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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
I really wasn’t into projects. Long before in my various encounters with members of the opposite sex I’d come to the conclusion that there were two types of girls I could meet while I was at college. Ones who I could tell would wind up sharing my pillows that evening and those who wouldn’t. I was always focused on the first group. My attitude was that I was in school to showcase my pitching talents to MLB and to learn those things which would provide the foundation for my future career after baseball, not to invest in building relationships. I enjoyed exercising my dick a few times a week but I had no time to learn their names.
I’m not saying anything bad about the sometimes beautiful members of the second group. I’m sure that the type of girl I’d probably end up marrying someday was probably in that group but as I said, at that point in time I wasn’t into projects.
On that particular Friday night I was pretty sure I was going to get laid. In fact since there were two parties that night, one a frat party at the Sig house and the other an exercise in hard beer chugging in the basement level at Harrison Hall, I was quite certain I’d wind up with a ‘three holer’, a girl who’d be willing to accept my cock in all of her three orifices. The more the deck was stacked in my favor with a multitude of targets the more demanding I became in my pursuit of sexual satisfaction.
I was enjoying my second Gran Patron Platinum at Casey’s, the bar closest to the campus, planning out my evening which, I was sure, would culminate in my driving my cock into some freshman girl’s inexperienced anus. Somehow I couldn’t imagine anything more clearly that staring at this head of long hair (I didn’t much care about the color but in my mind this one was a honey blonde) attached to a sleek back without an ounce of fat and culminating in the full round twin globes my hands had a tight grip on. I spread those cheeks and spit on her star shaped target. It was at this point in my fantasy that the girl would say something totally forgettable like “Please don’t… not my ass!” or “Go slowly it’s my first time.” Whatever she said would always make me smile as I jammed my hard cock as quickly and as deeply into her as I could.
I planned to finish my tequila at Casey’s and head to the Sig house to test the waters. The girls were probably more sober earlier in the evening and although many cherries had been hoisted up the house’ second floor flagpole the atmosphere was generally less intimidating to inexperienced ladies than the brawl at Harrison Hall. In the unlikely event that I struck out at the frat I could always use the brawl as my fall back. The girls would not only be more shitfaced but as it would be later in the evening they’d be a lot more desperate to avoid going back to their dorms alone. It was always at this point in the evening when you’d see the most missing tops on the various women both on and off the dance floor.
Just as I was about to rise and pay my check my catcher and two of the outfielders from my team stumbled in, saw me and loudly greeted me. Since I had to buy my catcher a tequila I just went ahead and ordered four.
I could see immediately that they were all several drinks ahead of me. Pat, the center fielder, threw his arm around my shoulder and blasted, “Boy it’s a good think that we’re too drunk to drive because the cops are out in force to-night. Word is they’ve already handed out three DUIs and carted one poor sucker off to spend the night in a cell.”
I had to ask, “If the cops are out then why is it so good that you’re shitfaced?”
He started laughing, “Because we’re not driving!”
By the time I left they had each sprung for ‘another round’ and I discovered I couldn’t walk the straightest of lines either but I stuck to my plan and headed on to the Sig house.
The place was packed! I couldn’t remember being in such a target rich environment since I was a freshman three years before. I also couldn’t remember being this loaded what with the ocean of Patron floating around in me. The place was crowded to the point of being uncomfortable as I drunkenly weaved through the mass of mostly female flesh on the dance floor.
Usually the game room downstairs was a little less crowded so I headed down. Needless to say all the stools at the downstairs bar were occupied but suddenly it didn’t really matter anymore because I realized that my fantasy had already kicked in. There, sitting on the end barstool was the head of long honey blonde hair, the slim torso and full round ass belonging to the girl in my fantasy. The two things I couldn’t tell from my fantasy that I could see before me were her angelic face and bodacious tits. I, once again, knew I’d shortly be looking down at my rock hard cock ravaging her star shaped anus.
I walked up to her and said, “You don’t look nearly inebriated enough to rate that bar stool. I, on the other hand, am well on my way to being comatose.”
