Always Is a Long Time

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I went to call him in for a meal. He was doing something with one of the cars in the garage. There was a door leading from the house into the garage and without any attempt to be silent I opened it, and was about to call out, “Come and eat,” when I heard a rhythmic gasping noise.

Puzzled I walked into the garage. Richard was working, or had been working, on the car farthest away from me, a gift from his father and me for his eighteenth birthday. The family car for a moment blocked my view of Richard, but walking a few paces I stopped. I could see Richard.

He was half sitting on the bonnet of his car and his arm was pumping up and down as he emitted gasps and groans. One more step and I could see what he was doing; he was masturbating.

He had his eyes closed and he was obviously so engrossed in his self stimulation he failed to hear me.

I stood stock still, fascinated by what I was seeing. I knew he masturbated frequently because I had to wash his sticky handkerchiefs, but I had never seen him, or any other man for that matter, in the act of self relief.

As I watched his movements became more rapid and suddenly he gave an extra loud groan and great gobs of sperm began to shoot out of him. The first ejection shot out several feet to be followed by less violent emissions that seemed to gush from him.

I was captivated by what I was seeing. I know many people are either disgusted by masturbation or talk about it derisively. I think this is to cover up a sense of guilt about their own masturbating habits. I on the contrary, found watching Richard quite delightful; he was clearly lost in his world of erotic fantasy and I wondered who it was he envisaged as he pumped out his semen.

As the first explosion of his sperm was emitted I had flash across my mind, “If only George could….” That was too dangerous a thought, so I squashed it.

Richard approached the end of his orgasm as the last droplets of semen fell to the concrete floor. He leaned further back on the car bonnet breathing heavily, his eyes still closed.

I slipped quietly out of the garage, waited a couple of minutes, then opened the communicating door called out that his meal was ready.

When Richard came in I looked at him and saw he had a dreamy look in his eyes. “Still recovering from his orgasm,” I thought.

He washed his hands at the kitchen sink and as he turned to come to the table George, who had been working in the study, entered. For a moment they were side by side. There was George, slightly paunchy and balding, his usual good natured grin on his face; and there was Richard, young, muscular, lithe and slim, his dark hair slightly dishevelled looking relaxed with that distant look still in his eyes. I felt a slight ticking sensation in my clitoris.

After the meal and during the evening I began to get signals from George that he would be requiring what he called his “ration” that night. The signals were as usual, an arm round my shoulders as we watched television; getting me a cup of coffee or drink when it was normally left to me; his conversation interspersed with mild endearments like, “Sweetheart” and “Dearest.”

In bed it was business as usual, and I do mean usual. A grab for a breast; a brief period of kissing and then a feel to see if I was wet enough for him to enter. I was always wet enough, but what he didn’t know was that on the nights I suspected he would want his ration, I always applied a lubricant before getting into bed as his “love play” did nothing to arouse me.

Then he was pushing up and down in me grunting and groaning. It was always the same, except this night was different. I actually got wet with my own lubricant which made things rather slippery when added to the applied artificial love juice. In addition, and to my amazement, I had my first orgasm with George in I don’t know how long.

George was equally surprised and commented, “Sweetheart, you were really going it tonight, was I that good?”

I made some complimentary remark about his “love making,” but failed to tell him that all the time he was fucking me I had been fantasising Richard.

Don’t get the wrong impression. George is a good man and a generous husband and father. It is just that for him sexual intercourse is little more than a release of his banked up sperm. The idea that two people could enjoy each other’s bodies somewhat more extensively than we did had never occurred to him. When at times I had made suggestions about having some more interesting love play, he chuckled and said, “We don’t want to be bothered about that. I like to get straight to the action.”

So there it was, and like a lot of other women I had a kind husband and a hopeless or careless lover. From time to time I had toyed with the idea of taking an illicit lover. I knew I could because I had received a number of offers of “meaningful relationships.”

Having read in magazines some of the consequences of these relationships I had always rejected the offers. I Giresun Escort gathered that such relationships tend not to last for long and usually end when one or the other of the partners start to demand more than the other is prepared to give. For example: “Leave him/her and come and live with me.” I had no intention of leaving George, but I did want more gratifying sex.

In the following days I found myself watching Richard more closely than usual. Increasingly I found myself weighing up his sexual potential. I realised that I knew nothing of his sex life.

When he was a little boy we had always been very close. When he got to around thirteen that closeness began to evaporate; to embrace or kiss him was to get the response, “Don’t mum.”

Puzzled at this changing relationship I resorted to books and magazines to try and find out why the change. Amid the surfeit of often confusing information put forth by the professionals, I gathered that during childhood boys often have a relationship with their mother that has a sexual content. When they get a bit older they realise that mother is not available, so they seek other sexual relationships.

I was consoled at the apparent loss of Richard’s previously demonstrative affections by the knowledge that this was what was supposed to happen. I did, however, miss the cuddles we once enjoyed, especially when he had joined me in bed early in the mornings.

Now I began to wonder what “sexual relationships” he had entered into. Prejudiced as I might be as his mother, as I looked at him now with a female’s eye for a sexy male, I found him not wanting in that department.

“Surely,” I thought, “he must be getting his sexual satisfaction with someone”; yet if he was, why the need to masturbate?

I resorted to the professionals again only to learn that both men and women, even when they are getting sexual gratification with a member of the opposite sex, or with the same sex for that matter, will sometimes masturbate for the sheer pleasure of doing so. I even discovered that a man and woman lying together would often enjoy masturbating.

On gaining the latter piece of information I found myself smirking sardonically. Often after George’s unsatisfactory copulating, and when I was sure he was asleep, I would have to use a little self relieving. “Huh,” I thought, “That’s a man and women lying side by side, but one’s dead to the world and the other’s masturbating in isolation.”

My beginning to review Richard frankly as a sexual object brought about some subtle changes in my behaviour. I started to take more care over my appearance. Of course, I told myself I was doing this for my own benefit, but a wicked little demon inside me kept whispering, “No you’re not Brigid.”

Normally careless about my hair, I took my hairdressers advice as to what cut would best suit me. When Richard saw it he said, “Mum, you look terrific. That cut has taken ten years off you.”

On the other hand, George failed to notice until I drew his attention to it. He glanced up from the newspaper then said, “Very nice,” and went back to his paper.

Clothes were another thing I had let go over the years, but now I splashed out and got myself some new ones. This time I was guided by the girl who served me and her first suggestions I rejected as “too young” for me.

“But madam can’t be more than thirty,” she protested. I took this to be sales talk, but at forty one to be told you look thirty is a compliment hard to resist. I bought a couple of items at her suggestion wondering if I should live to regret it.

My next port of call was a beautician. I had splashed out money to the point where I did not care any more. This time I had a very pleasant surprise.

The young woman who attended to me was apparently not given to a sales pitch. She firmly made the point that I hardly needed her ministrations.

“I think madam should use makeup very sparingly,” she warbled. “Perhaps a different shade of lipstick and just a touch of eye shadow and liner; certainly no pancake makeup, since madam has excellent skin.”

I was much relieved by this absence of the hard sell until, after purchasing a few items of makeup as advised, I saw the bill. At that point I felt I would rather have had the hard sell. I think I might have been the victim of reverse psychology.

On presenting myself that evening with my minimal makeup and one of the new garments, from Richard I got the acclamation, “Mum, you look so se…so terrific.”

I decided to be bold and said, “Did you mean to say ‘sexy’ Richard?”

“Well, yes, I suppose I did.”

“Good; then in future, say what you mean first time.”

We burst into laughter.

George, even under the enthusiastic prompting of Richard later that evening, managed to look away from the television set long enough to say, “Yes, very nice sweetheart.” Then he went back to his favourite sit com. Given his less than appreciative response to the new me, I Giresun Escort Bayan decided not to tell him what the bill had been.

I was not particularly troubled by George’s lack of enthusiasm about his wife’s apparent attractiveness. He would get his “ration” and be happy.

Crudely I thought, “I might just as well be a hole in a beetroot for all he cares.”

You see, I had got to the point where I had the courage with my demon’s prompting to admit that it was not for George I tried to make myself an object of sexual desire. I was trying to impress Richard.

Having got to the point of virtually admitting I wanted sex with my own son, I returned to the experts. I had understood the stuff about boys desiring their mothers and then giving up, what I wanted to know was did mother’s desire their sons or was I a sexual sociopath?

The experts seemed more reticent on this subject. There were a few cases of mother’s seducing their young sons cited, but these seemed mainly to be single parent mothers or women urged by their husbands or lovers to engage in sex with the young boy. As I fitted neither category I was left uninformed.

In the process of searching for this information I did learn one thing. Lots of older women sought sexual relationships with young men, and young men often desire older women.

In the case of the women it seems they like the young men because they are more virile and teachable. In the case of the young men it can be a bit more complex.

Some liked older women precisely because they were willing to teach them about satisfying love making and proved more dynamic sexual partners. Others sought older women as a sort of mother substitute. They not only got satisfying sex, but also they felt safe with the older woman and received maternal as well as sexual love. The desire for the maternal aspect was linked to an unsatisfactory relationship with their real mothers who withheld the affection their sons wanted.

Not knowing who Richard’s sex partners were I had no idea whether they were younger or older women. I tried to work out whether I had been an unsatisfactory mother, and came to the conclusion that it was Richard who had rejected my affections, not the other way round.

I still tried to tell myself that all this research on my part was purely out of academic interest, but that demon inside me kept shouting louder and louder, “No it’s not, Brigid.”

Finally the demon won and I frankly admitted to myself that I really was lusting for my own son. That admission, however, got me nowhere. Richard had never shown any sign of reciprocating my feelings and I didn’t have the courage to initiate anything.

So I went on hankering after him, getting wet between my legs looking at him when he wandered round the house clad only in shorts, and becoming increasingly irritable. I decided that there was absolutely no hope that I could enjoy Richard, sexually speaking. Then one of those accidental events that often prove a turning point occurred. For once in a blue moon George had decided we should go and see a film together. The evening we were due to go to the cinema he announced that he couldn’t make it.

“Sorry sweetheart,” he lamented, “I’ve just got to go and see an important client.”

I suppose I could have made a fuss but knew that it would be pointless. George would still go and see his “important client.”

George, no doubt trying to console me, suggested that Richard might like to go with me. I had some reservations about this because I had a strong feeling that an evening in close proximity to Richard in the dark of the cinema might mean a misery of wet thighs.

George, however, not knowing how I felt about going out with Richard, took it upon himself to ask him.

“How would you like to take your mum to the cinema?” he asked. “I can’t make it, and she was looking forward to going out.”

Richard looked wary; “Who’s paying?” he asked.

“I am of course,” replied George, taking out his wallet.

“Okay then,” responded Richard, but with no great enthusiasm.

I began to feel like an unwanted cow at a cattle auction and almost called the whole thing off. However, since it was a film I had wanted to see for some time, I suppressed my female ego and off we went.

We were about twenty minutes into the film when my hand brushed against Richard’s that was lying on the armrest. A delicious spear of pleasure darted through me and I felt that ticking sensation in my clitoris which with increasing frequency I was experiencing in Richard’s presence.

I let my hand lie on his, waiting for it to be rejected. Instead I felt Richards hand turn and his fingers enmesh with mine. After a few minutes there were gentle throbbing pressure passed between us as our hands heated up. I leaned towards him to let my head drop on his shoulder, and again, there was no rejection.

We stayed like that for the rest of the film and I must confess if you Escort Giresun asked me what the film was about I would be hard put to tell you.

Coming home in the car Richard was driving. I cursed the vehicle’s manufacturer for not providing the old type of bench seats. With those seats I could have sat close to him and continued to rest my head on his shoulder. As it was, with the bucket seats, the best I could manage was my hand on his arm.

My thoughts wandered to the back seat that was the bench type and I fantasised that Richard would stop the car in some secluded spot and take me on the back seat. Unhappily he did not stop until we got home.

He stopped the car before taking it into the garage to let me out. I took a daring plunge and leaning over him said, “Thank you for taking me, darling. I’ve enjoyed being with you very much.”

With that I kissed him softly and let my tongue flicker over his lips. I sensed a response from him and I let the kiss linger. His lips parted and I slipped my tongue into his mouth.

When we broke from the kiss he gasped out, “Oh mum that was too much.”

I did not know how to interpret his words so not having the nerve to press things further I got out of the car and went into the house. Richard should have followed me soon after, but he didn’t. I started to think something might have happened to him, so I went through the door communicating with the garage. The gasping sound I heard before came to my ears.

The garage was dark so I could only see a dim outline of Richard, but it was clear what he was doing. Had I the courage I would have gone to him and said “Put it into me, Richard,” but I had no such bravery.

I stood there and putting my hand up my skirt and slipping down my panties, I masturbated with my eyes on the dim outline of Richard.

Fortunately I came before he did and having stifled my orgasmic cries, I hurried back into the house.

“My God,” I thought, “I turned him on”; then cursed myself as a gutless fool for not going to him when I had the opportunity.

