got up and pulled a chair next to his. “Come and sit here, Mark. There’s something I want you to see.” While Mark had been talking Steve had glanced out of the window several times, where he had a full view of the pool � a view that Mark now shared when he sat beside Steve. In its way it was a beautiful view, two stunning young blond athletes starting to make love. Mark gripped the arms of his chair and started to rise but Steve gently restrained him. “No, Mark, stick with me here, please. You can’t really blame Jamie for wanting the touch of warm flesh. My guess is he hasn’t been getting much from you.” Mark glared at him. “Did you arrange this? Is this a setup?” “Not exactly, Mark. Let’s just say I pushed the boat out to see if it would catch the current. You know my methods can sometimes be unusual.” “Fuck you, doc,” Mark snapped. “On the other hand you can march out there and break them up. Personally I wouldn’t recommend that as this is probably the first real act of kindness and affection Jamie’s had in some time.” Mark grudgingly slumped back in his seat and watched the scene by the pool unfold. Steve opened the French window a crack so the voices reached them too. Outside on the mattresses the two naked men had just broken apart after a long passionate kiss. “Is that all I’m gonna get, dude?” Tommy smiled. “You know I always lust for you every time I see you. It’s just that an opportunity like this doesn’t come up often.” “Tommy, I miss Mark so much. I dream of him fucking me even while he’s lying with his back to me hardly aware that I’m there. Seeing as I still love him and want him as much as ever this wouldn’t be a betrayal would it, dude?” “I can’t answer that, Jamie, it wouldn’t be fair. All I know is I’m dying to feel my buddy’s dick in my ass � that’s all, just fuck buddies. It’s up to you. Here, maybe this’ll help you decide.” Tommy turned away and lay flat on his stomach, his ass on proud display, the dimpled mounds flexing in the sun. For most men it was irresistible … and Jamie was no exception. He got up and knelt between Tommy’s legs. “Spit OK, dude?” “From you, buddy, I’d take it dry.” Jamie spat in his palms, rubbed them over his cock, reached forward and braced his hands on Tommy’s slim gymnast waist. He eased his rigid cock between the mounds and didn’t stop as the head entered Tommy and slid gently all the way down until Jamie’s pubic hair was resting on the flexed cheeks. “Fuck, Tommy, that feels so good. You have a sensational ass. You know I fuck Mark sometimes too � or used to.” “But now your fucking me, kid,” Tommy smiled over his shoulder.” “Yeah, sorry, dude. Hard to get him out of my mind � but now it’s just you and me.” Jamie pulled back, paused, and drove in again as Tommy sighed beneath him and pushed his ass upward. Soon Jamie pushed back off his knees and onto his feet, his athletic body arched over Tommy, hands braced on the small of his back. As he fucked in that position his own dimpled ass pointed upward. “Holy shit,” Mark gasped. He watched spellbound as the two blond jocks made love, the surfer arched over the gymnast, his arms and shoulders bulging as his perfectly muscled body rose and fell, his cock driving in and out of the gymnast’s ass. “Beautiful, eh, Mark?” Steve said softly. “Fucking gorgeous,” Mark murmured to himself. Unthinkingly he was rubbing the bulge in his jeans, the first time in days he had got hard looking at Jamie.” They heard Tommy say, “Dude, you are such a great fuck, but I wanna see you too � wanna see your eyes and your handsome mug.” “No problem, stud,” Jamie grinned. He pulled out, flipped Tommy over on his back and pushed one leg up. Leaning against it with his shoulder he pushed his cock back inside Tommy’s ass. They stared into each other’s eyes and broke into gleaming smiles. “Damn you’re beautiful,” Tommy said. “Bet you look hot on a surfboard. Could you fuck me on a surfboard in the water?” “Dude, I could ride that ass on the crest of a wave. Damn I needed this, fucking a blond gymnast, so damn gorgeous � that face, that body.” “So give it to me, stud,” Tommy grinned. “Don’t hold back. Not every day I get ploughed by a California surfer.” “No problem there, dude. Surfers get real horny sitting astride a board, their balls grinding against it. Makes them fuck like this …” Jamie increased the tempo and his cock became a piston driving in and out of the athlete writhing beneath him. From the office window Mark had a clear view of the gorgeous ass getting pounded by the handsome young jock, his tousled blond hair falling over his face, his ripped wet body gleaming golden in the sun. Mark unzipped his pants, pulled out his cock and stroked it. He was mesmerized by the magnificent young man and imagined what it felt like to fuck him. Then he frowned with the puzzled realization that was not just a handsome boy, it was his own boy, his own Jamie and he had fucked him, every day, until … Tears came to his eyes and rolled down his cheeks and he murmured, “Damn I miss him … I love him, Steve … I love the fuck out of him.” The boys were nearing their climax. Jamie was fucking like a young stallion and Tommy clenched his ass round the pounding shaft. They smiled as they ran their hands over each other’s chest and tweaked each other’s nipples hard. “Think you can make me cum without touching it?” Tommy said. “Dude, I could make you shoot with your hands tied behind your back. Come to think of it …” “Another time, stud. Too late now, I’m too close. Next time you can lash me to a surfboard and plough me.” “While we’re riding a wave to shore … and you gush just as the wave breaks …” “You’re fucking crazy, dude, you know that?” They were laughing now as Jamie pounded harder and Tommy yelled, “Damn I’m close. Come on, man, take me, make me shoot. Lovin’ it, dude.” “Then you’re gonna love this you crazy gymnast … a surfer’s jizz in that perfect butt … here it comes … all together now … yeaahh!” Their laughter filled the air as their cocks erupted simultaneously. Tommy’s semen spurted all over his flawless chest and Jamie pumped his fist in the air and his cum in his buddy’s ass. And there was another orgasm in the house as Mark pumped warm juice that spurted up high and splashed down on his white T-shirt. Tears ran down his face. “I love him, Steve, I need him, and I’ve treated him so bad. But I don’t know how to tell him. What am I gonna do?” “Well,” Steve chuckled, “I think you just proved how much you love him. I’m guessing that right now what Jamie wants is your arms round him.” In a daze Mark got up, zipped up his pants and went out to the pool. The naked boys stood up and Mark and Jamie stared at each other. Jamie waited … and Mark put his arms round him in a tight silent hug. Suddenly feeling `de tropp’, as Will would have said, Tommy left unobtrusively and went into Steve. “Mission accomplished, wouldn’t you say, sir?” Tommy smiled. “You did great, Tommy, absolutely perfect. Thank you.” “The pleasure was all mine sir, as I think you know. I love making love with Jamie.” Steve sighed. “But it’s not mission accomplished just yet, Tommy. Those guys still have a long way to go, lot to sort out. Mark’s depression won’t vanish overnight.” “So what’s your prescription, doc?” “They have to get away, away from here, away from all the triggers. And I know just the place for them. Did you know that way back, hard as it is to believe now, Jamie was one of a pair of skinheads running wild. His buddy was Larry, yeah Mike’s boy in Palm Springs. Well, Jamie found Mark, and Larry later found Mike. They cleaned up their act and became the great young guys they are now, and they’re best buddies again. “So, what’s more natural than Mark suggesting he take Jamie out of town to Uncle Mike’s place in the desert? Actually, Mike heard on the grapevine all about Mark’s problem and called me to ask if there’s any way he could help. I know he would welcome them with open arms and wise old Mike would be a great influence on Mark, while Jamie and Larry could have fun together.” “So you think you can swing it, sir? You know � convince Mark to take a break?” “Hmm, I can give it a try.” “And you think it will do the trick, sir?” “Ah, as to that, only time will tell, Tommy. At least it’ll be another chapter in the saga of this crazy tribe.” *********************************** TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength” � Chapter 459 Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter got you off, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at aol. ALSO, I invite you to visit my own Web-site www.atrialofstrength. You can read the whole story, with extras including pictures and biographies of all the characters. AND DON’T FORGET � IF YOU ENJOY THESE STORIES, PLEASE DONATE to this site. Nifty needs your donations to provide these thousands of wonderful stories. So please go to fty/donate.html and donate what you can. All the other writers and I thank you. Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter got you off, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at aol.

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Subject: “A Trial Of Strength” – Part 531 by Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH � PART 531 By Rob Williams Chapter 531 � “TWO `BEST BUDDIES’ GET LESSONS IN LOVE?” IN THIS CHAPTER New boys Vic and Noah have led sheltered lives together as “just best buddies” � absolutely no sex. But their innocence and sexual immaturity are challenged by the horny, oversexed men and boys of the tribe. Older, kindly Uncle Mike befriends them and urges them to watch the sexy identical twins Kyle and Kevin make love. Fascinated, the rookies hesitantly start to experiment on each other. ___________________________________________________________________ IN THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER Since office manager Brandon hired Vic and Noah as the new office assistants he was pleased to see that they had a real aptitude and dedication to the work. They fit right in, with their conscientious work ethic. But their personal life? Not so much. The na�ve, nerdy young rookies still claimed they had no interest in sex, even with each other � in sharp contrast to the horny, oversexed men and boys of the tribe. Inevitably it was not long before the boys were, inadvertently, exposed to some pretty hot examples of man-on-man sex. On their first day of work they stumbled across the two macho bosses, Bob and Randy, having hot and heavy sex, where the near-naked construction boss pounded his lover’s ass. That same evening the friendly young gypsy boy Ben invited them to dinner. Ben was the boy of the handsome musclehunk fireman Jason, who they watched working out in his home gym. Then Ben serviced his master by sucking his cock until the fireman sprayed jizz over Ben’s face. The young rookies spent that night in Jason and Ben’s guestroom where they slept in the same bed for the first time. But they kept their distance, and no thought of sex entered their minds. Next day, construction boss Randy dropped into the office and his raunchy talk of new-boy sexual initiation scared them. It fell to the tribe’s co-leader Bob, to dispel their uneasiness by talking candidly with them about the men and boys of the tribe. They warmed to Bob’s easy-going charm and kindness, but then sex reared its head again, and this time it was hardcore. The macho black construction boss Zack came home on his lunch hour with his boy, the sexy black buck Darius. Bob said to the boys, “Hard work makes these guys horny and sometimes they come home in their lunch break and … as the saying goes … get it on. They have a favorite spot in the garden to fool around. It’s visible from our guest room and I confess that I sometimes go and watch. It’s quite a sight.” It certainly was, as the two black muscle-hunks let off steam in a raunchy sex session involving bondage and a fight, where the young black stud ended up fucking his master’s ass with his monstrous ten-inch cock. When it was over the men smiled, embraced, and sauntered off with Zack’s arm thrown over his boys shoulder. There was a long silence at the window, then Vic said, “Sir, that was … that was …” “… that was an average lunch break for those guys,” Bob smiled. “They were both horny and that was their way of showing their love for each other … and getting their rocks off. There are so many different ways to love, and almost all of them end in a big hug, as you saw.” Noah said quietly, “We don’t go in for that hugging thing, sir. We’re just good friends.” “Even good friends hug sometimes,” Bob smiled. “Never mind. I hope you weren’t too shocked by what you saw. Listen, guys, I have a suggestion. In the next few days there’s likely to be a surge in office work that might require overtime and some late evenings. You told me you don’t mind doing overtime, so my suggestion is that you sleep here in this guestroom for a day or two. You would be only a few steps from the office, making it easier to come and go. “‘Course, there’s only this one king-size bed as you see, but you told me that you didn’t mind sleeping in the same bed at Jason’s. You don’t have to, of course, but I thought …” The boys exchanged quick glances and Noah said, “We would like that, sir, thank you.” “Great. Needless to say you will be left alone in here � no late night visits from anyone � not Randy, not anyone. And before I leave, there’s one other piece of advice I would give you boys. “I told you earlier that you will never have to do anything that feels wrong to you. But the other side of that coin is, be open to feelings you might have buried because you once thought they were wrong. Be sure not to close yourself off from new sensations just because they’re new. You’re young, you have new worlds to explore, so don’t hold back. But of course, staying just as you are is perfectly fine too, if that’s your choice.” Bob’s handsome face lit up with a warm smile. “Pity about that `no hugging thing’ as you call it, though, `cos I was kinda hoping for one before you leave here and go back to the office.” The boys exchanged glances and Vic said, “Sir, we can do it with you � to thank you for lunch and the talk and … everything. Bob opened his arms and folded them round Vic in a gentle hug. Vic could feel the muscular body under Bob’s T-shirt, and Bob felt him dig his fingers into his back. “My turn now,” Noah said, and his response to the hug was even tighter. When they separated, Bob looked down at their crotches and smiled. “Anything?” They blushed. “Actually, yes sir,” Vic said shyly. “Same as when Randy did it.” “Well it’s a start,” Bob chuckled, and left the room. Vic and Noah grinned at each other. Both of them felt the odd sense that they had caught a glimpse of a whole new world. ========= CHAPTER 531 ========= A FEELING OF BELONGING This was the second night Vic and Noah had ever shared a bed. Last night, in Ben and Jason’s guest house, they had been too shy even to make eye contact and clung to their edge of the bed. It was only in the morning they realized they had shifted in the night and Vic woke with his arm resting over Noah. He had pulled back sharply and pretended it hadn’t happened. This time, however, they were more relaxed and felt freer to undress in front of each other and put on the shorts and T-shirts Bob had given them. They kept to their side of the bed but didn’t cling to it like a lifebelt as they had yesterday. And in the morning when Vic again woke with his arm loosely draped over Noah, he did not yank it back as if Noah were radioactive. They were starting to enjoy the luxury of this large guestroom and bathroom after the cramped quarters of their own small, separate apartments. This was, after all, the Boss House that construction boss Randy had entirely remodeled, mostly as a gift to Bob, the man he idolized. The boys were looking forward to getting to work in the office, their third day on the job, and had pushed to the back of their minds the various raunchy displays of sex they had witnessed in the last two days. They took refuge in the certain belief that that was the lifestyle of these men and boys, and had nothing really to do to them. They were wondering if they should go down to the office now, even though it was far too early, when there was a knock on the door and the young chef Will came in. They had briefly met the freckle-faced redhead yesterday and had instantly liked him. He was not as buff and muscular as most of the other boys, though definitely not skinny and nerdy-looking as they were. And, unlike them, Will was full of self-confidence. Wearing the same green apron and chef’s hat as yesterday, Will grinned, “Hi, guys. I’m glad Bob asked you to sleep here. Makes a lot of sense, so close to the office across the garden. I just came up to tell you about breakfast here. Guys go to work at different times so we always set up a buffet breakfast in the garden � help yourself, all-you-can-eat. There aren’t many there this morning as the construction guys always make an early start and have already left. So get your butts down there and `bon app�tit.” They were nervous of meeting new guys, the ones they had heard about but didn’t yet know. But Will was right, most of them had come and gone, and only Brandon and Ryan were still eating. Noah and Vic were amazed at the choice set out on the serving table and they soon had loaded trays and sat with their boss. After perfunctory questions about how they had slept, conversation turned quickly to the day’s work ahead. They were beginning to feel they were becoming part of the team, a feeling of belonging that boosted their confidence. After they had eaten their fill Noah offered to clear the breakfast remains away, but Brandon smiled, “Thanks for the offer, Noah, but no need. Will’s gonna take care of that. He leaves a lot of the stuff out for late arrivals and coffee breaks and stuff. Come on guys, let’s get to work. The phones will soon be ringing off the hook.” In the office they settled down in front of their computers and again had that warm feeling that this is where they belonged. There were the usual brief interruptions by visitors, including the macho young black guy Darius who looked in to check on his boy Ryan. When he came in, shirtless in black jeans and boots, like yesterday, Noah and Vic felt a shiver of … of a whole mix of sensations they couldn’t define. The last time they had seen him was from Bob’s window when Darius was tied up and pummeled by Zack, then got free, whipped Zack with his belt and butt-fucked him with his massive ten-inch cock. Now Darius grinned “Hi, kids,” and ruffled their hair. It was such a seductive smile they wondered if he knew they had watched him and his master yesterday. The fact was, although they had tried to push all that sexual stuff to the back of their minds, they had only partially succeeded. Even as they worked they flashed on scenes of Randy fucking Bob; Zack and Darius pounding each other; and Ben licking the sweat from Jason’s body, then sucking his cock and ending up with cum all over his face. Bob had told them it was all just different expressions of love, but they found that hard to understand. Their only exposure to love was romantic scenes they had seen in movies or read in books � a lot of kissing and stuff, certainly not the rough, physical action of these guys. Again they took refuge in work and a few hours later Brandon said, “OK, break time. I always insist on staff taking coffee- or tea-breaks. Workers are much more productive after a short rest away from their desk. Bob wants me to go up to him and sit in on a meeting he’s having with bankers. Ryan, would you mind taking care of the phones while the guys take their break?” “Happy to dude. I wanna keep working on this new computer program that’s becoming a real mind-fuck � just the kind of challenge I like.” Vic and Noah went out to the serving table where Will had left coffee brewing, juice, and pastries left over from breakfast. They helped themselves and sat at a small table in the shade, enjoying the peace and quiet. “How you feeling, Noah?” Vic asked, sounding almost like a big brother, though only a year older than Noah. “Feeling great, dude,” Noah smiled. “Real nice to be alone out here, don’t you think?” Except that they weren’t alone for long, as they heard a vehicle pull up outside the gate. SENIOR WISDOM Through the gate came a man they didn’t recognize. He wasn’t like the men of the tribe they had met so far. “Who’s he?” Noah asked. “Maybe one of the bankers late for Bob’s meeting?” “No way, he’s not dressed right for that.” Vic said. The man wore jeans, boots and a sleeveless flannel shirt that showed off his muscular arms. His hair was flecked with gray and he was a lot older than the tribe’s other men. “Could be someone’s dad. Bob’s maybe?” Noah disagreed. “Nah, Bob’s dad would look classier than that. This one’s real good looking but not like Bob at all. What’s he doing, looking around like that? Maybe he’s in the wrong house.” The newcomer eventually saw them sitting across the garden and walked toward them with a friendly smile. “Hey, guys. Do you