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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Belle-MamanCette hisotire m’est arrivé l’année dernière.Cela fait plusieurs années que je suis avec ma femme, et j’ai toujours fantasmé sur ma belle-mère, jolie blonde aux yeux bleu clairs, encore très jolie à son âge (65 ans, 1.68m pour 55kg environ), une bonne poitrine ( au moins 90C je dirais) légerement tombante vu qu’elle a eu 3 enfants, et un cul fantastique, plus charnu que celui de ma compagne, mais quasiment la même forme.Un dimanche nous étions parti rejoindre mes beaux-parents sur la côte, pour manger avec eux et passer l’après-midi ensemble. Juste avant qu’on passe à table, je ne pouvais m’empêcher de la regarder, dès que je pouvais je matais son cul comme un obsédé. Elle portait un débardeur et une jupe jusqu’aux genoux,vu la chaleur qu’il faisait. En fin d’après-midi, je devais ramener ma belle-mère chez elle, son mari restant sur place pour les travaux de l’appartement qui devaient débuter le lendemain…Nous avons donc pris la route, pour un trajet de 2h. Nous discutions de tout et n’importe quoi, comme d’habitude.La fatigue aidant, ma belle-mère s’est assoupi sur la banquette, et dès que je pouvais, je regardais son décolleté dans le rétroviseur. Je commençais à bander comme un fou, mais ma compagne étant à coté de moi, je devais faire comme si de rien n’était.Arrivés à destination, je dépose ma belle-mère chez elle, et ma femme et moi rentrons à la maison. 30 minutes après, le téléphone de ma femme sonne.- Oui, maman ? Oui ? Ah mince. Ok, je lui demande.Elle se tourne alors vers moi:- Chéri, ma mère a un souci avec la télé. Elle demande si tu peux passer pour voir ce que c’est.Moi, trop content d’avoir une occasion de voir belle-maman tout seul, je réponds oui.- C’est bon, maman, il prend la voiture et il arrive.Je me rends donc chez elle, à 5 minutes de chez moi.Je me gare, la tête pleine de pensées assez hard, voire bien dégueulasses.Je sonne et elle m’ouvre quasiment instantanément.- Ah, merci d’être venu. désolé de t’embêter.- Vous m’embêtez pas, allons.Elle me fait rentrer dans le vestibule. Je la suis dans le salon, et je ne peux pas m’empêcher de mater son cul, bien moulé par sa jupe, malgré les contours de sa culotte. Je recommence à bander et je me dis alors “Je paierai cher ne serait-ce que pour la voir nue”. Si j’avais su…Arrivé devant la télé, j’identifie rapidement le problème:- C’est juste le décodeur qui a eu un bug. suffit juste de le redémarrer.- Merci. Si j’avai su, je l’aurais fait. Pardon de t’avoir fait déplacer pour si peu. Tu veux boire quelque chose ?N’étant pas pressé et voulant bakırköy escort en profiter au maximum, je ne me fis pas prier. On se retrouve dans la cuisine, au niveau de l’ilot central. Elle me serre un verre et on discute boulot, projets de sorties, etc… J’ai du mal à la regarder dans les yeux, son décolleté étant assez important. A ce moment là, elle le remarque, car elle me fait un petit sourire en coin et me lance un drôle de regard.Et là, elle me dit quelque chose que jamais je n’aurais cru entendre:- Tu sais, j’ai remarqué plusieurs fois que tu me regardais, et j’ai senti aussi ton regard quand je te tournais le dos. tu me matais, c’est ça ?Ne sachant que répondre, je me mis à bafouiller:- Non, non… euh pas du tout, je sais pas ce qui…- Arrête, chaque fois que vous venez à la maison ou bien en vacances, je te surprends à le faire. surtout cet été, quand j’etais en maillot de bain, je t’ai vu regarder mes seins et mes fesses.Sois franc avec moi: mon corps te plaît ?Pris sur le fait, et me sentant piégé, je me sentis contraint de dire la vérité:- Oui, j’avoue, je regarde des endroits de votre corps que je ne devrais pas. Mais vous êtes ravissante et attirante, je n’y peux rien. Vous avez de jolies formes, et j’adore les femmes mûres qui ont des courbes comme les vôtres. Si ça vous gêne, j’arrête de le faire. Mais n’en parlez à personne s’il vous plaît !- Ne t’en fais pas, je ne dirai rien. Je dois t’avouer une chose: quand je sens ton regard sur moi, eh bien, ça me plaît. ça fait longtemps qu’on ne m’a pas regardé comme tu le fais, et vu ce que tu viens de me dire, j’en suis très heureuse.Elle contourne l’ilot, me rejoint et s’approche de moi et d’une petite voix:- Alors comme ça, je te plaîs ? Tu n’es pas mal du tout non plus…Il faut dire que je fais 1.85m pour 80kg de muscles, grâce à la musculation. sans me vanter, je suis pas bodybuilder, mais bien musclé quand même.Elle se retourne et me dis:- Vas y, touche les, depuis le temps que tu les regardes !A la fois surpris et excité, je m’éxecute sans attendre. Je commence par les caresser, puis je les plote vigoureusement. A entendre les petits soupirs qu’elle pousse, j’en déduis que ça lui fait de l’effet. Son cul est bien ferme, sûrement grâce à la natation. Je fais descendre mes mains le long de ses cuisses, et arrivé au bas de sa jupe, je glisse mes mains dessous:- Je peux ? lui dis-je.- Oui, vas-y… soupire-t-elle.Je commence à remonter sa jupe, et je découvre qu’elle porte une petite culotte en dentelle beşiktaş escort rose. Je continue de lui caresser le cul, puis je me colle à elle et je fais glisser mes mains sur son ventre, et je remonte jusqu’à agripper ses seins bien charnus et volumineux. Elle soupire plus fort et commence à pousser des petits gémissements. Je bande comme un fou, et elle le sent à travers mon jean, car elle commence à faire onduler son bassin. Je commence à l’embrasser dans le cou et sur les épaules, et je fais tomber sur le coté les bretelles de son débardeur et de son soutien-gorge, puis je les abaisse pour libérer ses nichons, afin de mieux les malaxer. Ma bite est en feu mais je décide de continuer mes caresses. Au bout de quelques minutes, je prends les choses en mains. Je la retourne, je commence à lui bouffer les tétons, et sans prévenir, je glisse ma main dans sa petite culotte, et là, je suis surpris de ne sentir aucun poil. Belle-maman s’épile integralement ! Sa chatte est bouillante, preuve que mes caresses font leur effet. je trouve son clito et le tripote d’abord doucement, puis de plus en plus fort, ce qui a pour effet de la faire gémir fort et de la faire mouiller un max, car je sens de la cyprine commencer à tremper sa culotte. D’un seul coup, elle enlève ma main et me dit:- J’en peux plus, prends moi tout de suite. Baise-moi !Pas besoin de me le dire 2 fois. j’abaisse sa ptite culotte qui est mainetnant trempée, j’en profite pour regarder ses fesses enfin offertes à ma vue. Mon dieu, quel cul !!! je la fait asseoir sur le tabouret de bar, elle met ses bras en arrière pour prendre appui sur l’ilot central, et écarte ses jambes en grand. Je déboutonne mon jean, pour enfin libérer mon engin qui souffrait le martyre d’être enfermé. ma queue n’etant pas forcément longue, mais bien large, belle-maman s’exclame:- Elle est plus grosse que je ne le pensais !!!Je me mets entre ses jambes, je positionne ma bite à l’entrée de sa chatte bien ouverte ruisselante de cyprine, et je lui dis:- Ca fait des années que je rêve de faire ça avec vous.Et la j’enfonce ma queue d’une traite, arrachant à belle-maman un cri de jouissance. Je me mets à faire des va et viens, sa chatte est trempée mais encore un peu étroite, malgré les enfants qu’elle a eu. Je m’amuse à changer la cadence, ralentir et faire des mouvements très doux, puis accélérer et la pilonner de toutes mes forces, ce qui au bout de quelques minutes a pour effet de lui faire avoir un orgasme assez violent, car elle crie très fort beylikdüzü escort et son corps se contracte et tremble. Je suis aux anges, j’ai l’impression de rêver: je suis en train de baiser ma belle-mère, dans sa cuisine, et je viens de la faire jouir ! je la laisse reprendre son souffle, et je l’emmène sur le canapé du salon. Elle commence à s’allonger mais je l’arrête:- J’ai envie de vous prendre en levrette. Mettez-vous à 4 pattes, belle-maman !elle s’execute et me présente son cul, avec sa chatte bien ouverte et luisante, et son petit trou tout rose et bien serré. Je la pénètre de nouveau, mais la je ne prends pas de pincettes: je la défonce littéralement, lui arrachant des cris de plus en plus fort. je sens sa mouille couler le long de mes couilles. Un, puis deux, puis trois orgasmes, belle-maman tremble et mouille fort, car ma queue fait un bruit de succion chaque fois que je m’enfonce au fond de sa chatte. Je peine à me contrôler, l’orgasme n’est pas loin, mais le mental reprend le dessus et continue mon assaut. Lorsque pris d’une pulsion, j’introduis mon pouce dans son petit trou. Surprise, elle se raidit et me regarde:- Non, je me suis jamais fait prendre par là !- Eh ben, la première fois ça sera avec moi !Je sors ma bite de sa chatte dégoulinante, et la présente à l’entrée de son cul. Je pousse tout doucement, mon gland commence à rentrer, mais son anus est très serré, un vrai cul de vierge. Je lui dis de se détendre, que ça va aller. J’enfonce ma bite de 2 cm, puis son trou se détend completement et ma bite rentre jusqu’a la garde. je commence a faire des allers-retours. Son cul est tellement chaud et étroit ! je prends un pied monstrueux, je réalise pas: pour moi je ne baise pas ma belle-mère, mais une femme mûre vraiment trop bonne, à qui je donne du plaisir comme elle n’a pas eu depuis longtemps. entre deux cris de plaisir, elle arrive à articuler:- Putain, c’est trop bon. la sensation est différente de celle quand tu m’as pris la chatte !!! Sa me fait tout drôle, je… je… je vais… AAAAAAAHHHHH !!!!!!!Et là, mon fantasme arrive à son paroxysme: Belle-maman se met à gicler de la chatte ! Belle-maman nous fait une belle éjac’ féminine, mais pas la petite giclée d’une jeune femme, non, la bonne giclée d’une femme mûre qui a un orgasme énorme et qui ne controle plus son corps. En entendant ça en et sentant son jus tremper le canapé et mes genoux, je jouis quasiment instantanèment, de longs jets de sperme bien épais, tout au fond de son cul. Je me retire et admire son anus béant, suintant de mon jus de couilles, et sa chatte et ses cuisses luisantes de sa giclée.Nous nous rhabillons, et elle me dit avec un grand sourire:- On recommence quand tu veux ! – Pas de soucis, dis-je avec un clin d’oeil.Ce que je ne savais pas, c’est que ce n’etait que le début d’une longue série de parties de jambes en l’air…A suivre…

