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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Johnny Blackjack turned the corner onto the street his house was on, his motorcycle rumbling as he passed by the familiar houses that belonged to friends of his such as Steven and Melody, Muse and his girlfriend Annaliese now that he had moved back, Chris and Sarah, and quite a few others as a shadow passed over him from above. He looked up to see Tristan carrying Katherine in his arms towards their house that was across the street from his own as he pulled into his driveway, killing the engine to the bike before getting off it, glad to be back from Tuscon at last. This time was different for him, however, seeing as it would be the first time that he would ever be returning home to someone instead of to an empty house, it almost felt alien to him but he found himself excited at the thought as well as he pulled his keys out to let himself in, the scent of coffee filling his nostrils the moment he close the door behind him. He was about to call out to see where she was within the house as a note on the kitchen counter caught his attention, picking it up to read the writing that had been so familiar to him that he had been sure he would never see again once he had been exiled from the Oregon compounds over five years ago.
‘Johnny, I made dinner and didn’t know when you would be back so I left it on the counter, it’s in the blue container and if it has gone cold just pop it into the oven for twenty minutes or the microwave for ten and it should be perfectly hot again, and there are more leftovers in the refrigerator if you’re still hungry after that. I hope that your raid went well, and if I am asleep when you get here then feel free to wake me up, I would love to hear all about it. All my love, Angel.’
He couldn’t help but to smile as he looked at the container, opening it to find the contents to be steaming hot still, his mouth watering as the scent of lasagna infiltrated his senses as he grabbed a fork to eat it, looking around at the kitchen and seeing that it was spotless, frowning slightly at the fact that she had cleaned while he was gone. He had confessed to Chris that he was more than a little worried about leaving her alone since she had only been there with them for a few days and he wondered if she was settling in well enough, having insisted that she come to stay with him so that he could keep an eye on her wounds as they healed. Chris and his girlfriend Sarah both insisted that it was better that she had stayed behind since she had never gone on a raid before and her wounds, though healing quickly because of her fae blood, needed time to be gotten over before she did anything major like that, and Johnny knew that they were right. Still, he had thought about her the entire time that he was gone, wondering what she had been up to and if she was alright, discussing further with Chris about the way he worried if she was adjusting to life without her repression medication, being reminded that they had fed her blood on the way back to Los Angeles and may need some more to really help her if that was causing issues.
He washed the container once it was empty since he didn’t want to leave dishes behind since she had gone out of her way to clean up not only the kitchen but everywhere he looked, walking up the stairs to go looking for her but finding the room he had given her to stay in empty. He remembered he had told her that if she needed to, she could sleep in his room to feel more comfortable since she was going to be there alone, thinking he would find her there as he walked to the master bedroom to find the door slightly ajar, the lights on within. Gently he pushed the door open further to find her laying on her stomach on his bed, her long legs kicking back and forth in the air as his eyes traveled down the bare, pale flesh and over her ass that was covered in just a pair of black booty shorts, lingering there for a moment before they started up the rest of the way. She was in one of his gray muscle shirts that he had given her to sleep in the first night that she had arrived, propped up on her elbows as she read a book that was open before her, her long dark hair curled around her back and shoulders, licking his lips as he took a shaky breath. He watched her for several moments in silence, his mind racing with thoughts and fantasies of things that he wanted to do to her now that she was within his sight once more, forcing himself to relax as he gently cleared his throat, watching her mark her place before looking over at him with her fiery brown eyes.
“I didn’t even hear you come in, I must have been so engrossed in the book that I didn’t think anyone was here,” Angel said with a laugh as she pushed herself up to sit on her knees, her fingers tugging the shirt down when it rose up to expose the pale flesh of her stomach and in turn making it dip deeper down her cleavage. Her eyes met his, and that part of her that felt as though she couldn’t breathe was there once again, she had had that feeling since the first time that she had laid eyes on him, and as she brushed her hair over her ear she felt her heart skip a beat as her peripheral vision caught sight of her Compatibility mark that she no longer had to hide from view. “How did the raid go, was anyone hurt or did you just get the things that you Gaziantep Düztepe Escort needed to find out?” she asked, ever curious about the things that he did as she crawled to the edge of the bed to get to her feet, his eyes following her every movement as she did so, infatuated with the way that her body moved. She crossed the distance between them soundlessly, and he had to smile inwardly at how easily she was learning to use the natural grace of their species like she had been moving like that her entire life.
