Interrupted Journey

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Steve Lentaigne sat down on a log beside the campfire and prepared his breakfast with a feeling of great contentment.

The long winter had finally given way to a beautiful spring and the unusually warm May air felt good in his lungs. Nature and the outdoors had always been his passion and he looked forward to eight more days of solitary wandering. He didn’t yet know that his plans would take an interesting turn that he would stay with him forever.

Scott and Elaine McCann had leased the luxury cottage with boathouse on Cree Lake until the middle of June. It was quiet this early in the season with few, if any, people to disturb their solitude. Elaine’s love was macro-photography; insects, tiny flowers and the like while Scott’s taste was more of an erotic nature. He photographed Elaine in various stages of undress and in very adult poses, particularly in the outdoors. For her part, Elaine found posing exciting and became very aroused during the sessions that frequently ended with intense love-making. She also had far more sex drive than Scott and indulged in an occasional lover; Scott enjoyed watching these encounters and often filmed or photographed them.

Steve consulted his map and compass before setting off at 06:30 on a north-westerly course that would take him past the northern tip of Cree Lake. He carried a GPS and would use it in emergencies but preferred less electronic methods. It was another glorious spring morning as he made good progress through the northern woods. Just after 10:00 he came to a hunters’ cabin and was greeted by two men chopping wood. He disliked hunting. Shooting with his camera was more to his taste but he chatted amiably with the men. They invited him inside for a coffee and he gladly accepted the refreshment. There were four other hunters in the cabin and Evan passed a pleasant half-hour with them before continuing on his way. As he distanced himself from the cabin he was struck by the thought that he hadn’t seen any guns around. He shook it from his mind as he reached the top a hill and looked down to the water below. Even with his coffee break he had made good time to Cree Lake.

Scott and Elaine left the cottage just after 09:30 and hiked north to a picturesque spot they had located the day before. Scott photographed Elaine as she undressed. When she was naked, he directed her to a tree and she leant back against it. The camera captured images of her from several angles before she turned around, stretched her hands out against the tree and stuck her bottom out proudly. Scott liked what he saw through the lens and the shutter snapped several times. He moved closer and told her to open her legs wide for some pussy shots. His hands felt her ass then slowly drifted between her legs. She was already wet with excitement and Scott’s fingers easily probed her vagina. He wanted her labia lips highly aroused and spread apart for his close-up shots, he found her gaping vagina so erotic. His attentions had the desired effect and soon he was crouched down with camera in action as Elaine spread her labia with her fingers to help Scott achieve the desired results.

The hill down to the lake was steep and Steve needed to make his descent carefully. He was angling down toward the north end of the lake when movement caught his eye in a small clearing a few hundred metres to the south. It looked like a person but at this distance he couldn’t be sure. He retrieved binoculars from his backpack and located the movement. He was shocked to see a naked woman walk across the clearing and lie on the trunk of a fallen tree. She lifted her legs and placed a hand between them. It was then that he saw the man with a camera pointed at her. Well, well, he thought and scanned south along the shore of the lake until he came to the large cottage with its impressive boathouse and assumed they must be from there. He watched for a few minutes before continuing down the slope to the water’s edge and made his way cautiously around the lake. He came to within a few meters of the clearing and observed the couple from among a group of small trees. The woman was on her knees gulping down the man’s penis while caressing his balls. They moved over to the fallen tree and the woman straddled it. The man mounted her from behind and began thrusting vigorously. Steve’s erection strained in the confinement of his pants as he watched the couple and heard their sounds of passion. A noisy climax was reached and the man picked up his camera and took several close-up shots between the woman’s legs before they dressed and headed southward.

That’s not something you see on a hike everyday, they’re quite a couple, Steve thought. At that moment he decided to take a detour to the cottage with the fancy boathouse. He was in no rush and stopped several times to take photos of birds, ferns and a marten. He came upon a rudimentary trail and followed it until he saw the boathouse. escort bayan istanbul Scott was seated in one of several chairs surrounding an outdoor table shaded by a large umbrella beside the structure. He was sorting through a pile of camera equipment laid out across the table. He rose when he saw Steve approaching and shouted his hello. The two men shook hands, introductions were made and after talk of the great weather the conversation concentrated on the equipment on the table and their mutual love of photography. They discussed their preferred makes of cameras, accessories, filters and such. Scott asked Steve if he would like to stay for lunch and chat some more. His wife, Elaine, was just showering before they ate and he was sure she wouldn’t mind. Steve readily accepted and was anxious to meet his very sexy wife.

