Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
He pulled in just ahead of me, dis-embarked from his bike, his large muscular legs outlined by his bike shorts, his eyes on me, connecting for seconds, long enough for me to wonder… would he make love softly, would he push me naked against the wall and kiss me with his pent-up hunger? I have never seen him before although I come here every Sunday.
I am wearing my calf length leggings and my merino wool black tank. My body is hot and sweaty from my run, my skin cold from the morning air. My legs tired and shaky, my hair damp from the mist and my sweat.
I am at my favourite coffee shop now, at the counter, tired from my week, exhausted from my run, hungry from not eating enough yesterday. I ran before my coffee today; I like the pain. A man passes by and says, “try smiling sweetie”. Anger rises in my chest and I am swearing silently about the fucking male fucking privilege of commenting on the facial expressions of other people. The good-looking Barista soothes antep escort my anger, she understands: coffee first. Cappuccino today.
Coffee. Paper. Chair. Sip. Open paper. Look up. The man from outside is sitting across from me in the corner, at another table with his friends. He is looking at me, talking to his friends, but looking at me. I drop my eyes. Coffee. Hot on my throat. I’m thirsty. He is tracking me, I feel it. I cannot help but steal a glance. He is so much bigger than me. I blush. I feel it. He sees it. I blush again.
Washroom. Breathe. Cold water on my face. I open the washroom door and he is standing there. “Have we met before?” he says. “I wish” I say. He moves closer. “I want to kiss you” he says. “Yes” I say. His lips land so softly on mine and the most delicate sensual kiss leaves me flushed and wanting more, wanting force, pressure, and hard kisses. He whispers: “meet me outside in 10”.
I look up and realize I am in a coffee shop. I like this place… what am I doing? What if someone knows me? Finish coffee. Check watch. 6 minutes. I go outside. It’s still early, the grass wet. Few people. He is coming towards me having changed into running shoes. Quads bulging. Big arms. “Come”, He says.
We cross the road, and he takes my hand. We are jogging across wet grass, past old headstones, between small trees to the edge of a small river. The sound of the water running across the rocks.
He gives me an apple. His hands on my hips. My pants are down, his lips on my vulvae, his hot tongue on my … everywhere… I am eating the apple, it tastes so good, his mouth feels so good, so so good, the sound of the water, I’m going to come, my hips move to meet him, he moves to the side and pauses, then starts again, and again I feel it… pause… again… each time driving me closer and now I am desperate, god. Take me… I am grabbing him… his large muscles drive me wilder… I am gasping. “I have protection, may I fuck you?”
“please, yes, please, fuck me, fuck me”.
He turns me, bending me willingly over a fallen tree, a sweater is now somehow under me to soften the bark, his cock touches me, just. He is behind me holding my shoulder with one hand, his cock just inside me, he moves slowly into me deeper and deeper until I am filled and I push back against him, he moves slowly and my orgasm rises again, for a moment I wonder if you can die from desire. His other hand finds my clit and I am writhing against him, he moves faster, I come and he is moving faster and harder, “fuck me oh god”. I hear the water, feel the tree under me, his hand on my shoulder, I am still coming, coming again… and he fucks me so hard and deep and I am just an orgasm, free and calling out my complete submission to his mastery. I feel him swell and his voice erupts and I am falling through space.
I lie on the grass, he has fixed my pants, I feel the earth, tears on my face and I am breathing fast… I think to slow my breath. Complete and total fucking satisfaction.
Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
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