Our Next Surprise Pt. 01

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My name is Lincoln and my wife’s name is Lee. We are both in our middle years, and have been married very happily for a long time. We did not have children. That included me having a vasectomy long ago as part of that decision. Lee is a beautiful woman, about 5’6″ and 130 pounds with nicely shaped C cup tits above a soft tummy which flowed through a furry box into a really nice set of hips. She is attractive and we have enjoyed a normal sex life over the years, being faithful to one another to the best of my knowledge. If I had any critiques of Lee it would be that she had always been very straight sexually, not prone to trying new things and always acting responsibly. Straight Arrow and very much routine I would say. We have been partners in everything: decisions, respect for one another with good communications whenever anything came up. I would not say either of us was submissive or dominant, just equals and sharing. We had worked out the routine where if one of us was stronger in an area they led and the other followed. It fell naturally that there were enough differences in total that we did make a good team getting through life.

Did I have any regrets? No, I loved Lee.

I did occasionally wonder if our sex life might not be a little better with some more imagination and variety on Lee’s part. However, everything else was so great it was a small compromise. She taught middle school and I worked as an executive. We had a nice home, a sailboat we kept on the Bay and did some vacation trips or travel from time to time. Our two borzoi sighthounds went to the pet sitters occasionally and were intelligent, furry and show champions. For my part I am a little over six feet tall, reasonably fit and trim for my age. Lee had always told me that during sex my prick was more than adequate for her, anything larger would have been painful, so my ego was always satisfied in that regard. I knew It was a couple inches above average from reading but not monstrously huge and was happy with that status. I loved sex with Lee, even if it was ‘plain vanilla.’

That brings us to the present and the beginning of this story about a change to all that which just happened Saturday right out of the blue.

We had a normal dinner social engagement with long time friends at their house last Saturday night for barbecue, conversation and wine. Beth and Al are their names. He taught at Lee’s school in the science department and his wife Sahabet was involved in a local company’s marketing operation. We met through the school connection a long time ago and were quite good friends. Beth is very attractive with what must have been 36 DD tits, freckles and a quick wit. Al is a very good looking guy who clearly is packing according to what Beth had shared with Lee privately and she had shared with me. They were also childless. Visiting, dinner and conversation had gone well when I found myself in the kitchen with Beth getting more wine while she finished loading the dishwasher and put a couple things away.

I was standing facing the counter capping the wine bottle when all of a sudden Beth was behind me, touching me with her front, her arms around me, tits in the lower part of my back. She spoke quietly into my back with her head laid against it, not letting go. “Lincoln, it is time for dessert. I know I have never done this with anyone nor have you and Lee but Lee and I planned this and tonight you husbands are going to kiss each of us, do anything you want with me while she does the same with Al. It is her fantasy and my fantasy and I want to do it all with you as she does with Al. No-regrets fantasy time and dessert. Are you okay with this, Honey?”

I was surprised and after touching her hands, waiting a few seconds, I answered her with a question. “Do you know how straight arrow, traditionally routine Lee is? Are you sure that she will go along with this, Beth?”

“Oh, Lincoln, she and I have talked about doing this for weeks now and you are going to be surprised. She told me one of her fantasies in life was to be submissive instead of equal while fucking a man with a cock even bigger than yours. That’s Al. He has a very thick uncut dick about the length of yours. When I shared that she almost had an orgasm sitting on the chair. I know it is all a surprise to you but we set it up so that there is a camera watching them in the guest bedroom where they are and showing, recording and the same for us in the master bedroom when we go there. Just pick this Ipad up and turn it on and we can probably by now see how Al and Lee are doing, Lincoln. You can see for yourself if I am telling you the truth..”

“Oh, my God. This is delightful but hard to believe it’s real, Beth.”

“Pick the Ipad up and let’s slide into the master bedroom and you can see for yourself while I Sahabet Giriş sit with you, we get started, then turn ours on for them.”

With that, Beth reached down for his hand, picked up the Ipad and led him to the master bedroom past the now empty living room, closed the door and sat on the bed, legs a bit apart, eyes shining and lips wet. Clearly, she wanted to do this and now so did Lincoln who was sporting major wood beneath his slacks looking at the v between her open legs and the black panties there.

She pushed the tablet towards him and he turned it on. When the screen filled there was an image of his wife, Lee, sitting on a bed looking up towards Al who was unzipping, saying: “Now, Lee. I am going to fuck you but I am going to do so after you take your clothes off slowly then suck my cock. The first time I am going to bend you over the chair back and take you from behind. The second time you are going to ride my cock on the bed like a cowgirl then I am going to eat your pussy after you suck my cock clean.” With that he pulled the biggest dick Lincoln had ever seen out before Lee answered: “Yes, Al, my master. Yes, I want to please you in every way, fuck you in every way.”

“Miss Lee, please unbutton your blouse and take your bra off so I can rub my dick against your nipples. Do it now, Miss Lee.”

As she unbuttoned the blouse and unhooked her bra then removed both to reveal her hard nubbin nipples on her nice medium sized tits she answered: “Yes, Al, Master Al. Touch my nipples with that big cock then may I suck it, Master Al?”

“Yes you may, Miss Lee. Yes, you may.” He moved forward with the wet, precum big head, and touched her right tit’s nipple and rubbed his head over it before moving to her left tit then centering it and saying: “Suck my cock, Miss Lee. Have you ever sucked an uncut cock before?”

“No, Master Al. But I am going to peel the skin back and lick it then suck it.” As this happened her hips were moving with growing passion for him. She proceeded to do just that as he took his shirt off and let his pants fall to the floor, all of this clearly audible and visible on the Ipad in Beth and Lincoln’s room.

In their room, Beth had let Lincoln strip her while they watched and she had stripped him. Her tits were huge compared to Lee’s and he alternately felt one and sucked the other with intervals of french kissing where they changed fluids in each other’s Sahabet Güncel Giriş passion filled mouths. Lincoln did not ask but rolled her on her back, felt her pussy and discovered a nice 1″ hard clit atop her vulva and blew on it, tweaked it lightly with his tongue then sucked it with a finger inside her pussy until she could not control herself and came for the first of several times. When she was done they reversed and she gave him a sucking on his cock until he was ready to cum. He spoke then to Beth: “Beth, I am going to cum but I really want to do it inside you. Can I come in your pussy now?”

“You better, Lincoln. I am one orgasm ahead of you already. I want you to fuck me, spread my lips then splash my insides with hot, white, creamy cum. When you have my cunt is going to squeeze you will we kiss then I am going to rub my tits all over your cock and balls and get your hard again, sit on your face then ride your cock slowly and make the next fuck last. God, you are a good lover, Lincoln.”

“Unhhhhhh” was all he could say as he enjoyed doing everything she said knowing Lee and

Al might be watching Beth fucking him as well as they were watching Master Al fucking Miss Lee. If fantasies were happening these were good ones with hours to go ahead of the two new couples for one night.

He especially enjoyed kissing Beth who was receptive, open mouthed, putting her tongue with his and drinking his liquids while sharing her own. Parts and liquids from each were now in the other and when he entered her and came it was like being connected in a perfect circle at both ends of the circle. This was a great fantasy for all four, both couples, not married for one free pass night. The heat of their passion was very warm, felt very good with her huge tits against him and his cock inside her pussy while mashing her tall clit to sensation after sensation.

He literally lost his mind, mentally moving into only what they were doing and the passion for it for a very long time, multiple times and ways. Beth joined him equally, pushing, rolling, grinding, moaning and cumming. The fuck of a lifetime in both rooms. One was total freedom with Beth and Lincoln and the other was Lee for once in her life being submissive to Al and his thick cock, doing everything he ordered her to do and loving it.

Would either ever forget this night? Lincoln did not think so and he could not wait to hear her describe her night as they watched the stored videos together. Each couple was going to get two sd cards with two files on it: Themselves fucking and their partner fucking their opposite spouse to relive the experience and perhaps think about what cums next! That would be part two!

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Lilacs in Bloom Pt. 03

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Big Tits

Kim Collins set an alarm for four o’clock in the morning, despite the risk, but it never had the chance to go off. She hadn’t slept, and when the time came, she quietly rolled out of bed. Greg didn’t stir.

The laptop was in the office just down the hall, and with intentional stealth she tiptoed out of the bedroom and found her target. She opened it up, shielding her eyes from the bright screen. The password… that was the trickiest part, outside of the secrecy. She tried a few combinations before, much to her surprise, finding success with ‘Collins74,” the same password that was used for their Netflix account. She scoffed at her husband’s recklessness, though if she had been the one to create any of their accounts, she would probably have done the same.

The desktop was littered with folders. She sighed and began to browse, looking for anything that could be used as evidence against him. As Sam had instructed, she looked for folders with unnaturally basic names. Eventually, she came across a folder labeled ‘Videos’ within a larger folder called ‘Extras from Work.’ Inside were a dozen or so.mov files.

Her heart raced. Was she about to see what she expected to? Did she even want to? She thought of Sam and knew the answer.

The first video was taken in a bedroom that Kim had never seen. She recognized Greg’s ass as it walked away from the camera. From within the scrambled sheets appeared a woman. Kim fast-forwarded through the rest, able to see the act they committed without really seeing the details.

She skimmed the rest with motionless persistence. The other videos were similar, with the exception of the location and the identity of the woman. Kim recognized the secretary from Greg’s floor in one of them. She shifted and bumped her knee on the desk, biting her lip to contain her yelp down to a whimper.

Feeling both disgusted and triumphant, she inserted a flash drive that Stephanie had given her and copied the folder over. There was no way he was getting away with this. She would get away with Nick and the bastard’s money.

Just as she shut the laptop closed, the office door creaked open.


The restaurant wasn’t busy at all, and Sam Murray’s pizza arrived quickly, much to his liking. A medium pepperoni, made by Lucia Russo herself.

“Thank you!” he called out into the kitchen. The response he got was in Italian, and Stephanie Russo laughed. “What did she say?”

“Anything for the handsome man,” she translated. Sam grinned sheepishly and started to eat.

“Happy Monday!” announced Emily Brown as she walked through the front door. Today she was wearing a black tank and lilac shorts, showing off her shapely legs. Her strawberry blonde hair was pulled into a lazy bun. She waved over at them, showing off her floral tattoo.

“Hey!” Sam and Stephanie called out in unison. Emily sat on the stool next to Sam.

“How’s business today?” she asked Stephanie.

“It’s one o’clock on a Monday, so… busy as hell.”

Emily chuckled and asked for a glass of water. Sam was on his third slice of pizza already. Lauren walked in, waved hello to the three of them, and went into the office area without other acknowledgement. He and Stephanie raised their eyebrows at each other.

“What’s in store for you this week?” Emily asked Sam. He had to swallow a large chunk of pizza so he could reply.

“I’ll be painting the walls of the new wing and applying the trim to the floors once that’s dry. Then I just have to furnish it all. Luckily the electrical and plumbing parts of it has already been done.”

“Who did that?” Stephanie asked.

“Amy had someone hired. I forget the name of the company; it was towards the end of her life.”

“Ah.” Stephanie paused for a moment. “I was just wondering because I’ve been rearranging some furniture at my house and there’s an outlet that doesn’t seem to work. I tried all of the light switches in the room and none of them turned it on.”

“I can take a look at it,” he said. “I may not have done my house, but I know some of how it works.”

“Oh! Well, thanks!”

Emily grinned. “Is this kind of like when I needed help with my sink?”

Stephanie slapped her hand while Sam let out a robust laugh. “Well, is it?” he asked Steph. The blonde blushed but gave no answer and went into the kitchen.

“What’s going on with you this week?” he asked Emily.

“I’m going out of town on Wednesday for an art show. I’ll be back on Monday.”

“Woah, that’s exciting? How come you hadn’t told me? Where is it?”

She laughed. “It’s not that exciting. Just a bunch of hipsters and rich people walking around critiquing and buying pieces for way more than they’re worth. It’s in Chicago.”

“I take it you’re driving.”

“Yes, I love road trips! So do my parents, and we never flew growing up, even when we went to California and Alaska.”

“Wow! You’ve been all over, huh?”

“I’ve been around.”

“You’ll have to fill me in sometime. I’d love to hear about all of your experiences!”

Emily Sahabet shrugged as Stephanie returned. “I was just checking on Lauren,” she explained. Emily shrugged again and Sam smiled through a bite of his next pizza slice. Emily reached for a piece, receiving a hesitant glare from Sam, but he let her have it.

“So anyway, when are you free to come look at the outlet?” asked Stephanie.

“How does Wednesday sound?” he asked. “I’m seeing Nicole today and Emily’s leaving on Wednesday so I thought I’d say goodbye tomorrow.” He looked at her and she nodded with a wide smile.

“Wednesday is great,” she said.

A customer walked in and placed an order to go, and while Stephanie relayed the order to Lauren, Emily watched Sam wolf down his last pizza slice. “I can’t believe you just ate that whole thing,” she muttered.

“It’s good! And I have a pretty big stomach.”

“But you’re also so toned!” Her eyes scanned his body. “How do you stay so fit with such an appetite?”

“I only have this appetite for pizza. And like I’ve said before, I work out a lot.”

“Still…” Her fingers ran up his arm, across his chest, and down his abs, stopping just above his pelvis. The waiting customer, a blonde woman, happened to be standing a little behind Emily and was looking with widened eyes. Sam swatted Emily’s arm away.

“Not in public,” he said firmly. Emily leaned forward suddenly and kissed him hard on the mouth. Her tongue peeked inside of his mouth but did so only to tease him, as she quickly withdrew herself. Sam blinked. “Okay, you can do that.” He swiveled toward the counter in attempt to hide his subtle excitement.

Stephanie returned and took Sam’s garbage. “So, you’re seeing Nicole today?” she asked him.

“Yes, after she’s off work. I should probably get going in a minute. She’s the early shift today and will be home soon.”

“Have fun,” Emily said with a wink. For a moment, it stuck Sam that, in some ways, the whole situation of having four partners was really, really weird.

“She’s only working a half-day today?” Stephanie asked. “I only thought she did that on Fridays.”

Sam shrugged. “I’ll ask her about it.” He gave them both a quick kiss and said goodbye.

He drove to Nicole’s townhouse and noticed that she’d beaten him there. As he walked towards her door, she surprised him by opening it to greet him. She hadn’t changed out of her red shirt and khaki work pants.

“Sam!” she said excitedly. “Come in!”

“Hey, Nicole! Are the kids home?”

“Rachel took them to the zoo. You’d think I’d let them be around to see this?” With a devilish smile she pressed herself into his body and kissed him softly on the mouth while cupping his tool. “I’ve been waiting all day to be with you,” she whispered.

He answered her by locking the door shut and resuming their kiss. He lifted her by her thighs and she giggled enthusiastically, taking his face in her hands. While his tongue dove into her mouth, he gave her ass a firm squeeze and began to walk towards her bedroom.

“You’re wasting no time!” she exclaimed.

“I want you,” he said firmly, shimmying through the bedroom doorway and lowering her onto the bed. They continued to kiss as he ran his palms around the outline of her figure. Even in her employee uniform she was sexy and curvy. “Let’s get these clothes off of you,” he said as he cupped her breasts.

She stood up and unbuttoned her pants while he began to remove his own clothes. After a scurry of flying garments, they joined together in a naked embrace. Sam cupped her ass as he leaned down to kiss her some more.

“I’ve been squirming in those clothes all morning.” She slipped a hand between her legs to feel herself and revealed a wetness on the tip of her finger. “Look at what happens to me at just the thought of you!”

“You’re not the only one who’s excited,” he said as he pressed his erection against her belly. She spat into her hand and began to stroke him as they kissed once more. As he nibbled on her lower lip, she inadvertently squeezed his length.

Without exchanging another word, they swapped places and he sat on the bed as she knelt in front of him. She pressed his hard cock between her soft breasts and squeezed them together; he watched in wonder as her skin engulfed his shaft and her tongue flicked across his crown.

“You like that?” she teased, seeing his expression. He nodded and brushed her hair out of her face while she lubed up their contact with more of her own saliva. At first in subtle motions, she began to bounce her breasts around his cock. Her fingers crossed in front of her tits and across his length, her maroon fingernails standing out among the skin.

On one downwards stroke his tip went into her mouth, and for several further strokes her lips teased an imminent intake. However, she then withdrew completely and smiled at him as her tits stroked him faster.

“Oh god!” he cried at both the physical feeling of her breasts and the torment of Sahabet Giriş her absent mouth. Her smile was terrific; she was as turned on by his reactions as she was by the act itself.

Sam took hold of her chocolate hair and lowered her head, forcing her cock free of her breasts. His length stood stiff and dwarfed her beautiful face. With a smile she took him in her mouth, her eyes remaining on his. He groaned in pleasure as she held nothing back, taking him into her throat as far as she could.

“You’ve been practicing!” he noted. She withdrew with a gasp and nodded.

“Every day,” she admitted. Her eyes flickered towards her nightstand and he wondered what was inside of it.

“Don’t stop,” he requested, guiding her back down. She took over two-thirds of him with each attempt, which was much further than she ever had. The way he showed his appreciation was through a blissful expression and soft moans of pleasure.

“You’re so goddamn big,” she sighed, stroking him rapidly before taking him in again. His scrotum began to shift in preparation for release.

“It won’t be much longer,” he grunted. He let go of her hair and pulled her up, causing her to squeal in surprise. As he began to turn her around, she understood and draped her legs over his head. Now in a sixty-nine position, she resumed her oral assault on his cock while he pulled her hips over his head and kissed her inner thighs.

The quick break had edged him and given him more time. Her smell was intoxicating and he couldn’t resist a taste; his tongue ran between and around her labia like a race car around its track. With his cock in her mouth she moaned, sensitive from her day’s anticipation. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her firmly to his face, giving her the choice of either continuing to blow him or stop to moan louder.

She chose the former, using one hand to stroke his lower shaft while the other rested on his thigh for support. As if a competition, they both dramatically increased their speed.

Sam’s balls tightened again and in mere seconds there was no going back. He nearly bit his tongue as he groaned between her legs. The moment his cum ejected into her mouth, Nicole convulsed above him, matching him with an orgasm of her own. Both held their heads and tongues still, immobile from the pleasure and tasting the other’s erotic fluid.

“Ohhhhh,” she exhaled upon regaining the ability to breathe. Sam let out a gasp as well, and she relaxed on top of him, his cock pulsing against her cheek. As he regained his senses, he noticed that they breathed heavily in unison.

“Fuck,” he muttered, his head falling back to the bed. Nicole kissed his cock lightly, whispering “thank you.” He laughed heartedly and lifted her off of him. Sitting on her knees, she stared at him and bit her lip.

“How much time do you need?” she asked. He laughed again.

“Theoretically, I could go again right now. But it would be so sensitive it might be more painful than pleasurable.”

The brunette pouted but leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. One of her hands caressed his thigh while the other stroked his beard.

“While we catch our breath,” he started, “I wanted to ask you… how come you did a half day today?”

Nicole groaned and rolled her eyes. “We’ve over-hired employees and they don’t have enough hours to give to everyone. So, I have to work a little less.”

“That doesn’t seem very fair.”

“It’s not. But it’ll be alright.” She sighed. “At least I have you.” They shared a smile and kissed. Just before their lips met, she wiped hers with her fingers to remove any excess semen, which he appreciated. Still, there was a hint of saltiness on her tongue, but he didn’t care.

“If you need help, let me know,” he said. “I’m serious. I can help you find another position or even loan you some money. Don’t hesitate to ask.”

Clearly, she was hesitant even to accept his gesture. However, she smiled and nodded. His cock twitched on her hand.

“Oooh, does someone want to make a donation?” she teased.

“Seems like it.”

He rolled over her and pinned her body beneath his. Knowing her favorite position was missionary, he wasn’t surprised to see her face light up and hear her squeal with glee. His length, having already dried since their sixty-nine, began to slicken again upon contact with her pussy. He spent some time grinding himself against her.

“Ooooooh,” she cooed. “I can’t wait to feel you fill me up with that hot rod.”

Sam thought for a moment as he continued to grind against her. “You know, I could fill you up in more ways than one.” She tilted her head. “I had a vasectomy. It’s safe.”

Her eyes widened and she nodded her head rapidly. Now that it had been spoken, he decided to get started, adjusting his cock so that it began to part her opening. She was as accepting of him as ever, and it wasn’t long before he bottomed out.

“Mmmmm, I can’t wait,” she moaned, wrapping her arms around his upper back to hold him tight.

He Sahabet Güncel Giriş started with a tender pace, enjoying both the emotional and physical aspects of their union. Comfortable on his elbows, he craned down to kiss her neck. Her legs wrapped around his back, and he felt the goosebumps. He breathed into her ear and nibbled on her earlobe, and her hips began to coordinate with his thrusts.

She attempted to kiss him back but found herself only able to moan into his shoulder. Their chests were pressed against one another, bound by his weight and a hint of sweat. Her sandwiched breasts felt good under his pecs, and he focused on that feeling or some time.

“Oh, Sam!” she cried, her hip speed surpassing his own. He sped his thrusts up to match hers, and moments later she orgasmed beneath him. He slowed, feeling the pulse of her canal around his length.

Once she settled, he picked up his speed, causing her to moan loudly again. Now all he wanted was to come inside of her and make her feel even better.

“YES! FUCK ME!” she wailed. As she begged him for more, he tried to shift up onto his knees for another angle, but her grasp on his body was too tight and she ended up coming with him. They paused for a moment to contemplate the new vertical position. Nicole shifted into a partial squat and began to ride him in small but quick movements. He supported her by holding her ass in one hand and her upper back in the other.

It was tiring for her, and quickly she resolved to grinding against him. With his cock buried completely inside of her, he focused solely on the sensations of warmth that engulfed him. She pressed her breasts into his face, and he did his best to take her nipples in his mouth while matching her pelvic movements.

“I’m almost there,” he muttered into her skin. He lowered her back onto the bed and grabbed her legs. Now he was in a position where he could really get some speed. With one final effort he thrusted into her with long and quick movements. It was all she could do to try and breathe between her uncontainable moans.

He began to groan as his cock began to tighten. “Aghhh!” he shouted as he flew past the point of no return. They shared one quick but eloquent moment of eye contact before he fell back onto her, emptying his seed into her hot canal.

“OH GOD!” she cried, her legs shaking through yet another orgasm. The feeling of having Sam’s cum fill her pussy was unlike any other she had experienced.

All he could see was black, for he had fallen into her hair and between the pillows. He remained on top of her for a long moment, panting and doing his best not to squish he too hard. Finally, he lifted his head and rolled off of her after she gave him a light and loving push on the chest. Between her legs was the evidence of their achievement, creamy and satisfying.

“Oh my god,” whispered Nicole. “Oh my god.” She twirled herself toward him for a passionate kiss, her tongue doing the communicating. Thank you, it said.

“Wow,” he muttered after she laid back again. “I’m very happy to have you too,” he said, regarding her earlier comment.

Her smile could not have been brighter, and it was imprinted in his mind for the rest of the day.


Kim gave Sam a call in the evening. He answered on the second ring.


“Hello, cowboy!” Kim paused for a moment, smiling at the fantasy of Sam in a western uniform. “I have some news!”

“What’s up?”

“I have evidence of Greg’s affairs on a flash drive.”

“Woah… so he was cheating after all?”

“Yes. He saved dozens of videos of his sexual encounters with at least seven women.”

“Seven?” Sam was taken aback. The amount of women was one thing, but the fact that they were all affairs sickened him.

“I’m looking for a lawyer to help me with the divorce.”

“Wow. This is… big. How do you feel?”


“How do you feel? You know, about Greg cheating on you.”

Kim paused. “I guess I’ve been pretty numb to it. I expected it for a while, and though it was still a shock to see the videos, it was more of a relief. I’m ready to be free of him.”

“Let’s talk soon. I still want to make sure you’re okay.”

“Thank you, Sam. I appreciate all the help, really.”

“You’re welcome.” They were silent for a moment, appreciating each other’s presence. “Have you told Nick?”

She laughed. “He actually walked in on me just after I copied the files. He was checking out a mysterious noise that was actually my knee bumping the desk. I told him to go back to bed but we had a long talk after breakfast this morning. He might not have shared everything but he seems to be relatively indifferent but also a little disappointed.”

“I bet it was a lot to take in.” Kim was silent but he could tell she had nodded. “I’d like to help out if I can. I’d be happy to pay for the lawyer.”

“Sam, you don’t have to-“

“I insist. Really.”

She sighed. “Alright, alright. But I’ll reimburse you if I come away with the money.”

“That won’t be necessary. I’ll see you soon, Kim. How about we get coffee later this week?”

“I’d like that.” He could feel her smile through her tone. They said their goodbyes and he hung up feeling light as a feather.

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Freebody Manor Ch. 01

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, events, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are over the age of 18.

This story is a sexual fantasy. It is not intended to be realistic or taken all that seriously. Just fun and sexy. As always – read the tags.

Freebody Manor Ch. 1 – the Interview

Lydia was quite nervous as she drove up the driveway of the estate. She’d been working for a local housekeeping agency for the last year. They had hired her on the spot, without an interview. She did mostly on-call suburban jobs and ordinarily had her car full of supplies. But not today. Today the company had recommended her for a live-in position with a wealthy family. She’d heard mixed reviews of such jobs from women who had done so and had no idea what to expect. She’d heard the pay was usually good, and that would be welcome in her current situation. It would be the very first interview of her life, at the age of forty-five.

Like a lot of homes in Cocoa Beach, the two-story manor had a Mediterranean style with beige stucco and a red Spanish tile roof. It had an attached, three car garage on the left side. The home had multiple wrought iron sconces that held amber lenses, and decorative metal scrollwork between the windows. The home sat on a ten-acre lot, which she knew must have cost a bundle in this area. It was fenced and the immense lawn was meticulously cared for, with live oaks twisting their way out of the earth around the edges of the property.

There were several cars out in a separate parking area, and surprisingly, her ten-year-old sedan didn’t look entirely out of place.

She got out and smoothed down her turquoise gypsy-style skirt and matching button-down blouse. She approached the front door and was surprised when a young, golden-haired woman opened the door and smiled widely at her. “You must be Jasmine.”

Lydia stopped. “Umm, no, I’m Lydia. I’m here for the housekeeper position.”

The lovely blonde cocked her head like a dog hearing a high-pitched noise. She was barefoot and wearing only a pink silk robe that barely covered her body, leaving her long shapely legs to be admired. “Hmm, I thought for sure I was right this time. Oh well. I’ll be right eventually. Please come in!”

Utterly puzzled by the silly but intensely attractive woman, she stepped across the threshold into a very lovely home. The floors were tile she was happy to see, and the foyer had a warm welcoming feel using deep earth tones and greens. A large print of a painting by Gustav Klimt called “The Kiss,” hung next to the archway into the main room.

“I’m Glori, by the way. It’s super nice to meet you. I’m sure you’ll be super happy here,” the effervescent young woman said, with a happy smile.

“Who’s there, Glori?” Came a husky female voice with a pleasant English accent, from the big front room.

Glori spun and hopped forward a step into the main room and looked to the right. “It’s a woman for the housekeeper job!”

Lydia stepped into the big room. On the left was a modern fireplace and what must have been a very expensive entertainment system. On the right was a plush leather couch and seated upon it was a beautiful mature woman who was naked to the waist. She held a baby to her left breast.

Above the sofa hung a beautiful large print of The Brunette Odalisque by François Boucher. It depicted a curvy brunette woman reclining on her stomach, revealing a lovely round derriere. It had long been one of Lydia’s favorites as she was a lifelong fan of erotic art.

Lydia waved nervously. “Hi, I’m Lydia. I have a two o’clock interview for the housekeeper position.”

The woman before her was just gorgeous. Her makeup and hair were perfect. Her dark chestnut hair fell about her shoulders in beautiful waves. The woman smiled widely and cradling the baby to her, stood and walked towards them. “Wonderful. It’s nice to meet you, Lydia. I’m Dana Freebody.”

Dana looked over at Glori. “Would you take him and put him down for a nap?”

Lydia’s eyes got wide as the sleepy child was passed over. She couldn’t help but admire Dana’s trim physique. She was wearing a red bikini with a lovely sheer sarong around her waist. Her bikini top had been folded down to expose her breasts. She was curvy with full breasts and a pleasantly round ass. There was still a little extra baby weight left from her pregnancy, but it suited her. The little belly pooch made her look even more warm and feminine.

“Also, would you ask Rudy to come in here, please?” Glori nodded with a wide smile and walked away carrying the child, who was happily sucking its thumb with its eyes closed.

Dana held out her hand and Lydia shook it. “That’s Glori. She’s one of my husband’s live models and part-time nanny. She’s a little flighty but a terrific person. She lives here with us.”

The older Sahabet woman’s bare breasts were incredibly distracting, but Dana never seemed to notice her discomfort. It was at that moment it occurred to her that Dana seemed a bit old to have a breast-feeding baby. Surely, she wasn’t much younger than Lydia was.

Dana took a step back and put her hand to her jaw as if inspecting Lydia. Her breasts hung enticingly with fat drops of milk leaking from her engorged nipples. Lydia’s heart was racing as she imagined leaning over and licking the droplets off. “You’re quite lovely. How old are you?” Dana said finally.

Lydia stammered. “I’m ahh … forty-five.”

If that factoid bothered her host, she showed no sign.

“Do you have children?”

Lydia nodded. “Yes, one of each. My daughter is in the Navy, and my son is off at college in Gainesville.”

“How nice. Husband?”

Lydia shrugged, “He passed. Last year.”

Dana’s face fell. “Oh, I’m sorry. Was he a good man?”

Shaking her head, Lydia replied. “No.”

Her host covered her mouth, hiding her sudden smile. “Well then, I’m not as sorry as I was.”

Lydia laughed. “Me neither.”

They both heard footsteps on the tile behind Lydia and turned as a handsome young man crossed the foyer, from another room. He was dressed in a white dress shirt with black trousers. He was tall, trim, and well-groomed with honey-blonde hair.

“Glori said you wanted me,” he said.

Lydia turned in time to see a shameless look of admiration on Dana’s face.

Dana chuckled. “Always.” She motioned with her hand towards Lydia. “Rudy, this is Lydia, she’s here for the housekeeper position.”

The man smiled at Lydia. “Welcome. I’m the driver for the family and I run errands and such.”

Dana touched him on the shoulder and motioned toward her breasts. “Would you help me with this? Junior isn’t drinking enough.”

The man smiled. “Of course.”

Dana turned and sat back down on the couch, spreading her legs suggestively.

Lydia couldn’t keep the surprise from her face as the man knelt between her knees, leaned over, and began to suckle at her left breast.

Dana looked down affectionately at the man, and let her fingers slide through his thick hair.

She looked back at Lydia. “Where were we?”

Lydia cleared her throat and met Dana’s eyes. “Husband is dead and neither of us is sorry.”

Dana smiled. “So, much housekeeping experience?”

“I was a stay-at-home mom and housewife for twenty years. And I have been working with Mobile Housekeepers for a year.” The sound of the man energetically suckling distracted her. She glanced down. “Was he … rubbing himself … down there?” she wondered for a moment.

Dana nodded. “This house is nearly six thousand square feet and has seven bedrooms and six bathrooms. A gym, formal dining room, this great room,” she spread her arms to indicate the room they were in which contained seating for at least ten around the room, angled toward or facing the entertainment center. “My husband’s studio, and the library.”

“You will not be responsible for cleaning the kitchen, as our cook, Stella, takes care of that. Nor my husband’s studio except to empty his trash.”

The beautiful older woman looked lovingly down at Rudy, as he switched to her other breast. “Rudy here, Glori, Stella and yourself, are staff and responsible for your own rooms. There are no slobs here. My stepdaughter Jessie has her own room that she shares with her current boyfriend, Dalton. You’ll be responsible for her room when she’s here and of course the master bedroom.”

Lydia cleared her throat. “Umm … laundry?”

Dana smiled. “Just my husband and I, and of course yourself. Maybe Jessie, I guess, but she rarely asks. We raised her to appreciate the lifestyle we have, but to still be self-sufficient. I’ll bet Paris Hilton doesn’t know how to iron her own clothes or cook a meal,” she said with a measure of pride in her voice.

Lydia nodded and was about to reply when she heard someone whistling. She looked back to the foyer to see a lean bespectacled man, wearing only a terrycloth half-robe. He was sort of strolling while making marks on a sketchpad with a pencil.

Dana smiled. “Oh Lars, darling, come in here and meet Lydia. She’s here for the housekeeper position.”

The man looked up and smiled at his wife. Lydia was shocked when the fact that an adult man was sucking on his wife’s tits, didn’t even register on the man’s face. He turned to Lydia and did a double take. He walked into the room and set the pad and pencil down on a chair without taking his eyes off her.

He approached Lydia slowly, examining her from head to toe. He walked around her as if he was examining a car he wanted to buy. It made Lydia a little nervous. His dark curls seemed unkept in a wild but not unattractive sort of way, and his hazel eyes seemed to examine every detail of her body. She felt her pulse race as he removed his wire frame glasses. Sahabet Giriş Lars smiled at the tall, curvy woman.

“I umm … I was wondering what happened to the previous housekeeper,” Lydia asked.

