Fun and Games

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I must thank a reader that contacted me. He is the inspiration for this story and gave me some wonderful ideas.

I also want to thank my friends who read and gave me editorial feedback as I prepared to submit this story. Thanks – T – you are awesome!

I hope you enjoy the story. Please vote and leave comments. Tell me things you like or what you think could have been better.

And – as always – may life leave you…Breathless.


Bryan lay across the bed, his long frame reaching from one end to the other, his feet hanging off the end just a bit. He smiled down at the woman that he had only met days before, and grinned, feeling yet another stirring from his mid-section.

His chocolate brown eyes met hers and they locked, each taking the other in. Finally she spoke.

“Truth or dare?”

He laughed.

“Really? We have this hotel room for one night, and you want to play truth or dare?”

She grinned and nodded.

“Yep. That is what I want. You game?”

He laughed again and nodded.

“Ok. I’ll go first. Ask me a truth. I’ll ease into the other stuff.”

She rolled over on top of him, so that her naked breasts were resting on his hips and her body was between his muscular thighs. She put her hands on his stomach and then rested her chin on them as she looked up at him.

“Have you ever had a threesome?”

He shook his head no and she felt him stir under her. It was a wonderful feeling.

“Have you?”

Zoe laughed and shook her head.

“You want to know, you have to ask me truth or dare.”

“Fine,” he said, laughing now, watching how her mouth looked when she smiled…. The row of perfect white teeth, the hint of her tongue.

She felt another stirring under her and shifted, rubbing against him.

“The question?”

“Oh.. yeah… the question. Ok. Truth or dare?”


“Have you ever had a threesome?”

Zoe grinned, knowing the question was coming.

“Yeah. But it wasn’t that great. One of the guys was too drunk. We had all been drinking a little, but he had indulged too much. Still, without some of that liquid courage, I don’t think any of us would have been game for it.”

Bryan pictured her with two other guys and his cock jumped. He knew she had to feel that, lying where she was. Still, he couldn’t help it. The images that came to mind…. Mr. Happy jumped again.

“Truth or dare?”

Her question brought him out of his thoughts and he looked at Zoe again.

“Wait! Can’t I get more details than that? I want to know what all you did.”

Zoe nodded.

“Ok, just this once, I’ll give you a bit extra. Now…picture this….”

She grinned and licked her lips.

“We are out at the lake, lying on a blanket in the grass. Stars and moon are out and it is kind of bright, even though we aren’t anywhere near a light. I’m on my back, one guy kissing me and playing with my nipples. He hits all my favorite hot spots ’cause he and I have been together before. He knows I get so wet when a guy kisses my neck and ears. So, he is busy making me very happy while the other guy is fingering me. Unfortunately, he is all over the place… not doing a great job. I was too young and nice to tell him to do it right or not bother at all. So, we are all getting pretty excited and then, BAMM! – he is ready to go. So, we move around and I’m blowing the guy that was just playing with my tits and ears and the other guy is slamming into me. It felt really great, but was over way too soon, if you know what I mean. We let him go sleep while my friend and I finished each other off. It was still a good night. But, if I was going to do it again, I’d plan a bit better.”

She leaned up against his growing bulge beneath her, Zoes eyes focused on his.

“I’d be much choosier about who my other two were. And, heck, I might even be open to more than two. Just as long as everyone gets plenty of quality time. Now, truth or dare.”

Bryan swallowed hard, thinking about the images she had just created. He was going to have to get things fired up soon. Already he was aching for more than just the touch of her lying across him.

“Dare this time.”

“Mmmm… sounds good.” She shifted a bit as she thought, then grinned. “Ok. I can tell you are already a little, umm, happy.” She shifted again, rubbing against his growing cock. “So, what I want to do is watch you enjoy yourself. Arouse yourself even more. Make it really uncomfortable for me to stay here, without getting impaled.”

Bryan grinned at the challenge and started to reach for her ample nipples that were so close.

“Uh-uh. I didn’t finish. You can’t touch me… or Mr. Happy here. So, just think of things and rub other parts of your body. But no touching the two of us. You have two minutes. Begin….” She glanced at the alarm clock by the bed. “now.”