know if Bob’s home? I’m sure Randy’s at the construction site, but I was hoping to catch Bob.” “He’s in his office upstairs, sir, in a meeting with bankers,” Vic told him. “Ooh, don’t wanna interrupt that,” the man grinned. “High finance � way out of my league. I guess I’ll just wait until they’re finished. Is that coffee I see over there?” “Yes, sir. And there’s stuff left over from breakfast � pastries and stuff that Will made.” “Well, if Will made it I’m sure gonna get me some. Didn’t have any breakfast and I’ve been on the road for two hours.” He walked over to the table and helped himself to coffee and sausage rolls. He came back and asked, “Mind if I wait here with you, guys?” He sat down and a cheerful smile spread over his lined and stubbled face. “Hey, you kids must be wondering who the hell this old guy is, just strolling in here and helping himself to you guys’ breakfast. Don’t worry, I’m not a pastry thief, though I might become one if they’re all this good. Young Will is real talented, I might kidnap him too.” He chuckled at his own joke. “The name’s Mike. Round here they call me Uncle Mike.” He shook their hands in turn and Vic said, “I’m Vic, sir, and this is Noah. We’ve just started work as office assistants … Brandon hired us two days ago,” he added with a shy smile. “Ah, of course, I’ve heard all about you two on the grapevine � yeah, its tendrils spread all the way to Palm Springs. That’s where I live with my boy Larry. He’s why I’m here really. He came to spend a few days with his old buddy Jamie, who’s working on Grady’s lifeguard movie, and Larry’s gonna be one of the surfing extras. Didim Escort But you must know all that.” “Not really, sir,” Noah said, finding this older gentleman easy to talk to. “We’ve only been here a couple of days and haven’t met many of the guys, except our boss Brandon, and Ryan, and Ben and Jason � and Bob and Randy, of course.” Mike looked at these two skinny, nondescript-looking kids and liked them at once. But they sure weren’t much like the other boys here, all of them well-built, good-looking and sexy � not to mention the hunky men of the tribe. He couldn’t help wondering what Randy made of them. “Don’t tell me,” he grinned. “I bet when Randy met you he told you he was gonna beef you up in the gym then fuck your asses in turn, eh?” They blushed scarlet and Mike winced. “Uh-oh, I’ve opened my big mouth again and planted my size-twelve boot right in it. I’m sorry, kids. Being in this place always gets my hormones going and I run off at the mouth about sex. What I said about Randy was stupid.” The boys smiled at each other and Vic said, “Actually no, sir, you were right. That’s exactly what Randy said. But Brandon got mad, took him outside and gave him a tongue lashing. He said he was protecting his staff.” “The hell he was,” Mike grinned. “That kid’s got guts … man I wish I’d seen that. But I’ll get the story from Randy when I tell him what an asshole he’s been � not for the first time. But hey, listen to me, I’m not much better. I rattle on about sex and I guess you’re not into all that stuff eh? Except maybe with each other.” That brought another blush. “No, sir,” Vic said firmly. “Noah and me are just good friends. We’re not into sex and all that stuff.” Mike slapped his own face. “Wrong again, Mike. I’m real sorry, guys. I seem to be batting zero here, don’t I?” He chuckled. “I obviously got off on the wrong foot with you boys, so why don’t I go out, come back in, and start over. Pretend my silliness never happened � just another senior moment.” The boys laughed and Noah said, “Don’t worry, sir. Not the first time we’ve been embarrassed. We’ve actually seen some of the guys here, er, getting it on I think they called it.” “You have? Who?” “Well, sir,” Vic said, enjoying talking to this guy. “First we saw Randy giving it to Bob, real savage. Then our new buddy Ben body- worshipped his man Jason, you know, the fireman. He licked the sweat off him after his workout, then took his cock in his mouth. And, er, yesterday we watched that guy Zack and his boy Darius. “Hell, those two get into some real hardcore stuff.” “They did, sir. Zack tied Darius to a tree and er, gut-punched they call it? Darius got free, whipped Zack with his belt then shoved his humongous cock in Zack’s ass.” “Whoa,” Mike grinned, “for two kids who are not into sex you really jumped in at the deep end.” “Bob said we should watch even the rough stuff so we wouldn’t be surprised by anything else we might see. Of course, he knows we would never do anything like that ourselves.” “Yeah, I get it,” Mike said. “A bit like immersion therapy where you’re exposed to stuff that upsets you to get your reaction.” “Oh, we weren’t upset, sir,” Vic said. “Just confused, really. See, Bob told us that all this stuff, even the rough stuff, was guys’ way of loving each other. But it didn’t look like love to us. I mean, ain’t love more about kissing and cuddling and stuff?” Mike was moved by the way they looked up at him, waiting for him explain life and love to them. “You’re right kids. More often than not love is about kissing and cuddling. My boy Larry and I do a lot of that, though we fuck too. The reason you’re confused is that all you’ve seen so far is the hot-and-heavy ways of making love.” “So what’s your advice, sir?” Noah asked. “Can you help us?” “Hmm, not sure I’m good at giving advice, kiddo � though your old Uncle Mike has been round the block a few times over the years. OK, like Bob said, all those things are fine, even whips and punches, provided each guy wants it and is not forced to do anything against his will. But I think what you need to see is an example of some tender love-making � what you call kissing and cuddling � something that don’t scare you � something beautiful.” “Do the guys here do that, sir?” “Some of them do. I’m thinking of two in particular. What’s more, these two don’t care who’s watching. Once they’ve kissed they only have eyes for each other. Hmm … I’m wondering if …” “Mike!” He was interrupted by an exuberant shout from Bob, emerging from the house. UNCLE MIKE HAS A PLAN “Mike, you old rascal you appear out of nowhere and there’s no-one to greet you � my meeting only just ended.” Mike stood up and Bob pulled him into an affectionate bear-hug. “Don’t worry about me, buddy,” Mike grinned, “Vic and Noah here have been taking good care of me � that and Will’s breakfast leftovers. The boys and I have been deep in conversation, solving the mysteries of love, eh guys?” “Yes, sir,” they said in tandem with winning smiles. “But sir,” Vic added, “we’ve got to get back to the office, our coffee break is over. But, er, can we talk to you again? Will you be staying here?” “If Bob agrees, and he can find a bed for me to sleep in,” Mike smiled. “And of course we can talk again, I’d like that. Here’s my business card, I’ll write my cell number on it. We’ll surely bump into each other again, and I’d like to spend more time with you.” He pulled out a pen and wrote on his card. “Call me any time, kids. I’m always available to cool guys like you.” Impulsively Noah flung his arms round Mike, then Vic too hugged him tight. “Brandon will be waiting for us,” Noah said. “Thank you for the talk, Uncle Mike.” They ran off to the office and Bob looked at Mike wide-eyed. “Wow, what did you do to those kids, Mike? Wave a wand, put a spell on them? I haven’t seen them as happy as that since they were hired. And as for hugging, they insisted they never do that. It was like pulling teeth to get them to hug me.” Mike chuckled. “I dunno, Bob. I probably just said the same kind of things you’ve already told them. Must be that father image I have � or in their case, grandfather. They felt safe with an older man past his sexual prime. You got time for a chat, Bob, before you go back to work?” “Of course. Let me freshen your coffee, grandpa,” Bob laughed. He poured two cups and sat at the table with him. “Actually, my meeting’s over. Had those bankers eating out of my hand.” “They probably wanted to suck your dick, like everyone else does.” “Seriously, though, Mike, they were impressed at how well the Company’s doing, the money’s rolling in. It’s all thanks to Randy really. He has such a great reputation in the business � brings every project in on time and under-budget. The man’s a dynamo.” “I don’t doubt it. But how’s he been treating you and all the other guys? Not pulling any of his usual stunts?” “Mike, he’s wonderful, you know that. Really, I’m nuts about him � more every day. Course, he can still piss me off � like when he met the new boys and did his usual macho number � promising them a gym workout and a good fuck at the end.” “I know, the boys mentioned that � and of course they’re not into any of that stuff. But I’ll have a talk with Randy � the boy needs a lecture sometimes and I’m the guy to give it to him.” Bob laughed, “I have no doubt about that � you’re the only man who can do that without getting slugged. The man idolizes you. But, er, tell me what you made of Vic and Noah.” “Hmm, interesting. I put my big foot in it several times until I realized they were not into guys � not into sex at all, they say. Is that even possible?” Mike chuckled. “Surely something makes their dicks hard. Tell you the truth, Bob, I didn’t buy it. Owning a bar you get pretty good at how to read men, and once or twice I caught the way they looked at each other. Take it from me, buddy, they were not the looks of `just good friends’ that they claim to be.” “I got the same feeling, Mike. And there’s another thing. Each time they saw guys having sex they could have simply walked away. But they didn’t � they watched the whole thing. Even Zack and Darius, whips, bondage and all.” “Yeah, they told me about that. But the thing that puzzles them most is how you told them all those things were expressions of love. Their view of love is what they see in the movies � kissing and cuddling as they call it. Seems they haven’t seen any of that here � yet. It gave me an idea, Bob, which you might not go for `cos it involves your twins, Kyle and Kevin.” He explained his plan and Bob listened intently. “It’s an idea Mike, and I think the twins would be ideal. But it all depends if they agree. I do know they are not shy about what they do together. Before they came here they kept it a secret, scared that people would condemn them. But they’ve loosened up a lot and they’re proud to show it off � to us guys at least. Come back to the house and have lunch with me, and we’ll talk it over.” THE TWINS TAKE CHARGE Comfortably installed in Bob’s office at the Boss House, Bob was pouring white wine for Mike and himself prior to lunch. He had alerted the twins that Mike was here and asked them to bring lunch up themselves when it was ready. “So why didn’t you alert us you were coming, Mike? We knew you would sooner or later.” “Ah, if I’d called ahead you’d have made all sorts of arrangements for me, and you know how I hate that. Plus I was eager to see how Larry’s doing with this surfing thing of Jamie’s. He’s real stoked about this lifeguard movie with Grady. I’ve closed the bar for a few days for renovations and resurfacing the parking lot, and I’d like to stay here if I wouldn’t be in the way.” “Don’t be daft, Mike, you could never be in the way. Randy would be mad as hell if you didn’t stay with us, and we wouldn’t want him to go all caveman, would we? He’d probably tie you down to stop you leaving.” “Hmm,” Mike smiled, “that has a certain ring to it � being tied down by that gypsy hunk. But you would know all about that, buddy.” “Actually it’s all arranged, Mike. Jamie and Mark want you and Larry to have their guestroom.” For a while Bob regaled Mike with the stories and dramas of the tribe, until there was a knock at the door and the twins came in bearing trays. “Jesus,” Mike said, “you guys get even more gorgeous every time I see you. One would be a knockout, but two identical specimens are enough the make an old guy cream his shorts.” He stood up, opened his arms and hugged them in turn. “Guys,” Bob said, “do you have time for a glass of wine with us? We had something we wanted to run by you.” “Of course, sir,” Kyle said. “Lunch is pretty well ready and Will can take it from here.” They sat down and Bob and Mike explained what they had been discussing earlier. “The thing is,” Bob said, “Mike and I think there’s more to Vic and Noah than meets the eye � this just-good-friends thing. They’re like babes in the wood, and part of their shyness, I think, is that they feel physically inferior to all the guys they meet. That nerdy look, I mean.” “We haven’t really met them yet,” Kevin said, “but we think their innocence is really sweet. We thought they were lovers � everyone did. So when we heard they were not into sex but had watched you and Randy, then Zack and Darius, we thought what a shock that must have been. Enough to put them off sex forever.” “That’s just the point we wanted to make, boys,” Mike said. “They talked openly to me and it seems there’s no way they can equate those rugged sex scenes with making love. If they think about love at all, they imagine it’s all sweet and tender like in the movies. That’s what they really need to see.” Kyle smiled, “That’s easy, Uncle Mike. They should watch us, eh Kev? We don’t do bondage and domination � only on special occasions,” Kyle grinned. “If they were to watch us they’d see love pure and simple. It would be less threatening � more like what they think it should be.” Mike smiled, “How about these guys, eh Bob? We’re concerned they might reject our plan and then they go and propose it themselves. Maybe they’ve been your boys so long they can read your mind.” “Let’s just say we and Bob think alike, sir.” Kevin said. “OK, so it’s a deal. Most days we and Will take a break in the late afternoon after basic dinner prep is finished and we have an hour before we start cooking. That’s when we go up to our apartment and make love. Will comes with us quite often and watches, he enjoys that � even joins in sometimes.” Kyle took over. “So how about we come up here instead, and bring Will, sir? Vic and Noah will be just getting off work then. You and Uncle Mike can watch too. Gives love-making an extra edge when we have an audience � helps us show off how in love we are. Sound like a plan?” Bob leaned back in his chair and raised his hands. “Mike, sometimes I have the delusion that I’m the boss around here. But as you can see � it’s just a delusion. These guys take charge and I do what I’m told. OK, boys, it’s your show.” LOVE, PURE & SIMPLE Just before the business office closed for the day Bob phoned Brandon and asked him to send the new boys up to him in his house. “Mike and I are in the master bedroom. Don’t worry, nothing for them to be nervous about.” But they were nervous anyway, especially after yesterday when they went to see Bob and watched from the guestroom as Zack and Darius did all that domination stuff. What would it be this time? “But Uncle Mike is there this time, Noah, and he’s a real good guy,” Vic said. And when they went into the master bedroom their anxiety Didim Escort Bayan disappeared as they were greeted with big smiles from Bob and Mike. They sat close to Mike. “Hi, guys,” Bob said. “First, I have an apology to make. Yesterday up here I encouraged you to watch Zack and Darius, and I realize now that was too much to take in. I wanted you to be aware of even the rough stuff that goes on here so you wouldn’t be shocked if ever you saw it by chance. I also wanted you to know that whatever the other guys do, it does not involve you and nobody will make you change the way you are.” Mike took over. “It was my idea, kids, to show you something else � kind of the other extreme. When we talked earlier you asked me if there are guys here who make love tenderly � `kissing and cuddling’, is how you put it. Well, I wanna prove to you that there are. Bob tells me you haven’t met his twins properly yet. So here’s your chance. They’re on their way up here.” A minute later the door opened and the twins came in with Will, all wearing their dark green aprons and chef’s hats. Will pulled his hat off, shook out his red hair and smiled. “Hey guys, good to see you again. Brandon treating you well?” They nodded shyly. Will pulled two bottles from his deep apron pockets and grinned at Bob. “Sir, I brought two bottles of that Chardonnay from Napa that you like so much. Shall I pour?” While he rustled up some glasses the twins approached Vic and Noah with warm identical smiles. “Hi, guys, we haven’t really met yet, we’ve always had our heads down in the kitchen. I’m Kyle and this is my brother Kevin, though you prob’ly won’t be able to tell us apart. Only Bob can, and Will too most of the time. Never mind, we both answer to either name. We’re Bob’s boys and Will is our boy.” They shook hands then pulled off their aprons. Underneath they were, as usual, dressed in white � identical white shorts and polo shirts. Kevin smiled, “And now that we’ve thoroughly confused you, we are going to be very rude and ignore you all for a while. See, this is the time of day when we relax before the dinner rush. And we have our own special way of relaxing. So please excuse us. You have Bob, Will and Uncle Mike to take good care of you, so ignore us …” “… or not,” Kyle smiled mischievously. “Your choice.” Vic and Noah were distracted by Will at their elbow pouring their wine. When they looked up again, the identical twins were standing by the bed gazing at each other. Mike had been right when he said earlier that `these two only have eyes for each other’. Bob said quietly and with a touch of pride, “Beautiful, aren’t they? But you don’t have to watch, guys.” “Oh, we want to, sir,” Vic said. “You’re right, they are beautiful � and exactly alike. They’re a lot different from Zack and Darius.” “You’re about to see how different,” Bob chuckled. As they sipped wine, Bob, Mike and Will were relaxed and in good spirits, having seen the show before. But Vic and Noah were excited. Feeling comfortable in the company of three men they liked and trusted, they concentrated on the handsome brothers, knowing for sure there would be no rough stuff this time. The twins smiled at each other for long seconds, and then, keeping their hands at their sides, they leaned forward until their lips met � lightly at first but with increasing passion. Every move was made in tandem, giving the impression of watching one man and his mirror reflection. The twins raised their hands and stroked each other’s cheeks as they kissed. When at last their mouths separated they softly kissed each other’s eyes. Finally they pulled back, reached forward and gently pulled their brother’s shirt off over his head and let it fall to the floor, revealing their smooth, athletic torsos. They stroked each other’s body, starting at the neck, then tracing the contours of the pecs and abs. Mike leaned close to Vic and Noah. “Beautiful bodies, don’t you think, kids?” “Yes, sir,” they replied. The twins’ perfectly proportioned physiques were flawless, tanned golden. But in truth, the mesmerized boys were focused not on the bodies but on the twins’ eyes penetrating each other with a slight smile all the time. They got the odd feeling they were talking to each other through their eyes. Maybe this is what love looked like, they thought. The twins’ hands were now at the other’s waist and, in perfect sync, they unbuttoned their brothers’ shorts until they fell round his feet. They slipped off their shoes and stepped out of the fallen shorts, both of them butt naked, sharp tan-lines accentuating the round white globes of their asses. Their smiled broadened as they wrapped their arms round each other in a loving embrace, their bare bodies and their lips pressed together. Mike whispered, “How’s that for `kissing and cuddling’, eh kids?” He noticed that Vic’s hand was pressed over Noah’s as they both watched mesmerized. Mike looked at Bob and signaled their hands with his eyes, making Bob smile knowingly.” As the twins pressed against each other and their stiff, identical cocks rubbed together, it seemed as if their eyes signaled some mutual decision. Loosening their grip only slightly Kevin bent his knees and slid down Kyle’s body until he was kneeling on the floor. Kyle’s cock was pointing straight at his brother’s face, and Kevin kissed it, ran his tongue up the whole length, then opened his mouth and let Kyle slide it all the way down his throat. As Kevin made love to his twin’s cock, the boys frowned and Noah said quietly to Bob, “But they’re brothers, sir.” “Brothers who are in love, Noah,” Bob smiled. Noah was too engrossed in the twins’ next moves to reply. Kyle pulled his cock out of his brother’s mouth and he sank to his knees facing Kevin. Again they smiled and kissed and then fell sideways on the floor � in opposite directions. Their moves were almost balletic as they eased along the carpet on their sides until each boy was facing his brother’s cock. The new boys gasped and Noah instinctively squeezed Vic’s hand. In perfect harmony, each twin closed his mouth over his brother’s cock and swallowed it all the way