Mother’s Milk

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This story contains explicit details concerning a consensual sexual relationship between a mother and son.

If any of this offends you DO NOT READ any further.

The following story was given to me for posting by B. Traven who does not have USENET access. It is part of a series of stories never published before that supposedly describing true case studies investigated by Dr. Traven. I’m not completely sure that Dr. Traven is not pulling my leg, but I’ll let judge for yourself.

Dr. Traven is very interested in any comments or criticism on this story. I will be glad to forward any messages about this story to Dr. Traven, but note that it may be a while before he is able to respond since he is still on sabbatical in Mexico. I may post more of the Dr. Traven’s stories, depending on Dr. Traven’s wishes and reader responses.

This particular story is actually *part VI* of Dr. Traven’s TABOO series that cover related themes. Only one other story, TABOO I, in the series has been released as of this date. There are are also a number of other stories outside the TABOO series that have yet to be released, (only Hot for Hillary has been released outside the TABOO series). What’s the holdup? First of all I need Dr. Traven’s permission, who is not always the easiest person to get hold of. Second of all, I can not scan most of the stories because they are handwritten in Dr. Traven’s chicken scrawl. Transcribing all this material by hand is not easy. Even worse, some of the older dog-earred manuscripts are even written in German. My high school German is a little rusty, and I’m quite sure my German vocabulary does not extend to some of the terms used in these stories! If you are interested in any of these stories please email me, and I’ll see what I can do about releasing more.

Believe it or not, there is actually more to the “Mother’s Milk” story itself. The following represents only about a quarter of a novella. Dr. Traven asked that I only release this portion of the story at this time because the remainder of the story branches off into other areas including a pregnancy, and relationships with Aunt Jane and Sara Jo among others, that Dr. Traven feels detracts from the original theme. Dr. Traven asked that I hold back the remainder of the story unless there is “sufficient reader interest”.


Copyright (C) 1992, Bernhard Traven

Mother’s Milk [TABOO VI] By B. Traven

“Many mothers find great emotional – even sexual – satisfaction in breastfeeding, for it is the culmination of the sybiotic unity with the child.” – Dorothy L. Marlowe, RN Ed. D., “Pediatric Care”, 1977

“Oedipus was blinded because the light of truth was too much to bare” – B. Traven

“[A] Mother/son [relationship] is the one relationship-type where both parties get exactly what they need from the other party and the relationship, and the power status between the parties is the most equitable.” – Dr. J. Boswell, Institute of Advanced Sexual Studies

“There is *enormous* senusal pleasure suckling at a lactating woman’s breast. The act is more giving and emotional on both parties part in addition to the simple sensualistic satisfaction.” – Dr. Avis Oegel, MD, “Sexual Assertiveness Techniques”, 1993


Jack pushed the door open with his foot awkwardly and entered his house. Both his hands were occupied; he was carrying with a large plastic bag of disposable diapers in one hand and two bags of groceries precariously balanced in other arm. Jack set the packages on the kitchen table.

“Mom?” No answer.

He looked in her bedroom, and saw his mother cradling his baby brother. A half-empty plastic bottle was lying near her feet. Both mom and baby were fast asleep. The scene looked so peaceful compared to night before when Bobby kept them both up with his frantic crying. He tried to help by preparing his bottle and bouncing the little guy, but nothing seemed to help. Finally, his mom had told him to go back to sleep because of the Chemistry test he had tomorrow. Under protest he went back to bed while Bobby still wailed. He thought he would have trouble going to sleep but he must have gone out as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Jack stood there for a moment in the soft light of the bedroom. His mom must be exhausted – she was still awake with Bobby went he got up this morning to go to school. She was a strong person, someone who had more than her shares of hardships in life but someone who rarely complained. She was still a young woman, only 32, and still young to be hopeful that happiness could still be found in her life. With her sparkling eyes, golden blond hair, and good figure men found her attractive. She had no trouble finding suitors, but she always managed to end up with the wrong guy.

He watched his mom as she dozed. She was beautiful even without makeup and with mussed hair, and beautiful even wearing an old yellow-print sun dress. Jack noticed that the buttons in front of her dress were undone and a large wet pink nipple was protruding. Jack felt a sudden flash sex izle of shame and looked quickly away. She had been trying to unsuccessfully to breast feed Bobby again. Contrary to popular opinion it is not at all uncommon for babies to have difficulties breast feeding. Dr. Powers explained to Mom that many factors may be to blame including the mother’s diet and level of stress. Fortunately, almost all babies who have trouble breast feeding have no problem feeding from a bottle. Mom was heartbroken, feeling like a failure as a mother. Bobby was doing fine with formula but Mom kept trying to get him to nurse.