Dana smiled as she watched her husband. “Oh, she got pregnant. Decided to get a less demanding job.” She frowned slightly and looked at Lydia. “You’re not planning on having any more children, are you?”

Lydia started. “Oh heavens no. After Kim was born, I had my tubes tied.”

Dana grinned. “How wonderful,” she purred.

Her reply struck Lydia as odd, and she was about to remark on it when she felt Lars’ hand upon her shoulder.

“My dear, you are incredibly attractive. Would you mind disrobing for me?” he asked without any hesitation or shyness in his expression.

Lydia’s shock was evident on her face. “Would I mind … what?”

Dana spoke up. “My husband is an artist. He paints nudes.” She looked at her husband lovingly. “He’s also somewhat lacking in social graces. He once asked the mayor’s wife the same question at a dinner party.”

Lars was in his own little world at that moment. Lydia was exquisite in his eyes. About five feet, eight inches tall, she had large breasts and hips, with a round ass that would have made Botticelli weep for joy. She had a Mediterranean skin tone and deep black hair that was worn short in a style that curved around her face, to the edge of her jaw. Her green eyes were captivating.

Dana looked down and laid her hand on Rudy’s shoulder. “That’s enough, sweetie.”

Rudy nodded and stood up. She handed the tall man the towel she had across her belly, who wiped his chin with it. “I’m going into town for groceries unless there’s something else you need,” the tall man said.

Dana shook her head and rose from the couch. She saw the shocked look on Lydia’s face had changed to recognition.

Lydia looked at the half-naked man. “You’re the Lars Freebody?” The man simply smiled and nodded. Lydia couldn’t believe it. Lars Freebody was considered a modern contemporary of the famous artist of the late 1800s, John Williams Waterhouse. Freebody’s work was sometimes discounted by critics as it leaned toward the risqué and erotic. But that didn’t keep his paintings from selling for obscene amounts of money and prints of his work selling like hotcakes.

“I’ve been such a fan of your work. I have three of your prints at my apartment,” she said softly. She shrugged shyly. “Small ones.”

The man barely heard her. He looked at his wife, excited. “She’s perfect. Hire her.”

Dana laughed and nodded. “My husband is entering a new ‘period’ if you will. Like Picasso had his ‘blue period’. He wants to do more … Rubenesque women now, like Botticelli. I had a feeling he might like you.”

Lars was nodding emphatically. He pulled a cell phone from the pocket of his robe. “If you won’t disrobe for me, may I take a photograph?”

His face was so earnest and innocent. “I umm … of course. Please.” Lydia replied, feeling unusually good.

The man smiled and stepped to the side a few feet trying for better light before he took the photo. “Thank you. I would very much like to paint you. I hope you come here to stay with us.” Then he turned and stepped into the foyer again.

Lydia turned back to Dana. “My husband didn’t like my … figure. He called me fat. And I suppose he was right, I found it very difficult to lose all the weight after our second child.”

Lydia heard the man’s bare feet stop on the tile floor behind her, and she turned to him. “Nonsense, my dear. The man sounds like an idiot. You’ve a fine hourglass figure with ripe hips and bust; I cannot wait to see you naked.” The man turned again and walked away after picking up his pad and pencil.

Dana was tying up the top of her bikini. She then picked up her sunglasses and turned back to Lydia with a grin. “Well, I think we know where my husband stands on your hiring and I think … I think you’d be a good fit here.” She grabbed up a magazine. “Why don’t you take a tour of the house, and see what you’re getting yourself into? No room is off-limits.” She smiled. “There is no Bluebeard’s forbidden room here,” she said with a giggle. “Then go home and think it over. Call me tomorrow.”

Much to Lydia’s surprise, Dana stepped right up to her, and their breasts touched as she leaned forward and placed a light kiss on Lydia’s lips. Then she spun and stopped just short of exiting through a glass door onto the lanai. “And as for your salary …” she began and then gave Lydia a yearly figure before stepping outside and closing the door.

Lydia stood rooted in place, staring after the gorgeous woman. She could still feel the kiss and found herself strangely excited. The salary was nearly twice what she’d expected. Add to the fact that she would not be paying rent or a mortgage, utilities, food, nor commuting every day, it would be quite the windfall. With her late husband’s medical and credit card bills Sahabet Güncel Giriş outstanding, it would be the difference between just scraping by and actually having a life again.

The house seemed full of beautiful people who clearly had no personal boundary issues. Also, she had been complimented on her attractiveness twice in twenty minutes, once quite persistently. It wasn’t all that unusual the last year or so, but it was usually some barfly trying to get into her panties. But before that, it would have been a rare thing indeed. She was feeling extraordinarily good about herself.


Lydia began touring the house on her own, which she found strange. Who lets a stranger just wander their home, unescorted? She was pleased to find tile floors in all common spaces, and carpets only in a few of the bedrooms. She wasn’t overly fond of vacuuming and was happy that she’d only be responsible for a few carpets. The master bedroom was on the main floor along with the gym, studio, kitchen, greatroom, and formal dining room. Then, the guest rooms and the library were on the second floor. The gym was a large room with treadmills and other equipment. As she scanned the room, she noticed something before a large pair of corner mirrors. She looked over the apparatus that hung from a large pad-eye screwed into the ceiling.

She studied it for a moment before she was convinced that it was indeed a sex swing. The area around it, was covered with rubber mats like you might find in the wrestling area of a high school gym. The thought of herself trussed up in such a thing, made her shiver with arousal. Perhaps with that handsome driver, on his knees before her? She took a few deep breaths before continuing on her way.

She’d toured the upstairs and was about to leave when she remembered that there was a cook in the household. Getting the perspective of another female staff member would be a good idea, she thought.

She was just a few feet from the hallway to the kitchen when she heard voices. Her curiosity piqued, she stopped at the doorway to see an attractive black woman slicing strips of chicken or pork at an island counter. Rudy was speaking to her earnestly.

“Please Stella. You know how I get when she has me relieve the pressure in her tits,” said Rudy.

Stella waved her knife as she spoke. “I do not have time. Go find Glori.”

“She’s in the studio with …” he began before pausing when he spotted Lydia.

Stella looked up as well. “Oh, come in, my dear. I’m glad you’ve stopped by.” The woman had a broad welcoming smile. “Do you like fajitas, sweetie? I’m cutting up chicken for some tonight.”

She remembered Rudy’s presence and smiled even wider, “Maybe you can help Rudy with his present condition.”

Lydia stepped into the kitchen perplexed, but ready to introduce herself. Rudy stepped around the edge of the counter and Lydia gasped when she saw that he was entirely naked below the waist. His cock was hard and of impressive size. It pointed out at her accusatorily.

She stammered. “You want me to …?”

Rudy smiled and nodded emphatically.

Lydia frowned. “Surely he can go somewhere private; take care of it himself.”

Stella shook her head and stepped around the counter. She stopped at Rudy’s hip and reached for his cock with her hand. “That’s not the way we do things here, sweetie. At Freebody Manor, we take care of each other. Just this morning, Rudy gave me a lovely orgasm right on top of this counter. Better than a shot of expresso to wake a gal up.”

Lydia walked forward, entranced. Her eyes were glued to Rudy’s cock. She watched Stella’s hand slide up and down its length. A drop of precum, glistened. God, it had been so long since she’d had a hard cock in her mouth or pussy. And here, was a very nice one, just waiting for her.

Stella knelt and held her hand out to Lydia. Lydia stepped forward, knelt beside the woman and looked up into Rudy’s handsome face. His smile was warm, and he sighed. “Thank you, Lydia.”

Stella squeezed his cock at the base, and he moaned softly. Lydia felt her pelvic muscles contract and her heart raced. She was in awe of her own boldness right now. It felt like she was anonymous, in a place where no one knew her or would ever see her again if she walked out right now. She could be as debaucherous as she’d ever dreamed, and then leave, never to return. If she wanted. It was an intoxicating feeling.

Stella leaned in and whispered in her ear. “He would do the same for you, any time you ask. And he’s amazing at it.”

Lydia felt her heart racing as she turned and met Stella’s eyes. She was surrounded by beautiful people who found her attractive and sexy and that made her heart race. She had loved sex practically daily, before her husband had turned to the bottle.

She looked down at Rudy’s crotch again and knew that she wouldn’t be using her hands on this beautiful cock. She opened her mouth and reached around to grab his firm ass. She looked up at him as she licked his cock from the base to the tip. Then she took his length into her mouth as deeply as she could. “Oh, what am I doing?!” she asked herself halfheartedly. The other half of her heart knew that she needed this, deserved it.

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A Normal Life

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A Normal Life

Disclaimer: everyone engaging in sex is 18 or older. In some cases, much older.

My name is Parker. Johan Sebastian. Not Bach, or Strauss. Parker.

When I was born my grandfather convinced my father, who convinced my mother, that I would be a great and famous musician.

Fer gawd’s sake, I wasn’t even dry and he’d had this revelation as he called it.

So for the first few years of my life I answered to Johan. Then I went to school. First the teachers made a big deal about my name, then the kids made a big deal about my name.

But you know how kids are.

After that I insisted my name, my only name, was Parker. Of course my folks weren’t happy about it, but when I would only respond to Parker they eventually accepted it.

Grandpa never did. I didn’t care.

I like to think I led a normal life.

By the time I was seven Parker was well established everywhere as my name. The few kids who tried digging at my name learned quickly. Yeah, I spent time in detention, but my name was Parker.

I did the usual things kids did back then; sand lot baseball, bike riding and fishing down at the lake in the summer. Scrum football in the fall and not much outside in the winter if it rained, snowmen and snow ball fights in the snow.

During the winter I’d build model airplanes I could fly in the summer when the winds were light. My favorite was a Beechcraft Stagger Wing when I was thirteen. I’d been working a paper route for over a year and used some of that money to buy the kit and radio controls.

Damn that plane was sweet. Bright yellow with blue high lights. I got the balance perfect. She even won a few awards at local model airplane shows. My first wife destroyed it in a fit of rage. I divorced her.

She ended up with some soldier who dragged her off to Georgia or some such place.

Fuck her. She wasn’t even a good fuck once we married. Or house keeper either.

I wasn’t the brightest student in high school, I made good grades – middle of my class.

I never really thought about college, my folks were barely middle class, making enough to get by and that was it so there was no way they could even take out loans, and I wouldn’t have asked them anyway. So I knew I’d need a trade. I didn’t know what, didn’t like the idea of working with electricity and plumbers always seem to get called at the worst times.

My dad worked, and I do mean worked, as a Brick Layer. He’d come home dead tired, his fingers bent from arthritis, his back so stiff he couldn’t pick his kids up. But he’d get down on his knees to hug us and ask about our days.

I knew that wasn’t for me. Hell, Dad told me to stay away from it. He said find something clean to do.

Mom stayed home with us kids. There were four of us. My sister Janey was oldest by a year, then Clarice, then me – three years behind Clarice, and Norman a year behind me.

My folks never argued, well if they did they made sure we didn’t hear them. They encouraged us to try new things (as long as we could afford them). Mom took us to museums, parks and free concerts. I heard Country, Folk, Jazz and Classical music growing up. She always had the radio on so there was Pop echoing through the house.

I was on the wrestling team in high school, started in the 120 class in my soph year and moved up to 126 for Junior and 132 as a Senior. I could win the local matches, but get my ass whipped in Regionals when the bigger schools brought in their best.

Sure I dated, being an athlete was a benefit for meeting up with girls. I didn’t have anyone steady until Sahabet half way through Junior year. Marlene. Short, five foot nothing, curves to die for. Greenish eyes and red brown hair. We were a pair until summer when her dad got a job across the state.

When you don’t have a steady girl friend life is hard. But I survived the summer and when school picked up there were several girls to pick from. It didn’t hurt that Marlene had told her friends I was always a gentleman with her.

That led me to Juana. Hispanic, light caramel in color with dark hair and eyes.

Smart. Top grades in almost all of her classes. Except language. She took French and it was killing her. I asked why she didn’t just take Spanish. “I already know Spanish, I want to learn French.”

We had a great year together. She went on to college. I heard she ended up in the U.S. Foreign Service. Hope those French lessons came in handy.

So for a couple years after school I kicked around in different jobs, usually I was the GoFer for someone on a construction site. Even on large construction jobs that would take several years you’d hear the older guys worrying about the next job. And these were the senior Journeymen. They always worked. The junior carpenters didn’t have that guarantee. You can just imagine what the gofers got.

I stilled lived at home, but gave Mom a good part of any pay check towards my keep.

She tried to say no, but not real hard because even a hundred bucks a week made a big difference for them.

Janey had gone to nursing school and worked in a hospital and shared an apartment with two other nurses. She eventually married and had two kids.

Clarice had good enough grades for a full scholarship and was completing Business Management. She was recruited out of college, moved to San Francisco, has a wife and a cat.

Norman had a real talent as an artist and won several awards even while in school, he went on to become an Illustrator at an Ad Agency.

I finally moved out when I was twenty three. I’d landed a job at the Airplane plant as an Electrician. I helped run the wiring in new planes. Not a job that required a lot of education, but attention to detail and an ability to read a print. Every wire is numbered and every wire went to a specific connection on a specific terminal block. From there some went to the center or the overhead consoles or one side or the other of the main control panels. Then there were the sets that went to another compartment under the cockpit where many of the actual equipment like radios sat. That was a tight space, and sometimes those damn wires almost made connection and I’ve have to tug a quarter inch out of the bundle.

When I met my first wife she worked at a local diner where I often had lunch before going on shift. We hit it off pretty quick and within weeks we were fucking like rabbits.

Six months in and we had married. Yeah I was thinking with my little head. We fucked everywhere in my apartment. In every way I could imagine and a bunch of ways I couldn’t. She loved ass sex, I tried it once with her.

It seemed to take a week of showers and scrubbing to get my dick clean after that.

Once we married the sex dried up. instead of every day, twice or more, it became once a week and missionary only. Yeah, I got played.

I was working swing shift at the plant. I’d get home about 1:30 in the morning and she’d stumble in at 2 or 3. Drunk on her ass. I don’t know if she was cheating, and pretty quickly didn’t care.

The final straw was one day I was at the kitchen table working on the Stagger Sahabet Giriş Wing when she accused me of caring more about the plane than her and smashed it with a skillet.

Straight down. Dead center over the cockpit.

I sat there for a several minutes, and then calmly looked at her and said she had one hour to pack her shit and get out. She opened her mouth and I told her her time with me was up.

To this day I don’t know why I was so calm, I know I was filled with rage. Maybe something inside told me if I got up I might not be able to stop myself.

While she was packing, and she did make it under an hour, I was thumbing through the Yellow Pages for a divorce lawyer. After she left I called one told him what I wanted and when. He said come into the office pay a five hundred dollar retainer and we’d get it done.

The paper was served to her at the diner, in front of everybody the next day. She didn’t fight it and it was done.

Even before the divorce finalized she had hooked up with some soldier and the last I heard, they had moved to Georgia.

A week after kicking the bitch out I learned about layoffs. Who knew a business like building airplanes was so damn cyclical? The company would book a shit load of orders and we, the employees would build them. Then some airline would go broke and cancel orders, or another would ask for so many changes it would stall the line.

The older guys were used to it. In fact, because of union rules, a senior guy on the layoff list could bump a junior worker who wasn’t going to get a notice – literally take his job. And the bumping would roll down hill until it got to the newest employees. Like me.

So I had like two weeks notice that I would be on the street. It’s supposed to be a month, but all the trickle down wasted half of it.

I took a couple days off and went job hunting. Preferably as far from aircraft as I could find.

As luck would have it I found a contractor wholesale distributor that needed help in their warehouse. It paid less than my then current job, but in ten days it was going to pay a hell of a lot more. And yeah, I asked about layoffs.

The company had been in business for more than thirty years. No layoffs. Ever.

So I settled in to a new life. No more swing shift, work eight to four-thirty, half an hour for lunch, the whole damn weekend off.


The warehouse supervisor, Henry, had been with the company since day one. Just the nicest guy. But he hated leaving his office, so any paper work, invoices, pay schedules, what ever that had to go to the front office had to be hand carried by one of his staff.

Guess who that would be, yup, the new guy. Me.

Hell, I didn’t mind, I was getting paid whatever I did. besides, there were some nice looking women upstairs. most were married, several much older than me, but there was one…

When ever I came into the office she would look up and give me a little smile. Nothing flirtatious, but still enough to get my interest. so when I could I’d stop by her desk just to chat for a minute, maybe learn a little about her. Nancy. A couple years younger than me. Honey blonde hair, green eyes, a smile to die for.

The company had a lunch room, well, break room. Like so many other businesses. We brought our own lunches, but it was a pleasant place to eat.

I’d usually just have my lunch on the loading dock, but when she mentioned never seeing me in the lunch room I knew to change locations.

The first time I walked in and she saw me, well, her smile lite up the room. I’m reasonably Sahabet Güncel Giriş certain I was hooked then. I just didn’t know it.

Lunches slowly became dates, which became her visiting at my apartment, and then her staying over. That led me to proposing.

But Nancy wasn’t one to be rushed. First I had to meet her folks, then her sister and then her brother. Yeah, meet the big brother. About five years older than me, three inches taller and fifty pounds heavier. Just the nicest guy I ever met. Except for one thing he said. “If you hurt my little sister you’ll never walk straight again.”

We get along fine.

A year after proposing we married. For a honeymoon we headed on a camping trip around Mt. Rainier. We found some really wonderful campgrounds that we kept going back to year after year.

And a couple so crowded we vowed to never return.

We lived in my apartment for several years while saving to buy a house.

Meantime she and I were slowly progressing up the “corporate” ladder. It wasn’t really a corporate thing, as more senior people retired – no one ever quit – and others hired behind us, we naturally became leaders. She first as assistant office manager, then me as assistant warehouse supervisor. Mid way through my second year Henry retired and Randall took his spot. Louis became assistant.

Then Louis did a stupid and got a leg crunched by a fork lift. I saw it. Never gonna forget the scream from him. Or all the blood.

That moved me up to assistant.

The first thing I did was have everyone, myself and Randall included go to a fork lift training course at the local vocational school.

The company owner wasn’t happy about the missed production from us, but didn’t like the large safety fine Louis’s accident caused even less.

For our fifth anniversary we signed the papers to buy our house. For our twentieth we burned the loan papers and put the deed in the safety box.

In the meantime Nancy had become Office Manager and I became Warehouse Supervisor. We had decide early on we didn’t want kids. No major reasons, just didn’t.

That let us live as we pleased. We made love all over my apartment, and later the house. I can honestly say Nancy was ready and willing any time and any where. I even tried leaning Tantric Yoga. It kinda took, I can last a lot longer. We spent many a camping night with her looking up at stars shining between trees while I did my best to give her the best orgasms.

Most nights I succeeded.

Once we had the house we saved for a motor home. hard ground and cold tents was getting old.

We found a twenty five footer on a Ford chassis, one of those with a big bed in back and another above the cab.

We roamed the whole of the western United States, did all the tourist things like Yellowstone and Yosemite, the Bad Lands and Devils Tower.

We damn near got blown over driving down through Wyoming and came close to running out of gas in Nevada (it’s a long way between towns on some of those roads).

We went sapphire mining in Montana and bought souvenirs at Four Corners.

In other words – we had a normal life.

Then Covid hit.

Because of some of the material we handled we were deemed essential and stayed in operation.

BUT everyone was on reduced hours.

The office staff all worked from home on their computers, and those of us on the warehouse floor split our hours so everyone got something.

Hey, we had to adapt, and we made it work.

And then the shit hit home.

Nancy came down with it. I don’t know from who, or where, and I guess it doesn’t really matter now.

She went into the hospital.

I never got to see her again. I couldn’t even go into the building.

So her mother and brother and I stood outside. Six fucking feet apart, masked, and waited.

I got her ashes back almost a year later.


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Summer Driving Job

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Summer Driving Job

First Student had helped me get my commercial license to drive school bus charter trips for some of their customers. Since I was seen as more responsible than some, I’d been given the additional training for diesel, air brakes, and passenger endorsements. I’d posted an online ‘job seeking’ page for some summer work, describing myself in the most glowing terms, touting my experience in driving large fully loaded school buses and explaining that I was looking to ‘ferry’ or move motor homes for people.

I’d traded a couple emails with a lady who was interested in hiring a driver for the summer. Seems as though she was retired and had recently purchased a very nice motor home, but her friend of many years had broken up with her, and she didn’t really like driving anything that big. She liked taking summer vacations because even though she was retired and semi-actively oversaw a real estate brokerage firm she owned.

Arriving at her home in an upscale neighborhood of homes with three and four car garages on very large lots, I drove up the driveway to the garage nearest the front door. I was very pleasantly surprised when a not too old, attractive woman opened the door.

“Hi, you must be Kenny. I am Maggie, short for Margaret. Please call me Maggie.”

“Hello Maggie, nice to meet you. Very nice place you have.”

“Thanks you, yes it is nice. Partly from my hard work and good luck; and also a bit of a contribution from my ex-husband.” Holding the door wide open, she beckoned, “come on in. Can I get you a coke or beer?”

“A coke would be fine. Thanks.”

“Sure, no problem. Have a seat in there.” As she pointed to the lounge to the side of the entryway, and headed for the kitchen. “Make yourself comfortable at the table, I’ll be back in a minute.”

I sat down facing the large picture window at the rear of the house, realizing that I was settling into a nice leather chair. Looking around I saw the room was tastefully decorated and while quite nice was not lavish or gauche.

“Here you are” as she sat a glass full of ice in front of me, with a full Coke can beside it. She sat in the chair across from me and sipped her glass of wine before continuing.

“Kenny, this summer is supposed to be hotter than last year…and that was hot enough. My summer long trip is to beat the heat as much as possible. I want to hit a few places going north east, but our objective is Canada. We’ll go out through Maine to Nova Scotia and Prince Edwards Island which is as far east as you can go in Canada or North America. From there we’ll work out way west and wind up 10 weeks later in British Columbia. That is nearly 6,000 miles before we come back home which makes it 7,700 miles and about 120 hours of driving. Think you can do that? Want to do that if I pay you well? Can you put up with me that long? Ha!”

“My gosh, that is a long trip. What a summer job that would be. Quite frankly, yes to all your questions. I’d find it exciting. I do love to drive and see places I’ve never been before. Once we get past Pennsylvania, everything will be new to me so yes, I’d love it.”

“Do you have a passport? Ever been out of the country? To Sahabet Canada?”

“Yes I have a passport and I’ve been to Mexico and Europe several times. My step dad has family in Germany and we’ve gone there every other year. But this year I’m free to do what I wish…especially to earn some money for college.”

“Ah nice. Do you have financial assistance too?”

“Well I have some academic scholarships from my grades and scores on the national tests. I have a trust fund from my father’s estate with part of it specifically for education. So I’m thinking I can get out of college someday…probably debt free. That is my goal.”

“Awesome young man. Very good plans. Commendable, and congratulations on your good performance so far and I’m sure with your focus it will continue.”

“Thanks, I sure hope so. Thank you for the nice remarks too. I appreciate the reinforcement.”

“I’ve traded…returned would be a better word…my 45 foot Winnebago and purchases a 28′ Born Free which is much more maneuverable and better suited for what I have in mind this summer. You ever driven one that size?”

“Yes, I’ve driven busses considerably larger…as large as your Winne…so the 28 footer would be nicer for that long of a trip, moving all the time. Yes, good choice. Born Free’s are nice rigs. I’ve never been in one but have seen pictures and know they are well built and very nice inside.”

“Want to see it? Best to lay eyes and hands on it to get a good feeling?”

“Oh fur sure. Is it in one of your garages?”

“Well not quite. It is in the ‘barn’ in back of the house. It is essentially another nice double garage with high opening doors. Come on let’s go see it.”


“Wow, this is really nice inside. I see it has a good sized gas engine which is good for this kind of a thing. Diesels get better mileage but are more problems and I’m glad it has a gas engine.”

“Yes it is fully contained. The shower is nice sized and the kitchen is very adequate. The one slide out makes for a very nice bedroom.” Putting her hand on my arm, Margaret looks directly at me, “and it is set up for one bedroom as you see…we need to talk about that later.” With that she showed me the rest of the RV pointing out that it has a large fresh water tank, and both gray and black water storage tanks that are very ample in size. “We’ll have to find places to dump every two or three days I’d expect, and there should be fresh water to fill up at the same place.”

“Yes I understand. I’ve done some of that in the RV that my grandpa left me. It is very small but has all the same basic things in it. I’ve done some fun traveling in it and something this size could be a lot of fun.”

“Oh nice, what is it?”

“It is a RoadTrek 190 Poplar.”

“Well Kenny, I do know what those are. That is great that you have had that experience, and plenty of experience in big vehicles, I am sure you can do the driving part. Let’s go back to the house and talk about the living part of the summer.”

On the way back to the main house Maggie invited me to have dinner with her. She explained that she was not above some decadence and had a really good carryout Sahabet Giriş and delivery place that put together good meals for her, and asked me my dinner choices. We quickly zeroed in on some Italian sausage lasagna and she ordered that before we got to the house. She explained that she had plenty of wines to choose from, and even a couple kinds of beer, so we were all set. My mind was wondering what the meant by the living part of the summer. I was also curious about the one nice bedroom in the slide out. I guess there was a drop down above the driver or somewhere that I would sleep. Or where?

We were well into the great lasagna when Maggie looked at me and asked, “Kenny you have a girlfriend that is going to be troubled by you being gone all summer?”

“No not really. I have dated several girls in school, and like some of them a lot, but I have not gone steady and prefer to keep my options open for a good while yet.”

“That’s smart. This is a lot more personal question, and I do not want to shock you but we do need to talk about some things.”


“I do not know how to really do this. I have an important objective…just do not know quite how to get there. So I’ll try. Please be patient. You can give feedback too along the way. OK.”


“Kenny, have you been ‘with’ a girl? Slept with a girl, or girls? Had sex?”

“Yes I have.”

“Good. This is very personal and I won’ t push this too far…but how many girls have you been with and did you have sex…say…more than 10 times total?”

“I have been with three girls, and yes more than 10 times…but that was with one of the girls. I like her best and…well…sex was really fun with her.”

“Great. Kenny, there is really only one good sleeping facility in the Born Free. You by now are beginning to know where I am headed. We’d be spending three months in close quarters. It will be a lot nicer…for both of us I think…if we are ‘friendly’.”

“Yes. I understand. I agree.”

“Kenny, do you find me attractive? Desirable? Just a little bit sexy? What do you think about sleeping with me most every night for the three months? Be honest please. You can think about it if you want to.”

“I don’t have to think about it at all. Yes. Yes you are attractive. Yes you are desirable…and hot. I’d say yes you are surly a MILF.”

“Mmmm good reply, but I do not know what MILF means. Can you explain?”

“Oh…mmmm…well…it means Mom or Mother I’d Like to Fuck.”

“Oh wow. Nice. Now I’m the one who has to think about what I want to say or ask next.” After a pause, “Oh yes, I need to say just because we are sleeping together every night does not mean we have sex every night. Does that make sense?”

“Sure, I understand.”

“Kenny, I feel kind of weird about this to be honest…not that I don’t want to do it…but how I’m going about finding someone to go with me. I had no idea but to run the ad, and then be upfront and honest about what I expect. Makes me feel kind of cheap in one way…and makes me exhilarated in another since I think about what this summer might be like…with a man like you. Wow.”

“Well it is very unusual…I Sahabet Güncel Giriş never heard of anything like this…but it is not weird. You are not weird.

You are a bright…successful woman…who is going after what you want and have the capabilities to do it…so while it may be unusual…it is not bad, weird or anything but good.”

“Ok, one last thing…which I think I want to come back to after we talk about money and things. That is a bit of a sample. Sex with you. Yep…before this becomes a deal…I want to spend some time with you…on a very intimate sexual basis. OK?”


“I’d like to leave here the first of June…as close to the first as possible. I’ve made a rough outline of the route and timetable, with us getting back here the last part of August. While I can drive the RV, it is important to me that you spend the entire time with me…I’ll be counting on you.”

“I understand that. We’ll have cell phone service most places and internet too I assume?”

“Yes most places, but we’ll be in some pretty sparsely populated parts sometimes and service will be very spotty there. Only around the towns.”

“That will work just fine. I can keep in touch with friends, and do any school preparation I need, so it is good. Sounds nice.”

“Kenny, I’ll pay for all our food and expenses so you will not need to spend much money at all during the summer. So what you make will be all pretty much savings. This brings me to how you want to get paid. I can pay you basically in cash, and not do any W2 withholding…or I can pay you a bit more to offset the income tax, and more or less make you an employee and you’ll get a 1099 statement for the wages and income tax paid at the end of our trip. You’ll have to file Income Tax but I will make it so the tax is offset with the extra I pay you. OK?”

“That is great. I’d like to get paid so I have income to pay taxes on. With the income from my dad’s trust and the things my grandpa has given me, I already file income tax so it is not a big deal.”

“Kenny, I can afford to pay you well. I’d like to offer $2,000 a week, or basically $26,000 for the 13 weeks we’d be gone.”

“That sounds great. Very fair.”

“I’m not done yet Kenny, When we get back, I’ll pay you an additional five weeks…$10,000 for a ‘trip completion’ bonus. I do want to insure you will be with me the entire time. Ha…just in case the pay… and sex…is not enough.”

“Oh gosh Maggie, that is more than fair. I accept if you offer me the job.”

Ok, good. Do you have the rest of the evening open? Did you bring a toothbrush? Can you stay overnight? I’d really like that…if we can sleep together…as our ‘trial run’.”

“Mmmm…yes to all of those. With pleasure. Absolutely!”

“Then as a way to start the rest of our evening, I suggest we take a ‘low light’ shower together and then get in bed. I have had my tubes tied, so I am safe from getting pregnant. I also am pretty sure that I have no STDs since I donate platelets regularly and they check me each time. If tonight works as well as I think it will, I would like to pay for you having a complete physical, including you getting checked for STDs…and then we can have sex without worrying about condoms all the time. How does that sound?”

“That sounds amazing. To be honest, I’ve never had sex without a condom…so that will be awesome.”

“Oh, I agree. Let’s get that shower now.”


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I suggested that one of my neighbors and we go out to lunch one afternoon. We had both lost our spouses over the last four years and while I couldn’t speak for her the thought of female company had a great appeal to me. She thought that was a good idea and we sent a date and time. That afternoon off we went to a semi-fast place that served decent food.

The lunch was tasty and the conversation was even better. We seemed to click and as I drove us home we made semi-plans to do this every couple of weeks or so. Our conversation was free and far ranging. We agreed on most things. As time went and we spent more time together, I suddenly found out I was developing feelings for Leesa. The big question was she feeling anything. The other question was do I say or do anything about it? I didn’t want to upset her, I valued her company to much to take a chance on losing these few hours I had with her.

I thought that maybe I could test the water with a gentle compliment and see how it went. A good idea I thought but what do I say was the problem? But then I remembered the old saying, ‘A coward dies a thousand deaths’ or something like that.

We had finished eating and where just talking across the table when I went for it, “Leesa…You have the prettiest eyes.”

Her eyes got big, her mouth dropped open and she fell back in her seat. “What did you just say?”

“I said you have pretty eyes. I like to look at them. I feel I can see you in them.”

She closed them and sighed and shook her head as if to clear out the cobwebs. I could feel the condemnations coming any second.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything. Please forget it if possible. I’m really stupid and feel like an ass. Can you let it go, I’m sorry to have upset you.”

See opened her eyes and stared at me for a long minute. “Mr. Anderson…”

“Please don’t say it. I’m truly sorry. Let’s just continue on as before. Please.”

“Mr. Anderson, are you trying to get into my panties? And if the answer is yes what in the hell has taken you so long? And if the answer is no, then I’m not a happy camper. I think you better not say no. Well, answer me.”

“I…Ahhh…Umm…I…Well…I…Yes. I guess I am.”

“Good, let’s go back to my apartment. I’ve been waiting for you to get off the pot. I’d just about given up hope.”

In the car I started to confess. “I’m a not a young man anymore. I have a few, well one issue anyway. I kind of…”

“Can’t get it up any more?” She asked. “Listen you old goat I’m no spring chicken either, sagging tits and cellulite and love handles and a dry pussy. Don’t sweat it. There are things Sahabet we can do without a hard cock and I’ve got some lube that’ll do just fine for what I have in mind.”

I glanced at her and she was looking at me with a big grin. “You just leave it to me Mr. I know a few things that will work out just fine.”

Did she ever know a few things? Let me tell you, she knew more than a few things.

We were barely in her apartment and we were kissing in the hallway. The fear that I might have lost the touch was quickly removed. It was wonderful. She had the softest lips but still demanding. The third kiss and it was tongues dueling. Then I was sucking on hers for a few moments and then it was her turn. I could feel my member swelling as our kissing went on. I didn’t expect hard but knowing I could still swell was rewarding.

“We better slow down Thomas. I don’t want to rush this. It’s been a while for me and I want to savor every minute of it. Let’s sit on the couch and have a glass of wine.”

The wine was good. The necking was better. It was so god to feel a woman in my arms again. Hers lips on mine, holding her and feeling breasts pushing against my chest. When her hand landed on my thigh I almost jumped out of my skin. A woman was almost touching my penis. If she moved her hand an inch she would be touching it. I swear I was actually hard.