down. Soon they were sucking eagerly, and Bob said quietly to the boys, “This is called sixty-nineing, boys. They are making love to each other’s cock, giving and taking � each one giving exactly the same pleasure as he is feeling. Sometimes when I watch this I stand up, stroke my cock, and shower them with my jizz.” As they tried to picture this, and watched the twins make love, the boys’ hands slid robotically over the bulge in their brother’s shorts. They were aware only of the stunning sight of the beautiful twins lying naked on the floor making love. They came out of their trance when the scene suddenly changed. The twins separated, got to their feet and kissed beside the bed. Again there was a fleeting impression they had silently communicated, and Kevin got on the bed and lay on his back. Kyle stood at the foot of the bed, stroked his wet cock and smiled down at his waiting brother. Kevin hooked his hands behind his knees and pulled his legs back, offering his ass to his twin. Kyle knelt on the bed, held his cock and pushed the head between the cheeks and against the furry hole. Now the boys were really alarmed and Vic turned to Mike. “He can’t sir … they’re brothers … it’s illegal.” Mike treated them to his most avuncular smile. “Not really, kiddo. They’re not making babies or anything. What you’re looking at, boys, is love pure and simple. And this is the way they, and millions of others, make love � kissing, cuddling, sucking and fucking. This is what I wanted you to see. This is the final act. You sure you wanna watch?” “Definitely, sir,” they said together. They held their breath as they watched Kyle slide his wet cock inside his brother, all the time gazing into his smiling eyes. When his pubic hair was pressed against Kevin’s ass he leaned forward and they kissed. They never stopped kissing as Kyle pulled back, then eased in again, and again and again. Kyle’s own dimpled white globes flexed hard as his hips rose and fell over his brother’s smooth muscular body. It was a tender, loving, act, emotional as much as physical � spiritual even. . They watched mesmerized for several minutes until suddenly Kyle pulled out and they nimbly swapped positions. Kevin was on top now and watched his brother pull his legs back to offer his ass. As the brothers were identical this scene looked exactly the same as before and the new boys blinked in confusion as Kevin pushed his cock in his brother’s ass and they kissed. Noticing their bewilderment Bob said quietly, “Like I said, they are giving and taking, each experiencing the same pleasure as his brother gave him. Part of making love is sharing � and my twins share everything, especially themselves.” The scene became even more dizzying as the twins changed position repeatedly, alternating top and bottom. “This is known as flip-fucking, boys. Kyle and Kevin do it all the time.” “Does it go on and on, sir?” Noah asked. “As long as they can without cumming … you know, reaching their climax. And I think they’re almost there. Watch.” There was a heightened intensity now as the brothers kissed and fucked, first one on top, then the other. The flip-fuck finally ended and they both knelt on the bed facing each other. They each stretched one arm forward and rested a hand on their brother’s shoulder. Their free hand reached down, closed round their brother’s cock and started stroking. Their eyes were now locked on each other and even the new boys, inexperienced as they were, sensed that it was their eyes, rather than the stroking, that was bringing them to a peak of passion. Bob whispered, “This is love, kids, pure and simple. Watch what it does.” The twins’ smiles grew broader, their eyes sparkled and they started to laugh. Their laughter and passion grew ever more joyful until they threw their heads back and shouted “Yes!” as semen spurted from their cocks and splashed over their rippling bodies. Drenched in their brother’s juice they fell against each other and rolled over the bed locked in each other’s arms. Their laughter subsided at last and they lay still, on their sides facing each other. They leaned in for one last lingering kiss, then sprang apart and stood up, to enthusiastic applause from the onlookers � even from Vic and Noah, caught up in the joy of the moment. THE ROOKIES MEET THE TRIBE Suddenly the twins were back to business. Each boy picked up a discarded chef’s hat and, grinning broadly, planted it on their brother’s head. Naked, except for the hat, they smiled and Kyle said, “Will could you make a start on dinner while we shower. Can’t walk into the kitchen like this, but we’ll be down shortly.” “Sure thing, sirs,” Will said, then looked at the new boys. “See you at dinner, guys.” He left quickly, the twins picked up their clothes and aprons and headed to Bob’s shower. Bob and Mike were left with the new boys and Mike said, “How you doing, kids?” Their eyes were shining. “That was amazing, sir,” Vic said. “Was that love?” Noah asked. “As pure as you’re ever gonna find it, kiddo. That’s what I wanted you to see. Not so many years ago, before they came to the tribe, the twins hid what they did from everyone. They weren’t ashamed of it, but they were scared of what other people would say � they would insist that it was wrong. But Kyle and Kevin knew that real love is never wrong, no matter what others say. I want you to remember that, boys. “And when they met Bob their lives changed. In the tribe they at last found a bunch of guys who not only agreed with them, they celebrated the love the brothers shared.” Bob smiled, “OK, now here’s another first for you, boys. Up to now you haven’t joined the tribe in one of our big meals together, but I hope you will join us this evening at dinner. Will assumed you would be there.” Vic and Noah exchanged nervous looks, and Vic said. “Thank you, sir, but I don’t think so. I mean, we’re different from the other guys, all those good-looking, buff men and boys. We know we’re plain and skinny, the other boys would laugh at us. We’re just …” “… you’re just Vic and Noah,” Bob said sternly, “two young men who Brandon admires enough to hire … two boys who are a respected part of the team here …” “… two boys who I thought had become my friends,” Mike added, looking hurt. “I’m sorry you would be ashamed to be seen with me at dinner.” Bob suspected that Mike was just acting hurt, and had skillfully even hinted they were ashamed of him. Of course the boys rushed in to correct that. “Sir, we never meant that at all. We want to be your friends.” Bob said, “But do you really think any of our guys would laugh at you? You’ve met plenty of them already, has anyone laughed at you?” “No, sir, everyone’s been real nice,” Noah said. “I’m sorry, sir. We just … we just …” “Vic, Noah,” Bob said formally, “it would be a great pleasure for me to invite you to dinner as my guests.” “Thank you, sir,” they said in tandem. Mike beamed. “Good, it’s a date then. Now, are you gonna show me the guestroom Bob has lent to you? I wanna make sure it’s good enough for my new pals.” As the boys happily made for the door Bob said quietly to Mike. “Buddy, could you take care of them at dinner? It could be a bit overwhelming for them and I know they feel safe with you. I’ll be busy keeping the other guys in line.” “Be my pleasure, Bob. I like the kids. Believe it or not, I was shy and skinny like them when I was their age � `course that was about a thousand years ago.” Chuckling, he followed the Escort Didim boys to their room and they stayed there gossiping until dinnertime. Young chef Will had recently been browsing in a junk store and had come across an old-fashioned dinner gong that must have been used years ago in some grand house. He brought it home, cleaned it up, and proudly pounded on it to announce major meals. Mike and the boys now heard its booming call from the guestroom and Mike grinned, “Seems like we’ve been summoned, kids. Take a deep breath, stick with me and you’ll be just fine.” When they went down to the garden most of the tribe was already gathered round the large table set up on the lawn. The boys hesitated, but fortunately all the attention was focused on Mike, with shouts of welcome to the much loved “Uncle Mike!” Will, as he ran back and forth to the kitchen, shepherded them to three chairs he had kept open for them, facing where Bob would be sitting. Brandon sat on the other side of them so they were well protected. The noise was already loud, as it always was when the tribe got together and relaxed, with greetings, laughter and more than a few obscenities. Mike fended off all the questions hurled at him so he could keep the boys engaged in conversation. Randy walked by and ruffled the hair of Brandon and the two boys, then sat in his usual chair at the head of the table. Pretty soon he was on his feet, banging a knife against his glass and yelling, “Listen up, guys. As you know, it’s customary for us to thank the chefs who’ve put this magnificent spread together. Get your asses out here, guys.” “One of the traditions of the tribe,” Bob told the boys, and they watched as the three chefs came out and Will stood between the twins, all wearing the kitchen uniform of dark green aprons and white chef’s hats. They whipped off the hats, held them high, then swooped them down in a low theatrical bow to the raucous cheers of the large group. Caught up in the boisterous excitement the new boys found themselves cheering too. Randy wasn’t finished. “And guys, I wanna welcome two newcomers to our office and our feast. Let’s hear it for Vic and Noah.” The boys smiled and blushed deeply as they realized the next round of cheers was for them, Mike’s being loudest of all. Bob was pleased that Randy had kept his greeting short and low-key and the crowd’s attention quickly turned to their buddies and away from the new boys, much to their relief. Mike said to Bob, “Wonder where Larry and the guys from the beach are?” “Jamie just called, Mike. They were just dropping off Grady at the Grady House and they’ll be here any minute … oops, like now by the sounds of it.” The gate burst open and in came three bronzed young jocks, all wearing red board shorts and white T-shirts, having come straight from the Malibu beach shoot for Grady’s lifeguard movie. Vic and Noah watched the three enthusiastic greetings as Jamie ran up to his blond cop Mark, Eddie into the arms of the Marine Hassan, and Larry up to Mike who stood up beside them and kissed his boy hungrily. “So, you made it, Mike,” Larry said at last. “We’ll be in Mark and Jamie’s guestroom, dude. I can’t wait.” He turned and smiled at the boys. “And you must be Vic and Noah I’ve heard so much about. Mike’s taken a real shine to you. I hope one weekend soon you can come and stay with us in Palm Springs. Larry sat on the other side of Mike and the party was complete. A short while later Eddie ran round the table to them, “Hi, Uncle Mike. I don’t wanna interrupt your dinner, just wanted to introduce myself to Vic and Noah. Hi, guys, I’m Eddie, the Marine’s boy � that hunk sitting over there. I know you and me are gonna be pals, I can tell. Anything you wanna know about the tribe, ask me `cos I know it all, like where the bodies are buried … everything.” He tapped his temple. “It’s all up here. “Soon we’ll have a long chat, though I generally do all the talking. Hassan says I talk too much and he’s prob’ly right, but I always say if you’ve got something important to say, get it out. Fr’instance, I gotta tell you all about my new job as cameraman on this big new movie. We just came from the beach, and dudes,” he raised open palms, “you…would …not…believe … ” He was interrupted by Hassan yelling “Eddie!” from the other end of the table. “Oh, his master’s voice. Hassan wants me � and you don’t say no to a Marine. But we’ll talk in the next few days. You are sticking around, ain’t you? Like forever? Good to meet you, dudes.” Eddie ran off as abruptly as he had arrived, and Mike grinned, “So, that was Eddie, but good luck getting a word in sideways when you next meet. But, er, was Eddie right? Are you sticking around here � like, forever?” Vic looked at Noah and smiled. “It’s kinda looking like it, sir.” NO HARM IN IT, IS THERE? After dinner Vic and Noah went straight to their guestroom in Bob and Randy’s house, as it promised to be a long day tomorrow. As Bob had forecast, a surge in office work would call for a lot of overtime, which the boys welcomed as they enjoyed their work � `especially when the pressure’s on’ as Vic had told their boss Brandon. It had been an exciting day for them, and watching the twins had had a profound impact on them. Up till now, they had watched mostly hardcore examples of sex, but watching the twins was different. Mike had said it was an example of pure love, and they had certainly been gentle and loving with each other. What was more remarkable � they were brothers, identical twins, and the boys would have considered that forbidden love. But the twins certainly didn’t, neither did Bob or Mike. Vic and Noah had always thought of each other more like brothers, which precluded any notion of sexual love between them. The thought simply never came up. If it had it would have been distasteful to them. But Mike’s words of wisdom now rang in their ears. He had said the twins were never ashamed of making love, but in the past they had been scared of what other people would say � would tell them it was wrong. But they knew that real love is never wrong, no matter what others say. “I want you to remember that, boys,” Mike had said. They couldn’t forget his words. The first night they had spent together they had been shy about undressing and each in turn had gone to the bathroom to change into boxer-briefs and T-shirts for bed. But now, as they talked excitedly about the things the twins had done to each other, issues of nudity never crossed their minds. They matter-of-factly took off their street clothes and went naked to the bathroom together to brush their teeth. There were two sinks and a large mirror and they maintained eye contact in the mirror as they talked and brushed. In fact, residual images of the twins making love � sixty-nineing, butt- fucking, then jerking each other off � made their cock stiffen a little. But they either didn’t notice or if they did, dismissed it as … whatever it was. Didn’t matter. They even went so far as to copy the twins about what to wear. The twins had said they naturally slept together naked, and now that didn’t seem like such a bad idea, as it was a warm night even with the windows open. So they didn’t bother with shorts or T-shirts. When they finally got into bed things were more relaxed than before, too. The first night they had clung to their edge of the bed. The second night they didn’t cling, but they didn’t touch either, until they found themselves pressed together when they woke in the morning. Now all such inhibitions and restraints flew out the open window and, like any two best buddies, they lay together in the middle of the large bed, Vic pressed lightly against Noah’s back. They said goodnight and as sleep slowly overcame them Vic instinctively draped his arm over Noah, and fell asleep. Minutes later Noah’s eyes opened and for some reason he was wide awake. What had woken him … why couldn’t he sleep? Was it Vic’s arm resting on him? Then he knew. His cock was hard � not just stiff, really hard. He touched it warily and it jumped. Strangely, it didn’t embarrass him. It felt nice … really good, actually. Mike’s words came back to him. `The twins were never ashamed of what they felt. They knew that a feeling like this could never be wrong.’ So did Noah. But he also knew he could never fall asleep like this. Then he thought of how the twins had finally handled it � and `handled’ was the right word. They had grabbed each other’s cock and stroked it until they got release. Very carefully Noah slid forward, out from under Vic’s arm. He grabbed the edge of the bed and pulled himself forward and slipped out from under the sheets. He tiptoed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror at his face, then at his cock. There was a sort of glow about him he had never seen before. Hesitantly he wrapped his hand round his cock and stroked it. It felt wonderful … new … indescribable. He would do quickly what the twins had done. “What are you doing?” He jumped, turned round and realized he had left the door ajar. And Vic was standing there. Flustered, Noah said, “Oh, nothing. I needed to pee.” “In the sink?” “No, I … I er …” Then he looked down at Vic’s cock � hard as a rod. “You too, uh?” Vic came up and stood beside him, looking in the mirror. “I was thinking about what the twins did at the end. They seemed to like it … no harm in it I suppose. I mean, they’re brothers after all and … he reached across and touched Noah’s cock. Vic pulled back for an instant, but when Noah didn’t protest he touched it again … and wrapped his hand round it. Noah quickly copied him and they tentatively stroked each other’s cock. Shyness at first made them look down, but when they raised their heads they smiled at each other in the mirror. “You OK, Noah?” “Yeah, very. No harm in it really, is there? Anything that feels this good. You think we could do what the twins did?” “Dunno, I …” As they stroked harder their cocks answered for them � and it didn’t take long. Their hearts were pounding, breath heaving as they stroked faster and faster. It was as if some force had taken over their body … it felt wonderful … they had no control as they stared at each other and …”Aaaahh!” They sighed deeply and watched in disbelief as semen spurted out from their cocks in long streams that splashed on the mirror. “Aaaah … aaaah …” They stared at each other, each boy knowing the other was feeling the same incredible sensation. It seemed endless, but at last their cocks drained and they stood stunned, gazing at each other in the mirror. They both realized what had happened. Just like the twins, each of them had given the other the exact same pleasure he was feeling. It was more than pleasure. Could it be love? But that concept was too much to handle and they pushed it from their minds. No this was just a physical thing … for release … a bit like peeing when you really have to go, and you sigh with relief. What had Bob called it? Getting your rocks off? Now they were embarrassed. They turned on the taps and quickly cleaned up the mess, rubbing the mirror so hard it seemed they were erasing not only the liquid but also the reflection of what they had seen. They toweled themselves off and hurried back to the bed. They climbed in and pulled the sheets up to their necks in a belated attempt at modesty. But when Noah turned on his side he felt Vic behind him wrapping his arm round him again, and Noah sighed with pleasure. But they couldn’t talk about what had happened. Instead, they talked about the tribe, the dinner, and the guys they had met there. “I’m glad we had Uncle Mike with us,” Noah said. “I like him a whole lot. He took real good care of us, made us feel comfortable.” “Yeah, and I think he’s even tougher than Randy. He calls him `boy’, and I heard him tell Bob he’s gonna give him a talking to `cos he needs a lecture sometimes. Mike’s boy Larry said we should go visit them in Palm Springs. I’ve seen pictures of Palm Springs but we’ve never been there. I heard Larry mention that Mike owns a … a leather bar, I think he called it. Bob said that Zack and Darius are `into leather’. Not sure what that means either.” “Me neither,” Noah said. “I liked Eddie, didn’t you? He’s funny, but he does talk a lot. But what did you make of his man Hassan? He’s real handsome … kinda Arab-looking … but he looks scary. He’s a Marine Captain, you know.” “And what’s up with those guys who said they’re working on a movie � `Grady’s movie’ I think they said? You think he’s a movie star or something?” “Dunno,” Noah yawned, “but I guess we’ll find out if we stick around long enough. And I do wanna stick around, dude, don’t you?” “I sure do,” Vic said. “But we should get some sleep now. Brandon said we’ve got a long day tomorrow, we’ll be working overtime.” “Yeah, we should, and this bed sure beats our little beds at home.” Noah yawned again and his voice got sleepy. “Kinda nice to share it like this, don’t you think?” “I do. And, er, that thing we did in the bathroom. I think Bob called it a hand job or something when the twins did it. I didn’t mind that either. Maybe we could even do it again.” But Noah didn’t reply. He was already asleep in Vic’s arms. TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength” � Chapter 532 Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter got you off, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at rw6789@aol. ALSO, I invite you to visit my own Web-site gth. You can read the whole story, with extras including pictures and biographies of all the characters. AND DON’T FORGET � IF YOU ENJOY THESE STORIES, PLEASE DONATE to this site. Nifty needs your donations to provide these thousands of wonderful stories. So please go to fty/donate.html and donate what you can. All the other writers and I thank you.

