Neighbourhood Game Goes Astray

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Big Dicks

Jeff and Krystal had known Rachel and Wayne since they had moved into the suburb from interstate. On the day they moved in Rachel came over with a cake to welcome their new neighbours and they had been friends ever since. The girls shared duties like dropping kids off and picking them up and the boys went to the pub together every now and then, as well as the odd footy game. They were both good looking couples, although they had a couple of kids each the girls spent a great part of their week exercising and going to the gym, and both boys were fit and slim. In fact it was fair to say that they turned heads if they ventured out together.

BBQ’s were always on the cards during the warm summer months and while the girls talked inside the boys shared a couple of beers while watering their lawns. Lately their get togethers had developed a bit of a routine. All the kids in one house with pizza, movies and strict instructions to call next door if there was a problem. The adults in the other house, drinking wine, sharing meals and laughing. Krystal loved to play games and generally they finished off the night with a game of Canasta or Trivial Pursuit, although lately Krystal kept pushing a game called Pictionary, which was a bit of a laugh but it took a long time to play.

Things went strangely amiss in their last get together though. Things seemed to be going as usual kids next door at Rachel & Wayne’s, grown ups at Jeff & Krsytal’s, the occasion to christen Jeff & Krystal’s new pool. They were in fine form, and Jeff and Krystal were very proud of their acquisition, no more having to duck next door for a swim if they were hot. The evening got along and they all probably drank more than usual, 6 or 7 bottles of wine instead of the usual 2 or 3. Sure enough Krystal came out with the Pictionary and both boys immediately protested, not again they cried, it takes for ever and we are all bored by the end of it. Well do you have a better idea came the retort.

Neither could think of anything although Rachel chimed in and suggested that if they could think of anything else they would all play at the end of the Pictionary. Well said Wayne lets spice this one up, anyone losing a point has to take a shot of whatever we can find in the bar. This seemed like a good compromise, so the boys took one side and the girls the other.

The game progressed as usual, everyone in high spirits with the added handicap of taking shots of tequila, vodka and galliano. The boys were definitely winning and the girls were slowly emptying the bottles. At the end the boys were victorious and did all sorts of boy things, high fives and the like. Rachel was not a good loser and quickly suggested a rematch, but this time the boys refused to play another game of Pictionary. Not fair Rachel cried we don’t get a chance of getting you back. Wayne chimed in if you want gaziantep escort ilanları a rematch you will have to play a game of our choice. That’s all that Rachel needed and she quickly agreed, followed closely by Krystal.

Boys will be boys and Wayne just as quickly retorted with let’s play Strip Poker. The girls looked a little crest fallen, but after some convincing by Rachel, Krystal agreed. But what are the rules. Wayne chipped in with we all have to start with the same number of clothing articles and the worst hand will have to remove a piece of clothing. There were some nervous looks and giggles at this but once dared the girls were not about to chicken out. The boys had to go and put on some more clothes as both were in shorts and t shirts and needed to match the bra, panties, shorts, and blouses of the girls. Both boys opted for a fashionable beanie each from Jeff’s fishing wardrobe.

As Wayne shuffled the cards Jeff got another shot for everyone to settle the nerves. Then the game began in earnest, it was obvious from the start that skill had nothing to do with the outcome it was purely chance that gave them a hand and in a short time Jeff was down to his shorts, both girls were in bras and undies but Wayne had only lost the beanie. The high spirits remained although there were some nervous glances between the girls, the next one to lose a hand would be removing some underwear. Wayne and Jeff could not keep their eyes off the girls, they both looked vulnerable sitting in the underclothes, and both the girls could get a hard on out of a stone statue at the moment. Jeff was literally perving at Rachel who’s substantial bosom was exploding out of her almost transparent bra. Jeff also noticed that Wayne took a good look at Krystal’s sweet muff when she removed her skirt to show a neatly trimmed bush through a tiny g string.

Jeff was praying that Rachel would lose the next because he would love to get a better look at her magnificent tits. But it was Wayne’s turn to lose and he quickly lost his shirt. That left them all with 2 items of clothing each. The game progressed until finally Rachel was the first to get naked when she had to lose her tiny knickers. She wriggled seductively as she lowered her pants and as a finale she turned her back to the three of them and bent right down as she lowered the pants to her ankles. She held that pose and they could all see her cunt and the moist depths, framed from above her puckered arse hole.

Well that’s that said Wayne, you lose Rachel. Rachel was outraged, and it was obvious she did not want to be the only one who got naked. Jeff chimed in and said you have nothing to bet with Rachel, and Rachel replied I bet that I will do whatever the holder of the winning hand tells me to. Jeff looked over at Krystal and it was obvious as she licked her lips that she wanted the game to progress as much as he did.