After while Richard came into the kitchen where I was sitting at the table waiting for him. He had that same distant look in his eyes I had observed the first time I had witnessed his masturbating. He slumped down at the table and gave me a dreamy smile.

I had spotted George’s brief case and lap top computer in the hall so I knew he was home and had probably gone to bed. That being so, no matter what Richard and I might be feeling and wanting, there was no chance of anything happening that night.

I said, “I thought we might have a drink before we go to bed, darling.”

“Good idea,” he replied, “I’ll get them.”

He returned with the drinks and sat at the table again. The dreaminess seemed to have gone from his eyes and he looked across the table at me as if he was trying to bore into my head to find out what was there. I think I must have been doing the same to him. Richard was the first to break the silence between us.

“It was a lovely evening, mother, could we do it again some time?”

“Of course,” I replied. “It was the best evening I’ve had for a long time.”

“If…if we do go out together again…do you think we…we…er…”

“What darling?” I asked with difficulty as a lump seemed to have formed in my throat.

Richard turned his eyes away from me saying, “Oh, nothing, just a silly thought.” He finished his drink and went on, “I’ll get off to bed.” He came over to me and kissed me on the lips very tenderly and left the room.

I sat steeped in feelings of anger and deprivation. Anger because I might have had the experience I was longing for and I had thrown it away through cowardice. Deprivation because for all my masturbating I still hungered for him.

I clambered into bed beside a snoring George and wept myself to sleep.

That a new phase in my relationship with Richard had taken place became evident over the following days. It was in part rather like a return to when he was a young boy. Then he would always kiss me goodbye when he left for school and when he came home. He was always ready for a hug and a confidential chat. As I have said, this was lost when he entered puberty.

Yet it was not exactly a return to that sort of affection. When he kissed me now it would linger with occasionally his tongue flickering over my lips, or mine his. We pulled our bodies close and sometimes there was a hint of our hips rotating against each other. It seemed however, that neither of us could bring ourselves to take the final step.

Opportunities for that final step came fairly frequently as George was out quite often seeing clients during the evening. Even when he was home he was so absorbed watching television I sometimes thought Richard could have raped me in front of him, and he wouldn’t notice.

There came a time when I could stand the sexual tension between Richard and me no longer. I knew I had to act. I had to know finally whether Richard wanted me enough to copulate with me, or whether he would reject me.

I chose a time when George was away interstate seeing clients for a few days and Richard was not snowed under by his studies. I asked Richard to take me to a concert to which he agreed. I prepared myself very carefully.

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All We Knew – A Prequel

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All Characters in this Story are above the age of consent and at least eighteen years old. If sex occurs it is consensual and each is a willing participant. This story exists in a world which I imagine, it may or may not be recognisable to you. Finally I use British English, or English as we call it. If arse not ass and Mum not Mom irritates you, don’t read this story, likewise don’t bother posting anonymous comments about it, I am well aware of your opinions on my spelling, thank you and enjoy.


Six Months Previously

Kevin Carpenter slammed his bedroom door shut and stormed along the landing too his little sister’s bedroom. Much as he loved Jane, and he did love her, she had messed around with him too many times now. He didn’t bother to knock barging straight into her bedroom. His sister lay on her bed with a set of headphones on. She lay on her stomach and her legs were waving around in the air, her denim jeans looked as if they had been sprayed onto her tight bottom and lithe legs. Her toes wiggled in her pretty pink socks and she sang quietly to the music. She heard the commotion and looked up from the text book on the bed in front of her. Her glasses had slipped slightly down her nose and she used the index finger of her left hand to push them up again, removing her headphones with one continuing action.

Smiling she pushed herself up from the bed, her thin jumper not hiding the slight swell of her small breasts. A huge smile died on her face as she saw the look on her brothers face, she tucked her brown hair behind her ears and looked at Kevin earnestly.

“Hi Kev, you okay, what’s up bro?”

Kevin, slightly distracted by his sisters sheer beauty stalled, before his rage let rip.

“You’ve done it again Jane, haven’t you, you’ve just come into my room helped yourself to my CD’s and tossed some you’ve listened to onto my dresser, I don’t mind you borrowing stuff, but why the hell don’t you ever put it back tidily. Is it too much to ask for you to return things properly?”

he paced up and down,

“You can’t treat my things like this, if you borrow it put it back properly, don’t just dump it and expect me to sort it out, I don’t need all this aggro with you, okay, I have enough problems of my own already, just try thinking for a change,”

Even as he said it he realised what a jerk he was being and he wished he could just shut up. His sister’s face was crumpling under his verbal assault. He was big and loud and stompy and totally out of control with himself. Jane began to cry and her hands pulled her glasses off as she wept uncontrollably.

“Shit, sorry, sorry, really sorry, please don’t cry, I hate it when you cry, please Jane I’m so sorry.”

Kevin whooshed her up in his arms and held her to his chest, feeling her tears wet his shirt. He gently held her, swaying slightly and shushing her, whilst his hand gently caressed her hair.

“So, so, sorry Kevin,” she gulped, ” I didn’t know that it meant that much to you, I would have been more careful had I known.”

“It’s alright, don’t worry, shhh, it’s just me being anal. So sorry Janey, please forgive me, please,” tears began to course down Kevin’s cheeks and he gulped in a big lungful of air, his heart shattered as he gently kissed her forehead several times.

Jane suddenly stiffened at the kisses and she pulled herself free of his grasp. She sat back moving off his lap and onto the bed and looked at her brother quizzically, astonished at his sudden affection, something that she had found missing for some time. He hardly ever touched her now, whereas when they were younger, well until about a year ago, he would hug her or muss her hair or push her gently.

“Why did you do that, why did you kiss me?” Her lips trembled and she sat back on her knees, gazing at her brother, who towered over her.

Kevin, still sniffing and sobbing, hunched his shoulders, and mumbled, “I don’t know, I guess I see Mum do it and it helps you stop crying, so I thought I would do it because it might… er it …er you know, er it might help.” He ground to a halt, chest heaving and face reddening. ” I didn’t mean anything by it. I thought it would help.”

“Nothing more, nothing you want to tell me, like why you get so freaky about some old CD’s or why you keep looking at me sort of sideways so I don’t know that you are! or why you are always seem on edge round me, stuff like that.” She tried to look in his eyes, by turning her head up towards his.

“No, no there’s nothing like that. I don’t perv on you if that’s what you think!” he angrily said. he looked away from her and tried not to give himself away.

“OK well let me tell you something Kevin Carpenter,”

she rose up on the bed, slipped off and took a step towards him. This had to come out she thought, I can’t do this anymore whatever the outcome. He needed to know how she felt. She really needed him to know what was buzzing round her head, whatever the outcome she couldn’t cover it up anymore.

“Despite the fact Giresun Escort that I can’t stand the music I borrow from you, I do it so I can be in your room, near you, my adorable big brother. Seeing you, smelling your smell and wanting to touch you and wanting you to touch me because for the last two years… I’VE BEEN COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH YOU!” the last part was screamed out at about 180 decibels, so even Kevin couldn’t miss it. She flushed and balled her hands into tiny tight fists, awaiting the humiliation that she assumed was coming.

“Bloody hell Janey, I wish I had known. I couldn’t understand why you were borrowing them, I knew you hated my music, but I didn’t say no because it was a chance for me to see you, up close and in my room, I was so knocked out by your presence I would’ve lent you anything, you only had to ask. Why! because I’ve been in love with you for years now and I was frightened by my thoughts and desires, sorry.” He shambled backwards away from her, heading to the door.

“Oh no you don’t Bro, you stay right there, you and me need to talk.”

Jane stepped round Kevin and stood by the door reaching back she took the edge and steered the door shut behind her, stepping back further as she covered the door with her body.

“OK you leave over my battered body. Now talk to me you lummox!”

Kevin walked to Jane’s bed and sat down. He looked at the floor and tears began to spatter the carpet.

“I am so sorry Janey,” he said, “I am so, so sorry, I have been hiding myself from you for so long now, I found myself madly in love with you and I really didn’t want to lose you. I hid it to protect what we have as brother and sister, you know our family love, I can’t begin to imagine life without you. I would rather hide my real, true love for you than not have you in my life,” the tears now fell like a waterfall. and his big body shook with fear and longing.

Jane felt the tears welling up inside her and she walked across the room sitting at Kevin’s feet and reached up to hug her brother to her. Tears fell from her eyes joining Kevin’s on her carpet. They sat like this for five or six minutes, sobbing together. Jane crouched under her brother, heads side to side, tears falling as they sobbed at the realisation that they were truly in love with each other.

Jane wiped the back of her hand across her eyes and sniffed back more tears,

“Hell Kev, we’d better stop this now before we drown, or mum thinks I’ve peed myself.”

Kevin half sniggered, half cried and reached around to hug his sister tighter. Almost effortlessly he lifted her onto his lap and held her to his body, feeling her small frame meld to his.

“I love you Janey, not just as a sister and I am so ashamed of myself.”

“Kevin you big, old softy, I love you too and not as a sister! you have nothing to be ashamed of believe me,”

Kevin laughed and hugged her tighter, slightly swaying.

“You do, really, like as two people in love and even though I’m your brother?”

“Especially because you’re my brother. I can’t think of anyone I’d rather be with, well except maybe a rich millionaire film star stud, otherwise you’ll do.”

Kevin laughed again, the tears stopping and he reached around to find her box of tissues, inadvertently touching Jane’s denim clad rear.

“Oh God, sorry, sorry,” he said reddening again.

Jane smiled, “Kev, I love you, you can touch my bottom if you want too, do you want too?”

“You will never know how much I want to touch you. You are so beautiful, but I do need to blow my nose and wipe my eyes, I must look pretty manky, not your average cool boyfriend,”

“Kev, you look gorgeous and I love you so much too.” Jane stood to allow Kevin to find the tissues and clean himself up. Then she sat back on his lap, took his tissue and wiped her eyes.

“So Mr Big Brother, what do we do now?” she gazed into his eyes and smiled. “Wanna take me to bed now or do we date a bit and I let you get more frisky each time?”

Kevin smiled, “I would love to bed you now, but I think we should wait, see how things pan out. I love you too much to take the most precious thing you have before you are totally sure that’s what you want to do, so no arguments over that, sex is off the list FTB.”


“For the time being, but we can kiss and stuff if you like, I have had a fantasy over that for ages, the touch of your lips the feel of your to…”

Kevin got no further before Jane’s lips covered his and her mouth opened to him. Tongues gently probed each other and they clung frantically together. Jane’s hand moving up to pull Kevin’s head to hers. After a while they relaxed into each other, breaking and remaking the kiss. Jane’s other arm and hand tried to make their way across Kevin’s back, but it was too broad, she began to make small circles around the area she could stretch too. Kevin meanwhile had completely encircled Jane’s back and his fingertips almost ran around her sides.

Gradually Giresun Escort Bayan the siblings moved apart but leaned in to peck at each others lips.

“Wow, some kisser,” said Jane proudly, eyeing her big brother’s stupid grin.

“Like you said,” he mumbled, “No women has ever kissed me like that!”

“Did you say women, do you think I’m that grown up? really, not girl or teeny or little sister.”

“No, that was a proper adult kiss, wowee, why the hell do you not have a stream of guys waiting outside our door?”

“Because Einstein you’re the first one to give me more than a quick kiss before I have to fend them off for trying to grope me,” she said, adding “Why didn’t you try to touch my boobs?”

“Because Genius, I didn’t want to do anything to stop what was going on from going on.” He looked at her quizzically, “Or do you want me to touch your boobs?”

“Of course I do, but not straight off, a girl’s got to at least pretend she’s going to protect her modesty.” She smiled and held his hand.

“Well that’s what I thought, so I kinda played it cool. Although I have to say, you are truly amazing, you’ve grown up so much this past year.”

“Oh so you’ve been peeking at me have you? trying to see my boobs, taking a look at me naked, or just in my knickers perhaps, although you’ve never tried to get in the bathroom when I’m there, or come into my room without knocking, why?”

“Because I love you so much, as I said I’d rather have you as my little sister who drives me bananas than not have you there at all, I get to see you in your Bikinis anyway in summer, so that’s what I settle for.” he smiled at Jane and kissed her gently.

“You are so good, how do you manage it, I’ve been sneaking peeks at you for ages, I’ve even seem your thingy, not hard admittedly but I’ve seen it.”

“You naughty girl, you’ve been perving over me and I have been absolutely totally good about not trying to see you undressed, you rat, you rotten rat, I could have seen you naked hundreds of times, but I didn’t I sat on my hands.”

Jane laughed and stood up, “Well we can certainly fix that for you,” With that she pranced round the bedroom pulling off her clothes and flinging them in all directions, jumping on the bed, she shed her bra and knickers, bouncing up and down, her small breasts gently bobbling and swaying.

” Bloody hell you’re more beautiful than I ever imagined, wow you’re perfect, stand still I want to look at you properly.”

“Only if you do the same, ” she said.

Kevin shrugged his clothes off and stood looking at her, as her bounces slowly ceased.

