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John and Christie are back for more. Thanks to all who patiently waited for this update. I hope you have fun.
The file on our computer, titled ‘OA’, was growing daily. “Operation Asshole” had taken on a life of its own.
What’s more, the asshole in question didn’t appear to know he was heading down the road to destruction. We wouldn’t actually let it go that far, of course. We really weren’t interested in having his head on a platter. Rather, we wanted him to think twice before trying this trick again.
And… We wanted Christie to get the grades she deserved, through academic rather than sexual conduct.
Not too much to ask, in my estimation, but I was admittedly biased. Especially since the subject was currently snoring happily beside me in bed, still zonked out from last night’s energetic activities.
It was Saturday morning, and I was laying awake, listening to her cute serenade of pops and whistles, while I fretted. I can’t help it. Maybe I’m just hardwired to worry about the woman I love. This was a potentially dangerous game we were playing, but I wasn’t really playing it, any more than a coach does from beside the field. Christie was the one in harm’s way.
She stirred slightly in my arms, smacking her lips in an amusing manner, before snuggling in tighter. Peabody, who was curled up on her side of the bed, lifted his head, and looked at us. It was getting close to that time, and he hopped up to bring the clock to her attention.
I had been replaced, my position usurped by my strawberry blonde bedmate. It’s amazing how quickly the dogs had taken advantage of adding Christie to the household. They knew what I would and would not do, and what they could get away with, when I was the only human in the house. As soon as Christie arrived, they had new boundaries to test, and they found her to be a soft touch. Just like children who go to Mom after Dad has said no, hoping for a different answer, both Peabody and Baron knew to ask her first. They were rarely denied.
Peabody sat beside her on the bed, and pawed her shoulder. I watched, curious to see how far he’d go. Christie didn’t respond, so he repeated the action. Still nothing.
How about a cold nose on the side of the neck? Eureka!
“John, dont do that,” she mumbled.
“Um, honey? I’m over here, and my nose isn’t cold,” I giggled. “I think you have the wrong suspect.”
Since she had spoken, he knew she was awake. Peabody added his bit, licking her ear.
“Ooooo, John, now that I like! Do it again!” she gasped. More words got more licks, and her giggles brought Baron up to join in the fun. Soon, Christie was getting a morning tongue bath, and it wasn’t the kind I usually gave her.
“Okay, okay, okay, that’s enough. I get the message boys,” she sputtered. “I’ll get you your breakfast.” The dogs jumped off, and she turned in my arms.
“Told you it wasn’t me,” I smiled.
“I know. I’d know your tongue anywhere,” she giggled, closing for a kiss. “Speaking of which, I’d really like some when I get back. Please?”
Like I was going to say ‘no’? I nodded, and watched her beautiful, naked body breeze out the door, headed for the kitchen. I heard the door open, and knew she was out in the yard with the dogs. Naked. It was a picture that had stuck in my head since the first time I saw it; early morning sunshine caressing the curves of her nude form, while the chill air puckered her nipples to full height. She was probably stretching like a very sexy cat right now.
I’d better pee before she gets back, I thought, and rolled out of bed myself, padding quickly into the bathroom. By the time I made it back, she was already there, splayed wide on the bed, and huge smile on her face.
“Beautiful day outside,” she whispered.
“Beautiful in here, too,” I replied. My dick was beginning to rise, but she had asked for my tongue, so I crawled between her legs, bringing my face close to her pussy. I inhaled her scent. “Mmmmm yes, such a fragrant flower.”
I settled in, and considered my options. There were several ways I could start, and several paths I could follow. Where to concentrate my attention? Lately she had become very fond of having her ass licked, so it was quite likely that I would use that. It was a good finisher.
Apparently, I was considering my options a little too long.
“John, please… don’t make me wait. I’m so hot!” Christie whimpered.
“Sorry, darling,” I said softly. “Just admiring your pretty pussy. It’s so beautiful.” I kissed the hood of her clit.
“Oooooooooo, yes, baby… that’s it,” she breathed.
My kiss was repeated, over and over, here, there and everywhere on her pussy, while she moaned softly, anticipating my next move.
Since it was Saturday, and we had no schedule to follow today. I could take all the time I wanted to, and give her as many orgasms as she could handle. We would probably barely make it out of the bedroom all day long, but that was Gaziantep Merveşehir Escort no reason to dally unnecessarily. I licked her, from butt hole to clit.
