Ethan’s Wife

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Eighteen years ago there had been a daring robbery at Werthen’s (Jeweler to the Stars.) Fifty million dollars worth of precious gems had been taken. They were gone. The jewels had totally disappeared. Even though the police were fortunate enough to have captured the culprit.

They had captured the burglar’s face on a hidden video camera, and they even had his fingerprints on a banana peel near the safe, though not on the safe itself. The district attorney had built up an iron-clad case against Ethan Crosley, a career criminal, suspected in many other jewel heists. He had had an alibi, of course. He said he had spent the entire evening with his girlfriend, Mona Kensley at Dilly’s, a local ice cream parlor, and that they had each had six chocolate Sundays. Later investigation, however, revealed that Dilly’s had been closed that night when the refrigeration failed, and that Mona had spent the entire night at Candace Carney’s. Candace owned the local whorehouse. She was a career madam. Candace herself testified that Mona had serviced forty-two men that night, one after the other, and not one of them had been Ethan Crosley. Both Mona, and Madam Candace had made quite a bundle for themselves. Candace was forced to reveal the names of the johns to the police, who were very decent about it, and did not tell their wives. Each of the men corroborated the story, and gave Mona excellent reviews in cocksucking, plus vaginal and anal intercourse.

The prosecution had won a conviction, and Ethan Crosley had been sentenced to twenty years in prison. International Re, the big insurance company, was in an awful position. They were on the hook for fifty million dollars. Unless…..Unless…..they could recover the jewels.

They tried everything they could. They tried to have Ethan tortured to reveal the location of the jewels. His lips were sealed. They promised to get him an immediate pardon, and set him at large again in the community, if only he would divulge the location of the jewels. His lips were sealed. Obviously his plan was to wait it out. To serve his twenty years, and then disappear. A fabulously wealthy jewel thief.

International Re had paid the claim thirteen years ago. But they wanted their money back. They were not about to give in so easily. They wanted to recover those jewels.

I had recently been hired by International Re as an investigator. The only talk around the office was ‘Ethan Crosley’ and the ‘fifty million dollar stash of jewels.’ Ethan’s release date was only two years in the future now. Not much time to get him to reveal the information we needed. I was intrigued. I knew it would be quite a feather in my cap, if I could solve the case and recover the booty. This was a real career builder.

I began to be obsessed with those jewels. More than anyone else at International Re, I wanted to be the one responsible for recovering them. My name would be on page one of every newspaper in the country. ‘Warren Westing, Master Detective, recovers stolen treasure.’ I was Warren Westing, of course.

If only I could get close to Ethan Crosley. Be a friend to him. Be a Confidante. Yes. I needed to become a Confidante. A mad scheme started percolating in my brain. I made an appointment with Matt Rosenbee, the CEO of International Re.

At three o’clock the next afternoon, I approached Flossie’s desk. Flossie was Matt Rosenbee’s private secretary. Her desk stood right outside of his office door, which she guarded with the ferocity of a mother tiger.

“May I help you?” she asked me, without even looking up. I could have been the janitor for all she knew. No. I guess I couldn’t have been the janitor. I was wearing a blue suit. I’m sure she saw my blue suit.

“I have an appointment with Mr. Rosenbee, Flossie,” I said. She must have known that. She had made the appointment for me, when I called. She had conveyed my message to Matt Rosenbee that I had an idea about how to get the jewels back, and he had agreed to see me.

“Yes,” she said. “You’ll have to wait a few minutes. He’s having his donut and coffee. Sit down.” She gestured to the row of seats behind me. I sat. Donuts and coffee? I had this brilliant idea, and he was having donuts and coffee? I wondered what kind of donuts. Filled or glazed?

From the table beside me, I picked up this week’s edition of the popular economics journal, ‘Trickle Down.’ I was reading about the latest merger in the Pharmaceuticals industry. Perkins Hodges was buying Lakeford Pills, with the object of eliminating Lakeford’s cholestorol pill, Zapadril, which had been in competition with their own drug, Mucor. After eliminating Zapadril, they would be able to quintuple the price of Mucor. I was in the middle of the article, when Flossie called me.

“All right,” she said. “You can go in now.”

I replaced the magazine on the top of the pile on the table, and walked towards Rosenbee’s door. I entered his office and shut the door behind me. He was wiping his lips with a paper napkin. A small leftover crescent of donut sat on the china plate, which Maltepe travesti he now pushed aside. The donut had been glazed. Maple.

He gestured to the armchair across the big desk from him.

“What can I do for you, Westin?” He asked me.

“I have an idea about the jewels,” I said.

“Yes. Yes. That’s what Flossie told me. Very interesting. Would you care to tell me about this idea of yours?”

“That’s why I’m here, sir,” I patiently explained.

“Well. Out with it, then. I’m all a-twitter.”

Was he being sarcastic?

“Well. I was thinking. Maybe I could become Crosley’s friend.”

“Oh,” he nodded. “It’s that simple. You can become Crosley’s friend. And he’ll tell you where the jewels are?”

“That’s sort of what I was thinking, sir.”

“Are you crazy?” He started screaming at me.

“But if we became very good friends…..???” I was beginning to realize that my idea might sound ridiculous. Why would Crosley ever pick me as a friend? Why would he ever trust me? If he had never told anyone in eighteen years, whyever would he tell me? My coming here had been a mistake. I had deluded myself with dreams of glory. All those headlines in my mind, had convinced me that I was invincible. That I could do anything. That I could get the information. I was a fool. I tried to save my dignity as best I could. “I could be very friendly, sir. I could be very sympathetic. He’s probably never had a caring sympathetic buddy. I could provide a shoulder for him to cry on. If he began to pour out his heart to me, if I could get him to bare his soul??? I don’t know. Maybe you’re right. Maybe I am crazy.”

“Yesss,” he said slowly. “It would probably never work. But still, maybe, maybe, maybe, it might be worth at least a try? I mean. We have nothing to lose, now, do we?”

