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hayatımda hiç tatmadıgım zevki tattım baktım hemen kalktı banyoya gitti bende üzerimi giyindim sigaramı yaktım sanki hiç bişey olmamış gibi davranıyorduk ama kız kardeşim hep götünün acıdığını söyledi bir şey olmaz dedim birazdan geçer dedim düşündüm olan en sonunda kız kardeşimi siktim diye artık her fırsat olduğunda kız kardeşimi tehdit edip siktim 2 sene sonra evlendi gitti bende istanbula geldim şu an ablamlarda kalıyorum şimdide 15 yaşındaki yegenim melikeye göz koymuşum onuda siktigimde sizlerle paylaşacagım (bakire seks hikayeleri) hikaye pornoye

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The Cruel Nephew

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Chapter 1: The Arrival

“Phil!” cheered Sharon, knocking open the security door with a bare foot. She extended her arms wide to offer a welcoming hug to her visiting nephew. Phil set his travel bag down on terrace so that he could embrace his aunt. Her hair was uncharacteristically long and straight— almost youthful—and she wore a vibrant summer dress that rippled against the passing breeze. Sharon looked remarkably radiant for a woman about to hit her half century milestone. “I’m so glad you could make it!” Sharon announced, head pressed snugly against Phil’s chest.

“Glad to be here!” replied Phil cheerfully. Is she even wearing a bra? he wondered, sensing the unrestrained movements of his aunt’s breasts against his chest as she leaned back a short distance to study his face. She’s definitely not wearing a bra, concluded Phil.

“Come in! Come in! How was your trip?” chirped Sharon while she ushered her nephew into the living room. A ray of afternoon sunlight penetrated Sharon’s wispy dress as she entered the kitchen; the amber glow cutting a faint silhouette—enough to draw Phil’s attention to Sharon’s surprisingly voluptuous figure. Wow! It’s Sharon, but… damn… she’s looking good, thought Phil. Those hips! I didn’t know she had curves like that. Hah! Don’t be a pervert. Phil nestled into a dining room chair and Sharon busied herself in the kitchen while. The pair chatted casually about recent events.

Phil spent much of the afternoon respectfully averting his eyes as his aunt’s alluring outline faded in and out of view amidst the flickering sunlight. Even though Phil maintained genial conversation with his aunt right through into the evening, his thoughts contended all the while with the intrigue engendered by the flashes of feminine charm on display. This was not the welcome he expected.

Chapter 2: Cleaning Up

“God dammit!” Phil barked out loud to himself while he stroked his soapy cock in the shower, attempting to ease the sexual tension he’d accumulated over the past few hours. He was disgusted with himself for thinking of his aunt’s body as he masturbated in her shower, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that wicked ambitions were beginning to populate his head. Why would she wear that? Was she trying to show off her body to me? Was it a tease? he thought while approaching the climactic strokes. It’s just the two of us in the house. We’re both adults. She’s lonely. What if she just accidentally came in here right now and saw me jacking off? Phil closed his eyes and bespattered the bathroom wall with his fertile seed. He quickly washed his misdeed from the wall, finished up his shower, and headed to the spare room to get dressed.

As Phil dried off in the spare room, he heard the pitter-patter of bare feet coming from the hallway. He ceased thrashing the towel through his damp hair so that he could hone in on the sound. Shit! The door! panicked Phil, observing that the latch hadn’t caught properly and that the door had quietly crept back open. What if I didn’t hear her coming? he thought. Engaging in a tasteless ploy, the young man kept his arms elevated and head buried in the bath towel, pretending to be unaware of his aunt’s approaching footsteps.

SQUEAK! The previously steady pace of his aunt suffered a momentary misstep, before making a quick recovery and vanishing into silence behind the sound of a closing door elsewhere. Phil lowered his towel and raised an ear. He could faintly hear his aunt shuffling about in her bedroom drawers. Surely she saw me? She must be pretending she didn’t, Phil wondered.

Sharon rummaged through her wardrobe drawers with no intention of finding anything in particular. She simply wanted to give the impression that she was busying herself with something; that she hadn’t just copped an eyeful of her nephew’s cock. Surely he must have heard me walk past the doorway? What’s he thinking now? Did you see that thing? I’ll just wait till I hear him leave his room, and then I’ll go out a little bit after that. Just ask him if he’s all settled in and wish him goodnight. Sharon was understandably shaken by the fleeting glimpse of Phil’s penis. But what truly worried her was that Phil may have heard her footsteps falter as she passed by his room.

Did he do that on purpose? No… he just didn’t hear me coming. Surely? Of course! He mustn’t have heard me because he was drying his head! reasoned Sharon. You just saw your nephew’s… adult penis. What if it pops into my head the next time we talk next? It’s going to be so god damn awkward! Sharon resolved to do her best to behave as though nothing had occurred.

Chapter 3: An Early Riser

Sharon awoke to the sound of her alarm; the digital buzzing penetrated the walls and roused Phil from his own slumber. After rubbing his eyes he peered down to find his morning glory pitching a tent under the thin bed-sheet. Round 2? You sick son of a bitch! illegal bahis You want to though—don’t you? He quietly got up and crept to his door, opened it fully, and then returned to his conspicuous position in bed.

A quarter of an hour later Sharon’s door creaked open and she stepped out into the hallway wearing a nightshirt. Drowsily, she tiptoed down the hallway until the sight of Phil’s open door caught her attention. She apparently had not learned her lesson from the evening beforehand. Phil’s up already? He must be an early riser, thought Sharon.

Through half-opened eyes, Sharon peered into Phil’s room to check if he had risen. Oh. He’s still asleep, she thought with a smile, observing her nephew—at first—from the waist up; eyes firmly closed and mouth agape. Sharon yawned and let her eyes trail innocently down the messy bed until they snagged upon a large protrusion under the sheet. What the?! Oh my god! That’s his dick! Again! For fuck sake… Sharon slammed her eyes shut and took a small step back out into the hall. She paused suddenly. Was it his dick though? Maybe it was just his knee? I’m half asleep, after all, pondered Sharon. She backpedalled quietly and poked her head curiously around the corner so as to clarify matters.

Phil’s vigilant ears detected his aunt’s presence, and so he opened the faintest slither of an eyelid to check if she was actually there. Holy shit! She’s here. She’s actually coming in! Time to step it up a notch, planned Phil. Stretching his concealed leg outward, he made his bed-sheet drag just a little bit further away from the center of his body. The inside of his groin was now exposed; the edge of the sheet dancing at the base of his erection like a stage curtain.

Fuck! It wasn’t his leg. But you knew it wasn’t, didn’t you? Why did I have another look? Sharon chided herself as Phil nudged his leg another inch, exposing the side of his testicles and a hint of his erect shaft. Alright… that’s your nephew’s testicles. Okay! Just fucking go make breakfast you idiot! But what if his bed-sheet were to just… fall from his leg? Oh my god… stop thinking like that!

Phil kept his eyes sealed since he assumed that his aunt was still nearby. I’ll just wait and see what happens now, he thought.

If it falls off, he’ll just think he brushed the sheets off during his sleep. He won’t hear you. The carpet is soft. Just tiptoe over there and… but what if he wakes? You fucking fool. What if he wakes?! Is it really worth it? Maybe I could just take a quick peek and then leave? When was the last time I saw a dick—in the flesh, anyway? I don’t even remember. Sharon continued to second-guess her actions while her bare feet sank into the plush carpet below. A soft breeze blew in through the window shutters and rippled across the bed-sheet. The fabric flapped up a little higher, inviting further inspection; Sharon’s eyes teased by a fleeting, yet unobstructed view of her nephew’s splayed testicles and the dark-hued tinge of skin marking the beginnings of his urethra.

Sharon looked toward Phil’s peaceful expression and tentatively extended her arm toward the sheet. When another breeze chanced its way through the shutters, Sharon took advantage of the situation, and deftly assisted the sheet up and over Phil’s erection, sending it softly to the opposite side of the bed. Her nephew was now completely exposed. Holy shit! Is that really same dick I saw earlier? He really does fill out well, contemplated Sharon, startled by the stature of the penis. Her eye was drawn to the languid writhing of her nephew’s testicles. I forgot that they do that.

Her eyes drew a line from the base of his shaft, all the way up to his swollen, rosy tip. She marvelled at how ripe it looked. He’s uncircumcised, concluded Sharon after discerning the apparent moistness of his tip and a small crease of skin beneath it. She’d only ever been with circumcised men before. This made her even more intrigued.

It’s… so hard! He’s young: that’s why he looks as hard as a rock. Sharon was fascinated and stunned by her nephew’s brutish penis; broad and bulging. That would take some negotiating, wouldn’t it? It’s been such a long time, but… that is definitely a big dick. What is that… 8 inches? How the fuck would I know? It’s not like I’ve ever stopped to measure one, mused Sharon.

After a few moments, Phil blinked and opened his eyes, stretched and yawned. Oh fuck! Shit! Fuck! Get out! Run! You idiot! panicked Sharon as she tugged at her nightshirt frantically, her body preparing to bolt. Before she could turn to flee, Phil’s eyes had already captured her. “Sh-Sharon?” he asked quizzically, rubbing his eyes. He blinked and peered down at his naked body—erection standing tall—and affected a look of shock.

“Uh… G-Good morning Phil. I was just going to… but then—” stammered Sharon, tugging with great intensity down on her nightshirt; her bare illegal bahis siteleri legs writhing in embarrassment below. The full shape of her breasts and nipples were being inadvertently conveyed through the fabric. They ballooned down and out to her sides, partially elevated under a tuft formed in the shirt. This seemed to augment their natural volume. Wow! They’re heavy fucking things! Look at that nipple stag! thought Phil, appreciating a new view of his aunt’s assets. They were by no means perky or youthful, but even considering their sheer mass, they seemed to be holding up quite well. Perhaps the shirt’s holding things together, he contemplated.

“Um…” grumbled Phil, acting puzzled. His aunt’s eyes darted to his penis again.

“I’m sorry! Sorry! I’ll go! I’ll go…” Sharon trailed off as she turned in shame to make an exit.

“Hang on a sec!” cried Phil, causing Sharon to stop dead in her tracks. “Did you just—” Phil paused. His aunt turned around upon his words and looked at a point on the wall behind Phil. “Did you just come in here to… to have a look?” Phil asked with accusation in his tone.

“What?! No! I was heading to the kitchen when—” Sharon replied defensively. “When I saw your door open, and I… I just—” she glanced down at his penis again; it remained exposed and erect. Fuck! she thought, shocked that his cock was still standing on end, and appalled that she gazed upon it once more.

“When you just noticed something under my sheet… and decided to have a harmless peek?” Phil continued to implicate his aunt in a deed unwholesome.

“I did not! I was just closing the window! There was a breeze, but then the breeze just—” she bumbled hopelessly.

“I opened my eyes and saw you just standing there. Staring at it,” Phil declared decisively with a nod toward his groin.

“Phil! You really shouldn’t be so comfortable sitting there like that. Cover yourself young man!” Sharon demanded.

“Well, you’ve seen it now. What’s there to hide? You know, I’m actually flattered that you did sneak a peek,” jested Phil.

“Phil! How dare you—I… I’m leaving now dear,” resolved Sharon, her voice now trembling.

“Not so fast, cheeky.”

“What Phil?”

Sharon heard her nephew shuffle to the end of the bed while she was facing the door, and then felt her nightshirt being tugged upward from behind. She spun around to defend herself.

“What are you doing Phil?!” she barked.

“Shouldn’t we make things even?” Phil replied before attempting to lift her nightshirt once more. Sharon grabbed her nephew by the wrists to stop him.

“Phil—do you really think I’d… Y-You can’t be trying to remove my—” she replied nervously, detecting her nephew’s cock peering up under her nightshirt like an enemy periscope. He wants to see me naked? But I’m his aunt! Why would he? I can’t let him actually take my top off—can I? He is sneaking looks at my chest. Fuck… why did I wear this nightshirt?! His dick just touched my belly! What the fuck do I do? panicked Sharon. Her nephew’s nakedness and aggressive advances were causing her to buckle.

“It’s only fair! Off with your shirt then! I mean… you’ve had a good long look at me now—whether you meant to or not. Now it’s time for me to see my hot aunt’s body.” Phil continued to coax his aunt into submitting to his demands by mixing in a playful compliment.

He’s just saying that to be cheeky, isn’t he? Does he really think of me that way? Should I show him? What’s he gonna do to me once my shirt is off? Does he think that it’ll mean it’s okay for him to touch me—to do what he pleases? Sharon released her grip on Phil’s wrists and raised her hands to her face, resting them on her cheeks in angst. Seeing that his aunt was no longer protesting the idea, Phil began to gently lift her nightshirt, unimpeded.

“I suppose it’s fair—as you said… I’ve seen you. Do you really wanna see your old aunt’s body hon? You’re half my age sweetie.” Sharon’s hands returned to Phil’s wrist, but this time her touch was light and uncertain. She provided just enough resistance to slow the rising shirt.

“To be honest Sharon, I’ve been curious since yesterday… after seeing you in that dress you had on. That was so evil of you to not wear a bra under a dress like that. I know I’m your nephew, but as you can clearly see, I’m also a grown man,” explained Phil playfully as he continued to lift his aunt’s nightshirt against faltering resistance.

The nightshirt soon passed over Sharon’s knees and thighs, revealing a pair of burgundy panties. Phil looked up to Sharon with a reassuring look on his face, letting her know that he was prepared to cross the line, and that she need only let it happen. I’m letting him do it? Why the fuck am I? He’s my nephew. God he smells so incredible, thought Sharon, her resolve crumbling to pieces.

Without any further fuss, Sharon lifted her canlı bahis siteleri arms, allowing her nephew to pull her nightshirt over her head. Phil cast her shirt aside on the floor below. Sharon sunk her head in shame and perched her hands against her nephew’s chest, her arms partially covering her bare breasts. Phil gently grasped his aunt by the forearms and lowered them to her sides, causing her heavy breasts to topple down and out. Phil let his eyes sink into her impressive tits for a moment. Fuck! They’re huge! Damn. They look pretty fucking good for her age. Wow! These are my aunt’s tits! She’s actually letting me see ’em! Is this really happening? Sharon stood quietly as Phil’s eyes fixated on her bosom.

“Wow, Sharon. It seems that your silhouette yesterday wasn’t telling any lies,” remarked Phil cheekily.

“Phil…” replied Sharon with a grin and a shrug. She peeped down again, her eyes now looking right down her nephew’s open cock-hole. It’s touching my belly. It’s so… so warm. Shit! What do I do now?! Sharon was almost entirely at the whim of her nephew.

“I’m serious. There’s a good reason why my…current condition remains unchanged,” said Phil, nodding downward. The pair peered down together as Phil pressed his cock against his aunt’s soft belly.

“Don’t do that with it Phil!” scoffed Sharon, pulling down at his arms.

“Ha-ha! I just wanted to see how that felt. Sorry. Well, I’m gonna grab some breakfast! Coming?” enquired the shameless nephew as he turned toward the door. Sharon watched as his cute, pale butt wriggled out into the hallway. What’s he doing? Does he really think it’s okay to just strut around naked now? Surely, he doesn’t expect me to do the same?! thought Sharon in astonishment. She grabbed her nightshirt, threw it back over her body and reluctantly followed Phil to the kitchen.

Chapter 4: What’s for Breakfast?

Sharon turned down the hallway and made her way to the dining room table as Phil—stark naked—rummaged through the refrigerator.

“Want some juice?” asked Phil, closing the door and turning toward the cupboards to seek out some glasses. Sharon noticed that her nephew’s cock was still erect. She watched as it it wobbled rigidly back and forth as he paced about the room. She was still coming to terms with his impressive size, her eyes now more able to review its proportions under the illumination of the morning light.

“Phil. Are you really going to just keep walking around the house like that?” questioned Sharon.

“Where’s the glasses and cups? Oh. Never mind. Found ’em.” Phil pretended not to hear his aunt. “Here you go,” he declared as he planted two tall glasses softly on the dining table and filled them to the brim with orange juice. Phil casually slid a glass across toward his aunt.

