Istanbul Yolcusu Kalmasin

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


İstanbul Yolcusu KalmasınBen eskişehir`de yaşayan, 24 yaşında, kumral ve yakışıklı biriyim. Fakat sık sık İstanbul`a seyahat ederim. Bunu da genellikle trenle yaparım.Geçen yaz başında yine İstanbul`a gitmek üzere bilet aldığım treni bekliyordum. Trenin gelmesine daha yarım saat vardı ve benim de çok canım sıkılıyordu. Yalnız seyahat etmeyi hiç sevmem çünkü. Yine bir muziplik yapmaya karar verdim. Bu yüzden, bir yandan sigaramı içiyor, diğer yandan da yolculuk boyunca takılabileceğim birini arıyordum.Beş-on dakika geçmişti ki, istasyona esmer bir afet geldi ve biraz önümdeki banklara oturdu. Bu, keyfimi yerine getirmişti doğrusu. Esmer bayanlara bayılırım çünkü. Hele de yeşil gözlü ve düzgün vücutlu olursa. . . Sigaradan derin bir nefes daha alıp, “bu gece eğlenceli geçecek” dedim kendi kendime. . . Zira nasıl olsa bir yolunu bulup kandırırdım çıtırı :)bu arada, bizimki saatine baktıktan sonra çantasından bir sigara çıkardı. Ben “İşte bir fırsat” deyip yanına gidip sigarasını yaktım tabi. . . Teşekkür etti. Şöyle tepeden tırnağa bir süzdüm sonra. Diz altlarına kadar inen dar bir blue jean, üzerine de kısa, beyaz bir body giymişti. Ve tabi altında o kışkırtıcı renkteki ten duruyordu karşımda. Bakışlarımı sezmiş olacak ki (ee eşek değil tabi ?? “afedersiniz bir şey mi oldu?” diye sordu. aslında ne olduğunu çok iyi biliyordu hınzır. Ben cevap vermedim tabi. Gülümsedim ve “ne tarafa?” diye sordum. İstanbul deyince, kendi kendime: “şanslı günündesin oğlum!” dedim. Ee böyle çıtır bir esmer her zaman kolay kolay düşmezdi ve hemen kafadan koparmazsam hava gazı alırdım. Saate baktım, daha 15 dakika vardı ve bu da iyi bir muhabbet için yeter de artardı. Hukuk fakültesi mezunu olduğum için çenem sağlamdır. Her konuda konuşabilirim saatlerce. Komik biri olduğum için bursa escort de genelde kırar geçiririm ortalığı. Yine öyle oldu, tren gelinceye kadar şurdan, burdan derken ben sağlam bir muhabbet koydum. Sonra kalktık ve vagonlarımıza gittik. Gerçi farklı vagonlardaydık ama ben kızı kilitledim bir kere bırakmazdım. Onun da tatlı bir sohbete hayır demeyeceğinden emindim. Yarım saat kadar yol aldıktan sonra ben kalktım ve onun bulunduğu vagona gittim. Yalnız oturuyordu. Allahım ne şans. İçimden bir “oley!” çektim ?? ve hiçbir şey söylemeden yanına oturdum. Gülümseyerek, “yaa baya canım sıkılmıştı iyiki geldin” dedi. Bayağı konuştuk yol boyunca, herkes uyuyana kadar.İletişimde okuyormuş falan filan. Benim aklım başka yerde tabi, bu çıtırı trende nasıl becerebilirim diye düşünerek tahrik oluyorum. Ortam iyice samimileşmişti. Ben belden aşağı fıkralar anlatıyorum o da gülüyordu. aslında saatlerce durmaksızın fıkra anlatabilirim. Fakat keriz de değilim tabi o kadar. Artık icraata geçmenin zamanı gelmişti. Göbeğinde bir pearcing vardı, onunla oynamaya başladım. O esmer tende ne kadar da seksi duruyor, görülmeye değer doğrusu. Ben de göğsüme yaptırmıştım bir tane. Görmek isteyince t-shirtümü kaldırıp gösterdim ve o da benimkiyle oynamaya başladı. Teni ateş gibiydi ve ben bu gece bu ateşin içine girmeye kararlıydım. Önümde kocaman bir çadır olmuştu ve bu da gözünden kaçmıyordu tabi. O da tahrik olmuştu ve artık biz küpeleri bırakmış, trenin içinde birbirimizi okşuyorduk.Dudaklarına küçük bir öpücük kondurdum, ateşli ve kocaman bir öpücükle karşılık verdi. O tat kolay kolay unutulmaz zaten. . . Dudakları bir vantuz gibi dudaklarımı ve dilimi emiyordu. . . Anlaşılan bu iş çığrından çıkıyordu ?? çıkıp biraz hava alalım dedim, kabul etti. Kompartmanların arasındaki boşluğa çıktık. Bütün bursa escort bayan tren uykudaydı. Sırtını kapıya yasladım ve dudaklarını emmeye başladım. Koparırcasına, kanatırcasına emiyordum bu onu çileden çıkarıyor ve aynı tutkuyla karşılık veriyordu. Bir yandan da bodysini yukarı doğru sıyırıp göğüslerini ortaya çıkardım. Çok kadın gördüm ama bu 20`lik çıtır en güzel ve en kışkırtıcı olanlarından biriydi. Hemen o dipdiri göğüslere yumulup emmeye başladım.O kendinden geçmiş, daha sert yapmamı, dişlememi istiyordu. Ne kadar hoyratlaşsam o kadar kendinden geçiyordu. Bende de dayanacak hal kalmamıştı doğrusu. Bu afeti çatır çatır becermek için sabırsızlanıyordum. Fakat bunu oracıkta yapacak kadar da çılgın değildim yani. Elinden tutup hemen oradaki tuvalete soktum ve kapıyı kapattım. Ve birbirimizi elbiselerimizi parçalarcasına soymaya başladık. Kısa sürede çırıl çıplak kalmıştık. Elbiseleri alıp kapının arkasına astıktan sonra onu yalamaya başladım. Göğüslerinden başlıyor, aşağılara doğru iniyordum. O ise sadece inliyordu. Şeftalisine ulaştığımda sanki ayakta duracak hali kalmamıştı. Fakat ben onu becermeden evvel mum gibi eritmek istiyordum. Şimdi karşımda o kaymak gibi tertemiz, suları akan olgun şeftali duruyordu. Ben bunu yalar yutardım. Öyle de yaptım. Onu önce dilimle becerecektim. Sırılsıklam olmuş, suları bacaklarından aşağıya akıyordu. Dayanacak hali kalmamış, “hadi artık ne bekliyorsun dizlerimde derman kalmadı diye yalvarıyordu” o zaman diz çök dedim ve ayağa kalkıp ağzına verdim.Kaç saattir konuştuğum o kışkırtıcı dudaklara veriyordum. Bu manzara görülmeye değerdi doğrusu. Sanki kıtlıktan çıkmış gibi çılgınca emip yalıyordu. Bu sefer inleme sırası bana gelmişti. Bu anın tadını çıkarıyordum.Fakat o becerilmeyi bekleyen dişi bir aygırdı ve hiç sabrı kalmamıştı. escort bursa Bir an önce içine girmemi istiyordu.Yanaklarından tutup ayağa kaldırdım ve kapıya yaslayarak tekrar o dudaklara yumuldum. Bir bacağını da kaldırıp o dar deliğe bir kere de geçirdim. Sadece uzun bir ohhh çekti. O kadar daracık ve sıcaktı ki bu kadarını hiç görmemiştim ve bu muhteşem bir şeydi. Bu çıtırı sabaha kadar bağırtarak becermeye kararlıydım. Tempoyu tutturduk ve o halde pompalamaya başladım.Kısa süre sonra sarsıla sarsıla bağıra bağıra boşaldı zaten. Fakat benim işim daha bitmemişti.Bu esmer güzelini parçalayacaktım. Arkasını çevirdim ve biraz öne doğru eğdikten sonra tekrar dibine kadar geçirdim. Ve gidip gelmeye başladım. O ise, elleriyle kapıdan destek alıyor ve kalçalarını sallayarak bana karşılık veriyordu.Ahları ve ohları içeriyi çınlatıyordu. Sesli sevişenleri severim zaten. Bu gece ise en sevdiğim şeylerin kombinasyonu karşımda duruyor ve ben onu çatır çatır götürüyordum. Tek kusur bir trenin tuvaletinde olmamızdı, ama onunda ayrı bir zevki olduğunu o gece farketmiştim. Bu pozisyonda uzun bir süre pompaladıktan sonra ben de kendimden geçerek içine fışkırttım. Sanki beni eritip bitirmişti. Şimdiye kadar yaşadığım en zevkli seks deneyimiydi doğrusu. Bu arada o da ikinci kez gelmişti. O halde bir süre kalıp dinlendik. İkimiz de nefes nefese kalmış ve de şakır şakır terlemiştik. Giyinip tekrar araya çıktık ve bir yorgunluk sigarası yaktıktan sonra hiçbir şey olmamış gibi yerimize oturduk. Herkes uyuyordu. Dudaklarıma bir öpücük kondurup hiç bu kadar zevki bir sex yapmamıştım dedi.O gece hiç uyumadık, İstanbula kadar samimiyeti iyice geliştirdik. Tuvalete de iki posta daha yaptık tabi ?? İstanbula gelince telefonlarımızı aldık ve haydarpaşadan da iki gün sonrası için beraber dönüş bileti aldık. sabah olmuş, ben vapura binmiştim ama bir önceki gecenin zevkli yorgunluğu üzerimdeydi. Ben eskişehir`de geçireceğimiz tutkulu geceleri düşünüyor ve kıs kıs gülüyordum. Onları da başka zaman anlatacağım. . .

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

A Socially Distant Hike

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


So I don’t know about you, but this quarantine because of recent events has been driving me nuts. I was finally relieved when restrictions were eased and people were able to venture out again, even if it was limited.

I decided to take advantage of the eased restrictions and spend some time outdoors and go to one of my favorite spots for a hike. It was off the beaten path and would limit my human interaction to be on the safe side. I packed my backpack with a snack and water and drove my Jeep to the secluded trail that I would hike.

I arrived to the lesser known trail and was glad to see I was the only on there. I grabbed my pack and hit the trail. It was a nice warm, clear spring day with a slight breeze. I thought this was a well-deserved break after a longer than usual winter. I took my time on trail, soaking in the scenery and just escaping from the rest of the world…if only for a short time. I soaked in the sights and smells of Spring, the warmth of the sun, and the breeze flowing through the trees.

Hiking through the woods felt good and was a good work-out on the legs. I could feel my muscles tensing and relaxing the further I went on my trek. I also could feel my heavy balls swing like a pendulum with every step I took. Back and forth they swung. It felt good. They were heavy which caused my cock to react and grow semi hard. I was starting to get excited as my mind wondered from the hike to thoughts my swelling and expanding package. I would reach down every so often to adjust myself during my hike. I noticed I was starting to get more and more excited as my cock grew in my shorts and my boxers became increasingly damp. I continued to venture further down the trail.

I was starting to get tired and thought it would be a perfect time break. Some water and an energy bar would be a welcome treat. I made my way to an opening in the woods that overlooked a meadow. I followed the tree-line until I came upon a solitary oak tree and a crumble of big rocks. It was shaded and cool from the sun that warmed the open field. This would be a great spot to rest. I fished out the energy bar and water and proceed to take in the view. I finished up and continued to enjoy my surroundings. I canlı bahis sat upon the rocks like a throne and notice I was still semi-erect from my hike. I rubbed my cock through my shorts and it continued to spring to life. It felt good touching myself out here in nature.

I decided to unzip my shorts and pull them down to my knee to release my growing member. The air felt good on my thighs and manhood. I took the base of my shaved cock in my hand and slowly squeezed it. This caused me to swell even more. As my cock grew I stroked slowly and with purpose. My cock head was bulbous and well rounded. I was fully erect now at seven inches long and two inches wide. More turned on than I can remember in recent memory. It didn’t take long with my upstrokes to get wet as I released a generous amount of pre-cum. As I got closer to my crown I pushed up the generous amount of the clear fluid through the slit. It was almost as if I had cum with the amount I had released. On my down stroke I watch the large dollop make its way down my shaft and on to my smooth swelled balls. This provided an ample amount of lube to prevent any friction while I slowly pleasured myself. I kept stroking myself for some time not wanting to relinquish this moment. I increased the grip on my cock and well as the rhythm of my strokes. All the while more and more pre-cum oozed from my cock head. I was well lubricated and fully stroking from the base of my balls and to the purple crown on the top of my shaft. My seven inches glistened from all my man lube covering it. While still stroking I took my other hand and grabbed my ball sack. I pulled my balls down to feel the tension in my shaft and head. The feeling was pure bliss. I kept up the assault on my pole while gently caressing my scrotum and massaging them in my slippery pre-cum. My balls were starting to become heavy with cum at this point. They felt like two delicate plums hanging the furthest I’ve ever known. They actually rested on the rock I was sitting on when I took my hand off them.

I was feeling restricted with my shorts around my knees so I decided to kick off my shoes and socks and remove my boxers and shorts. This was better as I was able to spread my legs further and better bahis siteleri grip my cock and balls and move more freely. The breeze on my wet crotch and asshole was invigorating. I laid back on the rock and lost myself in my strokes, slowly from the base to the head and back down to my balls. I didn’t want to cum to soon so I continued to fight off any signs of orgasm.

As I was looking down at the impending solo assault on my pole I had noticed the substantial amount of pre-cum pooling on my abdomen. I took my hand from massaging my ball and rubbed the generous spill of lube on my stomach and inner thighs tilting my head back with my closed eyes while never missing a stroke on my cock. I was now lubricated in my own juices. I was sliding one hand up and down my shaft while caressing my slick abdomen and the insides of thighs with the other. Damn I was turned on. This is erotic as hell I thought to myself.

I could begin to sharply sense the tell-tale signs of my upcoming orgasm as I assaulted myself on that rock next to the tree. I wasn’t ready but I knew I couldn’t hold out the inevitable forever. I decided I wanted to try something I hadn’t before to release my self-pleasure. I finally took off my last piece of clothing which was my shirt and tossed it next to where my shorts were laying. Now I was fully nude in my entire adult splendor. I was still rock hard and my cock pulsed and throbbed while still leaking pre-cum. I gave myself a few hard and gripping strokes as I thought about my forthcoming move to bring my-self to climax.

