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Once again I offer my greatest and most sincere appreciation to basilisk for her editing prowess, wisdom and guidance.
Karen has found her way to the back deck wearing only one of my long sleeved white shirts with a good number of buttons unbuttoned. Its sexy, enticing and covering almost to her knees. “Hey, what’s going on out here?”
Looking up and smiling at her arrival, “Hi there. You’re awake.”
“Yes baby, you tired me out with that last little treat.”
“My pleasure,” recalling our recent session on my new swing and grinning like a Cheshire cat.
It’s about seven o’clock. A great spring evening. 70 degrees, a little breeze. The sun’s still up, but is beginning to sink in the west. Bob the dog is with me on the deck. Bob’s a 3 year old black lab mix. He’s a bit on the skinny side and smaller than a purebred lab. Bob’s a great dog and has taken to Karen. He and I go for daily walks (well, I walk and he runs). He just roams around, never getting too far away, but frequently checking back just to make certain I’m ok.
“Jake. Let’s go see where that little road goes.”
“We can do that, but you’d better put on some shoes, maybe some pants and grab a jacket first. It tends to be a bit cooler up there than down here.”
“I’ve got some old sneakers in my bag. Will you get them? Otherwise, I’ll be ok just like this. I’m hot blooded and besides if I get too cold, you can warm me.” Karen teases.
I’m wearing shorts and an old long sleeved shirt. “Ok kid, but I’m grabbing a sweatshirt for me.”
I disappear into the house and emerge wearing a sweatshirt over my shirt and holding a Chicago Cubbies baseball cap. Handing Karen her sneakers, “Here Karen. Its windy up there and this hat will keep your hair out of your face. Let’s go.” And we’re off, hand in hand, enjoying the adventure. Bob’s scouting ahead making sure everything is safe.
“What’s up there?”
“You’ll see soon enough.”
“I want to know now.”
“Ok, curious one. Do you see that wood pile up ahead?”
“Yes I do.”
“Well, just a few feet beyond that wood pile is another deck. You run up there, climb onto the deck and tell me what you see.”
And she’s gone. Bob’s running with her. Karen the curious. I pick up my pace behind her simply because I want to see her reaction when she gets to the top of the dune. I’m no more than 50 feet behind her when she steps onto the deck. She stops, frozen in time. Speechless.
I know the reaction. It’s the same reaction I had the first time I saw this view.
“Jake, Jake, Jake. It’s Lake Michigan. Its beautiful.”
She’s right. Lying before us and some 50 feet below is about 100 feet of clear, clean sandy beach stretching as far as one can see to the left and as far as one can see to the right. Beyond the beach is Lake Michigan. The majesty of this view is completed by the dying sun’s painting the sky above purple, crimson and orange.
“Can we walk on the beach?”
“Of course. There are stairs beyond the deck. Here, follow me.”
We descend, take off our shoes, leave them on the steps and begin walking along the beach. Bob loves this part. He’s running ahead scaring sea gulls and nipping at the waves as they crest against the shore. Karen and I just mosey along the beach, holding hands, arms swinging, noting the sand’s cool touch against our toes, the fresh wind’s teasing the tail of Karen’s big shirt and the horizon’s constantly changing colors as the sun falls. It’s a carefree time.
After walking a while we both realize we’re not alone. Up ahead a solitary figure approaches and off to the side a much smaller figure. Bob sees them and runs ahead to investigate. The smaller figure also begins running. Bob’s in Heaven. He’s found another dog.
The dogs by now are chasing each other and ignoring their people. Karen and I approach the stranger who speaks first, “Hi. It looks like our dogs each found a playmate.”
Tanned legs, no shoes, white shorts – not tight, black sweatshirt declaring her love of the performer Meatloaf and failing to hide two substantial breasts, nice face, great smile, red hair tied in a pony tail and stuck through the hole in the back of a Cubs baseball cap, not skinny, not obese, about Karen’s height, mid-40s I would guess.
“They sure have and hi to you. I’m Jake. She’s Karen and he, wherever he’s gone, is Bob. Great evening isn’t it.”
“Nice to meet you both. I’m Peg and she, who seems to be quite taken with Bob, is Sammi. It is a great evening. The beach and the lake and the sunset here are just incredible.”
“Great to meet you Peg. I’m actually here for my first time, um, visiting Jake for the weekend. Like you, I’ve already fallen in love with this place.” Karen’s smiling and stepping closer to Peg.
“Actually, today’s my first time here also. I’m from the other side of the lake over by Chicago. We’ve got some nice beaches there, but nothing like this. Karen, I see you’re a Cubs fan too? I love them, as you can tell by Sammi’s name.”
