Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Something quick and fun with a bit of a twist in the end.
I overheard her talking to her friend about her new boyfriend. “He is disappointing in one aspect, he is too small to really satisfy me.” At one time we dated but for purely physical reasons. “I wish he had Ben’s equipment, he’d be the perfect man then.”
Well, she likes my equipment; I knew I had a bit more equipment than the average but didn’t consider myself well endowed. “Ben is eight thick inches of pure orgasm delight,” she said. Women are just as bad as men in the kiss and tell area of relationships.
I quietly backed away from their discourse and returned to my work cube. A couple minutes later, her friend, Beth, came to my cube with a work problem she said she needed some feedback on.
Beth made sure she bent in seductive ways giving me ample views of her tight female curves. “Ben,” she began, ” how about you and I have lunch together someday. We don’t get to chat much since we work on different parts of this project.”
“Sure, Beth. Let me know what day and time works best for you. Maybe a drink after work over at the Dead Horse.”
“Yeah, maybe a little house wine. This afternoon?” Beth smiled broadly as I nodded agreement.
I was sure she had a hidden agenda since I wasn’t supposed to have overheard her earlier conversation. I wondered if a little house wine might lead to a little house whine later.
I wrapped up my work for the day and headed for the door. Beth stood there smiling and waiting. “You weren’t trying to escape without the drink you offered?”
Beth was standing in a way that the afternoon sun was behind her accentuating her curves and casting an illuminating glow through her skirt. She had beautifully long firm legs from the angle I looked. “Not at all. I saw you head for the door and figured you’d wait here.”
I offered my arm and she quickly took it. We headed across the street to the Dead Horse for the promised drink. Beth ordered her wine and I had my customary pint of stout.
At first, conversation revolved around work and our parts in the current project. One and another workmate passed by, waved, and some spoke. Being seen with a female workmate is tantamount to announcing an affair. Beth seldom visited the Dead Horse, and those times she did it was usually with three or four others.
“I guess there will be wagging tomorrow,” giggled Beth. She smiled broadly and perhaps there was a hint of tease and lust in her eyes.
What she said, how she said it, and the hints in her eyes did not escape my view. I smiled and nodded, “Isn’t it terrible that two work partners can’t have a quick drink without rumors. Well, let them rumor away.”
Beth laughed in agreement. “Ben, I think I’d like antep escort another wine and it looks like you’ve gone dry, too.” Beth signaled for another round.
“Ben, what is about people who work together having a drink together? It’s okay for you and another guy or me and another woman. Why can’t we as man and woman have a drink without people talking?”
“Seems to be the natural order of things. If we worked for different companies, well, you know, no one would care. Personally, I’m pleased that we work in the same company and division.”
Beth kept the conversation going in the same direction. “What do you usually do for dinner, Ben? Do you eat out or cook at home? I enjoy cooking and usually end up making enough for two or three.”
I picked up on the question just as I picked up on the tone of voice and hint of tease in her eyes previously. “Beth, I accept your dinner invitation.”
Beth gave me her address and instructed me to knock at 7:30 sharp. She quickly left saying, “I have a few things to get ready.”
The time was about 6:15 leaving me with time for a shower and change into fresh clothing. I presumed the few things Beth needed to get ready were similar. At the appointed time exactly, I tapped on Beth’s door.
The door opened and I was blown away. Beth was not her business professional self. She had pulled her hair back into a cute ponytail and wore a tube top that hugged tightly to her breasts giving them a full firm look without the help of any hint of bra. There were just enough nipples poking at the fabric to see that Beth’s nipples were already a bit excited.
Her midriff was exposed to her waist, flat and firm. She had on a short the same color as her top and just as accentuating. If I didn’t know her age, I’d swear she was the younger teen sister version of herself.
With my breath taken away and my eyes popping out of their sockets, I handed her a single yellow rose. “I picked this rose because it looked perfect; however, you make it pale in perfection.”
“Ben, such talk could get you dinner and dessert.” She took the rose, guided me in, and completed the greeting with a chaste kiss on the cheek.
I was thinking about skipping dinner opting for dessert first. As she kissed me, I felt the firmness of her breasts against my chest. In a reflex, I wrapped my arm around her waist feeling her sensual warmth.
She quickly pulled away, darted off to find a vase, and quickly returned with the rose properly displayed. “So thoughtful of you to offer such a lovely flower. Would you like a drink? I picked up the beer you drank at the Dead Horse or something else?”
“You went to the trouble to buy some beer for me? Did you get carded wearing that outfit?”
“No! I changed after I got home. Come to the kitchen, we’ll have dinner and I’ll get your beer.”
Dinner was an assortment of shellfish, mostly shrimp and oysters. I continued to play into what I presumed was her agenda and mine.