Then she moved her hand that inch. “Why Thomas, did you lie to me? You are not dead down here.” and gave me a squeeze. “I distinctly can feel an erection. You have a boner don’t you. Can we take a little peek at it? Just to confirm what I can feel. I want to make sure you don’t have a roll of silver dollars in your pocket.”

“Why don’t you stand up and we can get these nasty pants out of the way. Yes like that. Ummu, now the boxers need to be removed. “Oh yes…That is very impressive. I like that. Could I, would it be ok if I…”

Without finishing her question I was being treated to my first oral stimulation in years. Actually over four years. Towards the end of my wife’s life those things were no longer happening. Then it changed.

Leesa moved her hands around and was holding me by my ass cheeks. Holding me steady she licked and sucked on my cock. Suddenly a finger was sliding up and down the crack. When I didn’t object, why would I, it felt good, she centered on the opening back there and was rubbing it.

I warned her, “You…You…You…Better stop or I’m going to come.”

I’m not sure if that was the right thing to say or not but I was quite positive that if I had an orgasm I was done for a long time. She pulled Sahabet Giriş back and looked up at me, “Are you sure? I’m willing to let you finish. How about just a little more? I’m enjoying this, it’s been a while and to know I’m making a man explode is such a powerful feeling.”

When she opened her mouth and stuck out tongue and gave me a lick from the base all the way to the tip I was pushing back inside. The finger in the back was pushing at my opening and in seconds I was coming. There is no feeling that is better than getting sucked off. Masturbation is good. Virginal sex is great. Fellatio is personal. She is giving you the best gift she can give in the art of sex.

As I softened she gave me a few more sucks and then sat back. “Well I guess I’ve still got it. And so do you. Well you did have it there for a while. Kind of drained are you? So did ya enjoy that?”

She pulled me back down to the couch. I could taste myself as we went back to kissing. She was taking her blouse off and then her bra. As she threw her bra across the armrest, I told her, “Very much so. That was unbelievable. What can I say but thank you…thank you?”

“And what about my little finger playing, was that ok?”

“Oh…yes…that. The truth is that’s kind of new to me. Strange, but I think I liked it. Yes, it added something. Maybe nasty but still…Ya…I liked it.”

“Good.” Was all she said and we went back to hugging and kissing.

If I had been mistaken about my ability to get hard she upright lied about her breasts. True they weren’t a teenagers any more but being small the sag wasn’t all that great. The nipples still pointed proudly out.

I massaged one tit as I nursed on the nipple of her other breast. It must have been the thing to do because she was holding my head to her chest as she made little sounds in her throat. Her free hand was holding my limp and worthless cock, giving it a little squeeze now and then.

“Well I guess I’m not going to have the pleasure of you fucking me tonight am I? But I’ve still got an itch that needs taken care of. How about we take this into the bedroom and solve my problem? You do know how to do a girl with fingers and lips and tongues work don’t you? Or do I have to hold school first?”

As I stood and helped her up, “No, it’s been a while but I think I remember the basics. If I’ve forgotten anything, please a gentle reminder.”

She pulled my t-shirt over my head, “For an old man you’re in good shape.” Leesa took me by my cock, “Follow me.”

Her bedroom was a complete shock. I expected pinks and flowers and frills. What Sahabet Güncel Giriş I got was one black wall, one red wall and two yellow walls. The windows were covered by heavy red drapes the matched the red wall. A black ceiling fan was turning slowly and there large mirrors on every wall. The lights were on dim creating the mood. I could smell some unidentifiable aroma.

I stood there in amazement. “Like it? The first time I bring a friend in here they are kind of surprised.”

I could only say, “Friends?”

“Yes I have friends. Most of them are female friends but a few of the male species also.”

“And do I know any of these friends?”

“Shame on you, a lady never kisses and tells and neither does a gentleman, right?”

We stood there kissing and I helped her unzip her slacks and knelt to help with her panties. I pressed on one leg until she spread them a little. I kissed her inner thigh and gave it a lick. I blew on her pubic hairs to watch them wave slightly.

“Come on Thomas, to bed with you. I can tell you’ve not lost any skills. It’s time to put them back to work.”

I lost track all time. It may have been five minutes, it may have been thirty. Whatever it was I enjoyed it immensely. She was so responsive; there was nothing I did that did not create sounds of joy and passion. As she was coming for I think the third time she was holding my head tightly against her pussy as her legs held me in a vice like grip.

She was crying out as she stiffened for the last time, “Oh…My god…No more. I’m done. Stop. Damn it, I told you to stop.”

So I did. I kissed her and shared her flavor. “Umm, I taste good don’t I?”

I think I may have dozed off for a few minutes. “Come on Thomas. The party is over. I’ve had enough and I think this pecker is worthless for now.” I realized she had been sucking me. I suppose looking for more action but I was done and maybe forever.

As we lay there relaxing she half sat up and leaned over me, “You liked it when I was playing with your butthole. I could feel you getting harder and anxious. Would you be interested in taking that a little further? I’ve got a harness and a skinny dildo. It’s called pegging. Look it up on the web. Some past boyfriends have liked it and some didn’t. I think you might be one that might like it. Anyway check it out and if we ever get personal with each other again you might want to try it.”

She fell back and finally said, “Come on, get dressed and get out. I need my beauty rest and if you stay here that may not happen.”

As a naked Leesa led me to the door, “I really enjoyed this Mr. Anderson. Play your cards right and I’ll let you buy my lunch again sometime. And maybe, just maybe ask you for another visit. If you’re interested that is.”

A quick kiss and she was hiding behind the door as she opened it. “Good night and thank you. I had a good time.”

The end

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A Night to Forget

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Danny pulled her tight black latex mini dress over her head. Shaking her head wondering why would he even be here. How is this even happening?

It had been nine years since she had last seen him. Since they had shared a hungry kiss behind her brothers shed on the night of his farewell.

And now here he was, at her work retreat. Sure it was a resort open to the public but how does it even make sense that they should be together in the same place at the same time. Last she heard he had moved across country almost 2000 kilometers away. It was just… bazaar.

She was sitting at the bar sipping on a daiquiri when she heard a familiar voice coming from reception. Her eyes flew open as she followed the sound and recognized him immediately. There he was half leaning over the counter handing the receptionist his ID badge, tight blue jeans, loose white t-shirt, white sneakers, long dark shoulder length hair. If it weren’t for the slight wrinkles added to his eyes he didn’t look like he aged at all. He was strikingly beautiful.

She had fantasized about seeing him again, over and over in her head she had dreamed of the things she would do to him. He was always off limits being her big brother Sean’s best friend. She wanted him but he never even looked at her, trying to get his attention but he never seemed to notice her.

She remembered the night of her 21st birthday when he had come over and kissed her on her cheek, how that first touch had sent electricity down her spine. She remembered the same night how she overheard Sean and Aaron talking about him moving away to start his business venture. Then she remembered his farewell just 4 months later where they were the last two awake and helping clear her brothers’ apartment from the mess the party had caused. When they both walked out back to dump the trash bags and in a fleeting moment he had crushed her body against the wall and pulled her in with a kiss that left her breathless. The lust uncanny for each other. The undeniable attraction and sexual tension was everything she had imagined it would be.

But in the end, it was not enough, He still left. He moved away, she moved on, it was easy enough. Though it didn’t stop her from picturing him every time she found herself wound up tight in the bath, every time she dragged a stranger to her bed to scratch an itch.

And now here, nine years later, he is in the same place.

Tonight was her company’s annual dress up evening. Each year the company would whisk the staff off for a weekend to unwind, regroup, do a couple of fun activities and just relax. One of those nights always consisted of a fun costume dress up. Mostly just to laugh at each other but it was always super fun. Danny’s outfit this year was a cheeky dominatrix outfit. Maybe a little less subtle than how they actually wear it but she thought the fake whip and chains would get a good laugh.

Danny pulled at the little too short dress. It felt very plastic but cheap is cheap and she wasn’t going to spend allot on an outfit for one night. The dress was pushing her breasts up showing her cleavage proudly. She had her hair pulled super tight in a much too high ponytail. Her dark blond hair whipping down her shoulder blades. Just a bit of too black eye shadow and mascara, with just a touch of pink lip gloss. Zipping up the last boot, she went to stand in front of the mirror to examine her masterpiece.

“Oh my god” Danny giggled to herself. Wow she looked hot, maybe a bit too hot. Now she was worried that she would be giving off the wrong idea and suddenly panicked a little. Scanning the room she needed something just to soften her edge slightly. “AH” Danny saw her black fishnet cover up dress peeking out of her suitcase. Sure it was technically supposed to accompany her black bikini on the beach, but she never got to wear it so who would even know. She slipped it over the dress and it was perfect. Still completely see through so you could see the dress under but a bit looser. It just covered the bottom and covered her chest, giving the illusion that she was covered but you could still see everything.

There was a knock on her door startling Danny.

“Come on Dans, we’re gonna be late!” Her college Jill yelled out to her.

“Coming!” Danny quickly gave herself one more once over in the mirror, satisfied with her look she popped two black plain stud earrings in and headed for the door grabbing her whip on her way out.

Danny and Jill stepped into the banqueting hall. The staff had really gone all out and decorated the hall with gold and black balloons and streamers. The hall looked like there was a promise of a fun night ahead. As they grabbed their seats at their tables Danny scanned the room quickly as Derek, her boss, was getting up to make his traditional speeches. She saw Diane from accounting had dressed as a slutty cop and Richard from HR wore a pimp outfit. Susan from sales were an outfit that looked like it was supposed to be a swan but ended up looking more like Starzbet a baby chicken. It was brilliant, at least everyone had a great sense of humor and it was an amazingly laid back place to work. She smiled to herself appreciative of these people she worked with.

Being a little late her champagne flute was the last to be filled. As the waiter stepped back from her glass Danny tipped her head up thanking him, her eyes then locked with that familiar face staring back at her from the other side of the double doors, standing at the main bar staring at her. He had freshened up with a black shirt, buttoned down one button too much, blue jean, black shoes. His hair still slightly damp from his earlier shower. He was leaning on the bar his drink in hand, facing her, watching her.

She froze. She could see his eyes washing over her, a sly smile shaping his face. His eyes darkened. The electricity was palpable. A shiver ran down her body, as if she could read his thoughts she blushed and suddenly the doors shut him from view as the waiters closed up for the evenings progressions.

Danny sat dazed the entire hour of the formalities, only moving to get up and collect her award for best team leader for the year. She could barely feign a smile shaking Derek’s hand trying hard to be present. But she wasn’t, her mind was on the outside of those double doors.

Everyone clapped and whistled as the final thank you for the great work was giving to the employees by Derek and he motioned to everyone to enjoy the evening to eat, drink and be merry on the company’s dime.

Richard snapped Danny back to life by patting her on her shoulder, startling her. “Well done Dans! Second year in a row, proud of you!” Richard said.

“Thanks Rich” Danny smiled at him as he trotted off to chat with the others at the next table.

Danny’s eyes shot to the door as the waiters pulled them open and started dashing in with the evenings plated entrees. Searching desperately behind the group pouring in with food to see if Aaron was still at the bar. Finally her view cleared and Danny could see no trace of him. Her heart sank a bit. Deciding to shake off her disappointment Danny dug into her starter of cold pea soup and bread and resigned herself to the pleasant company and chit chat of Jill and Jonathan who sat beside her.

The dinner of duck, roast potatoes and veggies was wonderful. And the conversation flowed easily. Danny was having a great time when the waiter suddenly plated the desert of decadent chocolate brownies and rich hot chocolate sauce. She dug in right away. It was sweet and delectable almost melting on the tongue. She ate slowly and purposefully enjoying and savoring every bite. A small drop of chocolate sauce had dripped from her bite landing just under her bottom lip. Danny brought her pinkie finger to her lip to rub it off and stuck the tip of her finger in her mouth suckling the lost drip. Her eyes shot to the bar behind Jonathans view and she saw him. Sitting in one of the side booths by the far end of the bar watching her. Licking his lips subtly almost to mock taste what she was tasting.

Her heart beat quickened but she held her poise. Not taking her eyes off him she put her desert fork down on her plate and said thank you to the waiter who was clearing their table. Danny trying very hard to not let him see a spec of interest on her face she pulled away from his gaze and spoke now to Jill.

“I’m going to grab a drink by the bar; can I get you guys something?”

“ahh Yeah, I’ll take a vodka tonic please Dans.” Jill said

“Nothing for me Danny” Jonathan said motioning to his still half full beer.

“Sure.” Danny got up smiling back at Jill as she leaned back in to continue her very intense conversation with Jonathan.

Danny got to the bar not once making eye contact with Aaron knowing full well he was watching her. Ignoring him completely as he disappeared from her vision

“May I have a double whiskey with two blocks of ice and a vodka tonic please?” She asked the bartender.

She felt him behind her before she saw him. She could feel the electricity burning up her spine as it always did when he was near. She smelt his familiar cologne wash over her.

“Hmm Dannyyyy. Its been a while.”

Her name rolled off his tongue as if he had tasted ecstasy itself. It almost made her cum on the spot. Jesus. Danny was trying very hard to maintain her composure, but her legs were shaking at his voice.

She smiled biting her bottom lip not turning to him but instead ever so slightly reaching over the bar to grab her drinks from the bartender which she knew was totally unnecessary but she was feeling a bit naughty and a bit brave. Knowing full well what her back view would be with him positioned right behind her. And knowing full well he would be staring into her deliberate behind. Hearing his appreciative stifled gasp behind her, she knew her mission was accomplished.

Danny swiftly put the glasses down Starzbet Giriş and acted as coy as she could. With a huge smile she turned to face him and through her arms round him. Pushing her whole body hard against his.

“Aaron, I thought that was you!” She giggled.

Danny stepped back and offered Aaron a huge smile.

“Let me quickly hand Jill her glass and You and I have a quick catch up?” She said grabbing Jill’s drink and quickly heading past him towards her table.

Her legs were shaking so bad. She needed the few seconds to regroup. She was sure her face was bright red. Handing Jill her drink.

She quickly said “Seems and old friend is here, I’ll be just over there catching up if you need me.”

Jill looking over to where Danny motioned, where Aaron was now taking a seat on the other end of the bar.

“Hmmm, nice friend.” Jill teased her.

Danny walked back towards Aaron, smiling sweetly, but inside her mind was racing. God he looked good. After all this time, all she wanted was to bury her body under his. Stop it Danny. Get yourself together. She thought to herself.

“jesus Dans, this dress, my god your brother would have a heart attack.”

He pulled her chair out next to him for her to slide onto. Giving her an appreciative smile.

“Well, good thing he is not here then ey.” She giggled

“Its been so long, you look… good Aaron” Danny said biting her bottom lip a little inconspicuously. Her subtle way of flirting. “What brings you here?”

He noticed because it took him a few seconds to look away from her lip.

“Meeting up with an investor tomorrow, so thought I’d take an extra day to unwind before my meeting. Glad I did too.” He smiled at her now. His eyes not leaving hers.

“Must be fate.” Danny smiled into her drink, not taking her eyes off him.

They sat at the bar talking and catching up for what seemed to be hours. Danny noticed the function had died down to just Derek and Diane talking about company politics. Both totally in their element but both totally tipsy. The bar was almost empty now besides Danny and Aaron, the bartender also already calling a night just after Aaron had requested he leave the half bottle of whiskey they had been sipping on all evening. When Aaron suddenly caught her off guard

“My god Dan, you look incredible” His eyes hungry and dark now.

Surely it was the booze talking. He had never looked at her in this way before. She didn’t care, she was lapping it up. Years of trying to get Aaron to notice her, years of day dreaming of the passionate love they could make. Finally, he saw her.

“Oh, so now you notice me? Nice.” She said sarcastically.

Giggling slightly to lighten the tense atmosphere. Aaron squinted and leaned a bit closer to her.

“What do you mean Danny, I have always noticed you!” Not breaking eye contact.

“The minute I met you, I saw the way you would walk around the pool house in your bikini. I remember the baby blue night gown you would wear on the nights you were sad. I saw the way you flaunted your first boyfriend, I saw the way you touched him, the way you would look at him. It took all my will power not to pry him off you when I saw you two making out on your mothers couch on your brothers twenty-third birthday. I wanted to kill him. I wanted to drag you by your hair and pull you over my lap and spank the shit out of you.”

Oh my god, Danny felt her panties moisten.

“I didn’t hate him, I wanted to be him. I wanted to be the one with my tongue tasting every inch of you. The way you looked with that bright red knee high dress on your twenty-first, swaying your delectable ass in front of me. I noticed you Danny, every god dam day. But out of respect for Sean I couldn’t touch you. It killed me. I have wanted you every single day since I met you. That is why I had to get away from you. You were driving me crazy. Then at my farewell I just had to take a piece of you with me. How could I leave never knowing how the touch of your lips felt against mine.”

The memory of that night flashed in Danny’s mind.

“But it was you who never gave me a second glance”

His memories were making her blood burn now. He did notice! Every inch of her wanted him. She was feeling incredibly hot and there was a burn deep in her belly making it almost uncomfortable to sit still. Her cheeks flushed and her legs pressing hard against each other to try tame the delicious feeling building up inside her. Perhaps it was the whiskey but if this was their only night she was going to be bold.

“Fuck, ” She said almost too soft, his eyes widened. “It’s you I always wanted. It’s your hands I have always wanted on my body, Aaron. It’s your tongue I always wanted to taste. It’s your body I always wanted melting over mine. I have dreamed of you inside me for years. I have touched myself thinking of you. I wanted you then, I have always wanted you!”

Looking him deep in his eyes suddenly, hunger in her Starzbet Güncel Giriş own eyes. “And I want you now!”

“jesus” Aaron gasped out load, grabbing her wrist, he pulled her off the bar stool rushing them towards the rooms. “Time we go fix this problem Danny.”

They reached his room door and he pulled out his room key, the inevitable tension was charging the air Danny could taste it. The room unlocked and he grabbed Danny’s wrist again. It was so primal. The stepped inside and Aaron closed the door behind her. Stopping he slowly pushed her by her shoulders against the door, moving just an inch from her.

The electricity mounting, surging through them. He spoke now almost into her mouth, his breath hot and ragged.

“Danny, I am going to fuck you hard, and when I am done I am going fuck you again. I am going to devour every inch of your body. Tonight you are mine. Do you understand me?”

Holy shit! No one has ever made her feel this wanted. Every inch of her was screaming for him to take her.

Danny gave him a slight nod. Suddenly he was crushing her to the wall with his body. His mouth greedily found hers. His hands were everywhere, running up her behind, over her breasts. Danny found the buttons on his shirt, she tried hard to be delicate but her own primal instinct kicked in and she just went for the rip. He moaned into her mouth knowing the hunger she felt matched his. He pulled her tight dress over her ass exposing the delicate skin to the cold wall. Danny quickly fumbling his belt loose and pulling at his zip. In one swift motion he picked her up against the wall, sliding her g string to the side, his fingers finding its way to her waiting arousal. He greedily slid two fingers in and they both let out a moan onto each others mouth.

“jesus your so wet Danny, your fucking perfect. Tell me you want me, tell me” he breathed into her, his voice desperate. “I need to hear it”

Danny moved her head up giving him access to lick and suck and bite at her neck and she breathed loud. “Fuck, please, I want you, I need you, take me, please” She moaned.

Very suddenly he made a swift movement and rammed his rock hard cock hard into her. Sliding his right hand under her ass and his left over her neck, under her jaw. “Ahh!” She came hard and loud at the full feeling, pulsating over him. He filled her a little too much but the pain only intensified the pleasure.

He rammed into her a few more times finding his own climax deep inside her. “Fuck!” He moaned loudly

He removed his hand from her throat using it to stabilize himself against the wall all while still holding her up. He kissed her hard now, their breathing still staggered.

“jesus Dans”

Danny opened her eyes to find him staring at her. “Excuse me but you mentioned there would be ‘more’ fucking?” She teased trying to catch her own breath.

Aaron smile widened “hmm yes man, much, much more fucking”

He moved his hand from the wall catching her butt and carrying her over to the bed, still inside of her. The walk alone was almost enough to send her over the edge again. The sensation of him inside her was everything.

He placed her on the edge of the bed. kneeling in front of her, he started unzipping her boots. One by one as he slipped them off her leg he left kisses where the indents of the boot remained. He stood and offered her a hand to stand as well. She accepted and found herself facing his bear chest getting a deep inhale of him. He bent slightly picking her fish net cover up over her head. She could do nothing but stand and soak up all the sensations of him beside her.

Next he pulled the super tight latex dress up over her head, more effortlessly than she expected. It felt so good getting that off, only now noticing how tight and uncomfortable it actually felt. She was now almost bear were it not for the black lacy bra and G-string. She felt completely comfortable with him now eating in the site of her.

She was never a super skinny girl. Danny would never give up a pizza for a fad diet. She loved food and enjoyed the atmosphere of being surrounded by loved ones over a good meal and glass of wine. Lucky she was born with a great metabolism and she really enjoyed running every morning before work. It kept her fit and able to enjoy life.

He unclipped her bra letting her perfect c cup breast spring free. Running his hands over each breast as if he knew what hell it was to wear a bra and the intense feeling of taking off a bra at the end of the day. Massaging them gently she groaned. His hands cupped her breast as he brought each prodding nipple into his mouth to suckle. She groaned again loudly.

God this was heaven.

Aaron knelt down onto one knee hooking his index and middle fingers onto each side of her G-string slowly pulling them down and off. He buried his head into her sex and took a deep breath. Danny’s eyes wide with wonder and the hunger in her belly growing once more.

Aaron stood and Danny decided she really wanted to return the favor so she slowly removed his torn shirt from his arms, slowly and deliberately running her hands over his shoulders, dropping the material to the floor. She dropped to her knees now to remove his shoes one by one followed by his jeans.

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Der Lehrkörper 15

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Non Nude

Reine Fiktion – Namen, Orte, Personen, Handlung sind nicht real oder nachahmenswert



Herbert musste in die Arbeit und Ingeborg kam im Bademantel über den Garten auf die Terrasse. Ich hatte mich heute krank gemeldet in der Schule, es gab nichts, was ich versäumen konnte und so hatte ich mal einen Vormittag für mich, dachte ich. Ich machte einen Cappuccino für Ingeborg und sie setzte sich mir gegenüber und schlug ihre Beine übereinander. Der Gürtel ihres Bademantel lockerte sich und zwei steife, harte Nippel zeigten auf mich. Ihre ganz leicht hängenden Honigmelonentitten schwangen vor meiner Nase hin und her und sie erzählte mir, dass Herbert von einer Trude erpresst wurde, so wie sie durch mich.

„Naja, es ändert sich ja nichts. Trude ist immer noch Praktikantin in der Firma deines Mannes und immer noch 17 Jahre alt”, stellte ich nüchtern fest.

„Ja, aber Trude kassiert noch ab und das nicht zu knapp. Herbert meinte, ich solle billigeren Wein kaufen und er müsse mein Auto verkaufen und das Essen im Aldi oder so besorgen.”

„Fahrradfahren ist auch nicht schlecht und der Aldi hat vielleicht auch guten, billigen Wein.”

„Du Arsch. Wenn das so weitergeht, kommt als Nächstes die Hütte hier unter den Hammer. Außerdem vermutet er, dass Michael, dein Cousin, mit ihr unter einer Decke steckt.”

„Mmh. Glaube ich nicht, aber wir können ihn heute Abend selbst fragen. Kannst du bitte deinen Bademantel etwas über deine Brüste ziehen. Die machen mich ganz nervös.”

Ingeborg spreizte ihre Schenkel und gab mir eine Aussicht, die mich sofort mit einem steinharten Schwanz ausstattete. „Komm doch her und schieb ihn mir da rein”, hauchte sie und rieb sich ihre Klitoris mit Zeige- und Mittelfinger. Dabei schob sie ihren Mittelfinger immer weiter in ihre Fotze, wie um mir den Weg zu weisen.

Ich ließ mich auf meine Knie fallen und lief auf den Knien zu ihr hin, zog dabei meine Hose nach unten und stolperte kurz vor ihr. Sie fing mich auf, griff an meine Eier und dirigierte meinen Schwanz an ihr Loch, in das meine Eichel nahtlos passte. Ich fickte sie, während sie gemütlich auf dem Stuhl saß, dabei Cappuccino schlürfte und ich mir die Knie wund scheuerte auf dem rauen Terrassenboden.

Während ich sie fickte, fragte sie mich, ob ich als ihr Zuhälter fungieren könnte. Sie wollte sich unabhängig von Herbert Geld verdienen, brachte aber jemanden, der auf sie aufpasste Starzbet und ihr lukrative Jobs vermittelte. Ich fühlte mich geehrt, meinte aber, dass ich keinerlei Kontakte zu den Honoratioren der Stadt hätte, die bereit wären, viel Geld für Sex auszugeben. Nebenbei hämmerte ich jetzt meinen Schwanz etwas schneller in ihre Fotze.

Keuchend meinte sie, dass dies ja auch mit der Menge erreichbar wäre, die Situation im Baumarkt hätte ihr abschließend betrachtet, gut gefallen, obwohl sie anfangs etwas Angst gehabt hätte und unsicher gewesen war. Schnaufend antwortete ich, dass mir dazu einige Situationen vorstellen könnte und ich ihr dabei gern behilflich sein würde, so gegen 50% des Umsatzes. Sie stöhnte: „30.” Ich stöhnte zurück: „40.” Dann spülte mein Schwanz ihre Vagina mit meinem Sperma und sie klappte ihre Beine zusammen und kam zeitgleich mit mir. Es ging ganz gut mit uns beiden, fand ich, als sie sagte: „Ich finde, es geht ganz gut mit uns Beiden.”

Mittags klingelte es an der Haustür und Herbert stand vor der Tür. Also der DHL Herbert und hatte ein Paket. Er stotterte verlegen. „Ich habe ein Paket für Frau König, aber da ist niemand zuhause. Kann ich es hier abgeben?”, fragte er etwas enttäuscht. Ich streckte die Hand aus, aber Ingeborg war schneller und schnappte sich das Paket mit einem Ausfallschritt. Dabei öffnete sich wie durch Zufall ihr Bademantel, weil der Gürtel sich wieder mal löste und Herbert hatte nur noch Augen für ihre Brüste, die auf und ab hüpften.

Wie sie es geschafft hatte, den Bademantel über ihre Schultern auf den Boden fallen zu lassen, war ein Kunststück und nur mit gelben Flipflops und dem Pakte stand sie jetzt vor Herbert und fragte: „Wo muss ich jetzt blasen?” Herbert und ich hörten wohl nicht recht und sie korrigierte sich schnell: „Unterschreiben. Wo muss ich jetzt unterschreiben, meinte ich.” Herbert reichte ihr das Gerät und sie kritzelte mit einem Finger einen Penis auf den Touchscreen des DHLers.

Schüchtern wie er war, wollte er sich verabschieden und seine Tour weiterfahren, aber Ingeborg packte ihn hinten am Kragen seiner Jacke und meinte: „Nicht so schnell. Vorher gibt es noch Trinkgeld.” Damit führte sie ihn, nackt wie sie war zu ihrem Haus, öffnete das Gartentürchen und schob ihn nach in den in den Garten ihres Hauses, wo sie sich meinen Blicken entzogen. Das Pakte hatte sie mir in die Hand gedrückt und ich öffnete es und nahm die Utensilien heraus, ging den Beiden Starzbet Giriş hinterher und fand sie auf der Liege, wo Ingeborg Herbert ritt.

„Probieren wir doch gleich mal was aus”, meinte ich und bog ihre Arme auf den Rücken und ließ die Handschellen an ihren Handgelenken zuschnappen. Ihre Brüste schoben sich nach oben und vor und Herbert griff zu und knetete ihre Titten, was sie damit goutierte, ihn schneller und heftiger zu reiten.

Als es Herbert kam, schob sich Ingeborg von seinem Schwanz herunter, schob ihr Becken nach hinten und schaute von oben auf seinen Schwanz, der gerade Sperma ausspie und erst ihre Titten traf, dann ihr Gesicht und beim dritten Spritzer ihre Haare anfeuchtete. „Respekt”, rief ich und Herbert wurde rot. Ingeborg stieg etwas ungelenk ab, weil ihre Arme auf dem Rücken fixiert waren und Herbert zog sich an und musste dann auch wieder los, weil es viel Arbeit gab.

Die mit Sperma vollgeblasene Ingeborg stand breitbeinig im Garten und wartete darauf, dass ich ihr die Handschellen wieder abnahm, aber ich dachte erstmal gar nicht daran. „Was würde denn Herbert davon halten, wenn er dich so sehen würde, ich meine, dein Herbert, deinen Mann?” Sie schaute verzweifelt, aber dann hob sie ihren Kopf und sagte: „Wenn du mich unterstützt, kann mich Herbert mal mit seiner Kohle.” Was tut man nicht alles für eine schöne Frau.

Ich ließ sie noch ein wenig zappeln, auch weil es gerade an der Tür klingelte und ich die Tür einfach öffnete. Die Blaschke, ihre Nachbarin, ein Haus weiter, stand vor der Tür und wollte sich etwas ausleihen. Sie schaute mich interessiert an und ich erklärte ihr, dass ich bei Christiane Dornhagen als Untermieter wohnen würde und bei Frau König den Wasserhahn reparieren würde. Sie blieb misstrauisch, weil sie einen Einbrecher in mir vermutete, aber als Ingeborg ihren Kopf seitlich an der Tür vorschob und dies bestätigte und sie fragte, was sie denn genau bräuchte, kam die Blaschke ins Stottern: „Dadadas, kann ich so kurz nicht erklären. Vor allem nicht vor diesem jungen Mann. Entschuldigen Sie, ist nicht gegen Sie gemeint.” Die Blaschke hatte einige Probleme mit Wortschatz und Grammatik, war aber, was ich von Christiane erfahren hatte, eine hilfsbereite, weltoffene und großzügige Person, die in ihrem großen Haus, das sie allein bewohnte, Asylbewerber aufgenommen hatte. Christiane übrigens nicht.

„Ach, ich kann schweigen wie ein Grab. Womit können wir Ihnen Starzbet Güncel Giriş helfen?” fragte ich sie und sie holte hinter ihrem Rücken ein technisches Gerät hervor, dass sie die ganze Zeit in ihrer Hand gehalten hatte. Ich traute meinen Augen nicht. Ein elektrischer Dildo. Ingeborg musste lachen und dabei zitterten ihre Titten ganz aufgeregt mit. Ich schaute ernst und fragte, was das Problem wäre.

„Es hat die ganze Zeit wunderbar funktioniert und dann auf einmal: Nichts mehr. Der Akku ist voll es zeigt grün an, aber wenn ich den Schalter umlege, passiert rein gar nichts”, jammerte sie.

Ich musste schmunzeln. „Passen Sie auf, Frau Blaschke. Bestellen Sie sich eine Kleinigkeit, die Sie geliefert bekommen. Am Besten per DHL. Der Fahrer heißt Herbert und seine Akkus sind voll aufgeladen. Trauen sie sich und greifen ihn einfach bei der Lieferung in den Schritt. Seine Reaktion darauf wird zufriedenstellen sein. Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Aber warten Sie, er hat gerade bei uns etwas abgegeben und ich versuche ihn zu erreichen und schicke ihn zu Ihnen, wenn Ihnen das recht ist.”

Sie nickte und ich schwang mich auf mein Fahrrad und suchte und fand den gelben Lieferwagen zwei Straßen weiter. Herbert sortierte gerade seine nächste Lieferung. Ich klopfte und er kam an die hintere Tür. „Was vergessen?” fragte er. „Naja. Wir hatten gerade Besuch von der Nachbarin”, begann ich und erzählte ihm die Geschichte, die sie uns und die ich ihr erzählt hatte. Er schaute auf die Uhr. „Naja, arbeite ich heute etwas länger”, meinte er und steuerte seinen Lieferwagen zur Blaschke.

Während Herbert der Blaschke die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) der DHL erklärte, hatte Ingeborg ihre Haustür mit dem Kopf voran geschlossen und stand nur mit verkrustetem Sperma in ihrem Haus und überlegte, wie sie Herbert diese Situation erklären könnte. Zum Glück war die Terrassentür nur angelehnt und sie schaffte es, sie mit ihrem Kopf zu öffnen. Dann lief sie zum Zaun, kletterte über den kleinen Zaun, fiel vornüber auf den Rasen, fluchte laut und stand vor Christianes Terrassentür, ihre Knie mit Gras verziert und klopfte mit ihrem Kopf an die Scheibe.

Ich öffnete und schlug eine Dusche vor, die sie zwar nicht wollte, aber keine Wahl hatte. In der Dusche, die recht großzügig geschnitten war, duschte ich ihr das Sperma vom Körper und seifte sie langsam und gemütlich grinsend ein. Sie tänzelte hin und her und ich fragte, was los wäre. „Ich muss pinkeln”, flüsterte sie leise und ich lachte. „Auf geht’s. Lass laufen.” Dabei bog ich ihre immer noch mit Handschellen gebundenen Arme hoch, sie musste sich bücken und ich schob ihr meinen eingeseiften Schwanz in den Arsch, während sie drauflos pisste.

