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“How do you like my big Black dick up your ass, Rosita?” Trevor Johnson, also known as Master Tee, said as he spanked her big butt and worked his hard dick into her backdoor. Face down and ass up, the curvaceous, plump Afro-Cuban gal was in heaven, with her beloved Master going to town on her like only he could. To really shine Rosita on, Master Tee gripped her long hair and yanked her head back.
“Aye, Papi, I like that,” Rosita Nunez squealed, as she continued to grind her big brown ass against Master Tee’s groin, driving his dick even deeper inside of her. The bed shook as Master Tee spanked Rosita’s ass and continued to fuck her, sliding his dick into the forbidden depths of her tight asshole. Rosita’s ass felt warm and tight around Master Tee’s dick, for he was doing her bareback.
Five-foot-nine, with long dark hair, a curvy body, big tits, wide hips and a big round ass tailor made for ass fucking, Rosita Nunez was simply hotness and femininity on two legs. The Afro-Cuban gal was nothing like the skinny white gals that most people in Ottawa considered the epitome of beauty. Rosita was a whole lot of woman, and Master Tee couldn’t get enough of her.
“That’s what’s up,” Master Tee said, and he pulled Rosita’s long, curly dark hair while fucking her. Rosita moaned softly, loving the deliciously hot pain and wicked pleasure that Master Tee was doling out like only he could. Brothers from America are something else, Rosita thought as Master Tee continued to fuck her. He fucked her just the way she liked it, and she couldn’t get enough…
“Harder,” Rosita squeaked, and Master Tee nodded, then gripped both her hands and held them behind her back. At the same time, he bucked his hips, thrusting deeper into her. Rosita’s shrill scream echoed across the apartment, and Master Tee smiled, for her screams were sweet music to his ears. I definitely like them island women, Master Tee thought with satisfaction.
“Ask and you shall receive,” Master Tee said, as he continued to drill his dick into Rosita’s backdoor like there was no tomorrow. Taking some sleek bindings, Master Tee tied Rosita’s hands behind her back and continued fucking her. He’d been wanting to bang the hell out of Rosita the first time he spotted her, walking around the Loblaw’s grocery store located on Rideau Street in downtown Ottawa. The Afro-Cuban gal had an ass like whoa, and Master Tee wanted some of that. Hence why he had to holler…
“Wreck taksim escort my ass,” Rosita all but demanded, and Master Tee laughed out loud, for there was nothing more than the mature Black male BDSM aficionado, originally from the City of Birmingham, Alabama, loved more than a true female freak. He went to town on Rosita, for he knew a real rough rider when he saw one. The things I’m going to do to that ass, Master Tee thought happily.
“Damn you’re a nasty female,” Master Tee said, laughing, as he pulled out of Rosita’s ass, after pounding away at her for hours. The moment Master Tee’s dick vacated her backdoor, Rosita squeezed out a loud fart, then turned around and looked at her dominant, smiling sheepishly. Master Tee grinned, shook his head and leaned down to kiss Rosita on the lips. Thanks be to heaven for nasty women, Master Tee thought, amazed.
“Yes I am, Master Tee, and you love me for it,” Rosita said happily, and Master Tee cradled her in his arms. They lay in bed, holding each other for a while, just talking and enjoying each other. After a while, they hit the showers, and left Rosita’s apartment on Cooper Street, heading to a nearby restaurant to grab a bite. Just another fun afternoon for the two of them.
“You’re a unique woman,” Trevor Johnson said to Rosita as they walked into the Heart & Crown restaurant, and she beamed at him, pleased by his words. They sat down and ordered, and Trevor, as always, paid. As a mid-level manager with the Canada Revenue Agency, the dual U.S./Canadian citizen qualified for an expense account. The perks of being a Canadian government executive.
When Trevor Johnson moved to the City of Ottawa, Ontario, from his hometown of Birmingham, Alabama, following a costly divorce, a few years back, he initially saw a dead end. Sure, Trevor had his MBA from Auburn University, but he was also flat broke and friendless in a new country. Nowhere to go but up, Trevor remembered thinking at the time. Fortunately, things got better eventually.
Things went south with Trevor’s ex-wife, a Jamaican- American woman named Mildred Conroy. There were things about Trevor which the Bible-thumping Mildred simply could not abide, such as his interest in the world of BDSM. I married the wrong woman, Trevor thought sourly. Mildred thought of BDSM as something evil, and Trevor felt just the opposite.