“Why’d you put your shirt back on? It feels so nice to walk around like this. You’ve got such a gorgeous body, I was looking forward to a special breakfast with you… but now—” Phil affected a look of comical disappointment on his face. “I really thought we could be nudists for a day!” Sharon simply looked back at Phil blankly and took a sip of her juice.

“Are you up for cooking your nephew some make bacon and eggs? I’m starving,” asked Phil.

“Okay,” replied Sharon flatly.

“Thanks! I’ll be in the living room. You’re the best.” Phil made his way to the living room and plonked his naked butt down on the couch, leaving his aunt to her cooking.

When Sharon finished up a single batch of bacon and eggs, she served it on a plate and then made her way into the living room. Phil was casually reclining on his side with a bent leg up, happily watching the morning news. His cock now rested limply across his inner thigh.

It looks so much smaller now. Such a difference, thought Sharon as she regarded her nephew’s flaccid penis. It now barely took up half the space it previously inhabited.

“Shall I set this on the table for you?” asked Sharon with breakfast in hand.

“Nah. It’s fine. I’ll take it here if that’s alright with you,” replied Phil, grasping the dinner plate from Sharon’s hands. He set it to rest by his waist on the sofa, grabbed the fork and began picking away at his food with one hand, keeping his eyes fixed to the TV. Sharon had no appetite, and so she elected to sit down on the sofa across from Phil. She retracted her feet up onto the sofa’s surface and folded her legs on their side, placing a hand down at her knee, and then peered over at Phil. He glanced back for a moment, but then returned his attention to the TV.

Phil could feel his aunt’s gaze flicking between the TV and his body. He noticed that she’d flinch and look away whenever he looked back at her. “I don’t mind you looking, Sharon. I just wish you’d join me,” announced Phil. Sharon cleared her throat and looked back at the TV.

Just have a good look at him. He’s so athletic; so fit; so handsome. He invited me to look. Why do I keep averting my eyes? reasoned Sharon. After the small internal pep talk she decided to have a good look at Phil as he reclined on her couch. Oh my god! It’s moving. He’s getting hard again!

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The Curse of the Carnival

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


This story is purely fictional, and it has a fantasy element. This is only the first chapter of the story, so. if people like the story I will post the rest of it.


Friday night was turning out to be a good night for Sean. He had just picked up his girlfriend Karen, and was now on his way to the new carnival in town. Sean always loved the carnival as a kid, but was wary of its strange people and their cons. Spending money at the game booths was just another expense of going to the carnival. Sean thought if you win something great, just don’t expect to. The scams were just another part of the carnival atmosphere.

At 19 standing only 5.7ft Sean was not an intimidating figure. His body was average but not anything special. Although he tried out for the football team, he was cut due to his lack of size and skill. He tried other sports, but when he met Karen all of his free time was devoted to her. They were both High School seniors, but Sean was a year older having repeated a year at Elementary School. Sean knew that after High School Karen would be going away to College, and his current financial situation hampered his opportunities.

Sean’s relationship with Karen was the best thing he had going for him at the time. Although they hadn’t had sex, Sean was content with the hand and blowjobs he frequently got. He never pushed sex on Karen so she was more then willing the give him a little taste of what she could do. Being from a strong religious family, Karen was posed to wait for marriage for the final step. This was hard for Sean to do, but he managed. Karen was the same height as Sean, but her breasts were quite large for her size. Karen was also known for wearing tight jeans to show off her nicely round ass.

Walking through the game booths Sean was looking for an easy game to win. He wanted to at least win something to give to Karen. He knew the odds of winning something good was bleak, but the little stuffed animals were within his capable means of winning. While searching for games his eyes were wandering more and more frequently to Karen’s chest. She wore a low top that revealed her deep cleavage. The odds of getting lucky tonight would increase if he could win a small gift.

As they searched the grounds for a game that Sean had a chance to win they came across a strange booth. A black sheet covered the booth with a slit cut in the middle for an entrance. The sheet had a crystal ball painted on it with the name Madame Josephine’s Tarot Readings. Karen’s eyes lit up as they passed the dark booth. Her attention was now focused on the inside of this covered booth. Looking at Karen, Sean knew that she was more interested in the physic then any stuffed animal he could ever win.

Karen turned towards Sean. “Hey, let’s go get a reading!”

Sean felt relieved as he was now off the hook for winning one of the futile games. “Sure, why not.”

As they both walked inside the small cramped booth, the sickening odour of incense was overpowering. Sean looked around and saw a young women sitting at a table shuffling cards. Black, and red candles dimly lighted the table. She looked in her early thirties and was quite attractive. Her flowing black hair was clearly down to the floor. Her dark eyes stared right into Sean’s. She wore a tight black dress with her ample cleavage showing.

“Please, sit down. You will have reading?” Her accent was so strong the two of them barely understood her.

Sean pulled out a chair for Karen to sit, while he eyed the physic’s obvious cleavage. After Karen sat down, Sean pulled the other chair out and sat next to her. The strange woman was now looking at Karen as she continued to shuffle.

“I do palm and tarot readings,” her eyes flickered between the pair. “So, who is having the reading?

Sean looked at Karen while he reached for his wallet. Karen responded softly, ” I am.”

As Sean pulled his wallet out he asked, “How much is this?”

The women never took her gaze off Karen cackled. “65 dollar tarot reading.” At that Sean responded by turning his head sharply towards Karen.

Sean whispered to Karen. “Uh, I don’t have that much money.” Sean knew that he had $70 on him, but there was no way he was going to waste that much money. “How much for the palm reading?”

The physic now stared directly into Sean’s eyes. Her forceful stare almost scared him. “$35 dollar for palm.” Her voice was that of disgust. She seemed to be agitated by the fact he could not afford, but her inquisitive stare seemed to sense a lie on Sean’s’ part.

Sean responded quickly. “OK, $35.” And reached into his wallet to get the money.

She reached across the table and took Karen’s hand. Karen slowly opened her hand so she could read it. The lady put her thumb in the middle of her hand and gently rubbed Karen’s palm with it, following the grooves and lines. She looked up to see Karen’s expression “You have nice hands. Your life will be fruitful with lots of love, and money; bahis firmaları but your current love will hurt you” She looked angrily at Sean. Ducking her head back down, she continued to stroke the palm with her thumb. “You life line also says you will live a long life. That is all I can tell.”

Sean had an angry look on his face. He could not believe how fake this reading was. Not only was her reading bullshit, it was only 20 seconds long. Karen still looked at the dark lady, with the impression the reading was not over yet. She was still naive to the fact she had just been ripped off. Sean anger got the best of him and he stood up abruptly and dropped a $5 on the table.

“This is all that was worth.” Sean’s face showed his discontent, and anger.

The lady shot back with her own stare, equally irate. “You pay more.”

Sean picked up Karen from her seat and motioned her to the exit. He stood over the Physic with anger in his voice. “Your bullshit was not even worth what I gave you, so put up with what you got.”

The lady hesitantly stood up to meet Sean’s stare. Her voice seemed to tremble when she spoke. “I curse you. I curse you to see pain where you have always saw pleasure. You will bring nothing but shame and harm to every woman you will meet. Love will be replaced by lust, and your misdeeds shall be present when the time comes.”

With those words the candles in the booth flickered and then went out. The whole place seemed to have an eerie chill throughout it. Sean took a step back and exited the booth with a quicker step. He never believed in the supernatural but never saw anything like that. He knew the Carnies used the smoke and mirrors ploy but never seen it up close.

He was so taken back he could not even speak to Karen when she asked. “What happened in there? She freaked me out. I think I want to go home now.”

It took a minute for Sean to respond to her question, but when he did all he could do his shrug his shoulders in disbelief, and blow off the whole situation. The pair walked away from the booth as quicker then they came. While back at the game booths, Sean looked over his shoulder to see the dark ladies booth for the last time. When he peered back at the booth it was no longer there. There was only an empty space there now. A creepy feeling now made Sean want to leave the carnival all together. Sean grabbed Karen by the arm a made a bee line for the exit.

Sean helped Karen into the car, and rushed to enter the car himself. While starting the car a strange sensation came over him. His face was flushed with excitement, as sweat beading on his forehead. He started his car, speeding from the carnival to take Karen home. The night had been a fucking disaster, and going home would hopefully end the tragedy before it got worse. The ride home was deathly silent the whole way home. Sean knew that Karen was uneasy about what happened, and some quiet time might help. As he drove along the uneasy feeling in Sean was getting worse. With all the excitement that happened, he felt an erection building. Knowing full well he had lost all chance of getting lucky tonight, masturbation was his only course of action now. This was no run of the mill erection though. It was now hurting as it tried to push out of his jeans. The awkward silence was finally broken when Sean pulled into Karen’s driveway.

“We’re here.” Sean mumbled.

Sean was used to walking Karen to her doorstep of her house. After the forth date he had gotten lazy, and stopped walking her to the front door. He was expecting only a kiss and for her to leave as she had done so many times before. Sean never really expected much from Karen, it was known throughout school she was waiting for marriage. That did not bother Sean as long as the blowjobs kept coming.

Karen did as he her expected to. She leaned over a planted one right on his lips. Instead of giving him a little peck, she opened her mouth wide and slipped her tongue inside his mouth. This felt great for Sean, but his erection was aching to be free. This make out session was going to hurt him more then pleasure him. He could not control his emotions for sex though. He knew that she would never give it up, and he never forced her, but the feeling inside was more uncontrollable then he had ever felt. With all the strength he could muster, he leaned his head back to break off the kiss.

The only thing that came to his head was sex. He had no other feelings other then sex. The words poured out of his mouth so fast he could not take them back. “You want to give me head?”

The reaction he was expecting was after tonight was no, but instead he saw her hands go for his jeans. Karen had popped the button on his jeans so quick Sean thought that she wanted this more then he did. He pushed the seat as far back as it could go, and watched as Karen pulled down his zipper to free his fully grown and painful manhood. He could feel his hard on throb like it never did before. He felt that his dick kaçak iddaa was different some how. Other then the pain of the erection, it felt somehow larger. When his jeans were finally down at his thighs he saw his dick clearly lifting his underwear straight up. He watched as Karen quickly pulled down his underwear to reveal a penis that looked a lot different then his own. He was never embarrassed about his size. Having a 6inch penis was not bad, but this thing between his legs was clearly over 11in and hurting to be milked. It looked larger then anything he had ever seen before on any other guy. The girth on his new cock was so impressive he thought Karen would run in fright. Sean wanted to know what had happened to his beloved cock, but all he could think about was Karen’s lips around his proud new dick.

Karen made no mention, or comment about the size of his new member. She eagerly took as much of it in her mouth as she could. She seemed to have trouble getting the whole thing in her mouth. She tried to deep throat it but she could not get in all in. She kept slobbering all over it as she glided her mouth down on it. Sean just watched in amazement as his girlfriend sucked on his dick, like she was some sort of porn star. All he could hear were the slobbering sounds her mouth was making as she tried to get the whole thing in her tiny little mouth. Sean loved the feeling of Karen’s soft lips on his cock, but his pain was still there. All his thoughts about the new found size was drowned out in the pleasure and pain of his girl sucking on his dick.

Sean could not turn his eyes off Karen sweet mouth as it wrapped around his new massive cock. Her head bounced up and down as she worked her tongue around his shaft. As she was moving her tongue around it, Sean felt his balls about to burst. The pain of his cock was forcing him to erupt his entire load

“I am going to cum soon.” Sean waited for Karen to move away, but she kept sucking.


With the last warning, Sean let loose his torrent stream of cum. Karen never moved her head while the gushing tide of cum filled her mouth. Sean never knew he could cum so much. He saw cum coming out the sides of her mouth as she tried in vain to swallow it all. She could not keep up with the massive load as it dribbled down her mouth. Karen kept his dick in her mouth though as she continued to gulp down all she could. She finally lifted her head when she was done. Instead of looking at Sean to see if he liked it, Karen moved her head downward. She went down again too lick up all the cum that had spilt out of her mouth. She smiled when she realized that there was no more juice to lick up; disappointed that there was no more left. She grinned widely, and looked at his amazed face. Karen quickly popped the car door and was about to get out when she turned her head back to look at Sean.

“I need to see you tomorrow: I need that in my pussy.” Her smile never left her face, even when she closed the car door and skipped up to her house.

Sean had never heard her talk like that. Sean always wanted to have sex with her, but knew she was waiting for marriage. Sean was more distracted but this offer then pleased. Karen had a reputation around the school as a prude, and never put out. This never bothered Sean or his close friends.

Sean realized the night was pretty much over and he headed back home. The exhaustion of the day would be drowned out in his snoring in his bed. Most of the ride home was consumed with how hard his dick had gotten and how painful it was trying to pop out of his jeans. While driving with this unconfutable hard on Sean’s attention was drifting to the notion Karen was going to put out. Sean pulled in his driveway and walked inside and headed for bed. His mind kept wandering to thoughts of Karen as he headed for his bedroom and for some much needed slumber. He stripped naked and jumped into bed, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

The morning came with full force lighting up the bedroom. Sean’s sleep was cut short by the sound of his curtains being drawn quickly open by his mother. The sudden glimpse of sunlight blinded him for a couple of moments while his eyes adjusted. The sounds of his mother Lynda waking him were not uncommon when he slept late.

“Rise and shine, its noon and you’re sleeping the day away.” His mom’s chipper voice was that of annoyance this morning. This wake up call especially was more of a problem than any other one.

Sean felt his penis become erect as soon as he woke up to his mothers voice. His raging member was clearly raising the sheets like a large tent. He quickly sat up on the bed to conceal his huge monster. While shifting his body to better hide his morning erection, the throbbing pain from the night before returned. Sean wanted to know the cause of this pain but taking a look while his mother was in the room hampered this action. Trying not to stare at his problem was becoming more difficult.

Sean kaçak bahis moved his legs around the bed while still sitting up. He used more of the blanket to hide his now fully engorged penis from his mother. He waited there; hinting for her to leave his room so he could get up. To his surprise, when he looked at his mother’s eyes they were fixated right on his engorged package. His attempt to hide this monster from his mother had failed and now she was fully aware of it.

Not knowing what to do, he stood up still holding much of the blanket around by his waist. This was another subtle hint for his mother to vacate his room. His blank stare now turned to a look of impatience for his mother. He was hoping that she did not see his manhood, but knew she must have seen something due to its size. Sean was confused by his mother not getting the hint to leave his room but was more concerned with why she would want to stay after waking him up. Sean finally got his wish and saw his mother look up at him and start to move.

Sean watched Lynda move away from the window right towards him. He kept the blanket steady at his waist as he expected a little peck on the cheek. To his surprise, his mother walked right over to him and stood right before him.

“What are you hiding from me? I have never seen you so nervous before.” Her stern voices now surprising Sean, making him jump a little.

His response was humble compared to hers. “Nothing, I am just waiting for you to leave….I need to get ready.”

Lynda then leaned over to his ear and whispered. ” Are you naked under there, and waiting for me to leave?”

Sean almost fell over when he heard his mother’s question. His mind was racing with questions, and he had the answer to none of them. Why would she want to know this, why is she so interested in me getting ready to leave? He just blurted out. “Yes I am, and could you please leave so I can get dressed.” This direct approach he thought would send her away for good.

Lynda took a step back and smiled. Her good-natured smirk was cut short when she responded to his last plea. “Good, now let me see what you got hiding under there.”

Sean could not believe what was happening to him. He just stared blankly at his mother in total amazement, and confusion of what was about to happen. He watched in disbelief as his mother walked over to him, and pushed him back on the bed. His body just flopped backward as his mothers force overcame his trembling legs. His urge to fight back was subdued by his need to relieve his massive erection. In his mind he knew this was so wrong but his body was telling him different. The pain and stress between his legs was too much to overcome. The notion of right and wrong was dulled out by the sense of sex. Sean’s urge to ejaculate to rid him of the pain overcame all obstacles of morality.

Sean always knew his mother was a hottie back in the day, but had never seen her as anything but a mother. Her 5.3ft frame held most of its former glory. She still retained her nice round ass, while her breasts got larger going from a C to a D cup. Her face showed signs of aging but that never stopped anyone from looking at her nice figure. Now this woman who he knew only as a mother seemed to be helping him relive the giant pressure in his balls.

