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Merhaba daha once sıze bır partı hıkayemı anlatmıstım bildiginiz gibi ben 21 yasında unv ogrencısıyım sımdıye kadar cok iliskide bulundum sex konusunda baya tecrubelıyım yanı beraber oldugum kadını tatmın etmeden asla rahat edemem neyse konuya gelıyorum ben bır arastırma yapmaya karar verdım ve br kadının alabılecegı en buyuk zevkı nasıl yasatabılecemı ogrendım ve acı gercekle karsılastım aslında ben sımdıye kadar kadınları yeterınce mutlu edemıyordum ve hemen ogrendıklerımı denemek ıcın sevgilime telefon actım sevgilim dedıgım yanı sadece sex için elımde bulunan sevgilim benden once butun okul uzerınden gecmıs yanı kız follos olmus neyse bu geldı ben ılkonce romantıkbır masa hazırladım kız bı gırdı eve saskın waw sende neler varmısta bızım haberımız yokmusdedı bır puan pendik escort almıstım bile neyse yemek mum ısında bır kırmızı bırde pembe sarap yemekle kırmızıyı ıctık sonra ben ona hadı dans edelım dedım kız gene saskın benden boyle seyler beklemıyoya dans edıyoruz benım dudakları opmeye calısıyo ben kafamı cevırıyorum neyse hadı odamıza gecelım dedım ve yatak odasında pembe sarabı actık bırer sıgara yaktık yatagın uzerınde oturuyoruz sarap bıttı ve ben dudaklarını yavas ve kucuk kucuk hareketlerle opmeye basladım ve ozellıkle dılımı kullanarak uzun sure opustuk ve sarabında etkısıyle iyice gevsedık sonra ben gomlegımı cıkarttım oda tsortunu cıkarttı ve sadece sudyenle kaldı benım uzerımde hıcbısey yok ve ben boynunu yalamaya basladım ama cok yavas butun ümraniye escort hucrelerını hıssederek ve sudyenını cıkarttım soyunmaya basladık ve cırılcıplak kaldıktan sonra yorganın altına gırdık ben tekrar boynundan baslayarak assagıya dogru ındım goguslerını normalde yalarken asla zevk almazdı ama busefer gozlerını kapatmıs ve saclarımı karıstırıyordu yanı hosuna gıdıyordu cok sabırlı davranıyordukbende kendıme daha cok guvenmıstım ve bıraz daha assaya ındım ama gobek delıgınde ve cevresınde durakladım ve tekrar tumdetaylarıyla onu yalamaya basladım adeta tum hucrelerını dılımle ıslatıyordum ve ıkımızde cok sabırlı davranıyorduk sonra gereken yere dogru dlımı kaydırmaya basladım ve tam vajınasının usttarafında bulunun cıkıntıyı yalamay basladım kadıköy escort cok ozenlı bırsekılde yalıyordum bu sırada sankı saclarımı koparırcasına cekıyordu ve cıkıntının altındakı g noktasını buldum dılımı surer surmez o mukemmel sesı odada yankı yapmaya basladı ve ben yalamya devam edıyordum agzımı komle acıp vajınasını kavrıyor sıcaklıgına sıcaklık katıyordum ve oglebir orgazm oldukı ınanır mısınız cıglıklar tıtremeler bır yana yaklasık yarım metre menı fıskırmıstı gozlerıme ınanamadım ve daha sonra yanına uzandım kulagına fısıldadım begendınmı askım dedım konusamıyordu gozlerı doldu bana sarıldı sana asıgım dedı ve ben kendımı harıka hıssetım mukemmel bır duyguydu ben bosalmamıstım ama cok zevk almıstım ve dedımkı kendıme işte bir kadın boyle orgazmedilir sımdı kendımle gurur duyuyorum ama bakıre bır kızla veya iliskıye az sayıda gırmıs bır bayanla tekrar boyle bır orgazm yasamak ıstıyorum eger benımle bu duyguları yasamak ısteyen varsa maillerınızı beklıyorum maillerde ozellıklerınız veya fotonuz olursa cok sevınırım…Gönderen: venue

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ağzına heryeri döl oldu

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Meraba ben ankaradan polat.18 yaşında 185 boyunda yakışıklı ve basketçi bir gencim.size okulda başımdan geçen bir olayı anlatacağım. ders edebiyattı ve hocamız gelmemişti.bizim sınıftada tam kaşar bi kız vardı.adına vermicem.çünkü orospu bu sitelerin manyağı.herneyse derste yanıma geldi ve oturdu laf söz ederken bana yaklaşmaya başladı ve bu bana manyak cesaret verdi.zaten uzundur sex yapmıodum.bu bana yaklaşınca coştum.en arkada oturmanın verdiği avantajla bunun götüne ve bacaklarına pendik escort elleyip sıkmaya başladım.bu gittikçe coşuyordu ama sınıfta 29 kişiydi ve o an onu sikemedim. bundan 4 yada 5 gün geçti ve ders bedendi.sınıfta nöbet sırasıda bendeydi.sınıfta öyle boş boş otururken orospum sınıfa girdi.yanıma geldi ve bacak bacak üstüne attı.bacağını gösterip “polat şuraya çikolata döküldü napcaz “dedi.bende “yalayım geçsin” dedim.zaten kafam bozuk sıkılmışım ümraniye escort sen misin bunu diyen.bacaklarından yalamaya başladım taki bal kutusuna gelene kadar.kaltağın içinde fantezi kilodu vardı .ayırdım amını yala babam yala.tam amını kıvamına getirdi.orospum önümde eğildi ve benim 17cm yi bi çırpıda ağzına aldı.bi posta ağzına kaydım ve bunun amını araladım tam girecem “polat ben bakireyim götten çok yedim sende götten sik olmaz mı “dedi.bende ona kadıköy escort “şimdi vermicende ne zaman vercen kaltak” dedim ve amına bi çırpıda girdim.öyle soktumki yarrağı gözünden yaş geldi.ileri geri öyle sikiodum ki inleye inleye beni öldürdü.tam boşalırken bi ses duydum.bide ne göreyim kapıda edebiyat hocamız tuğçe hanım.hiç istifimi bozmadım ve benim orospuyu pompaladım.arada çaktırmadan tuğçe hocayada bakıodum.eteğini kıvırmış amını mıncıklıodu kaltak.dedim “hocam yarrak duruken ele ne hacet”hemen geldi aleti ağzına aldı.orospu sanki 40 yıldır yalıodu.öyle bi patladımki ağzına heryeri döl oldu.zil çalmaya 5 dakka kala toplandık.şuan iki orospum var emrime amade.ikisininde amını pörsüttüm.isteyen varsa onlarıda sikebilirim.byeGönderen: polat

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Taksicinin koca yarrağı götümü dolduruyordu