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Chain of Respect

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Ben Esra telefonda seni bosaltmami ister misin?
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Chapter I

Some women valued their careers more than others. To Lori, her career was her life. Ever since the ninth grade, she knew she wanted to be a marketing specialist. She’d had a hard time making friends, but she went through Highschool and college just fine, by keeping a small social circle of two friends who didn’t bore her with their party stories and their dreams of meeting the knight in the shining armor or wanting to become a famous model like Blah-blah-who gives a shit.

Her passion and hard work had carried her through college, out to the market, and into one of the best fashion companies in the country. She got an alright GPA, of 3.2; that was only because she couldn’t bring herself to put any real effort into any of the unrelated trivial courses—it wasn’t her fault that the educational system was stupid, and as far as she was concerned, she had more Marketing knowledge in her pinky than all of those A+ wits combined. She bet none of them made it to a company as nice as the one she was driving her car to now.

She parked her car in the company’s garage. She looked into the rear-view mirror and adjusted her long brown bang to the side, before putting her thin delicate glasses on. She didn’t really need them unless she was reading, but she liked to put them at all times; it made her look sophisticated, smart.

She got out of the car and walked in through the company’s big glass doors, swinging her 2000$-suitcase by her side and amusing herself with the click that her equally expensive black heels made against the floor. She wasn’t much of a spender, but when it came to her work clothes and accessories, she didn’t think twice about investing half of her salary in any item that would make her look sharp. At 25 of age, already promoted once only after four years in the company, she was confident that she was going to be the boss one day, and she should look the part starting now.

She took a deep breath as the elevator took her to the nineteenth floor. She straightened her poster and rose her chin slightly as the elevator parted its doors upon reaching her floor. She strode to her cubicle, making sure to walk fast so that no one would pin her down for a useless 10-minute chat. Luckily, today, she managed to do that. She sighed with relief as she reached her cubicle.

“Hey Suzan,” she said to her cubicle mate.

“Morning Lori,” Suzan turned on her wheel office chair to face Lori. “How are you?”

The cubicle included two desks with each one facing its cubicle wall.

“Good,” Lori thudded her suitcase on her desk. “Did you finish the spring collection slides?”

“For heaven’s sake bitch I just woke up…” Suzan whined.

“So. You were supposed to be done with them yesterday.”

“Well yeah but…I had a dozen of episodes of AOT to binge, so I made a judgment call.” She smiled, trying to be funny.

Lori didn’t find it funny. “…Suzan, you were supposed to finish them,” she said, trying to sound firm, but not mean.

“Just relax…only some final touches are left, it’ll take half an hour, I’ll do it right now…after my coffee.” She shook her coffee cup beside her face with a girly smile then took a sip, before she offered Lori hers.

“Thanks.” Lori frowned jokingly as she took it, then turned back to her desk and turned on the computer. She shouldn’t give her a hard time. Suzan was her only friend here. She wasn’t that different from the rest of the girls, but she was different enough. Like most of them, she didn’t work as half as hard as Lori, and she liked to run her mouth for a little bit too long every now and then, but she understood her limits. Lori liked to think that Suzan admired her work ethic and she appreciated her for that. She knew that she was the only woman in here that was genuine when being nice to her, as she’d been so from day one, and hadn’t changed since.

The first couple of months Lori had spent at this company, with her personality cold, and with no tolerance to hear anything unrelated to work, she wasn’t surprised that people found her a bit repulsive to be around. And she didn’t care. She wasn’t there to make friends she was there to work, and whether the rest of the girls admitted it or not, they were all in a competition.

She was surprised, however, when the girls started acting nice to her, even though her general dismissive attitude hadn’t changed. They just…started making visits to her cubicle and starting conversations, and only left when she intently showed on her face that she’d like them to piss off so she could go back to work. She just dismissed them and they left with a smile on their face. All of that was a huge difference from how they usually treated her; they usually ignored her, which had been understandable, given that she’d made it very clear that she had no interest to know any of them; people tended to not like that very much.

Her confusion hadn’t lasted that long, as she realized that the change had occurred at the same time that she had gotten her first promotion. She had only been there for four years and had already been promoted, rising above some of the girls who’d been there a decade or more. It had become evidently clear to her, that they had realized, that it wouldn’t take that much time until she was the boss. They just chose to practice their ass-kissing skills while Lori was still their level.

She got to work, and so did Suzan after she finished her precious coffee. They spent some time working in silence, or at least the kind of silence that one would get working among a hundred cubicles. If there was one thing Lori was excited about when getting her next promotion, it would be the new office she’d have with it. She’d be out of this dame beehive. At her office, she’d enjoy true silence.

She was focused on her computer when her head abruptly snapped to the cubicle’s opening upon hearing an aggressive knock. A grimace showed on her face for a second before she hid it, as her eyes landed on Miss Santana standing two feet away from her desk the way she always stood: like she had a broom shoved up her ass.

“How’s the presentation going girls,” Miss Santana said, in her usual confident, enthusiastic tone, that never failed to make Lori feel sick in the stomach.

“Great boss.” Suzan turned on her seat then rose to her feet eagerly, making Lori grimace inside. “Just putting the final touches.”

“Good girl, excellent,” Miss Santana’s eyes darted between Suzan and Lori, as Lori stayed on her chair like a self-respecting woman should, and crossed her stockinged legs.

“You look great today by the way,” Suzan said with a sly smile.

“Oh stoooop,” Agatha threw a slap in the air as she faked shyness. She stood there in her white knee skirt and her Paige suit and white shirt blending smoothly with her pale white skin and blue eyes. She did look great, with her long red hair falling on her shoulders. She was in her mid-thirties, but she looked at least 10 years younger.

“No you really do, doesn’t she Lori,” Suzan said and looked at Lori, inviting her to join her ass-kissing session with their perfect boss.

Agatha looked at Lori with her faint smile and cold eyes, waiting for an answer.

“Yeah…you look good…I guess,” Lori said, relying on her tone alone to show her slight sarcasm.

Suzan got a disappointed look on her face before she looked at the ground, and Agatha, not really that surprised, widened her smile before she said calmly, “Thanks, dear.”

“Project will be ready any minute boss.” Suzan gave a joking awkward bow.

“Well…make sure it’s on time this time,” Agatha said, her tone losing some of its friendliness. “And I’m speaking to you Lori.”

FUCK you. She never missed a deadline. Not damn once. Well…once, but it was her first month. It was years later and Agatha was still holding that damn little fuck-up over her. She sucked up a breath as she saw Agatha look at her with a smirk and an amused pair of eyes, that knew they were tormenting you. “You got it,” she said with difficulty.

“Good girl,” she turned with an amused nod. “Continue on, chop-chop.” She clapped her hands animatedly as she strode away.

Suzan gave her a sympathetic look, sensing Lori’s discomfort, knowing the swears she was harboring in her mouth.

Lori peered her head out of her cubicle, waiting for the tall Amazonian tree to get far enough. When she was sure that Agatha was far enough, she lunged forward towards Suzan and whispered, “Fuck that bitch.”

“Come on…” Suzan huffed. “You’re un-helpable you know that.”

“I never missed a deadline…fucking never.”

“Well…” she tilted her head.

“Other than that fucking once for goodness sake,” she shouted.

“Keep it down,” Britany yelled from the adjacent cubicle.

“Sorry,” Lori yelled back then leaned on her elbows getting closer to Suzan. “And baby…do me a favor, don’t include me in your ass-eating session next time will you.”

Baffled, Suzan recoiled back. “Bitch I did that for you. Promotions are around the corner and you need to get on good terms with her before then.”

“I don’t need to do anything…” Lori puffed. “I’m the best working girl on this floor. She has to promote me with her foot over her neck or I’ll go straight down to Mrs. Barlow.” She bragged, reminding Suzan of her winning ace.

Suzan frowned and shook her head, giving up. “Have it your way…but you’re relying too much on that HR crap honey.”

“So what…I’m the only obvious choice and she knows it. She’s only giving me a hard time because she has to promote me soon.” I said getting back to my desk. “You can see it in her eyes how salty she’s about it.”

The only negative thing Lori found about rising up in the ranks, was having to work closer to the nastiest woman in the company.

Agatha Santana wasn’t a bad person, per se. She didn’t have the qualities that one would usually find in a bad boss. She didn’t impose on her employees, and she didn’t try to tell anyone how to do their job, and she wasn’t strict about dress codes or vacations or being late; she was a cool boss. That was why most girls liked her. But it was how she carried herself that rubbed Lori the wrong way.

Whenever she entered a room, although she’d walk and talk all cheerfully and in an uplifting manner and tone, Lori could always spot a harbored sense of…superiority in her every move. She walked like she owned the damn place, striding quickly like nothing was standing in her way with her chin up and her head held high.

It was true, that Mrs. Yanami walked like that too, but Mrs. Yanami could walk whatever way she fucking wanted cause her name was printed on the company’s gates, she did own Yanami’s Company. Agatha, at the end of the day, was just another employee, no matter how high she had reached on the corporate ladder, and she acted like wasn’t. All the girls noticed that about her, but for some reason, Lori was the only one that found it obnoxious. She saw the snobby, ugly personality Agatha was hiding behind her friendly face and tone and gestures.

Like, when she’d ask someone for a favor, she wouldn’t ask, she’d order, but in a friendly, over-enthusiastic tone, like she was talking to a toddler. “Hailey, be a dear and bring me a coffee.” And when Hailey would return. “Good girl,” or, “Tiffany, I’m running against the clock here, pick up my dress from dry-cleaning downstairs. I need it for the interview today so make it quick honey.”

When she had made her first friendly request to Lori, and asked her if she could fetch her a cup of coffee, Lori didn’t refuse, given that the bitch had coated it in a kind tone that would make it so rude to refuse. So she told her “Sure,” with an equally friendly smile and tone, then she walked back to her cubicle and ignored the request. That was maybe the turning point of their relationship, cause when Lori saw Agatha walk towards the coffee machine minutes later to fetch her own god dame cup of coffee, she spotted that resentment in her sharp eyes that she’d usually hide. She’d felt that since that brief exchange, Agatha had put her on her list.

“DONE,” Suzan whooped throwing her arms in the air.

Lori recoiled from Suzan’s sudden girly shout and regained her grip over her coffee cup after it spilled some on the floor. “Fuck’s sake Suzan.”

“What…I’m done.” Suzan turned on her chair animatedly. “Presentation is officially ready. Be happy you ungrateful twat.”

“Well show it to Miss Santana…” Lori glared at the mess of coffee on the floor. “And bring a mop with you…”

“Hey…” Suzan rose to her feet and adjusted her blazer and snatched her notes. “Leave that bossing around shit till you’re actually my boss.”

“Yeah yeah…” She waved her hand. “Just tell me what she says.”

Suzan got out of the cubicle, leaving Lori to her work. Lori stared at her computer screen for a bit, fretting about what the bitch would say about her work. Ever since a fight she and Agatha had a couple of months ago, she’d made Suzan do all the communication between them. She wasn’t that happy about that, given that she always did most of the work, but she doubted that Suzan would take any unearned credit for herself; she wasn’t a cunt, and she didn’t care that much about the job to turn into one. Lori sighed and took a random glance at the cubicle’s opening, only to find Suzan standing there with a thoughtful look on her face. “What?”

“I was thinking,” Suzan said wiggling the notes in her hand. “…why don’t you do it.”

“Do what—no.” Lori shook her head. “Now go show it to her before she gives me shit about being late or something.”

“I’m serious,” Suzan whined, persisting. “There’s still some bad blood between you from your last fight, just go in there and show her the work and clear the air.”

“Honey she hates me,” Lori said aggressively. “And I know I wouldn’t be able to control myself. Up until now ignoring her has worked just fine for me. If I walk in there and she starts giving me trivial shit about this or that I’ll go ballistic on her and our relationship would be worse.”

“No you wouldn’t, cause you’re smarter than that. So just go in there and suck it up…and it wouldn’t hurt if you…” she shuffled her flats, seeming hesitant about continuing. “…Apologized for—”

“Apologize! Why what the fuck do I have to apologize,” Lori hissed making sure to keep her voice down. “She was in the wrong.”

“Fine…” Suzan held her hands up in defense, trying to calm Lori down. “Don’t apologize, just brief her on the presentation…with a polite smile on your face…and get out.”

Lori’s eyes darted between Suzan’s hopeful face and the notes in her hands. Her friend was right. If they were going to work even closer together soon, it would be best if there wasn’t so much bad blood between them. Especially that Agatha could still make her life hard, even after the promotion.

Her face must’ve betrayed her acceptance cause she saw Suzan’s face gradually light up in stupid victory. “Give me those notes,” she snarled as she stormed up from her seat and snatched the notebook from Suzan’s hand.

“Outta girl,” Suzan gave her a light slap on her butt cheek as she walked away. “Go kiss that ass.” She teased.

She rose her middle finger at Suzan without looking back as she continued walking to Agatha’s office. On her way there, her mind reluctantly recalled their childish fight.

Mrs. Yanami had been planning to come down to get a briefing on their new marketing strategy, and all the girls had been hunkered in the meeting room getting prepared. In the middle of their preparations, they found out that there were some documents messing, important documents. Agatha, staying true to her state whenever Mrs. Yanami was supposed to visit their floor, had already been a nervous wreck, but when she found out about the missing documents, she exploded, and for some reason—probably because of the coffee fetching incident—chose to aim all her anger at Lori. She blamed her for everything, called her stupid and incompetent, and said that she didn’t deserve to work in the company. Lori of course took all of it to heart, and unlike the other girls who’d usually just shut up and take it, she exploded in return.

She was never as nervous as when she stood in Mrs. Barlow’s office hours later and told her side of the story. Part of her nervousness, other than that Agatha was her superior, was that Mrs. Barlow was Agatha’s sister. And they were obviously really close. She saw them get to and leave from work together, or sit in each other’s offices drinking coffee and chatting. So it was an understatement to say that she felt like a piano was lifted from her shoulders when Mrs. Barlow ruled in her favor. Agatha didn’t seem salty at that, or at least she didn’t show it.

That incident made Lori feel like she had somewhat of an ally in the company, a good, professional ally. Mr. Barlow and Agatha were sisters and still, she ruled in Lori’s favor, and even urged Agatha to apologize, which of course Agatha shrugged off with a snicker. That allowed Lori to feel safe in standing up to the stuck-up bitch and not let her walk all over her.

Upon reaching Agatha’s office now, she paused at the door. She sucked in a deep breath, as she tidied up her long brown hair and adjusted her dark blazer. She took a couple of calming breaths then knocked on the door.

After a second, a lively response came. “Come in.”


That fucking tone. Lori pushed the door open and entered. “Miss Santana…” she looked at the woman sitting behind her desk.

Her eyes hadn’t left her computer screen yet. And when they did, her face fell into an indifferent frown at seeing Lori at her door. “Oh, you. What do you want?”

I don’t see you speaking in this rude tone in public you witch—Lori cleared her throat then said with a polite smile. “We sent you the presentation, I just want to know what you think of it.” She stood respectfully with her hands behind her back.

Agatha’s eyebrow rose in confusion and reclined in her chair, as her gaze stayed cold as ice. “Suzan usually briefs me, why the sudden need to be courteous.”

“…Emm…” she pushed her heel against the door closing it as she thought of an answer. “…I’m just interested to know what you think Miss.” Part of that was true. An extra cost to cutting the relationship with the woman in front of her, other than making an enemy of her superior, was being unable to make use of her expertise. Agatha had been in the company for almost 15 years, and according to everybody, she’d been one of the main reasons for the company’s current success. But still, Lori could do without benefiting from some extra knowledge if that meant she didn’t have to tolerate her boss’s pretentious attitude.

“Yeah…” She nodded slowly like she didn’t get an answer to her question, and pushed her red hair behind her ear. “But why not send Suzan…like usual.”

“Umm—I don’t…I gu—”

“Ummmm—ahhh—oooh.” She mocked aggressively. “At least Suzan didn’t babble like an idiot…come in sit down make yourself comfortable.” She carelessly waved her hands at the chairs in front of her desk.

Idiot. Resisting the urge to run towards Agatha and karate-kick her out of the big window behind her desk, Lori relaxed her muscles and made her way to the chair. She sat down and laid her notebook in her lap, looking at Agatha as she clicked around her computer. “Okay…” Agatha sighed as she arrived at the folder. “Let’s see what you girls did here.”

Lori grew confused as she watched Agatha recline in her chair, casually left her legs up, and rest her feet at her desk. Consequently, Lori was forced to stare into the dirty soles of Agatha’s black pumps if she wanted to look her way.

Cunt…as simple as that…cunt. Resting her feet on her office wasn’t that disrespectful, but she put them right in Lori’s face, and knowing her better by now, Lori knew that it was no oversight.

“I like what you’ve done with the colors…who’s call was that?” Agatha shook her foot as she examined the slide.

“Mine…” Lori said as she tried to keep her composure, and aimed her look to the side, ignoring the shoes in her face.

“Oh…That’s surprising,” she chuckled, her ridicule clear.

“…” she couldn’t help the aggressiveness in her tone. “Why’s that surprising?”

“Glad to have an assignment of yours on time for once.” She ignored her question and delivered another insult. “I only feel bad about Suzan, she’s the one who has to drag your ass around.”

An irritated snicker escaped Lori’s mouth, as she took her frustration on the notebook in her hand, clutching it. Lori wanted to tell her that she herself was the one doing most of the work, that she was talking bullshit, but she was sure that Agatha already knew all of that. Just because she didn’t suck up to her like the rest of the girls, she was giving her shit now. But she held her tongue; she was here to make peace, not further escalate their cold war.

“I suppose you chose the fonts as well,” Agatha said.

“Yeah…they’re good right.”

“No their hideous,” She said coldly, making Lori boil. “Truly hideous.”

“Well…” Lori bit her tongue. “I think they’re good, they go well with the mode and the colors. That’s just my opinion.”

“Out there you have an opinion,” Agatha said with a sharp tone. “In here you shut your mouth and do as I tell you…change them.”

Shut my mouth! Lori took a breath as she returned her eyes to Agatha, only to find the soles of her shoes to greet her. Her temperature slowly rose, making her tight white face turn red. She said with a cold tone, “Can you put your shoes down please?”

She switched her legs, resting one ankle on top of another. “No.”

“It’s disrespectful.”

“That’s the thing…” Agatha chuckled. “I’ve reached a point in my life where I can disrespect a brat I don’t like. You…didn’t. So you’ll sit there and take it.” She peered her head to the side, only to give Lori a grin with amused eyes before her head despaired back behind her heels.

I’ll take you and throw you off the fucking window you arrogant bit—Lori laughed nervously as she realized she was going to explode, and that wouldn’t be wise, so she got her feet. “I’ll be in my cubicle if you have any questions. Here…” she threw the notebook in Agatha’s lap and smiled at the cold displeased look she gave her as a result.

She had almost reached the door when Agatha said, “Lori…”

She turned, making sure to keep a straight face. “Humm?”

Agatha’s eyes gave her a quick scan, before settling on her face again. “How much is that blazer?” her tone was curious.


“The blazer…it looks nice.”

“…A couple of thousands…” She narrowed her eyes. “Why?”

Agatha nodded with an arrogant smile on her face like she was looking at a naïve kid or something. “Nothing, it’s nice…the whole outfit actually, makes you look…serious, or whatever.”

“…Yeah…thanks.” She faked a smile before pulling the doorknob and leaving. Bitch.

She stored back to her cubicle resisting the urge to stomp her heels on the ground.

when she arrived, Suzan turned her chair to face her. “How did it go.”

“CUNT.” Lori hissed as she slammed her butt on her chair and moved her mouse aggressively.

“…” Suzan turned back to her desk in silence with widened eyes. “Cool.”

Lori was laying on the couch in her living room, still in her work clothes.

“I mean…” she bit her sushi with a bit too much force. “I don’t know what her problem is…” she mumbled around her food.

“Don’t let her get under your skin honey,” Bill said while he applied some more pressure on her foot. “She’s probably just giving you shit because she has to promote you soon.”

“Duh,” she said, accidentally spitting out some rice. “But the thing is I’ll still work under her after I’m promoted. I’m under this woman forever, I’ll never outrank her or something, is she gonna keep giving me shit forever…other foot please.” She smiled politely.

He grabbed her other foot and started rubbing, making her moan with relief as he eased out 10 hours of built tension from her sole.

The nightly foot rubs were the prime reason Lori headed home every day with an excited smile. Even though Agatha made it clear that she didn’t care about the dress code, Lori was one of the few in the office that kept wearing heels, while other girls just wore comfortable shoes like sneakers and sandals. And while the six-inch heels did hurt, and made walking a lot more difficult, Lori would’ve picked a seven-inch if she could walk in them, given that her height of 4 foot 10 inches had always been her biggest insecurity. So a sore foot at the end of the day was a small price to pay if it meant that she didn’t have to look up when talking to another woman.

“You can try acting nice to her…”

“Yeah,” she nodded. “I tried that today, she put her shoes in my face and gave me shit about the presentation that I had been working on for weeks.”

“Well she probably has some harbored resentment she needs to throw your way first, you should’ve sucked it up—”

“Fuck you.” She nudged his stomach with her toe.

“What…didn’t you tell me she’s sisters with that HR woman, and a friend of the CEO, Mrs. Yanana or something—”

“Mrs. Yanami, the owner and CEO” she said. “And no, they’re not friends, I mean their relationship is good as far as I know, but I don’t think they’re friends.”

“Whatever, if the job is that important to you, you’ll need to be a bit more careful around her. From what you’ve told me, she can easily ruin your career.”

“No she can’t,” Lori huffed. “Worst case scenario…she’ll force me to leave the company somehow, or outright fire me.”

“And you’ll live with that?” he asked her with a teasing smile. He knew her better.

“No I’ll probably kill myself if that happened,” she said, exaggerating a little, but not that much. “But I’ll get over it.”

As she’d anticipated, Bill didn’t seem thrilled with her answer. Ever since they’d gotten together, he’d made it clear that he wasn’t a fan of her working. Not that he was against the idea generally, but he was probably afraid that she wouldn’t be able to find a balance between her life and her work, and he was right as rain about that. Most of her time was either spent at work, or at home working, and given that his salary would be enough for both of them, it looked like Lori had chosen their life to be this way. But after a dozen of fights about it, he caved. But she should probably shut up about work now, this was supposed to be their time.

“Anyway,” she sighed. “What’s up with you.”

He put on a fake smile as he looked at her, then said, “Well, Josh’s still mad about me fo…” his voice turned to mumbles in her ears. As he went on and on about his fight with Josh, all Lori could think about was the market research she was supposed to do in a couple of days. It wasn’t due until a week or so, but if she started on it now, she could probably finish it way earlier. She tried to imagine the look on Agatha’s face when she’d hand her the report a week sooner. Maybe the only positive thing she could say about Agatha, was that—even though she had a weird way of showing it—she was a professional woman. She cared about the company. She’d never keep Lori in her place, consequently promoting someone less competent, and thus damaging the company’s sales, just out of her childish spite and pride. All she could do was nitpick and give Lori shit at every turn. And even if that wasn’t the case, Lori could always go to Mrs. Yanami as a last resort. She wouldn’t be happy if she found out that Agatha was hurting a hardworking employee just because.

“You even listening…” Bill pinched her toe.

She shook her head as she looked at his suspecting gaze. “…No.” She smiled awkwardly with guilt. “I’m sorry honey I’m just busy thinking about the promotion. I have some work to do actually.”

“…” he seemed like he was deciding between starting a fight or shutting up. He smiled warmly then nodded. “I’ll leave you to it then. I’m going to bed.”

“Thanksthanksthank.” She clasped her palms in gratitude. He gave her a kiss on the mouth then started walking to the bedroom. “Can you bring me my laptop…it’s right there on the table,” she said as she shuffled on the couch and got comfortable. Without a word, he snatched the laptop, then walked to her with a smile then threw it in her lap, a little bit too harshly. “Thanks,” she frowned at him as he walked away.

“Knock it out…” Suzan elbowed her in the arm.

She looked at Suzan’s scoring face, then stopped biting her thumbnail and rested her shivering hands on her lap adjusting her skirt. They, along with fifteen other girls, were sitting around the long wooden meeting table. Most girls chatted in little groups, but Lori stayed silent, eyeing the clock on the wall. She took a deep breath every now and then, taking a glance through the giant windows in front of her. She gazed at the high-rise glass buildings as they reflected the sunshine. It was a sunny day, but she felt gloomy, and she’d keep feeling like that until she’d hear her name out of Agatha’s mouth. She looked at the clock again: 10:30.

All girls kindly be in the meeting room at 10:20 sharp. There’s an important announcement . 10:20 Sharp, speaking to you Lori. That was Agatha’s email.

Lori shifted in her seat, feeling a mixture of irritation and worry. 10:20 sharp…and yet you’re late by ten minutes…Her eyes met Suzan’s that were staring at her with a frown. “Relax will you.”

She took a deep breath before she whispered. “No all I’m saying if she’s gonna say sharp she shouldn’t be—”

“Girls…” Agatha greeted loudly with a ringing tone as her tall figure strode into the room. “Morning.”

“Good morning boss.” The girls greeted in unison as they rose to their feet, including nervous Lori. She watched Agatha walk with quick steps to the head of the table, with her red long hair dancing behind her. She looked extra glamorous today, her face was beaming with health. Lori didn’t know what was the reason behind her good mood, she just hoped it didn’t have anything to do with her.

“Have a seat…” she gestured with her hand for the girls to sit.

Lori sat down and bit her lip as her eyes stayed glued to Agatha’s lively face.

“Now…” Agatha said. “You can probably guess what that announcement is about…” she said in a teasing tone.

The girls giggled as they exchanged excited glances. Lori knew their excitement was fake. They knew it was about the promotion, and they knew that Lori would get it.

“I’ve had the responsibilities of our marketing coordinator for two months now, since Elia left this company, and I think it’s time that one of you girls have it,” she said as her eyes darted between the girls. “Now, you’re all good girls here, hardworking and focused on improving this great company, but there’s one girl in particular that I think deserves the job more than everybody.” Her blue eyes glanced at Lori for a split second then looked away. “She’s been working her ass off, with diligence and determination, and never stopped improving her skills ever since she’d stepped foot in Yanami, and I have no doubt that she’d continue to do so.”

Lori felt a burst of excitement run down her spine as she saw Agatha stand up and extend both palms in her direction. “Say hello to our new Marketing Coordinator…”

She loved Agatha at that moment, as she saw her smile at her with pride. She smiled politely as she got ready to get up to her feet.

“Suzan.” Agatha grinned.

Lori halted in her rise upon hearing the name, as her confused gaze stayed with Agatha grinning face. the whole room was silent for a second, with obvious shock.

“Gee.” Agatha frowned, looking at the girls. “Is that how you congratulate a colleague!”

The girls started clapping and cheering as they stood up from their chairs and made their way to confused Suzan. Suzan hesitantly rose to her feet as her eyes darted between Lori and the gaggle of girls around her. Lori just sat there with a pale face as she saw Suzan return the greetings awkwardly. In the middle of her panic attack, Lori’s eyes jumped to Agatha, and saw that her blue eyes were firmly planted on her. The tormenting smirk that curled up her mouth made her want to jump out of her seat and tear her pretty red hair out. As if to sense the boiling rage that was building inside Loir’s chest, Agatha winked her eye before giving her a kiss.

She managed to keep her mouth sealed, as she looked up and saw the gaggle of girls around Suzan. She was the only one still sitting like an idiot, so she got up and stood in front of her friend. “Congratulations.” She said in a weak choked-up voice.

Suzan’s guilt and empathy showed on her face as she nodded weakly, then said, “Thanks.”

The girls parted as Agatha walked into their group and put her hand over Suzan’s shoulder. She was a tall woman, and the heels she wore only highlighted the fact.

“Wow boss…” she said nervously as she looked up. “I’m…speechless.”

“Oh honey you deserve it,” Agatha patted her cheek lightly. “Besides…” she directed her teasing gaze towards Lori. “You deserve a reward for surviving a year with this lazy brat…” She chuckled at Lori, acting as if she was joking.

The girls laughed, like they always did whenever Agatha said something she thought was funny. And Lori smiled despite herself, pinning her hands at her side. But her disdain must’ve shown on her face, cause Agatha pouted as she teased. “Oh don’t look so gloomy now…she’s your friend don’t be so jealous.”

With her head about to explode, Lori could only glare while Agatha leaned towards her and pinched her cheek harshly.

“Some girls understand that they should work hard to rise up in this company.” Only a hint of her cruelty showed through her amused smile, as she gave Lori a light, playful slap across her red cheeks. “Something you ought to learn.”

Her hand instinctively shot out and brushed Agatha’s hand off, making the group fall into awkward silence.

Agatha nodded with satisfaction on her face, as if she’d proved a point, before she took a deep breath and looked around the girls. “Well. A celebration is in order, so I’ll leave you girls to do that… there’s wine and food in the break room.”

“Why don’t you join us boss,” a girl said.

“Oh your nice…but I’m afraid I have some work to do. Suzan, swing by my office when you’re ready, I’d love to show you your new workspace. Oh and by the way you all get the day off…” she said and smiled at the girls as they cheered her. She gave Suzan a kiss on the cheek, telling her to enjoy her big day, before she strode to the door, making sure to bump her shoulder harshly into Lori’s who was caught off guard and so tripped over her high heels and tumbled to the ground with a yelp.

“Clumsy Lori,” Agatha snickered as she strode out of the room, giving her one last tormenting smirk.

Lori rubbed her sore knee and shoulder as she watched Agatha walk away with fuming eyes that reluctantly started tearing. She’d never felt that much hate towards someone before. She felt it boiling inside her.


She looked up, then swallowed her sadness before she took Suzan’s offered hand and pulled herself up.

“You can at least try and look happy for your friend,” Britany taunted. “Gee what a jealous bitch.”

“Britany!” Suzan hissed.

“What…” Britany smiled. “I’m only teasing.”

“Well knock it off…” Suzan said.

Britany nodded inocently then wrapped her arm around Suzan’s shoulders. “Congrats love, you deserve it.” She gave her a kiss on the mouth.

Lori only gave the blonde girl a weak glare in response to her gloating. She was wondering about how long it would be before the girls’ attitude shifts again; not that long it seemed. Pure joy showed in Britany’s taunting smile, which was only one of the many girls who hated her. She could already see it on their faces. They were going to taunt her for every second they’d spent sucking up to her.

“You could probably use a drink,” Suzan rubbed her shoulder and urged her to walk beside her.

“Hey easy with the touching,” Britany protested and tugged at her girlfriend’s hair, getting jealous like always.

“Take it easy,” Suzan nudged her away. “My intentions are pure.”

The girls hang out in the giant break room. They drank wine and ate the snacks and deserts filling the big table in the middle. Some of them formed small groups and danced to a cringy rap song. They weren’t really that close to Suzan, but girls here liked to party for any reason; having fun didn’t need a reason. Lori sat in one of the chairs in the corner, sipping her red wine, grimacing every time the stinging liquid touched her mouth; she didn’t drink that much usually, not at all really, but she could sure use one now.

While she kept a fake wide smile on her face and watched Suzan chat politely with the girls, returning congratulations and compliments and laughing awkwardly at some stupid jokes, all Lori could see was Agatha’s face staring at her, with that damn grin showing her teeth. She pushed her sliding glasses up the bridge of her nose.

All the overtime, all the all-nighters, all her fights with Bill, half a fucking decade of her working her ass off, had been taken from her and put in the trash. She enjoyed it, sure, but most of her enjoyment came from imagining the day when she’d grasp the rewards of her efforts. Today was supposed to be that day, and here she was, with nothing to show for her discipline and hard work. Instead, it was Suzan, polite, incompetent, ass-eating Suzan who would get the rewards. She was still her friend, but god she hated her right about now. It wasn’t her fault; who in his right mind would say no to a promotion. She shook her head. She shouldn’t lose focus. The right aim of her wrath and contempt should be towards the unprofessional cunt sitting in her office.

“Gee…” Suzan sighed as she sat on the chair beside her, accompanied by Britany. “I’m beat.”

“Lori…” Britany said.

“Yeah…” Lori looked up.

“Wine on skirt.”

“Wha—” she looked down to see a big stain of red on her black skirt. “Shit…fuck.” She put the glass on the ground and slammed her hands on her thighs.

“Chill…” Britany recoiled with a surprised giggle. “Washing machines are all the buzz lately.”

Shut up.

Suzan handed her a napkin before she said empathically, “It’s expensive.”

“How expensive,” Britany narrowed her eyes, as always shoving her nose where it didn’t belong.

“None of your business,” Lori whined as she dried off the stain.

Britany looked at Suzan with wide confused eyes, as if to ask what did I say, and Suzan returned a comforting look. “Fine I’ll shut up.” She said as she took a seat beside Suzan and started scrolling down her phone with a cold frown.

“You feeling better,” Suzan said.

“I’m sorry I’m acting like this on your big day.”

“Bitch please…” Suzan said. “We all know it should’ve been you.”

Britany puffed, but stayed silent once Suzan elbowed her.

“But you can’t say I didn’t warn you,” Suzan mumbled.

“I’m sorry I thought her a grown-up,” Lori sniffled. “She’s so spiteful…”

Suzan nodded silently as she rubbed Lori’s back.