The next hand was a disaster for Rachel, Wayne won with a full house and she had a hand of rubbish. Rachel stood up and thrust her huge tits at Wayne and said well what is it going to be. Wayne said you are such a smart arse wifey, but lets so how you go spreading your legs and showing us what you have got down there. Rachel looked a bit shocked and Wayne said rules are rules. So with that Rachel pushed her chair back and sat down spreading her gorgeous legs apart placing her heels on the table, and there was her beautiful cunt exposed for everyone to see. She kept her eyes closed tight and Jeff looked up to see Krystal staring straight into the folds of Rachel’s cunt. Jeff looked and could see the beads of moisture gathered on the folds of her lips. She held the pose for a full 2 minutes with her hands wandering over her body, up across her breasts down her sides and across her stomach but tantalisingly not touching her cunt, which all 3 of the others willed her to do. Finally she closed her legs and sat up saying next hand. A couple more hands saw Wayne and Krystal naked. When Krystal lost she obviously tried to outdo Rachel and put on quite a show, firstly pulling her g string up so that the string cut her cunt in half, exposing each lip, and then as she shimmied the tiny garment down, letting her middle finger slide between her cunt lips and hover over her clit. After that Jeff might as well have being naked with his erection poking up through his boxers. Wayne of course had nothing to hide his massive erection with, it just stood up and pointed wherever he faced. Neither girl could keep their eyes off that monster.

The next hand saw Rachel with the winning hand and Wayne holding nothing. Jeff held his breath waiting for what was going to happen, and Rachel decreed eat me for 2 minutes you bastard. With that Wayne swept the table clear of cards, lifted Rachel on, spread her legs and immediately got his head between her legs and began to power on her clit with his tongue. Jeff was transfixed and looked up at Krystal to see her massaging her own tits with one hand while the other got busy between her legs.

Jeff went around to Krystal’s side of the table and she dropped to her knees, quickly hooking his shorts down and immediately impaling her mouth with Jeff’s engorged member. Jeff was left with the delicious sensation of his wife sucking his cock, while he watched his neighbours wife thrash on the table pulling her nipples and squeezing her tits as Wayne licked her to an incredible orgasm.

Jeff pulled his cock out of Krystal’s mouth and pushed her on to the table next to Rachel. He opened her legs wide and dove straight into her beautiful shaved cunt. Krystal reached down with her hands and pulled her cunt lips wide apart giving him full access to her clit and steaming cunt, placing her feet on his shoulders. Next to them Rachel came to a screaming, shuddering orgasm, and Wayne took the opportunity to stand and rub the head of his massive cock up and down her soaking wet slit, before slamming it in her cunt to its full 8 inch length. Rachel moaned out loud, as Wayne began slamming into her, causing her tits to bounce up and down with each stroke.

By this time Krystal began screaming with her own orgasm as Jeff continued to assault her clit with his tongue, while shoving 3 fingers up her cunt. Rachel in the meantime had another orgasm as Wayne finally slammed into her and stopped, his cock pumping cum deep within her. As Wayne slowly relaxed, Jeff finished Krystal off with a last orgasm with his tongue, then stood and immediately slid his engorged cock up her now sopping wet cunt. Jeff then began a pounding rhythm inside Krystal, and as Wayne slowly pulled out of Rachel, Rachel got up on all fours and lowered her mouth onto Krystal’s. Jeff heard Wayne groan with desire as his wife deeply tongue kissed her next door neighbour. Jeff watched as Rachel lowered her mouth to his wife’s nipples and then as she greedily sucked on them, making them rock hard. That was enough for Jeff as his orgasm stopped him dead in his tracks deep inside Krystal’s cunt, as pump after pump of cum was jetted deep inside her.

Jeff pulled out of his wife’s cunt, and sat next to Wayne who was recovering on one of the chairs, and it was obvious that Rachel had not finished as she licked her way down Krystal’s stomach and eventually placed her mouth over Krystal’s engorged cunt. Rachel then used her tongue and as the boys watched in wonder she licked and sucked every trace of cum as it leaked out of Krystal’s battered cunt.

Krystal came to another screaming orgasm at the tongue of Rachel and finally Rachel collapsed on top of her. Incredibly the boys heard Krystal say “One good turn deserves another” and she sat pushing Rachel up so that she was on all fours. Jeff and Wayne moved their chairs so they could watch the progress of Krystal’s tongue as she worked her way down Rachel’s back, across her puckered arsehole, and then began to lap at Wayne’s cum as it trickled from Rachel cunt. Slowly she lapped up the goo as it ran out and Rachel wriggled her arse to make sure that Krystal gave enough attention to her clit to produce a massive screaming orgasm.

Slowly the girls disentangled themselves, and all 4 looked around at each other a bit sheepishly. Jeff said well that was a bit weird and Rachel agreed. Wayne chipped in with a but damned good though and Krystal just moaned in agreement. After a while they slowly retrieved their discarded clothing, Jeff and Wayne disappointed when the next door neighbours wife finally covered up their respective gorgeous bodies. Finally they all said goodbye and Rachel and Wayne left and went home, telling Jeff and Krystal that they would send the kids home when they woke in the morning.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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