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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Simone was an ordinary young woman in her twenties. She aspired to several higher careers, although for now her stock in trade was her beauty- she was a freelance model. She enjoyed the work far better than any school, she was quite photogenic.
One day, Simone was at her computer, checking her email. She saw an message for a job. Upon further inspection, she found it was sent to most of the models she knew, along with some she didn’t. Fairly standard job- “Two female models wanted”, “Nothing offensive involved”, and “Please arrive on time” were all familiar phrases she noticed within the email. She called and applied, and the next day she got the approval call.
She walked in, and got in the makeup chair. As the people were getting her ready, Simone noticed the other model come in. She’s cute, thought Simone. She was a shy-looking girl with long, bushy hair with bangs and a cute face. She made a nice contrast to Simone who had straight, straggly dark hair a little below her shoulders. Her face always made her look stern and unforgiving, although she wasn’t usually like that.
“Hi, I’m Chelsea.” the model said, extending her hand, still looking a bit worried. “Simone.” she said back, smiling (she never liked her smile).
They got into their places in the middle of the dark room. Simone was wearing a white button shirt and a short skirt. Chelsea was wearing a brown dress with a belt in the middle and lots of symbols outlined in the fabric.
“Look ahead just as you are.” came the disembodied voice of the photographer.
“Now look like you’re happy to be here.”
“Now get closer.”
“Now look Betturkey happy again.”
There were a lot more clicks and the shoot was finally over.
“Good job today, cutie. I had a lot of fun.” Simone said to Chelsea as she was leaving the room. She heard a low thank you as she gathered her things for an afternoon shoot.
It was quite simply one of her best shoots ever, even if it didn’t sound like it. Being up close with Chelsea, whom she personally found very attractive, made her feel just divine. Once she saw the pictures with Chelsea, her feelings were heightened. Apparently the people behind their work did as well. Over the next few months, she had several more shoots with Chelsea, including one that was ball-themed, one with a vintage theme, a beach shoot, and even a lingerie! (Simone enjoyed the latter two).
One night, Simone was looking at the pictures from her and Chelsea’s shoots together. There they were in several different pretty dresses! Mmmm… they did look good enough to go to a ball… which she supposed was the point. She clicked to them in swimsuits, and they were all wet! This made her realize she was becoming a little “wet.” Simone was alone anyway, so… why not look at more pictures? She saw Chelsea gazing at her in a fancy mask, was it a gesture of longing? She didn’t know, but from then on, she went through with only one hand! There they were with a beach ball, looking all playful and happy… Oh lord, should she be thinking about Chelsea like this? Then came a few lingerie shoots… ah… There was no stopping her now! Just herself and Chelsea, looking at her with red lips, Betturkey Giriş oh, and lace bras and panties… Great skin, few blemishes, only cute ones… Another lingerie picture with them staring at each other…
Simone could bear it no longer and erupted into a loud orgasm! Her noises were so loud they woke her cat up! It felt like an eternity!
Immediately following that, she checked if she had any more upcoming shoots with Claudia… Not for a few weeks, but oh well. She had plenty of pictures!
Hold on there… it was a nude shoot.
What seemed like the longest time in Simone’s life finally came to an end and she was in the studio in only a robe. Chelsea came into the room in the same thing. The photographer (who was, by the way, a woman) told them to get the heavy things off so they could finish before lunch.
Chelsea’s naked body… Wow. Her breasts were on the larger side yet natural, with plate-like nipples. Her vagina seemed like an idealized work of art. Her bum was the most perfect thing she’d ever seen.
The two models got into place… right up close to each other. As the camera snapped, they moved closer and closer. They were instructed to make eye contact, tough as it was, but they did it. Simone was told to put her arm on Chelsea, and the bare skin was something she would want to play with for a long time… They faced each other once again… Simone’s pussy was of course on fire, but she knew Chelsea was charged as well.
The shoot was over too fast, and Chelsea, still naked, went to talk to her.
“So, um, I just got a message about a gas leak in my apartment…”
“And would you mind if I stayed at your place for a little bit?”
Simone pretended she was thinking about it for a moment, then said yes.
They drove back in only their robes, and Simone fixed Chelsea lunch. Chelsea then undid her robe and then jumped onto the couch.
Simone glimpsed as to what she was looking at on her phone. It was pictures of the two of them…
“Hey, Chelsea…”
Chelsea jumped and dropped her phone down on her tummy.
“It’s ok, darling… I sometimes look at the pictures too…” Simone then gave her a big kiss.
Sensing her pleasure, Simone undid her robe and joined Chelsea on the couch. They continued kissing and feeling each other. Within minutes, the two had had several mini-orgasms. Simone noticed Chelsea’s pussy was wet, and went it at with a finger, attempting to get as much as she could. After, she put the juice-coated finger in her mouth and licked it off. It was good, which she made sure to let Chelsea know.
Chelsea then decided to try it and put a few fingers around Simone’s vaginal area. She explored it, enjoying every moment. Simone was loving the work she was putting into it, but then she felt the sensation get better. She opened her eyes to see Chelsea eating her pussy. No one had ever done this before, but Chelsea was really good, her wet tongue going all around the vagina…
Simone tried some pussy eating and Chelsea told her she was one of the best! The two rolled on to the fluffy carpet. Their hands were animated as they found each other’s pussies. They started masturbating each other, their touch making it all the more easier. Mutual orgasms had been the original concept, and when they happened, oh, were they a delight to experience.
After the sex, Simone and Chelsea just remained naked for the rest of the day. At nighttime they slipped into bed together and snuggled and cuddled all night.
Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
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