Sexy Secretary Slave Search -14

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Sexy Secretary Slave Search -14SAPPHO SEDUCED BY PRETTY PETRA TO A SWEET SEXY TASTY TWOSOMESeeing in her eyes how horny she is, I tell pretty Petra what sexy Sappho longs for most nowAs my great granddaughter was out for an evening of non-stop dancing at her hot dyke disco, IPut my other sexy secretaries to work on some tasks for the sex shop, while I take time to talkPraising sweet Sappho for her openness and dedication, I inform for a daring dirty dream of herHoping her hot reaction will inspire me for an action for her next test and training on the jobOh, Peter, I do long for a private sexy session with pretty Petra. I so hotly hope she likes me!Sexy smiling wide, Petra promptly proposes: I like wine now and have dirty dreams with Mary JaneExactly! Here is some good grass and two glasses, dear dod. Sweet Sappho is Your slave tonight!Do as you like with her in your tasty teen big boudoir, baby, while I will select the right wineUntil now, Sappho has listened silently to the talk with my precious Petra, both eyes wide openClearly she likes what her wide open ears hear. She gets up to kneel in front of my dear doddieEagerly she kisses her feet. Yes please Petra, my Mistress, make me your slave, I long to serve Dear Sappho, you are so sweet. Please get up. Come with me, we will have lots of fun together!Boy, do I look forward to that relaxed sexy session. I only operate some cameras, remote controlYou two tasty young yummies deserve some sexy sparkling inspiration with bubbles, aphrodisiacs!Pop open the mighty fine Moet & Chandon Champagne, sexy slave and show me your sense of styleRecording runs from all sides by my cameras there, while I prepare some sexy appatizers in styleExpertly she silently pops the cork. – Eat this, tasty teens and have a hot nicely naughty nightTwo glasses filled bakırköy escort by my ‘bubbles’, sweet slave Sappho offers her Mistress hers with a shy smileTake your glass and let us toast, sweet Sappho. I am sure you will serve me well all night longYou can be sure we will come a lot! I am a beauty but not a bitch. I like to share sexy feelings!Precious Mistress, permission to speak please? – No inhibitions tonight, please speak your mind!Extremely excited I am, by your honour of offering me a sexy session à deux, dear Mistress PetraTell me sweet Sappho, do love Mary Jane as much as I do? Yes Mistress! Ha, I see it in your eyesReady to operate my evaporator, sexy Saph? Please call me Pete, cut the crap, cute Brasil beauty Awesome smell, this stuff must be so strong, my miss Pete! – Sure, sexy! Glad you like it, cutie!To sweet Sappho the strength of Amsterdam homegrown grass is still a sexy secret. She grains a gramOh-oh, fine fun up! I can read the mind of my dear doddie seeing her wide smile on my large screen!Awesome stuff smiles Saph after her first puff. All Mighty, this’s strong merry Mary and juicy Jane!Sappho is so sweet, sexy, hot and honest. It is difficult not to love her for more than good looksWow, I feel like I float! What a wonderful great grass you have! – Hehehe, I knew you didn’t know!Eagerly I watched you preparing the biggest portion in one time I ever had. Glad you share halfEasily I would be knocked out for four hours, if I’d inhaled all of it on my own, you innocent girlThat gives me a perfect excuse to punish you. You are my slave after all, aren’t you? – Yes, Miss! Saph, I see in your eyes how high you are and at your nipples how horny. Show me how wet yet dear!Eagerly sexy Sappho turns around and spreads her lovely legs. Brings her slit beşiktaş escort at smelling distanceXylophone my love lips please Pete, Sappho sighs as she bends over, spreads her bums by both handsYou are very wet indeed dear and your pussy is so pretty inside. Please open it wider for me dear!Try to recognise the melody of the sexy song I will slap at your lovely lips. You get three guessesWrong will imply spanking for punishment. If right, it will be for pleasure and allows you orgasms.Oh what a sexy test, Miss Pete. Let me feel the rhythm of the sex song of your choice, pretty Pete!Sexual Healing!? Smart Sappho is right at first guess within a minute! Will be a sexy session at meOh my God, you’re really good at almost everything. I will reward you Saph and make you come so oftenMy granddad got once a great idea for the best possible sexy spanking. He invented it at me you knowEnjoy the special sexy club chair my great granddad designed especially for such spanking sessions!TASTY TEST TRYING THE TASTY TEENThe sexy special spanking leather love chair is as luxurous as lazy laid back for fine sexy sessionsAs it allows to host a slave along one’s legs while hers are at both sides of the hips of her spankerSexy situation: both hands free to slap, caress or explore, while her hot holes are open for inspectionTasty to tease teens like this. I never noticed one not yet wet, when she takes the proper positionYummy to watch them get wetter while their bottoms glow and grow redder. Easy access to her hot holes!Trembling a bit from the sparking wine and high expectations Sappho lays down the long legs of my dodEnjoy what is about to come, cutie! You are about to come and orgasm for me ten times at least love!Sweet Sappho sighs in sexy expectation. Please Pete, do me beylikdüzü escort a dozen times! Can I do the double to you?Take your turn first foxy. Sure Saph, you will do me a double for each I give to you, yearning yummy! The task to record it all on my own is very a sexy pleasure. Sweet slaps at first, next serious spankingRecoring it all from five fixed cameras by zooming a bit is almost like being in the middle of it allYoung yummies cutely coming all the time, my life is fine! Redhot recording for free, secret of successI know how hot and strict dear doddie is in her horny long love sessions. She demands immediate rewardsNice to notice how eager every time Sappho gets on her knees to eat out her horny mighty nightly MistressGood God, you are so hot, exclaims my dear dod. She squirts in the face of lovely licking slave Sappho! Try to imagine my erotic euphoria writing while watching these two young yummies come together so often!Hottest job I ever did for my erotic enterprise in old Amsterdam, damned as hell by proud prude puritansEnjoy your heaven on earth, horny hotties. Make me loose count of your coming all the time, cute cunnies! Twelve times sweet sexy Sappho comes indeed, every time doubling the erotic effort to her pretty preciousAbout a bottle each they drink in between. And also inhale the second gram of grass after their session!So sexually exhausted they look after the dozen orgsams for sweet Sappho and double that amount for my dodThey look like collapsed after that, so I switch off the cameras and enter the set to carry them to the bedYou were wonderful tonight, I hum another line of a famous love song in their ears while they’re in my arms Tasty teens, sexy sweethearts thank you for your naughty high night together, I whisper in their red earsEhhh, thank you Daddy! They have both the same semi-subconcious answer, as both are almost passed out nowEhhh, you were wonderful dear, I whipser again as I lay them down in the big bed of precious pretty PetraNighty night, sweeties. I kiss both at their cheeks, their closed eyes and their foreheads for this night!

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Belle-MamanCette hisotire m’est arrivé l’année dernière.Cela fait plusieurs années que je suis avec ma femme, et j’ai toujours fantasmé sur ma belle-mère, jolie blonde aux yeux bleu clairs, encore très jolie à son âge (65 ans, 1.68m pour 55kg environ), une bonne poitrine ( au moins 90C je dirais) légerement tombante vu qu’elle a eu 3 enfants, et un cul fantastique, plus charnu que celui de ma compagne, mais quasiment la même forme.Un dimanche nous étions parti rejoindre mes beaux-parents sur la côte, pour manger avec eux et passer l’après-midi ensemble. Juste avant qu’on passe à table, je ne pouvais m’empêcher de la regarder, dès que je pouvais je matais son cul comme un obsédé. Elle portait un débardeur et une jupe jusqu’aux genoux,vu la chaleur qu’il faisait. En fin d’après-midi, je devais ramener ma belle-mère chez elle, son mari restant sur place pour les travaux de l’appartement qui devaient débuter le lendemain…Nous avons donc pris la route, pour un trajet de 2h. Nous discutions de tout et n’importe quoi, comme d’habitude.La fatigue aidant, ma belle-mère s’est assoupi sur la banquette, et dès que je pouvais, je regardais son décolleté dans le rétroviseur. Je commençais à bander comme un fou, mais ma compagne étant à coté de moi, je devais faire comme si de rien n’était.Arrivés à destination, je dépose ma belle-mère chez elle, et ma femme et moi rentrons à la maison. 30 minutes après, le téléphone de ma femme sonne.- Oui, maman ? Oui ? Ah mince. Ok, je lui demande.Elle se tourne alors vers moi:- Chéri, ma mère a un souci avec la télé. Elle demande si tu peux passer pour voir ce que c’est.Moi, trop content d’avoir une occasion de voir belle-maman tout seul, je réponds oui.- C’est bon, maman, il prend la voiture et il arrive.Je me rends donc chez elle, à 5 minutes de chez moi.Je me gare, la tête pleine de pensées assez hard, voire bien dégueulasses.Je sonne et elle m’ouvre quasiment instantanément.- Ah, merci d’être venu. désolé de t’embêter.- Vous m’embêtez pas, allons.Elle me fait rentrer dans le vestibule. Je la suis dans le salon, et je ne peux pas m’empêcher de mater son cul, bien moulé par sa jupe, malgré les contours de sa culotte. Je recommence à bander et je me dis alors “Je paierai cher ne serait-ce que pour la voir nue”. Si j’avais su…Arrivé devant la télé, j’identifie rapidement le problème:- C’est juste le décodeur qui a eu un bug. suffit juste de le redémarrer.- Merci. Si j’avai su, je l’aurais fait. Pardon de t’avoir fait déplacer pour si peu. Tu veux boire quelque chose ?N’étant pas pressé et voulant bakırköy escort en profiter au maximum, je ne me fis pas prier. On se retrouve dans la cuisine, au niveau de l’ilot central. Elle me serre un verre et on discute boulot, projets de sorties, etc… J’ai du mal à la regarder dans les yeux, son décolleté étant assez important. A ce moment là, elle le remarque, car elle me fait un petit sourire en coin et me lance un drôle de regard.Et là, elle me dit quelque chose que jamais je n’aurais cru entendre:- Tu sais, j’ai remarqué plusieurs fois que tu me regardais, et j’ai senti aussi ton regard quand je te tournais le dos. tu me matais, c’est ça ?Ne sachant que répondre, je me mis à bafouiller:- Non, non… euh pas du tout, je sais pas ce qui…- Arrête, chaque fois que vous venez à la maison ou bien en vacances, je te surprends à le faire. surtout cet été, quand j’etais en maillot de bain, je t’ai vu regarder mes seins et mes fesses.Sois franc avec moi: mon corps te plaît ?Pris sur le fait, et me sentant piégé, je me sentis contraint de dire la vérité:- Oui, j’avoue, je regarde des endroits de votre corps que je ne devrais pas. Mais vous êtes ravissante et attirante, je n’y peux rien. Vous avez de jolies formes, et j’adore les femmes mûres qui ont des courbes comme les vôtres. Si ça vous gêne, j’arrête de le faire. Mais n’en parlez à personne s’il vous plaît !- Ne t’en fais pas, je ne dirai rien. Je dois t’avouer une chose: quand je sens ton regard sur moi, eh bien, ça me plaît. ça fait longtemps qu’on ne m’a pas regardé comme tu le fais, et vu ce que tu viens de me dire, j’en suis très heureuse.Elle contourne l’ilot, me rejoint et s’approche de moi et d’une petite voix:- Alors comme ça, je te plaîs ? Tu n’es pas mal du tout non plus…Il faut dire que je fais 1.85m pour 80kg de muscles, grâce à la musculation. sans me vanter, je suis pas bodybuilder, mais bien musclé quand même.Elle se retourne et me dis:- Vas y, touche les, depuis le temps que tu les regardes !A la fois surpris et excité, je m’éxecute sans attendre. Je commence par les caresser, puis je les plote vigoureusement. A entendre les petits soupirs qu’elle pousse, j’en déduis que ça lui fait de l’effet. Son cul est bien ferme, sûrement grâce à la natation. Je fais descendre mes mains le long de ses cuisses, et arrivé au bas de sa jupe, je glisse mes mains dessous:- Je peux ? lui dis-je.- Oui, vas-y… soupire-t-elle.Je commence à remonter sa jupe, et je découvre qu’elle porte une petite culotte en dentelle beşiktaş escort rose. Je continue de lui caresser le cul, puis je me colle à elle et je fais glisser mes mains sur son ventre, et je remonte jusqu’à agripper ses seins bien charnus et volumineux. Elle soupire plus fort et commence à pousser des petits gémissements. Je bande comme un fou, et elle le sent à travers mon jean, car elle commence à faire onduler son bassin. Je commence à l’embrasser dans le cou et sur les épaules, et je fais tomber sur le coté les bretelles de son débardeur et de son soutien-gorge, puis je les abaisse pour libérer ses nichons, afin de mieux les malaxer. Ma bite est en feu mais je décide de continuer mes caresses. Au bout de quelques minutes, je prends les choses en mains. Je la retourne, je commence à lui bouffer les tétons, et sans prévenir, je glisse ma main dans sa petite culotte, et là, je suis surpris de ne sentir aucun poil. Belle-maman s’épile integralement ! Sa chatte est bouillante, preuve que mes caresses font leur effet. je trouve son clito et le tripote d’abord doucement, puis de plus en plus fort, ce qui a pour effet de la faire gémir fort et de la faire mouiller un max, car je sens de la cyprine commencer à tremper sa culotte. D’un seul coup, elle enlève ma main et me dit:- J’en peux plus, prends moi tout de suite. Baise-moi !Pas besoin de me le dire 2 fois. j’abaisse sa ptite culotte qui est mainetnant trempée, j’en profite pour regarder ses fesses enfin offertes à ma vue. Mon dieu, quel cul !!! je la fait asseoir sur le tabouret de bar, elle met ses bras en arrière pour prendre appui sur l’ilot central, et écarte ses jambes en grand. Je déboutonne mon jean, pour enfin libérer mon engin qui souffrait le martyre d’être enfermé. ma queue n’etant pas forcément longue, mais bien large, belle-maman s’exclame:- Elle est plus grosse que je ne le pensais !!!Je me mets entre ses jambes, je positionne ma bite à l’entrée de sa chatte bien ouverte ruisselante de cyprine, et je lui dis:- Ca fait des années que je rêve de faire ça avec vous.Et la j’enfonce ma queue d’une traite, arrachant à belle-maman un cri de jouissance. Je me mets à faire des va et viens, sa chatte est trempée mais encore un peu étroite, malgré les enfants qu’elle a eu. Je m’amuse à changer la cadence, ralentir et faire des mouvements très doux, puis accélérer et la pilonner de toutes mes forces, ce qui au bout de quelques minutes a pour effet de lui faire avoir un orgasme assez violent, car elle crie très fort beylikdüzü escort et son corps se contracte et tremble. Je suis aux anges, j’ai l’impression de rêver: je suis en train de baiser ma belle-mère, dans sa cuisine, et je viens de la faire jouir ! je la laisse reprendre son souffle, et je l’emmène sur le canapé du salon. Elle commence à s’allonger mais je l’arrête:- J’ai envie de vous prendre en levrette. Mettez-vous à 4 pattes, belle-maman !elle s’execute et me présente son cul, avec sa chatte bien ouverte et luisante, et son petit trou tout rose et bien serré. Je la pénètre de nouveau, mais la je ne prends pas de pincettes: je la défonce littéralement, lui arrachant des cris de plus en plus fort. je sens sa mouille couler le long de mes couilles. Un, puis deux, puis trois orgasmes, belle-maman tremble et mouille fort, car ma queue fait un bruit de succion chaque fois que je m’enfonce au fond de sa chatte. Je peine à me contrôler, l’orgasme n’est pas loin, mais le mental reprend le dessus et continue mon assaut. Lorsque pris d’une pulsion, j’introduis mon pouce dans son petit trou. Surprise, elle se raidit et me regarde:- Non, je me suis jamais fait prendre par là !- Eh ben, la première fois ça sera avec moi !Je sors ma bite de sa chatte dégoulinante, et la présente à l’entrée de son cul. Je pousse tout doucement, mon gland commence à rentrer, mais son anus est très serré, un vrai cul de vierge. Je lui dis de se détendre, que ça va aller. J’enfonce ma bite de 2 cm, puis son trou se détend completement et ma bite rentre jusqu’a la garde. je commence a faire des allers-retours. Son cul est tellement chaud et étroit ! je prends un pied monstrueux, je réalise pas: pour moi je ne baise pas ma belle-mère, mais une femme mûre vraiment trop bonne, à qui je donne du plaisir comme elle n’a pas eu depuis longtemps. entre deux cris de plaisir, elle arrive à articuler:- Putain, c’est trop bon. la sensation est différente de celle quand tu m’as pris la chatte !!! Sa me fait tout drôle, je… je… je vais… AAAAAAAHHHHH !!!!!!!Et là, mon fantasme arrive à son paroxysme: Belle-maman se met à gicler de la chatte ! Belle-maman nous fait une belle éjac’ féminine, mais pas la petite giclée d’une jeune femme, non, la bonne giclée d’une femme mûre qui a un orgasme énorme et qui ne controle plus son corps. En entendant ça en et sentant son jus tremper le canapé et mes genoux, je jouis quasiment instantanèment, de longs jets de sperme bien épais, tout au fond de son cul. Je me retire et admire son anus béant, suintant de mon jus de couilles, et sa chatte et ses cuisses luisantes de sa giclée.Nous nous rhabillons, et elle me dit avec un grand sourire:- On recommence quand tu veux ! – Pas de soucis, dis-je avec un clin d’oeil.Ce que je ne savais pas, c’est que ce n’etait que le début d’une longue série de parties de jambes en l’air…A suivre…

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Tales from St.Vincents;Sharon and the Mobile Phone