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Tales from St.Vincents;Sharon and the Mobile Phone

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Tales from St.Vincents;Sharon and the Mobile PhoneFor Sharon somethings never changed,her schooldays were long in the past.At school she was punished for anything it seemed,usually she would receive the cane for not doing her work,or talking.At thirty-nine she found herself in the same position as she had when attending St.Vincents as a schoolgirl,she was again sitting outside Reverand Mother Gertrude’s private study waiting to receive what had now become known amongst the numerous women who attended for punishment as the Discipline.Sharon was a woman who enjoyed her nights out,she could be loud and indeed had lost friends because she was prone to gossip behind their backs.Sharon was not above telling the nuns at St.Vincents about the behaviour of other women,getting them into trouble.Sharon fished in her hand bag for her mobile phone,somewhere nearby she heard a nun telling off a woman.She checked her messages on her phone and sent a few texts;one to her sister which read;”Hi.girl,Sitting outside the nuns room,will tell you what happened,S”.Sharon heard the Reverand Mother moving towards her door so she quickly put her phone into her bag and pretended that she was up to nothing.The door opened.”Come inside,woman”,Reverand Mother said.Sharon stood up and followed the old nun into her room.Reverand Mother sat behind her table and glared at Sharon.”Now,Sharon this is the third time this month that you have had to come before me.Some women will never learn,” Reverand Mother said.”I have heard that you were kissing and covorting in public and someone has made bursa escort it known to me that you were drunk and involved in a fight with another girl,is this true”?Sharon was in shock,it seemed that someone else was also a snitch for the Reverand Mother,who could it be?Sharon was about to deny it but she thought best.”Yes,Reverand Mother,I am sorry,”Sharon said suddenly aware that a third time in front of Reverand Mother meant a bare bottom punishment.”Just as well you did not deny it Sharon,I have the name of the other woman involved”,the old nun looked down at some written notes in front of her through her roundy spectles;” ah,yes here it is the other woman is Caroline,she has an appointment with me this afternoon,”Reverand Mother said with a smile,taking off her spectles.”Now,Sharon you know what a third visit involves?”Reverand Mother said barely able to contain the excitement in her voice.”Yes,Reverand Mother”,Sharon said quietly,and bowed her head.”Come now Sharon, you would not come here if you did not desire and deserve to be punished,like so many other women”,Reverand Mother reminded.”I think I will use a leather paddle on you,Sharon,and you can think about how common and course your behaviour is while I am beating you,bare your bottom and bend over the table,”Reverand Mother said,clearly excited.Sharon placed her hand bag on a chair and approached the table,she unbuttoned her jeans and left them slide down her legs Reverand Mother smiled her satisfaction and stood up and walked over to another table where she opened a drawer a took out a leather bursa escort bayan paddle.Reverand Mother turned with the paddle in her hands just in time to see Sharon pull down her white knickers and bend over the table.”Take your jeans off completely,woman”,Reverand Mother ordered.Sharon obeyed.Reverand Mother approached Sharon and placed the paddle on the woman’s bottom.Sharon felt a shiver as the cold leather came in contact with her bottom.Sharon thought how much this was going to hurt,she bit her bottom lip and stared straight ahead,attempting to show some defiance.Reverand Mother raised up the paddle and brought it down with one hard slap onto Sharon’s bottom.Sharon felt instant warmth spread across her bottom,she cried out softly.Again the paddle came down,Reverand Mother was enjoying the view of Sharon’s bottom quivering after the slap.Again and again the paddle was brought down,Sharon began to cry out a bit louder.Reverand Mother stopped and used her hand to rub Sharon’s bottom before recommencing the Discipline.Sharon closed her eyes and cried out at each slap.Who told the Reverand Mother about the fight,she thought;she could have denied it but the Reverand Mother knew all the facts.The sound of the paddle being applied across Sharon’s bare bottom was filling the room.Suddenly the sound of the slapping was taken over by the team music from’Sex in the City’.Sharon quickly straightened up,Reverand Mother had ceased the paddling and was looking very angrily in the direction of Sharon’s handbag.Sharon’s ring tone filled the room.”How dare escort bursa you be so insolent,Sharon,turn that racket off at once,you naughty girl”,Reverand Mother said.Sharon rushed to her hand bag,fished inside and pulled the mobile phone out.She glanced at Reverand Mother who was standing by her table stroking the blade of the paddle.Sharon looked at who was ringing,it was her friend Denise.Sharon thought it wise not answer,she just switched the phone off and replaced it in her bag.She looked at the Reverand Mother,”Sorry,Reverand Mother,”Sharon said as she quickly retook her position over the table.”You,naughty woman,you know that these things are forbidden in St.Vincents,”Reverand Mother said placing the paddle back on Sharon’s bottom and recommencing the paddling,this time with more force.Stroke after stroke rained down on Sharon’s bottom.Her bum was really sore now.After quite a few more slaps with the paddle,Reverand Mother sat down and ordered Sharon to bend over her knee.Sharon bent over the old nun’s knee and the Reverand Mother spanked Sharon with her hand for what seemed to Sharon an age.Eventually the Reverand Mother told Sharon she could get dressed but as well as being punished Sharon would have to do penance by standing in the corridor outside Reverand Mother’s study,facing the wall until the Reverand Mother told her she could leave.Sharon quickly dressed and outside the Reverand Mother’s room she stood facing the wall for two hours.The worst thing about doing this kind of penance was that any nun who passed was allowed to issue a slap to the naughty woman.Sharon received many slaps.She regretted her fighting;she wished she knew who had supplied the Reverand Mother with information about what had happen;but most of all she sorely regretted not switching off her moble phone.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