I released my rigid cock and lay back propping up myself on my elbows. My cock pointed straight at my chest with an ever so slight arch. It pulsed and twitched as it leaked continuously. I started pushing my hips slowly up and down as if I was fucking but without a partner. My cock bobbed back and forth with the slow rhythm. It bounced and swayed about as I unconsciously flexed and relaxed. I started off slow and continually picked up the pace as my manhood moved in rhythm. While pumping this way my cock would fully swing between my thighs and the come up and smack my abdomen. There are ropes of pre-cum escaping my slit on the upswing and landing my chest and stomach. bahis şirketleri I could feel the pressure in my cockhead and I picked up the pace to a fast rhythm. At this point I swear my cock had grown longer and widener than when I previously started. The heaviness between my legs is intense as well as my balls swinging furiously against my ass with a soft distinct slapping sound. My cock slaps into the pooling pre-cum intensifying the effect. I reach under my leg to feel my churning balls and pull them by enclosing them with my index finger and my thumb. A ring around my scrotum. I pull downward on my scrotum as I continue to thrust my hips skyward. This forces my veiny and glistening cock to point grossly upward from my groin and flail in the air. The pulling on my sack creates and incredible and vibrant sensation in my cockhead. I am so close to cumming. I now move my hips faster as I pull down repeatedly on my swelling sack. I know I’m not going to last much longer. My cock is now bobbing back and forth at a feverish pace.

Without warning I feel my impending orgasm. The sensation starting at the base of my cock and slowly moving upward to my over swelled and glistening cockhead. I am not to be able to hold back. As I thrust one last time upward, I clench my ass as I start to feel my orgasm commence, creating an even stronger sensation in my more than usually erect member. At first I can see a pearly escape from my slit in my cock head and down my head and shaft. Little did I know what I was in for I thrust up again and it is full game on! My groin is on fire and nerves are on end. I shoot a copious rope of cum into the air above my naked body that land on my stomach and chest, another ample rope of seed escapes and splatters on the rocks next to me. I shoot three more generous shots of my pearly seed and it lands about my splayed naked body.

Wow. What a workout. The last drop of semen escapes me as I pull upward on my shaft and it flows down my swollen and engorged cockhead. I look about at the results of me taking advantage of my aroused state. Cum and sweat cover my body while I lay on the rock. I take another look around and soak in the gorgeous Spring day before collecting myself.

I get dressed and decide to head back on the trail and head back to where I started. I couldn’t help but smile while hiking back to my Jeep. This was a great day to be alive. I will return to this place soon.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

A Perverted Christmas

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


It was the night before Christmas and the house was not quiet at all, see I had my wife’s favorite toy pressed hard against her clit making her moan out loud. It was a little plastic mouse where the nose would go in circles and back and forth. I guess you could say we are a little sick because we had the Christmas music on the stereo. My wife always had a thing for sex near the holiday time and we took it to the extreme.

It started a few years ago when she told me about her fetish about the holidays and we have became more and more involved every year. Since we were both orphans with no family to speak of no one ever sees out decorations or tree so we thought what the hell and took Christmas to a whole new level. Our stockings we hung by the chimney were not your traditional stockings but a pair of my wife’s most sexy fishnets. Our tree was lit up with normal lights but the ornaments were something to behold. There was no string of popcorn on our tree, in its place anal beads were hung, and where the star would be on top of the tree we had a dildo that lit up. And the regular trinkets illegal bahis were replaced by vibrators, prophylactics, and other various sex toys. In fact we had so many sex toys of various shapes and sizes we could probably open our own store.

Back to my wife though, she was decked out in a cute little red and white sexy Christmas number, her bra was low cut with white fluffy trim and she insisted on wearing her Santa hat. I had her matching thong pushed to the side while I continued my assault on her beautiful cunt, it was nice and wet now as she wiggled through her third orgasm. Just as she reached her peak I asked her if she wanted her special present now. She yelled in response, “Yes Santa Baby…Give it to me! Give it to me now!”

Sorry forgot to mention but of course my wife had me dress up for her in my Santa suit. I reached over the bed and pulled my red velvet Santa bag and reached in for her gift. It was exactly what she asked for. With all the various toys we had, we neglected to ever buy an anal plug and my wife hinted strongly how wonderful it would be to illegal bahis siteleri get one. She loved being fucked in the ass or having me fuck her pussy while I slid one of her toys deep in her anal cavity but the problem was when we both would get close to orgasm the toy would slide out so she hinted it would be better to get a plug so it could stay in place.

When I pulled out the medium sized sex toy from my bag her eyes lit up like our Christmas tree. “You remembered!” she cooed.

“Of course my love” I said throwing in a Ho Ho Ho. “Santa checked his list twice and knows you have been a very good naughty girl! Why don’t you get up on your hands and knees and let Santa see if it is a good fit or not…Ho…Ho…Ho!” I told her.

“Anything for you Santa!” She said and pulled off her thong and proceeded to get herself in place. Looking at her perfect ass I felt the lump of coal in my pants turn to diamond. I put my face against her anal bud and started licking, my fake snowy white beard tickling her in the process.

“Ohhhhhhh Santa your beard tickles…!” canlı bahis siteleri She cried. My tongue traveled all over her sweet tight hole. I made sure to get her nice and wet for her present. It wasn’t long before she shuddered through another orgasm and I knew she was ready. I took the anal plug and put it to her hole. Pushing it in I heard her exhale as she accepted the intruder. It was an awesome sight to see the toy pop right into her asshole. With only the base on the out side of her fine ass keeping the plug locked in place it was time for Santa to get a piece of the sweet Christmas pie.

Pulling my rock hard cock out of my red trousers I took aim at her puffy pussy and thrust all the way. The plug in her ass increased the tightness of her twat and it felt magnificent. “Oh baby your cunt is so tight.” I said.


I knew it wouldn’t last long as I drove my prick in and out of her and when she started cumming her pussy gripped my cock pulling the cum from my nuts.



It was a hell of a Christmas Eve.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Daddy’s “Straight” Friend

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


All characters are over 18, consenting adults, and this story is fictional.


It was a regular Sunday afternoon, I was trussed up as Daddy’s gimp for the day. My arms behind my back, ropes going from the tops of my arms and working through an intricate design all the way down to my wrists. My hands are locked in both bondage mitts and clipped together. I’m wearing a rubber cock sucker hood – you know, the kind with the mouth and chin cut out, but a locking penis gag sits in my mouth. Gimp’s mouth should always be occupied by something.

I’m kneeling next to his chair, half bent over, the collar locked around my neck has a D – Ring on it, and from that are two thin ropes leading down to my cock and balls, tied tightly around them hoisting them up, sitting up straight would pull them just too much. There’s also a leash from the D-Ring that is draped over Daddy’s arm of the chair.

Daddy would reach over and grab my cock, stroke it slightly, push out a little more precum into the glass sitting below my cock collecting the puddle. He’d also push the button on the remote which would turn on the vibrating butt plug I was wearing.

There was a sudden urgent knocking on the door, “are you expecting anyone boy?”

I shook my head no because I wasn’t.

He went to the door, and I could hear the conversation.

“Oh, hey Nate, what’s up?” Daddy said.

“Hey John, I’m sorry to burst in on you like this, but I really need you to look over some work stuff for me please. You have an eye for details and I need this project to work in my favor, do you have a few minutes?” Nate rambled on for a minute or two.

John held the door, looked back at me, “Um, well, I’ve kind of got my boy in a very compromising position right now, can I look at this later?”

Nate insisted, “please John, your boy doesn’t bother me, I really need to finish this last component today.”

“Okay then, you were warned, come on in.”

He grabbed the tablet from Nate’s hands and walked back to his chair, Nate closed the door, turned around and stopped in his tracks at the gimp’s position, “holy shit dude, you weren’t kidding!”

“Told you so, now sit down and let me look at this,” Daddy commanded.

Nate sat on the couch near me, but his eyes never left me. He looked me up and down, while Daddy mumbled occasionally and made corrections. I knelt as I should, the vibrations in my ass getting to be a lot, causing more drips into the glass.

There were tiny eye holes in the rubber hood, so I could see Nate as he reached down and began to “adjust” his cock, which was creating a bulge in his pants. He starting illegal bahis shifting around and you could tell he was getting uncomfortable.

“Does he like that,” Nate asked?

I nodded yes, and Daddy laughed, “yes, he loves it. Do you see that glass down there? That’s been sitting beneath him for about an hour now.”

“Jesus dude, that’s nearly a third full. Goodness that’s hot! It’s been so long since I’ve been with anyone. Work has been nearly killing any social life I could be having, and I’m so horny I may just cum right here looking at him.”

“Nate,” Daddy looked up, “I thought you were straight. Why are you eyeballing my boy?”

“Well, I am, but look, a hole is a hole, male or female. He’s hooded so from behind I can just imagine he’s a woman I’d like to pound and release some tension,” he responded.

“So, what? Are you asking to fuck my boy?”

“Um, I mean, no, or, erm, yes? I don’t know. I’m just so stressed out and seeing him all tied up like that makes me hard as a rock,” as he shifted in his seat some more.

Daddy set the tablet down on the table, and leaned over to me, “what do you think boy? You think you’d be okay if Nate here used your boy hole?”

I just nodded yes. No ability to use words, and I trusted Daddy completely. If he was okay with it, so was I.

“Okay Nate, sure, you can use him for a quick fuck. He loves having his hole stuffed, and as long as you’re wearing a condom, which you will, he’ll be just as content,” Daddy got up and retrieved a condom.

He threw it on Nate’s lap, “Make sure you use LOTS of lube, it’s not a pussy, so it doesn’t have natural lube, and when you pull that plug out, make sure you do it gently. It’s not a lawnmower string. He loves dirty talk and a good pounding, so have at it, just know that if he makes the right noise, you’re done, his safe noise is three loud grunts quickly and he has to thump his feet against the floor, so pay close attention to that. If he does that, you need to stop and pull out – gently.”

“Um, okay, wow, where do I take him”, like do I use him on the bed? Or the couch? I’m definitely new to this one here,” Nate stammered.

“Just bend him over the coffee table, he’ll like it that way. I’m going to sit here and look over this work and watch you fuck him. I like watching.”

Daddy tossed the leash to Nate, who caught it, unsure of what to do with it, Daddy leaned over to me, “be a good boy.”

I sort of shuffled my knees in the direction of Nate, he got it so he tugged on the leash. I positioned myself in front of him, with my back to him. He stood up, dropped his pants and underwear, he put the condom on, and knelt behind me, he got close to my ear, illegal bahis siteleri “I’m going to wreck this hole, and I’m going to make it my little bitch hole, now bend over bitch.”

He pushed me down on to the coffee table and squirted a healthy amount of lube on his cock, and as he pulled the plug out gently, my hole pulsated at him.

“Fuck John, this hole just winked at me!” He exclaimed.

“Yeah, that’s because he needs it filled, now gently ease in, then have your way,” Daddy replied without looking up.

Nate scooted forward, and positioned the head of his cock against my hole, then pushing it forwards, sliding all the way into the base, a loud grunt and moan escaping his mouth. With one hand on my shoulder and the other on my hip, he began to slowly thrust his cock inside me.

“Damn this hole is so wet, and tight. Fuck, I’m not going to last long here. You like that you little bitch? LIke getting plowed from behind like the dirty slut you are?”

I didn’t have a response, except to tighten my sphincter muscles around his cock. He felt good inside me. Not the same as Daddy’s cock, but still enjoyable.

His thrusting became more and more intense, “you need to add lube Nate,” came Daddy’s voice.

Nate stopped, squirted some lube on his cock, and shoved it back inside me, a grunt escaping my throat. He grabbed the ropes on my back, and really drove himself home inside me. His cock pushing in and out of my hole, and soon his shuddering, grunting, and quaking begins as he cums in the condom, releasing all that energy into an orgasm.

When he was done, he fell back against the couch, and out of me. I knew better, so I just laid right where I was, and Daddy instructed, “now put the plug back in Nate.”

Nate gently pushed the vibrating plug back into my hole until it was secure, Daddy hit the remote and the intense feeling returns.

“Oh my god, that was fantastic John. Thank you so much,” Nate exclaimed as he sat up on the couch.

“Boy, don’t forget your manners, here Nate, he has something to tell you. Unlock the gag and remove it,” as he tossed the keys to Nate.

Nate removed the gag from my head, my mouth now open, ” Thank you Sir for using my boy hole. I hope you are satisfied with me Sir. I live to please cocks with my boy holes.”

“Um, yeah, you’re welcome? It was good for me too, where do I discard this condom?”

Daddy held up a little trash can that always sits next to him, and Nate tossed it into it quickly.

“Boy, you’re not done,” Daddy commanded.

“Sir, may I please clean your cock off? It is proper manners for a boy to clean up after his messes, and since your cock is covered in cum, canlı bahis siteleri may I please clean it off with my mouth?” I asked clearly.

“Um, that won’t be necessary,” Nate says.

“Nate, you just fucked him, let him use his mouth, you’ll enjoy it, I promise,” Daddy declared.

“Um, okay then, I guess have at it, boy,” the words falling from his mouth, sounding as strangely as I’m sure it felt for him to say it.

I dove down onto his crotch, found his semi soft cock, and sucked on it, using my tongue to swirl around the head, gathering up all the bits of cum that are left over. I can feel him start to harden more, so I dropped it and went to the base, licking around it and getting all the mess from the top of his balls, using my tongue delicately.

“Oh my god, that feels amazing!”

“I told you, he likes doing that,” Daddy claims.

I then took his head once more in my mouth, and dove all the way down to the base, and swirled my tongue around it, and his cock getting hard once more, and the soft moans coming from Nate’s mouth are all the motivation I needed.

“What’s he doing? Oh my god, I’m hard again, what the hell,” Nate exclaimed?

“He’s going to get you off again, it’s a special talent he has, such a talented cock sucker, just close your eyes, and lie back and enjoy it, he’ll keep going until you tell him to stop or until you’ve cum in his mouth.”

“Okay,” he said, and tilted his head back, closing his eyes.

Soon his thighs began to shake as I bob up and down on his cock, taking all seven inches, swallowing as he reaches the back of my throat, until suddenly he puts both hands on the back of head, pushing and holding me down to the base, unleashing a second load of cum into my throat, to which I swallow of course.

His body slumps back into the couch after his orgasm, and I clean and suck the cum until it’s just a glistening soft cock.

I sat up straight – ish, “Thank you Sir for letting me clean your cock and for feeding me your cum.”

“No, thank you, that was fantastic!”

Daddy got up, and pushed the gag back into my mouth and replaced the lock, and handed the tablet to Nate.

“There, all done, it looks good, I made some notes here and there, now, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to take a piss, and my boy here needs to get into the shower for that. Put your pants back on and I’ll see you later.”

