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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32
Roxy was getting annoyed. She was a big music fan, but after a week of constant loud sounds barraging her ears from the apartment next door, she was nearing her limit. She loved her boyfriend Patrick, but his neighbor seemed like a fucking tool.
“I’m telling you babe, he’s not a bad guy,” Patrick explained, “I really think you should give him a shot. The music isn’t all that loud anyways.”
“Isn’t that loud?” she groaned “I woke up at 3AM yesterday to him blaring whatever that is. 3AM! That’s the middle of the night, you know!”
“Babe, I really think you should calm down. If you just went over and met him–“
Roxy flung her arms over her head, her ample chest shaking a bit in the process. Patrick couldn’t help but be distracted by her lack of a bra today and the corresponding two little bumps protruding from her thin shirt.
“I’m just saying that you might understand a little bit if you just went over and met him. When I went over and talked to him when I first moved in, he seemed like a bit of a free spirit, but overall a really cool guy” Patrick said.
Roxy sighed inwardly. Her boyfriend was great in pretty much every way; handsome, sweet, caring, gentle. They had met last year when she was a sophomore in college and had almost instantly fallen for each other. He loved her calm but firm demeanor and she loved his uncharacteristic sweetness. But sometimes, he could be a little too gentle and passive. He let things slide too often and left her to do the dirty work. And she hated doing dirty work. Despite her stern affect, she was actually pretty nervous when it came to confrontation and would freeze up easily.
Fortunately, when it came to males at least, she could always rely on the twins. The two firm, large breasts sat high on her chest, sagging in just the right amount that they jiggled a bit when she walked, and even more so when she didn’t wear a bra, like tonight. Roxy rolled her eyes a bit as she noticed her boyfriend’s gaze continuously dropping during the conversation and then sharply glancing back up like he was trying not to fall asleep in class. Or in Patrick’s case, trying not to focus on the way his girlfriend’s overly large tank top revealed flesh almost to the nipple when she turned too far to the side, or how her 5’8 frame morphed into two firm buttcheeks encased in a pair of her light blue panties.
Patrick sighed inwardly too, although for a different reason, and regretfully pulled his eyes back up to meet Roxy’s adamant gaze.
She paced in a line back and forth near his chair, lips drawn in a cute little line of consternation that he loved. “Can you please just walk over there and ask him to turn it down just a little bit?” she asked, a little more nicely this time.
” Babe no, we’ve been roommates for a week, christ sakes. He seems like a cool guy and I don’t want to become the neighbor from hell right after we got off on a good start.” Patrick shrugged a guilty apology in the heat of his girlfriend’s irritated face.
She sighed. “Patrick, if you don’t go over there right now and tell him to turn the music down, I will.” She gestured down. “And do you really want me walking over in this?”
Patrick looked at Roxy, hands on her hips, wearing close to nothing and looking hot as hell. He shrugged a little. “I mean, sure, if it’s really that big a deal babe. I told you, he’s a cool guy.”
She looked surprised. “So,” she said, sauntering towards him “You really want your neighbor to see all of this?” She bent over Uzun porno slowly and looked him in the eyes, watching them widen as they took in her dangling breasts and pink nipples, which had just become visible through her neckline. Patrick just stared as they swayed slightly, not making any attempt to respond.
“Huh?” she asked innocently.
“Oh, yea– I mean no, I don’t. But it’s plenty dark out baby. There’s no way he’d see anything.”
Roxy straightened immediately and mentally reproached herself for trying to test Patrick’s jealousy. He had never been possessive and that was nice, but it also felt like he wouldn’t really care if another guy made a move on her or saw her a bit undressed or anything like that.
“Fine, you jerk. I’ll be back in a minute.” She turned and stormed off.
Patrick stared straight at her cute ass the entire way until the door slamming broke him out of his trance and all he could hear was the pounding of Deep Purple coming from next door.
Roxy started to get second thoughts as she shut the door to her boyfriend’s apartment. Even though it was dark and the side-by-side apartments were secluded from the rest of the complex, she could feel her near-nakedness very suddenly as her nipples hardened in the cool night air. The tank wasn’t even long enough that it covered the crotch of her panties and there was nothing that could be done about her breasts. Their nudity wasn’t completely clear from the front, but any view from the side would almost completely expose them.