He paused for a moment, as if trying to decide where to start. Then he moved both hands to his chest, his fingers trailing softly over his nipples. escort bayan gaziantep She watched as they seemed to pucker just a bit, which made her own nipples grow harder.

Bryan closed his eyes and there was a smile that slowly spread across his lips. She could tell that he was thinking of something wonderful because his dick stirred again under her. One hand moved from his chest and up to his neck, the finger trailing along his shoulder blade and the back over to his neck and up to his ear. He rubbed lightly for just a moment, then his hand began a journey downward, running back across his chest, teasing his nipple again as he trailed over it. Moving further south, he detoured from his torso as he reached her breasts and he continued down his side and then to his hips. Lifting up a bit, he continued along the outside of his thighs as far as he could reach.

He moaned slightly as his movement caused her to shift, rubbing his now erect dick with her ribs.

“God that feels good,” he whispered, moving his other hand from his chest and trailing it down to his other thigh. Bending both legs, he could reach further down and now underneath slightly. She shifted again. More pressure on his dick. He moaned.

“Now, no far using me to touch Mr. Happy.”

Bryan didn’t open his eyes, but he laughed.

“I’m just doing as I was told. Not my fault you are there, moving around on me. Not that I’m complaining, mind you.”

“Well, you have another 30 seconds or so. And, you are making me really hot. This is sooo sexy to watch. I know now where I’m going to attack you later.”

His dick twitched hard and his eyes opened and looked up to her.

“I look forward to it.”

“I can tell.”

He laughed and closed his eyes again, keeping his legs bent, but moving his hands back to his neck, slowly trailing his fingers back up and teasing as he went.

“Ok. Time is up. You can stop now.”

“Do I have to?”

“No. But, certain things are back on the menu now. Up to you what you touch.”

Bryan’s eyes opened and he grinned at her. His hand went to her face and he caressed her cheek.

“I like that,” he whispered softly to her.

“And I love that the first part of me you wanted to touch was my face.”

He rubbed his palm against her cheek and sighed. She was beautiful.

“Truth or dare?”

“Dare this time.”

Bryan’s face lit up as he heard the words. What he had just been thinking about, now she would do.

“I want you to slip your fingers between your legs. Slide between those slick folds and into your hot pussy. Slip your finger in and out, get it really wet for me. Then, taste yourself. Describe it for me.”

“I’ve never done that before.”

“Good. Then this will begin our night of many more firsts.”

She grinned at him and rolled over to one side, his hard dick springing forward a bit as she moved. She watched it twitch and she grinned, wanting to reach out and lick it, suck it, make him moan even more for her. But, that wasn’t her dare.

Two fingers slid down her body and between her legs. He moved so that he could watch her better.

Zoe moaned slightly as her fingers grazed her clit and her hips thrust forward by instinct.

“You already have me so wet and horny.”

“Good. Now, rub those fingers around. Let me hear the squish as you slide within those delicious lips and up into your pussy.”

She grinned at him and did as he requested. The slick sound of fingers gliding along her folds was quiet, but powerful. Into her awaiting hole slipped her fingers. A low moan escaped her lips as Zoe moved them around. The sounds were slightly louder as her fingers rubbed against the moist walls and one another. A whimper filled the air between them as her hips bucked again, moving like they had a mind of their own.

Pulling her fingers from deep within her juicy snatch, she held them up for him to see. They glistened, coated in her natural juices.

“Now, put them in your mouth and suck on them. Suck the goodness from them.”

His dick jumped at the idea and she grinned as she moved her fingers to her mouth. Her long pink tongue moved from between her lips and cautiously touched the fingers. She licked softly and then her tongue returned to her mouth.

“Not bad.”

“Stop stalling. Suck ’em.”

She looked up at him, their eyes locking for a moment as she made an ‘O’ shape with her mouth and then slid her fingers in, treating them like a dick. She sucked and watched as his focus moved to her mouth. He watched as she slipped them in and out, her tongue licking the nectar from her fingers. His dick jumped and now a glob of precum pooled on the head.

Pulling her fingers from her mouth, she held them up for him to see. They were wet, but sucked clean of her juices. He groaned with lust.

“Truth or dare?”

“Not yet. What did it taste like?”

“Oh…hmmm…well. You always want more, don’t you? I’m going to start getting yours in writing.” She grinned and then brought her fingers back to her mouth. She smelled them and licked again, though there was nothing really for her to taste. It was more as a tool to help her recall the flavor.

