La Casa Catfight

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It was a warm summer day in August as Jessica made her rounds. She loved working outside, watching the kids frolic in the pool with their parents as the cool summer breeze kissed her sun darkened skin.

Jessica was 20 years old and had been working at the La Casa resort for two summers now while she went to university. Her duties mainly consisted of grounds work, mowing the lawns, watering the plants, collecting garbage, and closing down the pool at night, all of which suited her just fine. Jessica loved working outside and couldn’t think of a better way to pass the summer while preparing for next semester.

Jessica had a slim athletic body with pert round boobs and long brown hair that she typically kept in a long braid while she worked. Her work attire consisted of a La Casa blue polo work shirt, sunglasses, a ball cap, and short black Lululemon shorts with runners.

She looked pretty cut in her outfit but La Casa was primarily a family resort, so most of the men at the resort were married and, while she never went unnoticed, none of the looks she received ever went anywhere. In fact, Jessica would commonly make it through the whole day without anything more than an occasional friendly hello to a guest or two as she went about her business.

Samantha and Kelly meanwhile were two 19 year old girls who has just arrived at La Casa that morning. They were staying at Kelly’s parents cottage on the resort and had spent most of their time that day suntanning at the pool, flirting with a few of the younger guys, and getting drunk on palm bays. Both girls were getting to the point where they were obnoxiously drunk and starting to disturb all the normal families lounging around the pool.

Jessica happened to be mowing the park lawn across the way, hot and sweaty from working in the sun and anxious to go on break when she saw a middle aged lady walking up to her. Jessica turned the mower off as the lady approached.

“Sorry to bug you young lady, but there are a couple girls in the pool who are quite drunk and disturbing all of the other guests. I’ve already tried talking to them but they just flipped me off, I was wondering, could you speak with them?”

“Sure,” responded Jessica. “I can speak with them, no problem.”

Jessica didn’t really want to talk to the girls, she wanted to finish the lawn and go on break, but she really didn’t have any choice in the matter. There was no security at the resort as there had never been any need. Problems were expected to be dealt with by the staff they were identified to and, failing that, they would simply call the police.

Jessica walked to the pool with the lady and immediately recognized the problem pair as she got closer. Jessica knew Kelly and Samantha from high school, both girls had been a grade younger than Jessica and had reputations as bratty entitled sluts. They had often been referred to as the non-binary bitches because though they got around with the boys, they made no secret of their lesbian tendencies. Jessica steeled herself for what was surely going to be a frustrating ordeal.

Both Kelly and Samantha were laying on a couple of lounge chairs taking ridiculous selfies as Jessica approached the pair.

“Hey girls,” interrupted Jessica as she surveyed the girls leaned back in their bikinis with their tits pushed out, surrounded by a mass of empty palm bay cans. “I’m sorry but you’re not allowed to drink in the pool so I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

“Those aren’t ours,” said Kelly who immediately went back to focusing on the image of herself in her phone.

“Yeah right,” responded Jessica. “Look, due me a favor and clean up your mess and get out of here. You’re welcome to come back tomorrow, just no drinking.”

“Fuck you bitch!” spat Kelly.

“Yeah, who the fuck do you think you are?” said Samantha. “Don’t think I don’t remember you from school. We don’t have to do anything you say!”

Jessica couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She wasn’t exactly surprised based on the reputations the girls had in high school, but she thought they would perhaps be a bit more sensible here, now, especially in front of all these people.

“Look, I’ll make it easy for you. Either you clean up your shit and get out of here or I’ll call the cops and have you banned from this entire resort,” Jessica responded. “So I’m pretty sure you two are gonna do exactly what I tell you to do!”

Kelly and Samantha were furious and embarrassed at getting spoken to this way by a girl only a year their senior. In fact, Samantha rize escort got up out of her chair to escalate things but Kelly stopped her before she could get right into Jessica’s face.

“Don’t,” said Kelly as she grabbed Samantha by the arm. “It’s my moms cottage remember.” Samantha turned, grabbed her bag, and made her way to the exit while shooting Jessica a hateful glare.

