Lilly Ch. 02

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Double Penetration

Chapter 2

Lilly Meets the Foot Ball Team

The light filtered in softly through the drawn blinds in Lilly’s room illuminating her face and pulling her out of the gentle embrace of sleep. She slowly opened her eyes and stared at the crisp white paint of her ceiling letting herself wake slowly. She rolled over and cringed in confusion at the pain flooding from her pussy before reality sunk in. Her trip to the head masters office the previous day had starched her formerly virgin pussy in ways she never could have imagined possible before and it was taking its toll on her body now.

Walking over to her closet she began assembling the pieces of her ward robe, taking careful care to ensure that she wore panties this time, though she wasn’t quite sure if she wanted to repeat the previous day’s activity or try and forget that they had ever happened but she was positive that she didn’t want to do it while she felt like this. The throbbing pain coming from her pussy made her much more inclined towards the latter, she mused to herself. standing in front of the full length mirror attached to the back of her closet door she paused to admire herself, she had full lush breasts, which seemed to run in her family, a large C bordering on D’s, but 6 years of sports and strenuous exercise on her part had removed the majority of the fat from the rest of her body as well as tightening and toning her body resulting in a figure which any man would kill to get their hands on. The gentle curves of her hips led her eyes down to the dark cleft between her legs where the pouty lips of her pussy peaked back at her. While never having much of an inclination towards sex before the previous day Lilly had always made sure to keep her pussy cleanly shaven except for a small strip from the top of her slit to just under her underwear line.

“I think they call that a landing strip…” Lilly mused silently to herself,

Running her fingers gently over the tuft of hair, originally she had shaved all of it for hygienic reasons but hadn’t liked the way it looked and the adding of the strip had given her a more mature look. Cutting her musings short Lilly pulled on a lacy black thong and matching bra before putting on the mandatory plaid skirt and white blouse which were mandatory for her school. Getting ready to leave her room the small black bag sitting by her bed caught her attention. Reaching inside of it she pulled out the tiny vibrator which the clerk had called a bullet. Though she had been shocked and humiliated by the encounter with the head master it had awoken something in her which she had never known was there before, she decided that she would put the little thing through its paces during her free period later in the day and slipped it into her back pack.

The head master put down the report he had been reading an tapped his chin in consideration. He had been getting additional complaints about the lesbian girl he had fucked the other day; it seemed several of the teachers had seen her making out in one of the hall ways with her girl friend again.

“Some people never learn.” he said to himself “I guess I will have to come up with a better punishment this time the last one doesn’t seem to have been very effective.” he paused

Trying to think of something that would deter her from continuing her reckless disregard for school rules “I will have to make an example of her” he said, pressing down on the call button he spoke to his secretary “Please tell the football coach that I want the team pulled out of their normal classes during fifth period and assembled in room 169 for a morale building exercise” he said

“Right away Sir.” she said

“Oh and send a note to Miss Anderson as well summoning her to the same place and time.” he added

His secretary nodded taking the two notes and hurrying out of his office to deliver them before the first bell rang

Lilly pulled into her usual parking spot and walked into the building. Walking slowly through the hall packed with students joking and jostling each other, Lilly made her way to her class. Just as her hand reached the knob she heard the bell ring announcing that class would be starting shortly. Lilly walked into her first period class and saw Mr. Jacobs look up at her from his desk.

“Ah I see you were able to make it on time today.” Said Mr. Jacobs a smirk playing around the corners of his mouth “The head master left this note for you” he said

Lilly took the note and quickly walked back to her seat. On folding the thick white paper she saw the tight neat script of the head master. The note said: “Report to Room 269 during 5th Period” and was signed by the head master.

“Hmmm… I wonder what he wants” Lilly gaziantep escortlar asked herself. The first two periods dragged on with insufferable slowness as Lilly waited for her free period. Finely the bell rang, Lilly jumped out of her seat and rushed into the hallway

“I wonder where I could get some privacy.” Lilly wondered

She remembered that the second floor was currently under construction, some sort of remodeling; only they weren’t allowed to work during school hours because of the disruption to the students so the entire second floor was abandoned during school hours

“Perfect.” Lilly said.

Grabbing her back pack she wandered down the hall until she found one of the stair ways leading to the second floor. Looking around she stealthily ducked under the caution tape baring the stairs and climbed up to the second story. The tap, tap, tap of her shoes on the bare concrete floor sounded almost deafening in the eerie silence of the abandoned hall way, Lilly drifted past the empty classrooms and past the heavy construction plastic searching for the perfect place to be alone with her new toy. Finely coming to the end of the hall she saw a door marked teachers lounge and made her way inside. Though the floors and walls where empty she noticed that all of the furniture which had been pushed to the side to clear the way included a very large and plush looking couch which was perfect for what she was looking for. Pushing the door closed she dropped her bag and started rifling through it until she found the tiny vibrator.

