The Art of Anal Pt. 09

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The Art of Anal Part 9

One day in the new year, I sat on the front porch, facing the street, reflecting on the year that was, from a sexual point of view. The previous year had been bountiful with several carryovers into the current year and some departures. As the situation currently stood, the pendulum had truly swung away from male sex partners to having an all-female portfolio.

It was a portfolio of four. The impressively constructed but incredibly short-sighted Mandy; her mother Leah with a voracious sexual appetite that tended to veer, dangerously, into the deviant territory; her friend and part-time lover, Paula, who had recently left her husband and was the partner I was most keen on; and Mandy’s part-time lover, Bella with interest in the golden arts. The last of this quartet is the focus of this recollection and her quest to experience anal sex.

Then, Bella was experimenting with the thinnest of thin butt plugs she purchased with me from a sex shop on the city’s outskirts. On this day, a storm erupted, and we had some public fun with the toy, but she stopped short of letting me deflower her stinky anus in a seedy disabled toilet. Bella compensated by letting me pee over her naked and fleshy body, thus encapsulating the sleaziness of the day.

We had not seen a lot of each other since that day, but we often exchanged text messages. The conversation was almost always about her butt because our relationship was based on sex. I did not care to know about who, other than Mandy, Bella was screwing with, and she did not ask about my ‘options’, an arrangement that appeared eminently beneficial. Oddly, both Mandy and Bella separately resisted a threesome that I not so subtly pressed on them. Some boundaries were not meant to be crossed, I guessed.


I retrieved my phone.

“Guess what I’m doing?” Asked Bella.

It was around 3 PM on a weekday, and I assumed she was at work.

“No, silly LOL,” Bella replied, “I’m at home playing with myself.”

“Are you using your plug?”

“Yep LOL,” She said, “And watching porn.”

“Nice,” I tapped, “Wish I was with you.”

“So do I, but my mother is home.”

“You’re at home with your mother and are playing with yourself?”

“Yep LOL,” Bella replied, “I have to be quiet.”

“What have you been watching?”

“Girls taking big black cocks in their tight butt holes.”

“Have you come yet?”

“Several times LOL,” She said, “Is that wrong?”

“Yes,” I replied, “You’re doing it without me.”

“I am thinking of you while I’m playing with myself.”

“What are you thinking?”

“Your beautiful cock stretching my tight hole.”

“Pussy?” I teased, “That’s tight.”

“No, dummy. My butt hole.”

“Just say when and I’ll do it for real.”

“Mm, I’m thinking about it.”

“Can you think any faster?”

“Nope.” And the conversation abruptly ceased.

Frustrated and horny, I nipped to the toilet and had a crafty work wank imagining penetrating Bella’s dirty shitter.


A week or so goes by without communication from the buxom blonde that masturbates at her parents’ house, watching porn with a butt plug installed.


“The internet suggests using lubricant when doing anal.”


“What have you been using with the butt plug?”


“Spit lube isn’t that effective,” I replied, “Not if you’re taking big black cock up your shitter.”

“I don’t plan on doing that ever,” Bella replied, “But what should I get?”

“There are a million choices,” I said, “From using regular Vaseline or the lubricants sold in the supermarkets to the more specialised varieties in the sex shops.”

“What do you suggest?”

I paused and thought about her question from a bottom-receiver point of view. If I was drunk, then spit lube sufficed, but I figured Bella would seek a more controlled setting. I had not used Vaseline in ages but recalled it was no good for arse-to-mouth. Bella would not be doing ATM off the bat, so I decided a personal lubricant was probably the better option for an anal newbie.

“You can get an inexpensive bottle of lube from the supermarket,” I suggested.

“Will it be any good?”

“Only you will know when you try it.”

“Okay, thanks.”

And that was the end of that conversation.


Following a particularly intense anal session with Leah at a building site by the river, I saw that Bella had sent a text.

“That supermarket shit is no good,” She wrote, “Will you come with me to the sex shop?”

“What for?”

“I want advice from that woman about the best lube.”

“You don’t need me for that,” I replied.

“If you want my arse, then you’ll come with me.”

Ah, okay. I was slow on the uptake sometimes.

After work, I arranged to meet Bella at The Queen’s Hotel in Mount Lawley, the scene of our previous public antics. The evening was hot, with a gentle breeze wafting from the west. Minutes before entering that fine establishment, I took the opportunity to check the sex shop’s closing time, 9 PM.

