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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
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Editor’s note: this submission contains scenes of gay male sexual content.
Well, I’ve been working at the Pizza shop for over 6 weeks now. It’s been quite a grind in more ways than one. Business has been very good so the owners called a team meeting for Saturday morning. We were all crowded into the seating area at the tables while Gary and Louie stood near the front counter and waited for us to get settled.
“Wait one second guys, Jimmy J and Suzie just pulled up.”
I went to the front door to open it for them. Jimmy J slipped right past and I held a hand out for Suzie.
“Did Jimmy J pick you up on his way here?”
“No, he spent the night. We closed the shop together last night and then one thing led to another.”
“Geez Suzie! Did you have sex with him?”
“He scored 3 Hole-In-Ones.”
“Enough, let’s go inside.”
It seemed like all of us employees had other things on our minds, but we all assumed it was a good speech, a good pep talk and we all clapped as soon as one person clapped. Myself, I couldn’t stop thinking about a submissive commitment I made to Suzie yesterday and her taking it in the ass last night. I miss all the good stuff.
Once the meeting was over, there was a stampede to the front door. Most of us had to return later tonight for the evening shift so we wanted to go and get on with our day.
My attire was garbage because of that early Saturday morning thing, so I was trying to sneak away and go home. I didn’t look good and wanted to split. My head was down and Suzie was walking me to my car when we were approached by Karen (the cute quiet blonde).
“Hey, you two have been all buddy-buddy and having chit chats for the last month and I’m feeling a little left out. Is there something wrong with me? And what the hell were you two doing last night behind the counter?”
“No Karen, there is nothing wrong with you. I’m sorry. I have been preoccupied with this new job, make-up tips and playing match-marker between Suzie and Jimmy J. I really do like you and mean no disrespect. And I was just answering Suzie’s question last night. Nothing to worry about.”
“Well, there have been no customer complaints about you. And your make-up has improved greatly since you went all buddy-buddy with Suzie. But, do all your match-making efforts start out by blowing the boyfriend to be? I understand you have sucked his dick twice.”
“That’s not fair. You don’t know all of the circumstances. Everything had different timing.”
“I know and now I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.”
Finally, Suzie chimed in.
“It was before Jimmy J asked me out and it’s over. He may have gotten a couple of blow jobs in the past, but that’s over now and nobody can change the past.”
“OK girls, I need to get home. I look like a hot mess. By the way, am I the center of the office gossip?”
“Yes” came out in harmony from both of them.
I tried to leave, but Karen wasn’t done yet.
“We all know it’s just false gossip, but do you have the hots for some guy on Oakdale Street?”
“I may be flirting with someone.”
“That’s fine, just be careful. And for all the garbage gossip, I think they all want to see you naked. And from what I hear, you look pretty good naked.”
I gave Suzie a look.
“Karen, I am not trying to hurt anyone. I’m just trying to figure out my life.”
“I know, I’m just in bitch mode. I have a proposal to make amends. A one hour get together tomorrow at Brie’s house. Just the three of us. One hour before work. Say 2 pm? No special arrangements or food required. Suzie can pick me on her way over.”
There is an underlying plan here that I am not picking on, but I am too sleepy to worry about right now. But on the surface, it seemed harmless enough.
“OK, tomorrow at 2 pm, for one hour.”
“Thanks Brie. Be shower fresh. Suzie, does he need shave his ass?”
Suzie clapped back “No, it’s very smooth, hairless and tight.”
Karen and I gave Suzie a look and went towards our cars. Suzie jumped in Jimmy J’s car and they were off.
“Smooth, hairless and tight. Suzie seems to know a lot about istanbul escort your ass.”
“I need to go get ready for my shift tonight. I’ll see you tonight and again tomorrow afternoon.”
“Are you Suzie’s little bitch? Is that what last night was about? You bowed to her.”
“It’s too complicated to discuss here in the parking lot, but I need help with my life decisions. Suzie may look like a sexy vampire, but she is actually very level headed. I have to go.”
Everyone left the parking lot and went their own way. Maybe Karen wasn’t as meek and quiet as I thought. I didn’t trust these girls so I stopped by the grocery store picked up a two snack trays, just in case. I picked up some beer and another of bottle of wine while I was there. And then I passed the cosmetics isle and turned down it. I grabbed a bottle of hair removal foam and headed for the check-out lane. Now it’s time to go home and catch on some sleep.
I slept for nearly 2 hours and felt so much better when I woke up. I laid out a simple outfit to wear tonight and figured I might as well start the leg hair removal process. It’s not overly complicated and it’s not super simple. I stood in the shower and followed and instructions. My legs were fully covered in white foam. I cheated a little by applying a small amount around my crotch.
I could feel the warmth and tingling on my legs so I knew it was working. 15 minutes later I rinsed it off and admired my hairless and smooth legs. I should have removed my leg hair a year ago.
