Doktor iyi niyetle tedavi etti

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Doktor iyi niyetle tedavi etti

Okulların kapanması ile kendimi ailemin yazlığına atmıştım ama dinlenmek mümkün mü? Önce annem sonra babam sonra babamın kardeşleri sonra kocamın diğer akrabaları. Resmen hizmetçi gibi koşturarak geçti üç hafta. En son anneme patlayınca tamam tamam yalnız kalın biraz karı koca diyerek toplanıp gittiler. Yalnız kalsak ne olacak sanki, attı mı mangalda kül bırakmayan herif tatilde olmasak da yapacağı şeyi yapacak. Yaz veya kış farketmez Cumartesi babasının dükkanından çıkacak o akşam üstümde on onbeş saniye tepinecek, pazar günü sabah aynısını bir daha yapacak sonra öğlene kadar uyuyacak. Farklı olmadı zaten o gece de. Üç hafta görüşmememin üstüne, üstüme çıkması ile inmesi daha bile kısa sürdü sanki. Sonra yine her zamanki gibi beni suçlayacak. Hala döl tutmadın mı sen dedi, sen de doktora gidecektin bu kadar çabuk olmaması için dedim. Sinirlendi yine. Gittim gittim hap verdi düzelecek ama sen de bir görün bakalım ne imiş derdin. Sanki doktora gitti de ne değişti. İki yıldır aynı, tüm yeni evli arkadaşlar saatlerce yataktan çıkmadıklarını anlatıyor, hafta sonu yazlığa gelen kocalarından sonra iki gün bacak aralarındaki sızının geçmediğine gülüyorlar. Ben kös kös oturuyorum yanlarında. Ben de bir şey yok dedi doktor senden kaynaklanıyor olabilir diye kestirip attı yine. Senin kadınlığın uygun olmayabilir laflarına başladı yine. Benden mi yoksa diye düşünmeden de edemiyorum ki. Bir yıldır hep aynı şeyi söylüyor çünkü. Çok iş yapmış gibi de döndü kıçını uyudu. Yarım kalmış zevkim ile hamile kalamadığım, sevişmekten zevk alamadığım için sorun bende mi düşüncesi ile uykusuz geçti gecem. Sabah yine kaldırdığı aleti ile beni okşamaya başladı, uyuyamadım gece diye kalktım yataktan. Bak isteksizsin işte diye söylendi arkamdan.

Öğle saati evin bahçesindeki süs havuzundan bozma küçük havuza girdim çıktım terim sıkıntım gitti en azından üzerimden ve havuz kenarındaki kanepeye yayıldım. Bahçe içinde kaldığından bikini giyebildiğim tek yer. On dakika geçmedi ki, başımda beliren gölgeye gözümü açtım. Babamın arkadaşlarından Kemal Amca. Nerede senin ki diye sordu uyuyor dedim. Ben uyandırırım diye içeri girdi. Toparlandım üstüme bol bir penye geçirdim. Benden yirmi beş yaş büyük ellisini geçmiş bir adam ama yine de yiyecek gibi bakıyordu her yerime. Ben fark edene kadar da seyretmiştir herhalde yaşından başından kel kafasından utanmadan. Kocam ile biraz konuşup bana seslenerek gitti. Ne vardı dedim kocama. Yok bir şey ya, basit bir ilaç filan sormuştum bir arkadaş için onu vermeye gelmiş dedi. Öğleden sonra da kocam atladı arabaya döndü şehre.

Yemek sonrası kızlar aradı plaj için. Yok dedim şimdi kocalarını övecekler karşılıklı nasıl ter içinde kaldıklarını anlatacaklar, biri hamilelikte şişen karnını gösterecek, diğeri ağzımdan çıkacaktı yeter dedim de bıraktı diyecek, ben ne diyeceğim ki. Aldım kitabımı tekrar yayıldım havuz başına. Yarım saat geçmişti ki bahçe içindeki ayak seslerine ve poşet içindeki şişe şıkırtısına döndüm. Kemal Amca yine. Kocan yukarda mı diye sordu yok dedim az önce çıktı. Hadi ya bira almıştım hazır taş kafalı baban yok evde kimseye görünmeden içeriz demiştim. Babam oldukça tutucu hayatta izin vermez, ben de hayatım boyu bir iki kereden fazla denememişimdir. Torbadan çıkardı bir şişe sana bırakayım bari, hanım evde bana da izin vermez şimdi, gel dedim Kemal Amca otur benim de canım çekti. Bu sefer bikinim üzerinde penyem var daha rahatım karşısında. Kemal Amca komiktir, ağzı da laf yapan iyi bir doktor. Birer şişeyi güle oynaya içtik. Benimki ne ilacı istedi sorusuna hasta gizliliği diyerek cevap vermedi. Bak dedi sen yabancı değilsin biraz votka da katsam biraya bizim hanıma söylemezsin değil mi? Yok dedim birasına çıkardığı küçük mataradan kattı. Bana da uzattı almadım. Muhabbet iyice koyulaşınca kendisine yaptığı votka takviyesinden teklifsizce bana da ekledi. Daha acı geldi biranın tadı, bir kaç yudumdan sonra daha huzurluyum sanki. Biraz rahatlayınca neymiş kocamın bana söylemediği derdi dedim tekrar.

Senin de bildiğin derdine çare arıyoruz be kızım. Güçlendirici filan yazdım ihtiyacım yok dedi. Yok muymuş dedim şaşkınlıkla sonra pişman olup sustum. Önemli olan nasıl desem dedi kısa sürmesine çare bulamadık. Nasıl da pat diye söyledi derdimizi. Son verdiğim ilacı nasıl kullanacak onu anlatmak için gelmiştim aslında sabah ama o başka dertlerden bahsetti. Yüzün düşmesin, bir çözüm buluruz derdinize. Nedense votkalı biranın etkisinden herhalde utanacağıma kahkaha patlattım, ay dedim gelip sana mı anlattı bunları. Doktoru benim kızım kime anlatsın, arada sen de olunca senin mutluluğuna yardım etmek için elimden geleni yapayım dedim. Sabah aradı sorun bizim hanımda galiba, nasıl desem kızım işte şey dedi. Ne dedi Kemal Amca diye üsteledim, isteği az dedi kızım. O yüzden bir damla getirmiştim sana da vermesi için. Offf ne boş boğaz şu adam. Poşeti karıştırdı küçük siyah bir şişe. Denemek istersen damlat bir bardak suya doğurganlık artırıcı bir zararı yok. Ben kalkmayınca kalktı bir bardak su getirdi her sabah üç damla dedi alkol aldım dedim önemli değil o kadar dedi, suya damlatıp içirdi

Bir yarım saat boş beleş konuştuk yine, sonra ne kadardır çocuk için denediğimizi sordu. Dört ay dedim. Sustu bir süre çok değil ama her şey olabilir. Dediği kadar kötü mü peki diye sordu. Ne kötü mü diye salakça cevapladım. Hiç mi beceremiyor seninki. Bunları konuşmak zor benim için derken bir yandan da kıkırdıyordum. Değil değil çözecez derdini güven bana ben doktorum, neler geliyor bize bir bilsen. Gözlerimi kaçırarak aylardır iyiye değil kötüye gitti, doktorunu değiştirsin bence deyince kahkahalar ile tekrar güldük. Biraları tokuşturdu ve birer yudum daha alıp bitirdik şişeleri. Sorun ısrarla sende diyor kocan. Cinsel konularda kimseyle konuşmayan ben konun kapansın istemiyorum. Yok ya dedim bende bir sorun yok. Belli olmaz dedi gittin mi doktora emin misin boş yere ilaç dayamayalım adama. Evet ya dedim yine kıkırdayarak ne olacak biraz da ilaçlı deneyelim. Yine gereksizce güldüm. Bir beş dakikadır filan bacakaramda bir karıncalanma var. Bacaklarımı kapasam baskıdan inleyeceğim, açsam sanki sular akacak. Uzatıp duruyorum ikisini de sürekli yer değiştiriyorum oturduğum yerde. Kızardın biraz bu iyiye işaret şimdi uslu bir kızcağız olarak seninle utanma sıkılma olmadan doktorculuk oynayalım mı dedi. Ben iğneden korkarım diye kahkaha attım yine. Niye böyle oldu, gereksiz bir gülme ihtiyacı ve kadınlığımda gezen ateş var içimde. Korkma korkma diye dizlerimin üstünde duran elleri ile bacaklarımı iki yana açtı, uzan sen şöyle. Dizlerime dostça bir dokunuş bile kaslarımı gerdi. Geniş kanepe minderinde bir süredir yarı yatar haldeydim zaten. Kocanın bu sorunlarının kaynağı sen olabilirsin Kemal Amcan yabancı değil. Kapat sen gözlerini bakayım sorun sende mi? Sende ise sorun laf yayılmasın küçük yer burası. Gençsin yıllarca teşekkür edersin bana. Bende ise ne yaparım Kemal Amca dedim. Yok yok güven bana çözeriz rahat ol.
Gözlerimi kapatmadan mayoma batıp duran göğüs uçlarıma baktım penyeden bile belli, nasıl da kabarmışlar öyle.

Hiç jinekolağa gittin mi dedi. Evet dedim evlenmeden önce. Tamam kapa gözlerini jinekolağa gittiğini düşün. Utanırım senden olmaz dedim. Doktorum ben de itiraz istemem. Elleri ile bacaklarımı iyice araladı. Penyeni topla biraz dedi. Kıkırdaya kıkırdaya belimden yukarı çektim penyeyi. Nasıl da utanmıyor sıkılmıyorum. Gittiğim jinekolog kadındı ama onun karşısında bile yerin dibine girmiştim bacaklarımı açarken. Şimdi aile dostumuzun önünde bacaklarımı aralamak rahatlatıyordu beni. Rahat ol kızım, derin nefes al. Eli aniden bikinim üzerinden kadınlığımı avuçladı. Kemal Amca ne yapıyorsun dedim. Tepki vermeden bir ağrı yok değil mi diyerek iyice bastırdı avuç içini. Hımmm yok. Peki şimdi söyle diyerek daha da bastırdı elini iyice ovaladı. Parmakları arka deliğime kadar her yeri gezindi. Offf ateş dayanılmaz boyutlarda bacaklarım istemsizce kapandı. Elini aşağı yukarı bastırınca zevk daha da arttı. Acı mı var dedi zevk mi? Bilemedim ki dedim sıkılarak. Elini çekmeden emin değilim ama sorun sende galiba kızım fısıltısı ile, sert baskısını sürdürdü. Avuç içi kadınlığımı yoğururken içimdeki alev yükselmeye başladı, off balayımdaki kadar ıslağım, yangın var aşağıda, sadece orda mı göğüs uçlarım acıyor gerilmekten. Dudaklarını ısırıp kendini sıkma rahat bırak hissettiklerini çekinmeden söyle diye uyardı. Dediğini yapıp dudaklarımı ısırmayı bırakınca istemeden bir inilti çıktı ağzımdan. Senden bir şey rica edeceğim dedi elini çekmeden, penyeyi indir kalçalarını ört iyice bikininin altını çıkar. Ayy Kemal amca olur mu öyle diye nefes nefese konuştum. Olur kızım gençsiniz siz önünüzde uzun yıllar sürecek bir hayat var, ikinizin de mutlu olmasını istiyorum. Bakmıyorum ben rahat ol, ört kalçalarını. Elini çekti, off çekmese daha mı iyiydi biraz da sürse dayanacak halim kalmayacak ellerine bırakacaktım kendimi. Gözlerimi açtım. Kafasını yana çevirmiş hadi dedi bu hafta çözelim şunu haftaya kocan geldiğinde altında inim inim inletsin seni. Adam şanslı senin gibi bir karısı var. Kadın olmak nasılmış gör sen de, yazık bu güzelliğe. Güzel miyim gerçekten diye tekrar kahkaha attım. Çok hasta geçti elimden taş gibisin maşallah. Bikinimin altını iki yandan çözüp kalçalarımdan düşürdüm, penyemi çekiştirdim hazırım dedim. Yanıma doğru oturup elini yine bacak arama soktu. Sıcak eli çıplak tenimde gezince dişlerimi sıktım iyice. Ahh ne zor bir durumdayım, devam etse boşalıp rezil olacağım ama dursun da istemiyorum. Bu çok ilginç dedi. Ne oldu ki dedim. Hep bu kadar çabuk mu ıslanırsın. Evet galiba bilemiyorum dedim.

Bu iyi çok iyi, bak bakmıyorum rahat et dedi. Gözlerimi açtım. Yanımda oturmuş eli kadınlığımı avuçluyor o ise bacak arama değil gözlerimin içine bakıyordu. Yaşlı gözleri kızarmış sanki. Canın yanarsa haber ver bir şey deneyeceğim şimdi. Bir parmak kadınlığımı dolaştı ve içime girdi. İnledim bacağımı hafif aşağı indirdim. Yok yok dedi aynı kalsın bacakların. Doktor adam dinlemek gerek yine jinekolog masasındaki gibi kıvırdım bacaklarımı. Parmağı içimde durdu bu kalınlıkta var mı bizim damadınki. Bilmem ki dedim. Peki bu nasıl dedi şimdi iki parmak içimdeydi. Daha uzun inledim. Kemal Amca duralım lütfen deyince biraz daha itekleyip oynattı parmaklarını, bitiyor bitiyor az kaldı. Bu kadar galiba dedim. Parmaklar kocamınki gibi gidip geliyordu içimde. Tamam o zaman dedi biraz ince imiş kocanınki ama iş görür yine de. Senin kadınlığın daha fazlasını da alır. İki parmak içimde oynarken avuç içi bızırıma baskı yapmaya başladı. Kemal Amca ama duracaktın dedim. Kızım ne durması nasıl belin geliyor görmek lazım, galiba sende değil sorun emin olmak üzereyim dedi. Gözlerim kararıyor artık, içimden sular damlıyor sanki. Parmaklar kadar bızırıma bastıran avuç içi gıdıklıyor içimi. Diğer eli de penye üzerinden bir göğsümü sıktı. Buralarda acı var mı? Yok dedim yoook. İki parmak gitgeli bırakmış içimde çengel olmuş daha önce ezilmemiş bir yerlerimi eziyor. Avuç içi alev alev. İkimizin nefes alması ve alttan gelen giriş çıkış seslerinin şakırtısı. Kemal Amca ölüyorum yapma diyerek eline uzandım elimi itekleyip dur kızım bitmek üzere diyerek o noktayı ezmeye devam etti, çengel gibi yaptığı parmakları ile. Dokunduğu nokta açma kapama düğmem sanki bastırdıkça belimi havaya kaldırtıyor. Sol eli göğsümde boynumda gezdi. Gözlerim kapalı, dudaklarımın yakınında dudaklarını hissettim. Dili dolaştı üzerlerinde. Öldürdün beni Kemal Amca, bittim ben oooo diyerek düştü bacaklarım. Kızların anlattığı tükendik dediği orgazm bu olmalı. Yarı ölüm gibi. Karnımda kelebekler, kapalı gözlerimde şimşekler. Eli çıktı içimden. Kulağımın yanında fısıltısını duydum çok iyiydi, hiç bir şeyin yok, şimdi son bir derinliğini ölçelim mi amcığının. Sonra birer bira daha içeriz. Sen kapa gözlerini dinlen. Amcık dedi. Evet amcığım var ve yanıyor hala, göğüs uçlarım bikinime sürttükçe daha da büyüyorlar sanki.