“Absolutely I am. Weren’t you excited last year when uşak escort they almost made it?”
“Excited? I was hoarse for a month. I saw every game, either at the stadium or in one of the local pubs. It was amazing.”
I watch Karen flash me a coy smile and before I can say anything she and Peg are walking down the beach arm in arm yakking about their beloved Cubbies. Truth be told, I happen to know Karen is a died in the wool Tigers fan and would not be caught dead cheering for the Cubs. I can only speculate on her motives and that speculation is beginning to feel quite warm indeed.
I’m lagging a bit behind the two new friends and marveling at how similar their bodies are shaped. They’re the same height, same slightly wide shoulders and slightly tapered waists and same nicely shaped legs. But for Karen’s blonde hair to Peg’s red hair, they could be twins. Peg’s wearing one of those slim gold chains on her ankle that I’ve always thought to be incredibly sexy. Soon we approach the stairs leading back up the dune to my place. The sun has set, leaving us with only the moon and stars. With darkness, the dogs are hanging closer.
“I invited Peg up for a glass of wine. You don’t mind, do you Jake?”
Looking at the two of them, I think: I have an absolute rock in my pants from watching you two and you ask if I mind? Smiling I tell the women, “I think that would be great. I’ve got a couple bottles of Toasted Head in the fridge. We can light a fire and sit out on the deck.”
“Um, one of my favorite Chardonnays Jake. You have good taste.”
“Thanks Peg,” as I speculate to myself about the taste of Peg.
We climb the stairs and then walk down the hill, the dogs running through the woods as we go. Arriving at my place, “Karen, why don’t you show Peg around. I’ll get a fire started out here.”
“Great, I can do that. Let’s go Peg. We can tidy up a bit while we’re waiting for Jake to start the fire.”
A few minutes later a fire blazes in a fire pit next to the back deck and I wander indoors to pour some wine. I don’t see the women, but notice the door to the bedroom is closed. I find the wine, extract the cork, pour three glasses and slip a frozen condom over the bottle to keep it cold. Just then two women emerge from the bedroom wearing identical smiles, identical big white dress shirts with the top three buttons unbuttoned and interestingly enough, identical gold chains looped twice about their left ankles. “Great place you’ve got here Jake, but what’s beyond that door with the sign that says, “NO GURLS ALOWED?”
“Be careful Peg. That’s Jake’s clubhouse and he doesn’t like anyone’s going in there without his permission.”
“Um, sounds interesting.”
“Ok ladies. I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’m heading out onto the deck to enjoy this wine. But first, a toast. Here’s to new friends.”
I see two identical smiles looking at each other as three glasses clink their approval.
I’m stoking the fire when the women sit next to each other on a bench and wrap themselves in a blanket I’d left for them. I grab a chair just to their side and prop my legs up on an old stump I use for that purpose. A bit of idle chat about nothing in particular, another log on the fire, glasses refilled, a second bottle uncorked, time passes and everyone’s feeling good. Eva Cassidy sings softly in the background, Tall Trees in Georgia.
A while ago I noticed Karen’s shivering and Peg’s sliding her arm over Karen’s shoulder. Now I notice Karen’s seemingly sitting a bit closer to Peg than before.
“Hey Jake?” Its Peg. I look up. “Want to see something interesting?”
Tongue-tied again, “A, Um, Sure.”
What I see is far beyond interesting. It’s the stuff of which barroom legends are made. I know immediately and with absolute certainty, that I’ve met my third sy-reen.
Peg’s right hand rises from Karen’s shoulder to cradle the back of Karen’s head. Peg’s left hand appears from beneath the blanket, touches Karen’s chin and together her hands slightly tilt and then guide Karen’s face. Karen’s eyes open wide before closing slowly. Peg’s face tilting now and sliding forward. Lips touch and slide apart. Tongues emerge, tickling lips. Throats moan. Time stands still, my eyes wide open, my hand sliding to my crotch. It’s the slowest, most delicate, most sensual kiss I’ve ever witnessed. Peg’s turning her shoulders slightly, aggression mounting, Karen’s slumping, eyes still closed. Mouths opening, tongues thrashing, moans shifting to groans of pleasure. Peg’s breaking the kiss.
“What do you think Jake? Are you going to show me that clubhouse now?”
A myriad of thoughts flash through my brain in the next few seconds.