“Good, everything went good and no one got hurt, though we came kind of close to being caught a few times, thankfully it didn’t come down to it though, I need to train you up so that I can take you with me sometime and see how you do, I think you’d be a natural really. And thank you for dinner, it was so good that I almost had seconds but I wanted to come and see how you were since you were here all alone all day and all,” he said softly, gently reaching up to brush her hair away from her face, the mark on his wrist that matched hers looking dark against her flesh when they were side by side. Looking down their six inch height difference, his eyes searching hers for a moment as he felt himself bend slowly until their faces were just inches from one another and he knew what he wanted even though he hadn’t been so forward with her since her arrival, trying his best to be the gentleman that she had been used to in his letters to her. He was surprised when she pressed forward, and he took that as a sign that she wanted him to close in and close the distance between them, his lips meeting hers in a chaste but tender kiss, his fingers lingering on her cheek as her hand came up to touch his.
He rested his other hand on her lower back, pulling her closer to him as her arms gently snaked around his neck, and he felt her rise onto her tiptoes, her body pressed against his as he deepened the kiss, his fingers tracing up her cheek to slide into her hair and entwine his fingers through it gently as he held her close to his body. He felt her hands sliding over his back and shoulders gently, knowing that he was probably tense from the long ride to Tuscon and back not to mention the raid itself, and he felt her hands linger gently as they began to pull away from one another, a soft blush creeping into her cheeks as he smiled softly. “Have to admit, that was way better than any fantasy that I might have had when we were teenagers writing to one another the way that we did,” he said softly, watching her smile while her blush deepened, her hair hiding her face from view a bit before he was able to brush it away. He hadn’t wanted to push her too much since she had just learned that he was alive a few days earlier, but there was no denying the way that he wanted her and he could only hope that she wanted him the same way as she bit her lower lip looking up at him.
“I agree, no amount of daydreams did that justice over the years that I dreamed of what it would feel like…you’re so tense Johnny, let me massage out your back and see if that helps, just take off your shirt and lay on your stomach, Shakespeare can wait,” she said softly, turning away to get her hair tie to pull her waves back away from her face. He watched as she moved her book from his bed while he did as she said, pulling his shirt up and over his head, tossing it into the dirty clothes before laying on his stomach on the bed as she had instructed, her perfume lingering where she had been laying when he had arrived. She always smelled of moonlight and lilies to him, it was a scent that he could recall at any given time day or night no matter how far he had wondered from her, and it was a scent that warmed him from the inside out. A soft smile came to his lips as he thought about the way her letters had always smelled of lilies as well, as if she exuded the scent from her and let it cover everything that she touched, he could never get it out of his mind.
Feeling the bed move once she had crawled onto it, he closed his eyes and breathed in deeply as he felt her straddle his lower back with her knees on either side of his hips, her ass pressed against his as the scent of baby oil caught his attention just before her soft hands started to slide against his back, massaging the tension out of his spine. “You know if you wanted me shirtless you could always just ask, you don’t need an excuse or anything like that,” he said with a soft smirk crossing his lips, glad that she couldn’t see it because then she would get flustered the way she seemed to so often, her fingers running along his back gently. Her touch was so gentle but firm as he felt the warmth of her hands along his shoulder blades, a soft moan escaping his lips against the bed as he felt her lean forward, picturing the way that her body must look like as she did so, biting his lower lip to avoid uttering any sound that would give away how turned on he was right then and there. He forced himself to lay completely still beneath her, knowing that if he didn’t that he would end up showing her somehow how badly he needed release and how much he wanted her to be the one that brought him to it.
