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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
We lay in the dark holding each other. Sometimes it crossed my mind that maybe this might seem a little weird to other people. We weren’t kids anymore but still even in our twenties, we would steal every opportunity to be close to one another. My concerns were diluted by the reassuring sound of his steady heartbeat tapping against my ear as I snuggled into his chest.
I felt him inhale the sweet smell of my hair as he gently caressed the small of my back. I’d never told him how I felt about him and I had never acted on it.
I’d watched him progress into a handsome young man and noted that he had still maintained his boyish smile. The one that could heal any ailment I ever had.
It’s true that all girls love a bad boy and Chris always liked to fashion himself as a bit of a gangster. He done a lot of things I didn’t agree with, but we never had it easy and he had figured out the one thing he was a natural at. I’d heard a lot of stories but I was never really sure how much to believe because Chris always played them down to me. I knew a lot of what I’d heard must be true, a lot of people where scared of him. There was just something other people seen in him, some sinister sparkle, a dark kind of power. To me though, he had never done a single wrong. He always smiled at me with a concealed admiration and I never seen him look at anyone else that way.
He was my protector, my soul mate, my confident and I, I was his younger sister.
I slowly slid my leg upwards until my knee came to rest just below his waist. I could feel his cock was semi-stiff against my inner thigh. The tight white material of his designer boxers provided the only barrier between us. He shuffled, ever so slightly and placed his hand on my knee. This wasn’t unusual, at least not for us. He was always hard when we lay like this and we both just pretended not to acknowledge it.
Lately, I’d gotten more adventurous. I’d made sure I was wearing black lace panties and a tight little vest, one that would extenuate the shape of my tits.
I stroked his stomach softly back and forth. I wanted to reassure him, reassure him that he shouldn’t feel uncomfortable about us lying so intimately close but, how could I? I was already feeling guilty about how much I was enjoying his cock grow harder as I moved my leg down a little to rest lightly against it. There was a burning heat already building between us and I could feel our skin becoming moist against each other.
The dull ache between my legs led me to raise my knee up to his waist again, a subtle excuse to press my pussy against the top of his leg. He arched his back; it momentarily allowed him to push his cock closer between my legs.
I wondered if he could feel the dampness from my panties against his skin. I tried to imagine what he might do if I just reached into his boxers and ran my hand over his cock, or what if I casually lay on top of him to hold him, to have his cock pressed right between my legs. Would we inevitably begin to rock against each other until he finally pulled my panties to one side and slipped inside me? Or, would we just go on like this forever, never taking that extra step for anything more to happen?
I became lost in my thoughts and let out a deep sigh.
‘What’s wrong?’ he asked tilting his head to look at me despite the darkness.
‘Nothing,’ I whispered, realising the reality of the situation.
He pushed me onto my side and turned to hold me so as we were facing each other.
‘Then why the sigh?’ he asked softly.
‘I’m ok,’ I assured.
He held me more firmly but still as though I was something precious and fragile he didn’t care to break. I moved closer against him until there was no space between us and his hard-on was right against me.
We pulled away from each other, almost in unison but just enough so as we could see each others expression. The pail moonlight from the window illuminated his eyes enough for me to see that they held a sparkle. Was it because he was still pressed against me?
I think we pretended to have this little illusion of each other. He was my unfaltering hero, and I was his innocent maiden whose rescue he would always come to. We both ignored all the stories about each other because we liked playing these roles, but it didn’t mean the stories weren’t true.
A part of him wanted to hear me elazığ escort beg him to fuck me, and the other part of him could hardly bear the thought of me doing anything sexual. Likewise, I admired him for being the only person never to hurt me or betray my trust and yet, at the same time, here I lay, secretly yearning for him to hold me down and fuck me roughly and relentlessly with one hand over my mouth.
The fact was we were terrified about letting go, terrified about how we would look at each other afterwards, after we ruined our charade.
Strands of his thick black hair fell across this brow. I brushed them to one side so that I could continue staring deeply into his eyes. They were darker than coal and probably his most stunning asset. It was easy to imagine why he had no problem getting so many women to fuck him. He smiled, I had interrupted his thoughts and we grinned at each other, never daring to tear our gaze away.
A sudden pang of concern flooded his face.
‘She wasn’t good enough for you,’ he said suddenly.
He was talking about my ex girlfriend. We had split a month before. I’d found out she’d been having an affair behind my back but I hadn’t told Chris this because I was scared about what he might do. Instead I’d told him it just hadn’t been working out. Earlier tonight he’d caught me crying and had cancelled his date just to stay in and make sure I was alright. He hadn’t asked why I’d been crying but he just knew.
‘Do you think it’s me? Do you think there’s something wrong with me?’ I asked.
‘What do you mean? There’s nothing wrong with you.’
