Amber , I Ch. 01

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Her eyes were an amazing golden amber.

I faltered there for a moment as I looked down into them for the first time. I swallowed, and then managed to say, simply, “Wow!”

She laughed a little and smiled a bit, apparently accepting the utter sincerity of my reaction.

“I’m sorry,” I got out. “It’s just that your eyes are amazing!”

“Thank you,” she smiled more broadly and turned toward me. “You were saying something about the waterfall?”

“Not exactly.”

All around us was a lush evergreen forest, a popular park for families and hikers. A campground was only 300 yards off through the trees. It was the middle of the week, and there were only a handful of campers present. In front of us, after a sward of green grass and pine needles was a forbidding rock face rising up abruptly 275 feet to a ledge from which spilled a narrow waterfall down into a small swimming hole, popular with children in the summer, which in turn emptied out into stream that wandered off on its way through the forest at our backs.

I had come up from my own tent toward the wall and waterfall, admiring her form all the way. She was almost my height and slender, with perfectly curved waist and hips. Her dark hair was pulled back in a ponytail, rich brown waves spilling down her back. She wore a tank top and shorts… As I drew closer I admired the lines of her strong legs. She was also wearing climbing boots, and held a pair of black gloves in her left hand. As I stepped up behind her, I found myself studying the muscles in her arms and shoulders.

It was at that point that I spoke, causing her to turn toward me and look at me over the top of her sunglasses.

Now, “I said, ‘It’s beautiful, isn’t it?’ But I was talking about the climb.”

She cocked an eyebrow at me in curiosity. Her face was open and cheerful, radiant with the kind of glow that comes from a healthy lifestyle. Her teeth were white – definitely not a smoker.

“You’re not dressed for hiking,” I smiled. “Have you been up there before?” I nodded up toward the top of the face.

“No,” she frowned as she turned back to examine the rocky façade again.

“There’s a beautiful glade up there,” I said as I once again found myself appreciating the woman in front of me.

“Yeah, so I’ve heard,” she said.

“But, of course you know it’s not safe to climb alone. Is your…”

She cut me off, without looking away from the mountainside, “My husband couldn’t make it: last minute problems at work.” There was a noticeable note of disappointment and irritation in her voice.

“Well, I’ve made the climb a few times, if… That is, if you’d like.”

She turned to look me over. I assumed she was trying to get a feel for whether or not I was a serial killer or just an out of shape slob playing out of his league. I tried to stand there and not feel like an idiot for those few seconds before she said, “Well, let’s give it a shot. I came here to climb that sucker, and I don’t intend to go home unsatisfied.”

Interesting way to phrase that, I thought as I smiled and nodded, “I’ve found that starting over here to the left a bit works best.”

She followed me over to the base of the sudden incline. I looked back a bit and tried not to be distracted by my sudden awareness of her perfect breasts straining against her sports bra. I hoped my sunglasses concealed the way my eyes were admiring her body. “If we start up here and gradually work our way up slowly to the right, there’s a nice ledge about a hundred feet up for a break,” I explained, indicating the path I had in mind.

She studied the wall of rock intently, following my pointing and picking out her path, and then starting up without hesitation.

I smiled to myself in admiration of her confidence and followed after her. I spent the next forty minutes or so admiring her strong legs and behind while pulling myself up the relatively easy lower part of the face. Every now and then my attentions were rewarded with a face full of dust and gravel kicked loose as she climbed above me. It was worth it.

I only had to offer a couple of small suggestions to guide her to the ledge I had mentioned, where we sat and took a water break. “Nice view,” she nodded.

“Very!” I smiled. She caught me looking sideways at her, though, and laughed. “Don’t make me kick you off,” she warned, but not seriously.

I looked down, and said, “Yeah – note to self: do not piss the lady off!”

“Always good advice,” she smiled.

I was finding myself enjoying that smile very much. I thought about asking whether she often found herself traveling alone, but I didn’t want to make her stop smiling. I decided on a safer path, and observed, “I can tell you’ve done your share of climbing.”

“Thank you,” she looked at me squarely, “and you do a good job of keeping up.”

“I do try,” I said. “I wouldn’t want to be left out of the fun, after all.”