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Subject: “A Trial Of Strength” – Part 498 by Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH � PART 498 By Rob Williams Chapter 498 � “CHAD FALLS IN � OUT OF HIS DEPTH” IN THIS CHAPTER: Still searching for monogamous love, rather than carnal lust, hunky Dr. Chad wonders which of the tribe’s men might end up sharing his new house with him. After getting his ass ploughed by the macho young mechanic Pablo, Chad later forges a tight bond of friendship with the sexy Aussie Adam. It looks as if brotherly love might evolve into the sexual relationship he seeks, until suddenly his hopes are dashed. ___________________________________________________________________ IN THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER Doctor Chad was a new arrival to the tribe and new to man-on-man sex. But he was instantly attracted to so many good-looking, sexy men and boys of the tribe and had already fucked with a number of them. He confessed to the tribe’s therapist, Dr. Steve, that he felt like the proverbial `kid in a candy store’. Steve smiled, “And you yourself Chad are the tastiest eye-candy in the store so all those guys were only too happy to hit the sack with you.” “Kind of. But Steve that’s not me. I don’t wanna be a fuck machine, sleeping with every guy I meet. See, I’m really a one-man kinda guy. When I fall in love it’ll be just us two guys and our dog, sharing my new house � faithful lovers sipping cocktails before the fire, with an equally faithful golden retriever … and wisteria over the door.” “I know, buddy, I heard about the monogamous lover, the fireplace and the dog … and that wisteria thing is already the stuff of legend in the tribe. But while you’re searching for Mr. Right my advice is to keep on sampling the candy offerings and eat your fill until you find that guy. “You’ve fallen into a honeypot, dude, so enjoy the sweet taste until someone pulls you out � someone with a golden retriever and a bunch of wisteria. The fact is, Chad, you have probably met the guy already. You won’t know it at first and it’ll take time for the penny to drop, but when it does, bingo … it’s cocktails by the fire.” Chad took Steve’s advice. He had bought a house close to the tribe which needed a lot of renovation, and several of the men and boys of the tribe were helping him. As he met them one by one he had a more-or-less permanent erection and wondered in the back of his mind if any of them would be the man who would end up as his faithful lover sipping cocktails with him. The list was long. The tribe’s leaders Bob and Randy were very involved in the house. Bob was helping Chad finance the purchase, and Randy, the rugged construction boss, was in charge of the renovations. Also, the neglected garden was a wilderness and the handsome Italian Mario was planning new landscaping, to be carried out by the young gardeners Finn and Tyler. The cleaning inside the house was taken on by Adam’s boy Nate. When Chad first met the hunky Australian Adam he was struck by his rugged Aussie looks. But unlike every other man, Adam did not make Chad’s dick hard. That was something of a relief, which Chad put down to a lack of chemistry between them. As Chad sat at the tribe’s communal dinner he looked at all the fine faces round the table and the playful thought crossed his mind that, as he looked from man to man, whoever made his cock bulge hardest would be the one. But then he met the construction worker Seth, the most unlikely of the men to end up sipping martinis by the fire. Seth had started as a rough-and-ready day laborer and had worked his way up to the manager of one of the tribe’s construction divisions. He lived alone in the small guesthouse on the grounds of Dr. Steve’s house and told Chad he would like to move into the tribe’s compound to be with the other guys, but currently there was no room there. Meanwhile Seth watched the sunset alone most evenings. “Who knows,” he shrugged, “one day I’ll meet a guy who’ll wanna share the view with me. Except I’m no good at conversation. Can’t imagine any guy who’d wanna spend time with me � except fucking, I’m good at that.” Seth was a tough guy, brawny and wild looking with rugged features and shaggy hair. After Dr. Chad had fixed up his sprained ankle Seth blurted out, “Damn, you are one sexy son of a bitch, doc. I’m real horny and I could kinda go for being butt-fucked by a musclehunk top guy and you sure fit the bill. Chad was seduced by Seth’s gritty sexuality and the ensuing sex was raw and wild, laced with obscenities. When it was over they stared at each other in disbelief at the crazy way they had behaved. Seth grinned, “Fuck, that was hot, doc. We gotta do that again soon.” Damn, Chad thought, he hadn’t expected this. Seth was not a guy he had thought of as a potential lover, but god he was exciting. He was alone a lot and wondered if there was a man out there he could share the sunset with. Plus he was looking for a new place to live. But what about all the other men he had met, the handsome faces round the dinner table, some he had even made love to already. And even the guys he had met just today � Mario, Adam, and now Seth? He had tried to push his obsessive search into the background and get on with his life, but he had such a strong feeling that one of these guys would be the man for him. What had Steve had told him? “Doc, you’ve probably met the guy already. You won’t know it at first and it’ll take time for the penny to drop, but when it does … it’s cocktails by the fire.” That penny-drop moment seemed so far away. And yet that nagging inner voice kept telling him it was just around the corner. ******************* CHAPTER 498 ****************** CHAD’S NEW LIFE The next couple of weeks were a blur of activity for Chad. His main preoccupation was his new prestigious job as Director of Surgery at a nearby hospital, which he planned to transform into a state-of-the-art facility for the treatment of sports injuries and work accidents. That all coincided with the onerous task of renovating his new house and moving in. Boss Randy, in charge of the remodeling, estimated the work would take two weeks, and Chad spent much of that time at the house conferring with Randy and the other guys working on it. He met several times with Adam’s boy Nate whose home-management company had contracted to do the initial cleanup and regular cleaning thereafter. Once or twice Adam showed up to pick up his boy and he and Chad talked a lot about his plans for the house and garden. Adam had once owned a house in Sydney and as they talked they found that they had much in common, and they soon became good buddies. Chad felt comfortable with the easy-going Adam for the odd reason of not getting a hard-on when they met. Chad was trying to push sex to the back of his mind and not to dwell too much on his search for a lover to share his house, so the lack of sexual chemistry with Adam worked just fine. Chad quickly fell into a routine of spending much of his day at the hospital then returning to the new house in the late afternoon to check on the guys’ progress. One day he met with the tribe’s two young gardeners, Finn and Tyler, who were working hard on the extensive grounds that had long been neglected, and the garden was pretty much a wilderness. Chad knew Finn well as he was the boy of the hunky Hispanic Miguel and they had recently spent a sex-filled weekend in the dunes. But he knew less about the other boy, Tyler, who was Pablo’s boy and tended to be rather shy. Chad was even less familiar with Pablo with whom he had so far exchanged only a few words. All he knew was that Pablo had been with the tribe almost from the beginning as Randy’s boy, and that Randy had later adopted him as his son. As the construction company’s chief mechanic Pablo had grown into a tough authoritative young jock. He modeled himself on his hero Randy, in his muscular physique, his words and deeds, and his macho attitude, bordering sometimes on arrogance. Perversely, this brash masculine image turned Chad on and he looked forward to getting to know Pablo better. That opportunity was about to arrive. THE DOC MEETS THE BOSS’S BOY After Chad’s meeting with the two young gardeners Tyler said, “Sir, Pablo will be coming to pick me up soon so I’ll have to leave and he’ll take me home. See, I’m his boy and he’s …” “Yes, the boss’s boy, I know Tyler,” Chad smiled. “And that’s OK, we’ve almost finished here anyway.” Just then, on cue, they heard Pablo’s truck pull up outside and he came striding across the garden. Having come straight from work he was an imposing sight, shirtless in grubby blue jeans and boots, his muscled physique streaked with oil and grease. An old rag hanging from his back pocket somehow accentuated the curve of his gorgeous ass in his tight jeans, the ass that had first attracted Randy to him and which the boss had invaded often. To watch Randy butt-fuck Pablo was a master-class in how macho men fuck. Tyler ran up to Pablo and into a tight hug. “Hey, kid, how’s it going? Damn, this place is a mess … shitload of work getting it in shape.” He broke free, walked up to Chad and held out his hand. “Hi, doc,” he smiled, “you putting my boy through his paces? He gives you any trouble you just let me know. I know just how to treat this young rascal when he steps out of line, eh kiddo?” He ruffled Tyler’s hair and the boy blushed and grinned happily. Grasping Pablo’s hand firmly Chad smiled, “Tyler and Finn are doing a terrific job, Pablo, but there’s a long way to go. You’re right, the garden is a disaster zone but our handsome Italian buddy Mario has created a great landscape design and he’s helping the boys.” Pablo was staring hard at Chad, and grinned, “I never realized what a good-looking stud you are, doc. I never really noticed you in the dinner crowd but I can see why my dad was so hot to fuck your ass.” Chad smilingly accepted the compliment, brushing aside the indirect put-down of not previously noticing him, plus the fact that his dad Randy had already butt-fucked Chad. Finn went back to work but Tyler followed Pablo and Chad as they walked slowly through the long grass discussing all the work to be done. At first they were somewhat tentative with each other but it gradually dawned on both men that their hesitancy was caused by growing sexual vibes between them. Once again Chad had a hard-on just being next to Pablo, which somewhat dismayed him as he was trying to stifle any sexual feelings that would get in the way of all the work he had to do. Pablo however took his own growing lust as natural � it was who he was, son of Randy, it just went with the territory. The similarity between Pablo and Randy was another thing that roused Chad. Randy was a naturally dominant alpha male, with his rugged gypsy looks, a born leader of men whose swagger added to his magnetic sex appeal. And in some ways Pablo was a junior version, with the same natural acceptance of his own authority and good looks. He was muscular, like his dad, though his high-cheeked Mestizo features were different from Randy’s swarthy blue-eyed gypsy. Chad noted that Pablo had not once called him `sir’ as all the other boys did, referring to him as `doc’ or `dude’. It would actually have seemed out of place hearing this tough young jock say `sir’ and Chad felt sure the only men he ever addressed as sir were Randy and his lover Bob. When Chad came out of his reverie he realized that Pablo was talking about Randy, one of his favorite topics. “Doc, you couldn’t have a better man doing your renovations than my dad. He’s known in the construction trade as the best in the business. And when he gives orders everyone obeys � or else. Quick with his fists too. I’ve seen him get in lots of knock-down drag-out fights and he always comes out on top. “Yep, no one says no to Randy” � Pablo grinned wickedly � “not even you, dude, when he pounded your ass in front of the fireplace in your empty house.” Chad looked startled but Pablo chuckled, “Ah, my dad and me tell each other everything, and anyway he fucks every guy who joins the tribe � it’s his seal of approval, a guy has to get that. Randy told me you and him christened the house with that fuck and you’ll remember it every time you sit there by the fire.” Chad was stunned to be reminded of this event in so much detail and realized even more how Pablo was a junior version of Randy in thought, word and deed. Especially in deed, as he was about to discover. “Yeah, my dad and me work together. I mean, him and you christened the inside of the house, but what about the garden here? Stands to reason, my dad does the inside job and leaves me to take care of the outside. So let’s christen the garden, doc, in a place that’s gonna be your favorite, a spot where you’ll always remember this day.” Often during Pablo’s swaggering speech Chad glanced at Tyler and was struck by the shining look of hero-worship in the boy’s eyes. This was the master Tyler idolized, the strutting boss’s boy praising Randy and implicitly asserting his authority even over the virile doctor. Chad realized that Pablo was showing off to his boy who was hanging on Diyarbakır Escort his every word, eagerly waiting to witness Pablo’s dominance. Chad did not want to disappoint the shy young guy � and anyway the handsome mechanic’s butch act had Chad’s cock straining in his pants. Still, he felt he couldn’t just take this bombast lying down (literally) so he made light of it all. “Hey, Pablo, I know you’re Randy’s boy and all but you don’t have to come on like gangbusters. You seriously suggesting that we find a future `favorite spot’ and christen it like Randy did? You think I’m just gonna surrender my ass to you?” Even as he spoke Chad noticed the flicker of disappointment in Tyler’s eyes and he almost regretted his words. But he needn’t have worried as Pablo sailed confidently above it all. “Sure you will, doc, mostly because of that huge boner you got straining against those tailored slacks of yours. I know lust when I see it, dude, and I get to see it a lot. Think of it as a baptismal fuck, doc. Hey, this looks like the spot.” They had come to a secluded part of the garden, a small clearing among the fruit trees, still wild with long grass as yet untouched by the gardeners, but none-the-less with a serene beauty of its own. Chad recalled that Mario had marked this on his landscape design as what he called un giardino segreto � Chad’s secret garden. Definitely the right spot for a baptism, Chad grinned. “OK, if you insist, Pablo.” Chad walked purposefully to the middle of the long grass. Staring straight into Pablo’s brown eyes he unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off. He unbuckled his belt, unzipped his slacks and let them fall. Tyler gasped, seeing the doctor naked for the first time. His mind flashed on a classical statue of a naked warrior he had seen in Mario’s garden of the Grady House. It had Chad’s chiseled physique, broad solid shoulders and bulging pecs, his flared lats narrowing to a slim waist. And below that a tangle of pubic hair out of which rose his long cock, hard as sculpted marble. There was a smile on his square-cut features, and his tousled light brown hair fell down almost to his seductive hazel eyes. Tyler subconsciously felt the significance of the macho doc stripping naked before the shirtless mechanic, who kept on his oil-streaked jeans and boots. It was a symbolic act of one top-man surrendering his power to another. But for once Pablo lost his boastful attitude, almost (but not quite) intimidated by the man’s chiseled beauty. “Damn, I can see why my dad wanted you so bad, doc. It’ll be a privilege to shove my dick in that gorgeous ass. ” There was no feeling of triumph as he opened his pants, pulled out his cock and fell to his knees in the grass. Both men stroked their dicks, gazing into each other’s eyes, prolonging the moment before one drove his rod inside the other. Tyler watched mesmerized as the man he worshiped got ready to perform his own act of worship on the muscle-god beneath. The boy was only dimly aware of footsteps behind him. Randy had taken a break from work in the house and come outside for a breath of air. He had noticed action in a distant part of the garden and now came up behind Tyler. “So what’s going on, kiddo?” he said softly. Tyler turned, looked up at Randy and said, “Sir, you will not believe … Pablo is gonna fuck the doc!” “Well sure he is,” Randy shrugged. “He’s my boy ain’t he? I already fucked the doc, so Pablo comes next � it’s all in the family. And one day soon it’ll be your turn, kid.” Randy threw his arm round Tyler’s shoulder. “So let’s just stand back and watch and let you learn from your master.” THE FAMILY THAT FUCKS TOGETHER… There was a difference in the way Pablo and Randy fucked the doctor. Randy had been as dominant as always, the boss ploughing the newcomer’s ass as a right, exercising his droit du seigneur in a ferocious fuck without foreplay, where Chad was so turned on he would have let the savage gypsy do anything. But even though Pablo strutted as the boss’s boy, in the tribe’s hierarchy he was just a senior boy and Chad had been instantly accepted as a master. So when their cock-stroking foreplay ended Pablo was less forceful and more respectful of the macho doctor. He spat on his palm and wetted his cock, grinning, “Spit only, doc, that’s the way we work,” (still implying that this was an extension of what Randy had done to Chad). He pushed one of Chad’s legs back and stared down at the exposed ass. “Damn, you’re a gorgeous son of a bitch, doc. I’m gonna love this.” He pressed his cock against the hole then drove it in deep. Randy had made Chad howl in pain, but this time he sighed and gazed up at the handsome young mechanic, his muscles rippling as he prepared for action. Pablo pulled back and drove in again with increasing force, but never anything to match Randy’s savage attack. Chad smiled up at him. “Damn, you’re hot, Pablo. Now I see why you’re the boss’s boy. OK, dude, fuck my ass � give me something to remember every time I sit here in the garden.” Pablo’s cock ramped up the action and pistoned inside the glorious body as they pressed their hands on each other’s chest, digging their fingers into the solid pecs like wrestlers pushing against each other in a power struggle. But they were not fighting for supremacy � they just wanted to feel each other’s flesh as one stud pounded the other’s ass. As Randy and Tyler watched Randy explained quietly. “See, kiddo, this is boss’s boy versus alpha doc � a young stud mechanic and a hot new master. Pablo could fuck a man senseless, I’ve seen him do it, but he can be respectful like he is now, and even loving and tender as he is with you. That’s the way I’ve trained him, Tyler, and I love him for it. Hell, I love that man … he’s my hero just as he is yours. Now watch as he toys with the doc’s ass.” Instead of a brutal fuck ending in an explosive orgasm, Pablo was teasing Chad, edging him by bringing him right to the brink of his climax, then denying it by slowing down to a slow massage, driving the musclehunk wild. In frustration he gut-punched the mechanic’s abs. “Fuck you, man, I’m so close … that all you got, boy? Make me cum goddammit.” The demeaning word `boy’ riled the quick-to-anger Pablo. He almost lost control but heard Randy clear his throat, which restrained him and made him resume the teasing, edging fuck. Chad continued gut-punching him to make him lose his temper and fuck him till he climaxed, but Pablo absorbed the blows by tensing his iron-hard abs which excited Chad even more. He stared up at the bulging veins in Pablo’s flexed arms and chest as sweat mixed with the oil and grease running down the exotic Mestizo face and muscled body. The homoerotic image of the tough young mechanic pounding ass made Chad moan, “Man, I gotta cum. Let me touch my cock and jerk off, dude. I gotta cum.” “We can do better than that, doc.” Pablo looked up at Tyler and said, “Hey, kid, like I said, it’s a family affair so come here and give me a hand � actually a mouth.” Randy grinned at Tyler. “Go for it, kiddo, you know what to do.” “Yes, sir.” As Tyler knelt down in the grass beside Chad, Pablo pulled the boy’s head toward him and kissed him hard. Then he smiled, “OK kid, let’s you and me finish him off, eh?” Tyler grinned, thrilled to be included, and smoothly lowered his mouth over the doctor’s