‘I just mean that it never works out with my relationships. So maybe it’s just something to do with me.’ I said half joking.
His expression suddenly hardened and the softness in his voice was lost now, replaced by a firm authority, almost anger.
‘She was a fucking idiot and I told you that from the start.’
He sensed my unease with his tone of voice and his expression softened again.
‘Don’t put yourself down, it’s her loss,’ he said quietly.
I could tell he was still pissed off about her even although he was trying hard not to show it. He looked down and out of my eye line.
‘Chris, can I ask you something?’
‘Anything,’ he said.
‘Do you, do you think I’m pretty?’ I asked hesitantly.
He smiled broadly, ‘I think you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. All my mates fancy you.’
‘Do you mean that?’ I asked hardly able to suppress a smile.
‘Yeah, they all do, why do you think I get in so many fights?’
‘No,’ I said, ‘I don’t mean them, I mean you. Do you really think I’m pretty?’
I’d accidentally sent the tension between us of the scale. There was a rigid atmosphere that hadn’t been there before. In the silence of the next few seconds it felt like we were both holding our breath.
He looked me in the eye as he answered me, ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘of course I meant it.’
I considered it for a moment, ‘you have to say that though, you’re my brother.’
I looked down but his deliberate thrust against me jolted my eyes to look back into his. He kept his cock tightly against me as he held me. It was harder now, even harder than before. He looked at me intensely and slowly pushed into me again. I gasped without having had a chance not to.
‘Does it feel like I mean it?’ he asked me, daring to keep his eyes locked in mine.
‘Yes,’ I whispered my voice barely audible.
My mouth felt dry and a strange warmness crept through my body. It was almost a nauseating sickness but it was overridden by the primal drive to let go. All I was sure of was that one way or another our game was almost over.
I couldn’t draw my eyes away from his, I felt suspended in time like the world around us had stop moving. Our breath quickened in the anticipation of what was to come. His lips brushed mine, though neither of us embraced the opportunity to kiss. How many more seconds could we hold our self control?
He flipped me onto my back and lay between my legs with his cock jammed against my pussy. I opened my legs a little more. We didn’t touch; instead he covered my body with his own, enveloping me with his arms, consuming me.
Slowly we began to rock against each other, very, very subtly. My senses were heightened beyond anything I had ever experienced before. I could smell the sweat gathering between our bodies, masked mildly by the sweeter smell of my perfume. My back already felt drenched and my vest top clung to my skin. My hands reached under his t-shirt and glided over the moisture beginning to pool on his back.
I kept thinking that our underwear was the only thing separating us from each other. I had never fucked a guy before, only women. Chris was the only guy I’d ever been attracted to. The thought made me feel a little hesitant. I could tell he was big by how he felt against me, what if it hurt?
My concerns were silenced by the sensation of his hot breath against my neck. My body shuddered as we continued to move against each other. He moved closer to me again, so as our lips were almost touching.
‘Do you love me?’ he asked, a little breathless.
‘Yes,’ I whispered, ‘more than I’ll ever love anyone.’
‘Would you do anything for me?’
We were lost in each others eyes again.
‘Yes,’ I said, knowing that I was sealing our fate even by answering.
‘Would you let me put my dick in you?’
A billion mixed emotions welled up inside of me. I could hardly breathe, never mind speak. We were still staring at each other.
I managed to nod. I gulped down hard. My throat was dry as well as my mouth. In contrast my pussy was dripping wet. His words had been an instant catalyst and I could feel my panties were thick with my own cum.
He moved off of me and onto his side facing me. By now the daylight was starting to break outside and I could see some of the sinister darkness in his eyes that other people could. It unnerved me, but not half as much as it turned me on.
He pulled back the covers, slowly exposing me to the coolness of the air.
‘Take off your panties,’ he said.
I hesitated. This wasn’t happening like I’d imagined it would. I’d expected to feel close to him, merged to him. Instead I’d feel vulnerable. I took a deep breath. What were we doing?
He put his hand under my chin and tilted my head up towards him.
‘Do what you’re told,’ he said in a low voice, allowing that tinge of aggression to creep back in again, ‘or I’ll do it for you.’
A surge of warmness cut through me like a dart of electricity. I gulped again and reluctantly pushed down my panties. His eyes followed my hands down as I slipped them off. He savoured the moment, and his eyes traced the outline of my body. He pulled the remainder of the covers back off himself. His cock strained against the taut fabric of his boxers.
‘Pull your top up,’ he said.
I complied right away this time. I pushed up my vest exposing my tits to him for the first time. My hands trembled as I held it up. This didn’t escape his attention and I could tell because I seen his eyes glaze over with the surge of power that it had given him.
We kept eye contact as he moved his hand across his shorts and allowed it to linger momentarily against his cock.