“Beth, can I ask you what you and Joan were talking about over coffee this morning?” I had to let a little of my eavesdropping overhearing slip out.
“It was just about her new boyfriend and how perfect she thinks she is. Didn’t see you in the room.”
Beth covered her tracks well. “Just passed by and overheard a couple words,” I casually replied. “I haven’t had a nice shellfish dinner in a long time. Tasty. My dinner partner makes it great.”
“Dessert is on the menu, too, Ben. I think I know what you overheard and I don’t care. Goddamnit, Ben! I’m dessert and you know it.”
“That is what I overheard. Beth, just be you. Although, I admit the way you’re dressed now… Well, the shellfish weren’t necessary to get a reaction. If you want to change into something else, we can start over with less sexual tension.”
Beth walked casually around the table taking a stance next to me. “Ben, if the sexual tension is too much…”
Beth didn’t finish her sentence and didn’t need to. I pulled her closer to me, felt her curves as her body responded. She ground her hips into my growing cock as my hands cupped the supple fullness of her firm butt cheeks; I pulled her hips tighter to me.
“Too much tension, Beth?”
“I feel something but it isn’t tension.”
I let one hand slide from her butt upward to the top hem of the tube top Beth wore. My fingers hooked into the material and gently pulled. The top gave under the tug slowly sliding down. Beth eased herself from me just enough for the top to release her breasts from its hold.
At the same time, fingers, her fingers, began working the buttons of my shirt. I hadn’t worn an undershirt. As the buttons gave way, our chests touched skin to skin. Beth’s nipples were stiff with anticipation as they grazed my skin. Beth uttered a deep lust filled sigh. I began giving her little nibbles on her neck.
Beth pressed her hips firmly against mine. She rocked into me hard feeling my shaft through my pants and her shorts. Beth breathed heavily and dry humped me fast.
Our hands and fingers found the buckles and zips of the others pant. My fingers felt bare skin under them, Beth worn no panty. Our pants fell to the floor in a perfect display of gravity. Beth quickly pulled the tube top completely off.
Beth gave me a come hither look, “Follow me, Ben. Dessert is best eaten in bed.”
The sight of Beth?s naked body calling me to her, her smooth skin, only a tiny tuft of hair marked where her inner self was hiding.
“Lay yourself on the bed, Ben. I’m ready to take you now.”
I wasted no time obeying her request and immediately Beth jumped me. She impaled herself in one swift plunge and screamed in orgasm. I couldn’t believe how primed she was.
“Ben! Oh fuck! That’s never happened before.” Beth remained still with my full length buried in her moist tunnel.
“That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” I pushed into her nectar filled center forcing her upward slightly. The thrust was enough to spark her desire for more thrusting.
Beth slowly rose from her impaled position until barely my cockhead remained in her. Then equally slowly, she sank back down. Each movement was determined and meaningful for both of us. As she worked herself, she increased the pace.
It wasn’t long before I felt her vaginal muscles gripping me as Beth came closer to another orgasm. I would cum with her.
“Beth! I’m going to cum with you. Pull off or I’ll cum in you!”
Beth’s eyes rolled back and she screamed another full orgasm gripping me so tightly I couldn’t withdraw. I exploded with force, deep wet sperm filled cum washing against her deepest depths. We rode each other until our senses began to return.
“Your cum feels so thick in me, Ben. It feels so good mixed with my cum. I feel slutty, Ben, and that?s not how I am.” Beth made very slow almost not noticeable movements as if trying to draw as much cum from me as she could.
“Beth, did you want to feel slutty, be a slut, tonight?”
Beth had a spasm and squeezed my cock. She jerked and moaned as she felt a tiny orgasm tremor through her body.
“Yes! Oh fuck, Ben, yes!”
My normal self would have tried to take advantage of a situation like this. My normal self would have fucked her until she was too sore to walk. My normal self would have been almost abusive. I gently guided Beth to rest on my chest and kissed her passionately.
“More slut fuck or shall we take our time and enjoy?”
Beth smiled, “I’m not a slut, Ben. I’m really not. Lets slow down for a while and later will take care of itself.”
“But, isn’t it fun to let her come out and play once in a while?”
“Spoon me, Ben.”
We spooned for many minutes moving slowly and feeling each spasm and jerk our bodies generated. Beth asked me to give her a doggy-fuck in suggestive ways that said the little slut was coming out again.
We reconnected with Beth pushing hard to get my full length. I let her set the pace and seconds later Beth was stroking me long and hard.
We built to our mutual highs. Beth gripped my cock again as her orgasm erupted. My cum flooded her womb again with almost as much force and thick sperm filled liquid. We were done.
I was dressing about 10:30 and preparing to leave when Beth surprised me with a broadside. “I’ll let you know in a couple weeks how wonderful tonight was.”
Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
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