“No, sir,” I assured him.

“How would we do it?” he asked me. “How would you get to be his friend?”

“I would need your help, sir.”

“What were you thinking of?”

“Well. I would need to get into that prison. Preferably into the same cell? I don’t know if that would be possible.”

“I don’t know,” he said.

“You would have to have a lot of records faked, showing that I was some kind of a criminal. But you would also have to get the real facts on file somewhere. Like. In case you got hit by a bus, I would be able to prove that I was an investigator, not a criminal, so that I wouldn’t spend the rest of my life behind bars.”

“That sounds reasonable,” he agreed.

“Some big official’s office would have to be in on it with us.”

“I could make all the arrangements through The Federal Bureau of Reinsurance in Washington. That way everything is covered. Everything is professional. Everything is legal. There would be no danger for you.”

I thought this over. It sounded like a good plan. “Okay,” I decided.

“You’re sure you want to go through with this?” He cocked his head.

I paused a few seconds before answering. The fame. The adulation. The large financial reward I would, no doubt, get. It was too much to give up. I was willing to try it. So if it didn’t work, I would just get myself released. What would be the harm? “Yes,” I decided. Definitely. “I want to go through with this.”

“Okay, Westin. Let’s do it. Nothing risked, nothing gained. I have to hand it to you. You’re a brave guy.”

“I am?” I asked naively. “Why?”

“To go to prison. To be in that atmosphere. With all those hardened criminals. I gotta hand it to you. I’m really impressed.”

I hadn’t really been thinking about it in that way. But I would just have to learn to deal with whatever came up. “I’ll be okay,” I assured him.

“Okay. I’ll get the ball rolling tomorrow. Check with me on Friday. You know, if this works out, there could be a handsome bonus in it for you.”

“Yes,” I said. “I thought there might be.”

We both stood up, and shook hands across his desk. As I was turning to leave, I saw him reach down and pick up the small remaining chunk of the glazed maple donut. He popped it in his mouth and devoured it.

It was arranged that I would be transported to Sandusky (the prison) on the 25th of the month. At the moment, Ethan was alone in his cell, having smashed his last cellmate’s face into the steel bars one tense evening. The prison officials were leery about putting a new prisoner in the cell, but the Bureau explained how important it was, and they agreed. They also promised to try to keep a special eye on me. I was grateful for that.

At Sandusky, they took my clothes and gave me my prison-issue oranges (orange uniforms). Then they handcuffed me, and two guards escorted me down many long corridors to my new home.

Finally, they stopped before one of the identical metal cages, and one of the guards turned a large key in the lock. An orange-garbed man, sitting on the lower bunk, looked up in surprise.

“What are you doing?” he yelled. “This is my cell. I got a single here.”

“Not any more, Ethan,” said the Ümraniye travesti guard with the keys. He unlocked my handcuffs, and they left me there, locking the door behind them. I was in my new cell with Ethan Crosley, the famous jewel thief.

He was an imposing man. Around six foot four, padded with muscles-everywhere. His shirtsleeves were rolled up and multi-colored tattoos covered his bulging arms. His prison uniform was unbuttoned at the top, and I saw more ink on the exposed skin of his chest. I saw a skull and I saw a dagger dripping red blood. His head was completely shaved and looked like a round-tipped bullet. Even if there had been a large crowd in the room, you couldn’t help noticing him. There was something…..I don’t know….fascinating???

“Hi,” I said jovially, approaching him with an outstretched hand. “I’m Warren. Warren Westin.”

He didn’t answer me, and he didn’t take my hand. I stood there like a lunkhead for a few minutes, and then I climbed up to the top bunk. That was the available one.

“Okay,” I said. “But if you need anything, just remember I’m here.”

We went to the mess hall for dinner, and then we returned to our cell. I, wisely, didn’t utter another word. When they turned off the lights, I tried to sleep. I was a nervous wreck, and my brain was doing cartwheels. I could have used a sleeping pill. It must have been after four a.m. that I finally dozed off. They woke us at six. I was very tired the next day.

Ethan kept giving me nasty looks. He was friendly enough with the guards and some of the other prisoners in the yard. They seemed to be bringing him things. Doing favors for him. Well, why not? He was a wealthy jewel thief. He could take care of them financially, I figured.

But my plan wasn’t going very well. We were two complete strangers, stuck in the same little cage. He didn’t like me, and he didn’t want me there. He was certainly not going to confide in me and tell me where the jewels were. He wouldn’t even talk to me. He wouldn’t even acknowledge my presence.

But one day something happened, and everything changed. What happened was terrible, and nothing I would ever have wished for, but it happened. Poor guy.

In the middle of the afternoon, they came to take Ethan from the cell. They told him he had visitors.

“It’s not even visiting day,” he argued.

“We’re making an exception,” said the guard. “Your sisters are here. Irma and Elsie. They need to speak to you.”

His face suddenly clouded over and he looked very afraid. And very human.

“Is anything wrong?” he asked in a small voice.

“We don’t know anything,” the guard answered. “Your sisters want to see you. Come on.”

They handcuffed him and led him down the many corridors toward the visitor’s room. I was curious, myself. How come they were allowing him a special visit? Did it have anything to do with the jewels???

An hour later they brought him back. His eyes were red and his cheeks were streaked with tears. Something awful had happened. The guards removed his handcuffs and left us alone. He stood there with his face lowered and pressed against the bars, holding the bars tightly in his hands. Silent sobs were wracking his body. I could see it in the spasmodic twitching of his back. What could I do for him? I needed to help him. But how?

I stepped up to him and laid my hand on his back, near his shoulder.

“What is it, Ethan?” I asked him. He just shook his head and gave an audible sob.

“Oh, Ethan. Tell me. Tell me. What happened? Let me help you.”

“You can’t help me,” he said bitterly. “No one can help me.”

