Confessions Ch. 16 – Ren

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Thank you Wingedangel for editing.


I was a bit of a late bloomer in the bedroom compared to many of my friends. By the time I hit eighteen I had yet to do more than caress an ass, and kiss a girl with tongue. Luckily for me I was not the only one in my social circle that had not bedded someone of the opposite sex at that age.

While our friends spoke of their exploits, and the fun they had, Kira and I usually sat silent until the conversation would turn into one we could contribute.

Kira and I often laughed to ourselves about our predicament, ten friends getting together, laughing and talking, often about sex, and us two holding ourselves pure for some future love. It’s not that opportunities had not been there for either of us, we both could have done more with people, hell we had plenty of chances to do stuff with each other, even dated a few times before. We both just had the same thoughts of waiting, why rush it just to say we did it?

One day, all of that changed for us. In a way it was great, we finally did what everyone had talked about so much. But, on the other hand, we knew we had to keep it a secret.

Kira and I spent a lot of time together, without the rest of our friends; we would end up kissing and caressing a bit. By the time the day ended we parted as just friends once again, admitting it would never work. It never went further than a simple pat of the ass, or quick grope of a breast, just simple, adolescent play.

It was a cool fall day when Kira came to visit me. We had graduated over the summer and thoughts of our real futures were starting to take their toll. Many of our pupils had headed off to college, with us headed to a local community school; it seemed to be just us still around every day.

She didn’t look to happy when I opened the door for her, and she grappled me in a tight hug.

I squeezed her tightly, like so many times before. I moved back and lifting her chin so I could look at her, “What happened?”

So took a deep breath before responding, “Gil called last night. It seems that he does not want a long distance relationship. He said that while he is out there, we should take a break, and see where it leads us.”

I was actually kind of happy for this, Gil was an asshole, I never liked him. But I was also sad for her, she did like him after all. I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead, “Maybe it’s for the better Kira. I mean, you know what happens at large universities. He is probably looking for a man to please him right now.”

She gasped as she backed up and smacked my chest playfully, “That’s horrible Ren! He doesn’t like boys. But, I agree, I would rather have it ended this way then find out he was sleeping with some woman later.”

I took her hand and kissed it, “And it means I get you all to myself.”

She giggled, “Yeah, take me now Ren, while you can.”

I wagged a finger at her and laughed, “Now stop teasing me Kira, or I might have to spank you.”

She smirked, spun around and bent over, “I might like it.”

I rubbed my hands together jokingly, “Don’t make me redden that beautiful little ass.”

She peaked her head over her shoulder and stuck her tongue out at me, then wiggled her butt, “I’m waiting big man.”

I stretched my arm back and brought it forward quickly. I didn’t hit hard, but the sound echoed through the room.

She squealed and jumped up, spinning toward me, “That was mean Ren!”

I laughed, “You asked for it, now let’s get inside.”

She perked up to her toes and istanbul escort kissed my cheek, and we strolled into the living room.

I sat on the couch and smiled, “That was fun. Nice firm ass you have their Kira.”

She rolled her eyes at me, “Now all you are going to do is be thinking of my ass all day.”

I shook my head, “No, I will be thinking of what you have covering it.”

She grinned, “Well, under the jeans are pink panties, the top is black lace, and they have a little bow in the center. They are cotton, and comfy.”

I straightened up in my seat, “Is this show and tell. If so, I am ready for the show.”

She gasped, “You are naughty today, maybe you need the spanking!”

I laughed, “I just figured you might like your ass spanked more if there was less protection.”

Her face grew more serious; she seemed to almost study me. I wasn’t sure what she was doing so I decided to continue our play banter, “So, now that we are both single, do I get to kiss and caress you again?”

She took a few steps toward me and then stopped, “Ren, I want to kiss you. I want to feel your hands on my body again. Let’s just make this a good day.”

I nodded, “There is no beauty like yours Kira.” I wasn’t kidding! She was so sexy, so beautiful. I’d thought about her many times when pleasing myself in the past.