İki el ile açıldı bacaklarım iyice tekrar kıvrıldı, penye göğüslerimin üstüne kadar toplandı. Off sende hiç bir sorun yok kızım, sık biraz dişlerini beş dakikaya bitecek dertlerin. Ne zamandı en son adetin? Bugün yarın olacağım galiba dedim iyi iyi dedi. Sonra çığlığım inletti bahçeyi. Sert sıcak erkekliği o kadar hızlı girdi ki içime az önce boşalmış kadınlığım acı ile kasıldı. Ne yaptın Kemal Amca dur diye iteklemeye çalıştım, göbekli yaşlı adamı üstümden. Bacaklarımı aralarken ne yapacağını biliyordum aslında ve yapmasa yapması için yalvaracaktım. Döl kanalları açık mı ona bakacağım yanımda da alet yok başka diye hareketlendirdi belini. Şimdi o da offlayarak inliyordu. Nasıl sızın filan yok değil mi diye fısıldadı. Çok doldu içim ama dedim. Kocanınkinden biraz büyük galiba benimki ama sorun değil sen daha büyüklerini de alırsın dedi. Belini oynatırken bikinimin üstünden iki göğsümü çıkardı ortaya. Off ne kocamanmış bunlar diye uçlarını sıktı parmakları ile. Oynuyor mu bunlar ile dedi. Yoookk dedim çok az. Nasıl oynaması gerektiğini de öğretecem sana. Yatakta tam bir orospu olmayı öğretecem sana. Sütle dolacak daha da büyüyecekler sorun bende değil diye sallayacaksın ortada. Değil değil diye doladım bacaklarımı beline. Daha sert vurmaya başladı içime. Sikilmek istiyordum delice bir oyunun parçası olup olmaması önemli değil.

Hızlı hızlı giderken içimde offf tam bir döl yatağı bu amcık, her sene çocuk çıkacak buradan diye yüklendi. Kesik kesik hiç bir sevişmemde olmadığı gibi sesler çıktı ağzımdan. Eğilip dudaklarıma yapıştı. Geldi mi belin dedim. Ne gelmesi be. Gel içeri geçelim çok bağırıyorsun burada dedi. Farkında değilim ki bağırdığımın. İçimden çıkınca bir rüzgar esti bacakarama doğru. O önde ben arkada mutfak kapısından içeri girdik. Gitti içerdeki ikili koltuğa oturdu. Kocam dışında çıplak gördüğüm ilk adam, yarı kel kafası, göbeği ve önünde dikilmiş kocamınkinden uzun ve kalın erkekliği ile beni seyrediyordu. Çok güzelmişsin kız. 24 saat sikilecek bir vücut varmış sende. Gel bakalım kucağıma. Halim olsa koşarak atlayacağım üstüne, nasıl da istiyorum sikilmeyi. Kucağına otururken ilk defa erkekliğine dokundum. Büyükmüş diye kıkırdadım yine. Çok büyük sayılmaz dedi sen sik görmemişsin, ama bugün işimizi görür yerleştir bakalım, bitirelim şu tedaviyi. Çatır çatır sikiyordu ama hala bırakmamıştı oyun oynamayı. Daha sakin yerleştim üzerine, kocam ile bir iki kere bu pozisyonda sevişmiş on saniyede indirmişti üzerinden. Dibime değince tekrar inledim, kalın, sert ve içimi dolduran bir sıcak kütük sanki. Kafasını göğüslerime gömdü, dili aralarını yakarak dolaştı, eli kalçalarımda toplarına kadar yerleştim. Yavaş yavaş sallanmaya başladık. Ah ulan gençken düşecektin elime zıplata zıplata sikerdim götünü diye okşadı kalçalarımı. Bu bile bana fazla, sanki dakikalarca sürdü kucaktaki sakin tedavim. Sertleşmiş göğüs uçlarım ezildi elinin altında. Göğüslerim ve bacakaramın birbirine bu kadar bağlı olduğunu ilk defa fark ettim. Her ikisinden de zevk akıyor içime.

Bağır kızım rahat ol bağır. Bağırıyorum evet sesim ne kadar fazla çıkıyor. Kendini biraz geri attı. Hadi hızlıca in çık ben yoruldum. Tempoyu ben yönetmeye başladım. Gözlerim açık ama çevrem bulanık. Dakikalardır içimde sert, uzun, sıcak bir sik var. Aaaa evet sik var. Sik beni. Sik beni. Yavaş yavaş kız kıracan sikimi diye kalçalarımı bastırdı kendine. Bahçedeki boşalmam hiç birşey değilmiş. Gözlerimden yaşlar akıyor. Göğüs uçlarım batıyor oysa aldırmadan dişliyor uçlarını. Öldüm yine ben. Hareketsiz kaldım üstünde. Kadınlığım kasılmaları acıya dönecek neredeyse. Elli yaşındaki adam kocamın hayal edemeyeceği kadar süredir sikiyor beni. Parmakları kalçalarıma battı, boynu geri düştü. İçimi gerçekten dolduran ilk sik kıpır kıpır sıcak döl bırakıyor derinliklerime.

Koltuğa yan yana devrildik. Kalktı bir su içti. Giyindi. Adedin geçince ara. Daha uzun bir teste sokayım seni dedi. Gidişini seyrettim, kapıyı kilitleyip bacaklarım arasında kızların hep anlattığı o tatlı sızıyı ilk defa hissederek kanepede sızıp kaldım.

Bacakaramdaki yoğun ıslaklığa uyandım. Gece olmuş, susamışım ağzım kupkuru ama canım çok tatlı istiyor. Zorla kalktım adet olmuşum. Kemal Amca mesaj atmış iyi misin diye. Cevap vermedim temizlendim bir şey yiyip yattım. Üç gün gereksiz bir neşe ile geçti. Akşamları babamı tanımayan bakkaldan bira alıp birer şişe bitirdim. Cuma akşamı tekrar mesaj geldi Kemal Amca’dan. Müsaitsen ara diye. Bir oyun gibi başlasa da isteyerek kendimi siktirmiştim. Sanki bir daha hiç görüşmeyeceğiz gibi düşünmemeye çalışmıştım yaşananları ama günler geçtikçe içimdeki sıkıntı ve pişmanlık azalacağına artmıştı. Bitsin bu eziyet diye geri aradım.

Merhaba nasılsın faslından sonra sağlığımı sordu. İyiyim dedim. Tahmin ettiğim gidiydi dedi hiç orgazm olamamak germiş seni. Kocan gelince yakınlaş yine sakin sakin cilveleşin. Muayyen günüm bitmedi dedim. Onun boşalması için engel değil, erkek olduğunu hissettir, bak haftaya çok daha eğlenceli geçecek. Sendeki enerjiyi çok uğraştık ama dışarı attık sayılır kocanı da rahatlattık mı tamamdır. Hala oyuna devam ediyordu çakal. Kemal Amca beni kullandın bıraksana bu oyunları çok pişman oldum sonrasında dedim. Tedavin güzel gitmedi mi ama dedi, bu hafta neşen yerindeydi değil mi. Oyunu devam ettiriyordu ısrarla. Haklıydı cevap vermedim yine de. Daha da iyi olacaksın kadın oluyorsun gerçekten. Doğurganlık için verdiğim damladan adetin bitince günde üç damla sabahları almaya başla Salı başka bir doktor var çok işinin ehli seninle ona gideriz biter tüm dertlerin dedi. İstemiyorum bir yere gitmek deyince, seneye yaza kucağında bebeğin ile gelirsin yazlığa, tedavimizi bitirirsek. Cevap veremeden telefonu kapattı. Kocam yarın öğle gelir, benim adedim varken onu nasıl boşaltacam ki? Soracağım tek kişi ne yazık ki yine o. Mesaj atıp Kemal Amca’ya sordum ben de. Senin muayyen günlerinde istediğinde yapmıyor musunuz dedi. Yok dedim hiç istemedi. Şimdi seni özlemiş gelir buraya adamı eli boş gönderme, arkanla filan boşalt işte. Utandım. Cevap yazmayınca anladım siz onu da yapmamışsınızdır. Oral ile filan boşalt eşini o zaman. Benden cevap gelmeyince onu da yapmadınız mı hiç diye bir mesaj daha geldi. Pis bir şey o istedi bir kere ben istemedim yazdım. Yapmadan gönderme adamı valla ben olsam boşardım seni kız biraz cilveli ol. Salı bunları da konuşuruz. Bu gideceğimiz arkadaşım çok bilgili. Boşanmak, döl tutmayan bir dul olarak anılmak ve kocasını aldatan bir şıllık olmak, hepsi fazla geldi ağlamama engel olamadım.

Cumartesi kocam gelince biraz tedirginlik yaşadım. Saflık, merak ve azgınlık sonucu aldatmıştım adamcağızı. İlk ikisi benim ama üçüncü neden onun suçuydu. Müsait değilim deyince uyuduk cumartesi gecesi. Pazar sabahı doğurganlık hapını aldıktan yarım saat sonra yine başladı ter basma ve bacakaramdaki yangın. Kemal Amca’nın sözleri aklıma geldi, yukarda hala uyuyan kocamın yanına sadece altımdaki külodum ile girdim. Üstüne eğilip öpmem ile uyandı ve önünde sallanan göğüslerime şaşkınlık ile baktı. Hani uygun değildin dedi. Bugün bitti galiba ama seni böyle göndermek istemedim diye dikilmeye başlayan aletini sıvazladım. Göğüs uçlarım dokunmadan alev alev, yavaşça dokununca ise inledim. Yatarken giydiği şortu ayağından çıkardı elimi aletine attım. Dudakları göğüslerime değdi offf bu aşk oyunlarını balayından beri yapmamıştık. Cilveli ol sözünü dinleyip göğüslerimi ağzına bastırdı, sakince emdi ısırmadan çocuk gibi. Bu halde bile ıslaklık var kadınlığımda. Elimdeki aleti sıcak eğilip ucunu öptüm. Kemal Amca’nın senden boşamasın sözünün etkisi ile dilimi gezdirdim kocamın aletinde ilk defa. Offf aşkımm diye inledi. Aylardır aşkım demiyordu. Hayatımda ilk defa ağzıma soktum baş kısmını, iğrenecek bir şey yokmuş, çok güzel baş kısmı sıcak, kadife gibi. Çıkardım tekrar ağzımdan kocamın gözlerindeki şaşkınlık azgınlığa dönüşmüş. Nedensizce aklıma Kemal Amca’nınki geldi. Onun aleti daha büyüktü kesin. Yine ağzıma aldım biraz daha sokunca ahh dikkat, dişin değdi galiba dedi. Sakince git gel yapıp dilimi gezdirdim başında. Aman geliyorum demesine kendime gelip geri çekildim ama dölleri biraz dudağımın iç kısmına biraz burnuma geldi. Sıcak sıcak hafif ekşi dudağımdan damlayanlar. Koşa koşa banyoya gittim. Kokusu ve dudaklarımda tadını aldığım döller beni iğrendirmemişti. Tam tersine dokunulmamış kadınlığım Kemal Amca’nın siktiği günkü kadar ıslanmıştı. Duş yaptım soğuğa yakın suyla içimdeki ateş sönmedi bir türlü.

Özür dilerim aşkım diyen kocam benden sonra banyoya girdi. Çıktığında siki kalkık yanıma girdi. Ne bu hal dedim. Doktor bir ilaç vermişti dün gece ondan almıştım sevişiriz diye diyerek göğüslerimi okşadı. Göğüslerime tekrar değmesi bile titretti gövdemi. Bitmiş yıkadım her yerimi diye açtım bacaklarımı. Üzerime eğildi yıllar sonra uzun uzun dudaklarımı emerken içime rahatlıkla kaydı aleti. Kafamı geri attım, bacaklarım arasına sıkıştırdım kocamı. Alıştığım temposundan daha hızlı idi. Ben de alışmadığım gibi inliyordum. Boynum belim gerildi titredi, ooo amın titriyor dedi şaşkınlıkla. Yıllar sonra bir sevişmemizde ikinci defa boşaldı. Yine çabuktu ama üç beş saniye bile uzun sürmesi ve ilaç benim de boşalmamı sağlamıştı. İçimde gezinmesini milim milim izledim sanki döllerin. Sarılarak uyuya kaldık.

Pazartesi sabah ilaç aldıktan yarım saat sonra başladı yine aynı dertler. Bana ne yapıyorsa bu ilaç almasam mı? Saatlerce plajda kaldım kızlar ile ama birisi dokunsa boşalacak haldeyim. Öyle de oldu zaten. Evde ılık duş altında, vücuduma değen her damla elektriklendirdi bedenimi. Kadınlığımı yıkarken evlendiğimden beri ilk defa bacakarama sıkıştırdım elimi ve bir parmağım içime girerken Kemal Amcanın arayıp bulduğu noktayı aradım içimde. O kadar ıslaktım ki bulmam gerekmedi bile. Duşun zeminine oturarak, göğüs ucumu sıktım acıtarak ve ahhlar içinde boşaldım. Yerde nefes nefese otururken bir hafta içinde yaşadığım orgazmların şaşkınlığı içindeydim.

Salı farklı geçmedi, ilaç sonrası azgınlığı ev temizleyerek, denize girerek atmaya çalıştım, akşam bu sefer iki şişe bira uyutabildi beni. Çarşamba sabah sırılsıklam bir külot ile uyandım. İlacı almadım bu sefer onbir gibi aradı Kemal Amca. Dün arayamadım müsait değilmiş yarım saate alırım seni kapıdan araba ile onbeş dakika gideceğiz dedi. Yolculuk sanki aramızda yaşananlar hiç olmamış gibi muhabbetler ile geçti. Yan kasabanın rıhtımında yürüdük ve küçük bir tekneye gelince durduk. Tamam bu dedi. Tekne mi diye şaşırdım. Çok ünlü bir evlilik ter****ti kızım ayrıca yirmi yıllık dostum o kadar çok ünlüye yardım etti ki inanmazsın dedi. Biz geldik diye telefon etti, yarım saate burada imiş gel biz oturalım diyerek tekneye atlayıp minderlere oturduk.