“Oh My God, Kevin you are so fit,” she stared in open wonder at her big brother, looking him up and down, openly admiring his physique. Watching his semi hard prick begin to stiffen and rise.

Jumping off the bed she walked slowly round him, as his gaze traveled up and down her body. Her nipples hardening and moisture beginning to form between her pussy lips.

“This is a big mistake Bro, because I am itching to jump on you and feel that rather nice groinal attachment inside my body, how about you?”

“Uhh,Huhh, yep okay, message received, I’m going to get dressed now, but if you want to stay bare arse naked, I will not be complaining, right?”

“Think I’ll just step into my clothes before we launch ourselves head first onto that bed and each other, sorry but you make me very moist and horny and I think you’re right about taking our time, sorry bro.”

“Please do not use the words moist and horny as my pea sized brain is now going into overdrive, with thoughts involving your pussy and my tongue amongst other body parts,”

“Please leave the room Bro as my brain is now processing this information and the forecast is not good,”

Kevin, dressed and backed away from Jane’s naked body and found the door handle. Then as he tried to exit the room before opening the door, he bumped his head as the door swung open. Jane gasped and stepped forward, but Kevin held his hand out, palm up towards her.

“Okay, I’m okay, everything’s okay, fine, no damage, nothing to see here ladies and gentlemen, move along please.”

He slipped out the door and ran to his room shutting the door, fell on his bed and rolled around laughing, his little sister felt the same way that he did.

Jane sat back on her bed, wondering what had happened just now. Kevin loved her, he really loved her. she brought her hands up to her face, no way, no way. This must be a dream. Then she heard the back door slam,

“Hi kids, I’m home,” shouted their mother, hauling bags onto the kitchen table.

She tidied her bed cover and slipped her clothes on, found her slippers, pulled them on and ran to the stairs.

“Hi Mum,” she shouted from the top and swinging round banged hard on Kevin’s door with the flat of her hand, “Mums home Dorky.”

“Yeah, heard that Sis, just finishing some work for tomorrow, be down soon.” Kevin shouted.

The door quietly opened Escort Giresun and Kevin’s head appeared and kissed Jane’s lips, then he disappeared and the door shut silently.

Jane giggled and touched her lips, this was fun.

She bounded down the stairs, along the hallway into the kitchen.

Mary Carpenter was unloading the shopping she had picked up on the way home from work.

“Hi Mum, need some help.”

“Yes please Jane, put the kettle on and we’ll have a cup of tea, I’ll finish this up and we can go into the lounge, have you had a good day?”

“It was a bit busy, but on the whole a very good day.”

“Are you okay dear, you look awfully flushed, and it looks like you’ve been crying?”

“Mum I’m fine, honestly, I’ve never felt better.”

Has Kevin upset you?” her mother asked,

“No he hasn’t, he’s been in his room all afternoon, I did knock to tell him your back, but he said he was busy.”

Mary Carpenter sighed and put her empty shopping bag back on the table, she turned to Jane and smiled wanly,

“There’s something wrong with him Jane, he’s been a bit distant for some time now, I think there’s a girl he’s keen on but he obviously isn’t having much success at letting her know, or she’s not willing to play,” she said.

“Your brother is a very tender boy, despite his size and he’s easily hurt, do watch out for him dear, even if he is older, he’s not very good at letting his emotions out, except in anger, he just blows up at the slightest thing.”

“Mum, don’t worry, I’ll have a word with him and try to find out what’s eating him, he’s working hard for his course, so I guess he’s also a little wound up over that too. Don’t worry I’ll pop up to him after we’ve had a cup of tea, I’ll take him one up and use it as an excuse to go in.”

Mother and daughter finished tidying away and took their tea into the lounge, where Jane and Mary ran over the outlines of their day. Jane skirting around the incident with her brother earlier.

Half and hour later she knocked on Kevin’s door and walked in, holding out a steaming mug of tea. He was sat on his bed and a huge grin lit up his face as she walked in.

“Hi Kev, Mum says to bring you tea, so here I am, you okay?” She swung his door shut with her foot, put the tea on his desk and slipped onto his lap. they threw their arms round each other, hugging together.

“Hi Janey,” he said, grinning sheepishly, “You okay, I can’t stop grinning, can’t believe my beautiful sister feels the same way about me, you do don’t you?” his face became earnest and he searched her face for confirmation.

“Of course I do Kevin, you idiot,” she kissed his cheek. she looked into his eyes and frowned,

“Look Mum knows something’s been troubling you and thinks it might be girl trouble, I said I’d bring you some tea up and talk to you,” she grinned at him, “Now you’re making me do it too,” she laughed.

“Oh God, if Mum knows she’ll start asking questions, especially if I come down grinning like a loon,” he frowned, “What are we going to do, what can I say?” he looked at Jane and his face carried the cares of the world.

“How about you tell her we talked and you found out it is about a girl but I won’t say who, then I can come down and look happy and tell Mum you have given me a few tips on how to talk to this mystery girl and I’m going to ask her out next week,”

“Okay Kev, but that means you have to either get upset because she blows you out, or go on a date, and then come home and tell Mum and probably Dad how it went.”

“Oh, okay, how about you go tell Mum that you talked to me and I’m going to phone her later on my mobile and talk to her.” he thought for a moment, “Then I can say I spoke to her and she’s going to consider a date, but not just yet as she’s also got stacks of work to do, and I’m happy about that!”

“Are you happy with that Kev, because I would use that kind of tactic to put off someone I didn’t want to go out with,” Jane frowned up at her brother.

“Exactly, but I’m a guy and I won’t realise because at least she didn’t just laugh in my face.”

“Hmm Mum would know what the “girl” meant, but wouldn’t want to wipe the smile off your face and crush you,” Jane smiled again, “Perfect clever brother, you really can be devious when you want too, can’t you?”

“Oh big time when it means I can have you, gorgeous sister.” he ran his hand under her chin and turned her face gently to him and leaned down to kiss her tenderly, his tongue prising her opening lips apart.

“mmmm, our only problem then would be Mum and Dad, Mum will be shocked but she’ll eventually adjust,” said Jane breaking the kiss to speak.

“Which leaves Dad!” said Kevin, “Who will kill me, quite rightly, to protect his lovely innocent little girl, which you are by the way.” Kevin pulled Jane even tighter too him.

“Now that we have this in the open between us, we will have to be even more careful,” he said, “Dad will go ballistic, I suspect he might actually try to get physical. He has a very short fuse and I can’t see him stopping to consider checking how we feel, before kicking off.”

“If we talk to him rationally as two adults, he might come down and listen to us,” said Jane, not even believing herself for one second that he would.

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All Grown Up

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Editor’s note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.


Author’s Notes:

This is a long publication for Literotica. I have written nearly 200,000 words about Celeste, and I plan on publishing much of her story here, so this one time reading the background will carry the reader through quite a lot of the good stuff still to come.

Considerably more than half of this story is leading up to and the part of these stories why we all read them. This is broken down into chapters, for the readers comfort. The first chapter is background of Celeste’s childhood that explains her motivations and thoughts that make her the adult she becomes.

I think that the background is important, not just for this account, but also for the many that will follow, and will alleviate some confusion if the background was omitted.

All active characters in this story are eighteen years of age or older. All characters and events in this story are fictional; any similarities with actual individuals, living or dead, or events is purely coincidental.



Hi. I’m Celeste, or Celie for short. I just turned 18 a couple of weeks ago and have a story to tell you, but I want to tell you about me first. I’m selfish like that.

I’d like to tell you about how normal I am.

In spite of having just turned 18, this is the summer before my first year of graduate school. I’ll be studying for a masters degree in astronomy and physics in the fall. I didn’t want to earn my masters from the same university where I got my bachelors degree, so I’ll be moving from Massachusetts to California at the end of the summer, and I’m so excited! I’m so excited about living in California that I had to tell you that first thing.

I’m the eldest of three siblings. My brother is two years younger than I, and my sister is three years younger than my brother. I think we had a mostly normal childhood until I was eight years old. Then my mother passed away from cancer. My grandfather is filthy rich and paid for all of mom’s “experimental” medical treatments that the insurance wouldn’t, always demanding the best treatments and spared no expense.

Shortly after mom died, my dad and the three of us children moved in with my grandfather. He lives in a huge, grand house with 8 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, an indoor and an outdoor pool, room in the two attached garages for 6 cars, a theater room, and the most amazing fish tank I could ever dream of. I usually told classmates that my grandfather lived with us, but it was really the other way around.

I was always tall for my age, taller than all the other kids in my class, even taller than most of the kids in the next grade ahead of me. That was true until my grandfather convinced the school administration that I was ready for fifth grade instead of fourth, so I skipped a grade and fit in physically better then. At least from a body size perspective. Nothing, and I mean nothing could possibly allow my naturally curly red hair that cascaded down my back to midway between my shoulders and the small of my back to fit in. Nowhere would that flaming red mane fit in. My mom always liked my hair long, and if I straightened all the curls out, even at eight years old, I was forced to man handle it to avoid sitting on it.

Skipping fourth grade opened up a can of worms for the school district. Next my grandfather convinced them that in the seventh and eighth grades I should be taking high school classes, so I was technically a sophomore when I officially entered high school. Two years later I was gleefully celebrating high school graduation as the class valedictorian shortly before I celebrated my fifteenth birthday.

The school administration was sad to see their star pupil leave so soon, but not nearly as disheartened as the coaches of the sports teams . I stopped growing at twelve years old, right before I entered high school, but it took a little while for the coaches to really grasp the truth that this statuesque new student was only twelve. I stood at a firm five foot nine and a half inches tall, with finely rippled muscles under my light caramel colored skin. I am the product of a white woman with red hair and a biracial father. I got my curls and slightly non-white skin from him, but my red hair from her. I grew like my grandfather, who topped out at six foot one inch at twelve years old. He was a standout athlete in several sports in high school and college. This was another gift he had given me, along with my love of the stars and planets and the encyclopedic memory which allowed me to accelerate my education.

My siblings were not so lucky. They inherited dyslexia from my father, and though they were brilliant in their own rights, did well enough to get excellent grades consistently, but remain steadfastly on the line between excelling and falling behind. Thanks to my grandfather and his experience with raising a son with profound dyslexia, they had specialized tutors to work with them starting at a very early age.

Having graduated high school and preparing to attend college Gaziantep Escort in the fall, the summer I turned fifteen was a time for relaxing at home. There had never been any pressure to find a teenage job. If I wanted or felt I needed something, I just needed a good reason and grandfather took care of it for me. He didn’t spoil me, but I never wanted for anything.

Since I was home constantly that summer, I noticed that, on a regular basis, a young Asian woman came to the house to see my grandfather for an hour or two, then left. It was usually the same woman, but a couple of times there was a different one. They were always dressed in loose fitting white sweat pants and loose white t-shirt. They never said much, but the housekeeper led them to my grandfather’s study. When they left, they silently let themselves out.

This mysterious Asian woman fascinated me, but the summer was too soon over. Too soon over, but not soon enough. I was ready to be on my own, in a different state, doing some real learning. I was so looking forward to college and everything it entailed, and this mysterious woman was a distant memory to me.

The next three years I spent working diligently on school. I had little time or desire for frivolity or socializing. People confused me anyway.

The next two summers were spent on an internship at an observatory in Australia. I loved the work, and Australia, but missed my dad and siblings, and especially my grandfather. Dad and the kids came to Massachusetts a couple of times each year, and my grandfather came with them a couple of times between the three years of school, but the time in Australia I was totally on my own. It was an exhilarating feeling to be totally, mostly, independent. I stayed with a woman, an astrophysicist, so my independence was tempered only slightly with that little bit of dependence, and I was a little disappointed when the summers were over and it was time to return to school.

My last year of college flew by. To me it seemed that only a few weeks had passed since coming back from Australia and we were getting ready for graduation. I had thought that my last year of college I would make some effort to make friends, go to a party or two, maybe flirt and go on a date. None of that had happened. I had never even taken the first step.

I had been given a nickname in college. My classmates called me ‘JB’. Eventually I found out it stood for ‘jail bait’. They used it out of spite, because I was always so much younger than my classmates, but also a warning. I wasn’t fuckable.

I wanted to be, but had no clue how to get from not fucked, to fuckable. I was just fucked when it came to getting fucked. I really was a child. Don’t misunderstand, physically I was every bit a woman. Almost every way. It seems my breasts had not gotten the same instructions the rest of me had been given. I stopped growing vertically at twelve, and had barely sprouted horizontally at that point. By the time I was about fourteen I was the proud owner of a barely noticeable set of solid B-cup tits. Since then I’ve only noticed any change to them in that my nipples now protrude over three quarters of an inch when I’m cold, or aroused. Unfortunately, the latter happens rarely, and then only in the privacy of my bedroom or bathroom.

Directly opposed to my tiny titties, I am never confused for a boy. My hair is the first giveaway, since I always wear it loose or just pulled back into a pony tail to keep it out of my face and even without being straightened, reaches to barely above the back of my knees. Secondly, and almost as noticeable are my 36 inch hips. I try desperately to not swing them as I walk, but it’s a natural thing that I just cannot help.