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Tales from St.Vincents;Sharon and the Mobile PhoneFor Sharon somethings never changed,her schooldays were long in the past.At school she was punished for anything it seemed,usually she would receive the cane for not doing her work,or talking.At thirty-nine she found herself in the same position as she had when attending St.Vincents as a schoolgirl,she was again sitting outside Reverand Mother Gertrude’s private study waiting to receive what had now become known amongst the numerous women who attended for punishment as the Discipline.Sharon was a woman who enjoyed her nights out,she could be loud and indeed had lost friends because she was prone to gossip behind their backs.Sharon was not above telling the nuns at St.Vincents about the behaviour of other women,getting them into trouble.Sharon fished in her hand bag for her mobile phone,somewhere nearby she heard a nun telling off a woman.She checked her messages on her phone and sent a few texts;one to her sister which read;”Hi.girl,Sitting outside the nuns room,will tell you what happened,S”.Sharon heard the Reverand Mother moving towards her door so she quickly put her phone into her bag and pretended that she was up to nothing.The door opened.”Come inside,woman”,Reverand Mother said.Sharon stood up and followed the old nun into her room.Reverand Mother sat behind her table and glared at Sharon.”Now,Sharon this is the third time this month that you have had to come before me.Some women will never learn,” Reverand Mother said.”I have heard that you were kissing and covorting in public and someone has made bursa escort it known to me that you were drunk and involved in a fight with another girl,is this true”?Sharon was in shock,it seemed that someone else was also a snitch for the Reverand Mother,who could it be?Sharon was about to deny it but she thought best.”Yes,Reverand Mother,I am sorry,”Sharon said suddenly aware that a third time in front of Reverand Mother meant a bare bottom punishment.”Just as well you did not deny it Sharon,I have the name of the other woman involved”,the old nun looked down at some written notes in front of her through her roundy spectles;” ah,yes here it is the other woman is Caroline,she has an appointment with me this afternoon,”Reverand Mother said with a smile,taking off her spectles.”Now,Sharon you know what a third visit involves?”Reverand Mother said barely able to contain the excitement in her voice.”Yes,Reverand Mother”,Sharon said quietly,and bowed her head.”Come now Sharon, you would not come here if you did not desire and deserve to be punished,like so many other women”,Reverand Mother reminded.”I think I will use a leather paddle on you,Sharon,and you can think about how common and course your behaviour is while I am beating you,bare your bottom and bend over the table,”Reverand Mother said,clearly excited.Sharon placed her hand bag on a chair and approached the table,she unbuttoned her jeans and left them slide down her legs Reverand Mother smiled her satisfaction and stood up and walked over to another table where she opened a drawer a took out a leather bursa escort bayan paddle.Reverand Mother turned with the paddle in her hands just in time to see Sharon pull down her white knickers and bend over the table.”Take your jeans off completely,woman”,Reverand Mother ordered.Sharon obeyed.Reverand Mother approached Sharon and placed the paddle on the woman’s bottom.Sharon felt a shiver as the cold leather came in contact with her bottom.Sharon thought how much this was going to hurt,she bit her bottom lip and stared straight ahead,attempting to show some defiance.Reverand Mother raised up the paddle and brought it down with one hard slap onto Sharon’s bottom.Sharon felt instant warmth spread across her bottom,she cried out softly.Again the paddle came down,Reverand Mother was enjoying the view of Sharon’s bottom quivering after the slap.Again and again the paddle was brought down,Sharon began to cry out a bit louder.Reverand Mother stopped and used her hand to rub Sharon’s bottom before recommencing the Discipline.Sharon closed her eyes and cried out at each slap.Who told the Reverand Mother about the fight,she thought;she could have denied it but the Reverand Mother knew all the facts.The sound of the paddle being applied across Sharon’s bare bottom was filling the room.Suddenly the sound of the slapping was taken over by the team music from’Sex in the City’.Sharon quickly straightened up,Reverand Mother had ceased the paddling and was looking very angrily in the direction of Sharon’s handbag.Sharon’s ring tone filled the room.”How dare escort bursa you be so insolent,Sharon,turn that racket off at once,you naughty girl”,Reverand Mother said.Sharon rushed to her hand bag,fished inside and pulled the mobile phone out.She glanced at Reverand Mother who was standing by her table stroking the blade of the paddle.Sharon looked at who was ringing,it was her friend Denise.Sharon thought it wise not answer,she just switched the phone off and replaced it in her bag.She looked at the Reverand Mother,”Sorry,Reverand Mother,”Sharon said as she quickly retook her position over the table.”You,naughty woman,you know that these things are forbidden in St.Vincents,”Reverand Mother said placing the paddle back on Sharon’s bottom and recommencing the paddling,this time with more force.Stroke after stroke rained down on Sharon’s bottom.Her bum was really sore now.After quite a few more slaps with the paddle,Reverand Mother sat down and ordered Sharon to bend over her knee.Sharon bent over the old nun’s knee and the Reverand Mother spanked Sharon with her hand for what seemed to Sharon an age.Eventually the Reverand Mother told Sharon she could get dressed but as well as being punished Sharon would have to do penance by standing in the corridor outside Reverand Mother’s study,facing the wall until the Reverand Mother told her she could leave.Sharon quickly dressed and outside the Reverand Mother’s room she stood facing the wall for two hours.The worst thing about doing this kind of penance was that any nun who passed was allowed to issue a slap to the naughty woman.Sharon received many slaps.She regretted her fighting;she wished she knew who had supplied the Reverand Mother with information about what had happen;but most of all she sorely regretted not switching off her moble phone.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Fucking on a sunny day in England

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Fucking on a sunny day in EnglandIt was such a nice day today here in rainy England so after a long lying on the sun, we shut the curtains, told my gf to put on slutty holdups and nothing else.It all started nice with warm kisses to her neck. she was wearing dark silk bathrobe which i pulled to one side squeezed her firm tits. i focus on her nipples while cunningly taking my pants off to take out my semi-hard cock.I ripped the robe canlı bahis off her, thrown her on bed, spread her legs and gently pressed my lips on her already wet clit. she shaved her pubes last night while i was at work and now i was looking at a trimmed pussy-love it. after a couple of minutes of tongue play, i shoved my cock down her throat. she knows how its done and i was hard in seconds.I threw her on the couch once again, spread bahis siteleri her legs and gently made my way in. even though weve been having sex every single day, she still incredibly tight when i begin with. Sometimes its a difficulty to slide even one finger in.i know she like it rough so after innitially taking it slow, i gradually picked up the pace till the whole couch was shaking and banging against the flats walls. I grabbed güvenilir bahis a chair, told her to kneel on it grabbing the backrest and sticking her ass out.I rubbed a bit of lube on my cock and slid inside her wet pussy handing in mid air in just the right high for me. what an amazing position improving on the regular doggy style but this time with even better view on her ass. with her ass cheeks pressing against me and scratching her sexy arched back i felt getting closer. As i was going to cum, i pulled he hair back and told her to shout out my name as im cumming. i unloaded into her pussy while she was chanting my name. i love afternoons.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Mark & Soffie chapitre 1