rigid cock. He could already taste pre-cum oozing from it as Chad’s hand folded behind the boy’s head and his other hand dug into Pablo’s chest. They all heard Randy’s guttural laugh, having the last word, as always. “OK, guys, do it. Do it now!” Dazed by Pablo’s cock hammering his ass and Tyler’s mouth working his cock Chad writhed and groaned, “Fuck, I’m gonna cum … fuck … fuuuck!” He spurted juice down Tyler’s throat and heard Pablo’s triumphant “Yeaaah!” as his ass filled with the mechanic’s jizz. Pablo pulled his cock out and fell on his back beside Chad, both gasping for breath. Randy pulled Tyler up ono his feet and smiled at him. “So what d’ya think, kiddo? You think we should jack off over these two muscle-heads?” “Yes please, sir.” Side by side they pulled out their raging cocks and soon Randy yelled, “You ready kid? Let’s get `em.” Pablo and Chad stared up as twin gushers splashed cum on their faces and chests and Randy laughed, “That’s what you call keeping it in the family, guys.” Pablo stood up, pulled Chad up beside him and they stared at each, semen dripping from their faces and down their chests. “Damn, will you look at us,” Pablo laughed. He pulled the old rag from his back pocket and wiped his face and chest, then wiped the cum and sweat off Chad. He draped the wet rag over Chad’s shoulder. “Here, this is yours, doc � a reminder of the day me and my guys christened your favorite spot in the garden. You OK now, buddy?” “After getting the family treatment?” Chad grinned. “Never better.” Pablo shook Chad’s hand, and Randy said, “How d’you like my boys, doc? Great ain’t they. And so were you, stud.” Tyler hugged Chad. “Thank you, sir.” While Chad pulled on his clothes Randy and Pablo bumped fists and Randy said proudly, “That’s my boy.” Then they both hugged a beaming Tyler. “OK, kiddo,” Pablo said to his boy, better get you home. Walk us to the gate, Randy.” With Tyler between them Randy and Pablo threw their arms over the boy’s shoulders and headed for the gate. Chad watched them leave, the tight little family laughing together as they walked through the long grass. Tears came to Chad’s eyes. That’s what he wanted, a family like that. He wanted it so bad. CHAD HAS A GREAT IDEA With so much work to do the two weeks went by quickly in a blur of activity. True to his promise Randy was on track to meet his deadline and Chad walked round his new house beaming with pleasure. “Randy you’re a knockout. It’s just what I wanted, plus features I would never have thought of.” He asked why Randy had built a discreet ramp to the front door, as well as steps. “We got a couple a’ kids in wheelchairs, Brandon and Brian, so there have to be ramps to all our buildings. The firmness and finality of Randy’s words brooked no objection and once again reminded the doc of how Randy took care of the boys � his boys as he thought of them. At noon every day at noon the young red-haired chef Will came by with trays of packed lunches for Randy’s crew and Nate and his workers. There were not many guys eating lunch back at the compound so Will was freed up to feed the hungry workers here. He was always one of Randy’s favorites and the smiling gypsy ruffled his hair. “Hey Red, you’re a life-safer, what you got for us today?” Then confidentially, “You pack a beer for me?” “Wouldn’t dare forget that, sir. You might whip my ass.” “In your dreams, kiddo.” Nate and his crew of energetic boys were tackling the major task of cleaning out all the trash and then waxing floors and polishing surfaces. “How’s it going, Nate?” Chad asked. “Pretty good, mate,” Nate grinned. “We’re going room by room as Randy finishes up each one. The main rooms will be furniture-ready right away.” He shrugged. “And when Randy’s done he’ll move on to Adam’s and my house that needs a major renovation. So we’re trying to work out where we’ll be living for the next week or so.” “Surely some of the guys have guestrooms don’t they?” “Yeah, but we don’t wanna crowd them. You know us, we like our privacy, so we were even thinking of moving into a hotel for a week. Adam gets an airline discount so we could afford it. Anyway, that’s our problem, sir, not yours. You’ve got enough on your plate right here. Have you hired a moving company to get your furniture from your old apartment?” “Nate,” Chad said helplessly, “like I told you, I’m clueless about all this.” “Well my blokes could do the smaller stuff and in the past I’ve worked with a real good mover for the heavy stuff. I might use them to move out our own furniture and put it in Randy’s warehouse for the week. No doubt about it mate,” Nate said cheerfully, “gonna be a helluva busy week.” Nate went off to check on his boys, leaving a bemused Chad in the middle of the bare living room. He hated being so clueless and depending on Nate so much. And then suddenly he got a clue. Of course, why didn’t I think of that before?” He went and found Nate. “Nate, I’ve got it, the perfect solution. That guest suite I’ve got upstairs, is it finished?” “Randy’s guys are just completing it now, sir, and it’ll take us just a few hours to clean it up.” “So that’s it, Nate, that’s the answer. Why don’t you and Adam move in there while you’re out of your place? You could even move your furniture in there rather than put it in storage.” Before Nate could reply they were interrupted by a shout. “Hey, where are you, mate?” “Up here, Adam.” Adam came in wearing sweat pants and a black tank top that was wet with sweat and clung to his muscular torso. He put his gym bag down and said, “Hey, mates, I was on my way home from the gym and thought I’d drop in, see how things are going? Damn, what a transformation. Randy’s Diyarbakır Escort Bayan worked wonders here. Hope he does our place even half as well.” Chad shook hands and said, “As a matter of fact, Adam, I have just come up with a brilliant idea about your place.” He repeated his conversation with Nate and his solution. “I mean, Nate will be spending a lot of time working here anyway, and nobody’s gonna let you guys move into a hotel, for chrissake. I know you guys like your privacy and the suite here is huge, even got its own kitchen, so I won’t even know you’re here. How about it, dude?” A smile spread slowly over Adam’s rugged, Aussie face. “You sure, mate? It does seem to kill several birds with one stone. But don’t you wanna enjoy your new house on your own, doc?” Chad looked a bit embarrassed. “Well that’s another thing. Tell you the truth, Adam, now that the time’s come for me to act like a grownup I’m kinda nervous about rattling round in this big place on my own. It’ll be good to know there’s other guys living here, even if only for the first week. And if you ever feel like keeping me company that’d be great too. Or not, just as you like.” “What d’ya think, Nate?” Adam asked. “Sound good to you?” “Well, mate, it’s better than crowding in with the other blokes, and a damn sight more appealing than a hotel. So I say, as the doc here is being so generous, it’s an offer we can’t refuse.” “Chad,” Adam smiled, “sounds like you got yourself a deal, buddy. They shook hands warmly. MOVING IN When it came to it the double move was less traumatic than they anticipated, thanks mostly to an army of men and boys who showed their affection for Dr. Chad by mobilizing to move his stuff. As the compound’s house manager, Eddie put himself in charge, yelling orders right and left, often getting mocking responses. The banter grew louder as several trucks drove to Chad’s old apartment and another picked up furniture from Adam’s house. In the middle, like ringmasters directing circus clowns, Chad and Adam tried and failed to control the apparent chaos. But in spite of everything the operation worked and by the end of the day the furniture and effects were installed, haphazardly, it’s true, but as Adam said to Chad, “No worries, mate. We’ve got a whole week to turn this mess into home-sweet-home.” Adam and Nate’s guest suite was self-contained but inevitably they spent a lot of time with Chad in the main house. Adam said to Nate, “He’s bound to feel a bit adrift at first so I think he’d like our company as much as possible.” So they helped him set up the living room until it looked cozy-chic, centered on the huge fireplace and the couch and shaggy hearthrug in front of it. They all tried their hand in the kitchen, getting in each other’s way, laughing a lot at their amateurish attempts at cooking. “Where’s Will when you need him?” Chad laughed. One time when Chad and Nate were alone in the kitchen Chad broached a subject that had been on his mind. “Nate, I know how much you and Adam prefer to be alone, so please don’t feel you have to keep me company. That was the whole idea of your separate guest suite.” “Ah, no worries, mate, we’re enjoying ourselves � gets us out of our rut. And to tell you the truth, just between you and me, we were in a bit of a rut, getting scratchy with each other. “Oh, nothing serious, but you know how it is when two guys spend most of their time together they can get on each other’s nerves a bit. It’s kinda like we’ve said everything there is to say and we’ve run out of conversation. Frankly I’m glad Adam has you to talk to, doc. You two are about the same age, have a lot in common and you’ve become good buddies. I always think it’s good for a guy to have platonic friends `cos sex can muck things up and ruin a friendship. “Actually it helps me out too a bit. I heard from an Aussie buddy of mine from Sydney who’s visiting San Diego and he asked me to drive down and spend the day with him, maybe stay overnight. I didn’t wanna leave Adam on his own but now he’s got you for company I think I will.” “Funny,” Chad smiled, “but the house won’t seem the same without you, you’ve been around so much and worked so hard on it. But go and enjoy yourself if Adam agrees. Somehow I don’t think he and I will run out of conversation anytime soon.” Adam thought it was a good idea for Nate to get away for a while. “You’ve worked so bloody hard, mate, you deserve a break. A change of air will do you good. And when you get back I’ll be right here, hot and horny, ready to jump on that sexy body of yours. Early one morning two days later, after long hugs and promises to Adam to drive carefully, Nate hit the road south, and Chad and Adam were alone in the house. Adam had to go into his airline office for a few hours and Chad spent some of the morning emptying packing boxes. Bob dropped by to see how Chad was settling in. “Early days yet, Bob, but tell me something. Can I really afford all this? Must be soaking up money.” “Chad, as your business manager I keep a close eye on your finances and you’re doing just fine. All those years you threw yourself into your work you earned real good money and never spent any. You were like a hermit, never went out. So yes you can afford it. “There is one thing I draw the line at for now and that’s the lap pool. I know you want one and Randy can put one in, but it’s expensive, he gave me an estimate. I’d like all the bills to come in on this lot first and let the dust settle before we embark on a project like that, OK?” “Aye-aye, sir, you’re the boss. Hey what do think of my idea for Adam and Nate to stay here while they’re exiled from their house?” “It was a great idea, Chad. Someone to keep you company in that first week when you might feel disoriented all alone here, and it solves their problem of them finding somewhere to stay while Randy’s doing their house.” He gave Chad a curious look that Chad couldn’t pin down. “Yeah,” Bob smiled, “for lots of reasons I think it’s a very good idea.” Chad chuckled. “Bob, why do I always get the feeling you got some plan taking root in that handsome head of yours? “Just your imagination, doctor,” Bob smiled enigmatically. “Nothing’s taking root … smoldering maybe … and it might not even catch fire. Time will tell. But right now I have to love you and leave you, buddy. That damn budget awaits me in the office. Have fun with these boxes.” Again Chad was left alone and the house felt empty. He sat on a packing box, sighed and listened to the silence. And suddenly he knew what he wanted, what he needed. He made up his mind. He wanted to do it now, today. He heard a car pull up outside and Adam came in from work. Impulsively Chad said, “Adam, I know what this house needs, so I’m gonna do it.” “Do what, Chad?” “I’m gonna get a dog.” “So soon?” “Yeah, the house won’t come alive until I have one. I Googled it already and the city has an animal shelter ten minutes from here just across Figueroa on Lacy Street.” He hesitated. “Buddy, I need to ask a favor. I know when I get there I’m gonna fall apart, all those pathetic faces in cages begging to be chosen. Will you come with me, dude � you know, moral support?” “‘Course I will, Chad. Come on … let’s do it.” HELLO MOLLY As soon as they got to the shelter they heard the dogs barking and Chad tensed. Adam smiled. “Courage mon brave, we’ll choose him fast otherwise you’ll come home with all of them.” The attendant was helpful and Chad said, “Do you have any golden retrievers?” “Well, sir, we don’t get too many purebreds, and when we do they’re adopted fast. Our dogs are nearly all mix-breeds, all shapes and sizes � mutts you’re gonna fall in love with.” “Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of. We’ll just look around, OK?” As they walked between the cages Chad grabbed Adam’s arm. “I’m not sure I can do this, buddy. The way they’re all leaping up with those pleading eyes.” But he steeled himself and they looked for a golden retriever. They were separated for a minute and then Adam came over to Chad and tugged at his elbow. “Hey, dude, come and look at this.” Chad thought the cage was empty for a minute until he saw a shaggy brown bundle huddled in the back. The mutt’s head rested forlornly on his paws, as if he had given up, but he suddenly raised his face and Chad found himself looking into large, sad brown eyes. They stared at each other for a long moment, and Chad said, “That’s the one, Adam. Quick get the staff.” Chad asked the attendant what breed the dog was and she smiled. “Hard to say, sir. This one is a real mix, I mean lots of ingredients. Same size as a golden so it’s possible there’s a little bit in there � along with everything else. I’d say her ancestors slept around a lot. She’s about three years old.” “She? I was looking for a boy …” The dog whimpered softly stood up and wagged her tail weakly. “Well now,” the attendant said, “I haven’t seen her do that since she got here.” “I’ll take her,” Chad said. “Is she available now?” “Sure is. We hold them five days before they can be adopted, but she’s been here almost two weeks already � rather hard to adopt. See, she’s quiet and a bit goofy looking so people don’t really notice her.” “Goofy’s good,” Chad said. “What do you think, Adam?” “I think you found your girl, buddy.” The paperwork took quite a long time but she was already spayed and had her shots so Chad paid the fees and half an hour later they were walking her to Chad’s car. “What you gonna call her?” Adam asked. “Her name’s Molly. Yeah that’s it. We’ll call her Molly.” Two Men & A Dog For the next few hours it was all about Molly naturally. As Chad drove, Molly sat in the back on the back seat with Adam and licked his face. Chad grinned into the rear-view mirror. “Well she sure seems to have taken to you, man. Maybe she’s got some Aussie blood in her.” “Why not?” Adam laughed. “She seems to have every other kind.” They stopped at a pet store and Chad left them in the car while he went in and bought a collar and leash, a bag of kibble, a dish and treats. When he came back he held up the dish that had Molly printed on it. “Look what I got. They had lots of names and Molly was one of them.” “Sshh,” Adam said. “She’s asleep.” Molly had fallen asleep with her head on Adam’s lap � and for some reason Chad’s heart gave a leap. When they got to the house Molly jumped down from the car and followed the men into the garden, stopping to sniff often, and then squatted and peed. “Marking her territory,” Adam grinned. “And you know it is her territory, doc � she knows it is.” Within a few hours Molly was a changed girl � no longer the mournful mutt, now energetic and curious, exploring her new home. She followed Chad and Adam everywhere and when they split up in different rooms she seemed confused about which one to follow. She whimpered and wagged her tail when they were back together again. They spent the rest of the day unpacking boxes, with Molly shoving her nose into everything. Adam commented on a lot of the pieces he pulled from a box. He held up a particularly hideous, misshapen purple dish. “Mate, this is what we Aussies would call ugly. Don’t tell me � a graduation present from an old aunt who made you promise to treasure it always.” “Fuck you buddy, that was dear old Aunt Ada, who also, by the way, helped with the expenses of medical school. She said she was sure I would find a good use for it …” “… which you never did, of course.” “That’s beside the point … you really can be an asshole sometimes.” They looked at each other and burst out laughing. And that set the tone of the rest of the day, as when they positioned an armchair, stood back to appraise it, then looked at each other with a simultaneous “Nah” and moved it elsewhere. When they tentatively moved the couch closer to the fire Molly instantly jumped on it and curled up. Chad laughed, “Well, that got her seal of approval so it stays.” The banter continued right through dinner prep where the contest for kitchen incompetence sent them skidding downhill fast. Chad filled a blender with fruit and protein powder for smoothies but neglected to put the top on before he started it. Fruit surged up and splashed everywhere, including on Chad’s face. Adam roared with laughter � “Good on ya, mate” � so Chad scooped mashed fruit from his eye and flung it at him. The inevitable food fight followed, with Molly barking madly, until they doubled over with laughter and surveyed the wreckage. “No, no – pax,” Chad panted. “Let’s get serious here and clean the place up or Nate will hit the roof when he gets home tomorrow. Chad filled Molly’s bowl with kibble, which she wolfed down as if she hadn’t eaten for days. Chad went to the fridge. “Look, Adam, “dear old Will gave Nate some ready-made dishes that just need to be warmed up. Let’s see. Hmm, his famous fish casserole followed by Will’s own signature rhubarb pie. What d’ya say?” “Sounds perfect. And …” Adam pulled a bottle of white wine from the fridge. “Ta-da! A Puligny Montrachet Escort Diyarbakır 2014, my contribution to your first real dinner in your house. And before you ask, no I did not steal it from the galley on my last flight. I chose it myself.” (Now would have been the time for a hug, but the moment passed.) Their shirts were splashed with the remains of the food fight so Chad fetched new ones from his bedroom. They pulled off the dirty shirts and Adam said, “Damn, for a doc who works long hours you must still have pretty long gym sessions to get rid of the tension. That is one ripped fucking body you got on you, bro.” “Back at ya, Adam. I can imagine you walking down the aisle of a plane leaving a trail of boners behind you. Maybe we could work out together sometime after all this mess gets settled.” Chad put on a dark blue polo shirt and gave Adam a white T-shirt that showed off the contours of his torso perfectly. They set dinner on the coffee table in front of the fireplace, with mismatched plates and glasses pulled at random from the packing boxes. They sat side-by-side on the couch, with Molly curled on the floor at their feet and raised their glasses. “Here’s to your new house, doc. May you have many years together � you, the house and Molly.” “All we lack is the fire,” Chad said. “I ordered a half cord of logs but it won’t be here till tomorrow.” Still, they kicked off their shoes and ate and talked … and talked and talked � work, the tribe, sports, politics, it never stopped. They swapped some of the wilder work stories � belligerent passengers, demanding patients � and made each other roar with laughter. As they sipped brandy Chad sighed, “It’s coming alive, Adam � the house I mean. Can you feel it?” “Yeah, mate, I can. Another week and you and Molly will forget you ever lived anywhere else.” WHATEVER BLOKE YOU CHOOSE But at last Adam said, “Damn, look at the time. Can’t believe we talked