Nate stood up, put his clothes back on, and headed towards the door. I waited patiently for Daddy as he escorted him back to the door. Once there, Nate stopped and turned around, “Look John, I may be straight, but that was fantastic, do you mind if maybe I swing by again sometime and do that again?”

“Straight huh? Yeah, if my boy’s okay with it, and I’m okay with it, sure. Now get out of here before I take you in the shower and piss on your naked body.”

With that he shut the door and turned back to me, I knew where we were going next.

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Becky and Robbie Ch. 03

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Chapter 3 – Our Birthday Party

Usually a nineteenth birthday party is somewhat significant, but I can say without a doubt that Rebecca’s and mine was way more than special, it was earthshaking, astounding, incredible, wonderful, amazing, super fine, etc. It was literally the beginning of our lives together.

We had the usual family party with presents and special dinner and lots of family talk and we had a pool party with all our friends. It was really cool.

But the after party was the real party, if you get my drift. The whole time I noticed that Abby was hanging back and didn’t once come near me. I couldn’t understand why, but found out later that Sharon had told her in no uncertain terms that we had a family crisis on our hands and that she better stay away from me or else. So she did. Thank you Sharon.

I didn’t really miss Abby, since I was so busy with Becky and our other friends. I had been in lust with Abby, but I was more than in love with Becky now, so Abby wasn’t on my mind.

The relationship between Becky and I was really something special. How wonderful it is to be in love with your best friend, your real soul mate. We already had such a tight bond for each other and now we had real love for each other. And this wasn’t just a brother sister love, although the brother sister love was the solid foundation upon which our unbridled love between a man and woman manifested.

Becky and I were together during the party almost the whole time. I was happy that Becky seemed to have gotten over her sadness. She even seemed to be a lot happier than her old happy self.

Of course I now knew that her previous sadness had been my fault, so I did all I could to let Becky know how I really felt about her. I had told her earlier in the day how sorry I was that I had been such a fool and that she was the most important person in the whole world to me and that I really did love her, much more than anyone else. I told her, “Sis, I could never care for anyone as much as I care for you. And don’t worry about Abby, she doesn’t come close to you. I just want to be with you.”

Sharon had informed me of the cause of Becky’s unhappiness, and I wanted to make sure that, especially on this day, Becky was happy. So I stuck with her like glue and made a point of touching her a lot, feeling a tingle every time. I knew this would please her. We both relished touching each other and our closeness.

The highlight of the pool party was when we decided to go swimming and play some water polo and then volleyball.

As soon as Becky removed the light robe which was hiding her incredible body, which was then only slightly hidden by her small bikini, everyone there was astonished with her ravishing beauty, which included her perky breasts, which were very large and firm with pointed nipples, but not saggy, her hot firm muscular ass and strong toned legs.

You could almost hear the gasps, and definitely you could see the appreciative looks at Becky. She was totally hot beyond comparison! And she was mine. Well, at least I was thinking and hoping like that.

Abby was stunned as she stared at Becky. I am sure she was jealous, as she knew that at least part of the problem in our family was between Becky and I, since we had always been together. I was sure she knew right then that she couldn’t even start to compete with Becky in the body department.

I was so stoked that my best friend was a full-blooded hottie and I kept feeling my love for Becky grow and grow. I was so in love at this point that I hardly knew what I was doing. It was overwhelming, so I just tried to go with the flow as best as I could. The euphoria kept me sailing and I just relished it.

The games and swimming went on for several hours of great fun, with lots of bouncing breasts and twisted bikinis revealing the previously hidden jewels of these beauties and everyone had a blast.

I spent most of those hours with my eyes locked on Becky’s incredible body as she jumped and moved about — her unmatchable breasts jiggling and puffing out of her tiny bikini top. I was most definitely more than a little attached to her newly illegal bahis revealed body. She was so hot!!

Finally the party thinned down to couples and Abby vanished along with most of the guests. That only left our family and a few odd couples around the pool. Our family went inside to do the family thing, letting the others do their “teen couple” thing outside and wander home later.

Our parents were cool that way, not intruding and giving everyone the space to relax and do what they wanted. I found out later that a couple of cherries were popped that night in our backyard. As for my dear sister’s cherry, I was definitely thinking about that. Well, a guy can hope can’t he?

After the dinner and presents were finished, Becky and I were told separately to come to Sharon’s room just before we were ready for bed, to get our special presents. Sharon said she had the perfect present for each of us.

Little did we know that our present was each other and that Sharon was arranging that. When I arrived in Sharon’s room Becky had been there for a while and they were grinning slyly at me. “What?” I said. “What’s going on?”

Sharon told me to lock the door, which based on my recent experience with Sharon, immediately started me thinking that something very, very interesting is about to happen here. ‘Oh my god,’ I thought, ‘what are these stunning beauties going to do to me?’

Sharon then explained that she really wanted to help us understand our relationship with each other and that she also wanted to help us understand our newly found sexuality, which she knew (as the last few days demonstrated) was really bewildering us.

And, “You guys really don’t know much at all about sex, but I’ll show you everything.” She said, ‘Show?’

‘Does that mean what I think it means? Show time!! Oh, yeah!’

After explaining to Becky (again) how guys are ruled by their dicks half the time and let it think for them too often, she explained in detail how this had affected me. It was really only a bodily necessity taking control. She felt it was important to reiterate this to Becky.

She went on and on about all sorts of sexual situations and various relationships and Becky was a very eager listener. Gradually she went into the things that are part of the dating process and said she wanted to teach us all about them.

Since Sharon had already given me head the night before, she said she wanted to start the demonstrations by giving me head. I was stunned to think she would do this in front of Becky, even more shocked that I was going to be getting such a very personal thing in front of Becky.

I had never exposed myself to Becky and was very shy to do that, but Becky broke the ice herself by saying, “Robbie’s cock is the only one I have ever actually seen and I saw it twice.”

Yeah, wow, a major shocker. This was surprising news to me.

She said, “The first time was when Robbie took a piss once and thought I couldn’t see him in the bushes, but I peeked and checked him out. You know, I really wanted to see his dick.”

“The other time was when he was sleeping.” She said, “I could see Robbie’s huge hardon with his boxers pulled really tightly around it.” Speaking to me she said, “So I checked you out as you slept, watching you for a long time. And it was a real turn on. You were really out of it, so I wrapped my hand around it and held your dick for a long time. As it did that, it got a lot bigger. It was really exciting for me. I had to get myself off afterwards. It made me so hot.”

“So, what’s the problem? I have already seen it brother,” she said.

I was still nervous. I didn’t want to screw up our great friendship, but realized things were quickly escalating to a much better situation anyway, so what’s a guy to do?

Sharon then reached over and started stroking the very hard lump in my pants. “Brother, lay on your back and close your eyes.” So I did, thinking that this was getting really exciting. Sharon made it a whole lot easier to just go with her flow.

I realized then that I am going to have my cock on display to Becky and Sharon, the two hottest girls illegal bahis siteleri on the planet, who also happen to be the two most important people in my life. I wasn’t sure about being exposed just like that, but couldn’t say anything to stop Sharon.

She was in control, very much in control. And I did want it to happen, but I was painfully shy.

Next thing I know, she opened my pants and pulled out my throbbing cock and I was going out of my mind with the excitement, knowing that Becky and Sharon are so focused on my sex organ, hunched over staring at it and talking about it as if I was a specimen on display in a museum.

To call it a ‘hard on’ is an understatement. My dick was pulsating with surcharged excitement of things to come and was painfully hard.

Just like she did on the previous night, Sharon slurped her puffy lips all over the head of my cock, only this time she kept a running dialogue going with Becky, explaining everything expertly to her like a cooking lessen, so Becky would know what to do and how to do it.

When I heard, “Now you try it,” I about blew my wad right there, but somehow held it in.

Becky gingerly took me in her hand nervously and oh so sweetly stroked me back and forth for a few minutes, feeling my dick all over, getting used to it for the first time. It was the most incredible experience to feel Becky so lovingly fondle me so intimately for the first time. It felt so damn good. I was in ecstasy.

I opened my eyes a little and loved the smile on Becky’s face and the total look of love she exuded as she gently stroked me with great concentration. This really was heaven.

Sharon warned Becky that when she took my loaded member in her mouth that I would probably immediately go off and shoot my load. I definitely knew that she was right — I was real close to losing it.

Becky then sucked me so nicely that I was even more in total ecstasy. Yup, right again. I came buckets of cum in Becky’s mouth and she swallowed it for the first time, surprised at the whole intense experience.

Becky continued sucking and licking all over my cock and then looked up into my eyes with this dizzy dreamy look of intense love, so much love, that it totally melted and captured my heart. I could only respond with my own dreamy look of love.

Sharon watched with amazement at our exchanges of love and smiled a really nice smile, “You are really two lovebirds, aren’t you?” We didn’t reply but just held onto each other tightly.

After sometime, we talked for a while, and then Sharon said that, “Seeing you getting off so well had made me horny and I want you to eat me out and get me off too, brother.”

I got down on her real fast and devoured her tasty cunt, much to the astonishment of Becky, who had never seen anything like this before. But I could tell that she was really turned on by the fact that Sharon was so into it and experienced so many orgasms as I licked and sucked her dripping slit and puffy clitoris so expertly.

This was Sharon’s idea to get Becky really curious to try the same, to want to experience the same ecstatic orgasms and of course she would want me to do this to Becky. That was the whole point. Sharon was too cool.

As she finished her orgasms, she turned to Becky and said to her, “Now its your turn to get licked,” and before Becky could say anything, Sharon started to rub Becky’s eager cunt mound through her shorts to ease her into it.

Sharon knew Becky would also be very shy about exposing herself to me, or at least she thought she would. Becky was definitely shy and unsure of herself sexually, so Sharon just kept rubbing her burning hot pussy until Becky got really worked up. Before you knew it, Becky had an intense orgasm, her first real orgasm ever.

Just as she peaked, shaking and spasming all over the place, totally overwhelmed and disorientated, Sharon ripped her shorts and panties off exposing her perfect bare vagina to me for the first time.

If I was stunned before, it was nothing compared to now. It was so beautiful, so luscious. I was in love with her perfect pussy, it was so awesome. canlı bahis siteleri I couldn’t wait to dive in and eat her alive. I had never seen anything so sexy and inviting.

Her puffy lips were surrounded by bare skin inviting me to “come lick me.” Sharon had told me the previous night that she had shaved Becky two days ago, so the bikini would fit better and not show her hair around the edges of her cuntal mound.

This wasn’t the Becky that I knew, but I wasn’t complaining. On the contrary I loved it and looked forward to more of the new Becky.

I was in love with her beckoning pussy, I was in love with Becky and I was in love with Sharon. I was in love with life itself. It was just so wonderful. And I was totally worked up in my extreme lust for Becky.

It was overwhelming. I was drooling and Sharon smiled wickedly seeing my bewildered looks. She kept rubbing as she flicked Becky’s clit, keeping Becky in a trance so she wouldn’t feel self conscious, but she need not have worried, for Becky was in another world, relishing the most intense pleasure she had ever felt.

She writhed, moving her head back and forth as she breathed deeply, experiencing all these new and intense sexual emotions. Sharon hinted with a flip of her head that I dive in and start licking Becky’s cunt before she realized that it was me slurping her. I did immediately and sprayed my pants, overcome with the intense erotic emotion, as I worked the beauty of Becky’s perfect sex.

Every superlative description you could use would not have described my happiness and emotion at that time, what to speak of my awe for this beautiful bare vagina which was all mine to do whatever I wanted with. I was really blissed out, intoxicated and giddy with my good fortune.

Meditating on this unique opportunity to give Becky a good first sexual experience, I decided to put everything I had, all my love, my lust, my friendship, and desire to excite her, into our first oral sex together.

I did, and she really appreciated it. As I licked and sucked on her hot slick vagina, her first erotic experience, and moved up to suck and nibble on her clitoris, I stuck my middle finger into her love hole slowly and moved it in and out, twisting it as I did so. I could feel her virgin cherry narrowing her hole as I pumped my finger in and out, and she moaned in great ecstasy.

With my other hand I rolled her nipples, squeezing them roughly, as I palmed her erect breasts. She soon went over the top and had what seemed like one continuous orgasm after another, blurred by their frequency.

I continued sucking and licking and fingering for a long time as Becky stayed up and out of sight in her frenzy.

Finally she started to come back down and put her hands on the back of my head lovingly, “That was so wonderful, dear brother. I never imagined sex could be so good. Oh thank you Robbie. And thank you Sharon.”

Then she pulled me up and gave me the biggest sloppiest kiss of intense love imaginable and just held onto me with a tight grip for the longest time. We melted together into the oblivion of our love for each other, happy just to be together, forgetting everything else.

Sharon still hadn’t told us that the grand finale was the losing of our virginities to each other, but somehow that just seemed to be part of the whole plan and we were enjoying everything so much that it just flowed from one thing to the other, like one giant orgasm.

We just held onto each other, basking in our mutual love, until Sharon surprised us by telling us that there was one more thing that she wanted us to do for her. After she got our attention she told us that our birthday presents were each other’s cherry and we should fuck each other now.

She told us that this was the best time of Becky’s cycle (right after her period) and the chance of pregnancy was very low, so I could just go ahead and cum inside Becky.

She said that tomorrow she would take Becky to see Dr. Holden and get her on the pill so she wouldn’t have to worry about that from here on out, only that after today we would have to be careful for a little while.

This was far more than I could have ever expected. Sharon must really love us to do all this for us. She is so damn hot. I said, “So we should do this now?”

“Now,” Sharon said, leaving me shaking in anticipation of the greatest moment of my life.

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The Sundress

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It’s a sunny summer afternoon. I’ve taken refuge from the heat of the day, enjoying the breeze and a drink at a bar just steps from the beach. I’m dressed for the weather in a flimsy sundress that wraps around my narrow waist and high heeled sandals now dangling from my neatly pedicured toes. The plunging neck line of the sundress scarcely covers my full breasts. The spaghetti straps slip lazily down my shoulders from time to time, giving me an excuse to caress my nicely defined arms when I get around to sliding the wayward straps back into place.

The breeze flaps the wrap portion of the sundress open, providing an enticing glimpse of my athletic legs. I half heartedly lay the fabric back down, but the breeze feels good and the heat of the sun on my toned thighs is tantalizing, so I let this continue. Besides, it gives a nice little show that turns me on as I feel my drink going straight to my head.

Unknown to me, you’ve been seated comfortably just a short distance away. You’ve been enjoying the show while you work on a drink, waiting very patiently. Now you’re wrestling with competing desires: wait and watch me, your wanton girlfriend, while enjoying the reactions elicited from both men and women or surrender to your growing desire to touch me, feel me, press your body against mine and let me feel for myself how much you want me. The latter is winning as you watch me lean forward and catch more than a casual glimpse of my breasts firmly protruding over the top of my bra, completely visible under the flimsy sundress.