Elaine came out of the boathouse in t-shirt and shorts and Scott made the introductions. Steve felt a twinge in his groin; she really was a very sexy lady, with or without clothes. Scott showed her Steve’s photos taken so far on his trip and she remarked on their quality. She was particularly interested in the ones of insects and woodland flowers and remarked that he had a great eye for beauty and composition.

He said he was surprised she had come from the boathouse since Scott had mentioned she was taking a shower. She explained that the boathouse had a luxury apartment above and they spent almost no time in the cottage, preferring the spectacular views of the lake the apartment offered, especially at night. They glanced at each other with the hint of a smile. Steve guessed this exchange was of a private, romantic nature and did not pursue it. Scott informed Elaine that Steve had been invited for lunch and she smiled saying that was lovely and he was very welcome.

Elaine volunteered to prepare lunch and left the guys to chat. A few minutes later Scott excused himself and returned with a bottle of wine and glasses. He told Steve that Elaine liked his photos very much and hoped he would show her more; perhaps he would take some shots of her. Steve became super hard at that image but sipped his wine and replied that he would be happy to. They chatted over lunch and Steve couldn’t help but notice the occasional sexual innuendo that interspersed the otherwise, normal topics of conversation. Scott asked if he had ever photographed nude subjects and Elaine mentioned that she liked to pose in all kinds of situations and was a little bit of an exhibitionist. She commented unabashedly that if you had a nice body, why not flaunt it. Steve had noticed when she talked of posing and her own body, her nipples hardened and jutted proudly against the thin material of her t-shirt.

Scott offered to clear the table leaving Steve to chat with Elaine. She kept the topic on photography and said she had modelled for Scott many times in ‘risqué poses’. He earned his living as a photographer of nude and other adult material and they had met when she had modelled for him and they fell in love and married.

When Scott returned he had yet another camera in hand. He handed it to Steve and asked him to offer his opinion on some of his latest work. Steve flipped out the digital screen and pressed the advance button. He viewed the well composed pictures of the surrounding woodland and lake and then there was Elaine, naked, leaning back against a tree with her fingers between her legs.

“You’ve made a mistake, I don’t think you meant me to see these,” Steve said as he passed the camera back to Scott.

Scott took the camera and looked at the display. ‘She’s quite beautiful, isn’t she,” he mused and handed it back. “It’s alright, Elaine knows, I discussed it with her when I went for the wine.” Elaine smiled and nodded in agreement and Steve’s gaze reverted to the display. He went through the forty odd pictures of Elaine while the couple looked on grinning. He put the camera down and thought for right words to say. “They’re brilliant. Elaine, you are a very lovely, sexy woman and Scott, you are a talented and lucky man.”

“The thing is,” Scott began, “I can’t keep up with Elaine anymore, she needs a lot more attention than I can provide. She likes you and we were hoping you could provide that extra attention.”

Elaine glanced at Scott then got out of her chair and stood behind Steve. She caressed his shoulders and chest then bent around and kissed him full on the lips. Before he had fully recovered from his surprise Elaine’s hand was fondling his erection through his pants.

“I want you to take me on this table, right now,” Elaine panted as they mouthed and tongued each other.

Steve stood and they embraced, his hands exploring her ass. She lifted off her t-shirt and he squeezed, licked and bit the breasts. He was unaware at that moment that Scott was already recording the action on his camera. He escort istanbul picked Elaine up and laid her on the table. Her shorts and panties were removed and she opened her legs as Steve moved his mouth to her pussy. She was already very wet and his tongue easily explored her vagina. He spread her labia and concentrated on her clitoris, flicking and teasing it until she climaxed and flooded his face with pussy juice. He stood, removed his clothes and positioned himself between her legs.