VU SUR LE NET:Julie, Maîtresse d’&eacu

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


VU SUR LE NET:Julie, Maîtresse d’&eacuRetour au lycée Condorcet 2/3Précédemment : Arielle et son petit-copain s’adonnent à des jeux coquins dans les locaux du lycée Condorcet. Malheureusement, ils se font surprendre par le surveillant. Julie Juannot, la proviseure-adjoint, est prête à fermer les yeux sur cet incident si Arielle accepte de suivre ses cours particuliers. La lycéenne ignore alors que sa rencontre avec Julie marquera un tournant décisif dans sa vie…Julie fouille la poche intérieure de sa veste, sans quitter des yeux sa nouvelle élève, puis en fait jaillir un bâillon-boule. Arielle suit du regard la petite balle en silicone de couleur rouge qui se balance sous son nez. Elle ne manifeste aucune résistance lorsque la proviseure-adjoint met en place le bâillon, la contraignant à garder la bouche grande ouverte. Cela devient très vite inconfortable. Elle peut sentir les muscles de sa mâchoire se tendre.– C’est un bâillon-boule, déclare Julie, sans entrer plus dans les détails. Tu dois trouver ça déstabilisant… Mais tu finiras par t’y habituer.Arielle ne dit rien. A vrai dire, elle en est incapable. Elle émet toutefois quelques gargouillis quand la proviseure-adjoint abaisse sa petite culotte à mi-hauteur.– Allons ! Allons ! Je n’ai encore rien fait…Julie plaque sa main contre le sexe moite de sa protégée, le caresse avec lenteur, puis glisse un doigt à l’intérieur. Elle continue encore un moment, prenant beaucoup de plaisir à torturer la jeune fille. Elle va même jusqu’à mordiller son clitoris et lui donner des petits coups de langue. De son côté, Arielle a de plus en plus de mal à résister. Les caresses de la proviseure-adjoint auront bientôt raison de sa personne.– Mmmmh ! Mmmmh !Arielle ne peut contenir plus longtemps ses gémissements. C’est à peine si elle arrive à contrôler les mouvements de son bassin, lui occasionnant quelques brûlures sans la moindre gravité. Et sa frustration est encore anadolu yakası escort plus grande lorsque la proviseure-adjoint cesse son activité, si près de la jouissance.– Oh ! Il fait de plus en plus chaud ici !Julie se dresse à nouveau devant son élève, penche la tête sur le côté et s’extasie en voyant sa mine renfrognée. Elle entreprend alors de défaire sa chemise, enlevant les boutons un à un. Elle prend tout son temps. Puis elle écarte les pans de la chemise. C’est avec une grande fierté que Julie exhibe ses seins, les agitant sous le nez de la jeune fille. Arielle a les yeux rivés sur la proviseure-adjoint. Elle ne rate rien du spectacle.Julie continue de faire rouler sa poitrine entre ses mains. Un sourire narquois passe sur son visage. Elle affiche alors un magnifique godemichet de couleur rose, le fait partir de son bas-ventre et le remonte lentement vers son buste, dessine des cercles autour de ses mamelons, et le glisse dans sa bouche, le léchant sur toute sa longueur. Mais son attention est à nouveau dirigée vers Arielle qui pousse des grognements.– Je ne suis pas sûre de comprendre. Tu disais quelque chose ?Arielle lâche un petit gémissement lorsque la proviseure-adjoint enlève le bâillon de sa bouche, puis agite le godemichet sous son nez comme le ferait un maître avec son chien. Elle dirige sa langue en direction du jouet, adresse quelques coups timides, et le met finalement dans sa bouche en faisant un lent mouvement de va-et-vient.– Magnifique ! A présent, nous allons pouvoir passer aux choses sérieuses.Julie retire le godemichet de la bouche de son élève, lui adresse une petite tape sur le visage et doucement, relève sa jupe, se tortillant légèrement au passage. De fait, Arielle n’a qu’à lever les yeux pour voir le sexe galbe de sa professeure, ainsi que les piercings sur son clitoris et ses grandes lèvres, étincelants et ataşehir escort d’une grosseur démesurée.– Lèche, ajoute la proviseure-adjoint après avoir posé son pied sur le bureau.Arielle sort de sa torpeur, et le plus docilement du monde, commence à lécher la chaussure de sa professeure. Elle ne laisse rien au détail. Par la suite, Julie se glisse dans le dos de sa protégée, satisfaite, et regarde son postérieur avec convoitise.– J’aime tes fesses. Elles sont vraiment magnifiques.Arielle sent une bouffée de chaleur lui monter au visage au moment précis où la proviseure-adjoint les lui caresse.– Ah ! Il semblerait que tu n’ais pas beaucoup d’expérience de ce côté-là. Je vais devoir y remédier.La jeune fille a un sursaut lorsque la main de Julie effleure son petit trou. Elle garde le silence, les paupières fermés, trop honteuse pour réagir. Mais rien n’est plus affligeant que ce picotement qui remonte lentement le long de son dos, la faisant trembler comme une feuille. Et cela ne semble pas échapper à Julie qui lâche un petit gloussement.– Madame, je n’ai jamais… Ah !Julie ne lui laisse pas le temps de finir sa phrase, appliquant son pouce droit sur son petit anneau plissé. Puis elle enfonce son visage dans le sillon de la lycéenne, et agite sa langue dans toutes les directions, particulièrement agile, afin qu’elle soit bien lubrifiée. De son côté, Arielle serre les dents pour ne pas crier son plaisir. Mais elle a énormément de mal à résister.– Aaah !Julie ignore les gémissements de son élève, entièrement focalisée sur son petit trou dégoulinant de salive. Finalement, elle parvient à introduire son index. La réaction de la jeune fille est immédiate. Une décharge électrique la fait tressaillir, qui se propage très vite dans tout son corps, par vague, et toujours plus intense. Arielle proteste lorsque la proviseure-adjoint insinue un deuxième doigt dans son fondement, ümraniye escort sans réelle conviction. Les sensations qu’elle éprouve à cet instant sont tout simplement incroyables. Et sa déception est encore plus grande lorsque Julie quitte ses entrailles.Arielle reprend très vite espoir. Son anus est à nouveau sollicité. Mais la résistance se fait plus forte. Et ce n’est qu’une fois à l’intérieur que la jeune fille réalise son erreur, la prenant complètement au dépourvu. Elle pousse alors un petit cri de surprise.– Voilà, déclare Julie après avoir introduit le godemichet dans les fesses de son élève. C’est dedans, comme je le prévoyais. Et maintenant…(Bruits) Pschitt… Pschitt… (Bruits) Pschitt… Pschitt…Arielle est encore sous le choc. Malgré tout, le plaisir semble à nouveau monter en elle, très doucement, allant même jusqu’à brûler ses entrailles. Et c’est là sa deuxième erreur.– Aïe ! Ça fait mal !(Bruits) Pschitt… Pschitt… (Bruits) Pschitt… Pschitt…Arielle pivote la tête sur le côté, et avec effroi, regarde la proviseure-adjoint serrer une poire de gonflage dans le creux de sa main, à intervalle régulier, faisant augmenter la taille du godemichet.(Bruits) Pschitt… Pschitt… (Bruits) Pschitt… Pschitt…Julie accroît encore la pression, les yeux tournés vers le petit trou dilaté de la lycéenne. Trois centimètres déjà. De sa main valide, elle ne peut s’empêcher de prendre du bon temps, maltraite son petit bouton, et crie son bonheur à qui veut bien l’entendre.(Bruits) Pschitt… Pschitt… (Bruits) Pschitt… Pschitt…– Stop ! Stop ! J’ai trop mal ! s’écrie Arielle, au bord des larmes.Julie laisse éclater sa jouissance et remercie intérieurement Arielle pour lui avoir procuré tant de plaisir. Elle contemple sa main toute poisseuse, puis le petit trou de son élève. Presque cinq centimètres, à sa grande surprise. Finalement, elle vide l’air contenu dans le godemichet et lui rend sa taille initiale, soulageant par la même occasion Arielle.– Merveilleux, annonce la proviseure-adjoint. Tu es vraiment pleine de promesses.Par la suite, la proviseure-adjoint n’eut aucun mal à donner son cours. Arielle se révéla être une élève des plus sérieuses, malgré sa grande fatigue. Et cette séance n’était que la première d’une longue série.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Plan à trois improvisé bisex