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Mark & Soffie chapitre 1Mark & Soffie chapitre 1Les routiers !Mark et Soffie sont un couple proche de la trentaine, elle est blonde, 1m67 assez mince, des beaux seins 95c et un cul de rêve ! Mark lui c’est le play-boy il s’y croit beau garçon mais très prétentieux, ils sont partis en balade cette semaine, tenue décontracté mini-jupe rose top blanc et short et t-shirt pour lui.Dans sa Porsche Mark à planifier l’itinéraire au moment de monte sur la voie rapide il fait une queue de poisson à un gros camion, qui doit freiner et lui lance un coup de klaxon, Mark fait son malin il freine aussi et pendant quelques secondes il embêté le routier, les coups de klaxon fusent, Mark accélère et sème le camion ! Je lui dit que c’est pas malin qu’on pourrait retomber dessus plus loin !Après deux ou trois kilomètres on tombe sur deux camions qui se dépassent, les deux bandes de circulation sont prise, Mark s’impatiente, il klaxonne aussi, mais constate qu’ils fond barrages pour nous empêcher de passer et le camion que nous avons semé à vite fait de nous ratt****r, il est maintenant juste derrière nous, voilà je te l’avais dis, tu vas faire quoi maintenant ! Ils nous escorte tout les trois vers un air de repos pour camions, c’est toute au fond de celle-ci qu’ils s’arrêtent, iI n’y a personnes, le réseau téléphonique ne passe pas ici on est dans un trou perdu, au milieu des bois.Les trois routiers sont descendus de leur camions et se dirigent vers nous, le plus grand c’est celui qui a du freiner, celui de gauche est bien baraqué, on dirait un bûcheron, celui de droite plus petit mais un regard sadique, ils s’approchent de la voiture, Mark descend il veut faire le malin, il veut se battre, mais il est vite maîtrisé, le routier bâti comme un bûcheron le maintient à genoux, le plus grand celui qu’il a embêté demande réparation, que pourrais tu bien faire pour te faire pardonner ?Mark les insultent, les routiers sont tous des pedés, le routier lui dit à on est tous des pedés, alors tiens, il sort sa bite, elle est belle bien veineuse et plus grande que celle de Mark même au repos, il la présente à Mark, voila avec ta belle gueule, comme on est pedé, tu me suces et on vous laisse partir ! C’est le deal !Mark refuse, hors de question qu’il s’abaisse à ça ! Le routier insiste, tu me suces ou c’est ta femme va paye a ta place et on baisent ta femme ! Tu choisis ! Mark refuse toujours. Tu crois qu’on plaisante ? Je vais te montrer que non ! Il s’approche de la voiture et ouvre la porte, me tend la main pour me faire descendre, il s’adresse à moi, madame s’il vous plaît, prend ma main, je le suis sans résistance, je suis curieuse de voir jusqu’où il veut aller, il me guide poliment à côté de Mark. C’est ta dernière chance de sauver ta femme, tu me suces ? Mark s’obstine dans son refus, ok tu ne me laisses pas le choix, les gars tenez le bien, je vais lui montrer qu’on ne plaisante pas et il me prend par le bras et m’entraîne dans son camion, je monte du côté passager et il me suit, il a une vue sur mon cul et ma chatte, mon string doit être bien mouillé, il referme la porte et baisse la vitre, il se place devant moi, regarde ta femme elle est plus docile que toi, il enlève mon top blanc, mes seins et mon soutien-gorge sont bien visibles, il demande à Mark, c’est ta derrière chance ! Tu me suces ? Ou je continue ? Mark ne répond pas et détourne la tête. Le chauffeur s’adresse à moi d’une voix calme et me dit, moi c’est Steve je vais un peu abusée de toi, je suis désolé mais ton mari est un crétin et on va lui donner une leçon, il défait son pantalon le baisse et prend son sexe, je le vois de près il est vraiment plus gros que celui de Mark et il me le met devant ma bouche, va y suce moi ! Je proteste un peu, mais j’ai envie que Mark me voit sucer se routier, je prend sa bite encore molle en main, décalotte le gland, je sors ma langue et le lèche le bout du gland, le routier interpelle Mark, regarde ta femme comme elle me suce bien c’est bien mieux que toi et c’est bien plus agréable pour moi et mes copain, on va bien s’occuper d’elle, merci du con !Il pose sa main sur ma tête et s’enfonce dans ma bouche, il imprime sa cadence, je le suce pendant un bon moment, il apprécie mes talents et me le dit, tu suces trop bien, tu es une grosse salope dit moi ? Il ouvre la porte pour bien montrer à mon mari et au autres routiers ce qu’il me fait faire, je m’active toujours sur cette queue qui est devenu bien dur maintenant, bon passons au chose sérieuse, il pousse sur le bouton et le dossier bascule, je suis couchée, les jambes écartées de chaque coté du routier, il s’abaisse et relève ma mini jupe, écarte mon string, il regarde mon entre jambes, ma petite touffe de poil qui cache à peine mes petites lèvres, il baisse la tête, sa langue s’enfonce dans ma chatte, ses lèvres se referme sur mon clito et il le suce dans sa bouche et le mordille, il me fait avoir des frissons partout, il continue avec sa langue qui fouille ma fente, remonte et suce mon clito, waouh il me fait minette comme jamais on ne me la fait avant, si il continue comme ça, je vais pas tarder à jouir, je lui dit, ohh oui ne t’arrête pas c’est trop bon, ohh oui continue, ahhh oui je jouis, je crie de plaisir, ma cyprine coule sur son visage, il me regarde dans les yeux, tu aimes ça hein, ma belle ? Je réponds, oh oui c’était trop bon, jamais je n’avais autant jouit ! Ton mari ne te fait pas jouir comme bahis siteleri ça ? Je réponds, il me lèche un peu, puis me fourre sa bite dedans en cinq minutes l’affaire est faites ! Steve rit ça va te changer, à mon tour maintenant ! Il me prend par la tête et je me redresse un peu pour le sucer pour qu’il soit bien raide, il me regarde dans les yeux et puis il présente sa bite devant ma chatte ! Va y demande moi de te baiser ! Heu oui tu peux me baiser, Steve répond non non, mieux que ça ! Je le supplie, s’il te plait Steve fait moi l’amour, oui vient prend moi, baise moi, je te veux en moi oui, il s’avance et sa queue bien veineuse écarte mes petites lèvres et déforme mes chairs pour me pénétrer, je le vois rentrer dans mon vagin, sa bite est longue elle vient buté au fond contre mon utérus, il en reste quelques centimètres dehors, Steve interpelle Mark, tu entends ta femme me supplie de la baiser ! Regarde bien ce qu’on va lui mettre ! Mark baise la tête, moi je me met sur mes coude pour bien le voir me baiser, il a commencé ses va et vient dans ma chatte, sa bite cogne mon utérus, son gros gland coulisse dans mon vagin, ce qui ne tarde pas de déclenche en moi des décharges électrique, je sens mon orgasme venir et je laisse échapper des petits cris de jouissance, il a réagit à mes cris et il a bien accéléré la cadence et il me bourre franchement maintenant, je jouis, je crie Ahhh OUI ENCORE VA Y PREND MOI PLUS FORT OUI HMMMM, pendant prêt de vingt minutes il me besogne encore, Mark me voit jouir comme il ne l’a jamais vu et il comprend son erreur il m’a perdu ! Je jouis toujours et Steve grogne et je sens sa queue grossir encore et tressauter en moi et déverser son foutre dans mon con luisant de cyprine et de son sperme qui suinte de mon vagin, il continue d’aller et venir en moi et ce qui me fait crier encore plus fort, je sens que c’est coup de piston ne ralentissent pas, mais fond remonte sa semence jusque dans mon ventre, ce mec est une machine il me baise encore dix minute et il gémit à nouveau très fort et éjacule une seconde fois dans mon vagin, il se penche pour m’embrasser tendrement, nos langues se mêlent, j’att**** son cou avec mes bras et je le serre contre moi, merci tu m’a bien fait jouir.Steve satisfait de cette baise, descend du camion et présente sa bite à Mark suce et nettoie moi la bite ! Mark refuse toujours, tu refuse toujours ? Tu es sûre ? Ok les gars elle est a vous ! Le deuxième routier le plus balaise, celui qui ressemble à un bûcheron, il est bâti comme une tour, il monte dans le camion, défait sa salopette et sort un sexe énorme, au moins vingt-cinq centimètres et bien grosse comme un bras, il me pénètre sans attendre, sa rentre facilement avec tout le sperme de Steve a déversé dans ma chatte, le bûcheron me bourre violemment, il relève mes jambes sur ses épaules et s’enfonce profond dans ma chatte, je me laisse tomber en arrière et je suis secoué dans tout les sens, je crie de plaisir, un orgasme me prend et je crie, ahhh ahhhh ohhhhh ouch oui ohhh ahhh, le mec accélère encore et il va jouir et dit cette salope est trop bonne, il sort sa bite, me prend par les cheveux et plonge sa queue dans ma bouche, il se fait aller dans ma bouche, son sexe bute dans ma gorge et s’enfonce profond, il éjacule, on voit bien cinq saccade, donc cinq jets de spermes dans ma bouche et ma gorge, j’ai du mal à respirer, je dois avaler pour respirer, ma bouche dégouline de foutre j’en ai partout dans le visage, le routier s’adresse à Mark et dit putain elle m’a vider ta femme ! Steve dit à Mark, c’est au tour du troisième de baiser ta femme, on ne te propose plus rien, le troisième toujours avec son regard sadique monte et baise son jogging et il me fourre sa bite dans ma bouche, je ne réagit plus, il viol ma bouche pendant cinq minutes et jouit dans ma bouche, je tousse, le sperme me sort par le nez, il se recule, il est toujours bien raide ! Il prend ses jambes et relève bien haut dessus de ma tête, puis il dit, ton cul est si accueillant dans cette position et il décide de m’enculer, sa bite pleine de foutre et de salive se positionne devant mon anus et en forçant l’entrée, il m’arrache un cris de douleur, il est bien enfoncé dans mon cul et a chaque fois qu’il me pénétre, on entend ses couilles frapper mes fesses, pendant trente minutes il me sodomise en sortant entièrement pour replonger avec force dans mon cul, les derniers va et vient et il décharge une deuxième fois dans mes intestins, je gémis, preuve que j’apprécie ce coït !Les trois hommes repu, s’adressent à Mark, elle est géniale ta femme elle nous a bien vidées les couilles, Steve me dit tes trous sont plein de spermes, il faut te nettoyer, les deux autres chauffeurs prennent congé de nous, mais Steve me dit il y a des sanitaires vient avec moi on va se laver ! Il me prend sur son épaule car je pourrais pas marcher jusque là, tellement j’en ai prit, sa trousse et son essuie nous voila parti dans la cabine douche, Mark nous attend devant et entend l’eau couler un bon quart d’heure, puis plus rien, après deux minutes il m’entend gémir et supplier Steve de me baiser, Mark ouvre la porte pour voir ce qui se passe, Steve lui dit ta femme en redemande désolé tiens regarde et il pousse sa bite dans ma chatte, je ferme les yeux et je me serre contre lui, je l’embrasse sur la bouche, plonge ma langue dans sa bouche, il att**** mes fesses et me soulève canlı bahis et me rabaisse sur sa queue, mes jambes s’enroulent autour du routier, Mark vois bien sa bite rentrer et sortir de ma chatte, mon dos contre le mur, ses coups de bassin fond rentrer et sortir sa queue dans mon vagin, il ressort pour changer de trou et c’est vers mon anus qu’il dirige sa bite, j’att**** son cou et je me fais aller le cul sur ce pieu, Mark voit bien ma cyprine couler sur les testicules de Steve qui me besogne sauvagement avant de se rependre et décharger son foutre dans mon cul, c’est du sperme qui coule sur ses couilles maintenant, il toujours fiché en moi et retourne sous la douche, je me met à genoux et je suce sa queue qu’il vient de me donner autant de plaisir, il rebande presque immédiatement, Steve s’écrie, putain ta femme est une gourmande et elle sait y faire, il me rebaise sous la douche encore un bon quart d’heure, Mark accroché à la porte de la cabine, me regarde me faire mettre, Steve sent qu’il va jouir encore et me demande prend la en bouche, je s’agenouille et le suce deux trois aller-retour et il se vide dans ma bouche, j’avale le sperme tout chaud, Mark voit que je relèche le gland plein de sperme et j’y met du cœur, même je continue à le sucer jusqu’à ce qu’il soit bien propre. Steve me remercie pour la baise et la façon dont je me suis donner, je lui confie que je n’ai jamais pris autant de plaisir et que je suis prête à le refaire quand il veut ! Mark est abasourdi !!! Comment peux tu faire ça devant moi ? Tu es vraiment une salope !Steve saute sur l’occasion et me propose de rester avec lui le temps que nos route sont identiques, on a plus ou moins 600 km de route commune, Mark n’aura qu’à suivre le camion, il n’est pas d’accord et proteste, mais je lui dit c’est toi qui m’a mise dans cette situation, tu as fait une queue de poisson, tu as refusé de le sucer juste une pipe et on repartait ! Tu m’as laissé me faire baiser par les trois routiers, sans réagir et sans te préoccupé de moi, tu m’as regardé me faire baiser ! Si ça ce trouve ça t’excite de me laisser me faire baiser par d’autre !!! Eh bien la tu vas être servis, tout c’eux qu’il me présentera je les sucerai et je les baiserais et devant toi !Là tu vas être seule dans ta Porsche et moi je serai avec Steve dans son camion, eh Steve ne met pas ton pantalon je vais te sucer tout le trajet et pour toi Mark je vais filmer avec mon portable tu pourras tout voir. Tout ça nous a donner faim on reprend la route vers un restaurant routier à 30 km, pour le dîner et plus bien sûr ! Après cinq minutes Steve appelle Mark avec vidéo pour qu’il voit bien la bite que j’ai en bouche, je suce et je lèche en faisant du bruit pour bien le faire râler, mais ça excite beaucoup Steve et il ne tarde pas à jouir encore une fois dans ma bouche, je le nettoie avidement pour ne rien laisser tomber et j’avale tout, Mark fulmine je ne l’ai jamais sucer comme ça et jamais il a pu décharger dans ma bouche. On arrive au restaurant, Steve connait le patron et négocie un menu pour nous deux contre mes faveurs, le patron du restaurant est d’accord a condition que son fils peut me prendre aussi ! Steve est d’accord appelle même ton commis de cuisine si tu veux ! Ok ! À trois sur la petite dame ça va être chaud ! On mange d’abord, Mark lui il doit payer son repas. Après le dessert et les fromages, le patron vient me chercher, pour aller dans un salon à l’étage et je dis Mark doit venir regarder ! Pourquoi demande le patron c’est qui ? C’est mon mari, si j’en suis là c’est de ça faute, alors il doit voir ce que je suis obligé de faire à cause de lui ! Ok fait le patron le cocu tu peux venir mais tu reste tranquille sinon gare à toi !On monte à l’étage il y a un petit salon, il dit à Mark va dans le coin sur le tabouret, moi je suis assise sur le canapé le fils et le père devant moi et ils ont déjà leurs bites à l’air, j’en prends une dans chaque mains, je commence par le père je lèche et je suce sa queue, puis c’est au tour du fils, il est jeune 17 ans je crois, il est fort excité, son père lui dit calme toi, elle va pas partir avant qu’on l’ai bien baisée deux ou trois fois, le fils dit à son père je n’en peut plus, bon ok vide toi dans sa bouche et après ça ira mieux, le fils tient ma tête de ses deux mains et s’enfonce dans ma bouche, je sens bien qu’il veut jouir vite c’est trop bon pour lui de se faire sucer comme ça par une femme mariée, voilà son foutre inonde ma bouche, il est bon un peu sucré, je lèche et j’avale tout, le père me lèche la chatte, je suis déjà trempée en bas, le père se relève et enfonce sa bite dans mon vagin, il me pilonne comme il faut, il voit que ça me fait du bien, Mark se tient la tête et n’en revient pas et me traite de putain, le fils qui voit son père me besogner reprend vigueur, il se branle et demande à son père pour me prendre, le père cède sa place et son fils se couche sur le dos et je le chevauche comme ça c’est moi qui donner le rythme et ça durera plus longtemps, le père passe derrière moi et titille ma rondelle avec son gland puis s’enfonce dans mon cul, ohh c’est trop bon j’en ai deux en moi, je jouis tout de suite, hmmmm oui allez y plus fort, plus profond, oui comme ça oui encore, le fils dit à son père je te sent quand tu rentres dans son cul sa frotte sur ma bite, moi je jouis OUI C’EST BON, le père jouit aussi dans mon cul, son sperme chaud déclenche güvenilir bahis un second orgasme et le fils le suit et me remplit la chatte de foutre, mon orgasme ne s’arrête pas, ils continuent à aller et venir en moi un moment, je jouis encore, quand je refais surface et j’ai deux queues en face de moi pour se faire sucer, je les prends en mains et j’approche ma bouche pour les sucer, voilà le troisième larron qui nous rejoint, il sens la vaisselle c’est le commis de cuisine, il y va comme un fou et broute ma chatte pleine de sperme et sa langue descend et me lèche le cul, hmmm il trop celui là, il se relève et m’encule aussi sec, c’est coup de bite fond sortir les deux autres de ma bouche, on me change de position, le père est sur le dos et m’encule, le commis vient me baiser et le fils se fait sucer et ça tourne ils changent de place, c’est encore le fils qui éjacule le premier dans mon cul, le père lui m’inonde la chatte et le commis me rempli la bouche, le foutre me dégouline de partout, je regarde Mark mon mari il se masturbe, il a déjà jouit il y a plein de sperme sur son short, ok donc il prend plaisir à voir sa femme se faire baiser ! Moi affalée dans le canapé les trous remplis de spermes, j’essaye de refaire surface, mes trois tourmenteur sont repu de sexe, les couilles vide !Le patron m’emmène vers la douche dans la pièce d’eau juste à côté on prend sa douche ensemble, le patron à fini de se laver et le fils me rejoint et fini de me laver, il insiste bien dans ma chatte, passe un doigt puis un deuxième, il me fait jouir, Mark entre dans la salle de bain au moment où je m’agenouille pour sucer le fils, j’ai deux de mes doigts sur ma chatte, je me branle et suce le jeune de 17 ans, devant Mark médusé quand il voit le sperme couler de ma bouche, il a fini de se laver et moi je reste encore un peu avec l’eau qui coule sur moi, quand je sors il n’y a plus personne, même mon mari est descendu, je descend rejoindre Steve, il me regarde et il me dit que j’ai une sale tête, tu as ramassé ma pauvre !Bon on repart ? Oui mais il faut qu’on mette les choses au points avec Mark, je demande à Steve tu rentres quand toi ? Il me répond, je décharge demain et je rentre après demain, pourquoi ? Je vais laisser Mark finir son tour seul, moi je reste avec toi les deux jours qui arrivent ok ? Oui génial me dit Steve, pourquoi tu fais ça qu’est ce qui a changé ? Il se masturbe sur le temps que je me faisais baiser par les trois mecs, il aime être cocu alors je vais lui en donner, tu pourras me faire tout ce que tu veux et tu me prends en photo et on lui envoie pour qu’il se branle. Je vais trouver Mark, tu aime être cocu ? Tu vois ta femme se faire baiser et tu te masturbe, tu n’est pas normal, alors comme tu aimes ça, je reste avec Steve qui va me baiser et on t’enverra des photos, je rentre dans trois jours, Mark me supplie de rester avec lui, mais ma décision est prise et je vais le faire cocu encore trois jours, je monte dans le camion avec Steve, je lui demande juste un petit service, un plus calme pour moi un ou deux mecs en même temps et pas pendant des heures s’il te plait, Steve est d’accord on fera l’amour juste nous deux, je te veux rien qu’à moi.On voit Mark qui fait demi-tour en faisant crisser ses pneus, moi je continue avec Steve, je vois dans ses yeux de l’envie, je lui demande, tu as encore envie de me baiser ? Il me répond que oui, mais il saurait plus pour l’instant ! on roule quelques centaines de kilomètres, on arrive dans un endroit magnifique, les montagne au loin et le soleil qui se couche derrière, l’auberge ou on se rend est sympa et il font chambre d’hôte, je dis à Steve ce serait sympa de dormir ici dans un grand lit bien confortable, il est d’accord, on mange vite fait et on monte dans notre chambre, c’est la suite nuptiale, hmmm c’est un signe, on se déshabillent et hop au lit, il vient sur moi, m’embrasse dans le cou, sur mes lèvres, mes mains caressent son dos, il me couvre de son corps je suis prisonnière de ses bras, sa main est descendue bien bas entre mes jambes et tripote mon petit bouton, son majeur s’insinue dans mon vagin, je suis déjà bien humide, il approche sa bite et glisse lentement en moi, ses mouvements sont lent, il m’embrasse en me faisant l’amour, il fait des photos pour Mark ! Steve me dit regarde la table de nuit ! Ton portable en mode vidéo conférence, j’ai appelé ton mari et il nous regarde faire l’amour, dit bonne nuit au cocu ! On continue de baiser encore une heure plus ou moins, quand il jouit en moi, il reste dans mon vagin et s’endort comme ça sur moi, vers deux du matin je suis réveillée par quelque chose, la queue de Steve me baise à nouveau, avec plus d’entrain que la veille, il pistonne mon ventre, c’est bon oui encore, on baise, soudain je réalise qu’il faut faire des photos pour Mark, Steve me coupe, c’est lui qui m’a appelé pour me réveiller et me demander de te baiser ! Ok alors on va lui en donner !Les deux jours qui suivent sont parfait on fait l’amour souvent et chaque fois on film pour Mark, je pense que j’ai fait plus souvent l’amour ses trois jours que pendant cette année avec Mark, c’est vrai qu’avec trois routiers et les trois au restaurant ils sont six à m’avoir baiser, mais Steve s’applique pour me faire l’amour, il me fait jouir et longtemps, c’est un amant fantastique, je suis triste quand on doit se séparer et il me laisse retourner chez moi avec Mark, il ma promis qu’il me ferait un message quand il est près de chez nous, cela fait maintenant deux mois et il m’a déjà appelé six fois pour me baiser, il vient à la maison et me prend dans notre lit devant mon cocu de mari.À suivre….

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So wuchsen wir auf !