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25 Yaşındayım kendimi bildim bileli gayim. Yakışıklı erkekler ilgimi çeker. İlk nasıl bir ilişki yaşadığımı değil size başımdan geçeni anlatacağım. Bir gün canım acayip sıkılmıştı. Ne yapayım diye düşünürken aklıma bir fikir geldi. Bir taksiye binecektim ve bir şekilde o taksiciye verecektim. Yolda giderken içinde yakışıklı bir şöför olan bir taksi önümde durdu. Taksiye bindim. Ama ne diyeceğimi bilmiyodum. Taksici bana nereye gidelim dedi. Öylesine gezelim canım sıkkın dedim. Meraklı pendik escort taksici neden dedi. Ben de sevgilim beni terketti dedim. Nasıl oldu diye sordu. Ben de beni bir kız için terketti deyince taksicide jeton düştü (tabii ki bunları hep ben uydurmuştum). Taksici nasıl yapıyorsunuz dedi. Neyi dedim aslında neyi kastettiğini biliyordum. Sex sevişmek dedi. Ben de tenha bir yere çekerse gösterebileceğimi söyledim. Bu arada taksicinin sikine elimi atmıştım. Siki ümraniye escort kalkmıştı ve oldukça da büyüktü. Nasıl hoşlanıyor musun dedim. Hoşlanmasam kalkmazdı dedi. Doğruydu da. Taksici arabayı tenha bir yere çekti. Orda adamın sikini çıkarıp emmeye başladım çok güzeldi. Kalın siki ağzımı dolduruyordu. Başını yalıyordum. Sikinin deliğine dil atıyordum. Taksici çıldıracak gibiydi. Sonra o muhteşem sikini gırtlağıma kadar soktum. Kusacak gibi olunca çıkardım. kadıköy escort Ama çok tatlıydı. Sonra seni sikmek istiyorum dedi.Pantolonumu indirip yan döndüm. Deliğimi tükürükle ıstattım ilk önce parmağıyla deliğimi genişletti. Sonra da yüklenerek önce başını soktu. Aman dedim. Uffffffffff çok güzeldi. Demin ağzımı dolduran kocaman yarrak şimdi de götümü dolduruyordu. Biraz yüklenerek yarısını sonra da tamamını soktu. Şimdi gidip geliyordu. İkimiz de inliyorduk 5-6 git gelden sonra sarsılarak götümün derinliklerine boşaldı. Harikaydı. Söylediğine bakılırsa ilk defa bir erkeği sikiyormuş ama bana öyle gelmedi. Sonra beni aldığı yere bıarkmasını söyledim. Öyle de yaptı. Ama ismini bile bilmediğim o yakışıklı taksiciyi bir daha görmedim.Gönderen: cccem

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Tesetturlu Hastamın amcığı darcıktı ve sikim girmiyordu

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Tesettürlü Hastam ve Sekreterim Selam Ben Mert.Ben doktorum ve size geçen hafta başörtülü ve ateşli bir hastamı ve sekreterimi beraber nasıl düzdüğümü anlatacağım.Her zamanki gibi poliklinikte hasta bakıyordum.genç kız çok geliyor. Öğle tatiline girmek üzere iken odaya 19-20 yaşında genç bir kız girdi, adı Hasibe idi.Hasibe`nin göğsünde sıkışma şikayeti vardı.Hasibe tesettürlü ve konuşkan bir kızdı.2 yıl önce kalp ameliyatı olmuştu.Anlaşılan Kalp ameliyatı olduğu için erkekler ona bakmıyordu ve o bu durumdan fena şekilde içerlendiği için şikayeti bu yüzdendi.Hasibe ile konuştukça sikim kalkmaya başlamıştı.Ne yapıp edip bu ateşli kızı sikmeliydim. Hasibe`yi hemen muayene masasına aldım ve sırt üstü uzandı.Ben aç demeden o göğüsleri fora etmişti.Ben muayene aletiyle ciğerlerini dinliyor ve aynı zamanda memelerine küçük dokunuşlar yapıyordum.Hasibe bu muayeneden son derece pendik escort memnundu, gözlerini kapatmış benim dokunuşlarımla dudaklarını ısırıyordu. Nefes alışları da hızlanmıştı.Muayene aletini kenara bırakıp Hasibenin memelerini okşamaya başladım.Zavallı kız hayatında ilk kez bir erkek tarafından okşanıyordu galiba.Ama onunda yarak istediği belliydi, eliyle pantolonumun üzerinde sikimi okşamaya başlamıştı.Derken Ben Hasibe`nin memelerine yumuldum, uçlarına dilimle masaj yapıyor ve tüm memesini somuruyordum. Bir yandanda bir elimle uzun eteğinin altından bacaklarına ulaştım ve bacaklarını okşaya okşaya külotuna geldim.Vay be bizim tesettürlü hasta harbi sik istiyordu, giydiği külot tangaydı.Tangasının kenarından amcığına ulaştığımda yapma ben bakireyim dedi ama ben okşamaya başladıkca bacaklarını daha da açtı. Artık hareketi artırmanın zamanı gelmişti.Memelerinden ümraniye escort öpe öpe göbeğine ve ordan da tazecik amına ulaştım.Amını yani traş etmişti, belli ki o da muayeneye değil sikişmeye gelmişti.Ben amını yaladıkça Hasibe inim inim inliyordu.Artık öğle arası olduğu için bizi kimse duyamaz derken sikimde bir el hissettim, arkamı döndüğümde poliklinik sekreteri Haticeydi bu.Demekki sesimizi duymuştuBen Hasibeyi yalamaya devam ettim, Hatice de alttan benim sikimi yalamaya başlamıştı. Artık Hasibe iyice kıvama gelmişti ve gir artık içime diye inliyordu.Ama Hatice de vardır.Hem Hatice sekreterimizdi ve her an sikşmek için hazır demekti.Neyse ikisini de muayene masasına yan yana yatırdım.Önce Hasibe`ye yüklendim ama amcığı darcıktı ve sikim girmiyordu.Tekrar yüklendim ama yine olmadı.Derken Hatice doğruldu ve benim malı ağzıyla ıslattı. kadıköy escort Hasibe`ye tekrar yüklendiğimde sikim yavaş yavaş girmeye başlamıştı ve Hasibe de alışmıştı.Hasibe`nin amında gidip geldikçe Hatice`nin memelerini emiyordum.Bir müddet sonra sikimi Hasibe`den çıkardım ve Hatice`ye kökledim.Hatice önceden yarak yediği için sikim hemen girmişti ama belliki az yarak yemişti çünkü amı nerdeyse Hasibe`ninki kadar dardı. Yarağımı bir Hatice`ye bir Hasibe`ye kökledim.İkisi de en az 2-3 kez boşalmıştı.Benim belim de gelmek üzereydi.En son sikimi Hasibe`den çıkardım.Hatice menimin geleceğini anlamıştı ve hemen sikimi ağzına aldı.Derken ikisi beraber yalayarak beni boşalttılar. Muayene masasında örtüde Hasibe`nin birkaç damla kanı vardı, hemen örtüyü çöpe attık.Hasibe yarağı yediği için rahatlamıştı, üzerini düzeltti ve odadan çıktı.Biz biraz dinledikten sonra Hatice`ye iki posta daha kaydım.İkinci sikişten sonra saat 13:30` yaklaşmıştı.2 hatun beni epey yormuştu, öğleden sonra izin alıp eve gittim.Hasibe`nin kontrole yani kontrol sikişine gelmesini bekliyorum.Hala gelmedi ama yarağımın tadını aldı bir kere, er geç gelir. Gönderen: blackdas0