She placed her hands on my shoulders and straddled my lap. Her eyes focused onto mine and she slowly lowered her lips to meet my own. We kissed in short little pecks a few times before she began to open her mouth for me. Our tongues entwined in an erotic battle.

Her hands caressed my head and she stopped the kiss from time to time to nip lightly at my lips. I slowly slid my hands down her back, and finally caressed her ass. At my touch, her ass began to move, I felt her heat on my crotch.

I began to move my hips up onto her as my cock started to swell, she was so sexy, and so hot. She moaned lightly into my mouth, I reached out, and brought my hand down upon an ass cheek.

She jumped up out of my arms quickly and bit her lip before speaking, “God dammit Ren! I have been a really bad girl! You really need to spank me!”

I didn’t know what to say, didn’t know what to do. But, the bulge in my pants was telling me to spank her, discipline her the way she wanted me to. I went with what I had heard people say in the videos I had seen, “Kira, drop your pants, loose your top, and get over my knee.”

She began to undo her blouse with a quick, “Yes sir.”

I watched as every button unfastened and practically stared when she removed her shirt. Her fingers went behind her and her bra fell to the floor. Her breasts where small, ample things, her nipples dark and hard. She stepped out of her flip flops as her fingers loosened her belt. With great obedience she unfastened them and slid them down her creamy legs. I had but a moment to look upon those sexy little panties she had told me about before she had laid across my lap and lifted her ass ever so slightly.

I hesitated for just a moment to take in the view before me. Here was Kira, a beautiful woman, and friend of many years, laying across my legs with just a tiny pair of sexy panties covering her hot little ass. I had to think of how they did this in the movies, how they concentrated. I rested my hand on her ass and caressed it lightly, “You are a bad girl Kira,” I brought my hand up and dropped it quickly, sending shivers through my spine and echoes through the room. kadıköy escort

She quivered and raised her ass a little higher, “Yes sir, I have been so bad.”

I spanked her a few more times, with each slap forcing a small whimper from her, a mixture of pleasure and pain. I brought my hand down hard upon her and let it sit there a moment, then slid two fingers between her legs to feel her twat beneath the thin fabric. She was so wet, so hot, I wanted to dive my fingers deep inside her, but I decided it would be better, be more fun, to tease her. I tapped at her a few times then brought my hand back up and spanked her hard once more, “You like that Kira? You like my discipline?”

She wiggled her now reddened ass just slightly before she spoke, “Yes sir, I like you spanking me, I like you teasing me, I like you pleasing me sir!”

Her words drove me on, making me want to spank her harder, making me want to finger fuck her until she came, making me want to claim her to be mine. I reached my left hand over and above her to slap at her, as my right hand slid between her legs once more. I slapped her ass as well as I could from the odd position of my hand and moved her panties aside with my free hand. Her moans of pleasure and pain continued to motivate me. And I slid a finger over her slit.

She was so wet, and the way her hips lifted at my touch let me know she wanted me to enter her, but I resisted, moved my hand off of her and spanked her hard once more before tapping at her pussy with my fingers. I slid my fingers through her folds until I found the hard nub of a clit and pressed upon it. She squirmed and humped my hand like a mad woman. I pressed my middle finger harder to her clit and slid my thumb as deep as it would go into her hungry pussy.

I continued to slap her ass with my left hand, and made my right hand wiggle like a vibrator as I felt her pussy tightening and loosening on my thumb. Her words were spoken through quick gasps of air, “Oh god! Fuck yes!”

I smiled to myself and maintained my positions as I felt her fluids flowing out of her and down my hand, I had never thought I could make a woman cum like this, the sensation was invigorating!

As her orgasm subsided, I withdrew my hand and gave her a quick wet slap on her ass. “Did you like that Kira?”

She nodded and rolled off of me. Dropping to her knees in front of me, she spoke in a whisper, “Yes sir. May I be spanked again sir?”

I smiled, this was so exciting! I stood up in front of her and looked down to her, “Take off my pants.”