“The fun?” she continued to regard me with a half-smirk that was something between flirtation and contempt. She was either so sure of herself that she nişantaşı escort considered me no threat or was sizing me up for an indiscretion, or both. Her self-confidence was extremely appealing.

“Of the climb,” I smiled. “Speaking of which, why don’t I lead for a while?”

I had already begun pulling myself upward before she said, “Oh, it’s my turn to admire your ass, then, eh?”

I actually blushed a little – she was definitely getting to me, as if that was at all difficult. I laughed and grinned down at her, “Just be careful and do try to keep up.”

She snorted derisively and started up after me. This stretch of the climb was considerably harder, and it took us an hour to get another hundred and fifty feet. I doubted that she spent much time looking at my butt, before we reached our next resting place. This was a tight crack in the wall, where we could sit wedged snugly facing outward. Though we fit side-by-side, we were pressed against each other with little room to spare. Any thoughts of mischief that might have been entertained by my horny male brain were silenced by the precarious nature of our perch.

The exertion of the climb had cut down on the small talk. I looked over at her. The morning was warming quickly, and our physical labor had certainly heated us up. Her tanned skin was covered in silvery drops of sweat, and dust was everywhere. Underneath it all, though, she was radiant. She was a marvelous woman, an athletic creature and palpably sexy. She noticed I wasn’t looking out at the view before us, but at her. She smiled at me then, and I noticed that the sardonic edge had gone. I knew she was reading my mind at that moment, and didn’t mind. I grinned happily at her, and then said, “It’s only a bit further. Ready?”

“Lead on,” she nodded.

I obliged, hauling myself up the last stretch of craggy stone. She followed closely, careful to watch the hand and foot holds I used. At the top of the ascent I pulled up over the lip and turned around to offer her my hand. She reached up and we clasped wrists as I pulled her up to join me. After she rose to her feet, surprisingly gracefully after all her hard work, there was a brief moment when we stood face to face at the top of that cliff face. I was looking down into her smiling, sweaty, glowing face, and she was looking back at me, our bodies were separated by no more than inch apart, and I felt my heart pounding in my chest.

Then she noticed where she was.

“Oh, god!” She breathed. I stood aside so she could look at the green shelf we had attained. Falling down a series of steep cliff-faces three streams poured into a pond just off center of the shelf, which in turn overflowed at the edge as the waterfall we had admired from below. All around us, green, mossy vegetation and low bushes were taking advantage of the water present to make this a surprisingly lush garden. Two pine trees were even growing close to the pond, spreading shade out over the slippery rocks beneath them. The steep mountain slope guaranteed an almost total privacy, and certainly no one below us could see or hear us at this height.

She stepped past me and took in the shelf slowly, “This is just amazing!” Only after absorbing the idyllic park, did she look up at the mountain standing over us and then turn to admire the view behind us. “Wow!” she breathed.

“Nice, eh?” I grinned.

She laughed and turned around again, slowly absorbing every angle of the view.

I watched her for a moment, more than a little entranced by her almost child-like enthusiasm, and, honestly, her body. Then I started forward toward the pond, as I said, “But the best part is that we can go for a little swim.” I stripped off my T-Shirt as I said this and dropped it on a convenient rock by the side of the water.

As I knelt down to untie my boots, I heard her come up. She asked, “Is it safe? I mean with the current.”

I concentrated on undoing my laces as I answered, “It’s not bad at all, even over by the fall.” I pulled off one boot and sock and set to work on the other. “To be safe, though, I stay away from the edge.”

I got the other boot and sock off, and took my sunglasses off to leave them on my shirt and stood up. I paused for just a second to decide if I was going too far in shucking my shorts, when she walked past me and into the water completely naked!

My mouth must have dropped open as I watched her firm butt while she waded in. Luckily I had yanked it closed by the time she looked over her shoulder and said, “Yikes! It’s freezing!” I noticed that she didn’t run back out but plunged under the water, immersing herself in the chill. She stood back up – the water coming to just under her perfect breasts, upon which her nipples stood out stiffly – and said, “Are you going to stand there gawking all day?”

I almost said, “I was considering it,” but decided to just shut my mouth for once. I undid my shorts and pulled both them and my briefs down at the same time.

“Oh my!” she smirked from the water, openly noticing my rising erection. “That’s çapa escort very impressive, but this cold water will get him under control for a while.”

