College life spring semester 30

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College life spring semester 30.*******************After lab with Scott and Michael and a full of classes, the three of usheaded back to our dorm with great anticipation of tonight’s softball game.It was easy to see Scott was doing his best to put the incident behind witha bruised cheek and a few scratches on his arm. I said goodbye and hopedthe door with most of the crew crowded in my room.”Go grab Scott,” Kris said to me.I yelled at him just before he opened his door. He walked back and weentered the room. Jess was waiting on Scott and approached him withtearful eyes. He threw his arms around Scott, “b*o I’m sorry!” I couldhear the loud slapping of the backs while they embraced. “Scott, I’ve toldthem the story now I need to tell you.””Okay I guess if you wanna,” Scott stated.”Scott, I used you as an outlet to vent a semester of growingfrustration. It has nothing to do with the sexual aspect either. I waslooking for an excuse to justify why I was leaving here and found you as myscapegoat. I was too embarrassed to admit I was failing and was lookingfor something to get me tossed rather than face the facts. My grades arein the shitter so I’ve withdrawn and returning home to go to Junior Collegeto get my academics in order. I was telling them so I’ll tell you andMatt. Thanks for one hell of a year. I’ll probably be gone when you getback from your game but hopefully you’ve not seen the last of me. My plansafter a long talk with my parents are to come back here once I learn how tostudy. Scott, again I’m so very sorry for what I did. It was wrong ofme,” Jess said as seriously as I had ever seen him.”Jess, I forgive you. You scared me to death and… didn’t know what hadgotten into you,” Scott said with his face saying he wasn’t sold on Jess’sexcuse.”I was pissed like you wouldn’t believe at myself for trying to hurt you. Iwas really trying to hurt someone I considered a dear friend. I was gladColt was there. I drove straight home after that.”Scott stood looking at Jess for a few moments with the room silent. “Jess,we’ll miss you.””No worse than I’ll miss all of you,” Jess said. “Scott, most of all,thanks for understanding me the best you can and forgiving me. I stillfeel awful but it helps to know you’re so forgiving.””Jess, did you need any help now?” Kris asked. “We can’t stop you now butthe least we can do is help you out.””I guess you could. It would make it much faster,” Jess replied.In no time with all of us helping Jess was packed. There were a few laughsand a few tears but mostly hugs before we stood and watched Jess driveaway.”Now we have a vacant slot for next semester,” Colt stated while we walkedaway.”Damn dude, Jess is barely out of the parking lot and here you are worryingabout his spot next semester,” Bryson said.”Scott, is there any way Juan would do it?” Kris asked.”You didn’t hear this from me but I’m not sure he’s returning full time.He’s talking about getting a place and going part time here while he worksfull time,” Scott replied.”Sorry to hear that but let’s worry about this later,” Corey said. “We havea game to win tonight.””Man, I’ll miss Jess,” Kris commented while we entered.”We all will but that happens when you don’t study like you should,” I saidand directed to Kris more than anyone.Our game that night was rather historic. I not only got one hit but gottwo hits. After I got on base the first time, I didn’t know what to do andran as soon as the ball was hit. The problem there was it was a fly ball.My next time on base I waited until Alex, our first base coach, told me togo. I made it to second on a hit by Bryson then scored when Garrett hitone to the fence with Bryson on my heels. We did win the game but just bytwo runs. For the first time, the game was fun for me and got to feel apart of a team.Back at the dorms, Jess appeared to have made a nice impression oneveryone. Instead of congregating in a room, we split off to study. Ididn’t have much since I was loaded down the week before. Sitting at mycomputer, it hit me that I needed to start a project in my business classwith my partner, Shawn. I called and found he was eager to get started.To not bother Kris, I headed up two flights to Shawn’s room.His door, a third of the way down the hall, was ajar. I knocked and wastold to enter. Shawn was sitting on his bed in a tee and shorts. Beforewe buckled down, we had a nice talk about our class then college. Eachtime I ventured out it became clearer how lucky