The blanket was quickly swiped away without much of a struggle on Sean’s part. His mother now stood over his naked body staring at his large package with excitement. He could see the delight in his mother’s eyes as she studied his body. He just watched as his mother knelt down and started to stroke his cock. He looked at her eyes as he saw his mother smile with joy as she stroked his member up and down.

Sean felt his mothers loving hand stoke his giant dick. Lynda could not contain her love for her son’s pecker. “Your dick is so big! I have never seen a dick this big before!” Her face was glowing with anticipation of having his thick cock inside of her.

As she gently stroked his cock, Sean watched his mother rub herself with her other hand. As Sean leaned his head back to enjoy the feeling of his mother giving him a hand job, he felt her warm wet mouth cover the head of his dick. He lifted his head back up to see his mother struggling to swallow his whole member. Her wet mouth was going deeper then Karen’s the night before, but still she seemed to struggle to fit the whole thing in her mouth. Her tongue seemed to swirl around the head of his cock as her head bobbed up and down on his shaft.

Just as his mother was getting into the blowjob she abruptly stopped. She got up from her knees and reached down between her legs. She reached under her skirt and pulled down her panties. Sean could easily see her panties were covered in her cum. After pulling away her panties, Sean’s mom got up on to the bed and squatted right down on his rigid member.

All Sean could think about was the wetness the surrounded his cock. His mother impaled herself with his whole shaft. She was able to take the whole erect member inside of her. Sean could actually feel his penis hit something when it was all the way in. This did not deter his mother from moving up and down on his throbbing dick.

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Marriage Dilemma

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Authors Notes:

This story is based on a true experience when I was young and foolish. My moral compass was not very developed at that time and I regret some of the things that happened.

It occurred quite a while ago at a time when the United States was friendly with countries we later became unfriendly with. Immigration policies were not a hot a topic like they are today, but there were still rules and regulations, and it certainly wasn’t easy to get a green card.

I will not specify the specific country Jenna is from.


I felt like a wild dog finally released from it’s cage, I felt like I was going to burst out of my skin with excitement. Here I was in Austin, Texas having just turned 21 two weeks ago and very far from my small town Ohio roots. It was my first time truly on my own in a strange place. I had been responsible for making my own money and paying my own bills since I was 18, but this internship in my chosen field was the first taste I would have of what life after school would be like.

Through the intern office I had found a small furnished apartment near my new workplace that looked relatively new and had a nice pool. I had given myself a few days to unpack and get acquainted with the area. I arrived on Thursday and didn’t have to start work until Monday. After unpacking the few things in my car I changed into a swimsuit and went to check out the pool.

Given that it was Thursday afternoon the pool was pretty empty and I put my towel and lotion down on one of the chairs. I wasn’t used to the Texas heat yet so I jumped in and swam a bit to cool off. When I got out I saw that a chair near mine was now occupied by a gorgeous young woman.

She was about 5’5″ with tan skin, black hair, and a great build. I couldn’t see her eyes behind her sunglasses but she had dark red lipstick and her fingernails and toenails were also painted red. She was reading a magazine.

After returning to my chair I not-so-subtly watched her, I’m sure she could tell. Finally I introduced myself when she took a break from her reading to take a sip of water.

“Hi, my name is Mark. I just got into Austin today.”

“Nice to meet you. My name is Jenna”

Her voice was lovely and had an accent that I couldn’t place.

“So you just arrived in Austin? Where are you from?” She asked.

“Ohio.” I made sure to pronounce each syllable because for some reason people seem to confuse Ohio and Iowa. “I go to the university there and am here on a six month internship.”

We made small talk for awhile. She told me she was also a college student visiting from her country and would reluctantly have to return sometime next year. I really enjoyed our conversation and her beauty captivated me.

The following day I again went to the pool in the afternoon and she returned, this time sitting right next to me. I was surprised for a few reasons. First she was out of my league. I don’t consider myself a bad looking guy, I am 6’4″ and well toned, but definitely not a model. Second I was not an experienced player, no smooth talker, so my conversation skills were probably lacking. Third I was pretty naive coming from a very small farm town and I’m sure I had a wide-eyed look of wonder. “Country-boy” would be an appropriate description.

In any case we again had a nice talk. She seemed genuinely interested in me and very friendly. I found out she was recently married and her husband was also a student but that I would be unlikely to meet him because he was always doing work for his professor.

I was disappointed that she was married. I sensed that she was a bit older than me, but thoughts of marriage were far from my mind. I hadn’t had a girlfriend in six months and was looking for some casual summer fun.

Saturday the pool was more crowded and I met some guys. We were playing volleyball in the pool when Jenna came down. She got my attention, along with all the other guys in the pool, and asked where I was sitting. I told her and she pulled up a seat next to mine. The other guys were giving me envious looks and a few back slaps.

We again talked and were becoming more casual with our conversation. I asked about the country she was from. She said there were few opportunities there and she was dreading having to return, but she was on a student visa and it would expire the following year, also it looked like there would be very little chance of getting any kind of extension. She said her husband was in the same state.

I asked about her husband. She described him with respect, but without any words of affection, almost like you would describe a colleague. She said it was an arranged marriage which was common in her country, their parents were friends and had made the match.

“What about love?” I asked, then felt like maybe I was being too forward.

“Marriage for love is an American concept. For us marriage is about shared responsibilities, duty, and children.”

It sounded pretty cold to me. But what did I know.

Things went on like that for several weeks. I would illegal bahis see Jenna regularly at the pool on weekends or after work. I had a lot going on with other guys I had met and work activities, but we still saw each other enough that I felt a friendship was growing. I was also in lust with her and thought about her in my dreams too.


One day we were talking like we had been doing for a few weeks.

“Mark I want to propose something. I want to ask you something and I don’t want you to give me a quick answer. I want you to consider it carefully.”

I could see the serious look on her pretty face and wondered what it could be.

“Sure Jenna, what would you like to ask?”

“I want you to marry me.”

The look on my face would be laughable if the circumstances were different.

“Uhhhh, what? But … you’re already married.”

“In my country we are married, but here in the US we are not. I want you to marry me so that I can remain here after my student visa expires. We will remain married for a couple of years until I receive my citizenship, then we will separate. In return you can ask me for something.”

“So … you want me to marry you so that you can get your citizenship? What about your current husband? Are we going to move in together?” I didn’t even know his name and had never asked.

“We will only be married on paper. I will continue to live with my husband.”

“That’s a lot to ask Jenna!”

“I know it is. That’s why I want you to consider it and take your time.”


The next week I thought about her proposal on and off. I really was out of my depth. I ended up avoiding her as it felt weird.

Running it by my newfound friends didn’t help since they were as clueless as me. Some thought it was stupid to even consider it, while others thought I should ask her to be my sex slave, still others that I should ask for money. Given that she was a college student living in an apartment I doubted she had much money. I also doubted her husband would agree to her being my sex slave for two years. And I couldn’t think of anything else to ask for.

I came out of my apartment on my way to work one morning and found her standing there.

“I think I’ve made you uncomfortable.” She said and walked over taking my hand and looking into my eyes. At her touch I could feel my manhood stir, it had been a long time.

“Hi Jenna, I’m sorry. I’ve been considering your proposal, really.”

She moved even closer to me so that we were standing only inches apart. My stiffening cock had now escaped my briefs and was growing down my pant leg.

“If we are discreet maybe we can do things like this.” She said as she pulled me against her, touched my cheek with her free hand and leaned up toward me. I felt myself drawn to her. I closed my eyes and my lips touched her soft, full, red ones. My hand went behind her head and pulled her into a deeper kiss. She moaned as her mouth opened and I found her tongue. We probed each other’s mouths. My cock felt like it was ready to explode right there.

After what felt like a long time but was probably only a couple minutes she pulled away.

“Think about it.” She said with a smile. Then turned and walked away.


I didn’t see her until the following Saturday, then in the afternoon I was on the lookout and saw her begin to make her way to the pool. I caught up with her and asked if we could speak somewhere privately. She said to give her ten minutes and she would knock on my door.

She came into my apartment still in her swimsuit with a light cover thrown over her, looking amazing. She sat on the couch and I took a chair across from her.

“Jenna I’m still thinking, but I miss talking to you. And I can’t stop thinking about our kiss.”

She smiled. “I liked that too. But we must be careful, and my husband must never know.”

“I’m fine with that.”

She patted the cushion next to her. “Want to come sit here?”

She didn’t have to ask twice, I moved next to her. She didn’t say anything but she leaned toward me and the next thing I knew we were making out again.

My hands were in her hair and running over her legs and arms. We couldn’t get enough of each other. I let my hand cup one of her breasts and she moaned louder into my mouth. Taking that as a sign of approval I reached behind her and undid her top letting it fall.

Her breasts were beautiful and round with quarter size brown areolas and long hard nipples. I eased her back on the couch and took one, and then another breast into my mouth. As I kissed, sucked, and nipped she lay her head back and made sounds that showed me she was enjoying it.

I let my hand wander up her thigh. She spread her legs and let me put my hand on the outside of her bottoms over her slit. I could feel the wetness and heat. I began to rub gently up and down her slit as I continued to suckle her breasts. She was moaning and gasping as this continued to build. She placed her hand on the outside of my shorts and began rubbing illegal bahis siteleri my shaft through the fabric.

As I worked my hand and rubbed the top of her slit she used her free hand to guide more of her breast into my mouth. Finally she clamped her legs together around my hand locking it hard against her clit as she rolled her head back and came.


When she relaxed I pulled her against me and we kissed.

“I’ve never felt anything like that.” She said.


“In my country sex is about having babies, not enjoyment. I’ve never done anything like this with anyone.”

“But you’ve had sex with your husband, right?”

“Of course. But it’s … I don’t want to say anything to disrespect him. It’s just basic.”

I continued to look at her questioningly.

“I just lay forward and he takes me from behind. That is the only way we do it.” She looked down embarrassed. “I had better go soon. Please keep thinking about it.”

She went to the bathroom and cleaned up, then was gone again.


The following Wednesday I was leaving for dinner to meet a friend and she caught up with me carrying a laundry basket.

“My husband will be working again this Saturday. Can I stop by your apartment about 2pm?”

“Of course!”

She smiled and was off again.

The rest of the week I looked forward to Saturday. I refrained from relieving myself hoping that we would go further this next time. Looking back now I probably should have felt guilty for the husband or afraid he might find out, but at the time these thoughts didn’t cross my mind. Part of it was that I had never even seen the guy and the whole situation didn’t feel entirely real to me.

Saturday at 2pm I was anxious with anticipation. I had worn light clothes and made sure the apartment and myself were clean and tidy. I heard a knock at the door.

Jenna looked radiant as always as she stepped into my place wearing a summer dress. I pulled her into my arms and we kissed. After a few minutes I led her to the couch where we continued to make out and touch each other.

I knelt on the floor in front of her with my hands on her thighs.

“I want to show you something else you may have never tried.” I said.

I began to kiss my way up her inner thighs as I gently massaged her butt and rubbed my thumbs around her labia. As I worked my way higher she started to realize what I had planned. She helped me as I slipped her panties off.

Her pussy was inviting with dark outer lips surrounding her dark pink inner lips which were opening for me like a flower.

As I again worked my way up I could smell her arousal and see her wet lips awaiting me. Her hands went behind my head and started to pull me toward her desire.

I was no pro, but I had enough experience from prior girlfriends to know the rudiments of how to please a woman, and I was eager to do so. As I kissed her outer lips she moaned and pulled me against her. I ran my tongue up and down her wet slit and then into her. I tried to avoid her clit for the moment and I sucked and licked her bringing her higher and higher without pushing her over.

I slid a finger into her and probed her depths as I continue to work with my tongue. This went on for quite awhile and I loved hearing her enjoyment and tasting her juices.

“Please Mark, I can’t take much more.” She finally gasped.

I focused on her clit, licking and sucking the little nub. I let my wet finger from her pussy slide to her rosebud and began to rub the outside while I inserted the finger of my other hand back into her depths and rubbed her g-spot. She was rolling her hips and thrashing her head at this point. When I thought she was there I latched onto her clit with my mouth and slid one finger deep into her pussy and another finger into her ass.

Her thighs clamped against my head as she spasmed and let out a scream of pleasure. I kept up the assault while she rode the wave of her bliss.

When she finally relaxed she rolled onto the couch and put her hands to her face.

“I’ve NEVER felt anything like that! It was incredible. I almost fainted.”

“I’m glad you like it.” I grinned.

“Give me a minute and I want to give you pleasure too.”

We took a few minutes to relax. I went to the bathroom and washed up.


I stayed hard as a rock throughout all of this. I had quite a backlog in my balls. When we sat next to each other again she began undoing my shorts while we kissed. I helped her take them off. My cock was as hard as it had ever been and standing straight up.

She placed her hand around it and felt along its length.

“This is bigger than my husband’s”

She took her time getting to know it. Some pre-cum was forming at the tip, she leaned forward and licked it. Just the sight almost made me explode.

“Salty, but I like it.” She smiled at me. “I’m going to try but I’ve never done this before.”

She leaned forward and placed her soft lips against the tip, then took canlı bahis siteleri it into her hot wet mouth. I couldn’t suppress a groan. She pulled back and then licked the sides and bottom of my cock which felt amazing. Then took as much as she could into her mouth again.

“Suck just a little bit” I coaxed. “And look up at me.”

She did what I asked. I knew with all the excitement and my backpressure of waiting several days this wouldn’t last long.

“I’m going to cum soon.” I said hoarsely. “So if you don’t want it in your mouth you should stop when I say.”

She was bobbing her head. The look in her eyes was a mixture of lust and pride that she was able to do this to me.

“Okay!” I blurted.

Instead of pulling back she took as much into her mouth as she could and increased the suction.

“Arrrrrrrr!” I groaned as I shot a massive load down her throat. There were several follow up spurts, she swallowed them all then smiled at me.

I pulled her up next to me and we lay in each others arms.

When she left she asked if I’d like her to come by the following Saturday, and of course I agreed.


I was confused all week. I was developing strong feelings for Jenna. I knew part of it was the sex and her beauty, but part of it was her grace, poise, and intelligence. But she was married! It didn’t feel like it since I had never met the guy and we rarely talked about him. Hell, I respected her for not talking about him and keeping their life separate.

All week I again refrained from self-gratification in order to have more energy for Jenna. I had a feeling we would progress even further so I prepared with some supplies just in case.

The knock on my door Saturday ended my week of anticipation. Jenna again looked lovely and jumped into my arms. I wanted to take it slow and we hadn’t talked much in the past week so we sat down and conversed. As usual I really enjoyed talking with her.

Then we progressed to flirting and making out on the couch. When I suggested we go into the bedroom she rose and took my hand to lead the way.

We undressed as we kissed and touched each other. I had her sit on the edge of the bed while I licked her pussy. She sucked me and I rolled us into a 69 position which she seemed to really enjoy. I know I did when she came on my face followed shortly by me cumming in her mouth. We took a break where we cleaned up and talked.

Soon we started the second round. We worked each other back to a highly aroused state and I rolled her on top of me. I guided her so that her pussy lips were sitting on my cock and she could slide back and forth. We did this for awhile to our mutual enjoyment.

“I want you inside me.” She finally said.

“Let me get a condom.”

“No. It’s not my time of the month and I want to really feel you.”

“Guide me in. Then you can control it.”

She rocked a few more times along my shaft, then grabbed my cock and guided it into her opening. As she slowly sat back I could feel her walls stretch wide to accept me. It was so tight!

“Ohhhhhhh!” We both exclaimed.

After taking most of my cock she sat for a minute adjusting, then began to rock her hips. I played with her breasts and eventually she leaned forward to allow me to suckle them.

I could feel myself starting to build and she looked like she was right there too.

“I’m going to cum soon!” I blurted.

“Me too! Cum inside me!”

She rocked a few more times and I couldn’t hold back. I sprayed my seed into her which triggered an intense orgasm on her part.

Afterward we lay there kissing and enjoying the afterglow. Finally she had to leave.