“Tell me what it is. Confide in me. Please,” I begged him.

Finally he gave in and the words started pouring forth.

“It’s my mother,” he said in a wet, choked voice. “My mother. She was run over by a snowplow. She’s dead. My poor mother is dead.”

I was shocked. How terrible. Poor guy. I didn’t know what to do, so I just put my arms around him, and made him lay his head on my shoulder. “Ssshhh,” I soothed. “Ssshhh.”

I gently ran my hand down his cheek and just kept stroking him. He cried and he cried, as I stroked his shiny head and his face. “Ssshhh. My poor baby. My poor baby,” I crooned. What kind of words were those coming out of a hardened criminal’s mouth? Was I crazy? ‘My poor baby?’ Where had that one come from? But he was responding. He put his arms around me and held me, as he cried, and as I stroked him. I led him to the bottom bunk, and we sat side-by-side, and continued. For about a half hour. I suddenly realized why I had used the phrase ‘my poor baby’. It had been a stroke of genius on my part. The man had just lost his mother, and I was acting maternal. I was filling in for the poor woman. I was giving him what he most needed at this moment.

“Ssshhh. My poor baby. Everything will be all right. I’ll take care of you. Everything will be all right.” I had once said something about providing Ethan with a shoulder to cry on. Well. Now I had done just Tuzla travesti that. Maybe our friendship would develop after this. I was hopeful. “Ssshhh. My poor baby,” I continued.

After dinner, at lights-out, Ethan had a strange request. “I could use some company tonight,” he said. “I know it’s kind of narrow, but could you stay with me on the lower bunk tonight?”

“Of course,” I said. “Of course. I’d be happy to.” My scheme might work after all.

We lay down side by side, and it really was a tight fit. But I cradled his head against my neck, and he wrapped his big arms around my chest, and we both fell asleep.

After that…. I know you won’t be surprised, but we got to be very good friends. We sat next to each other in the mess hall. We played ball together in the yard. And when he got me a pack of cigarettes, I accepted them gladly. I couldn’t bear to tell him I didn’t smoke.

We were still sharing the lower bunk every night. At first we had slept in our orange uniforms, but we needed to keep them fresher during the day. They only changed them twice a week. So eventually we just slept in the raw. I couldn’t help noticing the big thick floppy piece of meat dangling over his hairy balls, but I just averted my eyes as much as possible. Occasionally I felt I was getting an erection, (after all, I certainly hadn’t had any sex since I’d been in prison.) but I just kept my back to Ethan so he wouldn’t see it.

One night, while we were lying side by side, he said something to me.

“You know, Warren. You’re a real good friend. I appreciate it. I never had a lot of friends. I guess you’re the best friend I ever had.”

I thought about that for a few minutes and realized something. “You know I never had any friends either. I guess you’re the best friend I ever had.” I felt a tremendous warmth spread first through my stomach, and then all over, as I made this observation.

“Well, anyhow,” he didn’t want to get too sentimental. “I’m really glad, you’re here. I’m sorry I acted like such a prick at first.”

“Forget it,” I said. “It just doesn’t matter anymore.”

We were lying there trying to fall asleep, and he was making funny sighing noises.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Nothing,” he said. “Nothing.”

“It’s not nothing,” I pressed him. “What is it? Tell me. You know you can tell me, don’t you?”

“Yes,” he said.

“You can tell me anything,” I pressed further. Would he ever??? “What is it?” I touched his face again, and stroked it a few times.

“I’m going crazy,” he said. “It’s just that I need a blowjob so bad. I haven’t shot a load in such a long time.”

“You haven’t?” I asked.

“You know that,” he said. “We live together.”

“Yes,” I said. And then nervously I asked him, “Did you want me to do it for you?”

“Did you ever give anybody head?”

“No,” I said truthfully. “Never.”

“Forget it,” he said. “Just forget I mentioned it. I don’t want to presume on our friendship. I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to do. I know some guys in prison rape other guys, but I would never do anything like that. You know that, don’t you?”

“Yes,” I said. “I know that.”

He twisted around a little bit and sighed a couple of times.

“I don’t like to see you like this,” I said. “I want to do something to help you.”

“No. Absolutely not,” he answered, and turned slightly away from me.

“Please. Please let me do it for you. I want to. It would be an honor. I would be proud. Please.”

“You really want to?” he asked me.

“A lot,” I said. “Let me help you out. Please.”

“Well, okay,” he said slowly and rested more comfortably on his back again.

“What do you want me to do?” I asked.

“Crawl down between my legs.”

I followed his instructions as he guided me. He was very hard. And I could feel the heat radiating out of his instrument onto my face. I began by grasping and licking it, and getting it good and wet, just as he told me to do. He had me take each of his large balls in my mouth and suckle on them. Finally he pressed my face down over his dick, and it entered my mouth. We spent about two hours, with me sucking him, and him working my head around into different angles. He was determined to break me of my gag reflex, so I would always enjoy nursing on his fleshy milkbottle.

“Oh. You’re so good,” he crooned in a low voice. “Watch your teeth. Wrap your lips around your teeth, honey. We don’t want teeth.”

After a half hour or so, I learned to retract them. This wasn’t so bad, but I would have to inform Rosenbee about the latest change in our relationship. I wanted him to know what a sacrifice I was making for International Re.

“Oh, baby. You suck like a pro. You sure you never sucked a cock before?”

I lifted my mouth off it for a moment. Only to answer him. “Never. Never. I swear it. You’re the first.”

“Do you like it, baby? Do you like sucking on my big prick?”

“Yes. Yes,” I said. “I love it. I love you.”

He laughed. “Now don’t go getting all sentimental on me. It’s just a cock. It’s not true love.”

“Yes,” I agreed, and I laughed a little, as I was blowing him. I didn’t want him to get scared and shy off. “No love,” I assured him. “Just a blowjob.” I laughed again and he was reassured.