I’m so glad to be home from school and all the people who treated me as a child there. I’m a college graduate. I turned eighteen a few weeks ago. No longer am I jail bait. Now I just have to figure out how to talk to boys. And flirt. I long for personal contact with a human being. Hugs from siblings and parent or grandparent just aren’t cutting my need for affection anymore.

I had already, in the month since graduation, seen an Asian lady in white come to see him. It had been a few of years, but I don’t think this was the same one I had seen previously. My curiosity was again in full bloom. My thought was that maybe she was a physician of some kind. Even though he is in his late 70’s, he stays fit and looks very good for a man that age. I couldn’t imagine that there would be anything wrong with him, health-wise, and I was certain if there was, I had a right to know what was going on, and I had no hesitation in asking him.

I went straight to his room as the Asian woman left the house. I found his study empty, as well as his bedroom, but then heard the shower running, so I first sat, then sprawled out on the sofa in the ante room to his bedroom and started a game of solitaire on my phone.

I heard the shower go off, and a minute or two later heard the bathroom door open, so I looked up just in time to see my naked grandfather pass in front Gaziantep Escort Bayan of the door into his bedroom. I couldn’t help but stare. I could see muscles ripple in his still obviously powerful thighs and calves as he moved. I also observed the first human penis I had ever seen in person. He was out of sight as quickly as he had appeared, but that picture was burned into my mind. A shock of curly brown hair from which sprouted, in a perfect arc downward, a penis about half the thickness of my wrist and about half a foot long.

“Celie, I’ll be out in a minute” came my grandfather’s baritone voice from his bedroom. He had seen me. I guess my glow-in-the-dark hair is hard to miss, especially when it’s splayed out covering well over half the 6 foot sofa.

He had seen me, and probably had seen me seeing him. This thought was still swirling wildly in my head when he entered the room. I had not decided how to act in light of the thoughts making my head spin. I was humiliated, of course.

“Grandpa, I, ummm, well… I…”

“Celie, sweetheart, it’s nothing to be talked about.”

My grandfather was wearing a pair of black slacks and pullover shirt, bare feet, and still wet hair from his shower. He was still very dashing. He smiled, and approached where I was sprawled, consuming the entire volume of the sofa. I felt like it was suddenly very hot in the room.

He reached down with both hands and picked up my legs by the ankles and swung them out of his way.

“Celie, I believe your face now matches the shade of your hair. Are you trying out a new camo effect?”

I quickly averted my staring eyes and lowered my head. “I’m sorry Grandpa, I didn’t think…”

“Celie, I should be the one sorry. What has been seen cannot be unseen. A beauty like yourself shouldn’t have her vision assaulted with a naked, grumpy old man.”

I didn’t know if he was joking or what, but I laughed involuntarily anyway. I was very pleased that I actually had on a bra of sorts, and my tee shirt was baggy enough to hide any hint of my huge erect nipples that might show though the bra.

“What can I do for you, Celie? You don’t usually come hunt me down without an agenda.”

“Grandpa, are you OK? I mean, healthy? Is there anything I need to know about?”

“I’m perfectly fine. Except the little bit of high blood pressure that I take a pill for everyday, I am as healthy as a horse. Why do you ask? What makes you think I’m sick?”

“Well, the lady that just left. She looks like she might be a medical type person, always wearing white. And I noticed a similar lady the last time I spent the summer here. She came lots of times that summer, always wearing white.”

“Ah. You noticed them. I was hoping it wouldn’t be so obvious..”

“So you are sick, Grandpa?”

“No. You know how people take mental health days from work when they’re not sick? That’s what those ladies do for me. I have a massage, and when needed, they do some ‘manscaping’.”

My confusion must have shown on my face, because he continued.

“It’s very relaxing and pleasant to be massaged. And I naturally grow nasty looking hair on my back, shoulders, and basically everywhere except the bottom of my feet. When I need, or want a massage, I have them come, and if I need any, they do waxing to remove the unwanted hair. Did you notice there was no hair on my back?”

I had, of course, not noticed. My tunnel vision was focused elsewhere. I must have been blushing again, and he must have thought it was from his mention of my catching him nude.

He laughed and apologized for mentioning it. “It won’t happen again, I promise. And it’s just between you and me, forever. Nobody else will know.”

Apparently someone else took over my body at that point. “Grandpa, I want to learn how to give a decent massage!” I blurted out before I even know the thought was in my head.

“For a long time I’ve thought it would be a fun thing to do, but I’ve never told anybody, or asked anybody if I could practice on them, and it’s not like I’ve had anybody in my life that I wanted to massage or anything, but I really want to learn” I almost babbled at him. What was I thinking?

“Sweetheart, you don’t want to rub on an old man like me. If you’re really interested, you can take some classes, but I think it would be a good idea to wait a few years until you’ve finished your education. That’s what you should concentrate on right now anyway.”

I was relieved. I didn’t mean to say that at all. It had never occurred to me to give anyone a massage. Apparently, however, I was still not the one in charge of the conversation I was having.

“Oh, I don’t want to officially learn or anything, I just want to learn enough to be able to make it feel good and not hurt anyone. I think if you asked that lady, then the next time she comes to massage you, she would be perfectly happy to guide me through it and then I’d know. You know how fast I learn, and once, maybe twice, I’d be like an old pro!” Again, I do believe I was rambling, and with good reason. My brain Escort Gaziantep had absolutely nothing to do with the words coming out of my mouth.

“Celie, I know how you are, and I might as well give in right now. I know that if I don’t, then this isn’t the last time we’ll have a conversation about it. I’ll talk to her.”

“Fuck!” I’m not one to swear much, but that’s what I said silently to whoever had been in charge during that conversation.

I had just agreed to give my grandfather a massage, with absolutely no prior thought to it. My nipples were aching inside my bra. I think I need to take a swim. The thought of so much skin to skin contact with any human being was so appealing. I think I needed it.


During the next few days I busied myself with what I had been busying myself with since I had been home from school: reading, playing video games, playing the piano, swimming, making preparations for the move to another school where I would be working as a graduate assistant while working on my masters degree.

All the while, I was daydreaming about running my hands over my grandfather’s back, arms and legs. I imagined the warmth of his skin against my hands, and the friction produced. I wondered if the massage lady would use some fragrant oils, or hot stones. It was a very pleasant daydream. I was actually starting to look forward to it,even though the skin I would be touching belongs to my grandfather. Like I said, he keeps himself in decent physical condition, so it really won’t be much different than a younger person. Or stranger.

The following Monday morning, Dad had gone to work and my brother and sister were off to summer school, doing everything they needed to keep up with the kids who didn’t suffer from dyslexia. Mid-morning, my grandfather found me in the family room with the television playing a show about the most recent efforts to colonize Mars while I was on my laptop reading an article about the efforts to map the Kuiper Belt.

As he entered, I looked up and greeted him.

“Hi Grandpa. How are you today?”

He was smiling, so I knew something was out of the ordinary. “I spoke with my masseuse, and she has agreed to let you learn how to give a good massage.”

I closed my laptop and held it to my chest under crossed arms. I needed to do this because today I had no bra on under my loose fitting pullover shirt. I knew my nipples would soon be pressing against my shirt, as they always did when I thought of giving a massage.

“When?” I meant to say something not so eager, such as ‘That’s nice.’. I had even practiced saying that so it would sound natural.

“She will be here today at 1:00. Wear something loose fitting so it’s easy to move around. I think you’ll be doing most of the work. I’ll send you a text when she’s here.”

He smiled and turned to go about his business, and without thinking I said “Thanks Grandpa. I’m really looking forward to it.”

I couldn’t even sit there and finish my reading or television show. I went to my room and dug through the drawers of my dresser looking for something appropriate to wear, but instead decided on an over-sized dark blue pull over shirt made of fairly thick material that came out of a test tube and baby blue sweat pants from Walmart. I don’t know why really, but made the decision of no shoes. The same decision was made for a bra, because I knew I would be very uncomfortable in one based on how my tits acted just thinking about this event. I did put on some nice white cotton french cut panties with a tiny pink bow on the elastic at the front, quite a few inches below my naval.

I had some rather enormous hair clips I used on my hair when I played volleyball or basketball. I dug those out and went through the arduous task of managing my hair. I didn’t want to be fighting with it the entire time I was giving a massage. I took the entire mop of my hair at the base of my neck and turned it a couple of full turns, then put the clip around the entire thing and fastened it. The clips encircled all of my hair and held it firmly together. I repeated this 9 times until the last one, which was considerably smaller than the first, rested gently against my butt crack. I would tuck the entire snake of hair into the back of my shirt when the time came, and it would be securely out of my way.

I had just applied the slightest hint of a musky scented oil behind each ear when my phone alerted that I had a text. I grabbed my phone much more eagerly than I thought appropriate and read the words “Here. Meet in study”

My mind, and body, froze; the words “she’s early” spinning through my head as I assume I walked to my grandfather’s study. I don’t really remember.

I knocked, the masseuse opened the door for me and I entered. As she closed to door behind me I heard her introducing herself, so I tore my gaze from the naked male laying face down on a table in the center of the dimly lit room and focused on her. I had to look down to meet her gaze. She was barely over 5 feet tall, slim, small breasts, pretty eyes and gorgeous full lips. Her jet black hair was cut in bangs and the bit not running down her back fell down across her chest and stopped about the middle of her stomach. Not as long as mine, but still some long hair. She smiled and extended her petite hand and I shook it. It was warm, and tiny inside my normal lady sized hand.

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Alice Manipulated Ch. 06

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PREVIOUS: Sexy little 21year-old Alice lays on her back. She is made up, tied up and dressed in just a mini-style tunic, gagged and her arms tied to her legs pushed back so her feet are near her armpits. Powerless, helpless and so provocative.

Her fantasy ‘parents’ Bruce and Beverley invite a grubby loan shark called Knuckles to enjoy her company for an hour as a square off against a debt they can’t repay by his deadline or face dire consequences through his rough connections. Knuckles arrives to claim his compensation on the understanding he must not speak to Alice while enjoying her company as she must think it’s Bruce.

Being tied up and blindfolded is a fantasy Alice confessed to Lani, who runs the kinky match-up service called Companions’ Corner but this is not the outcome Alice has in mind.

NOW: Beverley opens the door and Knuckles barges in, rude as ever, almost salivating in readiness for his feast. “Where is she, I hope she’s not a pro or you’ll pay for it, ” he crudely blurts out at Bruce with a threatening wave of his fist.

Beverley assures him Alice is certainly not a pro but an innocent young model they hired out for the night from the agency to play father and daughter games. Knuckles disappears into the room, not wanting to waste a minute when such a tasty treat as this spunky young woman awaits.

Once he disappears out of sight Bruce whispers that he hopes Knuckles doesn’t discover he has hidden a microphone and camera in the room to record the action. “God if he finds that out I’m stuffed for sure.” His eyes can’t hide his sudden fear and for the next hour he will stay a nervous wreck at least knowing that if all goes well, he will have captured some memorable moments for his continuing video record of their games with Alice.

Beverley tells him to settle down convinced that Knuckles will only have eyes for Alice not daydreaming around the furniture in the room. She is spot on, as always.

Knuckles closes the door and stands back taking in the view as he gets undressed. Alice can hear someone entering the room after the unexpected delay. Her mind is ticking over with an unusual wave of expectation and excitement. She has often wondered what it would be like to be tied up and be blindfolded while hands moved over her helpless body and forcing her to eventually cum in excitement.

Knuckles looks leeringly at her, wondering for a moment if she is really 21 like they said or still a teenager who’s now somewhere in the workforce. They must think I’m a dirty old man at my age agreeing to this, he thinks almost aloud, but it’s an easier way to get Bruce to square up his gambling account without calling in the heavies and where things could be regretful.In any case he’s here for his payback and she looks too delicious to stand there staring. Even blindfolded and her mouth taped with a wide adhesive tape with breathing holes in it, Knuckles can tell she is very pretty.

This immediately adds to his satisfaction before he even touches her. He brings out a digital camera and takes a string of explicit photos of Alice lying back hogtied with her short legs but shapely young thighs an open invitation to get to know her better.

He throws his underwear to the floor. His cock may be much older than Bruce’s but it’s sturdy, strong and long. One thing this old man was never short of was energy from years of staying fit in a gym ran by his brother. His testicles are above average size and when he ejaculates it isn’t in dribs and drabs by any means. Right now his tool is ready for work, rock hard and ready. But first he must eat.

He bends down and decides to taste test the tempting finger food before he consumes it. He wants to say something but shuts up. He doesn’t want to spoil this party. Alice is wet because she’s been excitedly thinking of what this could be like;to be taken ‘in the dark’ blindfolded and not being able to see anything, not knowing what to expect next.