The next day there was a knock on my door. When I opened it Jenna was standing there looking a little strained.

“Jenna, hi. Would you like to come in?”

“No.” She said quietly, and then more loudly “My husband would like to meet you.” She made eye gestures to indicate he might be nearby.

“I’ve told him about my proposal from many weeks ago and that since then I’ve seen you at the pool but you have yet to come to a decision. He was hoping you could come to dinner and we could discuss it further.”

I couldn’t tell if she wanted me to come or not. She definitely looked nervous. I figured it might be worse if I didn’t go than if I did.

“Of course. When would you like me to come?”

“Are you free tonight? How about 7pm?”

“I’ll see you then. Thank you.”

Now I had something to worry about. I hoped that Jenna was simply afraid I would mess things up and it wasn’t a breakdown on her part. The reality of having a husband involved started to enter my conscious mind.

At 7pm I knocked on Jenna’s door. It was opened by the man who must be Jenna’s husband.

“Hi I’m Mark. Jenna invited me to dinner.” I extended my hand.

“Nice to finally meet you Mark, my name is Roland. Please come in.”

Roland had a firm handshake. For some reason he looked more obviously foreign than Jenna. He had thick dark hair and a short dark beard. His skin was also dark as were his eyes. HIs nose was a little more pronounced and his mouth a little wider than usual. He was about 5’7″ tall and a little pudgy. I noticed he was checking me over as much as I was eyeing him.

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Mark and Tracy

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Mark pulled the rental car into the entrance of the parking garage on a gorgeous Saturday morning and instantly noticed the cold emptiness of the concrete structure. “Everyone must be having fun on such a great day; not going into the office like me!” He said to himself. He did notice a few cars here and there, but nothing like during the week. He had been in town for the past week working on a consulting project. He had been putting in long hours, but still knew that he would likely be calling the hotel room home for a bit longer. With nothing better to do, and no one to do anything with, he decided to go into the office for a bit and get some research done.

As Mark stepped from the elevator he was greeted by the sea of cubicles that made up the work floor that his interim office was located. It was silent. He had to admit he sort of liked the solitude. He flipped on the light in his office, and turned on the computer. He checked a few sites and answered a few emails. He pulled his iPod out of his briefcase and plugged the headphones into his ears. As the music pulled him into its oblivion, he sank deeper and deeper into the reports and spreadsheets that he would need for his next meeting. He forgot all about the gorgeous sunny day outside.

When he looked at his watch, over two hours had passed. He realized he was a bit hungry, and needed to stretch a bit. He set his iPod on the desk and stood up. When he got to the door, he thought he heard the faint sounds of music coming from the floor. He walked towards the sound and turned the corner into the aisle where it seemed to be coming from. There was someone else there after all. When he walked up to the desk, she just about jumped out of her skin. There before his was a very attractive woman. He had noticed her several times throughout the week. Every time he had seen her, she had been wearing a blouse and a straight skirt. Of course, heels. He loved heels. He remembered her reddish brown hair, and the way her curves filled out the blouse and skirt. From what he could tell, she had what appeared to be great legs. This time she was wearing jeans and a soft sweater, but her curves were still filling them quite nicely. Her hair was down today, and it fell in soft curls on her shoulders. He liked it a lot.

“Hi, I thought I was the only one in the office today. I’m Mark, by the way.” He said with a smile and extended his hand.

“Hi, I’m Tracy. You scared the crap out of me! I’m sorry, I didn’t disturb you did I? “She replied as she struggled to catch her breath.

“No, not at all, and I’m sorry that I startled you…” Mark said with a smile, “I was thinking about getting something to eat, are you hungry Tracy?”

“That would be great! I’m starved!” She said brightly.

They decided to get Chinese delivery. As they went down to the lobby to wait for it, and then went into Mark’s office to eat, they chatted about everything and nothing. Apparently Tracy was divorced and just slightly younger than Mark’s mid 40 years. Other than to state that yes, he was married; Mark didn’t talk about his personal life in that respect. Tracy was very animated when she spoke to him and had the most gorgeous eyes he had ever seen. When she wasn’t looking he would glance at her body. She was tall enough, but she appeared soft, gentle, and he found himself thinking about how warm she must be as well.

Before the two knew it, it was late in the afternoon, and it was time to go. Mark told Tracy he would walk her to the garage, to make sure she was okay, and she smiled and told him how much she appreciated that.

“Hey, what are doing tonight?” She asked him as they approached her car.

“Nothing, why?” he replied. Tracy explained that she was planning to go out later that evening, and would he like to go too. She told him to follow her, and he could “hangout” at her place for a bit. They could go out from there; she lived not too far from there. He agreed, and smiled as he got his car and met up with Tracy in order to follow her. It appeared his day may turn out for the better after all. At least he wouldn’t be spending his Saturday night in his hotel room, alone.

Tracy’s apartment was small, but spacious. She didn’t have a lot of furniture, but what she had was comfortable and inviting. She set her keys and purse on the counter and asked Mark if he wanted something to drink. He agreed to a beer, and Tracy turned on the stereo as she entered the living area and handed Mark his beer. She opened the sliding door, and invited him onto the balcony, to sit and enjoy their beers together. Mark thought to himself that he couldn’t remember when he had been able to talk so comfortably with anyone, let alone a woman.

A couple of hours and several beers illegal bahis later, and Tracy jumped up and said she was going to get ready to go out. She asked Mark to make himself at home while she got ready, and assured him it wouldn’t take too long. A few minutes later he heard the shower running. He got up and walked around the living room. He looked at the pictures on her tables and the walls, and the refrigerator door. Tracy appeared to be fairly active. Most of the pictures were of her with friends. She was always smiling, like she was always having a good time. The more Mark thought about it, the more fascinated he was by her. He walked around more, shaking his head from time to time, trying to shake the image of those soft curves in the shower, and was failing miserably. He felt at home in her place. It was comfortable; warm, just like Tracy.

A few minutes later, as she had predicted, Tracy came bouncing out of her bedroom, ready to go. She was wearing snug jeans, an undershirt, and a snug soft sweater. To top it off, she completed her outfit with a pair of platform shoes. Mark swallowed hard. He thought maybe it wasn’t such a good idea that he spend the evening with this woman after all, but it was too late to back out. He went into the bathroom to freshen up and then they would leave.

When he walked in to the bathroom and closed the door, he glanced around and took in all of Tracy’s things scattered about the counter. Her bathrobe hung from a hook on the back of the door, and Mark couldn’t resist pressing his nose to it and breathing deeply. GOD it smelled like her… Not that he had gotten that close to her, but his nose had received the pleasure of a glimmer of her scent as she passed him throughout the day. He let go and stepped away quickly as the notion of discovering her true “aroma” entered his head. He splashed some water on his face and took a quick mouthful of mouthwash and swished. He ran his fingers through his hair, and decided he was ready to go.

Tracy informed Mark that she would drive, if he didn’t mind, and he agreed. They traveled the mile or so to the area where the bar was located, and she parked in a parking garage. They walked a couple of blocks and Mark noticed that there were many bars lining up and down the street. It was like this area came alive at night. There were scatterings of office buildings here and there, but he had no idea that this type of nightlife existed in this city. If he had, maybe his hotel room would have been a bit less inhabited.

As they approached the bar, loud music flooded out into the street. Mark had not been in this type of establishment for quite awhile, and wasn’t sure what to expect. He stayed close behind Tracy, and they walked inside. It appeared that Tracy frequented this place on occasion, as a few of the patrons knew her. She pushed her way to the bar and ordered a couple of beers and Mark stayed to the back, near the wall. Off to the side was a DJ, and quite a few people were dancing. Tracy returned to Mark’s side and talking was extremely difficult; even yelling was a chore. Tracy was swaying and twisting to the music and Mark could tell she really wanted to dance. He told her to go right ahead, and that he would hold her beer. He got a huge grin on her face and blew him a kiss and was off. Mark simply leaned against the wall and watched the crowd.

As he scanned the crowd, he noticed more than a few attractive women, noticing HIM. When he smiled and blushed a bit, it only seemed to entice them more. The majority of them flirted openly with him, and he was enjoying himself immensely. That was when he noticed Tracy. She was dancing between three, what appeared to be younger men. Her arms were raised above her head and she had her head tilted back slightly.

She seemed totally oblivious to the three men who were doing their damnedest to get close to her. They pressed themselves to her and Mark simply watched her hips moving; her luscious round breasts and ripe ass pressing against their eager bodies. Mark realized how incredibly hard his cock had become watching this. He took a long swallow of his beer. His attention was no longer averted by the women trying to capture his attention in some way or form; it was futile. Tracy had his attention, all of it. Two more songs, and his cock was now throbbing in perfect unison with the gyration of her hips. The music stopped, and she made her way through the crowd to return to him. As she approached, Mark could see the droplets of sweat that had gathered at her hairline, and also at the swell between her breasts. He wanted very badly to place his tongue at that swell, and taste her. It must have been in his eyes, because Tracy got close to him and asked if he was okay. He nodded and smiled, illegal bahis siteleri but just then, someone swept by, and Tracy was shoved full on to Mark, her body pressed tightly to him. He was embarrassed, for surely she could feel the extent of his hard on. She was polite and didn’t seem to notice, but did ask if he wanted to go outside. He graciously agreed.

The cool night air was a refreshing change from the heat of the club. Tracy asked Mark if he wanted to stay or was he ready to go. He was content to leave the decision up to her, and she said she was ready to go. He of course, had to go back to her place, as that was where he had left his car. The two headed to the parking garage.

When they reached the floor where the car was parked, Tracy went to the edge of the garage and peered over the side. Mark stayed back a bit, puzzled, and Tracy motioned for him to come closer. She placed her finger over her lips and told his to Shhhh… when Mark got closer, conspicuously in the corner, Tracy huddled against the wall, and was looking down. When Mark got closer, she pulled him very close to her in order to fit in the space, and she pointed to a lower level, in a building across the alley. As Mark followed the direction of her pointed finger, he saw a couple, in an apartment, in what appeared to be a “compromising position”.

The man, sprawled out on what appeared to be a futon, with a blonde kneeling in front of him, sucking his cock. He had his head back, and his hand tangled in her long hair, pressing her head harder. Mark didn’t know what to say. He was mesmerized. He watched the blonde’s head rise and fall between the lucky bastard’s legs, faster and faster; and Mark’s knees all but buckled. He heard Tracy’s breathing become more and more rapid, and he didn’t dare look at her; he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to control himself. Just when Mark didn’t think it could get any worse, the man on the futon pushed the blonde off of him and she got on all fours. He took his place behind her, and entered her, what appeared to be quite deeply. He watched as her breasts bounced as his body pounded her; the blonde’s fingers expertly dancing between her legs, to help him along. The groan that escaped Tracy was his undoing.

Mark turned to Tracy and kissed her, hard. She kissed him back, with just as much enthusiasm; her fingers on each side of his head, holding him there. Her tongue entered his mouth and sought his; while licking and sucking his lips. All he could think of was how badly he wanted her right then, and how hard his cock was. Tracy reached down, almost instinctively, and wrapped her hand around the bulge in his jeans. This time he groaned, when she squeezed gently. “Let’s get outta here!” she said huskily, and all Mark could do was agree; wholeheartedly.

The ride to Tracy’s apartment was the longest quick ride in history; for Mark at least. Tracy seemed to make the blocks and curves at warp speed, trying to get home faster. When she pulled up in front of her building, she looked over at Mark and glanced down at the still present bulge in his jeans, and then back into his eyes with a devouring look. He smiled at her a little, and she said, “Race ya!” and leapt out of the car. Mark jumped out of the car as well, and was right behind her. He let her win partly because he wanted to watch her ass move as her hips rolled in her attempt to get there faster while wearing those heels, and the other reason was because his cock was so hard it hurt to move.

Tracy fumbled with the keys a bit, but then finally opened the door. Mark wasn’t sure where he should go, but it was okay because Tracy took the lead. She pressed him against the door and pressed herself to him as she kissed him again very deeply. The built up desire got the better of Mark’s judgment, and he made a fist in her hair and turned her around, so that now she was pressed against the door, with one of his thighs pressed between hers.

“I want you Tracy…” he whispered throatily to her.

Her response was a deep sigh/whimper, and she said, “yess…pleaassee”

She took his hand and pulled him to the couch. She pressed his shoulders so that he was seated at which time she knelt in front of him. Dear God…she was going to recreate the scene at the garage… Mark watched her, fascinated, as she slowly unzipped his jeans. Her eyes never left his. Her warm hand slowly and expertly slid inside his boxers and gently freed his aching cock. It was then that she averted her eyes, to admire her “prize”. She wrapped first one, then the other of her warm hands around his heat, her thumbs teasing the silky and what was now, dripping, head. Her thumbs glided over the sticky substance, swirling and rubbing, and thoroughly enjoying the canlı bahis siteleri pulsing that was the reaction. A wicked smirk crossed Tracy’s lips and she bent to taste him. The wet heat of her tongue on the pounding head of his cock made him swoon. He rested his head on the back of the couch and groaned deeply.

This only served to encourage Tracy further. Her hands gripped tighter around the base of his cock, and she slid her mouth very slowly over the head and down the shaft. All Mark could do was watch. He watched her swallow him, the length of him, over and over, faster and faster. Each time it seemed to intensify. She coaxed him to lower his body a bit and she began to stroke his balls and perineum. He was becoming lightheaded. She pressed a warm finger to the tight pucker of his ass, and applied more pressure to the underside of his cock with her tongue. He couldn’t hold back any longer. He felt it coming, he wanted to stop, to wait, but part of him just didn’t want to. She knew it was coming too, and if Mark would have had the capacity to think about it just then he would have realized that it was that which made him explode. She wanted him to cum for her; in her mouth. All of the desire he felt throughout the day culminated at that very moment, pulling from his entire being, and settled in his cock. He exploded with such force, he though he would pass out. Wave upon wave struck him, pounded him, until he was completely empty.

He stopped Tracy, as he had become very sensitive and needed to stop for a moment. Tracy could see the lust in his eyes, and it was so intense it caused her to back up a bit. Mark sat upright, and pulled off the remainder of his clothes, and then set about to be certain that Tracy matched. His hands were swift as they grabbed and undressed her with such ease; she barely felt the touch as he exposed her ready flesh. When she was naked before him, she smiled at him. He looked at her hungrily, and she spread her knees wide, so that her legs fell open and she was exposed to him. He pressed her back and didn’t waste time with false pretenses. He placed his hands on her inner thighs and set about to bury his tongue into her hot wet flesh. His tongue pressed roughly to her throbbing folds, wet with her nectar. He rolled his tongue in wide circles, each stroke harder and faster, and soon, her hips rolled and pressed, urging him to go deeper. Her hands were digging and clawing into the carpet and she was breathing very rapidly. Whimpers and moans were all the sounds she could muster. Mark didn’t wager she could form words if she had to. He knew, he had been in that state, just moments before. He pressed two fingers to the softness of her core and entered her, roughly. Her flesh gripped his fingers, and he began to pump her with his fingers as his tongue relentlessly stirred all of her nerves into a crescendo. Her legs were twitching and she was trembling. All of a sudden the waves took her over, and she let out a wail as her back arched and body tensed. Her fingers tangled in his hair, and she urged him to press harder. Her sweetness intoxicated him, and her fragrance filled his senses.

When the waves subsided a bit, as she struggled to catch her breath, she sat up a bit and looked him square in the eyes. “Please fuck me…” She growled at him. With the activity that his tongue had just experienced, his cock was ready and eager for more. Tracy glanced down and noticed this. She raised her leg, moved it over his head, and took her place in front of him, with her back to him, on her knees in front of the couch. Mark got to his knees behind her and pressed her forward so that her chest was on the couch. He spread her legs a bit wider and pulled her hips outward a bit. He placed the head of his again pulsing cock at her entrance and when she felt it, slid onto him. Her velvet softness gripped and squeezed him. It rivaled her mouth, as it had been earlier. He wasted no time in thrusting into her with swift, hard movements, only to be matched by her hungry response. Soon her body seemed to be bouncing off of his thrusts. Harder and deeper he thrust into her. She straightened her back, so that she was closer to his body, and as he wrapped his hand around her throat, she slid her hand around the back of his head. He could feel it in the back of his thighs, and she could feel it on her inner thighs… What should have been no surprise definitely was as they both started to cum again, with what seemed to be both of them at one point struggling to stay upright as the intensity overtook them completely. Over and over it churned them, each keeping the momentum for the other until both were spent, and they collapsed together onto the floor.