for so long. I gotta hit the sack. Nate will be back in the morning.” “I’m bushed too, buddy,” Chad said, standing up. “Been a long day, a lot happened.” Suddenly Molly stirred herself and ran to the front door. “Will you look at that?” Chad grinned. “House-trained too.” They followed her to the door and she ran out into the long grass to do her stuff. The men stood in the moonlight and breathed in the night air, heavy with the scent of wisteria over the door. “Hmm,” Adam sighed. “It’s gonna be a great house, Chad � you, Molly and whatever bloke you end up with here. I’ve enjoyed today a lot, mate. I hope Nate and me will be regular guests, even after we’re back in our own place.” Molly came charging back in and Chad closed the door. “We can leave that mess on the table till tomorrow. `Night, buddy. I enjoyed myself too today … a lot.” They smiled, hesitated, then Chad headed for the stairs and Adam went in the other direction toward the guest room. But Molly stayed put, looking from one receding figure to the other. Confused, she threw her head back and howled, a long mournful cry. The men stopped, turned round and Chad said, “Come on old girl, this way.” Molly didn’t move, just looked from one to the other. “Damn, this is kinda dumb,” Chad said. “Adam, seems like the only solution is for all three of us to bunk in together.” “Fine by me, Adam said, “with a tinge of relief in his voice unnoticed by Chad.” So they went up the stairs with Molly ahead of them. “Look at that,” Chad chuckled, “she even knows the way.” In the bedroom Molly jumped determinedly onto the middle of the bed and curled up, staring at them with a defiant look. “To the manner born,” Adam laughed. “OK, let’s join her, bro.” They pulled off their shirts and dropped their jeans, leaving only their shorts. They smiled at each other in silent appreciation of each other’s flawless body and handsome features. They got into bed from opposite sides, and smiled at each other across Molly, then closed their eyes, heavy with fatigue. As so often before Chad’s thoughts were a jumble. Sleepily he tried to concentrate on the things he knew for sure. He had really enjoyed Adam’s company, a lot, and he loved the fact that they were together now in the same bed. But he felt sure this was just because they had so much in common and had become real good buddies. Then he realized something. They had been together all afternoon and evening but they hadn’t touched each other once. That surely proved they were just friends � a close friendship but one without sex. Yeah, he had felt his cock stiffen several times, especially when they sat on the couch together, and maybe Adam had too. But what of it? Hell, he had a boner now but that was nothing new, and certainly wasn’t because of Adam. The clincher was that Adam clearly felt no sexual attraction for him. Sure he had admired his body but all the other guys did that. It was natural among jocks who worked out at the gym. Plus Adam had even made several casual remarks about Chad sharing the house with `some bloke’ � `you and Molly and whatever bloke you end up with here.’ Adam had specifically talked about himself and Nate, hoping they would be regular guests here, even after they were back in their own home. Yeah, one thing was sure, Adam would never be `that bloke he ended up with.” Even though it felt great sharing the day with him � and now his bed. FALLING IN � OUT OF HIS DEPTH Sleep put an end to Chad’s tangled thoughts and he slept soundly in a dreamless sleep, at least as far as he could remember. He had been dimly aware of Adam’s heavy breathing and Molly’s gentle snoring and smiled in his sleep, unable to distinguish between the two. It all felt so right. And it still felt that way in the morning when he drifted blearily back to consciousness. Yes, Adam was still there, stirring awake, and Molly too, licking her paws. Chad had a hard-on as he looked across at the handsome face on the pillow, but that was nothing new � he always had a morning hard-on, a piss hard-on before he took a leak. “Mornin’ … sleep well, mate?” came Adam’s yawning voice.” “Like a top,” Chad said. “I must get it from Molly � she slept like a log.” Drowsily Adam reached across the bed and his hand rested on Chad’s shoulder. Still only half awake he murmured. “Hmm, I feel horny, always do in the morning � always wake up with a hard-on. If Nate’s already left I usually jack off, thinking of some hot jock I’ve seen at the gym � a guy like yourself, doc. Hey,” he chuckled, “d’you think buddies jerk each other off? I used to in high school sleepovers, under the covers, and under the bleachers. What d’ya think, bro?” Chad’s heart was beating wildly and he gulped. “I, er … I guess it depends … it depends on the circumstances,” he said lamely, cursing himself as soon as the words left his mouth. “Well,” Adam drawled, “what if the circumstances were a horny Aussie, still a bit drunk from too much wine, with a piss hard-on?” “I … I guess in that case …” Suddenly a car horn sounded outside. “Hey,” Adam said, coming fully awake, “that must be Nate. He’s back early � and just in time to stop his old man from making a fool of himself and embarrassing his new buddy. Sorry about all that drunken drooling, bro.” Adam jumped out of bed and ran from the room, barefoot in only his boxers. Chad heard the door open, muffled voices, the door closed and then silence. “Damn … damn,” Chad said to Molly, not sure what he was cursing at. All he knew was that he had a boner and Adam had been on the verge of … “Come on, old girl, you probably need to take leak too.” In only his shorts Chad got out of bed and Molly followed him to the door. He opened the front door and Molly ran out in the long grass as she had the night before. Chad stood in the doorway and remembered last night, standing here shoulder to shoulder with Adam breathing in the heavy scent of wisteria overhead. He remembered how happy he had felt then, how complete. When he and Molly came in Chad heard voices coming from the guestroom. Molly heard Adam’s voice too and ran eagerly toward it. “No,” Chad hissed, “come here Molly … come here.” But she ignored him and he caught up with her at the guestroom door. Through the partially open door Chad could see the reunion of Adam and his boy. This was a private moment and he knew he should take Molly away with him. But he was mesmerized by the sight of the near-naked Aussie and, having just been deprived of an intimate moment with Adam, he stayed put and pushed the dog down into a sitting position. “Great timing, mate,” Adam was saying. “I just woke up and you know how I am in the morning.” “I do, sir, and that’s why I left San Diego so early. I had a great time there.” “And now, mate, you gonna give me a great time?” Nate walked up to him and ran his hands over his hard-muscled chest. “Don’t I always, sir? This is the way I love you best, in just your boxers, feeling this ripped body and seeing that bulge rising in your shorts.” Playfully he reached down and squeezed it through the shorts. “Dammit, kid, you want me to cream my shorts or come in your ass?” “The latter, please, sir.” Nate stepped back, kicked off his sneakers, dropped his shorts and pulled off his T-shirt. Butt-naked he lay back on the bed, propped on his elbows and inhaled sharply as Adam dropped his boxers, his rigid cock sprang out and he stroked it slowly. Chad stared in awe. What must Nate must be feeling, waiting for this gorgeous man to drive his cock in his ass? He pulled his own cock out of his shorts and stroked it, just as Adam was. Nate pulled his legs back and Adam knelt on the bed. He spat in his hand, pressed it against the boy’s ass and pushed two fingers inside. “Mmm,” Nate smiled, “yeah I remember that … and I think I know what comes next.” “You damn-well should,” Adam laughed, “you get it often enough.” He eased forward, pressed the head of his cock against Nate’s hole and drove it inside. Nate sighed, reached up and again stroked Adam’s chest and abs that flexed as he fucked ass. Chad stifled a gasp as he watched Adam fuck. This was the man he’d had so much fun with yesterday … the man who helped him choose his dog … the man he laughed with and talked with … the man he had sat next to at the fireplace with the dog at their feet … the man who had shared his bed and … and touched his shoulder. It was the beautiful man he was … was he? … the man he was falling in love with? He was as confused as ever. But whatever he felt he could never confess it to Adam. Because Adam was just a buddy, like a brother. He had no other feelings for Chad, aside from feeling horny in the morning. Adam had Nate, he was making love to Nate right now, not to him, never to him. But as Chad watched Adam fuck he tried to imagine how it felt for Nate with the Aussie’s dick in his ass. He was turned on watching two guys fuck, no denying that, so he dropped his shorts, grabbed his cock and stroked it slowly, careful not to cum even though he was close. He watched Adam’s magnificent body � the ripped torso, the pecs, the washboard abs, the long, sexy waist, the sharp tan lines contrasting his white ass with his golden tan. And that face, that square jaw, sculpted features and intense dark brown eyes under heavy brows. Confused he almost thought Adam was talking to him when he said, “You close, mate? You wanna cum … you wanna feel my jizz in your ass?” But of course his words were for Nate. “OK, stud, I’m gonna cum … I’m gonna cum … yeah … yeaahh.” Adam’s body tensed and bucked, his muscles flexed and Chad imagined his warm sperm pouring into Nate as the boy jacked off and sprayed jizz all over his lithe young body. Adam laughed, “Good on ya, mate, you never let me down. Damn I needed that. It was building in me all day yesterday.” He pulled out and used his shorts to wipe Nate’s chest. Those words pounded in Chad’s head � `It was building in me all day yesterday’. The day they spent together! Chad realized he himself had not cum and he was glad of it. It would have meant …he didn’t know … he didn’t know anything. Fuck … fuck … fuck … He had to leave. But it was too late. Roused by Adam’s jubilant yell Molly ran into the room and licked his leg.” Adam laughed merrily. “Nate, meet the new girl � the name’s Molly. Hey, Chad, you out there? Come in and join the family, bro.” Chad hastily pulled up his shorts and walked into the room. The `family’ consisted of Nate, propped up on his elbows, grinning from ear to ear � Molly wagging her tail at Adam’s feet � and Adam himself, buck naked, holding his cum-soaked shorts, his long cock still dripping cum, swinging between his legs. Chad felt completely out of his depth. He had no idea what came next. TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength” � Chapter 499 Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter got you off, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at rw6789@aol. ALSO, I invite you to visit my own Web-site gth. You can read the whole story, with extras including pictures and biographies of all the characters. AND DON’T FORGET � IF YOU ENJOY THESE STORIES, PLEASE DONATE to this site. Nifty needs your donations to provide these thousands of wonderful stories. So please go to fty/donate.html and donate what you can. All the other writers and I thank you.

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Subject: “A Trial Of Strength” – Part 568 by Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH � PART 568 by Rob Williams Chapter 568 � “THE COP & THE SURFER � TOO GOOD TO LAST?” IN THIS CHAPTER: The cop Mark and the blond surfer Jamie are deeply in love. Their hormones racing they have the most passionate sex ever. Mark says, “I hunger for you, Jamie. I need to own you, own that ass. It’s mine.” But at the beach Jamie’s horny surfer buddy says, “Dude I want your ass.” Mark overhears Jamie saying, “Take it dude. It’s all yours.” The cop confronts them. “Hello, Jamie.” ______________________________________________________________________ IN THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER Several men and boys, including the tribe’s leaders, Randy and Bob, were at the Grady House, where action-movie star Grady was having a pressure-of-work meltdown. He was halfway through shooting a big-budget movie as Hunter, a lifeguard captain, a role that required many surfing scenes at a Malibu beach. But after back-to-back weekend and night-shoots, he blurted out to his Italian lover, “I can’t do it, Mario. I can’t do it anymore. I’m quitting the film and going away.” While the other men and boys debated this potentially disastrous possibility, Randy, ever the man of action, took charge and gave Grady a tongue lashing and a savage butt-fuck, which brought the action hero back to sanity and the real world. When he rejoined the group he was a changed man. His eyes sparkled and his handsome face lit up with that dazzling smile they had not seen for a while. He spread his arms wide and quoted the message on an advance-publicity billboard. Get Ready for Hunter, guys. He’s back!” A while later, the police officer Mark joined his buddies and said to Randy, “It looks like the Grady situation has been sorted out too, thanks to you, Randy. How did you do that?” Randy shrugged. “Ah it was nothing. Like I said it was all a bullshit bunch a’ crap. It’s amazing how a good butt-fuck can bring a guy to his senses. And everyone knows Grady loves his job. Hey, what’s not to love, all that fame and money rolling in? He has a blast, especially with your boy Jamie, who helps him a whole lot. They’ve become real close. You think they fuck?” “Oh sure they do,” the cop said. “A long, athletic day at the beach riding the waves can make horny surfers build up a whole head of steam. No wonder they end up fucking. I don’t mind, especially as Grady is the one who can’t get enough cock up his ass. Be different if it was the other way round, Jamie getting his ass fucked. I’d call a stop to that.” Randy grinned. “I hear you, buddy. I’m the same with Bob. His ass is mine. Anyone shoves his dick in that ass answers to me, and my fist. Except you of course, officer. Watching you fuck Bob is a real turn on. Gives me an excuse to fuck you.” They laughed salaciously � two macho buddies drinking beer and talking sex. Meanwhile, Grady’s renewed enthusiasm and energy was apparent in the conversation he was having with Jamie. The experienced surfer had been hired by the studio to supervise all the surfing action in the movie. They had been joined by Eddie, the younger boy who had become so expert with a camera that he too had been hired to take candid shots of the surfing action. Grady was saying, “Here’s what I was thinking, guys. You know all those classy moves on a surfboard you dazzle everyone with, Jamie? I wanna learn some of those. “You know I like to do my own stunts whenever I can, but the insurance guys get real squeamish about that. I break a leg and production comes to a grinding halt � costs beaucoup bucks. Sure, I’ve got some great stunt doubles, but even they can’t do what you do, Jamie.” “So here’s the thing. if you guys can get away, I’d like us to go down to the beach one day this week � just us three, no people, no crew, no cameras � and we’ll practice some of those fancy moves. If I can show the director I can do them safely he’s bound to let me. Think how hot it would make my character Hunter look. Audiences would love it.” Grady suggested, “Maybe we could take your truck, Jamie, with the dinghy in the back, so Eddie can film us from the dinghy out in the surf. You might get some amazing shots to impress the director, Eddie, plus a few goofy ones of me falling off my board for the gag-reel.” Eddie’s eyes sparkled. “Like you, Grady, we’re not working this week. So let’s do it, guys.” Now that he had dealt with Grady, Randy turned all his attention to his kid brother Ben. He had brought the sexy young gypsy up to the Grady House as the boy had been feeling lonely and neglected by his big brother. Randy’s gentle side was now evident in the love and attention he showered on young Ben. Sensing that Ben’s affection for him ran deeper than just brotherly love, Randy helped Ben indulge his lustful urges in a three-way with Randy’s lover Bob, where young Ben proved he could be as tough as his macho brother. After a surprising display of sexual dominance, Ben fell blissfully asleep between the big brother he idolized and Randy’s lover Bob. All the men and their boys accepted Mario’s invitation to stay overnight at the Grady house, and Mario said to Bob, “All this renewed energy around here today, amico, after so much gloom. I love it and we mostly have Randy to thank. You guys always give us a shot in the arm when you come here. We never know what’s going to happen next.” ========= CHAPTER 568 ========= MARK & JAMIE IN LOVE After such a raucous, eventful day, peace had descended on the Grady House, which was full of overnight guests. The various couples and threesomes were gradually falling asleep, some after a final demonstration of their lust and love. Such was the case with the cop Mark and his sexy surfer boy Jamie. `Boy’ was actually not a word Mark used much anymore to describe Jamie, whom he now regarded as his man, his young partner in bed and in life. Jamie idolized Mark and still preferred to call him `sir’. Nothing gave him greater pleasure than offering his ass to the handsome blond cop, as he did now. How many times had he lain on the bed naked waiting for the cop to come in after a long day astride his motorbike throbbing between his legs. Without stopping to take off his uniform, Mark would push Jamie’s legs back and enter him gently, staring into his adoring eyes. That’s what they were doing now, minus the uniform. Both chiseled bodies were naked and Mark smiled down at the young jock with shaggy blond hair and a look of ecstasy on his face as the cop’s long shaft penetrated his ass. “I love you, man,” Mark groaned. “Damn, I can never get enough of that beautiful ass. ” “It’s yours, sir … only yours. You’re making me cum, sir. Aaahh.” Jamie sighed, jerking off as he felt the cop pour juice deep inside him. Minutes later Jamie lay on his back, with Mark beside him, propped on his elbow staring down at him. “So fucking gorgeous. I’m a lucky man, Jamie,, to have you to myself. Oh, I know you fuck around with the other boys, that goes with the territory. But, er, what you said just now about your ass � `it’s only yours, sir’. Was that just a figure of speech?” Jamie frowned. “Oh, I dunno, sir. I guess I meant that you can do anything you like with it, like it belongs to you. When I said `only yours’ … well, like, when I have sex with my old buddy Nate we take turns fucking each other …” “Yeah, of course, he’s your best buddy. But, I mean, guys like Hassan or Zack …” “Oh no, sir. Except those times when you’re having sex with Bob and Randy and I join in … I mean everyone fucks everyone then and I guess I’ve taken them both in turn. But you’re there watching, sir, and I love to turn you on. But hey, how did we get on this subject anyway?” “Beats me,” Mark smiled. “So this trip to the beach you’re gonna do with Grady and Eddie sounds like a lot of fun.” “Yeah, I’m looking forward to it. I want Nate to come too. I love helping Grady perfect his surfing moves. He’s so much fun to work with, and the goal is real important � to make him look even better on screen and impress the director and producers. “Grady and me, we get along real well, laugh a lot, even when I’m training him hard.” Jamie chuckled. “It gets to be a coach and trainee thing, and sometimes leads to the coach fucking the trainee when he’s done a good job. You don’t mind that, do you, sir?” “Course not, it’s all in fun. I told Randy that when you guys work hard all day in the surf it’s kinda natural that you get an adrenaline rush and use it up by fooling around afterwards. Mark failed to mention his other comment to Randy � that Grady was always the one who can’t get enough cock up his ass. Mark had added, “Be different if it was the other way round � Jamie getting his ass fucked. I’d call a stop to that.” That bit he didn’t tell Jamie. He just let the comment slide by. It didn’t seem relevant anymore. ALWAYS AND EVER The same topic of the beach trip was being discussed by Mario and Grady down the hall in the master suite. Their boy Brian had already fallen asleep between them and Mario said, “I’m so glad you’re doing