Jesus Roxy, she thought, it’s not worth it. You don’t do these things. Suddenly though her boyfriend’s apologetic but dismissive attitude filled her head and her mind once again filled with hot irritation. Stupid guys. Before she could change her mind, she crossed one arm over her chest and knocked heavily on the door. She could hear the music shut off and footsteps approach. The door came open and she was greeted by the sight of an inquisitive-looking, dark-haired college student.
She started to say something, but she noticed he wasn’t looking at her face. His eyes were drawn to her shirt, which she had unconsciously dropped her hands from and was now blowing slightly to the side. The slight sag of her right boob was apparent and her nipple threatened to show.
Before this could happen, Roxy gave a little squeak and recrossed her arms in haste.
“I –um—I’m so sorry! I came over here to ask you to turn your music down please. I mean tell. Your music is super loud,” she lamely finished, blushing as she also realized that the still silent guy in front of her was pretty attractive in a fun-loving kind of way.
He looked at her, a bit flustered too. “Sorry, I’ll turn it down.” They stood in silence for an awkward moment before he said, “Hey, my name is Jack by the way. I’m guessing you’re the girlfriend Patrick told me about.” His blush fell away, replaced by an open grin.
“Um, yea, I’m Roxy.” She was confused. This hadn’t gone at all like she’d thought it would. Jack was supposed to be macho and mean and wearing a wife-beater. Instead, he was muscular but a bit skinny, seemed nice, and was wearing a band shirt and boxer briefs. Strangely, she felt both at ease and more uncomfortable with the actual scenario. Still, she loosened her arms a little bit off of her breasts as she realized Jack was being nothing but friendly so far.
“Sorry, by the way,” he said, “I’m working on some stuff and music helps me think. Öğrenci porno I’ll make sure to keep it low from now on.”
“It’s fine,” she replied, finally getting her bearings and realizing she was angry when she had originally come to the door. “But we were trying to sleep, you know. So as long as you keep it down, there won’t be a problem.”
Jack raised his eyebrows in surprise before the sound of music suddenly filled the apartment behind him. He quickly took out his phone, murmuring something about Bluetooth and “stupid speakers.” While he was doing this, Roxy’s eyes took in his figure, at first only absentmindedly admiring his face and chest, but then startlingly stopping at his waist. Inside Jack’s boxer briefs sat a large, thick pole. It looked to be at least 4 or 5 inches, easily bigger than her boyfriend’s medium-sized dick.
Roxy gave a small gasp when her brain caught up with the fact that she was staring at her boyfriend’s neighbor’s cock outlined in his underwear. She glanced back up at Jack, but he was still focused on his phone, mumbling apologies as he fumbled with it. Like a magnet, her eyes were pulled back to his cock. She could see its head outlined in the thin fabric and a vein streaking its way up the shaft. Roxy imagined how hot it would feel with her mouth wrapped around it and her pussy pulsed happily and guiltily. As Jack fidgeted and mumbled some more, she heard the music turn off and tore her eyes away as he returned his phone to his pocket.
“Sorry about that. Stupid phone turns on randomly. But from now on, that’ll be the only problem you have with my speakers. I read you loud and clear. No more super loud stuff.” He smiled warmly at her and her cheeks flushed.
“Anyways,” he said,” you look like you were trying to sleep, based on, um—” he glanced down at her bare legs and tank top. As his eyes reached her now rock-hard nipples straining against her tank, his eyes widened and he faltered. “So yea, uh, good to meet you Roxy. Maybe you and Patrick can come over some time to hang out or have dinner or something.”
Roxy nodded her agreement and turned to go. As she looked back to say night, she noticed his slack jawed mouth and realized her turning probably gave him a near perfect view of her full C-cup breasts jiggling from the side as she walked. She turned back instead without saying anything and rushed to her door.
When she was inside, she exhaled heavily, mind still racing with embarrassment. But as the embarrassment faded, thrill and lust took over and thoughts of a thick, horny cock rolling out the side of Jack’s underwear filled her head and she moaned.
