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RebirthI knew I should have checked the long range weather before I left theairport. I had been airborne for several hours and the weather was rapidlygetting foul. November weather can be very tricky in this area and can changequickly…warm one hour and cold the next. It was snowing heavily now, I washitting strong, gusty headwinds, and I wasn’t exactly sure I knew where Iwas. I estimated I had about an hour’s worth of fuel left in my single engineCessna 172. Unable to make radio contact with anybody, I really felt alone inthis unfamiliar white world. For the first time, I felt a strange sense offear…perhaps panic, a feeling of confusion. Was this my end? My mind many things left to many things I’ve accomplished. Regainingmy composure, my thoughts returned to trying to find a place toland…anyplace. Survival, yes….But all I could see were trees and whitesnow….fresh snow. I was in trouble. Real trouble. I didn’t have any coldweather survival gear…not even winter clothes. It was to be a routineflight. Oh why didn’t I check the weather reports…too late now.The engine was running fine, but I sensed the wings were starting to iceup….I could feel the sluggish response to the controls and I was losinglift. My altimeter was slowly dropping. White…blinding white…everywhere.Before I realized, and helpless to respond, my landing gear was grazing thetreetops. I quickly killed the engine, pulled back on the yoke…trying toget the nose up…and opened the door as I had been taught to do in anemergency landing. Too late, the wheels snagged the trees, the plane noseddown, tumbled, and started to break up in the trees as the momentumdecreased. I fell out of the open door, still belted in my seat which hadtorn loose, falling to the snow covered ground. I don’t know how far it was,but I blacked out as the plane burst into flames from the ruptured fuel tanksemptying their contents on the hot engine..I woke up in bed, in a warm room…a cabin…a log cabin. I quickly becameaware of the fact that I was nude and wrapped with a heavy wool blanket.Looking around I noticed a massive field-stone fireplace, built into the wallof a rustic yet well furnished room, was throwing comfortable heatthroughout. Gas mantle lamps were glowing a white incandescent light fromseveral ceiling fixtures, giving a soft, even illumination in contrast to theorange flames in fireplace. It was like a dream cabin in the woods as I hadseen in sales brochures for log cabins. I could hear the wind howling outsidethis cozy environment. As my eyes focused more clearly, I saw a large burlyman, attired in a red and black checkered shirt and bib overalls, standing ata white enameled sink across the room in what appeared to be the kitchenarea.”Where am I?” I muttered, still feeling groggy.”So, you’re awake…you took quite a fall…been out for a long time,” hereplied, turning towards me.”How long?””Oh, ’bout a day and a half. What happened, anyway? Why were you out in thisweather?””I was flying from Idaho, heading for Billings…ran into bad weather. Wingsiced up…went down. That’s all I remember.””Lucky for you I saw the fire. I went out to investigate when I heard a planebuzz over, flying low. I wondered what nut would be flying in this stuff.Luckily I found you in the snow. You seem to be OK, but your plane is ashes.Your clothes were all torn and you were cold and soaking wet, so I strippedyou and wrapped you in that blanket. Couldn’t very well leave you like that.””I guess I owe you…you saved my life. Thank you,” I said, my head throbbingfrom a lump.I was feeling better, but very hungry and thirsty. I slowly sat up in thebunk. Before I could ask, my host approached with a bowl of hot stew and amug of coffee. He helped me sit up, propping a pillow behind me. He was a big man, a giant, but very gentle. I took the coffee and nearly drained the cup, stopping for a breath.”My name is Jack Clark….where are we?” I asked.”Hi Jack…I’m Ben Davis. This is my ranch, and we’re in Montana…a couplehundred miles west of Billings. “He seemed friendly and grateful for someone to talk to. I was grateful justto be alive.”We’re socked in here for a while cuz of a blizzard. I still cant believeanybody would fly in this stuff. The last thing I expected to hear above thiswind was the sound of an airplane!””Yeah well, nobody in their right mind ‘would fly in this stuff’, but Ididn’t check the weather before I took off, like a damn fool, and got caughtand it nearly killed me. So, how long do you think we’ll be stranded?””Oh, could be over a month, . Everything’s blocked with drifts. I’ve beensnowed in all winter before. Depends on the weather,” Ben replied rathermatter of factly. The weather was routine for him but the unexpected visitorwas