“Fuck her….stick that cock in her….make her cum….fuck her good and hard….stuff her pussy with your dick….she wants your hard dick….fuck her,” Scott babbled as he moved about with his camera.

Steve held Elaine’s legs apart and guided his cock into her. He began a slow thrusting, gradually building speed until he was driving into her with force. Elaine bucked back onto his cock wanting it harder and deeper; she fondled her tits and repeated, ‘Yes, yes,’ over and over until she screamed when she felt sperm flood into her.

“Great stuff, great stuff,” Scott said excitedly, “she liked that a lot, spread her pussy lips for me, I want some shots of that creampie.”

Steve parted her labia and gently massaged them. Cum appeared and Scott took several pictures. Scott then inserted three fingers into his wife’s pussy and brought her to another climax and put his sperm-covered digits into her mouth.

Elaine excused herself to freshen up and Steve donned his clothes then sat and looked at the photos with Scott.

“She loves to get fucked; I have medical issues that make it tough for me but I really enjoy watching her being screwed,” Scott commented in a matter-of-fact manner. “I have a proposal for you that I hope you will accept. First, stay for dinner and spend the night, I’m sure Elaine would like to enjoy you again. Second, I have arranged something special for tomorrow. It is something Elaine and I have spoken of many times and I would like you to be a part of it, your camera and…er…other skills will come in handy. She knows nothing of this and it must remain that way, here is what will happen tomorrow……”

Steve listened and had to say yes, there was no way he wanted to miss it.

The guys went up to the apartment above the boathouse and as Steve showered he thought of Scott’s plans and became very hard.

The apartment was certainly finished to a high standard and as Steve was given a tour he understood why they liked to spend time there. The piece-de-resistance was a wall of windows that overlooked the lake. They extended about two meters on the roof giving the area a sunroom quality. A fireplace on the left was angled toward the centre of the space and on the right, a TV and stereo were likewise angled. A large sofa faced outward and a thick rug lay in front covering a portion of the hardwood floor. The windows faced west so the sunsets must be spectacular.

The trio enjoyed a lengthy, lazy dinner, chatting about a wide variety of topics. They got along well and shared many things in common. With the dishes cleaned they settled down on the sofa with drinks. Elaine sat between the men with her Sambuka while Scott and Steve sipped single malt scotch. The sunset truly was spectacular and when it finally crept below the horizon Elaine rose saying she would be back in a minute.

The moon and several trillion stars now provided the ambient lighting.

Scott turned to Steve and said, “No cameras tonight, we’ll concentrate on giving her a good, long fucking in preparation for tomorrow.”

Elaine returned dressed in blue; cupless corset, tiny thong, stockings and spike heels. She stood in front of the men with her legs apart and hands on her hips.

“Strip off,” she ordered, “I want you both naked.”

She watched as they shed their clothes and stood naked in front of her. Hard cocks bobbed in front of her and she grabbed one in each hand and masturbated them. Scott kissed his wife and fondled her tits and Steve stroked her pussy with one hand and felt her ass with the other. She knelt down and alternately sucked and jerked their erections then brought them together and filled her mouth with both cocks. She stood and sat in the middle of the sofa, pulled her thong aside and played with her pussy while the guys looked on and fondled themselves.

“I need a cock in my mouth and a tongue on my clit,” Elaine demanded and Scott stood on the sofa and fed her his dick. Steve knelt between her legs and rubbed his fingers over her pussy and through the small patch of neatly trimmed hair resting above. Taking his thumbs to her labia he spread the lips apart exposing her clit and expertly used his tongue to bring her to climax. He then drove his cock into her as she continued to fellate her husband. Scott then lay on the rug and Elaine climbed on top.

“Get into her pussy also,” bayan escort istanbul Scott suggested and Steve positioned himself behind and, after a little struggle, slid his cock in beside Scott’s. Elaine cried out with pleasure as the two dicks fucked her pussy and soon Scott ejaculated.

“That’s me done for the night.” he said as the disentangled. “Keep giving it to her, she can last all night.”