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


So wuchsen wir auf !So wuchsen mein Mann und ich als Kinder auf…!© Konrad ConradieHallo, ich heiß Lisa, und mein Mann heißt Peter. Beide kennen wir uns schon seit der Kindheit. Seit 3 Jahren sind wir Verheiratet. Unsere Tochter Maria ist 6 Monate alt. Und seit 14 Jahre kennen wir unsere Körper. Alles fing an als ich 8 Jahre war. Ich spielte früher mit meiner Freundin Sonja und Peter spielte Fußball mit seinen Freunden. Alle trafen sich immer auf dem Spielplatz, wo auch ein Fußballplatz war. Sonja meine Freundin, sie war 1 Jahr älter als ich, hatte keine Lust mehr mit mir zu spielen, und so spielte ich alleine.Peters Freunde kamen an diesem Tag nicht, so sprach er mich an, da ich alleine mit meiner Puppe spielte. „Nah“, kleine, spielst du alleine fragte Peter. Ja sagte Ich. Ich schaute ihn an und fragte wie er Heißt. Er sagte:“ Kleine ich heiße Peter und du wohnst schräg gegenüber.“ Ja, ich weiß, und du hast auch eine große Schwester…und wie alt bist du Peter…! Peter stutzte und sagte:“ 10 Jahre und wie alt bist du…!“ Ich bin 8 Jahre und Heiße Lisa. Peter drehte sich weg und ging Richtung Fußballplatz. „Du“, Peter, rief Lisa ihn hinterher, willst du mit mir Mutter und Kind spielen…? Nein sagte Peter, ich will lieber Fußball spielen, das ist ein Spiel für Jungs.Am anderen Tag war wieder keiner da, mit dem Peter Fußball spielen konnte, nur Lisa Spielte wieder an ihrer Stelle zwischen Sandkasten und einer Sitzbank. Peter ging zum Sandkasten und sagte Hallo. Lisa sagte zu ihrer Puppe:“ Schau mal Karin, Papa ist gekommen…!“ Peter protestierte und sagte:“ Was Bildes du dir eigentlich ein, ich bin doch nicht der Paper deiner Puppe. Lisa schaute ihn an und sagte: Nur im Spiel du Idiot.“ Peter entfernte sich wieder und ging nach Hause. Einige Tage später streifte Peter durch den nahen Wald und setzte sich an einem Baum ins Gras um dort kleine Frösche zu Beobachten, die im feuchten Waldboden sich Vergnügten. Lisa kam und fragte:“ Was machst du hier alleine. Ich bin nicht alleine, ich beobachte Frösche die sich vermehren. Liesa setzte sich daneben und schaute zu. Der Arme Frosch, muss die ganze Zeit den anderen Tragen. Peter erklärte Lisa, das der eine Frosch, ein Mädchen ist, der andere der Drauf sitzt ein Junge ist und dafür sorgt, dass die Froschdame den Samen bekommt, um wieder kleine Frösche zu gebären. Lisa schaute gebannt zu und fragte Peter dann, werden so auch Kinder gemacht…!“ Peter stotterte und sagte:“ Du stellst dumme Fragen, wo her soll ich das Wissen…!“So langsam wurde der Sommer schlechter. Peter und seine Freunde Bauten sich im Wald ein Unterschlupf, der auch einige Regenschauer aus hielt. Das Dach wurde durch eine Folie gebildet, die auf einige Äste lag, und hinten zum Boden endete. Hier lagen wiederum dicke Holzstücke drauf, und die Wände waren lange Äste, die nebeneinandergestellt einen Raum boten. Von innen hatte man an den Ästen auch Plastikfolie gehängt, so dass der Wind nicht zu spüren war und es Gemütlich war. Zwar waren nicht alle Wände zu, aber es war wie man sagte eine schöne Laube. Vorne hatten sie Jungs einen Grillplatz mit Steine gebaut, um ihre Würstchen zu Grillen.Nach etwas mehr als einem Jahr Flauteten die Interessen bei den Jungs ab. Einige mussten eine Lehre beginnen, und die Laube wurden immer seltener benutzt. Peter und ich trafen uns aber trotzdem bei der Laube. An diesem Tag fing es an zu Regnen und nach kurzer Zeit kam ein Gewitter. Ich hatte Angst und hielt mich an Peter fest. Peter nahm mich im Arm. Ich schaute ihn an und Küsste ihn und sagte:“Peter, ich mag dich…!“ Peter war erst einmal geschockt, und sagte alles kein Problem. Er Küsste mich zurück und so begann unsere Liebe, die durch alle Situationen an hielt.Peter war 14, und ich war 12 Jahre, längst war die Laube im Wald vergessen. Peters Eltern hatten eine Gartenlaube. Diese stand hinten im Garten von Peters Eltern. Sie hatten ein Häuschen mit 2 Etagen. In dieser Laube hatten wir alles was wir brauchten, es war unser kleines Zimmer zum Schmusen. Nach der Schule machten wir unsere Schulaufgaben und danach erforschten wir unsere Körper. Peter und ich Studierten die Bravo, um uns Sexuell zu Bilden. Peter konnte sogar Pornobücher besorgen, die wir eifrig studierten. Wir wussten, dass wir nicht Ficken durften, aber dafür machten wir Petting. Peter spritzte seinen Samen, wenn ich ihn streichelte, und Peter schlürfte meinen Saft, wenn ich großes kribbeln im Bauch hatte, wenn er meine Perle leckte. Ich leckte ihn auch bahis siteleri ab und zu und konnte so auch seinen Saft genießen.Im Winter verstarb Peters Vater an einer Krankheit ganz Plötzlich. Seine Mutter weinte viel und hatte nur noch Peter. In dieser Zeit mussten wir einige Veränderungen über uns ergehen lassen. Peter hatte eine Lehre als Schlosser begonnen, und so sahen wir uns immer weniger. Selbst ich musste auch eine Lehre als Verkäuferin machen bei unserem Supermarkt. Meine Brüste wurden größer und meine Figur runder, aber nicht dick. Mit 17 kam ich ins 3. Lehrjahr. Peter stand kurz vor seiner Prüfung. Meine Prüfung war 12 Monate später. In den letzten Jahren Trafen wir uns zwar nicht so oft, aber wir hielten zusammen und Küssten und Streichelten uns weiter. Mal bei mir zu Hause, oder bei Peters Mutter. Eines Tages kam Peters Mutter zu mir, und fragte mich ob ich verhüte. Ich wurde verlegen und Peters Mutter nahm mich im Arm. Ich Antwortete ihr, dass ich und Peter aufpassen. Peter hat schon Gummis besorgt, aber wir haben damit noch nichts gemacht. Ich bin ja erst 17 und es könnte sein, das ein Gummi kaputt geht. Lieber möchte ich mich vorher informieren, als schwanger zu werden, und Peter muss dann auch nicht für alles den Buckel hin halten. Peters Mutter nahm mich in den Arm und Küsste mich auf der Stirn und sagte:“ Lisa, wenn du etwas wissen möchtest frage mich einfach oder deiner Mutter, ich erkläre dir alles, und sagte deiner Mutter bitte, das ich mit ihr reden möchte. Ich sagte meiner Mutter Bescheid. Die Mütter trafen sich zum Kaffee, und nach kurzer Zeit ging ich mit meiner Mutter zum Frauenarzt, um meine Unregelmäßigkeiten meiner Periode zu Regulieren. Der Frauen Arzt der mich untersuchte, schaute in meiner Mumu und grinste, und fragte meine Mutter ob ich einen Freund hätte. Meine Mutter sagte Ja, schon seit der Kindheit. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, ihre Tochter hat ja noch mit 17 Jahren ihre Unschuld, und wenn sie so weiter macht, wird sie als Jungfrau in die Ehe gehen. Der Arzt übergab meiner Mutter das Rezept und sagte:“ Ich habe ihrer Tochter die Pille verschrieb, damit sich ihr Zyklus reguliert.Mutter ließ sich noch einiges vom Arzt erklären, welches ich nicht so mit bekam, da meine Mutter sich auch noch ein Rezept holte. Zuhause stellte ich fest, dass Mutter schon seit Jahren die Pille nahm, die ich jetzt auch bekomme. Ich fragte meine Mutter, wofür sie diese den Braucht, sie hätte doch keinen Freund. Mutter sagte:“ Die Pille ist für viele Sachen gut, und wenn sie diese nicht hätte, hätte ich vielleicht schon eine Schwester oder einen Bruder“ Ich nahm meine Mutter im Arm. Wir unterhielten uns über sexuelle Sachen, und lernten uns noch besser Kennen. Zwei Tage später ging Ich mal zu Peters Mutter und erzählte ihr meine Neuigkeiten. Auch diese nahm mich in den Arm und gab mir einen Kuss.Es war Wochenende und Peter kam zu mir. Meine Mutter sprach mit Peter über unsere Zukunft. Peter und Mutter hatten einen besonderen Draht miteinander, sie verstanden sich sofort auf Anhieb. Peter machte Mutter Komplimente, und bewunderte sie. Mir kam das Komisch vor, aber Peter sagte zu mir:“ Ich finde deine Mutter Lieb, aber mir bist du Lieber…! Abends redete ich mit Mutter. Mutter beichtete mir, dass sie Peter sehr mag, und sie sich wünschen würde, solch einen jungen Mann Lieben zu können. Es standen Feiertage an und wir machten es uns zuhause Gemütlich. Da es Sommer war, und weil die Hitze unerträglich war, trugen wir nur leichte Sachen. Peter trug nur eine Turnhose. Mutter und ich hatte jeder nur einen Rock und ein T-Shirt an, ohne BH. Ich hatte mir kein Höschen angezogen, damit Peter mich ab und zu streicheln konnte.Mutter beobachtete unser Spiel, zog mich in die Küche und sagte: Lisa, du hast es gut, Peter streichelt dich und ich kann nur zuschauen, und im stillem Kämmerlein meinen Dildo benutzen. Ich schämte mich, und fühlte mich ertappt. Peter bekam die Bemerkung mit, entschuldigte sich und sagte, das es nicht mehr vorkommen wird…!“ Nein sagte meine Mutter, ich finde es schön wenn ihr euch streichelt, dann kommen bei mir alte Erinnerungen auf. Lisa fragte ihre Mutter, und was machst du, wenn wir uns lieben…! Dann werde ich mein Dildo nehmen und mir Vorstellen, das Peter mich vögelt. Ja sagte Lisa:“ Ich kann nur Petting machen mit Peter, Vögeln kann ich nicht, da ich noch meine Unschuld habe.Mutter sagte:“ Lisa, du bist 18 Jahre, und Peter ist 20 Jahre, und du nimmst die Pille, habt ihr canlı bahis noch nicht gefickt…!“ Nein sagte Liesa, drehte sich zu Peter, möchtest du mich heute Ficken…!“ Peter grinste, und sagte:“ Ich würde dich sofort Ficken, wenn du mich fragst, und nahm Lisa in den Arm. Peter flüsterte Lisa ins Ohr:“ Deine Mutter würde ich auch Ficken, wenn du mir das erlaubst…!“ Lisa blieb kurz die Luft weg, und sagte zu ihrer Mutter kichernd: „ Mama, Peter würde dich auch Ficken, wenn ich ihm die Erlaubnis gebe. Ja sagte Lisa’s Mutter, aber erst muss er dir die Unschuld nehmen. Lisa sagte:“ Erst Heiraten wir, und dann kann er mir das Hirn heraus Ficken“. O.K. sagte Peter, wenn du deinen Freien Tag hast, Bestellen wir das Aufgebot.Lisa legte erneut die Arme um Peter und Küsste ihn und sagte:“ Endlich, dann werde ich zur Frau gemacht…!“ Mutter weinte etwas vor Glück. Auch Peters Mutter freute sich als sie dieses Hörte. Am 6.6.1996 standen wir, meine Mutter, und Peters Mutter, vor dem Standesbeamten und gaben unser „JA“ Wort. Aber alle waren wir uns aber einig, keine große Feier, zum Standesamt, Trauung, gemeinsam mit unseren Müttern Kaffee und Kuchen essen in einem Cafe, und dann nach Hause, schließlich Heiraten zwei junge Menschen und nicht die ganze Familie, die Fressen einem ja die Haare vom Kopf.Wir sind Zuhause, in unserer Straße, ja aber welches nehmen wir, fragte ich, und Peters Mutter, führte uns zu sich, zum Häuschen. Hier, die ganze obere Etage gehört euch jungen Leuten. Meine Mutter nahm uns bei der Hand und ging mit uns zum Schlafzimmer. Diese war neu eingerichtet und Mutter sagte:“ Das ist mein Geschenk, und jetzt Vögelt euch das Hirn heraus, ab heute seid ihr ja Mann und Frau. Peter nahm seine Lisa und trug sie ins Schlafzimmer. 2 Tage hatten es die Beiden ausgehalten, dann konnte Peter nicht mehr und Liesa hatte wunde Schamlippen die ihr Schmerzten. Peter gab ihr noch den Königsfick und schoss seine letzte Ladung in Lisas Popo.Lisa hatte eine Strichliste gemacht. Oben stand Peter und unten Lisa. Daneben lag die runde Pillendose mit ihrer Pille, die sie immer noch nahm. Auf der Liste waren bei Peter 12 Striche, und 4-mal ein Herz, und bei ihr 14 Striche mit 6 Herzen. 4-mal hatte sie Peters Samen geschluckt, und 6-mal hatte Peter ihren Saft aus ihrer Mumu gesaugt. Jetzt lag Lisa Nackt unter dem Bettlaken und döste vor sich hin. Peter ging ins Bad und musste sich erst einmal erleichtern. Nackt wie er war, ging er in die Küche, wo seine Mutter war und holte sich Kaffee. Hallo mein Junge, hast du dich ausgevögelt…!“ Peter schaute zu seiner Mutter und gab ihr einen Luftkuss und nahm den Kaffee mit ins Schlafzimmer. Er fragte Lisa, ob sie auch einen Kaffee haben wollte. Lisa drehte sich und sagte…Ja…!“ Sie nahm vorsichtig einen Schluck und nahm ein Handtuch welches sie sich durch ihre Beine steckte und sagte:“ Komme gleich wieder“. Auf der Toilette, kamen einige Tropfen Spermaaus ihrer Muschi und einige aus ihrer Rosette. Sie pinkelte wie ein geplatztes Wasserrohr, und Hinten sah es auch nicht viel besser aus. Nachdem sich Lisa erleichtert hatte, ging sie zurück zu Peter und sagte:“ So mein Schatz, ich bin vorne und Hinter leer, wir können noch eine Runde starten. Peter lachte, und sagte:“ Lisa. Lass uns erst einmal Kaffee trinken, und das Zimmer lüften. Lisa lachte und sagte:“ Du weißt doch, das es fürs erste Reicht, es sollte ein Scherz sein, und gab Peter einen Kuss.Unser Ehepaar fühlte sich ganz wohl in der neuen Rolle. Lisa ging wieder Arbeiten so machte Peter das auch. Beide sparten sie für ein Auto, und Urlaub, und brauchten hier und da mal Geld für das Haus. Lisas Mutter bestellte Peter eines Nachmittags zu sich. Lisas Mutter wollte andere Gardinenstangen haben. O.K. sagte er und sagte zu. Lisa und ihre Mutter hatten diese besorgt. Peter Borte die Halterungen an. Lisas Mutter stieg auf einen Hocker hoch, und rief Peter um sie Festzuhalten für den Fall, wenn sie Abrutscht. Peter stützte sie erst einmal an ihrem Hintern. Aber weil sich der Rock immer hoch rutschte sagte Lisas Mutter:“ Peter, du musst unterm Rock zupacken“. Peter schob seine Hände unterm Rock. Lisas Mutter hatte kein Höschen an und sagte:“ Ja Peter, so ist es schön, du kannst mich auch Massieren…!“ Lisas Mutter drehte sich etwas und Hob mit einer Hand den Rock hoch und mit der Anderen drückte sie seinen Kopf gegen ihren Venushügel. Peter atmete tief ein und leckte mit der Zunge an ihrem Dreieck. Lisas Mutter sagte:“ Peter, das ist güvenilir bahis schön, komm leg mich auf den Fußboden, ich möchte von dir beglückt werden. Peter tat wie befohlen. Lisas Mutter spreizte die Schenkel die Peter ihr vom Knie aus nach unten Küste, bis er die Feuchtigkeit ihrer Muschi spürte.Lisas Mutter ließ sich von Peter verwöhnen, und sagte ihm, dass sie es öfters haben möchte und er ruhig in ihr rein spritzen kann. Peter pumpte sein Sperma in Lisas Mutter und diese Küste ihn. Am nächsten Tag, waren noch einige Arbeiten offen. Das nächste Fenster war Fertig. Lisas Mutter lutschte Peter aus und sagte:“ Es wäre schöner wenn er einmal die Woche zu ihr kommen könnte, damit Lisa nicht Böse wird“. O.K. sagte Peter, aber dann musst du Lisa erklären warum ich zu dir kommen soll. Peter ging zurück nach Hause. Zu Hause erwartete ihn seine Mutter und die fragte:“ Na mein Schatz, hast du deiner Schwiegermutter den Kamin gefegt. Peter schaute seine Mutter an und sagte:“ Ja, habe ich, sie hat eine Schmackhafte Muschi, aber Lisas Muschi schmeckt besser“Peters Mutter grinste und sagte:“ Du hast meine noch nicht Probiert mein Junge…!“Peter schaute sie an und fragte:“ Was ist, wenn meine Frau davon erfährt…Mama…!“ Peters Mutter sagte:“ Ich habe ihr schon ein kleinen Wink gegeben, das ich sehn sucht habe nach einen Pimmel habe. Ja sagte Peter etwas wütend, das soll meine Frau entscheiden, ob das so weitergehen soll. Peter hielt sich eine Zeitlang zurück. Es kamen die Alljährlichen Feiertage, wo wir uns alle Trafen. Weinachten, war es besonders Günstig. Lisa hatte bei ihrem Chef noch so viele Überstunden, dass sie diese Abfeiern musste. Sie legte dieses schon zu Ostern fest, dass sie über Weihnachten und Sylvester zu Hause bleibt. Der Urlaub wurde Genehmigt. Peters Mutter räumte ihr Wohnzimmer so um, das es eine Große fläche in der Zimmermitte war. Hier wurden Kissen und Decken hin gelegt, das man sich dort entspannend kann. Heilig Abend bekamen wir alle etwas zum Fest. Wir hatten eine alte Holztruhe, worin sich die kleinen Geschenke befanden. Nachdem wir alle unser Festliches Abendessen eingenommen Hatten, Kartoffelsalat mit Würstchen, kam um 20 Uhr die Bescherung. Nachdem alle ihre Geschenke hatten sagte meine Mutter:“ So ihr lieben, wie war das noch mit lieben und leben in der Familie“, erst wollen wir mal etwas Trinken…!“ Mutter holte 2 Flaschen Sekt, die ich öffnen musste, und wir Tranken auf unser Wohl. Mutter erzählte schlüpfrige Witze und sagte zu Lisas Mutter:“ Jetzt einen Pimmel und Weihnachten wäre gerettet. Lisa sagte darauf, mein armer Peter. Peter schaute in der Runde und sagte:“ Ihr wollt doch nicht, das ich mich Ausziehe. Doch sagte Peters Mutter, wir möchten das und deine Frau hat nichts dagegen. Peter stand auf und ließ seine Hose Fallen, Hemd und Unterhose. Die Mutter von Lisa hatte schon ihren Rock in der Hand, Peters Mutter hatte schon ihren BH und Rock aus und stand als erste Nackt im Raum. Alle folgten ihr mit der Nacktheit. So sagte Lisa:“ Peter, das ist mein Geschenk für dich, Ficke uns und habe keine Angst das ich eifersüchtig werde, es bleibt in der Familie.Beide Mütter lagen jetzt nebeneinander und spreizten die Beine. Bei beiden Müttern konnte man schon erkennen dass ihre Muschis schon nass waren. Lisa kniete sich zwischen die Beine von Peters Mutter, schaute sie an und knetete ihre Brüste. Peter kniete sich zwischen Lisas Mutter. Beide Mütter wurden jetzt geleckt und Stimuliert. Peters Mutter bekam als erstes einen Orgasmus und spritzte Lisa voll ins Gesicht. Lisa leckte alles auf. Lisas Mutter bekam ihren Orgasmus und Zitterte.Danach fickten Lisa und Petra. Langsam führte Peter seinen Lümmel in Lisa. Peter legte sich auf den Rücken und Lisa setzte sich aufrecht auf Peters Schwanz. Sie ritt Peter so, dass Lisas Brüste durch Peters Gesicht streiften. Peter schnappte sich eine Brustwarze und Nuckelte daran. Lisa kreischte und ritt sich zu ihrem Orgasmus, und Peter schoss ihr seine Ladung in die Muschi. Die Schwiegermütter leckten sich gegenseitig die Muschi und stöhnten so vor sich hin. Als alle ihre Erfüllung hatten tranken wir noch einmal Sekt. Wir blieben im Wohnzimmer liegen und deckten uns mit Decken zum Schlafen zu. Täglich bumsten wir und hatten unser Vergnügen.Jeden Tag konnte Peter die Körper der Frauen spüren. Lisas Mutter freute sich genauso wie Peters Mutter, wenn sie von ihrem Sohn durchgevögelt wurde. Lisa hatte ihren Spars, wenn Peters Mutter ihren Orgasmus in Lisas Mund spritzte, und sie war Glücklich wenn ihre Mutter Verschwitzt und mit Tropfender Muschi zur Dusche ging. So waren unsere Feiertage und immer wieder wenn Feiertage sind, haben wir ein großes Schlafzimmer bei Peters Mutter.

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NO CATIVEIRO IIJá anoitecera, tive meus pés e mãos acorrentados para que não pudesse correr, apenas caminhar com dificuldade e lentamente. Puseram-me uma venda nos olhos, em seguida escutei a voz dela:- Vamos escravo!Fui conduzido lentamente para o interior da casa. Podia escutar perfeitamente mais vozes naquele lugar. Subi três degraus e escutei sua ordem:- Pare aqui inútil!Em seguida ela retirou minha venda. Estava de pé sobre um pequeno palco montado no centro de uma sala grande. Em volta dele estavam sentadas pelo menos umas quinze pessoas entre mulheres e homens. Fiquei muito nervoso pois nunca havia passado por tamanha humilhação: eu ali, nu, totalmente submisso a uma mulher dominadora sob os olhares maliciosos de tanta gente. Mal eu sabia que o pior ainda estava por vir…– Agora, tudo o que lhes contei por telefone, vocês verão ao vivo!Ela me amarrou numa cadeira e aplicou prendedores com pesos bahis siteleri nos meus mamilos e no pênis. A platéia silenciosa, não perdia um único movimento nosso.Foi colocado um cavalete no centro do palco por seus ajudantes.Ela me debruçou sobre o cavalete amarrando meus punhos e tornozelos nos pés do cavalete. Fiquei numa posição ridícula, com minha bunda pra cima, meu rosto pra baixo. Podia ver as pernas de minha Luciana e tb a platéia de ponta cabeça me observando.– Agora vcs verão como se trata um escravo!Ela vestiu luvas de borracha, passou óleo em suas mãos e introduziu um dedo em meu anus. Como soltei um grito involuntário, ela mandou que sua assistente calasse minha boca com fita adesiva, o que foi rapidamente executado. Minha Luciana introduziu aos poucos e com muito óleo todos os seus dedos em meu anus me fazendo um fist-fucking. Eu suava frio e gemia de dor. Quando ela conseguiu introduzir canlı bahis toda sua mão até o punho, a platéia emitiu uma ovação de espanto. A única coisa q eu podia fazer nesse momento era relaxar e emitir menos gemidos possíveis para não ser mais castigado por ela. Ela impiedosamente introduzia sua mão até o punho e surrava incansavelmente minha bunda com a outra. Meu pênis naquela situação não tinha nenhuma condição de endurecer tamanha era a dor que eu sentia. Mesmo assim Luciana disse a todos:- Agora vocês verão este escravo ejacular sem ao menos ter uma ereção ou tocar em seu pau! Vamos escravo, faça o que estou mandando!Ela atolava ainda mais forte sua mão dentro de mim tocando minha próstata. Neste movimento eu me concentrei e tentei realizar a vontade dela. Então fechei meus olhos para obter um melhor relaxamento. Sentia seus dedos roçarem cada vez mais forte e rápido por dentro. Me güvenilir bahis esqueci da dor e comecei a sentir uma sensação inédita, um prazer muito grande, coisa que eu nunca tinha sentido…comecei a gemer de prazer o que foi reparado por ela:- Está gostando agora né seu puto sem vergonha! Então goza com esse pinto mole pros convidados verem!Aquela sensação prazerosa foi aumentando mais até o ponto que eu pensava que iria explodir! Ela aumentou mais o ritmo, parecia que ela iria me rasgar ao meio. Sua perseverança teve resultado. Após alguns minutos eu tive o maior orgasmo da minha vida, apenas com a mão daquela mulher dilacerando meu anus, com meu pinto totalmente flácido, mesmo assim jorrou porra suficiente para sujar o chão. Em seguida Luciana foi saudada com uma salva de palmas de todos os presentes. Ela me desamarrou do cavalete, agradeceu os convidados e ordenou que eu limpasse com a língua toda aquela sujeira. Enquanto lambia minha própria porra, pensei que o meu tormento havia acabado. Infelizmente estava redondamente enganado…Estou à procura de uma mulher que se identifica com o conto acima. Favor escrever para meu