You rise from your seat and scarcely feel the few strides it takes to reach me. Thrilled to see you, I wrap my arms around you, holding you tightly and a little more seductively than is probably appropriate for a public place in broad daylight… but illegal bahis the heat and the breeze and the drink have all had their effect on me. I already feel my breath quickening as you press your way in between my legs, pulling at my hips and tugging me right to the edge of the barstool. I feel how hard you are and know exactly what’s on your mind. I’m so turned on, I know you can feel my heart pounding. Unable to wait, we kiss deeply, passionately both knowing we need to go… now.

You pull me down off the bar stool, steadying me and at the same time feeling your way up my waist. You linger deliciously as your hands brush my breasts. You take me by the hand and we walk quickly away from the bar. We make it just around a corner and a few steps down a secluded path when you stop and pull me into you, kissing me urgently. Your hands feel as if they’re touching me everywhere, all at once, making my head spin in a frenzy of desire.

Your hands run down my back, touching me through the thin sundress. Feeling just a thong, you don’t waste a moment lifting up the sundress to feel my bare ass. You moan loudly into my mouth, squeezing my ass in your hands and pulling my hips into your rock hard cock. I am on fire and have to feel you. I reach in between us and stroke your cock eagerly though your pants as your hands continue to explore me. You push aside the v neck of my sundress to expose a breast and are greeted by a very eager nipple pointing its way up over the top of my bra, as if looking for you. You bend down to devour it, making me cry out in pleasure. You know that sound, recognize the desire in my cry and know I will have to feel you inside of me soon. Your cock is in complete agreement, straining against your pants to feel my wetness. You scan the area and decide you’re going illegal bahis siteleri to take me right here, right now.

You tug me along side you a few steps further down the path, next to what looks like a maintenance shed. You press me against the wall with the entire length of your body, teasing me one last time with the tip of your dick, knowing it is one moment and two thin pieces of fabric away from diving into my wetness. You hear my breathing, whimpering in your ear. I’m calling, no pleading, for you now while I struggle to release your cock from its constraints. “Please, I want to feel you inside me, I need you to fill me up.”

You’ve waited for this moment and now you are done holding back. With one yank you untie the flimsy wrap dress, watching it fall open exposing my body to you. You push aside my thong with one hand while the other pulls your cock to freedom. You press up against me, feeling, smelling my wetness while you tongue and bite at my nipples. You stand upright, pull back briefly and then in one thrust enter me deeply.

I cry out in ecstasy, moaning into your ear “Yes, yes, yes… Oh my god yes! You feel so good inside me!” I’m grabbing you now, perched on one leg, the other wrapped around your waist as you thrust into me, feeling my pussy welcome you deep inside me. You are so turned on you could explode as you feel the tightness of my pussy pulsing around your throbbing dick, but no, you are not done yet.

You work me over with your cock, teasing me with just the head and then plunging deeply into me. Fast and hard, then slow, easy… Then over again until I’m so wet you can smell the scent of desire running down my thighs. You love feeling how you turn me on, knowing you can work me to the point of begging you for more. And you canlı bahis siteleri know how I love it when you take me in every way. Feeling how wet and ready I am for you, you are about to oblige me.

You pull me off you, spinning me around before I can utter any protest. You bend me over and I steady myself against the wall as you spread my legs. Your cock is already covered with my juice, and you’ve been working my ass over with your hands relentlessly so you think nothing of it as you spread my cheeks and in one motion bury your cock deep in my ass. “Oh my god! Oh god yes!” I cry out in pleasure. It takes every ounce of control you have to hold back.

You pause for just a moment to steady yourself, then reach in front of me and grab both breasts in your hands as you begin to pump your dick back and forth. Slowly at first, then deeper, harder, faster, pulling at my nipples, watching my ass take every inch of you. I reach down and finger myself as you are pumping me, burying every inch of your swollen cock deeper and deeper in my tight ass. I can’t hold back, I cry out, telling you I’m about to cum. You slap my ass hard, once, twice, again and hear me cry out, “Yes, yes, yes, oh my god, yes!” You feel the flood gates breaking, there is no way to hold back any longer. You grab me by the hips and pull hard with both hands shoving deeply inside of me as you shoot your cum deep in my ass, filling me over and over, over and over. We’re both calling out, “Oh god, oh my god, yes!” Panting, sweating, tingling everywhere, every inch of you a raw nerve, heart pounding, breathing deeply, just trying to catch your breath. You stay inside me relishing the feeling and unable to move just yet.

Then, hearts still pounding, we slowly unravel ourselves, looking around. I wrap my sundress back up as you tuck yourself away. We pause for a kiss, distinctly tender compared to the carnal frenzy of just a moment ago… then walk back towards the beach, arms around each other, heads still spinning, still breathing heavy with our little secret.

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A New Barber

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The bell rang as he pushed the door open. He was the only customer, unsurprisingly as it was late afternoon. Ravi, his usual barber, wasn’t there. Nobody was, but there were interesting sounds coming from the door at the back of the wee shop. Then a face emerged, a rather flushed face:

-Sorry, I’ll be with you in a minute.

-That’s OK, no rush.

The sound of a tap running, then she appeared, drying her hands. Fairly tall, slim, sexy, maybe early thirties he guessed:

-Hello, I haven’t seen you here before. Ravi’s my usual barber. Not – smiling – that I mind he’s not here today. Not often I get a woman to cut my hair.

Especially a gorgeous one like you, he thought.

She smiled back. With her eyes:

-I’m Linda. Ravi doesn’t work Mondays, so if you come on a Monday it’ll always be me. What can I do for you today, sir?

-I’m Sandy, none of the ‘sir’, please. Take a fair bit off, summer’s finally arrived. Oh, and please don’t leave it long over my bald patch: I am who I am, and don’t try to disguise it.

He sat in the chair, watched in the mirror as Linda set to work. She smiled, liking his candour about the bald patch. Most men wanted theirs disguised, and she’d always thought that silly. They chatted as barber and client normally do. She had a five-year-old daughter who was starting primary school in August. It sounded as though she was a lone parent, but he didn’t enquire. Her fingers were long and agile as they worked the scissors and electric razor. She moved from his back to his left side, squeezing close to the chair. So close that her jeans-clad groin pressed against his left arm on the armrest. He couldn’t see that it was necessary for her to be so near to him. Then she bent over, and her tits brushed his shoulder.

Jesusfuck, was she coming on to him? He was thirty years older than her. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman of her age had acted so suggestively with him.

-Want your eyebrows trimmed, Sandy?

She barely breathed the words. He nodded and she crouched before him, between his thighs, so he could see something of the unrestrained tits beneath her partly-unbuttoned white blouse. Her hands rose to his face to stroke his brows. And let him smell them. Recent soap, yes. And cuntscent lingering beneath it. His cock, already tumescent, rose sharply. Just as well he was wearing the barber’s apron. He knew what she’d been doing in the back shop. The flush on her face…

His head was a confusion of thoughts and lust. He couldn’t bring himself to say anything overt, just in case. He hated being knocked back, and he wanted to get to know this openly sexual barbergirl better.

She moved round to attend to the right side of his head. Again, her cunt pressed firmly against his arm, her tits occasionally brushing him. She took a lot longer to cut his hair than Ravi ever did. Finally she pronounced herself finished, and held a mirror to the sides and back of his head. Perfect: one of the best haircuts he’d ever had, and he told her so.

He was nervous about standing and losing the apron, but it had to be done. And he’d thought of a way forward with this provocative young woman. He was gratified when her eyes fell unashamedly to his crotch as the apron fell from him. She brushed him down, sensually he thought:

-There, that’s you done si… Sandy. Anything more I can do for you?

She was looking directly in his eyes.

He fumbled for the money, tipping her more generously than he ever did Ravi:

-Um, I don’t know… – he felt himself blushing – but maybe you can help me…

She cocked her head enquiringly, her entire face a smile. He looked directly in her eyes, knowing his nervousness was showing:

-Do you know anywhere I could get my genitals shaved? Not waxed, I think, I’m told that’s painful, and I’m a wimp about pain… but shaved naked. I can only trim myself with my Remington, don’t dare wetshave myself. But I’ve liked it when my partner does it. The process, and the results.

She smiled, appearing unflustered by his enquiry:

-Well! No customer has ever asked me that before! I’m sure there are places which provide that service… I’ll find out for you. Your partner sounds an interesting woman – she is a woman, isn’t she?

She giggled nervously, a wee-girl giggle.

-Aye, she’s very much a woman. We just can’t see each other very often.

-I’m here every Monday, and every Wednesday afternoon. If you can pop in Wednesday afternoon, I’ll have an answer to your… enquiry.

She leant very close and stroked his arm.

-Um… thank you so much. I’ll see you on Wednesday.

She held the door open for him and he walked out. It was five o’clock. He heard the lock click on the door behind him, and knew what she was going to do. He hurried home to do the same.


For the next two days he couldn’t get the woman out of his mind. On Wednesday he was rather more careful in his choice of clothes than usual. As if he was on a date. He hurried to the barber shop, timing illegal bahis himself to arrive about four-thirty.

When he entered the shop, Linda was attending to a customer, a good-looking guy in his forties. Sandy sat as if waiting for a haircut, watching closely whilst pretending to read the paper. There was no hint of the intimate contact she’d given him. Finally she was finished, and the guy left the shop. Linda locked the door and put up the ‘Closed’ sign. Looked at him carefully:

-I’ve found two answers to your question, Sandy. There are some places in the city offering the … service you enquired about. From what I can gather, they’re a bit sleazy. And expensive. I’m not sure they’re the sort of places a gentleman like you would want to visit. Isn’t it strange, because most of the places that cater for women are quite classy. I’ve used a few myself. I like being waxed… But there may be another choice for you, a better one I hope.

His heart was thumping as she spoke, and he felt his face flush:

-Uhuh, and what’s the other choice? You’re right, sleazy isn’t my style.

It was her turn to blush, all over her face, down to the top of her tits. She was more provocatively dressed than she had been on Monday.

-Um… I could do you myself. I’ve done it before, but not on a professional basis. Couldn’t do it here though, it would have to be your place. Do you live alone?

Jesus, he hadn’t seen that one coming. His cock was throbbing: just as well he was wearing dress trousers. The erection would have been painful in jeans:

-Aye, I live alone when my partner’s not around, and she’ll not be here for a wee while. It’d be fine to do it at my place. But wouldn’t that be a bit insecure for you? I mean, I’m not a rapist, but you don’t know me, and only have my word for that.

-Och, I can handle myself. My karate’s not bad… and I’ll arrange for a friend to call me whilst I’m at your place. But I know you won’t try anything with me: after all, I’ll know where you live, if you want to proceed with this … arrangement. My fee for shaving you is thirty quid.

His mouth had never been so dry, and he told her so, asking for a glass of water. She drew him into the back shop, poured from the tap, handed him the glass, brushing his fingers. Her face was delightfully enigmatic. Her fingers went to the buckle of his belt:

-There’s one condition, before we arrange for your… treatment. I need to see what I’ll be dealing with. Just professional interest…

Her fingers worked quickly. His trousers and briefs slid down his legs. She crouched before him. More deft fingerwork, and she licked the precum from her fingers:

-Umm. Aye. I might even enjoy shaving you here.

Then his briefs and trousers were back up.

-So, Sandy, when d’you want me to provide this service? Fridays work for me, my lassie’s at her gran’s, so it’s usually my day for me.

-Friday works for me too, I work part-time and Friday’s usually a day for me too. This Friday?

-Aye, fine. About ten in the morning mibbe? I’ve no idea how long it’ll take, haven’t done it in wee while…

He handed her his card:

-Ten on Friday then Linda. I’m looking forward to it. D’you know where I live?

-I think I might be looking forward to it too… not absolutely certain… never provided this service before commercially. Here, you’d better have my mobile number, just in case anything unexpected comes up… and yes, I know where you are, I’ll find it no problem.

She patted his erection through the clothes, and ushered him from the shop.

He stood in the pedestrianised street, watched folk wander by, immersed in their own worlds. Two days ago, when he entered the shop for a simple haircut, he’d never dared dream of what he’d agreed with Linda. What she had suggested, in response to his lewd enquiry.


The evening and Thursday dragged, and he could barely focus on his work. He scoured his flat as it was only ever cleaned when he was expecting his partner’s arrival.

At ten sharp on Friday, the doorbell rang. He’d decided it’d be daft to get dressed, was wearing just his dressing-gown when he answered the door.

He gasped as he saw her, when she removed her coat. She was the portrait of a slut. No, more like a whore. Fuck. For the first time, he dared hope they might, though she’d been his every fantasy since Monday. But this wasn’t fantasy. She was here in his home. And had dressed so that he could have no doubt of her intentions. Well, he hoped… Just as well he’d drawn a couple of hundred from the bank the previous evening. Hope before reality… and he’d bought condoms too, something he rarely used, and never with his partner.

She twirled before him, and when her skirt flapped up, she was naked under it:

-Like what you see? I thought I should dress the part. I wanted to look like one of the working girls who’d have serviced you, had you chosen the sleazy option.

He stared at her, unable to find words.

-Maybe you did choose illegal bahis siteleri the sleaziest option… you must know I’ve never ever been in anything like this situation before… now, any chance of coffee before the working girl begins her services for you?

He nodded and led her by the hand into the living room. The plural wasn’t lost on him. Nor the term she’d used on herself. He’d never paid for sex in his life. Well, not in cash… She noticed his rueful grin at that thought:

-A penny for them?

-Och, I was just thinking I’ve never been in anything like this situation either. Now – smiling in her eyes – is Blue Mountain good for you? Otherwise it’s instant…

-Don’t remember Blue Mountain from Starbucks… so I don’t think I’ve had it. I’ll give it a try.

-It’s from Jamaica. I wouldn’t be surprised if Starbucks don’t offer it. It has real taste. North Americans appear to prefer blandness. I like coffee to taste like coffee. Make yourself at home whilst I fix it, please.

When he reappeared from his small kitchen, she was looking at the pictures on his walls:

-They’re all real paintings, aren’t they?

Her voice was a throaty whisper.

-Um, nope, not all of them. That one’s a print. By a friend of mine.

His living room and its contents had interested her. He was clearly an educated man, and cared about his home environment. But she was here to provide a service for him. Hmmm, maybe more than one. Her cunt was juicing. She felt it would be inappropriate to get to know him as a man. She had no intention of having a ‘relationship’ with him. So she sipped her coffee when it came:

-Now, this working girl’s here on business. I think it would be best to shave my client on his bed. That OK with you Sandy?