“Mnaaaaaahhhn! Yes!” she gasped. Her hands found the back of my head, pulling my face closer, so she could rub her pussy across it. I used the bridge of my nose on her clit, while my tongue teased her lips. I added a finger on her asshole, for good measure. “OH FUCK!”
I ate her for several minutes like this, varying my pace and giving my tongue a break when necessary. I listened to her excitement build, layer upon layer, getting closer and closer to her zenith. She was nearly there, dripping wet, and begging for her release.
Torture can be painful, or it can be bliss. It all depends on your point of view. I kept her there, on the precipice, for nearly five minutes more, while she desperately tried to finish the job. She even tried to get her own fingers involved, but I now had her wrists under control, so she was at my mercy.
“Oh god, John, honey… Please, let me cum… I’m so close… Please. Please.”
I released her left wrist, allowing me to use my right hand. I dipped a finger in her pussy for lubrication, and input the launch code… otherwise known as inserting it into her ass. Ka-boom.
As much fun as it was to set her off this way, I really hoped that she would lose her sensitivity a little. I hoped to someday put my cock in her ass, and if she was going to cum instantaneously, it would be a short fuck. Oh well. For now, it was a nice way to trigger her orgasm.
Christie shrieked. No, she SHRIEKED, and her legs clamped around my head, while her pussy gushed, and her body twisted, wracked by pleasure. I held onto her hips, and went with her, saving my neck. It was a big orgasm, but thankfully not a long one. She drooped back on the bed, gasping for breath, and releasing me. I rested, and waited for her to recover.
“Sorry Dad,” she giggled, after a couple of minutes. “Do you think he heard?”
“Quite possibly. He’s not deaf,” I smiled.
“No he’s not,” she acknowledged. “Oh well. Too late now. My turn.”
She gave me a look of mischief, and moved down the bed, stopping when she was even with my crotch, where my cock was fully erect and awaiting her attention. I was laying on my side, so she was able to suck me in a leisurely manner. That she did, until it became obvious that I was enjoying it.
“So, John… You like teasing me?” she asked pulling my cock out of her mouth and giving it a squeeze at the base.
“I prefer to think of it as prolonging your pleasure, my darling,” I replied, hoping she wasn’t going to return the favour. I had already been hard throughout my time between her legs. Much more and I’d lose my mind. “Just thinking of you, honey.”
“Oh, of course, of course. I would never presume otherwise,” she smiled , now stroking me gently again. Soon it was back in her mouth, and I was back on the road to nirvana.
Still, I knew better than to accept that she wasn’t going to exact her revenge. I knew her; she would get even, it was just a matter of how.
I didn’t know she had already shown me what she was planning.
As her mouth worked its magic, I could feel my temperature rising. My hips began to thrust, which she correctly read as a signal. Her fingers again squeezed the base of my dick, blocking any possibility of my cumming, and pulled back once more.
“Mmmmm, I do love sucking your cock,” she whispered, still stroking it with one hand, while choking it with the other. “I could do it all day.”
Oh please, let’s hope it doesn’t come to… um, cum… to that. I may have miscalculated by stretching out her orgasm. She always had the last word.
The urge passed, and she resumed her blowjob. The tingle returned quickly, but she was ready, reverting to the ‘stroke and choke’ technique, until I relaxed. My orgasm was literally in her hands.
Again she cycled me through her delicious torture, then again, and again, until I was a whimpering, blubbering fool, begging for her to finish me off.
“Oh god, honey,” I conceded, “I promise I’ll never do it again. I’m sorry. Please let me cum!”
“You think I want you to stop?” she asked incredulously. “Oh no, I don’t want you to stop! I loved it! It was one of the best orgasms I ever had! No, I want you to keep on giving me that much pleasure. Promise you’ll never stop!”
“Okay, I promise,” I gasped, feeling her hand stroke me firmly. “I’ll keep doing it! Now, please?!”
She pushed me onto my back, and went for it, sucking the head of my cock while her hand worked the shaft. I felt it cumming, and this time, she let it happen.
I’m sure if I had been trying to pass a bowling ball, I would have been quieter.
“OH MY FUCKING GOD!” I screamed.
“Holy shit!” Christie giggled, as I came. I hadn’t shot anything that far in years, as the first squirt went about four feet into the air, high enough that it hadn’t landed before the second one joined it. Since Christie was still pumping me, it went… everywhere! By the time I was clicking on empty cylinders, gobs of cum hung like Christmas Tree icicles in her hair, and on her face. More dripped down her chest, and plenty adorned her hands and forearms. Several blots were on me as well. All of the pent up energy her teasing had caused had, literally, cum out through my dick.
