Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Today I hate Monday’s. I have had a hard day at work. Nothing went as planned, deals fell through. Everyone blaming each other. I think back on the problems of the day as I drive home, wondering how the boss is going to get everyone on the same page moving forward. I’m glad I do not have his job. To top it off, traffic sucks.
Finally, I near my home, and things begin to change in my mind. I start to relax and think on what is waiting for me at home. I wonder how I will be surprised today. I gave you the task of surprising me with a different way to welcome me home for the next week. Today will be the first surprise.
I smile as I see our house, it took a lot of scrimping to save up the down payment. Wanting to have the “classic” family lifestyle of the woman at home, is difficult in today’s world. Hard work to climb the ladder and be able to afford this gives me pride in achieving it.
I pull into the driveway and ease to a stop. ısparta escort Taking a deep breath to release the day’s stress, I open the car door, and step out to walk to the front door. I pause giving you time to be ready. I texted that I was on my way. Not letting you have the time to prepare would be unkind.
I open the door and walk in to find a note telling me you are in the den, and asking me to remove my clothes and sit in my favorite chair. I begin removing my tie and leave a little trail of clothing as I move to see what you have waiting for me. As I come to the door to the den, I see you. You are naked and kneeling in front of my chair, eyes lowered properly. I take a moment to look at you. I take in the perfection that is you. A cute firm bottom that is perfect for grabbing and massaging. Not too large, not too small, just perfect. A trim waist, easing inward, and then moving up an athletic back. I am pleased with kars escort your work to maintain a healthy body. The angle from the door, only allows me to see a hint of your firm breast peaking past your arm.
I move into the room and slide past you to sit in my chair. Now I look at the other side of you. Your posture and position is correct. Kneeling, sitting on your heels, knees parted the correct distance. I drink in your beauty. The strong firm thighs, the view of your waxed pussy, up to your flat belly, your proud firm C cup breasts sitting high on your chest. Ahh… Your beautiful face. There are no words to describe your beauty.
You wait patiently for my signal. I nod, and you begin bathing my balls with your tongue. You start to caress my cock with your hands, but I tell you not to use them. Only your mouth. You gently suck on my balls, swirling your tongue around them. You look up at me and I nod, telling you to continue kastamonu escort on to my cock. You lick up the shaft, and all around it. Then you ease your lips over the head and attempt to slide your tongue between the foreskin and the head. It doesn’t work without hands, but now it is pulled back, and you suckle on the head for a minute. I moan softly. Then you start taking more and more of the shaft into your mouth. Soon I am bumping the back of your throat.
Now for the challenging part. You want to swallow the whole thing. You slowly begin pushing and get more and more down your throat. You breathe quickly through your nose, and then force yourself to take the rest. As your nose hits my pubic bone, you look up at me triumphantly. I smile and tell you to continue. Now, with my cock buried in your throat, your tongue lathes my balls. Then you suck hard and bob on my cock forcing it down your throat. I can’t take the throating and sucking for long. As I get close to cumming, I touch your shoulder as a warning and you just suck harder. As my cock swells, you swallow me, and I shoot straight down your throat as you swallow quickly. You don’t want to lose a drop. You do well, and then I begin to reward you….
Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32