Bella bayrampaşa escort and I enjoyed several drinks over a meal. Her gaze occasionally drifted across the road to the sex shop, and there was a certain jumpiness to her demeanour.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.


“Why? You’ve been there before.”

“No, it’s not that,” She replied, “It’s just…”

“Just what?” I pressed.

“Nothing,” Bella evaded, “Shall we go?”

I drained my glass and, seconds later, we entered the dim gloom of the sex shop.

“Hello,” Came the welcoming greeting of the inked-up female assistant.

“Oh,” Hissed Bella to me, “It’s not the same woman.”

“I’m sure this one will give you sound recommendations.”

There was a real look of disappointment on Bella’s face that the woman from our first visit was not present. At the time, the two of them, briefly, flirted and I suspected her regret was due to not advancing that ‘option’.

“There goes that idea,” Bella whispered.

“What idea?”


“How can I help?” Asked the sales manager.

“Well,” I prompted Bella.

Turning crimson, Bella stammered something about requiring a lubricant for sensitive skin.

“What do you want to use it for?” Asked the sales manager in a business-like manner.

“Huh? What?”

“Vaginal penetration, anal penetration or oral sex?” Huffed the graffitied sales manager.

“Oral sex?” Asked Bella, apparently confused.

“Yes, we have flavoured lubricant that can spice up oral sex for both parties.”

“Including ATM?” I asked, deliberately planting a seed.

“Definitely,” Confirmed the sales manager.

“ATM?” Asked a naïve Bella.

The sales manager and I exchanged glances before the former decided to explain in equally simplistic terms.

“ATM or PTM,” She offered tentatively, “When a woman takes a man’s penis in her mouth after it’s been in her pussy or arse.”

“Oh, okay,” Bella responded, “I quite like the taste of my pie.”

“Mm,” Said the sales manager, flashing Bella a leering look, “I doubt you’d be the only one.”

Bella flushed again, embarrassed at seemingly being hit on again by this inked-up woman. Her tattoos were so grubby, so random yet so concentrated that from the flesh on display, it seemed as there was any unused real estate left. The sales manager was not to my taste at all.

“So,” Continued the sales manager, “What do you want the lube for?”

“Um, for anal sex,” Stammered Bella, looking at the floor.

“You’ve had anal before?”

“Um, not with a man.”

“Ah, okay,” said the sales manager, back in full-on business mode, “These are our best-selling anal lubricants.”

She pulled three bottles from the shelf, one of which I recognised from my time with an old girlfriend. The sales manager absent-mindedly described the benefits of the selection.

“Have you used lubricant before?”

Bella replied that she used one from the supermarket, and it left her sensitive, almost uncomfortable after applying it to her butt plug.

“In that case, this one will solve that problem,” The sales manager said, “It contains aloe vera and tastes nice.”

The sales manager opened the bottle, placed it to her nose and squeezed. Her eyes closed and she visibly relaxed, before regaining her composure and offering the bottle to Bella, whose reaction was the same.

“How much?”

The revealed price shocked Bella.

“We have a pack of sample lube which includes this one,” The sales manager said, fearing to lose out on a sale, “You can try them out, find one that works for you and get one of these bottles when you’re ready.”

Bella was satisfied and purchased the sample pack. Stuffing the package in her bag, she beat a hasty retreat to the exit.

Back at the pub, Bella relaxed somewhat and examined her sample pack closely. The five single-use sachets had various aroma and flavours that promised to enhance both parties’ sexual experience. She prized open the packet of lubricant that she reacted favourably to in the store with delicate fingers and squeezed a little out. Bella sniffed it and then brought the finger to her lips before tentatively tasting the fluid.

“Nice?” I asked.

“Mm.” she replied, dreamily, “Can’t wait to use it.”

“There’s no way to save it once you opened the sachet.”

“Why not?”

“It’ll simply dry out in open air.”

“Then we should use it now.”

“Where?” I asked incredulously, “Forrest Park again?”

“I’m cool with that.”

We finished our drinks and re-treaded our way back to the scene of our first public fumble. To our disappointment, there was a large gathering, complete with family barbeques and kids running around. There was going to be no toilet sex for us that night.

Frustrated, we ambled back towards the main street. Even with the setting sun casting dark shadows across the buildings, there did not seem to be any alternative public locations that offered any semblance of privacy.

“I’m going to have to get home soon,” Bella said, istanbul escort bayan clearly upset about being denied an orgasm or two.

“How long?”

Bella looked at her watch before confirming we had perhaps thirty minutes left today.