“I will be sure to keep that in mind the next time I need my fix for half nude males, you are the top pick for that just so you know,” she said with a soft smile as she looked down at his back, feeling herself growing wet for him and knowing how badly that she wanted him though she would never have the audacity to say so aloud, but it wasn’t as if she was virginal and didn’t know what she wanted. She had been completely upfront with him about the fact that she had been active with others long after she had thought him to be dead and gone, he had been the same of course thinking that he would never have the chance to be with her, they were grown adults after all. She could feel the tension as it left his body, biting her lower lip as her fingers ran over the muscles of his back and shoulders gently, as if memorizing them as she rose and fell with him as he breathed in deeply, and she wondered briefly if he was hard as she touched him, though she would never ask him that. She grabbed a towel, using that to gently mop of the baby oil that she had used so that it wouldn’t stain his blankets if he wanted to turn over and lay down, the thought of him laying beneath her entering her mind briefly, and before she knew it she was kissing between his shoulder blades where she had wiped the oil off him.
The feel of her lips on his back made him shiver, they were so soft against his skin, and he felt his hips grind into the bed with desire as her hands rested on his shoulders while she gently kissed along his skin, feeling her start to sit up and half wanting to beg her not to move from his body just yet. He waited for her to raise up on her knees to slide off him to turn over quickly without knocking her over, his hands sliding onto her hips to prevent her from getting off him, starting up as him as his fingers gently trailed down her thighs, breathing in deeply as his eyes met hers once more. He watched her breath catch in her chest as her fingers gently traced down his stomach, making him shiver with a soft moan as the sensation, knowing that he was noticeably hard now and not caring one bit because he knew that she was what he wanted. “I know that it’s only been a short time since we met face to face and all…” he said, his words trailing off, he wasn’t sure how to put what he was thinking into words for once.
Angel felt her heart skip a beat as she wondered where he was going with his statement before letting his words become lost, and realizing that she didn’t care how long it had been or about who found out what, it wasn’t like she was ever going back to Portland or that she and Gavin were even together because of it, she wasn’t sure she was ever truly in love with the other man before. She leaned forward, her hands resting on Johnny’s chest as she pressed her lips to his tenderly, feeling his kiss in response to her own as one hand rested on her hip and the other slid under the back of her shirt to rest on her bare flesh gently, his own hot and somewhat clammy while hers was cool to the touch. “I trust you…I love you Johnny Blackjack,” she whispered against his lips, making sure that she didn’t use his former name of Burside since that was no longer what he chose to go by, and she would abide by his wish not to do so, feeling his fingers flex gently into her and shivering gently.
“I love you Angel Deman, I always have,” he whispered against her lips as he let his hands wander along her back while his other hand trailed down from her hip to cup her ass gently in his hand, squeezing firmly to hold her close while he kissed her deeply, letting his tongue part her lips and feeling her own coming to meet his. Gripping the hem of her shirt, he gently tugged it up, getting them both to sit up so that he could slowly reveal her upper body to him, the way that her breasts fell from the material as he raised it halfway over her head making him shiver, keeping her eyes covered with the shirt with a smile as she whimpered softly. He leaned in, licking her lips gently since she couldn’t see, and with the way that he held the shirt he made sure that she couldn’t lean forward or use her arms to touch him in anyway before bringing the shirt off her entirely, his lips capturing hers tenderly. Tossing the shirt away next to his own, he let his hands trace down her shoulders and collarbone before bringing them to cup her breasts, his fingers flicking her nipples as he did so, each touch a new exploration of her body as she straddled his lap.
She shivered as he released her lips, his tongue flicking each of her nipples as his fingers found the waistband of her booty shorts to start inching them down, feeling them hesitate slightly in case she wanted to change her mind but she knew that she didn’t want to as she gave a slight nod to urge him forward, feeling him bring them down further before she had to help get them off. After some maneuvering, he was able to toss her shorts aside, leaving her nude atop his lap as his fingers trailed along her back to the curve of her ass once more, gripping it firmly before delivering a firm slap to the left cheek, her hissing moan making him shiver beneath her. The sting of his hand lingered upon her hot flesh as she let her fingers dig into his shoulder blades, another hot slap to the same spot making her cry out, her hips arching forward against his jeans as she writhed from the hot pain that the slap gave to her. Her breath caught in her chest as she felt him gently rub where he had slapped her stinging backside, biting her lip gently as she felt him do it again, another moan escaping her as she held onto him for dear life, hearing the soft chuckle that left his lips.