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Family Cabin Ch. 01

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=== Friendly warning: Parts of this series include incest between a man and his father ===


I watched the green hills pass by as we were getting further and further away from civilization from my back seat. Wow, this place was really out there… I have to say, I was a little nervous about this whole idea. Two weeks was a long time to be somewhere in the cabin for a vacation. I’m not going to pretend like I’m not a city rat. I’m used to having my warm water, my internet connection, and my comfort. Sure, it’s nice to get out once in a while but for me personally, it gets old pretty fast.

Not to mention the company I was going with… Don’t get me wrong, Hunter – my boyfriend – is an amazing guy! A complete polar opposite of me. A person who only moved to the city because of the job opportunities. In his heart, though, he will always stay a country boy. Still, I love him. We’ve been together for over three years and it’s been my most successful relationship yet. I think this one might be the one. Nice, caring, funny… not to mention hot. Hazel eyes and a buzzcut, a constant five-o’clock shadow on his face, nicely toned body you only get when you grow up on a farm. We started dating when we were both twenty-one years old and we’re still in love. Damn, I would spend a whole month in a tent outside in the woods with him if I had to!

His dad though? He was a bit of a wildcard… I didn’t know him much. Since I was very busy at my job, I barely had an opportunity to spend any quality time with him or the rest of his family. I knew that he was very accepting of Hunter being gay and also of our relationship – all around he was probably a really nice guy, but that wasn’t apparent at first sight. He didn’t really smile much and he was the kind of person who could shut you up just by looking at you the right way.

There were some similarities between him and my boyfriend that I was able to pick up – like the nose and the eyes, for example, they were exactly the same on both of them. What set them apart though was the dad’s rougher face, graying hair, full-grown salt & pepper beard and most importantly his robust figure. Not by any means fat, more like built. He looked like he could crush your skull using just one of his fists. I quickly learned that he wasn’t aggressive in the slightest, but it was still a feature of his that was intimidating.

The distance between my boyfriend’s dad and I was one of the reasons we were going on this trip to their family cabin. Another reason was that Hunter felt that ever since his younger brother left for college, his dad was struggling with a bit of an empty nest syndrome. With their mom being gone for their entire lives, it was up to Hunter’s dad to raise him and his two brothers. Now there was nobody at home and Hunter’s dad was becoming a bit of a recluse.

Hence, this trip with just the three of us. To a secluded cabin with no internet, faulty wiring and probably tons of spiders. Greeeeaatttttt…

It was almost as if Hunter could read my thoughts. He leaned back to see me gazing out of the window and grinned.

“Don’t you worry, baby,” he said in a mocking, overly sweet voice, “I’m sure your Xbox misses you just as much as you do.”

I turned around and repaid Hunter’s grin with my own as I playfully pushed my palm against his forehead and forced him back into his seat.

“Of course, I forgot,” I added, sarcastically, “Being raised in the country makes you sooo much better than me.”

He laughed at that and even his dad let out a little chuckle. That was good. We barely exchanged any words just between us so far. If this trip was to be anything else besides incredibly awkward, that had to change.

“You know, Gary,” his dad addressed me while keeping his eyes on the road, “I don’t know what kind of horror stories my son told you about this place but it’s much nicer than you probably imagine. It was recently renovated. And when you see the surroundings, you’ll understand why did we have to get so far away to see it.”

“Okay,” I smiled, “Thanks for the kind words, but I think you two are seriously underestimating me. I’ll have you know I was in the boy scouts when I was a kid.”

“You were?” Hunter turned around again, surprised.

“Well…” I hesitated, “I mean my parents had to pick me up after about two days, but technically, yes.”

Hunter let out a howling laugh at that and reached back to mess up my hair. He knew I both hated and loved when he did that.

“Aww, that sounds so much more like you!”

“Does my son treat you like this often, Gary?” his dad asked playfully, “If so, I might have done a thing or two wrong when I raised him.”

“No need to worry, Mr. Cooper,” I assured him as I gave my boyfriend a warm smile, “He treats me like a real gentleman.”

“I hope so,” his dad responded. I could feel that the atmosphere was starting to light up already. Maybe I was a little pessimistic about this whole thing…

“And there we are!” Mr. Cooper announced İzmir Travesti as the car came to a stop, “Please, put your seats back to the upright position. We have reached our destination.”

I looked out of the window and I was surprised to find that this cabin really did look pretty nice! A little small, yeah, but the wooden exterior looked freshly new and it seemed like an incredibly cozy place – kind of like the smaller hotels in the mountains you’d normally pay outrageous money to stay in. But this was just for us – no neighbors, no other visitors… Just me, Hunter and his dad. I immediately felt bad about voicing my uncertainty about this to Hunter the night before. Perhaps we could make this a nice vacation after all!

We got out of the car and my two other companions started unloading everything immediately. Wanting to prove myself I immediately stepped in to help, even though it looked a bit funny – Hunter was carrying a briefcase bigger than my torso and his dad managed to pick up two huge coolers full of food under those muscled arms of his while I had to use two of my hands to carry one medium-sized bag. I was expecting some comments about that but both of them let it pass – they probably appreciated that I got right into it instead of sitting around and watching.

It took us an outrageous amount of time to unpack everything – by the time we were done, we were completely sweaty and panting. Hunter’s dad lost his shirt and was now wearing only a white tank top, showcasing his wide, hairy shoulders along with his pecs and a slight beer belly. If there was a gay slang dictionary, his photo is what you would find under the word “bear”. I felt comfortable having two men like this around me – I knew I was absolutely useless in the wilderness and if I was going to survive, I really needed somebody to balance that out, so to speak.

“I think that’s about it,” Mr. Cooper sighed and used one of his thick forearms to wipe the sweat off his forehead. Then his eyes grew wide as he realized something. “Oh shoot! I just remembered.”

“What is it, dad?” Hunter asked, “Did we forget something?”