Greedily he removes her panties and stares at the destination he came to visit. Her satin smooth hairless pussy looks so small for someone of his physical size and for a minute he just looks at it thinking he will never get his thick nine-inch cock into it. Knuckles shrugs his shoulders, and pulls Alice’s pussy lips wide apart, something he’s always wanted to do to a young woman but never got around to it.

He moves both hands around her pussy, kneading it from side to side and pushing up on to her clitoris. He is not rough;just clumsy, like an amateur trying to fiddle with a violin.An old man and a young helpless female make for erotic power sex. He hasn’t had a young body under him for many years and Alice is the epitome of provocation and so deliciously presented to him.

His big fingers slide inside Alice’s wet pussy like a knife through hot butter and he is surprised that she is already so well lubricated and seemingly willing. Her soft moan is like a green signal at traffic lights and Knuckles is in the driver’s seat to Gaziantep Escort steer the pretty young thing through her journey of sexual exploitation.

The more his fingers probe inside, two and then three of them, the more he hears Alice giving out long sighs behind the tape across her mouth.She is so wet he decides he must not waste time playing around when he could be drilling her. Alice so far thinks it is Beverley pulling her vagina lips around and rubbing her clitoris around and around in a circular fashion. She knows that Bruce won’t be far away and is probably videoing what Beverley is doing while she’s so helpless.

She thinks her “very rude and ungainly” position must make her look like a slut rather than the sweet young thing her adopted father Bernie knows her to be. It must be turning Bruce on crazily just seeing her like this and pretending it is his real daughter now somewhere else with her mother in another state. His cock will have her soon she knows that much for sure. This is the fantastic fantasy she so often thinks about in her dream time.

Alice is right about one thing:the cock is very close indeed but it is Knuckles aiming his weapon at her generously positioned pussy, not her weekend ‘daddy’ Bruce. The missile approaches its target with precision accuracy.

Knuckles is surprised at how easily his thick stiff slides sleekily and deep into her small opening. Just a short while ago he thought she looked too little in the part that matters most between her legs. He didn’t even have to guide it in all the way to its nine-inch hilt. His scrotum presses against her as she gives out a sudden muffled but otherwise intended loud ooooh and continues to make encouraging sounds that suggest to him she is really enjoying being fucked. Ah, he thinks majestically of himself, he hasn’t lost it after all these years.Like riding a bicycle so they say, once you know how to ride one you never forget.

Of course Alice is not the town bike and that’s not in his thoughts as he rams his hardness into her and withdraws sometimes more tantalisingly and revels in the way his ‘prisoner’ is squirming in her bonds unable to fight off the mounting passion building inside her. Alice is throwing her head back and around, her hot pink ribbon-tied pigtails flying about left and right as she feels the intensity of his hot cock filling her insides as though it is about to push up through her navel.

He maintains his momentum of fast and slow and after the first 20 minutes he can see Alice is totally turned on. No chance of faking it now. One thing Knuckles never forgot despite his advancing years and lack of a woman companion is that a woman usually needs about 20 minutes of turn on before she can cum on so the old man reckons he’s got her past that pivotal point and if he’s good enough at it and steers his cock the right way he will have her shuddering with at least one or two orgasms.

He holds her around her buttocks, looking down in unashamed delight at the way Alice looks. She is such a cute little bundle so helpless. He savours the way his swollen penis stretches her labia out so generously. She is so tight yet so easy to fuck at the same time, the perfect kind of intercourse he thinks as he continues drilling while Alice keeps emitting a chorus of different moans — short and long, some of them like jerky grunts.

For someone with her mouth taped Alice is making a lot of noise but only Knuckles can hear her muffled cries of pleasure. He thinks he can hear her saying fuck me, fuck me but it is too muffled to be sure. The only part of her body that’s free to move is her head and Alice can’t keep it still. He can’t read the emotions in her eyes since she is blindfolded but he knows that when he drives his cock in really fast in shorter but much quicker succession while grabbing her around her sexy booty her sounds accelerate.

What he doesn’t know is that Alice has experienced three orgasms already and mainly because of the way her imagination turns this sex into a fantasy come true. But she could never imagine the sight of the ugly man actually fucking her. Being tied up, gagged, blindfolded and shagged relentlessly is something she could only fantasise about until now.

She wants to look as lurid and helpless as possible and be taken as though against her will — her ultimate turn-on. When she turned 21 and first had sex with her Uncle Bernie she was too embarrassed to put this suggestion to him in order to live out one of her teenage fantasies. But now it’s another time, another place, another person and another experience.

Knuckles, oblivious to anything but how to make the best of this ravenous opportunity, is holding himself back so he can enjoy her longer so he slows his pace right down to very slow and on the ‘backstrokes’ almost ejects from her swollen vagina. Strangely for him, his sudden change of pace has excited Alice even more and she thinks it is Bruce tantalising her as if to make her Gaziantep Escort Bayan beg for it. Knuckles can hear her mumbling something out over and over behind the mouth tape but can’t make sense of it. It’s now 40 minutes since he started and he’s very surprised he could last this long with such a tempting young body in his control.

But Knuckles is a very disciplined ex-army man who can will himself to do something he might otherwise not think he could do. Alice is like a gift from the Gods and if he should ever go to heaven he hopes it will always be like this. She is moaning so continuously and loudly he thinks the mouth tape is bound to break away. He pushes harder again, drilling her faster and faster. This time he can’t stop. The guttural sounds she keeps making and the sight of her plight so deliciously bound for pleasure takes his emotional control into overdrive.

Alice orgasms yet again shaking her head around, her hot pink ribbons flaying about and giving out a long sound he’s never heard before from her. He can’t hold it any longer and he wants to finish with a rocket-like attack on her pussy, thrusting into her with ferocious intent until he lets out a loud groan of relief from deep inside his throat and as his monster meat plunges full length into her again, a quarter cupful of white spermatoza shoots deep into her love canal.

Alice feels the heat of it gushing into her and forces a smile of satisfaction, still breathing very heavily from behind her taped mouth. Knuckles, drained of energy after lasting so long inside her, leans over her puffing as well. He wants to tell her she is sensational in sex but he can’t.

The old man decides against using the vibrator and other sex toys on Alice as he figures she’s had enough for a while after that workout. Besides he only has 10 minutes of his available time left. He looks at Alice lying there happy in the knowledge he has taken some very sexy pictures of her and can always look back and remember this young fuck.

The thought crossed his mind during the height of their hot interaction that if the excitement was too much for him and he suffered a heart attack at least he was sure to die with a smile on his face. He leans over Alice and suckles on her big rosebuds standing up erect on her tiny boobs. They are more like a budding teen’s tits than a blossoming chick who not loing ago celebrated her 21st birthday but they excite him just the same. In some ways more. The excitement of the last 45 minutes has made her nipples erect, thick and hard, standing out a quarter of an inch above her elongated rosebud size domes.

He gets the hard nipples between his teeth, nibbling and stretching them out as far as he can. The taste is intoxicating and he wishes he could bottle her and take her home, but there is a knock at the door and he knows his fun is over. He wonders if Alice’s is just starting.

He gives her a grateful smack on each side of her bum while it sits up so high with her legs drawn back to her armpits. He looks again at her pussy; the clit still engorged from the hard action and audaciously visible He smiles and gets dressed. He leaves the room a much happier man than the one who went into the room.

Bruce and Beverley meet him outside. “Are you happy? Was she good?” he asks awkwardly. Knuckles looks at Bruce and says the score is settled. The deal is done.

“She is too good for you Bruce. You don’t deserve something that cute but I filled her up real good to save you the trouble. She was rocking about all over the place like she was at a disco. What a fantastic fuck.”

They look at him relief written all over their face, especially as he turns and heads for the door where he came in. “Goodnight Knuckles, ” they chorus together. He glances back, “Goodbye.” Beverley closes and locks the door, throwing her arms around Bruce. “See, I told you it would be all right.”

“That means I’ve got the whole thing on camera, ” he says breezily. “It is going to be beautiful to watch her being taken like that. Bev do you realise that so far I’ve got more than two hours of Alice in erotic images or downright porn and we have until tomorrow to get more.”

“Well Bruce, don’t get too greedy, I want to do her with the strap on and I really want to make love to the girl. I mean real passionate love to her, you know, French kissing and more. I’ll never get this chance again either you know. We’ll be broke after this; it’s cost us a fortune to have her for the Saturday night stay-over.”

“Hey Bev don’t forget what I said that Lani is prepared to reimburse us 50% if we can talk Alice into doing some harmless BDSM stuff. Her and Bernard have something in mind apparently for themselves with her and want to us to find out if she can cope. That stuff we set up for Knuckles is a good example.”

Beverley heads to Alice’s room. “Bruce, we’ve got to give her as break from that tape around the mouth, she’s had enough of that and we can untie Escort Gaziantep her now she must be getting pretty uncomfortable, but let’s not slip up that it was someone else in there.Just talk as if it was you mainly and let her talk first as she’ll give us the clues.”

They both enter the room and notice the vibrator and insertable electro bullets are in exactly the same place so they know Knuckles did not have time or inclination to use them. That gives Beverley more opportunity. They announce loudly they are untying her now so she can stretch her legs and have a shower to freshen up after hearing that Knuckles dumped a load inside her.

Alice sits up still excited as Beverley gives her a kiss on the cheek as Bruce removes the restraints, gag and blindfold first. “Did our sweet daughter enjoy what we just did darling? Did it turn you on? Beverley asks. “Oh mommy that was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I must have cum over and over with the pounding daddy did on me. And he was different this time; but I could hear you puffing loudly daddy I hope I didn’t wear you out when you went for so long inside me.”

“Er, Yeah kid that’s me. You know how you turn me on and seeing you there looking so helpless blindfolded and gagged even with your arms tied to your legs it was like something pretty special for me.”

“What about you, mommy? Did I please you by doing this?”

“Oh yes honey, I was in the corner watching daddy drill you and I just loved the way you were twisting your head left and right and up and down in sheer ecstasy. It must have been a pretty good fuck, eh?”

“Yes mommy, I got very excited knowing daddy had me in a helpless position and under his complete control. I couldn’t move as I felt his big cock swelling up inside me and going in and out of me at such a pace I got quite breathless. All I could do was try to squeal loudly behind the gag you put on me because the whole thing was so overpowering for me. I just lost control of my emotions. I guess daddy sure had a good time on me, or in me I should say.”

Bruce gives Alice a friendly smack on the bum and says, “I sure did kiddo. You sexy little prick teaser. Look for a kid not long out of her school years you sure make me feel young again. The best present you liked for your 21st was that big penis vibrator and we all cheered when you unwrapped it, especially your girlfriends, eh?”

Alice grins, taking up his fantasy. “Yes daddy, and I got emails from them asking did I have a licence to drive it or was I the passenger and you the driver”

Beverley rejoices in Alice’s great sense of humour and her quick retorts. She is enjoying this young woman’s company so much.Bruce presses Alice for feedback on Knuckles’ performance.

“Now my little chick I know you enjoyed my dick – Alice giggles at that – but how did it feel when I cum? Did you feel it inside you?”

“Oh did I ever!It was like a stream of really warm water being squirted into me deep inside that is. It was such a warm and sexy feeling. Oh I just loved it. Just as well daddy put me on the pill though.”

“Well Alice you deserved to be fucked good and proper for being so naughty looking as young as you do, it’s enough to blow any man’s mind let alone his cock. Now go and get yourself in the shower and freshen up so we can play with you a bit more.”

Alice giggles and races off to the bathroom as he looks at Beverley. “That kid is something else. You know Beverley, she knows we are not her parents but she’s so damn incredibly convincing as though she thinks she is. My God, if I didn’t know she was really 21 I’d swear she was still 18 or 19 at the most and that mongrel Kuckles made me look like a bloody amateur, and at his age. Did you hear how Alice enjoyed his cock and worse, how she was rapt in the way he cum inside her? Pisses me off that does.”

“Calm down Bruce, he’s gone now thank heavens and we have Alice all to ourself.Anyway, you’ve got all that whole hour he had sex with her on camera now so maybe you can pick up a few clues since Alice was so over the moon.”

“Oh come on Bev, don’t you start comparing me with that old prick. Of course he pleased Alice, and let’s face it, the kid could hardly wriggle out from under him. Anyway, let’s give her a snack and we’ll have a drink to keep our energy up, eh? The night is but a pup for me.”

They have cookies and custard tarts with coffee on the table for Alice when she returns with just a bathrobe around her torso. “I didn’t wet my hair mom, I thought you would like me to keep it dry as the people who made me up for you went to so much trouble.”

“Don’t worry about it kiddo, ” chirps Bruce. You look sexy dressed and undressed, I bet those boys you knew when you used to go to school would die to be in that room with you a short while ago huh?”

Alice plays along with his charade because that’s what she’s employed by Lani and Bernard to do, and besides, she is really enjoying this fantasy adventure thinking she may never get the chance for another one once Uncle Bernie comes back from overseas.

“Oh those boys wouldn’t have a cock as big as yours daddy. I would have to tell them not to bother because you can give me all the love lessons I need and boys can stay boys and go play with their cocks.”