Kelly grabbed her bag and headed for the exit as well. “You can clean up the palm bays bitch,” said Kelly as she shouldered her way past Jessica, “I believe that’s your job.”

Half the people at the pool clapped as the girls left which made Kelly and Samantha even more furious.

“Thanks,” said the lady who had originally complained, “I know that wasn’t easy.”

“No problem,” replied Jessica as she cleaned up the empty cans. “Just let someone know if they come back or cause any more problems.” Jessica threw out the cans, finished off with the lawn, and then went on her dinner break.

Meanwhile, both Kelly and Samantha had returned to their cottage and were busy reliving their embarrassment. “Can you believe that bitch?” asked Samantha. “I swear to god if we had of been alone, I would have kicked her ass!”

“I know, I know,” said Kelly. “We’ll just have to go back there when it’s closed and we don’t have to deal with her or any of those loser rats.”

“How about I kick you ass instead?” joked Samantha.

“Oh yeah, bring it bitch,” smiled Kelly as she playfully shoved Samantha onto the couch nearby.

Kelly then jumped on Samantha who quickly rolled her off the couch and onto the carpeted floor. Both girls rolled around on the ground, each casually trying to get the upper hand over the other. Kelly eventually ended up on top and pinned Samantha’s arms above her head.

“I’ve got you now” said Kelly as she leaned down and gently bit Samantha’s neck as the other girl struggled to break free.

“Mmmm,” moaned Samantha as Kelly eventually let go of her arms and the girls embraced in a passionate kiss.

Kelly then got off Samantha and peeled her bikini bottoms down her young shapely legs. “You lost,” said Kelly smiling. “And you know the punishment for losing.”

Samantha grinned and then obediently sat up and began licking and fingering Kelly’s pussy until she came hard, soaking her face. Kelly collapsed after her orgasm and both girls cuddled together on the carpet with a warm blanket before falling fast asleep moments later.

The girls woke up after several hours.

“Mmmm,” groaned Kelly as she sat up and stretched. “That was perfect!”

“What’s that?” replied Samantha groggily. “The nap or the orgasm?”

“Haha, both bitch!” joked Kelly as she stood up, strolled to the kitchen, and lit up a joint that had been left on the counter. The girls shared the joint and then decided to grab some drinks and head down to the pool to sneak into the hot tub.

Kelly grabbed her bikini bottoms and pulled them back up her young shapely legs while Samantha grabbed a couple of towels. It being past closing they figured they would have the place all to themselves.

It was 10:30 and Jessica had just finished up closing the club house for the night. Heading to her car, she was looking forward to getting home and going to bed. She was especially looking forward to her weekend off and was anxiously hoping that the guy she had met a couple weeks back would finally get up the nerve to ask her out.

She remotely unlocked the door to her Volkswagen Golf and was putting her bag inside when she heard laughter coming from the area of the pool. “Dammit,” thought Jessica as she started walking over in that direction knowing she was likely in for yet another confrontation with Kelly and Samantha.

As Jessica made her way through the gate she saw the two girls splashing and laughing in the hot tub, empty cans of Palm Bay strewn about the pool deck. “Oh no,” cried Samantha as Jessica approached, “It’s the pool police!”

“Hilarious,” responds Jessica. “Now pick up your garbage and get out of here. The pool is closed and I don’t have time for your shit.”

Kelly simply responded by picking up an empty can and throwing it directly at Jessica who ducked at the last second to avoid being struck, “Pick it up yourself bitch, and close the door on your way out.”

“That’s, I’m calling the cops,” replied Jessica in a barely contained fury as she turned and stormed out of the pool area. Jessica pulled her phone from the back pocket of her tight Lululemon shorts and began to dial when she was forcefully pushed onto the ground from behind.

Jessica’s iPhone flew from her hands as she braced her fall onto the grass. “What the fuck, are you crazy?” yelled Jessica as she got back up and turned to face Kelly, “This isn’t high school!”