that, amico, on your week off. You’ve had such a negative attitude to the movie in your recent depression and I’m happy to see you so enthusiastic again.” “Yeah, well Randy’s huge cock hammering a guy’s ass has a way of bringing him back to earth and realize what’s important and what’s not. The trip is informal, off the clock � just Jamie, Eddie, Nate and me. It’s not that the director has asked me to up my game in surfing. This is my own initiative to impress him. I just hope we can get a lot accomplished in the day.” “Don’t push yourself, Grady. The important thing is to have fun in your work. Take two days if you need to.” “That’s a thought. If we run late I could book us in at that hotel the studio uses down there. But are you sure you wouldn’t mind, buddy?” “Assolutamente no, amico. It will be good for you to get away with your friends after all the stress you’ve been under. And it would give me a chance to spend more time with our boy here,” smiling down at the sleeping Brian. “I have been intending to give him greater responsibility so he won’t feel like just the houseboy. I want him to be the assistant house manager, and free up Danny in his duties as chef.” “Great idea, Mario. He’d love that. So, I’ll talk to the guys and see if they can do two days. Er, I guess a quick fuck now is out of the question, eh?” “And wake up Sleeping Beauty here? Penso di no, amore. Anyway, morning sex can be so much better.” Grady flashed his famous smile. “Dude, I love you so much. I know I’ve been a royal pain in the ass lately, and you’ve been my rock all the way through. Like I’ve said so often before, I can’t do all this without you, buddy.” “And you will never have to Grady. I’ll be here, amore � always and ever.” BACK TO WORK As usual Brian was the first to get up next morning, saying that he had to help Danny and Tommy with breakfast. Most of their guests were staying for breakfast before leaving for work. Jamie and Eddie would be staying most of the morning to discuss their plans for the trip to the beach, as they had decided to leave tomorrow. They had asked Nate to join them as he worked as Jamie’s assistant in supervising the surfing extras on the movie. The only ones who had to leave for work right away were Randy and Ben, and Bob would drive them in his Mercedes. They all came into the master suite to say their thanks to Mario and Grady, and Bob smiled, “Didn’t interrupt anything we hope.” “No,” Grady said cheerfully, “we haven’t started. But Mario did promise. He thinks morning sex is the best. Me, I take it whenever I can get it.” Randy grinned. “Hm, Mario you’ve got your work cut out. Soon you’ll be wishing you had the stand-offish Grady of recent days, rather than the ever-ready horny version.” The Italian smiled. “I know, Randy. It’s … how you say … a throw-up?” “Toss-up,” Bob laughed. “Throwing up is something quite different. You don’t wanna go there.” With promises to come again soon � and Mario’s profound thanks to Randy for solving `the Grady problem’, as he put it � Bob, Randy and Ben left. On the drive down to the compound Randy sat in the back seat with his arm over Ben’s shoulder. “You’ll be working with Pablo on my work-site today, kiddo, to fix that backhoe that’s giving us trouble. So Bob, drop us off at the house and we’ll take my truck from there.” “Aye-aye, sir,” Bob said, happy to see the two brothers so affectionate with each other. “I have to open Çorum Escort the office anyway � couple of things to do before Brandon gets there. And Ben, did I hear right that you’ll be staying with your pal Will while Jason is away in Australia? I think that’s a grand idea � you’ll be close to the twins and to Randy if, er, he needs you for anything.” Randy said, “And while Jason’s away, young man, you and me are gonna do some cool things together. Just tell me what you want � go see a soccer match? A movie?” “Well, sir, Jason was gonna take me to the rodeo that’s coming to the L.A. Equestrian Center next week. I’ve only ever seen them on TV or the movies and I was dying to see the real thing � all those hot cowboys and stuff. But Jason can’t take me now `cos he’s going away, so …” “Then it’s a date. The rodeo it is � you’re coming with me. I’ll even buy you a cowboy hat so you’ll look the part. Hmm, not sure if there’s ever been a gypsy cowboy, though.” Randy and Ben would find that out next week � much to their surprise. A STREET KID TAMED BY A COP After all the excitement of recent days, today was a regular workday. Young Ben got to work as Pablo’s assistant mechanic on the construction site, under the watchful eye of big brother Randy. Brandon, as office manager, had business meetings with Bob. And Mario met with Brian who was excited to learn of his promotion to assistant manager of the Grady House. But the excitement was greatest among the four men planning their upcoming trip to the beach in Malibu to perfect Grady’s surfing skills for upcoming scenes in his movie. Nate had joined his best buddy Jamie, and Grady and Eddie to map out their plans, and it was quickly decided that, to be really effective, they should stay overnight and work a second day. Jamie pointed out that surfing conditions varied from day to day, so two days would not only give them a bigger variety of waves, they would also have the benefit of early dawn action when the surf was often best. Jamie called Mark right away to see if he was cool with him staying overnight with his buddies. Mark readily agreed, knowing how much Jamie loved his work on Grady’s movie. They were all still at the Grady House that afternoon and when Jamie eventually looked at the clock he said, “Oh, I gotta go guys. Gotta be home when Mark gets off work.” The other three exchanged knowing smiles, fully aware that by “gotta be home” Jamie meant home naked on the bed waiting for Mark to come in hot and horny after eight hours patrolling the city streets on his motorbike. They all agreed to reconvene here at the Grady House early next morning, then Jamie left to charge down the hill to home. As he crossed the compound’s garden, the boys in the office waved to him. He was a familiar sight at this time of day running to the ground-floor apartment he shared with the police officer, to be good and ready when he returned. This was probably his favorite part of the day. When Jamie first became the cop’s boy, Mark was still taming the wild street kid he had been then. As a police officer Mark knew how to handle uncooperative tough guys and he was strict at first, demanding complete obedience from the unruly surfer punk, which included being home naked waiting for him. Resentful at first, Jamie quickly came to accept the dominance of the macho cop, and then to long for it. Waiting naked on the bed and offering his ass to the uniformed cop became a daily ritual. Depending on his mood Mark sometimes didn’t even take off his uniform before ripping open his pants and driving his huge cock in the boy’s ass, a sensation that Jamie came to crave every day. Other times, Jamie watched in awe as Mark slowly stripped off his uniform shirt then the T-shirt, and Jamie gazed at the stunning muscular torso. Obedience became lust that turned into love that grew more passionate every day for both of them. By now they were long past that master/boy status of their relationship. Over time they had fallen deeply in love and Mark loved watching Jamie grow into an athletic young jock, admired and respected by the whole tribe. Even though Jamie continued to call Mark `sir’ (it turned him on) Mark considered them as best friends, fuck-buddies and most of all, passionate lovers. So now, as Jamie pulled off his T-shirt he thought what would excite the horny cop most. And this time he was not entirely naked. He kept his red lifeguard shorts on and lay back on the bed � the bronzed, blond surfer waiting for his man. INTENSE BEYOND WORDS When at last Jamie heard the gate slam it was so loud he knew Mark was in an angry mood � probably a tough shift. That used to scare him, but now he was so secure in Mark’s love of him that his anger excited him. The sight of the cop’s blazing eyes and clenched jaw gave Jamie an instant erection in his board shorts. “What the fuck’s this?” Mark growled, looking down at the faded red shorts. “Naked … I want you fucking naked, boy.” Mark reached down, pulled the shorts down over his bare feet and tossed them clear across the room. But Jamie still wasn’t naked. Under the shorts he had been wearing a well-worn, grubby white jockstrap. Mark stared down at him … and smiled. “Damn, you sure know how to turn a guy on.” Mark knelt on the bed, leaned forward and clamped his mouth over the rough cotton of the jock’s bulging cup. He moaned as he breathed warm air over Jamie’s cock and balls. Jamie gasped and almost lost his load, staring down at the blond cop sucking his crotch. The men were operating on two levels � one, the work-stressed cop taking his anger out on the near-naked surfer, and the other, Mark and Jamie expressing their love through raw sex. When Mark pulled back, Jamie hooked his hands behind his knees, pulled his legs back and offered his ass � the white globes framed by the straps of the jock and contrasting with his golden tan. “Fuck you, man,” Mark growled. “Yes please, sir,” Jamie said, with the faintest hint of a smile. Mark pushed his legs back farther, pulled his cock out of his pants, spat on it and drove it hard in Jamie’s ass. After a moment’s pain Jamie was flooded with the ecstasy of watching and feeling the uniformed cop reaming his ass. Mark slowed down from the initial fierce thrust and fucked with the controlled intensity that he knew excited Jamie most. Mark pulled back upright on his knees. His hands were now free while Jamie held his own legs back, giving the cop a clear shot at his ass. Jamie inhaled sharply when the cop undid the top button of his shirt, enlarging the white triangle of his T-shirt at the neck. As his cock massaged Jamie’s ass, Mark slowly unbuttoned the rest of his shirt, then let it flap open over his T-shirt. Staring down at the muscular jock, Mark pulled his uniform shirt out of his waistband, shrugged it off and tossed it aside. This was the image Jamie loved best, the handsome cop stripped down to his white T-shirt stretched over his muscular torso, the short sleeves pulled back over his bulging biceps, his flared lats tapering down to a slim waist. Half the T-shirt was tucked into the waistband, half hanging loose � and all while the cop continued to fuck. Patches of sweat stained the shirt at the cleft between his pecs, and the mesmerized Jamie silently willed him to take it off. At last, Mark answered Jamie’s wordless plea. He reached behind his own neck and tugged the T-shirt up so it rose slowly over the ridges of his ripped abs then over the curve of his solid pecs. He pulled it off and flung it down on his discarded shirt. Jamie stared up in awe at the muscled torso flexing as Mark rose and fell over him. The boy let go of his legs and ran his hands over the slabs of Mark’s pecs. He pressed his palms against them, like a captive in a futile attempt to push the merciless cop away, but Mark snarled, “Don’t even try, stud. You’re all mine, to work you over as I want. I could pound that ass all night.” Jamie didn’t dare to touch his own cock as he was already on the cusp or orgasm. So he dug his fingers into Mark’s chest, not sure how long he could hold out before losing his load. Relief came when Mark suddenly pulled out and growled, “Damn, I gotta get rid of these fucking boots and pants. You know what to do, man.” He did. Jamie scrambled to his feet and Mark sat on the end of the bed, leaning back on his elbows. His lower legs hanging over the end, clad in high shiny black motorcycled boots. Naked except for the jock strap, Jamie turned his back on Mark and stood astride he legs. He bent down, picked up one leg and grabbed the heel and toe of the boot in a classic hold to pull the boot off. Mark gazed at the perfect white bubble-butt mounds of the surfer’s ass framed by the straps of the jock. “Fuck,” he breathed softly. He pressed the sole of his other boot against one of the firm ass cheeks and pushed hard. Jamie pulled hard on the boot which suddenly came free, and the thrust pushed Jamie forward toward the wall. He steadied himself, came back and worked on the other boot in the same way. Again Mark pressed his free foot against Jamie’s butt. The boot was on tight so Mark pushed harder. The boot suddenly came free but the force of Mark’s thrust sent Jamie flying forward. He dropped the boot and braced himself against the full length wall mirror, raising his arms and pressing his palms against the glass. Mark leapt to his feet and stared at the erotic sight of the near-naked young athlete pressed face-first against the mirror, his arms raised. Mark was mesmerized by the sight of the broad muscular back, forged by many hours on a surfboard, tapering down to the old, frayed jock tight round his slim waist, framing the ass Mark craved. “Fuck … fuck … fuck … Damn I want that ass.” Mark unbuckled his belt, pushed his uniform pants down and stepped out of them. In the mirror Jamie stared at the naked cop’s chiseled physique as he came close behind him and curled his fingers over the top of Jamie’s shoulders. He bent forward, kissed the square nape of his neck and buried his face in the thick blond hair curling over it. His breath came in a single sob as he moaned, “Damn I love you, boy. You drive me fucking crazy.” He pulled away and stroked the rippling muscles of Jamie’s upper back, his lower back, then his tight waist under the broad band of the threadbare jock … and finally the solid mounds of Jamie’s ass. “Fuck,” the cop said again … fuck …” In a frenzy of lust he raised his arm and slapped Jamie’s ass, watching the white globes turn red as they bounced under the blows. “Fuck me, sir,” Jamie begged. “Please, sir, I wanna feel your dick inside me, I wanna feel your juice inside me.” Mark grabbed Jamie’s waist and pulled his ass back onto his iron-hard rod. “Yes!” Jamie yelled, impaled on the cop’s shaft. He stared in the mirror at the two faces side by side � his own and the square-jawed Nordic face over his shoulder. “I love you, sir. My ass belongs to you. Please fuck it and fill it with your juice, sir. I want it so bad.” He clenched his ass round the long rod as it pistoned inside him, pushing him against the mirror, his cock squeezed hard against the glass in the pouch of the jock. He stretched up and clawed at the glass as Mark reached up, grabbed his wrists tight and pinned them against the mirror while he jackhammered his ass.. The pornographic image of the cop and the surfer in the mirror made Jamie lapse into fantasy. He said, “The cop has captured a young lifeguard, stripped him down to his jockstrap and chained him to the wall. Every time the cop comes in he works the lifeguard over, whipping his ass then shoving his dick in deep, using the muscle-jock like a fuck-slave.” Jamie’s imagination soared. “Day after day the young athlete waits for the cop to come and plough his ass. In the end he’s wanting it, waiting for it, craving it. When the cop comes in the lifeguard pleads, `Please officer … fuck my ass. I need to feel your rod in my ass. I’m your slave, sir, you own my ass. I’m begging you, please shoot your load in my ass.’ He sees the cop tense, his muscles flex, feels his cock swell in his ass and … aaagh!” The two screams were no fantasy as Mark blasted jizz deep inside Jamie, whose bulging cock, grinding against the glass, erupted in the jock and soaked the thin fabric with cum. In a frenzy Mark pulled out, grabbed Jamie by the waist and flung him on the bed on his back. He threw himself on him and clamped his mouth over the bulging, soaking jockstrap. His lips squeezed the Çorum Escort Bayan cum out of it and he swallowed it, breathing and tasting the pungent smell of the surfer’s spilled sticky load. Mark pulled his mouth off the jock, eased himself higher and pressed his mouth over Jamie’s in a grinding kiss, where they shared the same air and Jamie’s cum from mouth to mouth. Finally Mark rolled off him and they lay exhausted side by side on their backs, staring dazedly up at the ceiling. “You OK, buddy?” Mark asked at last. “Not sure, sir. I didn’t think I could love you any more than I already did, but now I’m feeling something so intense I can’t describe it.” “I know what you mean, dude. I hunger for you … I need to own you, own that ass. It’s so fucking intense, man.” “Best not to try and understand it, sir. Just go with the flow. I sure feel that my ass is yours, so let’s go with that for now.” “I’m sure gonna miss you while you’re down at the beach. If my beat tomorrow is on the Westside I’ll be close to Malibu so I could swing by after work and surprise you. “I’d love that, sir. You could stay with us overnight in the hotel there and we can … “Go with the flow, eh?” Mark grinned. HERE WE GO, GUYS Next morning at breakfast with the rest of the guys at the compound, everyone noticed the glow around Mark and Jamie, even brighter than usual. And their parting was passionate when Mark left for work patrolling the streets, and Jamie turned his attention to Eddie, who had a bagful of camera equipment. They picked Nate up on their drive to the Grady House, where they half expected Grady to be still in bed. But there he was, bright and eager, to welcome them. They realized again that there were two Gradys. One was the fun-loving laid back just-one-of-the-guys who spent much of the time laughing and fucking. The other was the disciplined, conscientious actor who knew how much the movie crew depended on him, and how much money was wasted if he was late on the set. Today he was a combination of the two. He would be having fun with his three buddies at the Malibu beach working on new stunts on his surfboard, with Eddie trying to get candid shots of the action. But all four knew the serious intent of the day � to make Grady look good on screen by equipping him with more elaborate surfing skills to impress the director � and ultimately his worldwide audience. The greeting was boisterous and Grady led them to the garage to find the inflatable dinghy with a small outboard motor that he and Mario sometimes took on weekend trips down the coast or to the Colorado River. Together they loaded it on Jamie’s truck, along with their other gear � surfboards, Eddie’s equipment and extra clothes they would need if they stayed overnight. Also, chef Will had packed up several coolers of food for when they took a meal break. They had decided they should all wear the faded red lifeguard shorts they wore during filming, in case any of them were caught in some of Eddie’s shots that the director might choose to use. Mario and Brian were there to see them off. Mario had already told Brian he was promoting him to assistant house manager and they were looking forward to spending the day, and possibly the night together while Grady was away. They were a noisy foursome on the hour-long drive across town then along Pacific Coast Highway to the private Malibu beach that the production used as its principal location. It would be quiet today with no looky-loo fans who might recognize Grady and interrupt their work. Mario had already booked two rooms for them in Jamie’s name at the small hotel nearby that was a hive of activity when the movie was shooting, but today was quiet, with few guests. Mario had not used Grady’s name because if that got out it would attract the inevitable crowd, the last thing they wanted. They parked in a secluded spot by some rocks and eagerly pulled the dinghy and three surfboards from the truck. Eddie brought his waterproof bag, and they all tramped down to the water’s edge to launch the dingy and the boards. “Here we go, guys,” Grady grinned. “Let’s make it look good, eh? It’s the name of the game.” LIKE GREAT SEX As expected they had a blast. There were lots of laughs and bawdy comments as Grady tried to copy Jamie’s surfing tricks, and failed again and again. Eddie tried to control his laughter and hold his camera steady, knowing that a lot of Grady’s arm-flailing tumbles into the water would end up on the movie’s gag reel. But as the day wore on he knew he was getting some really good footage that he could edit down and show to the director, maybe for use in the advanced publicity and even a few shots in the film itself. Also as time passed