-Um, aye, wherever you think’s best.

-Will the working girl’s client want more than professionally shaved genitals?

He gulped:

-Depends what you’re willing to share with me. And what it costs. So what’s on offer?

-I haven’t decided yet. But by the time I’ve shaved you, I’ll want my cunt eaten. It’s soaking already. I won’t charge you for that pleasure. If I decide to allow you anything else, there’ll be professional fees.

-Aye. Of course. I’m ready to be shaved when the working girl’s ready to provide the service. Very ready…

She leaned over his chair, parted his dressing gown:

-Oh yes, you’re so ready… shaving an erect cock is much easier than doing a flaccid one. Well – she giggled – so I imagine. Come, let’s begin… I’ll need a bowl of very hot water. I’ve brought an electric shaver and a razor, but maybe you’d prefer me to use your own kit?

-The kettle’s not long boiled. I’ll get the bowl. The bedroom’s on the right, nearest the front door. My shaving kit’s there already, but I’m fine if you prefer to use your own.

She moved to the bedroom. Noted the handcuffs dangling from the head- and foot-boards. So, the man has kinks? Her cunt gushed at the thought…

An eyemask and some toys were on the dressing-table, with his shaving kit. She didn’t recognise some of the toys. A pile of towels lay on the bed. The man was organised. She liked that. The only things she didn’t see were condoms.

He entered with a steaming bowl of water. She needed to get his measure, so she’d know how to play this. The eyemask was in her hand:

-Put the bowl beside the bed, and come here, client.

She thrilled as he obeyed, and she slipped the mask over his eyes:

-Lose the dressing gown, client, and lie on the bed on your back. Arms and legs spread wide.

He obeyed. She grabbed his ankle, cuffed it to the bed. Then the other one.

-What the fuck… this wasn’t part of the deal, girl…

-It is now, client.

Her scarcely-clothed tits brushed his face as she secured his wrists. She was salivating and juicing as she watched his dripping cock:

-Now we’re ready for me to begin my … professional services.

Her phone rang. She answered it briefly, some sort of prearranged code, he thought. Then the buzzing of his Remington, and her fingers on his cock:

-Your Remington looks better than my electric for this part, but I’ll use my razor for the wetshave. It’s smaller than your Wilkinson, it’ll get into the creases better.

He quivered in suspense at her professional movements on him. Professional, but infinitely arousing. He shook as he felt her tongue on his cockhead, lapping at dribbling precum:

-You need to be completely dry for the electric.

She used a towel to pat him dry and continued:

-Now client, I need better access under your balls. And to check whether your arse needs attention too.

She unfastened his ankles. Raised his feet to the headboard so he was bent double, fastened him there:

-Hmm, some hair round your arse. Want the treatment there too?

He grunted something unintelligible. She set to work on his scrotum and arse, flicking the shavings onto the towel, her cunt dribbling copiously now:

-OK canlı bahis siteleri client, ready for the wetshave?


It was weird, feeling but unable to see. It had never been like this with his partner, and he was excited at the difference. And the fact that this woman wasn’t his partner, was providing a ‘professional’ service. The application of the searing mix of water and foam from the shaving brush had his cock as hard as it’d ever been. The gentle scrape of the blades as they removed the stubble. The care in her fingers as they teased to maintain his erection. A most amazing new erotic experience. For which he was paying. Somehow the emotional detachment, the cash involved, made it all even more arousing, taboo.

After some minutes, the woman ran her fingers all over his soapy scrotum and parted arse. She breathed:

-Mmm, think I’ve finished there…

He felt the hot washcloth wiping the soap from him. So gentle, so arousing… then her fingers on his ankle-cuffs. Her hands lowering his legs back into a more normal position, re-fastening him to the footboard.

The extent of his arousal excited her further. The thought flashed through her that she could make a lot of money this day if she wanted to. But she was worried about the absence of condoms. No way was he going to take her bareback. She’d need to see how it went. Meantime, she was over-dressed, and he was her prisoner:

-I think you need to rest a bit, allow your body to re-adjust to the new position before I start on the main course.

Fuck, the ‘main course’? His cock quivered in anticipation. He heard sounds which might mean she was undressing. Then something at his mouth. The very erect nipple of a small firm breast.

-Suck, client.

He did. The nipple grew firmer as he sucked and nibbled. Was replaced by the other. Then she moved, clambered over him. He smelled her cunt. So close…

-The client will eat the working girl to orgasm when she’s finished shaving you. D’you understand? You’ve no choice in the matter. Even working girls need to cum sometimes.

He grunted in need as she moved and the cuntscent retreated. Then a wet finger smeared his lips, pressed between them. Earthy, needy sex-taste.

-Just an appetiser, client. There’s a lot more where that came from, I promise you.

Hot foam all over his cock and the stubble above it. Steel harvesting pubic hair. His cock twitched with every intense movement of her hands and the instrument she used on him. Finally, her fingers slid over smooth skin, a cock stark naked for the first time in months:

-Hmmm. I think this work’s about done.

The hot washcloth, the towel. Her lips kissing the cocktip. He tried to thrust, but she withdrew. Shuffled up over his quivering body. Settled her spread crotch over his sightless face:

-Eat your working girl, client. If you get me off properly, there may be the opportunity of gratification for you. At a price.

-Godyes, love eating cunt. Such a beautiful scent, taste…

And his mouth went to work on her. He’d give her an orgasm all right, even without his hands to assist. It helped that the juice was sliding from her, the tops of her thighs soaking, needing licked. Before he dealt properly with her cunt. He asked her to move so he could access her thighs. She pressed her crotch more firmly on his face:

-I told you to eat me, manslut. Obey, or there’s nothing else negotiable.

He obeyed. She’d sensed he’d be good, and he was. She rewarded his efforts with a succession of gushing orgasms. Eventually she lifted herself off his wet cuntstinking face:

-Enough. Well, for now… and your mouth and tongue must be a wee bit tired too.

She was off the bed. He felt her eyes scan his body. Hungrily, he hoped. Then her fingers, freeing his wrists and ankles. She lifted the mask from his eyes, and for the first time, he saw her nakedness. God, she was sexuality incarnate.

-Does the client have anything for the working girl to eat? Food, I mean. We can discuss any further services you may require as we eat.

He sat up, pulled on his dressing gown. Watched her take his partner’s gown from where it hung on the back of the door. He thought to say something, but didn’t. Instead:

-Aye, I’ve the makings of lunch. And a rather nice Rioja, if the working girl wants a sip.

He drew her into the living room, wanting to appear in charge:

-There’s homemade minestrone, wholemeal bread, smoked salmon, Parma ham, a variety of cheeses, olives, artichoke hearts… what does the working girl fancy?

-Umm… all of the above.

Somehow she wasn’t surprised that the only bread on offer was wholemeal.

He busied himself in the kitchen with the soup, after taking the bread, opened wine, and other foods to the dining table in the living room.

When he emerged with two bowls of soup, she was at his laptop. Shit, he shouldn’t have left it open. Then he smelled her cunt. Her fingers were between her spread thighs, working hard. He looked at the screen. A photo of his partner was up. A very lewd one. Linda tensed, every muscle in her body taut. Screamed in orgasm, her squirt soaking his chair. Sank back, gasping:

-She’s… incredibly sexy… no wonder you miss her.

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Good Friends: The Mutual Orgasm

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It had been months since that afternoon at LeAnn’s. Neither had spoken about it and they had carried on as if nothing had ever happened. LeAnn had only been practicing her newly learned massage techniques… hadn’t she? The activities had got them both more than a little aroused. Maybe LeAnn had been a little too intimate. Maybe Laura had overreacted to the attention. Maybe.

The truth is they both knew it had happened and were disappointed. They had been accidentally interrupted by LeAnn’s husband. He had been oblivious to the situation. Surely he must have sensed Laura’s personal fragrance permeating the kitchen when he walked in; just as well Laura had adjusted her robe and both were acting as if nothing happened.

Today was the usual morning they met at the coffee shop. The discussion was going to be the usual light chat. But since ‘that afternoon’, it had been even more superficial. Laura was finishing up getting ready when she heard a knock on the door. Surprised and wondering who it might be, she scampered down the stairs and opened the door.

“Hey! What are you doing here?

It was LeAnn! Why was she at the house? We always meet at the shop.

“I thought I would come over and surprise you.”

“Well you did!”

They both stood there for a few seconds.

“May I come in?”

“Um, sure, sorry. What’s going on?”

“I wanted to see you.”

“You would have at the shop. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m okay.” LeAnn said as she closed the door behind her.

They stood there in the oversized, two-story foyer looking at each other. Their eyes never left the other’s. Laura took a step closer so they were about a foot apart. She reached out for LeAnn’s hands sensing that she was troubled. Their fingers seemed to naturally entwine and hang down between them. Fortunately, they were roughly the same height, about 5’6″. The house was so quiet… they could each other’s breathing. Laura would swear she felt LeAnn’s heart beat through holding hands.

Laura was worried about her friend. She seemed uneasy and concerned. What could be wrong? She was hoping that she help out in some way.

“Why did you stop by?”

“Not really sure. I wanted to see you.”

“Well, you have. Should we head over and get coffee? You have to get to the office soon, right?”

“Yeah, I do. We can get coffee, or we can stay here for a minute.”

With that, LeAnn leaned in a little closer. She was not sure what she was doing. She wondered if Laura could feel her nervous trembling. Laura was wondering the same thing. Their faces were just inches apart. Each could feel the other’s breathing on her lips. Their eyes hadn’t separated since they held hands. But now the full emotion was in their eyes just inches apart. Laura’s lips were quivering.

What was happening? What were they doing? Surely proper women didn’t do this sort of thing… or did they? LeAnn is so pretty. Is it wrong for me to want this? Laura was wondering, no hoping, that LeAnn wanted this too. Laura was hoping that LeAnn felt the same way and that there would be no turning back.

LeAnn slowly, painfully slowly, leaned forward. Their eyes looking longingly into each others’. Their lips met, gently and softly. Both women gasped. But their lips did not separate. They were touching ever so gently. They both felt a shudder as a spark ran through their bodies. And it was then Laura had second thoughts.

“What are you doing??” Laura managed to say into LeAnn’s mouth.

“Kissing you, silly. You should be kissing me back.”

“But, what if… we shouldn’t…” was all Laura could get out before LeAnn gently squeezed her hands and pressed her lips against Laura’s open mouth. Although that had stopped the words it did not stop the slight hesitation. Laura’s head spun. What was she doing? What were they doing? Two middle-aged mothers kissing in the foyer? But her lips were so soft… her eyes are so beautiful. And the way her lips were “being chewed” sent shivers shooting throughout Laura’s body.

(I tried to quell my hesitation. My eyes focused and saw hers. She was so beautiful. Her light blue eyes, sandy blonde hair pulled backed in a pony-tail.)

Laura had just noticed that LeAnn was wearing what Laura teasingly called her “executive suit.” A slight pin stripe on the light grey skirt and jacket with a white blouse underneath and black heels. Very executive, indeed. Laura, on the other hand, was wearing jeans, a white camisole with a loose white blouse and tennis shoes. A stark contrast in attire.

They continued to kiss for several minutes. Their lips were exploring the other’s mouths, but neither tongue had begun to explore out into the other’s mouth. It was so cute and lovely and exciting when their noses ‘bumped’ into each other. The first time it happened, they both giggled slightly. LeAnn kissed Laura’s upper lip, then her lower lip, and beginning to explore her mouth. It seemed as if their mouths were ‘discovering’ each other.

Laura casino siteleri was certainly enjoying the attention she was receiving. She felt her body continuing to shudder and her knees shaking and her nipples actually hardening! She was surprised that kissing her best friend was having such an affect on her. But what did she expect? She thought back to the massage. LeAnn’s hands and attention to detail were amazing. She remembered her body’s reaction when LeAnn took control of it. She remembered the shared smirk when they both noticed Laura’s fragrance emanating from under her robe.

Laura ‘released’ the kiss and nestled her lips against LeAnn’s ear.

“You are a wonderful kisser.” she whispered.

Before LeAnn could respond, Laura’s tongue emerged from her mouth and dove into LeAnn’s ear! Laura heard a moan and felt LeAnn’s fingers tighten around hers. Laura’s tongue traced her ear and dove inside and wiggled. LeAnn leaned her head sideways into Laura’s mouth trying to push her tongue even further in. Now it was LeAnn’s body that was shuddering. She had never had anyone ‘kiss’ her this way before. It felt erotic and a little dirty. She had to hold Laura’s hands a little tighter so she wouldn’t stumble.

Laura felt LeAnn’s body trembling. It made her feel that she was wanted and that she was able to make her friend feel wanted as well. LeAnn’s trembling increased and she finally had to pull away or risk falling down. But her mouth went directly to Laura’s, with a more ravenous kissing. Laura smiled to herself. She was pleased that she was able to send her friend close to the edge with that type of kiss!

Both wanted to close their eyes and drift off into imaginary romance. However, both also wanted to continue to gaze into the other’s eyes. Gazing won out. Both had dreamed how wonderful this may be and each had underestimatednot only the excitement, but also the joy. Both were floating on a romantic wave right there in the foyer.

LeAnn’s ravenous kissing slowly subsided into a meticulous and gentle effort. LeAnn was using her lips to caress and explore Laura’s. LeAnn would kiss her upper lip and pull on it using her lips. Then kiss under her nose. She traced Laura’s lips with her tongue. She lightly rubbed her nose with her own nose. She kissed her high on the cheek bone; then down under the jaw line. Laura softly moaned when LeAnn spent time on her neck.

It would have appeared to an onlooker that their hands had minds of their own. Their hands would alternate between entwined fingers to soft stroking of fingers to holding them palm to palm with fingers ‘mirroring’ the others. Their hands were engaged in an intricate and sensual dance of their own; somehow connected but separate and distinct from the emotional kissing.

Laura took her turn at kissing LeAnn in a reciprocal fashion. She tried her best to imitate LeAnn’s combination of erotic and romantic kissing. She enjoyed feeling the lovely texture of her lips against hers. They were soft but firm; quite feminine while at the same time a little masculine. Laura returned to kissing (and sucking) her ear. She loved the way LeAnn’s body squirmed and moaned as she sucked her ear!

Laura moved her attention to LeAnn’s other ear. When she stuck her tongue deep into LeAnn’s ear, she groaned deeply, slightly stumbled, let go with her left hand and placed it on Laura’s waist to steady herself. Laura continued relishing her right ear; loving the way I could make her moan with pleasure. Her hand squeezed my waist. It felt lovely. Her hands felt so gentle yet so strong; so feminine and yet a tiny bit masculine. With the quickness of a cat, her hand shifted and slipped up under Laura’s blouse! It was still on her waist, but it was on my bare skin.