Trevor Johnson discovered the world of BDSM while attending fatih escort Auburn University in the heart of Lee County, Alabama. He’d gotten accepted on a football scholarship in 1998. On this quiet, vast campus, the six-foot-two, lean and athletic, dark-skinned young African American that Trevor had been met a most unforgettable woman, Professor Mabel Kenney, the first Black female instructor in the history of Auburn University.
As the head of the newly formed Auburn University Institute of African American Studies, Mabel Kenney was a formidable person, and in the fall of 1998, she taught Trevor Johnson a thing or two about life, and about women. Trevor remembered feeling intimidated by Mabel, for she stood five-foot-eleven, chubby but somehow sexy, with mahogany-hued skin, and short, kinky dark hair. She rocked natural hair before it became popular, and she succeeded in the lily-white world of Alabaman academic politics.
“Trevor, you’re a strong young brother, but before you lead, you must serve,” Mabel said to him during one of their first sessions. She’d brought him home to her lovely townhouse in the secluded Cedar View area of Lee County, where the average house sold for half a million. Trevor looked at the stately townhouse and found himself impressed by the place and its owner, who looked gorgeous in a Black leather skirt and Black tank top.
“Yes Miss Mabel,” Trevor replied, and Mabel smiled, pleased by his obeisance. During their first session, Mabel kept things light for Trevor. He was a bit surprised when the tall, foxy and bossy African American southern belle had him strip naked, and then bent him over her knee and spanked him. It stung, but also felt weirdly good. Bossy Black woman spanks Black man, how about that? Trevor thought, both turned on and disturbed.
“A lot of Black female dominants don’t play with Black male submissive types but I love my Black men,” Miss Mabel said, and after spanking Trevor, she ordered him to stand before her. Trevor stood naked before the gorgeous Black female dominant, and Miss Mabel checked out his package. Trevor smiled as Miss Mabel grabbed his manhood, and began fellating his rather long dick without another word.
“This feels nice,” Trevor whispered, and Miss Mabel looked up at him, flashed him a wicked smile, and then stopped sucking his dick. Before Trevor could say anything, Miss Mabel pulled a phallic, transparent object fındıkzade escort seemingly out of nowhere and snapped it on his dick. Trevor gasped in surprise, and Miss Mabel laughed, loving how shocked the young Black man seemed.
“Trevor, I like to put big Black dicks in chastity devices, if more Black Mistresses did that, the world would be a better place,” Miss Mabel said, and Trevor looked at the chastity device which ensnared his dick. The brother from Birmingham was both turned on and scared. Miss Mabel could definitely see the truth of that in Trevor’s eyes, that’s for damn sure.
“Alright, Miss Mabel, what’s next?” Trevor asked hesitantly, and Miss Mabel rubbed her hands together expectantly, then flashed him an evil smile. As the evening rolled on, Miss Mabel showed Trevor a thing or two, and the young Black man learned things he didn’t even think were possible. What really took the cake was when Miss Mabel bent Trevor over the sofa, and had her way with his ass…
“Trevor, I’m that freaky Black woman your mama should have warned you about, the kind of dominant Black woman who fucks Black men up the ass with a strap-on dildo,” Miss Mabel said, laughing. Without further ado, she lubricated Trevor’s ass and then pushed the dildo up his ass. The young Black man howled like a bitch as the dominant older Black woman began fucking him. For Miss Mabel, the fun was just beginning…
“Oh fuck, I can’t believe that I’m enjoying this,” Trevor screamed, feeling his dick harden as Miss Mabel rammed the dildo up his ass. The more Trevor’s dick hardened, the more pain he was in as the chastity device ensnared his manhood. He began to howl in exquisite pain. Miss Mabel laughed, and fucked Trevor’s ass like there was no tomorrow, until the manly brother from Birmingham actually tapped out and begged for mercy. Another one done, Miss Mabel thought victoriously.
“What are you thinking?” Rosita asked, snatching Trevor Johnson out of his trip down memory lane. Trevor blinked, and for a moment, he was unsure where he was. He looked at Rosita and smiled. Auburn University and the wild and unforgettable Miss Mabel were in his past, a full two decades from the present. Still, he could never forget her…
“Someone needs a spanking,” Trevor Johnson said in his deep, masculine voice, switching to his Master Tee persona. Rosita Nunez looked at Trevor and smiled, thinking he meant her. Trevor took Rosita’s hand and brought it to his lips. Yes, he loved dominating the hell out of all kinds of women in the bedroom. Still, even after two decades, Trevor could never forget Miss Mabel…or her strap-on dildo. The Black Mistress made this Black Master, Trevor thought with a smile.
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