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Girl On

Plan à trois improvisé bisexA cette époque, j’avais 30 ans et j’étais en pleine procédure de divorce. Je vivais donc seul chez moi depuis plusieurs mois.Un samedi en début d’après midi, ayant décidé de passer ma soirée à la maison, je me rendis au vidéo club afin d’y louer un bon film et le visionner tranquillement accompagné d’un plateau repas.En sortant du magasin, je croise un très bon copain que je n’avais pas vu depuis plusieurs semaines.- Bonjour Eric (c’est mon prénom) quel surprise, toi aussi tu as envi d’une vidéo ?- Oui, la soirée me semblera moins longue, et puis, tu sais les programmes qu’ils nous passent à la télé, c’est du vu et revu.- Je vais prendre des vidéos aussi, attends moi au bar qui est à côté, nous pourrons discuter plus tranquillement.Quelques instants plus tard, Jean (c’est son prénom) s’installe à ma table et devant notre demi, nous parlons de tout et de rien. Je lui demande :- Comment va Charline ? (c’est le prénom de sa femme)- Bien, me répondit-il, pour le moment, elle prépare les enfants qui vont passer le W.E dans la famille. Et ce soir, nous sommes que tous les deux, d’ailleurs j’ai même loué une vidéo X pour agrémenter notre soirée. Et il se mit à rire en me faisant un grand clin d’œil. Il enchaîne ensuite :- Mais si tu es seul, viens manger à la maison, ça te changera un peu, et puis tu sais que Charline est une excellente cuisinière.-Je ne vais pas gâcher votre soirée en tête à têteMais je n’insistais pas de trop, ayant vraiment envie de voir du monde après une période post conjugale difficile.- Tu ne nous déranges pas du tout, au contraire, et tu sais que Charline t’aime bien et cela lui fera vraiment plaisir.- Soit, mais j’amènerai le dessert et le pétillant qui l’accompagne.- Ok me répond Jean, à ce soir vers 19h00, qu’on est le temps de boire l’apéro avant de passer à table.A l’heure dite, je sonne à la porte de mes amies avec un gâteau, deux bouteilles de vin pétillant ainsi qu’un bouquet de fleurs pour la maîtresse de maison. C’est Charline qui m’ouvre.Charline est d’origine d’une île de l’océan Indien, pas très grande, une peau très bronzée dû à ses origines, un corps sans être parfais, bien proportionné par rapport à sa taille, mais surtout une superbe poitrine qu’un décolleté sur une robe moulante et courte à damner un saint met en valeur.Je l’embrasse en lui offrant les fleurs et en la regardant, je l’a complimente.- Tu es superbe Charline, ne sors pas comme cela dans la rue, il va y avoir une émeute dans tout le quartier. Et pour toute réponse elle me sourit et s’en va dans la cuisineL’apéritif et le repas créole se passent normalement dans l’humour, la bonne humeur et quelques histoires croustillantes.Le repas étant vraiment copieux, nous décidons d’attendre un peu avant de manger le dessert et nous nous installons dans le salon, Jean et Charline dans le canapé, et moi dans le fauteuil.Charline demande alors à son mari :- Mets nous donc une vidéo- Laquelle ? demande Jean innocemment mais pleins de suppositions !- La X nigaud, et j’espère que tu as choisis une bien cochonne !Là, je commence à me faire petit, en pensant que j’allais me retrouver sur la béquille et en étant pour le moment célibataire, cela ne m’arrangeait pas de trop. J’en serais quitte pour faire ma lessive à la main…Et c’est parti à regarder ce film de cul tout les trois. Il n’y avait pas dix minutes que c’était commencé, et je voyais Charline se trémousser sur le canapé. Il faut dire que Jean avait déjà une main dans l’entre jambes de sa femme et il n’avait pas l’air de chômer.Ma queue était déjà comprimée dans mon jeans et je n’osais plus regarder ni la vidéo, ni mes amis.D’un coup, Charline a dit quelque chose à l’oreille de Jean, s’est levée puis a disparu dans le couloir. Jean ne dit rien et continua à regarder le film. Quelques instants plus tard, il se leva à son tour et disparaît aussi. J’avais pas l’air con, moi tout seul dans le salon, et je bakırköy escort pensais déjà à rentrer chez moi quand j’entendis Jean m’appeler :- Eric, tu peux venir que je te montre quelque chose.Jean était à la porte de sa chambre et me fit signe de rentrer.Et là, un spectacle que je ne m’attendais pas le moins du monde s’étalais sous mes yeux. Charline était étendu sur le lit, robe retroussée jusqu’au nombril, jambes écartées et d’une main elle manoeuvrait un vibro dans sa chatte et l’autre main, elle se caressait les seins.- Regarde cette salope, elle aime se branler seule alors qu’elle a deux queues à sa disposition.- Déshabillez vous, au lieu de me regarder, j’ai une grosse envie aujourd’hui, je veux de la queue partout, je veux des jouissances à répétitions.C’est à cet instant que j’ai compris que cette mise en scène était préméditéeNos vêtements furent vite enlevés et après avoir aidé Charline à se débarrasser des siens, nous nous installons à genoux de chaque côté d’elle.Prenant une bite dans chaque main, elle commençât à agacer le gland avec sa langue, chacun à notre tout, puis les engouffrait pratiquement entièrement, léchait les colonnes de chair, les couilles, même nos rosettes ont eu droit à un traitement spécial léchage. De mon côté, je m’occupais de ses seins dont les tétons avaient doublé de volume. Jean lui, avait enlevé le vibro et lui dévorait littéralement le minou, lui enfonçait deux doigts dans la chatte en même temps. Et c’est là que Charline eue son premier orgasme.Je pris ensuite sa place, pour me délecter de sa mouille, une vraie fontaine, je n’avais jamais rencontré une femme comme cela, Son petit trou était trempé aussi, et je n’eu aucun mal à y rentrer un puis deux doigts dedans. Charline gémissait de plus en plus fort, tout en continuant de nous pomper. Enfin elle dit :- Eric, mais toi sur le dos, je veux deux bites dans la chattes, tout de suite, je veux jouir comme cela.Je m’exécute donc et Jean se place derrière et ensemble, nous rentrons dans la chatte de Charline. Ce ne sont plus des gémissements qu’elle pousse, mais des cris de plaisir, nous synchronisons nos mouvements de plus en plus vite, et je sens que je ne pourrais tenir longtemps la route. Jean aussi montre des signes d’avant jouissance et c’est pratiquement en même temps que nous déchargeons.Charline a un peu de retard sur nous, mais elle aussi s’envole au 7ième ciel.Nous restons quelques instants comme cela, sans rien dire, puis nous nous dégageons et rejoignons la salle de bain.En se lavant, Charline nous dit :elle se fait prendre par le cul- Au théâtre, il y 3 actes, le premier est passé, il y en a encore 2. Puis elle ajoute :- Jean, va donc préparer un plateau avec des tranches de gâteau ainsi qu’une bouteille de pétillant et les verres, vous allez avoir besoin de force. et moi aussi…..Nous rejoignons donc le lit que tous les deux, Charline et moi, et revêtu juste d’un drap nous discutons, ce qui ne m’empêche pas de recommencer à caresser les seins de Charline dont les pointes commencent à durcir sous l’effet des attouchements. Ne voulant pas rester sans rien faire, Charline commence à me branler doucement, mais d’une experte pour redonner de la vigueur à ma queue.Je m’enhardi et décide de préciser mes caresses un peu plus bas, Hélas, la place est prise par l’autre main de la maîtresse de maison. Non contente de me branler, elle s’astique le clito en même temps et je lui fais remarquer.- Continus à me caresser les seins, moi je m’occupe de ta queue et de ma chatte, j’aime me caresser, c’est un plaisir dont je ne me prive pas.- Tu es une belle salope, une pute de première ! Puis je rajoute :-Il est bien long Jean, il ne faut pas tant de temps que ça pour couper trois parts de gâteau et déboucher une bouteille !- Attends, c’est une surprise, tu comprendras bientôt.Sur ce, avec un puis deux doigts remplis de sa mouille, elle s’attaque beşiktaş escort à mon petit trou qui ne résiste pas longtemps, et avec la douceur qu’elle s’y prend, je ne peux que soulever les fesses pour lui faciliter le tâche. Maintenant, j’ai une main qui m’astique le manche et deux doigts qui me branlent le trou de cul. J’en ferme les yeux de plaisir, d’autant plus que ses lèvres me roulent un patin en même temps.-Je suis là nous dit Jean que nous n’avons pas entendu revenir.Et je peux vous dire que pour une surprise, c’est une surprise. Ce n’est pas Jean qui est au pied du lit, mais Jeannette,. En effet, mon pote s’est travesti. Une perruque brune, un superbe bustier où les bonnets ont été remplis avec de faux seins, porte jarretelles, bas résilles, petit tablier blanc de soubrette et pour finir, maquillé comme une pute. Charline me regarde avec un sourire vicieux et dit :- Jeannette aime se travestir, jouer parfois les soumises, je peux dans ces moments lui demander n’importe quoi, et elle s’exécute.Puis elle ajoute en regardant son mari et d’un air sévère :- Qu’attends-tu pour nous servir ! si tu fais bien ton travail, tu seras récompensé et tu pourras réaliser ton fantasme ! Sans en rajouter plus.Nous sommes assis tous les trois sur le lit à manger et à boire et j’apprends que mon ami se travesti depuis de nombreuses années, mais n’a jamais eu l’occasion et osé être possédé par un homme et que ce soir (ou plutôt cette nuit) il était prêt à franchir le pas, si toutefois j’étais d’accord.Excité comme j’étais, mon accord fut vite donné et comme Charline avait hâte d’admirer le spectacle, c’est elle qui donnât le signal du départ.Jeannette se lovât comme une sangsue contre moi, m’embrassant partout, me mordillant les bouts de mes seins, me caressant les couilles, prenant ma queue dans la main pour la masturber.- Salop, je te fais bander déjà, tu as l’air d’aimer les caresses d’un travesti.Puis descendant, elle commence une fellation digne d’une pro de la pipe. Charline ne perd pas une miette du spectacle, et je vois sa mouille couler le long de ses cuisses tellement ça lui plait. Elle s’empare du vibro en commence à ce faire un solitaire. C’est dément, de voir cette bouche d’homme avaler ma bite comme cela, mes 19 cm disparaissent pratiquement entièrement dans sa bouche, puis elle remonte lentement pour replonger ensuite à ras des couilles. Ensuite sa langue fait le tour de mon gland comme si c’était un cornet de glace.-Mets toi à quatre pattes Jeannette lui ordonne Charline ! Je vais préparer ton petit cul de pute, ta rosette de salope, ton trou du cul de pouffiasse !Elle est déchaînée Charline, les mots orduriers fusent. Jeannette ne se fais pas prier et lève son cul bien haut.- Mais cette lopette s’est déjà préparée le cul ! s’écrit-elle, en lui enfonçant deux doigts dans le fion- Oui, j’y ai mis un lubrifiant avant de vous rejoindre. Puis, reprends la pipe qu’elle a si bien commencé.Maintenant, c’est le god que Charline lui enfonce dans le cul, doucement, mais sûrement.A voir l’extase dans les yeux de Jeannette, ce ne devait pas être la première fois que sa femme le sodomisait comme cela.- Eric, encules la, elle n’attend que cela, défonces la à fond, bourres lui le cul.Changeant de position, je me mets derrière Jeannette et c’est Charline qui guide ma queue dans la rondelle de son mari et c’est Jeannette, avec un mouvement de recule qui s’empale à fond sur mon dard.- Putain de salope, tu as le cul bien préparé, ça rentre tout seul, je lui dit en la pilonnant.Charline décide alors de passer en dessous et de sucer son mari pendant que ce dernier lui suce le clito et s’emparant du vibro qui est disponible l’engode en même temps. Ce n’est que soupirs et gémissements pendant cette étreinte à trois. C’est Jeannette qui commence à donner des signes de jouissance.- Donnes moi ton jus lui dit Charline, je veux boire tout, puis elle beylikdüzü escort continue à aspirer la bitte de son homme pour en tirer le nectar, Jeannette jouit alors en poussant des feulements et remplit la bouche de sa femme. L’effet du sperme dans sa bouche, d’une langue agaçant son clito, du vibro dans la moule et de voir une bitte rentrer dans le cul de son mari la fait jouir à son tour, si fort que les voisins ont dû en profiter et c’est Jeannette ce coup-ci que se délecte à son tour.Pour moi aussi, la pression commence à monter, et je ne tiendrais pas longtemps à ce rythme.Je fais part à Jeannette que je vais lui inonder le cul, mais celle-ci, se dégage de mon pieu, se retourne et me prend dans sa bouche.- Jouis dans ma bouche, je veux goûter ta semence, décharges au fond de ma gorge de salope,décharge ton sperme sur ma langue…Et je pars dans une superbe jouissance qui me parait interminable. Jeannette n’en perd pas une goutte, prenant bien soin ensuite de tout nettoyer avec sa langue,Nous sommes tous les trois avachis sur le lit à reprendre notre souffle. Puis Jeannette va chercher une autre bouteille de pétillant afin de reprendre un peu nos esprits.- Et de deux s’exclame Charline, j’espère que vous avez gardé des forces pour le final !- j’espère que tu vas y mettre du tien pour remettre nos queues au garde à vous et que veux tu cette fois ci lui demande Jean ?- Une chose que je n’ai jamais fait non plus, que vous me preniez en sandwich et je vous promets qu’après, je vous fiche la paix.Déjà, Charline se met à quatre pattes devant nous et commence un va et vient avec ses mains sur nos bites afin de leurs redonner de la vigueur. Ne trouvant que cela n’allait pas asses vite, elle nous prend en bouche chacun à notre tour. Puis se retournant elle nous demande de lui préparer sa rosette Jean et moi, d’un commun accord, nous mettons un doigts dans la chatte pour récupérer de la mouille, puis nous forçons doucement son cul qui, il faut reconnaître ne met pas longtemps à s’ouvrir.Nos deux doigts sont enfoncés dans son anus, bientôt suivi d’un troisième, puis d’un quatrième. Nous lui faisons subir un mini fhist qu’elle n’a pas l’air de l’effrayer, bien au contraire, vu les gémissements de plaisir qu’elle pousse.Estiment nos queues bien raides, elle se retourne et s’empale sur ma queue. Pas besoin de dire à Jean ce qu’il doit faire, après s’être bien enculé, il veut enculer sa femme. Je sens la queue de mon copain qui force la rosette à Charline et nous commençons un long va et vient.- Eric, tu veux ma place me dit Jean ? elle a un cul accueillant, viens y goutter aussi, et tu me diras si il est meilleurs que le mien.Nous permutons donc et c’est à moi maintenant de limer le fion de Charline. Je m’abstiens de faire une comparaison, ne voulant vexer ni l’un ni l’autre, mais préférant nettement le faire à une femme. Charline bafouille des mots sans suite, où il est question d’hommes tous des salops, ainsi qu’un vocabulaire très ordurier mais qui fait état du pied qu’elle est en train de prendre. Elle ne sais même plus si elle jouit par devant ou par derrièreL’effet d’être dans la rondelle de Charline et de sentir la bite à Jean juste séparée par une fine parois, ainsi que les jouissances à répétions de Charline commencent à faire de l’effet et je ne tarde pas à jouir une troisième fois, un peu moins fort, mais tout aussi bon.Jean, lui a l’air de tenir la route et n’entend pas s’arrêter en si bon chemin.M’étant dégagé, il prend sa femme par la taille, et la soulève littéralement pour la laisser tomber ensuite sur son pieu. Il répète cette manœuvre quelques minutes et se libère enfin par une jouissance très bruyanteCharline est épuisée mais ses yeux reflètent une satisfaction sans égale et pour prouver sa gratitude, nous roule chacun à notre tour une longue pelle.- Ca été super, nous avons réalisé tous les deux nos fantasmes, Jean, sucer et se faire prendre par un homme et moi, deux bites dans la chatte et un super sandwich qui m’a fait jouir je ne sais combien de fois.Mais il me reste encore un fantasme à réaliser, c’est de faire l’amour avec une autre femme.Alors, les hommes, en chasse, pour me trouver cela.Et ça, cela se fera, mais c’est une autre histoire.