“Pfft, what are you going to do about it,” slurred Kelly, obviously drunk and a bit high.

“Get out of here now,” screamed Jessica.

“Make me!” said Kelly.

Without warning, the two girls came together like a pair of feral alley cats, furiously latching onto each others hair and trading wild blows. Jessica quickly got the better of Kelly and tripped her onto the ground. Kelly dragged Jessica down on top of her by her braid, but Jessica still easily gained the mount position and reigned hammer blows down onto the drunk girls face. All Kelly could do was hang onto Jessica’s braid and try to cover up as best she could.

Samantha caught up to the pair and was trying fruitlessly to help her friend by clumsily kicking out at Jessica, but the kicks were having little effect. Kelly eventually let go of Jessica’s braid to cover up with both arms and Jessica got off of her and turned her attention to Samantha, who put her hands up defensively and walked away.

“Fucking losers,” said Jessica as she went to find her phone on the grass. “You two made a huge fucking mistake and I am one hundred percent calling the cops now!”

But just as Jessica found her phone and reached down to pick it up she sensed Kelly running toward her. Jessica turned in time to trip the drunk girl back on to the ground but again felt herself pulled down on top of her, this time by her polo shirt. Both girls rolled around on ground, scrambling to gain the top position.

Kelly managed to momentarily mount Jessica and pin on her back. But before she could capitalize, Jessica planted her feet, bridged her hips, and flipped Kelly over. Unfortunately for Jessica, Kelly had the wherewithal to keep the momentum going and again rolled managed to roll Jessica onto her back.

So Jessica again planted her feet and bridged her hips to dismount Kelly, this time determined to end up on top, but just as she bridged her hip she felt hands claps her ankles and pull her feet off the ground.

“Ooophh,” coughed Jessica as her hips crashed back down to the ground with Kelly’s full weight landing on her stomach.

Kelly started hitting Jessica in the face and she was forced to frantically fight to control her arms and keep her from being struck. Jessica was therefore far too distracted to note the significance or threat as she felt Samantha pull her legs up and apart right before driving her heel down between her legs.

Thankfully for Jessica she was twisting at the time and Samantha’s heel only managed to catch her inner thigh, but the intent was clear and Jessica knew she was in real trouble. “Oh god, I’ve got to get out of here,” Jessica thought to herself as she continued to control Kelly’s wrists while attempting to pull her legs free from Samantha’s grasp.

Unfortunately, Kelly being in the hot tub meant she was soaking wet and hard to grip, and so she eventually broke Jessica’s grip and started striking the poor girl in the face with both of her fists. Jessica cried out and tried to cover up as best she could and again failed to react in time as Samantha used the distraction to spread her legs wide apart.

This time Samantha didn’t miss, driving her heel down hard squarely onto Jessica’s pussy. “Ohhhhhh gaaawwwwddd!” cried Jessica as the pain radiated out from her crotch and she felt much of her strength leaving her body.

“Help me hold her down,” yelled Kelly as she grabbed Jessica’s arms and pinned them down. Samantha dropped Jessica’s ankles and came around to kneel in front of her and took over holding Jessica’s arms down onto the grass above her head.

Wanting to teach Jessica a lesson for messing with her and her friend, Kelly wasted no time in reaching up underneath Jessica’s shirt and bra to scratch and claw and the defenseless girls firm, round tits.

“NOOOOOPLLLLEEEAAASSSSESTTOOOPPPPPP,” cried Jessica as Kelly raked her rails across her tender tits and sensitive nipples.

Kelly ignored Jessica’s please for mercy and, while maintaining her hold on Jessica’s tits, she shimmied herself into a half guard, knocked Jessica’s legs apart with her thigh, and then drove her knee up hard into the poor girls still tender pussy.

“OOOHHHHH FUCCKKKK, STOPPPP!!” plead Jessica who desperately tried to pull her hands free to protect her injured pussy.

“I don’t think so bitch,” spat Kelly who grabbed the waistband of Jessica’s shorts and pulled them along with her cute low cut, patterned pink panties down over her ass and off her long tanned legs.

