Coach’s Conquests Ch. 07

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As the coach moved closer to the party, he decided to take another approach to the underage drinking that was going on: He’d confront them in plain sight instead of sneaking up on them. This, of course, would give some of them a chance to run, but if he appeared to be simply on a hike and not sneaking through the woods looking for minors in possession of alcohol, it might turn out better for all involved.

He left the miniature cooler of beer near a well-marked log, stepped out of the bushes and back onto the road and approached the 20-or-so teenagers. He recognized only one: Tamica Roberts, a black girl who was a senior at Lakeville. She was extremely popular, having moved to Lakeville as a sophomore. Her popularity stemmed from a couple different sources: one, she was the only black person in school, and people went out of their way to be nice to her; and two, she was hot.

She was probably 5-6 and very athletic. She starred on the volleyball and basketball teams at Lakeville, and although she wasn’t a cheerleader, she was always rooting hard for her friends during competition. Tamica’s wardrobe on this Saturday was similar to what she wore to school. In other words, she liked to show a lot of skin. She had never been sent home to put on additional clothes, but she had come close to crossing the line on several occasions. From her low-cut tank tops to her tight, tight T-shirts to her short skirts and dresses with slits up to the thigh, Tamica Roberts looked good — and she knew she looked good.

Today, she had donned a black tank top and black shorts, but Bret noticed something white tied behind her neck. He was hoping it was a bikini top. He imagined a tight white bikini on this black girl and for a moment found himself undressing her with his eyes. He didn’t think the student had noticed — she appeared to be the only one actually scared at this moment. Then again, she appeared to be the only Lakeville student at this party. Her hair, usually in antep escort cornrows at school, was tied up so her sexy neck was showing.

When the coach was close enough to speak to those who hadn’t run off into the woods, he stated casually, “You know you’re on private property, don’t you?” The question was addressed to no one in particular, but his eyes met Tamica’s, and he could sense the fear in her. Basketball hadn’t started yet, and this violation could land the senior off the team.

“Didn’t think it was anyone’s property,” responded a young male with a cute blonde on his arm. The male was probably a junior or senior in high school. Bret did not recognize him as a Lakeville student. The girl wore a stunning two-piece Navy bikini with gold anchors located in all the strategic places. Either she was quite built or the bikini was too tight. Bret surmised it was a bit of both.

“Well, I’m not here to rat anyone out, but this is private property, and you’re littering the place up with all the beer cans. Tell you what,” the coach said, “I don’t know many of you, and I don’t care to. Clean up, pack up and we’ll call it good, OK?”

Surprisingly, they seemed to obey. Several of them, the sexy blonde among them, started gathering the empty beer cans and beer cups; a couple of the stronger boys lifted the keg into the back of a pick-up. Two more began to take down a tent.

The blonde wandered over to Bret and stood so he faced her but no one else.

“You’re from Lakeville, aren’t you?” she asked, with a charming smile. “You’re the football coach.”

“Yeah, I am,” Bret responded, looking her over very carefully. “And you are…?”

“Pamela George…from Valley Falls. My boyfriend took me scouting to your game at Ford Junction last night. We play you next Saturday.”

“That you do,” Bret said, “and it would be a shame for your boyfriend not to be able to play because I caught him drinking.”

“I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want to do that,” the blonde said, adjusting the bikini top in a suggestive way. “Don’t you wanna beat us fair and square?” She smiled again and the coach nearly melted.

“Just get your stuff and get out of here and we’ll call it good,” he said. “You can pay me back for this later.”

“Mmmm, I’d love to,” the blonde cooed. “Remember, it’s Pamela. Pamela George. From Valley Falls. I’ll see you Saturday. I’ll be the one in the cheerleading uniform.”

“So there’s only one cheerleader?” Bret asked sarcastically.

“Oh, there’s a few more. But now you know which one I am.”

“Oh, yeah, I pay a lot of attention to the cheerleaders,” Bret said, again sarcastically, although Monique Sellars and her sexy body popped into his mind for a minute.

“You know Renee’ Timmins, right?” Pamela asked. Bret nodded. “She’s my cousin; she cheers for Lakeville. I stay over sometimes, maybe even this Saturday. I’ll let you know,”

Pamela said, smiling.

“Please do,” the coach shot back, and they both smiled.

“Well, then, I’ll pay you back later for letting us get out of here. Thanks.” The sexy blonde blew the coach a kiss, turned and sauntered away, her sexy ass swaying, the bikini bottom barely keeping her ass cheeks intact.

Meanwhile, Tamica Roberts had come closer and was waiting for the conversation between Bret and Pamela to end. When it did, Bret motioned the young black girl over.

“Damn, Tamica, what are you doing here? Don’t you know this gets you kicked off the basketball team?”

But the fear had gone from her eyes. It had almost turned to arrogance, or cockiness. Bret knew exactly what was going on. Once Tamica realized the coach wasn’t going to turn any of them in, she relaxed, knowing full well she was going to get out of it, too. But Bret noticed something else: This young thing was bordering on intoxicated. She stumbled once, caught herself and nearly fell into his arms.

“Tamica, how long have you been drinking?” Bret said while watching the others clean up and eventually drive away.

“Since I woke up, about an hour ago,” she replied, now smiling at the coach and checking out his muscular, tan legs. “We’ve been here all night.”

“I can tell,” the coach said. “What brings you out here? Aren’t the Lakeville parties good enough for you?”

She went on to explain how she knew many of these people from her former school, rival Valley Falls, and how most everyone who partied knew of this place. But they always had to take the road through Sandcreek since the gate near the cabin was always locked.

“We always try that way first since it’s so much shorter, but it’s almost always locked,” the senior said. “But it’s worth driving all the way around. Isn’t this an awesome place?” She accented the word awesome and again nearly fell into the coach.

Bret noticed Tamica’s 4-wheel drive short box pick-up and said, “Tell you what, Tamica. Come back to the cabin with me. You can sober up, get some rest and I’ll let you drive home the other way. It’ll be much shorter.”

He told her to stick around so she would appear to be the last one leaving. He delivered a warning to the rest of the kids that this was a place they should not visit again, and then he headed back to the cabin, ducking into the woods about 100 yards up the road.

A few minutes later, when everyone was gone but Tamica, he grabbed the cooler and returned to the campsite. They threw Tamica’s sleeping bag in the back of her pick-up along with the rest of the trash that the other kids had left. Tamica jumped into the driver’s seat, but Bret quickly followed, pushing her into the middle. There she stayed for the drive back to the cabin, her left hand on his thigh, massaging up and down, making him hard. He imagined taking her tank top off to find that bikini. He imagined then removing her shorts to see a moist spot on her bikini bottoms.

Soon, the cabin was in full view and he parked along side his Jeep. Soon, the imagining would turn to reality.

To Be Continued…

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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