“I don’t think it’s going to happen tonight,” I said.

“Shame,” Bella replied, “I want to lose my anal cherry.”

“Seriously?” I could barely believe it.

“Yeah,” Bella reflected, “But we’ll have to wait, sadly.”

Yes, I was sad but horny, really horny, and, as we walked back to The Queen’s Hotel and beyond, I scrutinised every potential hideaway, but came up empty-handed each time.

“There’s nothing,” I said, forlornly accepting the inevitable, “We may as well enjoy a final drink.”


We reversed course and walked back to the pub. Passing the hotel car park entrance, I noticed a clump of trees in the bottom right corner with no cars parked on either side.

“What about there?” I pointed.

“The trees?” Bella asked, sceptical, “Let’s have a look.”

We veered to the right and walked into the car park, dodging several cars coming and going. Several people were milling around that would have seen us disappear into the trees, so Bella and I had to be discrete, but the clock was ticking.

“The pub’s too busy,” I opined.

“I need the toilet.”

Perfect timing, I thought, but her toilet visit might give us a window of opportunity for the people in the car park to disperse.

“Okay,” I said, walking towards the hotel’s car park entrance, “Off you go.”

Sure enough, with darkness descending rapidly, the patrons in the car park departed, and if Bella were quick enough, we would be able to slip into the safety of the trees and have some anal fun.

“Let’s go,” I whispered when Bella returned.

With near secrecy, we slipped into the darkness of the trees and found it to be a suitably safe place so long as cars did not park either side. However, it was still a risky venture because there was a block of units on one side and a house on the other. If someone from the neighbouring properties ventured too close to the wall that separated them from the hotel, we would get busted.

It was worth the risk.

I pushed Bella against the wall and kissed her passionately. My hormonal rage had been quietly building from the moment I met up with Bella, and I wanted to ravage her young and nubile body, but tonight there was not enough time to do it justice. This was going to be brief and rough.

“Let me suck your cock,” Hissed Bella, roughly grabbing my crotch.

I hastily unbuckled my belt and dropped my trousers. Bella pulled down my boxer shorts and took me in her mouth. While she was not the best at giving head, my state of arousal kept me from critiquing her technique, and I leaned against the wall enjoying her lips and mouth on my rock-hard cock.

“Fuck, yeah!” I moaned as Bella’s head bobbed up and down.

Not so subtly, I placed a hand on the back of her head and applied gentle pressure. Bella accepted more meat down her throat, but there was a limit to how much she would take.

“I need you to fuck me,” Moaned Bella after several minutes of clumsy head.

“Pussy or arse?”

“First one and then the other.”

“Have we the time for both?”

“The sooner you stop asking pointless questions…” Bella said, standing up, hitching up her skirt and leaning against the wall, “Fuck me!”

Bella’s pussy was positively swampy, and there was no need to use the open sachet of lube on that hole, so I slammed my cock home.

“Oh, fuck!” Bella gasped as she felt my meat fill her up.

Grabbing her by the hips, I mercilessly slammed into her pussy, causing a slapping sound that was not quiet.

“Your pussy feels so good.”

“Don’t stop,” Bella sighed, “I’m so close.”

The sooner she climaxed, the sooner my helmet will prise open her virgin shitter.

Bella suddenly tensed before shuddering forcefully.

“Oh…” She moaned, conscious of keeping the noise at bay, “That’s it.”

I reduced my motion and wrapped my hands around her chest, squeezing her meaty boobs hard.

“What now?” I breathed into Bella’s ear.

She went limp in my arms before stroking a wisp of hair away from her faced. Turning her face to the side, Bella asked me to fuck her arse. I was, of course, shaking with anticipation.

I withdrew from her sweet pussy, dropped to my knees, placed both hands on her arse cheeks, spread them wide and tongued her dark hole for dear life. Bella simpered with delight at the pleasure my tongue on her hole was providing.

“Yes, right there,” She gasped, “Hurry up and fuck me.”

Withdrawing my tongue from Bella’s funky O-ring and standing up, I ordered her to lubricate my quivering pole. She retrieved the sachet from her bag and emptied its contents into the palm of her hand before applying it. When Bella felt satisfied that enough of the waxy fluid was applied, she licked the residual from her fingers and emanated a satisfied groan.

“You ready?” I asked in a state of escort merter high expectation.

“Be gentle,” Bella replied with nervousness.

“Remember,” I soothed, “Mandy loves it.”

Suitably reassured, Bella bent over the wall again.