“It’s so unfair—”

“Bitch get over yourself,” Britany said aggressively, making both girls look at her, Suzan with a knowing frown and Lori with confusion. “All the girls get along with her just fine.”

“Cause she likes her ass kissed and you girls are experts at that.”

“Yeah, she’s not perfect…” Britany said like she was explaining the obvious. “She has a good side and a bad side. We keep our distance from her and we act nice and polite when she’s around, but you, with your obnoxious pride managed to get on her bad side, and ours. This might be news to you but Miss Santana is not your only hater here.”

“I know…cause you’re—”

“Cause you’re repulsive to be around.” Britany cut her off uttering every word. “You look down your nose at everybody. At least Agatha’s the boss, so it’s a bit expected of her, but you were acting like an entitled bitch since your first day here…I need to piss.” She pointed her finger at Lori, as if to say that she wasn’t finished then hurdled away.

Lori frowned at her as she left, determined not to pay any thought to what she’d just said.

A couple of minutes passed in silence, as Suzan stayed by her side as she regained her composer. “Look,” Suzan sighed. “I’m not about to question her about giving me a promotion…” she said, making Lori look at her with confusion. “I mean that’s almost double my salary…but, I won’t blame you if you go to her and asked her to reconsider. Who knows maybe she’ll give you a raise instead, or maybe there’s another position she can give you.”

It was the late afternoon, and all the girls had left, except for Lori. She stood at the end of the hall, glaring at Agatha’s office door. She could see the light poking out from under it, and she knew Agatha was still there; she always stayed late. She took her mini-mirror out and tidied up her hair and fixed her makeup. There was no way in hell the bitch would get to see that she was sobbing; she didn’t want to give her that pleasure.

She thought about what she’d say. She should go in there and leave her pride at the door, but she should put a limit to how bad she’d allow Agatha to treat her, how much she’d let her get away with. She adjusted her skirt and blazer and walked to the door, deciding on her opening line.

She Starzbet walked into the abandoned assistant office. Then stood at Agatha’s office door.

She knocked.

“Come in,” a cold reply came. She probably knew it was only her and Lori here, as no one stayed this late except for them.

She opened the door and walked in. It was night, and the only light came from the two tripod lamps in the corners, emitting warm orange light on the big office’s walls. Agatha sat in her chair, with her feet propped on her desk. She had a cigarette in one hand, and a glass of some beverage in the other; judging by the color, it was likely bourbon.

Something about the sight made Lori shiver. She suddenly felt anxious about the fact that she was alone here with this woman. She grew nervous as she saw Agatha resting there, not working, not really doing anything, but sitting in the silence of her office with nothing but a cigarette and a drink.

“Miss Santana…” Lori said.

Agatha’s response was moving her cigarette to her mouth and taking a drag, then puffing slowly, as her blue eyes stared at Lori coldly.

“I just…” Lori took a breath. “I wanted to apologize for…” she forced herself to lie. “My rude behavior, at our last meeting.”

“Yeah?” Agatha said.

“…You were obviously under a lot of pressure, and I didn’t…act considerably. So I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.” She looked towards the ground with fake guilt.

Agatha nodded, with no emotion showing on her face. Lori took the liberty to approach and sit down at the chair in front of her. She put a remorseful look on her face and leaned forward a bit with slouched shoulders, attempting to betray some weakness. “I hope we can…put it behind us.”

A hint of a smile showed on Agatha’s face, but it despaired quickly. “…Behind us it is,” she said. “Anything else?”

“About the promotion—”

“You didn’t deserve it.”

“…” She snickered nervously before she continued. “No, I clearly didn’t…so I was wondering, if…you would have something else for me in the company, other than my current position, any step up here would mean the world to me.” She said with a choked throat. It wasn’t right, that she had to practically beg for what she’d already earned. “Giving all the hard work I’d put—”

“You think you deserve something,” Agatha slurred, as she was obviously a bit drunk. “You think I owe you something.”

“…No…but if you could give me any kind of…validation for my hard work, I’d be more than grateful.”

“Validation…?” Agatha narrowed her eyes for a second before her drunken face lit up, like she’d got a brilliant idea. She held her cigarette in her mouth and tightened her hand into a fist and rose it in the air. “ ‘Outstanding performance’ ‘good job’ ‘You go girl’” she cheered with a smile on her face, making Lori frown. “Here’s your validation…” she chuckled between coughs.

Lori tried to control her temper as she watched her take another drag from her cigarette and look at her with a cold but taunting face. “This is my career here, please don’t treat it as a joke.”

“Duly noted …” She nodded. “Now get the fuck out of my office.”

“…” Lori darted her eyes in lose around the cruel pair of eyes. “Can you at least assure me that… you’ll keep me in mind for the next promotion…if I work hard enough for it.”

“I assure you that you’ll stay at your current position as long as I’m sitting in this chair.”

Lori recoiled back at the hateful comment. She felt assaulted by how much hate the woman had put into her tone and on her face. “…Why? What did I ever do to you?” she whined feeling herself get emotional.

“Nothing, I just loathe you…do I need a reason for that?”

“If you’re gonna fuck up my life over it you do.”

“Well.” She shrugged. “I guess you better give me your resignation now, there’s no future here for you honey.”

She stayed frozen in her chair, out of things to say. She’d never imagined she’d face something like this in her life. This wasn’t right. Climbing up the corporate ladder was simpler in her eyes; You work hard, you take some crap from an angry boss every now and then, you suck it up and you move on. What the hell was she supposed to do when facing a woman like this. This was the best company in the city, one of the best in the country. When one would arrive here, they could rest assured that their career was moving in the right direction; resigning would be a step—no, a leap, a huge jump backward that she could never recover from. She was humbling herself in front of that woman, and all the woman could give her was a cold stare; she’d hit a brick wall.

“Miss Santana please…” she whined, feeling herself get emotional. “What can I do?”

Agatha took a gulp of her glass, wincing at the burning taste, with her eyes still on Lori. Her feet started rocking on the table while she looked at Lori in silence like she was thinking things over; Lori hoped she was at least. She hoped that the woman had the smallest bit of kindness, enough to give some thought before she ruins her.

She coughed a couple of times after she’d taken a drag from her cigarette, then she sighed and said in an indifferent tone, “You wanna be my assistant?”

Lori bulked. She expected to hear a lot of stuff, but not this.

Agatha had had only one assistant. The girls didn’t really know her that much, as she’d been quite busy most of the time. They just saw her hustle to and from Agatha’s office ten to twenty times a day, always bearing an anxious look on her face.

Lori had been working for only two months in the company when the girl stormed out of Agatha’s office crying. She refused to talk to anyone and continued marching through the door pushing everyone out of the way and yelling ‘I quit…I Quit.’

It had been no surprise that after that incident, when the position opened again for admissions, no one submitted a request; no one wanted to be Agatha’s assistant after the emotional storm-off the last girl had made. The admission period closed abruptly after three days; Agatha said that she found that she didn’t need an assistant after all. She had played it off as a joke, but it was obvious on her face how offended she was.

“But…” Lori mumbled. “You don’t need an assistant.”

Agatha smiled faintly. “I’ll make an exception for you.”

Lori stayed still, with a hurt, defeated look slowly taking over her face. Being an assistant to someone this high up the company wouldn’t be that bad, she’d learn a lot, and build a useful relationship; but she knew she wouldn’t get those benefits working under Agatha. She wanted her as her assistant cause she hated her, and all that Agatha would probably give her would be trivial tasks and mean remarks.

“Is…” she took a deep breath, making a last effort. “this the only position—”

“Yes.” She cut her off coldly. “I’ll think of something else as we go on, but it depends on how well you perform in the position I’m offering you.” She wiggled her foot as she looked away from Lori and laid out the terms. “If I’m happy with your performance, and you better know that you should reach a very high bar to make me happy, I’ll find you a position you’d love, maybe like the one you just lost due to your incompetence, maybe higher.” She looked at Lori and raised her eyebrows, successfully enticing her and rising her hopes up, before her face went back to cold. “But if you disappoint me, and that’s easy to do, I’ll fire you.”

Lori gulped, as the mere mention of the word made her sick. She couldn’t imagine having to leave here. Her anxiousness must’ve shown on her face, cause Agatha gave a mocking snicker before she took another gulp from her drink.

“You’ll make me fetch you coffee and documents right…” Lori said with slight contempt. “Trivial shit like that.”

“Among other things.” Agatha nodded with narrowed eyes. “But I’m offended that you think it’s trivial. I mean, my time is very valuable. Any time or effort you’d manage to save me would highly contribute to the performance of the company. If you’re gonna take this job you should take it with pride.”

She didn’t give any thought to Agatha’s last line of bullshit, and instead weighed her options quickly. She could either quit now, cause there was no way in hell she’d stay in a dead-end job, or she could accept the offer, and hope that after the hateful woman would have her fun, she’d let her continue her career in peace.

She looked at the ground then said reluctantly, making sure not to sound weak, “Fine.”

Agatha nodded, before she frowned jokingly and whined. “Aww remove that beaten dog look from your face will you. I’ll make it fun for you, you’ll see. You’ll find that being my assistant is a whole career line in by itself, with levels that your eager little ass can climb.”

“Happy to hear it.” Lori put on an ingenuine smile then rose to her feet. “Guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Agatha stubbed her cigarette as she nodded with a bit too much movement with her neck; the alcohol had obviously gotten to her. She let her feet slide to the floor as she straightened herself. Lori headed for the door with fast steps.

“Actually…” she heard Agatha say before she turned.

Agatha wasn’t looking at her, but down at the floor, right at her feet.

“My pumps are dirty.”

Lori narrowed her eyes, unsure of why she’d stopped her exit to tell her that piece of information. “Excuse me?”

“My shoes…my pumps…” She looked at Lori with a drunken innocent smile. “They’re dirty.”


“…Nothing…” She held her hands up in front of her. “I just thought I should tell you. You being my assistant should do as you see fit with that information.”

It took a moment for the confusion on Lori’s face to turn into astonished disdain. High bar huh. She snickered as she shook her head at the ground before she closed her eyes and took a breath. “Would you like me to…” her nick twisted reluctantly. “Polish your shoes for you Miss Santana?”

Agatha thrust her lip out and shrugged. “I wouldn’t refuse you I mean, sure why not.”

Lori sealed her swears as she strode towards the desk and snatched two napkins out of the napkin box before walking around the desk and facing Agatha’s chair. She paused for a moment as her angry eyes stared at the ground near the woman’s feet. She never knelt in front of anyone before, let alone to clean someone’s shoe for them. A harsh punch hit the top of her stomach, as she felt like she was about to lose a part, although small, but unrecoverable of her dignity. She swallowed her pride and knelt, setting on her heels, to see that Agatha’s black classic pumps were perfectly clean.

Before she leaned in to start polishing, she took a sharp breath when the woman slowly rose her foot and rested the sole of her shoe on her lap. Lori bit her tongue as the shoe twisted on her expensive skirt. She looked up, to see Agatha looking down at her with a drunken cold look.

“Whenever you’re ready Lori,” Agatha said, planting her other shoe on her lap.

The mixture of determination and hate was obvious in the woman’s stare, her determination to humiliate her. Lori thought the best thing to do would be to give the bitch above her minimum satisfaction, so she’d show no signs of discomfort or weakness. If she was going to be debased, she’d take the debasement with a smile on her face. So she folded the napkins in her hand and started cleaning the clean shoe.

She ran the napkin forcefully up and down the top of the woman’s pumps, all the while fretting silently about the other shoe being wiped up and down her skirt, leaving big spots of gray dust on her dark material. She thought about telling Agatha to stop, but then decided against it and just kept polishing. Agatha was a bully, and the usual best response to a bully would be to fight them head-on, but sense that wasn’t an option, the next possible thing would be to let them know that their mean, pitiful acts had no effect on you to speak off.

“You like your new job…” Agatha said.

“…Yes.” Lori smiled as she kept her eye on the shoe she was cleaning.

“Shoe Girl.” Agatha snickered. “That’s your current position. Keep up the good work and you’ll rise up my ranks in no time. Understand.”

“Yes Miss Santana.”

“Good girl… other shoe.”

She started working on the other shoe. Good girl. That was the first time she had got a good girl from her boss, or maybe the second. Other girls got them all the time but she never did. Sure she’d still love to kill the woman above her, but it still felt kind of good.

She kept at it for almost five minutes before her wrist started aching. She stopped and removed her hand then looked up. Agatha wasn’t even looking at her but had reclined in her chair and aimed her gaze at the big window to her side, like she was deep in thought. Something about the picture in front of her was haunting. She always thought that Agatha stayed late at work cause she was actually working, but was that how she really spent her nights, alone, with a glass of bourbon and a cigarette in a dim lighten office.

Lori coughed a couple of times, trying to get her attention. “…They clean enough, miss?”

“Huh…” Agatha shook her head. “What?”

“They clean enough?”

She’d barely taken a glance before she nodded and rested her feet on the ground. “They’re fine. But napkins aren’t that effective anyway. I expect you to keep a cloth with you at all times.”

Lori dusted off her skirt as she nodded. “Yes Miss.”

“And I don’t wanna have to tell you to do your job, got it.” she nudged her with her shoe. “Whenever you feel like my shoes could use a polish, you get down and give them one. I don’t wanna have to keep checking if I have clean shoes, that’s your responsibility. Understood.”

“Yes…” She bit her lip as she rose to her feet. “Miss Santana.”

“Good.” She rose to her feet, staggering as she did. Agatha almost tripped before her hand found Lori’s shoulder. Lori held her arm in surprise.

“You alright.” Lori said in honest concern.

“Perfecto.” Agatha giggled as she straightened up.

Lori found herself suddenly looking up to meet the woman’s eye. She thought it was the heels, but she was wearing heels too; this bitch’s tall. She always knew it, but standing there so close to her and face to face really highlighted her formidable posture. Tall with long red hair and a pair of blue eyes; she’d have adored her, if she weren’t such a cunt. The ash smell combined with the sharp stench of alcohol made Lori wince.

“You need anything else from me Miss Santana,” Lori said still looking up.

“…No,” Agatha said, before she slurred, “Fuck off.”

Lori recoiled back from the sharp repulsive response. She gave the drunken, inconsiderate face in front of her a shocked look, before she turned away with a red tight face and headed for the door. She remembered giving Bill an earful one time when he said those words to her once as a joke. Nobody should speak to her like that.

She hustled along the hall with tensed legs and shoulders, feeling her anger build up at the top of her chest. She got out of the company and into the garage, swung her car door open then slammed it shut. She gripped the wheel, then, once in the safety of her car screamed at the top of her lungs. She hit her palms on the wheel shouting, “BITCH, BITCH…………………… Fucking BITCH.” She took fast uncontrollable short breaths as she stared down the street. “SOAP. Your mouth needs fucking SOAP,” She took a deep breath as she slammed the wheel one last time. “BITCH…SOAP.”

Once her tight face got a bit looser and her breaths got a bit steadier, she twisted the keys in her car and slammed her heels against the paddle. No big deal…this is still your career, she thought. this is just another skill you have to master. Currently, you have to learn to deal with a bitch.

She took a deep breath as she headed home, while a new thought troubled her. The fact that she wouldn’t get to share her misery with Bill taunted her. She could share none of this with him, cause she knew, that the second she’d tell him that she’d just shined her boss’s shoes for some job, he’d start bugging her and urging her to quit, and wouldn’t stop until she did. It was true that it had been one of the reasons she’d fallen in love with him, but right now she wished he wasn’t so goddamn prideful.

The elevator took Lori up to the nineteenth floor. She spent the ride up staring into her own face in the big mirror. She held Agatha’s cup of coffee in her hand as she looked into her brown eyes with determination.

It had been a week since she got her new position. And every day as she rose through the stories of the company, she’d look herself in the mirror and tell herself, this wouldn’t break me. Just one day at a time. Remember what you’re doing this for.

Tomorrow was her day off, she remembered with a relieved sigh. The week had felt like a month. Every day took a harder toll on her strength and sanity. Coming home that evening when she’d gotten the job, she had a childish thought that maybe, just maybe, Agatha wanted her as her assistant because she actually thought she was good. That she thought Lori was so good that she couldn’t resist the urge to be selfish in keeping her all to herself. The thought didn’t dim Lori’s disdain, but at least it made her feel a bit better about her situation.

But the week had proved to her just how stupid her childish thought was. Ever since day one, any doubt she had about the reason behind Agatha offering her the position evaporated; it was clear that the only thing Agatha wanted to gain was to see Lori hurt.

Her boss didn’t miss a single chance to make her life harder. She embarrassed and humiliated her at every possible turn.

Lori looked at the Starbucks cup in her hand, taunted by the fact that Agatha would probably make her make another trip to get her a different one, cause the one Lori had brought, wasn’t what Agatha wanted.

First time she’d brought her a Nescafe from the coffee machine, but it turned out Agatha wanted black coffee, so Lori went down and replaced it, drinking the Nescafe herself. Next time, she got her black coffee, but it turned out Agatha wanted cappuccino—iced cappuccino, she added, after Lori brought her the hot one.

Later she made the point that she didn’t like how the coffee machine drinks tasted anymore, and Lori knew that Agatha was hinting that she was expected to start getting her coffee from the coffee shop at the end of the street; that only made her trip more tiering. She had stopped wearing her nice clothes days ago so that they wouldn’t be ruined with the endless trips she had to take inside and out of the company. And when she asked Agatha—in the politest tone she could muster—to inform her of exactly what she wanted to drink in a specific day so that she didn’t have to take two trips, Agatha smiled then said, “The thing is, I don’t know what I want until I taste what I don’t want, you know…it’s like… I want a coffee, but then I drink a sip and realize, maybe a Nescafe.” To that, Lori had nodded, pretending like it made sense.

The elevator door opened and she walked out, hurdling towards her Boss’s office. She walked as fast as one could walk with a pair of heels and took an anxious look at her clock; three more minutes and she’d be late. She had no problem being there early, even before Agatha, but the first time she arrived early to greet Agatha as she walked into her assistant’s office, Agatha frowned then said, “Don’t come early. Be here at 8 AM sharp and not a minute before then. I don’t want that face to greet me first thing in the morning.” She’d said it with such disgust that kicked the polite smile out of Loir’s face. And all she could do was look down with a pout and reply, “Yess Miss Santana.”

So she started getting her early, only to wait in the garage for like twenty minutes, then getting out and arriving at Agatha’s office at 8 AM, sharp.

She returned some greetings without stopping as she walked beside the cubicles, before walking into her new office, then knocking at Agatha’s door. “Come in,” the cold answer came.

She entered.

“Good morning Miss Santana.”

“Humm.” Agatha nodded lazily without taking her eyes off her screen.

She walked and put the cup at the desk, then stood there waiting for Agatha to find out if she really felt like drinking a coffee today. She stood there for like two minutes as Agatha ignored her, before she finally grabbed the cup and popped open the plastic cap. She took a sip, then a sharp grimace showed on her face as she spat the liquid back in the cup. “You know what, I don’t feel like drinking anything today.”

Lori nodded with a forced polite smile. The only positive thing she got to enjoy about the two coffee-fetching trips, was that she’d get a free cup of Starbucks at the end, and Agatha had just ruined that for her by spitting in her dame cup that she wasn’t even going to drink.

She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose and said, “Anything else I can do for you, Miss.”

“Yeah…” Agatha sighed as she turned her office chair to face Lori. “Fetch me the week’s report from Suzan.”

She expected as much. She resisted the urge to remind her that email was a thing, so was fax, that was right there in the corner, so was google fucking drive. But why use them when Lori could just run along and fetch them for her. That alone took more than two hours every day, as Lori ran between offices and cubicles fetching documents. She nodded politely then got out, making her way to Suzan’s office.

She arrived then opened the door without knocking.

“The red button for fuck’s sake,” Britany was screaming standing over Suzan’s shoulder while they both stared at her computer screen.

“I see the fucking button—” Suzan’s shout at Britany was interrupted by Lori’s entrance. “Manners, knock first.”

“Piss off.” Lori said. “What are you guys doing.”

“Teaching this cave-bitch,” Britany slapped the back of Suzan’s head. “How to use company’s software.”

Suzan elbowed her with scorn then looked at Lori. “What’s up.”

“The weekend report,” Lori said as she rested her hands on the back of one of the offices chairs.

“Oh,” Suzan said as she started looking around. “The report…” She froze. “Where’s the report?” She looked up at Britany.

“You asking me?”

“Shit. Just a second.” They started opening drawers together nervously as they rummaged through the files. “So how’s it been, working with Miss Santana.”

“…You know.”

“We do know,” Britany smiled teasingly as she looked inside a drawer. “Shoe Shiner.”

“Knock it off,” Suzan said suppressing a giggle.

“What…” Britany said before she snickered as she looked at Lori. “Actually my shoes could use a shine right now if you have some free time.”

Lori only put an irritating smile as she rose her middle finger at Britany.

She knew that it wouldn’t take long until her embarrassing incident would reach everyone’s ears. Two days ago, just when she was finally getting used to cleaning Agatha’s shoes on a daily basis, Agatha couldn’t help but make her humiliation go public. She had been waiting at Agatha’s side while Agatha stood in the hall and talked to a couple of girls about work, when all of the sudden, Agatha looked down at her shoe and whined, “Ohh, these shoes keep getting dirty it’s ridiculous.” She didn’t think much of it at first, but when her eyes briefly met Agatha’s, she knew what she wanted. Agatha had merely glanced at her before redirecting her eyes to the girls and continuing her conversation. It took her a moment to muster her courage before she took the cloth out of her pocket and slump down to her knees mumbling, “Allow me boss.”

Agatha took a step back like she was touched by the kind gesture, and she said, “Oh…What a nice girl.” Lori bit her tongue as Agatha patted her head. She didn’t know why, but she felt like she needed to say something in response, so she said as a joke, “A woman like you shouldn’t walk around with dirty shoes Miss.” She heard Agatha giggle above her as she felt the girls’ eyes drill through the back of her head, with bafflement and contempt both. What an ass-kisser they had to think of her. She gave the two shoes a quick shining before rising up and walking away with her boss, avoiding to look at the girls and only managed to hear their giggles when she and Agatha were far away from them.

“But seriously,” Suzan said, “How’s work been?”

“Seriously!” Lori sighed. “Shitty. She’s making me run around the company half the time, and wait in my office the other half. She didn’t give me a single important task since I started, not a single one. By the time I reach home I’m so tired all I want to do is sleep. Honestly, I don’t know how long I could keep this up.” Her eyes momentarily looked at the both of them while they rummaged through the files. It hurt her to admit it, but Suzan had been doing an alright job, not great, but better than Lori had expected. Brittany was doing a good job helping her too. “Can you guys hurry it up, I don’t want her to give me shit about being late. I mean if you’re keeping your files organized this shouldn’t be happening.”

“Hold your horses,” Brittany said as she looked.

“Found it.” Suzan bolted up. “Here you go.” She reached her hand and handed Lori the file.

“Thanks.” She took it then headed to the door.

“Keep those shoes shiny.” Britany teased with a laugh.

All could Lori do was flip her off without looking back and get out. Britany had to be enjoying this; she always thought of her as a snoop, though Lori never knew why that was. She knew Britany meant well, but she really hated that she was slowly becoming the laughing stock of the company.

She walked back to Agatha’s office. As she handed her the documents, Agatha got a cold but scornful look on her face as she took them. “Has Suzan been relocated to China or something?” she said.

“Wha—” Lori said taken aback. “No.”

“So why did it take you this long,” Agatha raised her eyebrow as she examined the file.

“…They just…” She took a breath. “It just took a minute for her to find it that’s all.”

“I’m not interested in excuses Lori. When I ask you to fetch something you do it quickly.”

Do you want me to do fly here. “Miss Santana I really walked back here as fast as I could.”

“Well, next time, run.” Agatha looked up with a smile. “I don’t care about dress code, so lose the heels next time.” She nodded towards her shoes.

Her instinct got the better of her in her response. “…You can’t tell me what to wear,” Lori said defensively, but her fear showed in her fake aggressive tone.

Agatha gave her a cold look, before she reclined back in her chair, her mouth curling into a confidant, calm smile. She didn’t say a word but Lori saw on her face what she hadn’t said: Sure I can. She thought about arguing further, but she doubted it would be of any use. So she swallowed the torment and nodded.

“Good,” Agatha looked at the document again. “Now fuck off.”

Lori nodded again, and headed for the door, or, she fucked off. She had to hear that phrase at least twenty times a day. It had been almost a week and it still didn’t feel any lighter on her ears, neither the ‘get your ass in here now.’ whenever Agatha needed her. She couldn’t get over the degradation of being summoned and dismissed like that, and being forced to accept it.

“What did I tell you about responding Lori,” Agatha said lazily.

She bit her lip and turned, to see Agatha still eyeing her documents. “Sorry…Right away miss.” She said clearly her response then walked out of the room. Agatha had been very clear that she’d like to hear a reply when she’d give Lori an order, so Lori always replied, in all politeness. Fuck off, right away miss. Get your ass in here, right away miss…fuck you miss…I hope you die miss. Lori cursed under her breath as she slammed her butt on her chair.

She stared at the empty wooden desk she sat at. There was a computer but it didn’t work. Like every day, Lori took out her phone and started scrolling to kill the time, as she was instructed to keep her ass stuck to that chair as long as she was on the clock. She was to sit there and wait, until Agatha would need her assistance again. She had brought this point up with Agatha two days ago, that sitting alone doing nothing was really taunting and that she’d appreciate it if she’d have something work-related she could help Agatha with; she did have some useful knowledge after all. All Agatha said was that she would think about it, which gave Lori some hope.

After half an hour of scrolling through social media apps—which she installed just two days ago for the sole purpose of killing time while she sat there doing nothing—The phone buzzed before Agatha’s cold voice came out from it. “Get your ass in here.”

She got up, then walked into the office.


Agatha took her eyes off the computer screen then said. “I was thinking about what you said.”

Lori stayed silent, confused.

Seeming to sense her confusion, Agatha sighed then said, “About how you’d like a bit more to do around here.”

“Oh…” Lori smiled with pure joy as she exhaled a relieved breath. “Yes Miss I would love that…my butt is practically numb from sitting out there.”

Agatha laughed despite herself, bringing her hand to her mouth to suppress it. “Come here girl.” Agatha nodded to her side.

“Yeah…” Loir rushed to her side, like a little kid eager for a treat. She stood at the side of Agatha’s disk and pushed her glasses up, looking at the computer screen, thinking that Agatha wanted to show her something on it. This would be her chance to prove her worth. If she could help her boss with something that truly mattered, maybe she’d see the potential in making use of Lori’s skills instead of continuing with her spiteful torment. “What can I do for you?” She asked eagerly, her hopeful smile still wide.

“Well,” Agatha smiled in response to her show of eagerness. “It had been a tiring week. And you know what I would love, after such a stressful, tense, work week.” She slowly propped her legs at the edge of her desk.

“What…” Lori’s eyes darted between Agatha’s smiling face and the computer screen.

“A foot rub,” Agatha said as she crossed her ankles.

Lori’s lively smile gradually faded, as she saw the smile widen on Agatha’s sharp cheeks, making that dimple show clearly. She didn’t try to hide her disappointment, neither the hurt frown that took over her face. “Miss I was hoping you’d give me something work-related.”

“This is work-related,” Agatha said with an innocent face. “You making me relax equals me doing a better job, equals better sales for the company.”

“I can…” she said, fighting off her agitation and speaking with difficulty. “I can do other stuff. I can help you with your job.” She said almost pleadingly.

“You think I’d trust an incompetent brat like you with my job,” Agatha said firmly, making Lori squint her eyes. She knew Agatha didn’t believe in her harsh words, but it still hurt. Why did she have to keep belittling her like this? “Now I’m giving you a chance to be useful. Whether or not you make use of it, I will keep that in mind.”

She froze in her place for a second, watching Agatha stare up at her with a mixture of terror and impatience. She stopped tightening her fist as she felt her nails about to dig into her palm, she took a deep breath, then she turned, but before she could Agatha said, “Where you going?”

“To shift the chair,” Lori said sharply.

“No need. Your ass is numb anyway remmember. Just kneel at the ground.”

Lori looked up at the ceiling, trying to gather the patience and strength to move forward, then she nodded, and knelt at the ground at the side of Agatha’s desk. She couldn’t sit at her heels if she wanted to reach Agatha’s feet without rising her arms too much, so she just rested on her knees. The amused look that Agatha gave her only tormented her further. She looked pleased, even a bit surprised that Lori had obeyed her, like she was testing her limits and was happy about the results.

Lori looked at the dusty black soles in front of her, ignoring the sick feeling at the top of her stomach. She never gave someone a foot rub before. And she never received one from anyone other than Bill. When he gave them to her, she felt like a spoiled princess and loved it, but other than that, the ordeal was, in a way, sensual. It had a sexual feel to it, however light. She felt it and she was sure that Bill felt it too, that it was one of the many intimate acts he expressed his love and adoration to her. She could already feel how tormenting and messed-up it would be to give one to another woman, a woman she loathed.

The foot in front of her abruptly shook, interrupting her train of thought. She took a final look at her tormentor’s faint smirk, as she put her hands on Agatha’s shoe and eased it off, to reveal the bare sole.

“Ahh.” Agatha sighed as she reclined her head back. “I already feel better. It feels great being out of these shoes.” She wiggled her toes as she sighed. “Other one.”

Lori leaned in and pulled off the second shoe, resting both on the ground. She wasn’t surprised that her boss’s feet were big, given how tall the shrew was. Her nose wrinkled as a sharp stench lingered under it. Fantastic. She held her finger up to her nose as she stared at the smelly pair of feet. It wasn’t even that late in the day yet, but she could spot a shiny layer of sweat on the wrinkly soles.

She leaned in, keeping her face as far as she could from the source of the unpleasant smell, then rose her arms and wrapped her fingers around Agatha’s foot. Agatha hummed to herself as she looked up at the ceiling, and moaned in pleasure and relaxation. “Oh…that’s the stuff.” She said as Lori’s thumps thrust into her meaty soles. “I should’ve made you do this days ago.”

Lori grimaced at the confirmation that this would be a regular service, that she’d have to provide probably on a daily basis. She’d be disrespected, talked down to, belittled and humiliated, and at the end of the day she’d be forced to kneel down and express her gratitude and adoration for the woman that was humiliating her, by easing the tension from her sweaty feet. As she knead the sole in her hand, she couldn’t help but wonder if she was doing the right thing. What would Bill say if he saw her right now? Would he emphasize or be disgusted? He knew how much she loved her job, how much she cared about her career, but he was a prideful man, as was she.

Those were the two things she knew about herself; she valued her dignity and her career more than anything; what the hell was she supposed to do when a bitch like the one sitting above her forced her to choose between them. She could stand up for herself and tell her to fuck off, or she could shut up, swallow her bemoan for her stained dignity, and take the debasement with a strong face, hoping that she’d one day get compensated for her lost dignity.

She took a deep breath as she mustered her strength, and immediately regretted it once she felt the sharp foot-aroma waft into her nostrils.

“The hell are you holding your head back for?” She said like Lori was acting weird. “they’re feet Loir, not a bomb.”

She thought about telling her that her feet stank, but Agatha probably already knew it didn’t she. She knew it and she didn’t care. And even if she didn’t, it couldn’t be wise to insult her. So Lori put a smile on her face as she shifted her body forward slightly and relaxed her arms, and continued rubbing silently.

“It better not be the smell,” Agatha said narrowing her eyes. “Do my feet smell Lori?”

After a short battle between being frank and being overly polite, Lori chose the former; if the woman wanted her rubbing her feet she might as well be a bit considerate and keep them clean next time. Lori wouldn’t be out of line if she made that obvious point known. “Yes,” she said staring straight into Agatha’s eyes. “They stink.”

“Stink!” Agatha spat as she lurched forward. “Is that what you said? They stink?”

Lori recoiled from the sudden aggressive tone, and couldn’t help but respond with the same aggressiveness. “They’re feet, Agatha. They’re fucking feet it’s obviously been a day or two since you showered so yes they stin—” Agatha’s foot wiggled free from her hand and hit the side of her head, making her lose her balance, barely avoiding the fall. She looked at Agatha’s dead-eyed stare, her blue eyes cold and menacing.

“Use that tone with me again,” Agatha said sharply. “Come on.” She raised her eyebrow.

Lori couldn’t hold the threatening gaze for more than a couple of seconds, and her eyes were forced down towards the ground. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“…For saying that your feet smell.” She said nervously as she pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

“Well,” Agatha shrugged. “In your defense, I think you were confused. Maybe it was something else that you smelt.”

No it was your fucking feet. “I guess…Maybe I’m a bit grimy today.” She said, unable to not sound a bit sarcastic.

“Well, come closer, give them a sniff, I’m sure you’ll change your mind.”

“Oh…” Lori mumbled. “Boss that’s really not nesses—”

“Sure it is…come on, scoop closer and give them a big fat sniff for me, I’d like to make sure. Otherwise I would be anxious about my hygiene for the rest of the day.”