“Yeah… I forgot to buy the fuel for the boiler. There’s probably not gonna be any in the basement. Dammit… Hunter, you were supposed to remind me!”

My boyfriend just shrugged.

“Don’t see how this is my fault, old man. It was your job to do.”

“Hey, don’t you get cheeky with me,” Mr. Cooper warned him half-heartedly, “But yes… you’re right. I guess I should drive to the nearest town and get some. Crap… it’s gonna be at least an hour till I get there and back!”

“You need some help with that, dad?” Hunter said, stepping in, but Mr. Cooper shook his head as he started to put his shirt back on.

“No, no, it’s okay. I’ll be back in a minute. In the meantime, why don’t you show Gary around? You guys should probably take the big bedroom. It’s spaciest and has its own bathroom so we won’t have to share.”

“No problem, pops,” Hunter smiled and put his hand over my shoulders. His dad saw that and frowned a little bit.

“Now…” he said, grinning a little bit, “The room has a king-sized bed. Boys, I hope I can trust you that there’s going to be no funny business going on while you’re there. I know you are together but this is a family trip. Got it?”

“Absolutely,” we replied in unison.

Hunter was already french-kissing me like a lust-fueled animal as we broke into the room that was going to be ours for the next two weeks. We were both painfully horny – the last couple of weeks were a little tough and there was no time for us to get intimate. I respected his dad, of course, but we were supposed to be stuck here for two weeks. And Mr. Cooper’s room was right next to ours, sharing a wall! This was probably going to be the only opportunity we would get.

I felt my boyfriend breathing hard on my neck as he pinned me to the mattress. I could never get enough of his strong arms or his dominant personality. He was a man’s man and he never missed an opportunity to showcase that in bed. Out of the bedroom, I was his loved one who he adored and respected. In the bedroom, I was a cum-hungry slut and he considered it his personal duty to use my mouth and/or ass as his personal sex toys. Needless to say, I wasn’t complaining.

I moaned and spread my hands and legs as his hands nearly ripped the clothes off of me. My man left me bare naked only with a hardon before he started taking his own clothes off. I would never get tired of his body. Nicely toned chest with a bit of hair and a nice treasure trail, leading to a beautiful, 8” cut cock. Over the three years, he has mastered using that thing on me. He knew every single one of my sensitive spots, he knew what tempo was too fast and what was too slow and he was the first boyfriend that I ever had who managed to make me cum without anything touching my cock. He didn’t like to get topped, but since he was such an expert fucker and I was much more of a bottom anyway, I didn’t complain Konya Travesti about that too much.

“I’ve got so much in store for you, you little slut,” he whispered into my ear, as he started grinding himself against me, his throbbing cock pressing against my belly, smearing his precum all over me, “I’m gonna give you at least two bull sized loads before my dad gets back.”

“Fuck…” I whimpered. My hand grabbed the sheet while the other one wrapped around him. Then, I realized something.

“Fuck, Hunter. Stop… Man, did we bring any lube?”

His face looked alarmed for a second before he remembered.

“Yeah! Yeah, I have some in my backpack… Gimme a sec, I’ll go down and get it.”

Still with a hardon, he practically ran out of the room. I was waiting on the bed for a few minutes but then grew a little bored – the lube must have been on the bottom of the backpack or somewhere, hard to find.

So I started exploring the room a little bit – which is a very fancy word for basically snooping around. The room was nicely decorated and the bed was amazingly soft – there was a lot of storage space under it as well.

I got up and opened a huge wardrobe that was on the side of the room. There were a bunch of clothes in there. What caught my eye was the hunting gear I found there – a camo jacket and a cap, together with a reflective vest and some boots. I got an idea.

When Hunter finally appeared back in the doorway holding the bottle of lube, I was standing in the middle of the room, wearing the jacket, the vest, the cap, the boots and nothing else – all looking very oversized and comical on me.

“Well, well, well,” I said in a comically deep voice, “Looks like the Hunter has become… the hunted!”

My boyfriend lost it and started laughing so hard he almost lost his hardon.

“Dammit man, that had to be the worst joke ever! I guess the elevation is doing something to my brain since I laughed at it…”

He came closer to me and his hands inspected the jacket.

“Where did you find this?”

“In the wardrobe over there,” I said, pointing to it. He looked at it and then looked back into my eyes.

“I’m pretty sure this was my dad’s…” he said, trying to remember, “Yes! He used to take me and my brothers on hunting trips when we were young. He was wearing this exact outfit!”

“Damn,” I laughed, “What a boner killer, then. I’ll take it off.”

Before I could do anything though, Hunter grabbed me by the clothes and pulled me in for a kiss. For some reason, he seemed even hornier than before. I wanted to get out of his grab and take the clothes off but he wouldn’t have that – he pushed me onto the mattress and started making out with me so wildly I was in shock.

“Man,” I laughed as I felt his lubed up fingers prodding around my asshole, “Do you really want to fuck me while I’m wearing your dad’s gear?”

“Do you wanna talk?” he raised his eyebrows at me, “Or do you want to get a ride of your life, slut boy?”

Well, that certainly wasn’t a tough question. I complied and let him lube me up before he slid his cock in. I moaned, my voice echoing around the room. It felt so free being able to be vocal – in our small apartment with thin walls, I was a little afraid to be loud during sex. And with Hunter’s dad out of the way, I could finally use my lungs completely to express how much I loved his cock inside of me.

The thing with the hunting gear made me think for a little bit, but Hunter’s enthusiasm soon made me forget about it. He was crazier than ever, manhandling my body like a pro, thrusting in and out, making it seem like he hadn’t touched another man in years! I moaned and screamed my lungs out, my hands running all over his body and my ass thrusting against his powerful tool. He threw me around like a ragdoll, switching one position after another, and each time he pounded me so hard my knees felt weak.