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SOUVENIRS #7: Leila – Chocolat Crèmé

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SOUVENIRS #7: Leila – Chocolat CrèméJe m’appelle Leila, j’ai vingt-et-un ans. Mon petit ami m’a demandé de vous raconter ce que nous avons fait le weekend dernier.Nous étions dans notre appartement quand Laurent m’a proposé un jeu très spécial.Il a sorti deux dés et a proposé la règle suivante: le premier qui fait sept gagne et l’autre doit réaliser tout ce qu’il demande pendant vingt-quatre heures.Cette idée m’a bien excitée et j’ai accepté sans me rendre compte de ce que ça pouvait impliquer.C’est Laurant qui a gagné ce jour-là. Il a tout d’abord exigé que je m’épile intégralement le sexe.Je n’avais jamais fait cela auparavant et je lui ai demandé de s’en charger.Il m’a emmennée dans la salle de bain, a commencé par couper le maximum avec une paire de ciseaux.Puis il a terminé avec un rasoir et de la mousse. Lorsque üsküdar escort mon rasage a été fini, il m’a rincé le sexe et m’a litteralement dévorcé le minou jusqu’à ce que je jouisse.Il m’a prise en levrette et m’a prise dans cette position. Puis il m’a ordonné de le sucer pour recevoir son sperme.Je me suis empressée de m’en exécuter tellement j’étais chaude.Je l’ai avalé jusqu’à la denière goutte.Je pensais que le petit jeu était maintenant fini mais il n’en était rienIl m’emmenai dans la cuisine, m’a couchée sur la table et a pris une bouteille de chocolat liquide.Elle était practiquement pleine. Après avoir enlevé le bouchon, il a glissé le goulot entre les lèvres de ma chatte et vidé tout le contenu au fond de mon vagin. Il est allé chercher un tamponpériodique tuzla escort et m’a demandé de me l’introduire, ce que je me suis empressée de faire tellement lasituation m’excitait. Il a nettoyé les traces restantes de chocolat avec sa langue puis il est allé chercher dans l’armoire une petite robe d’été à bretelles qu’il m’a enfilée sans aucun sous-vêtement.Nous avons ensuite pris la voiture et sommes allés à CannesIl voulu que l’on arpente toute la Croisette à pied. J’étais excitée d’être nue sous ma robe,mais j’avais peur que mon tampon lâche sous le poids du chocolat qui m’emplissait le sexe. Fort heureusement, il a tenu. Sur la route du retour, Laurent m’a dit qu’il était fier de moiet qu’il allait me récompenser d’avoir réalisé ses souhaits sans broncher.Arrivés pendik escort dans le parking, au sous-sol de l’immeuble désert, Laurent m’a couché sur le capot de lavoiture. Il a sorti son sexe qui était déjà en érection, a extrait le tampon de mon vagin et m’a prise énergiquement, jusqu’à ce que l’on entende une voiture s’approcher. Il y avait de chocolat partout: le long de mes jambes, sur ma robe, sur la voiture et sur le sol. Il a rentré son engintout barbouillé, j’ai baissé ma robe et nous nous sommes rapidement dirigés vers l’ascenseur avant de nous faire surprendre.Une fois dans l’appartement, nous avons repris nos ébats sur la table de la salle à mangerJ’ai joui deux fois avant que Laurent ne se retire pour me mettre son sexe plein de chocolat dans la bouche et m’envoyer sa crème au fond de la gorge. J’ai dû finir en léchant le chocoat à terre, avant de pouvoir aller enfin prendre une douche suivie d’un bain bien mérités. Je dois dire que j’ai rarement pris autant de plaisir que ce jour-là.J’ai hâte de rejouer à ce jeu … et gagner afin de pouvoir réalisr mes propres fantasmes.Lettre de Laila, vingt-et-un ans, Grasse

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Debauchery in a Filthy Toilet.

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Debauchery in a Filthy Toilet.About 4 miles from where I lived there was a small, old, public toilet, which was only frequented by men seeking sex with other men. It was well off the beaten track and was only accessible through a disused railway track. It was a haven for gay sex. It was extremely small, quite dilapidated, only one urinal and one cubicle which had a glory hole through to the urinal. There were no lights, always in the dark and it was an attraction for men looking good cock fun. I had been taken to it once before about 6 months earlier when 18 years of age and had experienced a good cock sucking in it. This morning in question I got up feeling extremely horny and decided that I would spend the day dressed in my female undies. In fact I remember deciding that I wanted to go again to this toilet that night and dressing up would get me in the right mood. So I shaved my legs and put on a lovely new pair of sheer black nylon stockings held up with a pink suspender belt. a lovely lacy bra, pink panties and a pink slip. During that day I wore my normal clothes over the top, but underneath, the feel of the female sexy clothes kept me on fire.About 8:00 o’clock that night I packed my little bag with a pair of black high-heel shoes, a wig, and some make-up. I drove in my car as close as I could to this toilet block. In the car I put on my make-up, wig and high-heel shoes. God I felt like a real woman. I was high with sexual arousal. My cock felt lovely encased in the sexy panties and my legs rubbing together with the stockings soon had me in heaven. I took off my outer clothes and walked from the bakırköy escort car to this toilet. It had no door, I just walked in and being dark it took a few minutes to get my bearings. It was empty and I went to the cubicle and sat down where the smell of stinking piss and cum was quite strong. But it seemed to turn me on even more. The filthiness of the place got me even randier. I remember thinking this is going to be a night to remember, if the right person comes along. I had been sitting wanking for about 10 – 15 minutes when Footsteps approached. The cubicle door being closed meant the person would go to the urinal. So I thought. Immediately a finger came through the glory-hole and I knew that meant sex was on the agenda. So I responded by putting my finger back through and motioned for him to put his cock through. He did and I immediately started to wank it for him. Next he was thrusting himself back and forwards against the partition. I bent down and took his cock in my mouth and gave it a good suck. Shortly he withdrew his cock and next he was knocking on the cubicle door. He wanted in and I was bursting for him to come in and see me dressed. So I opened the door and he stood with his cock in his hand wanking and staring at me. Then he came over and took me in his arms and rubbed my ass through the sexy nylon. He started to kiss me, his tongue then began roaming around in my mouth and I just collapsed back into his arms. His hands were now at work on me, pulling down my panties and releasing my cock. The freedom was sensational. My cock was free, I was encased beşiktaş escort in female clothes, in the arms of a rampant man who was groping every part of my body. I really believed at that time that I was a female slut getting ravished by a depraved man. It was a tremedous feeling and it was driving my cock, my body and my mind crazy with fucking lust. Next he lifted my slip up at the back and asked me to turn round.I gave him my tube of tooth-paste that went with me everywhere to be used as a lubricant. He used it on my ass-hole and then commenced to push his cock into me. It was quite long about 7 or 8 inches if I remember correctly but not too thick, just a lovely girth to stretch my hole. He pushed in slowly putting his hand around and wanking my cock. His thrusts were slow, yet feeling that length going right up inside me was absolutely thrilling. My hole was filled, his cock was slowly massaging my prostate and I was being fucked to the highest heaven of sexual depravity. Every few thrusts he would twitch his cock and I could feel it all those inches up inside me. He kept fucking me ever so slowly and the passion was immense. I was beginning to curse and swear and eventually got to the point where I lost all control and sank to the filthy stinking floor. He kept his cock in me and I straightened myself up against the partition with my head alongside the wc bowl. I was telling him to fuck me hard, ram his cock up me as hard as he could, shouting fuck, shit, omg. Now the partition had a gap at floor level of about 9 inches and I remember pushing my leg under beylikdüzü escort it as he kept fucking me. I pushed my leg through as far as I could , because he was slowly pounding me against the partition. I also got my cock through and it must have been rampant on the other side, because I felt a fucking mouth close over it. Someone else had come in and been turned on by what was happening and wanted some of the action. My god, there I was lying against the partition with a man lying on the floor behind me with his cock thrusting in and out of my hole and another man on the other side of the partition lying on the ground sucking my cock. The smell of stinking piss, cum and whatever else really had my head reeling with debauchery, the cock up me was fucking me into a stupor and the mouth sucking my cock brought me to a quick cum. I have no idea how much I shot into his mouth, but it felt as if it was not going to stop. I was screaming as I shot my load and the guy sucked on me until every drop of cum was off my cock. The guy fucking me continued for about another 5 minutes until he shot a whopping big load of cum right up into my bowels. With that he was gone. I eventually got to my feet and cleaned myself up as best I could to find that both of them were gone. I never got to know who they were. But I know that they got a great sexual thrill from my body and I got one of the best fucking and sucking that I ever had. I was very reluctant to tell of this experience, because it demonstrates the depths of sexual depravity I had sank to at such an early age. I went back many times to this toilet but never ever did I experience what I experienced that night. Now you all can appreciate why I get such thrills wanking off now to all those memories.I would appreciate any comments or better still, if you have any questions or want to know anything else, do feel free to PM me. Nothing will offend me.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Summer sex