Lori’s disgust showed on her face. why. Fucking why? Why were all the girls out there doing work and I’m here trying to prove that a pair of rank feet smelled good? She looked up almost pleadingly, but only saw a half-amused half-curious look on Agatha’s face. She had to be enjoying this, being able to force another woman to suck up to her like that. Lori’s shoulders slouched as she scooched closer, and held her face inches away from Agatha’s toes. She thought about just pretending to smell then tell the woman what she wanted to hear, but she thought that she’d probably make her do it again cause she didn’t hear her. So she closed her eyes, and breathed in through her nose, allowing the offensive stench to enter. She cursed inside and growled at her boss as she heard a suppressed giggle escape from her lips.

“So,” Agatha snickered, not trying to hide her enjoyment.

“I was wrong…they smell alright.”

“Alright!” Agatha widened her eyes making Lori flinch.

“I mean…” She mumbled nervously in fear. “Great they smell great…like roses…like spring.”

Agatha titled her head, confusion obvious on her face. “Roses…Spring?” her face looked weirded out as she said, “That’s a strange thing to say Lori…”

“I mean—” Lori tried to correct herself.

“You sure you don’t have a foot fetish or something.”

BITCH, I have a foot fetish now! “I didn’t—” she halted, speechless. There was plenty to say, but she couldn’t think of something that wouldn’t be taken as an insult and still get her out of her predicament. So she just said. “No…I don’t have a foot fetish.”

“Either that or my feet do smell like roses and spring,” Agatha said, acting like she was actually thinking about it. “Hand me my shoe for a second. Let me check.”

She frowned as she played along with Agatha’s stupid stupid game, and handed her the shoe. Agatha slowly moved it closer to her face, but still kept it at a faraway distance, much farther than the distance between Lori and her own feet. She wrinkled her nose before she held the shoe away and faked coughing. “Oh my god. They stink. I need to wash these shoes.” She held them out with disgust with the tips of her fingers and tossed them to the ground, before looking at Lori with disgust. “What’s wrong with you, how can you think this smells good—oh not only good, like roses. what kinda gardens do you wander in young lady.”

Lori could only look up, barely able to hide her disdain. “…I don’t, actually think they smell like roses. I just said it cause you were so offended.”

“Oh…” Agatha said. “So you don’t think that…You’re not a foot fetishist.”


“You’re an ass kisser.”

“Yes—what, no.” Lori said. Her eyes grew aggressive as she straightened her posture. She grew hot over the offensive labeling. Ass kisser. She was maybe the last one in this damn company that would deserve the title.

“Yes you are, you basically complimented the stink of my foot just cause I’m your boss in order to get on my good side, which is the most shameless act of ass-kissing I’ve ever encountered. I mean, my ass had been kissed before…but never like this.”

Her face grew tight and red as she got tired of Agatha childishly toying with her like this. She found it hard to believe that the woman was almost a decade older than her, she was acting like a child with all the teasing.

Agatha seemed to sense the boiling feelings of hate that ran through her because she gave her one of her amused smirks before she said, “Go on then,” she reclined her head back again. “Get back to rubbing my scented feet.”

Lori swallowed her curses and wrapped her hands on her boss’s foot again, failing to unscrew her tight scorn. While Agatha just looked up at the ceiling and ignored her, Lori worked her thumps on the sweaty sole, taking some of her frustration on it. While she worked her hands on her boss’s feet, all she could think of was, how much more could she take of this shit.

Chapter II

Lori kept thrusting her thumps on Agatha’s soles, the Starzbet Giriş moans of pleasure and relaxation only made her feel shitter about her situation. Her knees felt sore against the carpet, and her arms and hands ached, but she kept her mouth shut, knowing that Agatha wouldn’t care and would tell her to keep rubbing anyway.

“Focus on the heels a bit there,” Agatha said keeping her gaze up at the ceiling.

Lori obeyed, sliding her fingers, now as sweaty as Agatha’s soles, down the woman’s foot and thrust her thumps into her heel. And didn’t forget to reply reluctantly, “Yes Miss.”

She couldn’t make up her mind about Agatha’s reasons behind all of this; did Agatha just want a foot rub and had no problem exploiting her position to get one, or was this just another way to humiliate Lori.

“Hummm.” Agatha hummed, before leaning forward on her chair to look at Lori. She gave her a calm smile before she opened a drawer in her desk, and took out a whisky bottle and a glass. “You’re good at this,” she said as she poured herself a glass. “You do this often?”

“…No,” Lori sighed, unable to hide her irritation. The compliment meant nothing to her; it almost felt like an insult. “First time.”

“Well,” Agatha swung her glass to her lips. “You’re a natural. But don’t let it get to your head. Don’t get into comfort-zone, I expect you to keep improving.” She wiggled her finger. “Take a course or something…I’ll fund it.”

She couldn’t resist snickering. She didn’t know if her boss was joking or not, but there was no way in hell she’d give one second of her free time to this nonsense.

The door knocked, startling Lori and making her snap her eyes towards it.

“Why did you stop, keep rubbing.” Agatha looked at her with confusion, at the same time putting her whisky glass in, still full, back in her drawer.

Lori’s eyes grew worried as she said, “But—”

“Keep rubbing. What are you shy,” Agatha said before turning towards the door and saying in her bubbly tone, “Come in.”

The door opened, and not knowing what to do, Lori just sat there with her hands shivering at her sides. She was so not ready to get further reducible for sucking up to her new boss.

A woman with long blonde hair entered, Mrs. Barlow.

“Agatha—” She looked up from her phone and halted at the sight of Lori, which only looked back at her with blushed cheeks and nodded politely. “Hey there.” Mrs. Barlow nodded back, with a cold but questioning stare.

“Elia, you know Lori.” Agatha

“Hey…” Lori’s eyes were forced towards the ground.

Elia’s eyes darted between the two of them for a while, before she took a deep breath, then walked in and closed the door.

“To whom do I owe the pleasure?” Agatha said.

“To a boring Friday,” Elia said as she sat on her chair and crossed her legs. Her eyes glanced at Lori before shaking her head slightly at her sister. “What’s she doing?”

“Oh…sweat Lori here has been kind enough to offer me a foot rub, you can get back to it now dear.”

Lori smiled politely at Agatha, then at Elia, almost apologetically, before putting her hands back on Agatha’s sole, and praying she’d wake up soon from this embarrassing nightmare.

Almost a minute passed with no one speaking, but Lori could feel the woman’s eyes drilling through the back of her head. “It’s funny, Last time I saw you…” Elia said. “You two were at each other’s throats.”

“Yeah…” Agatha nodded with a snicker. “But Lori here managed to see reason and recognize her faults, we came to an understanding, didn’t we Lori.”

“Yes Miss Santana.” She gulped and said, watching Elia out of the corner of her eye.

The 30-something-year-old woman seemed deep in thought for a while, before she sighed and said, “Well…glad you two managed to work it out.”

Lori would give a kidney to know what was running in Elia’s mind right now. Less than two months ago, both her and Agatha stood in her office after their fight, and she’d been nice enough to rule in Lori’s favor and even urge her sister to apologize, and now…what was she thinking now? The sight she was witnessing wasn’t practically that normal. Lori was kneeling there on the ground in a position that was clearly far from comfortable, slaving away at her boss’s feet. Would Elia think she was doing this forced, or would she think her a suck-up?

“Hope your feet are clean,” Elia said, “Can’t imagine Lori here would be curt and tell you if they weren’t.”

“Oh please…” Agatha snickered.

Don’t…Don’t you Fucking dare. Lori’s eyes snapped up fuming, suspecting what was coming.

“Just before you walked in,” Agatha said. “She told me my feet smell like spring.”

Fuck’s sake.

Elia chuckled, but suppressed it quickly. “What?”

“Yeah…Spring, and roses, right Lori.”

“I didn’—” She shook her head at Agatha, then at Elia who sat there her face between confusion and empathy. “I just said it so that she doesn’t feel over conscience,” she said weakly her cheeks blushing with hate and embarrassment both.

“You were trying to be polite,” Elia nodded at her, kind of in a comforting gesture. “Take it easy, I’m afraid my sister doesn’t get sarcasm or politeness.”

“Yeah alright,” Agatha said, ending the conversation. “How’re you doing.”


With that, the two women got busy with their conversation while Lori sat and listened, with her hands still working. She’d been keeping going to Mrs. Barlow for help as a last resort. She wondered if that card was expired now. Elia had just seen her acting like she was the office’s masseuse or whatever, and do so willingly. Lori must’ve looked like she didn’t mind it that much, it looked like she really was just nice enough to offer her boss a foot-rub, or worse, trying to suck up to her that way.

How could I be this stupid, I should’ve talked to her days ago, Lori thought. She had already been hesitant about asking her for help, partly because they were sisters. But also, she was afraid that even if Elia emphasized with her, she wouldn’t necessarily do something about it. At the end of the day, Agatha had the right to promote whomever she liked. Technically, she wasn’t forcing her to do anything against her will. She really could keep her in her current position forever and not get questioned about it.

Lori’s thought was cut short by hearing something that caught her attention.

“She’s in her room most of the time, and when she’s not she’s out with her friends,” Agatha said, a bit underwhelmed.

She was pretty sure she’d heard the word: daughter.

“She’s at that age…” Elia said in a kind tone. “Don’t take it personally.”

This cunt has a daughter. Lori looked up at Agatha’s hand. No ring.

“Eha.” Agatha snorted as she brushed off the conversation. “But that reminds me. You free tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow,” Elia mumbled. “Why?”

“I was planning to spend it with Holy, but…surprise surprise the brat’s already booked with her friends…so? Dinner?”

“I…” Elia mumbled, shuffling in her seat, then said, “I have plans with Steven.”

“…” Agatha smiled faintly, then nodded. “Cool.”

Elia nodded back with the same smile, then got to her feet. “Well, I’ll catch up with you later, and Lori…take care.” Elia said in a friendly tone before heading for the door.

Thinking fast, and feeling her aching fingers and arms scream at her, Lori spotted an opportunity. “My knees are kinda sore, my arms too…” she said to Agatha before Elia could reach the door. “You mind if I stop.”

Agatha looked at her with widened eyes, before her eyes darted between her and her sister. “Bahh.” Agatha chuckled. “You don’t need to ask my permission silly.” She said with a bubby tone and wide smile, but gritted teeth. “You can stop whenever you like…” Agatha withdrew her feet and started putting on her heels, smiling nervously at Elia, who returned a cold frown.

“Thanks Miss,” Lori nodded with a teasing look, trying not to worry about Agatha’s knowing gaze. She adjusted her skirt and blazer before walking with Elia out of the office.

“Catch up with you later Lori…” Elia said as she turned to leave.

“Mrs. Barlow,” Lori said without thinking, making Elia stop and look at her questionably. “Can I…you have a minute.”

Elia took a deep slow breath, her knowing gaze seeming unpleased with Lori’s request. She had some similarities with her sister. Tall, although not as tall, her body a bit menacing to be close to, and that cold pale face and blue eyes. “…Sure.” She nodded calmly.

“So, Let me…wrap my head around this,” Elia said, rubbing her palms over her impatient face.

Lori had told her everything. She liked to think that she’d put it clear enough so that there would be no chance for Elia to misinterpret the situation as anything but an exploitive boss torturing an employee. Elia had been responding with nothing but empathy and understanding; Lori liked that, but she’d been hoping for a bit more anger in her response.

Elia put her hands at her desk as her shoulders slouched over it. “Lori…” She shook her head. “What are you asking from me here? Why are you telling me all of this?”

“…I…” Lori shuffled in her seat a bit uneased by the question. “She’s acting out of spite, and she’s being unfair and biased in her assessment and she clearly hates me. So…what I want is a solution.”

“Hand her your resignation.”

Lori froze. “That’s not—” She tried to put her disappointment into polite words. “Is this your solu—” She couldn’t. “Are you fucking kidding me Elia,” she said with gritted teeth as she pushed her glasses up. “She’s in the wrong. She’s a spiteful unprofessional woman and sh—”

“She’s the second most important woman in this company. She’d been here for more than a decade, she’s great and exponentially effective at her job. She…is…indispensable. You are not.” Elia said, uttering the last word. “Yanami is a good company but there are other options you know.”

“I’ll have to start from the bottom,” Lori said, her tone showing her irritation from having to explain the same shit to everybody. “And I’ll have to explain why in hell would someone leave this lovely company. It’s literally like taking five years of my life and shoving them in the trash, I can’t do that. I love working here and I…” She decided against finishing her thoughts. The truth was, she couldn’t bring herself to accept working in an inferior company, especially having entered the best one. But she doubted Elia would emphasize with her if she knew of her unhealthy need for perfection and success.

Elia nodded, before reclining in her chair. She seemed trying to put together a kind response. “Lori…” she said, “If you wanna be here, then you have to…get comfortable…with the fact that you’re basically under that woman’s control. She can promote you, she can keep you in your current position or demote you. She can fire you. Now,” she took a breath as she looked away then back at Lori. “I know my sister. She can be hard at times…really hard…Let’s be honest she can be a bitch.”

“Thank you.”

“And she obviously doesn’t like you…for some reason. So I don’t see her treatment of you getting any better anytime soon. So the way I see it, is…” Elia said, her tone gradually growing firmer. “You can either resign and find another job, which I think you should do, or…stay, dance to her every tune in hope of getting what you want. Your choice, I won’t judge, but don’t come complaining if you choose the latter.”

Lori couldn’t help the scorn on her face as she looked at the woman. All of that crap meant: she was on her own. Lori had always thought these big companies were a bit more civil when it came to issues like this. She just hoped the wake-up call wasn’t this harsh. It didn’t feel good being on the victim end of corruption. She had already made up her mind, but couldn’t resist making this last attempt. “What would Mrs. Yanami say?” she asked, her tone rude.

Her question made Elia drawback, before a wide grin made it to her face. “You’re a tenacious little girl aren’t you Lori.”

“I mean…this…ridiculous, lack of justice in here wouldn’t look nice if it went public wouldn’t you say. I mean, I think Mrs. Yanami probably takes her company’s reputation seriously—”

“Be my guest…” Elia sighed, her tone losing its friendliness. “Ask for an appointment. Delight her with this…reputation threat of yours—”

“It’s not a threat…” Lori said weakly.

“The thing about working in a powerful company Lori is that you may have to deal with powerful people. I advise you to leave before you step on somebody’s toe.”


“I said what I have to say…now I need you to leave. And don’t come to me with the same problem again.” Elia said rising from her chair and pointing to the door.

Lori, regretting the way she’d let this conversation develop in, tried to calm the heated woman. “Mrs. Br—”

“Fuck off Lori.”

Nice. She pursed her lips and rose to her feet. “This polite tongue runs in the family it seems.” She mumbled as she stormed to the door.

There went her winning ace.

She walked back to her office, unable to shake the defeated feeling, like she had her tail between her legs. Agatha was going to promote her sooner or later, as soon as she’d finish with her spiteful vendetta.

She reached her office and threw herself in her chair with an exhausted sigh. She felt a painful pinch of self-blame and regret, as she thought about how different the situation would be if she’d acted like the rest of the girls from the beginning: like a good girl. If I just fetched that goddam cup of coffee. She took a deep breath as she rested her head on her empty desk.

The phone buzzed, then Agatha’s voice shot out of it. “Get your ass in here.”

A painful snicker escaped her lips as she got to her feet.

The following morning, Lori’s eyes shot wide open. Immediately a wide grin curled up her lips. She straightened up on her bed, taking a look at Bill who was still snoring beside her. She got out from under the cover, gently removing them not to wake him up, then got to her feet.

It was Saturday, their day, his and hers, alone. She washed her face in the bathroom and got ready for the long-needed day, away from work, away from her devil of a boss. She started putting on her make-up, as she usually did every Saturday. Nothing too fancy, just some black-eyeliner and dark red lipstick. Both looked good cause of the contrast to her white face. She brushed then straightened her brunet hair down so it fell elegantly on her shoulders. Today, she and Bill would watch a movie, have sex, eat out in a fancy little restaurant, come back, watch a movie, have sex, then sleep: a classical Saturday.

As she took out her black revealing nightdress from the closet, her phone beeped. She picked it up, it was a message. Her face automatically grimaced at seeing the contact name: Evil Cunt.

She opened the message, and her grimace turned into a horrified stare upon reading it:

Why the hell aren’t you in the office.

She replied with the obvious answer:

Boss…it’s Saturday.

She stared with lazy eyes at her phone screen, growing more worried with every passing second.


She exhaled a breath. She couldn’t make her work Saturdays. She’d been holding her sanity together all along this damn week, this was supposed to be her breather. She couldn’t make her work Saturdays. Bitch she has you rubbing her feet, she can make you work Saturdays.

Another message came:

You’re my assistant, Idiot. If I’m working you’re working. Now get your ass here now.

“Fucking cun—” She snapped, her face tightened as she sealed her swears in her mouth with a miracle not to wake Bill up, and punched the air imagining she was punching Agatha’s face.

She looked up the ceiling and took a long deep breath, before she looked down at her phone again.

Be right there boss.

She threw her phone away, then stood in her room with slouched shoulders and a cold face. She looked at Bill who lay on the bed hugging the covers. Instead of staying here and being pampered and made love to, she was going to spend her weekend with Agatha. Maybe she’d be nice and let me go home early…this way I can enjoy half my weekend at least. She looked down with this hopeful thought, then started getting dressed. She put on a black blazer and pants and heels, wrote Bill a note that something in work had come up and that she’d be back as soon as she could, ending the message with a couple of hearts and a pouting face, then left.

She walked into Agatha’s office, bringing her a cup of coffee as she asked.

“Morning,” Lori greeted reluctantly with a tight face.

Agatha, in a white blazer and pants, was sitting with her elbows on her desk, looking a bit sleepy and cranky herself. She took the cup from Lori without a word then opened her drawer and took out her whisky bottle.

Fuck’s sake it’s 8 in the morning. Lori scorned. “Need anything from me.”

“Thought I told you to lose the heels,” Agatha said coldly as she poured some alcohol into her coffee.

“What…” Lori said. “Oh…yeah…Sorry I forgot. I’ll wear something else tomorrow.”

“Lose them.”

“…I will.”

“Now.” She looked up at her, her cold face menacing. Then took a sip from her coffee-whisky drink.

Lori looked down tightening her lips, determined to keep her cool. She kicked her heels off, then stooped down and grabbed them, standing anxiously on her stockinged feet. This was the first time ever that she stood in this office without her heels, and the thought made her anxious. She didn’t feel better when Agatha’s eyes widened at noticing her. She took her lip off the rim of her glass as coffee splattered out of her mouth. She put the glass down, unable to hold off her chuckling. “Holy crap…” She cackled as she looked at the red-faced Lori. “You’re a midget. Like an actual midget.”

Lori’s arms instinctively crossed at her chest as her face got all red and tight, resisting the urge to shout.

“I always thought you wore heels cause you were so devoted to the corporate image or some stupid shit like that.” Agatha managed to control her cackles enough to deliver her mean remarks. “Should’ve known, you insecure about your height honey. Lori the dwarf.” She giggled before she smirked at her.

Lori couldn’t help but feel some of her suppressed sadness and anger turn into tears at the corner of her eye. She was supposed to be watching a movie with her man who loved her, instead, she was here, getting belittled and made fun of. “Is that why you asked me here…” she said, her tone uncontrollably coming out whiny and weak. She hated that she was showing weakness, that she was letting Agatha know she succeeded in hurting her, but she could no longer hold it in. “To make fun of me.”

“…Yes.” Agatha nodded animatedly, but her smile was replaced by a cold curt stare. She seemed angry, for some fucked up reason only a sociopath like her would know.

“Well that’s nice to know…” Lori nodded and her ag. “Do you need anything else, or can I go sit on my desk.”

“Go…” Agatha nodded towards the door dismissively. “Fuck off.”

“Yes Miss Santana,” Lori said and stormed out of the room, holding her tears in and slamming the door shut behind her. She threw herself in her chair and buried her head between her arms, fighting off tears.

The day proceeded uneventfully. For six hours, Agatha hadn’t called her in once. She kept her out there waiting, and Lori spent the time either staring silently into the office door or watching something on her mobile. She got up every now and then to get herself a snack or a drink, but mostly she just kept to her chair, growing uncomfortable by the unusual silence of the office, as there was no one on the floor but her and the devil inside.

While she was watching some Youtube video, her eyes glanced randomly to the office’s window, to see that the sun was going down, and realized she’d been here for almost 7 hours, doing literally nothing, missing on what was supposed to be her relaxing day of the week. The door opened. She watched with dull eyes as Agatha walked out of it, her steps a bit staggering, making Lori think that her mess-of-a-boss was obviously drunk. “Oh…” Agatha slurred as her lazy eyes met Lori’s dead ones. “Totally forgot you were here.”

Lori could only snicker out of pain, but she was relieved to see that Agatha had her purse and was probably going home, which meant that she could go home and have what remained of her Saturday. “Heading home boss,” she asked as she wiped down her grimy face.

“Both of us are…” Agatha slurred with a nod.

“Great—” Lori nodded before she shook her head in. “What do you mean…I’m going to mine and you to yours or are we both going to yours?”

Agatha froze for a second, like she was making sense of the question, then said. “That would be the latter.”

“…” Lori stood up. “Why?”

“I need your assistance at home…call it overtime, It’s paid hours don’t worry about it.”

“…Boss I’d really appreciate it if I can just…go…home…please.” She said. “I’m tired and…and…tired.” She pleaded, but in a firm aggressive tone that made it sound like a demand.

Agatha smiled drunkenly, before she beckoned her close with a wave of her hand. “Come here…little one, come.”

Lori frowned, but walked close nonetheless. She stood close but still kept some distance, waiting to hear what she had. Agatha, for some reason, walked closer, closing the gap between them and invading Lori’s personal space. Lori looked up as Agatha’s menacing face loomed over her. The silence became awkward as both of them just stood there, and Lori could only keep the loaming blue-eyed stare for so long before she looked down and to the side. The sight of the woman was just too smothering to look at. Agatha had an imposing presence, and standing this close to her made Lori feel… small, powerless, inferior. And the sharp stench of cigarettes and whisky didn’t make her feel any better.

The next thing she knew, she felt Agatha’s hot breath on her neck, which made her shiver. “My sister called me…asking me if I could take it a bit easy on you…” Agatha whispered with a drunken light giggle. “You happen to know anything about that.”

Lori shivered. Was this what was it all about? “Miss Santan—” she mumbled and got quickly interrupted.

“You…” Agatha said. “Bad…mouth me to my sister—to anyone, again, you’ll have only yourself to blame.”

Before she could get a chance to respond, she felt a sharp and narrow pain dig through the top of her barefoot, making her yell in pain. She squirmed in her stance as she looked down and saw Agatha’s heel grinding on her foot. To her luck, Agatha wasn’t wearing her high heels, but ankle boots, but still, their thick solid heel hurt like hell against her toes.

“Miss—” She yelped but only felt the heel dig harder making her cry out in pain. “BOSS.” She sank instinctively to her knee, with Agatha’s hand pushing her shoulders down. She grabbed at Agatha’s leg and tried to wiggle the woman away from her position and quickly failed. “Bo—Ahhhh.” The heel left then slammed again against her foot, and Agatha pushed her head harshly downwards until it touched the ground. Agatha took her foot off Lori’s toes, only to step on the top of her hand that was now on the floor, grinding her fingers to the ground. Lori felt her cheek rub against the cold floor, before the dirty sole of Agatha’s shoe rested against her head, pinning it to the hard floor and twisting.

Lori sniffled, as her tears gathered at the corner of her eyes. She didn’t know if she should cry from the sharp pain or the humiliation that she’d never thought would experience. Her head lay literally under another woman’s foot, squashed into the ground. “Take your foot off.” She shouted, her shout coming out strong in volume but weak and pathetic tone. “Take it off…now.” She shouted again, but Agatha’s foot didn’t shift in the slightest.

The sharp sickening sting at the top of her stomach made her want to cry but she held it. Agatha just stood there, pinning her to the ground effortlessly, and kept standing there for a while, to the point where it became awkward. All could Lori hear were her own heavy breaths and Agatha’s, and all she could see was Agatha’s shoe stepping on her soring fingers. A wave of shame ran through her, at how easily Agatha had managed to render her powerless.

Since shouting had got her nowhere, she tried to talk with a polite, calm tone that came out all weary, “Boss…I’m so—”

“…You’re like…” Agatha said from above. “You’re like a bug…” She ground and twisted her foot, putting heavy, sharp pressure on the corner of Lori’s head. “A bug…that I can squash.”

“I’m…” Lori whined. “I’m sorry I talked bad abo—”

Agatha spat and applied more pressure making Lori yelp. “Shut up…slut.”

Lori gulped another insult as clenched her eyes closed, determined not to let her tears fall.

“I think there’s a fact you need to make your peace with…” Agatha said. “As long as you work here…you’re under my thump…”

“I know,” Lori said. She did know. Elia had explained it perfectly to her just yesterday, in much kinder means.

“You could leave any fucking time you want to, but something tells me you’re here for the long haul…I’m I right.”

“Yes…” she whined.

“Then know this…you’ll get nowhere, without my say so. I can keep you in your place—and lower—till the last miserable day of your career…Not only in this company…but as long as you wanna work in this industry, on a respectable level, you’ll have to deal with my foot on your neck.” She said and gave another twist of her foot to emphasize. “I own you…You’re my bitch.” She uttered the last word clearly. “Got that.”

Lori sniffled. She didn’t know if she was supposed to answer but she didn’t want to. She didn’t want to answer that question. Agatha had one foot on her hand and the other one on her head, literally pinning her helpless and unable to move, but even if she could move, what would she do. That woman still held her career between her fingers. It wasn’t like Agatha said something new, but to state it out loud, to give that form of acceptance wasn’t something she was that eager for.

She felt the solid sole being grounded harder into her already sore skull. “Got that?”

“YES…” she said aggressively through gritted teeth. “I got that.”

“What are you?”


“What are you?”

She gulped. “I’m your…bitch.” Hearing those words come out, as a pathetic weak whine, made her want to crawl up in a ball and disappear.

She gave a relieved yelp as the hard sole left her head, and the other one left her hand, allowing her to bring it closer to her face and examine the blue bruise on her knuckles.

Before she could say anything, she saw Agatha take one step back, keeping her right foot planted forward. “Kiss my shoe.”

She knew full well of how messed up the situation she was in was. And knowing the woman in front of her better by now, nothing could surprise her, but this line did. Kiss your shoe. Who did she think she was? What kind of woman would ask—demand such a thing from another. Lori eyed the black ankle boot extended in her direction while Agatha stood there in dead silence. Her eyes reddened at the realization that she was going to do it. Lori giving her verbal approval of their new relationship wasn’t enough for Agatha. Lori admitting what she was and what she was willing to do wasn’t enough. For some reason, Agatha wanted her to show her submission by humble acts.

She wiped her sleeve on her runny nose as she sniffled, before she leaned down and propped herself by her palms on the ground. She got her face closer until her lips were inches away from the toe of Agatha’s boot, then pushed her puckered lips against it, hearing the smack of her lips on the leather.

She sat back on the ground, the idea of rising to her feet not even crossing her mind. Agatha’s gentle hand caressed her messy hair, petting her like she was a fucking dog, reminding her of how messed up her situation was. She sobbed silently under the woman’s gentle fingers toying with her hair. “Hussh,” Agatha hushed, patting her tear-filled soggy face. “You love this job don’t you?”

“I do,” Lori said with a choked-up throat.

“You have a promising future here,” Agatha said, seeming to try to talk with a comforting tone but it ended up all heavy and drunken. “You just have…to accept your place, under me.”

The kind tone her words held somehow made Lori feel more uneasy than before. It looked like even a woman like her, wouldn’t be cruel to someone who’d just humbled themselves at her feet. Who could’ve known that all she needed to do to get on Agatha’s good side was get on her fucking knees and kiss her shoe like some kind of ancient time’s peasant. She couldn’t bear to look up at the eyes of the woman whose shoe she’d just kissed, so she just looked to the side, pushing her glasses up the sweaty bridge of her nose, and nodded weakly.

With that, Agatha patted her head one last time then turned and walked away, leaving her on her knees. “Go wash up, then meet me at the car.”

Lori stormed into the bathroom wailing, her legs barely holding her and threw her briefcase near the sink. She propped herself in front of the mirror and stared at her miserable state. Her hair ruffled up and missy, her make-up running two black lines down her soggy face. She sobbed freely as she knew Agatha couldn’t hear her.

Had she always been this weak and pathetic, or was Agatha just too strong of a woman to oppose. If Agatha had managed to stomp on her head this easily, then maybe her head deserved to be stomped on, maybe it belonged under there. She’d chosen to fight this fight. She refused to bend, and maybe Agatha saw that and didn’t like it, and so decided to break her.

She never imagined she’d experience what she’d just experienced, but even if she had she wouldn’t have probably imagined it to be this sickening, this nauseating. To have someone she hated that much humiliate her this heavily, and be so powerless to get back at them. She felt like throwing up. She had no way of getting back at that woman, while Agatha was free to keep hurting her.

When she’d started this, she had set a limit to how much shit she’d accept in order to keep working here. Looking at herself now she realized she’d let herself bypass that limit, by far. But it didn’t matter anymore did it. She wasn’t going to quit now. She couldn’t harm her tormentor, but she could at least suck it up until she’d get what she’d been promised. Her dignity wasn’t that relevant anymore; How much dignity and self-respect did she truly have left after she’d kissed another woman’s shoe anyway. That kiss meant something: acknowledging that woman’s superiority over her own.

She sniffled at her messy face in the mirror and opened the tap, splashing her face with water. If she was going to do this, she’d do it without being a sobbing pathetic mess all the time. She would have loved to rise in her career with her dignity intact, but it looked like Agatha wasn’t providing that option.

“Take this turn here,” Agatha mumbled with coffee in her mouth, pointing to an exit.

Lori drove into another exit, entering another residential street. Even in her miserable state she couldn’t help herself but marvel at the fancy area she’d been driving in. While Agatha drank her coffee and laid in the passenger’s seat like a numb lump, Lori explored her surroundings with curious eyes. Every street had a giant, well-lit mansion on either side of it, and each mansion was surrounded by a vast garden and softwood or stone walls. It was both a formidable and beautiful sight; Lori often dreamed she’d live in places like this one day, but now, she felt uncomfortable even driving near them.

“Park right…there.” Agatha pointed to a big house at the end of the street, a two-story, cubic house, with giant glass windows and a couple of oak trees rising above it.

Lori nodded, gulped then drove the car through the open wooden gate. What was she even doing here? She parked the car on the opening in front of the house, then sat in her seat and looked at Agatha. Agatha returned a lazy stare, and took another sip of her coffee before she said, “What are you waiting for.”

She took that as a sign to get out, so she did, and after standing in front of the car for some time, and seeing that Agatha hadn’t even opened the door, she bit her lip in suppressed irritation, then walked to Agatha’s door.

She opened the door for her and gestured respectfully with her hand like a proper chauffeur. Agatha smiled and extended her hand out of the car.

Un-fucking-believable. Lori forced a smile on as she took her boss’s hand and helped her out. “Madam,” she said sarcastically.

“Good girl.” Agatha patted her cheek and handed Lori her purse before walking up to her porch.

After wrestling with jamming the keys in the lock for about a minute, and brushing off any attempts from Lori to help her, she finally managed to get them in and shove the door open.

Lori walked silently behind her, her eyes darting around the spacious living room that could easily contain her house. Agatha seemed to have decorated her office similarly to her house: modern Paige furniture surrounding a wide, wooden coffee table, Paige walls and hardwood floors, dim orange lighting.

With a mixture of shame and relief, Lori looked at the neat, sparkling clean living room and thought, Great, at least I know I’m not here as a maid. She watched Agatha meander her way to the couch and throw herself on top of it, before putting her cup of coffee on the table. She reclined her head against the backrest before her eyes settled on Lori who stood at the door in silence. “Kick your shoes at the door, house rules.”

You just walked in with yours on, Lori thought while she kicked her heels and put them near the shoe rack.

“Now come help me out of mine.” Agatha shook her foot lightly as she let her back sink lazily into her couch.

Forcing herself to smile, not thinking about protesting, Lori walked to the couch then kneeled in front of Agatha and grabbed her extended foot. She put one hand on top of her boot, one hand on her heel, then started pulling; the task proved itself harder than Lori had thought, as the ankle boot clung to Agatha’s foot. Lori wrestled with it for a time, and pulled harder, until it flung off causing her to fall on her back with the shoe in her hand then get back up again.

“OHhh,” Agatha sighed with relief and wiggled her toes inside her gray socks. She kept her foot extended in Lori’s direction, making her grimace at the disgusting sight.

She looked with weak eyes at the dark, wet spots of sweat at the sole of her boss’s socks and made sure not to let her disgust appear on her face. After Agatha crossed her legs, extending the other boot in Lori’s direction, Lori did the same with the other one and wrestled it off. She put the two ankle boots neatly on the ground then kept to her place on the floor, speculating that Agatha would ask for a foot rub next. Since she was sitting awfully close, with Agatha’s dangling foot a couple of inches from her face, her nose wrinkled as it smelt the sickening stench of spring and roses.

“You owe me…big time.” Agatha sighed as she wiggled her socked toes near Lori’s face.

She couldn’t resist asking. “Why?”

“I wore ankle boots just for you.” She snickered, nudging her shoulder with her toes. “They feel like an oven on my feet, all so I could give them that spring scent that you love.”