Her hand moved up Laura’s side, and stopped when it reached the support of her camisole. Laura stopped sucking on LeAnn’s ear and brought her face back around front. Laura was waiting to see what LeAnn would do next. The two just stood there. Their faces inches apart; their bodies still trembling from the excitement; LeAnn’s hand poised for the next move. After a minute, LeAnn’s hand moved around front and cupped Laura’s breast beneath the light fabric of the camisole.

“Oooooaaaaaa” Laura squealed without losing eye contact with LeAnn.

LeAnn pushed up slightly against Laura’s right breast. She felt Laura’s nipple grow and stiffen under her palm. It was a wonderful feeling. She had never imagined what it would be like to caress another woman’s breast; let alone feel her nipple becoming erect as a result of her touch. LeAnn took a little pride in that. Laura’s passion got the better of her. She leaned in and began kissing LeAnn again. Her little breast was on fire. LeAnn advanced on to squeezing Laura’s breast. Laura began breathing heavier into LeAnn’s mouth.

Laura’s right nipple was fully erect now. It was sticking out a half an inch; straining madly against the fabric and LeAnn’s palm. Her areola had tightened up to its usual small, slot oyna rigid diameter. She didn’t realize she was arching her breast into Leann’s touch and moving it ever so slightly around against her hand. Laura couldn’t believe how aroused she was from just kissing her friend!

They were still kissing. The kissing was wonderful. Definitely different than kissing their husbands. Much different. Was there more emotion? Was it more sensuous? Was it more romantic? Or was it just more secret? more dirty? morally wrong? It may have been a combination of any or all these factors that contributed to the assessment of ‘wonderful’.

They were still holding hands using LeAnn’s free hand. Their hands and fingers continuing the ‘dance’. Their eyes were still burning into each other’s. It was Laura’s breathing that was a little different. It was a little heavier. It was a little uneven. It contained a few barely audible grunts now and again.

LeAnn slowly repositioned her hand so she could take Laura’s nipple between her thumb and forefinger. Taking it at its base, LeAnn gently yet firmly pulled it out even more.

“Oooouuuuuggghhhh” Laura almost grunting into LeAnn’s mouth, again without losing eye contact.

“I love your nipple” LeAnn whispered into Laura’s mouth. “It’s so stiff on your little boobie.” She added in a childish tone and smiled against Laura’s mouth. Laura smiled back.

Laura was so excited, she couldn’t help herself. She released LeAnn’s hand; then slowly reached up and pulled LeAnn’s blouse out of her skirt. She wasn’t able to pull it completely out, only that side of it because LeAnn wasn’t helping. She wouldn’t let go of the “pretty, little boobie” as she called it. However, Laura was able to snake up inside and find a bit of treasure herself.

“Mmmmmhhhhhhh” LeAnn said? into Laura’s mouth.

LeAnn’s breasts were larger than Laura’s, likely C’s, compared to Laura’s oversized A’s. LeAnn was wearing a lacy bra. Laura gently cupped her treasure; it felt heavy in her hand. Laura went immediately to massaging it. She wanted LeAnn to feel the same feelings. Laura felt, and imagined, the prettiness of LeAnn’s bra. She was trying to ‘see’ it with her fingers. As she did, she felt LeAnn’s own nipple growing. It was amazing! Laura felt a thickness that took her by surprise. It didn’t take long for it to grow in size and poke through the bra.

Laura leaned back and gasped in awe at what she found. LeAnn just smiled.

“You like it?” she asked sheepishly.

“Uh, yeah.” was all Laura could manage.

Laura was really enjoying LeAnn’s breast. She began to pull and tweak and pinch her nipple and then take the entire breast, cupping and caressing it. She was still amazed how thick that nipple was. It was a little humorous that both still had fabric between their hands and the object of their attention. But it seemed exciting that way. They weren’t doing anything wrong, right? Still, fully clothed, standing up, in the foyer. How could there be anything wrong with that?

Just as Laura was thinking that this entire episode was innocent and naive. LeAnn’s free hand went to the button of her jeans. Nimbly, she unbuttoned and unzipped the jeans as efficiently as a surgeon. Laura’s eyes must have burst with surprise, maybe even a bit of concern.

“It’s alright honey.”

That’s it. That’s all she said. Her hand slipped under Laura’s shirt, palm against her belly, fingers pointing downward. Laura gasped, grunted and stumbled. She felt like a novice and so embarrassed.

“Should we stop?”

I just shook my head side to side, but we didn’t stop kissing.

“You’re a good little girl. You know that don’t you?” she queried.

I just nodded my head up and down, but we didn’t stop kissing.

LeAnn’s fingers moved downward. She pressed in slightly to ease her fingers inside my panties. Her fingers moved side to side just inside the elastic; slowly and provocatively. Her fingers felt so strong and yet so gentle. She rubbed the heel of her palm against Laura’s tummy. Her fingers continued tantalizingly downward, leaving a wake of arousal in their path. When her fingers finally reached Laura’s pubic hair, they stopped. Her fingertips slowly twirled the top reaches of her muff. Laura was shaking terribly.

“Should I keep going?” she whispered into my mouth.

A meek “Uhuh” was all Laura could manage.

As LeAnn’s fingers slid downward, her other hand confidently cupped Laura’s breast, teasing her nipple between two of fingers. She gently squeezed it between them. Her other fingers played with her pubic hair; almost like a little girl exploring something for the first time… she traced the triangular outline… she fluffed it up… she twirled it in tiny circles. Then she methodically trailed two fingers along each side of Laura’s muff right down in between her legs taking care to avoid direct contact with her clitty.

Her fingers were positioned in such a way that LeAnn did not feel the moisture oozing from canlı casino siteleri Laura’s lips. It usually took a good amount of stimulation for Laura to get excited enough to show any moisture from her tight lips. But Laura knew it to be there even if LeAnn didn’t.

She just held her hand there, motionless… except for pressing her palm against Laura’s mound. She continued kissing with those beautiful lips… looking with those beautiful eyes… holding with those beautiful hands. The house was so quiet. The only sounds were the breeze and birds outside and our heavy breathing inside. Laura couldn’t fathom LeAnn’s hand inside her pants; let alone, just holding her there! So gentle, yet so firm. It’s difficult to explain with mere words.

Then her eyes spoke, somehow. She was pleading Laura to reciprocate. LeAnn’s eyes were begging her to follow her lead and venture underneath her skirt. What could she do? She had Laura in a compromising position. How could she refuse the request of those eyes? Who was Laura kidding?? Her entire being was wanton with desire to feel LeAnn in the same fashion she was being felt! That did not, however, reduce the fear, almost horror of continuing down this path of abhorrent behavior. This was indeed the point of no return. What would people think…? her co-workers…? her neighbors…? wouldn’t she be considered some sort of pervert?

As if to answer those concerns, LeAnn gently squeezed with both her hands sending electric messages throughout Laura’s body. Laura’s nipples and clitoris were on fire, swollen and exploding! And neither had been touched directly by LeAnn. Even though LeAnn appeared to be the pursuer, Laura wanted this, no craved it?

Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Laura reached down taking the hem of LeAnn’s skirt. Lifting it and slipping her hand underneath the finely pressed garment, Laura’s hand bumped into LeAnn’s panty-clad crotch.

“Oh!” Laura whispered into LeAnn’s mouth in a surprised tone. As if she should be surprised by finding something as unusual as a panty-clad crotch underneath LeAnn’s skirt! Laura’s fingers wandered up to the elastic of LeAnn’s panties. She inverted her hand so her fingers were pointing down and her palm was pressing against LeAnn’s lower belly.

Laura’s eyes were questioning LeAnn’s. Laura slid her hand further toward LeAnn’s warmth. She was greeted with what felt like a full, curly bush of hair. Laura gasped. LeAnn smiled. That’s alot of hair, Laura thought to herself. She did, however, notice the beautifully trimmed bikini line; a lovely, full, inverted triangular shape with absolutely no stubble. She actually grasped a handful in her fist and tugged on it ever so slightly. To which, LeAnn responded by stretching her tongue out into Laura’s mouth, swirl it around and then retract it. Laura could fall in love with this particular part of LeAnn’s anatomy.

Finally, after Laura’s playtime with that beautiful muff, she mimicked LeAnn’s motions of carefully cupping her crotch without touching either inner lips or clitty. Even without touching her pussy, Laura thought that LeAnn’s was quite swollen.

So there they were. Standing silently in the large foyer. Slightly dishevelled garments. Each the mirror image of the other. Each woman’s left hand on the other woman’s right breast. Each woman’s right hand cupping the other woman’s pussy. And they were kissing. Don’t forget the kissing. Their lips were still ‘chewing’ on the other’s. Their noses bumping into each other. Their breathing now accelerated and choppy. LeAnn especially enjoyed the act of Laura breathing into her mouth when both were open.

The kissing was not yet extremely passionate. There hadn’t been mouths wide open, faces grinding and tongues jammed into the other’s mouth like school kids first experiences. However, their mouths opened intermittently, tongues delicately darted out to greet the others. But the breathing through the mouth into each other’s mouth was certainly an act that aroused both of them. And the eyes, always gazing into the other’s wonderful eyes.

LeAnn slowly released Laura’s breast slightly; only to sneak her fingers up underneath the camisole to cup her little breast allowing that rigid nipple to poke through her fingers. She squeezed it gently.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmggggggggggggghhhhhhhh” was Laura’s first reaction.

Her second reaction was to follow suit. She released LeAnn’s breast slightly, ran her fingers down the lacy bra and forced the underwire up over so she could cup that lovely firmness in a similar fashion, allowing LeAnn’s thick nipple between two fingers. She squeezed it gently; making sure she also squeezed her fingers together, to apply a bit of pressure on that beautiful nipple.

Then, almost in unison, each began caressing and fondling the other’s breast. The passion, love and even respect that was being communicated; Gentleness, tenderness, kindness. But also a rousing, stimulation, an awakening. A physical and also an emotional awakening. Both women felt it. The felt nipples hardening further under their touch. They felt the more erratic breathing of the other. They even began to feel a very light moisture seep from between the other’s thighs.

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Diary of a Cock Sucker Ch. 26

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In which our hero has a taste of old and new.

I gaze out the window on a lovely but very windy Sunday afternoon. It is late fall and the leaves are blowing wildly through the air. I sip my blueberry coffee and reflect that the chaos outside matches my feelings. Thad the magnificent has just left and I think for the last time. It is with profound mixed feelings that I closed the door behind him. But this day had been looming since the first afternoon with him in the video shop. That was four months ago plus or minus a few days. Four months of a male lover and constant internal conflict. I stare down at my coffee and relive the past two hours. It began well enough, as it always does with Thad the magnificent, that gorgeous eighteen year old athletic body. We had planned for him to come over. The high wind precluded a bicycle training ride today so I called him and invited him to come early. As always, he arrived desperate for sex. Four months of meeting with my unacknowledged male lover. I estimate roughly four meetings per week. Eighteen weeks at four meetings per week is seventy two blowjobs, including today. There have been a few more as our meetings invariably included him getting off more than once, often more than twice. But usually just one blowjob per encounter; almost always the first climax, to take the edge off, like today. I speculate that perhaps it is eighty blowjobs in total, plus or minus a few.

Eighty blowjobs. I keep running the number in my head, over and over. And today was the last, almost certainly the last. I had not planned the events of the day, but it was inevitable. He arrived and it was clear from his body language that he wanted sex. And who could possibly blame or deny him. I have been his lover and sexual outlet for four months. Four months on my knees and my back with my male lover. And today was no exception. We embraced as I closed the door and it was with some difficulty that I got to my knees with my clothes on, such was his ardor. I had him with his back to the door and his pants around his ankles, that magnificent cock standing tall, beckoning to me. I immediately engulfed him and that was the end of his struggles to fuck me. He gasped in pleasure as his cock slid into my throat. As always, he was lost to the mindless craving of his youthful balls. I reflect on the act as I sip my coffee. I look over at the door and relive the moment. The blowjob was not more than a few minutes in duration. That part has not changed from the very first time with him, the youthful short fuse.

But the quality more than made up for the brief exercise. I can still feel that rigid organ in my mouth, pulsing, rock hard, his balls full of cum, desperate to burst forth. I held his cock in my mouth for a few long moments, my hands on his hips, holding and steadying him. I always wanted to delay his climax so that I could enjoy his cock at my leisure. But he is so gorgeous and his cock so magnificent that today, like almost every other of the eighty times, I was overwhelmed. I held his cock in my mouth for a few moments. And then I sucked him, sucked his cock, sucked on him until he spewed his cum into my mouth. I sucked vigorously and earnestly because it was fun and I enjoyed it. Enjoyed having that large rigid cock in my mouth, enjoyed his youthful enthusiasm, and really enjoyed when he climaxed. He has matured over the course of the eighty blowjobs to the point that he tells me when he is going to cum. Most of the time he would tell me. Occasionally he would forget and just pop, like today.

I was on my knees in front of him with his large gorgeous cock in my mouth. My focus was on the organ filling my mouth, the texture of the shaft, the taste of his skin. Yes, I reflect, the taste of him, a mild nutty flavor. I feel a rush as I recall the taste of him in my mouth. My lips slid up and down on the shaft, reveling in the sensation of his hardness, the subtle ribbing of the shaft, up and down on it. I flicked my tongue on the sweet spot and got an instant groan of pleasure from him and a lovely clench of his cock in my mouth. The cock clench in one’s mouth is one of the sheer ecstasies of cock sucking, knowing the guy is so intensely aroused. It required all of my patience and discipline to stop moving on his shaft and let him gain some control back. But for eighteen year old Thad, there was little self-control available however long I waited. He gasped wildly, arched his hips out, and put one hand on my head. I have been there before with him, eighty times before, plus or minus a few.

I began sucking madly on his cock shaft, bobbing my mouth up and down on it, desperate for his cum, wild to pleasure him off. I flush again as I relive the experience. I reflect that there is no pleasure to be had that compares to sucking a cock to climax, the sensation of the organ swelling to rigid hardness the instant before it bursts. Thad gave a great shout of triumphant exaltation as he spewed his semen into my mouth, great spurts ricocheting off of the back of my throat as he ejaculated. I flush again as I relive the experience. Thad emits a copious amount of thick heavy semen. Of course it thins and diminishes in casino siteleri volume as he wears down through climax three or four in a day. But it was clear from the mouthful that he delivered to me that he was quite fresh. I reposed on him for long moments, his organ cradled in my tongue, bathing in his flood of semen. Eventually I withdrew, his cock still full but absent a subtle rigidity. From my knees I looked up at him and swallowed his cum, his eyes closed in post climax bliss, his cock sticking out from his belly, throbbing gently, almost in relief at finally being emptied.