” I don’t know how to describe it. A tangy citrus maybe? Not what I expected, but it was ok. I could see why some really like it.”

He grinned and licked his lips, his tongue wanting a chance to taste her as well. “Now, truth or dare?”

“I want to play a different game.”

“Oh? And what would that be,” she asked, trying to look innocent as she adjusted herself back between his legs, his dick sliding in between her breasts.

She looked down and saw the treat… his nectar… still waiting for her to enjoy. She dipped her head and stuck her tongue out, licking the slit and gathering the precum on her tongue. She looked up at him and grinned as he shivered and his cock jumped. Her tongue disappeared back into her mouth and she closed her eyes, savoring the bit of flavor. It was salty, but sweet. A wonderful mixture.

Before she knew what was happening, Bryan had pulled her up closer to him, and began tickling her ribs and down her back. He cupped her ass and shoved her upward even further, so that he could nibble on her neck and then down to her free-hanging breasts, the nipples now just inches from his face. His tongue darted out and he flicked one.

Squealing, she giggled and began to squirm, slipping from his grasp. She loved to play physically, wrestling and tickling and attacking her lover. At almost 5’11, she was not a tiny woman that he could control easily. Pushing herself back down, she slid her wet pussy lips down his torso until her butt hit is dick, still standing proud and thankful for the attention, intentional or otherwise.

Working hard, she managed to get his arms pinned with her hands and lay her body down against his, her breasts now pushing into his chest.

“I got ya,” she said, still giggling.

He thrust his hips upward and his dick slid against her ass cheeks.

“Maybe I have you.”

“Maybe we have each other. But, you can’t just have me so easily. I’m going to make you work for it. You are my slave now. Imagine your hands locked in place… chains so heavy you can’t move them.”

To illustrate her point, she pushed down on each arm, signifying that they were ‘locked’ in that position. Her eyes met his and she knew that he would play along. She let go of his arms, cautiously, in case he decided to cheat. However, there was no sign of that and she sat all the way back up.

“Are those chains going to hold you?”

“Yes. I can’t budge.”

He pretended to try to move his arms, but they stayed pressed firmly into the bed.

“Good. Now, to finish the job.”

She climbed off of him and grabbed one leg, then the other. Soon he was ‘chained’ in place, his limbs making an ‘X.’

“You are to call me Mistress and I can do as I wish to you. You must obey me, or suffer the consequences. Do you understand me, slave?”

He nodded.

She slapped his thigh.

“I just said to call me Mistress. Can’t you get this right?”

“Yes, Mistress. I cannot move and I must do as you ask.”

She rubbed his thigh and then slid back into her original place between his legs.

“You are a good boy, and you deserve a reward. Enjoy this for me, slave. But, you may not cum yet. Not until you make me cum.”

And then she began to devour his cock.

She started with the balls, licking them and sucking them softly into her mouth. Her agile tongue explored each one, swirling around the sac and enjoying the texture. She loved to hear his groan of pleasure.

Moving so that she was on all fours, she put a hand on each side of his hips and then moved her mouth so that she was able to easily raise and lower her mouth onto his swollen dick.

Playing with him first, teasing him and watching him jump at her touch, she licked and flicked his dick with the tip of her tongue. As if he were a melting ice cream cone, she changed tactics and began long, broad licks, her tongue flat on his cockhead. She licked and slurped, making sure that none of the imagined ice cream was escaping.

She looked up and saw his eyes. He was watching her every move and had a huge grin on his face.

“You like this?


She stopped and sat up.

“What was that?”

“Yes, Mistress! Mistress…. Yes, Mistress, I love it.”

She grinned and went back to work, this time taking the whole cockhead into her mouth and beginning to suckle it. He moaned and tried to thrust his eager dick into her mouth. She quickly pulled up and swatted his thigh.

“You are not allowed to move, slave. Try that again and you will suffer the consequences.”

He nodded and pushed his leg deeper into the bed, willing himself not to do anything that would stop her.