He was making it very hard for me to hold it. I came after about five minutes in the missionary position, the orgasm causing my whole body to shiver. He had his hands behind my back and fucked me like there was no tomorrow, his balls slapping against my scrotum and his hot breath on my neck. I moaned his name over and over as my cock started pushing out load after load of my pent-up cum, right onto his dad’s hunting gear, spraying all over it. Damn… I sure hoped his dad wasn’t planning any hunting trips while we were here.

Hunter didn’t stop there though – he didn’t even slow down. He knew too well that I didn’t mind being fucked after I came so he gave me ten more solid minutes of fucking before he finally came inside of me. He was fucking me doggy style at the time, slapping my ass and burying my face in the sheets.

“Little fuckin’ slut! Take my load, take all of it! Moan as I breed your ass, bitch boy!”

Wow, his dirty talk game was going strong today! I submitted to his demands and let my man shoot his load deep inside of me. As he did, I felt like I heard Antalya Travesti something strange… Creaking of the wood, like somebody was walking outside of the door to our bedroom.

It creeped me out at first – luckily, Hunter has finished unloading inside of me at that time and has collapsed onto my back, panting and resting, so I could listen to the sounds. They seemed like they were getting closer and closer to the door before they just… stopped.

Nothing afterward, just silence. I waited for more and felt my heart beating fast – although that might have been caused by the orgasm – but nothing came. Dammit… Was that just a hallucination? I mean we were in the middle of the woods… With this much silence around, you could probably hear every creak in the house from it settling down. It was probably nothing to be alarmed about.

“Is something wrong?” Hunter asked, after noticing me being suspiciously silent.

“No… No. I thought I heard something. That’s all.”

“That’s impossible,” he told me, breathing fast, still deep inside of me, “There are no neighbors around and my dad went to get the fuel. It’s probably the house settling down or something.”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought…” I said before turning around to him with a devilish smile, “You still got enough energy for another round? We still have about forty minutes…”

He chuckled at that before he pulled out.

“Let me just jump into the bathroom and rinse off my dick – then you can use that beautiful mouth to suck on it and get me hard again to give you another ride.”

That sounded like a solid plan! I waited on the bed as Hunter disappeared in the adjacent bathroom for a few minutes. When he came back, he laid on the bed and pulled my head into his crotch. I always loved giving him a blowjob… He leaked like a faucet and I knew exactly what to do to his dick for him to lose patience and either grab my head and fuck it until he came or go for my ass instead.

This time I got both. After I gave his piss slit a little too much tongue flicking, he started calling me names and held my head in place as he face-fucked me. I moaned and gagged, my own dick getting hard again, his precum leaking out of my mouth. For some reason, he was really careful about me not losing the hunting cap and put it back on each time it managed to slip off. He lasted for a pretty long time, wearing out my throat before he ordered me to turn around again. I turned to the door and presented him with my ass. I knew that doggy style was his favorite.

Since he just came, he lasted a really long time. I was afraid that we were going to take too long and his dad was going to come back, but I didn’t hear any more sounds from outside of the door. We were probably in the clear. Hunter took advantage of that and gave my ass some nice, hard pounding. When we finally finished, we were both red in the face and sweaty as hell, lying on the bed in a tight embrace.

“Didn’t expect that we would have to change the sheets on the first day here…” he said, his hand stroking my back.

“I did. I know exactly what kind of animal you are,” I teased him. He laughed and held me even tighter.

“Your dad’s gear is ruined,” I noted. The poor jacket and vest were now drenched in the juices of both me and Hunter. No way was going to go unnoticed – we had to wash it in secret or something.

“Yeah… we can deal with it later,” he said as he yawned. I looked up at him.

“Sleepy?” I asked. He nodded. A whole day of riding in the car – I understood completely. I was also exhausted.

“Let’s have a little nap before dad gets back,” he said, helping me turn over to a spooning position, “I’m sure he won’t mind.”

“Let’s just hope he won’t open the door and find me in his cum-stained gear,” I joked. He chuckled at that.

“Nah, he wouldn’t. He would never invade my privacy like that. Now, close your eyes and fall asleep in my arms, bitch boy.”

“Heh… All right then. Sleep tight, my big hunter!”

After that, both of us started dozing off. I just about almost fell asleep, before I heard something again. This time it was something else though… and it didn’t come from the door, it came from behind the wall that was separating us from Mr. Cooper’s room. Strange, he was already back, but didn’t try to wake us up?

At first, the weird sound didn’t ring a bell, but then I soon recognized it. The rhythmic squishing sound… Was Hunter’s dad jerking off? I calmed my breathing and listened carefully. Yeah, there was no doubt about it! He was stroking his meat in a pretty fast tempo. After a while, I heard him grunt and sigh softly. My face went red as I realized I was witnessing my boyfriend’s dad reaching his orgasm!

I tried ignoring it, but it just wasn’t possible. Hunter was already sound asleep, but for me, it was loud enough to keep me awake. Plus… there was something strangely intriguing about it. It made me wonder. Hunter’s dad was a huge man. Was his manhood as impressive as the rest of him? I didn’t really pay attention to his bulge before, I didn’t want to look like a pervert. But now I couldn’t get it out of my mind. How did he look naked? What kind of stuff would he like to beat off too? Was he anything like his son in the bedroom?

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Eyes Like Winona Ch. 06

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*Ugh… Shortness…

Sorry! But I’m just releasing a short chapter so you can see it. I’m working, but things are going slow. I’ll have the next chapter out as soon as I can.

All Characters are 18+*


“Please help me.”

That was the last straw. Before I had been snuffling. Little gasping sobs under my breath. But with those three words, my legs went limp and I slid to the sidewalk. I took a deep whooping breath and wailed into my hands, clasped over my mouth. I had been swallowing the blood from my cut tongue, and I felt so sick that I retched a little as I sobbed.

He dropped down next to me. I couldn’t look at him. I flinched when he tried to lay his hand on my shoulder.