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Subject: Operation Pied Piper – part 95a IMPORTANT NOTE TO ALL READERS: Any references made to Schools, Castles and Aristocratic titled personages around England and Scotland are pure fiction. None of the story features about those places or named titles personages are true, none of what you are about to read actually happened. This story and all the characters are 100% fiction. I am grateful to Nifty for posting my stories. If you enjoyed my story or any others on this site then please show your appreciation and donate whatever you can afford. Remember you can make your donation in Honour of your favourite writer too. fty/donate.html No part of this story may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the author. ******************** `Thank you, both, it was amazing’ I pulled away, reaching for his hand `Don’t you want to stay? `No, you let me join something beautiful; now have some time together’ I saw Forts smiling at him, the smile was returned; then he was gone, Forts carried on snogging me, until his own cock slipped from my arse, depositing yet more cum on the shower floor. He wrapped his arms round me again and held me close, whispering in my ear `Now don’t go getting all silly about Marcus, it’s you I love you know that’ And deep down I did. ******************* Operation Pied Piper � Part 95a Athol continues the story I had called a staff meeting on our return; mainly to find out what had been happening and also, but possibly to a lesser extent to update everyone. I smiled out at the faces all waiting for me to speak. `Hello and it is good to see so many of you here, just a quick catchup meeting. Captain Leahy, I see you are nearly all finished well above ground anyway, it’s nice to see the forecourt, looking somewhat like its old self’ `Yes thank you Athol, it should all settle down over the next few months, no one will be able to see there is anything hidden underground’ I nodded. `Well thank you, you have done a great job, is it nearly all finished now? `Still a bit to be done underground, lighting, signage mainly, I can show you and Archie around later if you have time’ `Sure, that would be great, what about the other things Torcall hoped you would be able to assist with, re instating the swimming pool? `As soon as the shooting range is finished we will get right on to it’ `Excellent, I was wondering, if it would be possible to put up another large hut; we have a new Master coming who is going to form a Rugby Team and they need a changing room, they can use the showers and baths in the Castle, but a changing room would be good’ Captain Leahy, thought for a moment `I am sure we can manage that too, err while we have the steam rollers here, perhaps you want the playing field rolled flat and some Rugby posts set up? Good old Leahy `Well, if you think… Leahy gave a sly smile `It will mean me staying at the Castle longer, but I am sure you can make it worth my while’ He winked and sat looking very pleased with himself. I looked back round the room. `Thank you again Captain Leahy, this is really great news’ Archie reached over as I shuffled my papers and handed me a small flyer `Oh yes; I found this on the notice board’ I held up the flyer, `Does anyone know anything about this? There was a “Ummmm” noise, it came from Gregor `Gregor, can you enlighten us? `Well, I know I should have probably waited until you got back, but they were pressing for a decision, so I … errr’ `Who was pressing for a decision? I scanned the flyer again, reading out the highlighted capitalised letters across the top. `ENSA? Err who are they? `Oh, ENSA is the Entertainments National Service Association; they put on various entertainments for the troops, shows, films that sort of thing’ I read the flyer again `It doesn’t mention Schools’ `Well, no, but they heard we had a big Hall and what with the American troops arriving any day to take over the Land Girls billets…’ `Sorry, what Americans? Digbey stood up. `Ah, has no one told you? Well, it is a bit hush hush’ `Digbey, what is a bit hush, hush? `Well, the American Government have agreed something called `Lend Lease’ `What’s that? `Well, you know the Americans are not allowed to sell us any War materials’ `Yes I had heard that’ `Well President Roosevelt, has come up with a way round that law, it’s called “Lend Lease”, they aren’t selling us anything, err… just lending it to us and we are going to pay a lease fee’ Archie burst out laughing `Well, that’s one way round it, that sly old Fox Roosevelt’ I gave him a look, he mouthed “sorry”, and sat quietly `And the troops, why are they here? `Well, some of the equipment is new to us, also the Americans want to make sure we are looking after it’ Digbey gave an exaggerated wink. `So why are they hear at the Castle? `Well, to be honest they are not supposed to be in Britain at all, so they are being blended into communities on the quiet’ `So, they are taking over the land girls billets, where are the land girls going? `Well, now the school is getting more pupils, it was felt that the boys could take over many of their jobs, especially with the summer Holidays upon us’ I looked at Archie and then back at Digbey `Well, I wished someone had told me about this, istanbul escort it has obviously been getting planned for ages’ Digbey, nodded, looking embarrassed `Sorry Athol, the whole thing is top secret, if the Nazi’s found out that the Americans were helping us, they would have a propaganda field day as well as probably start targeting American shipping as well as ours; and I must add, we need this equipment badly’ I had just turned back to Gregor, gripping the leaflet once more; when the door burst open. `Fort’s, Davy, good of you to join us’ `Sorry Dad, we were unpacking’ I looked up at him; both of them were red in the face; I knew exactly what they had been doing. `I thought you had a valet for that now? Forts blushed and looked at the floor `Not for everything, dad’ Another belly laugh from Archie. `Well, both of you sit down and listen, this is important’ I saw Davy had one of the flyers in his hand, he reached over to Gregor, pointing at it and smiling; Gregor smiled broadly back nodding, the smile leaving his face as he turned back to me. `Yes Gregor, what can you tell me about this? Gregor blushed `Well on Saturday night, ENSA are going to be showing the “Thief of Bagdad” in technicolour, starring Conrad Veidt, Sabu and June Duprez; the boys will love it; it’s all magical horses and flying carpets and the evil adviser Jaffar’ `And don’t forget a Genie and the good king’ Davy blurted out and began chatting with Gregor. `Gentlemen please, spare me the story line, okay so we are allowed to let the boys see this too, well that’s something’ I had only been away a week, so many changes. `Digbey, exactly how many Americans will be taking over the Land Girls billets? `Sorry Athol, I don’t have any more information at present, but there are some arriving later today’ `What, Americans coming here? `Forts I will bring you up to speed after this meeting; of course, if you had been on time, I wouldn’t have to’ `Sorry Dad’. ** Forts continues the story The meeting with dad, wasn’t very long, with the Summer Holidays about to start, he had heard from Mishcon about the three boys I was going to be paying the scholarship for. Mishcon had sent some photographs and files up on the morning train. He handed me the three pictures `There you go, the three guys who you are sponsoring’ I looked at the pictures, seeing what I could glean from just looking at their photographs. Athol looked at me. `Archie thinks they all look like they are from the pages of Oliver Twist by Dickens, well they are all from deprived back grounds, just like you wanted them to be’ I looked at the faces again; their families obviously hadn’t heard about soap either, by the look of them, I handed the photographs back. `When do they arrive? `Well, I know the summer holidays are about to start, but I thought it might be a good idea to get them here as soon as, to get them settled in, what do you think? You can get to know them better and show them the ropes…maybe how to wash’ He gave a little chuckle. I nodded `Yeah okay, get them here when you can, Davy and I will make sure they settle in’. Dad closed the file. `Okay Dad, well I had better go and see Davy and Gregor about this weekend’ `Yes and don’t forget to thank McPhee for looking after the horses while you were away’. I nodded and made my way down to the kitchen; as expected Davy was with Gregor, both excitedly reading his Hollywood magazine; checking to see what other films they might be able to get to come to the Castle. I walked in as Gregor threw his arms out `And they do live show’s too Davy, maybe we can sing a number together? They both burst out laughing, I couldn’t resist it `Rhett, Rhett, where shall I go, what shall I do’ I ducked back behind the door as a pile of vegetables were slung at me. I took out my white hankie and waved it round the door `I surrender, I surrender, I was joking, I was joking’ The side office door opened and Landers came into the kitchen. `Has anyone seen Bruno and Niki? We all shook our heads. Landers shrugged his shoulders `Niki was acting very strange about ten minutes ago, oh well I am sure everything is okay. Gregor, have we got some biscuits, the Americans have just arrived and Athol, wants some tea and nibbles? Gregor, folded his magazine. `Oh well later Davy’, He turned away `Hang on Landers, I will deal with it’ Davy and I left and went back out into the corridor, we had barely got to the dinner gong, when Count Ouranoff came running up to us `Why didn’t you say; you, you Judas’ He turned and hurried off down the stairs, Davy looked at me `What have you done? `Err nothing I am aware off’ I hurried after him `Ouranoff, what’s happened? `You bring Communist troops to the Castle to capture us’ `What? `Niki told me, he and Bruno have gone, I must get away too’ `Ouranoff, what are you talking about? `Those soldiers in the green Uniforms, Niki told me’ Davy grabbed my arm `He means the Americans who have just arrived and are with Athol’ I nodded `Ouranoff, they are Americans not Russians’ `Niki, tell me they are Russians, he won’t let them take Bruno’ `Ouranoff I can assure you they are Americans, you are in no danger, now where did Niki take Bruno’ `I don’t know they are hiding’ Davy tugged my arm, `I had better go and get Archie, we need ataköy escort to find them’ While Davy went off I checked back with Landers’ as to when he had last seen them. `Fort’s, they have taken food too’ Gregor shook his head. Landers was upset `I should have asked them what was wrong, I have never seen Niki or Bruno look so worried’ `You can’t blame yourself, you weren’t to know’ I gave Landers a hug and left the kitchen, meeting Athol and Archie in the corridor. `Any update Forts? `No dad, no one seems to have seen them; since Landers saw them, but they have left the Castle and it appears with some food’ Dad shook his head and turned to Archie. `We will have to organise some of the Prefects to start searching the Castle and the out buildings’ Archie nodded adding `What about the woodland and farmland? Athol nodded. `Let me think about that’ `Dad, if I get McPhee, we can get on the horses and cover some more ground’ Archie nodded `But stay together, we don’t want anyone else going missing’ `Okay I will go and find McPhee’ Davy looked worried, he put his arm round me and gave me a little kiss. `Be careful, don’t go getting yourself hurt’ `I won’t’ I gave him another hug and he set off down the corridor to round up the Prefects. ** Niki, had been returning with a basket of eggs from the hen houses when he saw the strange staff car with no markings, pull up at the front entrance of the Castle. He didn’t recognise the uniforms or insignia; he had watched them from the bushes; having immediately hidden when he saw them first. But wait, hadn’t Ouranoff and Digbey told him that the Russians and Germans were now enemies; the Russians having allied with the British after Germany invaded; they must be Russians; worse they must be looking for Bruno, he is German. Abandoning the basket of eggs in the bushes, Niki had run like the wind to the rear of the Castle and into the Kitchen via the rear door, barely coherent he had grabbed Bruno and in a mixture of Russian, German and English, convinced him Russian soldiers were here to capture him. Landers had tried to speak to him, but now he didn’t trust him or anyone else; why would they turn in Bruno; Niki now hated them all, he thought they were his friends. As soon as Landers had left them alone, they had grabbed some food and slipped back out of the Castle; it wasn’t safe to hide inside. Had anyone seen them leaving, they would have seen a six foot plus lumbering giant, being dragged along by a little blond guy barely five feet tall, both with tears running down there faces; why had every one betrayed them, Bruno just couldn’t believe it after all Athol had said about him being safe now; he had lied too. Once in the woods, Niki thought they should hide until dark; hopefully the Russians wouldn’t bring dogs to hunt for them. Niki thought for a while it wasn’t safe to use any of the out buildings; so, where to go. It had come to him suddenly; Brookmeyer had shown him an old cave in the woods; well, it was manmade really, but it looked like a cave. They hadn’t gone in very deep as Niki thought it was scary. He hadn’t been there for a while not since he had found Bruno again. But he and Brookmeyer had spent many a pleasant afternoon there in each other’s arms. Niki found the entrance and both of them squeezed through inside; Bruno got out his lighter and illuminated the space, he quickly decided on where to make a small stone circle for a tiny fire; it couldn’t be too big or the smoke would give them away. Niki helped gather a few small twigs for the fire and then gathered up some bits of bushes and attempted to conceal the entrance. With the fire soon lit, they cuddled together in the darkness; Bruno’s big arms holding Niki close to him, Niki glanced up and received a kiss in the dark. Bruno thought it a good idea for one of them to try and get some sleep, while the other kept watch. Niki chose first watch and positioned himself near the entrance, peering into the surrounding forest; it would be several hours till darkness. ** Forts takes up the story McPhee and I got changed quickly; Gregor forcing some sandwiches and some water bottles into our hands as we passed the kitchen; `Here take these, we don’t know how long you will be out searching A last meeting with Athol, he gave us a route and checking points for every hour; so, we could all stay in touch. McPhee and I left the Castle and began heading for the stables, Gary was coming towards us carrying a basket of eggs. `Hey, I just found these in the bushes, wait till I get hold of Niki, I am going to clip his ear’ `Gary, Bruno and Niki are missing, it appears Niki got frightened and thought some Americans, were Russian troops come to arrest Bruno; both of them have taken off’ `Oh, that’s not good’ `We are just off to saddle up some horses and start searching the farmland and woods’ `Okay, hang on, I will come with you too, saddle up Baxter for me, I will just drop these eggs in to Gregor’ We got the horses already; are they really that clever? They seemed to know we were about to do something important, all were calm, but seemed determined. We set off following the map Athol had drawn for us. An hour later we met Archie at the check in point; still no news, they were both still missing. Athol was getting worried, he didn’t want anyone aksaray escort out searching in the dark, we were told only a few more hours. We seemed to be covering miles, but there was no sign of them and we hadn’t started in the woods yet; I wasn’t looking forward to plodding through the woods, the midges were bad enough out in the countryside, in the woods they would be torturous. Eventually after two more check in’s with Archie, we had a little review. `Fort’s I think we should get started in the woods, while there is still some light’ Gary was right; midges here we come. Thank God for fly plaids, each of us had wrapped them over and round our heads to keep the biting insects away. `Forts can we stop for a sandwich and a drink’ I had been putting it off, but McPhee was right. `Okay, just up here by that pile of stone’ We all dismounted and loosely tied up the horses so they could forage a bit in the surrounding area. We sat together our heads covered in cloth, we must have looked like highwaymen; ready to rob the meek and unwary. I unwrapped the package of sandwiches removing the greaseproof paper, which Gregor had carefully wrapped them in, I passed them round. `Err, does anyone want fish paste? McPhee was sniffing at the sandwich in his hands, `I don’t think I can eat this’ `I have cheese, if you want to swap? Gary held out his sandwich. `But you have taken a bite out of it’ Gary chuckled `Only a small one’ Gary thrust the sandwich towards McPhee, who glanced at mine. I thought I would help his decision. `You’re not having mine, if that helps’ McPhee, handed his sandwich to Gary and took his, then looked back at mine `Have you got ham? He peered at my sandwich. `You have got ham, oh come on Forts share’ I went to offer him my sandwich, then just as his hand reached out and his smile was at its broadest and his lips forming the words “Thank you”. I snatched it back and stuffed it all in my mouth. Anyone would have thought I had killed his favourite pet, McPhee’s face changed, his lips pouting; that was it Gary and I burst out laughing. `Your bloody mean Forts, why do you get ham and me fish paste’ Gary leant over and playfully punched his arm. `Hey, you didn’t get fish paste, I had that for you’ `But he got ham! Gary, leant over and ruffled McPhee’s hair. Then putting on a fairly bad impression of a Russian accent, he said `Remember Drageon is a Prince, darlink’ That brought a smile to McPhee’s face. I took out the cake, we ate the cake in silence, after I offered McPhee the biggest piece; winking as I handed it to him. It was a moment of normality, we lay back for a few moments in the undergrowth, resting our bums from the horses and flapping some cold air under our kilts. Any other day it would have been lovely to just have stayed, watching the dappled sunlight coming through the trees and listening to the birds. McPhee spoke out loud, it wasn’t really addressed to either Gary or I in particular. `Where do you think they can have gone? I shook my head `No Idea to be honest, I hope they are safe inside the Castle, if I am honest’ I turned to Gary `Maybe in one of your Priest holes’ Gary showed no emotion. `No, I checked them before I came to the stable, just in case’ I swatted a large horse fly, it squished on my leg. Hang on; Gary leapt up `What am I thinking? Gary took off back behind us toward the pile of stone McPhee and I jumped up and followed. `Gary what is it? He looked back and whispered `There is a cave just back here, Christ, we are practically sitting on it’ `A cave? Gary glanced back at us and then pushed his covered head into the bushes; There was a loud crack a muffle cry and then he fell to the ground, as a large branch; expertly swung, hit him in the face. McPhee and I stopped dead in our tracks as a five-foot blond crazy man came out through the bushes waving a branch over his head; screaming like a banshee. `No, no, no’ McPhee and I ducked as the branch nearly hit us; `Christ Niki, it’s us’ I grabbed the material from my face `Niki, it’s me Forts, it’s me’ Niki stopped and raised the branch, tears streaming down his face `No take Bruno, no take Bruno’ `Niki, no, we are here looking for you; those soldiers Americans, not Russians’ I went to move forward; Niki raise the branch higher; Behind him Bruno emerged from the trees, he took hold of the branch and threw it down. Niki looked round at him. `I protect you’ Bruno, patted him on the back. `Forts look after us, little monkey’ The rustle of leaves behind; had us all looking, it was Gary getting up, he pulled back his face covering, revealing a very bloody nose. **************** Guy’s Thank you for taking the time to let me know you’re enjoying this story. There’s nothing more rewarding than hearing from you with suggestions or even just that you’re enjoying the story, please email me to let me know. Other Nifty stories by this writer: `NightCam Fun’ � Gay/Encounters `Exploring my brother’ � Gay/Incest `Joshs Adventures series’ – Gay/Adult Youth `An Army life for me’ – Gay/Adult Youth/Military `Grandmas Bedroom’ � Bisexual/Incest `Dominic Online’ � Gay/Adult Youth `Vampyre’ � Gay/Adult Youth `Operation Pied Piper’ � Gay/Adult Youth `Scream if you want to go faster’ – Bisexual/Adult Youth `Red and Nick’ � Bisexual/Military `The Extraordinary Christmas Party’ � Bisexual/Incest `A Brother Used’ – Gay/Incest