Going back to work, she now began sliding down his engorged shaft. Licking her lips and his cock, she worked her way down, sliding slowly, then back up, then down further, then back up until she was finally tickling her nose with his pubes as she reached the base. His cock head was deep down her throat, which she loved. Moving her head back and forth, she massaged the cock head with her throat muscles and heard him moan deeply as the pressure changed and flexed on his dick.

“God, that feels good.”

She stopped.

“Mistress! It feels good, Mistress.”

She began again and had to suppress a laugh as he moaned.

Really into it now, she attacked his cock with energy and excitement. Enjoying the tease as much as the actual deep penetration as his cock filled her mouth and throat, she spent time on his balls, licking and flicking them with her tongue. She sucked them, taking each into her mouth carefully and them humming softly, loving the jolt that she knew he felt. Moving a bit lower still, she licked that delicious bit of skin between his cock and ass.

He jumped, his legs moving, and he cried out. She licked again and then sat up.

“Did I tell you to move?”

“N…n…no…Mistress,” came his labored reply. She knew that it would have been much easier for him to actually be tied up. That would give him something to pull against. A restraint other than his own will. However, this was nice, too. Seeing what he could handle and what was too much.

“I’m very proud of you and want to reward you now. Stay very still.”

She paused and he did as he was told. No sounds, no movement. Zoe had to suppress a giggle. Never had she played this role before, but it was fun. The power was a huge turn on, and the fact that he seemed to be loving it added to her excitement.

She approached him slowly, her eyes locked on his as she crawled up his body. He grinned as she approached, eager to see what would happen next. As she got to his chest, she turned around, wanting him to get an eyeful of what was coming. She slid her moist center up his chest, to his neck, before lifting herself up with her legs. She could smell her nectar and was sure that he could, too. Either way, he was about to know it very well.

Up on her knees for a moment, she positioned herself over his mouth. She bent her head, so that she was looking down at him in the space between their bodies.

“You were a very good boy and now you get a dessert. It is sweet and juicy and very delicious. You may not move your hands but may use your mouth and tongue and nose and chin and anything else you can think of to use on your head. Heck, I don’t want to limit your creativity.”

She laughed and lowered her eager pussy lips to him. He immediately dove in, his tongue reaching, slipping in between her folds.

“Ohhh, yes, that feels so good,” she moaned to him, her eyes closing for a moment as she simply enjoyed his talents. Slowly thrusting her hips back and forth, his tongue reached magnificent places and Zoe soon found herself panting with desire. Keeping her sopping pussy lips over his mouth, Zoe leaned back down over his torso and took his cock in her mouth. God he felt good. So filling. So thick. Long enough to reach the back of her throat and rub it. She loved that feeling. Bryan moaned as she suckled him and she ground her pussy lips along his mouth. His tongue found her clit and she froze, allowing him to nibble it lightly. Her head came up off his dick and she screamed out as she felt the orgasm build.

“Yesss… Ohhhh …Ffffuck… yess. That’s it. Please me. Ohhh… God… I need to cum….”

Then she went silent and the only sound in the room was his tongue and mouth and teeth smacking as he ate his dessert.

Then that feeling that she loved began to overtake her. It started somewhere in the pit of her stomach and radiated out and down and flowed through her pussy and then jolted at that tiny bundle of nerves. She held her breath, willing him not to stop. Not to take a breath. Not to do anything that would change what was happening at that very moment. And then… it hit.

“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh!” she screamed out, her pussy now thrusting into his face. Her heart was racing and her back arched, forcing complete contact with his mouth.

The room that had been almost silent just seconds before was now filled with her non-coherent words of thanks and praise. Still he licked and sucked and nibbled until she came back to earth enough to realize that she needed to move. She was so sensitive, too sensitive, for him to keep going. At least for a bit.

Lifting up from his mouth, there was an audible sucking sound as he lost contact. Then there were several deep breaths. His chest filled with air several times as she rolled off of him and around so that she was back between his legs once more, her mouth within inches of his cock. She watched him catch his breath and worried for a moment that she had kept him without air too long.

“Are you ok?” she whispered.

“Hell, yes,” he said in a voice obviously in need of a release. “Never been better, Mistress. Thank you for that fine dessert.”

She laughed and reached out, caressing his shaft. Both he and his dick jumped at the touch.

“I see you are still in need of some assistance,” she said, her short nails trailing along the shaft. “I can do something about that for you, if you want.”

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