He lent into me slowly and kissed me on the lips. It could’ve passed for a normal kiss between us, except in the way he let it linger more than normal. He pulled back a little and I kissed him the same way. We paused for a split second before, in an instant, we were kissing deeply. His tongue explored my mouth and I circled it with mine. His hands slid down my shoulders and grasped at my tits. My nipples instantly hardened under his touch and I pulled my vest top up more to let him touch me. We were loosing control now, his touch became firmer and our kisses more haphazard and primitive.
There was a sense of urgency, a feeling that if we didn’t fuck soon, then maybe one of us might come to our sense and stop this. I knew his thoughts echoed mine because he lay on top of me again; leaning over to one side as he hurriedly slipped two fingers inside me. He looked me in the eye as he slowly pushed them all the way in. My entire body reacted, every inch of me tensed and I gasped while still looking into his eyes. It felt tight even just with his fingers.
‘Just relax baby, its ok, its ok.’ He whispered into my ear.
He moved his fingers slowly, working the inside of my cunt, preparing it for the length of his thick shaft.
‘If you don’t relax it’ll hurt more when I fuck you,’ he said. His voice was almost devoid of any concern now. He was too far gone and merely clutching to keep hold of what was left of his self control.
He moved his fingers faster and I could hear the noise it made as his fingers mixed with the wetness seeping out of my slit as he drew in and out of me.
He stopped and pulled down his boxers. His cock sprung out. It looked even bigger than it had felt when he was pressed against me. He was right, this was going to hurt. Apprehension washed over me again.
He peeled off his t-shirt and lay on me, lowering himself onto me. He grasped the base of his cock in one hand and brushed its tip up and down my clit.
‘Chris, wait,’ I said suddenly.
He stopped and looked up at me.
‘Kiss me again first?’ I said unable to conceal the reluctance in my voice.
For a second he considered his options. He was tempted to ignore my request and he knew that I would forgive him anything, even if he fucked me after I’d asked him to stop.
He relented and wrapped his body around mine, holding me like he meant it.
We kissed again, slowly this time but still with unprecedented passion. I could feel the tip of his shaft touching my clit. As we kissed he moved his dick in a little, just an inch. He pulled away from our kiss to watch my eyes as he forced his dick in as far as it would go. We both gasped loudly. The look on his face was enough to make me push down against him despite the sharp pain of having him inside me. I trembled beneath him.
He started to pull out and back in again slowly, never once taking his eyes from mine between his long deep thrusts. We weren’t trying to forget we were brother and sister; we were getting off on it by looking each other in the eye while he stretched my pussy with his cock and I let him.
‘Shit Chris,’ I said putting my hands against his chest to halt him, ‘condoms.’
‘Yeah,’ he said squeezing his eyes shut as he pushed further inside me, ‘in a minute.’
I knew he had no intention of using a condom, I also knew he kept them in the drawer beside the bed. I reached over and opened it with one hand as he continued to fuck me.
‘Chris,’ I managed between gasps.
I pushed the square foil into his hand. He glanced at it without stopping and grasped my hand in his, so as we were holding the condom between us and still making no attempt to actually use it. He pushed both my hands down behind my head and held them against the mattress.
‘Chris, we should use it,’ I gasped while pushing into his thrusts at the same time.
My argument was weak because I presented it without any real conviction.
We were loosing control again. He was fucking me harder now and I knew he was going to cum inside me, regardless of any protest I might have made. I opened my legs wider for him, which turned him on even more. The wetness from my pussy had travelled down between my legs and I could feel it under me, it made my body feel sticky against the bed sheets. I looked down to watch Chris pulling in and out of me. His swollen cock glistened with white streaks of cream from my cunt.
We lost all rhythm and our thrusting became animalistic and erratic. Chris’s face was flushed red and sweat trickled off his brow and onto mine. I could feel tears welling up in the corners of my eyes. I knew we were both about to cum. I re-experienced every emotion I had ever felt. Chris increased the pressure against my hands with his.
‘Come on my dick,’ he pleaded.
He wasn’t going to hold out much longer but his words sent a shiver down me. He continued to ram his cock into me, each time forcing it up as far as it could go. I could feel the sensation of it as it slammed against my cervix.
I felt the build-up starting. All I could think about was how he was going to shoot his warm load inside me at any moment and how much we really shouldn’t have been doing this. I started to come, the feeling of arousal coursed through every inch of my body as my pussy tightened around his dick.
‘Good girl, good girl,’ he gasped.
I felt him start to tense against me as he fucked me. I opened my hand up and Chris grasped it tightly, both of us holding the condom between us as he thrust his dick into me one final time, keeping it pushed all the way in this time to make sure he got most of his cum inside me. He relaxed against me and we held each other closer than ever.
He gently wiped the tears from my cheek, both of us unsure where we’d go from here on in.
Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
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