Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
I sat in the living room and heard the car pull onto the drive, Sarah was back from picking up her mother Ann who was coming to stay for a few days.
As I heard the back door open I stood up and walked into the kitchen to meet them, “hello both” I said. Sarah walked towards me, smiling as she approached and I leaned forward and planted a gentle peck onto her cheek “hi darling” she said.
I turned to face Ann and smiled, she walked towards me and leaned in to peck me on the cheek. As her body leaned toward mine I raised my right hand to rest on her side as we said hello. Secretly though I hope for a sneaky feel of her ample bust, something I tried every time I met her.
This time I was in luck, my hand slide onto her side and as she leant to peck my cheek the palm of my hand came to rest on the side of her breast. I could feel the lacy outline of her bra and the softness of her breast. As ever, it was all too fleeting and then she had pulled away and walked behind Sarah into the front room and I was left with the memory of the briefest of touches.
Later that evening we were sitting in the dining room chatting about this and that when Sarah asked me to fetch them both a glass of wine. “Red or white” I asked and both said “white”.
I walked into the kitchen and took a bottle of white from the fridge and reached two glasses from the cupboard, and wondered if I had time for a little fun. I called through to check they wanted white to which I heard a resounding “yes please”, the balıkesir escort sound of their voices telling me they were sitting comfortably in the dining room, so yes I had enough time.
My hand slipped to my trousers and pulled down my zip, reaching inside I gripped the growing shaft of my cock and pulled it out. Picking up one of the wine glasses I placed the lip of it against my hardening cock and then rubbed the head of my cock all around the rim. Satisfied I had managed to rub the entire rim I forced my cock back into my trousers and zipped up.
Walking back into the dining room I handed a glass of wine to Sarah and another to Ann, being careful to make sure that Ann received the glass that my cock had rubbed against.
Sitting down I watched as they both lifted their glasses to taste the wine, smiling to myself as Ann’s lips reached the rim of her glass, touching the very same piece of glass that had felt my cock only minutes before.
“Nice wine?” I asked.
“Lovely” said Ann ” it has a lovely nose to it”.
I smiled inwardly at the thought of her smelling a mix of wine and my cock.
“Any plans for the next few days?” I enquired.
“We are going to see Sally tonight and then shopping tomorrow,” answered Sarah.
“Oh nice” I replied.
About an hour later Sarah and Ann were walking out to the car to pop down to our friend Sally’s.
“Be back around nine thirty or so” called Sarah getting into the car.
“Bye” I replied as I watched them pull off the drive and head off into the evening. I had at least two hours until they were back.
Walking back into the house I headed straight upstairs and strolled into the guest bedroom, the one in which Ann stayed. It was still as tidy as ever, the only thing to say that there was a guest was the black suitcase laying on the floor at the foot of the bed.
This was what I was looking for and I walked towards it. Kneeling in front of it my cock was starting to twitch in anticipation as I reached across an opened it. I lifted the top of the case gently and pushed it open, revalue the contents to me all neatly folded and ordered.
Carefully I delved into the case looking for my prize and after a short search I was rewarded when I pulled out one of Ann’s bras. It was black with white lacy trim embroidering the cups which themselves were semi transparent. Such a sexy bra for a woman of her age and my mind raced at the thought of her ample breasts encased in such loveliness.
My fingers fondled the lace of the cups and I couldn’t help but look closely at the label which read 36E and I couldn’t help but exclaim “fuck me Ann, big mother fucking tits!”
By now my cock was straining to get out of my trousers as I knelt admiring Ann’s bra and without thinking about it one of my hands reached down to my trousers and with well practiced ease freed my hard cock. A small bead of pre cum was already forming on the tip and I quickly rubbed my finger through it and then moved my finger to my lips, my tongue darting out to clean the pre cum.
My hand slipped back to my cock and my fingers took their customary position around my warm pulsing shaft and started to slowly but firmly stroke it. As I stroked my hard cock I continued to fondle Ann’s bra and then I move her bra to my cock, letting the cup engulf the head of my cock. The feeling of the lace was divine and more pre cum oozed out, this time into the bra cup. Without hesitation I lifted the cup to my mouth and sucked it deeply inside, tasting lace and pre cum.
This was too much for me as I felt the familiar tightening in my balls and my stroking speeded up. Leaning back with Ann’s bra still in my mouth I pumped my cock for all I was worth.
“Oh fuck Ann…” I shouted as I felt the first rope of cum explode from my cock and then a second and third. My hand carried on milking my cock, extracting every last drop.
Looking down I saw my thighs and tummy covered in warm globs of cum and I smiled, after all what use having a big titted mother in law if you couldn’t enjoy that fact once in a while.
Carefully I returned the bra to its rightful place in her case and closed it up, to all intents and purposes nothing had changed, I cleaned myself in our bathroom before heading back downstairs and flicked the tv on.
A short while later I heard the backdoor open and a familiar voice call out “hi honey… We’re home”.
They both walked into the room smiling.
“What have you been up to?” asked Sarah.
“Nothing much.” I replied ” What time are you going out tomorrow?…”
Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
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