“I wonder how I’m supposed to use it?” She asked herself “Well I guess it can’t be that hard.” she said

She walked over to the large couch and sat down before reaching under her skirt and pulling her panties off, she twisted the end of the vibrator counter clockwise until it started vibrating gently in her hand. Laying back against the arm of the couch she spread her legs putting her left leg up on the back of the couch to give herself better access to her pussy. She twitched convulsively with the vibrators first contact with her clit moaning loudly into the empty room. Laying her head back against the arm she lost herself in the pleasure emanating from between her legs. Lilly started making gentle circle motions with the vibrator slowly circling her clit, she could already feel the moisture in her pussy increasing, deciding that she needed more stimulation she unbuttoned her blouse and pulled her bra down uncovering her large tits, she started mauling her left tit until finely pulling it into her mouth and sucking on her nipple while switching the bullet up to its highest level. She cried out into the empty class room filling the silence with her moans and the sound of the vibrator. She was so wrapped up in what she was doing that she almost didn’t notice the door crack open ever so slightly, but by that point she was so lost in her pleasure that there was nothing else she could do but continue, but the intrusion never came, the door opened a crack but no further.

Lilly looked through eyes half lidded with lust and pleasure and saw the mirror which was positioned against the wall in such a way as to give her a direct view of the slightly open door, and what’s more she realized in shock to give the person who was watching her masturbate a perfect view of her exposed body, but it wasn’t a teacher like she had expected but instead Tom. The feeling of being watched made her even hornier and she decided to give him a show worth watching. She let go of her breast and slid her hand down until both were between her legs which were spread as far as they could go. Continuing to give the vibrators full attention to her tender clit she then inserted her first two fingers inside her tight pussy and started to thrust furiously. She was pleased at the effect it produced noticing that tom had moved from simply rubbing himself through his pants to taking his cock out and stroking it rapidly. Lilly was surprised by how thick it looked and moaned loudly to herself as she imagined that it wasn’t her fingers that where inside of her but instead Toms big thick cock pounding away inside of her. Lilly could feel her orgasm starting to build inside of her and kept her half closed eyes locked on the sight of Tom stroking his cock in the mirror while she continued to pump her fingers in and out of her pussy. Finely she pressed the bullet down hard on her clit and increased her pace until she was pumping in and out as fast as she could go until she jerked her head back and moaned feeling the muscles of her pussy flexing and sweat beading down in-between her breasts she collapsed exhausted. She glanced over just in time to witness Tom cum all over the floor painting it with the thick white ropes of his sperm before quietly pulling up his pants and sneaking away.

“I guess he liked what he saw.” Lilly laughed quietly to herself “Because I know that I sure did.” She said

She wasn’t quite sure why but the thought of Tom watching her masturbate made her feel incredibly naughty and erotic, a feeling that she was starting to enjoy. Fixing her bra and buttoning up her shirt Lilly got ready to return to the dull drudgery of school.

“I wonder if whatever the head master has planned for me will be as much fun?” she wondered

The rest of the day sped by for Lilly as things often do when you’re worried about something until it came time for 5th period. Picking up her bag she handed her note to her fifth period teacher and headed down to room 169 which was located in one of the adjoining buildings. Oblivious to the long line of male students she was walking past Lilly knocked lightly on the door before entering. As she entered the small room she noticed that the walls where lined with sports equipment, looking up to see the head master waiting

“What is this place? Lilly asked

“It’s the gym teacher’s office” said the Head Master “Now come along we have some business to attend to in the gym.”

“What are we going to do there?” asked Lilly curiously

“You are going to continue your punishment with some community service” said the head master with a wicked smile on his face “There is another student there who you are going to help me punish; in fact” he paused “her punishment is already underway.”

Lilly walked submissively down the hall behind the head master towards the gym “I wonder what I’m going to have to do this time she thought to herself.”

As she walked down the hall she started to hear strange sounds coming from the gym ahead of her. At first she wasn’t sure what she was hearing but the noises soon resolved themselves into the grunting of hard excursion and what sounded like flesh hitting flesh. Walking into the gym proper she beheld the scene in front of her

All of the wrestling mats had be spread on the floor and a girl was kneeling on one of the mats, as she got closer Lilly realized that she wasn’t kneeling her wrists had been bound to her ankles forcing her into a kneeling position with her ass up in the air. 4 naked guys where standing around her all of them were stroking their erect cocks in anticipation, one of them kneeled down grabbed her by the waist and inserted his cock into her and started pounding away at her pussy while one of the others moved around to her front and forced his cock into her mouth and she proceeded to suck on it with large slurping noises. As Lilly watched she saw the ass on the student clench as he continued to pound her pussy dumping his entire load into her pussy and Lilly could tell from the amount of sperm that was leaking out from between her legs that at least four other guys before him had also cum in her.

“Alright, alright let us through.” said the Head Master grabbing Lilly by the wrist and pushing their way through the crowd of students surrounding the helpless girl.

As they approached the other student pulled out of her mouth and covered her face in his cum, and she moaned loudly and strained against her bounds.