Dolabı karıştırıp iki şişe bira çıkardı. Biraz içince verdiğin damla bana ateş bastırıyor dedim. Normal dedi doğurganlığın yükseliyor iki haftaya bırakırsın. Bu sabah almadığımı söyleyince kızdı, çabuk al bakalım bekletme adamı. Yanımda değil deyince aradı gelecek arkadaşını, yanında getir almamış dedi. Erkek mi doktor diye cevap verdim. Ne olacak kızım yanında ben varım. Aslında neler olabileceğini o kadar iyi biliyordum ki, bir haftadır dönüştüğüm kadından vazgeçmek istemiyordum sadece. Yarım saat sonra Kemal Amca gibi yarı kel göbekli bir adam yerine filmlerdeki kır saçlı uzun boylu adamlara benzer karizmatik sportif biri geldi tekneye. Tanıştık. Güzel doğurgan görünüyor diyerek çekinmeden geniş kalçalarıma baktı. Öğle yemeğini nerede yeriz tartışması yaparken Kemal Amca, Erkan Beyin getirdiği damladan bardağıma koydu. Akvaryum koyuna yakın bir balıkçıda karar kılarak tekneyi çözdüler. Erkan Bey dümende iken ne birası ya diyerek Kemal Amcaya birer kadeh cin tonik hazırlattı hayatımdaki ilk cin tonik ve ateşi yükselen kadınlığım eşliğinde sahilden ayrıldık

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An African Femdom story set in London

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An African Femdom story set in LondonBack in the late 1980s, I took a job as a clerical officer with the DSS in central London. I was in my early 20s, and for the first time in my life found myself working in an environment where the majority of my colleagues were non-white. Indeed quite a few where from West Africa – mostly Nigerians and Ghanaians.One Nigerian lady, Adenike, was particularly friendly. She was in her late 40s, and was in a lot of ways the stereotypical big black mama. She was tall, about 5 feet 10, with large matronly breasts and a big, wobbly bottom. Jet-black of skin, it is fair to say that she was probably a couple of stones overweight, but that did not stop her working at a fair old pace throughout the day. She always dressed smartly, with a pretty, open-mouthed smile breaking up what could otherwise have been a rather stern demeanour. From what I could gather she was divorced or separated, and her two c***dren had both left home.Adenike, who was known as Nikki around the office, often asked questions about whether I had a girlfriend or where I went to meet girls, questions I always brushed aside. In time its fair to say we came to be on good terms, and on the odd occasion, as I masturbated at night, thoughts of Nikki’s big breasts or her bare black bottom entered my mind.Politically and socially Nikki was Conservative in her views, and on a couple of occasions I overheard her talking about her belief in corporal punishment. Indeed one conversation was to stay in my mind during several late night masturbation sessions. The local newspaper had covered the case of a robbery at a newsagents just down the road. A woman shopkeeper had been hit with a glass bottle, and a nineteen-year-old girl convicted of wounding.“If that had been my Femi,” Nikki told an audience in the office, “I would have lashed her batty so hard she would not have sat down for a week. “ Having seen a picture of Femi on Nikki’s desk, it was fair to say she was a far daintier flower than her formidable mother. The thought of Femi’s bare bottom, receiving lashes at full strength, via her mother’s considerable body weight, gave me an erection as large as it was uncomfortable.The next time Nikki was holding court on corporal punishment, I was directly involved. During the course of a days work, a claimant had somehow managed to sneak through a door that should have been locked, and entered the staff cloakroom. Several coats, including mine, were stolen. I was perhaps worst hit, because I had managed to leave both my house keys and travel card in my coat. Worse, my flat mates had been away, and whilst they were due back that night, were not expected until nearly midnight.There was a lot of anger in the office at the theft, especially as the person responsible would have been someone we were expected to serve and help. “Whoever did that to you Paul, needs a good hiding” Nikki told me, before giving me a consoling hug. The presence of her breasts was both comforting and pleasant, and I wondered what it would be like to burrow my head into her welcoming, bare black boobies.Nikki released me, and I explained my problem to several illegal bahis colleagues. Virtually as soon as I had finished, Nikki had presented the solution. I could travel home with her after work, she would cook me a meal, and then we could watch a bit of telly. She would then drive me over to my flat in time for my housemates return. I agreed, and I have to say the thought rather stirred my loins. At the very least the trip would ensure I had a full belly and killed a few hours, rather than tramping the streets.Nikki worked late, and it was gone 6pm when we left the office, and she walked towards a tiny Nissan Micra. I realised again just how big she was when I saw her in the drivers seat next to me. I was forced to keep my right leg clear of the gear stick, whilst her breasts appeared to be about to enter mortal combat with the steering wheel. As the car pulled out, in a jumpy fashion, another road user tutted as he let Nikki move on. Looking over my shoulder I felt relief that she had a bible on the back shelf, and a St Christopher hanging from the rear view mirror.Thirty minutes later, and we were in a respectable two up two down in Leytonstone. Other than a few pictures of friends and religious artifacts the house appeared rather empty and lonely, and as I watched Nikki cooking in the kitchen, I was reminded again of the rather austere figure she cut when not laughing or joking. I began to think she was perhaps someone who was a little lonely for much of her time.Dinner was consumed, and Eastenders finished. “Paul can you give me a hand with something” the call came from upstairs. Putting down my orange juice, I ran up the stairs. The toilet door on the left was open, so I realised I had a one in two chance of finding the right room first time. I did. I walked in to Nikki’s bedroom, and she was standing there – topless. Her pink bra lay behind her on the bed, whist dominating the room was the biggest pair of black tits I had ever seen in my life.She moved rather than spoke. Her hands went up, underneath her sagging breasts. “Well you’ve been staring at them every day for four months, you might as well come and look at them”.I did. Then I touched. Then I sucked. Before I knew it we were on the bed, fucking without a condom. As I pushed inside her hairy fanny in the missionary position, she brought up her right hand and smacked my left flank. At first this was rather high, landing on my lower back, but she soon found her aim, and began to spank me as I shafted her.I came quickly, and she expressed a little shock at the amount of cum I deposited inside her. She seemed pleased, and motioned me to go down on what was a very, very hairy vagina. Whilst I licked and lapped, moving down towards her anus, Nikki began to aggressively finger her clit. It was soon obvious that this was how she got off, as she began to admonish me not to stop licking, occasionally lapsing into an African language I had heard spoken in the office at times, but did not understand.Once she came, we spent the next half hour in a loving embrace, talking about one another, and our past relationships and sex lives. Nikki had been single illegal bahis siteleri for some time, save for a brief fling with one of the managers in the office. A white male who was slightly older than she, it was obvious Nikki had enjoyed the physical side of that relationship, although knowing the man she was talking about, he was not known for his bonhomie or good nature at work. “Ken liked me to whip him, but I think he got tired of me doing it so hard.” Nikki’s gave a throaty chortle. “If you ever saw him unhappy in the mornings last year, it was probably because he could not sit properly”.At this point the butterflies were racing in my stomach. Most girls that I had been with I had either spanked, or asked them to spank or whip me. It had never gone particularly well, some girls openly saying no, some – worse – saying yes but giggling through what was supposed to be a session of corporal punishment. All those disappointments, the silly embarrassment of lying there naked whilst a 20 year old girl giggles away with your belt in her hand, then strikes you so softly you wonder why she bothered. Here at last, was an opportunity.“Well you can whip me anytime you want”. I said it loud and clear.Nikki suddenly became serious again, the stern austere face I had seen in the office on a few occasions. The thought of ‘lashes’ going through my mind, pleasure and fear was now co-mingling.She looked me straight in the eye.“I use a leather strap. And I use it hard. When I was a girl in Nigeria, that was what you got. The strap. Until you were screaming and your bottom was raw. The only way to make the pain go after was for me to rub myself, and over the years every time I got that strap I knew that half an hour later I would be on my own, rubbing and rubbing myself between my legs.When I came to England I heard that English men liked that sort of thing, that the whipping made them glow and they would have sex after being whipped. “Without saying anything more, Nikki got up. She opened a draw, and took out a thick leather strap. I imagined that weighty implement being put across the bare arses of some of my colleagues, or even poor Femi.“Stand up.”I got up, and took a step towards her. There was a slightly comic moment, as to go any further would have met my cock bumping into her hairy centre. I looked up to see Nikki was deadly serious.“I am going to give you corporal punishment. The punishment you are going to get is a thrashing on your bare buttocks with a leather strap. You will receive six of the best. At the end of that, when I tell you to do so, you will rise from the bed, thank me, and lick my anus. You will then lick my vagina until I come. Is that clear?“Yes Nikki”.I did not know whether to call Nikki Mistress or not, but she was soon pointing to the bed. I lay flat on it, and she put a pillow under my hips to raise my bottom. Looking at her over my shoulder I realised again just how big she was. I thought of Femi lying there, half my size, and her bare arse no match for this big black mama and a wicked strip of leather.Nikki took a step back, raising the strap above her head. I breathed in, canlı bahis siteleri then out. I thought again of Femi’s bare black bottom, all shapely young and quivering. My cock was fit to burst. Suddenly Nikki seemed to be almost over me, and I realised what was coming. I heard it, then felt. I was relieved to see the strap had been and gone, but then I felt its bite. I yelled out – that fucking hurt.She walked up level to my face, allowing the strap to drop down.“That’s what happens to naughty boys in this house. They got corporal punishment, on their bare, white bottoms. And they get it until their bottoms are black….. and blue. ”As soon as she finished her sentence, I received the second stroke. This one seemed rather high, and I felt as if I had been burned in that sensitive area at the top of the bottom and the lower part of my back.“Four to go young man.”The third was dead centre, and I realised from the exaggerated follow thorough she had put everything into it. This was agony.What happened next was a surprise. Again the strap was round by my face, but this time it was dropped onto the head of the bed. Nikki moved down, and was looking at my bottom. I realised her hands were either side of my arse cheeks when she opened them, and inspected my anus.“Just making sure I did not hit you there” she said.As she picked up the strap I actually felt a sense of relief – I had been dribbling come on her duvet from the end of my cock, and thought for a moment she was going to pick up on that. The last thing I wanted to do now was make her angry.The fourth lash was low, marking a hot line on that ridge between buttock and thigh. I bit the duvet and realised tears were leaving my eyes.“Two more strokes to go. Then you are going to lick my bum hole. Is that clear?”“Yes of course”The fifth stroke was just above the fourth, and I emitted a cry that I realised was rather more high pitched than was good for my dignity.“This is what a good African arse whipping feels like. Its what I got off my mother, and my grandmother and my auntie. It was I was brought up on, and its what I bring people up on. Now lie still – and take your whipping”.There was something about the words “take your whipping” that reminded me of a catch phrase, something that she had not only said before, but often. I had taken a whipping. I wanted it to end now.And it did. The sixth stroke was dead centre on my poor bottom and I pushed myself down and wriggled to avoid the ignominy of jumping off the bed.“Lie still” – angry words filled the room, but I knew to be obedient.“Stand up”.“Thank you for punishing me Nikki”.Nikki then lay on the bed where I had been. She did not say anything for at least a minute. I could feel my backside burning, and saw she had the strap next to her. Was she going to say something about the wet patch?“Lick my bum hole” she commanded.Her big, ebony arse was waiting for me. I parted her bum cheeks in exactly the same way she had done to me, and quickly placed a big, sloppy wet kiss on her arsehole. I thanked her again, as much out of relief as for what had transpired between us. A small piece of pink toilet paper was to be seen to the right of her bum hole, at roughly ten past two. I slowly licked round the length of it, and she groaned appreciatively.“Good boy”Her bum hole cleaned, Nikki turned over, and I prepared to lick her pussy.I was not going to go home tonight.

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Met a old lady in a shop

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Met a old lady in a shopJust had some fun with a old women, I called for a sandwish in a corner shop & she was in front of me, big arse big tits, didn’t look back anyway the bloke behind the counter rang her shopping in the till, oh dear she says I’m 10 ten pounds short he said put something back, but I am having company for tea she says it means me coming back, So I says to her are u going home now from here yes she says well I will pay the ten pounds can u give it me back if I give u a lift home,Yes I can so I paid the ten quid & took her home I follow her in with her bags & put them down sit down she says I will get your money & off she goes, she comes back with my tenner, thankyou for that she says & kisses me on the cheek, that gets my cock starting to get big she then asks if I would like a cup of tea, yes please I says, she puts the kettle on & turns to the sink to wash some pots she chatting all the time, I was looking at her arse & thinking I would like to fuck u, I get up & asks if I can go to the toilet yes she says its just at the top of the stairs I gets passed her rubbing my cock on her arse, I go & had a wee when I gets back the teas on the table & she sat down, she looked a little red in the face, what up I said, I was just illegal bahis thinking of my late husband he would do that when he walk passed me, what I said, rub himself on my bum, so u liked it then yes I did she said, its been about twenty since he passed away so u haven’t had sex for twenty years, no she says, do u miss it yes she says I do, with that I got hold of her hand & pulled her up I kissed her full on the mouth & ask her if we could go upstairs, she looked at me & went red again, I don’t know she says I don’t know u, u will in a bit I says & smiles, ok she & upstairs we go I pulled her in the bedroom & sat on the bed & asked her to close the curtains & put the light on I turned her round & lifted her jumper up over her head then kissed her & undid her bra letting it drop to the floor, I bend down licked her nipples & started to suck them, careful she said u are hurting sorry I said & was a little more careful her nipples were getting big I undid my trousers dropped them & my boxes to the floor got hold of her shoulders & told her to bend down why she asked U will see I said she bend down & came face to face with my cock suck it I told her but I have never done that just put it in your mouth & suck it, ok she says but don’t cum, illegal bahis siteleri don’t worry about that I’m going to cum in your pussy she takes my cock in her mouth sucking it with me fucking her mouth after about 5 minutes of this she swallowing my cock that’s not bad is it no she says but don’t cum please, No I said I think its time I had your knickers off she stands up & starts pulling her knickers down wow that looks a nice minge now get on the bed she gets on the bed with her legs closed I get hold of her feet & push them open I them gets on the bed & kisses her moving down sucking her tits & sliding a finger up her then two then three I then moved down & started to lick her is that nice I ask yes she said it is I’m going to make u wet the bed I licked her a little more & she told me she was going to cum & she did the bed was all wet I could see her cunt juice running down her cunt & arse I got between her legs & my cock found her cunt & a little push & I was in her I started to fuck her, she said careful that feels very big I let her have a couple more stokes then I fucked her hard really pounding her pussy bouncing off her minge I asked is that nice yes she said I’m going to cum again yes I know u are I can feel u canlı bahis siteleri getting all wet inside, she came I could feel my crotch all wet, I fucked her a little longer then told her I wanted to fuck her from behind How do u mean stand on the floor & bend over stick your bum out & I will slide it back up u. this she did & I was back up her fuck her hard, U could hear me slapping on her arse I pulled out a little to far & missed her cunt but banged my cock up her arse no please not there take it out, I gave her a couple more pushers & pulled it out of her arse I could see her arse hole all big where my cock had just been, I slid back up her cunt fucking her I could feel myself getting ready to cum so I slow a little didn’t want to cum to soon, I carried on fucking her for ten more minutes then pulled out & slid back up her arse again no please don’t put it there I gave her three more pushes & pulled off shoved it back up her cunt then fucked her till I was ready I said I’m going to cum u are going to get my load up your cunt, yes she said please cum in me, I shot my load up her & wait till I went soft & it drop out of her I could see my cum on her piss flaps she said I must go to the toilet, I laid on the bed waiting for her to cum back when she did I ask if she enjoyed that yes she said I did, well shall we do it again, we swopped numbers I told her I would ring her we had a cuddle then I got up tapped your hand on her cunt & said nice cunt lady I’m going to enjoy fucking u again