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Annesini Sikerken Oğluda Amını Yalıyordu

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SLM ben bu olayı gecen yaz yasadım. berkan hep kızlarla konusan ahbab olan birisı ve hic erkek arkadası olmayan bırısı aynı sınıftaydık .. bazen dayak yıyınce benden yardım işterdı ve cok salak bırıdır .. annesi ve babası ayrıdılar neyse .. biz kaldıgımız derslerden yazın sınava gırecektık ve okula gıttık slm lastık ve sınav oldu .. bu sınavdan sonra benım saat 3 te bı sınavım daha vardı .. bu zaman icin internete gıdecektım vedalasıyorduk ve konusurken soz sınava geldı ve ben dedımkı saat 3 benım bı sınavım daha var …. simdı internete gıdıyorum dedım berkan gel bıze berabar gelırız benımde sınavım var dedı ben yok dedım ama cok israr ettı bende tamam dedım hadı gıdelım ve evlerıne gıttık .. evde kımse yoktu ve gıdıp oturduk kola ictık berkan iştersen vcd izleyelım dedı kabul ettım ve berkan vcd taktı sex fılmıydı gelıp yanıma oturdu fılım guzeldı ve ben azmıstım berkanda oyle sanırım ve bana laf attı ne bıcım erkek sın tık yok dedı bende hadı lan dedım kendıne bak sen dedımve laf talası ettık bende pendik escort daha da cok azdım ve sıkım tas gıbı oldu fılme dalmıstım yana bı baktıgımda berkanın gozu benım sıkımdeydı bende ne oldu oglum ne bakıyon oyle dedım berkan senınkı cok buyuk olum dedı bende erkegım olum olacak tabi dedım ve bana cıkarsana dedı bende bıraz utandım hadı lan dedım o israr ettı ne olul dedı ben de actım vesıkımı elıme aldım oda sıkıme tıp tıp bakıyordu sonra elını uzatıp avucladı bende anladım ne yapmak istedıgını ve olacagı neyse olsun dedım berkan daha avucunda sıkıyordu ve 31 cektırmeye baqsladı ben de o azgınlıkla agzına al dedım ve berkan bunu kabul etmedı bende zorla agzına soktum ve soksafon cektırıyordum ve agzına bosaldım sonra onu kaldırıp oksamaya basladım ve senı sıkecem dedım yok dedı ve ben zorla kabul ettırdım ve soyunduk berkana bıdaha yalattırdım ve sertlestı sonra domaltıp gotune arko surdum ve sıkımede somra gutune yavas yavas soktum ve ozevkle berkanı sıkıyordum ve icine bosaldım ümraniye escort berkan bi daha dedı bende bı daha sıktım ve bitırdık gıyınıp okula gıtık sınavlar bıtınce berkan gel bize gıdelım dedı bende tamam deyıp gıttık eve gıdınce annesı evdeydı slm verdım ve oturduk annesı40 yaslarında ve guzel bı bayandı berkanla odaya gecmek icin izın iştedık ve odaya gıttık gıder gıtmez berkanın agzına verdım ve bosaldım .. ve berkan dedıkı bende sana verecem dedı ben de kabul etmedım ve bıraz tartıstık .. okadar iştıyorsan annenı yap dedım berkan durdu ve tamam dedı bı plan yaptık ve uygulamaya koyulduk saat 12 olmustu ve bız salona gecıp vcd actık ve ses verdık annesı duysun dıye ve sex fılmı koyduk ve yarrakları elımıze aldık cekıyormus gıbı yaptık ve annesı sesı duyup geldı ve bızı oyle gorunce sok oldu ve bıze bagırdı ve berkanda ne var bunda anne dedı dahada elımız sıkımızdeydı annesı bısey dıyemedı ve oule bıze baktı berkan iştersen sende katıl dedı annesı cekıp gıttı ben berkana pesınden kadıköy escort gıt dedım berkanda gıttı ve annesı yumusatmaya gıtı bende peslerınden gıtım berkan annesıne anne ne kızıyon ne yaptıkkı dedı bız fılm izlıyorduk annesıde yok ya fılım izlıyormus?? dedı seyı elınde berkan sende izlıyon anne dedı ben oyle izlemıyorum dedı annesı ve tartısma devem ettı ve annesısakınlestı bız cıkıyorduk berkan iştersen sende gel dedı ve cıktık ben derın derın dusunuyordum ve olsun bende berkanı sıkerım dedım ve odaya gectık bızden 10 dakka sonra annesı geldı ve o da izlıyordu ben azmıs tım berkan ve annesıde azmıstı ve dayanamayıp sıkımle oynuyordum bırden baktımkı berkan fılıme dalıp gıtmıs annesıde kendısını oksuyordu ben yavas yavas annesı yaklastım ve annesının oksamaya basladım annesıde benı berkan da yanımızaa geldı ve oda annesını soydu veyalasmaya basladık ben anesıne soksafon cekerken berkanda annesını yalıyordu ben agzına bosaldım ve berkanda annesını sıkmeye baslamıstı bende berkanın arkasına gectım bende berkana sokuyordum ve 3 yapmıstık ve ben berkana bosaldım berkanda annesıne sonra berkan epey nyorulmustu ve anesı ben aldım ve sıkımı annesıne soktum ve basaldım sonra uzandık ve dayanamayıp tekrar annesını domaltım bıda ha sıktım .. ve artık bazen gıdıp sıkıyorum