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Üniversitede kız kıza film izlerke bakirelik gitti

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bir süre kanamanın kesilmesin bekledikten sonra tekrar dildoyu yatağın üzerine dik koydum ve üzerine oturdum , bu defa az önce ki gibi çok acımıyor aksine çok zevk veriyordu, dildo altımda dakikalarca o yatakta zıpladım durdum , bir süre sonra dildonun üzerindeki ikinci ve küçük olan çubuk arkamdan içeri girmeye çalışıyor gibiydi, sanki canlanmış ve içime girmeye çalışan bir penis gibi sertleşmişti, madem bu kadar çılgınlık yaptım oldu olacak onuda arkamdan içeri alayım diye düşündüm ve vajinamdan dildoyu çıkartarak tekrar yalamaya başladım , bu defa hem küçük yeri hem büyük yeri yalıyor ve ikisinide olabildince ıslatıyordum, bir kaç dakika yalayıp ıslattıktan sonra dildoyu tekrar dik koydum ve önce vajinamdan sonra da arkamdan içeri soktum

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İlk seks deneyimi deniz kenarında kumsalda yaptım

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Sevgilimle beraber tatile çıkmaya karar yolds.
com verdik otelde yerimizi ayırttık o günü sabırsızlıkla bekliyordum tatile sevdiğimle çıkacaktım beraber hemen gittik odamıza çıktık yorgunluktan ölüyordum o akşam uyuduk ertesi gün sabah kalktık plaja gittik akşama kadar denizde takıldık akşam otele döndük sana süprizim var hazırlan dedi kendimize çanta hazırlakdık çarşaf felan çıktık yola kimsenin olmadığı kayalıkların oraya gittik çarşafı çizdik ateşi yaktık kumsala uzandık sevişmeye başladık

gündüz herkesin geldiği plaja gittik ama her zamanki gibi çok kalabalıktı ve daha sakin bir yer fatih escort bulmaya karar verdik sonuçta 17Km sahili olan bir tatil yöresi ve sarımsaklı da badavut denilen bir yer olduğunu öğrendik sarımsaklı plajına 10 dak mesafede bir yer ve oraya gittik hakikaten çok sakin bir yerdi bizim dışımızda iki aile vardı kocaman plajda günümüzü orda geçirdik ve akşam yemeğinden sonra yine barları filan gezdik ama sevgilim erken kalkalım aklımda çılgınca bir şey var dedi bende ona uydum önce otele geldik bana plaj çantamı almamı ve içine çift kişilk yatağın çarşafların koymamı söyledi ve bikinimi mecidiyeköy escort giymemi istedi bene hemn hazırlandım tabiöee ki beraber yola çıktık gündüz gittiğimiz plaja doğru gidiyorduk ama orayı gecti bir tepeye çıktık

terk edilmiş askeri karakolun oraya arabayı park etti ve o binanı arka tarafında bir patikadan sahile indik bir koy şeklinde plajı vardı oranın iki tarafında kayalık bir çıkıntı vardı sevgilim etraftan agaçları topladı ve bir ateş yaktı ve çarşafı serdik üzerine uzanıp yıldızları seyretmeye başladık ve sevgilim dudaklarıma yapışıp beni deli gibi öpmeye kağıthane escort başladı bende ona karşılık veriyordum tabiöee ki neden çarşaf istediğin yeni anlamıştım ve iyice sevişmeye başladık bikinimin üstünü çıkarttı ve göğüslerim emmeye başladı oradan göbeğime indi ve oradan dahada aşağı inerek bikinim üzerinden benim kadınlığımı uyarmaya başladı beni çıldırtıyordu ve bikinim kenara çekip dilini değdirdiğinde çıldırma noktasına gelmiştim açık havada gece yıldızların altında tatlı bir esiniti ile beraber kadınlığım yalanıyordu muhteşemdi ve ben sevilim yukarı çektim onu yatırıp önce dudaklarından sonra gögüs uçlarından öpmeye başladım ve daha aşağı kayıp şortunu indirerek muhteşem penisini emmeye başladım bir süre böyle devam ettik sonra 69 olduk ve devam ettik sanki ilk defa sevişiyordum onunla muhteşem bir şeydi açık havada yapmak artık dayanacak halim kalmamıştı.

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Hostess with the Mostest

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Fingering Herself

How in the world did anyone ever find this bar in the first place? I would not expect a house to be on this little dirt road in the woods, much less a bar full of people. And talk about full! I could hear the sounds through the closed car windows and immediately began to rethink accepting this invitation from my brother-in-law to come here.

I had been living in an apartment for over two months after I took a job offer in the same town where my brother-in-law, Stan, lived with his wife Bette. My wife and family were still back in Ohio waiting for school to end before they would join me in another two months.

Knowing that I was probably bored out of my gourd sitting in the apartment alone every night, Stan called and invited me to a birthday bash for a friend at a country bar.

“Hey, it’ll be cool!” he pitched. “There will be a whole lot of people there, so you won’t look out of place. Probably a lot of free beer, probably some karaoke and dancing. We won’t stay out too late; come on. It’ll be fun.”

What have I got to lose? An evening in front of the boob tube or free beer? I’m there.

“Oh, yeah, wear shorts and flip-flops. It’s real casual. I mean, real casual,” Stan offered.

But I mean, really, there’s casual, and there’s this… this bar in the woods. Yeah, it’s got beer signs outside, so they have electricity, that’s good. But it’s in the woods! All I could see nearby were little wooden shacks.

But we parked and walked into the place. The noise was deafening, but the first thing I felt was a cold bottle of beer being pushed in my hands, and this big, burly hulk of a guy with a huge smile saying “hi.”

“Uh, hi, I’m Brad,” I offered.

But before I could thank him or even get his attention he had turned and grabbed Stan by his shoulder whipping him around and pushing a beer into his hand.

“Mike!,” Stan shouted. I could barely make out what Stan was telling me, but it was something like, “Brad, this is Mike. He organized the party.”

“Hey Mike,” I grabbed his huge paw, still cold and wet from holding the beer.

“Go eat,” he yelled in my ear. “There’s a full table over there with lots of good shit. Help yourself.”

And he was off being the good host.

I followed Bette as she hugged and laughed with her friends as she’d meet them. When she noticed me behind her she began to introduce me to the ladies explaining who I was and my situation.

Each said hello and told me that I was going to have fun tonight.

I smiled and thanked them and headed toward the food.

With my plate piled high I made my way to a far corner of the saloon to eat and drink and just watch the festivities. Boy, this place was packed and it seemed that everybody knew each other, and as I feared, I was the odd one out.

The crowd looked to be a bit older than me, quite a bit older than me. I figured most at probably 50 and above. Due to lack of female companionship over the last few, long weeks, I had developed a habit of watching pretty girls in public and playing with my fantasies. Well, it sure looked like slim pickings tonight, unless I raised my minimum age by a few decades. I should have guessed, I mean, Stan’s about 10 years older than me, so naturally his friends… oh well.

And then I saw her. A blonde came walking out of the kitchen with a casserole dish in her gloved hands. Compared to everyone else in the place she was hot! Yeah, she probably would not have made my radar in a crowded mall, but at least I knew that I would have some entertainment this evening just watching this beauty move about the place.

It was as if I were in a trance watching her rearrange the table to fit the dish. She had short blonde hair and was full-figured. No, not really fat, but with an ample bosom; no, I mean really big tits. Her ass was the absolute perfect size for her frame – not huge but just right. I saw her joke with some of the guys near the table, and she had a real flirty manner about her. Damn, who was she? And is she going to stay in the kitchen all night? I immediately started a fantasy about her. I just wanted to see those tits again.

My reverie was broken when Bette and one of her friends came to sit at the table with me.

“Brad, this is Susie. She’s the wife of the birthday boy,” Bette offered.

I shook her hand and we talked a bit about our jobs, her hubby, the kids. Then a couple of more of the women came by to see Bette, and I was introduced to them as well. I realized that I was meeting just the women and few of the guys. I kinda liked that.