“Um, honey?” she smiled, releasing my dick and looking at me like the mess was somehow my fault. Alright, it was my cum, but she certainly played a part.
“Sorry… baby… couldn’t… help… it,” I panted.
“No apologies necessary,” she giggled. “Just surprised me. That was some load! I’d better hit the shower, before it sets.”
“Mmmmm hmmm, okay honey,” I mumbled, closing my eyes. “I’ll be in soon…”
No I wouldn’t. I was asleep before she got wet.
When my eyes finally opened again, it was the early afternoon, and I was alone. Sun was streaming in through the windows, making my eyes hurt. I stumbled into the bathroom, where it was darker, and cleared my plumbing, as well as my head. A little cold water on my face completed the process.
I dressed in shorts and a golf shirt, then went looking for Christie. I found her right where you’d expect to find a beautiful young woman on a sunny day like this; out by the pool, working on her tan, and reading a textbook. She was erasing the few tan lines she had, laying on her stomach.
Naked, of course, with the sun glistening off her curvy rump. She had always taken advantage of my yard’s privacy to sunbathe nude, even when her visits were under the radar. Now that she lived here, that hadn’t changed, despite the fact that her parents might pop over at any moment.
“Hi baby,” I said quietly, bending to kiss her. She tasted wonderful, as usual.
“Good afternoon,” she giggled.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” I smiled. “That’s what weekends are for, isn’t it?”
“I came out of the shower, talking to you while I dried off. No answer. There you were, snoring away,” she laughed. “You know, I had to wash my hair three times to get all the cum out of it!”
“Hey honey,” I shrugged, “you loaded the gun. It wasn’t my fault it went off while you were playing with it.”
“Uh huh. Of course not,” she smiled. “Are you hungry?”
“Famished,” I replied, as she rolled over and stood up. I would never get tired of seeing her naked body.
Christie’s phone buzzed.
“Hello Mom,” she answered, listening briefly. “Sure. Come on over. I was just about to make some lunch.” She hit ‘end’, and reached for her wrap. “Mom’s on her way. I’m going to get dressed. Let her in, will you?”
“Front or back?” I asked, watching her ass wiggle into the house.
“Back,” she called over her shoulder.
I headed toward the gate, and heard the knock just as I arrived. I unlatched it, and opened up.
“Hi Angela,” I smiled.
“Hi yourself, stud,” she giggled, walking in. I closed the gate, and turned back, only to be met by Angela’s lips on mine. To say I was surprised would be an understatement.
“Hey, hey, Mom! You got your own guy!” Christie laughed, arriving on the scene to rescue me. I was glad she was a quick dresser. “Don’t be coming over here and kissing on mine!”
“Sorry, honey,” Angela replied, pulling away, and leaving me slumped against the fence. “Just thanking him, that’s all.”
“Thanking him?” Christie asked.
“Um, yeah,” I laughed, wiping my lips. Angela’s lipstick was on my hand when I glanced at it. “What did I do to deserve that?”
“You made her scream,” she smiled, pointing at her daughter, “then Ed made me scream. It was like we were ten years younger! Thank you!”
“Wait, I thought Dad wanted me to be quiet?” Christie asked, confused. I was with her.
“Yes dear, he does… or at least he did,” Angela explained. “When we heard you this morning, he was a little miffed at first. He grumbled something about ‘keeping the noise down’, and ‘waking up the neighbourhood’. Then a few minutes later, when we heard you again, he just looked at me, and grabbed my boobs. ‘Why should those two have all the fun?’ he laughed, and BAM, he was all over me! He fucked my brains out!”
“Way to go, Dad!” Christie giggled.
“Glad to be of service,” I smiled. “I’ll do my best to continue my good work.”
“Damn right you will!” Christie winked. “I won’t be responsible for letting Mom down.”
No pressure there.
The three of us walked inside, with me trailing the ladies. Yeah, I was watching their asses. We headed for the kitchen, where I stayed out of their way while they made lunch for three.
“What about Ed? Shouldn’t we call him?” I asked. I didn’t want him to miss out.
“Ed’s asleep,” Angela grinned. “I wore him out.”