She did not hesitate. Her hands went up in a flash and she unfastened me, quickly pulled my pants to my ankles. She lifted each foot carefully and pulled the jeans away from me. When she was done she remained on her knees and looked to the floor, not in shame, but in respect.

I touched her head and ran my fingers through her hair, “Now, take off my shorts.”

She nodded, “Yes sir.” She moved closer and took ahold of my underpants and removed them in same fashion she had done with my jeans. Once again she returned to her kneeling position.

I walked around her, taking in her beauty, and then stopped behind her, “You still need to be spanked, you know that right?”

She didn’t move, “Yes sir. I deserve what you give.”

I wanted to give her my cock, my rock hard cock. I wanted to fuck her hard and fast. But, I wanted to please her to, I wanted to take my time. I wanted to spank her again. I wanted to see her little ass kağıthane escort jiggle as my hand slapped it. “Stand up and put your head on the couch.”

“Yes sir.” Her movement was fluent, and quick. I looked before me at this wonderful body. Her legs were spread, giving me a great very of her snatch, soaking wet with her recent release. Her ass was red, a few of my handprints clearly visible. Between her legs I could see her tits hanging, nipples bigger then I had remembered from before. And then her head, buried in the cushion of my couch. How sexy she was standing there like that. I wanted this moment to never end.

I walked up behind her and caressed her ass cheek before raising my hand and bringing it back down hard on her ass. She released a quick gasp and I found it was pleasing the both of us. I slapped her again before taking a hold of my cock and pressing the head against her folds, “Do you want me inside you Kira.”

“Yes sir.”

Oh how I wanted to claim her right there, but I found myself wanting her to beg for me, to plead for me to enter her. I slapped her ass a couple more times, feeling the jiggle of her ass flow down her body and over her pussy, “Beg me Kira.”

“Please fuck me sir. Please bury your cock deep inside my pussy and make me feel you. Please take me and make me never forget you. Please fuck me hard and let me cum on your cock sir.”

I wasn’t sure how this would work, I knew neither she nor I had done this before and the last thing I wanted to do was to really hurt her. Pain with pleasure was one thing, but pain to ruin it was a whole different story.

I slowly eased closer to her, feeling her folds spread for my cock. She gasped and I held back for just a moment. Then I slapped her ass and poked the rest of my cockhead inside her. Her pussy seemed to grab a hold of me as I continued to slide into the sweet wet opening. Her gasps of pleasure and pain filled the room.

I slapped her ass as I filled her, pushing my cock as deep as I could inside her, then began to withdraw it. I got nervous for a moment when I saw the blood upon my cock as it became exposed to me, but remembered what we were. I caressed her ass, then smacked it as I reentered her.

It wasn’t long before I was picking up my pace, sliding my member deep inside of her sweet box and then pulling back out. My pace began to quicken and the urge to smack her harder became more evident. Each smack would make her pussy tighten, each thrust would make her gasp. Every move I made was granted a reaction. Every touch I did, gave her pleasure.

I felt my balls tightening, I felt my orgasm building, “Oh Kira, I am going to cum.”

She began to rock her hips, “Please fill me sir, please cum deep in my pussy and claim me sir,” Her voice was broken through gasps for air, but as if on cue, I grabbed a hold of her hips, pushed my cock deep in her pussy and let my balls explode inside of her.

I could feel her pussy grasping at me as she joined in my orgasm, both of our legs coming close to failing us as we pushed against each other in euphoria. I tried to spank her just one more time, but my orgasm was so strong I could not release her hips.

It felt like a lifetime of complete bliss before I regained my senses. Slowly I withdrew my cock and spun around to sit on the couch beside her head. I looked to her, “Sit with me.”

She moved quickly and nestled against me, “Thank you sir.”

I smiled to her, “I cannot believe how much fun that was.”

She gave me a wry smile, “And how much fun it will always be sir.”

As time passed we kept the secret of our adventures, and we quite often upped the ante on each other. Odd how you can explain how a bruise was formed by telling a completely different story. But now, our story can come to life, in a few months we will be wed, and I will claim her again that night.

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