Jack secretly found the idea of breast feeding exciting. Since puberty he had the usual teen-aged boy’s fascination with breasts. At 18 his sexual experiences were confined to some groping in the backseat of his car where a few times he had managed to slip his hand into Sara Jo’s brassiere and feel the softness underneath. When he attempted to remove her bra she had protested, and the mood was broken. Sara Jo was a little on the chubby-side but had a healthy bust line that sent tongues wagging throughout high school. Sara Jo was nothing compared to Jack’s own mother, however. His mom had had a slender frame with large, heavy breasts. Secretly, Jack had looked through the laundry to find one of his mother’s brassiere. Feeling both ashamed and excited Jack read the faded tag on his mother’s brassiere – 38C. Hoping his mother would not notice, Jack hid the brassiere under the frame of his bed from which he would sometimes take it out to study when alone. Jack, in his readings on his favorite subject, learned that a women’s breasts could increase up to two cup sizes during pregnancy; and, sure enough, the new nursing bra his mother had purchased was an incredible 38DD. Jack had wondered why size DD was used instead of E, but he decided that this was yet another of the many mystery’s privy only to women and unknowable by men.


At the time of her pregnancy Mom’s boyfriend Bill was living with them. Bill was a crude man who would periodically come home drunk and angry at the world. When Bill came home late one night he slapped Mom hard across the face because dinner was cold. Jack tried to intervene, but the bigger man threw him across the room.

“Please, Bill, leave Jack alone.” His mother screamed. Jack felt dizzy and hurt but he got managed to get back on his feet. He started toward Bill again.

“Jack, please.” his mother pleaded.

Bill ignored Jack, and pulled Mom toward the bedroom roughly by the arm. His mother looked toward Jack with a look of resignation.

“I’ll be OK, Jack. Please stay out of it.”, she whispered to him painfully as Bill pulled her.

Bill slammed the bedroom door behind them, leaving Jack standing outside feeling impotent and weak. Their voices through the door were angry and loud at first. After a few minutes the voices were softer, and Jack could hear the familiar rhythmic creaking of his mother’s mattress.


A few months later Mom had discovered that she was pregnant. Bill acted happy and said they would now get married; but he didn’t come home the next evening. Mom tried repeatedly to call Bill at work, but Bill just hung up on Mom when he heard Mom’s voice. Mom was, of course, broken-hearted. She had dealt with men running out on her before, but this time she was pregnant. Jack’s own father had also left shortly after Jack was born but at least he and Mom had been married. Mom broke down and sobbed in Jack’s arms. Jack told his Mom not to worry.

They didn’t need anyone else. He would be the man of house. And Jack did help take care of his Mom. He took over cleaning the house and doing the grocery shopping, and even had gotten a part-time job at the local fast-food joint to help supplement their income. When his Mom enrolled in Lamaze classes at the local hospital, Jack volunteered to be his mom’s coach but Mom’s younger sister, Aunt Jane, said it wasn’t proper and took his place as coach.


Some women look overwrought when pregnant, showing the weight of the demands pregnancy places on their bodies. Other women bloom like flowers, glowing with the radiance of the life growing within them. Mom was in the latter category. Her face was positively beaming with the promise of life, and her slender figure blossomed into Rubenesque proportions with Mom’s already large breasts became heavier and fuller.

Most of Mom’s Lamaze training became useless because some complications arose and a Cesarean had to be performed. He was forced to stay outside in the Waiting Room while Aunt Jane with Mom in the delivery room. He was overjoyed the nurse announced that he now had a healthy baby brother, 9 pounds 7 ounces. The nurse led him into the hospital room where his mother laid dreamily in the bed holding the little baby. He kissed Mom on the forehead and held his sleepy baby brother cautiously.

“Meet your new baby brother, Robert Joseph – Bobby.” she announced proudly.

His mom unbuttoned the top few buttons her nightgown. Casually, she reached in, and fransız porno an enormous white breast capped with a glistening pink nipple flopped out.

“Uhhh, Mom. Do you want me to leave?” he said nervously.

