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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
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This is one part of a two part work – one story looked at from the male and female perspective. The other part – First Meeting – His View – has been written by Bucksman.
I stop the car at the cottage gate, instantly recognizable from the photograph. The directions had been excellent and I had made good time on the journey, although I had set off early to ensure I had a few hours to freshen up and prepare myself for you. I want to be ready when you arrive home at 5pm. We have discussed, during one of our many chats, ‘levels of trust’, on that occasion the comments referred to sexual trust, but as I reach under the mat for the key to the cottage, I realise just how much we seem to trust each other, you entrusting me now with access to your home, and I entrusting you with intimate details about myself which I would never normally reveal to someone I had never met.
I turn the key and enter; a slight shudder of anticipation (or nervousness) goes through my body. I give the downstairs of the cottage the briefest of glimpses, as I make for the stairs; I want to start my preparations, not only of my body but of my mind too. You are expecting (and wanting) a sexy confident woman and I need to ensure that is what you see on your first look.
I enter the bedroom, barely taking in the decoration or furnishings. I hang up my blouse and suit. I have decided to dress formally for you as you have mentioned a liking for this, than strip off to reveal your favourite black lace and silk underwear.
I quickly undress and make for the bathroom. Before leaving home this morning I prepared well, having a long luxurious soak in the bath, then removing all traces of hair from legs, underarms, and most importantly my pussy, following by a generous layer of moisturising lotion to smooth my skin for you. So now I want to quickly shower just to freshen up after the journey.
I step out of the cubicle and dry myself, then reach to my bag and again work a generous amount of perfumed body cream into every part of my body before I return to the bedroom and begin to dress.
My black lace basque is first, my fingers tremble as I fasten all the hooks; I wonder if will you like what you see? Then my sheer black lace top stockings…..first the left leg and attach to the suspenders hanging at the bottom of the basque….and then the right leg, smoothing the fine nylon gently up the length of my leg…..imagining as I do the image of you caressing those same stockinged legs later today.
Finally I reach for the small black thong to complete the outfit. I step in and position the tiny strips of material carefully along my hips and between my cheeks. I decide to smooth those stockings one last time before getting fully dressed.
As I adjust my front suspender I am startled to feel two hands, one on each hip. Instantly I know it is you… are early… mind races….I am not prepared…I am not dressed
Your breath is warm on my neck…I realise you are so close… time now…I must be calm….I must be guided by you….I must please you. All this tumbles through my mind in a split second, while your hands are working up my back towards my shoulders. I feel them on my naked skin…………something I have been imagining for weeks but this feels so, so sexy.
Your hands are soft and gentle, yet something tells me they will be strong too. As you reach my shoulders, I try to turn to you, I want to look into those wickedly sexy eyes, I want to see your reaction to me…but your hands hold me firm. I try once more, again you hold me still, now I understand; know I must be patient.
Your hands sweep gently down each arm and then return to my shoulders. Slowly then they pass down towards my breasts, I lean backwards escort bayan gaziantep into you, content to be able to feel your growing hardness against me, wanting to touch, wanting to kiss, but knowing I must wait. Your fingers find their way into my basque and begin to work on my nipples, gently then more forcefully, until a soft moan leaves my lips, you feel so, so good.
Instantly you remove your hands and then use your fingers to trace down my body to my hips. I sense you kneel behind me as you begin to knead my arse then, finally, you kiss me but not where I had planned. I feel your wet lips on my right cheek of my bottom ……..more and more kisses follow , your tongue delving in between my cheeks….I sense that you want more…your hands begin to gently push me forward….I wait for you to guide me……..I know you want me on the floor……..on all fours………that is how you want me……I want to please you….I WANT YOU!
I wait to be guided by you….knowing I must remain silent…and still. My head still reels, my well prepared plan totally abandoned. I had known that ultimately you would be in control but had initially wanted to show that I had some power, some level of control. If you had returned on time, I would have been ready; downstairs; waiting. My plan – to make you sit still whilst I stripped for you, and then pleasured you first -would have given that control to me. But now I feel powerless, vulnerable. Yet I know I am safe. The trust is there, I just have to give myself totally to you; my body is yours.
