How I Became an Escort Pt. 02

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This story follows on from part one, although you can read it without reading part one it’s probably best that you read part one first.


After that first time I was able to do a few more duo sessions with Joy all of this led me to realise that I wanted to take things further. That would mean seeing clients alone and starting to build up my own business. This would not be easy, in the first place I still worked in an office and in the second place I didn’t want to entertain clients in my own home. I was able to talk all of this through with Joy.

Joy suggested that for the two days a week that I was not at my office job, Monday and Thursday, I could use her apartment to see clients. For the short term it would be a workable solution and although I would have to pay Joy for the use of the apartment it wasn’t a large amount. Generally Joy didn’t work on Monday’s so I would have the place to myself. On Thursdays we would have to work around each other. So far my whole journey so far had been little steps into the unknown and going solo would tae me deeper into the rabbit hole.

I also had decided that alongside escorting I was going to start my own nail business. I had trained and worked as a nail technician to help with money when I was at university reading politics. Ultimately my plan was to be able to quit my office job and split my time 50-50 between escorting and nail work. The nail work would also be the reason I would give to my family for quitting the office.

The first thing that I needed to do was set up my own website. Joy who was my ‘Fairy Whoremother’ (her term not mine) also had a small website design business. She had already offered to create a site for me so it was just a case of telling her what I wanted to say. It took about a week for me to work out what to say, I looked at other escort websites and took a lot of advice from Joy before I finally got it all sorted.

As well as getting my website worked out I also listed myself on two Escort sites. This was a little different than just creating a website. Here I was basically advertising myself and going out to bring clients in. Although it wasn’t as big as some of the steps I had already taken listing myself was another step into this new life. There was also a slight worry in the back of my head that perhaps I wouldn’t actually attract any clients at all. When Joy had first put me up on her site as a duo partner it had taken two weeks before someone booked, and after that we had only done three more sessions in a two months. What if no one wanted to book me?

The idea was for my website to go live on the first of the month, coinciding with my advert linking back to it going live on a major escort listing. That would be the Friday morning, so the Thursday evening I took Joy out for a meal to thank her for building the website. We went to a quiet restaurant and as we were talking I told Joy of my fears that I wouldn’t get any bookings. To my surprise she laughed.

“Sweetie, I’m sure you’ll have more bookings than you’ll know what to do with.” She said.

“I hope so.” I said.

“I know so.” She said with a smile.

It didn’t take me long to really find out, Joy had phoned me to say that my website was up and running just after eight on Friday morning. I headed off to work and in my lunch hour I switched on the mobile phone I had bought for escorting and had three voicemail messages. One of them was from a withheld number; I erased this with out listening to it. I stated clearly on my website and adverts that calls from withheld numbers would be ignored. The other two were more promising. One was from a man called Steve who left a short message saying that he would email me. He sounded a little nervous but genuine. The second was what sounded like an older man saying he would call back. He never did.

Once I got home I checked my emails. On the website I had a booking form and along with some general enquiries I had two booking requests. The first was from Steve, the man who had phoned and left a message. He wanted to book me for an hour on Monday from 11 in the morning. I sent him a brief reply confirming the time and amount and instructing him to make a confirmation call on Monday morning, the second booking request for later on the month, someone who would be travelling to the city on business.

I also answered some emails that were questions about services that I offered. By the end of the evening I had booked in two clients for Monday. A one-hour session with Steve at 11, two hours with a man named Peter at 2. I wanted to ease into it so I kept it at just three hours. I also had three bookings for Thursday.

It actually all seemed to be going very simply and smoothly. Although I was more than a little nervous about flying solo, the thing was although I was fine with the sex I wasn’t so sure about the rest. When I had done duos with Joy I let her take the lead without her there it was up to me to make the clients time as enjoyable as possible. gaziantep escort reklamları Both in and out of the bedroom, and I knew that Monday would be a demanding day both physically and mentally.