She Uzun porno gave me a curious look as if she were studying me. After about eight seconds she shrugged and bounced off the stool. As I sat down she said, “I needed an excuse to move my ass and get out of here anyway. I haven’t seen the bartender for about twenty minutes.” She collected her purse and sweater and turned to leave saying, “You be careful, now.”
I replied, “You’d better put your things back down since you’ve already seen I’m too drunk to go behind the bar and get myself a shot from that Patron bottle on the second shelf. Since you’re already going back there I’ll buy you one, too.”
The curious look reappeared. She took her time looking me over but concentrating on whatever she thought she could read in my eyes. She put her sweater and bag back on the bar and said, “It’s a party Bozo, the drinks are free.”
“Bozo? Bozo? If I’m going to be Bozo in this fledgling relationship then I’ve gotta give you a nickname too.”
She fought her way between standing bodies and made it behind the bar. During her struggles I realized that those huge titties were braless, a fact used by several guys to impede her progress to the Patron bottle. She left wide smiles and grins in her wake. She filled two glasses with the fiery liquid and assumed the leaning bartender’s position in front of me saying, “I started this evening drinking Kettle One. I suppose I shouldn’t be mixing these but WTF.”
I didn’t respond since I was completely absorbed staring at the tits laying on the bar before me.
She asked, “Have you decided yet?” I said nothing but soon realized a response was called for. I looked up at her trying to think of something to say. Finally she said, “about my new nickname? You were going to come up with one?”
The Patron seemed to be playing tricks on me so I just said the only thing I could think of, “Tits?”
She chuckled, “So in years to come when they write the Russian novel lengthed book about us there’ll be a line about Sigma House being where Bozo first met Tits.” She put her hand on her things. “I really should be leaving but will Bozo be able to get home?”
“Probably not without Tits help. Could you be my icebreaker through the crowd?”
She sighed, “Come on, Bozo, lean on me and I’ll help you out of here.”
I rested my left palm on her shoulder and let her lead me. As we were crossing the main sitting room she asked me, “I understand the left hand supporting yourself on my shoulder but you do realize that your right hand is now clutching my breast, right?”
I was still stupefied so I didn’t respond. She removed my hand. “Let’s not advertise your impending embarrassment at attempting to nail probably the only virgin in the room, okay?”
That word made it through to my subconscious. “V… virgin?”
“Oh so that’s what it took to pierce the fog you’re in, huh?” We made it outside and the cold made me vaguely aware of the fact that I’d left my jacket in the frat house.
Tits asked me, “So Bozo, where do you live?”
“I know you’re cold and I’ll try to get you warmer but first I need to know where you live. Where’s home Bozo?”
Actually, my head was starting to clear in the cold night air but playing along with this drunken Q&A might still get my dick into her star so I played along. “Here.”
“Right, but I doubt you want to sleep on the sidewalk so where do you sleep Einstein?”
“Bed… not Einstein… Bozo sleeps in bed.”
“Very good, so I’ll tuck you into your warm little bed. You want that?” I just nodded. “But your bed’s at home isn’t it? Don’t you want to be home?” I kept nodding.
“So specifically where do you want to be, where’s home?”
I damn well knew where I wanted to be so I answered, “Star!”
She sighed before trying a different tack. “Do we need a car to get you home? Do you know where your car is?” I went back to nodding and pointed in the vague direction of South Lot 4.
As we got closer to my car my hand went back to her chest and she didn’t try to remove it. Things were definitely looking up! I got out my keys and unlocked the car pushing that head of honey blonde hair into the front seat first. In short order my hands were all over her tits and our tongues dueling, the site of the duel changing from my mouth to hers periodically. We were both still cold so I started the engine and put the heater on HIGH.
Making out, sucking face, whatever we were doing was very nice and also very High School. She was quick allowing me to strip off her shirt and play with those huge tatas but every time either of my hands attempted to stray below her waistline she would grab the offending appendage and remove it.