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Sara and Marcus

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Sara and MarcusChapter 1My wife and I recently took a cruise to Jamaica for our 5th wedding anniversary. Sara has sandy blond hair, 36 DD breasts, a latin ass and legs to die for. I was so proud of the way she kept herself in shape. I couldn’t take her anywhere without men and women doing a double take. I wanted to showcase her beautiful body by buying her the skimpiest yellow micro bikini I could find. When I was loading the suitcases into the car I removed her boring one piece suit and replaced it with the bikini. When we got to the cruise ship she opened her suitcase to find my present.”I can’t wear this John. There’s nothing here. What is this, 8 square inches of fabric? I am a full figured woman John!””You will look great. You should show off that body more often honey.”I had been on cruises before and they always dropped you off at the “tourist beach”. I wanted to find a beach deeper inland so I wouldn’t have to see any more old retirees complaining about the heat. A shipmate told me about a place farther down the coast called Moor Beach. He told me it wouldn’t take longer than 30 minutes in a cab.When we arrived at the beach my wife was reluctant to take off her cover up. I pointed to 3 other women sun bathing nude and told her it was ok. This was truly a local beach. I only saw two white couples, one in their thirties and the other in their forties.When Sara took off the cover up I instantly sported a boner. The micro bikini barely covered her nipples and pussy. She was practically naked. After we lay down I rubbed sun tan lotion all over her gorgeous body. The local men were getting quite an eyeful of my wife as they walked by.After lying in the sun for an hour I suggested Sara take off her top.”John, I don’t know, I feel weird.””Baby, you are already practically naked. If there is any time or place to do this this is it. Besides, you aren’t the only one sun bathing nude.””Okay, what the hell. Can you untie me?”I could see the look of anticipation on the guys’ faces. As I pulled the knot out of the top I let it fall to the sand. Finally my wife’s breasts were on display. I could see several of the local men smile as they gazed upon her beautiful large nipples.”Those men are staring at me John.””Of course they are. Men like to look at pretty girls. This isn’t the first time men have checked you out. Just ignore them.”My wife put her shades back on and closed her eyes. I could only imagine the men were daydreaming of fucking this curvaceous white woman. After another hour in the sun I suggested we go up to the bar for a drink. When we arrived at the little outdoor hut we sat down on the stools and ordered a beer.The bartender didn’t even try not to look at her breasts. The other men were also gazing at Sara, dressed only in a tiny g string. We were on our second round when a very large black guy and his friends came up behind us.The black man said in a deep voice, “My name is Marcus. How are you both doing?””Pretty good, just enjoying some beers. My name is John and my wife’s name is Sara.””Sara, you are by far the prettiest women on the whole beach. You are a very lucky man John.”Marcus must work out regularly because he was built. He had to have been 240 pounds of muscle. He continued to stand behind my wife and I as we chatted over another round of drinks. Marcus must be the big man around here because his crew laughed at every one his jokes, even the bad ones.”I must be honest with you John. Most tourists don’t come down this far on the beach. And they definitely don’t let their wife’s wear only a g string.””Well I begged her to wear this. I love showing off her body.”Marcus replied as he put a hand on Sara’s hips, “I agree that she is very well put together.”My wife stood still like a deer in headlights. She was in total fear and Marcus slipped a finger underneath the side of the g string and ran in across to the front of her body. He then pulled his hand back and firmly gripped the side of her hip.”You could say I am the head nigga in charge around here. These are my associates John, Thomas, Lebron, and James. I have the first pick of pussy around here and I must say that I am enamored with your wife.””Haha…..yeah, most men are,” I said with a nervous laugh.James grabbed me by the arm.Marcus leaned towards me and said, “I would love to show your wife my house up on the hill. You wouldn’t mind if I borrowed her for a while?”My wife looked at me in a total panic. I knew we were in trouble. I couldn’t fight off all of them and I couldn’t see a policeman anywhere. What did I get us into? My heart was racing and I started to sweat profusely.”Yeah, that’s ok,” I said in a trembling voice.My wife’s eyes bulged and her nipples suddenly grew rock hard. She knew what this meant. She could feel her pussy start to get wet as her body was preparing to get fucked. She couldn’t say a thing because she was in shock.”You stay here with the boys. We won’t be long.”He gently took her hand and started to pull her away but she resisted getting off the stool.I whispered to her, “I’m sorry Sara. I can’t believe I am so stupid.”Sara got off the stool and walked with Marcus, hand in hand, up the hill to his house. I watched as her sexy ass and boobs jiggled a little. Every now and then she would look back at me with that fear in her eyes and my heart sank. Marcus released her hand and he placed it on her ass. Neighbors on the road could only smile and shake their hands. They had seen many wives lead up that hill. I could see her face was pleading for them to do something.Thomas said, “Yeah, every now and then some stupid white couple finds their way down to the beach and Marcus ends up fucking the wife. Don’t worry, he won’t harm her. But he will give her the fucking of her life. The wives never forget something like that. Shit, a couple times the couple returned for seconds. They won’t be back until morning.”I stood there in complete shock. My wife will never forgive me for this. What have I done?I didn’t know what to do. I just sat there looking back at the house on the hill. Even from this distance I could hear my wife scream. Everybody else at the bar could hear it, I was so embarrassed. Not only was I unable to do anything to stop it but my wife had to suffer for itThomas patted me on the back and said, “Don’t stress out about it. Let me buy you a drink.”As I pounded down drink after drink it got darker. I looked up at the house and saw the light in Marcus’s house turn off. My stomach was killing me.After a few hours Thomas got off his stool and said, “I’ll tell you what. You have been a good chap about all of this. We’ll take you to the house so that you can watch them.””Why would I want to watch my wife get ****d?”Thomas put his drink down and said in a serious tone, “Wow, hay there. Marcus does not **** women, he seduces them. Give any woman some wine, good atmosphere and a large cock and you can have any of them. I bet you $100 that your wife is giving herself freely to him.”James added, “I think some of you crackers subconsciously want this to happen. How else could anyone be so stupid to parade their near naked wife around a bunch of men? What did you think would happen? Shit, I haven’t seen an ass like that on a white girl in a long time.””We just wanted to get a more intimate experience with the culture and people.”Another man at the bar quipped, “She definitely getting an intimate experience.”I started to get a boner. Was he right? Did I somehow want this to happen?”Okay. Let’s go check on them. I just want to make sure Sara is alright.”As we walked up to the house my heart beat faster and faster. At the edge of the property I could really hear my wife wailing at the top of her lungs. I felt so bad. My poor poor wife.When we got to the window I peaked in and saw Sara bouncing up and down on his 9 inch cock. She was covered in sweat and her cries of pleasure were overpowering. He wasn’t r****g her, she was enjoying this. Her breasts were heaving and her thigh muscles were swelling from the workout. Marcus had both hands kneading her ass. That’s when I noticed Marcus wasn’t wearing a condom.Thomas whispered, “I told you she would fuck him. Even better, Marcus always lets the wives decide whether they want to fuck bareback or not. Sara must have wanted his black baby juice.”I couldn’t believe she would risk pregnancy or catching a STD to fuck him. Marcus pulled my wife into the doggy style position and really started to fuck her hard. He caught us looking through the window and smiled. illegal bahis He showed us four fingers.”That means she’s on her fourth orgasm.”Marcus pulled my wife’s face to the side and passionately kissed her. He then asked her where she wanted his cum.”In my pussy. Please cum in me. I never thought sex could be this exhilarating!” my wife moaned, a tear running down her cheek.To further humiliate me Marcus commanded, “Take off your wedding ring Sara.”He smiled at me as my wife pulled the $7,000 diamond ring off and threw it on the ground. My heart broke.”Haha I didn’t say throw it. You and your husband are gonna need some counseling after this,” Marcus laughed.He started to slam into her deep and then pull all the way out of her pussy. The feeling of 9 inches of thick cock driving in and out of her pussy was too much for Sara. I couldn’t believe she could take that much cock. She was always tight as hell whenever I fucked her and I was only 6 inches long. He also must have been 50% thicker than I was.I was amazed watching the two of them fuck. He was taking my wife to a world of pleasure she had never been. It was like he was taking her virginity. As strange as it sounds I felt proud of her at that moment. How many women could take a cock that deep?I also felt hurt because she didn’t hold anything back. She was giving her body completely to Marcus and it especially hurt when they would kiss with such passion. He spit in her mouth twice and she swallowed it. He was going to take everything from my wife and use her as he wanted. As my emotions ran wild my dick began to ache. I regretted not being there earlier to see the whole thing.”Please cum Marcus! I can’t take it anymore. I’ll do anything.”A devilish grin appeared on his face as he said, “I want to fuck your ass.””Ok…fine!” Sara barely managed to say as she tried to catch her breath. “Please just cum for me!”With that he plunged one final time into Sara and exploded. His ass cheeks spasmed as he shot load after load into my wife’s pussy. Cum ran out of her and pooled on the bed as he collapsed on top of her. The was so much cum it was profane. How could anyone cum that much? He pulled Sara on top of him and covered her in a bed sheet. She was completely exhausted and they fell into a deep sleep.As I stood there recounting the days events I asked Thomas, “What the fuck changed from this afternoon to tonight?””You’ll have to ask her,” he replied.Chapter 2Sara’s StoryAs Marcus led me up the hill to his house I was dumbstruck with fear. I couldn’t think of anything to say or do. Why was this happening? Why didn’t John do something back at the bar? Why didn’t anyone stop to help? I looked down at my body and saw my breasts sway slightly as I was walking.I looked over at Marcus as he held firmly onto my hand. His abs were fantastic and in the heat of the day he was really starting to sweat. I couldn’t help notice the bulge in his pants starting to grow. I had always heard that black men were well endowed. Would he be gentle with me or would he fuck me like a whore? Hopefully it wouldn’t hurt too much.Further down the road he grabbed my ass. I was as startled as I was turned on. His hand was huge and it felt great against my bare buttocks. My girlfriend had dated black guys in college and she said that they love big asses.Marcus opened the door for me and I nervously walked in. The house was really nice with wicker furniture and tropical themed interior. I could see the beach from the window.Marcus turned to me and said, “Let me get you something to cover up with.”As he went to the closet to find a silk robe I thought it was odd that he would want me to put clothes on. He held the robe from behind and helped me put my arms through the sleeves. I imagine he must have taken a last peak at my derrière before slipping it on.I saw down at the kitchen table and he offered me a drink.”I think I’ll have some wine.”Marcus poured both of us a glass a wine and sat next to me.”Sara, you probably want to know why I brought your here. Put simply to fuck you. But I want you to know I won’t do anything against your will. You can leave whenever you want.”I started to get up and he grabbed my arm.”Wait. Will you just sit a while and let me tell you why I took you from your husband?”I sat back down.”I have been fucking tourists’ wives for many years now. When I first started I’d nail them because they were hot and I craved the variety. I loved to see their husbands shrink in humility, first when I would take their wives away and second, when they saw their wives face beaming with energy the next morning. I would have them kiss me right before they left so that their husbands knew that I not only conquered them but tamed them.”I had to admit my pussy started to get wet. My breasts started to swell and Marcus’s smell began to have an intoxicating effect on me.”I had been doing this for years when one day everything changed. I got a knock on the door and when I went to answer it I saw the woman that I had fucked only a day earlier. Her husband was by her side. He said that his wife had told him everything that had happened and that he wanted to watch the two of us together.”I leaned in closer to Marcus as we both took a drink of the wine. I was hypnotized by the story he was telling me.”I took her into my bedroom and her husband sat in that chair over there. Up to that point I had always used a condom. But the husband insisted that I take her bareback, much to the apprehension of his wife. She finally agreed and he watched as I slid my dick into her. She screamed and moaned as I fucked her over the course of an hour. I pulled her hair and slapped the hell out of her ass. It started to get beat red but they were both loving it. I then started to really pile drive her until I dumped my load deep inside her.”I was floored by what he had told me.”You came in her?””Yes, and the next morning the husband took us to a tattoo parlor where I signed her ass “Property of Marcus”. I realized then that there was more to this than me getting my rocks off. I was giving these women a sexual experience they had never had. I was opening a world a pleasure for them.”I continued to sip my glass of wine. My body was starting to heat up after hearing Marcus.”Have you ever had a 9 inch cock Sarah? Have you ever have multiple orgasms? Have you ever tried anal sex?My eyes dropped a little. I replied, “No.””Don’t you see that you are missing out on so much? You husband has resigned to the fact that I am going to fuck you. He will only blame himself for this little incident and so as I see it you have a Free Fuck Card.”He pulled off his shorts and proudly displayed the erect 9 inch cock. I gasped as I saw the monster.”So what do you think? How would you like to have the greatest experience of your life?”As horny as I was I knew I couldn’t do this do my husband. I started to get up.”I can’t do this. You said I could go whenever I wanted. I want to leave now.”Marcus smiled a little and said, “I think you will regret it if you pass on this so lets play a little game.”He grabbed a row of masking tape and put two strips down on the floor on each side of his chair.Marcus said softly, “I want you to take off your closes and straddle me, putting each foot on a piece of tape. If you can hold that position for 30 minutes then I can only reason you truly don’t want to fuck. If you can’t keep the position you will slide down onto my cock. It’s not that hard. Most women can do it.”I laughed, “Why would I want to play your little game if I can just walk out of here.””Because I know you want to play. Life is about playing games. You walk out that door you will go back to your drunk boring husband and all you will get from this experience is a glass of wine and a lifetime of nagging questions from John about what happened while you were up here. You think he is gonna believe nothing happened? You can tell him about out little game and how you won your freedom.”I stood there and looked at Marcus. He had a point, John would never believe I just walked out of here. It didn’t seem hard so I agreed to the challenge. I stood up and pulled off the robe. Marcus reached out and ripped the g string off and dropped it to the floor. It scared me but also made me excited. Who would have thought that the yellow bikini my husband purchased for me at some store back home would end up torn and laying on the floor of a little house in Jamaica. I was completely naked except for my wedding ring.”The rules are that you illegal bahis siteleri can only lean