He averted his eyes quickly, but he kept finding his eyes drawn back where he would steal quick peeks of his mother’s bare breast. He rarely saw his mother’s breasts except for quick glances when she would lean over in a low-cut nightgown. He was actually shocked – and excited – at his mother’s sudden casual display of nudity in front of him.

“Don’t be silly, Jack. I’m going to try to get Bobby to nurse.”

She took Bobby to her nipple. Booby mouth was against the nipple but he didn’t suck. She lifted her heavy breast to position it better, and a thin white liquid squirted in the air from the top of his mom’s nipple. Jack was fascinated.

“I hope he’s hungry – I’ve been uncomfortable lately since I started lactating.” Jack just nodded nervously and tried to look away. She tried to coax little Bobby to nurse, but he just looked bewildered with his unfocused eyes. At one point some of the drippings of Mom’s milk got on Bobby’s lips but he still didn’t get the hint.

“He’s probably still tired. I try later.”

She put Bobby back into the hospital bassinet where he immediately fell asleep.

“The doctor says I should be ready to go home the day after tomorrow.” She held Jack’s hand warmly.

“Thanks, Jack, for all the help you’ve given me. I know that this hasn’t been the best of times for you.”

“It hasn’t been the best of times for you either Mom, but I’ll always be there for you, Mom.” he said tenderly.

“Jack!” she was smiling mischievously, “you’re staring at me!”, Jack looked away ashamed from his Mom’s bare breast. Mom pushed her exposed breast safely back into the folds of her nightgown.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Jack.”, she said warmly as she unhurriedly re-buttoned her nightgown. “I certainly know from personal experience about the fascination of teen-aged boys with breasts”, she laughed. He was hot with embarrassment but his mother held his hand re-assuringly.

“Breast feeding is the most natural thing in the world. Please don’t be embarrassed when I’m nursing Bobby, OK?” “OK, Mom.” He hung his head down. He crossed his legs slightly to hide his erection, and prayed to God that she didn’t see that!


She woke up, smiling when she saw him standing over her.

“Rough day, eh, Mom?”

She rubbed her eyes. “Yeah. He didn’t calm down until after you left this morning. I tried again to get him to nurse but I had no luck.” she said sadly.

He took Bobby from her and placed him in his cradle in the nursery. He wrapped him tight in the knit blanket Aunt Jane had made. Mom was still sitting in the chair when he returned, trying to shake the sleep from her eyes. He noticed that her dress was still unbuttoned and his mother’s bare breast was still hanging out. He could see that it was heavy with milk. Since he moved the baby he now noticed that the front of her dress was soaked. She was lactating heavily.

She looked down at herself. “God, I’m a mess.” She lifted the front of her dress slightly, which opened the unbuttoned portion of her dress further, exposing the white nursing bra underneath. She lifted the breast that was exposed to close the cup flap of the nursing bra, and her nipple shoot a white spray of warm milk that landed on Jack’s shirt.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Jack.” She closed the flap on her nursing bra, securely tucking away her breast.

“Uh, that’s OK, Mom.” He felt the warm wetness of her milk against his chest as it soaked through his shirt. It was a not unpleasant sensation.

“Excuse me, Jack, while I clean up.”, his mom said as she finally got up from the chair.

“Sure, Mom.” he left the room, closing the door behind him.

He checked on Bobby who was still fast asleep. Poor little guy must have exhausted himself. He, then, put the groceries and was deciding what to fix for dinner when his mother suddenly called for him from the bedroom.

He opened his Mom’s bedroom door. He was surprised to see his mother half- naked sitting on her bed. Her wet sun dress was laying crumbled in a ball on the floor. His mother was dressed only in panties and nursing brassiere. The flaps on each cup of the bra were open, exposing his mother’s heavy, swollen breasts. The nipples were bright red and engorged, and dripping with milk. Her figure since the pregnancy was softly padded voluptuous curves instead of the trim figure she had had previously. In spite of himself Jack grew immediately hard with the cock throbbing almost painfully.

“Jack, the pump isn’t working.” She said desperately. She didn’t appear to be aware of her nakedness in front of him – or the effect it was having on him.

The pump was an electric pump that she had rented from the hospital to pump the milk from his mom’s breasts when they became painfully engorged. Since Mom couldn’t get Booby to nurse, she had to use the pump every few hours teen porno to relieve the pressure. He never actually saw her use it since she would always use it in private with her door closed. Since his Mom had no problem exposing her breasts in front of him to try and nurse Bobby, he suspected the real reason for her modesty about the pump was that the pump represented her failure to breast feed.