“Tell me if I make you uncomfortable Angelface, that is the last thing that I want, to mess up this time with you after wanting it for so long,” he whispered huskily against her ear before kissing along her neck, biting down gently over her carotid artery and sucking softly, making her tremble in his embrace as he rolled them over together, splaying her legs open as he finally pulled away from her to sit up on his knees. Gazing down at her and memorizing every perfect inch of her, he couldn’t help but wish that this had happened so much sooner, but he knew that everything happened for a reason and that was all there was to it in the long run of things. He slid his hands along her legs, the smoothness of them making him moan inwardly as he let his fingers slide down her thighs until they met at the apex, feeling the wet heat that was emanating from her waiting sex, shivering gently as his eyes met hers once more. He couldn’t help but stare at her as if she were going to disappear any moment from his sight and this will all have been a torturous dream that he didn’t ever want to wake up from, he had felt that way since the moment they had saved her from her execution that she had refused to back down from.
“I will, I promise,” she whispered softly as she gazed up at him, almost half expecting him to disappear or to wake up and find out that this had all been a dream like it had been so many times before over the last five years since she had been told of his death, she wished fervently for that not to be the case. She knew that she wanted him, that she would love him when they were no longer young and beautiful, that she was meant for him and he for her, there was nothing in the world that would ever convince her otherwise for as long as she lived, the feel of his hands meeting at the apex of her thighs making her shiver, her eyelids half closing as she moaned. Her hand reached down to slide over both of his, her eyes opening to see him watching her as she lay there nude before him, this all felt too real to be a dream and she knew that this was truly happening, that she was finally with him as she had begged so long to be. “No hesitation, no regrets,” she whispered as she gazed up at him, watching him nod his head as he leaned over her body to kiss her lips tenderly, his body pressed against hers firmly as he cupped her cheek to caress it gently.
“Never,” he whispered softly, smiling softly as he kissed her lips before letting his kisses trail down her neck and he knew what he wanted, hoping that she would truly have no hesitation or regret, it was something he had always wanted to experience and never allowed himself to because he hadn’t trusted himself to know what to do, but she was different. He pulled her into a sitting position with him, his hand with his mark taking hers, his eyes gazing into hers intently before he leaned forward and kissed her neck softly over her carotid artery once more, hearing her soft moan just before he pierced the skin with his fangs and felt her shiver hard, his collarbone close to her mouth as she clung to him tightly. He closed his eyes as he felt her hot blood gushing into his mouth as she kissed along his collarbone before biting down, moaning against her skin as he felt her drink from him like he was from her, glad that she had understood what he was trying to tell her, that he wanted to mark her and have her do the same to him in return. He pulled away from her, feeling her do the same and pressed his lips to hers, this kiss rougher and deeper, her tongue sliding against his the moment he got her lips parted, his fingers digging into her ass as he pulled her closer to him once again, her fingers digging into his shoulder blades deeply.
His hand slapped her ass cheek firmly once more, her whimper against his lips making him hungry for more as he did it again while her fingers raised the skin on his back when they raked up, making his back arch before he laid her down once again, kissing down the length of her body until he lay between her legs. Her soft whimper as he kissed along the inside of her thigh made him harder within his pants, straining for release as he breathed in the scent of her sex while kissing along her labia gently, his tongue sliding along her slit teasingly, watching the way that her hips rose as a result. He slid his fingers along the wetness of her lips, his eyes rolling up to watch the way that her head was thrown back against the pillows, her fingers gripping the bedsheets tightly in her fingers as he toyed with her, wanting to see what made her tick. He let his fingers spread her labia open, flicking his tongue over her clitoris gently before rubbing it with his fingers, hearing her breathing grow heavier than it had been moments beforehand, the taste of her so sweet within his mouth as he teased her the way that he did. Firmly and deliberately he slapped her wet pussy with his stiff fingers, hearing her cry out softly, moaning softly at the way that she reacted to him as he used his free hand to rub himself through his jeans, his need for her growing greatly.
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