As they lay, gasping for air, bodies moist with sweat and cum, neither one wanted to break the semi-silence. “Please spend the night Mark…” Tracy asked quietly.

“Gladly!” he replied. No words were necessary, but they both knew that what had been a good day was going to be a long but fabulous night…

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Marine Training

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While attending the Sergeants’ Course for Marines in Okinawa, Japan, my class spent a little time in the field in order to learn weapons systems and to set up rear area security defenses. We were each split up into teams of two and were given our locations to dig our foxholes. I was paired up with a young lady who looked as though she should be a Playboy model rather than a Marine. Jasmine was about 5′, 6″ well tanned, and had long light brown hair that was put nicely into a bun in accordance with Marine regulations.

Even while she was wearing her utilities, you could see her lovely shaved breasts and hips. During the entire morning and part of the afternoon, we dug our foxhole, making small talk, much of it having sexual undertones. I could hardly keep from staring at her luscious lips the entire time as she constantly was licking her lips as she worked.

Finally, we finished digging our foxholes and settled in with our rifles and gear and proceeded to eat our MREs. Soon it grew dark and we began to get sleepy from the days work, and we were getting cold, as it was only early February. I suggested that perhaps we cuddle up together under our poncho liners so as to keep warm. illegal bahis She readily agreed. Just having her so close to me gave me a raging hard on which she couldn’t help but notice because it was pressing into the small of her back.

After about ten minutes of my prick stabbing her in the back through both our uniforms, Jasmine rolled over and faced me, and came right out with her question. “You want to fuck?” I must say I was rather surprised to hear this drop dead gorgeous ask me quite plainly if I wanted to fuck. Not that I’m ugly, but I’m usually considered a little odd so have a hard time keeping the attention of good looking woman. I wasn’t about to screw things up now by saying something stupid, so I simply replied, “Been wanting too all day.”

It took no more encouragement than that. Jasmine simply shuffled down to my trousers, released my raging hard on and proceeded to swallow the whole thing. I let out a moan and she stopped sucking my cock long enough to remind me that there were others in foxholes not far from our location. I simply grunted and she proceeded in giving me the best blowjob in my life. Just when I thought I was going to nut, she stopped and ripped off illegal bahis siteleri her blouse and T-shirt. To my amazement, she wasn’t wearing a bra! I could see clearly in the light from the full moon her perfectly shaped breasts. They had to be the most beautiful 36D’s I had ever seen.

I took one of her melons into my mouth and the other into one hand while attempting to unbutton her trousers. She let out a gasp as the cool breeze blew across her nipples, making them taut as could be. I slid a hand into her panties to find she was soak and wet. Barely had I slid a finger into her nicely trimmed bush when she had her first orgasm. The possibility of being caught by a fellow classmate or worse yet, our instructors, gave us a sense of urgency, so I pull her trousers down and she spread her legs exposing her tight little cunt and ass. I dove right in and proceeded to lick her pussy. She moaned and began squirming around. This time it was me that had to give the reminding that others were near. She didn’t care though. She just kept moaning away as I licked her clit and fingered her pussy. “Oh, fuck yes, finger my pussy harder, oh my fucking god I’m cumming!!!” She arched her back canlı bahis siteleri and bucked her hips so much as she came that I had to maintain a firm grip in order to lap up my reward.

As she began to settle down from her climax, she reached for my cock. I gladly followed it as she led it to her sopping wet pussy. As I slid the tip inside her, I let out my own moan and she pulled my lips to hers and kissed my passionately as I drove my cock home. She broke the kiss and hissed, “Now, fuck me, now!!!” Using long even strokes, I began to her tight little pussy, but she wouldn’t have it. “You’re just teasing me. Do me hard and fast!”

Gladly obliging her wishes, I began to piston my cock in and out of her dripping cunt. “That’s it, baby, fuck me hard. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeeeeeeeee!” My pecker was now literally a blur as I pounded my cock in and out of her pussy until my whole body tensed up and I began to empty my nut deep inside her tight little pussy before finally collapsing onto of her.

We had no more than finished getting our clothes back on and settled back into our foxhole when a Marine from the next foxhole over came up on us. “Hey, man, Teach told me to relay the message that once you two have finished telling the enemy our location, you can pull back 500 feet and dig yourselves another foxhole. Jasmine and I exchanged looks and then in unison said, “We’re not finished!” then began to strip down again.

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The Eros Project Ch. 06

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This is a lighthearted and not very serious attempt to explain why all the characters in my stories have big tits and big dicks.

As with all my stuff, this will feature large breasted women having sex with big dicked men with plenty of anal and cumshots. Consider this your warning about the content so don’t bother complaining about yet another story on Literotica featuring huge tits and dicks — if that isn’t your thing, then stop reading now and leave the rest of us to enjoy ourselves.

As always, everyone is 18 or over.

† † † † †

“So, mom — you’re not — uuhhnn — mad about me — ahhh — finding out about — mmmmm– the Eros Project?” Luke gasped.

“Mmmmmm — what do you think?” Vicky asked, looking up at him. She knelt on the floor in front of him, between his spread legs, as he sat on the sofa, holding his big, hard cock in one hand as she sucked on the flared, bulbous knob.

“God, that looks so fucking hot,” Angela said from beside her nephew, watching her sister suck her own son’s cock. She kissed Luke, purring as she felt him grope at her huge tits. She reached down and stroked the long length of his shaft, jerking him with her sister as Vicky sucked his cockhead.

After getting back to Vicky’s house, the two horny sisters had planned to wait for Angela’s son Mark to arrive but after the session they had had with the Professor and his daughter Charlene, they had been too impatient.

Telling Luke they knew about the Eros Project, the two stacked and horny MILFs had pounced on him, happily finding him all too willing to let them have their way with him. After the three of them had stripped off in seconds flat, Vicky had once more wrapped her lips around her son’s cock as her sister watched.

“Luke, baby,” Angela said, “can Auntie have a turn with your cock?”

“Oh God, yeah!” Luke moaned.

Angela slid off the sofa and knelt beside his leg, her huge tits resting on his thigh. Vicky took her mouth off his cock and held it out to her sister, grinning as Angela closed her eyes and slipped her lips over the big head of her nephew’s prick. She bobbed her head back and fore, taking a few more inches each time until she felt it hit the back if her throat — and kept going, forcing herself on to the big, rubbery knob, making herself gag.

“GLUKKK! GLUKKK! GGAAACKKKK!” The sounds of her wet, sloppy blowjob filled the room as Vicky watched her sister cram Luke’s big cock into her throat. Angela came up for air eventually and spat a big wad of saliva back on to Luke’s knob before angling his cock towards his mother. Vicky took the hint and wrapped her massive jugs around Luke’s shaft, her sister’s spit lubricating the titfuck.

“Are you watching, Luke?” Angela asked. “Are you watching your big dick fucking your Mommy’s big — fucking — tits?” Luke nodded enthusiastically. “You know how naughty this is, don’t you? Doing these sexy, nasty things with your Mommy and Auntie?” Luke nodded again. “And I bet you want to do more, don’t you? I bet you want Mommy and Auntie to do more with each other, don’t you?”

Without waiting for an answer, Angela leaned in and kissed her sister, the pair of them making a big show of it, lashing their tongues around each other’s, breaking apart slightly and licking at their lips.

“Fuck yeah!” Luke moaned, watching his mother and aunt make out with each other.

“You like that, baby?” Vicky asked him. “You like your slutty Mommy making out with your slutty Auntie?”

“Fuck yeah!” Luke said again with a big grin.

“How about this?” Angela asked. She gently pushed her sister back, away from the sofa, Luke’s dick slipping free of his mom’s tits, forcing her on to the soft living room rug. Vicky happily laid back, spreading her legs as she did, her sister eagerly crawling between them and feasting on her pussy.

“Oh my God,” Luke sighed, stroking his cock as he watched the incestuous lesbian show in front of him.

Vicky grabbed at her own tits, pinching her nipples as she felt her sister’s tongue slip along the juicy, plump lips of her cunt, Angela delicately sucking on her clit for a moment before thrusting her tongue as far up her sister’s pussy as she could.

“Fuck yes — ahhh — eat me, sis,” she moaned. “Eat my pussy!”

Excitedly, Angela slid her tongue up and down Vicky’s juicy twat, hungrily slurping up the pussy cream from her sister’s tight cunt. Angela moved her hands up, peeling open her pussy lips and thrusting her tongue deep inside Vicky’s pussy, pushing in as far as she could.

“Uuhhnnnnn — suck me!” Vicky gasped, her mind spinning with the thought of her sister eating her out while her son watched. She reached down and clutched Angela’s head in both hands, thrusting her hips up to meet her sister’s tongue lashing. “Fuuuuckkkk — lick it — uuhnnn — fuck, you’re making my pussy — uuhnnnn — feel so good!”

Angela darted her tongue in and out of her sister’s sopping pussy, Vicky moving her hips faster. Angela slipped her tongue up and on to her clit, Vicky göztepe escort shaking as waves of pleasure rippled through her body, intensifying as Angela gently sucked on her clit.

“Hhahhhhhh — fuuuuuckkkk!” Vicky sighed, looking down between her huge tits at her sister eating her cunt. “Please — hhunnnnn — fingers!” she gasped. “Make me cummmmmm!”

Angela slid two fingers deep into her sister’s twat, sliding them in and out, finger fucking her horny sister while she sucked on her clit.

“Oh fuck — fuuuuckkk — cummmming!” Vicky cried, holding her sister’s head at her crotch, though Angela had no plan to move at that moment. “Uhhhhnnn — eat my horny fucking pussy! Cummmmminnnnggg!” she cried.

Vicky’s pussy spasmed around her sister’s fingers, her oily cunt cream hot on Angela’s tongue as she continued eating and fingering her throughout her orgasm, not letting up for a second as her busty, slutty sister came hard on her mouth.

Vicky eventually collapsed back on to the rug, gasping for breath as Angela climbed up her body, their big tits squashing against each other as they kissed, Vicky tasting herself on her sister’s lips.

“Well that was a hell of a show!”

All three of them turned to the speaker, and saw Mark — Angela’s son — smiling at them. He said hi to Luke, as though finding his cousin jerking off to their mothers’ lesbian lovemaking was a regular occurrence.

“Mmmmmm, hi baby,” his mother purred as she knelt up, pawing at her huge tits. “You got my message, then?”

“Yeah, mom,” Mark said with a grin. “Though I’m disappointed you started without me.” He walked over to his mother as she beckoned him closer.

“Let’s see if Mommy can’t make it up to you, then,” Angela said, reaching for his jeans button and zipper.

In one move, Angela pushed Mark’s jeans and boxer short down to his ankles, his heavy, half-hard cock springing free, rising up even as she looked at it, licking her lips.

“Mmmmm — is that all for Mommy?” she asked, taking hold of the thick root of her son’s fuck meat and holding it out, looking up at him as she slid her lips over the big knob.

“Yeah, mom,” Mark sighed, “all yours.”

He watched his mother suck lovingly on his big prick, sliding her mouth back and forth along the swelling shaft, coating it in spit, her hand jacking what she couldn’t fit between her lips. Vicky knelt up beside them, smiling up at her nephew.

“Hi honey,” she said. “I’ve heard all about you and your mom being naughty together — do you want to be naughty with me, too?”

“Hell yeah!” Mark said.

“Move over, sis,” Vicky said. “Let Auntie Vicky suck her nephew’s big cock,”

Angela slid her mouth of her son’s dick a little reluctantly but held it out for her sister, watching as Vicky eagerly swallowed as much of his prick as she could. She looked over at Luke who still sat on the sofa, stroking his own cock, and beckoned him over.

Luke jumped up and watched his aunt eagerly swallow the big head of his cock once more, cramming as much of his meaty shaft into her mouth as she could. He and Mark stood next to each other, grinning in disbelief as their horny mothers sucked on their cocks.

“Man, I told you this would happen,” Luke laughed.

“I have never been happier — aahhhhh — to be wrong,” Mark said, watching his aunt bob her head back and forth along the length of his prick. He reached down and gently groped at his aunt’s huge jugs. “Aunt Vicky? I’d really like to titfuck you right now,” he said.

She let his dick go for a moment and pointed to the sofa. “Sit your ass down, then,” she said. Once he was sat down, she knelt between his legs and wrapped her massive orbs around his big cock, sliding her tits up and down his length.

“Fuck — that feels so good,” he sighed, watching his busty aunt move her huge tits along his cock.

Not to be outdone, Angela pushed Luke back on to the sofa next to his cousin, before settling herself in between his legs. Following her sister’s lead, she gathered up her enormous tits and enveloped Luke’s thick shaft, the head popping out from her cleavage.

“You like big tits, don’t you, honey?” she asked him, her mounds sliding up and down his prick.

“Hell, yeah!” he said.

“That’s just as well, cause me and your mom are going to want these big dicks of you and your cousin between our tits on a regular basis from now on. Ain’t that right, sis?” she asked Vicky.

“Mm-hmm,” Vicky mumbled in agreement, her mouth full of Mark’s cock.

“Anywhere else you want our dicks, Auntie?” Luke asked.

Angela gave his cock head a last kiss before climbing up on to his lap, straddling him. As he filled his hands with her huge tits and began kissing and sucking at them, she reached down and took hold of his cock again, this time aiming it at her juicy twat.

“Mmmm yeah — that’s what Auntie wants,” Angela sighed as she slid her tight pussy down Luke’s big cock. Inch after inch of her nephew’s thick shaft slid inside kurtköy escort her wet, clasping hole as he greedily sucked on her huge mounds, his hands over flowing with her tit flesh. As she finally reached the bottom of his length, she ground her pussy against his pelvis, making sure every bit of his cock was embedded in her. “Ahhhhhhh — yeahhhhh — such a big cock for Auntie,” she sighed.

She felt the sofa move beside her and glanced over to see her sister climbing on to Mark’s big prick.

“Can’t let your mom have all the fun,” Vicky said to her nephew as she positioned the head of his cock at the entrance to her pussy. She slowly moved down, taking his massive length up her cunt, the combination of her juices and the spit from her sloppy blowjob easing the way.

Just like his cousin, Mark grabbed hold of the busty MILF’s huge tits and sucked on them, moving from one hard, red bud to the other.

“Fuck me — aahhhhahhh — fuck me — like you fuck your mom!” Vicky moaned as she started to ride Mark’s big prick.

“You like fucking — mmmmmm — your Aunties, boys?” Angela gasped, getting some affirmative grunts and gasps as replies. “Good — aahhhhhhh — cos we’ll be doing this — aahhhhhh — a lot more from now on.”

“God, I love your big cock,” Vicky sighed as she slid her pussy up and down her nephew’s throbbing prick. He mumbled something, his mouth still full of her huge tits, loving the feel of them in his hands as he finally fucked his busty aunt. “Uuuhnnnn — big fucking cock — hmmmmm — right up Auntie’s cunt!”

“How lucky — uuhhnn — are we, sis?” Angela asked from beside her, riding her own nephew’s cock. “Two big dicks — uuhnnnnn — to share!”

The sisters leaned across towards each other and kissed as their nephews stuffed their thick, throbbing shafts up their pussies.

Vicky squealed in delight as she felt Mark grab her ass cheeks in both hands and begin fucking her with longer, faster strokes, the bulbous head of his knob feeling like it was banging up against her womb, he felt so deep inside her.

“Oh yes! Fuck yes!” she cried, her pussy contracting around the meaty fuck stick, her slippery cunt walls clasping at the pulsing rod. “Fuck Auntie — uuhnnnn — fuck Auntie’s pussy hard, you big dicked bastard!” she moaned.