“What are you doing?” cried Jessica, “Give me my clothes back, please!”

“You want your clothes back bitch?” asked Kelly. “Then apologize for embarrassing me and my friend!”

“Fine, I’m sorry okay. I was just doing my job!”

“Did that seem sincere to you Samantha?” asked Kelly rhetorically. “Nope, not good enough. You need to mean it. In fact, no, you need to show it. Crawl over here and kiss my feet!”

“You can’t be serious!” complained Jessica.

“Deadly,” replied Kelly. “Kiss my feet and apologize like you mean it or me and Samantha here will really bust up that pussy of yours!”

Jessica was so humiliated but far too scared to try to resist the two drunk girls. So she meekly crawled over to where Kelly stood in her bikini and started to timidly kiss the girls feet.

Lick them purred Kelly while sneering down at Jessica. Jessica was beside herself she was so humiliated, but with no other real choice she started to obediently lick the tops of Kelly’s feet.

“Oh, that’s it, just like that bitch, nice and slow,” mocked Kelly. “You must be a closet lesbian with a tongue like that!”

“Please,” begged Jessica as she paused to look up at Kelly. “I’m sorry, okay. Just let me go and we’ll forget this whole thing ever happened.”

“Hmm, I don’t know,” considered Kelly. “I think I’m having too much fun watching you grovel like the pathetic cunt you are!”

“And I just got my phone out,” complained Samantha, “And there is no way I’m not documenting this moment on camera!”

“Good point Sam,” said Kelly. “Now get that ass in the air bitch, were almost done with you.”

Jessica choked back tears and did as she was told, sticking her ass in the air while trying as best as she could to cover her face with her braid, knowing it likely wouldn’t be enough to conceal her identity from the camera.

Samantha smiled and then went around behind Jessica and gently spread her legs apart with her foot. “Lets all get a good look at this loser pussy,” said Samantha as she got a close up shot of Jessica’s nearly bald pussy, bare except for a thin landing strip.

“I didn’t say stop,” demanded Kelly. “Worship the better woman, make me wet!”

Jessica shivered as the cool breeze kissed her exposed sex but she did as she was told and licked Kelly’s feet, praying the girls would end their torment soon and just leave her alone.

Samantha, who continued to film Jessica debasing herself, shared a look with Kelly and then and motioned to Jessica’s spread legs and then down to her own foot, and evil grin spreading across her face. Knowing what she was intended Kelly gave her a wicked nod of approval.

“Look up at me,” demanded Kelly. “If you call the cops or tell a soul about this we’ll release the video of you licking my feet and introduce the internet to that slut pussy of yours.”

“I won’t I swear, I promi…”

Jessica never managed to finish her sentence before Samantha wound up and kicked her hard from behind, the top of her foot landing flush against Jessica’s exposed pussy.

“AHHHHHHHHHH FUCCKKKK,” howled Jessica as she gripped her injured pussy. Kelly and Samantha laughed and continued to film Jessica as she rolled around on the ground, mouth open in a sort of silent scream, only to be replaced by a pathetic mewing as she futilely tried to rub away the pain in her crotch.

Jessica faintly heard the girls joking about the ass kicking they laid on her as they went back to the pool to retrieve their belongings and throw Jessica’s shorts and underwear in the water.

Kelly returned and emptied her last can of palm bay over top of the half naked Jessica, who was still curled in the fetal position on the ground. “Remember bitch,” threatened Kelly, “You got off light this time, you come at me and my friend again and bust up your pussy ten times worse!”

The girls walked away back to their cabin and Jessica eventually got up and retrieved her clothes from the pool. She drove home, barely able to sit down and took the rest of the week off work. She thankfully suffered no permanent injury and her bruised pussy healed after a few days.

When she returned to work, both girls had long since left the resort after being kicked out by other staff members for continued rude behavior. As the summer neared it’s end Jessica thought the brutal beating she took was finally behind her, that was until rumors of the video started to surface around her social circles…

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