The difficulty began as he was pulling up his jeans when he asked if I had been to the video shop recently. Before I could answer, he added that he had seen my car parked outside the shop; at least it looked like my car. We have been having these kinds of conversations, jealousy and commitment. There seemed little point to evasion and so I confirmed that I was at the video shop. The implications were clear with no further words necessary. But there were further words; recriminations, accusations, my relationship with S**, and my unwillingness to commit to a relationship with him. The reality is that I am not gay. I do not want a gay lover. I enjoy the act of cock sucking. But the rest is only a path to that end. I find the aroused male cock fascinating. I find everything about a woman’s body to be alluring. For my own enjoyment, I want a woman. And so he left amidst tears and unhappiness. I gaze out the window as I finish my coffee. I have a date later with S**. The scene with Thad was unpleasant but I reflect that it was overdue. I reflect that I shall miss his magnificent irrepressible cock, but I am gladly done with the drama and demands that I have no wish to satisfy.

With several hours at hand, I go to the video shop. What better way to get the unpleasantries of the last hour out of mind than with some pleasant anonymous cock sucking. I ascend the steps to the booth area and see that several of the booths are in use and there are a couple of men loitering around. But ascending just behind me looks like my guy. A bit out of shape and sloppily dressed, he has all the appearance of a husband and father escaping the chaos of home for a trip to the hardware store, with a detour here. I observe him looking around nervously and eventually going into a booth. He emerges in a few minutes and looks at the titles offered in the other booths. I slide past him with a casual touch and slip into a booth immediately in front of him. The door is open and he gives me a long searching look. And then he enters my room. The door is closed and we are alone.

My companion stands in the room and looks at me with a mixture of what I take to be desperation and fear. I lean on the wall next to him and ask his name, more as a mechanism for calming him than any real interest. He responds that his name is Tom, real or fiction I do not know or care. Well Tom, I continue, did you come here today for a blowjob? I interrupt the embarrassed silence with reassurance that there is no reason for alarm or hesitation. I continue that I assume that he did come for a blowjob, but that he will have to show it to me. It, he asks in apparent confusion, to which I respond, your cock Tom, you will have to display your cock. A long moment of silence follows in which I assume he is contemplating leaving. I reassure again that I assume he came for a blowjob and urge that he show it to me. Finally he pulls his zipper down and out pops his cock, more or less full but not hard. His breathing is ragged and it is clear that he is very nervous. That he is partially erect must reflect how long it has been for him.

I reach down and run my forefinger slowly up and down the underside of his shaft. The reaction is immediate in a sharp intake of breath as the voluptuous sensation reaches his brain. Yes, I whisper in his ear, I’ll bet that feels really good. I continue teasing the underside of his cock with my fingertips, sliding them up and down the length of the hardening shaft. I whisper in his ear that his hard cock is lovely, so long and firm. I continue to apply a feathery teasing caress to the sweet spot and the length of the shaft with my fingers. I have every intention of sucking him off, but I want some sport first. I whisper in his ear to tell me how that feels, does it feel good? He responds with a gasping confirmation that it feels oh so good.

I assume that if I wrap my hand around his shaft and pump on it, he is close enough that he will climax in a matter of seconds. I want to keep him just below that point. I continue teasing the underside of his shaft with my fingertips, alternating between caressing and removing to let him bob in the air. He is quite hard now so I move on to my real intent. I want him to tell me what he wants; I want to hear him say the words. I whisper to him ‘tell me Tom, tell me what you want me to do’. In the silence, I caress my fingertips on the bottom of his rock hard organ. Each time I touch I receive the most gratifying intake of breath and clench of his shaft. ‘Tell me Tom’, I continue, ‘tell me that you want me to suck on your cock, tell me that you slot oyna want me to get on my knees in front of you and suck on your cock’. I tease again with my fingertips and I feel him quiver. His brain is clearly in full fantasy with the combination of my words and the teasing caress of his organ. I continue with a whisper in his ear, ‘say the words Tom, get on your knees and suck me’. I flick my fingertip on the sweet spot of his cock and he groans in pleasure. He blurts out, do it, get on your knees and suck me.

I descend in front of him. His cock is sticking straight out, gleaming white and quivering in arousal. I speculate how long he will last and conclude probably not more than the briefest touch. I open my mouth and engulf his organ halfway. I do not move but rather just hold him. I immediately feel the shaft clench strongly in my mouth and I hear a great gasp from him, and then he ejaculates, the semen spewing out onto my tongue and filling my mouth. He follows with a series of oh, oh, oh as he completes his climax. It is over so quickly that I wonder if he had time to feel any pleasure at all. I repose on his organ and enjoy the feel of his full shaft bathing in my mouthful of his semen. Occasionally I squeeze my lips on the shaft and a couple of times slide my lips down to the base, squeeze hard, and draw off. To all of these ministrations, I receive the most gratifying sighs and gasps of pleasure.

I expect that he will eventually soften and that will be my signal to withdraw. But to my surprise, he remains hard, and in fact he seems to be growing in ardor without my having withdrawn from him. I speculate where this is going as I do not want to waste my time sucking empty balls. But perhaps it has been so long for him that he is not on empty even though he has ejaculated in my mouth. While holding him in my mouth, I swallow his cum. And then I begin sucking in earnest, bobbing up and down on his cock shaft, my lips pressing on the organ. I continue this for a few moments and begin receiving active encouragement from him. Yes, yes, oh yes, it feels so good from him. I continue bobbing on his cock, the room filled with the sounds of my wet noisy cock suck. The pleasure appears to be on him as he arches his hips forward. I have my hands on his hips and I can feel him trembling. I slide partially off so that I have just the head of his cock in my mouth. I squeeze and suck furiously on it while flicking my tongue. I hear him cry out in pleasure and his shaking continues and increases.

I go back to bobbing on the shaft, my lips sliding up and down the length of the organ. This is no time for subtlety and I am not wasting any effort on elaborate technique. This is pure and simple cock sucking. My lips are pressing on his cock shaft and sliding up and down, vigorously with the desire and intent to suck the very life out of him. And my companion provides every indication of a similar interest and intent. His hips are arched forward, his cock thrust out for my ministrations, and his hoarse gasping muttering is all about how good it feels and his pleas that I not stop. Don’t stop, he gasps, please god don’t stop. I alternate between holding and squeezing his cock in my mouth for a few seconds and vigorously bobbing up and down on the shaft. I alternate back and forth. My companion gets in the full spirit of the moment with a mixture of pleas and commands; suck me, of god suck me, suck my cock.

I can well imagine that he has had these fantasies with his wife many times. But here, finally he has the opportunity to give full voice to what he wants. He wants me to vigorously suck his cock and let him spew his cum into my mouth. And he is verbalizing this with now an endless stream of words; oh, oh so good, oh suck it, oh suck it so good, oh going to cum, oh, oh, oh. Finally I feel his hands on my head. I have been squeezing my lips on his shaft and bobbing up and down. But down we are on the final stretch and his hands presage that his climax is imminent. He holds my head lightly and begins thrusting his hips, his cock fucking into my mouth. At the same time I hear him gasping out, take it, take my cock, oh, oh, oh, take my cum. I slide my hands around his ass cheeks and pull strongly. His cock slides into my throat and I press my face against his belly. I have timed this perfectly as he emits a mewling cry and I feel his cock clenching strongly in the constriction of my throat. His hands pull strongly on my head as he ejaculates. His cock pulses again and again in the tight constriction and I feel his semen spurting out directly into my throat. I can well imagine that the constriction of my throat on his cock shaft is rapturous for him as he is beyond words and I hear only a strangled cry of the most profound intensity, as though his very soul is being emptied into my throat.

I am concentrating as hard as I can to relax and maintain self-control. I am rewarded for my diligence as almost in the nick of time, I feel him relax and I partially slide off, taking several gasping breathes. I hold his cock in my mouth for a few moments during which he gradually softens. Finally I withdraw completely and his cock flops down, dripping canlı casino siteleri the remains of his climax on my chin. I lean back against my wall and stand. My companion is clearly completely spent, the intensity of his efforts having taken a toll. His eyes are closed and he displays the occasional tremor of post climax. I turn to leave the room and hear him mutter thanks, and he continues that that was incredible. I leave him in peace to recover.

I walk down the hallway toward the stairs with the intention of going home. But as I pass the hallway on the other side of the stairs, I cannot help but notice a group of either older teenage boys or young men milling about in the hallway. They appear to be together and they are huddled around the playlist of the rooms. I walk over to them to see what is going on. Now that I am closer I see that they are young men of indeterminate youngish age, probably late teens. There are three of them and there is some chatter about the titles. I enter a room immediately adjacent to them and leave the door open. Their chatter quickly subsides and the three all look in at me. Well I ask? One of the three eventually steps forward and enters the room with me. I am curious if the others will follow but they appear to be frozen in place, staring into the room. I close the door and I am alone with my companion whom I shall refer to as A.

Given his obvious youthful age, there is no chance of entrapment so I approach the issue directly. I tell him that if he wants a blowjob, he needs to take it out. A quick glance has revealed his arousal, and of course he has entered the room with me. He pulls his zipper down and, not without some difficulty, extracts his erect organ from his constricted clothing. I descend without another word and kneel before my companion. He possesses an average specimen although a bit thin in girth. But now released from the constriction of his clothing and faced with the immediate prospect of being serviced, his cock has become impressively rigid. I lean forward and slide my lips over the head of his cock. He tastes just a bit musty but the feel of his rigidity in my mouth is thrilling. I slide my lips slowly up and down on the shaft, reveling in the strength represented in this rock hard organ. As I kneel, I reflect long from the first time on the infinite variety of the male organ, all providing a pleasurable experience to the cock sucking connoisseur.

I am on my knees, happily working on the cock in front of me when I hear a tap on the door. My companion tells that that is his friends who would like to join us. I withdraw from his cock and lean back. I rise and respond that I have no objection to company and I open the door. The other two enter the room and we are now four, rather confined in the small room. A still has his cock out, still at an impressive level of attention which does not escape the notice of the two new arrivals that I shall refer to as B and C. I descend again and take A back in my mouth and begin some earnest cock sucking. I withdraw and reach up to tug on his belt to suggest that he lower his jeans. As he complies I turn to B and C. I see that B already has his cock out and as A is arranging his clothing; I engulf the cock of B and vigorously bob up and down on it. As I am doing this, I give a tug on the belts of both B and C. I return to A and engulf his organ and begin earnestly sucking on his cock. He is hard as rock and the rigidity is delicious in my mouth. I cup his balls in one of my hands and caress and squeeze them with enthusiasm.

I am rock hard myself as this is beyond arousing; on my knees sucking on this lovely cock while the other two are watching, wanking on their organs, waiting their turn. I bob up and down on A, flicking and caressing my tongue on the underside of his shaft. I can feel him clenching in my mouth which only adds to my enthusiasm for sucking him off. I have not long to wait as the vigorousness of my efforts take their toll. In a few more minutes, aided by the milking of his balls, A gives out a bellowing gasp, swells in my mouth, and spews out his semen in a flooding torrent. I hold still, pressing my lips firmly on his shaft, letting him empty his balls in my mouth. Eventually I feel him relax just a bit and I slide off of his cock. He remains deliciously full and his cock gleams from the wetness of my mouth and his semen covering his organ.

My mouth still full of semen, I turn to B and C. Both are nude from the waist with impressive erections sticking out from smooth white bellies. The sight is breathtaking. I engulf C and bob vigorously for a few minutes, and then switch to B where I provide a similar treat. My own cock is near to bursting in my pants as this is mind blowingly arousing. I alternate between B and C, taking first one cock in my mouth and sucking vigorously, and then switching to the other and bobbing up and down in earnest. B has a lovely organ of average size and a jaunty upward bend. C has a breathtakingly beautiful specimen, a bit longer than average with a lovely full girth. I reach up and cup a set of balls in each hand. I lift and roll them in my fingers, teasing the skin, milking the cum in what I am certain are a set of very bull balls. I take B in my mouth and press the head of his cock into my throat. I bang my face on his belly, throat fucking his cock. I feel him begin to shake and he groans in pleasure.

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Destined Hearts Ch. 11

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Hello guys and welcome to this hot chapter of “destined hearts.” I would like to thank you for your love and patience guys. I really appreciate it and I love you too. Don’t forget to drop your comments, whether positive or negative.

Feel the passion…


Antonio raised his face to realize that everyone at the set was watching the two of them with lovely smiles on their faces. They were admiring them, especially the ladies that had their hands on their chests, looking like they were having difficulties in breathing.

“Pra…” He slowly moved his hands away. “Praveen, what do you think you’re doing? Stop your drama.”

But all Praveen did was hold him even tighter. What the hell was going on, he thought as he smiled at everyone nervously. The boy was embarrassing him and he didn’t appreciate it.


He used his hands and took Praveen from his body. When he stared at him, he saw real tears. Something was really wrong with Praveen because there was no way he’d have shed tears in front of Antonio without a very good reason. It got Antonio really worried.

“What’s wrong?” Antonio asked as he quickly got a handkerchief from his pocket. “You don’t look so good crying?”

Praveen chuckled through his tears, failing to believe that Antonio was well and alive. They’d been lying to him after all.

“You’re here. I thought…”

“You thought what?” He gestured with his head, still in shock. “You thought I wasn’t gonna appear at my own music video. Are you crazy?” He brought his hand up and started rubbing Praveen’s tears without even realizing he was doing it. Praveen’s eyes had hypnotized him and he couldn’t move away. He didn’t even know if he wanted to.

Praveen shook his head. “It’s just that… I thought you were somewhere else.”

“Crazy four eyes.” Though he said that, it was jokingly and Praveen even smiled. “You shouldn’t have taken your glasses off.”

Where Bruce stood, he felt like he was standing on hot coals as it got hotter and hotter until he started burning… In anger. His eyes, face and his entire being turned red from all the anger that took control of him at that time. He could feel it travel all the way to his brain. His jaws were shaking terribly and his body did too. His entire being felt like it was about to melt.

He was staring at Praveen and Antonio, wanting to go and separate them. But he felt like something was preventing him from going there, something really powerful. His plans had been completely ruined. That wasn’t how he had planned it.

“Fuck…” He groaned, furiously turning to leave the scene.

“Bruce?” Andrea took a quick glance at her brother and Praveen and then followed her friend. “Wait!”

Meanwhile, Praveen had already taken the handkerchief from Antonio and he had dried his face. He was looking as handsome as ever but he was messy. He had ruined his makeup and his clothes too.