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Köpeğim Tarcan

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Selam arkadaşlar ben Hakan 37 yaşındayım 10yıllık evliyim aşırı derecede seks manyağıyım.Anlatacağım olayı 3 gün önce yaşadım.Bundan 6 ay önce bir arkadaşımın çifliğinde 1 hafta kadar misafir oldum onun bir kaç tane köpeği vardı.Birtanesini çok sevmiştim ve bana hediye etti bende aldım pek köpekten anlamam ama galiba av köpeğimiş fakat hiç ava çıkmamış sünepenin tekiymiş her neyse al bunu zaten burda bir işe yaramıyor senide sevdi peşinden ayrılmıyor dedi.bende aldım eve getirdim evimde müsaitti.Baştan eşim karşı çıktı fakat köpek onada sırnaşınca hoşuna gitti çocuğumuz yok bari onunlaoynarız dedi.6 ayda bize iyice alıştı ne dersek yapıyor dinliyor bazen yatak odamıza geliyor pendik escort ve yatıyor.Bir akşam eşimle sikişiyoruz hava sıcak olduğu içinde kapı aralıktı eşim farketmedi ama ben farketmiştim köpeğimiz (sahi ismi tarcandı)bizi izliyordu dilinide çıkarmış sanki bir insan gibi bizi rontgenliyordu tam osırada gözüm apış arasına takıldı oda ne siki kıpkırmızı ve kalkmıştı benimkinden bile büyüktü öyle bir bakıyordu ki bize sanki yeter lan kalkta birazda ben sikeyim der gibiydi. O gece öyle bitti ben sabah erkenden kalktım duşumu almak için banyoya girdim ve tam osırada tarcan yt odasına girdi eşim çıplacık yatıyordueşim yüz üstü ayaklarınıda aralamış vaziyetteydi.o ümraniye escort da ne tarcan eşimin amını yalıyordu eşim ise yapma bırak birazdan yaparız uykum var demeye başladı.İyice şaşırmıştım.Eşim tarcan dur hakan gitsin sonra yaparız bak görürse kızar seni dışarı atar diyordu sanki bir insanla konuşur gibiydi.Tarcanda onu dinledi ve çıktı sonra ben duşumu aldım çıktım ve giyindim ve evden çıkar gibi yaptım aslında çıkmamıştım kapıyı sert bir şekilde kapatarak içerde kaldım olacakları merak ediyordum.Eşim çıktığımı zannetmiş olmalı ki tarcan gel oğlum gel yavrum gel ikinci kocam benim büyük yaraklım diye seslenmeye başladı tarcan hemen yt odasına girdi kadıköy escort ve tekrar yarım bıraktığı işe devam etti bende odaya doğru hareket ettim geceki tarcanın yerinde ben benim yerimdede tarcan vardı eşim tarcana kendini yalatıyordu sonra eşim domaldı tarcan ön ayakların eşimin sırtın kaldırdı siki kocaman olmuştu zaten ve eşimin amı su gibiydi kocaman kırmızı sikini eşimin amına daha ilk hamlede geçiriverdi eşim çılgınca inliyordu bu olay benimde hoşuma gitmişti sikim tekrar kalktı ve soyundum ve içeri daldım kolay gelsin tarcan bey dedim sanki insanla konuşuyormuşum gibi eşimde bana ay hayatım kusura bakma sana söyleyecektim ama kızarsın diye söylemedim dedi bende iyiki söylememişsin diyerek sikimi eşimin ağzına dayadım o gün işe gitmedim bir arar aradım ve hastayım dedim akşama kadar tarcan la karımı siktik 3 gündürde sikiyoruz bıkasaya kadar devamedeceğiz sizede tavsiyem karınızın gözü dışarda olmaz onun artık iki kocası var hoşçakalın

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Karımın amıdan sonra götüme soktu

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Adim Esra 25 yasinda oldukça çekici bir kadinim.Aliyle evlendikten hemen sonra balayi için Antalya ?da bir otele dogru yola çiktik.Henüz bakireydim ve bekaretimi kocam bozacakti. otelden girdik ve oldukça yakisikli bir belboy çantalarimizi çikartmamiza yardim etti.Kaçamak bakislarla beni süzüyordu Ali de bunun farkindaydi.Odamiz hakika bir balayi süiti idi. Ali yakisikli gencin bahsisini verdi. Daha sonra odada ikimiz kaldik. Ali beni hayrette birakacak bir soru sordu. Her zaman sira disi seyleri yapmaktan hoslanirdi ama ondan böyle bir teklifi hiç beklemezdim.Bana bekaretini biraz önceki çoçugun bozmasina ne dersin dedi. Ilk basta çok sinirlendim,biraz tartistik daha sonra kendimden hiç beklemedigim bir davranis sergiledim. Aliye tamam dedim. Ali hemen resepsiyonu arayarak biraz önceki genci çagirdi. Ali ve ben de bu arada hazirlanmaya basladik. Ali tamamen soyunarak bornozunu giydi. bursa escort Bana da mavi geceligimi giymemi söyledi. Ben banyoda hazirlanirken Alinin durumu gence anlattigini duydum O bu ise dünden raziydi hemen kabul etti. Ben hazirligimi tamamlamistim,banyodan çiktim ikisininde gözleri üzerimdeydi.Iç çamasiri giymemistim. Vücudumun bütün hatlari belli oluyordu. Gögüslerimin sivrilesmis uçlari geceligimi yirtacak gibi duruyoydu. Ali bana dogru yaklasti elimden tutarak beni yataga yatirdi. Bu arada adini hala bilmedigimiz genç te soyunmaya baslamisti. Ali geceligim önündeki bütün dügmeleri açti. Kendisi de bornozunu çikartti.Bacaklarimi iki yana açti ve bacaklarimin arasina geçerek masturbasyon yapmaya basladi göbegimin ve amimin üzerine bütün menilerini fiskirtti. Yakisikli gencin büyük sikinin amima girerken fazla acitmadan rahatça kaymasi için bunu yapmisti .Ali çekilerek yatagin kenarina oturdu bursa escort bayan .Yakisikli genç bacak arama girdi koca sikini tam amima sokmaya hazirlaniyordu ki ben birden durun dedim. Ikisi de benim vazgeçtigimi zannettiler. Ben Yakisikli gence adini bilmeden beni sikmene izin veremem dedim. Adinin Tolga oldugunu söyledi.Ikisi de rahatlamisti. Tolga sikinin kafasini amimin dudaklarini açarak yavas yavas itmeye basladi. Alinin menileri sayesinde tolganin siki amimin içine rahatça kaymaya basladi. Amim Tolganin sikini sikiyordu.Tolga gerilerek bir anda sikinin tamamini amima soktu.Bu bana biraz aci vermisti.Tolga amimin içinde ileri geri gidip geldikçe bu aci zevke dönüsüyordu. Tolga ritmik hareketlerle sikini amima sokup çikariyordu. Ikimizde ayni anda bosaldik. Kocam aminin bekarekini Tolga bozdu götünün bekaretini de ben bozacagim dedi ve beni yüz üstü yatirdi ve karnimin altina da escort bursa bir yastik koyarak uygun pozisyona gelmemi sagladi.Bu arada Tolga da yatagin bas tarafina geçerek sikinden akan menileri emmem için agzima soktu.Ali Amimdan akan menilerle göt deligimi iyice sivadi ve birkaç kere parmaklarini sokup çikararak genisletmeye çalisti. Bacaklarimi iyice gererek iki yana açti ve sikini götüme sokmaya basladi. Siki götüme çok zor giriyordu.Birden gerilerek Sikinin tamamini götüme soktu.Canim çok yanmisti ama gidip gelmeye baslayinca bu aci yerini zevke birakmaya basladi. Ali sikini sokup çikartikça benim Tolganin sikini daha fazla emiyordum.Ali ve ben bosaldik 1-2 saniye sonra Tolga da büyük bir patlama ile agzimi meni ile doldurmustu. Ben agzimdaki bütün menileri emiyordum. Daha sonra Tolga sirtüstü yataga uzandi ben de ata biner gibi tekrar kalkan sikinin üstüne oturdum siki artik genislemis olan götüme yavas yavas giriyordu.Ali de sikini amima sokmaya basladi. Çifte zevki ayni anda yasiyordum. Ali ve Tolga beni ritmik hareketlerle sikmeye baslamislardi. Üçümüzde arka arkaya bosaldik.Harika bir gerdek gecesiydi.