She finally said, “Look Bozo, for some bizarre reason I haven’t quite figured out yet I find myself liking you but liking you isn’t the same thing Öğrenci porno as being willing to offer up the one unique thing I’ve been guarding for almost nineteen years. It’s just not going to happen. If you want to continue what we’ve been doing knowing I’m going to insist we still keep it light, kiss away. If you can’t handle that then kiss off!”
So it was to remain a middle school petting party. She did allow me to help her out of her jeans so I could get a better grip on her ass cheeks but definitely no pussy and no penis.
We were really into some good nipple sucking when we heard the thunderous tap-tap-tapping of a police night stick on my window. I sobered up pretty fast as the adrenaline started pumping. Tits started to reach for her top and pants which we’d thrown into the back seat when the officer said, “Ma’am please face forward. Are there any weapons in the back that we should know about?”
She couldn’t meet the cops eyes as she answered, “Of course not! I was just reaching for my clothes.”
His attention shifted to me, “May I see your license and registration Sir?” As I fished for my paperwork I had started to calm down realizing that these two were just local town cops and for all practical purposes the University was the only enterprise in the town. I didn’t know what the penalty for making out with a girl in a parked car was but I was sure it was nothing to worry about.
My journey toward composure suddenly came crashing down around my ears when the cop asked, “Have you been drinking sir?”
“Yes I have officer. We just came from a party and I was going to walk this young lady back to her room when I thought I might detour her for a few kisses. We neither drove anywhere nor intended to drive anywhere.”
The second cop, the quiet one who had spent the entire time allowing his eyes to rove up and down Tits’ nearly naked body, finally spoke. “Look son, we’re not the morals police. You want to… what’d you say?.. detour for a few kisses, we could give a shit. If the little Miss here needs to get naked every time she kisses someone we don’t fucking care! You want to call all your buddies on the ball club and have them come on down for the gangbang then that’s your goddamn concern! Only thing that peaks our interest is when you break state laws.”
He smiled and put his cop hat on the hood of the car. “Look, we’ve been watching this car for about half an hour. Officer Murphy and I would certainly be willing to testify that it’s our opinion you had no intention to drive this vehicle anywhere. Only thing is, the members of our state legislature saw fit to write it into the law that an inebriated person in a motor vehicle is not breaking the law unless that person starts the engine. The starting of the engine carries with it the assumption that the person intends to drive said motor vehicle no matter what Officer Murphy and I say.
I’ll even go so far as to admit that under ordinary circumstances we’d probably let this slide but you might have noticed that there are Staties all over campus eagerly waiting to tag the students under Officer Murphy and my noses and rub our noses in the incompetence they’ll say we’re displaying.
So what this all boils down to is that if you can’t pass the blood test then it’s goodbye to your baseball scholarship, your team and a major piece of your future.”
He turned to the other cop. “I guess you might as well ‘cuff him Tony. It’s too bad ’cause he had a pretty nice arm; fastball around 102 and a sinker that collected all the lead from every fishing cast I ever made.”
Tony opened my driver’s door and as I stepped out handcuffed me behind my back. Just then Tits chose to look up at the cop in charge and ask, “What did you mean by ‘you guessed Tony might as well ‘cuff my friend?’ Did that mean there are circumstances under which you might ‘let this slide’?”
The cop opened her door and offered his hand so as to help her out of the car if she chose to do so. Tits eyes locked on mine and to this day I’ve got to admit that her eyes were the window to an even deeper well of sheer panic than the limb numbing depression which had taken hold of me. I didn’t know what she saw in my eyes but she put her hand in the cop’s and looked up at him as she asked, “May I put my shoes on? The gravel looks rough to walk on.”
The cop helped her stand and said “Don’t worry Darling, I’ll keep those pretty feet off the ground and you weren’t going to do much walking anyway.” He picked her up and sat her beautiful ass on the car’s front fender. His tongue took possession of the territory in her mouth so recently occupied by me and his hands began to knead those lovely tits I so worshiped.
He put his right hand where neither of mine had been allowed to go and literally tore her panties from her. He leaned in against her body and with very little foreplay thrust two fingers into that beautiful pussy which had never been touched by man before. As she was pushed back her arms grabbed his shoulders to keep her from falling backwards. He smiled and said, “Officer Murphy I need to shed a few garments here so why don’t you sit the young lad’s ass on this hood next to my Darlin’s. Maybe they’ll want to hold hands while you stick your dick between these lovely lips. That’ll give me enough time to get myself ready for action.