I started into the water as I muttered, “I wouldn’t count on that.”

She moved slowly across the pond as I got in and, following her example, plunged completely into the water. The water was cold, and definitely had some of the promised effect, but as soon as I looked across to see my beautiful companion floating on her back in the water, glistening breasts in the air, taut abdominals gleaming in the sun, and her strong thighs partially spread, I felt my cock stirring against the cold water. I moved slowly through the water toward her, noticing the complete absence of pubic hair. I swallowed, and moved still closer. Then she caught sight of me out of the corner of her eye. She smiled a little but didn’t move at first. Then, apparently thinking better of it, she laughed and splashed at me as she curled up and stood in the water. “Behave!” she grinned, and splashed at me again. She moved toward the far side of the pond, reaching up over her head to undo her ponytail. I followed her, openly admiring her naked body.

“But how should I behave?” I laughed and splashed her back, but not seriously.

She tossed the hair tie off to the side of the pond. It would be easy to find later. Then she turned back to me, gave me a wry look and said, “I haven’t decided yet.”

“Ah,” I smiled and took a step closer. She splashed me again and lunged across to my left, toward the water falling into the pond from above. Laughing, she said, “But at the very least you’ll have to catch me first.”

Grinning from ear to ear, I surged forward in the water, closing most of the distance between us in a single motion. She splashed again and moved back toward the little falls. I reached out and caught her wrist, but she twisted it out of my grasp. Our laughter bounced off the rocks all around us, only muffled slightly by the sound of falling water, as she fell and pushed back away from my amorous intentions and toward the water falling down the mountainside. She backed up against the rocks against the mountainside, where the water only covered their tops by about a foot. She found herself half-falling, half-sitting back on one of them, and a shower of water falling on her head, pouring over her head, hair, shoulders and breasts. She was still laughing as I won my way right up in front of her. In her backward sprawl she had thrown her legs apart, and her arms were back to keep her from falling further. I was between her legs now, looking at her, water splashing off her in my face. My hands were on her strong thighs, and moving upward. She stopped laughing as my hands grasped her waist and pulled her a bit forward on the submerged rock. She was still smiling though as my hands made their way up her sides, past her waist and up to her breasts. I watched her face intently, looking for any sign of objection, as I cupped her firm tits in my hands. Her lips parted when I pinched the hard nipples lightly, then a bit harder. I leaned forward, releasing her breasts and taking hold of her strong upper arms. My face was only inches away from hers, and the water was pouring all over both of us.

I moved forward, but she met me halfway. Our mouths met in a passionate explosion of wanton lust. There was nothing tentative or sweet about that first kiss. Our lips and tongues and teeth were immediately tearing and ravaging at each other. I felt her breasts pressed against my chest and her muscular legs wrapping around mine, pulling me closer to her. I felt her hand taking hold of my cock, squeezing it and stroking it beneath the water. All the while the cold, clean water fell down on top of us. I leaned her back, as my mouth moved down over her jaw to her throat. Soon my avid lips and tongue had passed over her collar bone and were descending over the smooth flesh of her wet breast. By the time my mouth had found its way down to her rigid nipple, she was laying back, my hands and arms helping support her, and the water was splashing down on my back and shoulders. I sucked her nipple into my mouth, raking my teeth over it and then pulling. She responded by tensing all over, squeezing my hard cock even tighter in the vise of her strong fist. Holding the middle of her back up with my left hand, I slid my right down to the small of her back, as I flicked my tongue over her nipple and then pulled on it again. When I moved my mischievous mouth over to the other breast, I felt her wrapping her legs around my waist. Her forearm was trapped between us; she would not release my cock from her grasp; and, I could feel her muscles flexing against my belly as she pulled and twisted on my organ, which was as thick and hard as I had ever known it, in spite of the cold water.

Glancing over to the side, I saw a big smooth, sunlit rock sloping down to the water not four feet from where we were, but completely out of the waterfall. I had a definite goal in mind, but I’d never manage it under this downpour. Without taking my mouth off her fatih escort delectable breast, I picked her up in my arms. Laughing, she quickly threw her left arm around my neck, and tightened her legs’ hold on my waist. I carefully moved her over to the big rock and gently sat her down, and then laid her back. Her wet hair spread out on the rock as I reached down and unwrapped her legs from around me. I reluctantly pulled away from her hold on my cock as my mouth moved down her body, kissing and licking water off her taut belly.