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Karen – The Hen Night

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My name is Karen. I was 18 years old when I was invited to my cousin’s hen night (bachelorette for you US folks). I accepted because I felt I had to but I did not know anyone and they where a wild crowd. My cousin Jo was 26 and the life and soul of the party. I on the other hand am introverted and shy. I am 5’5 with brown hair and a slender frame, I am conscious of my small breasts and am shy undressing in front of people.

The hen night was full of the usual fun and high jinks that you would expect we dressed Jo in appropriate veil and headdress and we all hit the town. There were 14 girls in all and we were kept organised by Lucy the head bridesmaid. Lots of drink flowed and the night took on a bawdy air. We ended up going to a male lapdancing club in the centre of Birmingham. The venue was full of hen parties and a couple of gay males. I was shocked and a little uncomfortable with what was happening but could not help stare at the cocks that were being waived around most of them in various states of arousal.

Jo was set up immediately and she was danced for by a tall slender male. He was white over 6′ tall and very muscular. He stood on her chair and removed his thong to shrieks of joy from the girls, his cock was long and slender and he slowly waived it in front of Jo’s face. Despite a number of approaches I would not accept a dance despite pressure from everyone. The visit to the club was arousing but I was glad when it was over. The night rolled on and eventually we were down to five and we were back at Lucy’s apartment where we were staying. After an hour of more drinks I thought we would be turning in when the doorbell rang. Lucy jumped up with an excited smile and ran to the door. On opening in walked two of the male strippers from the club (Ryan & Steve), little did we know that Lucy had arranged for a private party once they were finished casino siteleri working.

I was bored when the music went on as I could not see the point as we had done this already. Things started taking an interesting turn when once Ryan was naked he started encouraging Jo to lick his Cock. Maybe it was the drink or a side of her I had not seen before but she opened her mouth willingly. The sight before me was hot and I could feel a heat growing between my legs. Ryan grew rock hard as Jo sucked his pole. He reached down and pulled her breast out of her dress and began to feel it.

The action grew in intensity when finally Ryan lifted Jo of the chair and carried her towards the bedroom, the door closed behind them; the excitement that had filled the room was replaced with tension. Steve who had so far enjoyed a drink at the table came and sat next to Jenny but we mostly sat in silence. Soon though the room was filled with the unmistakable sounds of sex from the room next door. For the next many minutes we listened to Jo’s increasing pleasure until we heard the unmistakable sound of a joint climax. By now I was squirming in my seat and Lucy was openly stroking her breast.

The bedroom door opened and a happy looking Jo entered to loud cheers. Immediately Lucy leapt up and told Ryan to stay where he was and pushed him back into the bedroom closing the door. This time the room was not left in shock and Steve was pushed to the centre of the floor and ordered to dance. The music started but in the background we could hear Lucy moaning next-door. Steve was more aggressive dancer and was immediately naked and dancing close to the girls. Jenny immediately started sucking him and making him hard. He worked around the room and eventually got to me. I felt nervous and embarrassed but equally turned on and horny. I opened my mouth and allowed him in, slot oyna he tasted salty probably both from precum and the sweat of his nights work, I savoured the feel and flavour, he reached into my dress and started feeling my small breast. He then moved back to Jenny bent her over a chair and started rubbing his cock against her hotpants. At that moment the door opened and out walked a happy looking Lucy dressed only in bra and panties. Immediately Jenny stood up and led Steve to the bedroom.

The night continued like this, the boys danced and each girl took a turn I felt the pressure growing for me to take my turn but was torn as to what to do, my head said one thing whilst my…….well you know.

Eventually after cajoling from Lucy I was lead by the hand by Steve into the room. The first thing I realised was the bad looked like a small war had been thought on it and although the damp patches disgusted me it turned me on as well. Steve started kissing my neck and removed my dress. My breasts were exposed and he started greedily sucking on them while I stroked him to full hardness. He pushed me on to my knees and I started licking round the head of his cock he groaned with pleasure I could taste the evidence of the other ladies and I found this a turn on.

Once he was fully hard he pushed me roughly on the bed and removed my panties his tongue started to probe my pussy and immediately I was in heaven. I felt a digit work its way inside while his tongue lapped expertly. My pleasure grew and he increased the number of fingers inside me, it became painful but the pleasure was overriding. He stood over me and pumped his cock a couple of time, he moved closer and entered me, missionary position. I felt full, really full. Immediately he thrusted aggressively into me. and I started to groan with pleasure. He grabbed my tit and kneaded hard I bit canlı casino siteleri my lip. I had never experienced this type of sex but I knew that I liked it.

After some intense minutes he pulled out and turned me over onto my stomach. I spread my legs and he pushed easily into me from behind., I reached underneath and rested a finger on my clit. I could feel my orgasm growing quickly. With a couple of deep thrusts Steve groaned above me and I could feel him pulsing inside and the warm splash against my womb. This was enough for me and a screamed out with the most intense orgasm ever.

I put my dress back on and returned to the room. I figured the guys would now be tired but the scene that greeted me suggested otherwise. Lucy was now naked and had Ryan licking between her legs. I sat down on the sofa nest to them engrossed watching two people be intimate at close quarters. Jo who was trying to pleasure Steve back to life shouted across that she could taste my juices.

In my lust filled state I reached down to Ryan’s cock and started to rub him (poor guy must have been raw) but like a true pro he started coming back to life. Lucy lifted his head and said she wanted to see him fuck me. He moved towards me and pulled my dress off. All concerns and inhibitions were now long gone. He moved his pole to the entrance of my pussy and eased inside. The load left by his partner lubricated his path. The sex this time was more sensual and Ryan was definitely a more sophisticated lover. The site of Jo who was now riding on Steve and the feeling of a large cock in me soon had me building towards orgasm. Lucy reached over and started to feel my breast. It was the first sexual contact with a woman. This new sensation soon had me orgasming and Ryan like a trooper produced his final load of the night.

The night wound down and we kissed goodbye to the guys. That night I thought a lot about my sexual awakening. I dipped my fingers inside me feeling the wetness inside producing a couple more orgasms. I vowed to myself that this would not be the last time I experienced these delights.

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Daddy Punishes Beth

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What’s a girl supposed to do when her father catches her in bed, both hands shoved down her pants fingering her pussy, and knows that pussy is filled with cum from both his brothers? The first thing that I could think of was to whisper a tiny “I’m so sorry.”

He reached over and put his hand on top of mine over my pants, pressing making me push further into my pussy. “Sorry little girls don’t sneak off to suck her uncles’ cocks in the first place, and they definitely don’t finger fuck themselves afterwards. But Daddy’s going to help you be sorry, my little slut. Get up and take those clothes off.”

He got off the bed, removing his leather belt as he watched me remove all my clothing, then directed me to bend over and put my face on the bed. He took both my wrist and held them together behind my back forcing me to bend further. “Spread your legs, slut. Show me that nasty cunt you like to share so much.”