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


THE BENTONSThe Bentons Ch. 1byRGB©Ch. I: Not So AverageLynn Benton had always considered himself an average guy, living a normal life. Right after he graduated from high school he moved into town from the family farm and went to work for the local factory. Now, after all of those years as a blue collar worker, at the age of 45, he was next in line for the low-level white collar job that was opening up at the beginning of the year. Not bad for a man with no college education. Between work, taking care of his family, and helping his mom on the farm since his dad died, Lynn’s life had settled into a comfortable routine.Lynn had married his high school sweet heart, Louise, shortly after she finished school. They had two c***dren. Mark was 20 now and attended State College. Ann had just turned 18 and was a senior in the local high school. Soon he and Louise would be living in the empty nest. Lynn was looking forward to it. At age 43, Louise was still as sexy and as hot as ever. Before the k**s were born they had a couple of wild, sex-filled years. After the k**s came along they had to tone it down some and had mostly confined their love-making to the bedroom. But lately, as the k**s spent less and less time at home, Louise was letting Lynn know the old fire still burned bright. They had begun to make love in the kitchen, the living room, even out in the back yard. Soon Ann would be off to college and they would have the whole house to themselves again. Lynn could hardly wait.One of the fun things that had developed in their marriage was their impromptu lovemaking in the middle of the night. It had begun when the k**s were little. Because they could not be as free as they had been, one or the other of them would get so horny they would wake up in the middle of the night. They would begin to caress and play with the other one who was still sleeping until they would wake up horny as hell. The sex that followed was wild and great.That’s how it began last night. But there was one big difference, a difference that would convince Lynn he was no longer an average guy leading a normal life.Sometime during the night Lynn began to wake up with hot, tingling sensations in his groin. He became aware that his cock was hard and someone was sucking on it. As he opened his sleep-filled eyes, he found himself looking up at Louise’s pussy as she straddled his head. After 23 years of marriage, he would know that shaved, bald pussy anywhere. He raised his head and began to lick and suck her labia. They were already hot and wet. Louise must really be horny tonight, he thought.Louise moaned as he tongued her twat. “It’s about time you woke up,” she said, lifting her mouth from his crotch. She pushed her pussy down onto his mouth. As he stuck his tongue in her, licking her clit, she lowered her head and began to suck his cock again. Or so he thought. Maybe if he had been more awake. Or if he had been less intent on sucking her delicious cunt. Maybe he would have sensed that her technique was a little different. It was similar. But looking back on it there were some differences, a little hesitation or clumsiness.He began to groan as he came closer and closer to the point of no return. Suddenly Louise raised up so she was sitting up straight on his face, driving her pussy even harder against his mouth. It was then that he felt the bed shift and he realized they were not alone. Someone straddled his hips and began to run a very wet pussy up and down his cock.”What the hell?” he said in a muffled voice because of his wife’s twat. He tried to push her aside to see what was going on. But she just pushed down harder. “It’s OK, honey,” she said. “Relax and enjoy it.”Lynn’s mind was spinning. There was another woman in bed with them. Where had she come from? Who was she? How had she gotten there without his knowing? Evidently Louise had set the whole thing up. He had never suspected this of her. But if she was OK with it, who was he to complain.About this time the mystery woman reached down, took a hold of his cock and set it at the entrance to her cunt. As she sat down, impaling herself on him, she groaned. So did Lynn. This was the tightest, hottest pussy he had ever had the pleasure of entering. It fit him like a tight glove.Slowly she began to ride him. Up and down she went, gaining force and speed with every thrust. Lynn began thrusting up to meet her, fucking her with everything he had. Oh, man, this was heaven! The more they fucked, the more Louise’s pussy flowed. Lynn was burning up in a hot twat at one end and drowning in pussy juice at the other. He was almost beyond thinking as his sex-hunger took over.Again the mystery woman groaned. And then in a voice that was all too familiar: “Oh yes! I’m going to cum! Fuck me, daddy! Fuck me with your big, hard cock and make me cum! Ooohhh…FUCK!”Lynn’s mind froze. It was Ann, his own daughter. He was fucking his own daughter! The revelation of what he was doing gave him a rush of adrenaline. He pushed his wife off his face. Suddenly there before his eyes was Ann, naked and bouncing wildly on his hard cock. Her eyes were glazed. Her pert teenage tits jiggled and shook with the force of her fucking. As his eyes traveled down her body to the junction of their loins he saw that she, like her mother, had shaved her pussy bald. He could see the obscene way her cunt lips stretched around his thick rod.With Louise out of the way Ann leaned forward placing her breast right in front of Lynn’s mouth. “Oh, I love you, daddy. Suck my tit. Fuck my horny cunt and suck my hot tit. Make me cum, daddy. Make me cum.”And then Louise was by his head, whispering in his ear. “It’s OK, dear. Do it. Fuck your daughter and make her cum. It’s OK. Do it now and we will talk about it afterward.”Lynn groaned. His instincts were getting the best of him. He couldn’t stop. Ann’s pussy was so wet, so hot, so tight. Her breast looked so sexy there in front of his face. Slowly he licked out with his tongue, caressing her nipple. And then, as he sucked her tit deep into his mouth, he thrust hard with his hips, driving his cock deep into his daughter’s twat. Their pubic bones ground together.”OH yessssss!” Ann cried. “Suck me, daddy. Fuck me. Make me cum.””That’s it, Lynn.” Louise whispered. “Fuck her good. Show her what a great fucker her daddy is. Make her cum.”Lynn’s cock was pistoning hard and fast, in and out of Ann’s pussy as she bounced wildly up and down on him. And then Ann sat down hard, grinding her clit into his pubic bone.”I’m cumming, daddy. Fuck. I cumming so gooood. Cumming!” Lynn could feel his daughter’s cunt collapse around his cock, squeezing and sucking on it. It brought him to the edge. Suddenly he tried to push her off his cock. He couldn’t cum in her. What if he got her pregnant?Again Louise was there whispering in his ear. “Cum, honey. Go ahead and cum in her. She’s on the pill. She’s protected. Don’t worry about it. Fill her with your hot cum.””Yes, daddy, cum!” Ann cried. “Fill me with your hot cum. Squirt my pussy full of my daddy’s love juice. Cum in me, daddy!”Lynn couldn’t hold back any longer. With a loud groan he let go. He felt his balls boil over. His cock swelled and jerked. Spurt after spurt of cum shot from the tip of his cock into the depths of his daughter’s pussy. It seemed to go on forever.”Oohh, daddy!” Ann moaned as she felt her father’s cum pour into her body. “I love the feel of your cum in me.” She came again as he sent the last of his juice into her.Exhausted, Ann collapsed on her father’s chest, pressed her lips to his, and gave him a very loving, deep kiss. “I love you, daddy.” she sighed.As they both calmed down Ann slowly slid off of Lynn, easing his cock out of her pussy. She lay beside him panting as his cum started to flow from her cunt. Louise had sat back and fingerfucked herself while she watched her husband fuck their daughter. It was one of the biggest turn ons she had seen in a long time. Seeing Lynn’s cum seeping from her daughter’s cunt, she knelt in front of Ann, spread her legs, and dipped her head down into Ann’s crotch. Her tongue snaked out and she began to lick his cum from her pussy. It made her a part of this wonderful event.”Oh, yes, mom.” Ann said, as she raised her knees higher and spread her legs to give her mother better access to her cum-filled slit. “Suck me. Suck daddy’s cum out of my pussy.”Lynn watched in awe as his wife licked and sucked their daughter. This too was new to him. He never realized Louise was willing to eat another woman’s cunt. As he watched his wife’s eager sucking and saw how his daughter pushed her pussy up into her mother’s face his cock began to twitch and grow. This show was getting him horny all over again. He reached down and stroked his cock to full hardness. Then, moving behind his wife and spreading her legs wider he slid his finger into her pussy. She was as hot and as wet as he could ever remember her being. Removing his finger and replacing it with his engorged cock, he thrust his full length into her cunt doggy-style.Louise grunted as she felt her husband’s cock surge into her pussy. It felt so good as he began to pound her from behind. She quickened her sucking to keep pace with Lynn’s fucking. Ann moaned as she felt the new pressure of her mother’s tongue on her clit and cunt. Lynn grabbed his wife’s hips and drove his cock in and out of her hot twat as fast and as hard as he could. Soon all three were ready to cum.Ann suddenly pushed her cunt up hard into her mother’s face. “I’m cumming. Drink my juices, mom. Oooohhh, I’m cummmminnnngggg.” She began to cover her mother’s mouth and face with her discharge.Having her daughter cum in her face while her husband fucked the shit out of her pussy was all Louise could take. “Shit! I’m cumming so goooood! Cum with me, both of you. Cover me with your cum. Oh, FUCK!”Lynn watched his daughter cum on his wife’s face. He heard them both scream out. And he felt Louise’s pussy collapse around his throbbing cock as she came. The combination of it all sent him over the edge. With one final thrust he pulled his wife’s ass tight against his groin and sent shot after shot of his sperm deep into her womb, filling her with his seed.For several minutes afterward there was nothing but heavy breathing and contented sighs. Soon the three lovers rearranged themselves in bed and fell into a deep sleep. As Lynn dosed off he thought, “Tomorrow I will have to get an explanation for all of this.”Ch. 2: Another Big SurpriseLynn woke with a start. Glancing at the clock, which read 9:32 AM, he jumped up from bed. He was late for work. No, he remembered it was Saturday and sat back down on the bed. All he had to do today was help his mother with a few chores at the farm and that could wait until afternoon. Then the memories of the night came flooding back. Quickly he looked around but Louise was the only one in bed with him. She was awake, looking at him.”Are you OK?” she asked.”Yea,” he said. “For a moment I forgot it was Saturday. Was afraid I was late for work.””Oh,” she said as she reached out to stroke his back. “I was afraid you were upset about last night.”He turned and looked at her. The sheet was down around her waist. Her full breasts looked beautiful in the morning. “Then it wasn’t a dream. It really happened.”She smiled. “Yes, you really fucked your daughter last night. It was wonderful.”His cock began to stir as he looked at her and remembered the night before. “You set last night up, didn’t you.””Yes.””Why?”She reached out to him. “Make love to me and I’ll tell you.”Her eyes were full of love. Her nipples were already hard. Lynn had never been able to resist her. He pulled her into his arms. They kissed, their tongues caressing each other in a dual of love. He reached up and began to knead and squeeze her breast. She moaned into his mouth. He moved his mouth down to her neck, where he licked and kissed each hollow and valley. “Tell me why,” he commanded as he nipped her flesh.”There are really two reasons,” she moaned. His kisses were driving her wild. She had goose bumps all over. “For the last couple of years I have been sexually attracted to Mark.””Our son?” he asked, surprised. He had never even suspected her to say anything like this. Wanting to hear more he said, “Go on,” as he kissed his way down to her breasts.”Ohhh. You’re making it hard for me to concentrate.” she said, as he took her nipple into his mouth and began to suck. “I never did anything about it. You know. It’s supposed to be wrong and all that. But I could never make the feelings go away. That’s one of the reasons I’ve been so sexually active with you lately, trying to keep my feelings under control.””And here I thought it was because I was such a great lover.” he joked. “You said there were two reasons. What was the other?” he asked as he began to kiss his way down to her pussy.”You are.” And then she groaned, “Yes, right there, suck my cunt. Lick my twat. Don’t stop. Tongue-fuck me good.” For several minutes she could not go on as his cunt-lapping sent chills throughout her body and she ground her mound into his face, covering it with her juices. Then she continued, gasping, “A couple of weeks before her birthday, Ann came to me. She said she just had to talk to someone. She was becoming a woman, a hot, horny, sexual woman. But she was afraid to get involved with any of her classmates because of the reputation she might get. And she was afraid of getting pregnant or getting some disease.””So, you decided daddy should do it. Right?” He said, climbing up over her and placing his cockhead at her opening.”Not exactly,” she answered as she spread herself open for him. As he slowly sank into her depths, she went on. “It wasn’t until Ann made a remark about wishing she could find someone like daddy to be her first that I had the brainstorm about getting you and her together. We talked about it and she was all for it. We planned everything together and sprang it on you last night. … Ooohhh, yesssss. Fuck me. Fuck me good.”Lynn began pounding her pussy. “And you think that because I’m fucking Ann it will be all right for you to seduce Mark. Is that the idea?” By now he could hardly talk. He had a sudden vision in his mind of Mark laying between his mother’s thighs, fucking her for all he was worth. Inspired by that thought he began to screw her deep and hard.Louise groaned as she felt her pussy being ravaged by her husband’s cock. She was ready to cum. “Yes! Yes!” she said. “I want to fuck Mark and make us one big fucking happy family! OH, honey! Cum in me. Fill me with your juice. I’m cummmminnnngg!”Lynn thrust into his wife one last time. The whole idea of one fucking happy family sent him over the edge. He began shooting his load into Louise. “Cumming! Take it, honey. I’m cumming, too.” Wad after wad shot into her hot depths.Afterwards they lay in each other’s arms for several minutes. “Can I really fuck Mark? It’s OK with you?” Louise asked excitedly.”I don’t intend to stop fucking Ann now that I know how hot she is. So I guess fair is fair. I would love to watch you fuck our son’s brains out.” Lynn replied. “Let’s go take a shower and talk about it.”After they cleaned up, Louise started to get dressed. Lynn put on his robe and headed for the kitchen. There he found Ann eating breakfast. She was completely bursa escort nude. She got up to greet her father. “Hi.” she said cheerfully.This was Lynn’s first chance to really see his naked daughter. “You look beautiful.” he exclaimed, noticing her firm, full breasts and the way her inner pussy lips protruded from her shaved cunt.”Thank you,” Ann said, blushing a little. “It’s about time you got up. I’ve been waiting for you.” She went over and kissed him, probing his mouth with her tongue. While she kissed him, he reached down and copped a feel of her pussy. It was so soft and wet. Ann moaned at her father’s touch. “Sit down,” she said. “I want to suck you off for breakfast.”Lynn removed his robe and sat in one of the kitchen chairs. His cock was already beginning to thicken at the thought of his daughter sucking his cock. Ann knelt between his legs and gently took him in her hand. She began to stroke up and down his member. When it was fully erect, she leaned over and took the head in her mouth. Slowly she sucked her way down the shaft, licking with her tongue all the way. Lynn moaned as Ann began the up and down motion of tongue-fucking his cock. Whenever his cock appeared from her lips she would stroke it until it disappeared again into her hot mouth. Up and down, faster and faster Ann went until she was literally fucking her face with his cock. It only took a few minutes of this and Lynn was ready to let go.”I’m going to cum.” he warned her.She raised her head and looked at him. “Do it,” she said. “I want to taste your cum and swallow it deep into my belly.” Then she lowered her head and began sucking him in earnest. Lynn groaned and let loose, spraying his cum in his daughter’s mouth. Glob after glob of white, hot seed splashed into her sucking mouth. Ann gulped and swallowed every drop. Then she raise her head and said, “Mmmm. I love the taste of your cum, daddy. Thank you.””Anytime,” he responded, caressing her face with his hand. “Now, sit on the table and open those beautiful legs and let me eat my breakfast. OK?”Ann quickly climbed up onto the table, spread her legs, reached down and with two fingers spread her pussy lips open for her father. “Come and get your breakfast, daddy. Eat my pussy. Drink my juices and make me cum.”Lynn dove between his daughter’s thighs. He kissed and licked all over her mound. He sucked on her labia, making her moan. Then using his tongue he parted her lips and drove his tongue deep into her pussy. Ann continued to moan and began grinding her cunt against her father’s face. He was eating her so good. After tongue-fucking her for awhile he switched his attack and began to lick and suck her clit.”Oh, yes,” she screamed. “Suck my clit and make me cum! Make me cum in your mouth. Drink my pussy juice for breakfast. Drink it!” And then she came, flooding her father’s mouth and face with her cum. Lynn licked and drank every drop he could. She was delicious. The best breakfast he ever had.Lynn leaned back in his chair, his face covered with his daughter’s cum. Ann looked down from her perch on the table and smiled. Then she slid down into her father’s lap and began licking his face clean. As they kissed she felt his cock harden in his lap. She turned to face him, straddling his hips. Reaching between them, she grasped his hard on and guided it into her pussy. Slowly she sat down, impaling herself. “Daddy, your cock feels so good. Fuck me, please. Fuck me like you did last night.” With those words she began to raise and lower her cunt. Her pussy lips caressed his cock. Her inner heat felt as if it would burn him. Lynn leaned forward and began to suck on her tits, first one and then the other. He began to twist his hips and thrust up in time with his daughter’s rhythm. Since he had already cum twice this morning he was able to last what seemed like a long time. Both of them enjoyed the long, leisurely fuck together.While they were fucking, Louise entered the kitchen. She watched her husband and daughter for a couple of minutes and smiled. This was working out just great. Now she could seduce her son without fear. Soon Mark would be a part of their sexual fun. Soon she would be fucking him right along side Lynn and Ann. As she thought about it, she began rubbing her tits through her T-shirt. She reached one hand down into her shorts and began to fondle her hot pussy.Lynn and Ann began to reach their climax. Ann’s thrusts became harder, more urgent. Lynn sucked harder on her tits as her cunt drove him wild. Louise, watching, could tell they were both about to cum and she fingered herself harder trying to cum with them.”Oh, daddy, I’m cumming! Cum in me. I love it when you cum in me. Cum, daddy, cum!” Ann ground her pussy down, forcing her father’s cock deep into her spasming depths.”CUMMING!” Lynn shouted, pushing up with all he had and letting his load go. His cum poured from his cockhead into his daughter’s pussy. Again and again he pumped his seed into her hot womb.”Oh, yes.” Louise moaned as she joined them, cumming all over her fingers.”Now just what is going on here?” a voice cried out.Lynn, Ann, and Louise all jumped. They had not heard anyone come in. But there, standing in the doorway was Lynn’s mother, Mildred. Her eyes were wide, her skin flushed.”I have to come to town for a few things and decide to come over and tell you that you don’t need to come to the farm today. I got up early and did the chores myself. And what do I find? My son having sex with my granddaughter and my daughter-in-law playing with herself while enjoying the show. What have you got to say for yourselves?” Mildred’s eyes blazed as she scolded her son and his family.”I…uh?….uumm. Mom, I ….well….uh,” Lynn couldn’t seem to get any words out.”Grandma….we….I….uh….it’s not….oh, shit.” Ann didn’t know what to say.”Millie, we didn’t expect to see you here.” Louise felt silly the moment she said it.”Evidently not. You still haven’t answered my question.” Then suddenly Millie smiled. “Let me put it another way. Did you guys enjoy yourselves? You sure looked like you did.”They all looked surprised. “Yes, I guess so” Lynn said. “Oh, yes, Grandma, very much.” said Ann. Louise looked suspiciously at her mother-in-law. “Why?” she asked.”I would hope that if my family is going to commit i****t with each other they would at least enjoy it and not force it on anyone.” Millie responded. She began to unbutton her shirt. “I also hope you will let me join in. I’ve often thought about having sex with my son. What mother hasn’t had that idea at one point or another?” By now her shirt was off, revealing a plain white bra, which Millie removed quickly. “If I had known you were interested in family sex, Lynn, I’d have fulfilled my fantasy long ago.” She reached into the waistband of her jeans and pulled them down, dragging her underpants with them. “And now with your father gone, I as horny as hell. I need a good hard cock to put out the fire between my legs. Lynn, come here and show me what you have been doing with your wife and daughter.” She now stood naked before them.Lynn’s mouth opened and closed several times. His eyes traveled up and down his mother’s naked body. At age 63, her body was still trim from all the farm work she did. Her milky white tits sagged a little, but the big, dark areola surrounding her nipples were very sexy. Her pubic hair was thick and untrimmed, with streaks of gray similar to the hair on her head. She stood tall and proud in all her naked glory. And well she should, he thought. She was still a very pretty woman. He couldn’t help himself. Even though he had already cum three times, more than he could remember in a long time, he felt himself getting hard looking at his mother’s naked body.Ann climbed off of Lynn’s lap. His cum leaked from between her cunt lips. “Do it, daddy,” she whispered. “Fuck grandma the way she needs.” Louise began to strip. “Go for it, stud.” she urged. “Fuck your mama good.”Lynn moved forward as if in a trance. First his wife, then his daughter, and now his own mother. What was happening to his world?Millie reached out and drew her son into her arms. She pressed her naked body up against his. He could feel her sexual heat. They kissed, slowly at first, just experimenting. And then more passionately as their hands began to explore each other’s bodies. She cupped Lynn’s ass with one hand, the other moved behind his head crushing his lips to hers. He cupped his mother’s ass with both hands grinding his now hard cock into her pelvis.Slowly, they sagged to the floor where they began to caress and explore every inch of each other’s flesh. Lynn sucked his mother’s tits while he fingered her surprisingly wet pussy. Millie used both hands to cup and caress her son’s cock and balls. Eventually they moved into a 69 position. Millie licked and sucked her son’s cock, showing him she had years of practice and knew just how to please a man. Lynn parted the mass of now wet pubic hair surrounding his mother’s pussy and dipped his tongue into her hot hole. Mother and son pleasured each other for several minutes before switching positions. As he moved up to cover his mother’s body, Lynn noticed that Ann and Louise were busy sucking each other’s cunts on the floor beside them. Millie pulled her legs up and out to give her son full access to her cunt. Reaching between her legs she grabbed his cock and guided it into her hot depths.”Oh, yes, son. Fuck mommy good…I can’t believe this is happening. Do it. Stick your big cock in mommy’s pussy and fuck me good. I need it so bad. Fuck mommy and cum inside me. Fuck me and put out my fire…” Millie seemed to talk nonstop as Lynn drove his cock into her again and again, pounding his pelvis against hers. He could not believe the words that poured from her mouth, words he never dreamed his mother would be saying. Hearing them made him hotter and hotter. He grabbed her legs and lifted them higher and wider, opening her fully to his assault. In and out he fucked, trying to bury both his cock and his balls deep inside the hole that birthed him. “Yes, yes! Harder! Harder! Fuck mommy harder! Make me cum!” Millie continued to urge her son on.And then Lynn was there. He drove his cock deep into his mother, held it there, and moaned as it swelled and began to shoot. “Mom, I’m cumming. Cumming in your hot pussy. Take it all. Take all my hot cum.” he cried as he fired wad after wad of hot seed into his mother.Feeling her son’s cum spray into her cunt took Millie over the edge. Her cunt began squeezing and milking the cock within her. Her whole body shook with the force of her orgasm. “Cumming! I’m cumming with you. Mommy is cumming so hard on my boy’s cock. Fill me with your seed. Pour that cum inside my pussy.”Lynn slowly pulled out of his mother. He watched as her cunt leaked his cum out onto the floor. Then he looked over at Ann and Louise. Both were panting hard, their faces covered with each other’s juices. He lay back and drifted off to sleep. Mother, wife, and daughter. If this kept up they would kill him before a week was up. Mark needed to get home, and soon. He needed help with these three. Mark needed to get home.Ch. 3: Mark’s HomecomingThe day had finally arrived. Mark was coming home. Lynn was glad. After that first hectic day of fucking, Louise, Ann, and Millie had relented a little. But he was still having sex with at least two of them every day. It had been going on that way for two weeks. In one sense he was in heaven. In another it would be good to have some help with his horny family.It was Thanksgiving week. Mark’s break began after classes on Tuesday and lasted until the following Monday. He would be home in time for supper. The girls had been planning for his arrival for two weeks. Louise worked in an office of mostly women with a female boss. As a result, she always got the Wednesday before Thanksgiving off as all of the women wanted time to prepare for the holiday. Lynn still worked until 3:00 PM on Wednesday. Ann’s classes ended about the same time. This would give Louise most of the day Wednesday to seduce her son and fulfill her fantasy of having him fuck her. From there Ann and Lynn would be brought into the scene. And on Thanksgiving Day, which was always spent at the farm, Millie would get her chance to fuck her grandson.Mark arrived home just in time for supper, as planned. After eating the family gathered in the living room to catch up on what was going on in each other’s lives. Lynn and Louise sat on the couch. Louise had dressed special for the occasion. She wore a shirt and a pair of cutoffs. The cutoffs had been a pair of loose fitting jeans, but they had gotten holes in the knees so Louise cut them off for shorts. For tonight she had cut them extra short so that when she sat and spread her legs a little you could see past them right up into her crotch. Tonight she was not wearing panties so Mark could get a clear view of her naked cunt through the leg opening. Ann wore her school clothes, a simple skirt and blouse. She was not wearing panties either. At first she sat modestly on a chair near Mark. Mark was sitting in the chair across from the couch.As they shared about what was going on at work and school it was evident Mark was getting more and more distracted. He was having a hard time keeping his eyes away from his mother’s crotch. Louise smiled and pretended not to notice. At the same time she shifted a little to give him an even better view of her now wet pussy. As the conversation continued Ann faked boredom, went over, turned on the TV, and sat on the floor in front of her chair to watch it. She raised her legs, holding her skirt up around her knees. This formed a sort of tent out of her skirt and her bare pussy was plainly visible for anyone who wished to look. When Mark first saw it he almost jumped. He quickly looked over at his parents and wondered why they did not say anything to Ann. Seeing the shaved cunts of both his mother and his sister made him nervous. It also made him hot as his cock began to grow in his jeans. As soon as he could, without being rude, he excused himself saying he was tired and needed to get to bed. As he left, trying to hide his erection, his family smiled. Step one accomplished. Now on to step two.Shortly after Mark headed to bed the rest of the family did too. Lynn and Louise left their door open just a little, in case Mark wanted to look in. Then they removed their clothes and began making love on the bed. Both were deliberately loud in their lovemaking. They wanted Mark to hear what was going on. Knowing Mark was listening made it even hotter for them. Lynn fucked Louise hard and fast, bringing her to a crashing orgasm as he pumped his cum into her hot body. Mark had just settled in bed and had begun to masturbate to the vision of both his mother’s and his sister’s cunts when he heard his parents go to bed. Soon he could hear their moaning and groaning. “Oh, Lynn, fuck me. My pussy is so hot. Drive that big cock in me. Fuck my hot pussy.” he could hear his mom shout.His dad responded, “Such a hot, wet pussy. I love to fuck your tight hole, honey. I’m going to fuck the shit out of you. Fuck you until you cum and cum.””Oh, shit.” Mark moaned as he listened to his parents. His hand moved faster and faster on his hard cock.”Yes, honey, fuck me. Oh, I’m going bursa escort bayan to cum, honey. I’m cuuuummmminnnng. Oh, shit. Fuck me. Cum in