“Hold on, Auntie,” Luke said. He grasped Angela’s waist and lurched up and to the side, twisting her as he did. She fell on to her ass, her back against Mark’s arm, her head on his chest, Luke now upright between her legs, his massive cock still embedded in her cunt. As Angela turned her head and began lazily licking at her sister’s big tit, her nephew started fucking her hard and fast.

“Uuhnnnnn — fuuuuuuckkkkk — yesssssss!” she moaned as Luke speeded up his thrusts, both horny sisters being treated to a pussy pleasing pounding from their nephews.

“Oh Jesus — oh fuuuuck — gonna cummmmm!” Vicky moaned, her eyes rolling back in her head, her pussy spasming around Mark’s big shaft.

“Uhhh — uhhhh — me too!” Angela groaned, Luke’s meaty prick ploughing deep into her cunt over and over again.

Mark and Luke fucked their horny, big titted aunts as fast as they could, cramming their thick, long cocks as deep into their cunts as they could. They watched as their aunts shook and moaned, their orgasms rippling through their bodies while their nephews continued fucking them.

“Fuuuuuuckkkkk!” Vicky cried as she came, eyes closed, her hands gripping Mark’s shoulders. She slammed her pussy down, getting every inch of his mammoth cock inside her as her twat gripped his shaft tight.

“Yesssssss!” her sister moaned as Luke stuffed his entire length into her pussy, her hands grabbing her own big tits as her cunt clasped at his prick.

The busty sisters moaned and cried as they came, Angela gasping and falling almost unconscious on to Luke as Vicky collapsed on to Mark, both of them smiling in contentment.

A few moments later, Vicky was the first to recover.

“Mmmmmm — Luke, honey?” she asked her son.

“Yeah, mom?” he replied, kissing his semi-conscious aunt’s big tits.

“Wanna fuck Mommy in the ass?” she asked, licking her lips.

“Oh, fuck yeah!” Luke cried. As quickly and as gently as he could, he lifted his aunt Angela off his prick and moved her to one side, ignoring her moan of disappointment when his big cock left her empty.

He stepped behind his mom and hesitated for a moment.

“Are you gonna — get off Mark?” he asked her.

“Nope,” she said with a grin, starting to slide her sopping pussy up and down her nephew’s big length once more. “Mommy wants both your big cocks inside her — at the same time!”

“Holy fuck — you wanna get DP’d?” Luke asked.

“Uh-huh,” Vicky said. “Come on, honey — cram that big cock of yours — mmmmm — up Mommy’s ass while — ahhhh — your cousin fucks her pussy.”

Her words seemed to wake Angela from her relaxed state and she quickly knelt up on the sofa beside Vicky and Mark, pulling her pendik escort sister’s ass cheeks apart with both hands before grinning up at her nephew.

“Come on, Luke, you heard your Mommy — she wants that big fucking cock of yours in her asshole.”

Luke edged closer and aimed his swollen knob at his mother’s twitching, tight asshole. As he and Angela watched, he pushed forward, his big cock head stretching his mother’s asshole wide.

“Oooh fuuuuckkk — ffuuuuuckk, that’s good!” Vicky sighed as she felt her son’s huge cock boring into her ass, making her feel more stuffed with dick than she ever had before.

Mark’s prick was still enormous in her smooth, wet pussy, and as more of Luke’s cock slid up her butt, Vicky could feel both giant pieces of fuck meat, separated only by a thin membrane.

“You okay, mom?” Luke asked her.

“Oh fuck yes,” she sighed, looking back over her shoulder at him. “Give me more, baby — fuck Mommy’s ass!”

Vicky gasped as her son pushed more of his enormous fuck tool into her asshole, Mark now pushing his hips up and down as well, the pair of them fucking her at the same time. She felt her body begin to shake, her pussy and ass clenching and clamping around the massive poles.

“Oh, Luke — uuggnnnnn — so big — aahhhhh — Mark — so much cock!” she cried.

Angela watched entranced as her nephew sodomised his mother and felt her own pussy and asshole twitching, knowing she was going to get the same treatment soon.

Vicky lay sandwiched between her son and her nephew, panting as her son crammed his enormous hard-on all the way into her tight, hot asshole until, finally, he was balls deep in her butt.

“Oh my God, Vicky!” Angela cried from beside her. “You’ve got both of them inside you!”

Vicky gasped as she felt both her son and her nephew stuffed to the hilt up her ass and pussy. She paused for a moment and looked at them in turn.

“Fuck me!” she cried. “Fuck me hard!”

Eagerly she started to move, sliding her ass and pussy along their cocks, sighing and gasping, fucking both of the massive lengths at the same time. Waves of sheer pleasure rippled through her, making her butt clasp at her son’s cock while her pussy grabbed her nephew’s.

“Yesss! That’s it! Fuck Auntie! Aaahhhhh! Fuck Mommy!” she cried, loving every hot inch of their dicks inside her.

“Fuck her, boys!” Angela cried from beside her, still holding her sister’s ass cheeks apart to help Luke thrust his big dick up her butthole.

“God yes — fuck my ass — aahhhhhh — fuck my pussy!” Vicky babbled over and over as Mark and Luke did just that, pounding their big lengths in and out of her holes.

Vicky panted and groaned, humping back against the thrusting fuck-poles as much as she could, trying to keep every inch of them inside her. It had been some time since she’d been double fucked but it had never felt this good.

“Fuck me — uuuhnnnnn — fuck me hard!” she yelled.

Luke and Mark sped up as much as they could, both of them sighing as they felt her pussy and asshole working on their pricks. They quickly matched each other’s rhythm, as one slid out of Vicky, the other would push deep, alternating the thrusts of their big cocks.

“Oh fuuuuuucckkkk!” Vicky cried, looking wide eyed at her sister who was watching the thrusting cocks intently. “Sooooo — fucking — biiiiiig!” she moaned. “Cummmminnnnnggg!”

It was the quickest orgasm she’d ever had, tremors running from her pussy and asshole, rippling through her body as her son and nephew crammed their big cocks into her body over and over.

“Oh God — oh my fucking God — aaahahhnnnn — keep fucking me — don’t you dare fucking stop — uuuhnnnnn — cummmming!” Vicky yelled, her body one mass of pleasure. She collapsed forward on to Mark, gasping for breath as the boys continued fucking her.

Angela looked up at Luke.

“Let me taste it, baby,” she said, licking her lips. “Let me taste my sister’s ass on your cock!”

With a groan, Luke pulled his pulsing cock from his mother’s gripping asshole and held it out for his aunt. Angela swooped down on to it, stuffing as much into her mouth as she could, looking up at him the whole time. She took it as deep as she could, coughing as the big purple head bumped into the back of her throat, before pulling back, leaving his fuck-meat slathered in spit.

He wasted no time in shoving his cock back into his mom’s tight, hot asshole making her groan in delight as he gave her several long, deep thrusts. Luke looked at his aunt who nodded and he pulled his prick out again, allowing her to feed on it, making a big show of licking the whole length.

“Oh, you slut,” Vicky gasped, looking back over her shoulder. She slowly lifted herself off Mark’s big prick and joined her sister, sucking on Mark’s dick first before pushing her off Luke’s so she could taste them both. She leaned over and kissed her sister, the pair of them sharing the taste of her pussy and ass.

“Is it my turn now?” Angela asked.

“Mmm-hmm,” Vicky said, sucking on her son’s cock head.

“Good. Luke? Sit your ass down — Auntie wants you in her pussy.” Luke did as she asked, sitting on the sofa. “And you, honey,” she said to Mark, “you get to fuck Mommy in the ass again.”

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The End of High School

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All characters in this story are over 18 years of age and no sex was had before that magic age.


“Oh, Mom! We weren’t doing anything.”

“He had his hand on your breast! I saw it.” She was stern this time.

“But we were asleep. I doubt he even knew it was there. I didn’t even know it was there until you woke me. Besides, it felt kinda nice and I liked it.”

“Well, still, I don’t like you sleeping with him like that and he shouldn’t be touching you there. At least you could put on your pj’s or something more modest. That top rides up on you so easily.”

“I’d burn up. Besides, it’s not like he hasn’t seen it before and I like this top, it’s comfy.”

We were in the kitchen talking as I got my breakfast. Jimmy was still sound asleep on the sofa in the den where I’d left him. I just happened to reach up for a bowl as she was talking.

“Did you have to cut it so short? All you have to do is raise your arms like that and it exposes your nipples and I don’t think it’s right for you to go around the house showing your breasts to your brother and your father like that.”

“Mom! They see boobs all the time. It’s not like mine are anything special. Besides, we’re family. They don’t look at me ‘like that’. Anyway, I think it’s kinda sexy.”

“That’s just my point. You shouldn’t be sexy around the house. Or anywhere! At your age I wish you’d be more modest. At least put on some different panties. You can almost see through those.”

“But they show less than my new swimsuits and you said you like them.” Something about it and my top didn’t feel quite right though.

“I did not!”

“You said they’re pretty.”

“Yeah, I like the color and the print, not that you should buy them to wear in public.”

“Oh, Mom.” This wasn’t going anywhere. Besides, we’d already had that discussion before.

“Honey, just try to be more careful around your brother. You and Jimmy have always been close but I just don’t think it’s a good idea for you two to sleep together like that.”

“I know, Mom, we were just going to watch a bit of TV after we got home last night and I guess we fell asleep. I haven’t had so much fun in a long time.”

“I’m so glad, dear. Did he take you to that dance?”

“Yeah, but we went to dinner first. It was just like a real date! I mean without the groping and all.” I giggled.

“Jimmy is sweet to look after you like that.”

“You know he was going to ask Emily to go to that dance until he heard about Rich’s accident.”

“Rich has always been kind of clumsy. At least he won’t be in that cast for long.”

“So, tell me, what did you and Jimmy do last night!”

“Well, when I came downstairs and saw him waiting for me, all dressed up, I was like, Wow! If he wasn’t my brother, um, … “

“He did look nice, didn’t he!”

“Mom, he even held the car door for me. I don’t even think he tried to look up my skirt when I got in!”


“Oh, Mom! All the guys do that. It’s no secret. I bet you even enjoyed flashing them sometimes.”


“OK, I’m sorry. You know what he told me in the car?”

“What, dear?”

“He pendik escort said, ‘Now, Sally, I want you forget for tonight I’m your brother. OK? Just think of this as a date, like any other. Well, except that I’m not a jerk.’ Mom, he was so sweet. I just had to kiss him right there.”


“No. Not like that. On the cheek.”

“Whew. That’s better.”

“And then he took me to The Cheesecake Factory for dinner and he sat next to me on the same side of the table. And after that we went to the dance.”

“Did you see a lot of your friends there? What did they say?”

“Yeah, mom. Everyone was there. They know me and him like to go out together but this time we told them this was supposed to be a date and not just one of our outings together.”

“Wasn’t that kinda strange?” It was new to her when Jimmy and me started going out together, alone.

“No, mom. Sometimes sisters and brothers go out together like that. It’s not weird. They know me and Jimmy are real close and they think he’s sweet.”

“I’m happy for you, dear. We just never did anything like that when I was growing up.”

“You and your brothers were always fighting with each other.”

“Yes, but we loved each other. You know your Uncle James cares for me. It’s just we wouldn’t have wanted to go on a date together.”

“But me and Jimmy don’t date. Except for last night, and that was without the sex.” I knew she didn’t like me doing that.

“Sally! You’re too young to have sex. You shouldn’t think you have to have sex just for boys to ask you out.”

“Oh, Mom! I know that. Girls can enjoy it, too, ya know” I think I should’ve stopped before that last remark.


“Oh Kay, Mom. Guys are always asking me out all the time. Sometimes me and Jimmy don’t even have enough time to go out just ourselves.” Yep, sometimes I say too much. Thank goodness the phone rang and mom answered it while I was eating my Cheerios.

“Yes, Katie, she’s right here.”

“Hey, babe!”

“Sally, you left your clothes over here.”

“Oh yeah! I forgot about that.” Something about the rum and my memory. “I’ll be over to get them in a while.”

“OK. I’ve got Jimmy’s pants and shirt and stuff folded up with your dress.”

“Hey thanks, babe! And thanks for seeing us home, too!”

“Did you get in trouble?”

“Um, not really. I’ll tell you about it later. Love ya!”

“Love you, too!”

“What was that all about?” She took the phone and put it back in the charger.

“Um, I guess we left our clothes over at her house last night.”

“You what? I mean, why? I need details.”

I think I was blushing. “It was fun at the dance at first. I’m glad you let us take those swing dance lessons. But as people started leaving it got kinda boring so somebody suggested we go somewhere and Katie said her parents wouldn’t be back til late.” Ooops

“Sally! What have I told you about that?”

“Mom, it’s OK We didn’t do anything bad. They got home just after we did so that wasn’t so bad.”

“I may just have to call them. Who all went to her house?”

“It was just couples. Katie and her boyfriend, kurtköy escort Valerie and Amber, Denise and Tim. That’s all. Oh, and me and Jimmy.”

“Valerie and Amber are a couple?”

“Oh, no, not really. It’s just they didn’t have a date so they went together.”

“Anyway, we were all sitting around on the floor playing games and decided not to get our good clothes messed up so we took them off.”


“Oh, no. I mean it’s OK. We’ve all seen each other naked before and that’s about the time her parents got home.”

“Thank goodness for small favors.” I could tell she wasn’t pleased at all. “So explain to me this bit about why Valerie and Amber had to drive you home.”

This was going the wrong way. “Um, well, you know how you told us to never ever drive after we’ve been drinking?”

“Oh, my god!”

“Mom, it’s not like that. Katie’s sister got us a bottle of rum and we made daiquiris. Valerie and Amber just shared one drink when we got there so they were OK to drive so they drove us here and then went back to her house.”

“You were out in public like that?”

“I had to put something on.” This was not going the way I wanted. “Mom, it was almost 2 in the morning.” I’ll never learn.

“You were nak… Girl, I’m going to have a long talk with your father about this when he gets home.”

“Oh, mom! You know I stay over with Katie all the time. And it’s not like I was on a date fooling around or anything. I was with Jimmy, and we were safe. Besides, I’m not drunk. It just made me real sleepy is all.”

“I don’t know, Sally. So the three of you came in Jimmy’s Miata?”

“Yeah, Amber drove us and I sat in Jimmy’s lap.”

“Oh, my gosh And only wearing your panties.”

“Mom nothing happened. I wasn’t going to come in here naked!”

“Of course not! You just get naked when you get here!” I had to do something, and quick!

“Honest, Mom. All we were doing is sitting around playing games and having a few drinks. We’re all good friends and practically adults anyway.”

“Yes, I know. You keep reminding me.” Another reason she didn’t like it is because she thinks she’s getting older. Well, she is but she’s not even 40 yet. And she can pass for her 20’s if she tries. “What were you playing? And if you tell me it was strip poker I’m grounding you for life!”

“No, Mom. Not much point in playing strip poker when you’ve all just taken off most of your clothes!”

“You’re not making this any better.”

“I know. I’m sorry, Mom. Now don’t get upset but it’s called make-out poker. The person with the worst hand has to make-out with the winner.”

“But what if a girl loses to a girl, or a guy …?”

“Mom, we all agreed to play. They didn’t have to. And the first time you only have to just kiss. Then it’s 5 seconds, then half a minute.”

“And it keeps getting longer?”

“Well, kinda.” I decided some details should be left out. “Besides, most of the time the guy’s were beating us girls. I’ll tell you one thing. All of us agree that Jimmy is an awesome kisser!!!”

“You kissed your brother???”

“Well, sure. It’s not like that. Just part kartal escort of the game. Except for when we got home to the door. It was like the end of our date and he was such a gentleman the whole night.”

“What am I going to do with you?” I hope she was just exasperated.

“Mom, you know me and Jimmy kiss. It’s no big deal for us, we just like doing it.”

“But don’t you know it’s wrong for a sister and brother to kiss?”

“Well, we don’t have sex.”

“Let me see if I understand the whole night. You went on a date with your brother. You flashed him up your skirt when you got in and out of the car, you went to eat and sat together, you danced with him, went to some friends house to drink, stripped, played make-out games, came home in your underwear and slept with your brother. Did I leave out anything?”