against me. You can’t touch anything with your arms. If you want me to put on a condom now is the time.””Haha. No need to because I can do this!” I replied.I walked towards him and pushed up against his body to get some friction. It was so erotic, the heat of our bodies and the dampness of our sweat. His body was so hard and mind was so soft. I put my feet on the strips of tape and I stood in a swatting position. Marcus began to kiss my body.His cock was about 3 inches from my pussy. He held his cock firm to penetrate me if I slipped. He told me about several other wives that he was fucked over the ears. I could see my back because of two mirrors on each side of the house. It was so erotic seeing my lovely white body pressed up against this muscular black man with a 9 inch cock just inches from my pussy.I got to thinking about all the other wives that had played this game. There were probably blondes, red heads and brunettes. Women of different ages and body types.I asked Marcus, “You said that most women can do this. Did all those women just leave?””Haha, no. We would play other games that were harder until the wife finally lost. Part of it is just foreplay. One wife waited until there were 15 seconds left, smiled and lowered herself down on my cock. I think she wanted to show me she could do it but still wanted to fuck. But I think other women just played so they could tell themselves they did all they could to prevent us from fucking. It doesn’t make sense when they always had the chance to just leave.”Between the stories, the heat and the eroticism of the moment I started to get lightheaded. The first 10 minutes weren’t too bad but when I hit the 15 minute mark I was in horrible pain. At 20 minutes my legs started to shake and I worried my legs would fail me.At 25 minutes I started to cry as my legs began to fail and I slid down. I could see Marcus smile as he steadied his cock for entry. I felt so stupid for being so cocky. I could have had him wear a condom.Slowly, I slid down until his massive cock pressed against the opening of my love box. The cock pushed in and I gasped at the size of it. Halfway down the cock I summoned enough energy to stand up a little but my leg muscles failed and I slid down. Luckily he grabbed me so I didn’t bottom out.He whispered, “Now you don’t have to tell your husband nothing happened. He will believe this. We’ll take the next inches nice and slow.”I watched in the mirror as he lowered me down on his cock. After 7 inches it really got painful. I held on to him tightly as he massaged my ass and lower back.”I can’t take anymore Marcus! Please, it’s too thick and too long.””Sush….you can do it”He licked my breasts as I slid down the following 2 inches. I was crying and wailing. No doubt the neighbors could hear. I finally hit bottom as my ass rested against his muscular thighs.Marcus rubbed my back and told me how proud he was of me.”Only one in ten women can take my cock all the way. You are a really special woman.”After a few minutes of passionate kissing he stood up with his cock still buried in me and carried me to the bedroom.Marcus laid me down on the bed and told me, “You deserve a man who doesn’t parade you around naked like a cheap prostitute. You need a man that treats you like a lady and fucks you like an a****l.”He continued to kiss me as he began pumping the cock in and out of my pussy. The feelings of pain quickly turned into waves of pleasure. I held onto his back and he continued thrusting into me. After several minutes in the missionary position I screamed at the top of my lungs and had my first orgasm. It was the most intense orgasm I had ever had. My body went completely limp but Marcus wasn’t finished with me. He rolled me over on my stomach, pushed my legs together and entered me from behind. He completely covered me with his body and kissed my necks and ear lobes. I felt like he was in complete control and the feeling of our skin touching felt amazing. He fucked me nice and slow for some time. Several times he turned my head to the side to kiss me. We were making love.Then he changed the tempo and really started to pound me. Sensations were flowing though out my body as I plunged into my own world of ecstasy. I had my second orgasm, which was as powerful as the first. He slowed down again to catch his breath. We repeated this cycle and I had my third orgasm.I got up and straddled Marcus so we could kiss as I rode him. He would suck on my nipples and run his hands through my hair. It was such an intimate position as we held each other in our arms. We would slow down for a while when I got tired and then when my energy returned I fucked him as hard as I could. I finally arched my back and had my fourth orgasm. Marcus supported my back as my arms fell to the side and my head rolled back.My body was covered in sweat and the moonlight made my skin glisten. My breasts were still heaving as they pointed up, my nipples red from Marcus’s sucking.In that moment the only thing Marcus could say was, “Beautiful.”After I came back to Earth, I started to ride him again. Marcus then pulled me into the doggie style position. He asked me to take off my ring. I had forgotten I was even married and in the lust filled frenzy I threw the ring on the floor. John was a stupid fuck for putting me in this position. I didn’t feel bad at all that I was loving the sex. I begged him to cum and finally agreed to let him fuck me in my assHe screamed out loud as he came in me. He filled me up with his black baby juice and I felt like a woman.Marcus leaned over and whispered in my ear, “What are you doing for birth control?””I use a diaphragm but I left it on the cruise ship.”I couldn’t see it but I could sense Marcus cracked a smile of delight. We both were breathing heavily as we tried to catch our breath. Marcus wrapped me in his arms and gently kissed me like a caring lover. I felt completely at ease.I started to fall asleep when I heard something outside. I kept my eyes barely open and saw John through the window smiling at us. He had this look of delight on his face as he gazed at the cum running out of me. John seemed so excited that another man had bedded his wife. I couldn’t believe it!John then looked down at the torn yellow g string on the floor. I am sure he was happy he had bought the tiny bikini. If it wasn’t for that little piece of cloth I wouldn’t be lying naked with this stud.I could hear Marcus say to him self, “These husbands are something else. I just got done giving his wife the fucking of her life and he loves this. He is definitely going to ask for a repeat.”He covered our bodies in a bed sheet so we had some privacy from John’s leering eyes. I couldn’t wait until tomorrow!Chapter 3I awoke the next morning in a local motel. I had a slight hangover from all the drinking I had done last night. The sun was peeking though the sides of the curtains as I listened to the bird calls outside. All I could think about was seeing Marcus and Sara together last night.My beautiful loving wife had given herself completely to him. It was so erotic seeing all Marcus’s cum dripping out of Sara. Then it hit me, she wasn’t wearing her diaphragm! I remember she left it in our room. Marcus’s sperm were on there way towards my wife’s eggs with nothing to stop them. I thought about my wife getting knocked up and I instantly sported a raging hardon.I knew I should be feeling worried but instead I was totally turned on. I began to day dream about my wife walking around barefoot with a big swollen belly, looking absolutely radiant. No one would know that she was carrying a little black baby in her oven.I could see myself in the delivery room holding her hand as she gave birth. How erotic would it be when I would see the doctors react to the black baby coming out? The baby would signal to others that I had in fact been cuckolded and that I was proud of it. Some people would be appalled, but I knew some of them would be envious.I showered and shaved and walked up to Marcus’s house to check on my wife. I stopped at a local shop to pick up a Polaroid camera and all the film they had. When I got to the house I knocked on the door and Marcus came out, dressed only in a red satin robe. The huge bulge could easily be seen dangling between his legs.”Good morning Marcus. I take it you had a great time last night.”Marcus looked at me with a slight grin. How many times canlı bahis siteleri has he seen the cuckold come back to take a peek at his wife?”Last night was unbelievable. I know you caught the end of it but Sara was amazing all night long. She really bloomed as a woman. I know you probably want to talk to her so I will get dressed and go down to the store for a while.”After Marcus left I walked over to the bedroom. My lovely Sara was sleeping peacefully on her stomach. The bed sheet that had concealed her body last night was now only covering her ass. She was in a spead eagle position. I walked up to her and lifted the bed sheet.My mouth dropped open and a big smile came across my face. I don’t remember ever being so happy. A fresh load of cum was running out of her pussy and ASS! I couldn’t believe she gave her anal virginity to Marcus. It was so beautiful!I took out the camera and snapped a few pictures of her body and some close up shots of her cum covered pussy. I gently nudged Sara until she woke up. She had a look of pure contentment on her face.”I am really proud of you Sara. You look great!”Sara smiled and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She saw she was completely naked and I had a camera in my hand.”Marcus was unbelievable. Never in my life have I have never been fucked so well. He made me feel like a woman. I hope you don’t mind but he took my anal virginity this morning. I really thought he should be the man to do it because he has opened my eyes to what sex could be.”I ran my hand up and down her back and across her ass.I said in a soothing voice, “Honey, you don’t have your diaphragm. Are you worried about getting pregnant?””No. I’m not fertile right now but next week I will be. I could have had him use a condom but I was cocky about a little game we were playing last night. I’ll tell you about that latter.”I went back to the end of the bed and marveled at Marcus’s cum. Sara fell asleep and began to snore a little. I pushed my finger into her ass and more cum ran out. I collected the jism with my fingers and pushed it into her pussy. My wife woke back up.”What are you doing John?””Nothing!” I replied.”Why are you pushing cum in my pussy? You bad boy! You want me to get pregnant, don’t you?”I turned beat red. I couldn’t say anything and I tried to think of something.A devilish grin came across Sara’s face, and she whispered, “Does honey want me to have a black baby? But what will your family and friends say? You will be revealed as a fool and a cuckold. How embarrassing!”My dick was aching. Sara read me like a book.”John, I know you are thinking with your penis right now. A baby is a big responsibility and I am not gonna go down that path unless I think it is good for the both of us. I will think about it though.”Marcus came through the door with some groceries that he had bought.”Are either of you hungry? I was going to make some breakfast. Sara must be starving.”I asked Marcus, “Do you have any extra panties for my wife?”My wife butted in, “I think he wants the panties to hold the cum in. He wants me to have your baby.”I turned beat red again. Marcus laughed and pulled some panties from a drawer and gave them to me. I slipped them onto my wife.”You aren’t the first cuckold that wanted me to knock up their wife. There is nothing wrong with that. I have fathered fifteen c***dren that I know of. In nature, the strongest and most virile male passes on his genes. I will dump cum in your wife for as long as you like.”We spent the next week in Marcus’s house. We had both taken two weeks off work so we were in no rush to get home. I had called the cruise company to let them know we had decided to stay on the island. It was be far the happiest time of my life. I would watch Sara and Marcus fuck at least twice a day and take pictures of them. Her moans of pleasure were so erotic.At the beginning of the second week Sara starting having Marcus wear rubbers. I was disappointed but I knew that the decision was up to my wife. I looked at the pile of used condoms in the trash basket. What a waste.On the third day of the second week I sat down with my wife at lunch. I had to get some things off my chest.”Sara, these last couple of days have been the most exciting of my life. Watching you make love to Marcus has been exhilarating. I don’t think my fantasy will ever be complete until you let him cum in you while you are fertile. I want his sperm to have a fair chance at knocking you up. If a baby is the result then great, if not, that’s ok too.”Sara looked at me with a worried look on her face. I could tell she was struggling with her emotions.”Let me talk about it with Marcus privately and I will let you know today.”Later that night as the three of us went into the bedroom; Sara said she had an announcement.Sara held my hand and said, “John, I just can’t have a baby at this time. I am having Marcus wear a rubber.”My heart broke. I sat down in my chair and watched the two of them fuck. My wife looked back at me and saw how depressed I was. I didn’t even have a boner. Sara was getting fucked doggy style when she asked Marcus to stop.”Ok, I’ll let him cum in me once. What are the odds I’ll actually get pregnant?”I couldn’t believe what she said. I was so happy! I looked at Marcus and saw a big smile on his face.I asked Sara, “Can I take off the condom?”She nodded. I got on the bed and looked down at the massive 9 inch black cock. It was covered in my wife’s juices. I grabbed the end of the condom and slowly pulled it off the cock. My dick was rock hard as I threw the condom on the floor. I looked back at it and saw it had fallen on top of her wedding ring. It had not moved since she threw it last week. It was so erotic I pointed it out to Sara and Marcus. We all marveled at the sight of the large used condom d****d over the symbol of our marriage. It made me think about the power of sex over the economic security and comfort that marriage provides.I pulled out the camera and took a shot of the condom lying on top of the ring. I found a pen and wrote on the picture “My Wife’s Gift to Me”.I got back on the bed and grabbed Marcus’s cock. There was precum coming out of the tip. He was locked and loaded, full of potent sperm for my wife. There was nothing stopping them now.Sara turned and smiled at Marcus. There was a connection between them at that moment. They looked like two parents watching their k** unwrap a toy he had been begging for. They knew how much I wanted this and they were going to do their best to make it happen.Sara reached out her hand to Marcus and said, “Let’s make a baby.”Marcus looked at me and said, “Don’t you worry about a thing. The only thing you need to think about is picking the baby’s name.”In that moment I didn’t have any doubts about Marcus’s claim of virility. Sara moved her ass a little closer to him. I leaned over and kissed my wife’s fertile pussy.I put one hand on her ass, grabbed Marcus’s cock and pushed it into Sara’s pussy. I got off the bed and sat down in my chair. It had to have been the most intimate and passionate love making they have had. Marcus took his time to kiss Sara and rub her body. He was very gentle and fucked her with long slow thrusts. It was so beautiful to watch.They really started to fuck and I knew the moment I had been waiting for was finally at hand. I prayed that it was a huge cum load. Sara really began to scream as waves of pleasure flowed through her body. She had two orgasms when Marcus announced he was ready to cum.My wife screamed out loud, “Cum in me. Give me a black baby. Make me your woman!”Marcus thrusted deep into Sara and exploded. I could see his cock pulse as it delivered jet after jet of hot cum into my wife. He kept his cock inside her and they passionately kissed. Marcus rotated Sara onto her back while his cock was still in her. He then lifted her legs up and had me get some latex panties from the drawer.Marcus said, “If we are going to do this then let’s do it right.”He had clearly done this before. I slipped the panties down her legs and as soon as Marcus pulled out I pulled the panties on tight so the cum wouldn’t run out.My wife was trying to catch her breath as she looked at me. She could see how happy I was in that moment. Marcus left us and we lay down in bed together. I told Sara how much I loved her.A month later we found out Sara was pregnant. I was so happy and proud. Eight months later she gave birth to a beautiful black baby that we named Marcus. At first, our friends and family were shocked but after a while they accepted the situation. Three years later I was in the clothing store where I saw another yellow micro bikini on the rack. I bought it and took it home to Sara. Two months later we were back in Jamaica working on baby number two.