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Summer sexMy husband and I were both teaching at a summer school, I taught the little k**s and my husband the older so despite working in the same school we only ever got to see each other in passing. I had a full day of teaching but my husband was on pool duty as lifeguard for his group, I was jealous as he’ll as the weather was gorgeous and I was in class. I decided I needed to get my own back. I put on my sexiest white lace thong, 6 inch heels and a thin white silk blouse, I decided to go for a knee length black tulip skirt. Tying my hair in a high pony tail I spritzed my husbands favourite scent over me twirling in the light feminine spray. Walking briskly past him in the dorm corridor I gave him a wide smile and winked, wiggling my bottom just a little as I walked into my classroom. The look on his face was enough to know my plan had worked, there was one place he wanted to be and it wasn’t the pool!The morning was hot, opening the window I caught sight of my man by the pool, his short blonde hair giving him a sun kissed glow as droplets of water ran down his arms and back to a well shaped arse! looking over his shoulder he caught me looking – his winning smile made my smooth mound moisten. As I walked round the room monitoring my students and helping them learn my thong rubbed against my lips making them tingle and moisten. Class ended for lunch and as hundreds of k**s filled the corridor heading for the canteen I stayed to clean up. As I reached up to wipe the board clean I felt my husband’s hand on my waist, smiling to myself I kept facing the board, wiping it slowly. Kissing behind my ear his hot breath and tongue teased down the side of my tuzla escort neck to my collarbone as he dropped his hand down the side of my thigh, his fingers reaching for the hem of my skirt. I couldn’t bear it anymore, I turned around and met his hot mouth with my own, exploring his mouth with my tongue I dropped my hands to his waistband slipping my hands in at the front and around to his bottom. He lifted my skirt up pushing it up around my hips and expertly running one hand up the centre of my blouse undoing the buttons almost instantly. Our kissing became more urgent and as he took my round firm tits in his hands I threw my head back letting out a man of pleasure. Grabbing me by the waist he lifted me up onto the desk so I was sat facing him, as he stood between my legs I shrugged my blouse free from my shoulders as he pulled my lace bra straps down my arms – lifting my tits out of their cups and taking them in his mouth, chewing on them, I slid my arms back, leaning back and pushing my boobs higher towards his hot tongue. He continued to rub and tug on my nipples as he ran his palm down the centre of my belly, over my waistband and down to my innocent, school like silk thong, pulling it up so it pushed hard against my clit he smiled as I let out a whimper. Slowly he rubbed my swollen clit through the fabric and along my slit feeling it’s wetness grow at his touch. I lay back, flat on my desk and pulled my legs up resting my heels on the edge as he pulled my thong to one side and very gently ran his tongue down my slit and then back up again, circling my clit and beginning to suck I let out a moan and started to rub and knead sancaktepe escort my aching tits. He licked and sucked lapping up my hot sweet juice and pushed a finger into my tight hole feeling me wriggle at his touch and push against him as he teased my g-spot.The bulge in his trunks seemed to pulse as he watched his wife – a teacher, squirm and moan on her desk powerless under his skilled touch. I decided I needed to balance the score and slid from the desk onto my knees. Lifting my arms up I pulled his waistband down letting his trunks drop to the floor and his almighty cock spring free almost hitting me in the face. Taking it in both my hands I ran a manicured hand up his shaft as the other cupped his balls, looking up I smiled mischievous as this strong man relented at my touch. I ran the tip of my tongue along the edge of his long shaft and squeezing this balls softly he took a sharp intake of breath, steadying himself against the desk as I wrapped my tongue around his girth and enveloping my lips over his end, as my head descending down his delicious cock his hand rested on my back at the base of my neck, I continued to suck and lick his cock as hard as I could manage, fighting the retch as his long rod hit the back of my throat, the resting hand tightened against my neck and he ran his hand up my hairline to my ponytail which as I grazed my teeth down his shaft he gripped tightly pulling my band out, letting my long dark brown hair cascade down my back and over my rock hard nipples, moving his hands down and under my armpits he lifted me roughly up, meeting my lips with urgent hard kissing, he pushed two fingers üsküdar escort up into my soaking pussy making me gasp and moan at the same time.Rolling me over he leant me forwards over my desk, pushed my thong down to my knees letting them drop to the floor. As I stepped out of them he moved my legs apart and pushed me further forwards, so my tits pressed against the hard wood desk he positioned his cock against my slit, running it up and down just on e, coating it in my juices before roughly spearing my tight hole stretching my hot cunt around his enormous length. As he pounded into me I pushed myself up releasing my tits enough so my husband could take them in his hands as he kissed down my neck and shoulder, pushing my hair to the other side. I met his thrusts as I felt my insides tighten, my breathing was shallow and fast, pulling sweet moans out with them, I pushed away from the desk, leaning at a right angle feeling his length power into me doggy style, just as I came to the edge of orgasm my husband removed his length and fed it to me as I licked and sucked, looking up at him my eyes blinking in awe at this sexy, tanned, muscular god so in love with me.Just as I started to taste the first few drops of precum my husband lifted me back onto the desk, laying me on my back he placed the back of my thighs against his chest as I hooked my knees over his shoulders, he once again entered me, moving in Long slow strokes, playing with my tits as he looked over my body, arching my back to try and take in more of his length, it wasn’t long before every muscle in my body tensed getting tighter and tighter, sensing this heckled up the pave, his hands moving to my arched back and holding my hips pulling me onto him, harder and faster, faster, faster I let out a scream convulsing in a strong orgasm feeling him fill me with his hot cum, he collapsed of top of me, we lay there, kissing, panting in the warm post orgasm glow.

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Fucking for Two

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Fucking for TwoCathy and I met while working as summer help at a National Park. She had long brown hair, brown eyes, perky and firm C cup breasts, a slender waist, shapely hips, a sweet tasting and tight pussy, all combined with a high libido like mine. Every morning and every evening that summer we made love except during her period. Our fore play usually ended in us giving each other oral pleasure before we began our twice a day fucking sessions. Cathy was the first woman I had been with that had her tubes cut at an early age and she had this obsession that I had to cum inside of her every time we made love. In the two and a half summers we were together I ended up depositing every drop of my sperm filled semen may balls produced deep inside her tight, wet cunt.After the end of the first full summer we spent together, she moved back to her mom’s were she was going to work to save up money for school. I moved back to my old roommates’ house and back to the factory job I had at the time. We were now living several states away from each other. This was during the time before Aids was discovered. I resumed screwing my neighbor (this will be a future story full of adultery and suspense) several times a week and I am sure Cathy was screwing her old lovers in her old hometown. That is just the way things were back in the 70’s. We wrote letters to each other and made the occasional phone call. She suggested that I come out to visit for a week if I could get the time off. She also mentioned that her mother was cool about her bringing men back to the house for sex so we would be able to sleep together, something that surprised me. That would never happen at my parent’s home. I got the time off and did the 13 hour drive to her house, arriving just before supper. She greeted me at my truck with a long kiss and hugs and then helped me carry my bags to our room. Her sister had switched rooms with her for the week so we could have the queen bed at her mom’s suggestion. I was introduced to her mother that was finishing cooking supper. She suggested we go to the backyard and hang out until supper was ready. The family had 2 full sized poodles, one male and one female. When I tried to hold or kiss Cathy the male poodle would get very defensive and he had to be put back into the house. Cathy told me the male dog had a vasectomy and that the female dog had her tubes tied. Her mother said dinner was ready and we all set down to the table. As we set there eating and talking I heard a noise to my left and noticed the two dogs were fucking just a few feet from the table. The conversation stopped and everyone quietly watched the dogs fuck. After it was apparent the male had gotten off Cathy’s mother sighed and said “Oh wasn’t that cute”. I was thinking to myself that this is a little strange having fucking dogs for entertainment. (I plan to write up a short story about a dog incident that happened there later)After we had kadıköy escort finished dessert, Cathy’s mother announced that since it had been awhile since we had been together she had made a fire in the fireplace for us. She then said she was going to her room and would not be back out until morning so if we wanted to make love on the white furry rug in front of the fire we could without being disturbed. Cathy and I sat on the couch in front of the fire while her mother finished putting things away in the kitchen. She then announced she was going to bed. We watched her go up the exposed stairway in the back corner of the room and into her bedroom and shut the door.Cathy and I began making out on the couch, we both knew all the most sensitive spots on the other so things heated up fast. We kicked off our shoes and she swung her leg over mine and straddled my thigh as I gently pulled her butt toward me. Her hips began to grind her crouch against thigh and started to sigh lightly. My cock was now rock hard making a tent shaped impression on my jeans. She reached down and undid my belt buckle with both hands while it was in a perfect position unfasten. She stood up, took my hands and led me to the fuzzy white rug in front of the fire. There in the dancing fire light she grabbed my tee shirt, pulled it up over my head and tossed it onto the couch. She took both hands and gently ran her fingers through my chest hair. She kissed and licked each of my nipples until little tips became erect. I reciprocated by pulling her tee shirt over her head and throwing it over on the couch. She was bra less and her nipples were rock hard, I took a breast in each hand, caressing them and rolling the hard nipples between my index finger and thumb causing her to gasp for air. She reached for the button on my jeans, released it, and unzipped them. My dick springs free and my jeans drop to my ankles. As I step out of the jeans and kick them to the side she squats down in front of me, her hands lightly rub over my cock and fondle my balls before sliding them back to cup my tight firm ass. She pulls my throbbing cock to her lips and begins to slide it in and out of her mouth while teasing my cock with her tongue. After a couple of heavenly minutes she looks up at me and smiles while the head of my cock was resting on her wet lips. I grabbed her head to pull her up so I could remove her jeans and she instead put the head of my dick back into her mouth, she applied to serious suction and began moving her head back and forth like a dog playing with a pull toy. She was giggling as she stood up with the impish glean in her eye. I had seen the glean in her eyes many times before and it meant I was in for a wild evening. I kissed and sucked her hard pencil eraser sized nipples as I unfastened her jeans. As I slid them down with her panties I kissed and licked my way down her trim firm tummy. I frenched üsküdar escort her belly button before I worked my way down to her bush. As she raises each leg to slide off the jeans I kissed her inner thighs. After the jeans and panties were out of the way I grabbed both of her hands and guided her to her knees. While kneeling on white rug we held each other tight and passionately kissed while our hands explored the naked butts and backs of the other. We both had longed for the sensation of the others touch for a couple of months so we were savoring every moment.While still entwined in each others arms we fell over on our sides on the thick fuzzy carpet. I worked my way down her body, kissing and licking all the way to her pussy; she had her legs spread wide ready for me to feast on her fantastic pussy. Her scent was intoxicating and I was licking her like pussy addict trying to get their fix. I was also massaging her G spot with my finger so each time she came; she flooded my hand and tongue with love juice. She came 3 or four times, bucking, screaming and gasping each time until she grabbed me by my ears to pull me up on top of her. As my lips reached hers, my cock parted her pussy lips, and in a couple of short thrust my cock was all the way into its favorite place to be. I began with long slow strokes while staring into her sparkling eyes. As her breathing increased her eyes began to roll back in there sockets I knew she was about ready to cum again. Just as I first felt her pussy begin to contract on my cock I drove it in to the hilt and made little circles with my hips while savoring her body contracting on mine and her moans of joy in my ear. Once her orgasm had subsided, I started to thrust again, first slowly and then slowly increasing the pace, faster and faster until she came again only harder and louder while I keep my cock buried deep inside her. I put her ankles on my shoulders and once again started slowly and began driving my cock in and out of her faster and faster. This time I did not bury my cock in her to savor the contractions; I continued my hard fast thrusting. We both sweating profusely and her orgasms began coming one right after another. I was gasping for air and continued pounding my aching cock in and out of her wet pussy. Our pounding organs were making that wet slapping sound with every thrust. I felt my scrotum begin to draw up tight so I know I am close to coming so I continue pounding her even though I am breathing like I had just ran a race. I felt that feeling you get when you reach the point of no return, nothing can stop me from cumming now. I drive my cock deep inside her as the first contraction sprays my sperm filled cum against the back of her vagina. I pulled back until only the head of my cock is inside her and then drive it back in as the second sperm squirting contraction pumps more deep inside her. She begins to cum tuzla escort again as my cock thrust forward for the third cum depositing contraction. After three lighter contractions that dribble my cock had done its job and planted my seed. I took her legs down off my shoulders and cuddled down on top of her with my cock slowly stirring and mixing our love juices. We are soaked in sweat, our breathing is starting to get back to normal, and she is still having a series of what we referred to as aftershocks, those lighter orgasmic contractions a woman has after an intense fucking session. Our bodies are filled with endorphins, natures reward for planting and receiving seed for procreation even though it was only for fun for us. We kiss lightly as my cock slowly deflates and slides out of her pussy allowing a little stream of cum and pussy juice to run out of her and down to her ass. I roll off of her and I am looking at the top of the stairs toward her mother’s room. I see her mothers head slide out of sight behind the door. Her mother had been watching and listening to me fuck her daughter. I can still see the shadow of her mothers head on the wall behind the partially open door as it slowly and quietly closes. I did not say anything to Cathy but I was thinking to myself that her had been watching me fuck her daughter and that probably got her off so I had gotten two women off at the same time. Cathy and I began to cuddle and kiss again and before you knew it we were at it again, this time more laid back and slower. I did not try to look at the door at the top of the stairs while we fucked again, I did not want to scare Cathy’s mom off again. I wanted her to watch, it was kind of exciting in a strange way knowing she was looking or listening to us make love. It was a little like the rush I use to get in my younger days when I took a girl home that I had just fucked. I had her pussy juice odor on my face and lips and my right hand. I would walk her to the door shake hands with her father with the hand saturated with is daughter’s vaginal secretions, I would accept his invite to come in and talk. While setting there my girlfriend would get very uncomfortable because my cum would be leaking out of her and pooling on her panties. I was feeling a rush knowing that I had just filled his daughter with my seed, something that he would have been furious about if he had known the truth.Time to come back to this story now. This was the first night of a week at Cathy’s mother’s house. Her and I grabbed our clothes and put on the jeans and tee shirts to walk upstairs. I could see the light was still on in Cathy’s mom’s room from the light shining under the door as we passed it. Once we were in the room where we were staying it dawned on me, the headboard of our bed was against the wall adjacent to Cathy’s mom’s room. She had moved us to that room so she could listen to us make love! So for the next 6 days, every morning and every night Cathy and I made passionate love but only I knew I was performing for an audience. So each time I did my best to fuck Cathy so she would be loud, sometimes getting the headboard to rhythmically hit the wall as I pounded my cock in her, after all I was fucking for two.