The weekend was going to be a little a busier than I would have hoped. On the Saturday I had to go to a retirement party at my day job. This was for one of the senior men in the office and we all had a whip round to buy him a set of golf clubs and a party at an out of town hotel. As I’m a non-drinker I was the designated driver for three other girls from the office. During the drive out to the hotel the chatter was the normal stuff then one of the girls started to talk about how long she had been single, she had just been divorced, and how she missed having a sex life. One of the others told her to be quiet because of me. I didn’t understand at first then I realised as far as they knew I hadn’t had a sex life for the best part of a year. I must have smiled a little too much as they assumed I had a secret boyfriend.

I realised that I would have to be more careful about compartmentalising my life. I had to be Bea from Human Resources, the girl in the office who read modern literature rather than chick lit, the girl whose sense of style was so respected that people she only nodded to asked her to help pick outfits for weddings. Then I had to be Belle the high-class call girl who could satisfy the desire of a client with just her mind and body. I had to keep these two people as separate as I possibly could.

The Party was dull which was a bonus for me as it meant that we all left early. In the car back to town I was questioned about my ‘secret boyfriend’ as I couldn’t tell them the truth about my enigmatic smile I just denied everything. One girl suggested I’d had a fling with visiting US President Clinton. Not one to miss a joke I ‘confessed’ to a threesome with Bill and Hillary.

After that they started to talk about something else and then I was able to drop them off one by one and get back home. As soon as I did my thoughts went to Monday and the little nagging doubts in the back of my mind that I wouldn’t be able to cope on my own and that physically I wasn’t up to it.

I decided Sunday morning that I wasn’t going to fret about things outside of my control. I just concentrated on relaxing so as to give myself the best chance of getting through unscathed. I also spent some time answering emails and checking bookings. So far the definite bookings had tailed off a little although I still had plenty of enquiries. Joy had warned me that only around 10% of enquiries would become bookings; most people either chicken out after mailing an escort or merely want someone to write them explicit emails so they can jack off. Still things were going well and I was starting to think of being able to follow my plan to leave the office.

Monday morning was a bit of a shock. The last few days had been nice and sunny but when I got up it was cold and there was heavy rain. I had packed my holdall the night before so I didn’t have much to do apart from eat breakfast and head out to the apartment. It was just as I was about to leave that the phone rang. It was my escorting phone and I picked up. The voice on the other end was a little quiet it was Steve my first client of the day calling to confirm his appointment for 11. Again I was struck by the fact that he sounded nervous. I hoped that I would be up to the task of calming his nerves and making his time with me enjoyable. I also knew for certain that at least one of my clients would be arriving.

The other client Peter phoned to confirm while I was travelling. As arranged he left voice messages as I wasn’t able to pick up. I sent him a text message acknowledging the call. I was now sure that both men would arrive I just had to hope that I lived up to their expectations.

When I arrived at the apartment I let myself in and was able to turn off the alarm system. There was a note by the kettle from Joy wishing me good luck and telling me that both the bathroom and boudoir were set up ready for my first client. I realised I would have to return this favour and leave the apartment ready to go for her in the morning. I made myself a mug of herbal tea and had a few moments of quiet before getting myself ready.

I finished my tea and went into the boudoir to get out of my travelling clothes. I put on a matching set of lacy black panties and bra. Both of which were pretty see through, over the top of this I put on my silk robe. My first appointment was only for the one hour so I wouldn’t have to time to strip out of anything too complicated. I had also bought with me a few boxes of condoms, in various sizes, and placed these where I might need to get them.

I went into the bathroom and put on some makeup and did my hair. I went back into the main room and stowed my handbag in the locking drawer of the desk then was able to dim the lights and make the place more seductive. I had a few minutes before Steve was due to arrive so I sat down on the couch and read my book, ‘Dance, Dance, Dance’ by Haruki Murakami.

Right on time there was a high pitched trilling sound. To me it always sounded like an electronic grasshopper but it was the signal that someone had pressed the button on the outside of the building. I placed my book on the shelf under the coffee table, took a deep breath and walked over to the intercom. I pressed the answer button and said Hello.