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Dude I’m Not Gay Blacken

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Dude I’m Not Gay BlackenI was just your average freshman in college. I was trying to get pussy, beer, and smoke weed. I ended up getting fucked in my pussy. That’s what master tells me to call it at least. I didn’t think I was going to get fucked, just do the fucking.First let me tell you about myself, I’m eighteen, a freshmen in college, have a smoking hot girlfriend, I’m fairly tall, and I have your average white cock. So, in other words, I’m not that hung. Only about four inches. I have red hair, freckles, and pale skin. My girlfriend is just the first girl I smoked weed with here. She started to sell it to me, then we started to date.Her name is Natalie, she’s about five foot, with perky b cup tits, and a big ass for someone her size. When I first met her, I thought I was gonna get to fuck her, but she insisted on waiting. The most we’ve done was I fingered her and got a handjob. We have not done anything since though. We were talking one night while we were high as balls. She and I were making out and she asked me a question.”Why do you have a couple pairs of panties in your dresser, Chris?” I was shocked, I thought I had hidden them well enough. “Uhm, no reason, Nat. Don’t worry about it.” “Baby, I think I’ve got an idea why you have them..” Natalie trailed off.”Why’s that, hun?” I asked, assuming she was flirting. “Well, while I was home over Fall break and we were video chatting. You thought you turned your webcam off, but you didn’t. I saw you slip your pretty little pink panties on,” Natalie said with a giggle.I didn’t know what to say so I just looked away. “You know it was the only time you got me wet. Seeing you wearing those slutty little panties and fingering your tight ass.” Natalie whispered into my ear. “Great, so you’re breaking up with me then? Because I like to wear panties sometimes?” I said, pissed off.”No, baby, I just want to know why? You know I also saw all the Mandingo anal porn on your laptop. Do you wanna dress like a girl and get fucked?” Natalie said with a sly grin.My face flushed as I felt the blood rush to it. My high was completely gone and I just wanted to get this conversation over with. “Fuck no. I like pussy not dick, you should know that Natalie.””Okay, Chris that’s all I was wondering, I believe you. Are we still going to that party on 21st street tomorrow?” Natalie asked.”Yeah, I guess. Who was it that invited you?” I got up and grabbed a longneck out of the fridge. “Hailey, that girl in Zeta. You know the one I’m talking about?” Natalie replied.”Yeah, we had a mixer with them last week. I remember istanbul escort meeting her, she bailed early to go fuck some black guy along with a couple of her sisters. I know who it is though. You sell her weed or something?” “I sell it to her boyfriend. I’ve smoked with her before though.” Natalie took a sip of her vodka.”Okay, cool. Shit, it’s fucking two. You need to head on, baby. I’ve got a test tomorrow at ten.” I gave her a kiss as she left for her dorm. I fell on the bed after finishing my beer and passed out. The next night after acing my test in Bio, I went over to Natalie’s dorm to pick her up. As I got on the elevator, my phone started to ring. I looked at the ID. I answered the phone, “Hey, Nat. I’m actually just about to be to your room. What do you need?””Hey, Chris, I was just going to tell you, I’m already at the party. Just come over when you get ready. Okay? Bye, love you.””Love you, too. Bye, babe.” I said and got back on the elevator before I left. I caught the bus to the other side of town. When I got to the address I realized that this was not the best part of town. I was in the ghetto. I just walked to the door and saw a bunch of black guys. In stark contrast there was a bunch of teenage white girls, asian girls, and latinas. I realized what kind of party this was as I walked in. Natalie ran up to me and started chattering, but I couldn’t hear shit over the rap music.Suddenly, Natalie grabbed my arm and led me into a back room. In the room was Hailey and three black guys smoking weed. I introduced myself and learned that two were on the football team and the third is the guy that supplies Nat with the weed. After a couple of minutes of smoking I saw Natalie’s hand on Marcus, the d**g dealer’s, dick. Also saw Hailey with each hand on both football players’ cocks. Natalie looked at me, “Hey, Chris. Marcus said he wanted to talk to you for a second. He plays nice pinky promise.” She giggled as Marcus got up. I went down the hall with him and into a room. I heard somebody screaming from an orgasm next door.”So, Marcus, what do you need man?” I asked as he sat on the bed. “I need a blowjob,” he said forcefully. “Dude, I’m not gay,” I said and backed away.He got up and undid his pants. His big black cock flopped out as his pants fell. It was at least as big as mine when it was hard, and he was completely soft. “Look, boy, Natalie told me what you were into. Plus, I mean if you don’t I’ve always got her. Yeah, she told me y’all don’t fuck, but I been fucking her every day. I even zonguldak escort fuck her ass. All I want from you is a blowjob. It’s not tough. My cock goes in your mouth and you suck til I cum.” Marcus said as he put his strong hand on my head.I got on my knees and his big black cock was just staring at me. “Go on Put your hand around it, Chris.” I wrapped my left hand around his thick shaft. It felt so heavy as I started to run my hand up and down. I spit in my right hand and put it on his shaft as I started stroking quickly. His cock got fully hard and stood at least eight and a half inches. Twice the length of mine when hard.”Now, lick it Chris. Be my cocksucker.” He put his hand on the back of my head and I started to lean forward. I was fixing to have the head in my mouth when the door opened. “Come on, you guys. No one’s in here,” I heard Hailey’s voice and turned around. She spotted me with my hand around a big black cock and started laughing.”What a fucking faggot!” She laughed. I got off of my knees and ran out of the party. My face was extremely red.I got back to my room and just ignored all of the phone calls and text messages. The next morning I got up and checked my phone to see a video message from Natalie. I opened it and saw her bobbing up and down on Marcus’s big cock. At the end she let it fall out and said,”This could be you.” She put it right back in as the video ended. I got a text message after I closed it. It read ‘Hey, Chris. This is Marcus. Call me when you want some more time with my cock.’* * * *I tried to get some sleep the next night, but just stayed up. So, doing the usual ritual, I got on the internet and started looking up porn. Instead of looking up my usual porn, I decided to try out interracial. Eventually, I started looking up Mandingo and small teen girls. I found a super hot video. It had Mandingo getting blown by a small teen girl and eventually fucking her ass. I started stroking my cock when just as I was about to cum my phone vibrated. I stopped for a second and paused the video. I picked up my phone and saw that it was Marcus. Instead of just letting it ring I answered. “Hey, bitch,” he said in his deep voice.”Dude, stop calling and texting me. I don’t want to blow you,” I snapped on the phone. “You weren’t thinking that way last night. You were on your knees fixing to be all over my big black cock. Now tell me that that doesn’t excite you at all,” Marcus said in his commanding voice.I didn’t answer so he started again, “Now, if you want to play with my fat black escort bayan cock tonight just tell me your room number. I’ve got a nice fat load built up and it’s either yours or Natalie.”So, not wanting him to fuck my girlfriend again, I told him my room number. “Good faggot,” he replied, “now, leave the door unlocked and be waiting in a pair of pink panties. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” As soon as he hung up I sprung into action. I jumped out of my chair and half sprinted to my dresser. I pulled out my sluttiest pair of pink panties and pulled them on over my hard five inch cock. I turned on some rap music and got myself situated on the bed waiting for him. Finally, the door opened up and Marcus strode in. He was wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of sagging jeans along with his Air Jordans. He said, “Come here, faggot.” I got up and walked over to him.”Why the fuck you still standing, bitch? On them fucking knees,” he nearly yelled. Like a good slut I just got on my knees and waited. He pulled his cock out of his sagging jeans and just stuck it in my face. “Get to work, slut.”I wrapped my left hand around it and took the head into my mouth. I began to bob up and down on his still soft cock. Eventually after a few minutes of sucking his thick cock, he was finally fully hard. I heard him moan as I came up for air. I started to jerk his cock with my left hand. I licked the head of his dick a couple of times before diving back in.”That’s a good slut,” he moaned. I started bobbing even faster in response. Marcus grabbed the back of my head and started thrusting his cock in. He was fucking my mouth like a pussy, and despite the gagging, I could care less. My cock was hard as could be, and there was a little stain on the front of my panties from the precum. Eventually he stopped face fucking me, and I went back to blowing him. I realized that I was getting it about halfway in my mouth most of the time. I decided to try taking him all the way. I tried as hard as I could, but at best could get seven of his nine inches in my mouth. He pulled his cock out and I leaned forward not wanting to lose it. ‘It’s sooooo juicy,’ I thought. “Get ready, cocksucker,” Marcus said as the first rope launched out of his flaring cock head. Six more ropes followed, covering my face. “Good girl,” he said to me. “Natalie will be so proud. Especially after she sees this.” I realized he had had his phone out ever since he stopped facefucking me. I saw the flash of his camera. “The picture is only for me, her, and whoever she shows it to. Besides, she’s already got a two minute video of you sucking my big black cock,” he laughed. “Good job, though. With a little more practice you’ll be as good as Natalie. I’ll leave your boy pussy alone tonight. That’s for tomorrow.” He pulled his pants back up and walked out the door. “See you around faggot.”

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Daphnis and Corydon

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Daphnis and CorydonDuring my vacation on the island of Lesbos, a professor who worked at one of the local archeological sites invited me to his residence in Mytilene to show me, as he phrases it, a manuscript that can well provoke a lively debate in the academic world. He approached me when I was enjoying my espresso on the terrace of my hotel, overlooking the sea. Apparently he had recognized me through my photo in an archeological magazine in which I published some new papyri containing probably some fragments of Longus or similar Greek novelists found at Oxyrhygnus. ‘I have rescued a manuscript from an orthodox monastery that is about to be abandoned and transformed into a community centre.’ He explained while taking out a black box from behind his wardrobe. ‘I saw your papyri the other day and was immediately reminded of some passages in this manuscript. Then I compared them. It seems, my friend, that you have here a readable manuscript that contains a lost work by our beloved Longus in its entirety.’Words could hardly express my surprise at that time when I examined the manuscript. With my usual professionalism I dated the manuscript at the beginning of the tenth century. It can only be only by magic that such a wonderful piece, another novel by Longus survived through the turmoil and chaos of history to us, bearing a fragrance of the Greek romance. No doubt my commented version of the critical text will prove to be a sensational event in the narrow field known as classics, but, before its official Editio Princeps that will bear the glorious stamp of Oxford University Press and than plunging into an endless series of dreadful academic debates, I would like to put an abridged version on a popular website that suits its content well, in order to prove that, although coming from another age and another world, the passion of a youth for another youth remains essentially unchanged.Book IOn the island of Lesbos, outside of the city of Mytilene, one is able to enjoy the pleasing sight of the pale lawns and verdant fields extending from the rising mountains to the glistening sea. From time to time, young shepherds and their white flocks traverse the vast area accompanied by the melodious sounds of their pipes and the blatting of the sheep that further enhance the idyll of our landscape. Overlooking the whole peaceful tableau is a temple of Eros, built in the Doric style, now resting in eternity in the shades of the tall trees on the mountain. At sunset, the homecoming shepherds often go pass the temple, sometimes they pour their special libation of milk mixed with wine, sometimes they bring their finest sheep to sacrifice to the god and hang the garlands made of the new summer flowers on the statue of the god. The statue of Eros tokat escort is a fine piece of art. The boy is shown as having the arrow in his one hand and the bow in the other, playfully resting from his labours. Countless legends and anecdotes about the temple and the god circulate in the surroundings, for often the playfulness of Eros can be a source of grief for others.It happens on one summer day, one of the hottest of the whole year when the sun shoots its burning rays directly to the earth, that a shepherd named Daphnis from the nearby village passes by the temple at midday. Daphnis is of the age 15, age of a burgeoning youth that, like the inquisitive spring after the sluggish winter, awakes to the yet unknown flowers. All his life he has been a shepherd and knows only the world of a shepherd. He possesses no knowledge of his parents, for he was adopted by the farmer Philetas who found him outside of the temple of Eros. Philetas took the gold of the infant and raised him as a shepherd, taught him neither reading nor writing. Although unacquainted with the finer arts and plays, Daphnis finds his own pleasure in the bucolic plays. He is noted for his excellent skill of pipe and often defeats other shepherds in competitions. In fact, some even call him second only to the great god Pan. During the languishing summer days one can often see Daphnis sitting on a rock and nonchalantly blowing his pipe. The sweet melody always delights the creatures of the surrounding mountains. And at those warm, starry nights, one can perceive Daphnis lying naked on the pale grass, with his front to the blazing galaxy. One is often struck by his beauty: mother nature has made him strong. The blazing summer sun has lent his skin a beautiful tint that indicates his robustness and matches well with his long dark hair. His deep, profound eyes often gaze from his delicate face to the gently murmuring sea beyond the mountains through the deep blue of summer nights and his trembling lips often send the sweetest sound from his pipe through the odorous breeze. Like hyacinth under the summer sky, so blooms our Daphnis, always a delight to the eye. In fact, during the harvest seasons, when the maidens from other villages also come to help make wine, they often compare Daphnis to Dionysus and some of the bolder ones even approach him and give him gentle kisses. Daphnis is, however, irresponsive to those kisses. His c***dish innocence only increases his loveliness in the eyes of the more experienced maidens. After having poured the libation and drunk some wine mixed with milk, Daphnis falls asleep in the shadow of the temple, lulled by the repetitive songs of the grasshoppers. In his dream he sees the most incredible scene in trabzon escort his life. He finds himself in a summer garden amongst the blooming flowers. As he is chasing after the odours emanating from the flowers, imitating the bees, he sees a little boy with wings growing on his shoulders. The boy makes the gesture for him to follow him. Daphnis obeys and is led to a dark cave in the mountain. The little boy vanishes into the darkness and Daphnis is confronted with a beautiful youth, naked, with skin as pure as white lilies trembling in the water. Suddenly Daphnis is struck by a certain urge whose name he does not know. It is a new desire, a desire that he has never heard nor experienced, a desire that fixes his eyes on the muscular breasts of the youth, the strong arms that echo the Homeric warriors and above all, his pinkish cock beginning to enter that delicate state of becoming harder and harder, but not yet fully erect. Daphnis gazes with intensity at the changing shape of that cock, like a coy flower on the edge of blooming, the petals reluctantly holding the secrets of the stamen, now the soft foreskin still envelops the watery glans which, like a shy, playful boy, sometimes reaches its head tentatively more out from the disguise of foreskin, sometimes crawls back to its protection, shy to reveal itself. While the cock of the youth dances up and down to an unknown rhythm, Daphnis feels the rising of a flame inside him that is consuming his liver. The youth advances towards Daphnis, and Daphnis can perceive that his cock is growing every second, as if he himself possesses a certain power to make it grow, then finally, with a final violent struggle, the glans fully escapes from the narrow confinement of the foreskin and, reflecting the light of the rising moon with its smooth surface, dances to the rhythm of penetration. How like a flower it blooms and transforms! Daphnis murmurs to himself. Meanwhile he feels an unbearable thirst in his throat, the flame has risen from his liver to his throat and is now entering his mouth, burning his lips. The only water he can find in the isolated cave seems to be the shining liquid on the glans of the youth. From the urethra that divides the glans into two halves like a deep valley situated between two high mountains flows constantly little streamlets of glistening liquid that waters the surrounding flesh like the cooling spring water in the ditches watering the verdant fields. In fact, the creamy liquid even droops down from time to time, overflowing the capacity of his glans. I am sure he will not mind me quenching my thirst by sucking at the fountain of his cock, Daphnis whispers to himself, the goatherdess always gives me some of her milk when she escort bayan sees me thirsty like this. Now the youth draws himself even nearer to Daphnis and Daphnis can smell the faint odour emanating from his skin, the odour that bears the reminiscence of summer. ‘Can you lend your cock for me suck, I am really thirsty.’ Daphnis asks him with his hissing throat, for he is so thirsty that he can barely talk. The youth nodded with a mild smile. Daphnis bends down swiftly, lowers his head and applies his burning lips to the watery glans. His lips envelop the whole circumference of the glans with some difficulty (for it is too big for Daphnis’ tender mouth to hold), gliding up and down on the watery surface and letting the glans moisten them as the rivulet moistens the pebbles with its flowing streams. But his mouth is still burning. Now Daphnis stretches out his tongue and begins to lick into the urethra, as if trying to find more water in its source. Vehemently his tongue digs deeper and deeper, trying squeezing into the urethra through its narrow opening. His efforts seem to have their desired results, for it seems that now more creamy liquid starts to emanate from the urethra and flow into Daphnis’ mouth. Encouraged by this, Daphnis digs even harder while his lips begin to glide up and down more quickly. The youth, it seems, is also stirred by Daphnis’ efforts and begins to move his cock against the movement of Daphnis’ lips, so as to penetrate Daphnis’ mouth like he would penetrate his ass. Now, as one senses that the water will spring from the earth after having digged for a long time, or the ice will crack on the river and finally allow the water to flow, so Daphnis feels that from his source there will be a gigantic shot of water, for he distinctively perceives that the water is gathering from the whole body of this robust youth, now going through the compression of the narrow urethra, waiting to be released with all their force. At this thought of more water, Daphnis’ tongue reaches even deeper, hoping to have a foretaste of his promised shot. Then, finally, the moment comes with a loud cry of the youth. A gigantic amount of white, creamy liquid shoots directly to Daphnis’ burning throat, and part of it on the edge of the glans overflows Daphnis’ tender lips and droops down to his chin. After having collected the remaining part on the glans with his tongue and swallowed it as if licking the edge of a bawl after a succulent meal, Daphnis again reaches his tongue into the urethra, wanting more. It is really tasty, Daphnis thinks, I shall ask him for more and bring to the god! As the cock is still trembling inside Daphnis’ mouth, the winged boy appears again in the darkness. ‘Don’t be too greedy, Daphnis, give Corydon some time to rest. For soon you two shall meet in the shadow of a pine tree, in the season of harvest, when he travels to the vineyard to help.’ The boy says. Suddenly both the youth and the boy disappear, and Daphnis awakes to the gathering darkness of the summer night.

