The One Exception Ch. 02

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Hot Wife

Laura was up before me. I could hear movement in the kitchen and smell things. I stretched, snuggling under the covers more, pulling them around me.

“Oh shit.” The headache crashed down on me all at once. It split open my head and filled it with barbwire. Then I remembered everything about last night. I thought I would be more worried, but I found myself smiling.

Laura was humming something in the kitchen and I got butterflies listening to her. Originally, this had just been mere attraction mixed with alcohol and curiosity. Now I didn’t understand why I wasn’t more concerned about what had happened. This wasn’t me at all.

Hearing the door open; I peeked up over the covers, her smile met me. She was dressed in a long t-shirt with ‘Peru’ in big black letters printed on the front.

“Good morning sleepy head.” She set down a tray with coffee and croissants on it “hungover?”

“Oh god yes!”

Giggling, she replied, “Me too, so I brought coffee and…” she picked up a packed of Cuprofen and threw them at me, “Something a little extra.”

“Thank you so much Laura.” Sitting up, I became aware I was actually naked. I lifted the duvet up with me to cover myself.

She noticed, “Oh please. Don’t be like that, are you forgetting last night?” With that, she crawled over to me and kissed me.

“No, I’m just a little more self-conscious than I was last night.” I said against her lips.

“Don’t be, you’re beautiful. I’ve never done that with a girl before and I never wanted to.”

“Me neither. It’s weird right?”

She sat back, legs crossed and picked up a mug. She shrugged, “Not really if you think about it. I mean, if you find a face attractive then you find a face attractive. People don’t have to be gay or bi to understand same sex beauty. And love doesn’t have to be constrained by anything.”

I choked on my own coffee, “…Love?”

“I wasn’t talking about us. Just love in general.” I noticed her cheeks were pink, “I like you. More than I like girls usually. So, why shouldn’t we be allowed to have one person who is the exception to the rule? You are a girl, sure, but you are also a person.”

“You’re the exception to my sexual orientation.”

We sat in silence facing each other for a while, drinking our coffee and nibbling at the croissants.

“You should probably have a shower.” She looked at where my thigh was underneath the duvet.

I looked down too, “You’re right. I can’t have crusty cum on my thigh on the train home.”

We laughed. Then Laura tuzla escort said, “I should too.”

Taking a Cuprofen I asked, “Where is your shower?”

She pointed to a door I hadn’t noticed off her bedroom, “In there. You can use any or all the towels you want, they’re all clean. Don’t lock the door though, it normally doesn’t unlock when you want to get out.” Her eyes looked at me over the rim of her cup.

“You don’t want me locking the door when I have a shower? Are you sure it’s because I could get locked in?” I questioned her, grinning.

The corners of her eyes creased so I could tell she was smiling, “Just don’t lock it. You said you don’t like small spaces last night, I’m sure being locked in a bathroom counts as a small space.”

“You remember that?”

“Of course I do. I remember every detail about last night.”

We looked at each other in silence, until I felt the urge to pee “I’ll go have this shower then.”

“Enjoy.” she called after me as I disappeared inside.

Being locked in this bathroom wouldn’t have been so bad; it was massive. There were two sinks with their own mirrors and towel rack. There was a toilet, with a round Jacuzzi bath and a walk in shower with the showerhead the size of a dinner plate. It was tiled white and grey. Next to the shower was a heated rack with a pile of white fluffy towels.

“It’s like a hotel here.” I muttered to myself.

The shower was amazing. There were jets on the wall that squirted from the side too so that every surface of skin was getting wet at the same time. I was just rinsing my hair free of shampoo when I heard a soft knock at the door- I grinned.

“May I come in?” Laura’s voice echoed around the bathroom.

“Can I stop you?” I had my back to the door.


“Then come in.” I closed my eyes, putting my face under the jets.

I heard the shower door open and felt the presence of another body close. Then I felt her hands around my waist, pulling me backwards a little so she could start kissing my neck. My hands could only dangle uselessly by my sides as she moved hers downwards.

“This shower is amazing.” I stated, it sounded stupid when I said it.

“Isn’t it. I’m sure you can have a lot of fun in this shower.”