“Neil!” He muttered. “Come on… Come on Neil. Follow me.”

I weakly got up, keeping one hand at my waist, keeping the torn jeans shorts from falling down. I was off-balance, and I fell. Drake caught me. His hand under my armpit. He heaved me up in one easy motion and supported me. I leaned on him. I could have walked by myself, but I didn’t.

I closed my eyes as we walked, letting him lead me, feeling the tears fall even from my closed eyes. I could tell when we reached his room. I could smell the air fresheners that he kept around. I could hear the door opening.

I tried to stop crying. I managed to quiet the sobs. He gently released me so I sat on the edge of the bed. A huge numb jolt of pain made me whimper as I sat down. He was digging around in a drawer. He pulled out a cell phone and dialed in a number, glancing back at me. I flinched away from his gaze.

“Ferdinand. Ferd… Something happened to Ryan. He’s back at my apartment. Somebody hurt him.”

“Chris…” I whispered. “Tio.”

He glanced back at me, and I closed my eyes. “Their names. The ones you watched.”

I was mumbling, but he understood. “Ryan says it was the couple who came here and shared him, the couple where I watched.” His voice was thick and choked with anger.

“Alright. Alright, I will. Goodbye.”

He put the phone down and he was by my side in an instant. “Ferdinand is gonna take care of those two, okay?”

I nodded, looking down at my knees. They were bloody from my fall out of the van. I started to shake. I tried not to cry, but I was shaking with the effort.

“My family.” I whispered. “I g-g-gotta g-go h-home.” I felt so sick that I held my stomach and bent over, resting my face between my bloody knees. I whimpered. “Wh-What do I tell them Drake? They’re gonna… They’re gonna be so…”

I was babbling. He rested his hand on my back. I shut up. His hand was cool and dry and very light.

“You don’t have to go home.” He whispered. “What’s your number?”

I gave it to him. Feeling a dim ember of hope in my chest.

He called my home on his cell phone. My entire family shared a cheap phone with a minute-by-minute plan. I was so quiet that I could hear it ringing. When I heard Ben say “Hello?” I curled up again, feeling physically ill with shame and panic.

“Hey… This is one of Neil’s friends. We got a bit hammered tonight, so Neil’s gonna sleep here. I’ll get him to work in the morning, no worries.”

He was slurring his voice slightly. Falling into the role of a drunk friend. I could hear Ben talking angrily, demanding to talk to me. I held out my hand.

Drake covered the mouthpiece of the phone with his hand. “Are you sure?” I nodded, and accidentally looked into his eyes for the first Travesti time since I had been assaulted.

He was so beautiful.

I fumbled the cell phone from his hand.

“Ben?” I whispered.

“Neil, where are you? I’m gonna come pick you up.”

I flicked my eyes up to Drake. He was digging around in a drawer for something. I could see the way his muscles bunched up between his shoulder blades as he dug.


Ben didn’t say anything for a moment. Drake looked up and his dark worried eyes gave me strength. “What do you mean, No? I’m coming to pick you up!”

“No. I’m fine, Dean is gonna give me a ride.”

“I thought you said his name was Scott.”

“I have more than one friend Ben. Now Fuck off.”

I wanted to drive him away. Make him angry enough that he wouldn’t want to come. But I was surprised and hurt by how vindicated I felt. By the all-too-real anger in my voice. I was surprised at the depth of real anger that I found for my brother. I tried to stop. I didn’t want to be angry at him. But I was drunk on pain, and I couldn’t halt the bitter flow of words.

“Stop pretending to be worried about me for once and pretend to be worried about the others. Get off your lazy ass and watch your family for once. Tell your bitch girlfriend to take a night off. Get a fucking job, and then maybe you can talk to me with that tone of voice.

“Contribute for once, and then maybe you can pretend like you’re something other than an entitled parasite.”

He was silent. Stunned.

“Toby is getting out tomorrow.” He whispered hollowly. “At eight… You’d better be there.”

“Goodnight Ben.” I whispered. I shut Drake’s phone, and I started to weep.

Drake sat on the bed next to me and very tentatively rubbed my back. It felt good.

“Can I t-take a shower?” I asked.

“Sure. I’ll lend you some clothes tomorrow. But you’re gonna need a story.”

I looked at him for an explanation. He touched my chin, scraped up from the fall out of the van. I nodded tearfully, and I limped to the shower. It was a glass box, the glass was frosted about halfway up. I got into the box first before stripping my shorts.

I nearly retched when I saw the ugly red blotch that had soaked through the seat.

“Are you okay?”

I nearly said yes. It was just ingrained in me to say that whenever somebody asked if I was okay. Instead I said nothing and started the water.

I pressed my lips together tight to muffle the moan of pain. My scrapes stung. The water felt good on my bruises. I could see pinkish water running down my legs. I put my face under the spray and I felt like I was drowning. I stayed that way for a long time.

“Neil. Neil. NEIL!”

The door opened and I flinched and shrank into the glass, gasping at the cool pane against my wet flushed skin.

Drake slid the stall door closed. “I called your name ten times and you didn’t say anything. I was worried.”

I turned the water off. Drake tossed an old white towel over the door. I buried my face in it. It was clean and soft. It smelled like detergent. A sweet, somehow childlike smell. I lifted the towel, and there was a small pink spot where my chin had been.

I wrapped the towel around my waist and opened the stall door. He was standing there, holding my torn shorts.

“How bad is it?” He whispered.

I felt so cold out of the water. I was shivering. Water from my wet bangs was İstanbul Travesti dripping into my eyes, and the remnants of Drake’s shampoo stung them. I had used the shampoo without even thinking. The ritual had made me feel a little better, but now I felt horribly exposed. Like a naked nerve ending, raw and pained and alone.

He was standing three feet away from me but it felt like more. The careful way he maintained his bearing. Even now.


My name. Hearing my name from his lips broke me. Broke the skin of restraint.