“Now Lilly its time for you to help.” said the Head Master

“What do you want me to do?” asked Lilly unsure

“You can see how dirty her pussy is?” asked the Head Master “I want you to get down on your knees and use your tongue to clean it out, oh and you should probably strip down first so you don’t get your uniform dirty I don’t have any spares here.”

Lilly slowly unbuttoned her shirt and bra and then slipped out of her skirt and panties standing completely nude in front of the crowd of student. She blushed looking down embarrassed as the guys stood around her stroking their cocks.

“Get cleaning girl!” said one of the students, slapping her ass to hurry her

Lilly squealed in surprise at the slap on her bare ass and got down on her hands and knees in front of the girl. She could tell that this girl unlike her shaved her pussy completely, she could see the smooth lips of her pussy leaking cum in a thick stream down her legs and was pooling on the floor beneath her. Lilly leaned close and ran her tongue lightly over the outside of the other girls clit causing her to moan and wiggle her ass closer to Lily’s mouth in an attempt to get her to go deeper. Lilly grasped her by her hips and inserted her tongue deep into the other girls cum filled pussy tasting the cum of a half dozen guys. Lilly ran her tongue up and down over her pussy and then deep inside cleaning it out the spunk of all the men who had gone before her she could feel it dripping down her chin and between her breasts. She started to get excited cleaning out the other girls pussy, she leaned down and started sucking on her clit eliciting a squeal of pleasure from girl and she ground her pussy into Lilly’s face encouraging Lilly to go even deeper then before. Lilly was lost in her own pleasure and didn’t notice that the other students had started to crowed around her and where all stroking their cocks excited by seeing Lilly clean their cum out of another girl. One of the less adept students started stroking faster and faster until he ejaculated all over Lilly’s back causing her to jerk back in surprise, noticing for the first time all the guys who had gathered around her. She looked up at a dozen cocks uncertainly.

“Now, now Lilly, don’t be rude you have turned on all these fine young athletes its only fair that you help them take care of it.” Said the head master with a smirk

One of the guys from behind Lilly grasped her by the hips and slammed his cock inside of her tight wet hole and proceeded to start fucking her, grasping her by the hair and fucking her doggy style while the other student cheered. Lilly opened her mouth to moan in pleasure at the thick cock that was pressing against the inside of her pussy and one of the students took that opportunity to shove his cock into her mouth. Wresting control of her hair from the other student he used it as a level forcing her head back and forth on his hard cock. The two students timed their thrusts so they could fuck in time sliding her back and forth on their cocks, she was just getting close to an orgasm when the student in her pussy came violently painting the inside of her womb with his cum and causing her to cover his cock in her cum, The man in her pussy pulled out and was quickly replaced by another who picked up right where the first had left off and spread her legs as he got better leverage to pound her pussy. The student in her mouth grabbed her head and shoved his cock as far into her mouth and filled her mouth with his cum.

“On your back slut!” said one of the students pushing her onto her back. He straddled her chest placing his cock in between her lush full tits, he reached insider her mouth and pulled out some of his friend’s sperm and used it as lube, he grabbed each of her tits and started thrusting in between them using them as a surrogate pussy. Another of the students bent close to Lilly and covered her face with his sperm causing her to squeal in surprise as his cum dripped down her face. The student in between her tits squeezed her tits hard and started cumming in between them covering her tits and her neck with his hot sticky seed. Another of the students in between her legs came again and she could feel it dripping down her ass in between her legs, and pooling on the floor beneath her. As another student entered between her legs Lilly gasped in pleasure as his abnormally large cock slid into her well lubed pussy pumping in and out of her sliding his cock in and out. Lilly grabbed him and begged her to fuck her harder, to fuck her like a slut as her back arched as another orgasm overtook her causing more of the cum which filled her pussy to leak out. The student thrust harder and harder inside of her before grabbing her tits and squeezing them roughly while pumping her full of his sperm. Lilly moaned in pleasure as his hot cum sprayed inside her. He pulled out and Lilly looked up as the remaining students circled around her all stroking their erect cocks quickly. Lilly watched as a dozen men all came at almost the same time covering her face, tits, waist, and pussy with their sperm. The sheer eroticism of it pushed Lilly over the edge giving her an orgasm so large she convulsed on the ground rolling around in the collective sperm of the entire football team as her orgasm rolled through her. As she lay on the ground breathing heavily recovering, she opened her eyes when she felt a tongue on her pussy, looking down she saw that the head master had untied the other girl and she was in the process of returning Lilly’s earlier favor and was cleaning the cum off Lilly’s pussy. Running her tongue up and down Lilly’s slit she spread the lips apart and sucked Lilly’s clit into her mouth. The student did a through job of cleaning her pussy before working her way up to her tits, running her tongue over her breasts removing all of the built up sperm which Lilly was covered in.

“Ahhh… don’t you feel much better now boys?” Asked the Head Master

“Much better Sir, thank you.” answered the students

“Now ladies why don’t you adjourn to the showers and get cleaned up and then get back to class quickly.” said the Head Master.

Lilly helped the other girl up pulling her naked body against her pulling her to her feet they stumbled together towards the showers.

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