“Mom, you’re making it sound bad. We had fun. It was a nice time. Besides, you know me and Jimmy sleep together almost all the time anyway.”

“Yes, dear but that doesn’t mean I think it’s right. I don’t like the idea of you and him in bed together. I just think it’s time you started keeping a bit more distance from him. He’s not a boy anymore and you know how guys can get.”

“Um, yeahhhhh!” I grinned a bit too enthusiastically. “But, I like being with him. We don’t do anything wrong, and besides, I love being held like that. You know how wonderful it feels. Right?”

She tried to deflect it off her and back to me. “Honey, when the time comes you’re going to be so happy. It’s just now is not the time and you shouldn’t keep sleeping with Jimmy. And, please, try to be more modest around him. Around anyone.” That last was an afterthought.

“I love you, Mom! Hoping she didn’t realize the top rode up and it was my bare boobs pressed against her blouse as we hugged.

“You can go over to Katie’s to get your clothes, that is, if you think you’re sober enough to drive.” I knew she was trying to lighten the mood some. “Sally?”

“Yes, Mom.”

“I love you, honey.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jimmy and I have always been close. Even though we’re 10 months apart Mom and Dad entered us in school at the same time. They didn’t want to take a chance on having to attend an activity at one of our schools and miss out on something at another. Many people thought we were twins because we were in the same grade and we looked so much alike. Well, that, and because we just always did everything together.

When we were kids and went out to play it wasn’t like he went to his friends and I went to mine. We almost always went out together. Every now and then they’d say something like, “Why does she have to follow us around? Or, “Is he really going to play with us today?”

The thing is, I was just as active as the guys. When we played football it didn’t matter if it was touch or tackle and I even played on the skins team. Well, I did, but only until I was about 8 or so and Mom found out about it. She was always trying to get me to be more modest.

And really, what guy wouldn’t want to sit around with a bunch of girls talking about all kinds of stuff. It was like getting special access to all their secrets. He didn’t know it then but it paid off big time for him as we got older. These same girls were the ones wanting to be with him on dates and stuff. It seems that every now and then we were getting in trouble for playing doctor and he was always the patient.

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Mayson , Syrie Chronicles Ch. 01

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I would just like to say, on the record, that most men are pussies. Oh sure, they talk real big and fuck real hard (when they want to anyway) but all it takes to reduce one to putty is the slip of a nipple or, if you’re feeling a little meaner, one quick comment about his inability to make you cum more than once. Low blow? Bull shit. What’s the point in having the ability to be multi-orgasmic if you’re wasting time with a loser who can barely get you to number one? Pass me some double a’s packed inside a swirly gizmo and let me show you what a little energizer bunny can do. That puts them in their place right good.

Me? I’m just a girl from a small ass town no one gives a fuck about. Fresh out of college, wondering what I’m gonna do with my life now that I can’t fuck my way into an A. I suppose there’s a corporate ladder waiting to test my gag reflex but I’m feeling like it might be time to take my show on the road. I had a friend once who used to make a little money letting old men finger her in Sydney. Maybe the land down under would like my ass…

“Bitch, stop daydreaming on my fucking couch. If you cream it, you’re cleaning it, goddamn it.”

Meet my best friend Syrie – short for Syracuse. Rumor has it she was conceived there. Her parents are fucking morons, but then again, whose aren’t? The dumb ass rednecks fucked in a bathroom stall in a gas station on their way to visit some family member and low and behold, a star was born. We’ve been friends since kindergarten but Syrie’s mama ran off with some car salesman when we were 12 and then in 8th grade, her daddy got a job in Austin and we lost touch. Imagine my surprise when senior year I found her smoking in the bathroom next to my first hour class. Apparently her daddy got fired and they moved back home to live with her grandma. I’m not sure what her daddy thought he was doing, putting the two of us in the same town when we were both 18. Maybe he still thought we were the 5 year olds who opened up a lemonade stand by his trailer. Whatever his thinking, Syrie and I caused more trouble, did less homework and got better grades all thanks to her teaching me most of what I know about seducing boys. We’re a little like Thelma and Louise, without the whole driving off a cliff bullshit. Well, that and we’re hotter, though back in the day ol’ Suzie did have a nice pair of tits.

“Crackwhore, there ain’t nothing I can put on this couch that will outdo you blowing Jimmy Stills here on it in after homecoming. I bet that stain from when you tried to swallow but puked instead is still on here… if I could get beneath the one night stand juice,” I respond, grabbing her ass as she walks by to sit down next to me. On second thought, the Aussies might really like her ass. Mine is tight but sort of flat, the typical ass you find on girls who only weigh 95 pounds but Syrie weighs about 15 pounds more than me and it’s all sitting in nice round globes on either side of her crack.

“Wow, cuntbag, you’re really reaching today. Sure, I threw up on Jimmy’s cock but at least I didn’t get crabs last year from the guy who makes my latte, Mayson.”

Yeah, my name’s Mayson. I told you everyone’s parents are fucked up -Especially in small towns in Texas. I mean, where the fuck else would people think it was cute to name your kid after a jar and worse, misspell it while you were at it? Syrie and I got the fuck out as soon as we graduated high school – the couch came with us because Syrie claimed that it was bad luck to leave so much of herself back in Texas and of course by “herself” she means cum. The girl has a thing for being bent over the ugly ass couch – it’s not my fault.

“If I hadn’t gotten the crabs, I wouldn’t have been able to fuck that doctor to get you your oxy’s, my little fuck muffin, so please at least pretend to be grateful. What are we doing today, anyway? You said you had some fun planned. It doesn’t involve stuffing ginger up my ass again, does it? That hurt like a motherfucker, even if I did cum harder than I have in my whole life.”

“Like a motherfucker… Well, I guess you would know. How is your step daddy these days? Still eating out strippers on their nights off, down at Moe’s?”

“You know he only turned to strippers once he couldn’t fuck you up the ass. Can you blame the man, though? Jesus, your ass is hot. Stop changing the subject though. What or should I say who, are we doing today? I’m bored.”

Syrie and I like to play games. It started with seducing nerds senior year. There’s nothing quite like the O face on a guy with glasses, braces and no shot in hell of touching a cheerleader when you blow him in a corner of the library. From there we moved on to college freshman in the dorms at UT Austin. We’d waltz into parties wearing skirts with no panties and flash when their girlfriends weren’t looking. If they were cute enough, we’d wait out by the car for them to ditch their dates and let them watch us make out. Sometimes we’d leave em hanging to whack off and sometimes we’d let them join in to cop a feel. It ümraniye escort bayan really just depended on our mood. We reserved actual fucking for teachers and coaches. You would be amazed how much fun detention can be and how good for one’s gpa. You didn’t think I got into college based on my scholastic aptitude, did you?

My biggest conquest in our tiny little high school wasn’t the football team, although either of us certainly could have had them. Syrie set my sights way higher, on the principle, Mr. Roman. He was old, about 55, with a beer belly that hung over the khaki pants he wore every single day. He went to church every Sunday and sat next to his wife, Laudette, a fat pig of a woman who wore way too much makeup and still blow dried her crackly brown hair within an inch of its life. Word around town was that she was cheating on him, but we couldn’t think of who it could possibly be with.

We figured with all that going on at home, the man deserved some 18 year old pussy but the problem was figuring out how to get him to say yes. I certainly couldn’t just walk into his office, strip and fuck him then and there. He had far too many pictures of Jesus up on the wall. Hey, just ’cause I don’t believe in the man don’t mean I want to piss him off.

We decided the only thing I could do was start slow. It was school policy that if you got detention 3 times in one week, you got hauled into Mr. Roman’s office to have a good stern talking to. It was simple enough racking up detentions. I just told Mrs. Marshall to get fucked when she asked where my English assignment was and then walked out of Ms. Wainwright’s lame ass Spanish class. With only one more to go, I thought about slapping little Mr. Jackson but I was trying to save bigger things for last so I simply threw wadded up paper balls at his head.

“Mayson Preston, I’m disappointed in you. You know your mama works too damn hard for you to be throwing your education away,” Mr. Roman lectured, working hard to keep his eyes on my face. I had worn a real tight wife beater tank top, without a bra and a short jean skirt. I did have panties on, but only because I was sure Mr. Roman was the type to get a little stiff over a glimpse of white cotton.

I pretended to fidget uncomfortably, crossing and uncrossing my legs. I saw his eyes slip and his jaw tighten as his gaze jerked back up. I decided to roll my head from side to side, as if I had a tension headache building, closing my eyes and exposing the length of my neck while pressing my cleavage out. The poor man coughed and adjusted himself in his chair.

“I’m serious, Mayson. Grades aren’t the only thing that count in this school, young lady. All I have to do is say the word and you can spend the rest of the year doing extra assignments and cleaning up hallways. Clean your act up, missy, or I’ll be talking to your mama.”

Again, I faked a look of discomfort. I knew he meant it, but I wasn’t afraid of my mama. She was too busy with a couple boyfriends who didn’t know about each other to care what I was up to. With my best innocent puppy dog look, I begged Mr. Roman not to rat me out to my mom. I told him that I was just having a hard time paying attention because the classes just weren’t hard enough. I asked him if maybe sometimes I could come to his office and he could give me something hard to do. I have to give him credit, he didn’t look like he was buying it but he finally said he would think about it after I flashed him a look at my panties again.

Over the next couple of weeks, I was in his office two or three times, prancing around in tight shirts and short skirts. The poor man had to be going out of his mind, but instead of touching me he just brought in more pictures of his wife. I knew that I was going to have to make the first move, but I was nervous because if he didn’t go for it, I’d get expelled for sure and more than anything, I wanted to go to college to get out of that shit town.

“Mr. Roman, do you think I’m pretty?” I asked one day. After two weeks with no action, I had decided to switch it up. I was wearing the most conservative clothing I owned, which was just a t-shirt and baggy jeans, but I was certainly more covered than I had been in years. Hell, I was even wearing a bra, albeit one that pushed together my perky B cups in one hell of a sexy way, if I could ever get the opportunity to take the damn shirt off.

Mr. Roman just blinked, unsure what to make of the question.

“No, really, I’m serious. I want to know if… well, if you think I’m pretty. I mean, I’m a senior and I’ve still never had a boyfriend. Do you think it’s cause I’m too skinny?”

“Lots of young women your age are thin, Mayson, and I do not believe that makes them unattractive,” Mr. Roman answered, hell bent on keeping the conversation above board and level.

“Really? Because one of the boys in class said that he wouldn’t touch me if I were the last girl on earth and all of his friends laughed. He called me… well, I can’t say what he called kartal escort me, ’cause you wouldn’t approve of the language, but it wasn’t nice,” I sniffed a bit and managed to squeeze out one lone tear.

Moving over to him, I stood right next to his chair, my breasts just inches from his nose. I placed my hand on top of his, resting on the arms of his desk chair.

“Mr. Roman, why wouldn’t someone want to touch me?” I asked, rubbing my hand over his hand and leaning my tits into his chest.

“Mayson, I hardly think this is an appropriate situation. Please take your hand off of mine and go back to your own chair.”

Damn but the man had will power. It was clear to me that playing the innocent wasn’t gonna get me where I wanted. Before he could react, I picked up his hand and moved it to my rib cage, just below my breast and then slid it upwards. His face looked shocked but then he cupped it and squeezed slightly, almost involuntarily and then it was just like he snapped.

“You are a little slut, aren’t you, Mayson?” He asked with a gleam in his eye, “Prancing around here, trying to turn me on. I ought to fuck you hard on this desk and then expel your ass.”

Grabbing me hard, with one hand on each shoulder he pulled me down into his lap. I sensed that part of his bag was being rough and tough and intimidating, so I pretended to be scared.

“Mr. Roman, what are you doing?” I squealed, while at the same time, squirming my ass across his crotch.

“You think you can come in here and cock tease me and get away with it? You don’t think this new, more fully clothed look fools me do you? You and your little friend Syrie probably think I’m some harmless old man who you can make hard and then laugh about at home.”

“N-no Mr. Roman, I don’t even know what you’re talking about. I mean, yeah, I am wearing different clothes today but that’s just cause nothing was clean and I had to borrow something from my mama. You think I dress slutty the rest of the time? I thought I looked cute,” I pouted.

“Cute is a five year old dressed up for church. You strut around here looking like a crack whore needing some cock, thinking it’s cool to make me want to touch you. Well, I’m gonna touch you all right,” he growled and then ripped my tshirt right off.

He caught sight of my lacy white bra, pushing my titties up and sneered as if it was proof of his theory. He just sat there and stared at the outlines of my nipples and for a moment I thought he was gonna lose his nerve. I pretended to try to stand up, but really just pushed into his cock. The contact pulled him back into the moment and he leaned forward and took my nipple into his mouth, bra and all.

“Oh, Mr. Roman,” I sighed, “Your mouth is so warm.” It was hard not to laugh, trying to talk him up, but I needed to keep fueling the fire.

“You like that, you little slut? Of course you do but you have no idea what you’re in for,” he said just before biting my nipple.

I let out a very real scream and he moved a large hand to cover my mouth. His other hand was pawing my other tit, ripping the lace of my bra until my breast was completely exposed, though still held in a perky cleavage inducing position. He pinched my nipple and then moved his mouth to it. I was so afraid that he was gonna bite it that I trembled for real. He took this to mean that he had me in submission and suddenly slowed down a bit.

“You want me to make you feel good, baby?” he asked, sliding his fingers over my stomach.

I smiled, realizing that I had won. I could do whatever I wanted now.

“No, I’m gonna make you feel good, but first I want you to spank me. You know I’ve been a bad girl.”

Standing up, I began unzipping my jeans. I slowly pushed them down over my hips so that he could just see the top of my thong.

“See anything you like?” I giggled, shaking my ass near him.

“Sweet Christ on crutches,” he swore under his breath. His dick was so hard I thought it was gonna pop right through those damn khaki pants.

I threw my jeans across the room and removed the remains of my bra before turning around to face him. I thought his eyeballs were gonna pop right out of his head when he saw that little triangle of white lace covering my pussy. I had shaved everything around it and I could tell he was wondering if there was any hair beneath it but before he could pull them down to find out, I laid myself over his desk with my ass facing him.

“Come on, Mr. Roman, punish me. Slap my ass. You know you want to.”

He picked his hands up off of the arms of his chair but instead of slapping my ass, he caressed my cheeks. Kneading and rubbing, he copped a feel like he had never laid hands on an 18 year old ass before. Hell, he probably hadn’t and I knew damn well his wife’s ass wasn’t all tight and perfect like mine. He continued to rub and ran a finger down my crack, moving the lace of my thong out of the way. Just when I thought he was either gonna lick my taint or finger me, he hauled off kartal escort bayan and slapped my ass so hard, I nearly slid off the other side of his desk. Repositioning myself and holding on tighter, I looked over my shoulder and told him to do it again.

My ass was so red after just a few slaps and I was starting to not be entertained by the spankings, so I grabbed his hand and guided it toward my pussy. I led his fingers right to that tiny patch of cloth, and felt him push it aside exposing my fully shaved pussy. He began to rub the wetness that was starting to form.

“You’re all wet from me smacking your ass? Jesus, Mayson, I thought I was gonna fuck you but you’re gonna teach me a thing or two, aren’t you?”

“You know it,” I said, turning over so that I was laid out, spread eagle on his desk, “Eat my pussy. Go on, lick it, daddy.”

Mr. Roman leaned forward, pushed my ass into the air and took off my thong. He threw it across the room near my jeans and shoved a finger inside my pussy. Rubbing my juices around with his fingers, he then lifted his hand to my mouth. I have to say that sucking my cream off his fingers was actually pretty hot. I hadn’t really expected to get so turned on by him. I just wanted to say that I’d fucked him, but damn, the sexual frustration he had going on at home really turned the man into one kinky desk fucker. He leaned forward and licked my pussy and I arched on the desk, it felt so damn good.

Pushing my hips down he kept licking my clit, enjoying the moans which I didn’t even have to fake. He slipped two fingers inside me and rammed them in and out roughly, but I didn’t mind. I was so close to coming from all of the attention to my clit.

“Oh, oh God, Fuck Mr. Roman, I’m gonna cum. Oh shit. Oh God Ohhhhh.”