If there were any second thoughts in her mind, they vanished as my lips found their way down to her smooth pubic mound. She had spread her legs wider to allow me unrestricted access. I pressed my mouth against her, and then ran my tongue over her, tasting her own pleasantly sweet passion along with the slightly metallic taste of the mountain water. A low moan rose in her throat as I pushed the tip of my tongue between her lips. I took hold of her strong thighs and held them apart as my long, thick tongue slipped down into her pussy, which was already slick with her wetness. She pushed back against my mouth while my nose rubbed against the hard nub of her clit.

I slid my tongue in and out of her several times, using deliberately slow strokes. Quite frankly, I was enjoying the taste of her. I looked up to admire the view as she began to arch her back on the rock, thrusting her perfect breasts up into the mountain air. Eventually, though, I drew my tongue out of her, ran the tip of it up between her lips and flicked it over her clit. She tensed reflexively, and I responded by sucking the little button into my mouth, pulling on it playfully.

As I set to lapping slowly, purposefully at her clit, I pressed two fingers slowly up into her pussy. I watched as her hands clasped her own breasts, squeezing them and pinching her own nipples as my fingers pushed up into her and my tongue played over her clit.

Very gradually I built up the pace of my licking and sucking, while my fingers pushed in and out of her wet pussy. Her hips rocked underneath me. Suddenly, she was shaking all over and let out a rather loud shriek as her first orgasm hit her! I kept my fingers deep inside her as her pussy’s muscles clenched on them. I sucked on her clit as she writhed, following her with my mouth. The orgasm was hot and intense but it was just the beginning of what I had in store for her that day.

I basically remained motionless until the waves of ecstasy subsided, then kissed her clit, and slowly began to lick again. There was a subtle difference in the way my fingers and tongue moved on and in her now. I was exploring before, but now her body had given me its permission and there was a calm determination and authority to my touch. I pressed my tongue hard against her as I continued to lick at her. She began to respond almost at once, pushing back against me and murmuring wordless encouragement. She stiffened for a moment, but only for a moment, when I pressed one slippery finger against the tight little rosebud of her ass. As it pushed up into her, though, she moaned loudly and before long was enthusiastically rocking against my mouth and hands while my fingers slipped in and out of both her pussy and butt.

I saw that she was now twisting and pulling on her nipples.

I was turning my head a bit from side to side as my tongue lashed over her clit and my wrists flexed, pushing and pulling those fingers. Before long her muscles were pumping on my fingers and her body was writhing in another intense orgasm. There was no restraint in the half-howl, half-moan that burst from her throat. I kept my fingers inside her and her clit in my mouth while she came, but then slowly released her as she came down. As soon as I raised my face from between her legs to grin up at her, she managed to gasp, “Oh, my god!”

I thought she might be a bit worn out, but then she seemed to snap out of it, looking up at me fiercely with an avid gleam in her eyes. In a voice glowing red hot with lust she said, “You better goddamn fuck me with that cock of yours!”

“That’s exactly what I had in mind,” I smiled back at her as I moved up between her legs. She reached down to pull her legs up and apart for me. I took the shaft of my cock in hand and rubbed the head of it over her, smearing her slick juices up over her clit. A wonderful shudder passed through her body and I thought about teasing her a bit longer, but then I came to my senses and began to push the head of my raging hardon into her pussy.

“Mmmm, yeah…” she moaned, “that’s what I need!”

She was so incredibly hot, wet and tight, I thought I might come immediately. I pushed all the way into her, and held still until the moment passed. Watching her beautiful face intently, I began to draw almost all the way out and then drove back in, rocking inside her. I leaned forward a little and she put her legs up on my shoulders. I looked into her golden eyes as I worked my cock in and out of her, grinding my abs against her clit with each thrust. She stared back up into my eyes and pushed up against me. I felt her hands gripping my forearms as I pushed hard into her. We were grunting and moaning loudly and the water was splashing a bit on us. Thrashing and fucking in the open mountain air we were completely caught up in our passion.

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