I set my feet as wide as I could, opening my pussy up for him to see. He shoved two of his thick rough fingers into me easily, making me moan. “Uh huh, you really are a whore. Well, time for your punishment whore.”

The first lash of the belt stung, but the second hitting in the same spot right after stung so much worse. Over and over he spanked my ass with his belt, leaving red welts all over it. Finally when I was casino siteleri sobbing, telling him how sorry I was he released my hands and pushed me to my knees on the floor. Standing in front of me, he put his hands on his hips and said “You know what to do on your knees, don’t you slut? Or do you need another punishment?”

I hurried to unzip his pants and get his already stiff cock out for me to suck. He kept his hands off me, making me do all the work myself, desperate to please him and not get another spanking. It didn’t take long for his dick to swell in my mouth and start shooting out cum. There was so much of it I couldn’t swallow quickly enough and had it leaking from my mouth around his shaft. He tucked his cock away and told me to go to sleep, and tomorrow we would finish sorting out what to do with the new slut in the family.

I fell into my bed, sore and exhausted from the strange turns my Christmas has taken. All I had wanted was to fool around with my uncles a bit, but they had taken control of the situation quickly, and told my father all about it. And now daddy was planning on using me too? It was too much to try and figure out, so I let myself sleep rather than keep worrying about it.

A sharp knock on my door woke me up early in the morning, and I heard my step-mother calling “Beth, Daddy wants you down slot oyna for breakfast in five minutes.” The soreness in my pussy and my jaw immediately reminded me of what I had spent the day before doing. Hurrying I put on some shorts and a t-shirt then went to the bathroom to wash up before going into the kitchen for breakfast. My step-mom was at the stove cooking as Daddy sat at the table with his coffee and the newspaper. When I came in he motioned for me to come over to him rather than take a seat.

“No clothes allowed at the table, slut” he said coldly. Startled I looked over at my step-mom to see if she had heard him. Daddy quickly slapped me on my bare thigh “Don’t think she’ll help you. I said no clothes, now take them off so you can have your breakfast. Or do I need to take my belt off?”

That was all it took for me to be stripping off the few things I’d put on. “Good. Now on your knees, it’s time for breakfast” he told me as he pushed his chair back from the table. His pants were undone and his cock was already out and hard waiting for me. I hesitated, still unsure of what was happening. My step-mom was just a few feet away flipping pancakes, my older brothers would be waking up any minute, and Daddy was telling me to suck him off at the kitchen table.

I must have taken too long, because Daddy once again slapped my canlı casino siteleri thigh. “Hurry up dammit, it won’t suck itself bitch.” I dropped to my knees and took him in my mouth, still not unsure but knowing I’d do just about anything to save myself from another spanking like last night’s. I assumed the best way to do that was suck his cock the best I possibly could, so I started working my hand up and down his cock with my mouth, sucking hard making sure to lick and slurp the head of his dick as much as I could. “Balls too, little girl. Don’t be lazy” he told me pulling my mouth off his shaft and making me take his sac into my mouth to suckle it. His balls were large and heavy, almost choking me as they filled my mouth, but I used my tongue to massage them as best I could.

Finally, he took a handful of my hair and held my head back, telling me to stick out my tongue and open wide as he shot his loud into my mouth, telling me not to swallow yet. I stayed kneeling at his feet, sperm coating my tongue, throat and chin while Daddy sat back and picked up his coffee cup, sipping while he looked down at me. He made me sit there till he had finished his drink, then told me I could swallow and take a seat at the table but my clothes were to stay off the rest of the day.

That surprised and worried me. How many times would he want to use me in one day? And what about Drew and Joey my brothers? They’d be coming to eat any second, only to find their little sister naked, with bits of their father’s jism drying on her chin. I had definitely gotten in over my head.

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Slightly, Once Ch. 04

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Big Tits

Isn’t fantasy fun? A reminder that all are 18, and the lady is a complete creation of an active dream life.

Leg warmers. Hot pink leg warmers. They adorned the two longest, most beautiful legs on the planet from ankles to mid-thighs. Up above, a matching pink cowl-neck sweater; loose-fitting, fuzzy, and soft. In between, those cutoffs. Remember those cutoffs from the first time I saw Kim in the gym? I sure did.

She had just raised Adorable, not to mention Sexy, to new heights as she opened the door wearing this outfit. I stared at her legs. There was a gap between the leg warmers and the cutoffs, exposing upper thigh, toned leg peeking through.

It was late Spring, after basketball season, but a cold front had dropped temperatures considerably. And so, leg warmers. My temperature wasn’t dropping, however, as I daydreamt of having leg warmers wrapped around me.

Daydreamt of Kim. Six feet of blonde All-State basketball player, her long hair hung loose on her shoulders, parted in the middle. Blue eyes shone when she saw me in the doorway. I had passed from being merely smitten to being hopelessly in love with this spectacular young lady. She loved me, too. It was easier for her to say so, but I was working on it.

We had cause to celebrate. I arrived with flowers.

“Stop staring at my legs.” Caught.

“Are these flowers appropriate for an All-American?” I asked humbly, holding them out to her. She took them and smiled her radiant smile for me.

“They most certainly are!” she said.

I hugged her. “Congratulations, Kim. I couldn’t be happier for you!”

“I’m only second team,” she said modestly.

“Maybe, but America’s a big place, so even second team is mighty impressive! I’m so proud of you. You earned it. I’m honored to be in your company.”

“Thank you, David,” she said. “I’ll go put these in water. They’re beautiful, and you’re so thoughtful to get them.”

“We need to celebrate, my love,” I said, pointing a finger up in the air enthusiastically.

Kim smiled a huge smile. “I never tire of hearing that.”

“Hearing what?” I teased.

“The “L” word, applied to me,” she said as she spun away and skipped into the kitchen. I followed behind, where I could get a good view of the cutoffs and the leg warmers.

Kim’s parents had gone off for the weekend. Seems Kim and her mother were in cahoots, and Dad and I were the victims. Sounded good to me. Kim had supper almost ready, but I had other ideas.

Once the flowers were in water, I moved to her slowly. She looked up at me, with almost a shy expression. I put my hands on her hips and backed her up to the wall. I moved in and kissed her neck. Her arms were behind her. None of the usual aggression. Hmm. A puzzle. But I was undeterred. I kept on kissing her neck, nuzzling her. She responded, purring, but the hands stayed behind her. I kissed her lips, and her hands went to my face, holding me gently. Our tongues met, and played, but she was coy. There wasn’t the usual body-melting hug.

“Is something wrong?” I asked.

She smiled and shook her head slightly, once. She looked at me with those big, blue eyes. “I just love you, David.”

“But you seem so quiet. Withdrawn.”

“Maybe passive. For a change.” Her voice was quiet. A hint of a smile.

“You mean it’s up to me to take charge tonight?”

She nodded, slightly, once.