I still want to turn; I still long to hear you speak. I wonder if your voice will sound as sexy as I imagine.
Your hands pull me downwards, gently, yet insistently. I kneel, still with my back to you as your hands continue to caress me through my basque. I long to turn towards you, but know that I mustn’t. My breasts are squeezed firmly, your hands knowing just how and where to touch, my pulse is already racing with anticipation.
You kiss my shoulder then my neck…….making me moan. You remember how sensitive I said my neck is; you know this will increase my longing; you know you are teasing me.
I lean back again, still able to feel the hardness growing in your groin, taking confidence from the fact that you too are being aroused. I have to stop myself for reaching behind to unzip you, to release you, to then turn and suck you. Your mouth reaches my ear, gently biting the lobe, -this is ecstasy and torture at the same time, wanting to reach out , to touch, to kiss, to caress.
Finally you speak.
Just one word. “Welcome”. That voice. My head reels. So sexy. So erotic. Now I know I am yours.
You again kiss my neck ……..a soft moan that I cannot prevent escapes my lips and I know this is the beginning of the ultimate experience.
You speak again, another single word -‘enjoy’ – I know you mean to ensure I do, I know I am in the hands of a man who knows how to please, and who will do it so expertly.
Your hands gently push my shoulders forward, I know now is the time, now you want me on the floor, on all fours, my pussy available to your probing hands and tongue. I fall slowly forward, spreading my fingers for support. I await the feel of your fingers and tongue.
You begin by kissing and softly biting my arse cheeks, my pussy is already moist and opening with the anticipation. Your tongue licks at my crevice, I feel you linger on my rosebud and know that by the end of this, the virginity of that part will have been taken. I shudder at that, not in fear , I know you will be gentle and encouraging, but with thoughts of the pleasure to come. I sense you nearing my pussy , I am glad I prepared my body well, I want you to enjoy too, the perfume, the softness, the nakedness is all for you….I need to please you, I want to please you, I want to be yours.
As I kneel before you, on all fours, my heart pounds with anticipation, I can feel your warm breath on my inner thigh as you slowly lower yourself behind me. Then, almost instantly, I feel your tongue enter my pussy for the first time, our first intimate touch.
Probing and thrusting, seeking my warm moistness, I know you want to taste me; I know that is what you seek. I feel so aroused already, but I know I must try to be controlled, to make this last, and savour every moment, every touch, every kiss.
I move my hips slightly backwards to try to get more of your deliciously probing tongue deeper inside of me. I can feel your teeth gently on my inner lips; tugging and drawing me further and further out. Your hand caresses my bare cheeks your fingers entwining in the thin strings of fabric on my hips. I feel the fabric give way, the thong drenched in my wetness drops to the floor. I have nothing left to cover my sex……you have me open and unhindered.
Your fingers and tongue continue their exploration of my pussy, my clit, drinking in my juices as you go. Your tongue seems able to reach places I didn’t know were there, giving me sensations I have never felt before. My moans and whimpers grow in intensity , I wonder if you can hear , if you realise how close I am.
My hips thrust higher and harder back against you; I know I am so nearly there. Your tongue penetrates me one more time, so, so deep, and I know that you are about to receive all my juice.
“Taste Me” I whisper. My back arches, I feel the juice rush from me, I hope you are tasting me too; I cannot see you, I can only imagine. The tension in my body releases and I slump down, your strong arms catch me, they were ready and waiting and they ease me back into position.
Almost instantly I am aware of your mouth, only this time it is covering and kissing my rosebud. Inwardly I tense, and yet I know that I will trust you completely, and utterly. You know that the virginity of this place is still intact, but we both know it is yours for the taking. Your tongue is wet and warm and I know it is still coated in my own juices, juices you are now using to aid your entry.
You encircle my tight ring with your tongue, becoming slightly more forceful with each searching probe. I try to relax. I try to let you in.
Then I feel your tongue slip inside. It is so tight but you are so gentle, you pull me towards you as slowly, very slowly, your tongue begins to thrust in and out. Your free hand returns to my pussy and I feel you slip your fingers into me once more.