Her loving boyfriend barely glanced at her, sitting in the same spot she had left him and tapping on his computer. “Hey sexy,” he said. “How’d it go?”
Roxy, didn’t answer, but slowly padded toward him, stripping her shirt off in the process. He hadn’t noticed anything different about her sitting beside him until she dipped his mouth onto her nipple. He latched on in surprise and she felt his wet tongue circling her areola. Patrick had always loved her teardrop, model-esque boobs, fondling them whenever he could. But tonight, it wasn’t his tongue she was imagining sucking hungrily at her nipples or his hard cock that she was currently stroking through his shorts.
If Patrick thought it was strange that his girlfriend was attacking him with such intensity only moments after talking to his neighbor, all thoughts of it vanished when she hungrily ripped off his shorts and inhaled his 6-inch cock almost completely.
“Fuck, baby,” he moaned, “What’s gotten into you tonight?” Roxy responded by putting her leg over Patrick’s head, ripping off her panties, and lowering her dripping pussy onto his mouth. She assumed Patrick was fine with it, as she felt his tongue digging into her swollen pussy below her. His finger reached up higher and began circling her puckered brown hole, making her shiver with excitement and hum around his cock. She loved when Patrick played with her butt. He suddenly pushed it in up to the knuckle, the glorious friction making her mind explode with pleasure and she swallowed his cock completely, massaging just the head with the inside of her velvet throat.
Patrick gasped and circled his tongue around her clit, eliciting another round of moans from Roxy. She lifted up off his slimy dick and began to ride his face. Patrick didn’t have the best technique in the world, but she loved his enthusiasm as she bucked her gushing pussy around on top of him.
Patrick, holding Roxy’s perfectly round cheeks, remembered thinking that he’d never seen Roxy this horny and wondered where it had come from. Roxy meanwhile, grinding into her boyfriend from above, imagined that it was instead Jack’s cock that was lying in front of her. It would be hard as steel and that little vein she had seen would be pulsing as she took it into her hand before slowly slipping her lips over its warm head. She imagined Jack convulsing in surprise as she flipped herself around and shoved his throbbing shaft straight into her pussy.
Roxy grimaced with a bit of guilt, but it subsided quickly. I’m busy making my boyfriend’s month; It’s not bad to think about that. He wanted me to go over anyways, so its his fault that—Patrick’s tongue rounded her clit—he got me thinking about that dick, that fucking incredible—his tongue journeyed upwards—cock, springing out by accident, I would be so fucking surprised as it hit me in the face—it circled her brown little hole—his hands would squeeze my tits, fuck, and lick my nipples—Patrick’s tongue slowly slid into Roxy’s ass and she screamed—and his cock inside my tight ass like Patrick is right now, fucking me, sliding in and out of me until his beautiful cock throbs and pulses in my aching hole, and oh—Roxy felt the tongue and imaginary shaft building—and fucking OH MY GOD—Roxy screamed and unleashed a torrent of liquid over her boyfriend’s face.
Still shaking every second or two, Roxy ground her wet pussy into Patrick’s face, not having felt such pure bliss in a long time. Although she was exhausted, a sudden lucidity rushed over her and she blushed at what she had been thinking about. She reached down to Patrick’s still hard cock and slowly slid her hand up and down his engorged member. Calmly, she jerked him, occasionally leaning her breast down and rubbing her softening nipple over his head.
While Patrick was stiff below her, pinned by her wet cunt resting on his nose and maddened by the pace of her hand on his cock, Roxy was calmly coming down from the most intense orgasm of her life. She coolly built him up and, when she felt his shaft start to pulse, dipped down and engulfed Patrick whole, sending him over the edge. He surged into her mouth, forcing her head down even further as he shot spurt after spurt of hot cum down Roxy’s throat.
After he finished, Roxy pulled her Patrick’s softening member from her mouth with a plop, too exhausted to think about anything. She turned around and crawled up to lay on her boyfriend, who was already nearly asleep. As she drifted off to sleep with a smile on her face, she heard the slight sounds of Deep Purple playing in the apartment next door.
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