Using my waist, she spun me around to face her. Water shimmered on her face and her hair clung to her forehead. It looked like she had tiny diamonds all over her skin. Gently, she walked me to the tiled wall and flattened me against it. She reached to the metal göztepe escort shelf and picked up a bottle of shower gel. Grinning, Laura lifted the cap with one finger and slowly squeezed it over my breasts. Dropping the bottle, she used both hands to lather it into a soapy mess and rubbed it all over me.

This was something your mum did to you when you were too young to bathe yourself, but this felt entirely different. She got on her knees, rubbing at my thigh where her dried cum was.

“Now, I must thank you for last night.” She said.

Steam was rising from the water and I could see the mirrors clouding over, “Thank me? You thanked me last night.”

“Not properly.” She looked up at me then disappeared under the soap.

The moment I felt her tongue there, flashbacks of last night appeared in my head. Her tight and glowing body in my arms. The way her hair cascaded around her shoulders and how she flicked it back when she reached orgasm. Everything about her was amazing. She was beautiful.

I watched the water trickle down my body and fall on her head where she knelt between my legs. With her hands, she took my ankles and slid them further apart so she had better access. No one had ever spent much time ‘down there’ before, none of my boyfriends had enjoyed it, I had always been the giver and never the receiver- so this was new to me. The way her tongue explored everything was completely new to me and felt amazing. Bringing my hands down, I dug my fingertips into her skull the same way she had done last night.

“Laura… I…” but it didn’t need explaining, she could feel the pulse and the clenching of my muscles around her tongue. She leant back on her haunches, looking at me as I got my breath back. Then she leaned forward again and gave one last lick around to taste me.

My eyes were closed but I felt her on level with me again- then she was rinsing off the soap that had settled on my skin with her hands. I was like a rag doll and was submissive as she turned me around and began lathering my back. Her kisses moved down my spine and on both bum cheeks- one after the other.

It was hard to breathe in the closeness of the steam but also in my state. When I turned back to her she was shampooing her own hair. Her eyes were closed and I brushed away the soap that was beginning to trickle down her forehead.

“Thanks.” She said.

“No problem.” I helped her rinse it off. When we were both soap free, I kissed her breasts, cupping them in my hands, feeling the lightweight üsküdar escort in each palm.

“You are so beautiful.” I said.

“You too.” She turned off the water and we stood their dripping.

Our skin met and we kissed again. I held her in my arms and felt her palms pressed against my back, pushing me to her.

It took me a while to get dressed. First, I had to find all my clothes, my jeans and pants were at opposite corners of the bedroom, my shirt was behind the sofa and my bra was hanging off the coffee table. Laura’s lace bra and top were also in the lounge. It really had been a night to remember.

With the Cuprofen fully in my system, my hangover had disappeared, or I was numb to the pain. Laura walked me to the flat door, but stood against it so I couldn’t leave.

“I want you to know that I don’t normally do that sort of thing, even with men. I know you probably don’t want a relationship or anything, not being a lesbian and all…” she smiled, “but, I’m not expecting that to be the end of it. Maybe we can meet up for another drink? Go for lunch or something…see what happens?”

For the first time, I saw she looked self-conscious. She wasn’t looking at me directly in the face.

This made me feel good, “I would love to do it again. You have my number; whenever you want to meet up, be it for lunch or a…coffee, then give me a call.”

Laura looked at me, smiling now “You sure?”

I tutted, grabbing her hands “Laura, I just did something I have never done with any other girl. You are far more than a friend to me now. I wouldn’t say you’re a lover, but you are not on the friend tier. This isn’t the end.”

She brought her hands around my neck and we embraced. I nestled my nose into her hair, smelling the orange shampoo I had just helped her wash it with.

Opening the door, she let me pass the threshold. Turning back, I saw she looked upset, “Don’t be sad Miss Laura. We will meet again.”

Slowly, she nodded, “I know. I just had so much fun last night. I will miss you.”

I leaned forward and kissed her softly on the mouth, “Me too.”

An apartment door opposite opened and an older woman stepped out; she smiled at Laura who smiled and said a jolly “Hello” back.

“I should go.” I said, aware the old lady was looking at me strangely. “I’ll see you soon Laura.”

“Bye.” She stayed at the door until I had disappeared from view down the stairs.

As I opened the entrance door, I felt my phone vibrate. Looking at it, it said ‘Sam Calling’. I smiled; little did he know that we would both have sex stories to swap on the train home.

I picked up the phone, snuggled into my coat, took one last look towards the apartment block but didn’t know which window was hers, and strode towards the station.

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