not.”Hope you don’t mind having a guest for a while, Ben. Anything I can do toearn my keep?””Aw, it’s nice to have some company, for a change. We’ll find things to do.””Do you have a telephone or anything? Maybe I should notify somebody.”By now I had finished the hot, spicy, stew and was feeling stronger andthinking more clearly. Ben took the bowl and placed it in the sink.”Well, I do, but the lines are down…so are the power lines. It’ll be awhile before they’re fixed too.””So, it looks like I’m missing and given up for lost. Oh well, might as wellmake the best of it. Say Ben, I hate to make a pest of myself, but do youhave anything I can wear by any chance? I mean, I cant stay in a blanket fora month.”Ben started to chuckle.”I’d share my things with you Jack, but I’m at least twice your size. Butlet’s see what we can do.”Ben opened a chest of drawers and pulled out some of his long underwear. Twoof me would fit into it. Same for his pants. His shirt fit me like anightshirt on my 5’5″, 135 lb. frame. Ben was about 6’5″ and at least 270 lb.A foot taller and twice my weight!”Yep, I thought so…you’re just a little guy. You don’t even have any bodyhair to keep you warm. Like a woman. Hmmm.Well, there is another possibility,but you might not like it, Jack.””At this point, I’m open to any idea…what’ve you got in mind, Ben?””Ah….well you see, I was married once, but the little lady died. I stillhave her things put away. Didn’t have the heart to get rid ofthem…actually, she was about your size….” His voice trailed off as hethoughts reminisced.”I’m sorry to hear that…were you married long?””Only about 5 years. Mary fell off of a horse, bumped her headhard…happened so quickly.” His voiced trailing away, again.I didn’t want to continue the conversation. It was like opening an old wound.The thought of losing his wife…then it hit me that he started to tell meabout her clothing that he had saved.”Wait a minute, are you suggesting I wear Mary’s clothes?””You got a better idea? You’re her size. You wanna try them, or freeze? It’syour choice. Nobody’s gonna see you ‘cept me, and it’s gonna be hard enuf onmy seein’ you in her things, but it’s sort’a survival. You gotta havesomething to wear and they’d be put to good use.”He was right…I had little choice. So I nodded my acceptance of what nowseemed a gracious offer. He emerged from a storeroomin the sivas escort back, dragging alarge trunk.Opening the lid, I saw a large assortment of woman’s clothing. He carefullyremoved each item and gently laid them out on the bed.”I kept all this stuff, don’t know why…just couldn’t get rid of them…..”he muttered, his voice dropping.Now, I felt ashamed to wear any of them, not because they were woman’sthings, but because they had been Ben’s wife’s and the circumstances of whyhe had them.”Go ahead, try something…maybe you can use them. Don’t be shy.”I selected a pair of denim jeans. The length was perfect, a little large inthe hips, but I couldn’t button the waist…too tight. I tried a sweater.Perfect fit. As I sorted through the items, I selected garments with elasticwaistbands or stretch fabric, which turned out to be mainly skirts anddresses. These were indeed the clothes of a young woman about my size, as Benhad said. They were pretty things…she had nice taste. Trying a long cottonskirt with a scalloped fringe, it was a fit. So now, at least I had somethingto wear. Ben had busied himself washing my dish and spoon and adjusting thefireplace. He didn’t want to watch me nor did I prefer that he did.Reluctantly, I found some underwear…briefs and slips and tried them. Ineeded clothes for warmth…anything.. To my surprise, even her shoes were atolerable fit. Now I had a new wardrobe. Maybe not the warmest way to dress,nor the most appropriate, but cover at least. Taking only what I needed toget by, I carefully folded up the remainder and placed them back into thetrunk.”Okay Ben…I’ve got enough to get by, thanks.””Alright Jack…I’ll keep this trunk handy for you in case you need more.Lets find a place to set you up for a while.”He re-arranged his dresser so I had a drawer for my newly acquired stuff.Then he gave me a tour of his home, showing me the well equipped bathroom,storeroom, kitchen and bedroom. It was a large log cabin with roomspartitioned off but open to the vaulted ceiling. Fairly modern, he had hotand cold running water and bathroom with a tub and shower. A kitchen with thebasic appliances…sink, gas range, refrigerator. All the necessities.He had rigged up an extra bed for me complete with bedding and blankets. Iasked him how he continued to have running water without electricity.”I have a wind generator for back-up power. Keeps my pump going.””What about lights and radio?””I use propane for the lights, cooking, hot water, and heat