I had been with our floor.Shawn knew very few on his floor even after living there for nearly a year.He had friends around campus but none in the dorm plus he had a steadygirlfriend too. We got down to the reason I had came. We interjectedideas until settling on one that sounded great. Our job was to create abusiness scenario and its workings. We ended up choosing a retail businessand brainstormed until we decided to call it a night.I said goodbye and left his room. I did invite him to stop by if he everfelt like it. He said he might do that when he was away from hisgirlfriend and bored.Opening the door, Kris, Colt, Bryson and Corey were gathered around a boxsitting on Kris’s bed with Garrett sitting in my desk chair.”I see everyone got bored with studying,” I stated.”Yeah,” Corey said turning his head. “Come look at what Jess left us.”Garrett was rolling his eyes. “Matt, it’s like these guys have never seenporn before.””Garrett, we have but there’s more than porn in here,” Kris said, liftinghis head and spitting into a bottle. “There’s all kind of shit in here.”Corey pulled out a black dildo. “Matt, they cast your dick with this bigthing.””More like Garrett,” Bryson bursa escort joked.”I’ll just say it. Jess was a fucking freak,” Colt said and spit.”No doubt what he was doing instead of studying,” Bryson said, lifting outa hand full of DVDs. “He was obsessed.”Kris shoved the box my way for me to take a look. It was an array ofmovies along with dildos, butt plugs, lube and other sex toys. I grabbed afew on the bottom. “No doubt Jess was really bi,” I stated, holding upfour twink bareback movies.Corey snatched them from my hand. “Wow, he was. These are hardcore.””All of it is,” Colt said.After sorting through the box, we kicked back as usual with the others whatthey called studied out. We started tossing about ideas to fill Jess’sspot for the next year but couldn’t come up with anyone we knew would blendin.Once in bed about one, Kris leaned over to me. “Now I wonder who is nextto leave us?””You never know. Jess stated his grades last semester weren’t so hot. Iwonder if there was something brewing between him and Scott.””I don’t know or care really but what a lousy way to end his year with us.Why didn’t he just man up and leave instead of trying to throw the blame onsomeone else?””My guess is he was so far down with his grades and so embarrassed hethought it was his only way to get out of here.””Matt, there’s another reason why I’m sticking with you. If say I was tomove off in an apartment like I had planned in my little head, I could verywell be in that same situation…””Yeah but I hope you’d handle it better. Kris, if it ever does, you doknow there are tutors around here to help you out.”Kris laughed, “I know. They don’t want us to fail and lose that fuckingtuition money.”I smiled, “They realize some people are over their head just a little.Jess should have sought one out in hind sight.””Well maybe he’ll get his shit together and come back.””b*o, I’m not holding my breath on that.””Hey before you got here, we did talk about going camping not this weekendbut the next. How does that sound?”I rolled my eyes, “Really great. Corey opened his big mouth.””We’ll let you two lovers camp away from us,” Kris said.”If we do, let’s keep it normal as we can.””Yeah, I guess.””You guess? Kris, did you really deep down enjoy messing around withguys?””Matt, just between us roomies, I did. I shouldn’t be like this but I am.Not that I’m turning gay or anything but it was fun for a change. Youknow… ummm… like sledding instead of skiing when you’re a pro.””I’ll stick to skiing,” I laughed at his analogy.”So you think there’s something wrong with me exploring things with guys?You and … fucking started it.””No but it’s not really the Kris I know.””I’m beginning to really wonder who I am. It sucks ass, too. Oh I wascurious about what you did and saw it a few times but I never thought I’dactually do it. Once I let go, it wasn’t that bad. It’s all just so damnconfusing. I see a girl and wonder what she’s like naked or in bed.””What do you see now with guys?” I asked.”Are you as fucked up as I am right now?” Kris laughed. “I don’t see themas sex objects. However, I do admire a few here and there, especially atthe Rec Center.””You need to look in the mirror. You can get enough admiring to last you,b*o.””I am hot but you can’t rest on today or it’ll turn to fat in a heartbeat,”Kris said.”Kris, deep down does it have anything to do with your brother?” I askedand didn’t ever speak of his