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St Patty’s day and a sharing of the Milf

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St Patty’s day and a sharing of the MilfWe usually go to an irish pub nearby on St Patrick’s Day and this was as usual. We tend to gather with the younger crowd, and we found a few stand up tables near the back and asked if we could set our beers down and share the table. Everyone was fairly well oiled and we were accepted to join in. there were 6 guys at this table and all of them appeared to be 21-24. jerry was a very good looking guy and he kept talking shit about all the girls he was going to go over and pick up. he never left the table other than to pee or get another round. after a while I had bought a few rounds and included a few shots of irish whiskey. Eddie was a younger looking guy and was a bit more shy than the others, and he wasstanding next to my wife. He took an immediate comfortable liking to my wife and she to him anadolu yakası escort also. We had our coats on a shelf behind the table and it gave a small corner of privacy if anyone was needing it. Peggy whispered that Eddie kept rubbing her ass and leg every once in a while. I asked if she did him, and she said I was just getting the ok from you. I said go for it. After a bit she was leaning over the standup table and i saw Eddie behind her with a dreamy look on his face. I knew she was feeling his cock or jacking him off. She said I got go to the bathroom and I know the stalls will have a long line. Eddie said why not use the men’s room a few other girls were. She said would you come with me and watch the door. He said sure and off they went. The rest of us had a few more ataşehir escort shots ( i bought again ) and a round of beers and I was noting the time. It was 15 minutes since they had left. one of the guys said there must be a long line at the men’s room too. I said I’ gotta go too. I left my beer and went to the mes room and when I got in I noticed 2 pair of feet in the last stall. I went in to the stall ext to them and leaned over and looked under the stall. I saw Peggy’s panties around one ankle and his 2 feet were between hers and she was rising up on her toes to a rhythm. I wanted to jack off but didn’t. i saw my chance to grab her panties as they were fucking cause she lifted up her one leg and the panties dropped next to my stall wall. I pocketed them and left to get another round. I ümraniye escort brought back a full round of beers and shots and one of the guys said I thought you were going to the john. I said it was too long of a line and I went outside. They all thanked me for the rounds and they toasted again. after a few more minutes peggy and Eddie came back to the table. Peggy said she was ready to leave and asked if we could give Eddie a ride home. I said sure and we grabbed our coats and went to the parking lot. Peggy got into the back seat with Eddie and she was kissing him before we got the car started. He looked nervous and I said are we taking him home ot his house or ours. She said he is going back to our house to fuck me again. Eddie looked at me and I said OK that’s all I needed to know. They are upstairs now and Eddie is pounding the shit out of her and from what I saw when I carried all their clothes up stairs to the bedroom from the car (since they were naked when we pulled in to the Garage before I closed the door down.) I saw he was quite well hung and was stretching her good. UMM I am gonna get me some creampie tongiht and she is getting fucked real good.