if I’m not usingthe fireplace. Radio? I seldom use it, and we get no TV out here.”Well, I thought, this was certainly a cozy and isolated arrangement. Ben wasa good housekeeper…everything was neat and clean and orderly. I began tolook for things to do to make myself useful. I started to help Ben makedinner. This must have been a pretty picture…big burly Ben working togetherwith petite little Jack in a skirt and sweater, looking like his wife, exceptfor my short hair. It certainly was a new experience for me, wearing woman’sclothing . Little did I know that this was the beginning of a series ofevents that would change my life.We spent the time during dinner getting better acquainted. If we were goingto live together for the next few months, there was a lot to discuss.Starting out with the usual male banter, about the weather, ranching, myflying experience, etc., it became difficult for me to forget that I wassitting there looking like a woman, and becoming preoccupied with that image,I soon found myself doing a lot of passive listening while Ben talked.I assumed the chores of cleaning up after the meal, both because I felt anobligation to “earn” my keep, and being the “lady” of the house, at least inappearance, I accepted it as my duty. Ben, meanwhile, went out to check onhis horses in the adjacent barn, the ones he had used to rescue me, and toget more firewood.The next day, the storm had subsided and we were able to go outside. I woreMary’s parka and boots. It felt kind of strange walking in deep snow in askirt, but I found some heavy tights to keep my legs warm. Ben had a largebarn, or complex of barns where he kept many head of cattle in bad weather. Idon’t know how many, but it was a huge and fairly modern facility…I hadactually expected to see something more “turn of the century”…and itprovided good shelter for his herd. He showed me his setup for feeding andwatering the cattle. His business was to fatten them up and market them forbeef. Of course, in the summer, they would graze in pasture. Offering tohelp, Ben showed me how to mix their feed with dry chemicals, vitamins Iassumed, to accelerate their growth. He added the pre-measured powder to avat of grain and stirred the dry mixture with a canoe paddle as one might mixcement. It looked easy…I could handle that…and that’s what I did,initially. Being not in condition for such manual labor, after a short time,I was barely able to move the paddle, so I continued to mix the batch with mybare hands, up to my armpits. Much better and easier for me. When it lookeduniformly mixed, Ben wheeled the whole vat away and began to feed the a****lswhile I returned to the cabin to warm up and rest.The days passed, Ben and I got along very well, doing the chores in the barnwhich became my routine, playing board games, and generally trying to passtime. I developed a lot of respect for him being able to maintain this typeof life style for so long. I expected I’d get hardened to it, but instead, itseemed I was getting weaker with time. Heavy work sure tired me out. I wasnever one for manual labor and this wasn’t really a lot of hard work, but Iseemed to be losing strength in my arms and upper body. Ben fabricated somefurniture out of wood pieces, branches, and reeds, while I did some mending,tried some handicraft, and practiced cooking and baking. I hadn’t done thatbefore, but it somehow filled my time and felt useful. Not being very strongnor experienced in ranch life, there wasn’t much else for me to do. Ben didall the heavy work. I just naturally fell into the “woman’s” role of doinglighter tasks and actually enjoying it. I found patience that I never beforehad. He commented several times that seeing me sitting there in Mary’sdresses doing needlework, reminded him of her. I offered that if it was apainful memory, I’d stop, but he insisted that, in fact, it was a pleasantmemory and to please continue. I had gotten so accustomed to wearing herthings that I forgot how I looked, especially since my hair had gottennoticeably longer in a short time. But I had also gotten adjusted to the roleof a country woman. Ben had been treating me like the woman I appeared to beas I scurried around in dresses and frilly things and I came to enjoy thattreatment. He was kind, considerate, and very gentle. I don’t think he wouldhave treated a “regular” man like that but he obviously didn’t consider me aman anymore. Sometimes, being in a playful mood, we would act out beinghusband and wife, a role I was beginning to accept. Maybe we’d get toocarried away with our acting when I’d pretend to swoon into his arms afterhe’d compliment me on a dinner or dessert or he’d pretend escort sivas to kiss and caressme when I did something nice for him.Besides helping Ben in the barn, I had willingly