Steve and Elaine continued for another hour in various positions. On her hands and knees on the rug she was pounded from behind as she gazed at the reflected moonlight on the lake. She rolled onto her back and the stars became a blur as she climaxed and tears filled her eyes.

After they had showered they gathered on the sofa for a nightcap. Scott informed Elaine that he had asked Steve to assist with the photo shoot the following day and she was visibly pleased that he would still be around.

Another beautiful morning greeted the threesome as they set off for the photo session. Their destination was about a kilometre away and had been located a couple of weeks before. This had been necessary so he could finalize his special arrangements. Elaine thought that today’s photos would be of a mild B Scott wanted her tits, ass and pussy to be exposed and available from the start. He began with general shots of his wife then invited Steve to join her. Scott knew what he wanted and gave his directions.

“Bend over Dear, okay Steve, smack her ass with the paddle. Good, now sit on that log. Elaine, lay across his lap. Smack her, yeah that looks great, now stick the dildo in and smack her ass at the same time. Hold it; I want close-ups of that dildo in her pussy. Lie on the log, Hon, yes good, tie her hands above her head, now spread her legs wide and tie them. Great! Now fuck her with the dildo.”

Elaine shuddered to a powerful climax. Scott’s voice was noticeably excited when he set out his next directives. Elaine stood between two small trees and Steve tied her hands and feet so she was spread-eagled. He then put a blindfold over her eyes.

“Okay, Love, we’re ready. I want you to struggle.”

Elaine pulled and pushed against the ropes and Scott clicked away from the front, back and sides.

“Time for the dildo,” he ordered.

Steve approached Elaine and massaged her pussy before inserting the rubber cock. It was about a foot and a half long and after burying it halfway he walked off behind her. Scott raised his arms over his head and waved from side to side. Six naked men came quietly from the nearby forest and stood with Steve. He recognized them as those he had shared coffee with at the hunters’ cabin the previous day. Scott moved about taking photos and offering suggestions to Elaine.

Scott called for more action and instructed Evan to go back and fuck Elaine with the dildo but he stayed where he was. One of the men came forward and took hold of the dildo. She squirmed with pleasure and let out little squeals as the dildo invaded her pussy in long, deep strokes. Another man came forward and mauled one of her breasts. At this point she was still under the impression that it was Steve causing this excitement but when another man grabbed her other breast she began to realize what was happening. The remaining three men stepped up and Elaine felt the full meaning of her position. She felt hands everywhere and hard cocks brushing against her sides and buttocks. “Oh, Scott,” she cried, “you did it, you finally did it.”

The dildo rammed in, her clit was being excited, her breasts, nipples and ass mauled and a tongue explored her mouth. Scott hopped about with great enthusiasm, his camera clicking away at a furious rate. One of the men loosened the ropes restraining Elaine’s legs and she was lifted up. Held in a semi-reclining position the dildo was removed and a real cock took its place. She was fucked by all six men in this position while hands roved her body and the dildo fucked her mouth. When the sixth man withdrew, the leg ropes were tethered to the trees again and her arms were released. She was bent over and a hard dick slid into her wet pussy. Another cock was forced into her mouth and her hands were grabbed and directed to jerk off two more cocks.

Scott offered encouragement to his wife and the men with a steady stream of suggestions, “That’s it, fuck that horny bitch….smack her ass….force a cock down her throat….take that dick, Honey, take it all the way in….you’ve wanted this for a long time….jerk those cocks….get another cock in her mouth…yes, that’s a great shot.”

Steve stripped off and joined the group; he untied the ropes from Elaine’s legs and she stood, still holding two cocks and being mauled by several hands. One of the men lay on the grass and she sat on his cock and leaned forward where two erections waited for her mouth. Scott remembered yesterday’s sex and asked for someone to get another dick in her pussy. A man with a long, thick hard-on knelt behind Elaine and eased into her. Scott lay on the ground to get close-up shots of his wife’s crammed pussy and said, “Gee Lainey, you’re creaming all over them, their cocks are covered, give it to her guys, she loves it, fuck her deep.

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