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That’s how you get the discount

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That’s how you get the discountI wish you would be the woman I meet on my next site visit. You open the door wearing low cut clingy top. skirt slightly too short tight around your ass and high heels. I’m slightly stunned by the surprise of such a sexy Beauty answering the door and almost stammer as I introduce myself. You’re having your basement finished so you invite me in to show me the way.You lead me down the stairs to the poorly lit basement,2×4 framing and not much else. As you walk around I drink you in. The wiggles of your ass and the sway of your breasts as you gesture with your hands. I’m trying to concentrate but it’s difficult.I snap myself out of it to ask pertinent questions trying desperately to get my mind back to my work. I walk around measuring and writing notes avoiding looking at you so I don’t loose my mind with desire. I turn back to ask you a question and see you looking at me intently. I turn back smiling to myself hoping you’re thinking what I’m thinking. I ask if there is a utility area to know where to begin. You lead me back across the basement to the one semifinished wall with a door. You try and open it. Having trouble I offer to try. you step aside but not much. I take the door knob and give a pull. The door sticks but gives with out much trouble. You are very near and I bump you with my arm as I step back to open it fully. I look at you and give a brief apology but see that you don’t need one.I step in and its dark. I look for a light you step in close to me again to flip the switch on the wall leaning around me your hand on my back. I thank you and start mardin escort to look around turning away as I feel an erection growing in my pants.I look around and forcing my mind back to work I look up and make a sound. You ask if something’s wrong. I say it’s not a major problem just will be a slight difficulty. I point up explaining what I see and what will need to be done. You step close to me your tits lightly touch my chest. I look down at you wondering one last time if you are aware. I lower my hand deciding to take a chance and brush my palm down your hip and ass. Your body responds leaning into me. As my hand falls away you look at me, our eyes lock. I see in those blue eyes that I can and will do what ever I want. I turn and walk out of the small utility room.I walk over to some 2×4 framing towards the middle of the basement and look up and mumble under my breath. You walk over and I point up. I step back as you walk over. Heels clicking across the concrete. You ask what you are looking for as you get close to the wall I swipe in behind you my hands on your hips as I pull your ass back into the growing bulge in my pants. You’re slightly startled and grab the 2x4s of the unfinished wall as I lean in a kiss your neck. I reach up and start groping your boob with my left hand,my right slides down your thigh then pulls up the hem of your skirt. I bite you lightly on the neck as one hand works it’s way on to bare flesh on your chest and the other works to cup the mound of your pussy. I feel your wetness of your pussy as your nipple hardens under the touch of mersin escort my fingers. I nibble your earlobe as my fingers wiggle over you panty covered pussy. I hook my thumb in the waist of your panty pulling them down. Cupping your tit as I start you spread your lips to find your clit with my middle finger. I start rubbing it gently working your wetness up your slit. I grind you back on to my hard cock as I start squeezing you tit. You throw your head back as I start rubbing harder on your clit. my left hand rises to your throats as I start biting down your shoulder. I feel you submitting to my touch your body quivers with a sudden and mild orgasm. I put my fingers in my mouth to taste you as the other hand gently take a handful of hair on the top of your head. I step back turning your body with my freshly licked clean finger. You face me, lust and desire deep in your eyes . A slight bit of a push on the top of your head and you know what I want. Sinking to your knees. Your hands frantically work my zipper to get to my dick. I unbuckle my pants as you begin to reach in to grab my cock. As soon as my hard Cock is released you have your mouth hungrily on the head working furiously to fit more in, your hand wraps around my shaft. You are suddenly pushing as much dick in your mouth as you can, pumping my shaft the entire time. “Suck it.” I say “suck it good you slut” My hand on the top of your head guiding and controlling your bobbing face. You gag yourself with my dick while reaching up cupping my balls.” You are one hot fuck slut aren’t you?”you look up in my escort bayan eyes I see nothing but desire and willingness. I step back for your frantic cock work. I look around and see two sawhorses with some lumber across them. I reach down taking you by the arm raising you up you stand in front of me, I take your tits out of your top as I kiss you deeply. Once your tits are free i grab your ass pulling you to me. I lean down to lick and suck your nipples. You kick out of your panties as I shed my pants from around my ankles. I stand back up before you guiding you back wards toward the lumber. Once close enough I spin you around and push your body over on top. Your ass bent over I can smell your wet dripping pussy as I take the head of my cock and rub it up your slit. I start to gently push the head into your wet tight hole gently at first very shallow thrusts. As I work it in deeper and deeper. My strokes get to full length. Thrusting all the way in and almost completely out with each steady stroke. When I feel the full juicy depth to your cunt I start pumping hard with each stroke. I’m holding you by the hips as I start pulling you back into each time our bodies make contact. Your pussy tightens, angrily my thrusts are harder. I throb in side you pushing you over the edge. You moan and screech with each deep pump of my cock. I explode inside you causing you to have a loud and shaking orgasm. I hold myself inside you my deflating dick still pushing in you. Moaning and spent under me you shiver a little. I pull my happily limp dick out your wet pussy making drops on the concrete floor. I give you a playful spank on the ass. As I go looking for my pants. As I pull them up zipping my wet dick back inside my jeans I bend over and take your panties putting them in my back pocket.”Well lady I’m sure we can do it and I’ll be sure to give you a nice discount”

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A weekend with Doug and Mich Pt6

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A weekend with Doug and Mich Pt6Pt 6Bright and early the next morning we headed off to the beach. Mich and Dee were ready for getting into some more photography. They both wore d****y robes over their swimwear. But underneath their fairly plain swimming costumes they had both put on some very scanty bikinis.Doug pulled up in a car park within the dunes. Both Doug and I wore shorts and tee shirts and nothing much more but a pair of flip flops each.We all jumped out of the car, Dee collected the beach bag and Doug and I had our cameras in hand. We went ahead but turned to photo the girls walking towards us. The girls stopped a short distance from us, the breeze opening their coats and they playfully touched each other through their swimwear. They kissed and Mich rubbed her hand over Dee’s crotch. They giggling they ran pasted us and onto the dunes. “hopefully we are going to be joined this morning by a couple of other guys. “ Doug told me, “I posted this morning on Hamster that we would be here and just said that the girls were out here for a bit of fun.” We climbed the dune and when we got to the top the girls were already sitting down. They were facing us as we appeared at the top and were sitting side by side with their legs apart and the crotches of the bottoms pulled aside. We took some photos as they posed naughtily. Then they got on their knees and beckoned us over. We stood in front of them, Doug in front of Dee and me with Mich. They girls pulled our flies down and pulled our hard cocks out, before sucking our cocks into their mouths. Grasping our bums they pulled us forward and took us deep inside. We clicked away as their tongues slurped around our cocks. Dee pulled away and turned to Mich, “Come on let’s take our swimsuits off.” Dee stood and peeled off swimsuit revealing her tiny strappy bikini. Tiny patches covered her nipples and her boobs were fully exposed. The crotch of her tiny bikini panties slipped between the folds of her pussy and the little triangle of material hardly covered anything. Mich too had taken her swimming costume off to reveal a stringy one piece, the cord around her neck ran over her nipples widening slightly to cover them before plunging down to two strings running between her legs, exposing her pussy between them. We asked them both to do a twirl and they spun round together showing their exposed bums. We then asked them to pose for us and we took photos and videos of them showing everything. I asked Dee to get on her hands and knees. She knelt and arched her back, her bum in the air and her rosebud kütahya escort exposed split by the thin cord of material. “Don’t look now, but we are being watched.” I said to the girls. They both smiled and turned to each other. “We’d better give them a bit of a show then.” They turned to face each other and started to French kiss, their hands roaming each other’s bodies. One of the guys stood above the dune, his trunks pulled down and his hard cock in hand. The girls caught sight of him and beckoned him over. He looked around, unsure that they were calling him and when he was sure, he walked towards us. As he got closer Dee spoke, “Well what have we here?” Dee reached out and took hold of the strangers cock, wrapping her hand around it and pulling him towards her. “Do you have a name, stranger?” “Yes, Paul.” He answered. “I’ve been watching you both, not just here but on Hamster too, you are both so incredibly sexy and now I am seeing you in the flesh, can I touch you both?”The girls put their hands behind their heads and thrust their bodies forward. Paul reached out and placed his palms on both their boobs, mauling them in his hands. “OMG I’ve imagined this for ages and never thought it would happen. The girls then knelt and Mich started to pump his cock. Dee moved closer and sucked in his head. “Oh god Dee that is so good.” And then Dee passed it to Mich who also took it in her mouth. They sucked in turn and then Dee’s mouth explored down his shaft and onto his balls. Paul opened his legs and Dee slipped her head between his thighs, turning her head to lick between his cheeks. I ran around behind them and standing close looked and videoed as Dee’s tongue swirled around his ass hole, before disappearing inside. Paul’s reaction was to stand on his tip toes in ecstasy, burying his cock deeper into Mich’s mouth. She gagged slightly and pulled away. Dee now moved to behind Paul and started rimming him in ernest. Then another figure started to approach us, then two more and then another. They all stood around the girls, each had their cocks in hand, surprising the varying sizes of each cock. Mich soon spied one of them, his cock was impressively big and she reached out for it and pulled him into a close forming circle. Quickly she devoured it into her mouth, a good four inches still exposed and the rest was deep in her mouth. “Oh fuck yes.” He exclaimed as her started to pump her mouth. Dee moved to Mich’s side. Her bikini top had been lifted as the guys took it in turns to grope and tweak her nipples. malatya escort She grabbed the closest cock and shoved it in her mouth and then with both hands grabbed two more cocks and started wanking them furiously. The scene in front of Doug and I was stunning and we were mesmerised. I then felt a hand reach round me from behind and grab my cock over my shorts. I looked over my shoulder and this young long blonde haired woman stood behind me. There was another behind Doug. “We thought rather than watch we might give you both a hand.” Our cocks were soon free and whilst we continued filming the scene in front the girls pumped our cocks. Mich and Dee now had five raging cocks to play with, so Doug and I staggered in closer. Mich turned to me and the girl behind me offered her my cock. She sucked it in as the girl continued to pump me. She then turned back to the other cocks. “We want you all to cum over our faces.” Taking the big cock back in her mouth she sucked viciously at it. The guy couldn’t hold off and with a simple “I’m cumming.” Pulled out and sprayed Mich’s face with copious amounts of cum. This caused a chain reaction as each guy stood forward and ejected their cum over both the girls. Into their hair, on their faces and open mouths, some even splattered Doug and my crotches, lubricating our cocks for the girls wanking us. And then both of us came. Our cum sprayed the back of Mich’s and Dee’s heads, matting their hair with yet more cum. When we’d all finished pumping Dee and Mich turned to each other and looked in amazement at the mess each other was in. Dee reached out stroked Mich’s cum streaked cheek, then licked her fingers dry. Mich then did the same. The guys then started to drift away, thanking the girls and asking if they might be around later. “Who knows?” replied Dee, “You guys won’t be up for it for a while.”Paul stood back for a bit. “Thanks Mich, thanks Dee. Would it be possible for me to fuck you both next time?”“Yes, of course.” Replied Mich. “But first we need to clean ourselves down.”They straightened out their bikinis, stood and ran towards the beach. “Can we join you?” the other two girls called out.” They then stripped off their shorts and tee shirts and headed off behind Mich and Dee. “Let’s go back to the car, we forgot the beers and wine.” Doug and I left to walk back to the car. We collected the drinks, but on the way back to the dunes we went the wrong way. So we stumbled over the sands looking for the girls. We reached the top of a dune and Doug tugged my shorts and ducked escort bayan us both down. We pulled our heads over the top of the dune and looked down and I could see why Doug had stopped me. There just yards in front lay Dee and Mich, but not on their own. Paul had returned with them and was now franticly fucking Dee. Mich was not alone either. The other two girls were all over her. One of them was between her thighs, her bum high in the air whilst the other was sitting on Mich’s face. Dee then flipped over and raised her bum in the air and Paul buried himself in her. She gave out a loud cry. “Oh fuck Paul your cock is too big for my ass.” But he didn’t stop. Instead he spat on his hand and lubricated his cock with it. “Come on Ben. We have to film this as well.” And he and I slipped our way down the bank. I quickly got close to Paul and Dee and focused my camera on his cock driving into Dee ass. “Oh fuck Paul, I’m gonna cum, don’t stop.” And then she came very loudly, her usual screams echoed around the sands. And then Paul came too, thrusting his cock deep into her ass. He collapsed backwards and I zoomed in on her ass, his cum oozing out of her gaping hole. I couldn’t resist and delved my tongue deep into her ass. Lapping at his and her cum as it spewed from Dee. She twitched as my tongue lapped at her sensitive skin. Meanwhile with Mich still on her back and the girls straddling her, Doug was hovering over the all, his cock engulfed deep in the girl having her pussy lapped by Mich. The he too came, his cum splattering the girls face, it ran down her chin and dripped onto Mich’s boobs as Mich’s muffled cries of orgasm were drowned out between the girl’s thighs. “I’ve gotta go.” announced Paul, “They’ll all be wondering where I’ve got too. Thanks Dee and Ben, please post some pics on Hamster.”“yeah sure, in a few days.” I replied as Paul pulled up his shorts and left. Meanwhile the girls had broken away from Mich, she lay exhausted on the sand. The girls straightened themselves up. “Perhaps next time you might fuck us?” one of the girls asked, “perhaps we could all get together. Could you guys keep up with us girls lezzing about?” Doug then got his phone out, got their number and just said. “I’ll call you. OK?”“Soon,” replied the girl. “Sorry we didn’t get your names, for the phone number?”“I’m Sally and this is Kerry.” We said our hi’s, and introduced ourselves. Dee was now lying on her front and the girls got ready to leave. “You know Dee, you have a fab ass.” Mentioned Sally casually, “May I?” and with that she knealt down and kissed first one cheek and then the other, before pulling her cheeks apart and dipping her tongue to her rosebud. She flicked her tongue around, before standing back up, “God I want spend time on that.”The girls then took each other’s hands and walked away up the sand dune.