I pressed my greasy head against Bella’s wrinkled opening.

“Take a deep breath,” I said quietly, “And relax.”

“Uh, huh.” Came Bella’s uncertain response.

“Here it comes,” I said as I applied the gentlest of pressure.

I had barely penetrated Bella’s most intimate hole when the protests began.

“Ow. Ow. Ow!” She winced in pain.

“Just relax!”

“It’s too big!” Bella hissed.

“It’ll be okay,” I insisted, determined to sink my cock balls deep inside Bella’s arse, “A little more to go.”

Bella thrashed against my grip, and it was clear that her anal deflowering was not happening tonight. Probably for the best, given the haste, the location and the time restriction, I felt Bella was unable to relax sufficiently to take my cock in her young anus.

I eased out, and Bella burst into tears.

“What’s wrong?” I asked with some concern.

“I couldn’t do it,” Bella blubbed, “I’m sorry.”

Pulling her towards me, I embraced her lovingly and reassured her that it was not the end of the world.

“Did it hurt?”

“A little,” She said, “It was too much.”

“That’s okay; we can try another time.”

“I really wanted it, and wanted to please you.”

“Any time with you pleases me.”

What Bella said next came as a surprise.

“Can I at least finish you off before I go home?”

“You don’t have to.”

Wiping the tears from her face after composing herself, Bella dropped to her knees and took my waning pole in her hand and massaged the lubricated length.

“Please let me.” She said, looking directly into my eyes with a look of sluttiness.

I assented readily and became hard again in seconds.

Over the next ten minutes or so, Bella used her mouth and hands to bring me to the brink of orgasm, but I had to take over the last few seconds and filled her mouth with shots of hot, salty sperm. Bella struggled to swallow the contents of my balls and regrettably gagged then spat out the final spurts. Nevertheless, her swallowing skills were impressive. Bella was not done with that; any residual wasted jism was located and gobbled down. Afterwards, Bella throated my weakening cock resulting in secondary jolts of pleasure.

“Oh, yeah!” I groaned.

Seconds later, Bella spat me from her mouth.

“Time to go!” She said, standing up and straightening her clothes.

Satisfied, I pulled up my boxer shorts and trousers. Looking cautiously toward the car park, I did not see anyone, and we exited without detection. Minutes later, I kissed Bella’s sperm-flavoured mouth goodbye and made my way home.


I received a text from Bella one Monday informing me that her parents were spending the upcoming weekend in Margaret River and asked me if I wanted to come around. Within the comfort of her home and with time not being an issue, there was a good chance that Bella would relax enough to take anal and enjoy it.

On my way to Bella’s parents’ home mid-afternoon, I called into the bottle shop for a bottle of wine. Across the road from the required bus stop, I recognised the adult bookstore. I wondered if it sold the personal lubrication that Bella liked. With some time to spare before the bus arrived, I stole across the road and entered the premises, for the first time.

As with previous experiences in other adult stores, this place was sleazy, but it did not have the porno booths or the peepholes. The store manager was an overweight, balding man in a string vest and jeans whose campy mannerisms indicated he was gay.

I was in luck, the store stocked the lube, and it was a few bucks cheaper than the shop in Mount Lawley. Feeling generous, I purchased a bottle and tucked it into my backpack before beating a hasty retreat to the bus stop.

Bella’s parents’ house was palatial. It was a two-story mansion sitting on a large block of land, surrounded by tall trees that provided both shade and privacy. The entire street was similarly appointed. Walking up the driveway, I realised that I knew very little about Bella and her family. When relationships revolve around sex only, questions about family and interests have no urgency.

I was greeted by Bella, wearing a one-piece white dress that accentuated her curvy figure and proudly displayed an awesome cleavage. We embraced and kissed deeply, and I felt my cock press against her stomach.

“Oh, thank you,” Bella gushed when I presented her with the wine and the lubricant, “That’s very sweet.”

“Hopefully this lube will do its job,” I said.

“You never know,” She teased before grabbing a couple of wine glasses.

Bella directed me to one of the many patios the house possessed, and we sipped, conversed and flirted with each other. The build-up of tension was palpable, but the restraint drew out the expectation.

“Where’s the bathroom?” I asked eventually, after holding it in for as long as possible.

“I haven’t given you the grand tour,” Bella replied.

“Start with the toilet first, please,” I pleaded.

Bella directed me to a bathroom off from the kitchen, and it was with relief that I pulled the stopper from my bladder.

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