Lori winced, her eyes darting between the wet stain of sweat on the ball of Agatha’s foot and Agatha’s tormenting smirk, and her mind torn between playing along and protesting. Given how all her previous protests had ended, she chose the former, although reluctantly. “…Thanks…” she mumbled. “That’s really generous of you.”

Agatha’s smile widened, then a light cackle escaped her. She shrugged and rolled her eyes. “Anything for my little assistant.”

Lori nodded with a polite smile, determined to keep her outrage in.

“Well?” Agatha rose an eyebrow, as she dangled her foot in front of Lori’s face.

“…Well…” She breathed through her mouth. “What?”

“Don’t be shy,” Agatha said, curling her toes, positioning them closer to Lori’s nose so that they were straight under it. “Take a sniff.”

Loir chuckled nervously as her hands shot up and grabbed the foot holding it away from her, wincing as her hands touched the moist fabric. “I’m good…thanks anyways.” That bitch really doesn’t know when to stop.

“Suit yourself.” Agatha shrugged, seeming indifferent. “Go grab me an ashtray, and the bourbon bottle from the cabinet, this coffee tastes plane.”

Lori nodded then practically jumped to her feet, happy to get away from the bitch’s feet. She walked to the kitchen which was connected to the living room. She grabbed a crystal ashtray and an opened bourbon bottle from the cabinet and put a glass over it. She walked back to Agatha, who took the ashtray and lay it on the sofa beside her, but nodded towards the coffee table once Lori offered her the bottle and the glass, and Lori took it as a sign for her to prepare a glass.

Lori opened the bottle and started pouring.

“Wow wow…stop—” Agatha said. “You don’t pour a full glass like this…only a third. What are you trying to have me drunk?”

God forbid. Lori smiled apologetically and handed her the glass, then sat at the other couch, which granted her a raised eyebrow from her boss. “What?” she said.

Agatha only stared, and Lori speculated what she was thinking. There was nothing for her to do here, and that probably didn’t sit right with Agatha. She was probably thinking of something for her to do, probably something embarrassing or humiliating.

“Make yourself useful, rub my feet.”

Bingo. Lori smiled knowingly then sunk to her knees. She wrapped her fingers around the grimy, moist socked foot and started rubbing. All of this is temporary, all of this is temporary. She said to herself over and over again. Eventually Agatha would get bored and let her off her short leash. She’d promote her, and let her continue her career in peace. With time, this would all be behind her, and after ten years or so, Lori would be lounging in one of those mansions herself. While toying with those hopeful thoughts and thrusting her thumps in Agatha’s sole, she felt Agatha’s other foot thud on her shoulder. She looked up from the sole she was massaging, to be greeted with Agatha’s cold stare. Apparently, Agatha didn’t need to ask her before using her as a footstool.

The humiliation of it wasn’t even bothering her anymore. She had little dignity left to consider; however, she didn’t see herself getting used to her boss’s foot stench anytime soon.

“Don’t forget to wipe your lipstick off my shoe before you leave.” Agatha said as she put a cigarette in her mouth.

She didn’t know if the woman was really concerned about the cleanness of her boot or if she just wanted to remind her of her humiliating experience, probably both. “I won’t.”

“Why were you wearing all that makeup anyway, it’s not like you.” Agatha grimaced.

“…I…” She thought about how much she wanted to give away. “I usually spend Saturdays with my boyfriend…I put make up when I wake up.” She looked up, hoping to see some guilt on the woman’s face for ruining her special day.

Agatha’s eyes shot wide open, in surprise and confusion. “You have a boyfriend?”

Trying not to get offended by the woman’s surprise, she nodded politely. “Yes. Four years we’ve been together.”


Don’t say surprising…don’t fucking say surprising. Lori’s eyes grew aggressive in anticipation.

Agatha seemed to sense her irritation, and she said, “Sorry for ruining your night.”

With that, a surge of hope ran down her, as she smiled pleadingly. “It’s okay…I can still enjoy the best of it if I leave now. It’s only 7 PM.”

Agatha smiled, taking a gulp of her drink, obviously enjoying the pleading look on Lori’s face. “What’re you going to do with him?” she asked, tilting her neck curiously.

The question caught Lori by surprise. Why do you care? She looked at the foot in her lap and focused on it as she said, “…Probably watch a movie…nothing special. Dinner maybe.”

“A romantic dinner…candles,” Agatha hummed, as if she was recalling some memories. “Then fuck his brains out huh.”

Lori widened her eyes embarrassed and surprised. She chuckled nervously, “Yeah…kinda.” She looked up, and felt uncomfortable under the woman teasing stare. Getting into the details of her personal life with this cunt was the last thing she wanted.

“Well…suit yourself.” Agatha shrugged, making Lori grin with a thankful look on her face.

“Really?” Lori said.

“Sure…if you think a romantic evening with your man is more important than staying true to your job responsibilities, then go to him.”

Lori’s confusion quickly turned to a frown on her face. What was she thinking, that the woman would all of the sudden grow a heart? If anything, it must’ve heightened her pleasure to know that her games were fucking up with Lori’s relationship.

“What…you wanna leave.” Agatha smiled, already knowing the answer.

“No,” Lori directed her cold stare downwards at the foot in her lap and just kept rubbing.

“That’s my good girl.” Agatha said, stroking Lori’s cheek Starzbet Güncel Giriş with her toes.

Lori violently turned her face away from the touch of Agatha’s toes, and instinctively scowled at her. Agatha only smiled in response, probably knowing full well that a scowl was all that Lori was capable of.

Suddenly the door opened, and Agatha fidgeted in her seat nervously, her eyes snapping to the door. Lori turned, to see a young girl walk through it and into the living room. She had red long hair and was dressed in jeans and a conservative long blouse. “Hey…” the girl cocked her head questionably.

“Hey honey,” Agatha snickered nervously, pulling her foot from Lori’s hand. “You’re home early…done with your friends?”

“Yeah…” The girl walked closer, her eyes darting between her mother and the woman at her feet.

“Well…” Agatha said, “This is Lori…” she scampered to her feet gesturing for Lori to get up.

“Hey Lori.” The girl walked to her, extending her hand. “Emma.”

Lori shook it and nodded. “Nice to meet you Emma.”

Lori stepped back to stand beside Agatha, as Emma took her hand back and wiped it on her jeans, probably getting rid of the sweat.

“Lori is…a colleague of…mine.” Agatha said. She seemed desperately trying to speak clearly, but ended up half-slurring.

“Yeah…” Emma said, seeming quite relaxed herself. “What’s so special about this one…” she said then smiled at Lori. “You’re the first colleague to step foot in our house by the way.”

“Oh we’re just…best of friends…” Agatha wrapped her arms around Lori, shaking her up as they both kept looking forward. “…so I just thought I’d invite her in.”

“Humm.” Emma nodded, as she kicked her sneakers at the door then put them in the shoe rack. “Did you offer her something to eat or has she been massaging your feet since she arrived?” Emma said jokingly. “You’ll have to excuse my mom she’s not the best hostess.”

“Yeah…” Lori could only node, waiting for the conversation to end.

“We ate out,” Agatha said.

“Alright…I’ll be up in my room, leave you guys to it.”

“Don’t you wanna do something…” Agatha smiled eagerly, letting go of Lori’s shoulders. “Lori was just about to fuko—to leave.”

Emma stood there, seeming like she was thinking of a polite way to refuse, before she said, “I…have some homework. I’ll catch up with you guys later.”

There was a bit of awkward silence for a while, before Agatha nodded, with a wide smile on her mouth. “Cool-cool…” she said, watching Emma node affirmatively then go up the stairs.

A long, relived exhale came out of Agatha’s mouth as she kept her eyes on the stairs which Emma had just ascended, before she and Lori heard the door shut. Lori looked back, and saw that Agatha had walked back to her couch, so she went back to her position. “Your daughter?” she asked, taking Agatha’s extended foot.

Agatha only nodded, still eyeing the staircase with a cold look.

“Nice girl,” Lori said.

“She really is.” Agatha sighed then grabbed her glass again, before lighting another cigarette. She must’ve noticed Lori eyeing her naked finger again, as she said, “Divorced.”

Gee, I wonder why? Lori smiled. She looked up at Agatha, noticing the cold look on her face. She didn’t seem that thrilled with how her relationships developed. She and her sister didn’t seem that close, judging by their brief exchange at Agatha’s office. Her relationship with her daughter seemed, quite awkward more than anything, but there wasn’t really that much to be told about a brief exchange like the one Lori had just witnessed. Lori really based all her suspicions on Agatha’s personality more than anything else.

“You be wary of that, if you ever get married,” Agatha said, in a genuine, advising tone. “You may think he loves you…but sooner or later, he’ll find himself a secretary to fuck, then fuck off to France.”

That was, a bit more detail than Lori had asked for. She didn’t know if it was the booze talking or if Agatha wanted a response from her, empathy.

“I’m just saying…” Agatha continued with a sigh. “Men can be pigs.”

Lori focused on the foot in her lap. “When they’re married to an alcoholic cunt they are,” Lori muttered unconsciously, then her eyes shot wide open with dread, hearing what she’d said. She looked up slowly, to see Agatha’s confused eyes, like she was making sense too of what she’d just heard.

“What…” Agatha shook her head. “What did you say to me?”

“Nothing I’m sorry.” Lori whispered then gulped, her lungs shivering.

Agatha’s face screwed up, her eyes fuming in anger Lori hadn’t seen before. Lori only shivered in fear under the menacing stare and the narrowing eyes. STUPID CUNT. She cursed at herself. Agatha was conversing with her, for once, talking about her life with her, and all she managed to do was deliver a cheap insult. Brilliant.

With worried eyes, Lori watched the woman straighten up, then lean forward, her cigarette holding hand swinging in the air then—Smack. She tumbled to the side, her face burning, her glasses had flown off and clattered on the wooden floor. She held her red cheek, feeling Agatha’s big handprint sting on it, and looked up from her position on the ground, as her eyes teared up with pain. She sniffled, and seeing nothing but the angry, drunken face of the red-haired woman, she started whining. “You…can’t…do this to me…” Lori said. Humiliating her was one thing…assaulting her was another. Agatha shouldn’t do this. She shouldn’t take the liberty to strike her.

Bad thing to say, as Agatha took it as a sign to leap to her feet, crouch beside Lori, and swing her heavy arm again, striking Lori on the side of her face. Lori took the slap then rose her hands, holding them in front of her face in defense, but stayed silent, in fear of another.

“Tell me again…slut.” Agatha slurred whispering with a sharp tone. “Tell me again about what I can and cannot do.”

Lori just kept her hands raised in front of her, and waited for the raging monster above her to calm down. Agatha kept breathing heavy breaths, her eyes staring menacingly at the scared woman beneath her. Eventually, she took a deep breath, then rose up. “Apologize.” She said, in a calm, leveled voice.

“Sorry,” Lori said, her voice devoid of all emotions.

“Properly.” Agatha nudged her stomach harshly with her toe.

At first, Lori didn’t know what that meant. Sorry was a proper apology, but for the fucked-up witch who’d been ruining her life, it wasn’t. She turned on her belly, and shifted till her face was above the feet of the woman who she loathed most in this world, and steeled herself to repeat the messed-up act. “Sorry.” she winced against the sharp stench of Agatha’s feet, before she bent her head down and lay a kiss on the top of her toes, feeling the sweat stain her lips. Agatha didn’t move, neither say anything, which told Lori that she wasn’t satisfied, so she pressed her puckered lips against the moist fabric again. “Sorry Miss Santana.” And again, forcefully, sucking up a breath of the stench she was failing to get used to.

Agatha stooped down, scratching the back of Lori’s head with her fingers. “You keep…forgetting your place…Lori,” she said in a kind tone, that didn’t appear unless Lori was at her lowest. “And you keep forcing me to remind you.”

“…I won’t forget anymore.”

“What are you?”

Lori said, like a mindless drone. “Your bitch.”

“Who owns you.”

“…You do…” She said, “You own me.”

Lori felt herself hit a new low. To be slapped around, then to cower at the ground, grovel at the feet of the woman who slapped her. What self-respecting woman—right…she wasn’t a self-respecting woman anymore. She was whatever Agatha allowed her to be. All the time, while staring with dead eyes at the tops of Agatha’s feet, she repeated in her head, it’s only for a time…only temporary…it’s not forever.

Agatha let her go home after that, even called in a private cab for her. The drive home proved longer than she’d thought. It took about three hours from Agatha’s house to hers. She arrived at eleven, to find Bill dozing off in front of the TV in the living room, probably waiting for her to get home. She was almost thankful he was asleep. She didn’t want him to see her like this. She knew that if he asked her if she was alright, if she heard his kind tone and felt his gentle arms wrap around her, after she had been basically treated like less than an animal, she’d break down crying.

She didn’t even care to change her clothes, and she didn’t wake him up from his sleep on the sofa. She just threw herself in bed and closed her eyes. Her throat refused to loosen up, and kept chocking, and the picture of Agatha’s face refused to leave her vision. It was a tormenting feeling, to loath someone this much and be totally powerless to get back at them for what they did to you. The only thing in Lori’s power was quitting, and Agatha would still win if she did that. She’d go along her life, probably find another poor girl to fuck with, and Lori would have to fix her fractured career, and heal whatever emotional scars this disturbing treatment was leaving on her.

She’d said to herself that she was going to keep moving forward strong, but she couldn’t now. Agatha’s eyes kept staring at her, forbidding her to sleep, so she started crying, hoping that would help her. And it did. She hugged her covers to her chest and cried herself to sleep, with Agatha’s blue-eyed stare tormenting her until she cried enough to be allowed to drift off.

Every day, she went to work, knowing what was awaiting her. Every day she’d go, run between offices, fetch Agatha her documents and her coffee and whatever else she wanted fetched, summoned by get your ass in here, and dismissed by fuck off. None of it bothered her anymore really, she’d grown used to it. She had lost a part of herself getting used to it, but she was happy it didn’t get to her anymore. No matter how much Agatha tried to belittle her or make fun of her, she didn’t show a single tear, but even took it with a smile at times.

Agatha invited her back to her home almost every day. They pretty much spent most of their day together, and Lori spent the majority of that time either at Agatha’s feet, or—her new task—tidying up Agatha’s house. Agatha had fired her maid apparently, cause she didn’t need one anymore; she got her handy little assistant, so Lori spent a good portion of her day mobbing floors and cleaning windows, all in her pants and blazer. Agatha would usually make her do her cleaning when Emma wasn’t there, but when Emma saw her once, Agatha told her daughter that she wanted to start taking care of the house herself from now on, and Lori just offered to help, cause they were such good friends.

Lori of course went along with the lie. She thought about telling Emma how horrible her mother was, but she knew that would be asking for hell gates to open on her, and besides, Emma probably already knew it. She doubted that the college girl was in the dark when it came to her messed-up mother.

One thing that caught Loir’s attention, cause of how much time she was spending with her thirty-something-year-old boss, was how little time Agatha spent with her sister and daughter. That exchange: Agatha asking to hang out, and Emma or Elia refusing and saying they have plans, reoccurred, a lot. They always had some excuse, Elia either had plans with her husband or work, and Emma either had plans with her friends or school. When that happened, Lori would spot a look of total sadness, close to a beaten dog, on Agatha’s face, just for a moment, before the cold face would replace it. She’d feel bad for her if she weren’t such a cunt.

With how much time she spent at work and at Agatha’s place, she hardly had time for anything else. Consequently, she and Bill fought, a lot. He’d go on and on about how much he missed her, and she’d counter with arguments that her job just needed a lot of her time right now, and it was only temporary. Him, not wanting to risk being selfish, and opting to be supportive, would always cave first, but the next fight always came fiercer.

During every fight, Lori couldn’t stop herself wondering, what would he do if he knew how she was spending her time at work, whether he would still love her if he knew what a spinless wimp she’d allowed herself to be treated like, all for the sake of her precious career.

Today was another Friday, which Lori had spent half of at work with Agatha alone, and was now driving to Agatha’s house to spend what remained of her night. Like every Friday, Agatha only invited her back to her home once she was sure that her daughter and sister were busy for the night. Agatha had called both of them today, Elia had to work, Emma had a birthday to attend.

“Miss,” she said and took a U-turn.

“Humm?” Agatha asked lazily, while she looked out the window.

“…How long…are you planning to keep this going?” She asked the question she’d been fretting about asking since they took off. Agatha was in a good mood today, and for once, there wasn’t an ounce of alcohol in her. She hadn’t drunk today yet.

“Keep what going Lori?” Her tone irritated. “Speak clearly.”

“Keeping me as your assistant…it’s been…months.”

“So?” Agatha said. “It takes years to earn a promotion. You youngies have little patience.”

Lori took a breath and focused on the wheel. “I’ve been good…” She couldn’t stop herself. “haven’t I…Aren’t I playing by your rules? I’m doing my best.”

Agatha puffed, but looked kind of convinced. She shrugged, “I suppose. I mean…” she smiled teasingly. “Your foot rubs have reached…professional levels. And you get my coffee on time…you don’t complain half as much as you used to. Yeah, you’re doing alright.”

A feeling of pride reluctantly overtook her. She didn’t want to feel proud for these trivial acts, but they were literally the only accomplishments she could look back on. “Thanks Miss.”

Agatha nodded like she was saying you’re welcome.

Lori waited for her to continue, but she didn’t. Lori kept driving in silence for a while, before she said, “So…Boss—”

“Hush…stop here for a sec.” Agatha said, lurching forward.

Lori, confused as to why she should park on a busy street, asked, “Here why—”

“Stop I said.” Agatha snapped at her. “Idiot.”

Lori drove to the right, and let the car park slowly. She looked at Agatha who was still staring out the window in silence. What is she even looking at? “Boss…?”

After a long while of silence, Lori bent to the side to look through Agatha’s window. There was a restaurant at their side, about twenty meters away. After a while of searching for something worth looking at, or worth this sudden stop, Lori recognized one of the customers, then quickly recognized the one they were sitting with. Elia and Emma.

Lori straightened her back, and sat in her seat, not knowing what to say.

For about three minutes, Lori just sat there, eyeing her silent boss who kept her body leaning forward, looking out the window in dead silence. She spotted that beaten dog look again, it stayed longer this time, however. After a while, Agatha leaned back, her face cold, and simply nodded forward without looking at Lori, who took that as a sign to move.

They reached home, and as Lori took her sneakers off at the door, her worried eyes watched Agatha immediately make her way to her kitchen cabinet, taking out that fucking bottle of whisky. Good luck reopening the conversation now, Lori thought.

She scorned while she watched Agatha put her bottle and glass at the kitchen counter then pour herself half a glass. Agatha gulped it down in one go, her face wincing, before she put the glass down again with a thud, then poured herself another, and froze as she propped herself on the counter, breathing heavily as she looked down.

She felt like she had to say something, but she didn’t know what to say, and she wouldn’t risk saying the wrong thing. She stood there with her hands behind her back, waiting, praying that Agatha would take the glass, leave the bottle, then sit on her damn couch.

Her face lit up as she watched Agatha do just that. She took her glass then walked to her couch, before her eyes snapped towards Lori. Knowing what that meant, she nodded then walked towards her, taking her usual position at her feet.

She put Agatha’s long boot in her lap, before she started unzipping it. “Did I tell you how fabulous you look today miss?” Another thing Lori had forced herself to get used to, was giving Agatha compliments, without being asked. Just another technique she’d started utilizing, in order to stay at her boss’s good side; and she so wanted to stay at her good side at all times. She probably should’ve developed this skill earlier, but she’d learned her lesson.

It was amazing how easily she could make Agatha unwind after a stressful day, or outright make her laugh her ass off, by simply acting like a pathetic ass-kisser. It had been hard for her before, but she had no pride to protect anymore. With Agatha’s mood this shitty, Lori needed to use her secret weapon now.

To her disappointment, Agatha didn’t care to respond, but just stared over her head in silence. She pursed her lips, and eased Agatha’s shoe off her foot. As usual, a wave of warm stench wafted over her, smothering her nostrils. Not caving to the natural temptation of turning her face away from the offensive smell, she breathed in, letting it enter freely. She still hadn’t grown used to Agatha’s foot smell, but she never tried to brush it off anymore.

She grabbed the socked foot, and raised it to her face, while her eyes kept staring at Agatha, waiting for her to look her way, she took a sniff, a deep one, like she was breathing in an appetizing scent; Agatha always liked that, nothing made her happier than seeing Lori humble herself this way, willingly sniffing the stink of her feet. She decided to say something to get her attention. She pushed her glasses up her nose. “Why does it smell like spring in here all the sudden.” She smiled, waiting for a reaction.

But this time, Agatha looked down at her coldly, before she harshly pulled her foot away, then kicked her other boot into Lori’s stomach, making her yelp. Lori unscrewed her pained face, then started unzipping the other boot, taking the clue to keep her mouth shut.

With both boots off, Lori tried to grab her boss’s foot to give her her foot-rub, but Agatha wiggled it off, and instead raised her leg and rested her foot on Lori’s shoulder, keeping the other planted on the ground. They spent a minute or so like this, both of them silent, and Agatha taking sips from her drink, before she finally said, “What were you saying in the car earlier?”

Relieved to open the conversation, but afraid to have it while Agatha was in this state, Lori mumbled, “Oh…it’s nothing. We can talk later boss.”

“No come on…” Agatha said, nudging her cheek with her toe. “I’m all ears.”

“…” Lori took a breath. “I was just…wondering, about when well you…you know…give me what we talked about.”

“The promotion?”

“…Yes.” Lori said, not committing the mistake of raising her hopes up. “The promotion.”

“Well…” Agatha nodded. “I guess I can’t hope to keep you as my assistant forever right.”

The slight sense of warmth, sent a weird feeling down Lori. Do you want to keep me as your assistant? She didn’t know if it was her messed up mind talking, but the question made her feel good, special, that Agatha saw her like something valuable, that she wanted her to stay. She shook her head, as if to wake herself up. Of course she wanted her to stay; what sadistic cunt wouldn’t love a subservient girl at her beck and call, to make fun of, to reducible and belittle, and abuse. Agatha did value her, in her own twisted way. Where else would she find someone whose career mattered more to them than their dignity.

If there was one thing that Lori had made sure to stay wary of, was to not get attached. She’d gotten used to Agatha’s treatment, and sometimes, they’d just sit there and talk, for long periods. Lori would be working her hands on Agatha’s feet or cleaning around the apartment, or –rarely, Agatha would cook them both dinner—and they’d just…chat, laugh together.

At these moments, although for a the briefest of moments, Lori would forget about her situation, and she’d feel like she was in the company of a friend. And every time, she’d smother that feeling down in its prime, reminding herself of what the woman was doing to her, that Agatha was no friend, but a sadistic cunt who was ruining her life.

She looked up at Agatha’s calm face, and smiled, nodding. “Well, you know why I’m doing this in the first place.”

“Yeah…” Agatha nodded. “I know.” She took a gulp from her drink, then smiled down. “Forgive me…I forgot. For a second there, I forgot what a slut you are.”

Lori frowned, then removed it immediately, replacing it with a passive face. She was yet to get used to those names. Agatha didn’t call her that often, not for months, not unless she was in a terrible mode, and trying to fix that mode by drinking.

“You realize that’s what you are right.” Agatha twisted her head, her eyes narrow. “A sluttt.”

“Miss Santana…” Lori chuckled nervously, looking down.

“What?” Agatha said. “You don’t like to hear it. Or maybe…” she said in a curious tone. “You don’t believe it.”

What the hell did she want from her. Why was she abusing her now? Lori’s thought was interrupted by Agatha’s foot sliding down from her shoulder, only to stop at her breast. Just having it there was enough to make her nervous, but when it shifted, inserting itself between Lori’s blazer buttons, Lori trembled.

“Take your blazer off,” Agatha said, out of nowhere, making Lori look up in shock.


“Take your blazer off.”


“Cause I said so.”

Getting uncontrollably scared, she whined. “Miss Santana why do I need to take my—” Agatha’s drink splashed over her face. She gave a high-pitched yelp as she held her hands up, feeling the whisky trickle down her face and soak her shoulders.

“It’s wet,” Agatha said, before she pushed the sole of her foot against Lori’s face and kicked her away, making her fall on her back. “Go grab me my bottle.”

Lori, holding her shouts, feeling her limps shiver in anger and fear both, rose to her feet, and wiped her hands over her face. Some of her hair was wet, tricking down the floor as she walked to the kitchen counter. She handed Agatha her precious bottle.

“Take it off Lori I’m not asking again,” Agatha said, pouring a glass.

With her face red as blood, Lori unbuttoned her blazer, then slid it off her shoulder. Agatha nodded towards the ground, instructing Lori to kneel. She did, and Agatha leaned forward, looking straight in her eyes.

Lori winced, as two cold fingers touched her neck, then gently, slid down. Her hands instinctively shot up, holding Agatha’s hand just when it took hold of one of her buttons. She couldn’t speak, and only stared pleadingly at Agatha’s cold gaze.

“It’s okay…little one.” Agatha said, in a kind tone. “I own you remember.”

With that, she brushed Lori’s hands away, and undid her first button, then the second, parting the sides of her white shirt. Next, she let her hand slip in, her fingers caressing the upside of Lori’s breast. “What are you doing.” Lori whined, shivering under the cold touch on her breast. Only Bill touched her there.

Her hand slipped under Lori’s bra, making her wince in shock, as she felt Agatha’s palm make contact with her breast. “Proving a point,” Agatha said, as she clutched her tit.

“Agatha!” Lori gave a high-pitched yelp as she tried to wiggle away, but Agatha put her drink down, and used her free hand to grab a handful of her hair, pinning her.

“What….” She squeezed Loir’s tit in her grip, as she pulled her face closer so that it was inches away from her own. “Slut.”

“Please…” Lori pleaded, hearing her plead come out as a pathetic whine, feeling her scalp burn from Agatha’s grip. “Stop.”

“If I didn’t…” Agatha tugged harder at her hair, looking in her eyes with determination. “What will you do…Let me guess…nothing.” She snickered. “You’ll cry…suck it up…like every other insult I’ve been throwing your way. Right?”

Lori closed her eyes in shame. She couldn’t deny it, but she didn’t expect Agatha of all people to be the one to call her out on it.

“You know…the only thing, the only nice thing I had to say about you, before all of this…was your unquestionable sense of pride. It was…admirable…obnoxious.” She widened her eyes for emphasis. “But admirable. But it turns out…that too, was a front, a joke. Everything about you is a joke. A prideful little whore…” She dug her fingers in Lori’s breast, making her squirm.

“You forced me to—”

“Shut up bitch…” She pulled her hair. “You had a choice. You could’ve quit, resigned, moved to another company. But no, a narcissistic bitch like you needs to work at the best company ever right. You’re perfectly willing to lick the dirt off the bottoms of my shoe in here, so you can walk with false pride out there.” She narrowed her eyes. “Here you are still…allowing me to have my way with your body. You’re no better than a woman who’d sleep around for a job. If I was a man…you’d be slobbering on my cock.”

To her shame, Lori thought about the possibility of that being true. But it wasn’t…she didn’t choose this rood…Agatha made her. She’d tried to make her way up through hard work, but that simply didn’t work, and it wasn’t her fault. She wasn’t some cheap slut that tried to fuck her way up the ladder. She did choose her career over her dignity, but Agatha made her take that choice, she had no right to judge her.

“Guess what…slut…” Agatha said, tugging on her hair, forcing her eyes to tear. “If you want to get that promotion through being a cheap little ass-kisser, you’ve hardly paid your dues. You need to earn it…”

“I’VE DONE EVERYTHING YOU ASKED.” Lori screamed, the pulling of her hair making the pain in her scalp unbearable. Agatha let go of her tit, only to slap her, causing her cheek to sting.

“Watch your fucking tone.” Agatha gripped her face, digging her fingernails through her cheeks and forcing her lips to pucker. “You did everything I asked and I’m still not impressed…how about that cunt.” She shook her head. “Got a problem with that.” The menacing blue-eyed stare only allowed Lori to shake her head, slightly however, as Agatha’s grip was still strong on her face. “I’m not impressed by your pathetic attempts…if you want me to promote you, as a reward for your…pathetic ass-kissing, as a reward for simply being utterly worthless and pathetic, you’ll need to try much…much harder. You need to really crawl up my ass to earn it.”

“What do you want from me?” Lori mumbled, through puckered lips, as her face was still squashed tightly in the woman’s harsh grip. “What do you want?” She asked in defeat and loss.

“You’re probably willing to say yes to anything aren’t you?” Agatha said, a sly smile curled up her mouth, amused. “That’s how cheap you truly are.”

With that thought, Lori dreaded what was playing in her boss’s mind. She was right. She’d say yes to almost anything, cause otherwise, all of this would be for nothing. She couldn’t bear getting out of this nightmare with nothing to show for it…she just couldn’t.

“What if I tell you to give me head.”

Lori’s face fell, as she stopped herself from gagging, watching Agatha smile in delight as a reaction.

“Would you do that for me Lori…” Agatha said, in a mocking tone. “Would you get your tongue out…and lap my pussy…like a slutty little dyke.”

“I’m not…a…” She stuttered. “I I…” She had trouble speaking as she shivered and stared in the cold pair of amused eyes. “I’m not a—lesbian…” She was still getting over her shock, when she saw Agatha shrug.

“Wow, I didn’t think sexuality is a strong enough barrier for a resilient slut like you…” Agatha snickered, before she shoved Lori away, making her tumble to the ground. “However…I’m only fucking with you…I have no interest in having your disgusting tongue anywhere near my pussy.”

Lori struggled to her knees, far from relieved. Her hands instinctively hugged her shirt to her exposed chest, as Agatha eyed her, her intentions obviously vicious.

“I have a more…” Agatha wiggled her head, thinking. “Appropriate, place for that tongue of yours.”

Lori’s shoulder sagged, as she speculated what the twisted woman meant. She looked down in defeat. She imagined herself following through with Agatha’s disgusting condition. Was she really that…prideless? She’d already let herself be humiliated more than she’d ever thought she would, but the act she thought was running through Agatha’s mind now, would surely sink her to a new low. Maybe she should get to her feet, tell the woman to fuck herself, and storm out of the house, let her nightmare end, go back to Bill’s loving warm arms and his kind loving words, live the rest of her life and keep whatever remained of dignity. She’d find another job, start from the bottom, work her way up, try to forget.

“I can see you’re a bit lost…” Agatha crossed her legs, dangling her socked foot casually as Lori gave her a hate-filled glare. “It’s normal, every now and then…a woman like you will get a bit unmotivated, so let me…fix that for you.”

Lori listened curiously, without a word.

“I’ll…write a letter of recommendation…tonight…” Agatha said, smiling as a reaction to Lori’s widened eyes. “I’ll write it to our office at Jamani. It’s a bit further from where you currently work but I suspect that won’t be a problem. The further away from me the better right–”

“For. What. Position?” Lori interrupted, her tone bearing a mixture of weakness and strength.

Agatha smiled. “For a position better than the one you’ve been debasing yourself for. A step above. My letter is pretty much your guaranteed ticket to land the job, you know that. You’ll be at your new office two days from now, and you’ll never have to see my face again.” She shook her foot, her mouth smirking knowingly. “Interested?”

She couldn’t speak, but her face said it all. One final act. One final humiliation. Less than an hour, and all her troubles would be over, she could put this sickening nightmare behind her and not have to see that sadistic cunt again. Agatha must’ve seen her answer on her face, cause she chuckled, shaking her head. “You never disappoint…Lori.” Agatha said, “Hand me your phone.”


“I’ll film this.” Agatha said carelessly.

“The hell you are.” Lori spat. “What are you crazy.”

“It’s your phone…idiot,” Agatha said. “Now give it, before I change my mind.”

Lori scorned at her, but she took her phone from her blazer. She hesitated just before Agatha reached to take it, which made Agatha frown. “Bitch do you think I need to blackmail you.”

She handed her the phone, then took her place at her knees.

“Remove your shirt…and your bra…I want those slutty tits on full display for this.” She said, not even looking, as if confidant Lori would obey. Her confidence wasn’t misplaced, as Lori turned her mind off, and stripped out of her shirt. Before she unbuttoned her bra, she said, “If it’ll be on my phone why do you want to film it…?”

“I’ll watch it once before I give it to you…This is a first for me, I expect it’s a first for you too, not the last though I bet…you’ll always find a new boss to suck-up to.” She giggled. “Once a slut always a slut.”

Lori could only growl in response, as she unbuttoned her bra, letting it fall to the ground. She kneeled there, her hands on her breast by instinct. She felt exposed. She was exposed. She pushed her glasses up her nose, before she realized she’d better take them off, so she did, sitting them on the coffee table.

“Alright,” Agatha took a gulp of her whisky, as she reached the Camera app. She looked at Lori, then snickered once she saw her covering her breasts. “Slutty Lori getting all shy? Hands off, let’s see those udders.”

Lori bit her lip at the labeling, resisting the urge to lunge at the woman. Almost over…Lori…Almost over. She took a deep breath, before removing her hands, letting her tits hang down.

“Ssssexy,” Agatha laughed, making her blush. “Bill is such a lucky guy.”

“Jealous?” Lori said instinctively, her tone the least friendly.