assumed all the insidedomestic duties…cooking, cleaning, even doing laundry. The electricity hadbeen restored and eventually the telephone came back to life. Of course, Benhad to teach me the basics of cooking, but I learned fast.Sometime after the storm, we went out to the crash site on horseback. Theterrain was rugged and heavily wooded. I never would have found a clearing toland. Except for a hole burned in the trees where my plane had been,everything was covered with a heavy blanket of snow. Not a trace of my plane.Anybody searching for it would have seen nothing.”Do you want to call anybody to tell them where you are?” Ben asked after thephone service had been restored..”Not really…I have no family and no one else except my boss, and by now, helikely thinks I’m dead. Unless, of course, you want to get rid of me.” I washoping he’d want me to stay. I rather enjoyed this lifestyle, and Ben was agreat guy to share it with.”No Jack…I’m hoping you’ll stay. It gets awfully lonely out here. You beinghere makes the time fly. You’re welcome to stay as long as you like.”So, the phone remained unused.After about two months had passed, one night while taking a shower, I noticedthe skin on my body had become very soft and smooth and my hair was rapidlygrowing very long and unusually full bodied. In spite of all the exercise ofmixing the cattle feed, my arm muscles were getting more slender instead ofgrowing. I wonder if something in the water was affecting me. What was in thewater? It sure wasn’t like city water I was used to drinking. My thoughtswere to check it out for a possible commercial venture, maybe open a healthspa or something. Women would pay money for water like this if it would makethem look so good.By the end of January, on a bright sunny day, I decided this was the life forme. Emotionally, I had a general overall feeling of wellbeing…calmness…things just didn’t bother like they had in the past. Ithought I lost some weight because my waist was slimmer, although my hipsseemed fuller. I tried on some of Mary’s jeans and now I could button thewaist so, with an extended wardrobe of work clothes, I tried to be morehelpful to Ben in the barn. Difficult to get around that area in a skirt. Ihad gotten very accomplished at mixing the cattle feed by hand, blending itlike a baker working dough, right down to my chest.One evening, showering before making dinner, while washing my hair, which wasnow below my shoulders in length and looking so good I didn’t want to cut it(nor did Ben want me to), I observed that my nipples had become verysensitive and noticeably enlarged, and my breasts were getting fuller. Ithought it was my imagination so I said nothing to Ben. Seeing myself in thebathroom mirror, I noticed a definite change in my figure. I had developed awoman’s shape! My waist was slender, my hips and butt were enlarged as weremy breasts. My arms had gotten slender and my skin was softer and smoother. Iwas only shaving about once a week now. With my long hair, I looked liked afemale except for a small appendage in the front, and it had become verysmall. No wonder Ben said I looked so natural in woman’s clothes. I thoughtit was just the long winter getting to him.My nipples were so tender and uncomfortable from rubbing on fabric, that Ilocated a bra in the trunk and put it on as a cover to relieve theirritation. What a difference that made. And I filled the cups! That was thebeginning of my wearing a bra. From then on, it was a necessity as my breastscontinue to develop.During the days, I routinely wore jeans outdoors, but in the evenings, whenworking in the house, I changed into a fancy skirt and blouse or a prettydress. It was just something I felt I wanted to do for Ben (and for myself).Never in my life would I have ever dreamed of doing that before, but now Iwanted to…something had sure changed in me. I desired to look nice. With mylong hair and now, my new “pointy” chest, I definitely looked very feminine.Ben immediately noticed that I was wearing a bra and he casually asked why Ihad decided to do that. I told him about the changes I had seen in my bodyover time, and my theory about the water.”I don’t think it’s the water, Jack. I noticed you mix the cattle feed withyour hands.””Yeah, my hands and arms…it’s too hard with the paddle like you doit…You’re so much stronger than I am….why…is something wrong?””Well, maybe you didn’t notice but the chemicals you add to the feed arevitamins and hormones, estrogen, I think they said, to fatten the steers upquicker.””So? Do you think it’s getting into our water supply?””No…I haven’t shown any changes in my body…but I think it’s beingabsorbed into your body through your skin. I recall reading something aboutthat. I never use my hands…that’s why I use a paddle. I