my hot cunt. Fill me with your hot seed. Fuck me.” Mark could tell his mom was having one heck of an orgasm.”Take it, Louise. Take my cum. I’m cumming in your hot pussy. Take it all.” As his dad pumped his cum into his mother, Mark’s cock bucked and strand after stringy strand of cum shot from his cockhead and landed on his legs. It was one of the best cums he had had in a long time. He cleaned himself up and soon fell asleep, dreaming of his hot, fucking mother.The next morning Mark woke up, showered, dressed, and headed down to breakfast. His dad and sister were already gone. His mom was cleaning up some dishes in the kitchen. She was still in her robe. “Good morning.” he said cheerfully. He was a little uncomfortable. He was seeing his mother in a whole new light and didn’t know how to handle it.”Good morning, honey.” she replied, smiling at him. “Sit down and I’ll get your breakfast for you. Did you sleep well?””OK.” he said, sitting at the table. “It’s good to be home in my own bed again.”Louise brought him a plate with some ham and bacon and eggs on it that she had been keeping warm in the oven. As she leaned over to put the plate in front of him her robe opened just enough so Mark got a good look at his mother’s tits hanging loose inside. Mark could tell she was naked under the robe and it gave him an instant hard on.Louise went on as if nothing had happened. “I’m going to need your help this morning. I want to clean the shelf above the cupboards in here today. I can get up OK to get everything down and to clean. But it would be so much easier if I could just hand them down to you rather than get up and down all the time.””Sure. No problem. Whatever.” Mark had hoped to get away from his sexy mother and compose himself. But if she needed his help he couldn’t refuse.”I’ll go and get dressed and be right back. Finish your eggs and then we’ll get to work.” Louise headed up to her bedroom to change.Mark was thankful for the solitude as he got his composure back and his cock down. He put his dishes in the sink and turned around just as his mother returned. He lost his composure all over again. She was dressed in a T-shirt and the same shorts she had worn last night. What was worse, the T-shirt left no doubt that his mother was not wearing a bra. Her breasts moved freely as she walked.Louise moved a stool near the countertop and climbed up. She began removing items from the shelf and handing them to Mark. “Put these by the sink for now. I want to wash them before we put them back.” she told him.From his vantage point, every time he looked up to get another piece from his mother he could see right up the leg openings of her shorts. Just like last night, she was not wearing panties. He could see her shaved pussy just as clear as day. His cock began to grow hard.Finally Louise passed down the last item and told Mark to bring her a pail of soapy water so she could clean the shelf. When he lifted it up on the counter she reached down, took the rag and began to wipe the shelf. The rag dripped water all over the front of her T-shirt, making it transparent. When she turned to rinse the rag out Mark was treated to the sight of his mother’s wet tits through the wet T-shirt. She may as well have been naked for all the shirt hid now.Without a thought to her appearance, Louise got down from the counter and moved over to the sink. She began washing the items from the shelf. She made sure that she splashed more water on herself as she washed. Her nipples stood out against the wet material as she exposed herself to her son. She asked Mark to dry them for her so she could put them back right away. She smiled as she watched him try to steal sideways glances at her nakedness. Just a little more she thought and you and I are going to have some real fun.Once the items were washed and dried Louise again got up on the counter. Mark handed each piece to her and she put them back in their proper places. Each time Mark handed up another piece he was again treated to a view of his mother’s naked pussy. By now he was so horny he was not even trying to hide his stares. Now he’s ready, thought Louise.After the last piece was put away she climbed down and suggested they sit in the living room and have some tea. Mark sat in the same chair he used last night. Louise sat on the couch, opened her legs and let her son look at her pussy and tits, which were still visible through the wet T-shirt. Mark couldn’t help staring as his cock hardened. Absentmindedly he used his hand to shift it to a more comfortable position in his pants.”Do you like what you see?” she asked him quietly.”Uh…What?….Uh, oh.” Mark blushed at being caught looking at his mother that way.”Do you like what you see?” she asked again. “It sure seems like you do if the bulge in your pants is any indication.” She smiled.Mark was puzzled. His mother did not seem to mind that he was looking at her tits and pussy. And then it dawned on him. She was doing it on purpose. She wanted him to look. He blushed again. “Uh…yea. I like what I see very much.””Well, what are you going to do about it? Are you just going to sit over there and look or are you going to come over here and show me just how much you really like what you see?” She began removing her T-shirt and shorts as Mark’s mouth fell open in astonishment.In a matter of seconds Louise was naked. She lay back on the couch, spread her shapely legs, and began to play with her wet pussy in front of her son. Mark, moving as if in a trance, stood and walked over to the couch. He looked down, watching his mother’s fingers play with her swollen cunt lips. His hormones took over. Mother or not, this was too much. No hot-blooded young male could resist what she was offering. With a groan he knelt between her legs, lowered his head and began licking her hot twat.Louise moaned as she felt his tongue touch her most intimate place. “Yes, honey. Lick mommy’s pussy. Suck on my hot twat. Stick your tongue in me. Tongue-fuck your mother’s hot, wet pussy.” As she urged her son on, she reached up and began to squeeze and knead her breasts. At last her fantasy was coming true. She was having sex with her wonderful son.Between the thoughts going on in her mind and the double stimulation on her tits and pussy, it did not take Louise long to cum. With a sudden cry of “I’m cumming,” her cunt juices poured out of her pussy and into her son’s waiting mouth. Mark drank every drop as his mother ground herself onto his face. When it was over he stood and looked down at his mother’s flushed body. She was so beautiful, he thought. He reached up and removed his shirt. Then he pulled off his pants and underwear. His cock stood out hard and proud from between his legs. Seeing her son’s hard cock for the first time, Louise sat up and quickly took him into her mouth. His cock was wonderful. It was thick and hot. She knew it would feel so good buried inside her. Keeping his cock in her mouth she looked up at her son’s face. He was smiling down at her. His eyes shined with the lust he felt. She reached up and began to caress his smooth, firm chest as she sucked him. Suddenly, without warning, he threw his head back, groaned, and came in her mouth. She swallowed again and again, drinking all of it. He tasted great. She could really get used to this. After his orgasm weakened, he sagged to the floor, his knees too weak to hold him up. Louise followed him down, not letting his cock go for a moment. She continued to gently suck. He remained hard in her mouth. When she was sure he would not wilt, she let him go. Crawling up next to him, she whispered, “When you are ready I want you to fuck me. I need my handsome, sexy son to fuck my hot pussy and fill me with his white, hot cum.”Her words sent a shiver down Mark’s back. He immediately rolled over, pushing her to her back. He climbed over her. As she opened her legs to welcome him, he lowered himself onto her, his cock sinking into her hot, wet pussy. She pulled him tight against her taut breasts and thrust her pelvis up to meet him. Both mother and son moaned as they united in this i****tuous dance of love.”Ooohhh, yesssss! Fuck me! Your cock feel soooo good in my hot pussy. It stretches me so much. I’ve wanted you for so long. And now you’re here, fucking me like I’ve always dreamed. Fuck mommy hard. Drive your big cock into me and fuck me hard. Oh, I love it. Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Louise was in heaven. Her son was doing it. He was fucking her for all he was worth. She drove her mound up to meet his every thrust. In and out he went, pounding away at her tender flesh. She wished it could go on forever.His mother’s words stoked the fires of Mark’s lust. She was one hot, sex-starved woman. And she was begging him to fuck her hard. Well, he aimed to please. He pounded her as hard as he could. His pelvis stung each time he slammed it into hers. Her pussy was so hot, so tight. He was soaring on the feelings of fucking his own mother. This was the portal through which he was born. And now he was back there, his rock-hard cock was buried deep in the hole that gave him birth. Again and again he thrust his lust hardened cock into her. Leaning down he began to suckle her breasts. In no time they both reached a fevered pitch as they climbed the mountain of bliss.And then they went over the top. Louise’s cunt collapsed around her son’s cock as an intense orgasm rocked her body. “I’m cuuummmminnng!” she screamed. ” Cumming so hard! Cum with me, Mark. Cum in my hot pussy. Fill mommy with your hot cum. Oh, I’m cumming so good!” The feel of her pussy squeezing and sucking his pistoning cock, along with her hot words, sent Mark over the edge. He drove himself into her one last time and held himself there as his cock jumped and jerked. “Cumming!!!” he cried. Glob after glob of his man-juice shot into her depths. He came and came, forcing more and more cum into his mother’s pussy. It overflowed and ran down onto the floor.Mark collapsed on top of his mother’s body. Breathing hard, he placed his mouth over hers and kissed her deeply. For long moments they lay there as their tongues danced together. Slowly Mark’s cock slipped out of her cunt. They were both wet with their cumming. Breaking free Mark sat up and watched as his cum dripped from between his mother’s pussy lips. She lay there posing for him. Then she reached down, coated her fingers with his seed and licked them clean. “You are such a wonderful lover.” she told him.The rest of the day was a blur for Mark. His mother had several chores for them to do together and they did them all in the nude. Twice more they stopped to have sex. They sucked each other off. They fucked. He even ass-fucked her once. It was only when it was getting close to time for Lynn and Ann to get home did his mother allow them to get dressed.At 3:00 PM Lynn left work. He stopped by the school to pick up Ann on his way home. As soon as she was in the car and they were out of the parking lot, she reached under her skirt and removed her panties. Lynn reached over and began to finger his daughter’s pussy. It was already wet with anticipation of what was to come. “Do you think mom and Mark had a good time today?” she asked. “I hope so,” he answered. “We’ll know soon.”When they arrived home everything seemed normal. Mark was helping his mother wash windows. “How’d things go today?” Lynn asked, kissing his wife. “Just great.” she replied. “Couldn’t have been better.” Lynn and Ann exchanged smiles. They knew Mark was now part of their fucking family. Both went inside to change.After they had been gone for awhile, Louise went over to her son and kissed him, reaching down to fondle his cock. She felt it respond but Mark pulled away. “We can’t,” he said. “What if they come back?” Louise grabbed her son’s hand. “You still don’t get it, do you?” she said. “Come with me.” She led him into the house and back to her bedroom. The door was partially open. She knew what they would see there. It had all been planned ahead of time. “Look,” was all she said.Mark looked through the opening in the door. What he saw gave him an instant hard on. There on the bed were Lynn and Ann. Both were naked. His dad was laying on his back. His sister was sitting astride his hips. Mark could see her stretched cunt lips as they road up and down on her father’s cock. While he watched, his sister leaned forward and his dad began to fondle her tits. “Oh, dad. Your cock feels so good inside me. I love fucking you.” he heard her say. “You sure have a hot pussy today, honey. It feels so tight and wet. Fuck your daddy hard.” Mark was getting really hot watching them go at it and listening to their sex talk.”Let’s join them.” Louise said. When Mark looked at her she had already stripped off her clothes and was headed into the bedroom. As she approached the bed, Ann said, “Hi, mom,” as though nothing was going on. Mark watched his mother get on the bed and straddle his father’s face. “Eat me,” she said as she settled her cunt over his mouth. “Eat me while you fuck our daughter…Mark, get naked and join us. Hurry up. I want to suck your cock while your father eats me.”Mark quickly shed his clothes. With his hard cock leading the way he joined the rest of his family on the bed. Ann reached up and grabbed his cock. She held it as her mother licked the head. Then she put it in her own mouth and sucked before letting her mother have it again. Soon the sexual excitement began to build for all of them. Louise ground her pussy on her husband’s face as he sucked and licked at her clit. She and her daughter were giving her son one heck of a sucking and had him nearly out of his mind with pleasure. Ann enjoyed sharing her brother’s cock with her mother. At the same time she was getting ready to cum and was really driving her cunt down on her father’s cock. All the stimulation was getting to Lynn as well. His wife’s pussy was pouring out it’s juices, and his daughter’s cunt was getting hotter by the second. Subconsciously they all worked to cum together. They almost achieved it. Mark, who was new to this group activity, came first. He shot his load all over the faces of his mother and sister. Louise came next from the combination of her husband’s tongue and having her son cum on her face. Her cum juice flowed from her into her husband’s mouth. At the same time Ann slammed down one last time on her father’s cock, grinding her clit into his pelvic bone. As her brother came on her face, her cunt spasmed around her father’s cock as she came and came. With his wife cumming on his face and his daughter cumming on his cock Lynn could hold out no more. His cock erupted and he sent spurt after spurt of cum into Ann’s pussy.As they all fell apart Ann grabbed her brother and gave him a big kiss. “I want you to fuck me,” she told him. “You’ve been fucking mom all day. Now it’s my turn.” She reached down and fondled his cock. Mark didn’t have a chance to go soft. He had often dreamed of sex with his sister and now she was begging him for it. He rolled her onto her back, climbed between her legs, and drove his cock into her cum-filled pussy.Lynn and Louise held each other close as they watched their c***dren make love. Lynn escort bursa gently stroked his wife’s clit. She played with his cock. They both gave a contented sigh. Their family was really becoming close. They continued to watch until Mark and Ann reached their mutual orgasms. Ann cried out in joy as Mark filled his sister with his seed, mixing it with his father’s in her pussy. Afterwards they all cleaned up and had supper. That night Mark slept with his sister. But from the way it sound to Lynn and Louise they didn’t do much sleeping. Lynn and Louise didn’t either for that matter.Ch. IV: Thanksgiving FunAnn and Mark, both naked, slipped quietly into their parents’ bedroom. It was almost 9:00 AM. Louise and Lynn were still asleep. They smiled and got on each side of the bed. Slowly they removed the covers. They stood there for a moment, admiring their parents’ naked bodies. Then they carefully climbed into bed. Ann gently picked up her father’s cock and began to kiss and lick it. It began to twitch and grow until she was able to put it in her mouth and suck on it. Mark carefully moved his mother’s legs and positioned himself between them. He lowered his head and began to lick up and down her bald slit. Louise moaned as her cunt became wet and puffy. For several minutes the two c***dren performed oral sex on their parents. Both parents began to stir as they became more and more aroused. And then they were awake.Lynn looked down and saw his daughter’s face looking up at him. She had his erection in her mouth and her eyes danced with lustful light. He smiled at her, put his hand on her head, and guided her in fucking her face on him. “Good morning, sweetheart.” he said, “What a wonderful way to wake up.”Louise watched her son’s face as he continued to lick and suck at her hot pussy. She opened her legs to give him better access. “Lick mommy good, honey.” she said, “Now that you’ve gotten me so horny, you better not stop until you make me cum, you motherfucker you.”Mark suddenly climbed up over his mother. In one swift motion he buried his hard, young cock in his mother’s hole. “Motherfucker, huh. I’ll show you what it is to be a motherfucker,” he growled. He began to drive his cock in and out of her hot cunt.Taking Mark’s clue, Ann straddled her father’s hips, grasped his thick cock, centered it, and quickly sank down, burying it inside her little, wet twat. “If Mark is a motherfucker,” she said, “I’m a fatherfucker.” And she began bouncing up and down on his rigid member.Lynn looked at his wife. “What are we going to do with these horny k**s of ours?” he jokingly asked. “I guess we better fuck them good.” she replied. “Wait a minute here.” she continued. “Who are the parents around here? Them or us?” “We are,” he said. “Then we should be doing the fucking. We should be showing them how it is done.” she countered. And with that she began to tickle her son and push him off of her. When he fell on the bed, she quickly straddled him, drove her cunt down over his cock and began fucking him for all she was worth. Her pussy seemed to eat him alive. Mark groaned with the excitement of having his mother take the aggression in their lovemaking.Lynn grabbed his daughter, pulled her off his cock and threw her on the bed. He bent her legs back against her chest and thrust himself into her wide open pussy. He began to ravage her as he pounded into her again and again. “Yes, yes, daddy.” Ann squealed. “Fuck me. Fuck me hard. Pound your cock into my hot pussy. Make me cum, daddy.”With the fast, hard pace both couples were using it did not take long for all four of them to reach the point of no return. Louise ground her wet pussy down on her son’s hard cock as it spasmed, milking his prick with a sucking motion. Mark reached up, grabbed his mother’s hips, and held her down as he thrust up and emptied his cum into her hot twat. Lynn gave one last, deep thrust into his daughter’s cunt and blasted his seed into her hot depths. Feeling her father’s cum spurt into her womb sent Ann over the edge. Her pussy quivered as it clamped down around his shooting rod.Slowly the couples came apart and rested on the bed. All were breathing hard. Lynn looked at the clock and said, “We better get going if we are going to get to the farm in time for Thanksgiving dinner.”Mark looked at his parents. “Why can’t we just stay here and have our own Thanksgiving fuck party?” he asked.”But then you would miss out on the fuck party at grandma’s.” Ann replied.”Fuck party at grandma’s?” Mark was puzzled.”Sure,” Louise said, “Your grandmother can be quite a hot piece of ass when she wants to be. Can’t she, honey?””She sure can,” replied Lynn. “And lately she has wanted to be a real hot piece of ass.””Dad, you’re fucking your mother?” Mark asked excitedly. “Since when?”Then Lynn, Louise, and Ann filled Mark in on what had been going on around the Benton household over the last few weeks. How Millie caught them and then joined in. When Mark heard about it he said, “Well, what are we waiting for? Let get ready and go. I can’t wait to see just how hot grandma really is.” And with that they all headed to the bathrooms to clean up and get ready to go to grandma’s for Thanksgiving.Mildred Benton met her son’s family at the door as they arrived. She greeted each with a hug and a kiss, just like normal, except the kiss now included a little tongue for each. When she drew Mark into her arms, she could feel the hard excitement between his legs. As she kissed him, she ground her mound against it. Mark moaned as he sucked on his grandmother’s tongue and felt her press against his hard cock. He reached down and cupped her ass, pulling her tighter against himself. When they broke the kiss, Millie smiled and said, “I see the family told you about me.”Mark replied, “Yes, they did. And I can’t wait to get into your panties myself, grandma.”Millie laughed, “That will be a little hard to do, Mark. I’m not wearing any panties. See.” And with that she raised the hem of her dress and revealed her naked pussy to her grandson. It still had a tuft of hair on her pubic mound. But the lips had been shaved clean for better eating.”Wow!” Mark exclaimed, looking at her cunt with lust in his eyes. “It’s beautiful, grandma. I can’t wait to bury my cock in there.””After dinner, Mark, after dinner.” Millie said as she dropped her dress back into place. “Let’s finish getting dinner ready. Then we can eat. After that the fun will start.”Together they set the table, finished up the last minute preparations, and set the food on the table. There was a lot of groping and touching going on during this time. It seemed that no one could keep their hands to themselves. Eventually dinner was served and they all ate a hearty Thanksgiving meal. During the meal, Louise filled Mildred in on what had been happening at their home, how she seduced Mark and how Lynn and Ann had joined in. She also told her how the k**s had awakened them this morning. After dinner was over and the dishes were done, they all gathered in the living room.Millie turned to her grandson, unbuttoned her dress, and let it fall to the floor. She stood naked before him. “Well, Mark,” she said. “Earlier you said you couldn’t wait to fuck me. What do you think of your old grandmother’s body? Do you still want to fuck this hot pussy?”Mark began to take his clothes off as fast as he could. “Grandma, you’re not old. You look great! And yes, I still want to fuck your hot pussy.” he replied as he took her into his arms.”Good,” she answered, as she grabbed his hard cock in her hand. “I’ve been looking forward to this ever since your father pumped his first load of cum in my hot pussy. I want both of you to fuck me. Father and son, son and grandson, both fucking my hot, wet pussy until I cum and cum.”With that she pulled her grandson down onto the floor where they began to kiss and caress each other. Millie played with his young cock and balls as Mark kissed and sucked her sagging tits. His hand reached down to finger her shaved twat. He found it wet and ready. Slowly he kissed his way down her belly and buried his face between her legs. As she shifted beneath him to take his cock in her mouth, he began to lick her twat, his tongue darting here and there, in and out, tasting her wet juices.While they 69’d, the rest of the family undressed and got together to watch this grandmother-grandson coming together. Lynn sat where he could watch the action over his shoulder. Ann placed her young twat in her dad’s face, urging him to suck her hot juices. Louise bent down and took her husband’s cock in her mouth and began gently sucking on it. After a few minutes they switched places. Ann sucked her dad’s cock and Lynn ate out his wife’s dripping pussy.Mark raised up and shifted around to lay on top of his grandmother. She spread her legs wide to accept him. She grabbed his cock in her hand and guided it into her hot hole. As he eased into her, she cried out, “Oh yes, Mark. Fuck me. Fuck your grandmother’s wet pussy. Let me feel that hard young cock of yours deep inside me.”As his grandmother’s pussy sucked his cock into her depths, Mark groaned, “Grandma, your cunt is so hot! It’s burning my cock. I love your hot, wet pussy. Oh, fuck.” And with that he began to fuck his grandmother in earnest. In and out he pounded, trying to bury balls and all in her hot depths.As Lynn watched his son fuck his cock into his mother he almost came. But remembering his mother’s words that she wanted both of them to fuck her, he held back. Instead, he pulled Ann up and began to suck her tits as he reached between her legs to finger her little cunt. He found it to be very wet as he slid two fingers up into her. “Yes, daddy, suck my tits. Finger my pussy. Play with your horny daughter and make me cum.” Ann cried out as she humped herself on her father’s hand.Louise moved down and straddled her husband’s hips. She centered herself over his cock and lowered herself, taking it into her tight pussy. As she watched her son fuck her mother-in-law, she tried to match her movements to his. Up and down, in and out, she fucked her husband.Mark was getting close to cumming. His grandmother’s pussy was getting hotter and hotter. She was thrusting up to meet him every time he drove his cock into her. Their pubic bones ground together. He looked down at her. Her head was bent back, her eyes closed, her mouth open. Her tits bounced on her chest with every thrust of his cock. She was moaning out his name. He had never seen her so beautiful, he thought. Then, suddenly, she stiffened under him. Her pussy went wild as it began to suck and quiver around his cock. As she came, she cried out, “Oh, yes. So goooddd! I’m cumming, Mark. Fuck me hard. Drive that hard cock into my pussy. I’m cumming sooo goooddd! Fill grandma’s cunt with your hot cum. Cum with grandma! Cum in my hot pussy!”Hearing his grandmother beg for his cum sent Mark over the edge. With one last hard thrust he held himself deep in her twat as his cockhead swelled and burst, sending glob after glob of cum into her. Again and again he shot his load into her. “Cumming, grandma. I’m cumming in your hot pussy. Take it all. Take all of my hot seed. I’m cuuummminnng, grandma.” As the last of his cum poured into his grandmother’s twat, Mark collapsed on her chest. They lay together for a moment to regain their breath. Looking down at her Mark smiled. His grandmother smiled back. “You were wonderful, honey. You can fuck me anytime you want.” she said, and then she kissed him.The combination of hearing her grandmother and brother cumming and the feel of her father’s fingers in her cunt while he sucked her tits sent Ann into her orgasm. She gasped and ground herself against him as her juices poured out over his hand. Louise also came as she listened to her son cum in her mother-in-law’s tight cunt. She ground her tender pussy down around Lynn’s cock and shuttered in orgasmic release. With both his wife and his daughter cumming on him, Lynn almost lost it and came himself. Somehow he gritted his teeth and held on. He still wanted to fuck his mother, adding his seed to that of his son in her hot hole.Mark rolled off his grandmother. Louise eased herself off her husband’s cock. Ann sank to her knees as her legs would not hold her up. Lynn crawled over to his mother, his still hard cock swaying between his legs. He looked at her. She looked at him and smiled. Then she reached out her arms and opened her legs. Lynn looked at her pussy. It was wet with the results of her cum. Mark’s cum was beginning to seep out. Lynn bent down and kissed his mother’s wet pussy and then grabbed his cock, placed it at her opening, pushed forward, and slowly slid into her cum-filled cunt. She groaned as he filled her. He loved the feel of her sloppy, wet cunt. “I’m going to love sloppy seconds” he thought. Soon he and his mother were fucking away, enjoying the feeling their love-making gave them.As Lynn fucked his mother, his wife moved over to her son. She took his slime-covered cock into her mouth and began to lick him clean. Ann joined them. She placed her little twat over her brother’s face and lowered herself down until it was right over his mouth. As his mother sucked him to aroused hardness, he captured his sister’s hard clit in his mouth and began sucking. Soon all five Bentons were lost in sexual heaven.Because of all the earlier stimulation he received, Lynn felt he could not last too long. He began to drive his cock hard into his mother’s wet pussy. He would twist and grind against her clit. He pounded in and out, faster and faster. He wanted her to cum with him. But then it was too late. He felt his orgasm surge up inside him. His balls twitched. His cock expanded. He began to shoot his seed into her, joining his cum to that of his son inside his mother’s womb. He put his head down on her breasts and groaned as he poured himself into her.Millie felt her son’s cum shoot into her hot twat. Knowing that she now held both her son’s and grandson’s seed in her body, she sighed and pulled her son close. She shook as she let her orgasm overtake her. Soon they calmed down. When Lynn moved away from his mother, Ann could see the double load of cum leaking from her grandmother’s pussy. She got off her brother’s face, knelt between her grandmother’s legs, and began to suck the cum from her twat. Mark watched his sister suck their grandmother. He realized that she was the only woman of the family he had not yet fucked that day. He eased his mother off his cock and crawled behind his sister. Lifting her ass a little, he sent his cock deep into her with one hard thrust. Ann’s face was pushed down into her grandmother’s pussy as her brother entered her. She groaned and thrust her butt back against him. “Fuck me, Mark,” she said. “Fuck me good while I eat grandma’s pussy.” Then she put her head back down and resumed her sucking. Millie moved around so she could watch her grandson fuck her granddaughter. She kissed and licked at their joining, adding pleasure to their coupling.Louise needed a hard cock in her hot cunt. She went over to her husband and sucked his cock hard again. Then she sat on him, taking him deep into her hungry pussy. Watching her c***dren fuck with their grandmother, she began bouncing up and down on Lynn’s cock. He reached up and began to squeeze her tits as she fucked him. He looked around. Yes, he was a normal man with an average family all right. An average family that just loved to fuck each other silly, that’s all. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.