Grady’s surfing skills improved until he mastered a few stunts, like `carving a 360′ � a 360-degree spin on the lip of the wave, then riding it home. When they took a break for a light meal, Eddie was bursting with enthusiasm. “Dudes I got some spectacular shots of those 360’s. They’ve just gotta use some of them into the movie. I tell ya’ Grady, you are right up there with Kelly Slater, did you ever meet him? Such a hot dude” Grady laughed. “Don’t get carried away, kiddo, I’m no champion surfer, I just play one in the movies � with the help of Jamie and Nate here. But I gotta say, being up there and taming a wave gives you a sense of your own power � like picking up the power of the wave itself. The adrenaline surge is almost like great sex � and I don’t mean lying on a bed getting butt-fucked. When you’re up there on the lip of the wave you are the ultimate top man, fucking the wave itself underneath you.” Grady laughed at his own words. “Hell, here I am telling Eddie not to get carried away and there I go waxing lyrical, way over the top. But you feel it don’t you, Jamie? Ain’t that one of the reasons you love surfing so much?” “I hear you, dude, I know exactly the sensation you’re talking about. I can see the change in you already. That light in your eyes ain’t saying `fuck me’. It’s like, `Man, I wanna fuck ass …” Nate laughed. “You’re right guys. Just listening to you talk like that gives me a hard-on.” “Me too,” Eddie said. “But before this becomes a four-way orgy, don’t you think we should get back out there? I wanna get more footage before we start to lose the light.” They all agreed and raced back down to the water, where the action began again. All this hyper energy had one other effect that Nate noticed, the growing bond between Grady and Jamie. Having worked for so long now on movie shoots they had inevitably become close friends, as Nate knew well. But working out here today, with the intensity Grady had described, deepened their sense of comradeship. Nate understood how that brotherhood of surfers, after a great day of strenuous activity, sometimes found expression in sexual release. Nate loved to watch that bond grow between two such gorgeous jocks as these two. They were out there for several more hours until finally the wind calmed and the waves lost their power. “Surf won’t pick up again until dawn tomorrow, guys,” Jamie said. “Good job we elected to stay overnight. We’ll make an early start tomorrow.” They paddled back to the beach, following Eddie in his dinghy. After they trudged up the beach Eddie threw himself down on a blanket. “Can’t wait to go over this footage guys. You wanna see it?” “Sure,” Nate said. But Grady said, “Er guys, I’m so juiced after all the excitement, I wanna work off some of my energy with a jog. You wanna come, Jamie?” Nate caught the look that flashed between them and guessed intuitively that they wanted to work off that energy together. Grady said, “Won’t be long. And when we get back we’ll head back to the hotel, OK? Enjoy your movie, guys.” They left them huddled over the camera and took off � two sexy jocks in the faded red boardshorts of lifeguards. RAGING TESTOSTERONE In fact they hadn’t jogged far at all before Grady slowed down to a walk. “Guess I don’t have as much energy left as I thought I had, buddy. Not that kind of energy anyway. Do you mind if we stop and just talk? There’s a secluded spot up there, under the dunes surrounded by rocks. It was a perfect spot, shielded on all sides by rocks, with a floor of flattened dune grass. They threw themselves down on it lying on their sides facing each other, propped on their elbows. Jamie grinned, “You coming down from the high of all that action yet, dude?” “Not hardly,” Grady laughed. “I am really stoked, man, that adrenaline coursing through me stronger than ever. It’s true what I said earlier about riding those waves, especially learning to conquer then the way we did. Man, I feel … I dunno … supercharged, like I need a tough gym workout to work off all the testosterone pumping in my body.” Jamie grinned. “Dude, I think what you’re talking about is not a gym workout but a sex workout. You said the surge you get from riding a perfect wave is like great sex. That’s the pump you really feel. It’s in your dick. You got a hard-on right?” “Damn straight I do.” Grady reached forward and ran his fingers over Jamie’s smiling face, then down over the tanned, salt-streaked flesh of his pumped body. “You’re a beautiful man, Jamie � everyone’s dream of the California surfer. And normally, right about now, I would be begging you to fuck me …” “But …?” Jamie smiled. “But you just came down from the lip of the wave, remember? You fucked that wave like the ultimate top man.” “That’s it, dude. And like you said earlier … `Man, I wanna fuck ass!’ I wanna fuck my surfer buddy up the ass. Hell yes …” Grady suddenly flung himself on top of Jamie, smothering him with frantic kisses, tasting the salt on his face, then licking his neck and chest, inhaling the mingle essence of saltwater and sweat, sucking on his hard nipples, biting them so hard Jamie pushed him away and sprang to his feet. Grady stood up too and they stood a few feet apart staring at each other, like rival stags set for battle. Frantically they unlaced their shorts and kicked them off, two naked athletes face to face, breath heaving, eyes gleaming. “OK, stud,” Jamie said. “Let’s see what you got.” With a warrior’s howl Grady flung himself at Jamie and they crashed to the ground, rolling over in the dune grass, muscle on muscle. Like the powerful waves he had ridden today, Grady felt strong, dominant, and soon he was kneeling astride Jamie, pinning his wrists to the ground. Jamie looked up at the chiseled features and muscled body of the action hero he had seen often on the screen. It was like being in a movie, a surfer pinned down by the naked lifeguard, staring down at the huge, rock-hard cock pointing down at him.” “You wanted to see what I got? That’s what I got, and I’m gonna shove it in your fucking punk ass.” Grady pulled back, kneeling straight up, grabbed Jamie’s ankles and pushed them up high. His cock was still wet, and he drove it hard in the surfer’s butt. “Aaagh,” Jamie gasped, but the powerful sight of the muscled lifeguard drove pain away and replaced it with raw grinding pleasure. “Fuck me dude. Yeah fuck that ass. It feels so good, you’re so fucking hot. I love you, man. I fucking love you.” Grady’s savage pounding slowed when he heard those words and he gazed into Jamie’s blue eyes. “I love you too, dude. Man you’re ass feels good.” He leaned forward between Jamie’s legs and again pinned his arms to the ground. “I’ve got you now, big guy, you can’t move, you’re at my mercy. You wanna get fucked by me, don’t you? Tell me … let me hear it.” “Please, sir, I wanna feel your rod inside me … my ass is yours. I love you, man. Fuck me …!” Grady cranked up the force of his attack on the surfer’s ass, his hips slamming down and back as his shaft pounded his ass. They gazed into each other’s eyes � two hyped-up surfers on the beach who had ridden the waves together all day, and one now rode the other’s ass. Their racing adrenaline and pent-up testosterone surged, their bodies flexed as they drove themselves to the ultimate climax. Grady released one of Jamie’s wrists and he instantly grabbed his own cock and pounded it in his fist. “Fuck me, man … I want it so bad. Cum in my ass, dude … I’m gonna shoot. Fuck yeah … I’m gonna cum … I’m gonna cum … Yeaahh!” Jamie’s body shook and his cock spayed cum all over his heaving chest as Grady yelled, “I love you man … aaahh!” And his cock erupted deep inside his buddy’s ass. They were so engrossed in each other, they were unaware Escort Çorum that another man had shot a load of semen at the same time. Gazing down from the top of the dune, a uniformed cop had unzipped his pants and pounded his cock to orgasm as he watched one muscle-jock fuck the other. He had seen and heard everything, even the young blond on his back begging his buddy, “Fuck me, man. I wanna feel your rod inside me … My ass is yours. I love you, man, I fucking love you.” The cop was Mark, of course. TENSION At the end of his shift Mark had gone to the Santa Monica Police station to discuss an arrest he had made the previous week that was now being handled by Santa Monica. As he had promised Jamie he might, he was so close to Malibu that he swung by there and approached the private beach from over the dunes. He stopped dead in his tracks, and the sight of Grady fucking Jamie had caused a swirl of emotions, not least intense sexual arousal that made him jerk off as he watched. Now he ran down the dunes and the naked men looked up in stunned surprise. “Sir,” Jamie said, reaching for his boardshorts and pulling them on. Grady looked up and grinned, “Hello officer.” Neither of them was sure how to react, nor what Mark’s response would be. Neither, actually, was Mark. He was momentarily confused, although one instinctive impulse dominated. But he pushed it aside and said non-committally, “Hey guys. That was some show. Got me off.” He zipped up his pants. Jamie jumped to his feet and said, “So you made it, sir, like you said you might. Can you stay the night?” “Do you want me to?” “Of course, sir, why wouldn’t I?” This was the kind of conversation where the men were winging it and often regretted their own words as soon as they uttered them, as they did now. “What I meant to say, sir …” Grady jumped up, fully aware of the discomfort the men were feeling. He was out of his depth, not sure of the rules and parameters these guys set for themselves, and how far he had put his foot in it � or in this case, his cock. He knew they didn’t think of themselves as master and boy, but beyond that he was at a loss. One thing he was sure of was that they wanted to be alone. “Mark, I hope you do stay the night with us. There’s plenty of room in the hotel and I’m sure Nate and Eddie would be thrilled. Look, why don’t you get out of that uniform and put these shorts on? Actually they’re Jamie’s � you put mine on dude. But I can go back to the truck naked. The guys won’t even notice, they’re so engrossed in Eddie’s movie.” Mark glanced at Jamie, saw a pleading look in his eye and said simply, “OK.” His tone was flat, eyes blank. Jamie stepped forward. “May I help you, sir?” That sounded more formal than he intended, but Mark didn’t object, so Jamie stood before him and unbuttoned his shirt. As he did so they gazed into each other’s eyes, trying but failing to gauge what the other was thinking. Jamie pulled Mark’s shirt and T-shirt off and laid them on the ground. Grady was standing at a distance and, tense though the atmosphere was, he was startled, as always, by the sight of the cop’s bare, muscled torso. Jamie managed a smile. “Boots now, sir?” Without reply Mark sat on a rock and Jamie turned his back to him. He reached down, pulled the boot up between his legs, and held the heel and toe, a replay of what he had done the evening before. Except that the atmosphere now was far from their joyful mood then. Grady watched the ritual as Mark raised his other leg and pressed it on Jamie’s butt until the boot came loose and Jamie staggered forward. They repeated the procedure on the other boot, then Mark stood up and Jamie faced him. Instinctively Jamie sank to his knees, unbuckled the cop’s heavy belt and unzipped the pants. He pulled them and the shorts down and took them off with his socks. Grady stifled a gasp as he stared at the naked cop. Still on his knees Jamie had an overwhelming impulse to kiss his cock that hung semi-hard in front of his face, and then bend lower and lick his feet. But he suppressed the desire. He stood up and handed Mark the red shorts, which he pulled on. Grady picked up the discarded uniform and boots. I’ll take these to the truck and leave you two alone.” He paused. “Mark, I just wanna say that if I’ve done anything wrong to displease you, I’m really sorry, dude. I would never intentionally hurt you, you know that.” “You’ve done nothing wrong, Grady,” Mark said tonelessly, “but thank you for saying that.” Grady left and Mark turned to Jamie. “Let’s go sit in those rocks out there, Jamie.” He turned without another word and Jamie followed, nervous about what was going to happen. RESOLUTION The line of rocks jutted out into the sea and they walked out to the end and sat side by side, watching the now-gentle swell of the waves lapping beneath them. The sun was sinking low in the sky and cast rays of shimmering light toward them on the water. They stared silently out to sea, each one lost in a jumble of thoughts but not sure how to express them. Jamie was afraid of making the tension worse. Mark, ever the in-control cop, was trying to control his emotions. But at last, still gazing out over the ocean, Mark spoke in mid-thought. “I guess the real problem is, I’m scared of losing you, Jamie.” “Losing me?” Frowning in confusion Jamie turned and looked at Mark’s profile. “Losing me, sir? Why would you think that?” He felt a surging panic. “You’re not gonna dump me, are you sir?” At last Mark turned to face Jamie and their eyes met. “What an ugly word that is � to dump someone. No, Jamie, it’s a word that has no place in our lives.” He managed a wry grin. “I guess that means we’re both scared of losing each other.” After another silence Jamie said, “I think I know why that is, sir. Last evening, when we had sex, it was so beautiful, so intense, the best ever, and … and maybe we thought we had peaked � you know, all downhill from here. Nothing that good could stay at those heights. “Yeah, like the old song goes, `Too hot not to cool down’, eh?” They pondered that. It was a start anyway, then Mark got down to detail. “One thing I want to know, Jamie. When I heard you plead with Grady � `Fuck me, man. I want you inside me. My ass is yours. I love you, man’ � was that said in the heat of the moment or did you mean it?” Jamie frowned. “I … I did mean it, sir � in the heat of the moment. I mean, when guys fuck, in that moment of climax they shout all kinds of things � and mean them at that moment. I remember Bob once saying that love is often measured by intensity rather than duration. The love is real, but it lasts only a minute. You can be passionately in love one minute and then just good buddies the next. Mark smiled. “Trust Bob to have just the right words for it. I wish he were here now. He’d steer us right.” Another silence, then it was Mark’s turn to panic as a thought hit him. “Jamie, those words you said to Grady. You used almost the same words with me yesterday when I fucked you and we climaxed. Was that said in the heat of the moment too? Was it too hot not to cool down? Lovers one minute, just good buddies the next?” Jamie was taken aback. “Really, sir? You really think that? I thought you knew how much I love you. For me it’s intensity and duration, both.” “Yes, Jamie, I do know that, `cos I feel the same. Sorry, it was a dumb question. The thing that troubles me is not you fucking with other guys, we all do that in the tribe. It’s seeing you get fucked, offering your ass to another guy. Like we said yesterday, it’s fine with a buddy like Nate. But seeing you submit your ass to Grady, a gorgeous man, a rich and famous movie star … and me just a cop.” “Mark, Grady and me, we’re buddies. I don’t even think of him as a star. You are my star, sir, my pole star � you know, the star that never moves in the sky and guides ships. You’re my guide in everything. So many times during the day I think, `What would Mark do?’ … `What would Mark want me to do?’ And you always steer me right.” Mark’s eyes brimmed with tears as he smiled. “God, I love you so much, Jamie. One problem is this master/boy thing. It distorts things. You know I haven’t thought of you as my boy for a long time now. I know you like to call me `sir’ and that’s cool, but could you do me a favor and, just for the next few minutes, drop the `sir? It makes it so much easier to have a conversation with my `buddy’ rather than my `boy’.” “Sure, dude.” Jamie grinned, and the tension dissolved. “One thing I don’t get,” Mark said, “is Grady even wanting to be top man. Everyone knows he loves dick. He’s been butt-fucked by most men in the tribe, not to mention what he gets twice daily from Mario. Oh, I get that surfing is an adrenaline rush, gets the juices running and makes guys want sex afterwards. But why the switch?” “Oh, that’s easy dude, we talked about that. See I taught him some great moves, like carving a 360 where the surfer spins round at the lip of a wave. Grady himself said that taming the wave like that gives a guy a sense of his own power � like picking up the power of the wave itself. He described the adrenaline surge as like great sex, but completely different from lying on your back getting butt-fucked. When you’re up there on the top of the wave, he said, you are the ultimate top man, fucking the wave itself underneath you. “Well, you can imagine, it’s one step from that to fucking the surfing instructor up the butt. Only we didn’t know a cop would be watching us and jerking off. But, dude, I didn’t realize seeing me get fucked my Grady would cause you grief, so here’s my promise. Apart from buddies like Nate, I will never let any other guy fuck my ass, except you.” “No, no, no, Jamie, you mustn’t say that. That’s the kind of promise a boy would make to his master. But we’re buddies, equals. Hell, I get fucked by guys like Bob, Randy and Hassan, so why should I forbid that in you? Sure I get a shock when I see you offering your ass, but I’ve gotta get over that.” Mark chuckled. “You know how Randy used to go apeshit if another man fucked Bob in the ass, but even Randy has started to accept it. Sure, he still feels it’s an insult to his manhood, so he insists on payback � either by fucking Bob or the guy who ploughed him, or both. “But Randy knows that Bob getting fucked doesn’t mean he’ll leave him for the other guy, and I know the same about you. After all, taking a dick up the butt don’t mean your gonna fall in love with the dick’s owner, except for that kind of flash-love that lasts only as long as the adrenaline rush. So, with that in mind, are we OK now, Jamie, you and me?” “Better than ever, I’d say,” Jamie smiled. “Much better than ever.” Mark put his arm over Jamie’s shoulder and they watched in silence as the sun sank to the horizon. In total harmony they stared out to sea until the dazzling orb plopped into the sea in a blaze of gold, sending sparks across the azure water that lit up their glowing faces. YOUR ASS IS GRASS In the gathering twilight Mark and Jamie walked back to the beach where Grady, Nate and Eddie were huddled over Eddie’s camera. Eddie looked up with a broad grin. “Sir, you missed a spectacular event today � Hunter the lifeguard carving a 360 � and it’s all on film right here. We’ve gotta have a viewing at the hotel tonight. Grady smiled uncertainly. “You are staying the night, eh buddy.” Mark’s face lit up. “Wouldn’t miss if for the world dude.” “Great. And, er, that incident you saw earlier in the rocks there …?” ” Oh, Jamie and I sorted that out, no problem … except …” “Except?” Grady winced. “Well, see, a cop is a symbol of authority and if ever he feels his manhood has been challenged he has to retaliate. So, any man who fucks the cop’s buddy … his ass is grass.” Grady flashed the smile known all over the world. “Oh, no problem there, officer. Er, would the cop be wearing his uniform?” Mark roared with laughter, “Dammit, Grady, those fantasies of yours never quit, do they?” Grady shrugged. “That’s just me officer. But I’m prepared to pay the price … anytime you like.” TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength” � Chapter 569 Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter turned you on, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at rw6789@aol. ALSO, I invite you to visit my own Web-site gth. You can read the whole story, with extras including pictures and biographies of all the characters. AND DON’T FORGET � IF YOU ENJOY THESE STORIES, PLEASE DONATE to this site. Nifty needs your donations to provide these thousands of wonderful stories. So please go to fty/donate.html and donate what you can. All the other writers and I thank you.

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Içieri girdiğimizde

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