Christie snorted, and broke into laughter, leaning back against the counter. Since she wasn’t wearing a bra, the laughter had her big breasts jiggling for my appreciative gaze.
“What’s so funny?” Angela asked, while Christie kept laughing.
“I believe your daughter is laughing because I was also asleep, until about ten minutes ago, for the same reason,” I smiled. Christie pointed, and laughed louder. “Like mother, like daughter.”
Their laughter filled the house. It was a wonderful sound of acceptance.
Monday morning, April honked her horn from our driveway, and Christie gave me a kiss as she headed out.
“Everything charged and ready?” I asked.
“Yup,” she nodded, shouldering her bag. “All set. Maybe today will be the day. I love you. I’ll message you as I go.”
I found it frustrating that we were waiting for her Professor to finally make an overt sexual move on her, before we could take steps to deal with his inconsistent grading.
In the meantime, many of Christie’s friends had volunteered their past exams and quizzes, allowing us to piece together a composite of the answers Eldon Bridges considered correct. This would be vital to our plan, when we were at last ready to nail the bastard.
I kept on rehearsing my part, running it over and over again in my mind, trying to anticipate everything Bridges might do in response to our threat. As Christie had suggested, I had been combing through my movie collection, looking for the characterization I felt would fit. Why build from scratch, when I had the work of professionals to draw from?
I was at my desk Monday afternoon, anticipating Christie’s text. I had her class schedule on my phone, but had it committed to memory as well, and knew she was headed into the class in question soon. She would text me to turn on my app, and monitor what went on during today’s dealings with her Professor.
Pretty much right on cue, my phone buzzed with her message.
Into the lion’s den, she sent. Turn on video. I have a surprise for you.
Surprise? Pour moi? I thumbed the screen, tapping the appropriate icon. The display went black, then resolved to show a vertical line of… what? It was only after she moved the camera pen that I realized the line was her cleavage, showing enticingly in the neck of her blouse. She had dressed for effect today, with a crisp white blouse, fitted to her body like a glove. Unbuttoned to just below her breasts, only the red tank top under it kept her tits from being on full display. She was even wearing one of her most cleavage enhancing bras, to maximize the look.
Her face appeared on screen, smiling brightly.
“Testing, testing,” she giggled, adjusting her bait in her bra. “One, two. That’s all of them. Here goes nothing. Wish me luck.”
Good luck I responded quickly.
I watched closely, seeing the hallway go by, and door open. I saw her climb the stairs of the lecture hall, and take her seat among her friends, April included. Since she knew about our plans… the only one who did… she gave me a subtle wave, and a smile. My view was adjusted to show the lectern, and Professor Bridges, sleazebag emeritus, walked in.
There wasn’t much for me to watch during the lecture. Evolutionary Psychology was pretty dry stuff, even for someone who was interested in psychology. That wasn’t me. My only interest in the subject was the fact that my fiancé was interested in it.
Class ended, and the students began to file out, when I heard Eldon Bridges voice.
“Christie? May I have a moment?” he asked. His face grew bigger in the centre of the image, as she stopped in front of him. The video pen was in her breast pocket, just a few inches left of his point of attention, so it was like he was talking directly to me.
“Have you thought about my offer? I’d still be willing to help you with your grades, if you’d like.”
He had made this offer several times, but it wasn’t enough. As inappropriate as it was, it was still ambiguous.
“I don’t mean to pressure you,” he added, “but if we’re going to do this, it will need to be very soon. Exams are coming up, and I won’t have time for you in a couple of weeks. You also can’t afford too many more low grades, or it won’t make any difference.” He puts his hand on her shoulder. “Why don’t you meet me at my apartment… say tomorrow night. I’ll make you dinner, and we can get to work.”
That was pretty blatant. Christie hesitated, and he dropped the other shoe.
“Christie, I’m sure we can get through your questions together. You’re a lovely young woman and a good student, so it would be a shame to let indecision cloud your academic record.” His hand was still on her shoulder, and he rubbed it across her upper arm. “Come on Christie. Let me help you. I won’t offer again.”
“Why can’t we meet at the library?” she asked, playing her role.
“Because I don’t have time for the library!” he replied sharply. “Look… You need my help, so it’s my way or forget it. Go ahead and get an ‘F’. I’m trying to help.”
“Um, okay, Professor Bridges,” she relented. “Tomorrow night.”
“That’s great!” he smiled, staring right at her tits. “And please, call me Eldon.”
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