My hands were still cuffed so I couldn’t hold much of anything but as soon as I sat next to her Tits left hand flew into mine and began fluttering there much like a bird which has realized it’s been mortally wounded. I couldn’t caress the bird or comfort her in any way. To make matters even worse my addled brain began to absorb the fact that I was now off the hook. There would be no lost scholarship and I’d still get to pitch my slot in the rotation in the upcoming playoffs. My life would go on, able to rise and fall without ever having to endure the consequences of my own stupid actions. I turned my head and again looked into Tits’ panicked eyes. There were my consequences displayed for the whole world to see. She’d taken them and was in her personal living Hell I’d created for her.
I was still locked into those anguished orbs when the lead cop jammed his cock into her precious pussy. I could almost swear that some of the light died in those eyes as he began to pump repeatedly into her. Tears were freely flowing from her eyes as they continued to darken.
The sympathetic pain I felt became almost too much for me to bear. My pain began to turn to anger. I thought, ‘Who was this bitch and why would she decide to give it up to save my reputation? Fuck her! I didn’t ask her to stand between me and the charging rhino! Who does this? Certainly not me! I don’t do fucking projects!’
They took turns pounding that pussy and filling her mouth with what seemed like quarts of their cum. The leader was ready for another go but first he flipped Tits over on her belly. Seemingly knowing what was coming her right hand fluttered into mine. I looked down at her and was struck by the fact that something looked strange. I scanned the tableau before me; the same honey blonde hair, slim torso and wondrous round globes of her ass looked the same but… not. It was almost as if I was looking at a scene slightly out of phase.
I suddenly knew what was wrong. Although everything was almost perfect I realized that the hands holding those hips weren’t mine just as the cock lining up behind her beautiful star wasn’t mine either. As if listening through a door to sounds made in the room beyond I heard the inevitable, “Please… not my ass… please! I beg of you…” just as he drove full force into her. As his pubis crashed into the soft landing that was her ass cheeks she screamed and the little bird between my hands experienced a violent spasm and transformed into a dying fist.
I knew I was crying, sobbing hard actually. Tits didn’t look at my face but had just curled into her fetal position and lay on my hood. I looked around and realized that the cops were gone. It shocked me that I couldn’t remember them leaving.
I reached into the back seat and got what was left of her clothes. She allowed me to lift her right leg to put into her jeans and I was confronted with the copious amounts of the former virgin’s blood smeared everywhere between those legs. Her panties were history so I finished putting both legs into the jeans. She refused to raise her arms so instead of sliding her shirt on her from the top I unbuttoned it and slid it past one arm at a time before I rebuttoned it. After slipping each one of her seemingly perfect feet into her sneaks I finally had to ask, “Do you want me to call the State Police?”
A guttural violent sound shot past her lips as she scrunched further into her fetal ball while shaking her shoulders. “Okay I won’t, I won’t. Do you have any friends you want me to take you to? I don’t know if it’s such a great idea for you to go home alone.”
She finally lifted her head and stared at me with flat dead eyes. Suddenly she launched herself up the lane and ran away from me up between the barren trees. I say she ran but really it was more of an accelerated hobble attesting to the pain her battered and torn holes were giving her.
Then Tits was gone. I still didn’t know her real name, where she lived or any of her friends.
The semester finally ended and a new one had begun. In February I pitched the first game of the new season and I threw a one hitter. My life had mostly gone back to normal except I still had this lingering habit of glancing over my shoulder at every head of wavy long honey blonde hair I encountered. I never saw her but that was actually a good thing since as I’ve already told you, I don’t do projects and she, if I ever found her, would probably become a project.
One Friday I was in Casey’s savoring my second Patron when a few of the other guys came in and started buying rounds. As I took my first sip of my fourth the similarities to that day in my past made me ask, “Anyone know of any good parties tonight?”
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