Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
You came home and greeted me with the softest of kisses. We chatted and laughed while you changed clothes. You put on a silky black lingerie top. It was like a camisole but it buttoned up the front. It was smooth to the touch and very sexy. We relaxed on the couch and watched TV. I did my best to keep my hands off of you, and was mostly successful until the last few minutes of the program. We kissed and teased each other while we walked to the bedroom. We left a trail of clothing in our wake. At this point, my anticipation had been building for several hours.
We kissed and touched gently, affectionately, and intimately. It seemed as though my erection was harder than it had ever been before. I asked you to squeeze it. I wanted you to feel the effect you have on me. My desire heightened even more. I continued to tease and touch you all over. I started to get that feeling. The feeling that I’ve only ever felt with you. That feeling that my consciousness is a sandcastle….
And the wind was blowing…
I felt my existence start to give way to something far more interesting and enjoyable. I entered that blissful state where there are no boundaries between reality and imagination. My heart opened up to experience the raw emotion of the moment. It was soft and beautiful.
And yet undeniably Escort Kızılay primal. I had to taste you. I was desperate to kiss the soft warm moist folds of your aroused lips. I had to taste your pussy. I had to run my lips over your clit. Suck it, flick it, lick it.
And so I did. My self-control was all but forgotten. I had no agenda. I was so captivated by my delectable meal that it took all the concentration I could muster to remember to breathe. I remember sucking your clit and flicking it vigorously with my tongue. I would lightly stroke down, then stiffen my tongue and roughly move it back over your most sensitive spot on the way back up. I stuck my tongue out deep inside your and fervently rocked my head back and forth against your fucking your hard with my face. I stopped momentarily to breathe and gaze in your eyes. You are stunningly beautiful. I returned to your cunt, finding it irresistible. I began to stroke your clit with my tongue more gently. Using little circles and a mixture of letters I gradually slowed down.
I continued to lovingly stroke the epicenter of your passion lightly with the tip of my tongue. I abandoned the circles and began lightly tracing the alphabet in my favorite way. I think it became your favorite way too. Your need grew slowly. In times Kızılay Escort past I stimulated you by increasing pressure and tempo until you climax. This time I kept it slow, and loving — almost teasing.
And consistently your want increased. I could feel your body preparing for rapturous delight. your breathing became shallow and fast. Then you gasped the sexiest thing I’d ever heard in my entire life. “Oh Baby, You’re gonna make me….”
Those words always intensely magnify my anticipation, but the way you said it this time overwhelmed me with pride and desire. My already solid cock grew even more. I fought the urge to quicken my pace or increase the pressure. I simply continued to conduct my symphony of pleasure. Together we allowed your ecstasy to just happen. You cried out at your moment of jubilation. I carefully stopped my attention on your most sensitive area as you came. I left my tongue motionless and flat against your throbbing clit, not daring to remove it too soon for fear it would be too much stimulation. Your piercing orgasm shook both of us, and your euphoric climax touched me.
We cuddled for a moment. I soaked up the love radiating from your body. I felt your heat. I delighted in the afterglow of your sated thirst. You soon turned to me and asked me what Kızılay Escort Bayan I wanted your to do. I told your to do whatever you wanted, just tease me….
The rest of the experience is difficult to describe. I know you used your hands, tongue, lips and mouth. I remember sitting up thrashing while I gazed in your eyes.
I’m pretty sure there was a lot of begging.
You quickly escalated my ache past the point of control. I was fortunate that you was in charge. you definitely fulfilled my wishes for a tease. You edged me and backed me down several times. I was delirious. I don’t even know when you climbed on top of me. My anticipation skyrocketed.
Then the most amazing thing happened. My senses were so overloaded with pleasure from the teasing that I lost touch with reality. I could feel the tiny explosions in my brain as the neurons continually bombarded me with raw romantic delight. I don’t know if I was in the grip of this paradise for moments or minutes. Time stopped. I’ve experienced this amazing sensation only a couple of times before — both with you.
You brought me right to the edge one more time, and then started to slow down. I thought you were going to stop. I’m sure I called your something obscene. My orgasm receded just a millimeter as you slowed, and then you resumed your motion. I then had the most amazing erotic experience of my life. You brought me to conclusion while I was still in the throes of that blissful timeless state. I’ve never felt anything like that before. In my entire life I’d never even imagined ecstasy that intense.
Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
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