brother.He was biting his lower lip, “I don’t wanna talk about that. You knowthat.””Alright. I’ll see ya in the morning,” I said. I rolled to my side andknew I may have gone too far in bringing Nathan’s name up.Tuesday started with my class with Hayden. He knew full well about Jessfrom Scott. Instead, I wanted to delve into what was really going onbetween him and Scott. I wasn’t able to get into before class so I waiteduntil afterwards.He began, “Scott did come over to break up with me so he could have therest of the semester and summer free. Matt, I love Scott way too much tolet him end it. I’ve been talking to a counselor here and really trying tofind a way to tell my parents I’m gay. I’m nineteen now and can handle theconsequences…””True but when is that time coming?” I asked while we walked.”Very soon, trust me. It’s about to eat me alive. I can’t go through thisany longer,” Hayden said and pointed to a few zits on his face. “See this.It is because I’m so stressed out over all this shit.””Hayden, I’ll help in any way I can.””Thanks, I appreciate that. I’ll see ya later.”Walking into my next class was different without Jess occupying his spotamong Scott, Kris and I. To start the class, we were given a pop test.Kris nudged me and said thanks.While grabbing something to eat, someone grabbed me by the back of myshirt. Shawn was standing there with his girlfriend. They invited me tojoin them to eat. His girlfriend, Terra, was very friendly and so easy totalk with. I could see why Shawn was very attracted to her besides hercute looks.”Matt, are you dating anyone right now?” Terra asked me out of the blue.”Actually I am,” I replied.”You didn’t tell me that last night when we were talking,” Shawn stated.”You never asked,” I said.”Oh well, if not I had someone perfect for you,” Terra said with a smile.”If anything happens, let Shawn know. I’ll set you two up.””Okay,” I said and was ready for the conversation to change.Throwing away our lunch trash, Shawn asked, “Matt, if you’re not busy, weshould finish our project while it’s still fresh in our heads.””Ummm… sounds great to me,” I said.”Will your girlfriend care?””No,” I replied. Shawn bid his bursa escort bayan girl farewell with her leaving to attendanother class. We were walking back to the dorm. Kris spotted me and camestraight my way.”Fuck yeah, no class for my ass,” Kris said. “He didn’t show up today.””That’s great, Kris. Shawn, excuse my vulgar roommate but this is Kris,” Isaid.”Cool to meet ya, dude,” Shawn said.”Matt, does Corey know about this?” Kris said and started laughing.I wanted to crawl in a hole. I didn’t just come out to everyone I knew.”No but we’re just working on a project for my class.””Have fun then. I’ll going to work out if anyone else is around,” Krisstated. “Lil bitches need to stop being pussies.””Kris, show a little respect, why don’t ya?” I stated flustered.”It’s cool, Matt,” Shawn said.At our floor, Kris said, “I won’t tell Corey if I see him.”Shawn and I continued up the stairs. He commented, “This is my workoutevery day.””I’m sorry about Kris.””It’s nothing I haven’t heard or said before.””Okay. I was afraid you were religious.”Shawn laughed, “Get the fuck out!”We entered his room with still no sign of a roommate. Shawn commented thathis roommate was never seen since he was dating a girl that lived in anapartment. He pulled open the closet to show very few clothes.”So who is Corey or do I have to ask?”Quietly, “My boyfriend.””I see. There’s no shame in that. My cousin who is like a brother to mejust came out over the Christmas holiday.””So how did your family react to that?””Mom was okay with it. My dad was killed overseas in the military when Iwas twelve. That’s when I lost my so called religion you might say. Mysister lost her fucking mind along with her religion.””I’m very sorry I even mentioned it. Please forgive me.””If you’ll forgive me for asking about your boyfriend,” Shawn said. “Icould see you didn’t want to tell me.””Shawn, I’m gay but I don’t go around announcing it. When someone has thenerve to ask, I don’t deny it.””I can’t blame you there. There are some that wanna make your life hellbut I don’t guess your roommate is that way.””Nope, he’s the best but he’s… straight,” I said.”Man, you got lucky in that draw, huh?””No, we were best friends before we got here.””That dude is a good guy. So are you ready to start where we left off?”I nodded in agreement. In no time, we were finished with our project withhis printer running full speed to print out our presentation.”Glad