“That’s right, Mayson, cum for me. I assure you later, I’m gonna cum all over you. Come on, baby, cum harder,” he said rolling my clit in a way that I was sure was supposed to hurt but just made me cum twice in a row.

“Holy fuck, Mr. Roman,” I said when I had recovered my breath, “That felt so fucking good.”

“Damn right, now get on your fucking knees and blow me, you little slut. I want to feel my cock ramming down your throat.”

I was a little unsteady as I stood up from the desk, I had cum that hard, but I was eager to show this prick that I could one up him. He thought that he was in charge just ’cause I came on his desk? I would have him begging me to let him fuck me before he even knew it.

I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out of his whitey tighties. I absolutely hate whitey tighties but I had to let this perv know who the boss was.

“You want me to play with your cock, Mr. Roman?” I asked, running my fingertips over his swollen head. “You want me to tongue your balls and deep throat your big cock? I can but you’re gonna have to ask nicely.”

“Suck my cock, you fucking whore,” he growled, moving my hand to stroke his cock.

“Now now, Mr. Roman, I said nicely,” I smiled, sliding my fingers up and down, feeling his cock jump at my touch. I wondered when the last time he got a hand job was.

“Fuck you. Suck my cock. Suck my cock now.”

I stopped my fingers and moved my face near his cock, “Say please.”

“Please you little slut, just su-” his words were cut off as I licked the head of his cock and then slowly slid him into my mouth.

Thanks to the nerds in the library my blow job skills were tip top. I had Mr. Roman’s cock, balls deep in my mouth and throat, with him grunting like an animal within 5 seconds. His hands moved to my head and he directed me up and down for a bit, until I motioned for him to let me do my own thing. I sucked that fucker within an inch of his life but just when I felt he was about to cum, I would sit up and wait about thirty seconds. The first time he looked like he was gonna smack me right across the face but when I began sucking again he surrendered and just hoped I had a plan. I teased his cock another couple of times before I stood up, laid back across his desk and instructed him to walk around to the side where my head was. I leaned my head off the edge of the desk and told him to fuck my mouth. I have never seen a man look so excited. He pumped his cock into my mouth so hard and fast, I thought I was going to suffocate but I managed to take him. It was only a few seconds before he began grunting and moaning again.

“Oh, oh oh shit fucking shit you dirty whore, you like sucking my cock, don’t you?” he said in between gasps for air, “Oh shit fuck god damn I’m gonna cum.” He swore as his hot jizz spilled down my throat.

I swallowed his load and then sat up, the blood rushing to my head from being bent over backwards on the desk. I knew that if I wanted him to beg to fuck me, I was gonna have to pretend like I intended to stop there. I stood up and started moving towards my clothes.

“Mr. Roman, you ripped my clothes. How on earth am I supposed to leave your office?”

Mr. Roman looked dumbfounded.

“Leave? Baby, you ain’t leaving yet. I ain’t even half done with you.”

“But I have to, Mr. Roman. My mama is expecting me home by four, just like always.” I lied, trying to look innocent, which really isn’t that easy with a man’s jizz still on your lips.

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The Drive Ch. 01

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Being tall, I have the perfect view of them in the rear view mirror of the car to see what my uncle and his daughter, my cousin, are doing. We are on a road trip to San Antonio for a vacation before Kayli and I go off to college. At this particular time I was asked to drive and my uncle slipped in the back seat with Kayli. I know about my cousin and her father having

I lean back into the front seat as I hear them kissing. I can also see my uncle has already fished out those big breasts of Kayli’s from under her shirt. My uncle’s hands look small on those big breasts as I watch him play with them. My hand slips down to my own pants as I watch him start to suck and lick at my cousins breasts.

I see Kayli give me a smile in the rear view and then my uncle raise up a bit. I hear clothes sliding down and begin my rubbing my pussy hard through my pants. Soon Kayli’s head goes down in the rear view mirror followed by sucking and slurping sounds. I slide my hands down the front of my pants. I don’t have any panties and as my fingers touch my pussy, I feel the juices that are already flowing from it. My pussy is smooth without the faintest hair. I am adamant about keeping shaved when it comes to hair.

I pull off to the side of the road and cut the car off. I then slowly turn a little in the front seat to get a better view. I end up turning completely around when I see that my uncle has his head laid back into the seat and his eyes closed. Low moans escape his mouth as Kayli sucks his cock. I slip two fingers up into my wet pussy as I watch her use her hand and mouth on his cock. I am fingering my pussy vigorously as I watch Kayli’s head bobbing up and down on his cock.

Kayli reaches under his cock and starts to play with his balls. She uses her mouth, tongue and hand on his cock while her other plays with his balls. My own juices are flowing freely when I look at his cock. I have to clamp my mouth tightly shut as I start to orgasm all over my fingers. My eyes go shut as my orgasm rocks through my body.

When I open them, I see that my uncle has his hand on Kayli’s head and he is helping her by pushing it up and down onto his cock. I look to him and see him looking right at me. He just smiles at me as he starts to moan.

“I’m going to cum baby,” my uncle yells out as he lets go of Kayli’s head.

Kayli has never been one to swallow cum and it seems nice that her father gives her warning. Kayli takes her mouth off of his cock and she pumps at it with her hand. I watch as my uncle’s cock seems to swell as it throbs in her hand. He moans loudly as his cock starts to spurt out blasts of cum. It shoots out in long, thick streams, falling back onto Kayli’s hand as she pumps on it.

I moan as I watch his cum shoot from his cock and as I dig my two fingers back into my own pussy. I have another orgasm myself as I watch his cum flow from his cock. I give them both that little, evil smile of mine before turning back around and sitting back down in the front seat. I start the car up and get back onto the road.

After a few hours of travel, the gas light comes on and we pull into a gas station with a small mom and pop restaurant connected to it.

“I have to go pee,” my uncle says. “You girls want some food while I’m out?”

He steps out from the car and looks at me with his lovely eyes as another smile comes over his face.

“Just something to drink, Daddy,” Kayli says from the back seat.

“I want a big hot dog,” I say to him, flashing him a sexy, little smile back.

As I watch him walk away, my pussy twitches. I turn to Kayli n the back seat and I say, “Damn girl, your Dad does have a nice, big cock and you sucked him so damn good too.”

Kayli just smiles at me and replies, “Now remember, Cynthia that is all you can do is just suck his cock. He’s all mine

Kayli kartal escort bayan just smiled and replied, “Now remember, Janet that is all you can do is just suck his cock.”

I know, I say as I will be happy with taking his next load into my mouth. Unlike my cousin, I love to swallow a guy’s cum.

I get out and pump the gas and just as I am getting into the car my uncle returns to the car with drinks and two hot dogs. He hands me the items through the window. I softly rub my hand against his as I take the bags from him. I cannot believe it when he smiles at me and he rubs his hand against mine when he hands them to me.

He gets into the back seat and Kayli leans up to get their drinks and my uncle’s hot dog. She gives me a wink as she takes the stuff from me. I know she is up to something. She turns and starts to hand the hot dog to her father and says, “You can only have this hot dog is Cynthia can have yours.”

“What?” my uncle asks.

“Cynthia wants to suck your cock, Daddy.” Kayli says.

“And you’re going to let her?” he asks. “I know how you are Kayli. You even get mad when your mother has sex with me.”

“It’s okay her sucking your cock, Daddy,” Kayli says. “Think of it as my gift to you before me and Cynthia go off to college. I mean all you are going to have is Mom, until I come and visit, but that is all you get.” She gives him a stern look before grinning slightly.

“Are you okay with this?” my uncle asks looking up at me.

I nod my head and Kayli says, “Hell yeah she is okay with it. You should see how she plays with pussy as I tell her what you and I do.”

“Kayli!” I yell as I turn red. “You didn’t have to tell him that.”

“Why not? It’s the truth,” she grins. “You can’t keep your hand off your pussy when I tell you how he had just fucked me or ate my pussy.”

“You tell her about it each time?” my uncle asks looking at his daughter.

“Of course,” she replies. “Cynthia and I have no secrets between us.”

“Well, I’m not going to pass up a blowjob,” he says as he smiles, looking at me.

“See, what did I tell you Cynthia?” Kayli says with a little laugh that makes us all laugh.

I crank up the car and pull away. My uncle and I eat our hot dogs; well Kayli eats most of his. I am lost in the front seat thinking about sucking on my uncle’s lovely cock. I am pretty sure he is going to enjoy what I am going to do to his cock. I know I sure as hell am going to enjoy it.

We cruise through several more towns, the car is almost silent except for the radio playing when Kayli suddenly announces, “I have to pee.”

“Me too,” I say as I have been holding it in for quite a while myself.

I pull off the nearest exit with a bathroom which turns out to be a rest stop. The place is completely empty when we pull in. Kayli and I get out of the car and head for the bathroom. The bathroom, like the rest stop is empty, so we both go into one stall. Kali closes the door and pulls her pants down and sits down. Her pee lands forcibly in the toilet. I guess she has been holding it in as long I have been.

“Now remember, you promised you would not try and fuck him,” Kayli says.

I know my cousin is super greedy with her father, but I didn’t realize it is this bad. “I know and I won’t do anything that you do not say is okay,” I say. “Now hurry up, Kayli. I have to go really bad.”

Kayli takes some tissue paper and wipes herself. She stands up and moves to the side with her pants still down. I pull my pants down and no sooner do I squat does my pee start to flow out. Kayli almost instantly sticks her hand down between my legs, letting my pee run over it.

Kayli runs her fingers against my pussy as I pee. I am waiting for her to stick her fingers into my pussy, but when my pee stops, Kayli pulls her hand back, kadıköy escort wet with my pee. I am kind of disappointed when she does so.

“So you will do anything I say?” she asks.

I nod.

“Well then, lick your pee from my hand,” she says shoving her wet hand to my face.

I stick my tongue out, licking over her fingers. This is nothing new for us as we both have squatted over the other and peed before. We had got the idea from my brother, Mike, when he peed on me once when I was taking a shower.

‘That’s enough you little slut. It’s time for you to suck some real cock,” she says pulling her fingers from my face.

We return to the car and Kayli tells me to get in the back seat with her father. Kayli gets in the front seat on her hands and knees, facing the back seat. My uncle is all the way over on the other side of the car.

Kayli looks at me and says, Go ahead, Cynthia, you may kiss him to get into the mood.”

I look over at my uncle, who is looking back at me. I shake of my nervousness and lean toward him and he takes me into his arms. Our lips meet and we give each other a quick kiss.

“You can do better than that Cynthia,” Kayli says. “I have seen you kiss your bother during sex better than that.”

“Kayli!” I yell as I slide all the way over to my own side again, getting as far from my uncle as I can.

“Don’t be shy Cynthia. Look how much bigger his cock got after I said that.”

I shyly look over at the front of my uncle’s pants. Kayli is right, I can see his hard cock bulging from his pants, but I am still embarrassed by what Kayli had said. That is something between Kayli, Mike and me and not something that anyone else is supposed to know.

I turn re again as I turn away from my uncle. He moves over next to me and takes a hold of my hand. I turn to face him and I look into his eyes and then I lower my head.

“There is nothing wrong with that,” he says. “I spent the majority of my childhood having sex with my sister. Me and your dad both.” He starts to rub my hand lightly as he adds, “You should get your dad alone and I bet he’d take you too.”

This brings a smile to my face as my uncle brings his hand up to the side of my face. He brushes his hand against my face for a few seconds and then places his fingers under my chin, raising my head and turning it toward him. He leans in and he kisses me once more. As our lips touch, pure pleasure runs through my body. I can feel my heart start to race as I kiss him back deeply. I slip my tongue into his mouth and he slips his back into mine.

I reach over and run my whole hand all over the front of his pants. He leans back into the seat as my hand explores his cock. It feels so much bigger and so much harder than that of my brother’s. I can feel my pussy start to twitch as I feel his cock. As I squeeze his cock, I look up to see Kayli’s big breasts out. With one arm on the seat, she has her other running down the front of her body. I know she is playing with her pussy.

She moans slightly as I pull my uncle’s pants down over his cock and over his balls. His cock springs from his pants.

“Damn, that is a nice, big cock,” I say as my hand grabs it.

A slight moan comes from the front seat and I look at Kayli. She says nothing and just rubs against her arm that is down in front of her. I turn my attention back to my uncle’s big cock in my hand. I pump at his cock with my and run my fingertips over his cockhead. I am watching my own hand going up and down on his cock when I feel his hands go under my chin again. He picks my face up and turns it toward his face.

He leans down and I lean up as we once again lock into a kiss. My hand is still pumping at his cock as we kiss deeply. My body is on fire as I shove my tongue back into his mouth. My uncle’s tongue bostancı escort bayan flicks wildly at mine as it enters his mouth. I break our kiss as I want my mouth around his cock, but as I do, he wraps one of his big, strong arms around me and pulls me back up so we are face to face again.

Our lips meet once again and our kiss turns into the most passionate, deep kisses that I ever have had. Deep warmth fills my body as we kiss and when he breaks our kiss, I go limp.

He looks at me and says, “Please suck on my cock.”

I don’t have to be told twice as my mouth shoots down onto his cock. I take over half of it into m mouth before I raise back up. I take my tongue and lick at his cockhead. I go back down onto his cock, bobbing my head up and down wildly on it.

“Mmm, yeah,” he moans lightly. “Suck it Cynthia.”

As I take his cockhead into my mouth and suck on it. I use my hand on the rest of his cock. I can feel his cock throbbing in my hand and in my mouth. I pull my mouth off his cock, pulling a big stream of his precum from it as it hangs on my lips.

Kayli moans loudly from the front seat and as I look up at her, his precum breaks from his cock and lands all over my lips. I use my hand on his cock as I lean forward, giving Kayli a deep kiss on her lips. Kayli licks at y lips, taking his precum from them. I leave Kayli and return my mouth to his cock.

I lick from the base of his balls, all the way up to his cockhead and then back down. I do this a few times, getting his cock coated with my saliva and then I look at him and give him that sexy, evil grin of mine. I go back down to his cock and take it all into my mouth. I work my mouth up to his cockhead, giving a deep, hard suck when I get there. I then work my mouth back down deep onto his cock once again.

I fell his hand go to the back of my head as he plays with my hair. I am soon moving fast and sucking it deep with my mouth. I feel his cock start to throb and it feels like it grows bigger in my mouth. I take my hand and rub his balls while I suck at his cock.

“I’m going to cum, Cynthia,” he says pulling my head from his cock.

I break my head free of his hand and go right back down onto his cock. I am not passing up having his cum go down my throat and into my stomach. I run my mouth up and down his cock as fast as I can while I suck at the same time. My uncle’s cock gives out a big throb.

His head goes back into the seat as his cock twitches and throbs in my mouth. Three or four heavy streams of cum blast deep into my mouth. I swallow some of it and the rest just lies in my mouth as I remove my mouth from his cock. I look up at him and he has a big smile set on his face. Once again, he places his hand under my chin and pulls my face up to his. Our lips lock into a deep, passionate kiss.

His tongue shoots into my mouth, hungrily lapping at his own cum that fills my mouth. That gets me so turned on and I have an orgasm right then as his tongue seeks out his cum. My own pants become wet with my juices. I break our kiss and look at him. I lick at my lips as I turn to Kayli. She is just breathing hard with her mouth hanging open, staring blankly.

“Thanks for the gift,” he says to his daughter. “And thank you Cynthia.”

He once again kisses me deeply on my lips and Kayli says, Okay you two, that’s enough. “Trade places with me Cynthia.”

Kayli gets into the back seat again with her father while I get into the front. The seat is soaking wet all over, so I have to put some napkins down, hoping to soak it up or at least dry it up some. I turn around to the back seat and say, “Thanks Kayli, I enjoyed that.”

She smiles at me and leans against her father. I start the car and pull away from the rest stop, getting back on the road for our trip. I look up into the rear view mirror after a little while and see that Kayli has fallen asleep, leaning against her father. My eyes find him as well, but he is not asleep because he has his eyes on me. I can’t help but smile.

He smiles back and whispers, “Thank you again.”

This is only the beginning.

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