“Who’s the kid?” another lady coming from the bar asked Bette. It’s been a long time since I was called a kid, and at 42 you’d think I could sit at the grown-up table. But like I said, the crowd was appreciably my senior.

As I was talking to one of the women on my left I felt two strong arms grab my shoulders, and I looked forward in surprise. Blondie was right there holding me at arm’s length looking at me! I was trying to figure out what was going on. Did she see me ogling her? Did I do something wrong? Damn, Mardin Escort those tits are even bigger up close! All of these things went through my mind in milliseconds.

“Oh my god, I thought he was Earl, Bette! I was saying, ‘what’s Earl doing here?’ He kind of looked like Earl from the side, but he’s a whole lot better looking than Earl, that’s for sure!” she exclaimed.

The other women concurred, “you got that right,” “he’s not Earl, that’s for sure,” “he makes Earl look like a pile of shit.”

I didn’t know who Earl was, but I’m glad I wasn’t him. But I’m glad I resembled him if only to get Blondie’s attention.

“Hi, I’m Frankie,” she offered.

I started, “I’m…”

“This is my brother-in-law, Brad,” Bette began her story which all the other women had already heard.

“So, you moving here?” Frankie asked.

“Yes, I’m living in an apartment now near downtown. Nice commute; I walk to work.”

“Oh, a bachelor pad, huh? Bet there’s some wild times in there some nights,” she winked at me and laughed with the women.

“Oh yeah, real wild, like when I burn the popcorn in the microwave, or wash whites with colors,” I joked.

We laughed a bit more, then Frankie left to take care of the food table again.

Bette offered, “she’s Mike’s wife, you know.”

No, I didn’t know. I didn’t understand if she was just stating a fact or giving me a warning. Whatever, I could still watch her move about, but from now on I was going to make sure that Mike didn’t catch me.

I ate a bit more and drank even more. I even paid for a couple of drinks when one of the friends wasn’t watching. There were a few older guys there who took pleasure in filling their buddies’ needs in the drinking department. I guess an ego thing. I even got cussed at for buying a beer by some old coot sitting at the bar.

“Damn, boy. Tell me next time you need a fucking beer. You don’t need to be going spending none of your own damn money,” he slurred.

I thanked him and told him I’d get him next time.

Before I made it back to my table bright lights came on and the jukebox was silenced. Mike had a microphone in his hand and wished a happy birthday to whoever the guy was who was having this birthday… Susie’s husband, whatever his name is. Then he thanked all those people who helped put on the party, especially his wife, Frankie, who worked her butt off organizing food, but she’s still got a ways to go to work it all off, he quipped. Then he thanked everybody for showing up to celebrate. Then he thank me saying “We even got people who came all the way from Ohio to be here tonight. Thanks for coming, Brad!”

And the ladies started to clap and cheer. Then the men started joking and hollering about the “young thing” or “fresh meat.”

As soon Mike finished speaking the lights were lowered again and the voice of a DJ came on saying it was dancing time. Of course, this being a country bar the music of choice was country and western, and the first song was a line dance song. All the women, at least those that could stand, attacked the dance floor and began moving as one, in rhythm with the music. Damn, some of those old women could move!

But, of course, one stood out from the lot – Frankie. She was there, over to the right, dancing with a wiggle that was driving me crazy. I watched her heavy breasts bounced as she moved and bounced herself.

Dammit, I was getting an erection just watching her. I felt like I was back in high-school again. Let’s see, it’s been eight damn weeks since I got laid. Hell, I’m overdue for an erection about now. Might as well sit back and enjoy it. I could take matters in hand when I got back home.

The next few songs were the old classics, some Texas Swing and two-steps. I enjoyed watching the couples having fun on the floor. I wish that my wife were here to dance or that I could work up the courage to ask one of the women to dance. Of course, I knew which one I would ask.

A hand on my shoulder “woke” me up from my daydreaming. Frankie.

“Come on,” she said as she grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor.

I didn’t even have time to object. It was almost like a continuation of my fantasy where I was watching her from afar. Now I was watching her right in front of me, and, boy, was I getting an eyeful!

She gyrated to the music with an extra beat in her hips; her boobs bouncing about barely controlled beneath her blouse. I stared openly with a smile on my face as I tried to move to the music as well.

She saw me staring a few times but would just smile, close her eyes and turn her head. Maybe it was my imagination, but every time she would catch me stealing a look at her chest she would put just a little more “oomph” in her hips, or she would turn around with her back to me and thrust her cheeks towards me.

Shit, I was dancing with a hard-on now. Yep, just like in high school over 20 years ago.

When the song ended, I took her hand and thanked her for the dance; she instead responded by hugging me tightly.

“I just Mardin Escort Bayan saw you sittin’ there by yourself, and I just had to be a good hostess,” she aaid into my ear.

I limped back to my seat, thankful for the dim light offering camouflage to my swollen crotch.

Twenty minutes. That’s how long it took for my dick to recede. And that’s how long it took for Frankie to approach my table for another dance.

“I figured you’re too shy to ask me, but I’m not too shy to ask the cutest boy in the room to dance with me,” she said.

“Well, cutest girl, cutest boy, they should dance together, don’t you think?” I asked.

“Yep, they should,” she paused to consider me and smiled.

Now, I don’t two-step too well, so she yelled in my ear that she would lead. Fine by me. I have to say I did pretty good after a while. We weren’t the best couple on the dance floor, but not too shabby. But one thing I did notice, and believe me, it was hard not to notice, that a couple of buttons had been undone at the top of her blouse, because she was now showing cleavage where before there was none visible. And trust me, that was the first thing I looked for when she came to the table the first time. But now I could see the valley of pleasure directly beneath her neck. My fantasies were interfering with my dancing, but I managed to keep the beat.

When that song ended I was winded and sweating. I thanked her again, but instead of a hug this time she held my arm keeping me on the floor.

A slow song started up and she immediately put her arms around my neck. I had no choice but to dance with her or make her look foolish, and I had no intention of doing that.

So we danced on the crowded floor. We had become a dance couple that evening, but I don’t think anyone took notice.

I swear I was running a fever. Her head was on my chest, and she was pulling me in close. I felt her huge breasts pushing into me, almost grinding into my ribs. Was it my imagination? It was hard to tell exactly what she was doing while we were dancing, but it sure felt like she was rubbing herself all over me.

Her next move was unmistakable. Our feet were barely moving on the floor; we were simply swaying in one place when she ground her crotch into mine, grazing my upright erection with her hips. She did it again, then again. She turned her head up and looked at me with these sexy eyes. I just stared at her not sure what to say, if anything.

She looked up at me through sultry eyes and smiled.

“Did I do that,” she purred and ground into my crotch again moving my dick from side to side.

I nodded meekly.

“Good,” she said putting her head back on my chest.

Everyone so often she would push into my crotch again making me harder than ever. Her chest continued to be pressed firmly into mine, so I would move both hands up her back rubbing the sides of her breasts with my forearms. She moaned.

The song ended, and I figured so did my fantasy. But it appeared that Frankie had other ideas.

“Meet me in the kitchen, through that door over there,” she nodded toward the side of the bar.

She left in another direction, but I did as I was instructed, as if I were programmed.

As I entered the kitchen she came around through a back way and said, “Over here,” and we walked out of the bar into one of the shacks that was near the door and connected to the bar with an awning.

She reached down near the floor and turned on a nightlight that was plugged into the wall. There were cases of beer lining the walls. We were in the store room.

Frankie grabbed my neck as if we were going to dance again. She swayed her hips and ground her breasts and her pelvis into me, but this time looked straight at me with these sexy eyes. I could do little else but give her a sexy smile back.

“You like this,” she asked.

“I love this,” I replied.

“Then you’ll really love this,” she countered, and she unzipped my pants and began to fish my erection through the fly.

I have never in my life been unfaithful to my wife. Tempted many times, but I always managed to be stronger than the temptation. But then the temptation has never touched my bare dick before. And when a man’s cock is in the hands of another woman, I guarantee you that there is only one brain in the room capable of rational thought, and it ain’t his.

She stroked it slowly a couple of times from my balls to the tip, and I moaned almost doubling over in sheer pleasure.

“Ohhhh, extra husky,” she purred, “just my size.”

As she stroked my cock with one hand, she fumbled with my belt and pants with the other. Almost too mesmerized to even move, I did manage to begin massaging her huge melons.

“You like, huh, Lover Boy? All you boys do,” she said in a sexy voice.

She undid a couple of more buttons on her blouse, then continued to stroke me. I took my cue and began to unbutton the rest, parting her blouse to marvel at the size of her bra and the beauties it contained.

“The latch is right there Escort Mardin in the front, Sugar,” she offered.

I need no further instructions, and with a pop her giant boobs spilled from their constraint. They were awesome! So full and resting proudly on her chest. They were beautiful.

I almost complained when she moved them away from me. She lowered herself to her knees, and before I could prepare myself for what was about to happened it happened.

She put the head of my dick between her lips and began to suck on the glans, gently flicking the tip with a rapid fire motion of her tongue. I groaned even louder.

“Oh, I love to make a man feel good. I want to make you cum so big,” she crooned.

“Shit, keep that up and you’ll get your wish,” I managed to grunt.

Then she took as much of me in her mouth as she could and began to fuck me with her face. In and out, I watched my rod disappear into her beautiful lips, her huge tits hanging just below.

“Your tits,” I whispered, “do me with your tits.”

Without saying a word she released me from her mouth and grabbed the sides of her breasts bringing them up to my dick. She sandwiched my rod between them and I was lost in her lovelies.

She began to move her chest up and down, and it was becoming too much for me.

When she heard my moan continue and get longer and lower she knew I was about ready to explode.

The tip of my cock escaped from between her breasts and she captured it in her mouth beginning to pump me up and down while still massaging my shaft with her tits.

That sight was too much for my feeble blood-starved brain to take, and I exploded in her mouth.

“Oh!” she screamed as my dick escaped from her lips, “You’re a gusher!”

And she grabbed my shaft and began pumping letting me come all over her face, down her neck and on breasts.

I couldn’t stop coming; it had been so long and I was making up for lost moments.

When I was spent she continued to stroke my dick until it hung between my legs.

She was covered with cum.

I apologized profusely for making such a mess and scurried about looking for something to clean her off.

“Don’t you dare say you’re sorry,” she scolded. “I did that and I’m proud of it. Shit, you needed that, I know. Poor baby, hasn’t got his rocks off in months. Momma’s here to help, Darling. Don’t you worry about Momma.”

I was too weak to argue. So I watched her wipe her face and neck with paper towels from a roll nearby. I even caught her licking her lips to remove some. Damn, she was sexy. Just watching her wipe her boobs, watching them quiver as she’d rub, was making me hard again.

She caught me rubbing myself again as I was watching her.

“Damn, Big Boy, you getting ready again,” she laughed. “We ain’t even finished with the first one. I gotta go clean up. I’ll see you in there.”

She left me to clean myself up with the paper towels, and when I had done enough I made my way back into the bar and headed for the men’s room. I wet some paper towels with put a dab of soap on them and then went into the stall to clean up a bit more. While I was cleaning up I began to feel guilty for what I had just done. The good husband separated from his family trying to be so faithful, and “bam,” fell off the wagon. I resolved myself that this was a one-time thing and would never, ever happen again.

“That you?” I heard a whisper through the wall.

“Brad, that you?” I heard it again with a tapping sound. It was coming from the other side of the wall; Frankie. Apparently the men and women’s stalls were separated by that wall.

“Yeah, it’s me,” I whispered back into the wall.

I was shocked to see what I thought was a wet wadded up piece of toilet paper fall from the wall onto the floor exposing a perfectly round hole looking directly into the ladies’ stall.

“Stick it in here,” she ordered.

“I don’t think it’ll fit,” I laughed weakly.

Of course, the hole was more than big enough, but I was trying any feeble excuse to salvage my just-made resolution.

Then I saw her crook her finger through the hole beckoning me. Isn’t it funny how fleeting rational thought can be in the male brain? Even though I wasn’t fully hard, I fed my dick in the hole.

I felt warm and wet lips engulf my head again. I was officially fully hard.

She stroked me with her mouth a few times, and I started to feel that tingling in my balls again.

Then I heard the door to the ladies’ room open and close, and Frankie removed her lips and waited. Then she tapped me on the tip of my dick with her finger instructing me to pull it out of the hole. I watched as she stuffed it with toilet paper again. Then I dressed myself, positioned my dick out of the way as best I could, and left the men’s room.

Whew, that was a close one, my brain tried to rationalize. You almost fell off the wagon again, it chided. You need to be stronger next time. I sucked in a deep breath of air, filling myself with resolve again and vowing to never let it happen again. I tried to practice in my mind what I would say if Frankie tried to seduce me again. “I wasn’t thinking straight; I missed my wife; it was just a physical thing?” All of those sounded so right when I was saying them in my mind, but I knew that uttering them out loud would be impossible.

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