that is over and done with,” he stated.”I am too,” I said. “I guess I’ll run and see what trouble Kris is into.””That’s cool… thanks! I’m glad I picked you for a partner on this.””Me too. Now that you’ve meet Kris you need to stop by sometime.””You care if I follow you down? I don’t have much going with Terra doingher thing for a while today. All I’d do is take a nap and then not sleeptonight.””Sure, follow me,” I said.”Let me change right quick.” He took off his shirt. His body was thinwith his ribs showing and a little patch of hair on his chest. He threw atee over his hair and grabbed his phone. “Just in case she calls.”Opening my door, Kris was in the room with Colt, Scott and Bryson. Theywere kicked back with Kris, Colt and Bryson’s lip full. “Hey guys, this isShawn. He wanted to hang with us while his girlfriend is busy.”My friends stood and introduced themselves. “Way to put that girlfriend inthere,” Kris said.”Kris, I wish you’d keep your fucking mouth closed,” I said and was pissed.”He knew, right?” Kris asked.”He does now thanks to your big mouth,” I said.”It’s cool. I have a close cousin that is gay,” Shawn said.”My brother is,” Scott blurted out.”And so are you, bitch,” Colt said. I could hear Shawn laughing. “What’sso funny, dude?””Y’all just say whatever pops in your head and don’t care what it is,”Shawn said after catching his breath. “I can already tell just one minutehere y’all are some cool ass dudes.””The best!” Bryson said.”Wanna dip?” Colt offered.”Nah… on second thought, sure. I haven’t had one since my junior yearplaying baseball,” Shawn replied. Colt tossed him the can. He packed itjust how Colt always did and threw one in his lip.”Wanna hear something funny? We got Matt to take one,” Kris said.”That’s not funny,” Shawn said.”You don’t know him,” Kris said.”Throw me that damn can,” I said. “I don’t know how many times I have to dothis to prove this is not a something only straight guys can do.””Show me another gay guy that does and I’ll kiss your ass in the middle ofthe hall,” Kris said.I grabbed the can and threw a little pinch between my lip.”Y’all are going to have to tell me the secret around here,” Shawncommented.”What secret is that?” Bryson said.”How did you get so bowed up? I try everything but my ass can’t gainweight for shit,” Shawn said.Kris started laughing, “Matt, he’s a perfect fit. Dude, I make them workout…””No shit, Hercules,” Shawn said and seemed so relaxed.”Kris makes us go with him,” Bryson stated.”No I don’t,” Kris said.”Dude, you almost cried today when I said I was tired,” Bryson stated.”Yeah, you were begging us to go,” Scott said.”I hate working out alone,” Kris said.”Kris is Mr. Social if you haven’t gathered that,” Colt said to Shawn.”Nothing wrong with that…” Shawn said.”Back at ya, bitches!” Kris said.”I bet I don’t know three guys on my floor but then again I don’t put forththe effort maybe like I should,” Shawn said.”I know where you’re coming from. Kris practically grabbed me and made mebe join in,” Bryson stated.”Excuse me but that was me,” I said.”Yeah, it was Matt who d**g you and Garrett down here just like he didShawn there,” Kris said.”No, I asked escort bursa to come,” Shawn stated.We sat around and continued to chat like we always did. Shawn appeared tobe very entertained and enjoying our chatter. We did have to fill him inon some hall stuff as well as a few details of our spring break trip.Shawn hung around and got to meet a majority of the guys when he went withus to eat later.At around 8, Shawn’s phone began ringing. It was his girlfriend so hestood to leave.”Booty call, huh?” Kris asked.”I wish it was,” Shawn replied.”Stop back by anytime,” Colt said.”Trust me, I will do that. All of y’all are a trip. I had the best timeand haven’t laughed this much in a long time,” Shawn said at the door.”See ya,” I said.Shawn was barely out the door when Corey came inside my room. He didn’thave that normal smile or upbeat attitude when he entered.”I’m about fucking sick of that damn Rec Center!” Corey busted out. “Here Iask for one weekend off and get shot the fuck down!””Quit then,” Bryson said.”I was this close to telling them,” Corey said holding up his fingers. “Iwould have if I didn’t need the cash.”I reached over and gave him a big hug. “Corey, you might wanna watch Mattthere now. He brought this cute guy down today,” Kris stated.”Cute? You said cute, Kris,” Colt said.Kris shrugged his rounded shoulders, “I guess he was.””Corey, it was this guy that lives here and I had a project to do with inmy