My moans again become intense, “Yes” I cry; “wonderful.” I want you to hear; I want you to know the unbelievable heights to which you are taking me. How can one man know so well how to please?
Yours fingers fuck my pussy, whilst your tongue fucks my rear hole; I know I am about to experience that best orgasm I have ever had. I savour every thrust, pushing backwards onto your tongue and fingers, urging you deeper, harder, faster.
Then my body tenses; I feel out of control, juices erupt, muscles shake with the total release. I can still feel your tongue working between my two holes taking the juice and using it. One more, almost violent, shudder and I am spent, complete, utterly drained. I fall forward again. I know this has been the turning point. I have now given myself entirely, completely and totally to you.
I am yours. I lie on the floor, my head reeling, my body still awash with adrenaline and hormones surging round inside, this has surpassed my wildest expectations but I know there is still more to come.
Our first complete coupling is yet to come, your cock has still to enter my pussy; the sensations so far have come only from your tongue and your fingers. You have tasted my juices now I want; no, I need, yours.
I sense, rather than see you, undress behind me. This has been an afternoon of many intrigues, first the surprise early arrival, the grip that prevented me from turning to see you, the unheard voice for so long, and still I have not really seen you; I still have not looked into those wickedly sexy eyes, so far only seen in a photograph.
I feel you raise your hands to the hooks on my basque, I summon up all my strength to rise up again and sit on my haunches. Your fingers work nimbly on the hooks and I can feel your breath on my back as you plant gentle kisses on my spine. More and more hooks are released; shortly I will be naked before you for the first time……will you like what you see?
The photographs you have already were carefully chosen, with lingerie chosen to enhance what lay beneath. I shudder waiting to hear, or sense, your reaction as I feel you kiss my neck again, you know that is my most sensitive place.
You lean forward to undo my suspenders, your head almost on my shoulder as the black lace material drops away. I wait…..for what seems an age…….until……you speak. Again just one word “Beautiful” and your hands rise to cup and mould my breasts, now naked in your hands for the first time. At last I begin to believe that you are pleased by what you see. Then I have confirmation as I feel your hardness against my back.
You nuzzle into my neck again, making me moan, kissing my ear, my neck, and my cheek. Again you whisper in my ear, a man of few words, “I Have to fuck you”.
You know those are the words I have been waiting to hear. This will be the ultimate erotic experience. You are still speaking …but my head again spins ….I hear you say “be mine”, but I am already. Completely. Utterly. Body and soul.
You move closer to me and I feel your cock searching for my pussy. I lower my hand and gently guide its throbbing head to the entrance. Again you speak, urging me to keep my fingers there, to hold myself open to you; I return my fingers and feel you finally slip inside me. I wonder again if you can hear my moans, if you understand the pleasure you are giving to me. I have waited so long to be pleasured this well.
We both seem aware that this first coupling will be so intense , that each second needs to be savoured, neither of us able to last out too long. Your thrusting increases, in strength, and in speed. I push back further taking you in more and more.
“Cum” I Hear you say. I know we are both so very nearly there. I know you are trying to hold back for me. One final deep powerful thrust and my body tenses. I feel my juice erupt as I clamp my muscles around you urging you to join me.
The response is instant. I feel your spray burst inside me, once, twice, and then a third. Our juices united inside of me, hot and creamy. I hear your voice quietly moaning as I feel your strength start to ebb away. You body slowly slipping down beside me.
Finally I see you; our eyes drink in the erotic images before us. Our first complete coupling has exceeded everything we had both spoken and dreamt of. Holding your gaze I slowly lift my hand from my pussy and slowly, very, very slowly lick and suck our juices from my fingers.
You taste wonderful. I reach down for a second time and take more of the mixture to my lips. I can see from your eyes that you are enjoying this moment, a brief period where, for once, I am in control.
I lean down and kiss you mouth gently at first then my tongue parts your lips and entwines with yours. United in lust we share our juice together.
Our first together. I know that now I am yours, and that we will share more. How far we have come, how much more we have to share.
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