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DrinkingDrinkingWhen I was younger me and my mates would all meet up and go out on the lash and get pretty hammered, in our stupour we would hit on the girls and see if we could get lucky. This one night I was chatting to this girl and she was shit faced drunk, she could hardly stand so I figure I am in here HA HA. So I get her in a cab back to hers she was sick in the cab dirty bitch but i was not put off. I finally get her in to her bedroom and she starts kissing me with her stinky sick mouth so i push her onto r=her knees pull my trousers down and make her start sucking my cock, she was doing ok and was getting me reeally hard I thought i woould repay canlı bahis the favour I got her to lay down I pulled her knickers to one side and started to lick her juicy cunt I was really working her clit and I start to nibble it and she moans i stick some fingers into her snatch and carry on licking. My cock by now is hard as a rock I could see her juice running down her arse cheeks to her little brown star so I licked that for the first time my god my cock had never been bigger, I wedged my thumb into her puckered hole and went back to licking her clit this sent her way over the edge this was the biggest orgasm i had ever given to a girl she was screaming bahis siteleri the house down, I had 3 fingers in her cunt and 2 in her bum I could feel her muscles spasm, it was fantastic. By now she is content and can’t be bothered but I mount her and start fucking her hard and fast I am desperate to cum but I realise i need to pee but I don’t want to stop so with my cock still inside her I relax my bladder and let out a stream of piss into her hole, i pound her some more before releasing more piss into her. Now pissing with a hard dick is difficult but pissing into a drunken bitch who can hardly stay awake is fantastic fun but even more difficult. güvenilir bahis so I relax my cock it begins to soften and i start pissing proper while I am still inside her. I can feel it streaming out of her onto my balls i can’t help but laugh. I can feel the bed is soaking I start pumping her getting back to full hardness its like fucking a swimming pool but i am soo hard I pound her good. I take my cock out move up the bed and fuck her mouth she seems to know what is expected of her as she lets my piss and cream covered cock into her mouth and I explode stream after stream of cum painting her tonsils. Fantastic I think, I move off her bed I look at her lying there covered in piss still in most of her clothes my cum in her face and dribbling out of her mouth. It was brilliant what a night I think, i then find me trousers and pants and fuck off before she wakes up.