I dried off and started to dress. I’m back to simple leggings and a pleated skirt. The tight shorts I wore yesterday weren’t meant for a CD on the job.
As I was getting dressed, I thought of my new friend Lisa, the CD I met yesterday. Lisa was fully dressed but did not wear breast forms. I wondered if that was Lisa’s personal choice or the choice of her bull. I like mine, but wondered what might happen if I didn’t wear them. Ahh, maybe next week, I’m short on time and I already picked out a bra. 34B’s it is for the night. My color for the night is brown and tan. Time to head to the Porn shop, I mean the Pizza shop.
I’m going in a little early so I can have a quick meeting with Gary and Sal. Jimmy J is going out of town next weekend for a family wedding which means I will be working solo for the first time. I have a proposal I want to run by Gary and Sal. I went straight to the office so I could speak to them.
“OK guys, next weekend Jimmy J is out of town for a wedding and I will be working solo. I’m still nervous about being out there alone so I have a proposal. I work Friday and Saturday at a reduced delivery load. I propose that I take only my favorites and regulars while Timmy and Zack pick up the slack and make extra tip money. Gus can keep his usual deliveries on the seedy side of town.”
Gary and Sal agreed, but stated that I would have to obtain full approval from Timmy and Zack.
“Thank you. I will report back if I do not gain full approval from the boys.”
My plan is halfway in motion. I left the office and went around to the front area and started looking around for my partner, Jimmy J. It looks like a full crew tonight and should be another busy Saturday night. Rick seen me looking around.
“Jimmy J took one order while you were in the office. He wasn’t sure how long you were going to be in there. He won’t be long.”
“Thanks Rick. Have you seen Suzie?”
“She’s in the walk-in cooler getting the sandwich lettuce and stuff. Are you and Jimmy J splitting her down the middle or what?”
“Ha-Ha, No, well maybe. I don’t know Rick. How fast does info travel around here?”
“I’m sorry Brie. It was a bad joke. And pretty fast.”
“It’s OK Rick. I’m getting used to it.”
With Suzie busy in the cooler and Jimmy J out of the building I have a few minutes to work on my plan. Where is my first target, I mean co-worker? There is target
, Timmy walking across the seating area headed to the bathroom. He wears those awful running pants and matching jacket. You know the type of running pants I’m talking about. Dark blue with white stripes that haven’t been escort bayan washed since they left the factory.
I followed him right through the door. He caught a glimpse of me out of the corner of his eye and turned around.
“Hi Brie, shouldn’t you use the other bathroom?”
“Hi Timmy. Don’t worry about that right now. I have to discuss a proposal with you right now and we must make it fast.”
“Let’s hear it.”
“Next weekend I have to work solo so I proposed to Gary that I get a reduced work load. Gary agreed, but insists that I get full approval from you and Zack.”
“What are you going to do? Keep all the good tippers?”
“Well, to be truthful, yes and no. I only want a handful of my regulars and you two can split the rest of the business. You’ll make extra money. You know I’m afraid to be out there alone too much (insert sad puppy dog eyes here).”
“I don’t know Brie. What did Zack say?”
“I haven’t talked to him yet, but I’ll make sure you get Lisa’s order. You know Lisa, your cute girlfriend on Porter Street?”
“Do you know Lisa?”
“We have met.”
This is the point where I step right up into Timmy’s personal space and allowed my perfume to fill his nostrils. Then I shoved my hand right down his running pants and located his goods. I started to pull at it. I looked at him and knew immediately that I won this round, but I kept going.
“Have you met Lisa yet or do you just drop the Pizza and run?”
With my hand in his pants, Timmy struggled to respond. Most guys would probably struggle with verbal responses when their equipment is being massaged. My hand tells me that Timmy is slightly smaller than my other experiences. These types actually fit in my mouth better. Full insertion will not gag me.
“No, I haven’t really met her. I’m not very popular with girls.”
“Isn’t my hand so much better than your hand Timmy? Am I pulling it the way you like it or do you want me to do something else? Has anyone ever touched you like this before? Or maybe you’re thinking about Lisa’s hand in here. Would you like that? Sweet Lisa all over our cock and balls? Maybe you’re dreaming about Lisa putting it in her mouth? Even I would like to see Lisa on her knees in front of you sucking this rod. I’d even hold her head while she sucked your hard dick. Am I doing a good job Timmy? I’m I jacking you off properly?”
I think Timmy is basically a virgin. Maybe some low-level sexual experience at a party or something like that. And as always, a little dirty talk goes a long way on a guy who has very little sexual experience.
“I agree to your proposal Brie! I’m going to ejaculate.”
“You can ejaculate at home. Right now, I want you to cum and cum hard in my hand. That’s it, Timmy. Squirt your hot man juice in my hand. Let it all go. Empty your full balls into my hand. There’s so much I can’t hold it all, but I’m trying.”