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AssPlay His

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AssPlay HisBoth of them loved to watch ass play too as they were extremely visual so they filmed a lot of the action and got off on watching it together afterwards. Any porno material that involved ass play got them both very excited as well. Ally had always fantasized about playing with a willing ass . Anything was allowed, as long as they did it together.Their shower over, Brad turned the water off and stepped out first, passing Ally a big fluffy towel. Their cozy king size bed looked inviting as they stepped into the bedroom together. What both of them loved was that nothing was ever predictable between them. She didn’t know what he was going to do next and he had no idea what crazy sinful act she would want to try next. They stood facing each other with the wide expanse of bed between them. Brad still had slightly damp hair and droplets of water on his chest. Ally longed to lick each drop off.Brad got onto the bed first and reached for the scented massage oil. Ally let the towel drop to the floor and took the bottle out of his hand. She unscrewed the cap and began to pour oil onto her generous full breasts. As the oil began to run down her stomach she rubbed her nipples with thumb and forefinger until her tits glistened. The light from the setting sun filtering through the timber blinds added a touch of magic to their surroundings. Brad could not help reaching for his aching hard cock as he watched Ally massaging her tits erotically for him. In the warm glowing light with her dark hair cascading around her face and over her shoulders, she looked sexy as hell and he knew he had to have her again very shortly or he’d die.Ally was now running her hands over the curves of her hips and down over her own ass. He wished she would turn around so he could see her ass but instead she came over to sit on the bed. She seemed to want to be in control so he just played along obediently. When she gently pushed him face down on the bed and began massaging his shoulders he didn’t complain. He began to get really comfortable as her hands sought out the swell of his ass cheeks and she dribbled more oil onto them. The oil felt great sliding down into his smooth, hairless ass crack, so did her hands as they followed suit. Gently her nails scratched over his hot flesh and her fingers dipped in to finger his tight anus. They both had a regular brazilian wax together because it added more sensations during oral activities.He didn’t even tense when he felt her snap the first ankle cuff on him. He was fine when she rize escort pulled his legs apart to fasten the other ankle cuff on as well. He was in heaven when her hot tongue started to probe at his asshole. He loved her tongue fucking his ass and grinding her face into him. She did it so well and it felt so good, plus, she really got off on doing it. He could feel her getting excited now. Her breathing quickened and her arms hugged his hips to pull him even closer as she inhaled his manly scent. This really drove her crazy as the smell of him turned her on no end.Ally pulled back and massaged his ass a bit more. Then he felt her finger slip into his asshole, all the way to her knuckle. She groaned with pleasure as she felt how hot he was inside. She pulled her finger out and smelled it, delighting in the heat from his body and his scent. Then she put the finger inside his hole again and wiggled it very gently, groaning again as she felt his muscles clench tightly around her finger. Before Brad could wonder what she was going to do next, he felt a long smooth thin vibrator pushing into him where her finger had been. It felt like a long finger with a slightly fatter end on it. Slowly she moved it in and out of his asshole and watched in pure fascination as the fat end popped in and out of her sight. She could feel his heat whenever her hand came close to him and she knew her pussy was thoroughly soaked with her juice now. Brad was enjoying the sensations of the ‘finger’ moving in and out of him but when she turned the vibrator on he jumped with surprise. It took him a moment to get used to the feeling of the low vibration buzzing inside him. Once he was getting comfortable with that, she turned the vibration up higher. This was the first time Brad had ever taken anything other than a finger up his ass and he could feel the tip of the vibrator massaging his prostate gland inside. It felt great and he was beginning to understand why men did this while masturbating.When Ally turned the vibe up fully, Brad suddenly felt like he might cum. His whole body tensed up in anticipation for what was about to happen. Ally noticed where he was at and quickly turned the vibe off and pulled it out of him. He sighed with disappointment and his body slumped back on the bed. She smiled knowingly and reached for a larger vibe, shaped just like a real cock…only about seven inches in length and one inch in width. Brad held his breath as he felt the tip of the rubber cock push against his sakarya escort butt hole. He knew she was an expert at ass play so he trusted her completely and relaxed as he felt his asshole swallow up the head.The wild clenching of his muscles around the rubber cock caused Ally to start shaking with excitement. To watch his reaction up close was amazing as Ally knew first hand what he was feeling. Now she was feeling the sensations from memory as well as seeing what happened at the same time. It was all nearly too much to take in for her. Slowly she eased the cock inside him, watching for any signs that it was hurting him. He seemed quite relaxed and the cock was sliding in effortlessly. Once it was all the way inside, she left it there for him to get used to. To take his mind off the intensity of what was happening Ally reached for a short flogger with short soft suede tails. She ran the flogger over his skin, tickling him with it.Now she pulled the dildo out of his ass all the way and licked the end of it while he turned his face and watched. She sucked the cock like she did a real one, taking it all the way deep down her throat. Brad wanted to pull his cock but he was pinned down on the bed. After sucking it, she moved it back into place at the entrance to his dark cave. Slowly she pushed it inside again and began slowly fucking his ass with it. He knew he couldn’t take this for very long as the sensations were building up in him again and an orgasm was nearing. Just then she turned the cock onto vibration and pulled it all the way out. He desperately wanted it back inside his ass again and he pushed his butt up towards her eagerly. She loved his reaction and so she inserted the vibrating cock back into his asshole all the way. He groaned out loud as it hit the target but she withdrew it immediately again, leaving him suddenly empty. She enjoyed teasing him in this way, being the one in control. His butt was pushing upwards so she smacked each cheek once then drove the dildo inside him again. She fucked him with it for a while until she felt him nearing orgasm. Then she pulled it out and turned it off.Brad so desperately wanted to pull his cock and keep the great feelings happening but he was helpless while tied up. Ally sneakily reached for one of her largest dildos, nine inches long and two inches wide. She could normally make herself cum in seconds when she used this one. She was shivering with anticipation, imagining what this big black cock would look like escort bayan sliding in and out of Brad’s asshole. She couldn’t wait another second so she coated the cock with lube and started nudging his already relaxed hole. Brad could feel that this cock was bigger than the last but he didn’t mind because he wanted release so badly. The head felt huge as it pushed inside him, stretching him wider than he had ever been stretched before. Astonishingly, it didn’t hurt at all.Once Ally had worked the head inside she gently massaged Brad’s ass, keeping the cock where it was. She pulled it out and groaned at the sight of his open gaping hole. It began to close up again as she watched with fascination. She worked the head back in again, sliding more of the length inside this time. She left it there as she slapped his ass with her hand a few times. The slight stinging sensations of her slaps, combined with the intensity of the cock stretching, him, was truly wonderful and Brad just wanted more and more. He wanted more slapping and more fucking…just more and MORE. Ally pulled the cock out and bent to lick his gaping asshole with her hot hungry tongue.Brad bucked and twisted at the sensation of her hot wet tongue on his sensitive exposed asshole. It was an indescribable feeling. He could feel her drooling saliva into his widely stretched hole and then she was fucking him with the gigantic dildo again. Ally was able to get at least half the length of the dildo inside his asshole comfortably and he was taking it happily with no problems at all. She pumped his ass and slapped it, pulling out and tonguing it alternatively, then fucking it some more.Then Ally released Brad from the ankle restraints and with super strength and speed he shoved her down on her back roughly and made her swallow his thick engorged cock. She took him greedily into her mouth, sucking furiously at his cock and caressing his balls. He swiveled his body so they were in a 69 position with the big dildo still inside his asshole. This way Ally was able to continue fucking his ass with it while she sucked his cock at the same time. The cock in her mouth muffled her scream of surprise when Brad began fucking her ass with the huge toy from earlier while eating her pussy at the same time.They came together with Brad shooting cum hard into the depths of Ally’s throat. She gagged on it and pulled his cock out so the remainder of his creamy thick cum spilled over her face and eyes. Brad turned to look at her, taking in her flushed skin and cum covered face. She was his perfect little cum slut and he kissed her tenderly, tasting his cum on her lips. Together they walked to the shower and by the evil glint in his eyes, Ally knew he was planning his next sexual adventure and she shivered with anticipation.

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BdsmShe stood next to the window with a glass of white wine in her hand, lost in her thoughts.David came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her small waist. She smiled.“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked in her ear.Tina nodded, and she was about to take one more sip of wine but David gently stopped her.“I don’t want you to be too intoxicated for this.”“It helps me when I’m nervous,” she replied, but she put down the glass on the windowsill.“There’s no reason to be nervous. If at any time you don’t like what’s going on, you tell me to stop and I stop.”“Okay,” she said.Her chest felt all fluttery and tingly in anticipation. She’d never tried this before, but she was curious and she knew she’d regret it if she didn’t give it a shot.David’s bedroom was big and tidy with dark wood furniture, a king-sized bed with a metallic headboard and lights that he could dim with a remote. It was currently rather dark, but not enough that they couldn’t see each other. His BDSM stuff was in a bottom dresser drawer. She held her breath as he opened it and took out handcuffs and a blindfold.“Take off your clothes,” he asked and she nodded.His tone of voice had changed ever so slightly. He had told her he would act just a little different during their session; more commanding, more dominant—which made sense, she supposed. It was part of the game, and she was okay with that.David watched as his girlfriend took off her skinny jeans and white tank top, revealing black and pink lace underwear. He smiled inwardly; it was his favorite kit and she knew it. He couldn’t help walking up to her to kiss her full pink lips. Then he pulled away to let her take off the rest. Her breasts were beautiful c cups and her pussy was smooth, her butt a nice round shape. He resisted the urge to touch her curves, instead taking her arm and guiding her to the bed. Her skin was naturally white ; a pale contrast to the dark red bed covers.He wrapped the black silk blindfold around her eyes, tying it tightly against her long red hair. Guiding her with his hands, he flipped her around so that her back faced him, and he cuffed her wrists to the headboard.“Are you okay?” he asked softly.“Yes,” she said in a low voice.She felt all shivery; being naked, exposed and tied up like that was a new experience. But she trusted David, and she really liked him, so her thoughts and feelings were a mixture of anticipation and fear. It gave her a thrill, and a rush, before it even started.First she felt him pushing her hair to the side. With her eyes blindfolded, tactile sensations seemed amplified. David’s hands felt big, soft and warm against her skin. Then, it was a different sensation altogether when he used his nails to scratch her skin, from her shoulders down to her lower back. She kars escort couldn’t help but moan; she kinda liked nails, and he knew that. This was easy territory.But then he gave three slaps on her ass and her breath hitched. The slaps had been harder than she’d expected, but again, she kinda liked it. She shivered in anticipation as she waited, wondering what came next; more slaps, more nails, or something else.David could tell that Tina was enjoying herself so far. He wanted to keep it light because he knew how inexperienced she was. He’d placed a glass full of ice cubes on the nightstand earlier, so he grabbed one of those. He put the ice cube at the back of her neck and felt her shiver slightly. He let the ice cube slide down the feminine curve of her back. He left it there to melt against her skin. She had goose bumps all over.While the ice melted, David raised his hand and slapped her ass six times, every slap harder than the last. Tina’s breathing got louder and her hands tugged at the handcuffs, but she didn’t say anything.“You okay?”She nodded. He lowered himself to lick the water off her back. He licked her skin until the water was all gone and he could tell she liked it from the way she moaned and arched her back. David was getting really turned on already but he knew to control himself.He used his nails again, this time scratching the insides of her thighs, then following the curve of her butt. He dragged his nails across her butt cheeks, then lifted one hand to spank her ass again, harder than before. She sucked in a breath but she didn’t seem to dislike it.After spanking her, David rubbed her skin soothingly with both hands; her thighs, her butt, and her back, all the way up to her neck. Then he repeated his actions with his nails and the spankings again, mixing up the intensity to always keep her guessing.He removed himself from the bed after that so he could get a few more things from his drawer. He set the items next to her on the bed and climbed back on top of her with a flogger in his hand.“How are you feeling?” he asked her.“Good… a little nervous,” she admitted. But her voice had a husky tone and he could tell she was enjoying herself so far.He leaned closer to her so that his chest touched her back slightly, and he kissed her neck, just below her ear.“Hmm…” she moaned.He started to suck at her skin, more and more intensely, until her moan became more like a whine, but still she didn’t protest. She’d definitely have a hickey, but nothing too bad. He kissed the skin around it, very tenderly in contrast, and then pulled away.David placed himself so he could use the flogger properly on Tina’s ass. It was already a little red from the spankings. He lashed out twice, paused, then kept going as her kastamonu escort body language and the soft whimpers she made indicated that she was still into it despite the pain.“You’re a good sub,” he told her.He rubbed her ass soothingly with his hands again, then her back, giving her a massage. He kissed her neck again, at the place where her skin was still tender. She moaned and tilted her head to the side. He got the hint and kissed her lips. He grabbed her chin and kissed her hard, completely in control, slipping past her lips with his tongue and deepening the kiss even more, before pulling away and leaving her wanting more.He lashed at her ass with the flogger again, harder this time, making her gasp. She trashed a little with her legs, and her wrists pulled at the cuffs.Tina was completely lost to the sensations. With the blindfold and her hands tied up, everything was amplified. She felt vulnerable but she kinda liked it because she knew she still had some amount of control; she could tell her boyfriend to stop whenever she wanted to. But she didn’t want it to stop just yet.Suddenly, with no warning, he untied her hands. But only so that he could turn her around and cuff her again. Her butt still stinging from the spanking and flogging, she lay on her back, completely naked, somehow feeling even more exposed than before. But a strong enough part of her was excited that she wanted him to keep going.Taking in the sight of hrr beautiful, thin but curvy body, David took the nipple clamps and snapped them on her nipples. She arched her back and whimpered, and David asked her if she was okay. She nodded and he kissed her lips, letting her get used to the sensation. Leaving the nipple clamps there, he stroked and squeezed her breasts, then slapped them, one after the other, but not too hard. She moaned and gasped and he just couldn’t help but love her reactions and all the sounds she made.“I can tell you like it,” he said and she didn’t deny it. “You’re a really good sub,” he said again and she bit her lip.Her lips were just too tempting. He kissed her again, hard and deep and then he bit her bottom lip gently.“Hmm…” she moaned. “I wanna touch you. Untie my hands…”“Not yet,” he said.“So unfair…”Smiling at how cute she was, David picked up another ice cube, letting this one slide and melt between her breasts, making her shiver. He grabbed a feather and trailed it across her flat stomach then between her thighs, teasing her pussy with it. She spread her legs for him and arched her back, clearly craving so much more.He put his hand in the glass full of ice cubes so his fingers were cold. Tossing the feather aside, he stroked her clit with his cold fingers. As she shuddered and moaned, he lifted her hip escort bayan so that her body was slightly twisted and he could slap her ass. He grabbed his paddle this time and used that on her already red butt cheek. He slapped pretty hard with the paddle and she gasped—for a moment he thought she’d ask him to stop, but she didn’t.So he slapped again, and when he did stop he ran his hands lovingly all over her beautiful curves, comforting her. She was a writhing mess in his arms and he loved it. He reached up to kiss her fiercely and she kissed back.He removed the handcuffs and the blindfold.Tina blinked as she could finally open her eyes. Her arms were a bit sore from being tied. She threw them around David’s neck so she could kiss him. She ran her hands down his back, crawling under his shirt with her fingers so she could feel the warm skin there. She pressed him closer, arching her back as his hips came in contact with hers and she could feel the bulge in his pants.David pushed her away gently but firmly. He wasn’t done yet. He turned her around once more and lifted her hips so that her ass was sticking out. She held herself on her forearms obediently, face hidden in her arms, red hair spilling onto the bed all around her.He ditched the toys to instead spank her with his hand again. The sound of the slaps and the feel of her warm, angry skin against his hand turned him on. He spanked her hard, then held her in his arms, then pulled away and spanked again. He teased her pussy with his other hand, flicking her clit and she let out a loud moan that made his cock twitch. He slapped her ass one last time—he could tell she was a bit shaky by now, and he didn’t want to hurt her too much for her first session.But at the same time, he knew how turned on she was right now. So he grabbed one last toy—a vibrator he knew she liked. He turned her around so he could see her beautiful face and her boobs with the nipple clamps still there. With one hand, he grabbed both her wrists and pinned them above her head so she couldn’t touch him. With his other hand, he turned on the vibrator at the highest intensity and used it on her pussy.“Come for me,” he said.Tina was so turned on—her ass was hurting and her nipples kind of hurt too and a part of her was shocked that she was so horny, but she was. When David used the powerful toy on her she felt the sensations rushing quickly. As he fucked her hard with the vibrator pleasure consumed her in waves that rushed through her body. Her legs were spread and shaking and she arched her back as she screamed out.She came almost instantly, clenching her thighs together as Anthony turned off the vibrator and tossed it aside. Instead he removed the nipple clamps and then he kissed her sore nipples lovingly. He wasn’t holding her wrists anymore, so she could finally hold him and kiss him.Panting, she said: “That was… intense.”“I’m so glad you liked it.”She reached under his jeans, stroking him. “Your turn now?” she teased.He smiled. “If by that you mean I get to fuck you, then yes please.”

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