never like to touchany of those chemicals. I think you’re changing into a woman from thehormones, my friend. At least you’re properly dressed for it,” Ben chuckled.”Oh my God! What should I do?”I suddenly had the same panic feeling as when I was in the plane and goingdown. Ben, turning serious, looked at me and replied,”What can you do, Jack? You’ve already started to change… you’re starting anew life anyway…the old Jack was killed in a plane crash. Are you unhappywith your life here?””Why no…actually I love it here, Ben.””Then why not accept it, become “Jackie,” and stay here with me. I’ll takecare of you. I love having you here. ‘Sides, you’re more fun as a woman,anyway.””So, I should keep on mixing with my hands, right?” I said, now feelingcoquettish. I had no intention of stopping now, anyway. I sort’a liked thechanges.”You bet, Jackie!” Ben said, winking, and hugging me.So that night, Jackie was born. I continued to mix the feed, getting a dailymassive exposure to hormones, my breast development advanced until I filledthe bras more than fully. My figure continued to take on a feminine contour,and emotionally, I felt like a woman and accepted it. I was willingly wearingall of the clothes in Mary’s wardrobe, filling them out as well as she wouldhave, perhaps better. sleeping in frilly nightgowns, I wore dresses daily. Ieven found some makeup and unashamedly started to wear a little lipstick andexperiment with other cosmetics. Having acquired the figure of a woman, Ifelt the need to improve upon it…to look pretty. I even spent time groomingmy hair and practiced setting it. And the results were amazing.Ben’s attitude obviously changed towards me, also. As friendly as he had beenfrom the beginning, he now was becoming even more attentive andgentlemanly…chivalrous. He was treating me as if I was a real lady and hewas courting me. I had made my decision and I felt it was the right one. Iwould try to be a woman in every aspect. We became very close, almostromantic. I felt comfortable touching him as when I cut his hair, trimmed hisbeard, did little things for him, and especially dancing with him when wecould find some music on the radio. I never sivas escort bayan had had homosexual desiresbefore, but now, feeling like a female, I found him sexually attractive. Iliked being held by him…he was such a big guy. He somehow made me feel”secure.”By the end of March, the snow was gone, the roads were open, and we couldleave the ranch. Once we had the cattle outdoors, I stopped mixing theirfeed. They would now spend the summer grazing. When Ben was able to get histruck started after wintering in a shed, he took me into the nearest town ona shopping trip for food and provisions. I didn’t feel shy about being seenas a woman since I knew I looked passable and I was so eager to see otherhumans, I was excited to go. Not knowing what to expect, I wore what Ithought was an appropriate dress, with stockings and medium heeled shoes, myhair done as best as I could. Ben was certainly pleased with my appearance.It was a fairly good size town with a variety of stores and the ubiquitousWalmart store. Ben told me to buy whatever I needed for the house and formyself. We had compiled a list of household items, but there was nothing Ineeded in clothing. His wife’s wardrobe was holding very well, except forunderwear. I did buy more lingerie…I felt better having my own, and Ineeded larger bras…cup size, that is. He suggested I buy fresh cosmetics soI’d have my own there too. So I stocked up on lipstick, foundation creams,and eye shadow, and of course, hair conditioners. I even stopped to have myhair done professionally where I picked up a lot of pointers on grooming longhair, something Jack never had to do.Ben took me to the medical clinic for a checkup because of the prolongedexposure to hormones. After explaining my situation to the physician, how Ifelt and my intentions, he put me on a maintenance dose of Premarin so Iwouldn’t change back to being a man. He said I had been getting a hefty doseof a****l strength estrogen, even absorbed through my skin, I was lucky Ididn’t suffer any organ damage to my body. Other than the changes I hadexperienced, I was OK. I admitted that I had become happy about the changes.Ben met a few friends and neighbors and introduced me as his “mail orderbride”. I asked him to explain that. He said a lot of single men in smallisolated towns advertise for woman in big city newspapers looking for brides.Many woman respond by coming to visit, to get acquainted. Some don’t like theisolation and leave immediately.But, some do stay to get married. That would account for my presence. He saidhe tells everybody I just “dropped in” to check him out. Well, I couldn’tdeny that. Nobody questioned him further, and I was