Agatha only smiled. “Alright bitch…I want a smile on your face the whole time…one moment of hesitation, or if you suddenly get into this victim mentality shit and start crying like a little bitch on camera, we do the whole thing again…got it. I want you doing this with pride…consider it…an interview, this is your chance to really earn…your position.” Agatha said, unable to stop her giggling.

Lori nodded coldly. She had no more tears to give. Half an hour at most, and this would be over. If anything, she wouldn’t be that surprised if her smile would be genuine while committing the act.

“Fantastic,” Agatha said, taking a big gulp straight from her bottle. She shook her head, as if to excite herself, then pressed the record button. “Hey bitch…”

Was she supposed to respond to that? “…Hey?” She said, fidgeting on the ground.

“Why are you here?” Agatha said, then took another gulp, wincing.

“…” she didn’t understand, so Agatha repeated, irritated. “What are you about to do, dummy?” she asked while dangling her socked foot in front of the camera. At the same time, she gestured for Lori to smile, so Lori put on a wide, fake grin.

“I’m…” She took a deep breath. Her head suddenly felt light at having to state it aloud. “I’m…I’m gonna, lick your ass.”

“Lick—No…Eat…You’re gonna eat my ass right?”

“…Yes.” She looked into the camera; her smile intact. “I’m gonna eat your ass.” Her eyes darted between the camera and Agatha’s smirking face. She had to be looking pathetic, kneeling there with her tits on show. Turn off your fucking brain for a sec. She shook her head. “Can we get this over with…?” She said.

“Ohhhh.” Agatha said in a bubbly tone. “Eager little girl aren’t you.”

“Yeah I can’t wait.” Lori said, the sarcasm clear in her tone.

“First…” Agatha extended her foot. “Kiss my foot…thank me for the privilege.”

Lori scorn showed only for a second, before her forced smile returned, as she grabbed Agatha’s socked foot as it dangled in the air. Agatha angled her foot so that the sole was in Lori’s face, so Lori kissed it, laying one kiss after the other. She avoided breathing the smothering stench, dreading the horrible smell she’d have to deal with soon.

“That’s it…” Agatha said, rubbing her other foot on Lori’s exposed breast, making her squirm. “You like that.”

No. Lori didn’t like that. But she couldn’t help but feel a slight tingle run down her spine. She hated the situation and loathed the woman, but couldn’t help but weaver while the fabric of Agatha’s sock rubbed on her nibble. She closed her eyes, unable to hold Agatha’s tormenting smirk.

Agatha kept her doing that for a while, rubbing her sweaty socked-foot on her face while Lori kissed the sole with her eyes closed shut, waiting for it all to end. After what she supposed was about five minutes, the foot left her face, so she opened her eyes, to see Agatha rise to her feet.

She watched her press something on her mobile, probably pausing the record, before she unbuttoned her pants. Lori kneeled motionless as Agatha let her pants fall to the ground then kick them to the side, then stand there with her shirt and black panties.

After giving her one final smirk, taunting her silently about what she was about to do, the tall woman turned, giving Lori her butt.

“Slide them down.” Agatha slurred, with a heavy breath.

Lori gulped, reminding herself that it was almost over, then did just that. She inserted her fingers between the woman’s panties and her waist, feeling a cold shiver down her spine. She pulled them down, slowly revealing Agatha’s naked ass.

“Now I don’t want to remind you…” Agatha warned. “Give it your best effort. Your career depends on how well you manage to eat that ass you got it.”

Lori only hummed in response, trembling at the sight in front of her.

“Part my cheeks and dig in, ass eater.” Agatha mocked, chuckling, her heavy fast breaths a testament to how much she was enjoying all of this.

Lori took a deep breath, then put her palms on Agatha’s smooth asscheeks, feeling a chill run down her body from having to touch another woman that way. She parted them, and quickly realized what a big mistake it was to keep her eyes open, as the sight that greeted her made her gag. She hadn’t even started yet, but her eyes uncontrollably started reddening, as she shivered with fear and felt light in the head, “I—I—I can’t…I don’t want to I can’t…I don’t want t—I can’t—” She stuttered, feeling genuinely scared.

“I—I—I, ca-ca” Agatha mocked, not pleased. “Shut up and get it over with…”

“It’s too sexual—”

“It’s my asshole not my pussy…” Agatha spat, then giggled. “Don’t worry…Bill won’t mind would he. Actually…pretend I’m him…that should make it easier for you.”

“Why the fuck would that make it easier.”

“I don’t know just do it already.” Agatha sighed, emphasizing by kicking her heel into Lori’s thigh. “Eat me…come on…lick my ass lick your way up the corporate ladder come on.”

Lori closed her eyes, mustering up her courage—or whatever needed to be mustered to do something so degrading—and shoved her face in. Agatha’s cackling laughs rang in her ears as she poked her tongue out and licked. She licked once, then gagged from the taste. It wasn’t that…bad, it tasted surprisingly sweet. The smell was surprising too; if anything, it smelled like a sweaty armpit. Fuck my life that I have to know this information. She unscrewed her face, forced herself to lick again, then kept licking, rubbing her tongue on the wrinkled hole.

“That’s my good girl…” Agatha propped herself on the sofa with her hands, amused by the sound of Lori’s lapping tongue. “Acting like you’re all high and mighty…look at you now slut…look at you now.” She shouted with excitement.

Lori tried to ignore the words as much as she could, and just focused on shoving her tongue deeper; her best efforts right. Withb her face squashed hard against the woman’s buttocks, and with her tongue nestled deep in her asshole, she heard Agatha moan in delight.

“That’s it slut…suck my asshole…” Lori winced as her hair was pulled, shoving her face tighter. “Suck your fucking promotion out of my ass you ass eating whore.”

She did. She pushed forward, sealing her lips around Agatha’s butthole and sucked, keeping her tongue lapping viciously.

It went on, making Lori feel like it wasn’t going to end. Her tongue was aching, her arms were getting numb from having to part Agatha’s cheeks, and her neck sored from being painfully bent backward, as Agatha was almost using her face to prop her ass, at the same time pulling her closer in with a harsh clutch on her hair. The taunts and the awful names didn’t stop, as Agatha stopped blistering her with her degrading labels only when she needed to take a breath and moan and chuckle at her misery. Her face was coated with sweat so much she felt it trickle down the sides of her face. She was in hell but she didn’t dare stop tonguing her boss’s asshole until she’d order her to. This was her ticket out of this nightmare, and she gave it all she had.

At last, the grip on her hair loosened, as she heard Agatha’s moans trail off. She collapsed back on her back, her hands instinctively shot to cover her red face in shame as she started sobbing, and let one of her arms cover her exposed tits. She heard Agatha sit back on the couch, then heard her lighter click, as Agatha lit a cigarette. Next she heard the sound of what she supposed was bourbon being poured.

She didn’t want to open her eyes, she was too ashamed to even rise to her knees, so she stayed on the ground for a while, burying her face in her palms.

The long, relieved sigh Agatha gave only tormented her further. “Any chance I can keep you for an extra month.” Agatha snickered. “You’re something else Lori.”

She forced herself to say with a chocked-up throat, “Just please tell me what I want to hear…”

“Relax…I’ll write the recommendation as soon as you leave, I’ll send you the number you should call.”

Lori nodded, then forced herself to her knees, to see Agatha lounging on her couch lazily, a cigarette in one hand a glass in the other, like she didn’t have a care in the world. She got to her feet, snatched her bra then put it on. She put her shirt and blazer on, happy to be in the safety of her clothes again, then looked down at Agatha, who started at her like nothing had happened. “Can I have my phone back please?” She whispered, unable to meet the woman’s eyes. She suspected it would be a while until she’d manage to look into Agatha’s eyes again.

Agatha smiled teasingly, then gave it to her, and she responded with a cold stare. She walked to the door, slid on her sneakers, then left.


Hey guys, hope you liked the story. Most of the my stories are about similar themes, I try to explore many fetishes and kinks but the humiliation and foot fetish aspect is pretty much there in every story. I’ll continue to post stories here regularly, but most of my stories and some continuation of old ones can be found on my Patreon. Writing these stories is hella fun, but it does take a good bit of time and effort, and I would really apreatiate your support. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed the good dean.

Patreon Account: patreon.com/EggWhites

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The Setup (Chapter 2)

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Melissa sat knees up on the toilet seat. It was all over. Luke would ask her to leave after discovering that she was a disgusting young girl. Who would want to make love to someone who had pissed on their clothes?

As soon as she had entered the bathroom, she had lifted up her dress and taken her panties off. They were drenched. She had peeled them away from her young mound and found they stickily pulled at her labia revealing the creamy remnants of her orgasm on the inside of the fabric. Melissa had always been quite self-conscious of her wetness and arousal in the past, especially around Luke, but this was the wettest she had ever been. She could still feel the aftershocks of the most powerful orgasm of her life. The experience was indescribable and she desperately didn’t any of this to stop. But it was probably at an end. Luke would try reassure her but she knew he would be repulsed by her now.

Sitting on the toilet, Melissa wiped the juices from her around vagina and upper legs; it had gotten everywhere. She was still quite sensitive and found herself parting her lips and lightly stroking her throbbing clitoris. She shuddered and felt a burning tension deep inside. It was time to relieve herself so she relaxed and let a stream of pee flow from her open pussy. It felt surprisingly good and not in a way she was expecting. Maybe she hadn’t pissed on Luke? Her panties didn’t smell like pee and her bladder was full.

Standing outside the bathroom door Luke heard the young girl relieving herself in his toilet. Melissa continued to turn him on, even if she didn’t intend too.

“Melissa are you OK?” Luke asked, attempting to console to embarrassed teen. “What happened was actually pretty amazing.”

Luke’s voice stopped Melissa mid flow.

He continued, “From what I could see and feel you had a very strong orgasm and what came out of you… well it’s perfectly normal. It’s actually quite a talent. It’s not pee. And even if it was… well I would’ve liked that as well.”

Melissa was unsure what to think of this. “But… I made a mess on you. That’s not sexy. I’m just.. I’m a weirdo,” she shakily replied.

“Oh Melissa. It’s actually the opposite. That was the most erotic thing I’ve ever seen. I’d love to do more with you.”

“You’re just saying that,” Melissa said, defeated.

“I’ll prove it to you. I’m coming in,” Luke said as he opened the door to the bathroom.

Melissa flinched in surprise and felt suddenly exposed as Luke entered and stood in front of her. She closed her legs and looked up at him. He had taken off his soiled shorts and what she saw sent her teenage arousal soaring. Bursting to escape from his striped briefs was the outline of a large erect cock, pointing almost vertically. It was bigger than she had imagined it and substantially larger than anything she had penetrated herself with.

Melissa’s eyes widened.

“As you can see you’ve kept me at attention. Being with you, feeling your body shake and hearing you moan; it absolutely excites me.” As he said this Luke knelt down in front of Melissa. Without breaking eye contact with her, he picked up her dirty panties and sniffed.

Melissa stared, overwhelmed by a storm of horniness and confusion. Was this really happening? Did Luke like her dirtiness? Then she felt his hands on her knees. They began to slide up her skinny thighs as he lent forward to kiss her. Melissa hesitated for a moment but found herself lost in his eyes.

Her body tingled as every inch Luke explored with his hands was the first time she had been touched there. Their mouths connected as he reached her hips, his fingers caressing the small ass pressed to the toilet seat then moving around to the front. Melissa found her legs being gently opened. Luke broke off the kiss and lowered his head to watch as Melissa opened up before him. Her soft hairy lips parted to reveal the virgin’s glistening pink flower within.

“You have a beautiful pussy Melissa,” Luke said in marvel. Melissa’s position on the seat naturally opened her vulva but Luke lifted her knees up to spread it further. He watched as her inner labia peeled open to reveal the nib of her clit and the tiny dark hole of her opening. Just below Luke also had his first glimpse of her petite asshole tucked in between spread butt cheeks. Her sex was simply beautiful; compact, symmetrical and utterly unspoiled.

Melissa felt so exposed and it was exhilarating. With her feet now placed on the toilet seat her most intimate place was on full display. She still needed to pee and was doing her best to hold it in but that became very difficult once Luke started to move his fingers towards her sex. They first moved over her lightly haired mound before caressing her outer labia.

Melissa exhaled a flustered sigh. “Ahhh… oh my…”

Every muscle tightened and she had to grip the sides of the toilet seat to avoid falling off.

“Does that feel good baby?” Luke asked while moving his fingers inwards. He was amazed to find her entire cunt coated in her wet arousal. Then with the lightest of touches he placed a single stroke down her tiny clit.

Melissa squealed. “Fuck! Yes it… it feels amazing.” Melissa looked down at Luke, shaking with pleasure. “I can’t believe you’re touching me. I’ve wanted this for so long,” she said closing her eyes as Luke continued to touch her inner sex.

Luke began tracing circles around her opening, creating faint sparkling sounds with the sweet nectar that dripped from her. “You liked cumming on me didn’t you? Using my body for your pleasure like you do alone in your bed?” Luke said while positioning his middle finger to enter her.

Melissa nodded. “It was the best orgasm I’ve ever had.”

“Would you like to find out how good it feels to have me inside you as well then?” Luke said as he pressed his finger against her opening, feeling her youthful tightness.

With her heart racing Melissa answered, “Yes, please put your finger in me.”

Luke obliged. The tight wall of Melissa’s hole opened with surprising ease and Luke felt the soft wet texture of her insides grip his finger all the way to it’s base. He had managed to reach her depths with a single push and he could feel his finger pressed against her young cervix. It felt divine.

An uncontrolled moan escaped Melissa’s lips as she was penetrated and was followed by a series of heavy gasps as Luke slowly slid his finger in and out of her virginity. He sat up on his knees leaning forward while pulling Melissa in with his other hand. They kissed deeply as the palm of Luke’s penetrating hand pressed into Melissa’s clit and mound. The pressure and pleasure were too much for Melissa and she released what she had been holding in.

Warm pee gushed from her pussy into Luke’s hand. It splashed all over her crotch as Luke added an extra penetrating finger. This time he could feel her tight young opening having to stretch to accommodate him. Piss and creamy wetness combined as Luke increased the pace of Melissa’s first finger fucking.

“Ohhh… gah… I’m sorry!” Melissa exclaimed, short of breath, “I can’t hold… it in… I’m peeing on you.”

“Does it feel good Melissa?” Luke asked in her ear. With his other hand he began to lower the left sleeve Starzbet of Melissa’s dress. She shifted her arm to pull it through and Luke slowly slid the dress down her chest revealing a small tender breast. It was flushed red and glistened with sweat. Luke cupped it gently in his palm feeling the firmness of the mound and the forbidden softness of her skin.

“Yes… it feels so good,” Melissa replied. Her head fell forward to rest on Luke’s shoulder. She struggled to process all that was happening to her body. Her pussy exploded with sensation; stretched opened and filled. She had been unable to stop pissing with Luke’s fingers pushing into her bladder but she had now emptied herself. It had felt amazing to relieve herself in that way.

Then suddenly Luke pulled his fingers from her with a wet pop. It was a shock and Melissa sat dazed on the toilet seat for a moment, pussy dripping, before she realized Luke was cleaning her with a warm wet towel. He wiped all of the mess from her mound, legs and ass. She felt an emptiness inside her and was entirely unsatisfied with the penetration stopping.

“Oh don’t stop. Please,” Melissa pleaded looking up at Luke as he stood. She was amazed to see his member still standing vertical inside his underwear. She desperately wanted it. Every fantasy of hers involved Luke using it on her and in her.

“I thought it might’ve taken most of the day to get you ready Melissa but I can feel how much you want this.” As Luke spoke he could see Melissa hungrily staring at his crotch. “You should take them off,” he said.

Melissa quickly obliged, pulling Luke’s briefs down to expose his throbbing shaft. It sprung up and Melissa stared in shock at it’s size. It was veiny and beautiful and Melissa could feel the heat radiate from it. She had seen plenty of cock during her innocent excursions into the world of porn but the real thing was far more impressive and intimidating. It seemed inconceivable that this would fit inside her small vagina.

Melissa’s innocent gaze caused an increase in Luke’s erection and it twitched a few more degrees vertically. “Melissa, honey, touch my cock,” he asked of the young teen. “This is the hardest I have ever been.” That was the truth.

“It’s so big,” Melissa marveled. She reached a hand up but Luke interrupted.

“Actually, touch your pussy first. Get your hand nice and wet for me,” he asked.

Melissa hesitated, slightly embarrassed by Luke’s vulgar de***********ion of her privates. But she did so and lifted a hand now coated in her thick clear arousal back to his erection.

There was no hesitation as she took hold of his rigid shaft. Her small lubricated hand wrapped around his substantial girth and she felt a surge of excitement warm her chest as she felt how soft yet firm Luke was. She was holding an actual penis, something that was only fantasy before this moment.

Melissa began to run her hand up and down Luke’s length, just as she had mimed on cucumbers stolen from the fridge at home.

“Hmmm Melissa that feels amazing,” Luke hummed. “Looks like you know what you’re doing.”

“Yea I’ve… seen some videos… and practiced,” Melissa murmured with nervous excitement. “So it really feels good?”

“Fuck yes Melissa,” Luke gasped. Her delicate small fingers now tugged along his full length. He would be unloading on her half dressed body far too soon at this rate and Luke had other ideas about where he wanted to shoot his first load.

“What else had you seen in your videos that you want to try?” Luke asked.

“Well there is sucking? I’d like to try that?” Melissa wasn’t sure she could even fit Luke’s cock in her mouth but she hoped her practice on those cucumbers would at least help. Tilting Luke’s shaft down she leaned forward and opened wide. Her tongue made contact first, licking the base of the head before her lips stretched to encompass him.

Luke was amazed to see Melissa attempt to take the entire head of his cock at once. Her delicate lips and tongue clumsily sucked on the end of his shaft but he could see she was struggling to swallow it. She recoiled with a gasp, saliva pouring from her mouth and clinging to his cock.

“Wow Melissa, babe. Slow down,” Luke smiled taking her head in his hand. “You don’t need to take all of it at once. But I love the enthusiasm.”

Melissa was ashamed she had performed her first blowjob so badly. Tears began to well in her eyes, also due to the choking depth that Luke’s cock had reached. Luke could see her shame but there was no time for self-pity. He wanted to take this girl and she was as ready as she would ever be.

“Honestly there is plenty of time to try it again. We have a whole weekend together,” Luke reassured her.

“I’m sorry. I’m really bad,” Melissa said looking down. But then she felt Luke’s strong arms reach under her knees and grip her by the ass.

“Put your hands around my neck,” asked Luke as he began lifting her from the toilet seat. She was now eye to eye with the sexy man who stood holding her aloft with ease. Her legs were spread wide, hooked over Luke’s forearms.

Melissa looked down to see her dripping pussy held only inches above Luke’s vertical member coated in her saliva. It was happening.

“Melissa I’m going to enter you now.”

Melissa could only manage a faint “Ohhh….” before she was lowered. Luke directed her sex towards his tip and she felt it gently press against her supple wet lips, applying pressure to her opening. Melissa’s heart thundered with fear and excitement. She stared down at the thick member about to fuck her. Deflower her. And then it did.

Luke’s cock breached Melissa’s virginity, pushing her labia aside and stretching her hole. Her inner flower had ample lubrication but Melissa still felt an intense pressure as the head entered her body. She expected more pain to follow but there was little among the flood of powerful sensations erupting inside her.

For Luke, Melissa was beautifully tight but just as unimaginably soft and smooth inside as well. The sensation provided by the unspoiled youthful grip of her cunt was unparalleled and it continued with every inch of him that disappeared inside her.

“Ow!…. Unnnngh…Aaahhhh…” Melissa gasped and cried out, her breathing rapid and heavy.

She gripped Luke tight around the neck and looked up into his eyes. The 28 year old man and the young girl were fucking. About half of Luke’s length was now buried inside her, as far as he planned to go at this early stage so he slowly lifted her again to begin a gentle penetrating rhythm. Her gaped pussy softly squelched and slopped her wetness along Luke’s shaft. The sound was erotic music to his ears.

She was having sex. This was real. It felt incredible. Melissa was lost in the moment, and the sensations of being stretched and filled. She also felt completely safe in Luke’s arms; taken care of and loved. She kissed him with watery eyes.

“Oh god, you’re inside me,” Melissa said, her voice wavering as tears run down her cheeks. Each thrust up into her womb was met with an involuntary moan.

“Are you ok honey? How does it feel?” Luke asked.

“Amazing,” Melissa cried out. “I’m having sex.”

“You are.” With Melissa’s Starzbet Giriş petite body securely impaled on his erection Luke carried her from the bathroom, down the hall to the bedroom.

The wonderful fragrance of incense filled her lungs as Luke’s cock pushed another inch inside her. She couldn’t believe how deep he was reaching and when she looked down she saw at least six inches of Luke’s wet shaft retract from her stretched lips before plunging back inside.

Luke carried Melissa to the bed and lowered her onto her back, kneeling slightly to keep his cock inside the teen. Leaning over her, he slid Melissa’s crumpled dress up over her head leaving the pale girl lying naked beneath him. Her soft skin glistened with perspiration and Luke marveled at the firmness of her little buds.

Melissa was pinned under Luke, a position taken directly from her fantasies, but she wanted to see all of him. She began to lift up his shirt with Luke assisting and after tossing it aside he was naked, like her. Melissa marveled at his perfectly proportioned muscles and as her small hands ran over his chiselled form the burning warmth deep in her sex bloomed.

That was when Luke lowered himself to kiss her and his rigid cock pushed further into her adolescent vagina. Melissa yelped from a sudden jab of pain deep in her abdomen. Luke’s shaft had penetrated as far as her inexperienced body would allow.

“Oh Melissa I’m sorry! I went in too far,” Luke said as he pulled out with a wet pop. His cock sprung up, dripping wet with Melissa’s youthful arousal and he was able to enjoy the view of her freshly deflowered pussy. She was stretched and swollen red with the dark hole of her gape slowly closing. Her anus was a lovely light brown and pink star surrounded by a few hairs of early puberty.

The pain had quickly subsided but Melissa felt an ache of emptiness inside her. “No it’s ok! Please don’t stop, put it back in my pussy,” she begged.

“Oh you naughty girl,” Luke teased back, “you’re too young and tight to take cock.” He tapped his erection on Melissa’s sensitive clit for emphasis.

“No I’m not! I can take it. I want to be fucked,” Melissa pleaded as she spread her sex for Luke, peeling open her throbbing lips and tender asshole.

“Yea? You want me inside your little cunt?”

Melissa was startled by Luke’s vulgar words but they worked for her. “Yes! Fuck my tiny little cunt,” she moaned back at him. Luke obliged and slid his considerable length back inside her.

“Nnnnnghhh..” Melissa wailed and her head snapped back in sudden overwhelming pleasure. There it was again, that feeling of being ripped open and filled to bursting. Luke lifted her and began thrusting at an increasing pace.

“Yes! Oh god… it feels like I’m… bursting inside,” gasped Melissa through heavy grunting breaths. The sound of her cunt’s sopping wet lips slamming into Luke’s crotch almost matched the volume of her screams. She collapsed forward onto his shoulder and held him tight. Luke was in total control of her body.

Melissa could feel a building tension in her sex as her sensitive clit pressed into the base of Luke’s cock with every thrust. She hadn’t realized she was taking his entire length until now. She looked into Luke’s eyes, tears welling in hers, and whispered, “I’m going to come again.”

“Oh Melissa honey, good girl,” Luke whispered back, “so am I.” He was in fact struggling to hold on, hoping he could also bring Melissa to climax. He wouldn’t be holding back any longer. “I’m going to come inside you, OK?” Andrew said panting from the effort of holding Melissa aloft and impaling her wet nubile sex on his upright shaft.

“…ok,” Melissa replied with a faint exhale between her heaving breaths. She knew what that meant; her vagina would be filled with Luke’s semen which could impregnate her. She wasn’t protected but that reality was buried deep beneath the pleasure.

With each bounce Luke was pushing Melissa’s cunt hard into his crotch.

“Ahhhh… yes! Yes! Unnnnngh, oh fuck, oh fuck,” Melissa screamed as she started shaking.

Luke felt her nails dig into his back and her tight walls squeeze his engorged shaft. That was all he could take. With a final thrust Luke grunted through his explosive orgasm, firing his load deep inside the young girl in his arms. He shook where he stood and felt Melissa reach her climax simultaneously. She moaned through tears, shaking with powerful convulsions. Luke wanted to feel her orgasm too so he reached around between her spread checks and pressed his middle finger into her lubricated anus. It was welcomed in and Luke was now privy too the forbidden softness of her most intimate area as it squeezed through a series of incredible contractions.

Melissa lost all control through the dizzy high of her climax. Burning waves of pleasure surged from her cunt. She could feel every detail of Luke’s twitching cock and the ropes of cum unloading deep inside her greatly expanded vagina. Then came the violation of her asshole which was far more pleasurable than she would’ve expected.

With the high of their mutual orgasm fading Melissa and Luke looked at each other. Luke smiled and Melissa couldn’t help but chuckle a little.

“What?” Luke queried with a widening grin. As he shifted her weight Melissa’s tender crotch rubbed against him which resulted in her shaking and gasping once again.

“Ooo that’s sensitive! Well it’s nothing. I just.. can’t believe we did that,” Melissa explained. Luke had just given her the greatest pleasure of her life.

“I take it you enjoyed it then?” Luke asked. The sobering tail end of his erotic high had arrived and Luke clearly saw what he had just done. He had just had unprotected sex with a young girl, taking her virginity and ejaculating inside her. But the sheer glee on Melissa’s face made this taboo act entirely worthwhile.

“Oh god yes. So much! I loved it. You made me feel… I dunno, I just feel so good.” Melissa beamed then kissed Luke. She continued, “But did it feel good for you? …Am I a good fuck?”

“Fuck yes you are Melissa,” Luke answered, “I can tell you with all honesty that that was best sex I’ve ever had.”

Melissa beamed and replied, “It was my best ever too.”

Luke raised an eyebrow to her silly quip while walking with the teen over to the full length mirror on the door of his wardrobe. “Let’s have a look at what we did too each other,” he said.

They stood profile and could both see how small the compact folded up body of Melissa was to Luke’s tall muscular frame. “I can’t believe that fits inside me,” Melissa remarked while staring at the vertical shaft that was still penetrating her in clear view. Luke was surprised to see how hard he still was.

“Keep your eyes on your little puss, honey,” Luke said as he quickly re-positioned the teen. Lifting her off his shaft, he stepped closer to the mirror and turned her to face her reflection. With her knees bent back and spread Melissa saw her post-sex vagina in embarrassing detail.

“No, don’t look at that. I’m so dirty!” she protested. With her swollen red vulva spread open, they could both see the layers of her glistening pink labia coated in her creamy arousal. Then out Starzbet Güncel Giriş poured the thick load Luke had given her. Melissa was transfixed by the globs of semen dropping from her gaped hole to the floor.

“Oh my god, there’s so much!” she remarked.

“Oh yes honey, I gave you a huge load of my cum. Did you like being filled?” Luke said as he lifted her hips up to bring her exposed pussy even closer to the mirror, her shoulders leaning on his chest.

Melissa answered Luke’s question with a nod but became increasingly embarrassed by her body’s position. “Ewww Luke!” Melissa recoiled, “Why do you want to look at me like this?”

“Because you are beautiful and sexy Melissa,” he answered, “and you’ve been used. Your young cunt has had it’s first fuck and it looks so ripe and sensitive.” Luke could only marvel at what had to be the most erotic sight he had ever seen; his cum was pouring from her little pussy hole to coat the puckered butthole below. With his hands supporting her weight Luke reached a finger up to stroke her.

Melissa felt more exposed than she had ever been. But she loved it. Just as she was enjoying the last few waves of her orgasm subside she felt a jolt of sensitivity from between her cheeks. “Ahhh!… You’re touching my bum again!” she said while wincing. “It’s so sensitive.”

“Do you like it? How did it feel when you came?” Luke asked.

“I guess it’s a bit strange. And it’s really intense but I do like… Ahhh!” Melissa’s words were cut off as her body writhed in Luke’s embrace. “Hmmnnngh.. ahhh shit… it’s so sensitive there!,” Melissa gasped and her head snapped back against Luke’s shoulder. He was alternating a circling motion around her anus then applying pressure to her opening.

“Would you like me to slide it in?” Luke asked. The entire area was coated in a mix of both of their fluids and Luke was eager to feel the smooth grip of her sphincter again.

“Yea you can,” Melissa replied through halted breath.

“Describe what you want me to do, babe,” Luke insisted.

Melissa hesitated for a moment before saying, “Please put your finger in my asshole.” Luke did so and Melissa let out a long deep moan. “Hnnnnnghhhh.” His finger slid in deeper this time, well lubricated by their combined cum. She felt violated by this older man but it only made her want more.

“Yes, honey. I’m touching your dirty hole, aren’t I?” Luke said. “Because you’re a horny little girl who wants all her holes filled.” The inside of Melissa’s rectum was soft and tender and a little dirty. For Luke the sensation was intoxicating.

“Hhnnnmmm…. Yes I do. You make me so horny,” Melissa replied.

“So Melissa, baby. Do you have a little pee left in you?”

“What?… I… I dunno, maybe…” Melissa said in nervous shock. She had felt the need for release since their fuck but what was Luke asking?

“Well I think you should have a little piss on the mirror babe. Just let it out,” Luke said.

“Ummm do you really like that?” Melissa tentatively asked.

“I do. It’s naughty and intimate. Did you enjoy peeing on my hand?”

She had. It was a filthy act but Melissa was excited by it. The relief of pissing had turned into sexual pleasure. Melissa nodded before attempting to relax and empty her bladder. This was difficult while being held up almost horizontally with Luke’s finger deep in her sensitive anus. At first a small dribble escaped from her wet gash and poured down onto Luke’s hand.

“Oh yes, that’s it baby,” he said, encouraging her.

Melissa let out a satisfied groan, “Hhhmmmmmnnnn.” A faint stream shot from her urethra and splashed gently onto the mirror. It lasted for around three seconds before trickling down over her spread pussy and penetrated butthole. The relief was warm and satisfying.

What a sight, Luke thought; the innocent piss stream of a recently deflowered teen. He could feel the muscles of her groin tighten and push on his finger as she relieved herself. He was in disbelief gazing at Melissa’s nubile cunt, coated in his impregnating cum. He would need to talk to Melissa about that actually.

“Time to clean you up,” Luke said as he carried Melissa to the bed and dropped her on her back.

“Hey!” she laughed as she bounced to a stop. Luke was on his knees and spreading her legs before she knew what was happening. Melissa squealed as Luke lay kisses on her inner thigh up towards her pussy. He gently pecked around her vulva which sent bursts of almost unbearable sensation through Melissa’s petite body.

“Ah! Hah! Ooooo… Oh fuck!” Melissa shrieked as she squirmed on the bed.

Luke then worked his tongue gently down Melissa’s tender clit and into the pink layers of her labia, tasting the messy mix of their fluids. If Melissa had thought she had experienced the full extent of possible sexual sensation with Luke this told her otherwise. It was overwhelming. Her crotch felt as if it would explode.

“Hhsssss… arghhhhh… ah, ah, ah.. it’s too much! I can’t!..” Melissa winced and cried out while writhing under Luke’s strong grip pinning her legs down. Luke relentlessly sucked on her throbbing clit and Melissa realized she was going to come again. But she had no control anymore and it felt like every nerve ending below her waist was fried. She didn’t know if she wanted it to stop or continue.

Luke could hear and feel how overwhelmed Melissa was but believed there was one more potential climax that he could unlock. As her wailing and shaking seemed to reach it’s peak he plunged middle and index finger into her convulsing cunt and curled them upwards. The pressure he had just applied to the textured ceiling of her adolescent interior was all that was needed to set her off.

Melissa experienced a sudden stab of pleasure between her legs as she was taken by a sharp stinging orgasm. “Ahhhhhh…. fuuuccckk … LUUUKKE… Owww!” she screamed as she unconsciously grabbed at Luke’s hair and held on tight. Every muscle inside her young sex was overworked and exhausted and this climax brought her to breaking point.

Luke released his lips and looked down at what he had just done to Melissa. What had been so pristine and innocent had become engorged, achingly red and coated with the mess of their fuck. It seemed like every muscle of her ravished sex organs was rapidly contracting then expanding. The walls of Melissa’s vagina pushed so hard that Luke’s fingers were ejected along with whatever semen, squirt and pee was left inside the exhausted teen. It splashed across his hand, the bed and the carpet.

Her glistening pink inner labia began to shrink back from it’s opened swollen state and Melissa collapsed backwards. She continued to shake with ears ringing and vision blurry and the ceiling swam in spirals.

What happened over the next few minutes was lost on the spent and deflowered teen. Melissa heard running water then the feeling of being lifted. Reality came back into focus as she was lowered into a large bath. She had felt nothing quite as sweetly soothing before as her burning sex submerging in that warm water. Aching muscles began to relax, as did she.

Melissa looked up to Luke in a daze. He was beyond sexy, standing naked with his neatly trimmed package coated in their mess. Somehow he was still half erect and slowly deflating. He knelt down and kissed her tenderly on the lips.

Melissa began to drift off. She whispered, “Thank you… I… love you,” before her exhaustion took her.

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