What’s going on here? Karen and I haven’t t talked about involving another person with us and she’s denied ever being with a woman. She appeared genuinely surprised as Peg initiated that kiss and I noticed that as soon as Peg broke the kiss, Karen blinked her eyes a couple of times as though that kiss wasn’t planned. I wonder though, was Karen acting for my benefit? They were together in the bedroom for at least ten minutes and they came out dressed identically and Karen donned that ankle bracelet and there is nothing beneath those shirts they’re wearing, so they certainly were naked together. They took to each other so well down on the beach, walking arm in arm and bouncing along in front of me. And what’s Karen doing telling Peg she loves the Cubs? Although Karen seemed surprised by the kiss, she didn’t fight it and she certainly did respond to it. I know Karen absolutely loves to kiss and there is that saying among guys that there are two things no man can do as well as a woman: one is kiss and the other is eat pussy. And there I sat, like a fool, touching myself while they kissed. I know Peg noticed and my guess is that Karen did as well. We’ve talked about a few semi-kinky things and I wonder. Maybe Karen is thinking that I would enjoy her and Peg’s seducing me, not that I would be an unwilling victim. If I were a wagering man, I’d bet that Karen’s enjoying herself right now and she’s going to play out this scene and see where it leads. Maybe its time to call her bluff.
“You’re a pretty brave girl, aren’t you Peg, trying to seduce my woman right here front of me. It even looks like she enjoyed you for a moment or two. I didn’t give her permission to enjoy another woman though and so I may have to punish her. I’ll tell you also, if we go into my clubhouse now, that’s exactly what I’ll do. I’ll begin Karen’s punishment.
“Now, are you sure you want to see that room Peg? It might get pretty intense.”
“Jake. I definitely want to go into your clubhouse. You and Karen have been turning me on ever since I first laid eyes on you down on the beach. Just watching you sit in that seat over there, sipping your wine and staring into the fire got me oh so hot. And sitting here with Karen and her bare leg’s touching mine and every time she moved even the slightest, I got tingles from my toes all the way up to my pussy. I couldn’t resist kissing Karen and in truth, I want to do so much more to her. Maybe there’s something I can do for you that might make up for Karen’s transgression and avoid any punishment.”
“You think so?”
“That depends on what you have in mind Jake.”
“Come here.” Peg rises, steps toward me and stands over me, looking down, her face serious. “On your knees.” She grins, suspecting what’s coming, and kneels. “Unzip my shorts.” Peg reaches for my shorts, touches only the tab atop my fly and seductively pulls downward – slowly. It’s as though I can hear the tab releasing each of the zipper’s teeth, one-by-one. Karen, not knowing quite what to make of Peg and me sits only a few feet away and cranes her neck to see around Peg’s shoulder. “Reach in.” I feel Peg’s fingers pushing through the opening in my shorts and then sorting through the opening in my undershorts and finally the coolness of her fingers against my skin for the first time. She cradles my cock in the palm of her hand, her fingers wrapped under and around me, and smiles at what she’s found. “Pull out my cock.” Withdrawing me and sliding a second hand onto me, Peg purrs, “Mmm Jake, that’s a very nice cock.” “Quiet,” I demand. “Look at me.” Eyes rising. “Open your mouth.”
Sliding forward until my thighs slide between Peg’s shoulders and her arms, I shove Peg’s hands away from me, hold my cock straight out with my right hand, grab the back of Peg’s head with my left hand and push my cock directly into Peg’s mouth. Not an inch at a time. All the way. I hold it there for more than just a few seconds while looking Peg squarely in the eyes. She blinks and closes her eyes. “Open your eyes.” Slightly startled, Peg opens. I can see she is doing her best not to gag. A moment longer. Her throat threatening to reject me, I withdraw as she gasps for air.
“Put your hands on my ass Peg. I’m not going to move an inch myself, but you’re going to pull my cock into your mouth until it touches your throat. You’re going to hold it there for a moment and then you’re going to push out all but the tip and you’re going to do that over and over and over again. Karen, get over here.”
“Yes sir,” Karen’s moving and kneeling immediately.
“You like to kiss her so much, I want your lips on her mouth. Don’t you dare take my cock into your mouth though. That’s her job. Just kiss and lick her and lick my cock as she slides it into and out of her mouth.”
“Um, yes sir!” Smiles from two women.
And here I sit, two sy-reens kneeling in front of me. Peg’s fucking her own mouth with me and Karen’s slobbering over both my cock and Peg’s lips. Minutes pass. I feel that well known and welcome tension below rising. Karen’s fingers have found my balls. Peg’s fingers have reached into my shorts to find the crack in my ass. I’m not going to cum now. I want to have some fun first. I push them both away.
“No,” they cry. “We want your cum. Please Jake.”
“Later ladies. Karen, take Peg into my clubhouse. Show her around. I’ll be in after a little while. Oh, and if you want to begin without me, you go right ahead.” I smile, they giggle and leap to their feet, running into the house.