business class…” I said.”He may be like Kris now and likes both,” Colt said and laughed.I could see Kris boiling and doing his best to control his temper. “Tellme straight boys, who doesn’t like both?” There were the proverbialcrickets in the room. “That’s what I fucking thought!””You got me there, alright?” Colt said.”Let’s just drop it,” Bryson said. “Colt was just messing with you,Kris. He knows far too well what it takes to light a fire under you. We’reall guilty here and can’t say shit one way or another.”Within a few minutes, the guys left except for Colt and Corey.”Kris, I’m sorry I called you out,” Colt said.”I’m sorry for overreacting like I always do,” Kris said. “Colt, are youstruggling like hell like I am?””Dude, between us four here, I really am. It would be so easy to have sexwith guys every night around this place,” Colt said.”No, it ain’t and I have a boyfriend,” Corey said.”You know what I meant…” Colt said.”No, I don’t,” Kris said.”If we just say the word, I bet we could get our dicks sucked every nighthere. Now that the so called cat is out of the barn…” Colt said.”Or bag,” I laughed.”Whatever, Matt,” Colt said. “I don’t see much wrong with guys having sexwith each other now. I did get great pleasure out of it, especially withyou Kris.””Go ahead. Kiss and make up,” Corey said.I thought Corey was joking but Colt leaned over and kissed Kris on thelips. “See what I mean. I could seriously make out with Kris right now,”Colt stated.”I would let you but it is just so fucking weird still to me.””It’s weird to me too just like us fucking on spring break,” Colt said.”Did you two really fuck?” Corey asked. “Be honest with us now thateveryone’s gone.”Colt and Kris looked at each other. “Yes, we did,” Kris said. “I don’tfeel so great about it now…””Me either but hell I’d do it again,” Colt said. “We were a little drunkat the time.””I agreed and didn’t know what the hell I said,” Kris stated.”Did it hurt?” I asked.”Fuck yeah, it hurt and stung like a motherfucker,” Kris replied. “I got mea little of Colt too.””Wow, what a night!” I said.Colt stated. “Yeah, what a night or nightmare depending on how you viewit.””I know,” Kris said. “Now Corey what this about your job?”Corey shook his head, “I asked off next weekend. They said I could eitherhave both weekend days off or weekdays but not both right now.””Just tell em to either let you off or you quit,” Kris said. “There’s notthat many weeks left in the semester as it is.””I want the job next year. If I quit now, I may not be able to have a jobthere next year. That’s what sucks about this.””Yeah it does but we’ll figure sumthang out like we always do,” Colt said.”I’ll see y’all later.”Once Colt was gone, I easily talked Corey into spending the night with me.I used the excuse of him needing me with his work troubles. That was truein a way but I wanted him. The three of us talked for a little like normalbefore Kris rolled over. Corey grabbed my cock and said he wanted it. Ididn’t deny him since I wanted him. Even though our space was small, wegot down to business.With Corey on his back and his ass aching for me, I mounted him and wentinside. He let out a grunt while my cock slid deeper. He reached to puthis hands on my ass. I leaned over for a kiss to clearly see Kris strokinghis rock hard cock. Being watched, I went into action to give Kris a show.I leaned up and slapped Corey’s muscular ass.”OOO fuck yeah!” Corey screamed.”Like that, huh?””Love it. Fuck me, Matt! Fuck that ass! Give me that big fucking dick!”Our skin was slapping together with Corey’s moans and groans. Between hisdirty talk and seeing Kris stroke his cock, I picked up the pace. My bedwas shaking and rattling. I slipped out a few times and moved to my side.I hated not being able to see Kris jack off but did find Corey’s hard cockto jack it off while I made love to him. I heard Kris moan and knew he wasbusting. It seemed to set Corey off as well. He grunted and released hisload. I had to pull out carefully and shot mine all up and down his back.”That shit there is better than any movie. That was fucking and somelove,” Kris stated.”Damn right it was. I loved every minute of it too,” Corey said and kissedme.”I proved I can watch and not join, huh?” Kris said.”You did,” I replied. “Did it bring back good memories?””Ummm… I won’t lie but yes it did,” Kris said.We cleaned up our sticky smelly mess. We talked with Kris for just a fewminutes before Corey and I kissed goodnight.TO BE CONTINUED

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