I pressed her back to the wall with my body. I took her arms and raised them to wrap around my neck. I looked at her. “Tippy-toes,” I said, remembering how she had been so happy that I was so tall, with her needing to go up on tippy- toes to kiss me. She did, and I moved in for the gentlest of kisses. Light brushing of lips. I licked mine. “Nice,” I said, remembering her description of our first kiss, when she had taken charge. “But not enough. Let’s put a little more into it.” Our lips pressed more firmly. My tongue grazed her teeth, and she parted them to meet it with hers, and our kiss deepened. Nice.

She looked at me, hands behind her back again, shoulders rotating back and forth in the most charming way. She had a wan smile, and her tongue curled out the side of her lips for just a moment. “I think,” she said with just a trace of a sing-song lilt. “That I am going to have fun with you tonight.”

With that, I moved in and planted another kiss. She responded, and our tongues sparred. My hands worked from her shoulders down her sides, feeling every gentle curve of her body. I was at the bottom of her cutoffs now, and fulfilling a fantasy, worked my fingers underneath them to cup her cheeks with both hands. She pressed into me and moaned. I squeezed and caressed her buttocks, hands underneath the fringe. Wow.

I pulled back. “Do you have any idea how sexy your leg warmers are?” I asked.

She looked at me with false innocence. “Are they? I was just trying to be comfy. I didn’t know how else I was going to stay warm on a chilly spring casino siteleri evening.”

My hands were still on her buttocks. Her cheeks were exactly a handful, and oh, so tight. I ignored the last bit. “Yes. They are incredibly sexy. How did you ever find a pair long enough?”

“It wasn’t easy, but I finally did. I thought it was a real score to find a matching sweater. Do you like it?” She stuck out her chest.

I pulled my hands up to caress her breasts through the soft, fuzzy sweater. “Soft,” I said, watching her breathing increase just a little. “I like it very much. May I kiss you again?”

“Once more, and then it’s time for dinner.” We kissed. I returned to hold her cheeks – the lower ones – again. I was rock hard. She pressed herself against my obvious discomfort. Shy tonight, but she knew her effect on me.

But it was off to dinner, which was no sacrifice. Kim’s cooking skills continued to improve from a good start. Dinner was delicious, and our conversation light. We talked about all the press attention from being named All-American. She had earned a mention in Sports Illustrated, and had even had a photo shoot for it with a makeup artist, lights, everything. I could only imagine how beautiful they made her look.

She was still remarkably unaffected by all the attention. We talked about school and finishing up our senior year, about the coming summer. We avoided the Big Issue, though – college, and where we were likely to end up. I knew Kim was terrified of us going to different schools and drifting apart. But it was crunch time, and decisions had to be made. She had more scholarship offers than she could count. I had a fair number, too, for academics. In fact, I had secrets I wasn’t ready to reveal just yet.

We pressed shoulders as we did the dishes in the sink, side-by-side. When we were through, she stood and looked at me.

“Well?” I said. She continued to look at me, silently. I remembered that I was in charge.

I took her by the hands and looked at her. “Kim,” I said. “Thank you for a lovely dinner. I enjoyed it very much, and I appreciate all your work. To be honest, I can’t get your leg warmers out of my mind, with visions of them wrapped around me. So if it’s all the same to you, may I carry you up to your bed?”

She had just the trace of a smile, but the desire in her eyes gave her away. She nodded, slightly, once. I scooped her up, arms under her shoulders and knees, and marched directly up the stairs. She giggled, and buried her nose in my neck. Her bedroom door was open, and I laid her gently on the queen-size bed. Lying beside her, I took her in my arms and kissed her. Lightly at first, but with growing passion. A hand strayed to feel a breast through the sweater. I felt a nipple rise and get hard. We kissed for a long time. My hand went underneath the sweater and resumed caressing a naked breast, no bra to interfere. Kim sighed. Her arms wrapped around my shoulders, she seemed content to kiss me all night long.

Remembering my role, I took her arm from my neck, and slowly moved it down my chest, putting her hand on my aching erection. With my hand over hers, I squeezed her hand, which, in turn, squeezed me. I moved her hand to stroke me through my jeans. As if she finally got the idea, her hand took on a life of its own, and she continued to rub.

It seemed I really was in charge, though, so for the first time, I was the one to unbuckle my belt, unsnap my pants, and lower the zipper. I raised my butt and worked them down to my knees. I had to take her hand and put it on me, but once I did, thankfully, she started to stroke me. It felt so good. All the time, she was giving me this shy look. I knew she was really enjoying teasing me like this, but she played the role perfectly.

I pulled her sweater up enough to expose her breasts. I took turns kissing and sucking each of them. Her nipples were rock hard, and there were traces of goose bumps in the chill night air. As I kissed, my hand wandered back to crawl underneath the fringe of the cutoffs, and I caressed her buttocks, marveling at how firm they were.

Her stroking subsided. I pulled up from my attentions to her breasts, and kissed her lips. She kissed back, and when we parted, she smiled. Her hand had resumed stroking, ever so gently. I put my hand on the back of her head, and softly pushed her down a little. She kissed my neck. I pushed further, she kissed my chest. I pushed further, and she kissed my navel, putting her tongue in it, which made me laugh, both because it tickled, and because I remembered making her laugh the same way. My hand pushed her down again, gently, and my other hand held the base of my hardness, raising it towards her lips, making obvious what I wanted. Her tongue peeked out and she licked the precum off the tip, ever so gently. One final, gentle push, and she took my helmet into her mouth, lightly caressing it with her tongue.

She took over then, and gave me the lightest, slot oyna airiest cock sucking that I could imagine. The touch of her lips and tongue was delicate, light. She didn’t suck so much as barely inhale. The feeling was tender, exquisite. I loved it. Loved her. With the softest touch of her lips, she took my entire length, coming back up with the same, ever-so-light touch. Unbelievable.

I pulled her sweater up, and she broke off her ministrations long enough to pull it over her head. While she resumed tasting me, I carefully folded the sweater and put it on the nightstand. The cutoffs and leg warmers remained. I sat up, and reached around to unbutton her denims and lower the zipper. She refused to come off my cock, so I was left to struggle with getting them down her legs. It wasn’t easy, and several times I felt a smile on her lips as they wrapped around me. Finally, they were off. I was relieved to see that she wore no panties. One less struggle, but I considered the idea of her shyness that included careful pre-planning. Minx.

She was on her side, one hand grasping my cock, and her lips lowered over it. I put a hand under her hip, and lifted. She came up to her knees, and immediately swallowed my entire length. Undeterred even by such a pleasant distraction, I took her by the hips and lifted her up, moving to place her legs straddling my face. As I did so, she squealed with a mouthful of penis. My turn to laugh. But then, to business. I could feel the newly-beloved leg warmers next to my ears. I felt them by rubbing my hands up and down her thighs as my mouth closed on its target. Fair’s fair, I thought, and so I proceeded to mount the most gentle, delicate attack on her pussy. Light licks, gentle kisses, I pulled on her backside, lowered her onto my face and gave as good as I was getting. Merely a light snack. Too delicate to be called a full meal. Several times Kim would come off my cock to moan. Her hips writhed and bucked on my face, excitement taking over from control.