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At the Lake part 1.5

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At the Lake part 1.5″OK girls, you get 21 spanks each, who wants to start?”offered Jane. The girls looked at each other and Tracystepped forward to get things going. Tracy moved to a pointon Terry’s left and first ran her hand down his back thengently prodded his ass, which was stretched tight due to theway he was tied. Without warning she drew her hand back andwith what Terry thought had to be all of her strength, struckhis right ass cheek. “Awhhhh…Son of a Bitch!,” Terryyelled. Jane immediately grabbed two pair of panties andstuffed them into Terry’s mouth, so that he could no longeryell. Tracy continued her attack and delivered all 21 blowsto the right side of his ass only. Terry’s muffled cries werenot audible beyond a distance of 5 feet but his body jerkedwith each impact and tears flowed freely down his cheeks.Susan moved in next and delivered all of her spanks tohis left cheek; now his entire ass was aflame, even thoughSusan’s blows were lighter than Tracy’s. Debbie alternatedcheeks as she worked over his poor buns. Now it was Jane’sturn, and she struck with a vengeance. Terry never knew wherethe next blow would land as she would strike a couple of timeson one cheek the a single on the other, moving back and forthuntil she had delivered all 22 remaining spanks. Terry wasnow blubbering, but his punishment was not yet done.Each of the other girls then gave Terry 3 strokes withthe switch, leaving the final 11 for Jane. The hand spankshad stung, but the thin switch positively burned. Jane spacedher lashes at long intervals and used the time to drive herpoints home. “When I tell you to do something, will youcomply immediately?” (Whoosh) “Yes” although muffled, washeard as Terry fought back tears. “When I tell you, you aregoing to be punished, will you submit as told?” (Whoosh),again a muffled “yes”. “And will you bare your bottom?”(Whoosh), “And will you assume whatever position I tell you?”(Whoosh) “And when you are Very Bad will you go get aswitch?” (Whoosh) “Without being told?” (Whoosh) “And youwon’t steal anymore panties?” (Whoosh) “And you will complywith ANY command we give you? (Whoosh) Twenty.At this point, Susan produced a flashlight she had gottenwhen she returned to her campsite and shined it on Terry’sbattered backside. Terry’s ass and upper thighs were coveredby swollen red stripes which were oozing blood and the entirearea was bright red. Jane removed the panties from his mouthand he openly whimpered and cried, his entire body shaking andtrembling. The girls untied him and he fell to the groundlaying on his stomach on the grass, continuing to cry andtremble.”Since you seem to like panties so much Terry,” Janesaid, “I am going to give you all of these,” throwing the pileof panties onto his body. “To spare you the sneaky practiceof stealing them. You will wear these every day from here onout.” “Further, we will inspect you periodically to make sureyou have them on. You will never know where or when, and ifyou don’t have them on, YOU WILL GET 10 STROKES WITH THESWITCH THAT NIGHT!” “Do you understand and agree?” “YesJane” the boy whispered, “What was that?” “Yes Jane” he saidlouder. “Good, now you can go back to your trailer and putsome cream on that cute little red ass of yours,” Janecontinued, “Oh, by the way, since tomorrow is your day off, wewill meet you at 10:00 a.m. at your trailer, and you better bethere or we will tell the whole park who the panty thief is,UNDERSTOOD!” “Yes Jane,” Terry replied. At that point, thegirls walked away leaving Terry nude on the beach with noclothes other than the stolen underwear. Several of the areashe had to traverse on his way back were well lit and he twicehad to hide in bushes to avoid being seen by fishermenreturning from night fishing trips.Fortunately, his mother had some lotion which containeda local anesthetic in the first aid kit, which he gentlyapplied to his battered butt. Terry slept on his stomach thatnight and sex was absolutely the LAST thing on his young mind.The next morning, the four girls went to Terry’s trailerand found him still in bed, laying naked on top of the covers.His ass was black and blue with dark red stripes across itwhere they had beaten him. Everyone, except Jane was shockedat the sight of the damage they had inflicted; Jane however,smiled when she saw the effect. Debbie saw the bottle oflotion setting on the counter canlı bahis and picking it up poured someinto her hand. Then sitting down beside Terry’s tremblingbody, gently applied it to his wounded backside and thighs.Terry sighed as he felt her gentle hand working the anestheticlotion into his flesh and felt the pain lessen, he also becameexcited by the feel of her hand and soon had an erection. Dueto his position on the bed, the girls could not see his hard-on and he hoped they would leave while he dressed; Jane had nosuch intentions.”Well now, What are we going to do with this little pantystealing sissy, girls?” asked Jane, as she stood watchingDebbie apply the lotion. Susan looking at the damage they hadalready done, shuttered and replied, “I don’t know, but hisass sure can’t take much more.” Tracy then spoke, “First havehim get up so we can look him over in the daylight.” “OK,”replied Jane, “Get up you little shit!” Terry was now in apanic, he was hard as a rock and was going to have to displayhis erection to the girls; he turned beet red and rolled ontohis hip facing away from them as he edged off the bed, thenstood with his back to them.Each of the girls then examined his bruised buns, lightlyrunning their fingers over the welts left by the switch; Janehowever, grabbed a handful of cheek and squeezed as shechecked him, causing him to wince with pain. All of thetouching had made his cock even harder than before, while hehad hoped it would go down quickly. All the girls had notedthat his skin on his hips and ass was darker than it shouldbe, but Jane was the one to verbalize it. “You have beensunbathing in the nude…haven’t you Terry?” “Yes Jane,” hewhispered his reply. “Where?” she asked, “The old camp atLevetsville Bay,” Terry said softly. “Turn around and look atme when I talk to you,” Jane directed in a stern voice. Terrycomplied, trying to hide his erection with his hands. “Well,well,” said Tracy, “What DO we have here?” as Terry’s hard 6″cock came into view; “Put those hands at your sides!” Terrycomplied, with his head bowed and his entire neck, face, andshoulders bright red from embarrassment.All of the girls started laughing when they saw Terry’shard-on and told him how “cute” it looked. Terry just gotredder, if that was possible and stood perfectly still.Debbie, reached out and gave the appendage a stroke with hersoft hand, which caused Terry to inhale quickly and a tremorwent through his body. “Nice,” Debbie observed, “smooth andsoft, yet firm.” Each of the other girls now took turnsstroking his cock accompanied by “Oohs and Ayahs” and Tracyand Susan also felt his balls, rolling them between theirfingers. “I don’t like that hair.” said Jane, “I think weshould shave it off.” Before anyone could object, Jane tookTerry’s fathers shaving cream from the counter and applied acoating to his entire crotch area, then told him to lay on thefloor with his legs spread wide.With all four girls hovering over his body, Jane thenproceeded to sc**** what little hair he had from his cock,balls and crotch, leaving him looking like a little boy;except for his healthy sized hard-on. “That looks MUCHbetter,” observed Jane, and the girls again took turns feelinghis crotch and commenting on the smoothness of his nowhairless skin. “Stand up,” Jane directed, and when he did thegirls giggled and laughed at his bobbing penis and teased himabout being beaten and shaved by a group of girls.As Terry stood there red faced with his hard cockprominently displayed, Tracy offered a suggestion. “SinceTerry stole our clothes to be ‘closer’ to us and used them tomasturbate…I think he should jerk-off for us…to show ushow good it felt.” This brought immediate giggles from theother girls and Jane turned to Terry and said, “Do it!””I…I can’t,” whimpered Terry, “Not in FRONT of you girls.””I said DO IT!” demanded Jane as she gave his ass a viciousslap with her hand. Tears flowed down Terry’s cheeks as hegrabbed his cock and proceeded to give the girls a jerk-offshow. They clapped and jeered, laughed and giggled as heworked his cock for them, then as he was about to cum, Janegrabbed a cup and told him to shoot into it. Terry sprayedmore cum than he had ever produced before into that cup. Whenhe was done and his cock limp, Jane pressed the cup to hislips and ordered “DRINK IT!” Terry complied with his entirebody shaking.Jane then bahis siteleri handed him her pink panties and bra anddirected him to put them on, which he did. “Now meet us atyour boat in 30 minutes, We are going on a picnic!” Jane thenushered the girls out leaving Terry tenderly sitting on thebed, clad in Jane’s matching bra and panty set with his bodybeing whacked by tremors and his own cum crusting his lips.Slowly, he put on a pair of cut-offs over the panties and acut-off sweatshirt over the bra, then found a pair of tennisshoes and washed his face before going to the dock.Terry was at the dock at the appointed time, but thegirls were late. When they did arrive, Jane and Tracy pulledup in Jane’s boat and the other two walked, each carrying ashoulder bag. Terry could also see a cooler in the other boatand knew he was in for a long day. The two girls got into hisboat and Jane directed him to take them to the “secret spot”he had found at the old camp. Terry proceeded down the lakefollowed by Jane and Tracy in the other boat. When theyarrived, Terry tied up the boats in a hidden cove and thencarried the cooler, leading the girls up the hill to theclearing. “This is fantastic!” exclaimed Debbie when theyarrived at the clearing overlooking the lake. “There’s evena well,” observed Susan pointing to an old fashion manualpump. “This will do nicely,” said Jane, who then proceeded tospread out a blanket on the ground. Soon, the other girlsalso spread blankets and stripped down to their swim suits;Terry just stood there not knowing WHAT to do. Jane providedthe answer, “Strip,” she ordered, and Terry now stood naked inthe sun light surrounded by four lovely girls wearing bikinis.Debbie looked up at Terry and picking up a bottle ofsuntan lotion, threw it to him. “Put this on my back,” shesaid as she laid on her stomach. As Terry approached her, shereached behind her neck and untied the top strings of herbikini, then did the same to the back ties. Terry moved herlong brown hair up over her shoulder as she laid with her headturned to the left resting on her hands. Then took the bottleand dumped a big glob of lotion into his hand and startedgently working it onto her shoulders and back. The lotionmade her skin feel super smooth and he shifted his position sothat he was now straddling her legs and working his hands upand down with his thumbs alongside of her spine. Debbiesighed at his massaging application and when he was done, toldhim to do her legs. Terry reversed his position, resting hislimp cock against her nylon covered ass, and started workingon her legs. Again he stroked and massaged the muscles as heapplied the lotion and spent considerable time working on herthighs, which she spread as his hands worked upwards from herknees.When done, she looked over her shoulder and then reachedback with her hands and untied the hip strings on her bikiniand pulled the garment from underneath her, depositing it onthe blanket. “Do that too,” she said with a glance towardsher firm ass. Terry reversed positions again, this timesitting on his heels over her knees and could clearly see thelips of her pussy and puckered little asshole as he pouredmore lotion onto his hands. Debbie’s ass was just as itappeared, firm and well muscled and Terry took his timeapplying the lotion, thrilling to the feel of her body. Hetraced a fingertip down the crack of her ass and noticed thelittle jolt in her body as it passed over her asshole, thengently cruised on down and passed over the lips of her cunt.Debbie raised her hips to give him better access and he slowlyinserted a finger into her vagina, while his other fingersmassaged her clitoris. In seemingly no time at all, Debbiemoaned, shuddered and collapsed forward having had a climax.Watching the action, Susan was sitting on the nextblanket and removed her bikini completely before throwingTerry her bottle of lotion. “Me NEXT!” she said with a smileon her face as she displayed her hairless young pussy andsmall breasts to his view, then laid on her stomach beforehim. Terry now moved to Susan and straddled her body with hisnow erect cock resting between the cheeks of her ass. She wasa small girl, only 5’1″ with short blonde hair and deep blueeyes. Almost skinny, her breasts were small, but that was tobe expected on a 12 year old, just into puberty. Terrystarted with her legs, then did her back güvenilir bahis and again finished onher ass and fingering of her very tight pussy. Terry suspect-ed that Susan was a virgin and that the tampons were the onlyprevious intruders into her little slit. Susan screamedloudly as she came and her entire body shook as the convulsiveclimax whacked it, then collapsed onto the blanket and dosedoff to sleep.Tracy was next and also removed her swim suit but insteadof laying on her stomach, laid on her back and told him to doher front. Terry was hard as a rock and his dick bobbed as hemoved from one girl to the other. Tracy pulled her legs up sothat her feet were flat on the ground as he worked on thecalfs, and her pussy was clearly visible with it’s reddishblond hair lightly covering it. When he started on herthighs, she just opened her legs wider, and Terry noted theparting of her cunt lips accompanied that move. He could nowsee her clit and the hole below it, along with a trickle ofjuice flowing from it in anticipation of his hands. Terrymoved up along side her and slowly spread the lotion over herfirm belly then up to her shoulders, arms, and those softballsize tits. Her breasts were firm yet soft and he spent atleast 10 minutes massaging them, concentrating on her erectnipples which jutted up about an inch. He then moved a handdownward and stroked her pussy lips, inserting one then twofingers into that hot opening as she thrashed about below him.Soon, Tracy arched her back, thrusting her pussy against hishand as hard as she could and came with several jerks and adeep moan.Jane had watched as he brought each of the other girls toa climax and massaged their bodies, but when he approached herwith his jutting hard-on, she smacked it with her hand, whichcaused it to deflate somewhat. She allowed him to apply thelotion to her back only and removed no clothing in theprocess. When he was done, she told him to lay on the blanketand applied lotion to his back, ass, and legs; then told himto turn over and coated his chest and belly with the cream.The other girls were watching as she worked the lotion ontohis again hard cock and smooth hairless balls. Jane then toldhim to pull his knees up to his chest keeping them spreadwide. This brought his asshole into view as well as his nakedcrotch and Jane worked her lotion covered fingers around thepuckered little opening. Soon she had inserted one of herfingers and then two. At this point, she reached into her bagand brought out an 8″ dildo which was about two and one halfinches in diameter and greased it with her free hand, thenplaced it at the opening of Terry’s ass.”I’m going to fuck you Terry,” Jane said with a wickedsmile on her face, “Just like the little pussy-assed girl thatyou are.” She then shoved the cock into his ass and he yelpedwith the pain, but she continued shoving until it was fullyburied. Jane then moved forward and extracted the dildo whichhad straps attached to it and fastened it to her hips, thenforced it back into his ass and started thrusting in and out.”Oh God NO!” he cried as she pummeled his ass, rotating herhips as she worked it in and out; tears flowed from his eyesand his body shuddered and trembled at the attack. Afterabout 50 thrusts, he felt his cock jerk and knew that he hadcum on his stomach, without anyone touching his cock. Janestopped her attack with the dildo still fully buried in himand scr****g the cum from his stomach, fed it to him with herfingers until his abdomen was clean. “Now you know what it’slike to be ****D,” Jane said and jerked the fake cock insidehim to emphasize the point. Terry rolled into a ball layingin a fetal position when she withdrew the device from him andjust laid there crying and trembling. Jane would not allowany of the girls to comfort him, she wanted him to feel justas he now did. Jane then kicked him until he rolled off ofher blanket and lay on the ground beside it.The other girls were not too happy about the way Jane hadtreated Terry, but she was the oldest and much larger than anyof them so there wasn’t much they could do about it. Later,after Terry had recovered, Debbie let him lay on her blanketand stroked his body as they laid in the sun; Susan had turnedon a radio, and music filled the air in the clearing. Abouta hour later, they heard the sound of a boat motor enteringthe bay but could not see the boat. When the sound abruptlystopped, they became concerned and the girls immediatelystarted putting their clothing back on, Jane however, wouldnot allow Terry to dress, but told him to hide in the bushesfurther up the hill.

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