I wander inside behind them, open the refrigerator and withdraw a wooden box: a box of La Aurora’s, the oldest and finest cigars made in the Dominican Republic. Their leaves have been grown in the same fields of the Cibao Valley for over three generations. La Auroras, almost a national treasure, are as mild and smooth as a fine woman’s pussy.
I return outside and light up, just sitting in my chair, watching the fire, feeling the breeze, sucking on my cigar, watching the stars above, sipping my wine and contemplating the evening’s events. Conclusion: I’m having a very good time and I really like those two women.
Douse the fire, pick up a wine bottle, some glasses, a blanket, take them all inside, tidy the kitchen, note Bob’s and Sammi’s resting. It’s my house, I do these things.
Fifteen minutes pass and for the last five that I’ve been in the kitchen area, I’ve been hearing moans, some soft and some not, emanating from the open door leading down to the clubhouse. Walking softly down the stairway and poking my head around the corner, I see Peg’s leaning back in the swing with Karen on her knees slobbering away at Peg’s cunt and Peg’s legs wrapped over Karen’s shoulders. I leave them alone. Five minutes later I return and peek again. They’ve switched positions. Karen’s on the swing and Peg’s in front of her. Karen’s leaning forward desperately pulling Peg’s head into her cunt. Five more minutes and I peek in again. Karen’s still on the swing, but Peg’s standing in front of her, their arms around each other, cunts touching, breasts touching. Neither of them is moving and neither of them is wearing a stitch of clothing. Its time to go in.
They sense my approach. “Come here Jake.”
Four hands begin stripping my clothing. Sweatshirt over my head. Fingers unbuttoning my shirt and sliding it off my shoulders. More fingers fumbling with my belt and the button to my shorts, then sliding them down my legs. I step out of them as twenty fingers, ten on each hip, remove my jockey shorts. Yes, I still wear the white cotton ones.
“Sit Jake, here in the swing.”
Two women disappear to the bar, water running, steam rising, they return, several towels in hand. They kneel. Two hands on each bare foot. Hot wet towels applied, wiping, massaging, slowly, no hurry.
“Lean back Jake. Relax and enjoy.”
Two mouths, one encasing each big toe, faux blow jobs. Fingers caressing, massaging deeply. Tongues licking. Teeth biting. Nails tickling. Minutes pass. Am I dreaming? Fingers on each toe now. Touching, pinching, massaging. Now mouths.
This little piggy went to market; This little piggy stayed home; This little piggy is being eaten by Karen; This little piggy by Peg; And this little piggy just wants to cum and cum and cum and cum.
Hands spreading my legs. Feet placed into harnesses. Two heads between my legs, alternating kisses on the inside of my ankles / calves / thighs and each other. I watch their every move, enthralled at how slowly and seductively they work. Fingers massaging, lips sucking, kissing, biting their way upward. The physical sensations these two women create are immense and are dwarfed only by the mental stimulation of watching two almost identical heads between my legs. Each kiss, suck, nibble stimulates a new nerve, crackling bolts of pleasure through my thighs and into my groin.
My cock is a rock. It stands straight up, precum droplets formed on its tip. Two tongues approach and lick drops away. Two mouths engulf me, first one and then the other and then the first again. One hand on my balls, one hand playing with my ass. Never have I been stimulated so thoroughly in so many sensitive places.
Karen pushes the button to lower the swing. Peg stands and walks to my side. Stepping over my waist and facing my head, she places one foot on either side of my hips. She grasps my cock, centers herself and sits, sliding easily over the top of me. I reach for two full breasts, nipples engorged. Moans from her, some for my cock in her and some for my fingers on her.
“Lean back Jake.” Its Karen.
Releasing Peg’s nipples and leaning back I see Karen’s approaching from above my head. She keeps coming, ending with one leg next to each ear. She squats and I am gifted with two, hairless smooth lips.
Peg’s rising and falling on my cock. Karen’s rocking against my mouth. The sounds of their mouths on each other. Up and down, back and forth, tongue extended, seeking, finding, circling, lips sucking. Cock thrusting. Women moaning, sharing their tongues with each other.
They stop. Karen’s retreating first, then Peg. Switching. Karen on my cock, bouncing gleefully. Peg on my face rocking in ecstasy. A new cunt, also hairless all over, smooth, delicious. Peg more forceful than Karen on my face, hands beneath my head pulling me into her. Grinding against my mouth. Karen quicker on my cock. Everyone louder. Me harder, growing, ready. Peg’s high pitched shriek and copious juices flooding my face, I lap furiously at the sweet nectar of this woman’s cum. Karen’s even louder shriek as she hammers herself onto my cock. I join the chorus, shooting cum, over and over and over and over.
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