He looked over the pump. The electric connections at least visually seemed to be good. He pressed lightly on a few mechanical pieces, but he saw no problem.

He flicked on the switch. Nothing happened.

He felt around the moist cup of the machine. “Mom, maybe you have to … stick it in to activate it.” His mom lifted her heavy breast and gently pushed her left breast inside in pump’s cup. Since his hand was still touching the outside cup of the cup, looking for a microswitch of some kind, his mom’s breast rested lightly against his index finger. It felt warm and full. He was too scared and too excited to move his hand, but she said nothing. He flicked the switch with his other hand. Nothing. It seemed like an electrical problem and he tugged slightly on the electric connections again and flicked the switch one more time. Nothing.

“I can’t get it, Mom. Maybe we can take it back to the hospital for another.”

“They’re closed now, Jack. Their rental office is only open 9-5.” She pulled herself out of the pump, brushing against his index finger as she did. She started to cry.

“Jack, I’m a failure as a mother. You shouldn’t have to take care of me.”

“I want to, Mom.” he interrupted.

“I can’t even nurse my own baby. I can’t do anything right.” she sobbed.

“Dr. Powers …” he tried to say.

“I know what Dr. Powers said, Jack, but I still feel like a failure. I even have to use this damn machine to pump myself out, and even that’s not working!”

“Mom, don’t cry.” He hugged her and felt his mom’s bare breasts pressed heavily against his chest. Immediately, he backed away.

“Jack, they hurt!” she said desperately cupping her breasts.

“Maybe, we should call Dr. Powers’s office, Mom.”

She looked at him questioningly.

“What, Mom?”

“Jack… I nursed you when you were a baby. You didn’t have any problems. I nursed you until you were nine months old.”

“Mom, what are you saying?”

“Jack, if you don’t want to do this its OK, I’ll understand.” she looked at him pleadingly.

“Jack, would it be so wrong if I asked you to … suck out my milk.” Suck out her milk? His heart was racing.

“Jack, you’re still my son just like Bobby. Please nurse me.” His cock was painfully hard now and his mouth felt dry.

“Please, Jack. Do this for me.”

“Uh, yeah, M-mom.” he stuttered.

“How are we going to do … do this?” he asked nervously.

She crawled up further on the bed and sat up with her back against the bed frame. The was a fantasy of Jack’s secret-most dreams. Settle down. That’s your mother there, he thought. She only wants you to do what the pump is supposed to do. Nothing more.

“Come here, Baby.” his mother said lovingly.

He looked at his mom waiting for him on the bed on the looking like every man’s innermost fantasy. He didn’t think of the nursing bra as something sexy before but now he realized that it could have been something out of Frederick’s of Hollywood. It supported the heavy weight of his mother’s breasts, lifting them high as if putting them on display. With the cup flaps open, exposing only the front of his mom’s breasts, the bra actually accentuated their nakedness.

Dreamily, he climbed up on the bed to his mother. She pulled him to her. Her nipple was bright red and glistened with the milk that was leaking out. She held him by the back of the head, gently bringing him to her breast. A hard nipple brushed against his lips and released more fluid. He opened his mouth instinctively and took in the nipple. It tasted sweet from the milk. He reached under and cupped the breast. It was heavy with milk. He tentatively sucked, and was surprised at the gush of milk that suddenly filled his mouth. His mother’s milk was like cow’s milk except it was thinner and sweeter. He savored the warm milk. The milk started to overflow his mouth and drip down his chin onto his chest. He swallowed his mother’s milk to stop to overflow, and discovered that that action caused even more milk to flow from his mother’s teat. He sucked harder, drinking deep from the fluid of life. As he drained more milk from mother’s breast he could feel the swelling of her breast slowly diminishing. Her body started relaxing as he relieved the painful pressure. While he sucked, the other nipple brushed against the side of his face, causing milk to drip down his cheek.

“That’s it, Jack. You’re doing fine.” She kissed the top of his head and ran her fingers playfully through his hair.

He sucked hungrily at his mom’s breast, and greedily swallowed the milk with loud gulps. He held on tightly with both hands to the soft abundance of her breast. Jack knew that this was all he ever needed. As he sucked at his mother’s tit he knew all other experiences in his life would pale compared to this. He could feel his mother’s body start to stir with excitement. She pressed his head firmly to his breast and started spreading her legs.

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