“Hi it’s Steve.” The reply came.

“Push the door and come right up to the top floor.” I said and pressed the release button.

There were five long bleeps that told me the door was unlocked. I stood by the door and listened, after a short while I could hear footsteps then a quiet and careful knock. I opened the door making sure I was stood behind it and let Steve in.

He was a younger man perhaps in his mid-twenties; he had short dark hair and wore glasses. He was dressed in jeans and a smart rugby jersey under a slightly damp coat.

“Hello I’m Belle.” I said.

I could see that he was looking at me trying to imagine what was under the loose fitting robe.

“Steve.” He said.

“If you hang you coat up here.” I said pointing to the hooks by the door. “And maybe leave your shoes on the mat.” I continued.

Steve took off his coat and his shoes. I was about to take his arm and guide him to the couch when he reached into the coat.

“Before I forget.” He said. Taking out a small white envelope. I took this from him and then took his arm and led him to the couch. I sat him down and sat opposite him in the chair and checked the money in the envelope. I then put the money away in my bag in the locking drawer of the desk.

“Would you like something to drink? Tea, coffee?” I asked.

“Coffee would be good.” Steve said.

I could hear a slight tremble in his voice he was very nervous. As I made him a cup of coffee I thought through what would be my best course of action. I took the cup over to him and sat next to him on the couch he nearly jumped out of his skin.

“Honey, you really don’t have to be scared of me. I won’t bite.” I said.

“I’m sorry, I’m a little nervous about seeing you. I haven’t been with a woman for a couple years and…” He trailed off.

“It’s okay, there is nothing to worry about.” I reassured him.

As Steve drank his coffee we chatted. He told me that he had been on a long-term relationship from when he was still at school, around 16 years of age, they had lived together and planned to marry but then it all fell apart. I think he saw booking me as way to start a new chapter. I certainly didn’t want to disappoint.

Once he had finished his coffee I gently laid my hand on his knee he almost jumped again. This time I leaned in a gently kissed him. It took a few moments for him to respond but soon he was kissing me back. I pulled away briefly and untied the belt of my robe letting it fall open so that he could see my body clad only in the skimpy lingerie underneath.

“Wow.” He said.

“You’ll get to see a whole lot more.” I replied with a wink.

Gently I took his glasses from him and placed them carefully on the coffee table then I leaned over him and tugged at his jersey. He got the message and pulled it over his head. I laid my hand on his bare smooth chest and I could feel his heart pounding. I was slightly worried that if he carried on like this he would be not my first solo client but my first fatality. I stood up and held out my hand he took this and also stood. I led him into the boudoir.

Sitting him on the bed I knelt in front of him and pulled his belt open before slowly undoing his jeans. I was a little surprised to find that he had a button fly, not the easiest of things to open with 5cm long nails, but I soon was able to open his jeans and run my nails up and down the bulge in his underwear.

I told him to stand and pulled down the jeans and underpants letting his hard cock spring up. I wrapped my hand around his shaft and gently started to stroke making sure he was fully hard before I teased him with my lips. When I took his length in my mouth for the first time he groaned a little. I gave him a teasing blowjob taking him to the edge of orgasm then stood up and hugged him.

I felt that his heart was beating more normally and he was calmer. Mentally I breathed a sigh of relief that I had managed to calm his nerves a little.

“I think we both need to lose some clothes.” I whispered into his ear.

Steve nodded and got out the jeans and underwear that were bunched around his ankle. As he did this I moved round and got on the bed. Once he had finished taking off his socks I tapped the space next to me and he joined me lying there. I put my arms around him and kissed him deeply on the lips. I could feel that he was now relaxed and that he was returning the kiss with ease.

While we were kissing I was able to unclip the front of my bra. I pushed him back a little removed the bra. Letting him get a good look at my breasts.

“May I touch them?” he asked.