warmly welcomed as a girlfrom the city, especially by his neighbor’s wives who were grateful for morefemale companionship.We loaded our purchases into the truck and returned to the ranch. I was nowmore convinced than ever that I would stay here. I was very happy with my newlifestyles, as a woman, and a rancher’s wife. The day was warm and sunny, thepeople had been friendly…life was good.While Ben unloaded the truck, I prepared dinner, after which, I cleaned upthe dishes and relaxed for the evening. I thanked Ben for a lovely day,giving him a friendly little kiss on his forehead. He pulled me down gently,and kissed me on my lips.”You’re welcome, pretty lady.” he said, quietly.”Ben, that’s the first time you’ve called me that.””Jackie, my friends have met you and like you. They told me you are a prettyyoung lady and I’m lucky to have found you. I think they’re right.””But you know the truth about me…I’m not a real lady.”This was a turning point in our relationship. Which path were we going…Ihad to know.”You’re my pretty lady, Jackie.”He didn’t have to say anymore. I kissed him warmly and passionately as awoman kisses her man, and he returned my kiss. I felt like a real woman andhe responded to me as one. We continued kissing and petting for a long time.Ben stood up and brought me a gift wrapped package. Without a sound, our eyessaying it all, I slowly and carefully opened it to find a white nylonnightgown with lace trim and wide shoulder straps. It was stunning.”I thought you should have something of your own, Jackie. Why don’t you tryit on?”Without hesitation, I went to the bathroom, undressed completely and slippedit on. It fit perfectly. He knew my size from Mary’s clothes, and mydeveloped breasts filled out the bodice completely. I re-entered the mainroom without modesty and twirled around to let him see me. He pulled me tohim and we kissed again, our tongues dancing together. That night was thebeginning of my sleeping in his bed…in his arms. I was his woman,emotionally and sexually. We developed a definite male-female relationship. Icompletely forget I was physically a male. I felt like a bride and I couldn’tget enough of him..In July, on the 4th, we were invited to a picnic at our neighbor’s ranch. Itwas over an hour’s drive to get there so we got an early start. I had spentthe previous day cooking and baking for the event. Arriving early, I joinedthe women to help with the food while the men went off to do their thing. Ofcourse, I was accepted as any other woman and assumed to be Ben’s new wife,’tho common law. We all talked about our men and eventually the conversationgot rather intimate since some of the ladies were trying to get pregnant.With all the talk of love making with their husbands, I could contributelittle to the chatter, but I was beginning to get a little horny thinkingabout Ben. Luckily I chose not to wear tight jeans but rather, a long fullskirt or I would have given myself away.After a wonderful day of eating, playing, and socializing, we took aleisurely drive home. Going directly to bed, I snuggled with my man and Itouched his manhood intentionally with my hand, curling my fingers around it.It immediately grew large and hard. Saying nothing, he rolled onto his backwhile I removed it from his shorts and firmly grasped it and gently strokedit as only a man would know how to do for another man. He started to moanwith pleasure as his hands brushed through my long thick feminine hair. Icontinued the massage with my open palm on the sensitive underside of hisorgan as I kissed him passionately. Shortly, he climaxed as I cupped my handover the end of his shaft to contain his fluid. I whispered that I loved himas he fell asleep. I quietly got up and cleansed my hand and his organ as awife would do for her husband.The next day, Ben was especially nice to me, treating me like a princess. AndI treated him like the king that he was to me. I had become more intriguedabout satisfying him sexually as the other wives did for their husbands. Ifantasized all different options. One night we went to bed nude. It was awarm night and seemed appropriate and Ben liked to fondle and kiss mybreasts, which I enjoyed. My penis was very diminutive now, and I didn’t carefor him to touch it. We started love sessions by kissing, then it progressedto my rubbing his shaft until it was very rigid. They evolved to manydifferent situations as a “normal” couple might encounter. Our love for eachother grew intense. I couldn’t get enough of him. We loved each other deeply.He made me feel so feminine. He had not only saved my life, he gave me a newand better one.The next time I got together with the other ladies, I could join theconversation and talk about my husband.

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