“What’s wrong with you?” Antonio asked with his hand on his hip. Now that Praveen had calm down, he needed him to explain why he had done that. “Why were you acting like that?”

“Well, Actually…”

“Praveen received a phone call that you were in an accident and you were fighting for your life.” Ethan spoke as he rushed to where they were standing.

“What?” Antonio was shocked. “I was in an accident? But I was never…”

“Exactly!” Ethan rubbed on Praveen’s shoulder, making him feel shy. “Someone lied to him but for what?” He shrugged, shaking his head. “This was really serious and it was good I arrived here just when he was coming out. I told him that you had just arrived here and that’s why he was acting like that when he saw you.”

Antonio couldn’t believe a word of what Ethan had said to him. He just remained there, staring at Ethan without saying a word to him.

“Why would someone call you and tell you something so serious?”

Ethan smiled at Antonio before he told Praveen that he had to go and fix himself up so that they could start the shoot. Praveen nodded and then went to his room to have his makeup done and to change his clothes. He was still feeling really nervous and scared. What the man had told him on the phone was pretty intense.

“Antonio!” Ethan said softly as soon as Praveen left. “Don’t you think Bruce had something to do with this? I mean…”

“What?” Antonio gasped, shocked at what his friend had just suggested. “Are you being serious? Why would Bruce do that? What would he stand to gain from that?”

“A shoot with you again.” Ethan said with a stern look. “We’re talking about Bruce here. That guy can do anything just to…”

“Ethan, please stop.” Antonio was getting angry. He wasn’t gonna let anyone speak ill of his boyfriend. “I won’t allow you to bring Bruce into this, okay? He’s already hurt by all this and…”

“Exactly!” Ethan said, equally raising his voice. “Bruce is mad because you wouldn’t have him on this video. Don’t you think maybe…”

“Ethan, please…” He slightly closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. “I don’t casino oyna wanna have any problems with you right now. Leave Bruce out of this. There’s no way he’d play with my life like that. He loves me too much. Instead of accusing an innocent guy who’s at home, you should be finding out who had called Praveen.”

Ethan was really hurt. He couldn’t believe the guy standing in front of him was his best friend. He was a little disappointed too because he hadn’t expected that from him.

“I got Praveen’s phone and tried to call the number but it was unavailable.” Then he sighed and stared at his best friend, shaking his head. “You owe that boy his protection because you’re his husband. If anything had happened to him because of you, how would you have lived with yourself?”

He gave a sheepish smile and left to go and prepare for something important.

Antonio on the other hand remained there standing like a statue, staring at his friend as he left. His words remained ringing in his head like they were on repeat mode. He felt sorry for speaking to his friend in such a rude manner and even cursed himself for that.

“Would Bruce do this?” He thought, his hands passing through his hair. “But why would he do that? I just thank God Praveen wasn’t hurt or anything.”

Then his mind shifted to Praveen and he started thinking about why the boy would almost risk his life to go and save his life. There was something deep in his heart that was telling him something that he was denying and he didn’t even want to accept.

Shaking his head, he quickly picked up his phone and went to talk to some of the crew members.


“How dare you?” Bruce barked, furiously screaming at the men in front of him. “I gave you a simple instruction, one!” He raised his finger, his face getting redder.

The three men were looking at him without uttering a word. They were all dressed in black because they were thugs, dirty thugs from a village that he had hired to carry out his dirty job. Now they had failed and he was really mad.

The men looked scary, muscular and huge. He didn’t fear them because he had hired them.

“And what the fuck did you do?” He stamped his foot on the ground, making the men take a step back. “You completely failed because you’re all failures.”

“But sir,” The tall huge man complained, swallowing his saliva. “You told us to call him, tell him his husband was dying and we did that. How did we fail?”

“Really?” Bruce chuckled bitterly, folding his arms on his chest. “What the fuck do you call that? That’s victory to you? No wonder you have no money at all because you mistake failure for victory and you’re gonna be suffering for the rest of…”

“Now that’s enough sir.” The man said rudely in a loud, deep manly voice. “We’ve already done our job. If this job was that easy then why didn’t you do it yourself? Now pay us for…”

“Excuse me!” Andrea chimed in, walking furiously towards them. “Why should we pay you when you failed to do a simple job?”

“Well, ma’am,” He paused, opening his arms. “We did our job and…”

“Well, sweetheart…” She chuckled, raising her eyebrows. “…you’re not getting a penny because you couldn’t do a simple job. Now we’re gonna have to pay someone else to do your job for you so toodle-oo!” She winked, smiling like an evil queen from a fairytale.

“Really ma’am…” The man laughed, getting closer to both Andrea and Bruce. “…it’s fine. Don’t pay us. But I promise you…” He warned, pointing at Andrea with an evil grin. “…I know who you are and I am gonna go to your brother and tell him everything that you had hired us to do so don’t play with me.”

Both Andrea and Bruce lost the smiles on their faces, replaced by frowns. Their hearts sounded like washing machines and their breaths became harsh. They looked at each other before they looked at the man.

“Are you threatening us?” Bruce asked.

“Threats? No!” The man shrugged, shaking his head. “Why would I threaten you? I am promising you because I know where your brother is. He’s shooting a music video and it’s not far from here?”

Andrea was scared but she knew she was smarter than the men that were in that building. She just had to act smart and everything was gonna be okay. They didn’t call her an evil genius for nothing.

With a confident smile, she folded her arms on her chest. “And what makes you think he’ll believe you over us? I am related to him, you know.”

The man laughed in a deep voice that scared Andrea to the core.

“Then how did I know that they received a call that labelled him hurt and on his death bed?” The man gave an evil grin. Andrea lost the smile and the confidence. “I will also tell them that you ordered the boy raped and hurt as well so madam, it’s better if you cooperate otherwise…” He didn’t need to finish the sentence because the two of them got it clearly.

Bruce was now really scared. He glanced at Andrea, feeling like his world was gonna crush.

“Andrea, what are we gonna do?”

Andrea groaned, slot oyna got a bundle of dollars from her bag and furious threw it at the man. The man got the money, smelt it and smiled like he’d won a lottery.

“I am glad we understood each other.” He warned then smiling at the end. “It was nice doing business with you and if you need our services…” He gestured with his hand. “…I am just a phone call away.”

With those words, the man left with his two gang members laughing at the top of his voice.

“Son of a bitch!” Andrea cursed, angrily kicking a stone from the ground.

“What are we gonna do now?” Bruce shuddered, acting like he was being chased by armed robbers. “Our plan didn’t work.”

Andrea was quiet. She was thinking of something, how Praveen kept on getting lucky.

“Andrea!” He literally screamed, getting an ugly look from her. “Please, say something. The shoot has probably already started and we… we have to do…”

“Nothing!” Andrea hollered, looking at his friend.


“You heard me!” She was being rude. “Right now, they probably suspect something’s up. If you and I decide to do something to Praveen again or even the shoot, I am sure that they won’t even have to look much. We’ll be… I mean, you’ll be the first suspect and once they find out the truth, you can kiss Antonio goodbye.”

Bruce knew Andrea was right but…

“But we can’t just…”

“It’s just a music video.” She said in between clenched teeth. “It’s not like Praveen and my brother are gonna have sex after. Chill!” She rolled her eyes. “Let’s just focus on the grand plan. If we continue getting worked up because of petty issues, we’re gonna lose this war. Come on!”

Andrea started walking out of the building like she was on the run way. Bruce on the other hand just remained standing feeling like crying. He couldn’t believe his plan had failed and now Praveen and Antonio were gonna appear in a music video together. He felt like pulling his hair out.

“You’re lucky this time Praveen.” He said, rubbing his tears. “You can have your moment but I promise, you’ll pay for this.”


“Welcome to my home…” Santiago hollered, opened his arms as he slowly spanned. “…you’re welcome, welcome… Welcome…”

Praveen chuckled, looking all around the grand mansion. It was super huge, though not like theirs. It was classy with white and golden decors, a chandelier, a double staircase that led upstairs and a cozy living room with the whitest couches Praveen had ever seen and a huge golden table in the middle. It seemed really huge for a man that didn’t have a huge family.

But Praveen was impressed by the elegancy of it all. It sparkled and he felt out of place, just like he had felt the first time he’d stepped his foot into Antonio’s mansion. He couldn’t stop looking around.

“Do you like it?”

“Like it?” He was still looking around. “I swear to you that I love it.”

“I am humbled!” He slowly bowed, chuckling in the process.

Then he held Praveen’s hand sweetly, pulling him closer. He looked deep in his eyes and licked his lips sensually, smiling like he was going crazy. He had no idea why Praveen gave him a really different feeling, something that he had never felt before.

“Come on, mi senor…” He kissed his hand, making Praveen’s eyes to water. “I will show you all around my house before I prepare for you a really wonderful meal.”

“You?” Praveen was laughing at the top of his lungs. “Cook? Really?”

“Hmm…” He tightened his grip on Praveen’s hand. “Do I detect doubt in your voice, Mr. Praveen?” He slowly rubbed on his temple.

“And until I taste your food, Mr. Santiago…” He replied pointing at him. “I won’t believe that someone as rich and elegant as you can actually cook.”

“Okay then, get ready to be surprised.”

Both of them laughed and left to explore the huge mansion.

Praveen had become so comfortable around Santiago, really comfortable that they even joked around each other. He’d never met a person as lively as Santiago. He felt like he could tell him anything, even his secrets and the man wouldn’t tell anyone.

It had been over a week since Praveen and Antonio’s video shoot and it had been a really busy and tiresome week. He was glad it was over because he didn’t know if he would have taken another moment of being so close to Antonio. It had been giving him strange sensations. That week had been the longest they’d stayed with each other and being so close. He’d enjoyed it because Antonio had not been rude to him but rather sweet and the guy had been joking too.

Anyway, he was just glad it was over.

Praveen explored the house with Santiago and it was huge. There was no room that he saw in that house that he wasn’t impressed by. But the most gorgeous one was Santiago’s room. It looked like a king’s room with a huge bed, a huge 3 in 1 bathroom, walk in closet for shoes and another for clothes. He was really impressed.

They stayed in Santiago’s room, talking before canlı casino siteleri they decided to go to the kitchen where Praveen got impressed once again by Santiago’s culinary skills. The guy was really talented.

He cooked macaroni cheese with chicken nuggets and rice with sauce. It was really delicious and Praveen enjoyed it a whole lot. He couldn’t believe that someone as rich as Santiago could cook something so delicious. He always thought they had cooks at their houses that spoilt them. Now he had even more respect for the man.

“Alright,” Santiago said, patting on Praveen’s shoulder. “I left the car keys in the room. Let me quickly rush there and go get them. Will you be okay here?”

“Sure!” He nodded.

The man smiled and run upstairs, leaving Praveen alone in the living room. He started moving around, admiring the wonderful decors there. In a little while, Santiago was gonna be married and he wasn’t gonna be living alone in that huge mansion anymore. Andrea was gonna be there to keep him company. He felt really happy for Santiago and Andrea but deep down, he was not at peace. He still wondered if Andrea was gonna make Santiago happy.

He was still in thought when he heard someone clear his voice and didn’t even need to guess because he knew that it was Santiago.

“Finally done with…”

But when he turned, his mouth froze and so did his entire body. It was Santiago but a really handsome, muscular, well-built tall guy standing in front of him. He had a cute round face, a well-built body like an athlete and a smile like that of an angel, or so Praveen thought.

He was dressed in a dark gray designer’s suit with a pink shirt and light gray shoes. He had hair that was short on the sides and long on the middle but was pitch black. Seeing him smile, Praveen couldn’t help but smile himself.

“Hello…” He greeted in a nervous tone.

“Hi!” He was still smiling and his voice was deep. “You’re beautiful.”

“Err…” Praveen took a glance towards the staircase but there was no sign of Santiago anywhere. “Thanks a lot but…”

“Logan!” He said, extending his hand forward. “My name is Logan and I happen to be Santiago’s elder brother.”

Praveen gasped, smiling even brighter. “Oh!” He shook the man’s hand nervously. “Nice to meet you, sir.”

“Sir?” The man’s eyes widened. “You’re making me feel older than my age. You can call me Logan, besides, we’re soon going to be family.” He laughed.

“Yeah,” Praveen scratched his head. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, si… Logan.”

Logan laughed at the top of his voice. He was a really happy man, especially since his brother was getting married before him. He had no idea how to express his happiness.

“My pleasure!” Logan finally let go of Praveen’s hand. “But tell me,” He asked, folding his arms on his chest but he was still wearing that smile on his face. “How did my brother land someone like you? Must have taken him months before you finally agreed, right?”

Praveen’s eyes widened as his mouth gaped. “Oh no,” He shook his head. “You’ve mistaken this, Logan. I am actually not the one Santiago is marrying.”

Praveen watched as Logan’s smile faded, replaced by a huge frown. He had no idea why Logan’s happy face went away. He was just hoping that he hadn’t said anything wrong to Logan.

“What?” Logan gasped, still frowning. “I thought you were his fiancé. He told me that he had met someone really special and…”

“Logan!” Santiago came rushing down the stairs, feeling his heart pounding in his chest. Reaching down the stairs, he gave him a quick hug and smiled brightly at him. “You’ve finally arrived. I thought you weren’t gonna be here until late evening.”

But his brother’s eyes were still on Praveen who was starting to feel uncomfortable.

“Bro, I was just speaking to him and he…”

“Yeah, I heard.” He quickly chimed in. “Praveen is my fiancé’s brother in law. She’s a really good girl and I’ll introduce you to her tomorrow morning. Praveen is married to Antonio Gonzalez, the famous musician.”

Santiago was feeling like he’d just escaped a wild fire. He had been talking a lot about Praveen that he hadn’t even had the time to explain to his brother who he was marrying. He had told him that it was gonna be a surprise. Now his brother was thinking it was Praveen.

“Oh…” His smile came back. “I am sorry, Praveen.” He apologized. “I thought it was you.”

“It’s okay.” Praveen gave him the same kind gesture. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Bro, I was just taking him back. We’ll see you later.”

The two brothers hugged once more before Praveen and Santiago left.


Two weeks later

‘Even if the moonlight shut down, your love for me would still shine brighter.

My life has changed, taken another turn since the day I found you.

Now I am walking on sunshine, breathing in your love,

Your love is intoxicating and whenever I am with you, I feel complete.

Now let me show you how much I love you,

Take me higher than I ever could.

Baby take me slow as we dance under the moonlight.

Take me slow as we dance in the ocean, slow as we move all around the bedroom, slow as I kiss your lips and hold you in my arms.”

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