Now I had two messes to deal with. Timmy’s pants and Timmy’s knees. He is totally spent and can’t stand up. To further seal the deal, I pulled my soaked hand out of his pants and held it up. I slowly licked it clean while he stared at me.
“We have a firm deal, right Timmy?”
“Yes Brie, our deal is solid. Thank you.”
“Come on, get up. We’ve been in here too long.”
He struggled to stand up so I continued to help him. Once he was up, I pulled his nasty running pants down even further and put his limp dick in my mouth. I still have that thing. He looked at me in a stunned fashion.
“I won’t be but a minute. I just have a silly fetish for soft limp dicks. I just can’t seem to let one go by.”
“Can we talk about Lisa?”
“Another time, I have to get out of here and you need to wipe up that mess. We’re going to get caught.”
I straightened myself and left him alone to clean himself up.
I went to the side cooler and grabbed a bottle of water. Nothing wrong with Timmy’s taste, but I need a fresh start for the night. That’s when I heard Sal.
“Brie, Jimmy J isn’t back yet, but I have one order ready to go and I can’t find Timmy. Will you take it? It’s for that lady over on Netherwood.”
“Sure Kurtköy escort Sal. I’m ready to go. I think I seen Timmy go into the bathroom. I’m sure he will be out soon.”
“She ordered different tonight. A salad and a sub sandwich. She may have company.”
I’m thinking there are two choices here. Either she has a date or two naked women are going to answer the door. I grabbed her order and prepared myself for a possible shock and took off. As I was driving, I received a text from Suzie.
“What did you do to Timmy?”
“What needed to be done.”
“Are you true to me?”
“I knelt before you.”
“Carry on.”
I drove to Doris’ house in auto pilot mode. I’m really getting to know my way around. I pulled up into her driveway like I lived there and went to the door. Of course, Doris surprised me. She opened the door before my hand even touched it and she was almost in an appropriate night coat. Almost I say. Her nightie reached the middle of her thighs and was only semi sheer. It is the least amount of skin I have seen so far. But, true to form, there was still plenty of Doris to see.
“Hi Doris. Here is your dinner for two order. $19 even will do it. You have a date tonight?”
“Hi Brie. I wish it was dinner for two. I ordered the sub for lunch tomorrow. Give me the bag and I’ll get you the money.”
“Are you sure you’re not hiding one of your studs inside Miss D?”
“Lordy no child. Home alone as usual. Here, you can keep the change.”
She put the bag down and I stuffed the cash into my Hoodie pocket.
“Can old Mrs. Baldwin see us from across the street?”
“Who cares what that dried up old fish can see?”
“Are you wearing panties tonight?”
“What, no, what do you mean Brie? I think you know by now that I go commando more times than not.”
I reached out and extended my hand between the opening of her nightie and began to flicker round her lips. She reacted by spreading her legs further apart. I was afraid I would get a protest but it seemed like more of an invitation. She let out an audible gasp so I knew I was safe to continue.
“Turn off the porch light Miss D.”
As soon as the light went off, I twisted my first two fingers into her. She spread further and started to moan and held herself upright between the door frame with both arms. She started to gyrate on my fingers like a bucking bull in no time. I returned her motions with my hand.
When my regulars need food, I deliver. When my regulars need sex, I deliver. Man or woman.
“Brie, this feels so good. Why don’t you come in?”
“Company policy won’t let enter your house while I’m on the job. Plus, I told you before what my boss thinks about me flirting with the customers.” And you sure got wet fast. Has it been a minute?”
“Flirting? Honey, finger banging me goes beyond flirting. And it’s been a minute and a half.”
“So, we both agree that I am not flirting with you? Good. I’m just trying to give back to the community Miss D.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a light come on in the distance. I also noticed that my hand was soaking wet. Doris drenched me.
“Did Mrs. Baldwin just turn her porch light on?”
“I can’t worry about that old bat when my legs are soaking wet.”
I pulled my fingers out of her very wet pussy and stuck them in my mouth. Then I reached down and swiped my hands up and down her thighs in an effort to dry them.
“Brei, my knees are getting weak.”
“OK Miss D, I need to go anyway. Thanks for the tip.”
“No, no, thank you for the tip. What can I do for you?”
“Pull one boob out and let me see you. I’ll be quick.”
She didn’t hesitate. She actually whipped her entire night coat back over her shoulders and pushed them out in my direction. I stood on the porch looking at them and wondered to myself “how can two human body parts be that big?
“Do you like them?”
“Yes, Miss D, they look amazing. Are they what are known as Triple G’s?”
“Triple H’s. honey. My back hurts all the time.”
I stood on my tippy-toes, pecked her on the lips and whispered in her ear.
“I’m going to suck on them some day. Bye Miss D. See you soon. You owe me.”
She stood there smiling from ear to ear “Yes I do honey, yes I do.”
I waved at Mrs. Baldwin as I went to my car.
Back to shop.
End Pizza delivery with a twist 06
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