Her sucking got a little more aggressive. She would take my head in her mouth and swirl her mouth and tongue in a circular motion, which I must admit was fantastic. Her long hair tickled my legs, but I didn’t care. I attacked her snatch with more authority, plunging my tongue between her lips, delicately flicking it on her clit. Suddenly, she pressed her pussy into my face and came. I felt her juices run down my cheeks. I was so happy I could give her pleasure.

I lifted her off me, and sat up. Without a word, I scooped her up again, laying her flat on her back in the middle of the bed. I crawled between her legs, and kissed her face. Her legs spread to welcome me. I felt the leg warmers rub my thighs. I found her hand and placed it on my cock.

“Take the hint,” I said, reminiscent of her suggestions to me in the past. She positioned my cock at her entrance, and slowly, ever so slowly, I moved forward and penetrated her. She closed her eyes and sighed. We lay there, me as deep as I could go, for a long time. Not moving. Just simply experiencing, enjoying the feeling of being inside her. She wrapped her legs around me and voila! Another fantasy fulfilled as I felt the leg warmers around me. Wool against my butt. Wow.

Raising up, I surveyed the incredible body, the base of my cock intersecting her lips, and the long, wonderful legs. How could it get any better? By her starting to rock, and me responding with thrusts, which we did. We made love this way, gently, for a long time. I held her close, and we kissed softly. I raised up again and looked down at her.

“With all this shyness tonight, I’ll bet you really want to do it hard and fast.”

She looked up at me, with wide-eyed, completely feigned innocence, and nodded, slightly, once.

I took her in my arms, kissed her, deeply, and let my body go. Our rhythm picked up, and she met me thrust for thrust. Our passion gained momentum, and soon, I was pounding into her, and she was writhing beneath me, no rhythm, no counter-thrusts, just movement, a sinuous, almost wavelike motion that was random, yet full of emotion. Her arms and hands caressed my shoulders and back. I kept my strokes long and full. I reached underneath her and cupped her ass with my hands, my full weight on top of her. Holding her that way, I felt in complete control. I fucked her hard, holding her tight. She moaned constantly, saying my name and urging me on. She thrashed her head from side to side, but my cock would permit no escape, as my hands gripped her buttocks. I felt it build within her until she wailed and came, reaching her pelvis up to take me even deeper as the waves rolled through her. Long strokes of cock, hands still gripping her butt. I lay upon her, feeling every inch of her body against mine. I felt it start to bubble up, and I fucked harder. My lips found hers and I tried to suck in and swallow her tongue. Passion built, cock plunged. She cried out again and I exploded, ramming in and holding still as canlı casino siteleri what felt like gallons of sperm spurt out in contraction after contraction of my dick.

I kept on cumming. I pounded away again, thrusting even as the spasms continued. I felt her pussy crushing my cock as she came almost constantly now. We kept on fucking. We couldn’t stop. In a frenzy, I pulled out, flipped her over, and plunged into her from behind. Her tummy flat on the bed, she raised just her ass so I could plunge deeper, which I did, impaling her, power fucking. She had noticed that I sometimes didn’t soften between sessions. This time, I just didn’t stop.

The feeling inside her from behind was completely different. I raised up and pummeled her pussy, I dropped down and kissed her neck, ears and chin, all the while feeling her ass against my belly. Hair splayed out, she lay still, taking my pounding with grunts and moans. She rotated her butt up and screamed and came again. I fucked away, feeling like I could keep this up forever.

Then, from somewhere, a tidal wave washed over me, and I felt huge love for this lady. It was all mushy and romantic. It filled me with a full-body buzz like I’d never felt before. I could feel my heart melt, and my bones turn to jelly. My mind filled with images of her. In her yellow Homecoming dress, the cutoffs, the plaid shirt, sweaty as we played one-on-one, concentrating on the floor during a game. In each one, she glowed, and she smiled that radiant smile, just for me. I saw my spirit reach out and envelop her with love.

Well, three strokes later, what I thought would last most of the night exploded in a blinding orgasm. I came harder than I ever had before, once again filling her beautiful pussy with a huge load of cream. She came with me, shuddering uncontrollably as her climax peaked. We went on that way, seeming to sidestep time. It was the eternal mutual orgasm, I began to think. Would I survive an orgasm that would never stop?

It did finally stop, but it was close call. I lay on top of her while I slowly deflated. She was still, occasionally wriggling her rear end just to drive me crazy. It felt so good to feel my belly on her butt. I nuzzled her and kissed her cheek. Reluctantly, I moved off. She immediately snuggled in and held me close.

“Kiss me, Dave,” she said, stroking my chin. “I love what you do to me. I love you.”

“Oh, Kim, I love you so much!” I interrupted her huge smile with my lips. We kissed for a long time.

“I’m chilly!” she said. “Let’s get under the covers.” We did, and resumed cuddling. We dozed.

I awoke about midnight, and gently removed myself to go to the bathroom. My crotch was still soaked with the product of our lovemaking. I toweled off and came back to bed. Kim was awake.

“I thought I’d lost you,” she teased.

“Not likely,” I said. “Too much love for that.”

“I get a buzz every time you say things like that,” she said. “Is it getting easier?”

“Not really, but the love just keeps growing, so that helps.”

“Oh, you sweet man!” She was above me now, and held my chin in her hands as she lightly kissed me. “Um, do you think…maybe…?” She trailed off. Smiling, I took her hand and moved it down to wrap around my already-hard dick. I nodded, slightly, once. Smiling, she moved on top of me under the covers without letting go, and once there, inserted me. I slid in easily.

“This time,” she breathed, “Gentle.”

So that’s what we did. Slowly, gently, we rocked the night away. It was beautiful, loving, and sweet. I moved in and out of her softly. She, for the most part, just lay on top of me, her leg warmers hugging my hips. We had all night, and from the nightstand clock, an hour of slow rocking later, I was ready. Kim had already experienced several small climaxes, shuddering a little each time, holding me tight and kissing my neck. Now, it was my turn. I slowed our already slow pace.

She looked at me. “You’re close, aren’t you?” she asked with a smile. I nodded, slightly, once.

She said nothing, but nestled into my neck, and moved her hips, subtly urging me on.

And it came. With the ejaculation came strong feelings of love. It wasn’t explosive. It wasn’t exciting, like before. It was a giving, loving orgasm. A completely different experience. Kim came, too, gently, lovingly. We moved together as one, my seed filling her, but without urgency, without the mind-numbing ecstasy. Instead, a deep satisfaction spread throughout my body. It was every bit as blissful.

We held each other for a long time without words. My arms around her back felt so comforting. Little nuzzles from her nose made me smile. Finally, she got off and cuddled in.

“I don’t believe how beautiful that was,” she said, hand caressing my chest.

“I don’t believe how beautiful you are. I don’t believe how I felt just now. I don’t believe how lucky I am,” I said softly, my hand in her hair.

“Why David, you’re getting positively romantic!” she said.

“Did you have as much fun tonight with me as you thought you would?” I asked.

She nodded, slightly, once. “Hold me close.”

What a woman. I wonder what’s for breakfast?

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