I rushed at him. One unsteady step, and then my face was buried under his chin and my arms were tight around his thin chest and I was holding on so tight. I didn’t want him to push me away. The towel fell down but I didn’t care. I couldn’t let go. I needed him. The sound that rushed out of my mouth was more animal than human.

What was this feeling? He wasn’t pushing me away. His wiry arms in a cradle that held me close. His one bony hand flat between my shoulderblades, and the other cradling the back of my skull. His cheek was flat the side of my face, his chin hooked on my shoulder. His body was against me, frank, and there.

“This wasn’t supposed to happen.” He choked, holding me so tight that my bruises throbbed. “You were gonna be okay… You were gonna get out of here.”

The limp towel was pinned behind our bodies.

I pressed my lips against his chest. He was crying. I could feel his chest heaving. I had seen his reddened eyes before. But I had never seen him cry. Now I could feel it. It was my first kiss. My first Drake-kiss.

He held me for a minute longer, and my sobs dwindled to soft tremors. He squeezed me a little tighter. “Are you still bleeding? We should take you to the hospital.”

I shook my head. “I can’t. I’ll b-be fine.” I could hear Drake’s heart beating in his chest. It soothed me. I could feel my own heart slowing, my breathing.

His grip on me was loosening. I hugged him tighter, not wanting it to end. Afraid of the uncomfortable realities outside of his arms.

He gently pushed me away, and the towel fell down from where it had been pinned between us. I didn’t move. I just stood in front of him, naked and completely exposed. I put my arm behind me, and felt between my buttocks with my hand. My skin was clean and hot and dry. When I brought my hand back, it was clean. I let my hand go limp. And then I bent down to retrieve the towel, feeling my cheeks heat up. He had seen me naked before. He had seen me between Chris and Tio, those monsters. But I felt more naked now than ever.

I wrapped the towel around my waist, and he went to dig in his drawer. He brought out a first aid kit and a baggy black shirt with YAMAHA scrawled across the chest in white.

I pulled the shirt over my head gratefully. He wet a cotton ball with alcohol and started to dab it at my chin. It stung bad enough to make my eyes water, but I sat down and took it.

He cleaned the scrapes on my knees and elbows. He bandaged my chin, and my left elbow, which was the worst. The gauze pads crackled uncomfortably.

“It’s late.” Drake murmured quietly. Subdued. We should get to bed.

Were we just going to ignore it now? Ignore the desperate way we had embraced?

“Kay.” I whispered.

The covers, they were clinging to me. I tried to kick them away, but that just tangled me more. I started to moan, because the movements hurt me. They Ankara Travesti hurt my scrapes and my bruises, and set a sick deep throbbing deep in my abdomen. It hurt, but I didn’t stop trying to kick the covers off. I groaned with the pain and the panic. I realized dimly that I didn’t have any covers on me. But the horrible constricted feeling didn’t go away.

Suddenly, the tight and menacing tangle of the imagined covers was replaced by something shockingly warm and strong. Drake was clinging to me, shushing me. I wept tiredly. I was so tired. More tired than scared or hurt or anything else.

I turned and I kissed him. I kissed him for real. On the mouth. It was really short. I broke it a second later, and I buried my head in the pillow. Crying tiredly, trying to wake up from this confusing dream. Trying to fall asleep from it.

Was I awake?

I felt a sick jolt of anxiety at that thought. Had I just kissed him? My head hurt.

I felt the covers being pulled carefully up to my waist. I felt his hands pulling down the shirt so it covered me again.

Then he snuggled up closer. I was facedown in his pillow trembling with shame. He rested his arm across my shoulders.

“It’s okay Neil… I’m here. I’m here baby.”

I looked at him, my vision blurry with sleep. He rested his hand on the side of my face, and he kissed me.

This time the kiss lasted. I could taste his hot breath, still minty from toothpaste. I could feel the curl of his lips, the puff of air on my upper lip when he exhaled through his nose.

My hand crept up, and I slid it under his head, cradling him. Making sure he wouldn’t slip away. My heart was beating frantically fast in my chest.

He broke the kiss. “I’m sorry.”

“Why?” I whispered. I kissed him again, a soft press of lips. He was thinking, his eyes closed.

“I’ll tell him tomorrow. I’ll tell Ferdinand that I don’t want to work anymore.”

“What?” I whispered, snuggling into him. It didn’t feel real. A sick part of my stomach told me that this had to be some terrible misleading dream. But I didn’t want to believe that. This had to be real.

It had to be real or I would go crazy when I woke up.

“I don’t want to get hurt anymore. I don’t want to see you get hurt.” He whispered.

“Why now?” I whispered, nuzzling into his chest. I pressed the center of my aching forehead into his chest as hard as I could. As if the beat of his heart could cure my terrible headache.

He hesitated. “I don’t want to live like this anymore. I got enough saved up. I want to stop.” He lowered his head so his chin and mouth were at the top of my head. He whispered the last words into my hair.

“I know I screwed up. Would you give me another chance? Please.”

Finally, with a little shudder. “I think I love you, Neil.”

With those words, those impossible words, he held onto me tighter than before, so tight that he hurt my bruises. He kissed me on the forehead. I felt feverish. His lips were warm against my sweaty skin.

“Am I asleep?” I asked quietly. I was sure that I was asleep. This was a dream. It felt like a dream in so many ways.

“No.” He said quietly.

I felt the tears stream down my cheeks, and I wiped them off on his chest. “Thank you.” I whispered.

“For what?”

I felt my eyes close as I snuggled as tight and close as I could into his chest. My nose flattening, my lips against his skin. “For being there.” I mumbled, muffled.

“Is that a yes?”

I laughed, even with the tears stinging the bridge of my nose.

“Of course it is.”

I was so tired and weak that I fell asleep after that. But I didn’t have any more nightmares.

My boyfriend was there to protect me.

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