I smiled and took his left hand placing it on my left breast. I let him fondle my nipple for a short time I was surprised at how good he was at stimulating me.

Soon we again fell into an embrace this time I pushed Steve onto his back. I could see that he was still very hard. I picked up a condom from the nightstand and opened the packaging. I carefully rolled the bright red condom down his shaft and checked that it was secure. I then stood up on the bed and took off my panties. I stood astride Steve for a moment looking down on him before lowering myself to my knees. Because he had been so nervous I had decided that I needed to be in control. I gently eased his cock into me and felt him filling me. I sat upright and took both his hands in mine gently pulling him into a sitting position as well. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him deeply. As I did so I was able to feel him gently throbbing inside me.

We kissed deeply for a few minutes then I gently laid him back down and started to ride him. Slowly at first with long strokes that almost took him out of me before I pushed down and took his entire length back inside of me. Then I quickened the pace breathing deeper, matching my breathing with his. Soon I felt him start to throb inside of me and his body arched under me. He made no sound but I knew than he had climaxed. I slowed my pace till I came to a stop then gently laid on him for a few moments before taking myself off him. I took some tissues and removed the condom from him, throwing it in the wastebasket by the bed.

We snuggled for a few minuets before I suggested that it was time to get dressed. I collected my lingerie up but only put my robe on. I told Steve that he could have a shower if he wished and pointed out the bathroom. He said he was fine. I went out into the main room and picked up his jersey and glasses taking them back into the boudoir before leaving Steve to get dressed. In the main room I put the lights on full and quickly rinsed the coffee cup. By the time I had done that Steve came out of the bedroom.

“Have you got everything?” I asked

He patted his pockets. I walked up to him and gave him a warm hug. As we hugged he said:

“Thank you so much, I feel great.”

“You’re welcome, and now you know where I am don’t be a stranger.” I replied.

I let him go and he put on his shoes and coat and I saw him out of the door.

Once Steve had left I sat for a few moments. My first solo was over and it had all gone well. I felt a surge of confidence but I knew that I had to keep it in check. I still had another client and I didn’t want to be over confident. I got myself a glass of water and then went back into the boudoir. I pulled on some comfortable underwear and the clothes I had worn for travelling and then I changed the over sheet of the bed. As Steve and I hadn’t got under this I didn’t need to change the rest of the bedding. The bathroom had not been used so I didn’t need to change the towels. I emptied the wastebasket into the bin in the bathroom and realised that I was all set for my next appointment. That was at two so I had around an hour to go and get some lunch.

I slipped out of the building making sure that I had reset the alarm and locked the door properly. I was glad to see that it had stopped raining. I was still a little self-conscience that people would be able to tell just by looking at me what I had just been doing. Although I knew that they couldn’t.

I went to a small chain coffee shop for lunch and had a light salad and a herbal tea. I was able to read a bit more of my book and compartmentalise a little. This was something that I would have to work on but soon would become second nature. I had two lives, one I was a normal everyday girl with an office job and the other I was a call girl taking money for my favours from strangers. As much as I was enjoying escorting, and I was doing it mainly for the enjoyment, I couldn’t let it take over. Of course that was sometimes easier said than done. As I finished my herbal tea that day and got ready to leave the coffee shop they started to play ‘Roxanne’ by The Police.

I got back to the apartment with around quarter of an hour to spare. I quickly changed into set of red lingerie just bra and panties, no stockings, I put my robe back on and I made sure the lights were dimmed in both the boudoir and the main room then I carefully sat on the couch and waited. Soon enough there was the high pitched trilling sound of the main door.

I walked to the door and pressed the answer button.

“Hi I have an appointment.” The voice said.

“Is that Peter?” I asked.

“Yes.” He replied.

“Come right up, top floor.” I said and pressed the door release button.

I could hear the sound of shoes on the stairs and then a tap on the door. I opened it and let him in. Peter was slightly older than I expected, perhaps in his early fifties. He had neat grey hair and was dressed smartly but casually. He was also very slender.

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