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MIle High

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MIle HighAs I left my house I continued to bitch and moan about how I did not want totake this trip. It seemed useless to me to be flying back to LAX again tolearn a skill I already knew. No matter how I protested, my boss was notgoing to be dissuaded on the idea. I was going to San Marcos whether I likedit or not.I packed enough clothes for 4 days although I knew I was only going to begone for 2. I liked having options when it comes to my appearance. What if Idecided to go out? What if I met someone? What if diner was in some “JacketRequired” joint? The last thing I wanted to be was “that” guy in thesetting. You know the one, the one that has on high top tennis shoes at the swankynew bar. If given the choice between not being noticed because of how I amdressed and totally blending in or being the best dressed guy in theroom, and drawing attention because of it; I would always choose to be noticed for being well put together. I just don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb because I am dressed like the tool in the nightclub wearing Underarmor shirt. I realize thatevery woman that has ever slept with me has done so because of the attentionthat I pay to myself and to her. I am not the guy that a woman looks at inthe bar and says to her girlfriend’s… “I have to fuck him tonight!” I meanI have picked up many women in clubs before, but only after impressing them in some other way. I love to dance, so sometimes that worked; or we would end uptalking the night away, and that normally worked; however, I always knew that if it was going to happen it always needed a great deal of involvement from me. Believe me, it’s not that I’m ugly, but I’m not Brad Pitt either. I just have a game plan that works, so I try to stick to it.Since the attacks of 9/11 the airport is kind of a crazy place. In the past people would sit there waiting with loved ones until it’s time for them to get on their flight. Now, people flying alone sit in the airport alone and try not to act lonely. For me, it affords me one of many opportunities to do what comes natural… Look at women. Over the years I learned how to appreciate women, without staring or leering. I always want to appreciate the lines and curves of the female form, without being intrusive into their space or disrespectful to who they are. Many guys stare at women, but generally speaking I don’t look at the same current stereotypes that most men do. I appreciate women of all shapes and sizes, all ethnicities and colors, and all cultures. For me it’s more than if they are blonde or brunette, short or tall, skinny or overweight. There has to be a something more for her to capture my eye. I like a woman who has confidence in the way she moves. Someone whose clothes are fashionable and well put together, without screaming look at me, look at me. The average guy would be interested in the 20-year-old, 5’7″, 105 pound, athletic blonde with oversize sunglasses, that she is wearing simply because she just saw this week’s famous spoiled brat cover girl wearing them. As for me, a 20 year old girl is sexy until she is standing next to a 30 year-old woman. That 30 year-old woman is sexy, until she is standing next to a four-year-old lady.So here I sit, flipping through a copy of Sports Illustrated pretending to read it, as if I haven’t watched SportsCenter twice a day every day for the last 15 years. It keeps me distracted, in between my head turns of looking at the beautiful women walk up and down the concourse.Then I see her, strutting in as proud as can be. Even men, who would not typically be drawn to her, stop what they’re doing to glance at her direction. Fathers with babies, husbands with their wives, and teenage boys who know they want to look but realize she’s out of their league; all pay a subtle homage to her stunning beauty. She is 5 foot 6 inches tall and has long curly dark hair that has a character of its own. She is certainly not slim enough to be on the cover of any popular magazine, but she is not large enough to even consider corrective surgery. tuzla escort She is a woman that if she lived in a different time, Rubin would have mused over her. She is full and round in all the places God intended a woman to be full and round. She is the natural beauty that skinny models hope to one day become. Her lips pout without collagen. Her breasts are large and full and they bounce when she walks, as if to add defiance to anyone that may have thought they were not natural. Her hips swing and sway gently with every stride, it’s just enough to cause a distraction, without being obscene. She is all woman, and there is no mistaking it. As she walks by I find my eyes riveted to her. I drink in her beauty and sense of style from head to toe and back again. She is wearing knee-high black leather boots, with the functional and funky chunky heel. A gray, burgundy and black tweed skirt that falls just above her knee, a black ribbed V neck sweater that shows her fluid lines and ample bosom, and a waist cut black leather jacket that looks like it was tailored just for her. Her jewelry is simple but still draws your attention. Hand pounded silver earrings and a silver pendant necklace that falls to the top of her cleavage.Just at that moment she turns her head toward me. I feel a bolt of electricity racing through my body when our eyes meet for the first time. Much to my surprise she does not look away, but rather holds my gaze as if to say, she is in charge. For a moment I wonder who will look away first, and then as I bow my head, I wonder no more. Briskly, I dart my eyes back up for my magazine and I can see the wry smile she that has crossed her face, as if to say, I won that round. She continues over to the booth where people are checking in and getting seat assignments, and has a few words with the flight attendant before finding a place to sit. She locates a position, where she can keep an eye on me, but where I can plainly see her as well. She pulls out a book and begins to read, and at the end of each page her eyes glance up from her book finding mine, then returned to their page. This eye contact continues for the next hour as we both wait to board the plane to Los Angeles. As the flight attendant calls out seating and which rows are boarding next, I noticed that she grabs her bag and moves toward the front of the aircraft at the same time I do. Could I be so lucky as to have this beauty sitting next to me for the next 2 1/2 hours? The last time I was on a flight, it was a four hours trip back from Florida, and I was trapped between two 300 pound rednecks, whose incessant chatter revolved exclusively around fishing and NASCAR. If she ended up in either of the seats in my row, I would have to grab a lottery ticket the moment I hit the ground because this would surely be my lucky day. As I walk down the aisle of the airplane I felt like a high school k** who was waiting to find out if the girl he pined over the past three years would actually be his prom date. I actually felt my heart dropped to my stomach when she sat in the aisle seat, in a row of across from mine. I was trapped, next to the window, two seats away from the most captivating woman that I have never spoken to.Over the next 20 minutes we shared looks and glances at one another, like teenagers at the local shopping mall. Here we sat flirting, without saying a word. At one point I lifted my left hand to show her my lack of a wedding ring. My heart raced as she did the same. These little hijinks went on and on for the first hour of the flight. And then her eyes changed, they got smaller, mischievous, erotic.With the slightest nod of her head, she gestured to the rear of the plane. I nodded so quickly it felt like an involuntary reaction. Like a doctor had just tapped my knee with a mallet, and I kicked as high as Jackie Chan. She calmly stood up, straightened her skirt and took long, purposeful strides to the aft of the plane. Trying not to look overly anxious or too eager, I stood and made sancaktepe escort my way to the aisle in just enough time to see her disappear into the closet on the right. As I walked down the aisle a thousand thoughts raced through my brain; what if I misunderstood, what is my breath smelled bad, what if she hated my cologne, how would I tactfully excuse myself if I had just made the biggest mistake of my adult dating life.Without a knock, I pulled open the door and stepped inside the lavatory. As I started to speak to introduce myself, she put one finger over my lips to keep me quiet. She then pointed one hand to her ear and gestured to the other side of the door with her other hand. With that, I was determined not to let another sound escape my lips. She put her arms around my waist and pulled me close and I could finally feel the curves of her body pressed against me. I drew both of my hands to either side of her face, and slid my fingers back to the nape of her neck to pulled her close so that our lips may finally meet. It was such a deep and passionate kiss, that if there was anyone watching there is no way that they would think that this was our first time. I gently sucked on her tongue and lips and licked them slowly and in circles. I sucked her mouth into mine as a wine taster draws in the first brilliant taste of a long awaited Merlot. I not only kissed her but I tasted her, her chin, her lips, her tongue, her neck. As her breathing quickened, she went straight for my crotch. She unzipped my pants, unbuckled my belt and pulled out my throbbing cock. She let her other hand caress my ass and forced my trousers to the floor. With her left hand firmly planted on my ass and her right hand squeezing the base of my cock, she broke our kiss and looked down at my manhood. She smiled as if she had found just what she’d been looking for after months of fruitless searching. She sat down on the lid of the toilet and stared at me. Not all of me, just my cock. She was objectifying my manhood just like many men have objectified her body for years. Briefly, I was ashamed, until I could see she was admiring it. Slowly she started at the base of my cock and licked it all the way to the tip. Again she repeated the same process on the other side. My dick was now covered in her saliva, like it was a personal lubricant. She then drew me in and sucked me deep, straining to try to get the full length of my manhood into her throat. After realizing she could not, she backed off and sucked the head of it while she stroked the shaft. I have never had a woman blow me with such authority, with such hunger, with such passion. That alone was nearly cause enough for me to explode, but somehow I maintained. Knowing that the blissful pleasure that she was providing would soon send me over the edge, I knew I had to stop her. I knew I had to have her. I reached down and pulled her up to me and began kissing her again. I used both of my hands and kneaded her massive breasts and pushed them closer to my face. I licked her cleavage and kissed the tops of her huge tits, wishing I could get her naked so that I could see them in their full glory. She then gently, but persuasively pushed me back on to the toilet seat. She grabbed the base of her skirt and slowly started rolling it up passed her hips. I never got to see her pussy. She reached between her legs, grabbed my cock firmly and began running the head of it up-and-down her dripping wet slit. With the head of my cock I could feel her pussy, from her strong clitoris, all the way back to her wet, wanton hole. With her left hand firmly attached to the base of my cock she slowly slid down my dick until she engulfed the full length of me inside her. Inch by inch as I slid inside her, her face hinted toward pain, and then relented toward pleasure. She took a few long slow strokes up and down, as our bodies became one. Then she sat on my cock and kept it fully inside her. She began to rock back and forth in my lap as I cupped her full üsküdar escort ass with my hands. She lifted her skirt in the front just enough so she could slide one hand underneath. She knew how to get herself off, and was not going to wait around for me. She started rubbing her own clitoris while making little circles with her hips, grinding her pussy all over my cock. As her pace quickened I squeezed her voluptuous ass harder and lifted her off of my cock, only to force its full length back in. It was not hard to tell how much she loved having my cock slam in and out of her from this angle. At this point she was bouncing on me in a fevered pitch. With her bra and shirt still on, her large breast were bouncing in my face buoyantly, and her ribbed sweater began to rub my face raw. Then all of a sudden with a quiet shutter, she paused. From a body that was moments ago filled with activity, raging rubbing and bouncing, a static form now only remained. Her body pulsed, and quaked with involuntary spasm after spasm. I can feel her cunt grab my cock as if it were a thief, then release it just as quickly. I knew that she could not go on, but I was too close to stop now. I planted my feet firmly on either side of the stool, and like I’ve done in the gym so many times before I stood from that squatting motion with twice my body weight and drove my hips forward. The motion shocked her and she spread both hands to either side of the door frame. With her hands touching the wall to steady herself, and her feet planted on the ground, her ass was now in plain view, and high in the air. My cock had not slid out, and her skirt was around her waist. I began pounding her pussy from behind and watching her round thick ass bounce against me. Watching her ass cushion each of my powerful blows, while feeling my dick get deeper and deeper inside of her, was more than I could handle. I reached around her big round thighs to find a well groomed mound of hair. Searching and exploring I found what I was looking for…her still erect clit. It was bigger than I would have dreamed. I now know why she reached for it immediately, if a clit this large were in my presence I would play with it as often as I could too. She tossed her hair to one side and looked like she was going to speak. With my left hand I reached up and pulled the back of her hair until my lips were inches away from her ear. “Shhhh, no sounds remember!” I continued to rub her clit while pounding my cock into her wet pussy from behind. I still have my fingers entangled in her thick curly hair and used it to pull her harder on to my cock. Suddenly, I felt her legs tremble and weaken underneath me, and I knew she was coming again. This time she contracted so hard she almost forced my cock out of her, and her fluids ran down the shaft of my cock and dripped off of my balls. I could hold it any longer. I pulled out to step back and stumbled onto the toilet seat. I sat there quietly pounding my fist around my cock like a teenage boy who had just seen his first copy of Playboy. I stroked my cock until my eruption came, and white lava flowed over the knuckles of my hands, my balls and my thighs.The woman that I had just been inside turned and watched me complete my ecstasy. She watched as I jacked it and finished pleasuring myself. Without a word she began straightening herself and slid out of the folding door. As I sit there with my mind reeling and my manhood in my hands, the familiar voice came over the loudspeaker. “This is your Captain, we are beginning our descent into LAX. Please fasten your seat belts and return your seat backs and tray tables to the up and locked position.” I quickly grabbed a paper towel and tried to clean myself up. As I stood and buckled my pants, I tried to splash water on my face; as I did I inadvertently spilled some on the leg of my slacks. Frenzied in my mind, but calm on the surface I made my way back to my seat. As I had to climb over the two people in my row to return to my seat, the man on the aisle commented on the wet spot on my slacks. He said loudly enough as if complaining to the flight attendant, “I hate the bathrooms on these things, that happens to me every time!” I smiled and looked at my companion across the aisle and responded, “That’s the first time it happened to me!”

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